• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,400 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

Trial Fifteen: Entropy Killer

Atop one of the lone towers still in one piece, there sat a keeper of secrets, the demon cool, but not freezing. Her legs were bundled underneath her, with the grimoire she carried everywhere resting open before her. Surrounded by a faint purple bubble of energy, she was protected from the wind and ever-present snow. Like a single oasis amidst the endless blizzard. There she read, watched, and waited for the return of her familiar.

She didn't have to do so for long, as a bright red and black shape soon appeared from behind a ruined office building. The crimson comet streaked toward the keeper, slowing only when she was a few feet away. With a flare of her flaming wings, the vengant landed with only a tenth of her momentum. After a short trot to bleed off the last of her speed, Rainbow Dash removed the snow that had gathered on her with a powerful pulse of fire.

“What did I miss?” asked the vengant.

“Not much,” Kanathara replied. “The final push across the Merchants’ Quarter is beginning.”

“Right, and after that, it's just the Royal Quarter and the castle itself,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, lying down next to her mistress. “I can't believe we’re actually going to get there in the time allotted by the contract.”

“I’m a bit surprised as well. I anticipated more to go wrong, but we still have ways to go,” Kanathara remarked.

“Plenty of time for something to hit the fan,” Rainbow Dash replied, elbowing the keeper in the side.

“True,” Kanathara admitted. “Now we just need to cut through a swath of demons summoned using the blood of the innocent, cultists chasing mad dreams, and mercenaries paid off by the stolen wealth of a hundred plundered mansions.”

“Easy,” Rainbow Dash stated confidently.

“We are going to need all hands on deck for this one,” Kanathara muttered. “Nightmare Moon’s throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us.”

“She's scared,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “She knows that if we are able to fulfill our end of the bargain, then we could use that special plan you’ve been cooking up.”

“Don't mention it aloud. Not even up here,” Kanathara warned. “Despite still fighting Celestia, Nightmare Moon has eyes and ears everywhere.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “I wasn't gonna. It's just funny to think of that nag imagining knives in the dark and constant betrayal.”

Kanathara chuckled. “True.”

“So,” Rainbow Dash stood back up, “are we joining the push, or what? ‘Cause something tells me that Tirek can't handle this alone.”

“He wouldn't be. There's Diamond Rose, Dawn Hammer, and the rest,” Kanathara flippantly replied.

“That may be true, but we all know that with Pear Butter defending our backside he is the true leader here,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Well, now that he's cowed Diamond Rose, anyway.”

“Oh, what did he do?” Kanathara inquired, rising alongside her familiar.

“It was weird. He didn't get real big or anything, just said ‘chin’, and Diamond Rose burst out crying,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“Ha!” Kanathara cackled. “I knew she was secretly quite vain.”

“Regardless. Shall we?” Rainbow Dash asked, extending her wings invitingly.

“We shall,” Kanathara replied.

Her form turned to mist and flowed under Rainbow Dash’s slowly extending armor. Within a few seconds, the vengant’s body was covered in an enchanted hell plate once more. Protected from the elements and foes alike, they leaped from the tower and spread their wings wide. Twisting around a burnt-out apartment building, the pair began to descend. To where in the distance a great number of fires burnt and an even greater number of creatures waited.

“Hey, Feather Fall, quit digging around for loose change,” snapped a voice.

The griffon currently mitts-deep in the pocket of a dead unicorn pony stood up and looked around. His gaze immediately settled on the shape of his sergeant, a burly old minotaur glaring down at him from atop a snow drift. Like the others, the minotaur had once been a bandit, a marauder living his life at the edge of society.

Now he wore the finest enchanted armor cobbled together from the various royal guards they had killed. An oversized coat and a heat-radiating pendant kept the worst of the weather at bay while the greatsword strapped to his back kept everything else well out of arm’s reach.

“Not all of us were there when we raided that fancy pants mansion,” retorted the griffon. “So we gotta make do with what we can.”

“I don't give a rat’s ass if you pull the gold teeth from some shmuck’s head, but we gotta look alive,” declared the minotaur. “The scouts saw a whole buncha of them survivors marching towards us.”

“Really?” muttered the griffon. “I thought we took care of the last rat’s nest when we collapsed that apartment over on Fifty-seventh.”

“Nah, that was just a couple of guard holdouts. What we got coming is apparently some kinda resistance movement,” the minotaur snickered. “Like a couple of country ponies could have a hope in heck of reaching the gates.”

The two shared a laugh, though the sound ended abruptly when a ballista-sized bolt suddenly impaled the minotaur. The towering bovine looked down at his stomach and managed a confused gurgle before toppling forward. His body slid down the snowbank, coming to rest at the bottom and leaving behind a long red streak.

Confused, the griffon crawled up to the edge of the lip and gazed out over the street.

There, in the distance, he saw what looked like an entire army of ponies, but not just ponies. Demons, as well as nearly every other race under the moon, marched alongside the hoofed creatures. Far from the expected rabble, they were well-armed, armored, and disciplined. The most notable thing about them was how their formation had a level of military precision that could not be replicated or faked.

In front of them were several plows being pulled along by scores of undead. The great hunks of iron being used to clear the streets pushed the snow away from the main army, depositing it at the street’s edge. This allowed the horde of creatures to stride confidently upon stone ground rather than on the shifting white powder.

The main bulk of the army seemed made up mostly of what appeared to be militia. Diverse in both arms and armor, they marched in lockstep, betraying their humble origins with the expressions of trained warriors. They weren't alone either, as within their ranks stood the odd demon and a surprising number of equine-like imps.

A sudden twang made the griffon hit the dirt again and look up to where he thought he heard the sound originate. What he saw made his heart stop, as ducking back into the shadow was a shadowy assassin with feathery wings. With his attention drawn skyward, he noticed another bit of movement, only this one was much, much larger.

Clouds parted, and the dark sky turned white as an enormous structure drifted into view. Bristling with ballistae, catapults, and other siege weapons, the remnants of once mighty Cloudsdale became visible. The griffon felt his limbs pumping before he was even consciously aware of what was going on.

Hauling himself from the edge of the snow pit, Feather Fall sprinted back towards where the rest of his company was mustering. The mismatched group of mostly griffon and minotaur mercenaries were scrambling to form up. Under the angry gaze of the fire demon that served as their commander, the troop was swift to gather themselves.

For a moment, the many-headed creature caught the thief’s gaze, immediately instilling an intense fear Feather Fall. That fear vanished when a flash of deep purple magic turned the fire demon into a pile of harmless snow rabbits. Chaos reigned in the aftermath, giving the horrified mercenary time to continue his mad sprint down the line.

A few of his comrades tried to establish order, and one attempted to grab him as he fled, but the young male was too fast. Slipping through the grasp of the burly minotaur soldier, Feather Fall ducked into an alleyway, attempting to evade his fellows. He didn't need to worry for long, however, as a massive explosion detonated on the street he had just put behind him.

The wave of force sent Feather Fall flying, but the quick-witted griffon was able to right himself before he hit a wall. Using his momentum to twist to the side, the male flapped hard, narrowly escaping the surge of fire that nipped at his heels. Riding the backdraft, he flew through a burnt-out bakery and landed on what had likely been a bustling sidewalk at one point. He was surrounded on all sides by shops and stalls. Though nearly all of them were little more than piles of debris poking through the snow.

He briefly wondered just how far the explosion had pushed him when he heard what sounded like singing. Deep, mournful but empowering, it was akin to the dirges Feather Fall had heard play after the death of a community member. This was different, however, as the voices were haunting, yet angry rather than mournful.

“What is that?” Feather Fall whispered.

Glancing down the road, the young griffon noticed that a small horde of slavery demons had set up a roadblock. Many limbed and insectoid, the demonic creatures looked like bipedal ants that varied in size, color, and number of appendages. Their beehive-like blockade seemed untested at the moment, but they were standing ready, waiting for something.

Feather Fall was tempted to go over to them in hopes of finding safety in their ranks, even if he would likely lose his freedom in the process. His silent contemplation did not last long, however, as a sudden shifting in the snow directed his attention downward. Days spent picking through the snow-strewn streets of Canterlot had drilled paranoia deep into the griffon's mind. So when he felt the distinct sensation of the ground beginning to shift, he took to the sky in a heartbeat.

By the time he landed on a half-destroyed balcony overlooking the street, the source of the change appeared. Half rotten, but mostly frozen, a pony corpse pushed its way out of the snow and stood on shaky hooves. He was joined by dozens of others, most of whom were ponies but they weren't alone, however. Old comrades uncaringly cast aside after sustaining grievous injuries rose alongside the ponies they had killed.

Some of these returned mercenaries had angry, fiery gazes, but most were empty and utterly expressionless. Puppeteered by an uncaring hand, these looters, thieves, and murderers surged toward the slavers, hefting whatever weapons they had handy. The citizens of Canterlot followed behind, some splitting off to flank while others formed a spearhead aimed at the blockade. Feather Fall knew not what alien will had crawled into the empty skulls of his former comrades, but he wasn't about to stick around to find out.

Taking wing once more, the griffon angled back towards the royal district and what he hoped was safety. He knew that the primary barracks for the mercenaries were located near the gate and past several more blockades. The defensive positions Feather Fall had derided merely minutes ago now promised to serve as a safe haven.

A sudden flicker of movement was the only warning he got before all of a sudden a blade swept out from the shadow. The panicked mid-air swerve was amateurish and rushed, but it saved all but a couple of unimportant feathers. Feather Fall ensured that was the only injury he received by pushing himself hard immediately and without looking back.

Whatever had attacked him was remarkably fast for something that moved utterly soundlessly. Banking around another street corner, Feather Fall felt something whizz right over his head, missing him by mere inches. Another close call occurred a moment later when he tried to outrun the spectre haunting him.

“Come on, leave me alone,” Feather Fall muttered through his clenched beak.

A third swipe drew a thin line of blood across his back right leg, the attack bypassing his ramshackle armor with ease. The pain was unnaturally intense for such a relatively shallow cut, but Feather Fall pushed it from his mind with great effort. Focusing utterly on going as fast as was physically possible, the griffon cast aside his bags and, reluctantly, his sword.

The reduced weight seemed to be everything he needed to escape his pursuer, as there were no further attempts to swipe at him. He wasn't going to simply trust that he had managed to slip away, however, and wound through the confines of a half-collapsed apartment building. He had stalked these halls only a day earlier and knew its interior well even in complete darkness.

Able to pierce even the thickest of veils, not many mortal beings could match a griffon’s night vision. Unfortunately for the mercenary, his pursuer was not mortal and saw better in the dark than they did in the light. A fact that Feather Fall did not find out until he felt a weight crash into his side out of nowhere.

He barely managed a confused squawk before he flew straight through a weakened section of drywall. A hard landing accompanied by a loud crack, which heralded a surge of agony from his right forelimb. The clawed appendage instantly went numb, leaving Feather Fall unable to properly arrest his fall in time.

Only a frozen recliner stopped him from tumbling across the entire room, its padded cushions giving the griffon no comfort. He attempted to scramble towards a nearby broken window and escape the snow-filled room, all to no avail. Whatever had been following him closed the distance just as Feather Fall had tumbled from the piece of furniture.

Something heavy knocked the wind from the griffon’s lungs, and a second blow to the kidneys racked his body in fresh agony. Feather Fall tried to curl into a ball and escape the pain, but it did little to stop the rain of punches falling on him. It did manage to protect his more vital areas, but it wouldn't matter, he soon realized. Whoever was attacking him was strong, determined, and was a single lucky hit away from breaking Feather Fall’s other forelimb.

Then, the beating stopped, and the griffon heard what sounded like heavy breathing from above him. Looking up, the young mercenary gazed in horror as the vague shape of a pony coalesced from the gathered darkness. Rather than be banished by some form of light, the twisting shadow was pulled into the body of a pegasus mare.

She looked weak, almost skeletal, and had numerous scars crisscrossing her partially hairless exterior. Despite how frail she appeared at first glance, Feather Fall could feel that she was still more than a match for him. Even if he managed to reach the dagger he kept strapped to his boot, it likely wouldn't matter in his estimation.

“No, we cannot kill him,” muttered the pony. “He must be given the choice.”

“Ch-choice, what choice?” Feather Fall whispered.

The pegasus blinked and looked down, only now seeming to realize that she wasn't alone.

“The only choice that matters. Do you wish to live, or die?” she asked after a moment’s pause.

Feather Fall inspected his attacker a bit closer, looking for any hidden weapons she may have. Yet to his continued shock she was completely nude, lacking anything to protect her against the cold or a dagger. Though his first inkling was to assume she was vulnerable, the predator part of his brain screamed at him to stay his hand.

It was then that he noticed the strange blackened aura that clung to the mare like a second skin. Incredibly dark, it seemed to rob the world of what little light the moon cast into the snow-filled room. Though there was barely enough illumination to see his claw in front of his face, Feather Fall could see the enormous shape looming over him.

Hulking and wolf-like, the shadow creature sported the wings of a bat, the horns of a ram, and the malice of a demon. The rest of its features were nearly impossible to make out, save for its dual eyes of glowing red that glared down at him. Within that intense glare, Feather Fall saw neither pity nor mercy, unlike the pony whose eyes promised both.

“So, what will it be?” she pressed.

Feather Fall gulped. “Uh, live, please?”

“Was that a question?” growled the pegasus.

“N-no. I want to live!” Feather Fall declared.

The pegasus froze, staring intently at the downed griffon for several seconds, not saying a word. During the brief moment of quiet, she twitched occasionally, her jaw clenching and unclenching. As if struggling with some unseen conversation, the pony seemed half-ready to bite her prisoner’s head off. Then she sighed, a soft smile crawling slowly across her face.

“Good, then put away that dagger and give me your leg,” she demanded, extending a foreleg of her own.

Feather Fall hesitated a moment before silently sheathing his weapon and lifting his unbroken limb.

“Good, now I warn you. This is going to hurt, a lot,” declared the pegasus.

“What are you- Agh!” Feather Fall screeched as shadowy fangs sunk into his flesh.

From the point of entry bloomed an intense, nearly all-consuming cold strong enough to wash away the agony he felt. A tidal wave of deadened sensations and pain passed over him, leaving behind only the faintest of physical sensations. Pleasure, pain, joy, there was nothing but an emptiness set between himself and his own body.

“Welcome to the unseen, initiate,” greeted the pegasus.

Feather Fall blinked hard, clearing his vision of the teal light that had clouded it a moment earlier. Once it was gone, and he was able to see, the griffon found that he could see perfectly in the dark. Not abnormally well, but perfectly, as if every shadowed corner had a lamp pointed directly at it. Stranger still was that the creature he had seen over the pegasus was now overlapping her.

“Know that until I deem your service fulfilled, you will not be alone,” she continued. “The shadow will be with you forever, but will initially rest heavily upon you, ensuring you do not step out of line.”

Feather Fall grunted and clasped his head. “What, what's going on?” he muttered.

“Your roommate is moving in. Expect considerable discomfort as they rearrange your body and soul to better suit them,” remarked the pegasus in a slightly deeper, more masculine tone.

“What are you-” Feather Fall screamed as his broken foreleg began to twist.

Even with his deadened nerves and uncomfortably numb flesh, Feather Fall could still feel his bones shift. Flesh tore and was knitted back together, bone splintered, only to reform. Within a few seconds, the limb was complete and unharmed, but now felt off, as if it wasn't quite his own anymore.

“Rise, unseen one. Your hunt begins!” called the pegasus in two different voices, both her own.

Feather Fall didn't want to stand up, but his body moved without his consent. It was then that he felt the presence of another pressing against the back of his mind and pushing his thoughts about. Reality blurred, and when his senses returned, the griffon found himself grasping the edge of the window.

“How did I-” he muttered before throwing himself over the ledge.

His body blurred, and his perception shifted until he became nothing but a passenger in his own mind. Gazing out eyes no longer his own, he saw as darkness swallowed his form, coating it in impenetrable shadow. Then with speed even he could not have mustered, the griffon sped off into the night, making a beeline for his old comrades.

He knew that he would soon slay any survivors that had managed to escape. He also knew that if the pegasus had wanted, she could have caught him sooner. Yet she had chased him into a corner and beaten him within an inch of his life. All in order to draft another soldier and pit him against the side he had been fighting for only a moment earlier.

It was cruel, unnatural, and depraved, yet Feather Fall couldn't help but appreciate it. He wasn't sure if this thought was truly his own, but regardless of the origin, it was impossible to deny its truth.

Kanathara stood unmoving next to a table filled with various colored game pieces. The illusionary map they stood on represented the layout of the Merchant Quarter perfectly, including the various forces arrayed before and alongside her.

Overlooking the tactical layout were the other members of the impromptu council that lead the ragtag army. The handful of ponies and demons were locked in their own private conversations, sending orders or talking amongst each other. All save for Twilight Velvet and her daughter who continued to inspect the situation.

Kanathara could tell that things were going well and that their Blackguard had indeed sowed much confusion amongst the enemy ranks. Despite losing the barrier to the Merchant Quarter, the mercenaries and cultists had wrongfully assumed that there was no danger. So they continued hunting survivors and looting rather than fortifying their positions.

“Hmmm,” Kanathara muttered to herself.

She noted that the militia was doing well and their flanks remained secure. The rangers and the diamond dogs had yet to falter in their defense of the main army, but still Kanathara worried. She could see that the militia and their support units had been forced to spread out, slowing their advance.

“You're worrying about an ambush or something sneaking up on us,” Twilight Velvet offered.

“I am,” Kanathara replied. “I know most of the forces arrayed before us are pushovers, but we are making uncomfortably quick progress.”

“You don't think they are trying to draw us out, do you?” Twilight Velvet pressed.

Kanathara snorted. “Unlikely. We’ve been advancing very carefully, and with both the necromancers, or death singers, as they’ve been calling themselves, and the paladins in reserve, such an attack would be foolhardy.”

“Perhaps they intend to send fools after us,” Twilight Velvet remarked. “After all, there were more than a few idiots in that organization.”

“True,” Kanathara chuckled. “Now what about the others? Are they all on board? I haven't been paying attention to them.”

Twilight Velvet nodded. “They are. In fact, I think the majority of them are drawing up plans on how best to siege the final gatehouse.”

“A little presumptuous, but I like the forward-thinking,” Kanathara remarked.

Hey, boss. Got a weird feeling here, Rainbow Dash suddenly interrupted.

Kanathara craned her neck and looked up to where her familiar sat atop a bent street light a block over. The vengant had an odd look on her face and was staring intently at something further down the road.

What is it? Kanathara inquired.

I’m gettin’ a weird sense of deja vu, and an intense aura of sin, Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Heck, I haven't felt anything that strong since… years ago. Not sure what's going on.

“What is it?” Twilight Velvet inquired.

“Rainbow sensed something, a moment.” Kanathara held up a hoof and lit her horn, pouring a bit of magic into a spell.

With a flash of power, the familiar’s natural senses were amplified significantly. The moment this happened, both mistress and servant found themselves rocked by a familiar scent. Hatred, sin, disgust, and contempt that once mixed became a potent cocktail of unpleasant aromas.

It can't be, Rainbow Dash thought.

Nightmare Moon has proven powerful enough to pluck sentience from non-existence, so is it really that much of a surprise? Kanathara thought back.

No, but now that I’m thinking about it, is it bad that I’m looking forward to killing him again? Once really wasn't enough, Rainbow Dash declared.

Though I agree, he feels stronger and more powerful than before, Kanathara pointed out.

I mean, so are we, Rainbow Dash replied.

True. Perhaps a force should be mustered so we may quash him quickly and without incident, Kanathara thought.

Maybe, Rainbow Dash agreed.

“Oooh, something’s comin’!” Pinkie Pie declared. “We have some trouble brewing on our six!”

“My wards are going crazy,” Diamond Rose added.

“We know who it is. And we’ll need a bit of help containing him while I gather a team to destroy him,” Kanathara piped up.

“My paladins will handle containment,” Dawn Hammer offered.

“Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity will join us in subduing this foe,” Kanathara declared, pointing to each pony as she mentioned them.

“What, why me?” Rarity replied in shock.

“I need to confirm a theory of mine,” Kanathara answered.

“I should really talk to my wife,” Rarity muttered.

“Nah, no time, and I am definitely not just saying that because she’d say no,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“Come on, Rares, it’ll be fun!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, punching the air with her mailed hooves. “Nothing better than kicking a little butt with your best friends.”

“I’m not sure if…” Rarity cleared her throat. “I suppose if I don't have a choice in the matter.”

“Doesn't seem like it,” Applejack added.

Kanathara turned and nodded to Rainbow Dash, who slipped away from the group. With her familiar gone and her plan in motion, Kanathara rose as well.

“I trust the rest of the push to you all,” Kanathara declared.

The keeper of secrets briefly met the gazes of everyone present before gesturing away from the table. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all followed the demon with varied levels of enthusiasm that ranged from eager excitement to the despondent trudging of a mare headed for the gallows. Kanathara cared little for how the others felt and merely led them out of the command bubble to a tall deep purple tent.

Rainbow Dash reappeared the moment the small group had assembled, a familiar yellow mare tucked under one forehoof. Landing a few feet away, Rainbow Dash deposited the slightly trembling Fluttershy next to Kanathara.

“We ready to go?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Um, are you sure you need me here?” Fluttershy asked.

Kanathara nodded. “We do. Just stay back with Rarity and do as I say.”

“Um, okay,” Fluttershy muttered.

“Now normally I’d argue with ya, but I got a feelin’ you got a plan cookin’ in that brain a yers,” Applejack exclaimed.

“I do,” Kanathara answered. “Just trust me on this one.”

The brief conversation was interrupted when a small troop made up of half royal guards and half paladins approached. Garbed in enough sanctified metal to make Kanathara’s eyes burn, the squad wasn't particularly large. What they were was very well-armed and very well-equipped to deal with a powerful demon.

“Let's get this over with,” muttered the smallest, but most well-decorated of the paladins.

Kanathara nodded and gestured back to where the long wagon trail of changelings hauled supplies to the front.

“It seems as though he’s intent on destroying our food stocks and slowing us down,” Kanathara began. “Keep the area clear and him from escaping while we do the rest.”

The short, barrel-chested paladin snorted bitterly. “Not sure why you lot are the ones to handle this threat, but I know better than to argue with Dawn Hammer when he gets that look in his eye.”

“Trust us, don't. Just do your job,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash turned and left along with Applejack as well as Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy and Rarity lingered behind for a moment.

“Th-thanks,” Fluttershy whispered, giving the paladin and royal guard squad a small wave.

“Yes, thank you kindly for your assistance, and if you wouldn't mind moving to help a lady out should she need it, that would be greatly appreciated,” Rarity added, offering the plate-mailed ponies a wide smile.

“We’ll see,” replied the leader.

Fluttershy and Rarity hastily scampered after their departing companions. They caught up with the other four right as they passed by a changeling wagon piled high with supplies. Undisguised and wearing whatever scraps they could find, the changelings were a ragged sight. Still, they were barely spared a glance as the six creatures trotted hastily down the snowy street.

“So what is this thing we’ll be killin’ anyhow?” Applejack inquired.

“And why do you need us?” Rarity pressed, gesturing toward Fluttershy.

“Look, just trust me, alright?” Kanathara repeated.

Rarity sighed. “Fine, I suppose you’ve earned that much.”

Kanathara turned back around and was about to order the small group to press on when they heard a scream. It was further down the line of wagons and was soon accompanied by more yelling as well as more than a few panicked shouts. No command needed to be given, and the six charged headlong toward the source of the commotion. As they moved, Kanathara noted that the guards they had brought along with them were advancing alongside. They too didn't need to be told and were preparing themselves to contain whatever threat Kanathara had seen coming.

Careening around a corner, the two groups immediately discovered what that was. In the middle of a snow-strewn street stood an enormous black-clad demonic entity wielding a greatsword. Nearly two stories tall, the entity towered over everyone, and with each swing of his enormous blade, he sent creatures flying.

The bottom half of the monstrous creature was a mass of swirling darkness that occasionally formed into solid tentacles. These appendages tossed the various supply workers aside or dragged them into his midnight black body never to be seen again. Others were even less lucky, as they were grabbed by one of the demon’s enormous clawed hands and effortlessly lifted into the air. Clutched tight in his grip, the victim quickly lost all color, then began to break apart, turning to ash in mere moments.

With each death, he grew stronger and taller, his great ragged black wings extending just a bit further out of his sides. His already bright red eyes glowed brighter still, the twin pits resembling the last two coals at the bottom of a blacksmith’s forge. Those crimson orbs settled almost immediately on Kanathara, a smile crossing the monster’s fang-filled maw.

“So, you’ve come,” he boomed. “I knew you wouldn't be able to resist facing me.”

“Who is this guy?” Applejack whispered, leaning over.

“Entropy demon. I ate his soul before,” Kanathara replied.

“Huh,” Applejack muttered.

“Didn't think you’d be so eager to get obliterated a second time. I gotta say, you’ve got balls,” Rainbow Dash taunted.

The towering shadowy demon cackled and tossed aside his latest victim. “Oblivion is not the hell you believe it to be. Entropy will claim us all, and it will start with you!”

Kanathara lit her horn and conjured a barrier around the six of them, deflecting the lightning-fast swipe aimed at killing them all.

“Rarity, Fluttershy. Get the supply workers out of here. Everyone else will keep him distracted until then,” Kanathara barked.

The group shared a small nod before the shield fell, and they all split up.

Fluttershy and Rarity went to work immediately, pulling the injured and the dying from the impromptu battlefield. They were aided by those who had survived the sudden and brutal assault. The majority of whom were changelings, who came out completely unscathed. Though odd, neither Rarity nor Fluttershy questioned the shapeshifters’ luck. There was simply more important matters to attend to.

Occasionally they would be aided by the royal guard or the paladins, though the heavily armed warriors mainly focused on creating a large ward around the entire area. Neither Rarity nor Fluttershy knew what its purpose was, but assumed that beyond its reach was safety.

While the two less combat-oriented members of their party worked, Kanathara, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack went on the attack. Rainbow harried the towering demon with gouts of flame while Pinkie Pie kept it off balance with exploding golden bolts. Applejack occasionally raised a shield to defend Kanathara but mostly defended Rarity and Fluttershy when they required it.

Kanathara meanwhile was blasting the entropy demon with everything she had, testing his defenses. She did this while continually dodging, weaving, and staying ahead of the physics-defyingly fast swipes of her foe. The enormous midnight black sword should have weighed hundreds of pounds given its great size, yet it was swung with all the ease of a toothpick.

Despite how fast he moved, and how little damage any attack seemed to do to him, the entropy demon was unshakable. Be it ice, hellfire, or large rocks, nothing seemed to affect him save for Pinkie Pie’s bolts. Though even then they barely made him wince or recoil slightly, his shadowy form receding only to surge back a moment later.

Kanathara stepped away from the fight, and in a sudden shift, changed her shape with a flash of magic. Now in her pony form, the demon sprinted over to Pinkie Pie and pulled the mare behind a shattered wagon.

“I need you to make these shots count,” Kanathara whispered, patting the earth pony’s quiver of bolts. “Because once he realizes the damage they’ll do, he’ll be after you.”

“You got it, bosslady,” Pinkie Pie replied.

Kanathara nodded and began to channel magic once more. Only this time the color of her energy was more neutral, less maleficent and more resembled that of a normal unicorn. She pushed that power into a spell that once completed, caused Pinkie Pie’s bolts to glow brighter than before. The effort left the keeper of secrets unexpectedly winded, but she didn't have time to remedy that at the moment.

For an enormous hand had swatted aside the wagon they had been using for cover. A swing of the demon’s shadowy blade came a heartbeat later, striking so fast that neither Pinkie Pie nor Kanathara had a chance to dodge. Applejack was already in between the entropy demon and his target, however, a tower shield plucked from the debris held in her forehooves.

The weirdly silent clang of demonic steel against metal was unheard by all, save for Applejack herself. Who slid back several feet, her hooves slipping on the frozen ground. Despite the intimidating amount of force behind the blow, Applejack held her ground.

Her confidence wavered when she noticed the demon was not pulling back and had continued to push against her shield. Tiny hairlike tentacles of the darkest black extended from the blade and crawled across her flesh. Wherever they touched, the color from her fur drained and strength seeped from her body.

Give in, succumb, and rest, whispered a dozen ethereal voices directly in Applejack’s ear.

“I’ll rest when you're dead,” Applejack spat back.

The farm pony was ready to push the demon back when the sun appeared above her. It was only for a split second, but the glowing golden orb had been strong enough to create a large hole in the entropy demon’s midsection. A blackened howl echoed from everywhere as the enormous black entity stumbled back, his body struggling to reform.

“Impossible,” bellowed the entropy demon. “You are of Tartarus. You cannot wield the light!”

“I’ve been doing the impossible since I was ten years old,” Kanathara retorted.

The shape-shifted keeper of secrets then lit her horn and conjured a blast of pure radiant energy. The beam slammed into her foe’s face, causing even more of his body to be left unable to reform in the wake of the damage. He wasn't the only one harmed by the attack, as Kanathara stumbled back, a hoof rubbing at her smoking horn.

By then the civilians had been pulled from harm's way, while at the same time the ward had been completed. With the final line etched, a bubble of brightly glowing yellow energy encapsulated the entire area. Slightly hesitantly, Rarity and Fluttershy trotted up to where Pinkie Pie was loading another bolt into her great crossbow.

“What's the plan?” Rainbow Dash asked, landing next to her mistress.

“As usual, he’s underestimated us,” Kanathara began, wincing briefly. “Just protect Pinkie Pie and me while we bring him down.”

“You got it,” Applejack declared.

“And us?” Rarity whispered.

“Focus on me and do what you can to lend me your strength,” Kanathara replied.

“No. I will not be beaten again, not by you!” bellowed the entropy demon.

As his top half began to reform, the entity conjured another greatsword in his free hand. He then swung them down in a powerful double chop aimed at both Pinkie Pie and Kanathara. Though strong, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were able to protect their charges and pushed aside the blades.

That brief brush with entropy robbed more of Applejack’s color and Rainbow Dash’s fire. Only for the damage to be healed back when Rarity and Fluttershy offered their silent thanks. Unbothered by the concept of defense, Kanathara and Pinkie Pie readied another volley.

A beam cut one of the towering demon’s arms off while a bolt exploding near his neck caused his head to briefly be separated from his body. The attacks were devastating, but unaffected the thing’s bottom half, including the numerous squirming black tentacles. These many twisting appendages extended towards the six females, intent on dragging away anyone they could reach.

“Rainbow Dash, the tentacles,” Kanathara barked. “Rarity, take her place.”


“Do it!” Kanathara bellowed.

As Rainbow Dash surged forward and spat a potent gout of hellfire at the crawling appendages, Rarity replaced the vengant. Wielding only her tiny silver mace, the fashionista trembled, her armor clattering as she stood next to Applejack. Rarity’s shaky willpower was tested a moment later when the entropy demon swung again.

Applejack turned aside one of the great blades, while Rarity somehow managed to parry the towering weapon. A single lightning-fast and perfectly precise counter sent the smokey black blade far to the side. Nearly everyone present, even Rarity herself, seemed surprised by this, with the pony staring down at her mace in confusion.

Kanathara and her familiar were the only two who were not baffled by Rarity in the slightest. The keeper just kept blasting, pushing herself harder and harder with each expenditure. Between casts she paused briefly, allowing a soft pink glow to cover her body and ease the pains that assailed her.

Over and over they repeated this same maneuver, with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash remaining on the defensive. Rarity’s confidence grew with each successful parry, and it wasn't long before she no longer worried for her safety. The bolts and blasts whittled away at the entropy demon’s height bit by bit until he had shrunk by a good fifty percent.

It was then that his strikes became even more desperate, his tactics less thought-out. An attempt to bum-rush the group ended when a pillar of conjured sunlight drove him away. He tried to escape but was turned back when he could find no weak points in the glowing yellow barrier.

“No, I will not return to the void empty-handed!” he bellowed.

Hefting back his arm, the entropy demon threw his blade down at the small group. Both demon and pony alike hastily parted, dodging the thunderous impact of the great weapon. A second thud followed the first, creating a wall of blackened metal between the six.

The entropy demon surged forward, plunging through the wall of hellfire Rainbow Dash spat in order to stop him. Heedless to the harm done to him, the entropy demon emerged out the other side and grabbed Applejack with both hands. The farm pony tried to flee, but had not anticipated the sudden and desperate move.

Trapped within the demon’s grip, she struggled valiantly but could not escape the iron-like fingers that had imprisoned her. Immediately all of his strength and malice poured into the farm pony, ripping away the color from her fur and mane. Despite suddenly becoming almost completely grey and having the majority of her strength sapped, Applejack valiantly held on. Her emerald eyes glared up at her foe as if daring the demon to continue down this deadly path.

A blast of golden might removed one arm, while an exploding bolt annihilated the other. Rainbow Dash pushed the advantage with another gout of hellfire, the blackened flames burning away sections of the entropy demon. Rarity saw her opening and swooped in just in time to catch Applejack before she hit the ground. Cradling the weakened farm pony in her magic, Rarity brought her down next to Fluttershy.

For the moment Kanathara ignored the shivering Applejack and focused on another spell. A thousand beams of the most radiant gold emerged from above and focused on a single point. Like an ant beneath the gaze of a baleful child, the entropy demon burned and howled in agony.

“No, no, not again!” he cried.

Smaller and smaller he shrunk until his screams were little more than high-pitched whines. Within a few seconds, even those tiny, almost imperceptible screeches vanished completely.

Kanathara cursed, her spell fading as the magic she had pushed into it was used up. “That was cathartic.”

“You sure you're alright though? Your horn is smoking, like a lot,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Kanathara winced. “It's fine.”

“Great, because Applejack needs our help,” Rarity declared.

“She's fading fast, what do we do?” Fluttershy pleaded.

“It ain't nothin',” Applejack weakly replied. “Just gotta close my eyes for a second.”

“No, no, no, we can't lose her!” Pinkie Pie cried.

Kanathara leaned forward and wrapped her hooves around Applejack, squeezing the pony tightly. Rainbow Dash followed immediately, repeating the action as well. The others were less certain, but quickly mimicked the two demons, hugging their mutual friend close. They stayed like that for several long seconds before Kanathara pulled back and smiled.

“I knew it,” she declared.

“What, what…” Pinkie Pie blinked. “Applejack, you’re okay!”

The farm pony grunted. “‘Course I’m okay. I told you I was, didn't I?”

“But you got your color back, and you don't look like you’re on death’s doorstep. How did this happen?” Fluttershy asked, turning to Kanathara.

“The Elements,” Kanathara explained. “Though he was empowered by his stay in the void, Harmony itself is on our side.”

“Nothing can stop us now,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I don't think we should be reckless though,” Fluttershy countered.

“We won't,” Kanathara stated. “But from now on we travel together as a unit.”

“Wait a second. We don't have the elements with us,” Rarity pointed out.

Kanathara just smiled. “Don't you worry about that. Now come on, I’m sure there are people out there that need your help.”

“What about you?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Couldn't you help?”

“Oh ,I could, but I need to scour all remnants of that jerk from existence. Wouldn't want him coming back a third time,” Kanathara explained.

“I’ll look after Applejack,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Okay, don't let her out of your sight,” Pinkie Pie warned.

“I won't,” Rainbow Dash stated.

With that said, the group awkwardly dispersed, with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy moving to help the wounded. Kanathara and Rainbow Dash remained behind with an inert Applejack who lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

“You just didn't wanna help them, did ya?” Applejack whispered.

Kanathara smirked. “Maybe.”

Author's Note:

If you want to read the next updates for my biggest stories at the begining of the month rather at the end, or want to get a commission from me as well as access to patreon exclusive content, and the chance to submit story requests every month, head over to my patreon!

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.

Comments ( 19 )

Why do some many of your stories have "sister stories"?

That was a good chapter.

Short answer, alot of my stories started as a single idea before being split apart when I realized I was trying to wear too many hats at once. Meaning they have alot in common, or share a fairly similiar base story/elements. Or they were part of a like competition I used to do where I'd publish 2 stories, and the one that got the most attention would continue, while the other would be dropped.

Also, cross promotion is good.

Ah yes, finally Kanathara was able to prove her Harmony theory. How very satisfying.
Thanks for another cool chapter!!

Gah, all caught up.

Interesting story so far! Both this and its sister story are quite an interesting take on evil'ish morally gray Twilight : ) Will wait for more.

Oh please don't tell me this has been abandoned!

Ha, far from it. This is the only continous story that I'll be doing double monthly updates for.

Suwheeeet! Can't wait to see it :)

Great story. Just got caught up. :twilightsmile:

I am officially all caught up on the latest, finally. Wow, a lot has happened, and I was very happy to get more TwiDash demons action and love. Rainbow Dash is still my favorite character overall, so reading up more on what she's been up to in this story was definitely enjoyable.


You're absolutely right. I'll grab the pitchforks, think you can get the torches? I got a buddy with a box full of nails.

I really hope by the time they confront The Nightmare, Kanathara realizes "Oh crap! I actually care about these 4 ponies."

I don't quite know where best to write this, so I'll do it here. I love your stories. I've just read this one from the beginning for the third time. Same game with "The Infestation of Equiss Prime" and "The First Law of Magic". I just wanted to say thank you for your work. And I wanted to ask if these three stories will be continued in the future or if you will take a longer break. :twilightsmile:

They will be continued, but only one at a time, and only after I go through them and do a sort of soft reboot. Mainly just going back through them and bringing up the spelling and grammar to my current standards while also addressing small inconsistencies that have cropped up over the years.

This one is likely the first to return to regular updates as it's closest to the end.

I'm hoping the first one of three to be done for Christmas, but I'm not sure.

That's really nice to hear. I'm already looking forward to more. The fact that you are "reworking" the stories also sounds like a reason to read them again in the future.

I will announce when that happens, so join the discord or follow the Patreon (the announcement wont be paywalled or anything) to make sure you know when that happens.

Is this story still being worked on? Just asking since its been almost a year.

Indeed. Eagle eyed veiwers will be able to see that the catch up doc has slowly expanded, and that a bunch of early chapters have received a second edition. Once I've had a chance to review the entire thing and get back up to speed new updates will drop.

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