• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,395 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Eight: Pawns

“Whoowee, I’m exhausted,” Rainbow Dash remarked, the demon having gained a familiar disguise during the hour or so of flight. “Do ya mind if we get some rest at Velvet’s?”

The demon waited patiently for her mistress to reply, only for the other presence in her mind to remain silent, her attention clearly focused elsewhere.

“Boss?” Rainbow Dash asked in a quiet voice.

Huh, what? Oh, uh, yeah sure, Kanthara answered.

“You sound distracted, what's bugging you this time?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

It's just… I feel like a piece on a chessboard, and I don't like it, Kanathara declared bitterly.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

In the end, no matter where we go, someone ends up connecting to an Element. Applejack in Ponyville, Fluttershy in Cloudsdale, and now Pinkie Pie, Kanathara stated, the demon silently wishing she had a body of her own as the desire to gnash her teeth was growing stronger by the second. This can't all be an accident. I mean, what were the chances that Applejack was near the town hall, that we just so happened to run into Fluttershy, and that Pinkie Pie would get assigned to guard a train of all things. It can't all be happenstance.

Rainbow Dash hummed thoughtfully. “I mean, it isn't impossible that it was all due to random chance.”

I mean I guess, but come on. Someone has to have a hand in all this, Kanathara stated. Someone who has control of both Velvet’s little organization and the paladins.

“Now I think you’re reaching,” Rainbow Dash murmured. “The only one with that kind of power is Celestia herself, and she doesn't seem like the type to do something so morally ambiguous.”

I guess. This whole thing is just so… maddening. I can't wait for this contract to be complete so we can have a hand in our destiny again, Kantahra remarked. Maybe pick out a nice plane that doesn't have much contact with Tartarus so we can enjoy some peace and quiet for a while.

Rainbow Dash stiffened, the demon’s gaze growing distant, lingering on the white pillars which rose up from the horizon. “Look, about that. I don't know if I can just wash my hooves off this whole thing and just leave them to their fate.”

What do you mean? Kanathara hesitantly asked.

“I mean, I have things to tie me to this place, like the fact that Fluttershy is here. My parents' killers are probably still around, and I kinda like Equestria,” Rainbow Dash admitted, her brow furrowing as she aimed her body at the rising sun. “I mean, you have Velvet now. A biological father you should probably meet eventually, and I don't think Pear Butter is just gonna skip town if the world goes to pot.”

We could bring them with us. Velvet has to have memorized at least a few planeshifting spells, and I know a few as well, Kanathara replied though her thoughts lacked the usual conviction.

“And what about the people they would want to bring? And the people that those people would want to bring with them?” Rainbow Dash pressed. “We can't bring everyone along with us, and that's even assuming that the first group would even want to come.”

I know, Kanthara reluctantly answered. It's just this isn't a fight we could ever win. The Nightmare is the most powerful type of demon in the body of the most powerful race in Equestria. With the Elements she would be a god in all but name.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “And there is no way we can just not give them to her, right?”

With that contract? Hell no, Kanathara bitterly declared. If we don't work as best as we can, then she could force us to, and if that didn't work, she would most likely be able to steal our very souls.

“I probably should have given that thing a longer read,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

Which I guess leaves us in the awkward situation of trying to resist her. Kanathara imagined herself sighing. Let's just discuss this more at a later date. I’m too tired to think about this right now.

“Wanna do some tricks before we land in Canterlot?” Rainbow Dash offered, wiggling her wings. “That always helps me relax.”

You know what, that would be kinda nice, Kanathara admitted. Oh, and do a couple loops, those always feel so strangely freeing.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “On it, boss lady. Just lay back and let me handle everything.”

Kanathara allowed her mind to retreat and merely observed as Rainbow Dash began to speed up, her wings pumping hard. The morning sun slowly slipped over the horizon as the demons began to weave through the scattered white clouds. With wind buffeting their face, and the ground becoming a blur beneath them, Kanathara felt a small sense of peace rest firmly in the back of her mind.

Amidst all the worry and fear that had already taken root.

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash trotted through the strange flesh-covered door before stopping on the other side. “Thank you, Oluuraal,” remarked the keeper of secrets, who turned to face the gatekeeper. “I appreciate you taking the time to bring us directly to our destination.”

“And being the only one willing to actually help us navigate this damn labyrinth,” Rainbow Dash muttered bitterly.

The gatekeeper shut herself and smiled down at the pair of demons, her serpentine tongue flicking past her lips. “It is no trouble at all, my friends. Though I usually ask for compensation in the form of a secret or two if they aren't on business,” remarked Oluuraal in a low, teasing tone.

“I don't suppose my recipe for blood soup is an acceptable trade?” Rainbow Dash offered.

The gatekeeper chuckled, its large inquisitive eyes sparkling. “Close, but no cigar, I’m afraid. After all, it's not like I have hands to make such a thing in the first place.”

Kanathara smiled and pushed her familiar aside. “I got this, Rainbow Dash.”

“If you say so,” murmured the vengant.

“Did you know that Tirek is ticklish under his arms?” Kanathara offered, a sly smile spreading across her face.

The gatekeeper giggled, the twisted mass of exposed blackened muscle rippling excitedly. “Oh, now that is a funny one. It is nice to know the art of the secret is as valued in Equestria as it is elsewhere.”

“Of course,” Kanathara proudly declared. “You never know when it might help.”

“True, I-” Oluuraal paused, before scowling suddenly. “Pardon me, but some mortal is getting rather impatient. Give your mother my best.”

The mass of flesh twisted inwards on itself, vanishing a second later and leaving behind a rather normal door with a black metal handle.

“She's pretty useful,” Rainbow Dash murmured as the pair turned and trotted down the hall. “If it didn't feel like she was checking out my ass every time I passed her by, I might even like her.”

Kanathara gasped dramatically. “Is the Rainbow Dash admitting that she couldn't handle a guardian demon?”

“What are…. Augh,” Rainbow Dash groaned. “You are the worst.”

“Or are you worried that she would treat you like a doormat?” Kanathara pressed as the pair walked down the long hallway, passing robed cultists.

“Keep it up, and I might dump you and find out for myself,” Rainbow Dash shot back.

Kanathara chuckled. “Relax, that's all I got. Besides, we’re here already.”

The keeper of secrets knocked on the familiar door to Velvet’s private residence before taking a step back and waiting patiently.

After a few seconds Rainbow Dash yawned, prompting Kanathara to do the same.

“You think we might be a bit early?” Rainbow Dash whispered after an entire minute had passed without hearing anything from inside.

“Maybe, it is only six or so,” Kanathara replied with a shrug. “Do you think I should knock again?”

“Couldn't hurt, right?” Rainbow Dash answered.

Kanathara raised her hoof to do just that, only to hear the distinct sound of hooves coming from within.

“I swear to every single star in the sky, if that's you, Naamah, I really will rip out that delicious tongue of yours,” shouted a familiar, if slightly gravelly voice.

“Isn't that a succubus name?” whispered Rainbow Dash.

“It is,” Kanathara murmured.

“Your mom has game,” added the vengant.

The door opened suddenly to reveal the disheveled appearance of Twilight Velvet, her horn glowing brightly. Upon seeing who was standing before her, the unicorn’s magic flickered and died fairly quickly. The two parties stared at one another, with Twilight thinking just how old her biological mother looked while Velvet struggled to comprehend what was going on.

“Well, this is awkward. Would you believe that she's a work friend?” asked the unicorn.

Kanathara chuckled. “I don't care one way or the other. Though if you need a minute, we can come back in an hour or so.”

“Or two,” added Rainbow Dash, who was busy staring at the heavy bags hanging under the older creature’s eyes.

The pony sighed and stepped back. “It's fine, just make yourselves at home while I clean up a little.”

Kanathara strode into the small apartment-sized space only to immediately notice that it was nearly empty unlike last time when it was quite cluttered. “This is a considerable change,” remarked the demon.

Velvet closed the door behind Rainbow Dash and grunted as she made her way towards the small bathroom. “I’m moving everything to a more secure location. What you see here is just the less important stuff that I have left to organize.”

Rainbow Dash peeked into one of the many boxes littering the area. “Daring Do and the Treasure of Saddle Madre. I never read that one before.”

Velvet chuckled from the other room. “That's because it was never published. It's the last one I worked on before I joined up and apparently the author wouldn't accept her work being edited by anyone else, so it's remained unpublished ever since.”

“Interesting,” Rainbow Dash murmured, the demon flicking through the half-completed manuscript idly.

Kanathara leaned over the vengant’s shoulder. “Anything good in that box?”

“Not unless you like young adult adventure books,” Rainbow Dash replied before plunking down on the ground and starting to read.

Kanathara smiled faintly before turning away and trotting next to the bathroom door. “So, did you figure out what was going on with your spy network?”

Velvet grunted. “No, and it's beginning to bother me. If we had a turncoat, I should have found them already.”

“Why do you say that?” Kanathara pressed.

“Because everyone under my personal employ has a very selective geas placed on them that ensures they must tell me the truth,” Velvet replied.

“Then maybe it came from higher-up? Someone not directly under you,” Kanathara inquired.

“Ish poshible,” Velvet admitted, gargling briefly before spitting into the sink and washing down the toothpaste with a short blast of water. “There aren't too many people above me, however, and those few are what I would call fanatics, so I’m having trouble suspecting them.”

“Are you sure, what about Blackguard?” Kanathara continued.

“The Blackguard organization itself was started by and named after his family. He has also been groomed from birth to rule it, which he has done since the death of his father,” Velvet explained, pausing briefly. “I wonder why he stopped going by Blood Tithe and just used his last name? Though I suppose I’m one to talk.”

“So if he isn't the source of the leak, then who is?” Kanathara pressed, ignoring the brief aside.

“I have my own theories. Ones which my most trusted spies are looking into,” Velvet replied before grunting. “Come on, you stupid strap. You fit yesterday.”

“But why lie about what Element was in cloudsdale? Why bother maneuvering all these pieces? What's the point?” Kanathara exclaimed.

A flash of light came from the bathroom a second before a now vanilla-scented Velvet trotted back out. “Look, I don't know what is going on, but I am determined to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime you just gotta keep focused on completing your contract and getting out from under the Nightmare’s hoof.”

Kanathara sighed. “I understand that. It just feels so hopeless knowing that the last three are in the world’s most secure vault.”

Velvet blinked. “No, they aren't. Didn't I update you? One of them is being recalled to Canterlot sometime soon. Only two are confirmed to be in the citadel.”

“Are you sure, I could have sworn… you know what? It doesn't matter. Where is this other one located?” Kanathara asked.

“I’m afraid I’m not totally sure. I’ve got my best people investigating it but things have been slightly hectic as of late given my pending relocation,” Velvet answered, the unicorn tugging briefly at her armor before trotting over to a seemingly random box and digging into it. “As for the citadel, I wouldn't worry about it. Tirek and I have been working on a plan if you haven't already figured that out.”

“He isn't exactly good at keeping secrets, at least not from me anyway,” Kanathara replied simply.

Velvet pulled out a slightly crusty hunk of bread from the box before sitting down at the table. “How was your mission, by the way? I assume you were successful given that you aren't in a terrible mood.”

“We got it, but the fight was surprisingly difficult, and we only succeeded due to the help of a pony who ended up connecting to the Element much like how Fluttershy and Applejack already have,” Kanathara answered, plunking down on a chair across from Velvet. “Got anything else to eat?”

“I’m afraid not. Give me a second, and I can send off an order though,” Velvet replied, conjuring a pen and paper before scratching out a list of food.

“That would be nice as Rainbow Dash and I need a place to recoup our strength for a few hours,” Kanathara replied. “These long flights and numerous fights have been surprisingly draining.”

“Attuned to this plane’s magic or not, you are still a demon, so expect to feel a little less energy than you would down in Tartarus,” Velvet remarked, her horn flashing briefly. “There, your food should be up shortly.”

“I know about the energy thing, though it still bothers me,” Kanathara complained. “Thanks for the food, by the way.”

“Tell her about the orb thingy,” Rainbow Dash announced suddenly, the vengant not even looking up from her book. “The binding one.”

“Oh, right.” Kanathara’s horn glowed briefly before she pulled forth a small smooth red stone from her pocket dimension. “I forgot to mention it before, but this was used to corrupt the Element and allow the warrior clans to make ponies into familiars. We were hoping you would be able to tell us more about it.”

“Fascinating,” Velvet murmured, extending a hoof. “Do you mind if I take a look?”

Kanthara nodded. “Just be careful, I’m not sure how it works, and I’d rather not turn you into a familiar by accident.”

“Don't you worry. Working with cursed artifacts is something of a specialty of mine,” Velvet claimed, using her magic to levitate the small gem onto the table before her. “Now then, let’s see what secrets you have in store for me.”

Kanathara watched as the pony retrieved a magnifying glass from a nearby box before peering intently at the object. “I guess I should mention that it was also likely created by sacrificing the souls of two innocents, and that those souls may still be trapped inside of it,” Kanathara continued in a slightly lower tone.

Rainbow Dash sunk a little lower into her book, her gaze growing distant.

“That is most unfortunate,” Velvet remarked, her horn glowing faintly as a scanning spell washed over the red gem. “These types of artifacts usually only release their captured souls upon destruction, which is in itself a rare occurrence as they are nearly indestructible.”

“Surely there is some way to free them. The artifact only has a niche use to begin with, so I don't care if it's destroyed in the process,” Knathara pressed.

“Some rituals can break the binds that brought about the formation of the artifact in question, but it's a tough process,” Velvet muttered, the pony peering deeply into the gem. “Though the energy released upon its destruction is so immense that if you could break it, you might theoretically be able to cast a truly powerful spell if you captured the expelled magic.”

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully, her gaze becoming distant as she stared off into space. “What about an annulment spell? One powerful enough enough to break a demonic contract?”

Velvet blinked and looked up at the demon with a curious look in her eye. “It's possible, but even then I doubt it would work on the one you hold with the Nightmare. She would never show you the contract after you’ve signed it, and you would need the original physical copy.”

“I know,” Kanathara replied. “I was thinking of something else.”

“Well, whatever you had in mind, so long as you were able to summon the original contract, you should be able to break it. Unless you made a pact with one of the lords of Tartarus,” Velvet murmured. “As for the gem itself, it's pretty much worthless as it stands right now.”

“Wait, why do you say that?” Rainbow Dash asked suddenly.

“Yeah, it corrupted an Element of Harmony. That's not something any old artifact should be capable of,” Kanathara added.

“It is powerful, but that power has been expended, and it may take months, years or maybe even centuries to recharge,” Velvet concluded, her horn dulling after she put away the magnifying glass. “Until then it's nothing more than a rather ineffective paper weight.”

“That's a good thing, right?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning to Kanathara.

The keeper shrugged. “Sort of. It gives us one less weapon against Nightmare Moon, but it's not something I would be willing to use regardless of its potential usefulness.”

The vengant’s shoulders slumped. “I didn't even think of that. How long do you suspect it would take to break the bonds that hold the gem together?”

Velvet exhaled slowly, her gaze never leaving the gem. “Six months of planning, and that's assuming I would have ample time to work.”

“And there wasn't a world-ending threat breathing down your neck,” Kanathara bitterly added.

“Right,” Rainbow Dash murmured. “They aren't… in pain, are they?”

Velvet’s features softened, and she shook her head. “No dear. They are beyond pain now.”

“Good,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

A knock on the door made everyone turn towards the entrance.

“Oh, Velvet, your favorite succubus has come to deliver all that you desire,” called a distinctly female voice that warbled strangely.

“Stars above, not her,” Velvet murmured.

“Who is that?” Kanathara inquired.

“Just let me handle this,” Velvet implored, the unicorn trotting over to the door and hastily engaging in a whispered conversation with the person on the other side.

“Your mom is a player,” Rainbow Dash remarked, sitting down next to Kanathara.

“She certainly does seem to have a thing for succubi,” Kanathara murmured.

“Do ya think that since you’re a kind of succubus, that there is some kind of reverse Oedipus thing going on here?” Rainbow Dash teased, jabbing Kanathara in the side.

The keeper of secrets shuddered, just barely resisting the urge to gag. “Gods above, no. Or at least there better not be.”

“I wouldn't worry about it. You’re out of her league anyway,” Rainbow Dash chided.

“Please stop talking,” Kanathara murmured, head clutched in her hooves.

“But Veeelvet, I even brought you your silly reports,” whined the warbled voice of the succubus. “I just want to meet your daughter. Is that really too much to ask?”

The unicorn let out a long sigh. “Fine. But that is it, okay?”

The succubus giggled. “I promise that I will just say hello and if I don't, I’ll do that thing for you where I use my tongue to-”

Velvet stomped a hoof. “That's quite enough.”

The door swung open to reveal a blushing Velvet and a rather strange equine succubus holding a large plate of meat dishes in an upraised hoof. The demon wore what could only be described as the outfit of a lunch lady, yet still somehow managed to pull it off. Her fur was a deep blue, while her eyes were a much lighter teal and her hair was even lighter still, becoming almost white when contrasted against her fur.

Most surprising of all was the fact that she was short, and not only that, but she had rather pudgy, if still generous curves. Despite all that, Kanathara couldn't help but feel her gaze drawn unnaturally to the succubus’ pert lips and captivating figure. Shaking that feeling off was difficult, but Kanathara managed to do so, clearing her throat awkwardly and giving her familiar a punch to the shoulder.

“It's a pleasure to meet you,” Kanathara greeted, extending a hoof. “My name is Kanathara, and you are?”

“My name here in Equestria is Icewind, but you, my dear, can call me by my true name of Naamah. But only if you scream it for me,” purred the succubus who sauntered up to the pair.

“Can we keep her?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning excitedly to the keeper.

“Only if you get me a leash,” added Icewind, who bit her lip and exposed a single solitary fang poking out from the right side of her mouth.

“That's quite enough of that,” Velvet intruded, pulling the succubus back by her tail before snatching the food from her grip and placing it on the table.

“Aww, come on. I was just saying hello!” whined the succubus before suddenly slipping beneath the unicorn and nuzzling the underside of Velvet’s chin. “Unless you’re saying you want me all to yourself.”

Velvet’s cheeks grew red, but a frown remained plastered firmly to her face. “For the last time, no. Now give me the reports you stole before I decide to send a little message to Torlarin to let him know where you are.”

The succubus narrowed her gaze at the unicorn. “You wouldn't.”

Velvet merely raised an eyebrow.

Naamah pouted, but pulled out a small stack of letters from her long, flowing mane. “Fine, but sooner or later, you will admit you love me and swear your undying loyalty.”

Velvet rolled her eyes and roughly pushed the succubus out the door. “Goodbye, Naamah.”

With a slam, the door was closed, and the unicorn let out a long sigh.

“So… am I getting a third mother sometime soon?” Kanathara chided.

Velvet groaned. “Though I am thrilled you think of me as such, the title feels sullied for some reason.”

The sudden crunch of a bone made everyone turn to Rainbow Dash who was gnawing on a rib, her face plastered in sauce. “What? I thought this was for us.”

“It was, but we were…” Kanathara sighed. “Nevermind, now move over and leave some ribs for me. They look good.”

“Sure thing, oh, and check it out, they even got veal!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Velvet watched the two demons eagerly consume the platter of meat dishes with a ravenous intensity. Turning away from the strangely gruesome, yet still slightly cute scene playing out before her, Velvet began to open the reports one by one. Cracking the wax seal emblazoned with the same candle symbol that adorned her face, Velvet pulled it open.

“Odd, a missing pony report for Ponyville. I thought with the paladin presence such a thing would be dealt with quickly,” Velvet mused aloud. “Nothing else seems off about the area though.”

The pony read through the rest of the report, noting the troop movements around the Everfree and the general decrease in paladins stationed in the area. Once she was done, the unicorn lit her horn and in a flash of light incinerated the piece of paper, leaving behind nothing but ash. Opening the next one, Velvet began to trot over to the table, intent on grabbing a leg of chicken for herself, only to stop.

“Well, this is unfortunate,” Velvet muttered to herself.

“What is it?” Kanathara asked, the demon stopping herself from chowing down on a slice of shepherd's pie.

“Your brother is on the move with a recovery team,” Velvet began. “It looks like they decided to transport the Element via chariot, but it got shot down over the Everfree lowlands. Not only that, but a rogue clan of very territorial diamond dogs have moved into the area.”

“Why does this always happen just when I start to relax?” Rainbow Dash griped.

“We do seem to have bad luck for this, but at least Velvet’s information network is robust enough that we haven't missed something important,” Kanthara added.

“Thank you, Kanathara, that means a lot to me,” Velvet proudly replied.

“So do we at least have time to finish this off? ‘Cause if not, we’re gonna need a hell of a doggy bag,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Kanathara shrugged. “We can't fight on an empty stomach, but the contract dictates that we move as soon as possible, so unless we have a good reason to stick around, I’m afraid we gotta leave right away.”

“D’aw come on, this is bullcrap!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed

“Hold on. I’ll make you a map of the area while you eat,” Velvet offered, snagging a drumstick before trotting into the other room.

“I love your mom,” Rainbow Dash declared before stuffing an entire slice of pie into her mouth.

Kanthara smiled and glanced at the door to the other room. “Me too, Rainbow Dash, me too.”

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