• Published 27th Apr 2018
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Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Lactose Intolerance

Pinkie Pie was in Sugarcube Corner and Rock Candy's son and daughter, Star Pony, Treasure Hunter, Flower Viola, Rose, Pink Diamond, Gilmore, Purple Grace, Tulip, Angelique, Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, Aquarius, Taco Bell, Butterfly Azalea, and Weight Lifter were sitting together at a table,

"Here are your super duper yummy treats, you foals, I have arranged yours, Weight Lifter, since you're serious on having a very fit body and still can't taste stuff very much." Pinkie Pie said,

"Wait, can't taste?" Purple Grace asked,

"Yeah, I lost my sense of taste, my tongue couldn't taste any food or drink until Pinkie Pie managed to make it come back a little." Weight Lifter explained,

"Oh my, that's horrible." Angelique stated,

"I've been fine overall, my parents taught me how to use it to my advantage." Weight Lifter remarked,

"Eat up, everypony before the stuff melts." Pinkie Pie said, and they did. Star Pony grunted while he moved his front hoofs slowly and Butterfly Azalea helped him move his spoon, Flower Viola held Tulip steady while her legs twitched a bit,

"Wow, talk about having a lot of trouble." Taco Bell commented,

"Pinkie Pie tried her best in helping me with my cerebral palsy." Tulip responded,

"What's wrong with you, Star Pony?" Rose asked,

"Abuse, the doctors said all of the beatings and malnutrition my parents inflicted on me may have done permanent damage to my body, my growth seems to have been stunted as well." Star Pony explained, the other foals' jaws dropped,

"If I didn't find Star Pony on that fateful day, he wouldn't be here right now." Pinkie Pie stated,

"If our dad met his parents, he would've sent our dog after them." Gilmore said,

"Yeah, Wilfred may be friendly on most cases, but he can be violent to people he doesn't like." Pink Diamond added,

"If only Star Pony lived in our neighborhood." Emerald lamented,

"I wouldn't want to see them interact with Foster." Haute Coture remarked,

"Yeah, that would be scary." Tempo added,

"Can you imagine how explosive and angry he would get?" Aquarius asked,

"I can, I wouldn't to be around Star Pony's parents and Foster if they got into a fight." Taco Bell stated,

"I may not have been abused, but my parents playing favorites really hurt my feelings." Butterfly Azalea said,

"I still remember when my parents were divorcing, I thought they didn't love me anymore, turned out they did." Flower Viola stated,

"I was very upset when my parents passed." Treasure Hunter commented,

"Me too, I wish I could see them again every day." Rose added,

"Stuff's going to melt soon, everypony." Pinkie Pie said, and they ate their ice creams. They heard the door open and an earth pony filly came in, she had a pinkish red coat, long mane and tail with altering green and black streaks, dark red eyes, and her cutie mark was a watermelon slice,

"I'm here." the filly said in a soft, sweet voice,

"There you are, Melon Farmer, you're late." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Sorry, I got lost." Melon Farmer replied,

"Go ahead and sit, I got your ice cream ready." Pinkie Pie stated, and Melon Farmer did. Melon Farmer began eating her ice cream and the others noticed it looked more like a sherbet,

"Um, Pinkie Pie, what's with her ice cream?" Pink Diamond asked,

"I'm lactose intolerant." Melon Farmer answered,

"There you go, because of that, I can't use the usual ingredients I use in making most of the confectioneries when making something for her." Pinkie Pie explained,

"What can't you have?" Gilmore questioned,

"Milk, cheese, yogurt, pudding, cream, custard, and milk chocolate." Melon Farmer replied,

"Creams?" Purple Grace questioned,

"Yeah, anything with 'cream' in it means I can't eat it, that includes ice cream." Melon Farmer explained,

"And milk chocolate?" Treasure Hunter asked,

"Can't have it, dark chocolate's okay, though." Melon Farmer stated,

"So, what's your story with her?" Taco Bell asked,

"I'm glad you asked, here we go." Pinkie Pie replied, and she began to tell her tale.

Pinkie Pie had left Angelique's and Taco Bell's neighborhood and continued traveling through Equestria, she came to a new area and it suddenly got hotter,

"Whew, it's a bit warm here." Pinkie Pie said, she hopped forward and it became sunny, she stopped when she saw a wooden sign,

"Welcome to Melon Plantation, growing and selling Equestria's top quality watermelons for seven generations. Ooh, I can always make more fruity snacks and desserts for my parties." Pinkie Pie chirped, and she trotted into the town.

Pinkie Pie arrived and saw many earth ponies working in watermelon farms, they stopped for a second and saw her,

"Um, you all selling?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"It won't be for a while, we're still picking this year's crops." a stallion responded,

"Oh, I can help you all if you wish." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"You have any experience with watermelons?" a mare asked,

"Not harvesting, but I do in making snacks and desserts." Pinkie Pie responded,

"You can cut and carry them, right?" a second stallion questioned,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Alright then, you're hired, we can always use an extra hoof around here." a second mare said while smiling, and Pinkie Pie trotted while smiling. She carried up to eight watermelons at a time while the others watched in disbelief, she dashed with a pink trail behind her and she picked the watermelons quickly. She dashed through the big fields quickly and checked each watermelon in one second, she pulled and carried all of the ripe watermelons and put them on the stands,

"Wow, you're quite a fast worker." another stallion remarked,

"Thank you." Pinkie Pie replied, a few mares checked the watermelons she picked,

"All of them are ripe." a mare reported,

"Here, your pay." another mare stated and handed Pinkie Pie several bits,

"Thank you!" Pinkie Pie chirped,

"You got a place to stay?" a stallion questioned,

"No, I'm drifting from place to place." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Well, you can stay at my place, it's this way, I'll introduce my wife and daughter there, too." the stallion responded,

"Sure! I can't wait!" Pinkie Pie chirped and she followed the stallion to his home.

Pinkie Pie arrived at the home and looked at the stallion and mare, the stallion had a bright red coat, long green mane and tail, pink eyes, and his cutie mark was a watermelon seed, the mare had a bright pink coat, long red mane and tail, pink eyes, and her cutie mark was a triangle shaped watermelon slice,

"Alright, I'm Melon Harvester, this is my wife, Melon Crops, our daughter is in that room over there." the stallion said while pointing back,

"Melon Farmer, we have a guest." Melon Crops called out, and the filly entered while hiding behind her parents,

"Hey, it's okay, I don't bite." Pinkie Pie said,

"Our daughter's shy around strangers." Melon Harvester replied,

"How long you planning to stay here?" Melon Crops questioned,

"I'll try to leave as soon as possible." Pinkie Pie replied,

"You have to work as long as you stay here." Melon Crops stated,

"That's fine, I can work in your fields and make sweets in the kitchen." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Oh, nice, I can always use an extra hoof in the kitchen." Melon Crops stated,

"Making food to feed three people must be hard." Pinkie Pie commented,

"It is, I have to start making supper now, I can use some help in the kitchen." Melon Crops responded, and they went.

They arrived into the kitchen and Melon Crops began cooking,

"Alright... um... what's your name?" Melon Crops asked,

"Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Alright, Pinkie Pie, can you cut the vegetables over there?" Melon Crops requested, and she went. Pinkie Pie looked around and saw two pots cooking on the stove,

"Can you chop the vegetables into small and thin pieces, Pinkie Pie?" Melon Crops requested,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie responded, and she got a knife out of her mane and began chopping the carrots at blinding speeds. Melon Crops watched in disbelief while Pinkie Pie finished cutting the carrots in a few seconds, she then proceeded to cut the onions and potatoes next, she then cut the celery stalk next,

"Wow, Pinkie Pie, you sure do work fast." Melon Crops said,

"Something I picked up growing up." Pinkie Pie replied,

"So, tell me, what's your background? Chef? Alchemist?" Melon Crops questioned,

"Rock farmer." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Oh, so you have a farmer background, too, we can teach you all about cultivating watermelons, Pinkie Pie, farming watermelons is completely different from farming rocks." Melon Crops stated,

"Sure, sounds good." Pinkie Pie replied,

"What do you do now?" Melon Crops questioned,

"I'm a party planner and party thrower." Pinkie Pie responded,

"What kind of parties?" Melon Crops asked,

"All parties, birthday parties for kids are my specialty." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Oh, then I guess you have a lot of experience in making snacks and desserts." Melon Crops stated,

"Hmm-mm." Pinkie Pie said while nodding,

"Some watermelon based snacks and desserts wouldn't hurt to have here." Melon Crops suggested,

"Leave it to me." Pinkie Pie replied, and she continued helping in the kitchen. She helped Melon Crops put the vegetables in the soup and then got brown bread out of the refrigerator,

"Huh?" Pinkie Pie asked as she noticed there were no milk, cheese, or yogurt in the refrigerator,

"Oh, you noticed that we don't have any diary, Melon Farmer is lactose intolerant." Melon Crops explained,

"Meaning?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Basically, she can't have any diary products, cheese is the one her body reacts to the worst." Melon Crops remarked,

"Hmm, I'll try to figure out something, a lot of my dessert dishes require milk to make." Pinkie Pie stated,

"I'll let you work in here if you want, come on, my husband and daughter are hungry." Melon Crops stated, and they finished cooking.

They served the meals to the family and ate together, Pinkie Pie ate quickly while the others looked at her, they went back to eating and Melon Farmer checked her food very carefully, Pinkie Pie also noticed her meal was different from her parents, she ate very slowly while tasting every ingredient in her soup and stew, she finished after everyone else finished their meals and drank her water,

"Melon Farmer, is it okay if I give you chocolate since several of my desserts contain a lot?" Pinkie Pie requested,

"Dark chocolate only." Melon Farmer responded,

"Here, I wanna see if you can handle white chocolate." Pinkie Pie commented, and she handed it to her,

"Now that you mention it, I never did try white chocolate." Melon Farmer commented,

"You don't have it in this town?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Nope, milk chocolate and dark chocolate only." Melon Harvester answered,

"Well, here goes." Melon Farmer said, and she ate a very small piece. Everything was fine at first but Melon Farmer soon fell out of her chair while clutching her abdomen and groaning, her parents ran to her while her abdomen bloated and they carried her out of the house. Pinkie Pie washed the dishes while she waited for the family to come home, they came back about ten minutes later and she quickly faced them,

"I'm so sorry." Pinkie Pie stated while bowing several times,

"Calm down, Pinkie Pie, our daughter's fine, we'll just have to put this on our list of what she can't eat or drink." Melon Harvester responded, she looked up at them with her mouth agape,

"We have to sleep, we start harvesting early in the morning, we got an extra room upstairs you can sleep in." Melon Crops said,

"Okay!" Pinkie Pie stated,

"Goodnight, Pinkie Pie." Melon Farmer remarked,

"Night!" Pinkie Pie replied, and she dashed upstairs and slept in an extra bed.

The next morning came and the alarm clock went off, the family got ready for the day and Pinkie Pie saw them have salads and water for breakfast and then went outside. Everybody tended to the watermelon crops while Pinkie Pie worked very quickly, she watered the watermelons and picked the ones that were ripe, everybody watched with jaws dropped while Pinkie Pie worked faster than everybody else, she then proceeded to weigh the watermelons and shook them to hear how much juice was in them,

"Okay, I'm ready to learn how to plant watermelons." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Hold on, Pinkie Pie, we still have to tend to the rest." Melon Crops responded, and the ponies pounded and shook the others,

"Alright, Pinkie Pie, we'll go ahead and teach you." Melon Crops remarked,

"Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed while jumping in the air, and Melon Harvester walked to her,

"Alright, Pinkie Pie, first off, the ideal weather, watermelons like warm and sunny environments like this, seventy to ninety degrees in the day, sixty to seventy degrees at night, and that's in Fahrenheit, by the way." Melon Harvester explained,

"Got it." Pinkie Pie remarked while holding a pencil and paper with her mane and wrote down the information,

"Alright, next, the soil, it has to be rich in nutrients and slightly acidic, the soil also has to be sandy and mostly drained of water." Melon Harvester added, Pinkie Pie wrote the information down,

"Next is planting the seeds, you have to make a mound with the soil and plant the seeds about half an inch into it, make sure you spread them a few feet apart so they can grow big and don't compete with one another for nutrients." Melon Harvester said while Pinkie Pie wrote down everything,

"After that, watering, give them one to two inches of water per week, they need a lot, but when they're almost done ripening, they need less water since too much can worsen the flavor." Melon Harvester explained, Pinkie Pie nodded while writing down the information and smiling,

"The watermelon will change color as it ripens, most ripen in about two to three months, you can thump on it to check its ripeness, if it makes a hollow sound inside, it's ripe." Melon Harvester said,

"Okay!" Pinkie Pie remarked while she finished writing down the instructions,

"You can grow your own watermelon here if you're staying." Melon Harvester offered,

"Sorry, but I likely won't be here that long." Pinkie Pie responded,

"That's fine, we'll go ahead and check the watermelons now for any worms or other bugs in them, the kids will be allowed to play now, so why don't you go have fun?" Melon Harvester suggested,

"Sure. Come on, kids, let's play." Pinkie Pie stated, and they led her to where they play.

They ran to an open field and the foals began playing tag, Pinkie Pie ran after them and tagged the foals every now and then while she disappeared and reappeared randomly. The foals got bored after several minutes and switched to playing hide-and-seek, Pinkie Pie counted to ten and looked for the foals, she found all of them easily,

"Uh-huh!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed every time she found a foal and startled them, the foals watched in disbelief at Pinkie Pie finding them easily and immediately, it was her turn to hide and the foals could not find her while Pinkie Pie hid in a tree branch full of leaves near the tree's top. She waited while the foals continued looking for her and they began calling for her, she realized her hiding spot was too hard for them and she appeared behind the tree,

"Found her!" a colt called out, and the other foals walked to them,

"Whew, it's hot today, come on, everyone, let's have snacks." a filly stated, and they did. The foals gathered at a table that had small bags of chips, small juice cartons, pitchers filled with lemon tea, packages filled with crackers, and triangle shaped watermelon slices. The foals ate the watermelon slices while Pinkie Pie tried one,

"Mmm! So juicy, so sweet, this is the best watermelon I ever had!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed,

"Yup, typical reaction from an outsider when they taste our watermelons." a colt commented, the other foals nodded. They are more watermelons for a few minutes,

"Wanna see how much, how far, and how fast we can shoot watermelon seeds out of our mouths again?" a filly suggested, the foals cheered, the filly shot black watermelon seeds out of her mouth and high into the air, they fell far away and the other foals cheered,

"I wanna go next." another filly said, and she shot watermelon seeds out of her mouth, they went high and far and the other foals watched in awe,

"Oh, yeah? Watch this." Pinkie Pie said, and she shot lots of watermelon seeds out of her mouth like a machine gun. The foals looked forward and saw Pinkie Pie shoot watermelon seeds very far and they began pelting trees and putting holes in them, she stopped after shooting out hundreds of seeds,

"Whoa!" one colt exclaimed,

"How did you do that?" Melon Farmer asked,

"Due to me growing up on a rock farm and having to eat rocks, I've developed really strong mouth and jaw muscles." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Oh, wow, I'm surprised you still have teeth." Melon Farmer remarked,

"I'm still surprised about that, too." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Pinkie Pie, you make desserts, right?" a third colt asked,

"Yes, I do." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Can you make a dessert out of the watermelons?" the colt questioned,

"Sure!" Pinkie Pie replied,

"Those watermelons there with the other snacks are leftover watermelons from last year's crops that didn't get sold, you can eat them too if you want to." a second colt stated,

"Why, thank you, but first, time to make some super, duper, yummy to the tummy watermelon treats." Pinkie Pie responded, and she dashed. She looked at the watermelons saw how much she had,

"Hmm... Uh-huh!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed and she pulled out plastic cups, she mashed the watermelons into pieces and put them in the cups, she blew cold breath on them to cool them and turned them into slushies and put straws in them,

"Here you all go." Pinkie Pie said as she handed them the slushies. The foals tried it and they were delicious,

"Wow, these are great, Pinkie Pie." Melon Farmer stated,

"Thank you." Pinkie Pie responded,

"You should make desserts and sweets from last year's leftover watermelons." a filly suggested,

"I'd love to." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You know, you might not be so bad after all, I think you'll be a great addition to my home's kitchen." Melon Farmer said,

"Thank you, and because of your condition, I'll have to rearrange my desserts since several of them use milk as an ingredient." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Sounds good, I'll help you if you need it." Melon Farmer stated,

"Actually, I do." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Kids, we're done cleaning the bugs out of the watermelons." Melon Harvester called out, and they went back to the adults and everybody went home.

Pinkie Pie went into Melon Crops' kitchen and began making her snacks and desserts with Melon Farmer watching her, she got out her ingredients to make chocolate mousse,

"I can't have cream." Melon Farmer stated,

"Hmm, I might have a substitute." Pinkie Pie said, and she took out a can of coconut cream,

"I said I can't have any cream." Melon Farmer reminded, Pinkie Pie showed the nutritional facts label and she saw there was no lactose in it while she looked over its ingredients,

"Oh, this might be fine after all." Melon Farmer remarked, and Pinkie Pie then showed her the milk carton,

"You got a substitute in town for this?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, previous visitors have said almond milk and soy milk should be okay for me, but they're not sold in this town, we only have regular white milk, chocolate milk, and strawberry milk." Melon Farmer answered,

"Do you guys have any nuts?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yeah, why?" Melon Farmer questioned,

"Great! With almonds, coconuts, cashews, or hazelnuts, I can make some milk substitutes." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Really?" Melon Farmer asked,

"Yes, but I'm going to need your help, it's a long process that takes lots of energy." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm ready." Melon Farmer stated,

"Alright, let's get started." Pinkie Pie responded, and she dashed out of the kitchen and came back with the four types of nuts a second later,

"Okay, let's get started." Pinkie Pie stated, and they did. They did the coconuts first and peeled the brown outer skin off, Melon Farmer peeled slowly while Pinkie Pie used her front hoofs like a peeler to get the brown skin off, she then rubbed the white parts really fast and grated them, she then put the shredded parts in a glass of warm water and spun her front legs in it really fast and mixed them, she then poured all of the milk and coconut parts into a cheesecloth and squeezed all of the milk out and back into the glass in one go,

"And done." Pinkie Pie commented while Melon Farmer looked on with a dropped jaw,

"How do you do that?" Melon Farmer questioned,

"To be honest, I don't know either, they just happen whenever I do anything." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Oh." Melon Farmer said,

"Just a reminder, Melon Farmer, only me and my family members can make milk from nuts this fast, any other time you or anypony else tries it, it's going to take a day or two because you have to soak the nuts in water overnight." Pinkie Pie explained, Melon Farmer nodded,

"Alright, let's do the almonds next, this one's a bit faster." Pinkie Pie said, and they did. Melon Farmer copied Pinkie Pie while she put almonds in warm water and spun her front hoofs in it to make milk and then dumped it into a cheesecloth and squeezed the milk back into the glass,

"Okay, now, hazelnut." Pinkie Pie said, and she started and did the same steps,

"And last, but not least, the cashews." Pinkie Pie said, and she got them and did the same steps as the others and made the cashew milk. Pinkie Pie held the four milks out,

"Here, try them, they should be okay for you to have." Pinkie Pie said,

"Really?" Melon Farmer questioned,

"I promise." Pinkie Pie reassured, and Melon Farmer took a sip from each milk and was fine,

"Wow, I'm okay, thank you, Pinkie Pie." Melon Farmer chirped,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie responded,

"So, what's next?" Melon Farmer asked,

"Yogurt, it's time for me to make a substitute to it." Pinkie Pie answered,

"You know what you need?" Melon Farmer inquired,

"Milk, which we already got, cream, which we also got, and a special powder to make them ferment, be right back." Pinkie Pie responded, and she dashed away and came back a second later, she came back and put coconut milk and coconut cream in a bowl and mixed them together with her front hoofs and then heated it up in the oven, she took it out after a few minutes and poured the powder into it. She blended them with her front hoofs and then put the glass on the counter,

"This part is called the incubation period, Melon Farmer, I'm going to speed it up with my Pinkie magic, but when you do this on your own, this can take up to nine hours to complete, you just have to put it in a lukewarm environment and wait." Pinkie Pie explained,

"That's a long time." Melon Farmer remarked,

"It is, I'll speed it up now." Pinkie Pie responded, and she dashed to the right and the yogurt spun around and incubated,

"There, now the finishing touch." Pinkie Pie said, and she blew cold breath on it,

"Ta-da! Done!" Pinkie Pie chirped, and she gave the yogurt to Melon Farmer. She got a spoon and tasted the yogurt, her eyes widened and let out a surprised grunt, she groaned while her face turned red and she tried to swallow,

"You okay?" Pinkie Pie asked, Melon Farmer swallowed the yogurt and took a deep breath,

"Sour!" Melon Farmer reported,

"Oh, I'm sorry, you can handle sugar, right?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Of course." Melon Farmer remarked,

"Alright then, time to rearrange." Pinkie Pie stated, and she put white sugar in the yogurt and mixed it, Melon Farmer tried it and nodded while smiling,

"Okay, I got substitutes for you for milk, cream, and yogurt, now, to find a substitute for cheese." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You make cheese snacks and desserts, too?" Melon Farmer asked,

"Of course, my cheesecakes are well liked among foals." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Just to let you know, Pinkie Pie, out of all of the lactose foods I have to avoid, cheese is the one my body reacts the worst to, I can't eat cheese if it has even one milligram of lactose in it." Melon Farmer informed,

"Lactose free cheese is sold throughout Equestria." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Well, they're not sold here." Melon Farmer replied, Pinkie Pie reached into her mane and took a pot out alongside tofu, yeast, salt, vinegar, and lemon juice. She put them in a bowl and spun her front legs fast to mix them together, she took her front legs out and they were tangled within one another, she then crumbled another piece of tofu into pieces with her front hoofs and put it in the bowl and stirred it with her snout,

"Here you go, I'm not sure you'll like this, but at least try." Pinkie Pie requested, and Melon Farmer did. She chewed the homemade cheese and gagged from the taste and almost spat it out,

"No, no, no, swallow." Pinkie Pie stated, and she did,

"I don't like its taste." Melon Farmer reported,

"Alright, I'll try again later." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"I also can't eat custards and pudding." Melon Farmer stated,

"You can make lactose free custard and pudding with the ingredients I presented to you, I'll go ahead and I'll make a lactose-free eggnog now." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Eggnog? What's eggnog?" Melon Farmer asked,

"A drink that uses milk, cream, eggs, and sugar, I can add in other stuff, too." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, I see, we don't have any eggnog in this town, so nopony here will have a clue what you're talking about if you bring it up." Melon Farmer explained,

"Well, get ready to broaden your horizons, I hope your like this." Pinkie Pie stated, and she began. She took a bowl, eggs, salt, and nutmeg out of her tail and put eggs and salt in a bowl and whisked them with her tail, she then reached far away behind herself and got a saucepan, she put it on the stove and turned it on, she put almond cream, hazelnut milk, salt, and nutmeg into it and stirred it with her mane while adding spoonfuls of the eggs into it. She continued until she got all of the eggs into the mixture and then whisked it until it thickened, she blew her breath on it to cool it and then added and mixed sugar into it and poured the eggnog into two glasses,

"There, this is a basic eggnog, some of them will have vanilla or cinnamon added into them sometimes." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You sure put a lot of sugar in it." Melon Farmer remarked,

"That's because eggnog on its own is not sweet, it's mostly raw eggs and milk, they are not tasty on their own." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Oh, that doesn't sound good." Melon Farmer stated,

"Well, enjoy." Pinkie Pie spoke, and they drank it,

"Wow, this is sweet." Melon Farmer commented,

"Can you taste the nutmeg?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"A little." Melon Farmer replied,

"Good, I was worried the sweetness overpowered it." Pinkie Pie stated,

"I appreciate you finding stuff for me to eat and drink, Pinkie Pie, but I have to do homeschooling soon and leave the kitchen." Melon Farmer reported,

"In that case, I'll make one more thing, this is a bonus treat, I need some watermelon and dark chocolate chips." Pinkie Pie replied, and Melon Farmer got watermelon out of the refrigerator and a bag of dark chocolate chips out of the freezer. She smashed the watermelon into pulp with her front hoofs and got all of the seeds out, she then put it into a bowl and then added sugar and mixed them with her mane, she then poured dark chocolate chips into it and mixed it with her mane, she then blew cold breath on it and it was complete,

"Voila! Watermelon sherbet with dark chocolate chips." Pinkie Pie announced, Melon Farmer tried it,

"Wow, this is delicious." Melon Farmer reported,

"Thank you." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Well, I gotta go do homeschooling now, thanks, Pinkie Pie." Melon Farmer said, and she left the kitchen while Pinkie Pie cleaned, the rest of the day was peaceful and they slept when the sun set.

The next day came and Pinkie Pie was outside and sharing the things she made in the kitchen yesterday, everybody tried them and they spat out the yogurt and cheese while her jaw dropped,

"Dang, these taste bad!" a colt exclaimed,

"No kidding, especially the cheese, it feels nothing like cheese either." a filly added, the others agreed,

"I had to rearrange them so Melon Farmer can eat them, you can add sugar into the yogurt, too." Pinkie Pie explained,

"What about the cheese?" a mare asked,

"You can probably eat it with something." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"Maybe with the crackers." a stallion stated, the others agreed,

"How's the other stuff?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Everything else is fine." a second stallion reported, the others agreed,

"Okay, I'll go ahead and try to make some watermelon desserts today." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Sure, here you go, Pinkie Pie, leftover watermelons from our last harvest that we didn't get to sell." Melon Crops stated while two stallions brought forth a small wagon with watermelons in it,

"Thank you." Pinkie Pie said, and she began. She divided one watermelon into triangular slices with her mane and then put chocolate spread and sprinkles on them, she then peeled the green skin off of another water melon and cut the top and bottom off and then covered it in white icing that made it look like a cake, she then made watermelon sherbet with dark chocolate chips,

"Here you all go, be careful for seeds." Pinkie Pie said as she handed the deserts to the foals. They ate the sweet watermelon desserts and spat the seeds out as far as they could, two stallions walked to her with her cheese on their crackers,

"It still doesn't taste good." one stallion reported,

"I made it out of tofu." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, that's why, maybe some salt and spices can flavor it the next time you make it." the other stallion suggested,

"I'll think about it." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Good luck next time." the first stallion said,

"Thanks." Pinkie Pie responded, and they left. Pinkie Pie saw her watermelon desserts were getting low and started making a new one, she sliced some of the watermelons into small pieces and then boiled them in a saucepan filled with water and sugar and stirred them, she then turned off the stove and let the watermelons sit for a short time and then poured them onto a parchment in a pan, she let it sit and cool for a few minutes and then put powdered sugar on the watermelon pieces. She handed them out and the foals enjoyed them,

"That's too bad, there's no seeds in these." a filly stated,

"Hard candy and seeds do not mix well." Pinkie Pie explained,

"You mean they don't taste good together?" another filly questioned,

"No, what I mean is you sometimes can't tell the difference between hard candy and seeds, and chewing on seeds can really hurt your teeth." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Oh." the second filly said, and they ate the hard candy. The adults were almost done working for the day and Pinkie Pie began making more sherbet but mixed strawberries with the watermelons, she also made watermelon ice pops and the kids enjoyed it, the adults finished and began having the things Pinkie Pie made, they smiled and conversed with one another while the foals ran around and played, Pinkie Pie smiled and it was soon time for everyone to go home and the adults home schooled the foals.

Pinkie Pie worked in the kitchen and began altering the cheese around, she added salt, garlic, onions, and herbs into the tofu and cooked them together, she tasted it and her face turned red while she breathed fire out of her mouth. She took a little bit of the garlic out and tried again, her face turned red and she panted, she quickly drank some water and removed some of the onions, Pinkie Pie did another taste test and smiled. She then proceeded to get ingredients to make cheesecake and worked quickly, she soon baked it in the oven and took it out. She did a taste test and tasted some of the spices in the cheesecake, she added in some sugar to sweeten it and tried it,

"Hmm, good like my regular cheesecakes, gonna need to use a lot more sugar than normal though." Pinkie Pie commented, and she carried it out of the kitchen,

"Melon Farmer, I just made one of my cheesecakes using the cheese from earlier, I wanna see if you can handle eating it without getting any problems." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sure." Melon Farmer responded, and she had a very small bite, they waited but she was fine,

"I can handle this, though it's very sweet." Melon Farmer reported,

"I had to add loads of sugar into it in order to replicate the taste of my regular cheesecakes." Pinkie Pie replied,

"It's probably not to eat much of it then." Melon Harvester suggested,

"Do you have anymore stuff to make?" Melon Crops asked,

"Nope, that's pretty much everything." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Can you teach us how to make your stuff?" Melon Crops requested,

"Of course." Pinkie Pie replied, and the day went on as normal and they slept.

The next day came and Pinkie Pie taught the natives of Melon Plantation how to make her watermelon dishes and Melon Crops how to make her lactose free dishes,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, we can enjoy more dishes and our daughter can now have more variety, that makes it easier for me on what to cook, too." Melon Crops said,

"You're welcome, it is now time for me to go, my work here is done." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Here, take these as our farewell gift." Melon Harvester stated, and they gave her several bits and watermelons,

"Thank you, these will definitely help in me making new snacks and desserts, and thanks for the payment, well, off I go now." Pinkie Pie stated, and she walked out of town while everybody said bye to her.

Pinkie Pie was in Sugarcube Corner with Star Pony, Treasure Hunter, Flower Viola, Rose, Pink Diamond, Gilmore, Purple Grace, Tulip, Angelique, Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, Aquarius, Taco Bell, Butterfly Azalea, Weight Lifter, and Melon Farmer eating their ice creams,

"I have stayed in touch with Melon Plantation ever since I left and throw birthday parties there, but I have to be very careful on what I serve due to Melon Farmer's condition." Pinkie Pie stated,

"What are Melon Farmer's birthday parties like?" Butterfly Azalea asked,

"It's the same as every other party in town, everybody attends, and there's special foods for me but everybody else can have them if they like them, Pinkie Pie coming to our town was one of the best things that could happen." Melon Farmer remarked,

"Guys, I don't mean to cut the conversation or fun time short, but it's getting a bit late, the others will be worried if we don't get home soon." Pink Diamond warned, and everybody finished their ice creams and left. Pinkie Pie cleaned the glasses and looked at the watermelons in the back room, she smiled and continued working at Sugarcube Corner until it was closing time.