• Published 27th Apr 2018
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Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Anger Issues

Pinkie Pie was teaching at the School of Friendship and handed out graded papers, Smolder saw her grade and saw she failed, she grabbed her paper and ripped it apart, the other students looked at her with bewilderment. Pinkie Pie gave out the next assignment and everycreature does it, Smolder did not know what the things were and growled, she kicked her desk with her left leg and it fell,

"Smolder?" Silverstream asked, Smolder picked up the paper and ripped it apart, she balled it up and threw it into the trash,

"You okay, Smolder?" Ocellus asked, Smolder growled under her breath, Pinkie Pie took note of it while the students worked. The next day came and Smolder stomped into the classroom, Pinkie Pie noticed her trying to study by reading a book, she growled while trying to read since she did not understand it, she slammed the book closed and threw it across the classroom,

"Smolder, calm down." Sandbar said, Pinkie Pie handed out the next assignment and the students worked,

"Ooh, Yona like assignment about what yaks do for fun." Yona said,

"I don't even know why we have to do assignments on yak culture for." Gallus said, and they worked, Smolder seethed since she did not know anything about yak culture, she growled and broke her pencil by squeezing it very hard, she let out another angry groan and kicked her desk down with her left leg,

"Smolder, no, I'm going to have to ask you to stay after class today." Pinkie Pie said, Smolder glared and sulked, she waited until the bell rung, and everybody except her left, Smolder picked up her desk while Pinkie Pie walked to her,

"Okay, Smolder, you're not in trouble, I just want to know why you're mad all of a sudden." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm failing every class with the most recent subjects, and I'm not improving, no matter how much I study!" Smolder replied while raising her voice,

"Calm down, Smolder, why don't you take a break and focus on doing something for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I can't." Smolder replied,

"Why not?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Because of that incident with Rockhoof, Spike and I can't do fire breathing competitions anymore." Smolder replied,

"Oh, well, find something else you do for fun." Pinkie Pie said,

"Why are you saying that all of a sudden?" Smolder asked,

"Your anger is reminding me of a pony I met years ago, his temper was bad." Pinkie Pie replied,

"How bad was it?" Smolder asked,

"Get ready to hear it." Pinkie Pie replied, and she began to talk about a pony she met years ago.

Pinkie Pie has just left Fiery Heart's home and was traveling through the winter cold, she saw a town up ahead and it looked a little gloomy, she trotted through the light fog and heard foals playing and laughing, she saw the foals playing in a front yard, she trotted to them. Pinkie Pie goes to the yard and saw the foals running around and having fun,

"GET OFF OF MY LAWN!!" a stallion yelled from inside the house, gunshots were heard and the windows broke, the foals ran away and screamed while the stallion inside continued shooting at them. Pinkie Pie looked on with her eyes and mouth wide open, she heard the door open and a stallion came out, he had a peach coat, a light brown mane and tail, his mane was in the style of a buzz cut, he was wearing a white short-sleeve collared button-up dress shirt with a pocket on the left side, he had three pens in his pocket, the left and right pens were black while the center pen was red, he was also wearing a tie that was black with white diagonal stripes on it, his shirt was tucked into black khakis, which was held up by a black leather belt with a silver buckle, he wore black dress shoes on his hind hoofs, and glasses with black frames, he was reeled up on his hind hoofs, he had a black briefcase in his front right hoof, and a sawed off pump-action shotgun with a cut down stock in his front left hoof.

Pinkie Pie looked at him carefully and the stallion glared at her, Pinkie Pie walked away slowly. Pinkie Pie backed away from the stallion while watching him, she felt something behind her and heard a grunt, she realized it was a filly, she turned around and saw an earth pony filly, she had a pure white coat, bright yellow eyes, bright blue eye shadow, a long yellow mane and tail, her mane went down to her front knees while her tail touched the ground, she wore a bright white long-sleeve dress that covered her hind legs and went past her body, the dress also had gold trimmings and gold jewelry embedded in it, and there was no space in the front of the dress like most pony dresses, she also had three gold drop earrings in each ear,

"Oh, sorry." Pinkie Pie said,

"Hi." the filly said in a soft and sweet voice,

"Hello." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm Angelique, who are you?" the filly asked,

"My name's Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie replied, Angelique chuckled,

"Can I meet your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Oh, um, my parents passed away in a carriage accident two years ago." Angelique replied,

"Oh, uh, who are you living with?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Nopony, I'm living alone." Angelique replied,

"How did you get this house?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My parents owned it." Angelique replied,

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm home schooled, well, I was." Angelique replied,

"Oh, well, I have to get going, I don't have a place to stay." Pinkie Pie said, Angelique grabbed Pinkie Pie's front legs with her front hoofs

"Please, oh please, stay with me, Pinkie Pie, I am very lonely here on my own." Angelique said,

"Don't you have any friends?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I do, but I only see them twice a day, so I get lonely here at home." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie thought about it and made her decision,

"Okay, I'll stay here since I have nowhere to go." Pinkie Pie said,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, I promise to make you feel like you're at home." Angelique replied as she hugged her, Pinkie Pie smiled and hugged her back,

"Well, come on, let's go in." Angelique said, and the two entered her home. Pinkie Pie looked around and saw Angelique's home,

"*gasp* What are these?" Pinkie Pie asked as she hopped to a bunch of folded papers on a desk,

"Origami, Pinkie Pie, I make those in my free time." Angelique replied,

"Can you make one of me?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, I can try, but origami is made with one piece of paper, I'll need at least six different colors to make you." Angelique replied,

"Six?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yeah, I'll need light pink for your body, dark pink for your mane and tail, black for your pupils and eyelashes, white for your eyes, light blue for your cutie mark and irises, and yellow for the rest of your cutie mark." Angelique replied,

"Oh, well, just one color is fine." Pinkie Pie said,

"You sure?" Angelique asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Alright, I'll show you the rest of my house, then." Angelique said, and the two walked together. Pinkie Pie was shown the rest of Angelique's house and she saw Angelique had paintings hung on the wall, she soon felt something on her front left hoof,

"What is this?" Pinkie Pie asked as she looked down, she looked and saw a yellow bag of potato chips,

"Oh, sorry, I don't clean often, so there's going to be some bags of potato chips on the floor." Angelique said, Pinkie Pie looked and saw bags on the floor everywhere,

"What's with all of the potato chips?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"It's my favorite food." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie looked at Angelique and saw she was average weight for a filly. Pinkie Pie walked more and saw sheet music and a violin,

"You play music?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Hmm-mm, my mother taught me before she passed." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie looked around more and saw several cookbooks,

"Do you cook?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, those are my mother's, I don't know the first thing about cooking." Angelique replied,

"Well, maybe I can teach you some baking." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sure, I always wanted to make a cake." Angelique replied,

"Ooh, I can teach you how to make one." Pinkie Pie said,

"Really?" Angelique asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Great, my birthday is coming up, I'm going to turn thirteen this year." Angelique said,

"Ooh, I know, birthday cake making party!" Pinkie Pie said loudly,

"Shh, shh, Pinkie Pie, keep your voice down, you'll make Foster mad." Angelique said,

"Foster?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"That pony you saw before you met me, he has a very bad temper, so stay quiet." Angelique replied,

"Oh, right, right, right, right." Pinkie Pie whispered,

"Come on, I'll show you my bedroom." Angelique said, and they went there. Pinkie Pie went into Angelique's bedroom and she saw a quilt blanket,

"Did you make that?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"That's right, I made that blanket with my own hoofs." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie looked around more and saw a sewing machine,

"You make your own clothes?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, that's my mother's." Angelique replied,

"What about that dress you're wearing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"It's my mother's dress, it was my favorite one of the dresses she made." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie looked at Angelique's dress and saw the sleeves on her front legs were folded upwards,

"It looks too big on you." Pinkie Pie said,

"It is, but I still like it." Angelique replied,

"What about those earrings of yours?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're presents from my sixth birthday." Angelique replied,

"Oh, so... what do you want to do?" Pinkie Pie asked, Angelique checked the clock next to her bed,

"Well, I can teach you a little origami." Angelique said,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie said, and Angelique taught her for sometime, Pinkie Pie growled and screamed as she could not get the folds right,

"This is impossible!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Calm down, Pinkie Pie, this takes a lot of practice." Angelique said, and they continued folding until it was dark,

"Hold on, I'm going to go get supper." Angelique said, and she left and came back with bags of potato chips. Pinkie Pie looked at the potato chips while Angelique opened her bag and ate,

"Is something wrong?" Angelique asked,

"No, I'm just not used to eating potato chips." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, what do you usually eat?" Angelique asked,

"Cupcakes." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Ooh, I love cupcakes, too." Angelique said, Pinkie Pie smiled and she ate the potato chips and actually liked them, she and Angelique washed the grease off of their hoofs after they finished,

"Well, I need to rest, see you in the morning, Pinkie Pie." Angelique said,

"Goodnight." Pinkie Pie replied, and Angelique went to bed while Pinkie Pie sat next to her and soon fell asleep. Pinkie Pie opened her eyes and saw the sun rise, she saw Angelique was awake and eating potato chips,

"Good morning." Angelique said,

"Morning." Pinkie Pie replied, and she took toast out of her mane and ate it,

"Come on, Pinkie Pie, let's go see how my friends are." Angelique said, and the two went outside. Angelique trotted while Pinkie Pie followed her, the two arrived at a home and saw a colt, he had a dark green coat, short black mane and tail, and purple eyes,

"This is Emerald, he's growing up to be an appraiser." Angelique said,

"Morning, Angelique." Emerald said,

"Good morning." Angelique replied,

"Who is this?" Emerald asked,

"I'm Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Hi, Angelique and I have been friends for years." Emerald said,

"Where are your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They already left for work." Emerald replied,

"When will they be back?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"6:00 PM." Emerald replied,

"Oh, that's kind of late." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yeah, that's why Angelique sees me often, it's so I don't get lonely, but I have to go to school now." Emerald replied,

"See you this afternoon, Emerald." Angelique said, and he walked to school,

"My next friend's this way." Angelique said, and she walked to her next destination while Pinkie Pie followed her. Angelique walked to her destination and Pinkie Pie saw a filly, she was small, she had a light pink coat, a long light blue and white striped mane and tail, and purple eyes,

"This is Haute Coture, she's working to be a fashion designer." Angelique said,

"Hi, my parents made that dress Angelique's wearing." Haute Coture said,

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, her parents are training her to be their next heir." Angelique replied,

"Do you like it?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Hmm-mm, making clothes is actually very fun." Haute Coture replied,

"Ooh, I know, maybe you can make an outfit for Angelique's upcoming birthday." Pinkie Pie said,

"Actually, no, Pinkie Pie, I'm just going to wear this dress." Angelique replied,

"Wait, you're Pinkie Pie? I've heard about you, your parties are famous throughout Equestria." Haute Coture said,

"From whom?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"A friend of my parents." Haute Coture replied,

"Wow, I didn't think anypony would know me here." Pinkie Pie said, Haute Coture chuckled,

"Well, Haute Coture, I'll go take Pinkie Pie to my other friends now." Angelique said,

"Okay, see you later." Haute Coture replied, and the two walked. Pinkie Pie and Angelique trotted to the next foal, it was a colt, he had an orange coat, short white mane and tail, and brown eyes,

"This is Tempo, he's learning to become a musician." Angelique said,

"Ooh, maybe I can teach him, I play ten different instruments." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm learning to play the trumpet." Tempo said,

"Ooh, I know how to play that." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Really? Cool, maybe you and I can play together." Tempo said,

"I would love to." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, school's about to start, I have to get going." Tempo said,

"Later, Tempo." Angelique replied, and he walked to school while Angelique went to go see her next friend. Pinkie Pie walked with Angelique and she went to a filly who was walking on the road, she had a light blue coat, long dark blue mane and tail, and sky blue eyes,

"Angelique!" the filly said as she ran to her,

"Hi, Aquarius." Angelique replied as the two hugged one another, the two let go,

"This is Aquarius, Pinkie Pie, she's studying to be a marine biologist." Angelique said,

"Ooh, I know, marine animal party." Pinkie Pie replied,

"*chuckle* That would be nice, but I doubt that's possible." Aquarius said,

"I can make it happen." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, I'm sorry, but I don't have time for conversation, I have to go to school." Aquarius said,

"Okay, later, Aquarius." Angelique replied, Aquarius walked by them,

"I have two more friends, follow me." Angelique said, and the two trotted. Pinkie Pie and Angelique went to the next foal, it was a colt, he had a light brown coat, dark brown mane and tail, and tan eyes,

"This is Taco Bell, he gets lonely all on his own, so I come by to check on him every now and then." Angelique said,

"Hi, who are you?" Taco Bell asked,

"I'm Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Thanks for coming by, I have a certain... problem that leaves me all by myself." Taco Bell said,

"Problem?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Pinkie Pie, don't bring it up, it's embarrassing." Angelique replied,

"Do you find it embarrassing, Taco Bell?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"A little bit." Taco Bell replied,

"Do your parents know?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I don't have any parents." Taco Bell replied,

"Oh, you're an orphan, too?" Pinkie Pie asked, Taco Bell nodded,

"Taco Bell's father passed before he was born, his mother passed giving birth to him, my last friend watches over him and me." Angelique said,

"Wait, your last friend's not a foal?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, he's a stallion, come on, let's go meet him, I'll see you later, Taco Bell." Angelique replied, and the two left. Pinkie Pie followed Angelique and she goes to her last friend, Pinkie Pie sees him, it was a stallion, he had a peach coat, short light brown mane and tail, a full mustache, and he was wearing a gray winter coat, his cutie mark was a white paper with black writings on it,

"Good morning, Angelique." the stallion said with a Russian accent,

"Morning. This is Zhivago, Pinkie Pie, he's a war veteran, he's also a doctor and a poet." Angelique replied,

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, he lets me and the others read his poems whenever he makes a new one." Angelique replied,

"What do you write about?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, mostly about my experiences during the war." Zhivago replied,

"I'm Pinkie Pie, I'm a party planner." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, welcome, I think you'll like it here." Zhivago replied, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"Let's go, Pinkie Pie, Zhivago has to get ready for work." Angelique said,

"I'll be available later today, good day to you two." Zhivago said, and Angelique left, Pinkie Pie followed her.

Angelique arrived home and Pinkie Pie was with her,

"I'll be going to the store today, Pinkie Pie, the train will be here soon." Angelique said, Pinkie Pie nodded but stopped when she heard Foster grunting and growling,

"Work, you stupid toaster!" Foster said from inside his house, banging was heard and Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and clenched her teeth at the loud bangs,

"I said work!" Foster said as more banging sounds were heard, a sound of metal being smashed was soon heard,

"Stupid piece of junk." Foster said, and a loud thud was heard,

"Is he okay?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Foster's always like that." Angelique replied, the door flew open and Foster stomps away,

"Come on, Pinkie Pie, the train will be arriving soon." Angelique said, and she left while Pinkie Pie followed her. Pinkie Pie arrived at the train station and Foster was standing while looking around impatiently,

"Come on, where is the train?" Foster grumbled,

"Attention all passengers, I'm sorry to say this, but the train will be a little late today." a mare inside the office said on an announcement system, Foster growled angrily while he pulled his mane, the train arrived five minutes late and everypony ran to board, Foster shoved whoever was in front of him, Pinkie Pie and Angelique boarded the train last. Pinkie Pie and Angelique walked while Angelique held the bottom of her dress up so nopony stepped on it, the two sat near the front and Pinkie Pie saw Foster sitting on the other side and a little farther back,

"I'm going to do some shopping when we get off, you want anything, Pinkie Pie?" Angelique asked,

"No, thank you." Pinkie Pie replied, Angelique smiled,

"*groan* Sorry, excuse me." Taco Bell said as he walked slowly, he let out a loud fart shortly afterwards. Pinkie Pie just barely contained her laughter at the sound, but she stopped after a few seconds,

"Is he okay?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"That's the problem with him there." Angelique replied,

"Oh, so that's his problem." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yeah, he has chronic flatulence." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie looked and saw Taco Bell clutching his abdomen. The train continued for a short time and Taco Bell's fart could be smelled throughout the train, everypony gagged and covered their snouts',

"Stinky. Stinky. Stinky." Pinkie Pie said, the smell goes through the train and Foster gagged loudly,

"It's too early for this!" Foster said, the conductor was heard gagging in the front of the train a few seconds later, the train went off the tracks and everypony screamed until the train crashed. Everypony stood up and saw the conductor was unconscious, they stepped out and saw the train crashed into a tree, everypony glared at Taco Bell, who just looked down. Foster tackled Taco Bell down and began punching him in the back of his head,

"You stupid colt!" Foster said, Pinkie Pie ran to Foster and began to hold him back,

"Stop it. Calm down." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm going to be late to work because of this stupid foal!" Foster said angrily,

"Foster, please, he has no control over it." Angelique said,

"I don't care if he doesn't, this foal shouldn't be on the train in the first place." Foster replied,

"What do you mean he shouldn't ride the train?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"When I was his age, ponies with disabilities or anything chronic things like him were not allowed on the train, they had to get to their destination by hoof." Foster replied,

"What about taxis?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Ponies like him were not allowed on them back then, either." Foster replied,

"What?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Now move, I'm late for work." Foster said, and he shoved her to the side while Pinkie Pie screamed and Foster walked to work. Pinkie Pie watched him with disbelief while Foster stomped to work,

"What's with him?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"He's always had a nasty temper." Angelique replied,

"Tell you what, do your shopping without me for now, Angelique, I've got something I wanna see." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, I'll see you later then." Angelique replied, and she left while Pinkie Pie followed Foster. Pinkie Pie followed Foster and watched him carefully, Foster nearly stumbled on a foal's toy truck, he growled and kicked it with his front left hoof, the toy truck breaks apart from the impact, Pinkie Pie gasped silently in shock at what she saw him did. Foster kept walking to work and he saw a bunch of foals play tag and run in front of him,

"Celestia! Move! I have to get to work!" Foster said angrily as he shoved the foals to the sides, the exclaimed and some of them fell over, Pinkie Pie ran to them and helped the foals get up,

"You okay?" Pinkie Pie asked as she helped the foals up, she looked at a filly's face,

"*gasp* You have a boo-boo." Pinkie Pie said, she looked at the cut on the filly's face and saw she was bleeding, Pinkie Pie touched it and the filly yelped and then cried from the pain,

"Get her home, I'll go have a talk with him." Pinkie Pie said, and the foals took the filly home while Pinkie Pie followed Foster. Pinkie Pie watched Foster enter an office building and she went in, she watched Foster walk to an office and she saw a unicorn, he had a dull gray coat, he was bald and had a black tail, his eyes were purple, and his cutie mark was a pink brain,

"You're late, Foster." the unicorn said,

"That's because some idiot crashed the train." Foster replied,

"Well, serves you right, you stupid Pegasi and earth ponies deserve to have bad luck for being inferior ponies." the unicorn said, Foster seethed and he began to throw the papers off of his boss's desk and smashed a picture of his boss,

"As usual, easy to provoke, you're so easy to manipulate, Foster, you know that, right?" the unicorn asked,

"That's because everything is upside-down and twisted, society was different before I joined the royal guard." Foster replied,

"Like how?" the unicorn asked,

"First of all, society rewarded those who did hard work through manual labor instead of going to school and getting a degree, if things were still like that, I'd be your boss instead." Foster replied,

"Well, manual labor doesn't equal intelligence, so you wouldn't be able to run a business." the unicorn said,

"That's another difference, we didn't have white collar jobs when I was a foal, it was all blue collar." Foster replied,

"Well, all brawn and no brain will get you nowhere, now use your muscles and start writing, you earth pony buffoon." the unicorn said, and Foster stomped out of his office, he stopped and seethed, he turned around and threw his saddlebag at his boss' door, he picked it up and stomped away while Pinkie Pie followed him. Pinkie Pie watched Foster and he stomped to his office, Foster sat in his chair and took a pen out, he tried to write with it but the ink did not come out, Foster began to hit his pen on the paper and soon threw it, Pinkie Pie screamed and ducked just when the pen was about to hit her. Foster looked for another pen and found one, he wrote with it and ink came out, he wrote with it while seething,

"I can't believe I have to work for that moron, he would've been fired if things were as they used to be." Foster grumbled,

"Foster?" Pinkie Pie asked as she walked to him,

"WHAT?!" Foster yelled, Pinkie Pie jumped back while startled,

"Um, you hurt a filly on your way here." Pinkie Pie said,

"So?" Foster asked,

"She's bleeding on her face." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, she was in my way, and foals should know better not to play in the road." Foster said,

"Didn't you play in the road when you were a foal?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, never, we always played in the front yard or back yard, we'd be grounded if we played in the road." Foster replied,

"Did you ever want to play in the road?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"WILL YOU GET OUT OF HERE?! I'M TRYING TO WORK!!" Foster yelled angrily, Pinkie Pie screamed for a brief second but walked backwards slowly, she turned around and began to head back,

"I swear, ponies these days have no common sense." Pinkie Pie heard Foster grumble, he got up afterwards and began to walk away. Pinkie Pie turned around and saw him walking to get a can of soda from a vending machine, he let out an annoyed groan and went back to his desk, he tried to open the can but could not,

"Grrr, open you stupid little..." Foster grumbled, and he began hitting the can on his desk until it burst open and the soda flew out everywhere, the can was thrown out of his office and Foster stood up and stomped to the bathroom. Pinkie Pie followed him and heard Foster grumbling in the bathroom,

"Stupid soda, what happened to having water in the workplace?" Foster grumbled while in the bathroom, Pinkie Pie then heard loud banging in the bathroom, the door opened and Foster walked out, Pinkie Pie looked and saw dents in the hoof dryer, she looked on with discomfort while the door closed, she decided to watch Foster later and headed back. Pinkie Pie walked back to the train station and saw Angelique waiting at the station with ingredients to make a cake,

"Pinkie, there you are." Angelique said as she trotted to her and held the bottom of her dress up,

"Sorry, I was busy." Pinkie Pie said,

"I've been waiting for you, I was hoping we would buy the things together." Angelique replied,

"Sorry, I was very busy, what did you get?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, I got some flour, some eggs, baking powder, some salt, some butter, some sugar, vanilla extract, and milk." Angelique replied,

"Are you making a vanilla cake?" Pinkie Pie asked, Angelique nodded,

"You have everything, come on, let's head home." Pinkie Pie said, and the two waited for the train. Pinkie Pie and Angelique sat and waited for the train,

"Where were you, Pinkie?" Angelique asked,

"I was watching Foster." Pinkie Pie replied,

"What for?" Angelique asked,

"Well, I was wondering how bad his anger was." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, it's really bad, a lot of ponies are scared of him." Angelique said,

"Don't you worry, Angelique, I've got just the thing to calm him." Pinkie Pie replied,

"You do?" Angelique asked,

"Yes, ta-da, here it is." Pinkie Pie replied as she held her front right hoof out, she had a light blue pill with ice on it,

"What is it?" Angelique asked,

"A chill pill, made by me." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Wow, I didn't know you had one." Angelique said,

"*chuckle* It's a secret ingredient, well, let's get started on the cake when we get home." Pinkie Pie replied, and train headed to its destination. Pinkie Pie and Angelique arrived at the train station and walked home, Angelique ate a bag of potato chips and went to the kitchen,

"Okay, Angelique, first, let's preheat the oven." Pinkie Pie said, and the two did,

"Alright, I need two cake pans, we need to put parchment paper in them." Pinkie Pie said,

"Um, parchment paper?" Angelique asked,

"You know, those grayish-white baking papers." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, I know what you're talking about, I think I have some left." Angelique said, and she trotted around the kitchen, she got it and put it in the cake pans,

"Okay, now we add the butter, and then the flour." Pinkie Pie said, and the two put them in the cake pans, Pinkie Pie shook the pans around to get the excess out,

"Alright, Angelique, now that's done, we need three cups of flour, baking powder, and salt, we need to whisk them until they combine." Pinkie Pie said, and Angelique got a whisk and the two began. Pinkie Pie and Angelique whisked the flour, baking powder, and salt while Pinkie Pie hummed a tune,

"Pinkie?" Angelique asked, Pinkie Pie stopped whisking and looked at her,

"What are you humming?" Angelique asked,

"It's a song about making cake." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Are there any lyrics?" Angelique asked,

"Actually, yes." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I wanna learn." Angelique said,

"Okay, here we go. It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two sang the song while they worked,

"Alright, now we need two sticks of butter, sugar, a large bowl, and a mixer." Pinkie Pie said,

"Hold on, I think I have a mixer here somewhere." Angelique replied, and she looked around for a mixer, and she found a small red one and plugged it in. Angelique began mixing while Pinkie Pie watched,

"Careful, Angelique, go too fast, and we'll have a mess everywhere." Pinkie Pie said, Angelique nodded and mixed the ingredients until they were light and fluffy,

"Slow down a little now, Angelique." Pinkie Pie said, and she did, she finished,

"I'll do the next step." Pinkie Pie said, and she began breaking the eggs open and beating them one at a time, she added the vanilla extract next and beat it in, she then added flour and milk in three times, alternating between the two, Pinkie Pie worked while Angelique watched. Pinkie Pie finished when the batter was smooth,

"Okay, now we put the batter in the pans." Pinkie Pie said, and she poured the batter into one pan while Angelique poured it into the other pan,

"Okay, now we bake for thirty minutes." Pinkie Pie said, and Angelique put the pans in the oven. Pinkie Pie and Angelique waited while Angelique began making origami of Pinkie Pie,

"Ooh, is that me?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, please give me time, Pinkie, this takes a long time to make." Angelique replied, and Pinkie Pie watched, she eventually tried to make her own origami, she messed up and grumbled while Angelique looked at her with distress,

"Sorry, but this is making me mad." Pinkie Pie said,

"Please don't get mad, Pinkie, it'll remind me of Foster." Angelique replied, the two made origami while Pinkie Pie messed up and grumbled, the timer dinged after thirty minutes,

"Oh, cakes are done." Pinkie Pie said, and the two went to the kitchen. Angelique opened the oven and looked at the cake, Pinkie Pie stuck a toothpick in the center of it,

"Yup, it's done." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yay." Angelique said,

"Now we wait ten minutes." Pinkie Pie said, and they did, they took the cake out of the oven and Pinkie Pie made the cake stop sticking from the pan by moving a knife around the edges, she takes it out and puts it on a board, she then removed the parchment paper from the pans,

"Do you want to cut the top of the cakes?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure." Angelique replied, and they did. Pinkie Pie and Angelique ate the tops they cut off,

"This is good." Angelique said,

"Wanna decorate it?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Tomorrow, my friends will be coming over soon." Angelique replied, and Pinkie Pie put the cakes in the refrigerator.

Pinkie Pie and Angelique went to the door and knocking was soon heard,

"I'm coming." Angelique said, and she opened the door, Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius came to visit,

"Hello." Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius said,

"Hello, come on in." Angelique replied, and they did, Emerald brought a jewel, Haute Coture brought a new dress she made, Tempo played the trumpet, and Aquarius brought a bag full of fish,

"Ooh, can I see?" Pinkie Pie asked, and they showed them to her,

"Well, Tempo, I can start teaching you a few things with the trumpet now if you're interested." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sure." Tempo replied, and Pinkie Pie got her trumpet. Pinkie Pie and Tempo played together while Angelique helped Emerald, Haute Coture, and Aquarius on their homework however she could,

"Thanks, Angelique, you really are good at math." Aquarius said,

"You're welcome." Angelique replied, and she trotted to Pinkie Pie and Tempo and sang to the song they were playing, Emerald and Haute Coture went over to dance after finishing their homework, and Aquarius joined Angelique on the singing, they all had fun until a can of peas was thrown into the house, it broke a window and hit the wall, they all screamed and ducked just before the can hits them,

"PIPE DOWN!! I'M TRYING TO WORK!!" Foster yelled from his home, and they all looked on with silence. Pinkie Pie, Angelique, Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius looked on with disbelief,

"Aw, Foster won't let us have fun again." Aquarius said, a thick book is thrown through the window and it hit Aquarius on her head, she screamed as she slid across the floor,

"I SAID QUIET!!" Foster yelled, Pinkie Pie glared at Foster's home,

"Excuse me a minute." Pinkie Pie said, and she walked outside. Pinkie Pie walked to Foster's home and knocked on the door, Foster growled and grumbled from inside his house,

"Who is it?" Foster asked,

"Um, it's Pinkie Pie, party planner and candy seller." Pinkie Pie replied with a nervous smile, the door opened and Foster came out, he held a baseball bat in his front right hoof,

"What do you want?" Foster asked,

"Um, can I come in?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Why?" Foster asked,

"I was hoping I could get to know you better." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm busy doing work at home right now, come see me another time." Foster said,

"It's also about a filly you hit." Pinkie Pie replied,

"She brought that onto herself, she shouldn't be so loud to begin with!" Foster said while he raised his voice,

"Weren't you like that when you were a foal?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, we always quiet and doing homework the entire afternoon." Foster replied,

"What about pursuing hobbies?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We only did that on the weekends, and we didn't play music or sing so loud that the neighbors can hear us." Foster replied,

"But it's fun." Pinkie Pie said,

"FUN?! That's what you all say! When I was a foal, it wasn't fun! It was distracting and the entire neighborhood would complain!" Foster replied angrily,

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"YES!!" Foster yelled,

"Okay, um, I'm sorry to bother you, but I also came to give you a treat." Pinkie Pie said, and she held out the chill pill,

"What is this?" Foster asked,

"Um, it's candy." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Hmm, thanks, I guess some ponies still give out treats to every home like when I was a foal." Foster said, and he went back into his house and closed the door. Pinkie Pie trotted to the left side of his house and looked through a window, Foster swallowed the pill and shivered from how cold it was, he growled for a minute but soon calmed down, he sighed and went back to work, Pinkie Pie smiled and went back to Angelique's house. Pinkie Pie entered and the foals looked at her,

"Well, Pinkie?" Angelique asked,

"It's alright, Foster took the chill pill, he'll be calm for sometime." Pinkie Pie replied, Angelique and her friends looked through the window and they saw a calm and relaxed Foster writing, they smiled and they all went back to what they were doing, Pinkie Pie and Tempo played the trumpet, Angelique and Aquarius sang, and Emerald and Haute Coture danced, they all had fun until it was time for them to go home, Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius said bye and went home while Pinkie Pie and Angelique waved bye at them,

"Where's Taco Bell?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Oh, about that, due to Taco Bell's farting problem, nopony wants to spend time with him, if he comes here, the others will leave." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie frowned,

"I know, I feel bad for him, too." Angelique said,

"Come on, let's go visit him." Pinkie Pie said,

"Pinkie, it's dark, he's asleep right now." Angelique replied,

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said,

"I have to go to bed, too, goodnight, Pinkie." Angelique said,

"Goodnight." Pinkie Pie replied, and Angelique entered her house and went to bed. The next morning came and Pinkie Pie woke up early,

"Good morning." Pinkie Pie said, she looked and saw Angelique was still asleep, she headed outside and set up a stand. Pinkie Pie stood in the road and sold sweets and candy to whoever came, Foster walked to her a few minutes later,

"Hi, take your order?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, I'd like a coffee, please." Foster replied,

"What kind of coffee?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Regular black coffee, please." Foster replied, and Pinkie Pie filled a white mug,

"Here you go." Pinkie Pie said, and Foster drank it but spat it out,

"What's wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I SAID REGULAR BLACK COFFEE!! NOT COFFEE WITH MILK, CREAMER, AND SUGAR IN IT!!" Foster yelled, Pinkie Pie reeled back and saw foals behind Foster looking at him with fear,

"What?!" Foster asked,

"We're want our breakfast." a filly replied,


"Didn't you?" a colt asked,

"No! We ate eggs, hay, and vegetables and drank water." Foster replied,

"What about cereal?" a second filly asked,

"My family didn't eat cereal." Foster replied,

"Um, Foster, we'd like our breakfast, please." a third filly said,

"What? You still want to eat this junk and damage your own health?" Foster asked, the foals nodded,

"Why don't you kids go back home and have what your parents made for breakfast?" Foster asked,

"It tastes bad." a second colt replied,

"Tastes bad? Don't you all appreciate what your parents make for you?" Foster asked,

"We do, but it tastes horrible." a fourth filly replied,

"And you all can just go have something else just like that? When I was your age, you have to eat your breakfast, even if it tastes terrible, or you wouldn't be allowed to eat anything else in the house until you finish that horrible tasting breakfast." Foster said,

"What?!" the foals asked,

"Seriously?!" a fifth filly asked,

"Yes, now go back home and eat what your parents made for you, show some gratitude." Foster replied,

"But their breakfast tastes horrible." a third colt said,

"Yeah, we want sweets." a sixth filly said,

"Really? Well? Here's my answer!" Foster replied, and he took a baseball bat out of his saddlebag and began smashing Pinkie Pie's stand. Pinkie Pie screamed while Foster smashed her stand with his baseball bat,

"Good luck getting your unhealthy breakfast now!" Foster said angrily, and he stomped away,

"NOOOOOO!!" Pinkie Pie said, she looked and saw crying foals looking on,

"Don't cry, I think there's something here." Pinkie Pie said, and she scavenged through her destroyed candies, she found several candy bars and cereal bars,

"Here, sorry, but that's all I have." Pinkie Pie said, and the foals shared them with one another, they all left while Pinkie Pie looked at her broken stand and groaned, she headed home afterwards. Pinkie Pie walked home and saw Foster leaving, a filly ran to him,

"Excuse me." the filly said, Foster looked at her,

"Can you buy a flower?" the filly asked,

"I don't have any money." Foster replied as he walked by, the filly ran to him,

"But please, my family's struggling, I need the money." the filly said,

"I said I don't have any money!" Foster replied angrily,

"Sir, please, take at least one, my family won't let me in the house if I don't sell all of them." the filly said, Foster snatched the basket away and threw it onto the ground, he smashed it and the flowers with his front right hoof. The filly screamed while Pinkie Pie ran to him and restrained him,

"No!" Pinkie Pie said while she restrained him, the filly screamed at seeing her destroyed basket and smashed flowers, she fell to her knees and began crying with her front hoofs over her face,

"Take your chill pill!" Pinkie Pie said, and she forced it into Foster's mouth, he shivered from how cold it was, but calmed down,

"Where am I? Oh, right, I've got to get ready for work." Foster said, and he trotted away. Pinkie Pie went to the crying filly and got her destroyed basket and flowers, she looked at Pinkie Pie while she handed her destroyed basket and flowers to her,

"Here, you can have these." Pinkie Pie said as she reached into her mane and took bits out and handed them to her,

"Thank you." the filly said as she took the bits,

"Is it true about what you said your family not letting you come home if you don't sell all the flowers?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, I can't return home until I sell all the flowers, I'll be forced to stay outside." the filly replied, Pinkie Pie thought for a second,

"Come on, I think I know somepony who can help you." Pinkie Pie said,

"Really?" the filly asked,

"Hmm-mm, follow me." Pinkie Pie replied, and they walked together. Pinkie Pie and the filly walked and they went to go see Zhivago,

"Ah, you again, what brings you here?" Zhivago asked, he looked and saw the filly,

"Oh, you're the flower girl, where are your flowers?" Zhivago asked,

"A stallion I asked smashed it and my basket." the filly replied, Zhivago looked and saw it,

"Was it Foster?" Zhivago asked,

"Hmm-mm." the filly said while she nodded,

"I see, Foster's been like that ever since he and I came home from the royal guard, society has changed a lot from before he left for the military, he's been having a hard time adjusting." Zhivago said,

"You served in the royal guard, too?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, I was a doctor, and Foster was a weapons developer, he and I also grew up together." Zhivago replied,

"What was Foster like back then?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Happy, he developed his bad temper after coming back, everything he once thought was right and perfect has become twisted and turned upside on its head." Zhivago replied,

"Did you all sell flowers back then to make money?" the filly asked,

"Sorry, but no, we either mowed lawns or sold lemonade and Popsicles, we didn't sell flowers." Zhivago replied,

"Can you please take me in, my parents won't let me in the house if they find out somepony smashed them." the filly said,

"Come on, then, let's have a talk with them." Zhivago replied, and they walked together, Pinkie Pie headed back to Angelique. Pinkie Pie headed back to Angelique's home and saw she was not home, she waited a bit and Angelique came back after a while,

"Pinkie, there you are." Angelique said as she trotted to her,

"Where were you?" Angelique asked,

"I was trying to sell candy and sweets, but Foster got mad when I gave him sweetened coffee, he also smashed my stand when other foals wanted to eat my yummy treats for breakfast, and there was this flower filly trying to sell flowers, Foster got mad and smashed her flowers and basket." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, the flower girl, that's Rose Lily, she's a nice pony." Angelique said,

"Well, anyway, are you ready to see your friends?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I just did." Angelique replied,

"Oh, then let's work on your birthday cake." Pinkie Pie said, Angelique smiles and the two entered the house.

Pinkie Pie and Angelique went to the kitchen and Pinkie Pie looked around the kitchen,

"Okay, Angelique, is there any specific pattern you want for your icing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, anything's fine." Angelique replied, and Pinkie Pie put the icing on Angelique's birthday cake while she watched. Angelique watched Pinkie Pie decorate her birthday cake and smiled, she watched Pinkie Pie spread the icing with a palette knife, she finished and gave the palette knife to Angelique, who licked the icing off of the knife. Pinkie Pie put one cake on top of another and then got an icing bag and began putting flower shaped icing on the top of the top cake and on the sides of the two cakes, Angelique left and came back with a bag of potato chips and ate them, Pinkie Pie continued to put the icing on and finished,

"Finished." Pinkie Pie said, Angelique looked and smiled,

"Wow, it's beautiful." Angelique said,

"Come on, let's put it in the fridge." Pinkie Pie said, and they did,

"Well, what do you wanna do now?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well..." Angelique said as she looked around,

"Can I try learning to play one of your instruments?" Angelique asked,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie replied, and she got her instruments,

"Take your pick." Pinkie Pie said,

"Um..." Angelique said as she looked at the instruments,

"I'll try the trombone." Angelique said,

"You sure? That's a pretty hard one." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'll give it a try." Angelique replied, and she took it while Pinkie Pie got another trombone. Pinkie Pie taught Angelique how to play and the scales for warming up, Angelique slid the slide either too far out or not far out enough and messed up the notes, Pinkie Pie corrected Angelique as they went along and played, she noticed Angelique remain calm and she kept playing, the two continued playing for a few minutes and Angelique put the trombone down,

"I have to rest, my lips hurt." Angelique said,

"You'll get used to it." Pinkie Pie replied, and Angelique rested, she picked the trombone back up after a few minutes and began playing again, she and Pinkie Pie played until knocking was heard at the door.

Angelique trotted to the door and Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius came to visit,

"Is school done already?" Angelique asked, her four friends nodded,

"Come on in, then." Angelique said, and they did. Angelique and her friends sat and played a board game since they all had no homework today, Pinkie Pie joined them, they all played and laughed for the entire afternoon, they played until they heard exhaling outside, they stood up and went to the side of the house, they looked and saw Foster was sitting on the grass of his backyard and meditating,

"You all should head home, we'll make him mad if we make noise." Angelique whispered, and her friends left,

"I'm going to go take a nap." Angelique whispered, and she went to her bed, Pinkie Pie watched Foster and saw him meditate peacefully without getting angry, he finished after about two hours and went into his house, Pinkie Pie yawned and laid down besides Angelique's bed,

"You tired too, Pinkie Pie?" Angelique asked,

"Yeah, say, when is your birthday?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Day after tomorrow." Angelique replied,

"Okay, I'll be going to sleep now." Pinkie Pie said,

"Alright, see you when you wake up." Angelique replied, and Pinkie Pie fell asleep.

Pinkie Pie woke up in the middle of the night and saw it was almost morning, she walked around and checked Angelique,

"You couldn't sleep either, Pinkie?" Angelique asked, Pinkie Pie becomes a little startled,

"How long have you been awake?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"About an hour." Angelique replied, Pinkie Pie chuckled. Loud and angry grunts were heard and the two realized it was Foster,

"I woke up too early again!" Foster said, and a loud bang and glass breaking was heard, the two were startled and Pinkie Pie trotted to the right side of Angelique's house, she looked and saw a broken clock on the floor in front of a wall in Foster's house, Pinkie Pie reeled back while clenching her teeth tightly, she walked back and saw Angelique walking around,

"Do you want to read a book?" Angelique asked,

"Okay." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two read a book together until the sun came up. Morning came and Pinkie Pie and Angelique looked at Foster, he was outside at the moment, Angelique trotted to him,

"Excuse me, Foster." Angelique said, Foster looked at her,

"Are you off today?" Angelique asked,

"Yeah. Why?" Foster asked,

"I was hoping to play a board game with you." Angelique replied,

"Don't you have school?" Foster asked,

"I'm home schooled, well, I was until my parents passed away." Angelique replied,

"Oh, I see, sorry I brought that up." Foster said,

"Wanna play chess?" Angelique asked,

"Alright." Foster replied, and Angelique got the board from her house and went back to Foster. Angelique came with a game of chess and the two sat at a table in Foster's front yard, the two played and Foster watched while Angelique did her first move, Foster thought for a while and made his first move, the two played and Pinkie Pie noticed Foster getting more and more irritated as the game went on, the two played for a while until only Foster's king was left,

"Checkmate." Angelique said, Foster kicked the table over while Angelique shrieked at the board falling over,

"I'm going to go meditate." Foster said as he walked into his house. Pinkie Pie helped Angelique pick up her board game and she watched Foster, she saw him sitting on the floor and meditating,

"Come on, Angelique, let's leave as fast as possible." Pinkie Pie whispered, Angelique nodded and she picked up her board game and its pieces, she and Pinkie Pie left afterwards. Pinkie Pie and Angelique put the board game away in Angelique's home and they walked around the neighborhood together, the two walked and admired the views,

"Do you like it here, Pinkie?" Angelique asked,

"Yes, it's a nice neighborhood." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'm glad to hear that, I was about to think you'd want to leave because of Foster." Angelique said,

"It's okay, I've got plenty of chill pills ready for him." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Maybe you should give them to him at work, I heard he has a nasty temper at work." Angelique said,

"I saw it, say, have you ever met his boss?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, he was mean, he called me a lower-class savage once for being an earth pony." Angelique replied,

"How often does he come here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not often, but he does come over to see Foster sometimes." Angelique replied,

"For what?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Usually job or business related, I usually can't hear them." Angelique replied,

"Oh, well, do you wanna go see Taco Bell?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Oh right, he can't come to my birthday party tomorrow because of his condition, I should go apologize to him." Angelique replied, and she trotted to his home while Pinkie Pie followed her, but the two saw he was not home,

"Huh. That's unusual, I wonder where he went." Angelique said,

"Should we look for him?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, let's just keep walking, I want to do more origami soon, too." Angelique replied, and the two walked a little more, and they do, the two walked and saw Zhivago with Taco Bell,

"Oh, there's Taco Bell." Pinkie Pie said, Taco Bell groaned and farted,

"What have you been eating, Taco Bell?" Zhivago asked,

"Um, yogurt." Taco Bell replied, he farted again, Pinkie Pie restrained her laughter while Angelique watched her,

"Have you ever had trouble eating dairy foods, Taco Bell?" Zhivago asked,

"Yeah." Taco Bell replied, he farted again,

"I think you may be lactose intolerant, Taco Bell." Zhivago said, Taco Bell groaned,

"Excuse me, Doctor Zhivago." Angelique said as she and Pinkie Pie trotted to them,

"Is Taco Bell alright?" Angelique asked,

"He has more flatulence then usual, but other than that, he's been fine today." Zhivago replied,

"Well, my birthday's tomorrow, and Taco Bell can't come because of his condition, so I wanted to see him and make sure he wasn't too upset." Angelique said, Taco Bell looked down,

"I'm sorry, Taco Bell, I really wish I could invite you, I'll give you some cake and ice cream after tomorrow." Angelique said,

"Um, about that, I don't think my body can digest those." Taco Bell replied,

"Oh, well, I don't know what to give you then." Angelique said,

"It's okay, Angelique, I'm sure I got something for him." Pinkie Pie said,

"Really?" Taco Bell asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"Thank you." Taco Bell said,

"You two should go, I need to continue treating Taco Bell." Zhivago said, and Pinkie Pie and Angelique continued their walk. Pinkie Pie and Angelique walked together and Pinkie Pie looked at her own shadow to determine what time it was, she saw her shadow was right below herself, Pinkie Pie turned around and headed to Angelique's home,

"Wait, Pinkie." Angelique said as she tried to trot to her, she tripped over her dress, she stood up and picked up her dress and trotted to her,

"Why are you heading back?" Angelique asked,

"Your birthday's tomorrow, we can celebrate it first thing in the morning if we sleep now." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Um... okay, if you say so." Angelique said, and Pinkie Pie slept.

Pinkie Pie slept an she woke up at midnight,

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie said, Angelique shrieked and woke up,

"Happy birthday, Angelique." Pinkie Pie said,

"*chuckle* Thank you." Angelique replied,

"Come on, let's get your friends and celebrate." Pinkie Pie said, and the two ran outside. Pinkie Pie threw Angelique's birthday and Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius were in her yard, they all sat at a table that Pinkie Pie got and each one gave Angelique a present,

"Thank you, all of you." Angelique said, and Pinkie Pie played music while they all partied and had fun,

"Don't you like the night sky, Angelique?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, it's beautiful." Angelique replied, and they all danced and had fun until a gunshot was heard and Angelique's birthday cake exploded. Angelique panted and crawled to pieces of her birthday cake on the ground, she exclaimed and whined as she looked at her birthday cake and began to cry, Pinkie Pie looked and saw Foster looking through a window while cocking his shotgun and a shell fell out, Pinkie Pie growled and stomped to Foster's house. Pinkie Pie pushed the front door open with her front hoofs as hard as she could and it hit the wall,

"FOSTER!!" Pinkie Pie yelled angrily, she stomped in her home and found him,

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Foster yelled,

"YOU RUINED A BIRTHDAY!!" Pinkie Pie yelled,


"Didn't you do birthdays late at night?" Pinkie Pie asked,


"What time?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Usually around three in the afternoon, birthdays done at night were done indoors." Foster replied with his voice just below yelling,

"What?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Don't tell me you didn't know that! It's common sense!" Foster said,

"But we have parties all the time, no matter what time it is." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, when I was your age, we didn't, and we only got one present." Foster said,

"That's what they did, one present for Angelique from each of her friends." Pinkie Pie replied,

"No, one present for the entire birthday." Foster said,

"*gasp* One present? What kind of birthday party only has one present?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Every party when I was a kid, now leave, I need my sleep." Foster replied, and Pinkie Pie walked out with her head down. Pinkie Pie went back to Angelique's home and saw her crying over her destroyed cake while Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, and Aquarius comforted her, Pinkie Pie trotted to the sobbing Angelique and hugged her,

"Angelique?" Zhivago asked from far away, he walked to her house and saw her, he ran to her and comforted her as well,

"I'll have a talk with Foster in the morning." Zhivago said, and they comforted Angelique while she cried, she and the other foals soon fell back asleep and Pinkie Pie carried Angelique into her bed while Zhivago carried her friends home and Pinkie Pie slept again as well.

Pinkie Pie woke up early the next morning and saw Angelique's pillow was wet,

"Angelique?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes?" Angelique asked,

"Oh, I thought you were asleep." Pinkie Pie said,

"No, I'm up." Angelique replied,

"Come here, Angelique." Pinkie Pie said, and she got out of her bed, Angelique walked to Pinkie Pie and hugged her, Angelique closed her eyes while thinking about her destroyed cake,

"If you want to, we can try again." Pinkie Pie said,

"No, I think Foster will destroy that one, too." Angelique replied,

"Come on, let's go see your friends." Pinkie Pie said, and the two went outside. Pinkie Pie and Angelique headed outside and saw Zhivago at Foster's home, he knocked on the door and Foster opened it,

"Good morning, Foster." Zhivago said,

"Hey, Zhivago, how have you been?" Foster asked with a smile on his face, Pinkie Pie's attention was caught,

"I heard about last night, I think you should apologize to Angelique." Zhivago said,

"WHAT?! You're taking her side, too?!" Foster asked,

"Now, now, Foster, you were right about her celebrating her birthday too late, but that doesn't mean you can destroy her cake, she's been very upset about it." Zhivago replied,

"Well, if she had her birthday party in the afternoon, I wouldn't have done that." Foster said,

"You still shouldn't have, you should've just had a talk with her and Pinkie Pie, and explain you and the others were trying to sleep, it would help if you stayed calm at times, Foster." Zhivago replied,

"What are you saying?" Foster asked,

"I want you to control your anger, not just for everypony, but for me as well, I would be happy if you remained calm, Foster." Zhivago replied,

"I already took up meditating." Foster said,

"Good, you're on the right track, I'll be here to help you control your anger as well." Zhivago replied, Foster smiled,

"Wait, I wanna help." Pinkie Pie said,

"It's alright, Pinkie Pie, I can help Foster on my own." Zhivago replied,

"But I got chill pills." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yeah, I might need those for now, so go on and give them to me." Foster said, and Pinkie Pie handed them over,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, I'll help Foster with his anger, and tell Angelique I got her a new cake and we'll celebrate after Foster's temper gets better." Zhivago said,

"Really? Thank you, Doctor Zhivago." Angelique replied,

"Come on, Foster, let's get started." Zhivago said, and the two entered his home. Pinkie Pie tried to look for a window to see what they were doing and eventually found one, she saw the two meditating and she decided to leave them be, she went back to Angelique and saw her enter her home, she entered with her and saw her making origami, Pinkie Pie joined her and tried and Angelique brought potato chips for her and Pinkie Pie to eat, Pinkie Pie looked and saw Angelique made origami of Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, Aquarius, Taco Bell, Foster, Zhivago, and Pinkie Pie,

"Where's you?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm making myself now." Angelique replied, and she made herself and put it on display with the others,

"*yawn* I'm a bit sleepy, I'm heading to bed." Angelique said,

"Have a nice nap, Angelique." Pinkie Pie replied, and Angelique slept. A few days passed and Pinkie Pie watched Foster try to control his own temper while Zhivago did his best to calm him, a pony with a cart hit him on his left side with his cart one day and Foster exclaimed from the pain, he growled and took a sub-machine gun out of his saddlebag and was about to fire at the cart,

"No, Foster, calm down, it was an accident." Zhivago said as he tried to put Foster's gun down, Foster growled and was about to pull the trigger, Zhivago gave Foster a chill pill and Foster refused, so Zhivago forced it into his mouth and he calmed down, he sighed and put his gun down,

"I'm sorry, Zhivago." Foster said,

"It's alright, you just started, let's keep trying." Zhivago replied, and the two left. Two days passed and Pinkie Pie and Angelique watched Foster, he managed to calm down a bit,

"It's working, Pinkie." Angelique said,

"Yes, it is, I'll be going now." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Wait, you're leaving?" Angelique asked,

"Not the neighborhood, I'm going to go see if I can help Taco Bell." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, so you'll still be here, okay, I'll come pay you a visit when I have the time." Angelique said, Pinkie Pie smiled and she left Angelique's house to go see Taco Bell.

Pinkie Pie and Smolder sat together and Pinkie Pie finished talking about Foster,

"Wow. So, did he get better?" Smolder asked,

"Yes, but it took him a while, I didn't see all the progress because I went to go help Taco Bell after Zhivago took over." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Taco Bell was the one constantly farting, right?" Smolder asked, Pinkie Pie nodded, Smolder laughed a little,

"Well, head on to your next class, Smolder, and try relaxing your mind with something fun, it might make studying easier for you next time, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, I still didn't know you met such a short tempered pony, a pony with a temper that bad is unusual, well, it was nice to know, I'll be going now." Smolder replied,

"Okay, good luck." Pinkie Pie said, and Smolder left, Pinkie Pie did paperwork on her desk and took a break after a few minutes, she went back to it and began to feel tired, so she began to do the things she liked to relax herself, she had fun for about fifteen minutes and went back to work and was rejuvenated, she finished and went home for the day.