• Published 26th Jun 2017
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Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Nine: Like a Wolf

Kanathara took a step back, horn smoking slightly as she gazed at the two inch wide circle she had made in the wall. A single sharp tug of her magic later, the long cylinder of stone was removed, revealing a distant room lit by a soft blue light. An occasional drip of liquid rock obscured the room beyond, though it only took a quick frost spell to make it solid once more.

“Ready to go?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

The keeper nodded slowly. “Just let me give another peek inside, and then I’ll follow you.”

“Right,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara leaned in close, and, using her new mastery of shadows, discerned that the room beyond appeared to be a simple storage space. Boxes were piled high while only a few glowing magical lights illuminated the area. She was also able to see the distant edge of a door on the other side of all the random crates.

“After you,” offered the keeper.

“Why, thank you,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a smirk before dissipating into a cloud of smoke.

Kanathara watched as her familiar slipped through the narrow opening and reformed on the other side. Once there, she looked around for a few seconds before turning and nodding towards her mistress. Kanathara turned to dark grey mist and followed her familiar’s example, reforming in the room beyond before inspecting her surroundings.

Sure enough, her initial investigation had revealed just about all she needed to know of the place. There were a ton of boxes piled haphazardly around the room, and the door across from them was closed. The exit didn't have a lock on it, as nobody would expect an intruder to break out from within what amounted to a glorified evidence locker.

Just looking at the various crates marked with warning symbols and added notes made Kanathara want to start prying them open. She wondered briefly what manner of amazing goodies she might find hidden away in one of the most secure locations in the world.

“Let's… keep moving,” Kanathara murmured, her gaze lingering on a box with an intriguing label.

Forbidden spells and demonic grimoires.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “I’m not gonna have to drag you out of here, am I?”

“N-no,” Kanathara muttered, shaking her head. “I can handle myself, we just need to keep going.”

“Alright then,” Rainbow Dash remarked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

The pair of demons walked up to the exit, and, after a quick spell revealed the hallway beyond was empty, Rainbow Dash slipped through.

It's clear, she declared.

Kanathara followed a moment later, the keeper of secrets emerging into a long hallway flanked by doors on each side. Each one was numbered and apparently contained a wealth of demonic artifacts, confiscated items, as well as other banned objects. The desire to sift through the near endless array of secrets was again, nearly overwhelming.

“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” remarked the other demon.

“I’m fine,” Kanathara stated.

“Alright, then why don't you take the lead?” Rainbow Dash offered, gesturing towards the end of the hall.

Kanathara gulped down the last of her burning curiosity and turned towards where Rainbow Dash had pointed. Trotting through the cold stone hallways of the dimly lit floor, Kanathara did her best to ignore her instincts. As time passed it grew easier to do so, and when they had reached an access elevator, she didn't even feel tempted.

Or at least that's what she told herself.

“I’m proud of you,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, reaching a hoof towards the controls and hitting the call button.

“Let’s just get moving already,” Kanathara muttered grumpily. “The sooner we get up to the training level, the sooner we can reach the teleportation nexus and get this whole thing over with.”

“Just remember to be ready for anything. The bossman’s intel wasn't exactly thorough,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara snorted, shifting from hoof to hoof as she heard the distant rumbling of moving machinery. The metal grate before her stood closed, though she could tell that it would open soon, given how close the elevator was. Sure enough, the wide metal box slowly came into view, revealing an empty compartment devoid of both passengers or freight.

Rainbow Dash didn't wait for the door to open and merely turned ethereal before reforming inside. Kanathara rolled her eyes and waited, stepping through the grate after it allowed her to do so. Taking up a spot next to her familiar, Kanathara eyed the control pad, noting that Tirek’s intel had been correct.

The subbasement had a half dozen levels devoted to storage while the top was marked with a T for training. A glance upward revealed that the shaft ascended a good eight stories before ending rather abruptly. For a moment Kanathara considered ghosting or teleporting up to the top but quickly stopped herself. Doing so may have been easier for her due to the crown sitting atop her head, but it was still a drain she couldn't afford.

I may very well need every bit of magic I can muster, Kanathara thought to herself.

However, they wouldn't just sit in the elevator and let any random passersby see them and quickly reformed atop the metal cage. Unlike the bottommost level, the others would have far more frequent patrols, meaning the added bit of stealth was necessary.

Using her magic, Kanathara clicked the topmost floor before stepping as close as possible to the middle of the elevator. A move Rainbow Dash mirrored, minimizing the chances that they would be seen even more. Chances which were already fairly slim, given that the only illumination was a pair of red emergency lights mounted inside the elevator.

Together they watched as the floors slowly passed by, each one revealing a different hallway filled with doors. Some were taller, others were wider, and one of them seemed devoted to a single enormous room. All were devoid of activity and utterly silent, not a soul bothered by the slow trundling of the noisy elevator.

Wow, they don't have anyone down here, Rainbow Dash pointed out.

They probably cut patrols to this area due to so many paladins being moved elsewhere, Kanathara thought. Though I wonder what would be more important than the remaining Elements.

Now that you mention it, they have to know we are coming after the final Elements. Why pull away so many forces? Rainbow Dash asked.

No point in wondering about it now. We have to keep going, Kanathara stated.

Right, I’ll stay on my guard, Rainbow Dash replied.

The click of the elevator alerted the demons to the fact that they had arrived at their location. A pair of confused guards gazed into the empty carriage, searching for whomever had used it.

“Is anyone patrolling down there?” asked one of them.

“I think there are two pairs of junior members,” replied his female companion. “You don't think they are in trouble, do you?”

“Probably just playing a joke on us, but we can't be certain,” declared the taller stallion. “Let’s hop on. You remain within the elevator while I search the floors.”

“Are you sure that's necessary? It's most likely just Duck and Dip trying to freak us out,” stated the demure pegasus mare.

“If that's true, then they’ll be getting an earful,” he announced.

“Right. After you, sir,” offered the first guard and held open the door.

With that short conversation finished, the pair entered the elevator, clicked the bottommost floor and began to descend into the darkness, leaving a pair of demons undetected mere feet away. Their bodies became ethereal the second their ride began to lower itself into the gloom.

Now on solid ground once more, Kanathara looked around, noting that the hallway they stood in wasn't very long. It quickly opened into an enormous area devoted to the physical training of the guards stationed here. Magical treadmills lined one wall, while the majority of the space was occupied by two obstacle courses. A wide flat walkway separated them, likely to allow the transport of much larger items from the upper levels.

The two doors on either side of the short hall were revealed to open into showers and bathrooms, both of which were empty. Unlike the lower floors, here there were more lights, enough that nearly every inch was brightly lit up in an orange glow. Kanathara felt her gaze drawn towards the harder of the two obstacle courses and the strange web of magic which hung over the place.

Pushing aside her curiosity once more, the demon leaned out of the hall and scanned the area for movement.

Clear? Kanathara thought.

Looks like it, Rainbow Dash replied.

The pair moved quickly into the space beyond, sprinting along the walls in order to draw less attention. Things were going smoothly up until a trio of guards emerged from the hallway on the other side of the room. Though armed and armored, they didn't seem to be expecting trouble as they were all having a rather loud conversation.

“So, what was Black Blade’s excuse this time? Don't tell me he tried to make up another thestral holiday out of nowhere,” remarked a yellow-maned stallion.

“Arrow to the knee,” replied a short, grey-furred earth pony mare.

“Ha. That guy hasn't fought anything more dangerous than his wife,” stated a pegasus stallion who sported a wild, lightning blue mane.

“That would be a fight I’d be surprised he walked away from,” added the first stallion.

All three of the guards let out a hearty chuckle, none of them aware of the two black blobs crouched behind a pair of obstacles. The second they passed Kanathara and Rainbow Dash by, the keeper of secrets began to move forward. Her familiar followed her example almost instantly, flowing from one bit of cover to another before regrouping on the other side.

Together they watched as the two stallions shed their weapons and took position at the starting point of the course. The lone mare of the group stood off to the side, stopwatch in hoof and foreleg raised in the air.

Aren't they supposed to be on high alert? Rainbow Dash questioned.

If Velvet’s reports on the nightmare cult are true, then they should be ready to move out on a moment's notice. Not spending their leisure time engaging in a race, Kanathara stated.

The mare glanced in their direction, though by the time her head turned all the way, both Kanathara and Rainbow Dash had already slipped down the hallway which turned sharp to the right before ending in another freight elevator guarded by only a simple metal grate.

“Weird,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“Worrying,” Kanathara questioned.

Should we keep moving? asked the vengant.

I suppose. Let’s go a little slower though. The barracks should be just above us. Maybe we can eavesdrop on an important conversation, Kanathara stated.

Good thinking. If there is anything soldiers like doing more than drinking, it’s gossiping, Rainbow Dash remarked.

Kanathara stifled a snicker. Very true. Let’s see if we can't find a bored officer. They should know something important.

Navigating the barracks proved to be relatively easy, as an extensive ventilation system ran through the entire area. Shrinking down their physical forms took a little effort, but neither demon was about to complain. Especially given the fact that they hadn't actually had to fight anyone during the entire infiltration process.

The first thing they saw were beds, most of which were empty and unmade, laid out in a wide open room beneath them. The few that were occupied seemed to be serving primarily as impromptu card tables or a nice place to read. All in all, the guards they saw through the grates were relaxed and seemed to be enjoying their evening before they had to inevitably turn in.

Little of note was garnered from the scraps of conversation the demons could overhear from their position. Most of the guards seemed more than happy to gossip endlessly, though it was only ever about one another’s personal lives. None seemed to even acknowledge the lax security or infrequent patrols and merely revelled in the time off.

A few were practicing their magic or combat, but they were in the minority by a wide margin. Though even they seemed to be only doing so half-heartedly.

A death cult intent on destroying the world is on the move, and Tirek has been sighted after a thousand year absence. Why are they so chill? Rainbow Dash questioned, the demon staring down at a quartet of guards gambling away their chocolate rations.

Kanathara stopped, the six inch tall keeper of secrets glancing from one of the branching ventilation shafts to the other. I don't know, but we should try gathering a bit more intelligence before we move onto the central ward room.

I just wanna jump out there and shake the answers out of them, Rainbow Dash remarked before hastily trotting after the retreating form of her mistress.

If we don't get anything out of the officers, then I just might let you do that, Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash peered out of a grate. At least we are in the right area now.

Kanathara looked over the other demon’s shoulder, noting that the room below had two beds separated with a divider. Looks like it. Now let's find us some loose-lipped soldiers.

The search didn't take long, as they quickly located two grizzled mares sitting on their beds, a small table between them. Their enchanted armor rested on racks on the other side of the room while a single tall wine bottle stood on the table. There were also some papers scattered about, and the closer of the two ponies was sharpening a longsword with gentle strokes of a whetstone.

“-and what about the problem squad I mentioned earlier?” asked the mare on the further bed and tapped a clipboard in her telekinetic grip.

The other guard snorted. “Leave them on subbasement duty for at least a month. The longer I don't have to deal with those nitwits, the better.”

“That just about covers all of the squad assignments up until rotation. Want to move onto the requisition requests?” offered the unicorn.

“Let's put a pin in that and come up with an alternate, more aggressive schedule. It won't be long before our readiness level is increased,” stated the other without looking up from her weapon.

“Hmm, fair. So, back to the start then. Where to assign privates-”

Rainbow Dash snorted bitterly. This is a waste of time.

So long as they don't discover our entrance, we have all the time in the world, Kanathara replied. And I wanna use some of that time to figure out what Shiny has in mind.

Shiny? Rainbow Dash questioned.

Kanathara coughed awkwardly. I meant Shining Armor.

Seems like someone is getting a bit attached, Rainbow Dash teased.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. If you’re bored, go scout out the rest of the vents. I’ll stay here.

Fine, but if they don't say anything useful in twenty minutes, I say we move on. Shrinking down always makes me itchy, Rainbow Dash whined while scratching her neck.

You will learn patience eventually, Kanathara stated.

Not bloody likely, Rainbow Dash retorted.

Rainbow Dash scratched at her breastplate constantly, her sharp hooves unable to get beneath the cursed armor. The repeated click of hoof on metal was the only sound that filled the confines of their impromptu metal prison. With each sharp clack Kanathara twitched, and her eyes continued to narrow until they were mere slits.

Would you cut it out! She demanded, spinning towards the vengant.

I can't help it. I’m itchy, and the spot is under my armor! Rainbow Dash whined while continuing to scratch herself much like a dog.

Kanathara let out a long sigh. Two minutes and we’ll go.

Why bother waiting? They are just going to keep yammering about schedules and whatever useless nonsense they're on about now, Rainbow Dash retorted.

That's not true. We’ve totally learned important things like… what they are serving at the cafeteria for the next month? Kanahtara frowned. Okay, so it hasn't been that useful, but they are finally done talking about the next troop rotation.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and lay down. Wake me when they say something worthwhile.

Kanathara scowled at her familiar before turning back towards the grate and peering into the room beyond.

“Is that everything?” inquired the mare who had at that point sharpened every weapon the two officers had on them as well as the nearby cutlery.

“Seems like it,” murmured the other pony before taking a short swig of wine. “We officially have nothing to do for two whole weeks.”

The first pony sighed and fell back on her bed, forehooves spread wide. “I can't believe we aren't even on a higher readiness level. What is Commander Armor thinking with these orders?”

Rainbow, wake up! Kanathara commanded.

The familiar jerked upwards and rubbed her eyes. I’m awake. What's going on?

Listen, Kanathara urged, pointing to the grate.

Together the pair looked down into the room beyond.

“Perhaps his informant has paid off, and he is about to learn the location of the cultist’s secret base,” offered the unicorn. “Having a large group of soldiers rested and ready to go rather than relying on those who have been on patrol for weeks would be beneficial in that instance.”

The lighter-colored mare lurched back up. “If they were battle ready and weren't the dregs of nearly every company in Equestria. You’ve seen the discipline they have! They aren't much better than run-of-the-mill guards.”

Her companion sighed. “I admit I expected to be running a last minute bootcamp, not spending my days making sure the recruits don't spend all day fornicating in the supply lockers.”

“Don't remind me. Private Valiant and Sergeant Strike have been at it like rabbits these last few days,” added the other pony.

“Perhaps this is part of some plan that is well above our paygrade? I mean, it would make sense given the fact that Shining Armor’s personal retinue is on base,” offered her companion.

“Plan or not, I feel like we are being used as bait,” grumbled the larger of the two before taking a long swig of wine.

“You’re stressed, irritable, and need to relax,” remarked her friend as she sat next to her. “Why don't you lie back and allow me to give you a neck massage.”

Kanathara could just barely see the blush on the other pony’s cheeks before she lay down on the bed and the pillow obscured her features.

“Fine, but after this, we are hitting the obstacle course before bed. I will not allow what few officers stationed at this base to become fat from idleness,” muttered the well-muscled pony.

“You know there are easier ways to get me to join you in the shower,” teased the other mare as she got to work on her fellow guard’s shoulders.

Kanathara heard the bitter grumblings of the other pony before turning away, giving the pair their privacy. Interesting.

I didn't know they allowed relationships in the paladins, Rainbow Dash remarked, giving the grate one last peek. That big one is hot too.

The keeper snorted and grabbed her familiar, pointing her away from the room. Come on, let's get moving. We’ve found out all we could.

Aww, come on. It was just getting good! whined Rainbow Dash.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. Would you like it if someone watched us while we got intimate?

That would be kinda hot, Rainbow Dash admitted.


The vengant shrugged. What? It would be like that time in the Caverns of Eternity when we stopped to rest in front of that big golem we thought was a statue.

Kanathara’s diminutive cheeks burned hot. Don't make me order you to be quiet.

Rainbow Dash smirked at her. You wouldn't.

The keeper of secrets sighed. I wouldn't do that, though I would let you sleep alone for a few days.

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up, and she hastily trotted beside her mistress. Oh, come on. It was just some harmless teasing.

Get us to the nexus point in the next half hour, and I’ll consider it, Kanathara remarked offhandedly.

You got it! Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The pair of demons peered down into a small globe that hovered several inches over Twilight’s hoof. Within it was the hallway that was only a few feet to their right, as well as the pair of well-armored guards which stood ready. No doors lined it, save for the two which were closed at the very end, their thick oaken exterior reinforced with glittering steel.

The room they guarded was evidently better lit than the dimly illuminated hall, as bright golden light spilled out from beneath the entrance. Like the rest of the hallways, this one was made up of a dull grey stone and had small magical torches burning along its walls every few feet. Unlike the others, however, this one had a glowing golden floor which radiated holy energy, visibly empowering the ponies who stood on it.

The pair of stallions seemed alert and ready at first glance, their forms completely covered in plate mail. Each of the two unicorns gripped a spear in one hoof, their gaze never leaving the end of the hall. Urging the sphere forward, Kanathara inspected the two stallions closely, noting the short blades belted to their sides.

She also noted just how young they were, as well as how nervous they seemed to be. Despite the silence, they shifted from hoof to hoof every few seconds, giving the other an occasional expectant glance. It was the type of awkwardness one expected when they had stolen a baked good they weren't supposed to touch.

What's the plan? Rainbow Dash asked, keeping a sharp watch on the empty hallway behind her.

I’m not sure, Kanathara replied after a short pause. I’m fairly certain a pair of stun spells would knock them right out, but the guard station itself gives them a decent amount of protection.

So we have to draw them out then? Rainbow Dash questioned.

That would work. But how? Kanathara replied.

The vengant peered within the orb and, after a few seconds of observing the pair, smirked. Could you cast that voice modification spell on me? I got an idea.

Kanathara raised an eyebrow. I guess. Are you sure this is going to work though?

Trust me, Rainbow Dash replied, flashing her a wink.

Kanathara shrugged and cast the spell. Her horn glowed briefly, a small orb of violet hitting Rainbow Dash’s throat.

“Test, test,” Rainbow Dash whispered in the same gruff tone as the officer they had been spying on not even a half hour earlier. “Alright, be ready with those stun spells.”

The keeper of secrets did just that, though she couldn't help but observe her familiar closely, curious as to what she had in mind.

“Private Valiant, Sergeant Strike, get over here right now!” shouted Rainbow Dash in her stolen voice.

The two ponies immediately stood straight and looked at one another.

“What do we do? We aren't supposed to move!” whispered the thinner of the pair.

The larger of the two shook his head. “We aren't supposed to leave no matter what, so-”

“Right this instant! Unless you want me to tell the other grunts what you did in the linen closet!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

The two stallions exchanged a glance before immediately sprinting down the hall, their armor clattering loudly.

“We’re coming, Second Lieutenant Perfect Parry!” shouted one of them.

Kanathara smirked, dismissed the orb, and waited for the pair to come screeching around the corner. Sure enough, the second they left the hall, their armor lost its glow and their eyes opened wide. Shock, confusion, and a hint of betrayal flashed across their faces before Kanathara unleashed her spell.

A glowing ball of blue energy rapidly expanded from her horn as it shot across the short space, splitting in two at the midway point. In the span of a heartbeat, the orbs impacted the stallion’s horns, causing any magic to fizzle and their legs to give out. The pair never hit the ground, though, as Kanathara quickly caught them and safely lowered them to the floor.

“Nice work,” Kanathara exclaimed. “What do we do with these two?”

Rainbow Dash trotted down the hall behind them and pulled open what looked like a supply closet full of cleaning implements.

“Genius,” Kanathara remarked.

“I try,” Rainbow Dash replied, brushing invisible dust from her shoulder.

Kanathara tossed the two guards into the closet and was about to close the door when Rainbow Dash leapt in after them.

“What are you doing?” Kanathara asked. “We have work to do.”

“This will only take a second, and trust me, it will be worth it,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara watched as her familiar maneuvered the two stallions so they were cuddled atop a bed of mops. Limbs intertwined, the pair looked like they had fallen asleep together after a rather risque rendezvous.

“Okay, that is kinda funny. It would make whoever found them doubt their tale as well,” Kanathara remarked.

“See? Totally worth it,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Fair enough. Now let's go see this nexus place,” exclaimed the keeper.

Together the pair of demons stepped up to the hall where they stopped briefly while Kanathara cast a simple levitation spell on their hooves. Now hovering several inches off the floor, both mistress and familiar half walked, half floated over to the door. Which took only a few seconds and a dozen spells to break into.

“Now to see into one of the few rooms guarded against scrying,” Kanathara murmured.

After Rainbow Dash took position to attack if necessary, Kanathara pulled open the entrance and glanced inside. An enormous round room waited for them, in the middle of which was an enormous orb of glowing golden energy. The mass of softly pulsating magic was surrounded by six bands of silver several inches thick. One much larger bright purple band hung at about eye level of the strange contraption.

The rest of the room was empty, its rounded, unadorned grey walls rising a dozen metres up before gradually meeting in the middle. Only the ground directly beneath the towering orb of magic wasn't the usual shade of grey like the rest of the room. A large and surprisingly detailed compass had been painted onto the floor beneath the bizarre artifact.

Golden spokes denoted the four prime directions while smaller emerald green lines pointed in a hundred different ways. A quick check told Kanathara that the compass was indeed correct, given its position on the floor. A scanning spell informed her that the orb was absolutely stuffed to the gills with enchantments.

Most seemed to be dedicated to teleportation in some tangential manner, though it would be impossible to figure it out in a few hours. Or a few days for that matter, as the sheer density of the spellform meant that Kanathara would have to dig deeply. Which was not something she had the time or energy to do, especially given that her knockout spell would last maybe two hours at most.

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Why does there always have to be a puzzle? I hate puzzles.”

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