• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,395 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Three: Recon

Rainbow Dash stretched out like a cat, her large batlike wings flaring wide as her claws extended as far as possible. Both had changed significantly over the years, with her wings becoming large enough to support the mare’s fully grown body and easily able to surpass the size of all but the largest of winged demons. Two small claws donned the top of each wing, serving as little more than a way for the vengant to grab things easier while the nearly four inch long talons that extended above each hoof served as her primary damage dealers. The large hook like claws gleamed in the low light of the arena, her flowing mane and tail doing more to illuminate the demon than the ambient light in the room.

The vengant’s back cracked audibly, making the demon sigh contently as she worked out the last of the kinks, a wide smile allowing all to see her sharp teeth, two of which now visibly extended beyond her lips, joining her long serpentine tongue. Her black and red eyes sparkled with the pleasure of finally managing to get rid of the lingering pain in her back. She sighed, and gave her entire body a wiggle, running a clawed limb through her long fiery mane. A mane, which went from black at the base and red at the tips, fading from one color to the other. The mare smiled, and glanced down at the greyish black scales that covered her body, her gaze lingering on the many scars and marks left behind from the many, many missions she had been on over the years.

Each one was a point of pride for the vengant, a sign that she had grown stronger, and served her mistress better.Who was currently standing next to her familiar, the imp rolling her shoulder as her magic seeped into her leathery skin and healed the damage Cervantes’ last attack had done.

She too was larger, though she was still not even half as tall as the powerfully built vengeant who towered over most lesser demons, her long, lanky limbs ensuring she could glower down on any that threatened her diminutive mistress. Kanathara on the other hand had not changed much, her eyes still resembling that of a goat, with the square pupil within glowing faintly with a soft purple light, a sure sign that her magic had become more powerful. Her mane was longer, and tied into a tight braid that draped down the right side of her neck, numerous charms and other strange objects bound within it.

The horns that had only begun to bud from the sides of her head nineteen years ago, had long since grown to their full length. They extended from the sides of her head and twisted around themselves before jutting forward, appearing as a cross between that of a ram’s and a bull’s with the points of her horns extending to the point that they poked out beyond her muzzle. Her body had much fewer scars, the mare not valuing the less unpleasant physical signs of her success like Rainbow Dash had, preferring to keep small symbols of her many victories in the form of the charms that were tied into her braid.

Other than that, she was still much the same as she was all those years ago, her hair still a dark mix of purples, a stripe of pink and a stark black, while her skin was now nearly completely black, making her square purple pupils stick out even more than they would otherwise. Her tail was also done in a similar manner as her mane, and was braided in order to keep it from getting in the way. Not everyone could have hair made of fire after all, and Kanathara knew from experience just how disastrous an unkept mane and tail could be during a fight.

“Ready?” Kanathara asked, her magic winking out as her horns lost the trademark shimmer of the imp’s deep purple magic.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “When you are, boss.”

The two younger demons looked forward to where their trainer stood silently, a relatively plain longsword in each hand and an amused expression on his completely featureless face. The armor demon had several small shallow dents and scratches across his body, having suffered no changes to his overall being over the years safe for the addition of two stripes on his right pauldrum. One was a deep purple while the other was a vibrant crimson, and they represented the fact that he was no longer a teacher of many, and only tutured the two demons he now stood across from.

His body lowered, one foot extending in front of the other while his left arm jutted out as far and as low as possible, his right pulled back until his fist was next to his head, his blade pointed down at the two demons. This strange style was not a new one, and at first glance it looked ridiculous, but Kanathara and Rainbow Dash knew better than to underestimate it and its wielder. The odd standing position allowed the demon to block most attacks before they got anywhere close while the other was able to strike quickly, and without mercy. A style only capable of being used by a being without biological joints, and one who would never, ever tire or have to worry about straining himself in any way.

A mere glance between the familiar and mistress was all it took to signal the use of their newest, and oldest strategy.

With a great flap of her titanic wings, Rainbow Dash lifted from the ground and took to the air, the vengant able to fly over a dozen feet up in a single use of her leathery appendages. Her claws extended, her serpentine tongue weaving past her lips and reflexively tasting the air, and finding there was no fear, or any emotions at all coming from the armor demon. This was to be expected, but Rainbow Dash knew well that in the heat of the moment Cervantes sometimes let slip with an emotion or two and it was that tiny, almost imperceptible opening that she was looking for.

Kanathara lit her horns once more, and in the span of only a few seconds, cast numerous protection charms, and boosts on herself and her familiar. Speed, defence, strength, reaction time, and more were all increased considerably by the magically adept mare, their bodies glowing briefly as the enchantments settled. Their already enhanced demonic limbs grew stronger still, though both knew this would do little to truly bridge the gap between themselves and the millenia old armor demon.

Though it wasn't a perfect replacement for several eons of experience, it was all the young demons could do to try and reach past that nearly insurmountable divide that lay betwixt them and their opponent. All they knew that would come of these enhancements would be a slight increase in time between the battle’s beginning and their eventual loss. Despite this, they were not put down by the fact that their loss was inevitable, rather they were excited for a chance to push their luck and try to go for a record.

“We got this, boss,” Rainbow Dash announced, her mane and tail whipping excitedly in an unseen wind.

Kanathara set her jaw and nodded. “Stick to the plan.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Don't I always?”

The imp snorted, and lit her horns, taking a step forward and signalling the beginning of their attack. “Never.”

An explosion of lightning ripped across the room, flying directly at the armor demon. Who, with a twist of his wrist, sent the bolt flying to his right where it dissipated harmlessly against the wall of the gym. Within an instant of that happening Rainbow Dash was on him, having surged across the room, claws streaking towards his chest. Once more, the armor demon was faster than his opponent, twisting out of the way in a manner that would be impossible for an organic creature to accomplish.

Wrists snapped backwards, deflecting the demon’s clawed attacks before his entire body contorted, driving his armored foot up and into the exposed gut of the vengant. An attack she only saw at the last second, her wings pulling her mostly out of the blow, leaving only a small bruise rather than the shattered ribs that she would have received had she not retreated.

Acting on instinct, the demon extended her wings wide and buffeted the armor demon with a blast of wind, making Cervantes leap back lest his footing be lost. An opening that Kanathara exploited by loosing a crimson beam of concentrated fire directly into his center of mass. With most of his body airborne, there was little the armor demon could do, or at least, that's what Kanathara had hoped anyway.

Rather than have his chestplate vaporized by the condensed beam of heat, the demon suddenly extended one hand down, using his blade to vault himself directly upwards, and out of the blast. The imp wished she had the time to simply sit and view the battle from a distance, because that was a move as elegant as it was perfect.

Utilizing his upward momentum, he managed to turn his entire body around in mid-air in time to bring down a double bladed slash across the surprised vengant’s face. Scales hardened, and the young demon brought up her forelegs, using her enchanted limbs to hold back the blades, but not the force behind them.

The vengant was left spinning, her wings flapping haphazardly in order to keep her out of any follow up attack.

With the winged demon able to keep her height advantage, and Cervantes now falling back to the ground, he was unable to deliver any such follow up. Not like he had planned to, his blades were already a blur blocking the numerous colored projectiles Kanathara had sent his way. Each bolt made a distinct fizz pop sound as it impacted the demon’s weapons, the imp’s attacks having been rendered harmless before his feet even hit the ground.

Once they did, he rolled down and to the left and out of the way of Rainbow Dash’s swooping attack that had threatened to hit his exposed neck. The young vengant was sent sprawling once more as a blocked blade sent her careening to the right.

Kanathara ground her teeth together and teleported in order to put Rainbow Dash between herself and the armor demon, knowing full well that his plan was the same as usual. Split up the demon from her familiar, then isolate the spell caster, forcing her to fight a hand to hoof, and inevitably lose.

Rather than simply teleporting directly behind Rainbow Dash she also teleported several feet into the air, the momentum she had when she began her run carrying her several feet up and allowing her to fire off a trio of lightning bolts without having to worry about hitting Rainbow Dash. Lightning bolts that forced the armor demon to stop his relentless attack on the still off balance vengant.

With time to get her hooves under, Rainbow Dash pushed herself back and up, giving her head a brief shake in order to swiftly dispel what felt like a minor concussion. She knew her opening wouldn't last long though, and the vengant brought up her forelegs just in time to block a trio of attacks that would have cut her neck wide open had she not. One wing pumped harder than the other just as the last strike connected, and the winged demon spun, kicking one of the blades from Cervantes’ hand and sending it flying across the room.

Only for the flying blade to be caught by a leaping Cervantes a second before Kanathara’s telekinetic grip could take hold. Now airborne once more, the armor demon knew he was vulnerable and with a flick of his wrist he blocked several raking claw attacks Rainbow Dash had made. Next, he squeezed his body as tight as possible as he aimed his feet at the ground, narrowly dodging two thin beams of necromantic energy that whizzed past either side of him.

Now on the ground, the armor demon twisted his hips and used his lack of organic body to his advantage once more by kicking backwards, right where he knew the vengant would follow. A startled cry and the crunch of something wet beneath his heel told him his assumption was correct. Then, suddenly, he dropped both of his weapons and used his hands to push himself straight off the ground just as a wave of force rolled over the floor, the imp trying and failing to take advantage of the strange position he had been in.

Cervantes cartwheeled forward, picking up his weapons as he did all while dodging a stone spike which erupted from the ground where he had been standing a second earlier. The armor demon knew instantly what was happening, and knew that the imp was putting a barrier between him and her familiar in an attempt to recoup before he was able to strike again.

Something he would not allow.

A second later, just as Kanathara began to heal the shattered nose of her familiar and stop the flow of blackened blood that covered her forehooves and face, the earthen spike exploded under the force of a powerful kick. Before she even had a chance to register what had just happened several rocks were whipped at Kanathara’s head, forcing her to summon a shield. The debris exploded against the dense purple wall, creating a thick haze of dirt and shattered stone.

Kanathara’s eyes went wide and she lit her horns, trying to hold up her shield while casting a teleport spell. With her attention divided she wasn't able to hold up her shield fully and a split second before the teleport fired a sword arced through her barrier, cutting through the magical wall like it was little more than butter.

The long, elegant blade arced toward the top of her head with all the speed of a lightning bolt, stopping only when it was mere millimeters from the mare’s unprotected head.

With a sigh, Kanathara dropped her spell casting and sunk to the floor, breathing heavily. “You win this time, Cervantes.”

“Whuh?” Rainbow Dash muttered, looking around. “Where is he- oh, fuck.”

The vengant slowly lowered herself to the ground, the armor demon’s second blade never leaving the younger demon’s throat. “You win again, Cervantes,” Rainbow Dash muttered angrily.

The armor demon stood back and smiled, placing the blades in the sheaths at his hips and dispelling the dirt still hanging in the air with a mighty clap of his hands.

Both of the younger demons blinked, their vision now clear of debris, allowing them to see the armor demon standing there with an expectant look on his face.

“I should have teleported us first, then caltropped and healed,” Kanathara muttered. “Or utilized a thicker blocking spell rather than just a spike.”

“And I should have known you were leading me into something,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh. “Attack the truly exposed, not just the easy target.”

Cervantes looked from one demon to the other before slowly nodding, and looking past the mares and towards the door.

Alerting both of the other demons that someone had just entered the room.

“You fought well,” a deep voice announced, a slight hint of pride slipping into his tone. “You truly have come a long way compared to all those years ago.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “And we have longer still to go before we can lay a scratch on ol’ Cervy over here.”

The armor demon bowed low, an arm across his stomach.

“You have done well, old friend,” Tirek complimented, giving the other demon a nod.

“Not that I’m unhappy to see you, father, but why are you here?” Kanathara asked, looking up at the fear demon inquisitively. “You don't usually oversee our training.”

“Can I not come visit my daughter whenever I please?” Tirek remarked with a pout. “Is she too old for her father to see her anymore?”

Rainbow Dash snickered. “Pretty sure you have to put in a request a week earlier with how thoroughly scheduled the boss lady has our days.”

Tirek and Rainbow Dash laughed while Kanathara blushed, shooting a glare at both of the other demons. “A good schedule is the sign of an orderly life, Rainbow Dash,” Kanathara remarked.

“And all work and no play makes Rainbow Dash a dull girl,” the vengant replied with a smirk.

The imp smirked, and lit her horns, causing Rainbow Dash to blink as her nose was surrounded by a field of glowing purple energy. Energy that grabbed and twisted it back into place before healing it. “Gods dammit,” Rainbow Dash half-yelled as she gripped her face. “Warn me before you do that!”

This time it was Kanathara’s and Tirek’s turn to snicker at the vengant’s pain.

“So, why are you here, father?” the imp asked after they had exhausted their humour at Rainbow Dash’s pain.

“Mostly to check up on you. A father must take every opportunity to pamper his daughter after all,” Tirek remarked, turning away from the imp before she had a chance to ask what he meant.

Beckoning with a hand, Tirek prompted a familiar golem to pad across the floor, its features having long since been sculpted into the appearance of a baby dragon. Its short clawed hands were outstretched and carrying a large platter covered with food, as well as a bottle with a glowing, swirling mass of energy that Kanathara recognized as a soul at the center.

Her mouth watered and she watched closely as the golem crossed the room and placed the platter on the floor before them before taking a step back. Even Rainbow Dash had gotten over her pain, the pleasant aroma of a bloody steak making her forget all about her formerly broken nose.

“Oooh, is that what I think it is?” she asked, floating over to the platter, her long tongue hanging from her mouth.

“If you think it's authentic beef, served blue with a side of freshly plucked eyeballs, then you are correct,” Tirek remarked, only to slap Rainbow Dash’s hoof away as she tried to reach for the small plate of eyeballs. “Remember your manners, filly.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and spoke in unison with Kanathara, “Thank you, father.”

Tirek nodded. “Good girls. Now eat up, we have a meeting to get to after this.”

The imp gasped, the pickled liver she held falling out of her aura and splatting against the platter. “Really? Does that mean you have another mission for us, father?”

“Maybe,” Tirek replied coyly, gesturing back to the plate of food. “That depends on how well you eat of course.”

The imp and her familiar both set to work devouring everything in sight, inhaling all the piles of meat with reckless abandon, splattering the area in blood as they chewed noisily. Tirek chuckled as he watched the two young demons tear into their meal, his mind going back to the last nineteen years and all of the trials and tribulations the pair had faced together. Missions that many of his more senior demons had qualed at had been completed by these two young Equestrians, earning them a unique place in the echelon of his minions.

More than that they had also grown significantly over the last nearly two decades they had been in his care. He no longer fretted over attachment, the small part of the centaur’s mind that had long since given up and admitted defeat being quickly joined by the rest of him over the last nineteen years. They were simply too cute, and with his power, and skills he had bestowed upon them, he no longer had to fear that they would be taken from him suddenly.

And they truly were powerful.

Each demon possessing a unique ability that made them invaluable as a team, and a dangerous asset alone. The many kills and victories they had under their belt was a testament to this fact, though even if Tirek knew not of their successes, he would still be able to feel their growing power at a mere glance.

Rainbow Dash’s power felt like a barely contained explosion, ready to emerge at a moment’s notice and destroy all that lay before her in raging inferno. In contrast Kanathara’s powers felt more subdued, her soul’s raw power smaller than the true demon’s, though Tirek knew her cunning and intelligence more than made up this difference.

He no longer fought the urge to smile as he looked down over the demons he had helped shape into the creatures he saw today. Even as the two demons glared at one another, the platter clear save for the small soul jar in the center, Tirek still felt pride.

Though that pride was diminished somewhat when the two demons ultimately ended up sharing the soul, rather than fighting over it, or simply taking turns on who got to consume it.

The glowing wisp of energy emerged from the jar, and shot straight up, only to be caught by Kanathara, who pulled it back down and began to inhale just as Rainbow Dash did the same. In the end, the soul was pulled in both directions, its essence being torn in twain and consumed by the demons. As more and more of the soul vanished past the mares’ lips, the demons drew closer and closer until finally when the soul disappeared, they were but millimeters apart.

Tirek rolled his eyes and coughed, bringing the young demons back down from the high they were experiencing and making them notice the awkward position they were now in.

“Err, sorry father,” Kanathara muttered, a blush crossing her features.

Rainbow Dash gulped, and awkwardly hid herself behind her mane, which had moved itself down in order to cover her blushing cheeks. “Yeah, sorry boss.”

The centaur chuckled silently to himself. “It's good to see you two bond, but do try and do that behind closed doors, or at least out of view of your parent.”

Both female demons blushed a little harder at that, making Tirek snicker.

“So uh, are we going to the meeting yet?” Kanathara asked.

“Well I was going to ask you a few questions about how far you two have come, but I think I’ve already answered all of my own questions,” Tirek remarked, pushing himself back into a standing position.

“Wait, another meeting...” Rainbow Dash’s eyes suddenly lit up and she hopped up. “Does that mean you finally found that superiority demon from all those years ago?”

Tirek smirked. “That particular endeavour is going better than it has in a decade, and I think we are finally ready to start moving against him. We just need to take a few of his pieces off the board before we can truly knock him down a peg or three.”

“Fuck yes,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pumping a hoof in the air.

Kanathara chuckled at her familiar’s antics. “Does this mean our final test is finally coming?”

“It might be,” Tirek replied coyly. “You are not trying to move out already, are you?”

“No way father!” the imp yelled back. “I have yet to slay all your enemies after all.”

“Atta girl.” The centaur leaned down and ruffled the filly’s mane. “Who's my little killer?”

“I am!” Kanathara declared, her entire body leaning towards the centaur as he rubbed her head.

Rainbow Dash pouted and tramped over to the centaur’s side. “And what about me? I’ve killed like a bajillion demons by now.”

Tirek rolled his eyes and began to pet the vengant as well, his hand running down her back, carefully avoiding her flaming mane and tail. “Yes, yes. You’ve done admirably as well.”

“Aww yeah,” Rainbow Dash murmured, the former pony arching her back like a cat as Tirek’s hand ran down her scaly exterior.

For a moment Kanathara simply stood there and enjoyed the attention she was receiving, something about the act of getting petted calming her more than almost anything else did. That was until she realized the depth of Tirek’s statement. “Wait!” she yelled suddenly, turning and staring Tirek in the eye. “Does that mean you're finally going to send me on my quest to kill Celestia soon?”

The centaur stopped and pulled back his hands, a strange expression crossing his face. It was oddly reserved, and almost nervous in a way and it made Kanathara wonder what exactly it meant. “Not yet anyway,” he muttered, before giving his head a shake and rising to a full stand. “Regardless, that is a discussion for a later date. Now, we have a meeting to get to.”

“Daww, you just had to go and ruin it,” Rainbow Dash whined.

The imp rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever. Now stop stretching out like some sort of overgrown feline and get ready to move.”

The vengant snorted in irritation, but couldn't muster the effort to put any actual hate into the action. With a shrug, she gave herself a shake, the last of her wounds having just finished healing naturally. With a belly full of food, and a promise of bloodshed, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash trotted excitedly behind Tirek, whom had already turned and left, leaving Barb the golem to clean up the last of their mess by itself.

Something neither demon cared about in the slightest.

The trio made their way quickly through the halls, demons and other creatures ducking into doorways or moving to the side in small shows of respect for the master of the Ebon Tower. Rainbow Dash strode pridefully behind Tirek, her larger status allowing her to stand almost halfway up the centaur’s midsection. Kanathara was anything but prideful, and though she felt small walking behind the two enormous demons, she didn't feel inadequate, only annoyed that their longer legs made it so she had to basically run to keep up.

Soon, she thought to herself. Soon, I will be as tall as them, and maybe even taller still. The final test is coming, I just know it.

With the possibility of her graduation looming over her, the imp felt a familiar sense of hope she hadn't experienced in many long years. A hope that made her steps lighter and her worries almost non-existent, after all, she was finally going to take the last step, and become a true demon, one who would be able to finally enact the revenge her father so craved.

Kanathara leaned down and glanced through the legs of her father and familiar, looking forward and quickly realizing that she had zoned out for longer than she first thought, having robotically followed the pair deep into the tower. For at the end of the hall stood the familiar black iron doors that contained the debriefing room.

Memories of all the other times Kanathara and Rainbow Dash had been there flashed before their minds, reminding them of past glories and possible future victories.

The imp barely even felt her hooves touch the floor, nearly floating in excitement as she followed behind the two larger demons.

With a wave of his hand Tirek opened the doors, the slight glow around his digits fading as quickly as it first appeared. As the black iron doors opened inwards, Kanathara caught a glimpse of the demons within. To the right of the door, waiting dutifully was the sewn seer, her familiar red and gold robes standing in stark contrast to the robes she used to wear all those years ago.

Gone was the collar she had worn, as well as her frail frame, replaced by a much more robust physique that although not as well-muscled as Rainbow Dash’s or even Kanathara’s was a far cry from the emaciated body she used to have. A vibrant purple and black scarf covered her mouth and neck, obscuring her sewn lips, yet even still Kanathara knew the seer was smiling.

The imp felt a wave of pride well from within her when she looked upon the seer, proud that she had subtly convinced her father to allow the seer more freedom, and even getting rid of that ghastly chain she had been forced to wear. With more food in her belly, and even the occasional soul, the demon had been allowed to grow, though that mostly meant vertically, the biped now easily standing taller than even Tirek. Her long arms now ended in long clawed fingers, her skin having become a burnt gold at about the same time her cloven hooves and large horns had come in.

The hoofed feet that Kanathara had assumed would be difficult to walk on proved a small challenge for the bipedal demon. Though her horns seemed far worse a challenge than her change in locomotion however, the large growths emerging from the forefront of her head and curling up and over her head before extending back beyond several inches. The seer had confided in Kanathara that it was annoying to try and sleep on her back, but her evolution had also come with assurances that she no longer even needed to unless she desired the chance to dream.

Beyond the seer was Pear Butter, who was seated at the table and had looked bored until the second she had turned and seen Tirek, Rainbow Dash and Kanathara. Then, her eyes lit up, and the large golden scaly demon ran up to the imp, scooping her and vengant up in a deep, bone crushing hug. “That was a wonderful match with Cervantes! You both did great!” she commented, pulling back long enough to check over the now winded demons. “You didn't get too hurt, did you?”

“No, mother,” Kanathara whined. “And I’m almost twenty, you can't keep picking me up like this.”

“Of course I can! I am your mom after all,” Pear Butter shot back, giving the mare a wink.

Rainbow Dash groaned, and let her body dissolve into shadow, the vengant appearing several feet away. “What did I tell you about hugs?” the demon lamented.

Pear Butter rolled her eyes, and placed the imp back down on the floor. “Pretend all you want, but I felt you hug back.”

Rainbow Dash blushed. “Whatever,” she muttered, looking away.

The large wrath demon snickered to herself as she trotted back to her chair to Tirek’s right.

Kanathara smiled, happy to see that Pear Butter was as normal as ever, the years having done little to change the powerful quadrupedal demon. Sure she was a little taller, had a little more bulk to her, and had finally managed to master the limited magic she could do, but other than that Pear Butter remained the one thing in Kanathara’s life that seemingly refused to change overly much.

Though now that she thought about it, she could have sworn that the look Tirek and Pear Butter had exchanged seemed a little more heated than normal. Their arguments had long since stopped, and the imp had the sneaking suspicion that their relationship had been one of the few things that had changed over the years. Something neither of them would confirm, or most tellingly, deny.

Kanathara giggled as she took a seat to Pear Butter’s right, with Rainbow Dash quickly standing beside her, not taking a seat and merely waiting at her mistress’ beck and call. It was then that Kanathara noticed the last of the room’s inhabitants, the devilish goat demon Sissyphus. Who was leaning against the wall, the demon balancing a knife on his fingertip as he looked down his nose at the demons gathered around the long obsidian table.

Noticing that everyone else was sitting already, he flicked the dagger up, and caught it in its scabbard, before pulling up a seat to Tirek’s left. The trickster demon had changed the least of anyone over the years, though Kanathara knew that was only physically. The demon had grown to become strangely well trusted by Tirek, having taken on numerous perilous missions for the fear demon over the years, while also doing overwatch for most of the excursions Kanathara and Rainbow Dash had gone on in the last decade and a half.

“I see you brought back the brats,” Sisyphus announced, a haughty smirk plastered to his face, as usual. “Let me guess, I’m going to be playing babysitter again, aren't I?”

Tirek sighed. “Would you keep the comments for the end of the briefing at least? You are getting more predictable with each passing year, Sissyphus.”

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash snickered to themselves while the trickster demon actually seemed shocked for a second, before he shook his head and sat back in his chair, an oddly contemplative expression on his face.

“With the usual banter out of the way, let’s get on with the reason we are all here, shall we?” Tirek offered, gesturing down to the center of the table, his hand aglow with power.

A second later and a small tower as well as the surrounding area suddenly popped into existence. The miniature representation of the next mission area slowly turned in the center of the table, giving everyone a clear view of the small fissure the tower was built within, as well as the many chunks of the structure that had fallen off it. The blasted landscape around the tower was relatively barren, with the tower itself being nestled relatively close to the side of a cliff that nearly surrounded it. It looked abandoned, the blasted grey stone having been scorched black in some places while in others great holes had been punched through the entire building.

There was no road up to the entrance, nor a single path in sight for that matter. It was a small thing, but Kanathara noticed that there were no tracks leading to the tower from any direction, further supporting the idea that it was truly abandoned.

Rainbow Dash leaned forward, a hoof on her chin. “Looks abandoned, but like, too perfectly. Like someone wanted it to look abandoned.”

“Good eye, Rainbow Dash,” Pear Butter complimented.

“My thoughts exactly,” Tirek added, leaning closer. “Something would have taken up residence there, be it a minor demon or a small group of imps, the structure should not be abandoned after such time.”

He pointed a finger to the floating image, the tower itself growing slightly larger in response. “Your target is in there. Scouts have been able to find evidence that this superiority demon is hiding something important within that tower, and I want it secured.”

“Yeesh, you still keeping up that grudge from twenty years ago?” Sisyphus asked.

Tirek snorted irritably. “Some no name demon from the lower circles tried to take something of mine, of course I am going to hunt him down.” The centaur smirked. “Besides, I have acquired information that he has something worth taking. Kanathara, do you remember what I told you about the number of keepers that can exist?”

“That there is a finite number of them, meaning if I were to become one, I would need to take the body and soul of one already living,” Kanathara replied, cocking her head. “Why?”

“Because this foolish demon has a keeper in his possession and it is your target for this mission. After that your training will be nearly complete.” Tirek smiled. “You will have but to study the magic that only a full demon can access and then, your ascension will be complete.”

“And then we can kill Celestia?” the imp asked expectantly.

“That's… something we can talk about later,” Tirek muttered, shaking his head. “Don't get too caught up in the future, Kanathara, you have yet to pass the last test of your ability, and arrogance has killed many a demon before.”

The imp sighed and crossed her hooves over her chest, muttering darkly to herself.

“I don't think we have to worry about that, boss,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “Kanathara is one of the most humble demons around, I’m sure she's just eager to strike down your greatest enemy.”

Pear Butter smiled faintly. “And I’m sure Tirek appreciates that, but I think you should heed his words. Unless you put one foot in front of the other, you are bound to trip over yourself.”

The vengant took a step back and frowned, remaining silent.

“Besides, you haven't even seen what you are up against,” Tirek announced, pointing back to the image of the tower which had been replaced by what looked like a twisted and malformed earth pony of truly massive stature. “We don't know what type of demon it is, but suffice it to say it's not something to be trifled with.”

Kanathara peered closer, studying the hulking monstrosity closely. Its legs were as thick as tree trunks, and its neck was nearly non existent, its small beady eyes peering out from the disturbing mass of muscle that was its body. Thin strands of gold and orange hair seemed to pepper the creature’s face and head at random, with the only part of its mane that was still intact being a single short braid of hair falling from the left side of its head. The rest of its body was a faint teal, and covered in patchy short hair. It lacked a tail, though it did have what looked like the warped version of a cutie mark in the form of a trio of interlocking triangles aligned in such a way that they made a fourth triangle within the arrangement.

“Does it have any abilities we know of?” Kanathara asked.

“Other than looking ugly as sin?” Rainbow Dash added.

“None that we know of,” Tirek replied. “You are to give this creature a wide berth until you've had a chance to discern its weaknesses.”

“Got it,” The imp replied.

“Do we at least know the name of this superiority demon?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“I’m not wholly certain, but I have a strong suspicion that it's a former pony by the name of Starswirl the Bearded,” Tirek replied, conjuring an image of an old grey bearded unicorn stallion and replacing the monstrous pile of flesh that had been there a moment earlier.

“Oh, I remember him from my lessons!” Kanathara added. “He was a really good pony magician, and wrote the first treatise on demonology! Or at least the first Equestrian treatise anyway.”

“That is correct, Kanathara,” Pear Butter commended. “And though we know not how he ended up down here, or what he looks like now, we know he is strong, and capable of commanding not only a keeper of secrets, but also whatever that thing is.”

“All we do know,” Tirek continued, “is that the keeper, the beast, and Starswirl were all members of an organization called the Pillars, and they were generally considered heroes of Equestria until they vanished during the lunar rebellion a thousand Equestrian years ago.”

“The schools told us they passed away due to natural causes at about that time, but there wasn't any real explanation to back that up,” Pear Butter added.

The trickster demon snorted. “Probably sacrificed his buddies to gain eternal youth or something and fucked it up somewhere along the way.” The goat demon waved his hand at the screen. “That guy just screams power mad, even as a pony.”

“True,” Pear Butter muttered.

“Well, whatever the reason, he's here, and has been a thorn in my side for too long,” Tirek exclaimed. “That is reason enough to dispose of him, the fact that he has a keeper is just a pleasant bonus.”

“So is this history lesson gonna help us figure out where this mysterious keeper is or what?” Rainbow Dash asked, only to get a glare from Kanathara. “What? Someone had to ask.”

Tirek rolled his eyes. “As I was about to say, we have come to believe that not only is that thing, Rockhoof, a former Pillar, but this keeper is a former mare by the name of Mistmane.”

The centaur pointed back to the center of the table where the image of a shapely unicorn mare in the prime of her life now stood. It took a whole second for Kanathara to even notice that she was indeed a demon, and not only that but a keeper of secrets. Her mane was a long flowing teal, floating on an ethereal wind that made the hair cascade around the intimidating ram horns that sprouted from either side of her head. Her long shapely legs easily made her the tallest quadruped the imp had ever seen, though more striking than her height was her sheer beauty.

She was truly a sight to behold, with the imp unable to stop her eyes from following the deeper blue lines of power that circled her horns, and cascaded down her body, weaving into a complex pattern of sigils and symbols most of which Kanathara couldn't even begin to comprehend. Power seemed to radiate off the image in waves, with the imp’s eyes perpetually drawn up her body and then back down again, following the mare’s many curves, which were only partially hidden by the wisp-like tattered cloak that partially covered her.

The last thing she noticed was the large book bound around the demon’s neck by a set of black chains. The book and chains were so out of place that it was a testament to the demon’s beauty that Kanathara didn't notice it right away but now that she did she couldn't help but recoil. It was an ugly tome, the pages of which seemed to drip a steady stream of black goo. The cover was a twisted mass that made it looked like it was made from the leather of several different creatures. On the spine were several strange glowing red glyphs that made the imp feel uneasy to even look at.

“Damn, she's hot,” Rainbow Dash muttered, only to look around. “What? You can't say I was the only one thinking that.”

Pear Butter rolled her eyes while Kanathara only nodded weakly.

Tirek sighed, waving his hand over the display and making it once more show the tower and the surrounding area. “Your goal is to secure the keeper and bring her back here. Sissyphus will guard the extraction point, you will move out in two days’ time. Understood?”

Both Kanathara and Rainbow Dash both saluted the centaur. “Yes, father!”

“You can count on us, boss man!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

“Good. Now I think you two have some last minute training to do, isn't that right?”

The two younger demons both nodded. “Don't worry, father, we will be ready,” Kanathara announced confidently.

“See to it that you are,” Tirek replied, his tone grim. “For this is a test of everything you have learned in the past nineteen years.”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of:
Anonymous, Apollyon, Astor, Azin, Brandon, Brendan, Brenna, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Chris, Craig, Diokyo, Doomgooey, facinus, grug, I am unkown, Ian, Ivar, Kali, Lich-lord krosis, M, Makani, Megatyrant, Menthol Qtip, Mephia, mike, mikhaila, mirvra, nfreak, nicky, pacsik, peter, princess pudding, random reader, robert roll, sheq2, shocker blocker, somepony, soundtea, starless, steven, t sparkle, todd Herron, Travis Houck, Vigilant watch, wes, zairvin.

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