• Published 27th Apr 2018
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Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Pinkie Pie was at Sugarcube Corner and selling cupcakes, she was baking at the moment. Knocking was heard at the door and Pinkie Pie was excited to have a visitor, she put the whisk in Gummy's mouth,

"Hold this for me, Gummy." Pinkie Pie said, and she trotted to the door while taking the chef's hat and apron off, Gummy fell onto the counter. Pinkie Pie arrived at the door and opened it, to her surprise, it was Letter and Number,

"Hi, Pinkie Pie." Letter and Number said together,

"*gasp* Letter and Number!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly and happily, she hugged the two tightly, she let go of them,

"How are your educations coming?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We've improved greatly, ponies are helping us, our disabilities don't really hinder us anymore." Letter replied, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"It's all thanks to you, Pinkie Pie, if you haven't gotten us into that new school when we were kids, we wouldn't have had received help." Number said,

"What are you two doing now?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We're on vacation, so we thought we should come pay you a visit." Letter replied,

"Why, thank you." Pinkie Pie said,

"We also brought someone with us, she said she was a friend of yours, but we don't know her." Number replied, and the pony walks forward, it was an earth pony, she had a light red coat, light purple mane and tail, pink eyes, and her cutie mark was three flowers, the left and right flower were roses, while the center flower was a violet. Pinkie Pie was surprised to see her,

"Hi, Pinkie Pie." the teenage filly said,

"Flower Viola!" Pinkie Pie said happily, and the two hugged one another,

"Flower Viola?" Letter asked,

"My parents named me that, my father was a bouquet seller, and my mother was a string instrument player, I played it too, and liked the viola the best." Flower Viola replied,

"Actually, viola is also the name of a flower." Number said,

"I know, that's another reason why I was given the viola part in my name, but the main reason was because my mom played it, and I liked to play it, too." Flower Viola replied,

"I remember when I first met you, you didn't have a cutie mark." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yeah, I got it shortly after you left, it turned out my special talent was being able to find out what kind of flowers somepony wanted by just looking at them." Flower Viola replied,

"So you're not playing the viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I am." Flower Viola replied,

"You know, Flower Viola, one of my friends is a deaf music composer." Pinkie Pie said,

"I know, Beethooven, he talked about you after I played at a concert with him conducting." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie was happy to see her friends getting along with one another,

"So, how have your parents been?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, it's still the same, I still live with mommy, and daddy still comes to see me on the weekends." Flower Viola replied,

"Wait, your parents are separated?" Letter asked,

"Uh-huh, they divorced when I was a filly, that was also when I met Pinkie Pie." Flower Viola replied,

"She isn't like the others, usually, I go to see other ponies when they're upset and try to help them, the opposite happened, she came to me for help." Pinkie Pie said,

"Can we hear the tale?" Number asked,

"Sure, go ahead and have a seat." Pinkie Pie replied, and the four sit together and Pinkie Pie begins to talk about Flower Viola.

Pinkie Pie just finished helping a group of ponies she considered some of her special friends, they were Tati, an illusionist, Houdini, an escape artist, Duo, a ventriloquist, Back Flip, an acrobat, Bozo, a clown, and Double Joint, a contortionist, Pinkie Pie met them and learned since times and entertainment were changing, their popularity and talents have faded, and were no longer able to entertain ponies like how they used to, so Pinkie Pie asked them to teach her their tricks, so she can preserve their talents and traditions in their memories for future generations. Pinkie Pie was able to perform some of Tati's tricks with ease, and Duo was not too hard, and Bozo was super easy, but Back Flip's, Houdini's, and Double Joint's performances were very hard to recreate, especially Double Joint's, Pinkie Pie has hurt herself several times attempting the things he could do.

Pinkie Pie was walking with a pink wagon on her that carried her party materials, she came to a small village where everypony lived a little far away from one another, the ponies wave at her and greet her, which made Pinkie Pie smile and greet them back. Pinkie Pie performed as a clown and ventriloquist for the foals that came to pay her to watch her perform, she was still injured from trying to do acrobatic and contorting moves, she also gave out candy and sweets to the foals, their parents were already starting to like her. Pinkie Pie had so much candy and sweets, there was more than enough for everypony, the adults came to buy from her as well.

Pinkie Pie was done selling sweets for one day and was packing up for the day,

"Excuse me." a filly's voice said, Pinkie Pie turned around and saw Flower Viola, who was still a foal at that time, and did not have a cutie mark, she was holding a football,

"Hi, how can I help you?" Pinkie Pie asked with a smile,

"Can you play with me?" Flower Viola asked,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two walk away from the wagon and stand across from one another.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola play catch while throwing the football at one another, they keep playing until the sun begins to set,

"Uh, I never got your name." Pinkie Pie said,

"Flower Viola." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie could not help but feel warm and cozy inside, she thought it was a very pretty name,

"I'm Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola smiled,

"I just made a new friend." Flower Viola said,

"Yes, I'm glad, too, but you should head home, it's getting dark." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola stopped smiling,

"Something wrong, Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My parents... aren't who they used to be." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie was suspicious,

"Come on now, let's get you home, we don't want to worry your parents." Pinkie Pie said, and her Pinkie Sense told her where Flower Viola's home was and took her there. Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola arrive at Flower Viola's home, she lived in a two story tall house, it was spring, so there was a lot of flowers blooming in Flower Viola's front yard,

"Wow, what a nice yard you have." Pinkie Pie said,

"Thank you, daddy and I made it together." Flower Viola replied,

"Where are your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're... inside the house." Flower Viola replied,

"Well, go on, I'm sure they're worried about you." Pinkie Pie said, and Flower Viola walked into her house with her head down, Pinkie Pie was suspicious.

Pinkie Pie watched Flower Viola enter her home and she closed the door,

"Mommy, daddy, I'm home." Flower Viola said, there was no response,

"Mommy? Daddy?" Flower Viola asked, it was still silent, Pinkie Pie became worried and trotted to their house to look through the window, she saw Flower Viola walking around in the home, her parents were nowhere to be found. Pinkie Pie continues to watch Flower Viola through the windows and saw two earth ponies in two separate beds, the left bed had a stallion, he had a dark pink coat, long light pink mane and tail, bright red eyes, and his cutie mark was a bouquet of roses, the right bed had a mare, she had a bright red coat, long light purple mane and tail, orange eyes, and her cutie mark was a violin, a viola, a cello, and a double bass. Pinkie Pie sensed animosity between the two, since they looked away from one another and were glaring at the walls,

"Mommy, daddy, I'm back." Flower Viola said as she walked into their bedroom, but she was ignored and the two just kept glaring at the walls, Flower Viola became sad and walked out with her head down, she went to her bedroom and laid in her bed, looking at the ceiling wistfully, Pinkie Pie felt sad but went back since she had to get sleep as well, she lays down inside her sleeping bag and looks at the ceiling, worried about Flower Viola, and soon fell asleep.

Pinkie Pie wakes up the next day and headed to Flower Viola's home quickly before she opened her shop to sell candy and other sweets to the foals, she arrives at Flower Viola's house and saw the stallion watering the flowers, she also heard a violin being played in the house,

"Excuse me." Pinkie Pie said, the stallion looks at her, the door opens and the mare walks out, they look at her,

"Is Flower Viola home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, she's playing at the river stream." the stallion replied,

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said,

"Wait a minute, you must be Pinkie Pie, the foals have been talking all day recently about the candy and sweets you've been selling." the mare said,

"Yes, I am, I'm a party planner, but I hurt myself doing some of my stunts, so I have to make money another way while I heal." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I see, are you a friend of Flower Viola?" the stallion asked,

"Yes, I'm friends with everypony I meet." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm her mother, Fiddler." the mare said,

"I'm her father, Gardener." the stallion said,

"I'm here to see Flower Viola." Pinkie Pie replied,

"She's down that path over there, keep following it, and you'll find her eventually." Fiddler said as she pointed her front right hoof to an exit at the left side of the yard,

"Okay, thank you." Pinkie Pie said, and she trotted down the path.

Pinkie Pie trots down the path and saw Flower Viola at the river stream, throwing rocks into the water slowly, Pinkie Pie can tell she was sad,

"Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked, Flower Viola turns around and sees Pinkie Pie, she walks to her,

"What are you doing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I used to play with mommy and daddy here all of the time when I was younger, we stopped once when mommy and daddy began arguing and fighting, they don't play with me anymore." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie felt sad,

"Well, I have to open shop now, I'll be back when I'm done." Pinkie Pie said, and she ran back to her wagon.

Pinkie Pie sold candy and sweets to the foals, and tried to do tricks to entertain them, the adults enjoyed her as well, the village already liked her, the ponies said she was a joy to have around, but Pinkie Pie noticed Flower Viola did not show up, which made her sad. Pinkie Pie finished selling for the day and went back to go see Flower Viola, she was still sitting at the river stream,

"Flower Viola." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola turned around and saw Pinkie Pie hopping to her,

"You're still here, is something wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I still miss playing with mommy and daddy here." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie felt sad and walked down to go see her, she saw green grass and a lot of blooming flowers everywhere, Pinkie Pie heard crickets chirping and saw butterflies flying around, Pinkie Pie loved the spring season, the scenery made her feel happy inside,

"What did you three do here back then?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We would run around, play ball, and look at the scenery while guessing what kind of plants and animals we see." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie felt sad again,

"Well, come on, it's getting dark, let's take you home." Pinkie Pie said, and Flower Viola walks with her with her head down.

Pinkie Pie brings Flower Viola home but stopped with surprise when she heard Fiddler and Gardener arguing, they were loud,

"What do you mean you'll work harder to pay the bills?! You're rarely home on weekdays and don't spend time with us anymore!" Fiddler said angrily,

"Look at you, you're not making any money! You're just staying home and pursuing your hobby while I have to work to keep a roof under our heads!" Gardener replied angrily, Flower Viola just walks in sadly, Pinkie Pie heads to the southern exit but turns around, she saw Fiddler and Gardener arguing on the second floor of the house, she saw them through a window to the right side of the house,

"You rarely see Flower Viola now, you're letting overtime get to your head!" Fiddler said angrily,

"Neither are you! You're just practicing playing the instruments on your own, you're not spending time with Flower Viola, either!" Gardener replied angrily,

"I don't have the time! I'm at an important part in my music! I need complete concentration!" Fiddler said angrily,

"We're low on money! That's why I have to work longer hours!" Gardener said angrily,

"Mommy, daddy, stop!" Flower Viola said tearfully as she ran into the room, the two stop and regret arguing, they go to Flower Viola and comfort her, they apologize as well, Pinkie Pie had her mouth open a bit and put her front left hoof on her own heart, and let out a groan of sorrow, the three head to bed and Pinkie Pie went back to her wagon and laid down while thinking about Flower Viola, worried about what will happen between her parents.

The next day comes and Pinkie Pie continues selling candy and sweets, several adults began buying from her as well, Pinkie Pie thanked the ponies who paid her, they all left and went to school, Flower Viola went to go see Pinkie Pie shortly after everypony left,

"Don't you have school, Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, I'm home schooled." Flower Viola replied,

"You don't have any friends around here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not really, only the cool kids have friends around here, I'm considered uncool because of my father's job." Flower Viola replied,

"What do the cool kids' fathers do?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Serve in the royal guard." Flower Viola replied,

"What about their moms?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The cool kids don't care too much about what the mother does." Flower Viola replied,

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said,

"I was hoping you could play with me again." Flower Viola said,

"Of course, I'm on break right now." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two play tag, Pinkie Pie was having a lot of fun with Flower Viola, but she soon felt and heard a crack in her front right hoof,

"Ooh, sorry, Flower Viola, but I have to rest." Pinkie Pie said, and she sat, Flower Viola trotted to her,

"Are you injured?" Flower Viola asked,

"Yes, you see, Flower Viola, I'm a party planner and a party performer, I met these six circus stallions before I came here and they taught me their talents, I've injured myself trying some of them, I'm selling candy and sweets now to cover expenses." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola was empathetic,

"Can I help you sell?" Flower Viola asked,

"Why?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Because of mommy and daddy fighting all the time now, daddy forgets to go to work sometimes." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie sensed something very serious was going on,

"Okay, you can help." Pinkie Pie said,

"Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie, thank you." Flower Viola replied as she hugged Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie smiled and patted her head with her front left hoof,

"Come on now, the foals are about to finish school." Pinkie Pie said, and they go to her wagon.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola sell sweets and candy to the foals, but they laugh at Flower Viola,

"What's wrong, Flower Viola, are your parents too poor to pay the bills now?" an earth pony colt asked, the other foals laugh,

"Did your mom force you to work for Pinkie Pie to be more popular, cause she's a loser herself?" a Pegasus filly asked, the other foals laugh, Flower Viola's feelings were very hurt,

"Are your parents arguing because they're debating over to abandon you or kill you?" a unicorn colt asked, Flower Viola was driven to tears while the foals laugh and cheer when she begins to cry,

"Enough! Stop it! No!" Pinkie Pie said sternly, the foals stop laughing and cheering and look at Pinkie Pie,

"If you're going to make fun of her and hurt her feelings, I will not sell my candy anymore." Pinkie Pie said very sternly, and the foals were silent, seeing Pinkie Pie was very serious, they just bought what they wanted and left,

"Pinkie Pie, my parents are planning to separate, I found out last night." Flower Viola said,

"Oh, well, that's unfortunate." Pinkie Pie replied,

"No, Pinkie Pie, they're separating because of me." Flower Viola said tearfully, Pinkie Pie was shocked to hear that,

"No, they're not, Flower Viola, they're just having different opinions, it's not because of you." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yes, it is! Mommy wants daddy to spend more time with me, and daddy wants mommy to get a job so she can help him support me, it's because of me they're separating." Flower Viola replied tearfully, Pinkie Pie was a little shocked, but can see why Flower Viola thought that way,

"I was hoping you could help." Flower Viola said,

"How?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"By convincing mommy and daddy not to separate, and spend time with me like how they used to." Flower Viola replied,

"Well... that won't be easy, but I can try." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola holds Pinkie Pie's front hoofs with her front hoofs,

"Please, promise me you'll make them stay together and have all three of us hang out together as a family." Flower Viola said, Pinkie Pie can tell Flower Viola did not understand divorce since she was a filly, but saw she had little choice,

"Okay, I promise I'll make them stay together." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola hugged Pinkie Pie,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, I knew I could trust you." Flower Viola said, Pinkie Pie rubbed her mane with her front left hoof and smiled,

"It's getting late, you should head home." Pinkie Pie said,

"Can you walk with me?" Flower Viola asked,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie replied happily, and they walk together. Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola walk around and admire the flowers blooming in the spring season,

"Wow, this place has a lot of flowers in the spring." Pinkie Pie said,

"Aren't they beautiful?" Flower Viola asked,

"Yes, they're pretty." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Daddy and I planted them here when I was younger, all of those flowers and plants you see in this neighborhood during the spring were planted by us." Flower Viola said,

"It must've took a long time." Pinkie Pie replied,

"It did, I wanna plant more in the future." Flower Viola said,

"I'll help if you need it." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Thank you, this is my favorite time of the year, seeing all of the flowers bloom and the pretty butterflies fly everywhere." Flower Viola said, Pinkie Pie smiled and they keep walking. Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola keep walking and come across a field of tall yellow flowers, Flower Viola was in awe at the place,

"You okay, Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, I'm fine, it's just that this is the very first spot daddy and I planted flowers together." Flower Viola replied,

"Wow, they have grown." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yes, they have, mommy and daddy used to chase me around in this flower field a few years ago." Flower Viola replied,

"How old are you, Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Eight." Flower Viola replied,

"And when did your parents start arguing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"About a year ago." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie felt her empathy override her senses,

"Can I ride you in the flower field?" Flower Viola asked,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie replied, and she let Flower Viola get on her back. Pinkie Pie walks through the flower field with Flower Viola on her back, Flower Viola cheered as she rode Pinkie Pie,

"Faster, Pinkie Pie!" Flower Viola said, and Pinkie Pie began trotting,

"Faster!" Flower Viola said, and Pinkie Pie began running, the two were having a lot of fun,

"Ow! I have to rest, Flower Viola." Pinkie Pie said as she felt pain in front right hoof, along with pain in her back left knee, and she sat while Flower Viola walked off of her,

"You okay, Pinkie Pie?" Flower Viola asked,

"Yeah, my body's still healing from all of the acrobat and contorting I've been practicing." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh." Flower Viola said while realizing why Pinkie Pie was in so much pain,

"I'm going to take a while to heal, so I might be here for sometime." Pinkie Pie said,

"When did you get injured?" Flower Viola asked,

"About a week before I came here." Pinkie Pie replied,

"That gives me an idea, I practice the viola in my free time sometimes, maybe you and I can perform together when you get better." Flower Viola said,

"Ooh, that sounds like a great idea." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola smiled,

"Well, I'm better, I think I can play a little longer before I have to take you home." Pinkie Pie said, and she stood up, Flower Viola jumped onto her back and Pinkie Pie ran around in the flower field,

"Yay!" Flower Viola said as she rode on Pinkie Pie, the sun began to set and Pinkie Pie noticed,

"Come on, it's time to head home." Pinkie Pie said, and she walked to Flower Viola's house while Flower Viola continued to ride her.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola headed home and saw Fiddler and Gardener arguing in their front yard, Pinkie Pie was baffled while Flower Viola got off of Pinkie Pie and ran to the two,

"Mommy, daddy, I'm back." Flower Viola said, but the two ignore her and keep arguing,

"Mommy, daddy." Flower Viola said, but they keep arguing,

"Mommy, daddy, I'm home." Flower Viola said loudly, but the two continue arguing, Flower Viola began to cry, Pinkie Pie becomes shocked and empathetic and trots to her,

"Come on, you can stay at my place." Pinkie Pie said, and she takes Flower Viola to her wagon while Fiddler and Gardener keep arguing, not paying attention to Flower Viola. Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola stay in the wagon and try to sleep,

"I'll speak with your parents tomorrow, I'll find out why they are arguing so much." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, thank you." Flower Viola replied, and the two go to sleep.

Pinkie Pie slept in and woke up in the afternoon, she walked out of her pink wagon and saw foals coming to buy more candy and sweets,

"I'm sorry, everypony, but I'm closed today." Pinkie Pie said, the foals groan with disappointment,

"I'm still a pony, just like the rest of you, I need to take breaks every now and then, too. I've also been hurting from doing acrobat and contortionist practice before I came here, so I'm injured as well." Pinkie Pie said, the foals and adult ponies who were there to buy candy and sweets from her were empathetic as well, they left and Pinkie Pie watched them leave,

"Okay, Flower Viola, I'll be seeing your parents now." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay." Flower Viola replied from inside the wagon, and Pinkie Pie trotted to her home. Pinkie Pie walks to Flower Viola's house and saw Gardener working on the flowers in the yard,

"Oh, you again, hello." Gardener said,

"Hi." Pinkie Pie replied, and she looked around,

"Where's Fiddler?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Inside the house, go on and see her, I'm about to head to work." Gardener replied,

"Okay, see you later." Pinkie Pie said, and Gardener left the yard and trotted to his workplace. Pinkie Pie knocked on the door and Fiddler came out,

"Yes? Oh, hi." Fiddler said,

"Can I come in?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Right this way." Fiddler replied, and the two enter the house, Pinkie Pie saw a violin, viola, a cello, and a double bass,

"I remember hearing you playing these the other day." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yes, I mainly play the violin, Flower Viola loved the viola when she was a baby." Fiddler replied,

"Are you and Gardener separating?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, we'll be divorcing soon, he's rarely home now, and doesn't spend as much time as he used to with me and Flower Viola." Fiddler replied,

"Have you ever wondered what the reason is?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I already know the reason, our house bills have went up, and he's working overtime at the flower shop to make more money, but when he works, he's usually coming home around two in the morning." Fiddler replied,

"What time does he leave?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Six in the morning, he left a little later today because he was called in at the last minute this morning." Fiddler replied,

"What is he doing when he's home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sleeping." Fiddler replied,

"Well, he does have to cover the expenses." Pinkie Pie said,

"I know, but he's working like twelve, thirteen hours overtime every day recently, our bills only went up by five percent." Fiddler replied,

"He wanted you to get a job, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"I know, but he's making way more than enough money to cover the bills by working overtime, he's always loved his job, I think he's staying late on purpose so he can keep doing his job." Fiddler replied, Pinkie Pie realized what was wrong,

"What job would you get if you have to?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The only thing I'm good at is playing string instruments, I'm terrible at everything else." Fiddler replied,

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked with surprise, Fiddler nodded,

"Why don't you practice your music with Flower Viola anymore?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Because she's more interested in planting flowers with Gardener now, she doesn't play the viola as much as she used to, it is a bit disappointing, but that's what Flower Viola wants to do, I just want her to be happy." Fiddler replied,

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said slowly with realization,

"Well, that's all I have to say about why we're divorcing, you'll have to hear the rest from my husband, if you're lucky, he's on break right now." Fiddler said,

"Where does he work?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Just go south, there's only one flower shop in the entire town." Fiddler replied,

"Okay, bye now." Pinkie Pie said, and she ran out and headed south.

Gardener was selling a bouquet of flowers to a female Pegasus,

"Here you go, that'll be five bits." Gardener said, and Pegasus paid him and left, Gardener started his break and Pinkie Pie was waiting for him at the table,

"Oh, you again, hello." Gardener said,

"How long have you been working here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Fifteen years, I've been making bouquets since I was a colt." Gardener replied,

"I was wondering why you and Fiddler were separating." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, since our bills went up, I have to work overtime, and she's not doing anything." Gardener replied,

"But I heard you're working way longer than you need to." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sorry about that, it's just I love this job so much, I lose track of the time, happens every time." Gardener replied,

"Fiddler also said she wants you to spend more time with Flower Viola." Pinkie Pie said,

"Flower Viola used to come here to watch me work all the time when she was younger, and I would tell her what type of flowers are here, those light pink roses over there are her favorite." Gardener replied, Pinkie Pie looked at it and liked the flowers as well,

"Why don't you continue to bring her here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"She doesn't want to come anymore, she's always at home working on the flowers there now." Gardener replied, Pinkie Pie realized just how stuck up he and Fiddler were in their arguing, they did not pay attention to what Flower Viola was doing,

"Why don't you spend time with your family when you get home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm very tired when I get home, and I sleep, and have to work when I get up, I am trying to come home earlier, though." Gardener replied, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"Do you have a clock here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, yes, but I'm usually so busy, I don't have time to look at it." Gardener replied,

"Oh. Well, what do you want Flower Viola to have?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"A stable finance, I don't want her to have money problems like how I did growing up." Gardener replied,

"Wait, you had financial problems as a colt?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, my mother and father were materialistic, they bought what they wanted on impulse." Gardener replied,

"Aw, that sucks." Pinkie Pie said,

"It did, well, my break time's over, I have to get back to work, nice talking to you, Pinkie Pie." Gardener replied, and he went back to making bouquets, Pinkie Pie also saw Gardener growing his own flowers at the shop, she thought it was pretty, but Pinkie Pie knew she could not be distracted, so she headed back to her wagon.

Flower Viola was eating the candy in the wagon that Pinkie Pie left out, she loved candy very much, the wagon's door opens and Pinkie Pie entered,

"Flower Viola, I'm back." Pinkie Pie said, and Flower Viola smiled, Pinkie Pie trotted to her,

"Well?" Flower Viola asked,

"Your mommy and daddy are separating, but the two have their reasons, it's mainly due to them having different ideas on what they what's best for you." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I was right, it really is my fault on why they're separating." Flower Viola said, and she began to cry, Pinkie Pie walked to her and comforted her,

"No, it's not, Flower Viola, I can promise you, you have nothing to do with your parents separating." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm never going to see them ever again." Flower Viola said,

"Yes, you will, once when everything settles down after they separate, you can see both of them again." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola was still sad,

"Well, it's getting a bit late, we should rest." Pinkie Pie said, and she and Flower Viola went to sleep.

The next morning comes and Pinkie Pie sold more candy and sweets to the foals and ponies who came to buy, break time came and she went into her wagon,

"Hey, Flower Viola." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yes?" Flower Viola asked,

"Don't eat too much of the candy, I have to sell them as well." Pinkie Pie said,

"But they're so delicious." Flower Viola replied,

"I know, they taste good, but you have to restrain yourself." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola groaned in disappointment,

"That reminds me, your father said he misses having you watch him at work." Pinkie Pie said,

"I already know all of the flowers there." Flower Viola replied,

"He's still upset you don't come anymore." Pinkie Pie said,

"I told him I already know all of the different types of flowers there." Flower Viola replied,

"Oh, well, I'll let him know later." Pinkie Pie said,

"Flower Viola." Fiddler said,

"I'm here." Flower Viola replied, and she and Pinkie Pie step out, Fiddler and Gardener were together,

"There you are, we noticed you weren't home last night." Gardener said,

"You came home earlier, daddy?" Flower Viola asked,

"Yes, your father came home four hours earlier than usual." Fiddler replied,

"Then, why are you two here?" Flower Viola asked,

"We were worried." Gardener replied,

"Oh." Flower Viola said,

"Well, I'll be heading to work now, see you two tonight." Gardener said, and he went to work while Fiddler went home,

"Go on, Flower Viola, go see your parents." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'd like for you to come, too." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie smiled and the two walk out of the wagon and Flower Viola goes to go see Fiddler first.

Fiddler was playing the violin in her home and Flower Viola trotted inside, Pinkie Pie entered with her, Fiddler sees her daughter,

"Oh, Flower Viola, you came, I've always wanted to play again with you." Fiddler said, and Flower Viola picked up the viola, she and Fiddler played while Pinkie Pie nodded her head side to side,

"You wanna play, Pinkie Pie?" Flower Viola asked,

"No, it's fine, I already play ten different instruments." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Ten instruments?!" Fiddler asked,

"Uh-huh, one of them is a banjo." Pinkie Pie said,

"No, I don't play string instruments like that." Fiddler replied,

"Oh, that's too bad." Pinkie Pie said, and Flower Viola and Fiddler play several songs together, Pinkie Pie knew the songs and sang the lyrics to them, Fiddler and Flower Viola smile, they thought Pinkie Pie had a great singing voice, the two chuckle,

"Okay, mom, I'll go see dad now." Flower Viola said,

"Okay, have fun." Fiddler replied, and Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola exited the house and headed to where Gardener works.

Gardener sells a bouquet of flowers to a couple and they leave,

"Daddy!" Flower Viola said, and Gardener saw her with Pinkie Pie,

"Oh, Flower Viola, what can I get you?" Gardener asked,

"Actually, I'm here to help around the shop." Flower Viola replied,

"Wonderful, I'll tell you about the type of flowers we have." Gardener said,

"I told you, daddy, I already know all of them." Flower Viola replied,

"Oh, I actually don't remember you saying that at all." Gardener said, Flower Viola was surprised, but she and Pinkie Pie went back to help Gardener. Pinkie Pie stayed back and got the flowers while Flower Viola and Gardener sell them,

"Isn't this fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Actually, it is, the flowers are so pretty." Flower Viola replied, Gardener smiled, they all work together and have fun, Pinkie Pie made a bouquet of three flowers, one represented Flower Viola while the other two flowers represented her parents,

"It's lovely, Pinkie Pie, I think you'd make a good bouquet maker one day." Gardener said,

"Thank you, cheering up ponies is what I do." Pinkie Pie replied, Gardener chuckled. The three finish selling flowers for the day and the sun was setting,

"I'll be watering the flowers now." Gardener said, and he does,

"This is daddy's favorite time, he won't be done for a while, we should go back." Flower Viola said, and they do.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola stay in the wagon for the night and they were wondering about Fiddler and Gardener,

"I'm going to go check on mommy and daddy." Flower Viola said,

"Let me go with you, it's dark outside." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two head out. Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola go to Flower Viola's home and hear Fiddler and Gardener arguing, Flower Viola began to feel sad while Pinkie Pie listened,

"You're still coming home late! You rarely spend time with me and Flower Viola!" Fiddler said angrily,

"She came to see me today, and we worked together!" Gardener replied angrily,

"She went to see you?! You didn't go to her?!" Fiddler asked angrily,

"I'm busy at work! I don't have time to be looking around!" Gardener replied angrily,

"You're all about money, what about Flower Viola being happy?!" Fiddler asked angrily,

"She is happy!" Gardener replied angrily, the two growl at one another,

"You're lucky court is tomorrow, it's about time we went through with the divorce." Fiddler said,

"I couldn't agree more." Gardener replied, the two panted heavily at one another,

"Where's Flower Viola?" Gardener asked, and the two see her outside with Pinkie Pie, they head out and stand at the front door's entrance after opening it,

"Good, you're here, Flower Viola, we're going to court tomorrow, you need to come with us." Fiddler said, Flower Viola felt sad,

"Come now, it's past your bedtime." Gardener said, and she reluctantly enters her home, Pinkie Pie walked back to her wagon while looking down, she slept sadly, unable to keep her promise to Flower Viola.

The next day comes and Pinkie Pie told the foals and ponies she cannot sell today, because she was having personal problems, she asks where the courthouse was, and she was directed there by the adult ponies, she entered the courthouse and saw Fiddler standing at a booth to the left, while Gardener was at a booth to the right, and Flower Viola at a podium between them. Pinkie Pie saw a seat and she sat in it,

"Court is now in session." the judge said, it was a male earth pony with a green coat, orange mane and tail, and light blue eyes,

"I am ready, your honor." Fiddler said,

"I am also ready." Gardener said,

"Okay, I have already received the paperwork, you two are divorcing, correct?" the judge asked,

"Yes, your honor." Fiddler and Gardener replied together,

"I see, I also see you two have a daughter, I will hear both sides before deciding who should have custody. Fiddler, you go first." the judge said,

"Thank you, your honor, I'd like Flower Viola to come with me because I wish for her to pursue her hobbies and interest, I believe the best way for her to live is to be happy. I want Flower Viola to have as many good and happy times as she can, I wish for her to be that way because she can look back and be happy when she gets older." Fiddler replied,

"I see, but why do you think that way?" the judge asked,

"Because I grew up unhappy." Fiddler replied,

"Care to elaborate?" the judge asked,

"I couldn't do what I wanted as a filly, I was forced to work by my parents, I had to shovel manure as a job when I was a filly, I hated it. I home school Flower Viola because I was bullied in school all the time, I didn't want her to endure the same thing. I couldn't learn magic either because I'm an earth pony, and I couldn't pursue my interest in music because my parents wouldn't let me because I was a girl, and they gave all of their attention to my little brother, I just don't wish Flower Viola to go through the same things." Fiddler replied, Flower Viola was touched by her words,

"Hmm, you don't seem to be lying." the judge said,

"She has never lied during our marriage, your honor." Gardener replied,

"I see, your turn, Gardener." the judge said,

"Very well. I want Flower Viola to have a stable financial life, I don't wish for her to throw all of her money away as an adult, I also don't want her to spend everything on clothes and jewelry as a teenager. I wish for Flower Viola to understand that sacrifices have to be made at times as well, like she will have to do something she isn't happy about in order to have a good outcome in the future, as well as sacrifice her desire to want things in order to keep a stable finance." Gardener replied,

"Can you explain why you think that way?" the judge asked,

"Because my parents were materialistic, we were always having financial problems, and they kept buying on impulse, I tried to tell them to restrain themselves, but they didn't, so I had to get a job as a colt, which was making and selling bouquets, but luckily, I grew to enjoy it, and continued to this day." Gardener replied,

"What kind of things did your parents buy?" the judge asked,

"My mom was always buying the latest fashions and trends, while my dad was mostly buying pieces and customizing parts for our wagon." Gardener replied,

"Oh my, both of them are expensive, no wonder why you were always in a financial crisis." the judge said, Gardener nodded,

"I see, you both have valid reasons, I am honestly having trouble deciding which one should have Flower Viola, I'd like you two to talk things out, and have a chance of not divorcing." the judge said,

"Okay, Fiddler, I know we always argued, but I want us to talk peacefully this time." Gardener said,

"About what? We already decided to divorce." Fiddler replied,

"But what about Flower Viola?" Gardener asked,

"I just want her to be happy growing up." Fiddler replied,

"Yeah, I get that, I want that, too, but I also wish for her to have a stable finance." Gardener said,

"She's too young to understand how money works." Fiddler replied,

"It's better if she learns sooner." Gardener said,

"You should put her happiness before money!" Fiddler replied while slamming her front hooves on the booth,

"She can't have what makes her happy without buying them!" Gardener said while raising his voice,

"She can pick flowers from outside!" Fiddler replied,

"But she also likes playing instruments, those are expensive!" Gardener said,

"STOP!!" Flower Viola yelled, everypony looked at her,

"This is what it is every day and night I come home, mommy and daddy arguing, so much, they ignore me and don't spend time with me anymore. I'm tired of it! If mommy and daddy are separating because of me, then I want Pinkie Pie to be my guardian." Flower Viola, everypony gasped,

"What? But what about your parents?" the judge asked,

"They're separating because of me, and I won't see them ever again, I don't want that life, I want to be with Pinkie Pie, she has spent time with me and played with me while mommy and daddy haven't." Flower Viola replied, everypony was speechless,

"Do you two still wish to divorce?" the judge asked, Fiddler and Gardener nod,

"Very well, but... where's Pinkie Pie?" the judge asked, Pinkie Pie hopped to Flower Viola,

"Right here, your honor." Pinkie Pie said,

"Would you take Flower Viola as your adopted daughter?" the judge asked,

"I'm sorry, but I can't." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola was beginning to tear up,

"Well, you two should decide on who's leaving, and who's staying at home, as for you two, you two should head home, court adjourned." the judge said, and he hits his gavel while everypony left.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola were in the wagon and Flower Viola was crying,

"I can't believe it, they're leaving because of me!" Flower Viola said,

"No, they're not, Flower Viola, you have nothing to do with it." Pinkie Pie replied,

"What do you know?! You promised me you'd keep them together!" Flower Viola said angrily, and she grunted while she ran out of the wagon. Pinkie Pie felt her mane and tail partially deflate, sad she was unable to keep her promise, she just decided to sleep for the day.

Pinkie Pie woke up the next day and sold more sweets while her mane and tail were a little deflated, and she was a darker pink than usual, Pinkie Pie finished and she went to go look for Flower Viola. Pinkie Pie trots slowly since her body was still recovering from all of the acrobat and contorting moves she tried before she came, she comes to Gardener's and Fiddler's home, she saw Gardener was packing, she went past them and went to the field of flowers Flower Viola liked, she was not there, so she went to the river stream.

Flower Viola just sat at the river stream and was looking at the river wistfully,

"Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked as she saw her,

"Go away." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie walked to her,

"Flower Viola, listen to me, I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill the promise I made, but things don't always work out the way you want them to." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola looked at her,

"Really?" Flower Viola asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"You're still young, Flower Viola, but when you get to my age and your parents' age, there will be times in your life when you didn't get what you wanted, look at me, I want to throw a party, but I can't because I have to perform, and I'm healing from injuries from practicing new moves." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola was touched,

"Do you forgive me, Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes." Flower Viola replied, Pinkie Pie smiled and hugged her, Flower Viola hugged her back,

"Flower Viola." Gardener said, they see him and Fiddler come, the two trot to them,

"Your father will be leaving soon, Flower Viola, we won't be able to spend time with you until this divorce stuff is over, you will have to choose which one of us you want to live with after we finish, but until then, can you look after her, Pinkie Pie?" Fiddler asked,

"Of course." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Thank you, we'll try to get this divorce thing settled out as fast as we can, Flower Viola, we'll let you know when we're done." Fiddler said, and she and Gardener left,

"Come on, Flower Viola, it's getting dark, let's get some sleep." Pinkie Pie said, and she and Flower Viola headed to the wagon and slept inside of it.

The next day comes and it was a weekend, Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola did a puppet show to entertain the foals, they clapped and cheered as they watched, the foals eventually left,

"Pinkie Pie?" Flower Viola asked,

"Yes, Flower Viola?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Can we buy some toys?" Flower Viola asked,

"Sure, show me the way." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two go the toy store.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola arrived at the store and Flower Viola wanted to buy dolls, Pinkie Pie loved the toy store, she wanted to buy some toys on her own, she got the dolls for Flower Viola since she could not reach them, Pinkie Pie paid for them and Flower Viola was elated, the two started playing immediately when they got back to the wagon, they have fun and keep playing until the day ended.

Three weeks pass and Pinkie Pie has fully healed, she does parties and shows again for the foals, everypony enjoyed it, she had Flower Viola join in as an assistant, she had great fun hosting the parties with Pinkie Pie, they entertained everypony,

"And now, the grand finale." Pinkie Pie said, and fireworks appeared to put on a show, everypony cheered. Fiddler and Gardener clapped and they walked to Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola after everypony left,

"Flower Viola, the divorce stuff are through, your father is leaving, you'll have to decide which one of us you want to live with, and your other parent will come visit you on the weekends." Fiddler said,

"When do I have to decide?" Flower Viola asked,

"This evening." Gardener replied,

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Flower Viola said, the two smile and left,

"Have you decided?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Actually, no, I've been having so much fun with you, I've forgot about them separating." Flower Viola replied,

"Do you still blame yourself?" Pinkie Pie asked, Flower Viola nodded,

"Come on, let's go." Pinkie Pie said, and they do.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola go to Flower Viola's home and saw Gardener was packing up and outside, with Fiddler at the front door. Flower Viola walked to them,

"Have you decided which one of us you want to come with?" Fiddler asked,

"What were the reasons again?" Flower Viola asked,

"I just want you to do what you want and be happy." Fiddler replied,

"I want you to have a stable finance and not have any money problems." Gardener said, Flower Viola thought about it,

"Sorry, daddy, but mommy sounds better." Flower Viola replied,

"Well, you are that age, you'll understand my reasons better as you get older." Gardener said, Flower Viola nodded while smiling,

"I'll be here on the weekends, Flower Viola, have fun with your mother, I taught her a few finance tricks." Gardener said, and he began to pack up,

"Okay, I now have to find a job." Fiddler said,

"You can perform music at my shows." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Okay, I guess I can start there. Flower Viola has to stay here tonight." Fiddler said,

"Okay, I'll be at my wagon." Pinkie Pie replied, and she hopped back and slept in the wagon.

A week passes and Flower Viola and Fiddler performed with Pinkie Pie, ponies eventually began going to Fiddler's house to hear her play, and the divorce thing was over,

"Pinkie Pie, I have to go back home now." Flower Viola said,

"I'll go with you." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two did.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola arrive and saw Fiddler and Gardener together, Gardener just finished putting his things on a wagon,

"You're leaving now?" Fiddler asked,

"Yeah, the area I'm going to has the same flower store company I work at, I'm just transferring." Gardener replied,

"You got everything?" Fiddler asked,

"Yeah." Gardener replied, the two look and saw Flower Viola in tears, they knew she blamed herself for them leaving, Gardener trotted to her,

"Sweetie, please don't be upset, mommy and daddy are just living in different areas now." Gardener said,

"But you two are separating because of me." Flower Viola replied,

"Flower Viola, it's not your fault, none of it is, it's between mommy and daddy, we may not love each other anymore, but we love you, and always will, you are the sunshine in our lives." Gardener said, Flower Viola was still in tears, but moved by her father's words,

"I'll be here every weekend, Flower Viola, I'm not going away, you just won't see me very often anymore, I wish you good luck with your mother, Flower Viola, see you this weekend." Gardener said, and he hugged Flower Viola, put the wagon on himself, and walked out of the yard.

Flower Viola was still in tears as she watched Gardener leave,

"Come on, Flower Viola, let's rest for today." Fiddler said, and they go in the house, Pinkie Pie went back to her wagon and slept.

Two days pass and it was weekend, Pinkie Pie trotted to Flower Viola's house and saw Gardener entering the yard,

"Daddy!" Flower Viola said happily as she ran to Gardener and the two hugged one another,

"Has mommy found a job?" Gardener asked,

"Uh-huh, ponies are coming here to hear me and her play." Flower Viola replied,

"That's nice to hear, well, let's plant some flowers today." Gardener said,

"Yay!" Flower Viola replied happily, Pinkie Pie smiled and went back to her wagon, she was packing up to leave,

"You're leaving, Pinkie Pie?" a colt earth pony asked,

"I'm sorry, but I'm out of candy." Pinkie Pie replied, the foals groan with disappointment,

"I know, but I'm traveling all over Equestria and performing shows, you'll know where to find me, I'm famous all over the country, if you do come to my shows, I'll be looking forward to seeing you all." Pinkie Pie said, the foals cheered,

"Well, I have to get going, hope to see you guys at my parties." Pinkie Pie said, and the foals said bye while Pinkie Pie left with her wagon, she saw Flower Viola, Fiddler, and Gardener together, they wave bye at her while smiling, she waved bye back at them and left the village.

Pinkie Pie sat with Flower Viola, Letter, and Number,

"I never went back to the village after that, so I don't know how things are there now." Pinkie Pie said,

"Pinkie Pie was always special to me, I still would've liked having her as a mother, though." Flower Viola replied,

"Maybe every foal would." Letter said, the four chuckle,

"So, what brings you here?" Number asked,

"I wanted to go back to that flower field." Flower Viola replied,

"Sure, I actually miss that place." Pinkie Pie said, Flower Viola smiled,

"Well, we have to get going now, take care, you two." Letter said,

"Bye." Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola replied and waved at them while they left,

"Want to hear me play the viola?" Flower Viola asked,

"Tomorrow, it's getting late." Pinkie Pie replied, Flower Viola nodded and the two went to sleep.

Morning comes and Pinkie Pie was taking the day off so she can go back to the flower field with Flower Viola, who was sitting at a table and playing the viola for Pinkie Pie, which she loved.

Pinkie Pie and Flower Viola hear the doors open and saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack come in,

"Is that you playin', Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked, they realized they overheard the music, the five see them and trot to them,

"Oh, Flower Viola, I didn't think you'd be here." Twilight Sparkle said,

"You know her?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Only her name, her music is popular in Canterlot, I used to listen to her music whenever I was studying." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I play her music at my cottage, too, her viola soothes my pets when they're upset." Fluttershy said,

"I listen to her, too, she is great to hear at concerts." Rarity said,

"So, all of you except me and Applejack listen to her?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Actually, I don't have her music, either." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Then why is she here?" Applejack asked,

"I met Pinkie Pie when I was a filly, she and I went to a flower field back then, I wanted to go back with her." Flower Viola replied,

"Really? I'd like to see it, too, see all of the pretty little bees there." Fluttershy said,

"I'd like to go as well, maybe I can use those flowers for my fashion." Rarity said,

"Well, let's all go together, it'll be more fun with more people." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Hold on, Ah'll go get Apple Bloom." Applejack said,

"I believe Sweetie Belle would like it, too." Rarity said,

"I'll see if Scootaloo wants to come." Rainbow Dash said, and they leave the shop, they wait and came back with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they all board the train and go to the flower field. Everypony arrives at the village and Pinkie Pie leads them to the flower field while Flower Viola was on her back,

"Wow, it's beautiful." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Thank you, my daddy and I planted all of it together." Flower Viola replied,

"Can I pick one?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Sure, there's plenty." Flower Viola replied,

"Ah must say, the bright yellow is a nice color." Apple Bloom said,

"I like it, too." Scootaloo said,

"Come on, Flower Viola, just like old times." Pinkie Pie said, and she runs into the flower field with Flower Viola on her back,

"Yay!" the Cutie Mark Crusaders said as they played in the flower field with the others, everypony was having fun. Fluttershy was flying around and looking for any bugs that pollinate flowers, while Rarity was drawing ideas for an outfit, inspired by the yellow flowers everywhere, and everypony else was playing,

"Say, Flower Viola, how have your parents been?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My mommy's still playing music, she's traveling Equestria now, and my daddy's making bouquets all over Equestria, they're doing just fine, they now see me together at my new home on the weekends." Flower Viola replied,

"New home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Uh-huh, I live in Los Pegasus now, I play the viola at night, and make bouquets during the day." Flower Viola replied,

"Say, do you have any outfits for your concerts?" Rarity asked,

"Yes, I have plenty of dresses at home." Flower Viola replied,

"Can I go to your home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure, my parents are visiting today." Flower Viola replied, and they board the train and go to Los Pegasus.

Flower Viola leads them to her home and they see she had black dresses and shoes everywhere,

"My, what lovely dresses." Rarity said,

"Thank you." Flower Viola replied,

"Where are your parents?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"They should be here soon." Flower Viola replied, knocking is heard at the door,

"Flower Viola?" Gardener asked, and she opened the door, Fiddler and Gardener looked mostly the same, they only had gotten older. The two hug her and they see Pinkie Pie,

"Pinkie Pie, I didn't think you'd be here." Fiddler said,

"I was wondering how she's been, so I went to go check on her." Flower Viola replied,

"Hey, wait a minute, you said you still live with your mother." Pinkie Pie said,

"I do, she lives here with me." Flower Viola replied,

"Where are you living, Gardener?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Close by." Gardener replied,

"If it's okay with you, Pinkie Pie, can we perform with you again?" Flower Viola asked,

"Sure!" Pinkie Pie replied happily,

"Alright, you and your friends can stay here for the night." Fiddler said,

"Why, thank you, darling, that is very generous of you." Rarity replied, Fiddler smiled,

"Well, it's late, we should rest." Gardener said, the others agreed and they rested.

Morning comes and they all go back to Ponyville, Pinkie Pie hosts a party with Flower Viola and Fiddler playing, Flower Viola played the viola while Fiddler played the violin, and Gardener was giving out bouquets, with Rarity helping him choose which flowers go best for the outfits, it was a great time for everypony,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, I really enjoyed living with you for that short time." Flower Viola said,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie replied,

"We never did properly thank you for looking after our daughter, you have our gratitude." Fiddler said, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"Well, till next time, Pinkie Pie." Gardener said, and they all left. Pinkie Pie was happy to see Flower Viola's family was not arguing anymore, she goes back into Sugarcube Corner and gets on with her day, feeling happy for the rest of the day.