• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,399 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Twelve: A Short Siege

Author's Note:

I have a new story up on fimfiction, and if you like this one I think you might enjoy that one. Give it a look right here!

“When I was a little filly, and the sun was going down…” Pinkie Pie muttered as she trotted down the road, a cart full of steaming baked goods trundling along behind her. “I don't think this song quite packs a punch anymore.”

The mare sighed and turned down a side road, her gaze lingering on all the signs of destruction around her. Houses had lost their roofs, others had been destroyed outright by boulders tossed by distant catapults. A shop had been lost to a fire while the nearby market had been torn down in order to create a space for the wounded.

Who were growing more numerous by the day, their ranks filling the half dozen tents which now occupied the central square. Nurses, what few healers were left, and their helpers ran from one bed to the next, doing what they could. Which wasn't much, given just how long they had been stuck without assistance or reinforcement of any kind.

Pinkie Pie stumbled to a stop due to something catching the wheel of her cart. Glancing down at the snow-laden street, Pinkie Pie noticed that a hunk of ice had wedged its way into the undercarriage somehow. With a sigh, Pinkie Pie unlatched herself, plucked the hunk of frozen water, and tossed it out of the way.

She then took a moment to adjust her leather armor, secure her furred boots, and check on her supplies before linking with the cart. The many pies remained fresh, though the ever-present cold was beginning to sap their warmth. With a bit more pep in her step, Pinkie Pie continued on towards the largest of the tents where she unhooked herself once more.

As she drew close to the field hospital, Pinkie Pie caught a whiff of the many healing ointments as well as an unpleasant, chemical-ridden scent. Her nose scrunched up, and a small part of her wanted to turn back, though she continued on regardless, stopping only when she neared the middle. Once there, Pinkie Pie swiftly picked up one of three platters of baked goods before trotting off towards a familiar shape.

The stallion was tall, lean, and almost skeletal in appearance. Though he was intimidating, Pinkie Pie was unbothered by his presence. His fur was white, his shaggy, short mane a dull rust color, and his cutie mark looked like a bloodied bone saw. The dark circles under his eyes were deep enough to bury bodies in, though the male didn't seem to be tired.

“That one won't survive the night, move him to the periphery and help make him comfortable,” demanded the harsh, yet quiet tone of the strange stallion.

“Special delivery,” Pinkie Pie interrupted, stepping up to the doctor just before he could move on.

“Ahh, the moral boosters have arrived, what luck,” he exclaimed, though if his declaration was out of a genuine appreciation for Pinkie Pie’s efforts or simple curiosity was unclear. “I’ll have the nurses distribute them amongst the most afflicted.”

“There aren't many, I hope?” Pinkie Pie questioned while a gown-covered mare took the pastries from her back.

“No, thankfully,” replied the stallion. “It seems as though our infiltrator has become more elusive than usual. Which is good, as it gives me time to save who I can.”

“That's great to hear. I hope you continue to help us out,” Pinkie Pie finished.

The stallion grunted. “Of course I will. I would not go back on our deal, after all. Not when there are so many exquisite test subjects simply lying about.”

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. “You aren't partaking, are you?”

The strange male snorted. “I know my kind are not known for their self-control, but I think you will find that I am not a slave to his more animalistic tendencies. Now if you will excuse me, I believe Rock Breaker is about to go into anemic shock and will require a transfusion.”

“Lucky for him, you had such a large supply of blood just lying around,” Pinkie Pie jabbed, smirking up at the doctor.

“Don't remind me. You lot have burned through nearly half of my larder. Now be gone with you. I will not lose another because the jester can't hold her tongue,” spat the male, revealing the large set of canines poking out over his bottom lip.

Pinkie Pie quickly excused herself, weaving through the growing mass of injured without looking down. Not out of any kind of fear or disgust, rather Pinkie Pie knew that she would never complete her route if she stopped. The sight of so many of her comrades lying on stretchers or propped up against support beams was already enough to make Pinkie Pie’s heart sink.

“The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown,” Pinkie Pie hummed to herself as she hitched up to the wagon and began to trot down the snowy road once more. “I’d hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw, but Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all.”

With the song driving away a bit of the fear which plagued her, Pinkie Pie walked a little faster and with a small bounce to her step. The cold wind blowing down from the direction of Canterlot nearly banished that warmth, but thankfully the gust didn't last long. Pinkie Pie used the moment of calm to reorient herself and find out where she should be going.

Only to wince when she saw a boulder fly in from overhead and crash into an already destroyed building. Now with a bit more urgency, Pinkie Pie looked around, noting that no one seemed to have been hurt by the attack.

The town was small, little more than a few hundred ponies packed within four stone walls built over a century ago. Some of the inhabitants had escaped before the fighting had started, though most remained within their homes or the designated safe zones. Which were not exactly numerous, as most of their unicorns were on the battlements and holding the line against their attackers.

What defenders were left had almost all suffered injuries of varied severity, and a few volunteers had even joined their ranks. Unit cohesion was gone and Everfree rangers, militia, royal guard remnants, and regular police all worked alongside one another. It would have been an uplifting sight if it wasn't a sign of the ever-growing sense of desperation clawing at them all.

Shaking her head, Pinkie Pie found the road she had been looking for and began to trot in that direction. For a bit the only sounds were Pinkie Pie’s quiet humming, the crunch of snow beneath the wheels, and the distant sound of arrows. Thankfully that last one was very inconsistent, which Pinkie Pied interpreted as being a sign that fighting had dissipated.

The scent of freshly baked goods kept her spirits up, and she tried to ignore the smell of blood which occasionally wafted past her nose. This only occurred a few times, but it was enough to make the mare shudder in disgust whenever it happened. Her unpleasant thoughts were interrupted by something else, and Pinkie Pie quickly unhooked herself.

The earth pony then trotted across the road, pulled off her armored hoof coverings and eyed up the prone form of a skyward staring mare. Pinkie Pie then smacked the older pony garbed in loosely fitting leather armor across the face. Her staring contest with the moon now ended, the militia member looked around in confusion, seemingly unaware of their surroundings.

“Don't do that. You’ll be made a slave of the nightmare!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” muttered the volunteer while clutching her head. “I couldn't help it. It's just so… beautiful.”

Pinkie Pie groaned. “Go get checked out at the medical tent… quickly!”

The other mare nodded awkwardly and began to stumble towards the market square in the middle of town, leaving Pinkie Pie to stand there and shake her head, watching as the former potter trotted away.

“She forgot her sword,” Pinkie Pie remarked, tossing the discarded weapon into her cart. “Probably for the best. Poor old Spinning Wheel is more likely to hurt themself than the enemy.”

Humming to herself once more, Pinkie Pie trotted quickly towards her destination. Which sat in a bay not far from the town’s walls. There, at the end of the street, lay a collection of volunteers picking through the debris of a recently destroyed house. The boulder which had leveled the home had been rolled away, but had yet to be removed completely.

“Hurry it up here, folks! The east wall took a grazing hit and needs to be shored up as soon as possible!” bellowed a large unicorn mare with a short, stubby horn.

“Hey, Gains, how goes the recovery effort?” Pinkie Pie greeted, trotting up to the incredibly wide, deep green female.

Who turned and glanced down over her large fur-covered collar. “Who are… oh, Pinkie! Not half bad, though I can tell the guys are starting to get a little winded. Ain't that right, you pack of ninnies?!”

The yell was met with a small collection of grunts, a scant amount of muttering, and a single masculine shout of, “Yeah!” at the top of someone’s lungs.

“Then get over here and have a quick break. There ain't no one under there anyway,” Gains exclaimed.

The exhausted and sweat-covered workers trotted out from the destroyed home. Wearing grungy and sometimes poor-fitting clothes, the troupe were mostly made up of ponies too young to fight. With the sole exception being an enormous slab of white fur barely contained within a set of oversized leather armor.

“Take one and move quickly please, I have one more stop to get to, and I don't want them to freeze,” Pinkie Pie encouraged.

“Thanks for this, Pinks. We pulled a couple bodies out of the last place, so morale was gettin’ a little low,” Gains whispered, leaning down in order to ensure that none of her subordinates heard her.

“No problem. Just try and keep their spirits up,” Pinkie Pie replied.

The massive unicorn nodded knowingly and moved to the back of the line.

With little else to do, Pinkie Pie watched as the small work group grabbed their snacks and moved away. Seating themselves amongst the ruins of what had once been a family’s kitchen, the ponies dug into their food while Pinkie Pie observed them. Their eating area was a strange sight, given that it was mostly intact, with three of the four walls still standing and even a few pictures still hanging.

Pinkie Pie tried not to think of it for long and instead continued to trot along the road, making her way towards her final destination. Upon reaching the main road, Pinkie Pie was immediately forced to dodge a pair of ponies hauling a unicorn with an arrow sticking out of her shoulder. Though clearly in pain, the unicorn continued to smile while she was carried towards the healing tents.

“Tough mare,” Pinkie Pie remarked to herself before humming more of her song. “Gotta stand up tall. Learn to face your fears, you’ll see that they can't… can't…. How did it go again?”

The earth pony continued on, making her way towards the most fortified position in town, the main gate. Though the entrance was not nearly as grandiose as the one to Canterlot, the small town did sport a large stone gate house. Which had definitely seen better days, as several chunks and dents had been put into it over the course of the siege. The back area had also nearly collapsed at one point, requiring a dozen or so support beams and some frantic masonry work to fix.

Despite the damage, the structure continued to stand as a bulwark against the invading mercenaries. It was also the main intelligence hub for the allied host, housing the higher-ups from each group of defenders. A move which might have been considered foolish, had the gatehouse not been the strongest structure in town.

“Ahh, there you are. Go right in, Pinkie Pie, they're waiting for you,” remarked a fellow ranger wearing the standard armor of their order.

“Thanks, Stock. Try not to catch any more arrows with your face again,” Pinkie Pie teased.

The male chuckled, a hoof going up to his bandaged cheek. “I’ll try not to, but no promises.”

Pinkie Pie smiled, planting her small cart near the gatehouse entrance and unhooking herself. She was about to grab the remaining baked goods, but turned suddenly toward a nearby alleyway. The second she faced the dark, narrow passage, a mass of shadow fled, vanishing without a trace.

The mare did her best to ignore the growing sense of worry which clawed at the back of her mind, and focused instead on her work. With a flick of her hoof, she launched the platter into the air, and caught it on her back a moment later with deft precision. With her load secured, Pinkie Pie trotted inside, nodding to the stallion who held the side door open for her.

The second she escaped the ever-present wind, Pinkie Pie released a sigh of relief. It wasn't much warmer inside, though the constant howling was at least muted indoors. There were also far more ponies here, and she had to dodge them constantly in order to not get bowled over. Thankfully it wasn't long until she found the room she was looking for and was able to deposit her load on the table.

“Here you are, sirs,” Pinkie Pie proclaimed.

The small collection of commanders looked up in surprise, their intense conversation abruptly ended by Pinkie Pie’s arrival. To Pinkie Pie’s right was a short weaselly-looking earth pony mare with an abnormally long muzzle who wore the simple leather armor of the town militia. Next to her was an expressionless stallion covered from head to hoof in tarnished gold armor marking him as the royal guard liaison. Beside them was a confused, slightly overweight mare with glasses so thick they could be used as bucklers if needed. Finally, on Pinkie Pie’s right was her own commander, a pegasus mare who was taller than everyone, even the royal guard.

“Ahh, thank the stars you arrived when you did. I thought for sure we had run out of supplies,” exclaimed the bespectacled mare, already reaching for a still steaming pie.

“Yes, it is quite fortuitous you arrived when you did,” added the rough, slightly gravelly voice of Pinkie Pie’s superior. “Potato Pie here ate our lunches while we were overseeing a light skirmish, so most of us have yet to eat.”

“I told you leaving me with food was a bad idea!” exclaimed the portly female. “I eat when I’m stressed!”

“You will control yourself this time,” declared the royal guard, his tone firm and leaving no room for argument.

“R-right,” murmured the mare before taking a bite of her pie.

“So, how did it go? Was your mission a success?” pressed the ranger general.

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “More or less. Our guest has still yet to show himself, and though he's no doubt growing stronger by the day, he isn't powerful enough to face us directly.”

“You mean the fear demon, right?” asked the long-muzzled pony.

“What have I told you about mentioning him out loud? He must believe that he is undetected, lest he feel pressured to launch an attack,” stated the royal guard. “Until reinforcements arrive, we must not press our luck.”

“And who said we’re getting back-up anyway?” pressed the militia leader. “You’ve been saying that for days.”

“They’ll come,” Pinkie Pie declared. “I feel it in my tail.”

“Isn't the saying ‘I feel it in my bones’?” asked Potato Pie between bites of their meal.

“Yes,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Err, okay,” murmured the overweight mare.

“I think we should get back to the topic at hoof,” offered the royal guard. “Our eastern flank is beginning to-”

The stallion was interrupted by the arrival of a young ranger bursting into the room. “Sir, you're going to want to see this!” he declared immediately upon entering.

“What is it, private?” demanded his superior.

“The guy, the main one, he's just… standing out there. Alone!” exclaimed the squire.

Everyone glanced at one another before taking off towards the battlements at a sprint. Pinkie Pie led the pack and leapt up the stairs four at a time, quickly emerging out onto the roof. A second later, she was peeking out from between the crenelations, her gaze immediately settling on the lone pony in the field before her.

The narrow, wiry stallion wore an overly large set of ceremonial field plate which he barely seemed able to move in. Thankfully all he needed to do was stand atop a small rise and glare at the defenders with a disdainful look. Behind him was his army of mercenaries who filled the field almost completely and outnumbered the defenders two to one.

Each one were armed for battle, their numerous banners flapping in the cold, bitter wind. The various companies were grouped together with their leader standing at their head, making for an imposing sight.

“Wow, that is… a lot of soldiers,” murmured the weaselly mare.

“It seems as though he has attracted two new companies. The Reckoners and House Atreus,” remarked the royal guard captain.

“Is that… bad?” asked the overweight mare between breaths.

“That depends. Do you mind the thought of being sold into slavery, or getting eaten by griffons?” remarked Pinkie Pie’s superior.

“Maybe we should evacuate,” offered Potato Pie. “I’m sure if we demolish the south wall, we could get away in time.”

“They are far too fast. We wouldn't make it more than a mile before being picked off,” replied the royal guard.

“Send word, gather every last able-bodied soldier to the walls. I’ve got a feeling this is going to go south quickly. Tell them General Gale Force needs them mustered ASAP,” whispered the ranger general to a nearby aide.

The messenger nodded before leaping off the battlements and flying into town.

“So good of you all to join me on this auspicious day!” bellowed the distant earth pony, his voice magnified by the strange tube-shaped mechanism he held to his lips. “And you even brought along a certain pink pony. Perfect.”

“What do you want, ya pompous wig warmer?” bellowed the ranger captain.

The mass of griffon and minotaur mercenaries snickered amongst themselves.

“Silence,” shrieked their employer before turning back to the town. “I have a proposition I think you will find to be most persuasive.”

“We are not letting you have this town. I don't care what royal decree or old law you wave around. We will not let you have it!” shouted Potato Pie who shook a pudgy hoof at the distant stallion.

“I’m going to assume that you said something ignorant and nonsensical,” stated the noble. “Regardless, I am not here to give you the same offer I did three days ago. I have something new in mind.”

“Well, go on!” shouted the royal guard. “Might as well get this over with.”

“Mistress Moon has given me the honor of offering you all mercy!” yelled the far off male. “In fact, she will even grant me a much larger villa in a more prestigious location if only you do one teensy weensy thing for me.”

“What is it?” demanded the ranger general.

“Simply hand over the one called Pinkie Pie, and not only will we leave, but we will also hand over the prisoners of war we’ve captured,” yelled the slightly shrill voice of the noble. “How does that sound?”

The battlements were quiet, and Pinkie Pie couldn't help but quail in terror as all eyes settled on her. Most expressions were unreadable, though Potato Pie and the weaselly mare Pinkie never learned the name of were obvious. They watched Pinkie Pie like she was a freshly baked cake, and they were ready to fight to get a slice of her.

“No,” stated Pinkie Pie’s superior. “I will not let you take her.”

“We should talk about this,” remarked the long-muzzled mare. “Why, I’m sure if we ask Pinkie Pie, she will be happy to take one for the team. What do you say?”

“Irrelevant,” declared the guard captain. “I made an oath to protect every last soldier under my command, and that includes her.”

“You can't decide that for her,” urged Potato Pie. “Go on, cousin. Tell them how you want to save us all.”

Pinkie Pie bit her tongue and glanced from the captain to the general. Neither strayed from their convictions, and it was quite apparent that they were ready for a fight. Which Pinkie Pie had mixed feelings about, as her first thought was to jump over the side of the wall and make a break for it.

She had made an oath to protect who she could and to slay monsters, but that was secondary. The earth pony glanced over her shoulder and realized that she was only a few feet from the wall. She estimated that the snow would cushion her fall slightly, but even then it was a good three stories to the ground.

“Pinkie Pie,” exclaimed the ranger general. “I can tell what's going through your mind, and I am ordering you to not do what I think you're planning.”

“Your commander is correct,” added the guard captain. “Whatever reason he has to demand your surrender, it likely isn't out of a sense of true mercy.”

“Who cares?” Pinkie Pie replied. “I’d lay down my life to lift this siege. These people have suffered enough.”

“Exactly, and it's not the choice of your boss anyway,” stated Potato Pie.

“If that tyrant is willing to do all this just for you, then there is good reason to resist her,” offered the leader of the rangers. “Whatever is going on, it's now bigger than just this village.”

Pinkie Pie subtly stepped back towards the battlement. “I don't care what other machinations are in the works. I have a chance to help ponies here and now.”

“No, wait!” shouted Gale Force just as Pinkie Pie leapt from the top of the guard house.

The earth pony twisted deftly in the air and landed with a soft thump in the snow bank next to the wall. The ensuing clamor from behind her was quickly ignored as Pinkie Pie sprinted across the field. A twisting sensation from her gut prompted Pinkie Pie to leap out of the way of a golden stun bolt fired from the wall.

It was joined by a net and a telekinetic grab, both of which Pinkie Pie dodged with ease. Pinkie Pie could also hear ponies yelling at her to come back and urging her to reconsider. Though tempting, Pinkie Pie remembered the many ponies slain before their time and refused to stop. With their faces plastered against the insides of her eyelids and their names poised on the tip of her tongue, Pinkie Pie ran on.

“Ahh good. It looks like you boys will be getting your bonus, after all!” shouted the noble.

A great roar went up over the crowd of mercenaries, the clatter of steel filling the frost-covered field. It didn't last long however, as something fell out of the sky and landed amidst the horde, causing a wave of confusion. Pinkie Pie ignored this recent development however and kept going, putting her head down as she charged toward the host.

Unfortunately another noise soon joined the cacophony of sound, the ringing clatter of a rising gate. Realization struck the earth pony like a hammer blow, and she spun around to find that the defenders were pouring forth from the town. Every last ranger, royal guard, and even a good number of militia members were sprinting towards her.

“Stop, go back! It's not worth it!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Her words were rendered inaudible against the crash of metal, the thump of hooves, and the numerous bellowed war cries. Adding to the confusion was the scream of a dying minotaur along with the crack of lightning from behind her. Now baffled, Pinkie Pie turned around to find that the mercenaries were being assaulted by a motley assortment of creatures.

Demons, ponies, and even the undead were crashing into the disorganized back ranks of the soldiers for hire. Lightning bolts rained down from rogue storm clouds guided by several nearly invisible pegasi. Nearly every race under the sun was represented amongst the attacking swarm of creatures.

At the head of which strode a towering mountain of golden scales and bursts of hellfire. Standing taller than even the siege equipment, the demonic pony trampled dozens during her charge into their ranks. A shield wall was soon erected in order to stop her, but it was smashed apart mere moments after it was formed.

A griffon was torn apart by a half dozen undead ponies while his squadmate was bisected by an armored demon. A handful of the griffon’s allies tried to fly off, only to be cut down by a flurry of silver bolts fired from a previously unseen cloud. Their fellows on the ground weren't much better off, as the battle had turned into a chaotic melee where it was incredibly easy to be surrounded.

Even the strongest foes, who wore enchanted armor and wielded ancient magical weapons were being dealt heavy casualties. The large force of well-disciplined minotaurs had formed into a star shape and were fighting well, but strength meant little here. Especially so when the ground collapsed beneath them, trapping them waist deep in dirt and snow.

To their credit, a good half of the bull men managed to pull themselves free, though their comrades were not so lucky. They were either pulled apart by a wall of zombies or crushed beneath the hooves of the towering wrath demon. The lucky ones found themselves at the end of a pony blade and had the chance to surrender, though few took it.

The orgy of blood and violence was as brief as it was intense, lasting only a few minutes before ending abruptly. The final mercenary surrendered to what few normal ponies were amidst the mass of demons and undead. They were swiftly carried off, leaving Pinkie Pie standing there with her jaw hanging open.

“Well, that takes the wind out of my sails,” remarked the guard captain.

“No kiddin’,” muttered Gale Force.

Pinkie Pie glanced over to where a familiar pair of demons were making their way in her direction. The town’s defenders raised their weapons, but Pinkie Pie motioned her fellows to lower their blades. They did so reluctantly. Even though the confused militia were relatively calm, they still bunched together, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Ahh, wonderful,” Kanathara exclaimed. “And here I thought it may be difficult to find you.”

“Really saves us the trouble,” Rainbow Dash added.

“We are on your side, by the way,” Kanathara remarked. “You’re welcome.”

“Err, thanks?” murmured Pinkie Pie.

“Now then, where is that pesky fear demon I sensed upon arrival?” Kanathara wondered aloud, glancing about the area.

“I think he's trying to escape out the back,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “See? I think he had a grand reveal planned, but after seeing us has decided to make a run for it.”

All eyes turned to a copse of trees near the edge of the battle. Where a tall, painfully skinny humanoid was crouched between a pair of frost-covered elm trees. His two clawed arms as well as the eight spider-like limbs sprouting from his back were lowered in an effort to make himself appear smaller. The only clothing he wore was a tattered series of rags that resembled a dress and mostly covered the four legs which sprouted from his hips. The normally terrifying octopus-like visage of the creature somehow appeared fearful rather than intimidating.

“I’ll deal with this,” declared Velvet.

The armored cultist didn't wait for a response and swiftly unwinded a long black chain from around her forehoof. She threw it like a lasso around the creature’s midsection, the chains having extended as long as they were needed. The weapon defied physics even more by moving on its own, and binding the fear demon’s many limbs together. In seconds the monster was completely immobilized by the obsidian metal, leaving little room for it to even move.

A terrible screech could be heard, and though terrifying to most, everyone could hear the terror that the cry contained. A fear which was definitely not unfounded, as Velvet began to pull the monster in, dragging it across the snowy field. Though it screamed, crackled with magic, and turned incorporeal, the demon could not escape.

“Now then,” Velvet began, setting a hoof against the creature’s chain-covered chest. “Are you going to calm down or am I going to have to give you your final death?”

The fear demon lay still for a moment before nodding its head.

“Good. Now let's get you processed,” Velvet declared, turning to Kanathara. “Can you guys handle it from here?”

“We got it,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Velvet nodded and trotted away, dragging the fear demon towards the waiting group of cultists. Standing in their midst was a familiar blue succubus, who waved at Kanathara the second their eyes met. The keeper of secrets awkwardly returned the gesture before turning around to the increasingly confused ponies.

“Now then,” Kanathara clopped her forehooves together, “let's cut to the chase. Nightmare Moon is planning on killing every single person on the plane, and we are intent on stopping her. If you join us, you can help save the planet, or you can leave. I don't really care.”

“Either way, Pinks here is coming with us,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Now wait just a second,” remarked the ranger general. “She needs my leave to go anywhere.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Don't worry about it, boss lady. I know these weirdos and contrary to their appearance, they are the good guys. Or at least neutral, actually that's a bit of a stretch too. Currently aligned with us? Yeah, that sounds right.”

“Are you sure about this?” stressed the general.

“I mean, if Pinkie Pie doesn't come with us, there is a good chance this entire plane of existence will die,” Kanathara remarked.

“So no pressure or anything,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed while picking her teeth with a piece of griffon bone.

“Wait, what happened to that pompous prick who wanted to evict the villagers?” asked the royal guard.

“I’m not sure,” Kanathara muttered, spinning around. “Hey, Pear Butter, would you grab me that weirdo with the ill-fitting armor?”

“Sure thing, honey,” boomed the still enormous wrath demon.

Who looked around and swiftly spotted her target being carried away by a hungry vampire. After a brief apology for stealing his meal, Pear Butter lifted the noble from the ground and deposited him at Kanathara’s hooves.

“There you are, now play nice,” Pear Butter remarked.

The male groaned, his battered and bruised face clearly visible now that his helmet was gone. Allowing all to see that he was much older than what they had thought, likely nearing seventy years of age. His fur had lost most of its luster, and the tips of his mane had the same dull red color as his eyes did.

“Oh, we will, alright,” Rainbow Dash replied, only to frown and sniff the air. “Hold on a second, this guy is sin-free.”

“How is that possible?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“What, you again?” barked the noble, his tone shifting suddenly. “And you’ve got the pink one too. I’d be offering my congratulations, but I’m likely to have my legs torn off for losing another pawn.”

“Ahh, Stygian, the rat we just can't seem to crush. How are you?” Kanathara asked.

“Great, just great. I lost a small army, my target, and am now in for a good few hours of torture thanks to you,” Stygian exclaimed through the mouth of the noble. “At least I get to enjoy watching this silly twit die.”

The puppeted pony laid his head down on the ground in front of Rainbow Dash’s hoof.

“Well then, get on with it,” Stygian urged.

“Nah, killing innocents is boring. Plus I’m trying to look good in front of the mortals,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Stygian rolled his puppet’s eyes and glanced at Kanathara. “Come on then. You’ve never shied away from violence before. Come eat this juicy innocent soul.”

“A tempting offer, but you’ve tainted the meal with your presence,” Kanathara replied.

“What moral and upstanding allies you have,” whispered the ranger general.

“Hey, at least they aren't killing him for fun,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“I think I’m going to earn some brownie points and just knock you out,” Kanathara declared.

“Pfft, lame,” Stygian stated before his puppet was rendered unconscious by a bolt of magic.

“Now then,” Kanathara began, clopping her forehooves together. “Ready to go save the world?”

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