• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,396 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Three: Success

“Wait your turn.” Snarled the demon, who glared down at the imp before turning its attention to Rockhoof once more. “Him and I have some unfinished business, don't we, shovel face? You had best prepare yourself, for tonight you will meet your final death!”

The possessed keeper cackled loudly, only to receive a small rock to the forehead, making the creature stumble and her wings to flap chaotically, ultimately leading it falling backwards onto the ground. “What the hell was-” it began, only to get a face full of hoof as Kanathara slammed her forelegs into the blackened keeper’s nose.

Blood spurted, and bones crunched and before the possessed demon had a chance to react, it had the wind knocked out of her by a pair of heavy hooves slamming into its midsection. Rainbow Dash grinned cruelly as she slammed her hooves into the creature’s stomach over and over, using the poor demon like a trampoline. All while Kanathara grunted with effort, the imp punching her hooves repeatedly into the demon’s face, shattering a cheek bone and causing a spurt of blood to splatter across her face.

“Enough!” shouted the possessed demon, who conjured forth a wave of force that knocked back both vengant and imp alike, sending them sprawling across the ground.

Rainbow Dash reacted first, leaping back into the air and lunging back at the possessed demon, her forelimbs outstretched, ready to tear the other demon’s throat out. That never happened though, as twin chains the color of pitch emerged from the ground and ensnared the flying demon, binding her to the ground. A fate that Kanathara was unable to avoid despite her best efforts, the imp dodging a few before ultimately becoming tangled in the magical trap and getting bound to the floor next to her familiar.

“Well, that could have gone better,” muttered the imp.

“Hey, what are you waiting for, you big lug? Get him!” Rainbow Dash shouted at Rockhoof who stood stock still, his limbs slack as he stared sadly at the possessed demon.

Who now rose slowly, its wounds closing as thin black tendrils pulled at its broken flesh and knitted it shut. A snap followed by several smaller cracks alerted the pair to the fact that even the creature’s bones were being healed and the possessed demon gave its head a shake, dismissing the black eye and shattered cheekbone. “Ahh, there we are,” it muttered. “That was a solid attempt, though a little predictable. If you had so much as a single weapon between the lot of you, I might have bit it there.”

Its eyes narrowed and it leaped forward, rows of sharp teeth flashing dangerously in the low light. “Fools! You have wasted the only chance you had of victory.”

“It was better than doing nothing,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a shrug.

“Now weren’t you going to kill Rockhoof and gloat or whatever?” Kanathara added.

“I…” The possessed demon frowned, its bulging muscles receding. “This isn't nearly as fun when you aren't shocked.”

“We've been down here for like twenty years, good luck getting a rise out of us,” Rainbow Dash remarked, shrugging as much as she could while being held against the ground.

“My father is a literal fear demon, there is nothing you could do that could scare me,” Kanathara remarked.

The black demon sighed and ran a hoof down its face. “Fine. I suppose we should just get this over with already.”

“Please do,” Kanathara added.

The demon turned to Rockhoof, a massive scowl spreading across its features. “Isn't this nostalgic, Rockhoof?” it taunted, sauntering over to the enormous stallion, its hips sashaying with every step. “You standing there dumbfounded, me having complete control over not only your life, but also your beloved’s.”

It stalked forward, its cruel smile growing disturbingly wide. “It's almost too bad you can't speak, I’d love to hear what insults you’d wield this time.” It stalked around the unmoving stallion, its long black tail rubbing against the creature’s side. “Perhaps you would resort to the usual ones like calling me weak, pathetic, or my favorite, a degenerate.”

The stallion stiffened but said nothing, his eyes remaining forward, unblinking.

“Ahh, that one was my favorite, calling me a degenerate for not having the strength to swing a sword while you ignored the fact that you couldn't plan for shit, but I could!” shouted the possessed demon, its black eyes glowing fiercely.

Rainbow Dash focused her mind on the connection between familiar and master, opening the private communication channel. I’m assuming you got a plan, right?

Kanathara smirked. Of course. He used Rembrandt’s final binding spell which needs constant attention. Attention that will quickly vanish the second he gets too worked up in exacting his revenge against Rockhoof.

And we’ll get the fringe benefit of killing, or at least severly wounding the giant mound of flesh and stupid. The vengeant smirked, inadvertently showing off her sharp teeth which glinted in the low light. I like how you think, boss, let me guess, I’ll help get him worked up while you try and work your way out of the bindings?

Exactly, plus you can absorb some of the energy. I knew you would learn to be more tactical eventually! Kanathara replied, grinning at her familiar’s scowl of annoyance.

You are lucky you are so damn cute, otherwise I’d smack that smug look right off your face, Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. Just help get him worked up already, he's obviously enacting some kind of revenge scheme, it should be easy for you.

“-and then you took my apples right out of my hoof and crushed them!” the solid black demon yelled, hooves raised in the air. “And for what? To show me I should use my own hooves to pick them? I’m not even tall enough to do that, you bumbling halfwit!”

True, the righteousness of his anger is rather… the vengant licked her lips and made a strange sucking noise as she pulled air through her teeth, delicious.

Just get on it already, he's winding down his monologue and time is growing short, Kanathara replied.


“Hey, I don't mean to interrupt, but, uh, I assume that big mute lug was a jerk to you, huh?” Rainbow Dash announced.

Startling the pitch black keeper to pause mid-rant, a hoof raised as if to strike the brute. “That's an understatement. This mongrel belittled me for years all because I wasn't born a tall, broad-shouldered earth pony like him.”

“Oooh, now that is juicy.” Rainbow Dash snickered. “Now I get why he's down here and not up there still.”

“Oh, that's not even the half of it! Why this one time when we were trying to save this village east of Canterlot from…” It frowned, glaring at the vengeant. “You sly dog, you had me monologuing.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged noncommittally. “If you wanna skip to the ‘reeking your terrible vengeance’ part that's fine with me, it just makes the main event taste better if I get a little backstory.”

The keeper snickered evilly. “Though I’d love to indulge you, I’m going to have to kill you anyway, and I’ve defeated enough villains to know just how many of them were done in by indulging in their more base desires.”

“Go on then, my last meal awaits,” Rainbow Dash announced with a cruel smile.

“You I like. It's too bad we had to meet here, oh well.” The keeper spun around and unleashed a torrent of lightning that ripped across the room and exploded against the stallion’s side, sending a shower of sparks in all directions.

Rainbow Dash blinked, and then blinked again. “How is he unharmed by that?” she murmured.

The stallion stood stock still, staring sadly at the keeper, the only damage being a scorch mark on his cheek that was roughly the size of someone’s hoof.

The keeper growled. “He's been imbued by more enchantments than I thought. No matter. Mistmane’s reserves are near limitless, and I will simply overwhelm such defences with raw power,” the demon muttered to itself.

“Use all the elements! Maybe he has a weakness!” Rainbow Dash yelled from the sidelines.

“That's a good idea…” murmured the keeper, lighting up its horn and unleashed a massive jet of concentrated water, followed by a shard of ice and finished with a massive fireball that made even Rainbow Dash wince.

When the dust cleared, the stallion stood there, grimacing in pain, and sporting a small cut, a large bruise, and an even larger scorch mark all along his right side. The keeper’s jaw hung open and it stood there flabbergasted for a moment before groaning. “This is going to take longer than I thought.”

Yes, use every last drop of your magic, you idiot, Rainbow Dash thought cruelly, noting that Kanathara was working what little magic she had into the chains that bound her while pretending to watch the one-sided fight playing out before them.

“Fine, you want to make this long and painful, that's fine by me!” shouted the keeper, who unleashed a trio of explosive bolts of screaming purple energy that pummeled Rockhoof on every side before conjuring an orb of undulated green liquid, which it threw directly at the stallion’s back.

Upon contact with his skin the green liquid bubbled and hissed angrily, biting into the stallion’s flesh and making him hiss in annoyance. That didn't last long though, as the green liquid quickly dissipated into little more than a trail of smoke. Leaving behind a severely red chunk of skin that appeared almost completely unharmed considering he had just had acid thrown on him.

The keeper bellowed in rage before conjuring a dozen more of the green blobs and tossing them all over the stallion, following that assault with a trio of magical arrows dripping with the same acid, each embedding itself in a different patch of flesh on the stallion’s side or back. The result was significantly worse, but still negligible for the beastly stallion who gritted his teeth but otherwise did nothing as he suffered another cruel assault of spells and abuse.

“Why won't you die, you moron?! Mistmane will be bound or killed, you have nothing to live for, no hope of redemption, only oblivion awaits you!” shouted the black demon.

Without waiting for a response the demon lit its horns and conjured a circle of magical runes beneath the stallion’s hooves. Runes that flashed once before unleashing a wave of energy that seemed to pull every last drop of moisture from the air, and the stallion himself. His eyes shrunk in his head, his lips cracked and his flesh grew slightly grey, and yet still the stallion didn't falter, his gaze locked onto the keeper’s.

With a howl of anger, the black demon tossed spell after spell of varying effects, ranging from simple firebolts, to a ray of fire, to a thin beam of energy that disintegrated a chunk of the stallion’s side. And still he stood, unbothered despite the fact that he was starting to show real damage as pieces of meat were being torn off his body with each spell that thundered home.

Rainbow Dash glanced back to her mistress and raised an eyebrow when she noticed just how occupied she was with her spell work. Her expression was grim, her eyes narrowed as her horns glowed with a twin motes of magic that were almost too small to see.

Hey boss, how's it going? Rainbow Dash asked hesitantly.

Not good, it's more powerful than I thought, and I don't have the magic left to break it. We need to distract it more, or startle it somehow, Kanathara replied without looking up from her work.

Rainbow Dash cursed under her breath, the vengant looking back at the one-sided fight just in time to see an enormous skeletal hand, index finger already extended, shimmer into existence above the stallion. “Touch death itself, fool!” shouted the demon at the top of its lungs.

The skeletal hand reached forward and touched the stallion’s nose, instantly making the enormous and well-muscled creature recoil, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as a spider web of necrotized flesh emerged from the point of contact. The stallion wavered a moment, stumbling back a few steps before he suddenly shook his head and looked back at the keeper, the same sad expression on his mangled face.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up as a solution popped into her mind. “You have to fight back, Rockhoof! It isn't Mistmane anymore!” shouted the vengant.

“Fool! If you try and kill me, you will only kill Mistmane!” Bellowed the possessed demon, who glared daggers at the vengant.

“She wanted to die, remember? She wanted to be free, to be able to escape this hell and she was willing to give her soul to my master to do that. Fulfill her dying wish, Rockhoof, give her what she wanted and await her coming in the void,” Rainbow Dash urged.

“Silence!” shouted the shadow, his eyes glowing with an unearthly black unlight. “One more word out of your mouth and your neck will be the first upon the block!”

Rockhoof’s sad expression slowly fell away and he looked down upon the vengant with a curious expression.

“This is the first real choice she's been able to make in a thousand years, give her this at least,” Rainbow Dash pleaded.

“I said, silence!” boomed the demon, who spun on the vengant and unleashed a trio of magical bolts that flew unerringly at their target.

Only for each one to be stopped by the enormous bulk of a now enraged Rockhoof. Baring his teeth and snorting viciously, the stallion pawed the ground as he eyed up his new opponent.

“Great, now look at what you did, this is going to take even longer than before!” yelled the exasperated shadow demon.

Its irritation turned to terror when the stallion suddenly began to sprint directly at it, head down and teeth bared. Remembering it had wings now, the shadow demon leapt into the air and flapped the leathery appendages, hoping to get out of the way of the enraged stallion. An act that did little to help it, as Rockhoof’s powerful hooves shoved off the ground and enabled him to leap through the air, smashing into the other demon and tackling it to the ground.

“Woah,” Rainbow Dash muttered as she watched the stallion’s forehooves come down over and over, the shadow demon only barely dodging the powerful strikes.

Strikes that made the entire structure tremble under the sheer force, stones loosening and dust flying with every impact. A flash of light and the shadow demon managed to teleport away, the creature now floating as high off the ground as possible, wings pumping desperately. “You may be quick, but there is little you can do against my power,” sneered the demon and conjured forth an enormous ethereal hand that was large enough to fit Rockhoof completely in its titanic grip.

The hand began to squeeze, magic pulsing as it struggled to crush the enormous brute, only to almost immediately falter, the strength of its target simply too much for the magical construct to handle. In an explosion of sparks and magic the hand vanished, replaced by an enraged Rockhoof who let loose a primal bellow which shook the walls of the tower and instilled fear in the battle-hardened vengeant.

Even Kanathara looked up long enough to figure out what was going on before quickly going back to the task at hoof with renewed vigor.

From on high, the shadow demon unleashed a veritable storm of magical energy, most of which took the form of balls of fire and bolts of lightning. Most of which hit Rockhoof, pelting the stallion, but not slowing him a single bit. Shrugging off the effects of the shadow demon’s attacks, Rockhoof began to run near the wall, his eyes firmly attached to the possessed demon.

“What are you…” was all the black demon could mutter before it noticed that Rockhoof had gained enough momentum to run up the side of the wall, the ground-bound brute no longer constrained by his poor reach.

Does he have antigravity runes as well? Rainbow Dash puzzled, noticing that the brute’s hide was glowing a soft teal, as did his hooves.

She didn't have long to answer that question, however, as the brute leapt off the wall and snatched the black demon out of the air, his great hooves wrapping around his opponent’s waist and pulling him back down to the ground. Where all five hundred pounds of rage-infused brute slammed into him, crushing the black demon’s entire torso and making an eruption of blackened blood to shoot from its mouth.

The landing hadn't only hurt him however, and Rockhoof winced, rising slowly and heavily, favoring his right foreleg. Leaving himself open for a concentrated beam of light directly to the eyes, blinding him and making him stumble back, with only his weakened hoof raised for defence.

“Die already!” shouted the black demon, whose chest cavity was slowly stitching itself back together, bones popping and cracking as they fused, flesh woven back together and organs pulled back inside its body.

Leaping into the air, the black demon pumped its wings and conjured forth a trio of black spears which it hurled down upon the brute as he continued to shake off the worst of his blindness. His wings had yet to fully heal however, making two spears go wide and the last to land in the center of the brute’s back, piercing his thick hide and eliciting a howl of pain and rage.

Rainbow Dash winced as bright red blood coursed out of the open wound left behind by the dissipating magical lance. “How much time we got, boss?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Not long, you've managed to absorb quite a bit of energy from this fight which has helped a lot,” Kanathara whispered back, her horns glowing brightly. “Twenty seconds, tops.”

Rainbow Dash frowned nervously, glancing back to the fight just in time to catch a glimpse of Rockhoof hurling a chunk of the wall up at the black demon, clipping one of its wings and knocking it out of the air. That opening didn't last long as the possessed keeper was able to right itself quickly and teleport out of the ensuing trio of rocks that exploded against the wall in rapid succession.

Back and forth the two demons fought, with the shadow demon repairing every bit of damage it received while Rockhoof continued to rack up injury after injury. His movements slowing, a leg now gone, and an eye swollen shut, the brute fought on, flinging stones and occasionally managing to close the distance to deliver a punch or two before the shadow demon escaped.

“You can't hope to win, you buffoon!” cackled the shadow demon as it rained down a trio of lightning bolts on the brute’s back, making Rockhoof stagger and the flesh on most of his back to peel off, revealing blackened muscle and damaged tissue beneath.

The brute wasn't out of tricks yet though, and as he leapt out of the way of the next bolt of lightning he hurled a chunk of the floor at the shadow demon. A rock that smashed into it and threw the demon into the wall where it was nearly crushed between floor and wall. A growl, and another flash of energy and the now slightly flatter demon was limping its way off to the side, horns glowing and ready to fight.

Another flash of light lit up the room, except this time it was a bright purple that made both fighters stop and turn to its source. Where a triumphant Kanathara and a smug Rainbow Dash stood on the other side of the room, heads raised high. “Now then, let's get the real fight started,” Kanathara declared.

Rainbow Dash, keep it off balance and unable to cast spells. I know its weakness ,but it's going to take a bit to figure out how I’m going to cast it, Kanathara commanded mentally.

But boss, that's holy magic, you could kill yourself, if you can cast it at all! Rainbow Dash shot back.

It's better than potentially getting enslaved by some asshole superiority demon or killed by his arrogant minion, Kanathara thought grimly.

“This changes nothing, you have no magic which you could fight me with and I am far superior to a mere imp and a half grown vengant,” sneered the shadow demon, who wasted no time in conjuring a wave of force to knock Rockhoof over, followed by a ball of lightning which exploded across the room, emitting its own tiny lightning bolts that shot out in all directions.

The imp leapt to the right while Rainbow Dash jumped up and to the left, her wings pumping hard as she dodged two new black chains that sprung into existence. Chains which she was easily able to stay out of the way of now that she knew they were coming, enabling her to fly straight across the room and deck the keeper in the face. Jaw broken, and tongue hanging loosely out of its mouth, the shadow demon couldn't even utter a threat, though the look of rage and hatred told Rainbow Dash all she needed to know.

She smirked and delivered several more jabs, this time though the shadow demon was able to dodge and weave around the attacks, gathering enough time to cast another spell. Hoof wrapped in a strange black glow, the possessed keeper struck back, punching Rainbow Dash across the face and making the entire left side of her head numb.

With a growl of annoyance the vengant flew backwards, out of the black demon’s reach and out of the path of a boulder that impacted the other demon’s leg with enough force to tear it completely off. Rainbow Dash made a note of thanking the brute right before she killed him, she owed him that much at least.

Utilizing the opening given to her by the throw, Rainbow Dash breathed deeply and unleashed a torrent of hellfire directly into the possessed keeper’s face, boiling eyes and burning flesh. The shadow demon recoiled, somehow able to cast a defensive spell while no longer having eyes or any functional senses save touch. The vengant’s hoof slammed repeatedly against the glowing wall of power that sprung into existence mere moments earlier, each blow causing a new eruption of cracks. Though she was quickly punching her way through the wall of magic, it wasn't soon enough and she watched on in helpless rage as the shadow demon grew a new set of eyes, its crispy flesh falling away to reveal new skin behind.

Pushing back, Rainbow Dash opened up enough of a window for Rockhoof to hurl another boulder, only for this one to be met by a strange purple barrier that didn't stop the boulder, but instead sent it flying back in the opposite direction with the same level of force. Unable to dodge in time, Rockhoof was sent flying, blood spurting as his muzzle was shattered by his own projectile, one of his eyes popping under the sheer force of the blow.

Rainbow Dash didn't have to worry about the loss of her ally for long however as an incredibly bright spark of magic suddenly exploded before her. Only a mental warning from her mistress saved the vengant’s eyesight, the vengant’s hoof able to obscure her vision for the most part. Rainbow Dash’s ensuing hiss of anger was nothing compared to the howl of rage and confusion that came from the shadow demon, whose flesh visibly crawled, tiny black tentacles receding back and revealing Mistmane’s familiar coat just beneath.

The spark vanished as quickly as it came, and though Rainbow Dash was hopeful of its success, a look at the shadow demon quickly dashed such hope. Black tendrils shot across Mistmane’s exposed fur in seconds, ensuring the shadow demon’s hold was not loosened for long.

Glancing back at her mistress, Rainbow Dash gaped in shock as the imp yet stood, panting hard, her mane all but gone and the flesh around her horns cracked and burnt. “Keep going!” she shouted, jabbing a hoof at the shadow demon who was nearly fully recovered. “While it's recovering!”

Though nearly every fibre of Rainbow Dash’s being wanted to resist the command and get her mistress out of this dangerous situation, she couldn't ignore a direct order and with a flap of her wings she surged back into the fight. Hoof and claw met flesh and bone, the shadow demon only barely able to keep the vengant at bay by sacrificing the flesh on its forehooves. Demonic blood covered the vengant from nearly head to hoof, Rainbow Dash’s scales slick with the black blood.

“Enough!” shouted the shadow demon, whose control was now total once more.

A wave of force sent Rainbow Dash spinning head over heels, the vengant barely able to keep herself from slamming back into the ground and only righting herself mere feet above her mistress’ head. “You will tell me how you managed to use holy magic, or I will pull the secrets from your mind!” screeched the demon who loomed over the duo, horns glowing brightly.

“You’d like that, you sick fuck,” Rainbow Dash spat.

“I have put up with you long enough, if you will not give me what I want, I will tear your very mind asunder!” yelled the demon.

Great black tentacles of pure darkness erupted from the keeper’s body, each fanning out in a different direction and all but obscuring any light left in the room. The vengant reacted quickly, knowing full well that her mistress needed only mere seconds longer to cast her spell once more. Breathing deeply, Rainbow Dash let loose a massive eruption of hellfire, pushing back the tentacles and giving them a little breathing room.

Space that didn't last long though as the shadows crept in from every direction, forcing the vengant to expel every last bit of fire she had conjured, until there was none left and she wheezed, her body craving the oxygen it had been denied. The gambit had worked though, and she heard Kanathara’s jubilant voice in her mind. Cover your eyes!

Responding instantly, Rainbow Dash covered her eyes with her forelegs, hiding from an explosion of holy energy that bathed everything in the room with its divine brilliance. A shriek of agony split her ears and made Rainbow Dash recoil in pain, the vengeant wanting to cover her ears but knowing better than to do so.

For several long seconds the explosion seemed to remain, hanging in the air and pulsing with angry white light. The shadow demon’s shriek grew more and more fearful, until finally it suddenly lost the masculine edge it had, signalling that Mistmane was in control once more. With the light dissipating, and her scales having largely managed to resist the powerful wave of holy magic, Rainbow Dash pulled back her forelegs and looked up to where Mistmane flew for a second longer before falling to the ground, limp, but breathing.

Behind her, a strange misshapen shadow lurked upon the edge of the window, two beady eyes glaring out from the darkness. Without a body to speak of, the demon could do little but glare hatefully, but Rainbow Dash knew what it wanted to say, and didn't care.

“Fly on back to your master, you puddle of black piss!” shouted the vengant, hoof raised in defiance.

The eyes narrowed, before the mass of darkness slipped away, leaving Rainbow Dash standing there, panting and out of breath.

A weak cough alerted her attention to Kanathara who lay on the ground, the leathery skin on her head having been peeled, exposing her skull in parts. Her eyelids were gone, revealing only a pair of empty holes beneath. Her lips were similarly burnt off, leaving behind blackened teeth and a mouth devoid of tongue. “B-boss!” Rainbow Dash yelled, her wings pumping as fast as possible.

The vengant managed to catch the imp as she fell, her limbs hung loose, and her head lolled to the side. Is he gone? Kanathara asked.

“H-he's gone, boss, you did it,” Rainbow Dash muttered, the vengant trying her best to sound optimistic in the face of such destruction.

Good, because I don't think I can do that again, Kanathara replied with a weak, gurgling snicker.

“What now, boss?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Kill Rockhoof and bring me over to Mistmane, I need to consume her soul before I pass out.

“R-right,” Rainbow Dash muttered before laying Twilight down near the keeper and turning to the brute.

Rockhoof lay on his side, his breathing shallow and hoarse, each exhale causing another spatter of blood to erupt from his broken lips. Beside him Mistmane lay on the ground, one hoof caressing the brute’s, her body all but broken under the constant abuse it had been subjected to. Without the shadow demon to weave her wounds, and her own abilities all but spent, there was little the keeper of secrets could do but lay there and whisper soft kindnesses while her lifeblood flowed freely onto the ground.

“Stay still, my darling, it will all be over soon,” she whispered.

Rockhoof nodded weakly and tapped his sole remaining forehoof several times, with small breaks between the strangely timed taps. “What did he say?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Mistmane smiled faintly, revealing a mouth of missing and broken teeth. “He said, I have no regrets.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and eyed the brute carefully before noticing that the flesh around his neck had been all but peeled off, revealing the muscle and sinew beneath. Blood flowed freely from the wound, and though it was obvious he was going to die, and soon, it wasn't soon enough for the vengant. Rearing back, Rainbow Dash positioned her forelegs over the exposed section of the brute’s neck. “Thanks for saving my skin back there,” Rainbow Dash murmured, before bringing her hooves down hard, nearly severing his head completely.

The brute gurgled one last time before his body fell to the side, suddenly still, and utterly lifeless. With a grunt, Rainbow Dash shook off the blood that coated her hooves and turned to Mistmane, who smiled faintly, still gripping the brute’s hoof and holding it tightly.

“Starswirl is probably sending reinforcements,” Rainbow Dash declared.

Mistmane nodded. “I am ready.”

Rainbow Dash wasted no time and gently picked up her mistress and laid her before the keeper, who winced at the sight of the disfigured imp. She's right in front of you, boss, Rainbow Dash prompted.

The imp nodded weakly, before opening her mouth. Tell her I’m sorry.

“She says she's sorry,” Rainbow Dash relayed.

The keeper smiled. “It's okay, dear. Just promise me one thing.” Kanathara nodded. “Don't forget to be kind, okay?”

I promise, Kanathara vowed.

The imp opened her mouth, and with a great heave, tore the keeper’s soul from its weak moorings and inhaled the entirety of her essence in a single titanic breath. Leaving behind only an empty husk which fell to the side, leaning against the brute, its eyes empty, and perceiving nothing.

“It's done, boss. Rest now, I’ll take it from here,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Thank you, Kanathara thought before slipping into unconsciousness.

The vengant sighed, and placed the imp gently on her back, positioning the smaller demon’s hooves in a way that ensured she didn't disrupt the vengant’s flight. “Oof, you are heavier already,” Rainbow Dash muttered to no one.

Next the vengeant reached down and carefully picked up the keeper’s corpse, unsurprised to find that the demon’s body was incredibly light. “Alright, let's get out of here.” Rainbow Dash announced, before taking flight once more.

Kanathara awoke with a start, noticing that she was no longer in the tower where they had been fighting only minutes ago. Her body was wet, and though her eyelids opened, the world remained black, sending a surge of panic up her spine.

Relax, boss, your old man is just finishing up the ritual to turn you into a keeper. It was all part of the plan, remember? Rainbow Dash’s familiar mental voice announced.

Kanathara lay still once more, noticing that this strange wetness surrounded her utterly, alerting her to the fact that she was probably inside what was left of the keeper’s magical energy which even now lingered inside the dead demon’s body. Did it work? she asked nervously.

Rainbow Dash hesitated. Mistmane took more damage than we thought, but there should be enough essence or whatever left in her to turn you into a keeper of secrets and give you her power.

Kanathara grinned despite the grim news that she was now inside to what amounted to be another demon’s corpse, though that was only a technicality. Still, she couldn't be too grossed out, as she knew this had been coming, as it was a necessary step to take on the complete power of a keeper of secrets. Finally, the power is mine, Kanathara thought, a massive grin splitting her face. After all these years, I am complete.

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