• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 1,750 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Chronic Flatulence

Pinkie Pie was teaching in the School of Friendship and has brought banana oatmeal muffins and soda,

"Since you all had good grades and behavior this week, I have decided you all deserve an award, so I brought some yummy tasting drinks and snacks." Pinkie Pie spoke, the class cheered and Pinkie Pie walked around. She gave two muffins and a bottle of soda to everybody,

"Okay, everybody, let's begin!" Pinkie Pie hollered and fired her party cannon, everybody cheered and began eating and drinking. Pinkie Pie joined in and everybody celebrated and conversed, they finished their snacks and drinks before class ended and looked at Pinkie Pie,

"Wow, you all sure are some fast eaters and drinkers, but I don't have anymore snacks or drinks for today." Pinkie Pie said, the students groaned,

"Don't be so down now, free period until class ends." Pinkie Pie declared, the students cheered and conversed. They talked about their days and laughed while Pinkie Pie smiled at watching them and began grading their papers, Ocellus felt her stomach grumbling and groaned while clutching it, she began to fart loudly and everybody looked at her. She groaned and farted again loudly, the students looked on with shock,

"You okay, Ocellus?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I think... the oatmeal... and soda... is making my stomach grumble." Ocellus answered, and she farted again,

"*gasp* Ocellus!" Silverstream exclaimed while Sandbar had a shocked expression, Yona struggled not to laugh, and Gallus and Smolder burst out laughing. Pinkie Pie barely restrained herself from laughing at the farts,

"Gallus, Smolder, please don't laugh at your friend's distress." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"It's not that that's making me laugh." Smolder answered while laughing,

"Yeah, me neither, I just find farts funny." Gallus added, and he and Smolder continued laughing,

"Come on, you two, I think you two laughing have overstayed their welcomes." Sandbar commented, Ocellus farted again and Gallus and Smolder laughed again while she blushed,

"Yona... struggling... to... not... laugh." Yona said straining her voice, Ocellus farted loudly and Gallus and Smolder laughed while Pinkie Pie barely restrained herself,

"Ocellus, stay after class, I have a tale that might make you feel better." Pinkie Pie stated, the bell rung seconds later and everybody except Ocellus left.

Pinkie Pie held her breath while Ocellus trotted to her and held her abdomen and farted again,

"I think I know what made you gassy, it's likely the oatmeal and soda, I once met someone who had a lot of flatulence like how you do right now, and I may not show it, but ever since I was a foal, I have always found farts to be funny and would break out laughing, I'm literally struggling not to laugh right now." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Well, thank you for not laughing, Professor Pinkie." Ocellus responded and farted again a few seconds afterwards,

"I won't be surprised if the oatmeal and soda are causing your flatulence, they make some people really gassy, and I got a story to tell you to cheer you up." Pinkie Pie said,

"You're not going to send me to the nurse?" Ocellus inquired,

"If this is like a usual bout of oatmeal and soda gas, it'll be gone by tomorrow." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh." Ocellus spoke,

"Well, let's begin, this is about a friend of mine who couldn't stop farting, I probably could've helped him better, if I stopped laughing at his farts a bit." Pinkie Pie said, and she began her tale.

Pinkie Pie was hopping on a road and has just left Angelique's home, she decided to go see Taco Bell from earlier and headed to his house. She arrived and knocked on his door with her snout, she heard him groaning and he farted while coming to the door, Pinkie Pie laughed under her breath and the door soon opened and Taco Bell came out,

"Oh, hey, you're that mare that's staying with Angelique." Taco Bell commented,

"Well, not anymore, I'm finished with helping Foster calm down, so it's now your turn, I wanna see what causes your flatulence." Pinkie Pie responded, Taco Bell farted uncontrollably and very loudly and Pinkie Pie burst out laughing,

"Are you laughing at my condition?" Taco Bell fumed,

"No, I just find farts really funny." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Oh." Taco Bell said, Pinkie Pie continued laughing but soon gagged,

"Pee-yew, that stinks." Pinkie Pie commented, Taco Bell laughed a little,

"Well, I'm here to help, I wanna see if I can do something about your... condition." Pinkie Pie said,

"Doctor Zhivago is already taking care of me." Taco Bell replied,

"I wanna see if I can find something he missed." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Oh, well, come on in then." Taco Bell responded, and they entered his home.

Pinkie Pie looked into Taco Bell's home and saw several portraits on his wall with a stallion and a mare in each one, they were both earth ponies, the stallion had a light brown coat, short black mane, and red eyes, and the mare had a dark pink coat, long dark red mane, and purple eyes,

"Are those your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yup, my dad's Wood Designer, he was a carpenter when he was alive, and my mom's Love Hotel, she was a matchmaker before she passed." Taco Bell answered,

"Where is everypony's parents in this town?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Oh, um... about that, you see, Pinkie Pie, some parents are working out of town and won't be back for a long time, only adults in this town as of now are Doctor Zhivago and Foster, and as Angelique said, my parents are dead, dad died before I was born, and mom died as soon as I was born, Zhivago is the one who raised me." Taco Bell explained,

"It's still pretty sad, they all get to go out and see the world while you kids have to remain here." Pinkie Pie lamented,

"I still wish I could've met my parents, I wanted to know how they were, what they did, but I probably never will." Taco Bell answered, he farted again and Pinkie Pie laughed a little,

"Do you think your parents would've truly loved you?" Pinkie Pie questioned while trying not to laugh,

"Yes, Doctor Zhivago said my parents were excited to have me when they were alive and were going to spoil me." Taco Bell responded,

"Oh, that's sad that didn't happen, well, come on now, let's see what I can do with your problem." Pinkie Pie stated,

"I'm on medication right now to reduce my farting, it's much worse without it." Taco Bell replied,

"How often do you have to take your medication?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Three times a day, Doctor Zhivago comes here every morning after the time I'm scheduled to take my first medication for the day." Taco Bell replied,

"Alright, well, it's almost dark, I'll see what your diet is tomorrow when we wake up." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, goodnight, Pinkie Pie." Taco Bell spoke,

"Goodnight, Taco Bell." Pinkie Pie responded, and he went to his bed while Pinkie Pie laid down on the floor and slept.

Pinkie Pie slept well and snored loudly until she got startled awake by loud flatulence, she looked back and saw Taco Bell walking around and farting loudly with one fart after another. She laughed loudly at the big and loud farts before gagging at their foul stench a few seconds later,

"Sorry." Taco Bell spoke while blushing,

"It's alright, show me what you have for breakfast." Pinkie Pie responded, and she trotted to him while laughing at his farts. Taco Bell got breakfast out of his refrigerator which consisted of oatmeal, raisins, apples, and water,

"There's one reason right there, Taco Bell, all of this except water causes flatulence, especially the oatmeal." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Really?" Taco Bell questioned, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"I used to have milk, but Doctor Zhivago discovered that I'm lactose intolerant." Taco Bell stated,

"Lactose intolerance can cause a lot of flatulence, too." Pinkie Pie explained,

"It has gone down a bit ever since I stopped having lactose, but I'm still having problems." Taco Bell said, he farted again and Pinkie Pie laughed. He had breakfast and ate slowly, he farted while eating and Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically, He finished breakfast and washed his dishes, he then took his medicine and swallowed it with water, his flatulence reduced but farted still loudly.

Knocking is heard at the door and Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell looked,

"I'm here." Zhivago said, and Taco Bell opened the door. He walked into the house and saw Pinkie Pie,

"Hello, Ms. Pie, I assume you're still staying with Angelique." Zhivago commented,

"Nope, I'm here to help Taco Bell now." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Yeah, she's going to be watching my diet." Taco Bell added,

"Oh, okay, let's hope she and I can help you with your problem." Zhivago said, and he put his things on the table,

"Did you take your medication?" Zhivago asked,

"Yes, just did." Taco Bell replied,

"Good, I will go ahead and have a look at your stomach once when I unpack my things." Zhivago stated, and he did. He walked over to Taco Bell and got his equipment,

"Say 'Ah', Taco Bell." Zhivago instructed,

"Ah." Taco Bell said as he opened his mouth. Zhivago put a gastroscope into Taco Bell's mouth and saw images of the inside of his stomach, he saw the food he had for breakfast and his stomach's acid,

"I see bubbles in your stomach, you're going to be burping soon, but no signs of flatulence yet." Zhivago commented, he took the gastroscope out and picked up the duodenoscope. He put the duodenoscope in Taco Bell's mouth and moved it down, he looked into the first section of Taco Bell's small intestine,

"I see some bubbling, but not too bad." Zhivago stated, and took the duodenoscope out. Zhivago put gloves on and got a colonoscope,

"Do you have flatulence right now?" Zhivago asked,

"Yeah." Taco Bell responded,

"Go ahead and let it pass." Zhivago instructed, Taco Bell farted loudly and Pinkie Pie laughed while Zhivago proceeded to use the colonoscope,

"I see a lot of bubbling, Taco Bell, you're going to pass gas again soon." Zhivago commented, and he took colonoscope out and put all of his medical equipment and gloves in two trash bags and then left.

Pinkie Pie walked to Taco Bell while he stretched,

"Is that all?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"For my examination, he left to discard of his medical equipment since my germs are all over them and can't just be thrown away." Taco Bell explained,

"He can't just put it in your trash bin?" Pinkie Pie suggested,

"No, he said he has procedures he has to follow in discarding the used equipment." Taco Bell responded,

"Hmm, I wonder what they are." Pinkie Pie commented, Zhivago came back in and walked to a table,

"Do you have any new poems for me to read, Doctor Zhivago?" Taco Bell asked,

"Not yet, the one I'm working on is pretty far from done as well." Zhivago answered, and he began writing on a paper. Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell looked and saw Zhivago writing poetry,

"Ooh, what are you writing about?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Pretty much anything that comes to my mind, I share my poems with the foals in this town for them to read in their free time to entertain themselves." Zhivago explained,

"Doctor Zhivago publishes his poems in our town's newspapers, it's very popular with kids and adults." Taco Bell stated,

"Ooh, I'll have to read them one day." Pinkie Pie responded,

"You'll have to be patient, then, at this rate, my next poem won't be for a while." Zhivago said,

"Wanna play outside, Taco Bell?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure." Taco Bell answered,

"Alright! Last one to the door's a rotten egg." Pinkie Pie declared, and they ran,

"Make sure you don't go out the yard and onto the road, Taco Bell." Zhivago said, and Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell ran outside.

Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell played tag in Taco Bell's yard while they laughed and had fun, they also played hide and seek and tried building things in the yard with sticks and leaves. They built small structures and Taco Bell farted again and blew a structure down while Pinkie Pie burst into laughter, Taco Bell tried building another small structure and farted again and it blew leaves into the air,

"Pinkie Pie?" Taco Bell asked when he did not hear her laugh and looked around, he saw she was nowhere to be found,

"Oh, Taco Bell." Pinkie Pie called out, he turned around and became startled when he saw her standing on a house made of sticks taller than his own home,

"How did you make that?" Taco Bell inquired,

"I have a certain way of doing things, it's complicated to explain." Pinkie Pie answered, Taco Bell inspected the big structure and saw a bed, bookshelf, toilet, and stove inside,

"Whoa." Taco Bell exclaimed,

"Go on, go ahead and have a look inside." Pinkie Pie said as she jumped on top of the structure, and Taco Bell entered. He looked and saw a bed and mattress, a functional sink, a functional toilet, and functional electrical lights,

"Wow, I can't imagine how many wires and pipes you put in to make these work." Taco Bell commented,

"Um, about that, Taco Bell, there are no electrical wires or pipes inside." Pinkie Pie said,

"Wha...? How are they working then?" Taco Bell inquired,

"I'm using my own Pinkie magic." Pinkie Pie explained, and Taco Bell continued examining the interior, he farted again and blew all of the sticks down while Pinkie Pie landed on her feet and laughed,

"Wow, I didn't fart until after I stopped being active." Taco Bell commented,

"See, there you go, Taco Bell, physical activity and exercise can reduce flatulence." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Oh, wow." Taco Bell stated, he farted again and Pinkie Pie had stifled laughter,

"You wanna keep playing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Nah, I'm a bit tired, I wanna go inside." Taco Bell answered,

"Alright then." Pinkie Pie said, and they entered his house.

They walked forward and saw Zhivago working on his poems at the table,

"Did you have fun outside, Taco Bell?" Zhivago asked,

"Yeah, I did." Taco Bell replied,

"I taught Taco Bell that being active can reduce his gas." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Good, looks like you have an answer to your flatulence, Taco Bell." Zhivago spoke,

"I hope so, it's a lot more fun playing outside with someone than by myself." Taco Bell responded,

"It's settled then, you and me play outside daily from now on." Pinkie Pie declared while Taco Bell smiled,

"I believe it's time for you to make lunch, Taco Bell." Zhivago stated,

"Oh, it is, thanks, Doctor Zhivago." Taco Bell said, and he walked to his kitchen. He went through his refrigerator and got his lunch, he got a sandwich full of daisy flowers, strawberries, cabbage, and a glass of water,

"Wait, Taco Bell, cabbage causes a lot of flatulence, too." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Really?" Taco Bell asked, Pinkie Pie nodded,

"I love cabbage." Taco Bell lamented,

"I'm sorry, but cabbage makes you fart like crazy." Pinkie Pie stated,

"What do you suggest as a replacement then?" Taco Bell asked, Pinkie Pie dashed away and came back holding a wooden board with kale, carrots, and tomatoes on it a second later,

"Uh... Those don't keep me full very long." Taco Bell commented and a small fart came out of his flank afterwards,

"They will if you chew them a lot and slowly." Pinkie Pie responded while having stifled laughter,

"Well, I guess I'll give it a try, as long as my farting goes down." Taco Bell stated, and he took the vegetables. He put the cabbage aside and ate the vegetables Pinkie Pie offered him alongside the sandwich and strawberries, he then took his medication and downed it with water,

"How's your stomach feeling, Taco Bell?" Zhivago asked,

"I feel fine." Taco Bell answered,

"Good, I trust you know what to have for dinner, and it's time for me to leave, see you tomorrow, Taco Bell and Pinkie Pie." Zhivago said,

"Bye, Doctor Zhivago." Taco Bell chirped,

"Goodbye." Pinkie Pie said, and Zhivago left. Taco Bell trotted to his table and began doing math problems,

"What are you doing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Homeschooling, nopony in this town goes to school, so we learn at our own pace and comfort at home instead." Taco Bell responded,

"So you just do this until dinner?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"No, I do little by little a day, I hate schoolwork, math is my worst subject, too." Taco Bell replied, Pinkie Pie looked and saw the entire sheet were all multiplication, division, and exponent problems,

"Grrr, I hate complicated math." Pinkie Pie vented,

"Me too, Pinkie Pie, me too." Taco Bell stated, and he got a calculator and worked while he farted loudly again. Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically and soon gagged from the stench,

"Sorry." Taco Bell said, and he kept working until his eyes got tired. He walked back into the kitchen and started to make his dinner, he had hay, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, bread, pasta, and a glass of water,

"Whoa, hold on, Taco Bell, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, bread, and pasta all cause flatulence." Pinkie Pie explained,

"What do you suggest then?" Taco Bell asked, Pinkie Pie dashed away and came back with a cutting board that had lettuce, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, and brown rice,

"What if I'm still hungry after supper?" Taco Bell questioned,

"No worries, I have foods and drinks for dessert, too." Pinkie Pie answered,

"How do you know what causes flatulence and what doesn't?" Taco Bell asked,

"Well, you see, my mom was an expert on what's healthy for us and what isn't, I'm also a party preparer, so I need to know what you're allergic to and what your body can't handle when I'm preparing your birthday party, and some of it is just a hunch." Pinkie Pie explained while smiling after her last words,

"So, you're finding out what's reduces my farting based on instinct?" Taco Bell inquired,

"Partially, most of my knowledge is from my past experiences dealing with foals on learning what foods makes them pass gas and what doesn't, there's also the fact that every body is different, some ponies can eat a ton of beans and not fart at all, and some can a teensy tiny bit of beans and fart like crazy." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Oh, well, I guess I'll keep doing what you suggest, everything you suggested to do so far has worked." Taco Bell spoke,

"Good, I promise I won't let you down." Pinkie Pie declared, Taco Bell smiled and he took his last medicine for the day, he then picked up papers and begin reading them. Pinkie Pie trotted and saw he was reading poems written by Zhivago, she watched Taco Bell flip through them and each poem was on a different subject, he read a little and soon yawned,

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight, Pinkie Pie." Taco Bell spoke,

"Goodnight." Pinkie Pie responded, and they slept.

Taco Bell was snoring loudly while he slept and slept peacefully,

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie hollered while ringing a bell loudly and her party cannon went off, Taco Bell screamed as he jumped out of bed and farted extremely loudly, it blew his bed behind him and made his house shake. Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically and fell to the floor while Taco Bell glared,

"Okay, I'm done." Pinkie Pie said, and she stood up,

"What was that for?" Taco Bell inquired,

"I thought if I surprised you, you would let all of the gas out of your body at once and you wouldn't fart until much later in the day." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Well, now that you mention it, my stomach does feel completely empty of gas." Taco Bell commented,

"Alright, so it did work, I'll need to work on this for making you pass gas." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Can you please not? That almost gave me a heart attack." Taco Bell pleaded,

"Oh, sorry, I'll see if I can find another way to get the gas out in the morning." Pinkie Pie said, she gagged from the stench afterwards. Taco Bell made his breakfast and Pinkie Pie replaced his oatmeal with hay,

"I don't eat hay until lunch or dinner." Taco Bell spoke, she replaced the oatmeal with brown rice, he ate them alongside blueberries, grapes, pineapples, raspberries, and strawberries, he took his medicine and downed it with water after breakfast,

"Okay, after your checkup, I wanna see if going for a walk will reduce your farting." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sounds good." Taco Bell replied, Zhivago came in a few minutes later and checked Taco Bell's body, he finished his checkups after a few minutes,

"Pinkie Pie wants to take me walking today." Taco Bell said,

"Okay, just stay safe." Zhivago replied,

"*laugh*, Oh, Zhivago, this neighborhood looks very safe." Pinkie Pie responded,

"It is most of the time, but there are still troublemakers every now and then." Zhivago answered,

"You ready, Taco Bell." Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yup." Taco Bell responded,

"Well, come on, let's go." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Just be back by lunchtime." Zhivago stated, and the two ponies went outside.

Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell walked around the neighborhood and heard a familiar voice singing and a trumpet, they trotted and saw Angelique and Tempo making music together,

"You wanna go see them?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not right now, my farting usually makes me unwanted, too." Taco Bell replied,

"Okay, we can see them after your gas problem is gone." Pinkie Pie stated, and they walked. They arrived near Angelique and Tempo and they stopped making music and looked at them,

"Pinkie Pie?" Tempo asked, she waved at him while smiling,

"What are you doing, Taco Bell?" Angelique questioned,

"Pinkie Pie and I are just going for a walk, she and I discovered yesterday that physical activity reduces my farting." Taco Bell explained,

"Really? That's great, maybe you can join me and the other kids in our activities." Angelique suggested,

"That would be nice." Taco Bell answered and Angelique smiled,

"How's Foster been, Angelique?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"He's calmed down a bit, but he's still having some trouble keeping his temper in check, but he's much better at it after meeting you." Angelique responded,

"Foster's temper scared me." Taco Bell added,

"Foster's temper scared everybody." Tempo reminded,

"I would love to talk, but I have to help Taco Bell and bring his farting down." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, just trust her, Taco Bell, she helped Foster with his temper, so you're in good hoofs." Angelique spoke, Taco Bell smiled and he and Pinkie Pie continued walking. They walked at a slow pace while looking around the town and saw Emerald looking at jewels, he waved at them and they waved back while they passed him, they saw Haute Coture next and she was making clothes, she smiled at them and they smiled back at her and walked past her, they walked for a few minutes and saw Aquarius up ahead and she was reading a book on marine animals, she waved at them and they waved back and kept walking.

They kept walking while Pinkie Pie watched the sun and kept track of the time, Taco Bell stopped walking when he saw Foster in front of them, Pinkie Pie stood between them while Foster glared and seethed,

"What are you doing near my house, you farting machine?" Foster inquired,

"Wait, Foster, I'm helping him reduce his flatulence." Pinkie Pie explained,

"That's not the point, you think I'd forgive him for the time he farted on the train and made it crash and made me late for work? You think I'd just up and forget that?!" Foster fumed while raising his voice,

"Foster, Taco Bell can't control it." Pinkie Pie reminded,

"I don't care! He still got me in trouble at work! I'm going to punch his stomach to get all of his gas out if that's what it takes to get him to stop farting!" Foster thundered while Pinkie Pie's and Taco Bell's eyes' widened and jaws dropped. Foster began to stomp forward to Taco Bell and cracked his own neck muscles,

"Okay, that's enough, Foster, you need another chill pill." Pinkie Pie spoke, and she shoved her hoof into his mouth and the ice-cold pill down his throat, he calmed down and panted,

"On second thought, I shouldn't waste my energy, I don't think my method of getting rid of that foal's gas would work, I leave everything to you." Foster spoke calmly, and he walked home,

"Thank you." Taco Bell said,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I think that's enough walking for today." Taco Bell spoke,

"Yeah, we should head back, it looks like it's almost lunchtime." Pinkie Pie responded, and they walked back to his house. They arrived back home and saw Zhivago sitting at the table and writing a poem,

"Right on time, Taco Bell, lunchtime literally came once when you came into the house." Zhivago commented,

"We spoke with Tempo and Angelique, too, and we almost had a confrontation with Foster, he's still mad at me for being on that train I crashed with my farting and made him late for work." Taco Bell explained,

"Did he hurt you?" Zhivago asked,

"He was about to, I had to give him one of my chill pills to calm him down." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Give him time, he's still trying to control his temper after my talk with him, but he's been doing pretty good so far, I just hope he doesn't have a relapse with his rage." Zhivago spoke,

"He seems to only listen to you, Doctor Zhivago, why is that?" Taco Bell asked,

"Well, if I had to take a guess, it's probably because I'm the only adult besides him in this town, so he probably understands me better than you and all of the other kids, I think another reason is because I'm a veteran like him, so he understands completely when I talk about discipline and restraining his anger so it doesn't lead to problems in the future." Zhivago explained,

"You're a veteran?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, like Foster, I served in the royal guard as well, but we were not in the same unit, Foster was building weapons, I was a medic, we didn't meet one another until after we got out, but I do think that's a big reason on why Foster listens to me, he respects me as a fellow veteran." Zhivago responded,

"Well, I hope he'll be in a better mood the next time we see him." Taco Bell stated,

"I hope so, too, if he tries to attack you again, let me know, go ahead and have lunch, Taco Bell, it's almost time to take your next medication as well." Zhivago said, and Taco Bell went to his kitchen. He made his lunch and had hay, celery, carrots, apricots, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, whole wheat bread, and water, Pinkie Pie checked every type of food and nodded, Taco Bell smiled and had lunch. He ate slowly and drank water, he took his medicine with his last sip,

"Well, it's time for me to go, see you two tomorrow." Zhivago said, and he left while Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell said bye to him. Taco Bell did more academic work while Pinkie Pie thought about how to wake him up tomorrow morning without scaring him, he finished his academic work for the night and took his last medication for the day, he then made his bed and laid in it while Pinkie Pie laid on the floor and they slept.

The next morning came and Taco Bell's alarm went off, he pressed it and yawned, he got out of bed and stretched,

"Good morning." Pinkie Pie said, he looked at her and saw her smiling,

"Going to try to scare me again?" Taco Bell questioned,

"No, I wanna try something else." Pinkie Pie responded,

"What do you have in mind?" Taco Bell asked, he let out a small fart afterwards and Pinkie Pie laughed under her breath for a second,

"I wanna see if I can get all of the gas you built up overnight out by squeezing your stomach reaaaalllllly hard." Pinkie Pie stated,

"I guess I'll give it a try, just don't hurt me." Taco Bell said after about a minute of silence, and Pinkie Pie trotted to behind him. She grabbed him by his abdomen and lifted him up,

"Alright, on three. One, two, three." Pinkie Pie spoke, and she pressed Taco Bell's abdomen down as hard as she could, Taco Bell let out a very big and loud fart that blew Pinkie Pie's mane and tail back and shook the house, she shrieked when she lost her grip and got blown away.

Taco Bell stood up and sighed with relief while Pinkie Pie gagged at the stench,

"Thanks, Pinkie Pie, I feel a lot better now." Taco Bell stated,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie responded in a hoarse voice tone and gagged again, Taco Bell then used the bathroom and then started making breakfast. He had strawberries, blueberries, and whole wheat bread, he ate them and then took his first medication for the day while downing it with water. He and Pinkie Pie got ready to walk but stopped when they heard knocking at the door,

"Wow, Zhivago's early today." Pinkie Pie said,

"I don't think that's Doctor Zhivago, he always comes at the same time." Taco Bell replied,

"Hmm, I wonder who it is." Pinkie Pie remarked, and she trotted to the door. She opened the door and saw Angelique,

"Angelique!" Pinkie Pie hollered joyfully,

"I'm not here to hang out, Pinkie Pie, I'm here because I'm worried." Angelique responded, Pinkie Pie stopped smiling,

"Is everything okay? I can hear loud noises here in the morning and I hear shaking, the ground around here's vibrating, too." Angelique spoke,

"Oh, that, you see, Angelique, since gas builds up in my body while I sleep, Pinkie Pie has been trying to unleash it as soon as I wake up, she squeezed my stomach as hard as she could and got all of the gas out." Taco Bell explained,

"It was hard to hold onto him, though, really stinky, too." Pinkie Pie added,

"Well, can you two try to keep it down? It's scaring me and my friends." Angelique said,

"Well, Pinkie Pie?" Taco Bell asked,

"I'll see what I can do." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Thank you, you two are scaring me and the others awake, too, we'd like to get more sleep." Angelique commented,

"Sorry about that, I'll try to find a quieter way, I promise." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Okay, and Taco Bell, I brought you some snacks." Angelique stated, he trotted to her and she gave him bags of chips and candy bars. Pinkie Pie trotted to him and checked them,

"Hmm, these do cause gas, Taco Bell, but I think a little bit a day will be okay." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"Sure, I'd hate for these to go to waste, too." Taco Bell commented, and he ate a little of each and put them in his refrigerator.

Zhivago walked to the house and Angelique looked back,

"Oh, good morning, Doctor Zhivago." Angelique said,

"Morning, Angelique." Zhivago replied, and she stepped aside and he went into the house. He examined Taco Bell's body and found almost no bubbles,

"Your flatulence is going down, Taco Bell, I don't see as much bubbling in your body as before, you will fart every now and then like everybody, but I'm seeing a great reduction." Zhivago spoke,

"Yes!" Taco Bell hollered as he jumped,

"You wanna go for another walk, Taco Bell?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure." Taco Bell chirped,

"Come on, Taco Bell, Tempo wants us to help him in practicing a song today, maybe your reduced farting will let you join us." Angelique suggested,

"Sure, I'd like to hang out with you guys then." Taco Bell responded,

"Come on then." Angelique spoke,

"Be home by lunchtime." Zhivago said, and Pinkie Pie, Taco Bell, and Angelique went outside.

They walked together and Angelique led the way, they arrived at Tempo's house and saw him there alongside Emerald, Haute Couture, and Aquarius,

"You're bringing Taco Bell to join us?" Emerald asked,

"Yeah, his farting has greatly reduced thanks to Pinkie Pie and Doctor Zhivago." Angelique responded,

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt." Haute Couture suggested,

"Yeah, if he doesn't fart, we'll be fine." Aquarius added,

"Go ahead and line up with us, Taco Bell." Tempo stated, and he walked and stood between Emerald and Haute Couture, he watched himself carefully so he did not step on Haute Couture's dress. Tempo and Angelique walked and stood with the others,

"What are we singing?" Pinkie Pie asked as she stood across from them,

"Some choral lines, each one of us sing in a different voice range." Tempo explained,

"Ooh, sounds fun, I'll conduct." Pinkie Pie decided,

"Sure, that'll probably help us, too." Tempo responded,

"Okay, everypony, here we go. And a one, and a two, and a one, two, three, four." Pinkie Pie stated, and she began conducting. The foals began singing and Pinkie Pie almost got distracted by everypony except Tempo singing off key, they listened to Tempo sing and they began copying the words he sang and sang at the same time as him. Angelique looked around and her voice began to die down,

"Wait, stop, everypony." Pinkie Pie instructed, and they did,

"What's the matter, Angelique? Why did you stop singing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"These grey clouds and cold wind blowing is kind of killing my mood to sing, I wish for a brighter and cheerier environment." Angelique explained,

"What do you have in mind?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Well, I was kind of hoping to make the scene more uplifting, maybe some light will help." Angelique suggested,

"You mean like a lamp?" Pinkie Pie suggested,

"I was thinking candles." Angelique spoke,

"Uh..." Pinkie Pie drifted off while her eyes looked to her left and at Taco Bell,

"I think it'll be okay, let's give it a try." Haute Couture spoke, the others agreed,

"You all sure? I'm getting a really bad feeling about this." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Taco Bell hasn't farted at all." Tempo responded, the others nodded in agreement,

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." Pinkie Pie said, and she dashed away and came back a second later with candle stands and white candles, she placed them and lit the candles. Angelique looked around and smiled,

"I like it." Angelique spoke,

"Okay, let's continue. And a one, and a two, and a one, two, three, four." Pinkie Pie said, and she began conducting while the foals sang. Tempo led the singing and everypony else copied him, everything went well while Pinkie Pie could not shake off her bad feeling, Taco Bell suddenly let out a short but big fart that blew leaves up behind him and the candles near him created a fire. Haute Couture's dress caught on fire and she screamed while Tempo and Aquarius worked quickly to get water and put the fire out, they doused the small fire after a few minutes with black smoke coming out of Haute Couture's dress,

"TACO BELL!!" Haute Couture screamed,

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out suddenly and I had no control over it, I didn't feel it building up either." Taco Bell explained,

"What time is it?" Pinkie Pie asked, Aquarius looked up at the sun,

"It's afternoon, looks like lunch time." Aquarius spoke,

"Oh, shoot, come on, Taco Bell, you gotta take your medicine." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Oh, that's why, I lost track of the time, sorry, everypony." Taco Bell spoke,

"Maybe you should bring your medicine with you next time." Emerald advised, the others nodded and agreed,

"Well, come on, Taco Bell, Doctor Zhivago is probably worried." Pinkie Pie stated, and Taco Bell got on her back and she dashed to his home while leaving a pink trail behind herself.

They arrived at Taco Bell's home and Zhivago heard them enter while he was writing a poem,

"You two sound like to be in a hurry, what is the matter?" Zhivago asked without turning around,

"I noticed that it was time to take my medication and didn't have lunch." Taco Bell answered,

"We were doing music with the other foals and lost track of the time, Taco Bell farted and started a fire as well." Pinkie Pie added,

"What? Is everything alright?" Zhivago asked as he turned around,

"Well, nopony was hurt, but I did set Haute Couture's dress on fire." Taco Bell explained as he looked down,

"The fire was put out before it spread." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"I think it'll be best if you just walk or play in your yard for now, Taco Bell." Zhivago suggested,

"Yeah, especially after what happened today." Taco Bell responded, and he went to his kitchen.

Taco Bell began making lunch and had hay, lettuce, beets, carrots, ginger, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and water,

"Okay, all of these are fine." Pinkie Pie spoke, and Taco Bell ate his lunch slowly and then took his medication with water, he then sat and thought about the fire he caused,

"Not gonna do anything else today?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I just wanna take a break for now." Taco Bell replied,

"Will you be alright on your own, Taco Bell?" Zhivago questioned,

"Yeah, I'll probably sleep early today." Taco Bell answered,

"Okay, I'll come back if you're feeling bad, call me if you need me." Zhivago stated, and he left. Taco Bell just sat quietly for the night and thought about today, he then went to the kitchen and made his supper, he had hay, celery, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, baked potatoes, and brown rice,

"They're fine." Pinkie Pie spoke, and he ate slowly and quietly and then took his last medicine for the day while downing it with water, he then laid in his bed and slept, Pinkie Pie watched him worriedly and she soon went to sleep.

The next day came and Taco Bell woke up early, he stretched and yawned and walked forward,

"Good morning." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Morning." Taco Bell replied in a low voice,

"Still bummed out over yesterday?" Pinkie Pie asked, Taco Bell nodded,

"Well, come on, let's see if I can get the gas out of your body quietly." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Wait, I wanna see if I can let them out on my own." Taco Bell responded, and he began farting a lot and got some of the gas out and soon began grunting while Pinkie Pie had stifled laughter, he struggled to get the gas out of his body but could not. Pinkie Pie trotted to him and grabbed his abdomen from behind, she squeezed him a little and a quiet hissing sound came out while Taco Bell farted, he sighed with relief while Pinkie Pie chuckled but soon gagged,

"Stinky, stinky, stinky." Pinkie Pie exclaimed,

"You know what they say, Pinkie Pie." Taco Bell remarked while smirking,

"Yeah, I know, silent but deadly." Pinkie Pie responded, she gagged again, Taco Bell then used the bathroom and began making his breakfast. He had apricots, blueberries, a slice of watermelon, and hay,

"You're good." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Pinkie Pie, I know you're trying to help, but I'm getting hungry much earlier than before you started changing my diet, I'm getting a bit tired eating the same thing daily, too." Taco Bell spoke,

"Hmm, well, tell you what, let's try having you eat the stuff you used to eat, but a little bit and slowly." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"Okay." Taco Bell chirped while smiling and he got a small bowl of oatmeal. He ate his breakfast and saved the oatmeal for last, he chewed very slowly and put a little bit in his mouth each time, he finished his breakfast and then took his medicine and downed it with water while Pinkie Pie washed the dishes. Zhivago came into the house a few minutes later and he began examining Taco Bell,

"Did you eat oatmeal this morning?" Zhivago asked,

"Uh-huh." Taco Bell replied in a muffled voice,

"I would recommend against it, but seeing how well chewed and how little you have eaten, I think you will be fine." Zhivago commented, Taco Bell smiled and Zhivago finished examining him,

"You wanna exercise today?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure, but I wanna stay in the yard, my body's a bit sore, too." Taco Bell responded,

"Okay, we'll take it easy today then." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"You two might as well go now, it's still a bit cool." Zhivago stated, and the two trotted outside.

They arrived outside and Pinkie Pie began running around the yard, Taco Bell tried but he panted and walked slowly, Pinkie Pie stopped running and looked at him,

"You okay?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"I don't have the energy right now, my legs feel sore, too." Taco Bell responded,

"Oh, you're sore from exercising the previous days, let's take it easy today." Pinkie Pie said, and they did. They walked around the yard slowly while Taco Bell took a few breaks and Pinkie Pie stood by his side, he got back up a minute later and they continued walking around the yard,

"You still bummed out about yesterday?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yeah, but I feel a bit better." Taco Bell replied,

"Good, give it time, and the bad feeling will go down." Pinkie Pie stated, Taco Bell smiled and they continued walking. They walked slowly and stopped when they saw Angelique, Emerald, Haute Couture, Tempo, and Aquarius watching them,

"You wanna see them?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I wanna keep exercising, they can come over if they want to." Taco Bell answered, and they kept walking around, the foals walked to them and Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell stopped walking,

"You all still mad at me?" Taco Bell asked,

"Yes, I am." Haute Couture answered while gritting her teeth,

"Calm down, Haute Couture, I'm sure Taco Bell doesn't want things to get ugly." Angelique spoke,

"I really am sorry about that, I didn't mean to set your dress on fire like that, Haute Couture." Taco Bell spoke,

"It still doesn't change the fact that you have damaged hours worth of work." Haute Couture snapped while glaring,

"Didn't you make that with a sewing machine?" Taco Bell questioned,

"No! I sewed that dress with a needle! By hoof!" Haute Couture thundered,

"What about Angelique? She's the one who suggested putting the candles in the first place." Taco Bell reminded,

"She's not the one who set my dress on fire!" Haute Couture fumed, Taco Bell glared while Haute Couture growled,

"What is the matter?" Zhivago asked as he walked to them, and Pinkie Pie explained everything,

"I see, Haute Couture, I am going to ask to calm down a bit and think things through." Zhivago said,

"But Taco Bell almost destroyed my outfit!" Haute Couture thundered,

"I understand that, but you know that he has no control over his flatulence, and if you stay angry like that, your thinking will be clouded and you will do something that you will regret later." Zhivago explained, Haute Couture looked at him with her mouth partially opened,

"Truth be told, we're all to blame." Emerald said,

"Yeah, we thought it'd be okay since Taco Bell's farting has gone down considerably." Tempo added,

"I did warn you guys about it." Pinkie Pie reminded,

"I think it'd be best if you all just go home and try to relax and think about it, and try not to get angry, it will cloud your judgements." Zhivago stated, and Angelique, Emerald, Haute Couture, Tempo, and Aquarius left,

"Come on, Taco Bell, we got time to do more walking." Pinkie Pie said,

"I don't feel like it anymore." Taco Bell replied,

"I think it'd be best if Taco Bell takes it easy for the rest of the day." Zhivago spoke, and they went into the house.

They all gathered around the table and looked at Zhivago's poem,

"I'm getting a little close to the end of this one." Zhivago spoke,

"Can I read it?" Taco Bell asked,

"After I finish." Zhivago replied,

"Well, I'll go ahead and make lunch then." Taco Bell stated, and he went to his kitchen. He went through his refrigerator and got hay, potato chips, a candy bar, pineapples, and a little bit of cabbage, he ate them and farted a little and Pinkie Pie laughed under her breath,

"I'll make an exception today, Taco Bell, go ahead and indulge, and starting tomorrow, we'll try to find a balance in your diet." Pinkie Pie said, Taco Bell smiled and ate his lunch while farting a lot and Pinkie Pie laughed, he then took his medicine and downed it with water.

Pinkie Pie and Taco Bell trotted to Zhivago and looked at his poem,

"Almost done, you two." Zhivago said, and he wrote one more line,

"There, done." Zhivago stated,

"I wanna read!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly,

"Not yet, I still have to proofread and publish it in the newspaper." Zhivago remarked,

"Oh, how long will that take?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Usually a day or two, Zhivago proofreads and fixes much faster than actually writing his poems." Taco Bell answered,

"Oh, okay, I can wait." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Okay, just a little longer, Pinkie Pie, and I'll be done, see you two tomorrow." Zhivago remarked, and he left. Taco Bell rested for the day and soon went to go make his supper, he had hay, potatoes, oatmeal, green beans, cabbage, and an apple, he ate them and farted more while Pinkie Pie chuckled, he then took his last medicine for the day and downed it with water. He went to the table and began his academic studies, Pinkie Pie trotted over and saw him doing history,

"I can't help you much with unicorn history and Pegasus history, Taco Bell." Pinkie Pie said,

"That's fine, any help is better than no help." Taco Bell replied, and they worked together until Taco Bell finished a chapter full of blanks,

"Okay, I think that's enough for tonight." Taco Bell remarked,

"I agree, I'm tired, too." Pinkie Pie responded,

"I'm going to bed, good night, Pinkie Pie." Taco Bell stated,

"Good night." Pinkie Pie spoke, and he turned off the light and laid in his bed while Pinkie Pie laid on the floor and they slept.

The next morning came and Taco Bell farted nonstop while Pinkie Pie turned back and laughed under her own breath,

"I can hear you." Taco Bell spoke, Pinkie Pie continued to laugh until Taco Bell stopped farting,

"Okay, okay, I'm done." Pinkie Pie stated a few minutes later,

"I still got some gas inside that won't come out." Taco Bell said, Pinkie Pie trotted to behind him and squeezed his abdomen slowly, a hissing sound came out and it stopped after about seven seconds,

"Okay, that's all of the gas." Taco Bell stated, and Pinkie Pie laughed and soon gagged from the stench while Taco Bell went to go make breakfast. He began making his breakfast and he became startled when he saw Pinkie Pie standing to his left,

"Don't scare me like that." Taco Bell said,

"Sorry, but as I said before, I wanna see if I can find a balance in your gas reduction food and the stuff you like that give you gas." Pinkie Pie stated,

"What are you thinking right now?" Taco Bell asked,

"Well, I was thinking maybe eighty percent your gas reduction diet, and twenty percent the stuff you like but make you fart." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Why can't it be fifty-fifty?" Taco Bell inquired,

"Because you will still fart like crazy if we do that, I don't think your medication will stop it very much either." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Oh." Taco Bell said while looking down,

"Let's give it a try, we'll readjust if it doesn't work." Pinkie Pie spoke, and he had a lot of hay, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, and a little bit of oatmeal and raisins, he ate them very slowly and then took his medication and downed it with water. Zhivago came in a few minutes later and began examining Taco Bell's body,

"I see a little bubbling, but it's not much, if you have any gas, it's likely going to be small." Zhivago commented while Taco Bell smiled, he finished examining him and then left to discard his medical equipment. Pinkie Pie watched Taco Bell walk around a little and he farted a few times, she smiled and tried not to laugh while Taco Bell sniffed the air,

"Hey, no stench, maybe this will work." Taco Bell commented,

"Yes! I did it!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed while jumping,

"Uh... Pinkie Pie, I think it's too early to celebrate." Taco Bell said,

"Oh, nonsense, keep doing what you did, and you'll be fine in no time." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, if you insist." Taco Bell spoke, Zhivago came back in and looked at the two,

"You sounded rather happy, Pinkie Pie." Zhivago spoke,

"I found a balance in Taco Bell's diet and the foods he likes, so he can eat both without farting too much or stinking." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Ah, I see, good work, Pinkie Pie." Zhivago said,

"Thank you." Pinkie Pie replied, and they went through their day peacefully with Taco Bell getting lunch and dinner and Pinkie Pie readjusted the portion sizes and he ate happily while also feeling full.

The next day came and Pinkie Pie made a list for Taco Bell on what foods made him fart and what reduced them, Zhivago came in and examined him and finished,

"Well, my poem is finished and published." Zhivago spoke,

"I wanna read!" Pinkie Pie hollered,

"Come on, Pinkie Pie, I'll take you to where we get newspapers." Taco Bell replied, and they go outside while Zhivago watches them with a smile.

Taco Bell led Pinkie Pie to the newspaper stand and saw the other foals and Foster there,

"Oh, there you two are, we were wondering if you two would come." Aquarius spoke,

"We wouldn't miss Doctor Zhivago's poem even if the end of the world was happening." Taco Bell responded, Foster bought a newspaper and he held it down and everybody read the poem,

"Here in this town I live, I am at peace.
Dealing with these foals, I am at ease.
After watching my home crumble to dust,
Taking care of these foals, I must.

I have also met a stallion who has seen war,
He and I do not wish to see more,
We may not have had the same goals in the end,
But we were able to become friends.

A pink mare has also arrived, her arrival has not caused a rift
As her desire to help others is a gift,
Her presence here brings me and others joy,
Reminds me of happy times when I was a boy.

In a long time, I have not smiled,
The people here make me as happy as a child,
These foals growing into good ponies, I am faithful,
And getting to meet them, I am grateful.",

Pinkie Pie, Angelique, Emerald, Haute Couture, Tempo, Aquarius, Taco Bell, and Foster all smiled at Zhivago's poem,

"That was very sweet of him." Angelique spoke,

"Yeah, Doctor Zhivago always seems happy when he sees us." Tempo added,

"I'm glad, too, always happy to help a fellow veteran." Foster said, Taco Bell farted again and everybody looked at him, Foster growled while Haute Couture scowled,

"Will you please stop farting, Taco Bell?" Aquarius demanded,

"Sorry." Taco Bell spoke, everybody sniffed the air,

"Wow, no smell." Emerald stated,

"Yup, I rearranged Taco Bell's diet so he farts less and it doesn't stink." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Well, I guess it's better than before." Tempo said,

"Agreed, he's farting a lot less, too." Aquarius added,

"But it might still set my clothes on fire." Haute Couture refuted,

"Haute Couture, it was an accident, I think you'll be fine as long as there are no flames around." Angelique responded,

"Grrr, my Celestia, you all are annoying." Foster fumed, everybody looked at him while he continued reading the newspaper,

"Come on, everypony, let's leave him be." Pinkie Pie stated, and they walked away.

They walked together and saw Zhivago outside,

"Oh, Doctor Zhivago." Angelique spoke,

"Did you all like my poem?" Zhivago asked,

"Yes." everypony answered together,

"It was very touching." Angelique stated,

"It was, we love having you around, too, Doctor Zhivago." Haute Couture said and the others smiled,

"I'm glad you all like it, writing those poems takes me a while, too." Zhivago replied,

"Are you going to be seeing me, Doctor Zhivago?" Taco Bell asked,

"Of course, I need to get your flatulence under control, and since Pinkie Pie has found a balance in your diet that works, we'll stick to it, I can do portion sizes by percentage, too, and now that my poem is done, I can do physical activity with you and the others." Zhivago explained,

"And with that, my work here is done." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Wha...?" the foals exclaimed,

"You're leaving, Pinkie Pie?" Angelique inquired,

"Of course, I got parties to throw all around Equestria." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Well, can we at least do one more song before you leave?" Tempo questioned,

"I would love that, go ahead, and line up, everypony." Pinkie Pie instructed, and they did, Foster walked to them and joined them.

Pinkie Pie began conducting and Angelique, Emerald, Haute Couture, Tempo, Aquarius, Taco Bell, Foster, and Zhivago began singing goodbye to her, they finished and said goodbye while waving at her while Pinkie Pie walked out of town.

Pinkie Pie was sitting at her desk with Ocellus across from her,

"And after I left, Taco Bell began seeing the others again and he farted, but less and no smell." Pinkie Pie said,

"Wow, I hope farting all the time like that doesn't happen to me." Ocellus stated and she farted again,

"Go on to class, Ocellus, I'll take a look at you if you're still farting tomorrow." Pinkie Pie stated, and Ocellus left, she heard her fart in the hall and she burst out laughing.

The next day came and Ocellus entered the class,

"Were you gassy this morning, Ocellus?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Nope, you were right, it was just a one day thing, and your story did cheer me up a bit." Ocellus answered,

"Okay, let's start class, everybody." Pinkie Pie said, and they all worked until the bell rung, Pinkie Pie then thought about Taco Bell and heard his farting in her mind and she laughed.