• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,394 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Nine: As Below

Kanathara sat quietly beneath the boughs of an old oak tree, her eyes scanning through a clearly ancient spellbook. Its pages felt like they were made from skin, and the vile words contained within had been written in blood. Not only that, but the entire thing was bound in thick leather.

“Antiquated,” Kanathara muttered, closing the tome. “And needlessly edgy.”

“It's pretty cringy, huh?” Rainbow Dash murmured from above her.

Kanathara looked up to where her familiar was sprawled out on a branch, her legs dangling below her.

“It kinda is,” Kanathara remarked. “It feels like something you'd see on some demon’s stand in a desolate bazaar.”

Rainbow Dash yawned. “So, are you all ready to get moving again?”

Kanathara sighed. “I suppose so. I’m about as rested as I’m going to get, and I don't feel like making them wait any longer.”

“Still, it was nice that they’ve been so patient,” Rainbow Dash remarked, gliding down from her perch.

“How long has it been anyway? I may have lost track of time,” Kanathara admitted.

“It's only been ten or so hours since we arrived yesterday evening,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully. “We should get going then.”

Together the duo trotted up the long ramp leading back to the cabin in relative silence. They emerged into the cellar where they found a surprised Velvet waiting for them.

The mare seemed slightly more worn than usual, but unlike normally, she did not wear any armor, and neither did she have a weapon. The only item she had on her was a pair of bulging saddlebags that rested upon her back.

“Ahh, what wonderful timing,” she announced with a smile, lifting a hoof.

Kanathara chuckled and accepted the hug before gently pushing the other mare away. “So it seems. What brings you here so early?” she inquired.

“You don't have any more cool stuff for us, do you?” Rainbow Dash asked while trying to peek into the pony’s bags.

Only to receive a swat across her inquisitive hoof. “I was here to run over the plan with Tirek before you awoke, and yes, I come bearing more gifts, but those can wait for later,” Velvet answered.

Rainbow Dash sucked on her injured hoof and scowled.

Kanathara merely chuckled at her familiar’s antics. “What exactly is this plan of yours anyway?”

“You will see in a moment, but as you probably already figured out, we’ve been working on a way to get you into the citadel,” Velvet exclaimed.

“Without having to fight Celestia, the entire royal guard, and every single paladin in a hundred mile radius, I presume?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

Velvet chuckled. “Naturally.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Kanathara encouraged, gesturing to the stairs up.

Velvet nodded, and together all three of them walked up into the main level of the small cottage. Once there, they quickly realized they were alone.

“Odd, I thought they were up here,” Kanathara murmured.

“They did leave their rooms an hour ago or so,” Rainbow Dash remarked. “I wonder where-”

Her line of questioning was interrupted when the bathroom door opened to reveal a towering Tirek who had a towel wrapped around his head. The second he exited the steam-filled room, the centaur blushed slightly before quickly schooling his features.

“Ahh, good morning, Velvet, daughters,” he greeted, closing the door behind him.

Rainbow Dash grinned and trotted up to the fear demon. “How's it going, bossman? Had a good shower?”

“It has been going well as they say, and my shower was quite pleasurable,” Tirek replied, clasping the vengant’s shoulder briefly.

“Err, alright then,” Velvet murmured, taking a seat at the table. “Do you remember what we all had planned for the citadel, or do you need some time to gather any note-”

The bathroom door opened a second time to reveal a shiny golden wrath demon. A towel-covered hoof rubbed her face as she strode into the room, unaware that they were no longer alone.

“Hey, stud, I was thinkin’ after breakfast we could go down to the creek outside and...” Pear Butter began, only to freeze when her towel fell away, “...enjoy the nature?”

Velvet sighed, Rainbow Dash chuckled, and Kanathara merely groaned irritably.

“Can we please just sit down and start discussing this plan of yours?” Kanathara inquired.

“Err, right,” Pear Butter murmured, a blush crossing her face.

Tirek merely chuckled as he knelt down next to the table. “That was just as funny as I imagined it would be.”

Pear Butter sat next to him before slugging him in the shoulder. “Jerk.”

“Where should we begin?” Velvet inquired.

“I would suggest mentioning your spy situation, and what you’ve discovered about the Nightmare,” Tirek replied.

“Right,” Velvet murmured. “Suffice it to say things have not been good. The Nightmare cult is incredibly insular and managing to get a spy into their midst is very difficult.”

“You don't think they have had dealings with Celestia by chance, do you?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I mean, it would explain why they suddenly have the Black Hunger.”

“That unfortunately is not something I can explain,” Velvet admitted with a sigh.

“You two know how to evade it, so it's not like it's that big of a deal, right?” Pear Butter inquired.

“I suppose not, but it is still worrying to see the artifact change hooves so suddenly,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“We must assume that the paladins have infiltrated your organization, as well as vice versa,” Tirek stated.

Velvet frowned and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “As unfortunate as that small discovery may be, I feel as though we have bigger concerns on our hooves.”

“Like breaking into the most secure location on the planet,” Rainbow Dash deadpanned, hooves crossed over her chest.

“Actually, that's where you’re wrong,” Velvet declared, pulling a map from her bag and placing it on the table. “Though a fortress, the paladins assumed it would never be assaulted, given its position.”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow. “A regular army would find it completely impossible to attack without incredible casualties, but surely they have some countermeasures in place for a more stealthy approach.”

“I told ya we helped raise her right! She's one smart cookie,” Pear Butter proudly exclaimed.

Velvet chuckled. “Yes. If nothing else, she is still as quick as she was when she was a foal.”

Kanathara grumbled bitterly, a blush crossing her face. “Would you stop talking about me like I’m not here?”

“Sorry, dear. They are just very proud,” Tirek explained.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and tapped the map which Velvet had finished spreading. “So, what do we have to worry about then?”

“Its anti-air capabilities are considerable, and the area around it is a sheer cliff without any entrances,” Pear Butter began, tapping at the wind-swept expanse of flat rock which surrounded the citadel. “The entire thing is intended to be completely impervious to all who cannot teleport directly inside of it.”

“Unless you enter from beneath it, I presume?” Kanathara offered.

“Exactly,” stated Pear Butter.

“They thought the crystal caverns beneath it were completely sealed off, but we have discovered that several changelings moved in not long ago and tried to construct a hive,” Velvet continued. “After clearing them out, we were able to discover several monster-infested tunnels that go all the way up to the subbasement of the citadel itself.”

“Perfect!” Rainbow Dash thumped her hoof against the table. “That means we can just walk right in and take the last two Elements, right?”

“I doubt it is going to be that easy,” Kanathara remarked, gesturing to the map. “I mean, look at it. The thing has a dozen or so towers all crammed next to one another. There has to be hundreds of paladins in there.”

“Actually, their current garrison is probably closer to fifty or so,” Tirek explained. “They have been sending a considerable number of squads out into the Everfree and the surrounding area looking for us.”

“And the Elements as well as my organization,” Velvet added. “A number of my old hideouts have already been discovered.”

“Even still. I doubt it's going to be easy to acquire the last two,” Kanthara remarked.

“It won't be. The upper layers are guarded by an extensive set of matrices and wards. So unless someone invites you up there, you're going to have to locate the central scrying chambers and take them out,” Pear Butter stated.

Tirek held up a finger. “Though you have to remember that doing so would alert the commander of the citadel who would likely tell Celestia herself.”

“So we set up some kind of timed spell and make sure we are ready to strike before detonating it,” Kanathara confidently replied.

“Exactly,” Tirek replied, opening his hands. “But that's not all. For as soon as the wards are down, we should be able to scry into the building in order to check your progress. Or at least as much as your own personal anti-scrying enchantments will allow.”

“I’ll disable them, should I run into trouble,” Kanathara remarked.

“That makes me feel much better,” murmured Velvet.

“Will your other kid be there?” Rainbow Dash glanced towards the lone pony expectantly.

“I’m not sure,” Velvet admitted. “His location is a closely guarded secret known only to the other commanders and presumably Celestia herself.”

Rainbow Dash clopped her hooves against the table. “Alright, so we go through the caves, breach the basement, and proceed to this scrying chamber thing where we wreck up the place. After that we go to wherever the final two Elements are and grab 'em. Is that just about everything?”

“We’ve been able to discern some of their patrols and general layout of the lower areas, but beyond that, you will be on your own,” Pear Butter warned.

Kanathara rubbed her chin as she eyed the map. “There are a lot of questions left up in the air. Like, are the Elements being kept in some manner of vault? What kind of defences do they have? What if Celestia shows up?”

Tirek sighed, his shoulders slumping. “We don't know the answers to your questions, I’m afraid. Your mother and I have been trying to discern more about the building, but it's so well-guarded that it's been difficult.”

“And only the most well-trusted of paladins even see the inside of the place,” added Velvet.

Pear Butter snorted and smacked the keeper of secrets on the back. “You don't need any more information. You’re smart, you got more magic than I could shake a stick at, and you got an excellent partner to help you out. If we gave you any additional assistance, it would be too easy.”

“Hell yeah!” shouted Rainbow Dash and clopped her hoof against Pear Butter’s.

Kanathara sighed. “I suppose it will have to be enough.”

“Don't worry. We wouldn't be telling you all this unless we thought you could do it,” Tirek remarked.

“Thanks,” Kanathara murmured.

“Now then, it's about time we got you some better protection,” Velvet stated, reaching back into her bag.

“Hell yeah, time to break out the cool stuff!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, peering intently at the mare. “What is it? A sword that eats souls, a dagger of demon summoning, or maybe a mace that allows you to control undead?”

“You know, I’m pretty sure I had that first one back in the day,” murmured Tirek. “I think it was called Edge something? It was effective, but creepy.”

“Wasn't that the one with the big eyeball in the handle?” Pear Butter inquired in a disgusted tone.

“Yeah, I think that was the one. Terrible conversationalist. Always going on about blood and hatred at all hours,” Tirek idly remarked.

“Aha, here we are,” Velvet exclaimed, pulling forth a full set of boots. “These are for you, Rainbow Dash.”

“But I already have boots!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, extending her armor down to her hooves for emphasis.

“Yes, I know, but these offer you not only protection, but a significant damage bonus as well,” Velvet replied, placing the black boots on the table with a clunk.

“They seem ancient,” Kanathara remarked.

They were also not as dark as they appeared on first glance, bearing rows of copper-colored spikes across the top and bottom. In the center of the pair which was supposed to be worn on one’s forehooves was the outline of a large, rust-colored diamond.

“I mean, I guess they look pretty cool,” Rainbow Dash grumpily admitted. “What exactly do they do, and will they work with my armor?”

“They were made for a prodigious earth pony fighter renowned for his unshakable endurance and incredible toughness,” Velvet began. “And to help augment these strengths, he commissioned boots which sap the vitality of those he fights.”

“So kinda like what Kanathara does?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“Sort of. Though her abilities tear at an individual’s very soul while these simply sap their bodily endurance,” Velvet explained, tapping one boot in emphasis. “After hitting someone with one of your hooves, the studs on it will create a link between you and them. So long as you stay within fifteen or so feet of your enemy, they should keep losing health at a steady pace.”

“Fascinating,” Kanathara murmured. “How will we be able to keep them with us?”

“Given that these boots were meant to be used in tandem with other magical equipment, Rainbow Dash’s armor should be able to interface with them and share the soul-binding curse on her breastplate,” Velvet explained.

“Which would normally be dangerous, but thankfully they made things a little different back in Brawny Granite’s day,” Tirek exclaimed.

“I’m kinda jealous,” admitted Pear Butter.

“I guess that's kinda cool. Though I would have liked a pair of boots that shot flames or something. You can never have too much fire,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Kanathara chuckled.

Rainbow Dash wasted no time in putting the boots on, adjusting the small hidden straps to ensure they fit properly. Once they were firmly on her hooves, she made a few kicking motions in order to get used to their weight.

“A little heavy, but nothing I can't get used to. Now let’s see what they look like with the entire armor,” Rainbow Dash stated.

A second later her heavy breastplate expanded, unfolding into dozens of thick black plates that covered the vengant’s entire body. Like before, the armor was both incredibly intimidating, and clearly demonic in nature. Though unlike every other time she donned the armor, it did not create a pair of boots and instead stopped a few inches short of Rainbow Dash’s new shoes.

The vengant shook her hoof angrily. “Come on, play nice. I don't want to have a big gaping hole in my defences, you know.”

Slowly, the armor regretfully crawled down the demon’s flesh until it reached the boots. It then formed dozens of black, metallic tentacles which plunged into Rainbow Dash’s new shoes.

“Hey, don't eat them, I need those!” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily.

“Wait, I think it's working,” Tirek whispered.

Rainbow Dash stopped waving her hooves around and watched as her armor and boots began to meld into each other. The plate mail became slightly lighter until it reached the same shade of black as the boots. The copper embossing and studs Kanathara thought would disappear instead multiplied all over Rainbow Dash’s armor.

Slowly but surely, the vengant’s plate mail became slightly less demonic in appearance, though no less intimidating. Now covered in short reddish brown spikes and studs, the rather gruesome armor lightened ever so slightly. It was all over in a minute, but before anyone could say anything, Rainbow Dash donned the helmet.

And found that it was now sleeker, with a narrow slit for her eyes, and an overall sharp design dominated by harsh straight lines. The helmet also seemed to draw in the light, as the vengant’s features were invisible, save for her glowing red eyes.

“How do I look?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Like a demonic knight,” Kanathara replied.

The vengant dismissed the helmet and smirked. “I can live with that.”

“Oh, would ya look at that. Your little booties have a symbol thingy on them,” Pear Butter exclaimed.

“They are not booties!” Rainbow Dash bitterly exclaimed.

“It looks familiar,” Kanathara murmured.

Rainbow Dash looked down to her forehooves and noted the empty diamonds in the center were now filled with what looked like a six-pointed star behind which were a pair of lightning bolts.

“It's almost like that one time we disguised as ponies,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Intriguing. Did you tell it to do that?” Velvet inquired.

The vengant shook her head. “Nah. I can't control the smaller details.”

“Well, so long as it works,” Tirek exclaimed.

“Right. So what do you have for me then?” Kanathara inquired.

“I have something very unique for you. Something I’ve been working on for quite some time,” Velvet replied, reaching into her bag and producing an iron crown adorned with three gems. “Behold. The iron crown once worn by the Black Foe of the world.”

“It looks old and busted,” Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

“It does appear to be in poor condition,” Kanathara admitted as she noted its slightly worn appearance.

“It's supposed to look like that, trust me,” Velvet stated firmly.

“It is an impressive piece,” Tirek remarked, waving a glowing hoof across the crown. “With a truly fascinating set of enchantments that I can only begin to understand.”

Kanathara was tempted to look over the crown as Tirek had, but she chose to simply use a more mundane manner of inspection first. Peering intently at the crown, she noted that it had six points, each one of which was sharp, and were about three inches long. These points were double-sided too, though the bottom of them were much shorter and far duller than the ones on top.

Each one of these points were connected by a small bridge of blackened metal that in turn was secured to the centremost point where the three dull blue stones were set into a pair of jagged bits of metal that resembled leaves. The final stone was set into the last point which would rise tall above Kanathara’s brow, should she don the crown.

“Who was this Black Foe of the world?” Kanathara asked curiously.

“We don't know for certain, but they were supposedly created by some all-powerful deity from outside our reality. There they rebelled and tried to dominate the mortal realm before being banished into the void. From there bits of them have fallen through the cracks of reality, with their crown having ended up here in Equestria,” Velvet explained.

“That is… quite the tale,” Kanathara remarked.

“I would normally take such talk with a grain of salt, but the demon I spoke to confirmed the story,” Velvet exclaimed.

“So, what does it do?” Pear Butter asked while prodding one of the spikes and wincing when it drew blood.

“Other than being really pointy? It also imbues its wearer with the ability to manipulate the shadows as well as grants them complete immortality,” Velvet stated.

Kanathara gawked silently at the strange artifact. “Really?”

“Well, sort of,” Velvet admitted. “You won't be able to be permanently killed, but it will take time for you to be able to regenerate your physical form, and if the crown is destroyed while you are recovering, you will perish. Thankfully it's nearly indestructible.”

“So it basically functions as a pocket plane that you can tie yourself to like demons are to Tartarus?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Pretty much,” Velvet admitted with a shrug.

“Once this business with the Nightmare is completed, we must do some additional research on this crown,” Tirek insisted. “I sense it has additional powers that we may not fully understand.”

Kanathara nodded. “Of course.”

“And don't worry. There is no way it can control you or anything like that. Passing through the veil of realities broke any connection it had with its former owner,” Velvet explained.

“That's good to know,” Kanathara murmured, taking the crown in her forehooves. “Here goes nothing.”

Donning the crown, Kanathara noted that it seemed to fit perfectly despite appearing slightly too large only a moment earlier. Releasing her grip, the demon noted that it was surprisingly comfortable, and she didn't even notice the downward facing points. Not only that, but she felt lighter in a way that she couldn't quite explain.

Lifting a hoof, Kanathara allowed the weightless feeling to overcome the limb which immediately turned to a faint purplish mist. Willing her leg to be solid once more, Kanathara noted that although it drained her reserves slightly, the hit was so small as to barely even be noticeable. In fact it was so easy to turn to mist that Kanathara got an idea.

Extending her right foreleg as far as possible, she then willed a small three inch wide section in the middle to become ethereal while the rest remained solid. Sure enough, that was exactly what happened, with her hoof connecting to her body by only a thin trail of mist. Though this was possible to do before, it was an especially draining technique, and one that even the keeper of secrets had found difficult to use.

“Fascinating,” Kanathara murmured.

“How do you feel?” Velvet inquired.

“Light,” Kanathara replied, lifting her forehooves, only to notice that her greaves had been altered somehow.

Where before they were elegant and clearly the product of a vain noble, now they appeared to be the roughshod boots of a warrior. Thick, blackened iron plates overlapped to cover her from the knee down. It looked a lot like the crown did in a way, made of crude, soot-stained iron that appeared both tough and cheap at the same time.

“Hey, now you match,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“That wasn't supposed to happen,” murmured Velvet.

Kanathara lifted a forehoof and willed the armor away before making it return to her in a flood of solidifying smoke. Once it had recreated its shape, the boots became firm once more, though they had not returned to their former appearance.

“The protection enchantments are all still in place,” Kanathara exclaimed. “I suppose the crown simply didn't wish to clash with my greaves.”

“Well, whatever the reason, it doesn't seem to have any adverse effects,” Velvet concluded. “Sorry I didn't get you guys any weapons, but I figured you would need time to train with them.”

“Time we don't have,” Kanathara agreed.

“Eh, this is just as good. Besides, I don't want to have to rework my fighting style anyway,” Rainbow Dash reasoned as she gave the air a few more test kicks.

“This was a wonderful gift. Thank you, mother,” Kanathara exclaimed, pulling the much smaller being in for a short but tight hug.

“You're quite welcome, my dear,” replied the older mare softly.

“Yeah, thanks Velvet. I owe you one,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Keep looking after my daughter, and I’ll call it even,” Velvet replied.

Kanathara smiled and stood up from her seat. “Now then, is there anything else we must discuss?”

“No,” Tirek hastily replied. “Did you like your room, by the way?”

“It was lovely, Tirek, thank you,” Kanathara added, noticing that the small hint of jealousy she could see in his eye vanished immediately.

“Excellent,” Tirek declared.

“Let me guess, you're heading out immediately?” Pear Butter offered.

“Well, as soon as you give us some more information on how to get through the caves, that is,” Kanathara replied.

“Right. I’ve got all the directions right here,” Tirek stated, retrieving a small bundle of papers from beneath the table. “It should guide you from the secret cave entrance we discovered on the east side of the mountain all the way to the citadel.”

“Even better,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, taking the papers. “Now we can get moving right away.”

“So it would seem,” Kanathara admitted.

“Stay safe, my dear,” Velvet remarked.

“She’ll be fine, and besides, we’ll be waiting just in case she needs backup. Won't we, Tirek?” Pear Butter half asked, half stated.

The fear demon nodded. “I’ll have a teleportation circle all set up in case you need assistance. I doubt that I’ll be able to send more than a single person if need be, but I’ll at least make sure it will be able to recall you both once secured.”

“It will have to be enough,” Kanthara stated. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a contract to fulfill.”

Kanathara leapt backwards out of the way of a bite which would have caught her right in the midsection. The beast’s fanged maw clamped down on empty air and recoiled briefly before the entire thing lurched toward the keeper, forcing Kanathara to turn to mist in order to dodge out of the way. Her form flowed between the scaled creature’s six legs and along its long spiky tail.

What are you doing up there? Kanthara demanded.

It won’t go down! Rainbow Dash mentally retorted while continuing to slam her forehooves into the back of the enormous frilled lizard’s head, connecting more glowing copper lines from it to her.

Despite the thunderous strength of her blows, the creature hardly seemed to notice the vengant’s attacks and, with a twist of its head, threw her off. Landing in a roll, Rainbow Dash quickly leapt back up and faced the creature once more. Beside her, Kanathara reformed, the keeper peering intently at the towering lizard standing before them.

Though it had appeared to be a simple cave-dwelling reptile of some kind on first glance, the pair had quickly found out why the changelings had avoided this area, and why Velvet had known nothing about it. For around them stood several crystal statues of ponies and shapeshifters in various states of shock and fear.

Each one was missing a limb or two after being turned to crystal by the basilisk.

“What do we do?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Go for its eyes. I’ll distract it, and avoid its-” Kanathara began, before diving out of the way. “Move!”

The creature opened its leathery frills and revealed its shimmering underside. A second later a swath of the cave floor was turned to crystal. The creature’s gaze swept towards where Rainbow Dash rolled away, but it wasn't quite fast enough.

A burst of magic disrupted its attack and temporarily blinded the basilisk. A second later the stunned beast received a spiked hoof straight to its glowing yellow orb, piercing deep into the soft flesh. A roar spilled out of its maw and was cut short when a long spike rammed its way through its brain and into its spine.

Like a puppet with its strings cut, the beast fell slack to the stone floor, landing with enough force that the walls trembled. Above them the crystals shook, nearly coming loose and threatening to spear the two demons. Thankfully that didn't happen, and Kanathara breathed a little easier after Rainbow Dash rejoined her.

“No wonder they were so confident that the caverns were secure,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Lazy ponies,” Kanathara muttered, kicking the dead beast as they walked past it.

“The point of entry wasn't far, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Kanathara shook her head. “No. It should be right ahead.”

Together the duo trotted deeper into the winding cavern, following it for several minutes before taking a left. Several more turns, and a few consultations with their directions later, they stood before a blank wall. One which Tirek’s handwriting confidently declared as only a few feet thick.

“This is it?” Rainbow Dash asked, tapping a hoof against the wall.

“It is,” Kanathara declared.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and eyed her mistress curiously. “You’re hesitating. Why?”

“This feels…” Kanathara began, only to stop herself and frown. “Like the beginning of the end.”

“Because we’ll have all the Elements after this?” Rainbow Dash inquired, gently wrapping an unarmored hoof around the keeper’s shoulders.

“Yeah,” Kanathara murmured, leaning her head against the larger demon. “After this the dice will have been cast and only fate will know what is about to happen to us.”

“We’ll get through it,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“I know we will, but everything has a cost, Rainbow Dash,” Kanathara whispered. “And I’m not sure if I’m willing to pay.”

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