• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 1,749 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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OCD and Autism

Pinkie Pie was hopping around Ponyville while everybody went on with their days peacefully and enjoyed the warm and sunny day,

"Ah, I wish this weather would never end." Pinkie Pie spoke, her peaceful mind got broken when she heard Twilight Sparkle ordering Spike around, she saw Spike trying to align a sign on a building and Twilight Sparkle was being picky on where it should be,

"No, Spike, a few millimeters to the left. Now a few millimeters to the right. Ugh, come on, Spike, you're moving it too much when I tell you when to move the sign." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"You're being too picky and specific if you ask me, Twilight." Spike stated,

"High quality art and nice visuals go a long way, Spike, it has to be perfect in order to produce the best reaction and results." Twilight Sparkle said, Spike sighed and continued trying to help her, Pinkie Pie chuckled and trotted away. Pinkie Pie arrived at Sugarcube Corner and found a letter on the counter addressed to her, she opened it and read it, she noticed the letters were written in cursive and were very neat and written straightly even though the paper had no lines on it,

"Dear, Pinkie Pie,

I am sorry if this is hard for you to read, wanted to make it look all neat and tidy because I had thoughts you would not like it if it was sloppy and grammatically incorrect. I will be coming to visit you tomorrow, having unwelcome thoughts again and anxiety with them. Been wanting to see you in person again for a while, too, I am hoping you can help me again like last time.

-Punctual Organizer"

Pinkie Pie smiled and put the letter under her bed with the rest of the letters he has written to her in the past, she cleaned her workplace for the day and then laid in her bed at night, she sighed and had thoughts about Punctual Organizer getting lost or arriving one second early or late and having a freakout, she exhaled sharply and began to look back.

Pinkie Pie was hopping through Equestria and came across a house in the woods,

"Huh? Who would be living here?" Pinkie Pie asked, she looked around and saw totem poles and statues laying around, they were arranged very neatly and in pristine condition. She smiled at the visuals and enjoyed the view of the artworks around her, she noticed someone in the house looking through a window and behind blinds, the person quickly moved away from the blinds and stopped holding it down. Pinkie Pie smiled and walked to the front door and knocked on it,

"Excuse me. Hello?" Pinkie Pie called out, there was no answer,

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." Pinkie Pie said, she heard running and a stallion whimpering,

"Hey, no need to be shy, see, look, no weapons or anything dangerous on me." Pinkie Pie spoke, she heard the stallion breathing heavily,

"You okay in there?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Um, leave, please, just don't hurt me." the stallion begged,

"*laugh* No, silly, I'm not here to hurt you, I just need a place to stay overnight." Pinkie Pie announced, the stallion quivered and Pinkie Pie heard him walking slowly, the door unlocked slowly and it creaked open, she saw the stallion looking at her from within the shadows,

"Y... yes?" the stallion asked,

"Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie, I'm a party planner and party thrower, birthday parties for foals is my specialty, I ask for a place to stay and sleep for the night, I'll be gone tomorrow morning." Pinkie Pie stated,

"P... party?! You mean as in lots and lots of people gathering together?!" the stallion inquired,

"Mhm-mm, more people means more fun and excitement! I wanna throw a party one day where everyone in the world can have fun!" Pinkie Pie announced, the stallion reeled back,

"That many people, what if they all come here? What if I become a victim of bullying?!" the stallion quivered,

"Oh, relax, it's just me, they won't come here unless I throw a party and invite them." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"What if you do?" the stallion questioned,

"Don't worry, I'll be quiet and leave you alone as much as I can if you let me sleep here for the night." Pinkie Pie reassured,

"Promise?" the stallion asked,

"I promise, what's with you? You're worrying too much." Pinkie Pie remarked, the door opened,

"Here, I'll let you stay tonight, just don't hurt me." the stallion said, it was a unicorn, he had a beige coat, a black mane and tail that were short and well groomed, brown eyes, and his cutie mark was a white circular clock with black hands, he had a nervous expression on his face,

"Don't worry, I promise you I won't cause any trouble." Pinkie Pie said,

"Um... bedroom is down the hall to my right and then turn to your right." the stallion spoke nervously,

"Thank you, I'll go ahead and unwind." Pinkie Pie spoke, and she entered the house. She looked around and saw the house was extremely clean, the rugs on the floor were placed neatly and squeaky clean, the paint on the walls were very straight lines and the coating was even everywhere, the ceiling was smooth and painted with an even coating,

"Wow, this guy sure pays a lot of attention to detail." Pinkie Pie commented, she saw an empty room to her right and entered it. She entered it and saw the room's walls, ceiling, and floor were very clean and had neat coatings of paint on the walls, she looked out the very shiny window and saw some tree art,

"Ooh, I can see some nice art from here, too." Pinkie Pie remarked, she saw each tree was cut precisely and coated with lacquer and paint of various colors, she looked out the window for any wood carving tools but did not see any, she decided to take in all of the tree art in her view and enjoyed every little detail and precise carving and cut on each tree alongside with each part being painted perfectly and not a spot missed. She admired all of the art around her and smiled widely, she finished absorbing in the scenery and turned around and saw the stallion watching her,

"Don't worry, I won't try anything, I'll unwind, sleep, and get ready to leave tomorrow morning." Pinkie Pie said,

"Really?" the stallion asked,

"Really." Pinkie Pie answered, the stallion sighed,

"Calm down, Punctual Organizer, you're overreacting, filter out the intrusive thoughts, everything's going to be fine, she'll only be here for a day and leave, nothing bad will happen." the stallion said to himself,

"Your name's Punctual Organizer?" Pinkie Pie asked, he got startled,

"Yes, that's my name." Punctual Organizer responded,

"It's a pretty unique name, mine's a bit unique, too." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"True, I never heard a name similar to Pinkie Pie before." Punctual Organizer commented,

"But really, you need to relax." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"I can't help it, all of these negative thoughts and my desire to have everything neat and be clean comes to me on impulse and suddenly, anything being out of place makes me go into hysterics internally, same with meeting people, I'm not comfortable around them." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Oh, that's why, I can help with that, making ponies happy and smile is my life's calling." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You will?" Punctual Organizer asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"We can start tomorrow." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well... I'll think about it." Punctual Organizer answered,

"That's fine, well, I'll go ahead and sleep now." Pinkie Pie spoke, and she laid down while Punctual Organizer left. Pinkie Pie laid down and heard running and listened carefully, she heard cooking and Punctual Organizer breathing heavily, she heard him eating and drinking quickly and then ran around his house and heard him flush the toilet, wash his hoofs, brush his teeth, rinse his mouth, run again, make his bed, set his clock, and lay down,

"There, phew, still managed to get everything done at the exact time I planned." Punctual Organizer said to himself, he was silent for the rest of the night and Pinkie Pie fell asleep.

Pinkie Pie slept peacefully until she heard extremely loud ringing and she jumped up while screaming, she heard Punctual Organizer running and panting, she heard him make his bed, use the bathroom, take a shower, run, and begin cooking. She peeked out of her room and did not see him, she walked to where she heard sizzling and saw Punctual Organizer cooking bread until it turned brown, he then put it in the very center of a black plate on his table, he then cast telekinesis with a brown aura on his horn and took fruits and vegetables out of his refrigerator, he looked at them carefully and chose them based on what they were, how big or small they were, and what color they were, he then placed them in very specific areas on his plate. He ate at a very specific pace and then washed his plate, he then teleported to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and came back,

"Alright, finished on time, time to make art." Punctual Organizer remarked,

"What's the hurry?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm on a very tight schedule." Punctual Organizer answered,

"Oh, come on, Punctual Organizer, it's only been about twenty minutes." Pinkie Pie said,

"I gotta start working on my art now, it takes time to complete." Punctual Organizer stated quickly, and he teleported outside. Punctual Organizer held his wood crafting tools up with his telekinesis and got ready to make art on a tree, he measured it with a tape measure several times and began shaping it with a hammer and chisel. He shaped the tree art extremely carefully and made sure he was precise and did not make any mistakes, he smiled when he made what he wanted to after several hours of work, he then began painting very carefully and precisely and finished after a few hours,

"There, another art piece done." Punctual Organizer said while smiling,

"Wow, you did great." Pinkie Pie hollered from behind, Punctual Organizer exclaimed while turning around,

"Don't scare me like that." Punctual Organizer remarked,

"Sorry, so, when can we start helping you relax and calm down?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"That won't be for a while, I gotta go prepare dinner now." Punctual Organizer stated, and he teleported into his house. He began cooking and then looking at what to have for dinner carefully, he first chose what he wanted to eat and then examined the shape, size, and color of each food, he chose them very carefully and then ate, he counted how many times he chewed and then swallowed, he washed the plate after he was done, he felt a tap on his shoulder from behind and his muscles quickly locked up,

"Oh, sorry." Pinkie Pie said,

"What now?" Punctual Organizer asked,

"Can we start now?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"I gotta get ready for bed." Punctual Organizer stated, and he ran to his bed and began making it, he then went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, he then laid down in his bed and fell asleep, Pinkie Pie sighed and went back into her room and slept.

The next day came and Punctual Organizer's really loud clock went off and he pressed it, he began sprinting through the house but stopped when Pinkie Pie suddenly grabbed his shoulders from behind,

"Calm down, Punctual Organizer, it's still early in the morning, no need to rush." Pinkie Pie stated, she heard him breathing heavily and quickly and let go of him,

"I can't be a second early or late." Punctual Organizer stated, and he teleported to his bathroom and used it and then took a shower. He teleported to his kitchen and began cooking his breakfast,

"We can talk now if you want." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Well, I guess a short conversation wouldn't hurt." Punctual Organizer commented,

"Great, I wanna know why you are so specific and high strung for." Pinkie Pie said,

"I don't know, I've been like that ever since I was a foal, I just don't like things messy and disorderly, I've always been uncomfortable when things look out of place to me. Same with me getting nervous easily and having unpleasant thoughts, those come on impulse, too, I have no control over them, same with my interests and hobbies, I'm picky on what I like, and when somepony has the same interest as me and talks about it, I can talk all day, and I don't share this often, but I'm bad at reading social cues, never understood them either." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Wow, you can always talk to me about your art and crafting, I find almost everything interesting." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Really?" Punctual Organizer inquired, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Nice, I can talk about my art the next time I work." Punctual Organizer said,

"I'd love to hear about them." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Great, I'll finish my morning routine and we'll get started." Punctual Organizer spoke while smiling, and he finished cooking. He had breakfast and then teleported to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, he teleported outside and began molding a rough draft of his next statue,

"Can I learn the process?" Pinkie Pie requested,

"Sure, we start by first molding a rough draft and build from there, the next step is..." Punctual Organizer explained, he went on for hours and explained everything to the smallest detail while working on his statue and used his magic to speed up the process,

"Wow, that's a lot of information to remember and process." Pinkie Pie stated while sweating and writing on a paper with a pencil she was holding with her mane,

"Oh, wow, I didn't realize you were writing down everything, well, statue's finished, by the way." Punctual Organizer said, Pinkie Pie looked at the statue and it was finely made with precise shaping and painted with an even coating of high quality paint,

"Good job." Pinkie Pie chirped,

"Thank you." Punctual Organizer said while smiling, he saw the sun setting and he became startled and quickly teleported back into the house. He began making dinner and looked at the time frantically,

"Deep breath, Punctual Organizer, calm down." Pinkie Pie stated in a calm, soothing tone, he did and began to relax a little,

"There, I'm no expert, but it's clear to me you need to calm down and relax, we'll work from there." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Okay, just as long as it doesn't throw my daily routine and schedule off track." Punctual Organizer responded,

"That's fine, we can try while you're cooking and waiting." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"Well, that's usually my time to relax and unwind if I don't have any intrusive thoughts." Punctual Organizer spoke,

"That's fine, I know some relaxation techniques from my mom that helped calm me down when I was a kid." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Oh, that's fine." Punctual Organizer stated,

"Great, let's start here, deep breaths first." Pinkie Pie instructed, and they did them. They relaxed and waited for the dinner to finish cooking while Punctual Organizer still watched to make sure he did not overcook or burn his meal, the meal finished cooking and Punctual Organizer looked at the clock,

"Oh, right on time." Punctual Organizer chirped,

"Good, but it's okay if it finishes early, too." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Why?" Punctual Organizer inquired,

"Because that would mean that you can get things done earlier throughout the day and rest earlier." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Oh, that never came to my mind." Punctual Organizer remarked,

"Well, go ahead and enjoy your meal, I brought my own food and drinks." Pinkie Pie said, Punctual Organizer smiled and began eating his meal while Pinkie Pie ate sweets in her room. Punctual Organizer ate his meal and drank milk and began washing, he scrubbed the same area several times and Pinkie Pie walked to him and stood to his left,

"You already cleaned that spot for like five minutes." Pinkie Pie stated,

"I'm trying to get all of the germs off." Punctual Organizer replied, Pinkie Pie focused her gaze on the spot and her vision began to zoom in on it and she saw no germs,

"It's squeaky clean, Punctual Organizer." Pinkie Pie reported,

"How do you know?" Punctual Organizer questioned,

"Well... I can actually see the germs." Pinkie Pie answered nervously,

"Wait. Really?" Punctual Organizer asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Oh, shoot, it's getting late." Punctual Organizer exclaimed,

"Deep breath, calm down." Pinkie Pie instructed, and he did a few, he washed the dishes calmly and finished and then trotted to his bedroom. He made his bed and looked at the clock, he saw it was still early, he then went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, he came back and looked at the time again,

"Dang, it's still not bedtime yet." Punctual Organizer commented,

"Then why don't you meditate?" Pinkie Pie suggested from behind him, he jumped and exclaimed while turning around,

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Pinkie Pie said,

"It's okay. I haven't tried meditating before, so I don't know where to even start with it." Punctual Organizer replied,

"This is what my parents did for meditation for stress relief, like this." Pinkie Pie spoke, and she sat on her hind legs' knees and placed her front legs above her lap with her front left hoof over her front right hoof, she inhaled and exhaled slowly and deeply with her eyes closed, Punctual Organizer copied her and opened his eyes a few times to watch the clock, he saw it was soon time for him to sleep and he walked into his bed and slept in it,

"Going to bed?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Yeah, goodnight, Pinkie Pie." Punctual Organizer responded, and Pinkie Pie turned the lights off and closed the door, she walked back into her own room and slept in a bright pink sleeping bag.

The next morning came and Pinkie Pie quickly ran into Punctual Organizer's room and tried to find out how to turn down his alarm's volume, she found a rotary and turned it, the alarm went off and was much quieter, she smiled while Punctual Organizer pressed his clock's alarm and woke up,

"Don't tell me the batteries are dying." Punctual Organizer remarked while looking at it,

"No, it isn't, I turned it down so I would stop being startled awake with my heart skipping a beat." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Don't do that, I could oversleep if I don't hear it." Punctual Organizer stated,

"Come on now, it was loud enough to wake you up, you'll be fine." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"Well, true, but I still don't like people touching my stuff, I'll let it slide this time." Punctual Organizer spoke, and he teleported out of the room. He used the bathroom and then took a shower, he then began cooking his breakfast and took deep breaths, he and Pinkie Pie had a conversation about their interests and both talked quickly and for a short time while Punctual Organizer watched his meal carefully, it finished cooking and he ate his meal at a specific pace, he finished, brushed his teeth, and then went outside. He decided to craft a statue out of a wooden block today while telling Pinkie Pie about the tools and steps,

"Ooh, interesting, I didn't know there were so many steps and preparations to wood carving." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"It's hard for most ponies to memorize all of it, but with experience and reading, I was able to memorize all of it pretty easily." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Oh, sorry to go off track here, but how do you earn money, Punctual Organizer?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"I sell whatever statue I think doesn't fit in this place's scenery at a market in a nearby town and whoever likes them buys them, my statues actually sell for pretty high prices and ponies absolutely love the precision and details I put in them, they pay high amounts of bits for each one, too." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Ah, I was wondering how you made a living, go ahead and continue talking about how you make your stuff." Pinkie Pie said,

"You're just pretending to make me feel better, aren't you?" Punctual Organizer asked,

"No, not at all, I really enjoy learning about stuff like this." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Really?" Punctual Organizer questioned, Pinkie Pie nodded while smiling,

"Well, alright then, the next step is..." Punctual Organizer stated, and he talked about what to do while carving a wooden statue, he finished carving one and then began applying lacquer and paint onto it,

"There, it is done." Punctual Organizer announced proudly,

"Wow, great job." Pinkie Pie chirped,

"Thank you." Punctual Organizer responded,

"What are we doing next?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Time to make dinner." Punctual Organizer answered,

"You don't eat lunch?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Every once in a while, there are a few days where I don't work and have lunch, but on most days, I'm focused on making statues and don't feel hungry in the afternoon." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Oh, I see, I wonder if you'll need to take medication for your condition in the future." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"Oh, no, no way, I'm not taking any medicine no matter what, I don't like how they alter and change my feelings and mood around." Punctual Organizer stated,

"You might have to if your condition gets out of hoof and you can't get through your day without being very punctual, organized, and specific." Pinkie Pie warned,

"No way, I'd rather live out here and with my emotions then be on medication all the time, plus, I'm pretty functional for somepony with my condition." Punctual Organizer said,

"When's the next time you sell your statues?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Well, if you really wanna see how I am in public or with people, then I'll try tomorrow." Punctual Organizer answered,

"Alright, it's a promise then." Pinkie Pie chirped,

"Don't get your hopes up, I haven't decided, now if you don't mind, I gotta cook dinner now." Punctual Organizer stated, and he teleported. He began cooking his dinner and took deep breaths to calm himself, he began doing push ups while Pinkie Pie watched with surprise, he smelled his dinner and quickly got back up and finished cooking. He ate his dinner slowly but stopped when he began having thoughts of becoming fat and out of shape and other thoughts of the food being spoiled,

"Deep breath, Punctual Organizer." Pinkie Pie instructed in a quiet and soothing tone, he did and relaxed after five deep breaths, he had his dinner and then finished, he washed the dishes and then teleported to his bathroom and brushed his teeth and slept. The next day came and his alarm clock went off without starling Pinkie Pie, he did his usual routine and meditated while cooking breakfast, he finished cooking and then had breakfast, he washed the plate and then teleported to her,

"Good news for you, I have decided to go to the market to sell a few of my statues today." Punctual Organizer reported,

"Great! I'm ready to see how you do in public." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"I'm not comfortable around a lot of people to be honest." Punctual Organizer replied while shaking,

"It's okay, I'll try to keep you comfortable and safe while you're meeting others." Pinkie Pie promised,

"Alright then, let's go." Punctual Organizer said, and he teleported a few of his small statues into the room and then teleported them, himself, and Pinkie Pie elsewhere.

They arrived in a market square and Punctual Organizer made a stand from disassembled wood from a pile in the back and then put his statues on display neatly and arranged them by size, appearance, and color, he then put price tags on them and wrote down numbers with black ink on a quill,

"So, how do you decide the prices of your statues?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"The longer it took and the harder it was for me to make, the higher the price." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Ah, makes sense." Pinkie Pie said, and they watched. Punctual Organizer breathed very heavily while he had thoughts of people robbing him, attacking him, destroying his stand and statues, Pinkie Pie getting heckled or attacked, or a fight or big riot breaking out in the market square,

"Calm down, Punctual Organizer, deep breath, I don't know what's going on through your head, but I can see you're uneasy, most of Equestria is safe, bad stuff happening in markets is rare." Pinkie Pie stated,

"True, I've been coming here for a few years, and haven't had a single bad incident here yet, but I still can't help but worry." Punctual Organizer replied,

"True, something bad can happen at anytime, but go ahead and calm yourself and try to sell your stuff." Pinkie Pie suggested, and he did. He took deep breaths and counted to ten to calm himself and focused, he panted a little heavily and sweated with a lot of people around him and he began to feel overwhelmed, he took a deep breath and calmed himself while he watched everybody go on with their days. A few customers came and Punctual Organizer explained the statues to them and how he crafted them all by hoof, the customers smiled and they paid extra bits to buy them, he was about to give them change but they refused it,

"This is really good, you could be famous with crafts this good." a Pegasus stallion said,

"No, I don't want fame, I value my privacy, I wanna work at my own pace, too." Punctual Organizer stated,

"Oh, I see, nothing wrong with that." the stallion spoke,

"You seem nervous here, too." a unicorn mare added,

"I am, I'm not comfortable around people." Punctual Organizer answered,

"I figured, well, good luck on your craft, and it never hurts to reach to people if you feel overwhelmed, a lot of ponies are willing to help." the mare reminded,

"Thanks." Punctual Organizer responded, and the two ponies walked away. Pinkie Pie smiled while Punctual Organizer stayed calm for the rest of the afternoon and watched the ponies peacefully, some of his previous customers waved at him and he waved back, the sun began to set and Punctual Organizer disassembled the stand and put the wooden parts behind himself and then teleported himself, Pinkie Pie, and his remaining statues back home.

They arrived back home and Punctual Organizer counted his bits and then put them under his kitchen sink's cabinet with the rest of his bits and stacked them very neatly, he closed and locked the cabinet and then began cooking his lunch, he measured how much oil he put in the cast iron very carefully and was very specific on how hot the stove's temperature was and how long his lunch cooked, he watched carefully and stayed calm while Pinkie Pie smiled, he soon finished cooking and got a plate and sat at the table. Punctual Organizer ate at a certain pace and finished at a specific time, he then washed the dish at a specific pace and stretched,

"Okay, break time." Punctual Organizer stated,

"Ooh, I know, why don't you talk about your life with me and see if it helps you get better." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"I usually prefer no people around, but having company around every now and then doesn't hurt, I'll go ahead and converse." Punctual Organizer said, Pinkie Pie smiled and they sat at the table, they conversed and Punctual Organizer talked about his life, he talked about how his father was a file organizer for a town's mayor and his mother was a schedule planner and organizer at a summer camp, they were very precise and punctual and paid attention to detail, how they were able to help him adjust and function when they discovered he had the same symptoms as them, how he did in school with him failing in math and history while excelling in literature and visual arts, he also mentioned being bullied when he was a foal and had trouble making friends throughout all of school. Punctual Organizer then talked about leaving his parents' house to go to college but had trouble focusing and dropped out, he then moved into the woods and built the house all on his own, he then began pursuing his passions and hobbies of crafting art and started selling them to make money,

"Wow, sounds like you've had a pretty busy life." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"Not completely, aside from me being bullied and studying subjects I didn't like, my life has been pretty relaxed so far, which I'm glad for, same when nationwide threats threaten Equestria, I'm glad to be far away from them." Punctual Organizer responded,

"I suppose I can't blame you, I mean, us ponies just wanna live peacefully." Pinkie Pie reminded,

"True, I'm no different, though I desire complete solitude." Punctual Organizer stated,

"I don't, I wanna make friends everywhere, and if you're like me, Punctual Organizer, you'll get lonely and desire contact eventually." Pinkie Pie warned,

"I've already felt like that before, I've missed my parents a few times after I moved out, I haven't contacted them due to nervousness that they will be disappointed in me not making the most of my life." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Don't let that stop you, at least try." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"Okay." Punctual Organizer said,

"Anything else you wanna talk about?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, I that's everything, time for me to cook dinner." Punctual Organizer responded,

"Okay, I'll be here if you wanna talk more." Pinkie Pie stated, Punctual Organizer smiled and stood up. Punctual Organizer cooked dinner and did crunches while he waited for his meal to finish cooking, he watched the clock carefully and stopped when it was time for him to stop cooking, he served himself and had his dinner,

"Well, Pinkie Pie, you've seen my life, only thing you haven't seen yet is me going to the store." Punctual Organizer stated,

"When will that be?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Well, I'm planning to go tomorrow, I'll go buy some food and supplies to make my statues." Punctual Organizer responded,

"I'd like to see how you do in that environment." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Sure, why not, you've helped me in other places, so might as well let you try to help and advise me in the last part of my life." Punctual Organizer remarked,

"I'll see what I can do." Pinkie Pie spoke, Punctual Organizer smiled and went to get ready for bed, he brushed his teeth and made his bed, it was early so he meditated until it was bedtime and he slept.

The next day came and Punctual Organizer turned off his alarm clock, he used the bathroom, took a shower, had breakfast, washed the dishes, brushed his teeth, and then teleported himself and Pinkie Pie, he got a shopping cart and had thoughts of his cart being stolen, people robbing or attacking him, the things he wants to buy being sold out, the staff being rude, being ripped off, not having enough money, and buying the wrong items, he inhaled and exhaled slowly and deeply and went in. They walked in the store and Punctual Organizer got the food and paint he wanted to buy while the people around him began to overwhelm him, he took a deep breath and calmed down,

"Oh, Pinkie Pie, surprised to see you here." an earth pony mare said,

"Hi, how's your daughter been?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Absolutely wonderful, she's been talking about you all the time, she said you threw her the best birthday party she's ever had." the mare answered,

"Oh, that touches my heart." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You know her?" Punctual Organizer questioned,

"Uh-huh, I'm pretty famous throughout Equestria for my parties." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, well, come on, I'm on a tight schedule." Punctual Organizer stated, and he bought the items and left with no problems, he smiled and teleported himself and Pinkie Pie back home,

"Well, Pinkie Pie, that's all there is to my life, sorry to say this, and don't mean to be rude, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave, I'm not comfortable with people staying in my house for a long time." Punctual Organizer stated,

"It's okay, can we stay in touch?" Pinkie Pie requested,

"Sure, we can write letters to one another, I do appreciate communicating with people every now and then." Punctual Organizer answered,

"Great! I'll be going now, I'll write to you the next time I settle down." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, I'll be looking forward to it." Punctual Organizer spoke, and Pinkie Pie packed her things and left while Punctual Organizer watched her leave with a smile on his face.

Pinkie Pie finished remembering Punctual Organizer while still staring at Sugarcube Corner's ceiling while laying in her bed and she soon fell asleep. The next day came and Pinkie Pie waited for Punctual Organizer to arrive while tending to any customer who entered, she saw him come in when no one was inside and she smiled. He looked at the clock on the wall and sighed with relief,

"Good, not a second early or late." Punctual Organizer said,

"Hi, Punctual Organizer, I trust you've been well." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Mostly, got tired and had a burnout from crafting statues about a month ago, thought I needed a break and decided to see you, it's this late because I needed to make money to buy tools and groceries, so I had to push myself a bit." Punctual Organizer explained,

"Well, it's good you can take a break now, any changes to your life after I left?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Nope, I'm still the same ol' hermit living in the woods and making statues, I did contact my parents like you said I should, they were actually glad to hear from me, but a bit disappointed with what I'm doing now, we've stayed in touch ever since they have been giving me advice on when I become obsessed with being clean and have unpleasant thoughts on how to deal with them." Punctual Organizer responded,

"That's good." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"But it turned out you were right, I do get lonely sometimes, and I miss you, having your company helped me more than anything else, that's why I wanted to see you again in person." Punctual Organizer stated,

"Aw, I'm touched, but I have a friend here who I think will do a better job at helping you." Pinkie Pie stated, and they trotted outside. They went to the Castle of Friendship and Pinkie Pie knocked on the door and Twilight Sparkle came out,

"Yes?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Hi, Twilight, this is Punctual Organizer, an old friend of mine, he's obsessed with being clean and orderly and has unpleasant thoughts often, I was hoping you could help and advise him with his problem better than I could." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Sure, come on in." Twilight Sparkle said while smiling, and they entered, Pinkie Pie and Punctual Organizer explained what they already tried and Twilight Sparkle got a book, she showed Punctual Organizer what he had and also advised him on her own methods of calming herself down without using medication, he tried her methods and Pinkie Pie noticed Twilight Sparkle's methods were working better than her own methods ever did,

"I'm feeling great and relaxed, thank you, and thank you, Pinkie Pie, for introducing her to me, meeting you really is one of the best things I've ever had happen to me in my life." Punctual Organizer stated,

"You're welcome, you can see me and contact me anytime, too." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'll be available if you wanna stay in touch with me as well, Punctual Organizer." Twilight Sparkle added,

"Okay, I appreciate that, thank you, both of you." Punctual Organizer stated, and he and Pinkie Pie went outside and went their separate ways. Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner and stood behind the stand and smiled while thinking about how Punctual Organizer will be from now on and looked forward to his next visit or letter.