• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,667 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 9 - Gabby

Author's Note:

I apologize for this chapter being the shortest of all, but some other matters caused it be shortened. Plus, my proofreader isn't the biggest fan of Gabby.

Still, I don't think anyone will object to the notion that Gabby is a kid at heart, much like Pinkie Pie. And I don't think it's too much of a stretch of logic to assume she'd be interested in at least trying out the whole diapering and babying treatment.

Only one chapter remains, and then this sequel will be done. Hopefully it'll be longer and more detailed, you should all know who's going to be the focus of it.

The end of the month drew near, and Filthy and Spoiled found themselves hard pressed for playmate options. The only ones clearly interested in a second helping were Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon, everyone else was questionable at best.

However, neither parent ultimately needed to make a decision about who to ask next. Fate delivered an unexpected playmate in the most unusual of ways.

It all began with a seemingly average day, at least up until just past breakfast. For that was when there came a knock at the door, just as Diamond was being escorted upstairs to her nursery.

"Well you answer that please, Randolph?" Filthy instructed to the veteran butler.

"Of course, Master Rich." Randolph bowed, and went to the door. When he opened it, the old servant's eyes widened and he blinked. No, he wasn't seeing things. Standing before him was a griffon, a blueish-gray feathered one at that with a few light cyan markings on her face, and dark gray wings, not to mention moderate turquoise eyes.

"Hiya, you must live with Diamond Tiara!" The griffon exclaimed in a shrill, high pitched voice. "Is she here?! I have a letter addressed to her, and I figured since I'm already in Ponyville, I could deliver it myself!"

"Unfortunately, Mistress Diamond is not available right now," Randolph replied with a shake of his head. "However, I shall gladly accept the letter addressed to her on her behalf," He reached out a hoof to carefully take the letter from the griffon's talons. "By the way, I don't believe I caught your name."

"Name's Gabby, and I'm a Cutie Mark Crusader!" Gabby declared enthusiastically, shouting it out as if she didn’t care who overheard. "I heard Diamond Tiara's an honorary member now too, which is awesome! I'll be here in town for a Crusaders meeting tomorrow, maybe we'll get a chance to meet then?"

"Hopefully, yes," Randolph expressed in an optimistic tone. "Now, Miss... Gabby, if you would gladly leave now. I'll be sure to let Mistress Diamond know about the Crusaders meeting you'll be attending."

"Make sure you let her know I'm gonna be there! I can't wait to meet her! I've heard so many good things about her!" Gabby happily exclaimed, then flew off as Randolph closed the front door.

However, as Gabby was about to fly away and find somewhere to roost for the next few hours, she saw something that caught her attention. She could've sworn she'd seen a faint trace of pink in a second story window. Always a curious one, Gabby flew closer for an inspection. But what she saw, made her beak drop open!

For through the window, one could clearly see Diamond Tiara. But they could also easily see a thick, white colored, disposable undergarment taped to her rump, in other words a diaper. Yet not only did the filly not seem to be bothered by this fact, but she was also trotting about if she had nothing on. And that didn't even cover the clearly sized-up nursery that she seemed to be playing in. Against her better judgement, Gabby let out a loud gasp and pressed her beak up to the window for a closer inspection!

The commotion drew the attention of Diamond, who took one look at the peering eyes of the unannounced peeker, before screaming and bolting for the nearest corner away from the window! Just a moment later, both Filthy and Spoiled became aware of the disturbance and its source, instantly turning their attention towards the nosy griffon who remained pressed up to that window.

It wasn't until too late that the idea even crossed Gabby's mind to fly away. All she knew was, one moment she saw Tiara's parents approaching the window, and the next said window was flung open and Gabby was pulled inside by two very strong pairs of hooves! The unexpected journey gave the griffon something of a brief indoor flight, which ended when she struck her head against the foot of the changing of the table. "Did anyone get the number of that blimp?" She mumbled, scratching her head (which now had a faint bump on its left side).

"A peeker on my property?!" A stern female voice remarked, indicating itself as belonging to Spoiled Rich. "You griffon outsiders are nothing but trouble!"

"Now, hun, there's no need to make such broad statements about an entire race," Filthy Rich cautioned, then turned his attention to Gabby. "But you've got a lot of nerve intrudin' on the privacy of our only daughter like that."

"I'm so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Rich!" Gabby profusely apologized. "I just got curious when I saw your daughter wearing what was obviously a diaper. I wasn't gonna tell anyone, I swear, not even the Crusaders would've known about this!"

"Wait?! You know the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Diamond asked, eyeing Gabby carefully as she stood up.

Gabby nodded, still rubbing the bump on her head as she explained. "Didn't they ever tell you? I joined their ranks a while back and agreed to bring Cutie Mark Crusaders values to Griffonstone! But I also promised to come back and visit them, and when I finally got a few days off from my work, I figured now was as good a time as any to honor that promise," Looking at the pink coated filly, Gabby then commented. "Seems like a lot has changed since I was last here, no pun intended of course."

Tiara said nothing, she just blushed and tried in vain to hide her padding.

Meanwhile, a faint glint appeared in Filthy's eyes, as he approached Gabby. "Say, Gabby?" He asked, trying to sound friendly. "You promise you're not gonna tell anyone 'bout this, right?"

"Oh of course, Crusaders Honor!" Gabby insisted. "In fact, that diaper kind of reminds me of the occasions where I have to wear 'protection' on important mail deliveries. Sometimes I don't get the luxury of stopping in the middle of a flight to go, diapers are surprisingly more aerodynamic than you think. Something called 'the golf ball effect', I think."

"So, you've been diapered before, huh?" Filthy commented to Gabby. "Well good, that'll hopefully make what I'm about to offer ya seem somewhat less shockin'."

"Hey, if you want me to put on a diaper and be a little one, I'm all for it!" Gabby happily exclaimed. "Lots of griffons back home already say I act like a big kid and I don't see what's so wrong about being a child at heart."

"You mean, you'd be willin' to go through the whole treatment?" Filthy asked, hoping he was reading Gabby's emotions right. "Bein' diapered up, not bein' allowed to take it off without permission, and havin' to act like a foal for the day?"

"Absolutely!" Gabby shrieked in delight, causing everyone to plug their ears. "Oops, sorry. Still gotta work on toning down those volume levels" She apologized. "But that sounds like fun, I've always felt that if you're gonna wear diapers you might as well make the most of 'em and be a little one. Though, we griffons call our young chicks, so I guess that would make me an adult chick!"

"...Yes, I suppose it would," Filthy blinked, processing the information. "Ya sure you wanna go through with it though, Gabby? I mean, ya could back out if ya really want to. As long as you promise to keep quiet about what you've seen here, ya don't have to be diapered."

Gabby only shook her head in protest. "I said it sounded like fun and I meant that one hundred percent! Now come on, I'm ready for my diaper, Mr. Rich!"

Filthy looked across to Spoiled, as if wondering what he should do. But somehow he found the willpower to accept Gabby's talon. "Okay then, Gabby. Let's get ya padded up for a fun day with little Diamond." He said, trying to slip seamlessly into his usual caretaker role.

Gabby was led downstairs and quickly diapered. Despite the fact that pony diapers weren't meant for griffons, Filthy somehow managed to slip one onto Gabby's rump (albeit with a great deal of trouble) and tape it up. It proved difficult to pull back the padding, but Filthy managed to do that as well in order to sprinkle in some foal powder.

Gabby rose slowly, delighting in the poofiness of her diaper and the clouds of foal powder that appeared if she pressed a claw to it. "This is so amazing! I'm loving this thing already!" She exclaimed. "And it's just the right amount of thickness too, I didn't know ponies could make diapers as high quality as the ones I have to wear for my job! It's just too bad the normal store brand ones in Griffonstone aren't as good, from what I hear they can barely hold themselves together after just one minor accident. Heck, I've even heard a few griffons complain that they leak after just a few drops."

"Well, I'm just glad those ones fit ya good enough, Gabby," Filthy replied, wiping the sweat from his brows. "I was worried that they wouldn't, and I don't think there's any stores around these parts that sell bigger diapers for griffons, let alone diapers for griffons at all. These Silly Filly brand ones are all I have."

"And I love 'em!" Gabby exclaimed again. "You think it'll be okay if I smuggle a few with me when I go back to Griffonstone?"

"This just for your job, or you planin' to do this on your own free time?" Filthy asked, eyeing Gabby as he led her back upstairs.

"Both!" Gabby explained, eyes all a glow. "These things will be just perfect for unwinding from an exhausting day of mall carrying, and no one will ever know they're a pony brand, though maybe I'll tell any griffon who wants to know."

"If ya do, don't mention ya got 'em from me," Filthy cautioned. "If ya wanna mention Barnyard Bargains though, that'd be great! I've been lookin' for the perfect place to expand the company, and Griffonstone seems like the ideal market to enter." Then he pushed open the door to Diamond's bedroom a.k.a the nursery.

Gabby instantly waddled her way over to Tiara, opting to give the pink coated filly one of her infamous killer hugs. "Ooh! This is so exciting! You and I, acting like little ones for an entire day!" She squealed in delight. "If I'm dreaming, please don't wake me up!"

"You're not dreaming, trust me," Diamond replied, gasping for air. "If we were, I wouldn’t be able to feel you crushing me to death! Now could you please let go?!"

"Oops, sorry!" Gabby apologized, ending the hug prematurely. "I do that a lot. It's a habit I've been meaning to cut back on."

Diamond simply breathed normally, glad to be freed from such great pressure. Then, in what had become a routine for her at this point, she waddled over to her bed and retrieved an old looking, worn out, stuffed bear. She proceeded to present said bear to Gabby as she explained. "Gabby, this is Theodore, my teddy bear. He's the only aspect of my foalhood that survived. I can never nap without him, and he's a real hoot at tea parties."

"Hiya, Theodore!" Gabby greeted. "You ever seen a griffon before?"

"No, never in my long life," Theodore replied in his gruff voice. "And I've certainly never met a griffon who wore diapers. I thought only ponies wore them."

"You're so silly, Theodore," Gabby giggled in response. "I mean really, there are plenty of other species that diaper their young. I should know, I've met some of them on my mail deliveries. It's a great way to see far off places, and make some good money in the process."

"Do you ever go to the horizon?" Theodore curiously inquired of Gabby.

Gabby eagerly nodded. "Yup, and sometimes even beyond. I can't even begin to count the number of places I've visited over years. But for me, Ponyville will always be the best place, my home away from away. After all, it's the place my fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders call home, and it's full of so many friendly faces!"

"Wow, you sure do get around a lot! You should get frequent flyer points, or something," Theodore exclaimed in amazement. "I've never even been allowed to leave the house. The one time I tried to sneak out in Diamond's saddlebag, her mommy caught me."

"Because no one in their right mind roams about outside with a stuffed animal, unless they're an immature foal," Spoiled commented, rolling her eyes. "I was simply trying to ensure my daughter didn't destroy her still blossoming social status back in the day."

"Don't mind Mother," Diamond spoke up, as she set Theodore aside. "She acts that way a lot, but she has been improving since this whole treatment began. Trust me, she was much worse just over a year ago."

"Eh, she can't be as much of a sour puss as Gilda," Gabby commented, a hint of frustration contained within her voice. "I know she's still learning to lighten up, but does she still have to be so grumpy whenever I'm around? I mean, we're the only griffons to accept friendship at the moment, that should bond us closer together, not drive us farther apart."

"Sounds like a problem to discuss at the Crusaders meeting tomorrow," Tiara suggested. "For now though, it's just you, me, and whatever kind of toys we want to play with. I've got a huge variety."

Upon hearing the word "Toys", Gabby began to break out in a wide smile. "Oh my gosh, I'm finally gonna get to play with some actual toys!" She proudly exclaimed. "Growing up, all I ever got was the occasional claw me down to play with. Most of the time I had to go without toys, because life in Griffonstone meant you didn't have time for such'silly' things. Not with money being so tight and all."

"One of the perks of growing up with rich parents," Diamond boasted. "I had access to the best foal toys money can buy. It's just too bad that I had to give them up by the time I was three, along with every other aspect of my foalhood. And I didn't even get a say in the matter."

Gabby hugged her pink coated friend again (though thankfully not as tight this time). "Gosh, that must've stunk. Not as much as having a dirty diaper, but that's still so unfair," She said with regret. "No wonder you're so into this. I know if I had to grow up so quickly, I'd be desperate for any way to reclaim my childhood."

Diamond and Gabby played with toys together for the next couple of hours, occasionally breaking off to do their own things. Gabby effortlessly slipped into her role as a little one, quickly losing sight of everything but whatever shiny object attracted her attention.

She was only snapped back to reality, when she felt her padding be pulled back by a brown colored hoof, just seconds before her ears registered an audible squishing sound. "Goodness, you're soaked to the bone, Gabby!" Filthy exclaimed. "It's a good thing I checked ya when I did, or I reckon you'd have kept on playin' til you got a rash."

Gabby looked down at her own padding, seeing that it was clearly discolored with a noticeable yellow tint. But surprisingly, she didn't recall ever feeling the need to use the bathroom or even her body deciding to use her diaper. "I must've been more absorbed in playing than I thought. Usually I at least know when I'm about to go, and have enough control so I don't have an accident while flying." She thought to herself, but all she could bring herself to say was. "Oopsie."

"Seems like a pretty big 'oopsie' to me," Filthy remarked. "We'd better get you changed before lunch."

"You do that, dear," Spoiled said in reply, as she took Diamond by the hoof. "If you need me, I shall be in the dining room. That is, after I escort our little Diamond to the lavatory of course." Mother and daughter then exited the nursery just seconds later.

Now alone with Gabby, Filthy slipped on a pair of disposable rubber gloves, as he motioned for Gabby to come over to the changing table. Gabby obeyed without hesitation, effortlessly flying over despite being weighed down by her own soggy padding. "Okay, ya ready?" Filthy asked his anything but young charge.

Gabby nodded, albeit slowly. Even though she had used her diapers before, this was the first time she was not changing herself. One thing was for sure, this would be an experience like no other.

Filthy took the nod as a sign to proceed, and he moved fast, almost as if he'd done this all before (and to be fair he had, just not with a griffon). He still struggled to get the diaper removed from Gabby's larger rump, but he had no trouble tossing it into a nearby wastebasket for disposal. Taking some wet wipes, he moved back and forth to remove any trace of Gabby's accident, though he faced a challenge in the form of getting Gabby not to wiggle at the wipes' cold touch. Fortunately, fastening the new diaper wasn't too difficult for the stallion, since he decided to sprinkle in foal powder and work in the diaper rash cream before he put the new diaper on. At last, job complete, Filthy removed his gloves, tossing them into the same wastebasket as the wet diaper.

"Uh, are you just gonna leave that old diaper there, Mr. Rich?" Gabby asked, as she sat up and flew off the changing table.

"I'll get Randolph to take care of that a little later," He explained to Gabby. "For now though, let's get down to the dinin' room, shall we? I reckon it's time for little ones like you to get their num nums."

"Oh boy, num nums!" Gabby happily exclaimed, looking forward to such a prospect.

When Gabby was seated at the dining room table, she didn't object to having a bib tied around her neck, even though its baby blue coloring didn't mesh well with the color of her coat and feathers. She just licked her lips in anticipation of whatever savory treats would be on offer for meal time.

But the griffon's hopes for a delicious meal were soon dashed, as she saw the same butler pony from earlier come trotting out from the kitchen, carrying a tray full of varying flavors of foal food.

"Foal food, really?" Gabby complained, making a face. "That stuff all sounds icky and nasty, why would anyone feed their little ones such foul tasting goop?"

"Finally, someone who understands my case," Spoiled exclaimed, sounding almost surprised. "I guess maybe I've finally found that first signature for my petition to ban such vulgar and repulsive slop from store shelves. I wouldn't wish such slop on even my most hated enemies, and that's saying a lot."

"Well, I'm sorry if ya don't like foal food, Gabby," Filthy apologized, as he sat down next to the griffon. "If I'd known, I'd have told Randolph to prepare somethin' else for ya. I'll see about doin' that for dinner, but for now, like it or not, foal food is all you're gettin'."

"Master Filthy is right, I'm afraid," Randolph reluctantly commented. "While I could prepare something else for you if you really wanted, it would take a very long time. And these old bones can only move so fast."

"Well... how about this?" Gabby proposed, tapping a claw to her chin. "I'll try to stomach that yucky slop, if I get a bottle of milk to wash out the taste. That's what I often do when I have to take medicine I don't like the taste of, it works every time!"

Randolph sighed, and prepared to head to the kitchen to start preparing a warm bottle of milk. But Filthy rose from his spot at the table and told the butler. "It's alright, you deserve a break. I'll take care of the bottle for our guest here, ya just focus on feedin' my little princess. And make sure to clean her face when she's done, you know how much of a messy eater she is."

"Daddy, not in front of Gabby!" Tiara whined in a playful manner, which prompted Gabby to giggle despite her better judgement.

"Sorry, but it's true," Filthy said with a wink. "It's okay though, even princesses can be messy eaters. Just ask Princess Twilight and her Hayburger antics."

"You mean princess in name only," Spoiled remarked. "I swear, she doesn't act anything close to a proper princess. Quite frankly, she gives the true royals a bad name."

Filthy just rolled his eyes, and then retreated to the kitchen to work on Gabby's drink.

When Filthy exited the kitchen and presented Gabby with her promised bottle, the griffon reluctantly allowed herself to be fed with a plastic spoon. To her surprise, the foal food tasted better than she had expected it to taste, albeit only a little. She actually really liked flavors like Cream of Banana and Sweet Potato, but absolutely detested ones such as Strawberry Surprise, Asparagus Delight and ESPECIALLY Mashed Peas! She nearly gagged and choked at the strong taste. She was glad to be able to wash it all down with a bottle of delicious, creamy, warm milk afterwards (besides, all that foal food made her really thirsty for some reason).

Gabby leaned back in her chair, barely even noticing how messy her cheeks and beak were. She was just surprised at how full she felt from jars of foal food and a bottle of milk. She barely even noticed when she opened her mouth and let out an enormous "Urp!" that whizzed past Filthy's face.

"Why do I even bother to hope that one of these big foals is going to behave and not burp without my permission?" Spoiled remarked, clearing sounding distraught and unhappy. "It seems that no matter how hard I wish, it never happens."

Gabby was a little bit surprised by Spoiled's comment. "Wait, you mean I'm not the first one to do this with Diamond Tiara?" She asked, blinking her eyes and hoping she hadn't misheard somehow.

Randolph gave a knowing wink to the griffon as he told her straightly. "Indeed you aren't. But, for the sake of secrecy, and out of respect for the other participants, I'm not naming names." He then proceeded to grab a wet rag and wipe her face clean of the various globs of foal food that still clung to her face.

"Wow, I think you're an even messier eater than I am!" Diamond exclaimed in surprise. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone make that much of a mess while eating."

"Guess the cat's out of the bag," Gabby giggled as she confessed. "I always have kind of been a messy eater. I just can't help it though, I'll eat just about anything! Except for Gilda's scones, they're not so bad now since she remembers to use baking powder, but they're still far from delicious. That bitter taste is hard to cover up, and Gilda doesn't believe in using sugar. It's a pity though, because sugar makes everything taste better."

"That's true," Tiara nodded. "But Mother says sugar goes straight to your hips. Not to mention, rots your teeth away. N-Not that you have any teeth, but even so..."

Everyone had a good laugh at that, in fact they laughed so hard that they failed to notice a faint yawn coming from Gabby. She showed no visible signs of exhaustion, even as she accompanied Diamond back up to the nursery.

"Okay, Gabby," The pink coated filly declared, her mind racing with all sorts of ideas for her enthusiastic playmate. "Why don't you and I..." But when Tiara turned her attention to Gabby, she saw the griffon shut her eyes and curl up on the floor of the nursery, instinctively sucking her claw.

"Must be one of those power nap things," Filthy concluded, as he approached the sleeping griffon and nudged her lightly. She didn't budge an inch. "Or that bottle of milk worked quicker than I expected." He whispered.

"Does that I have to take a nap now as well? Because I'm not tired at all!" Diamond protested.

"You can play for a little while longer, as long as you play quietly," Spoiled cautioned. "After all, you wouldn't want to risk Gabby attacking you with her sharp claws, because you woke her up. I still don’t fully trust those feathery beasties."

Gabby slept soundly for a long period of time, or it seemed. She was eventually roused from her sleep though, by a gentle but constantly nudging hoof, courtesy of Filthy Rich. "Wow, that's the longest I think I've ever slept for!" Gabby exclaimed, yawning and smacking her lips. Or at least, she would've, were it not for the baby blue colored pacifier tied to her beak with a string. When the griffon spit it out, the pacifier dangled from the string.

"Sorry to wake ya up," Filthy apologized to Gabby. "And sorry 'bout the pacifier. But it's better than suckin' on your claw, wouldn't you agree? Don’t want to see you accidentally lop your tongue off, after all."

Gabby blushed bright red, she'd forgotten about her tendency to subconsciously suck on her claw in her sleep. She'd tried all sorts of ways to stop herself from doing so, but nothing had worked. "What time is it?" Gabby asked, slowly sitting up and taking notice of her surroundings. She was surprised at how comfortable a pony bed felt (or at least one in her size). "I know I'm staying in town til tomorrow, but I've got sleeping arrangements I already set up." She told Filthy.

"Well, it's just about sundown," Filthy said to the griffon. "Ya gotta get goin' soon, or do ya have time to stick around for dinner?"

"I would really love to stay, there's so much more I wanted to do," Gabby longingly confessed. "But the hotel I'm staying at is all the way on the other side of town. Even at my top speed it'll take me a while to check in there, and my wings are gonna take a while to get broken back in after almost a day of not being used."

"Aw, that's a shame," Tiara commented with puppy dog eyes. "I was really hoping we'd get to do more together. You were a really good playmate, Gabby."

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, I'd be open to trying this again sometime!" Gabby explained, quickly changing the mood. "But I'll have to get time off from my job so I can come down here for a few days. And there aren't many griffons back in Griffonstone that can do my job anywhere near as efficiently."

"But, you'll try to come back before long, right?" Tiara asked, hopefully.

"You betcha! I never break a promise to a friend!" Gabby vowed! "Now, I'd best be off!" Though as she turned to leave, she noticed that she still had her diaper and pacifier, and she blushed all over again. "Woops! Can't have ponies asking me where I got these souvenirs! Silly me!" She giggled, and quickly removed both foalish objects, though Diamond and her parents were surprised to see the griffon stuff the objects into her mail bags. "You don't mind if I 'borrow' these for a while, right?" She asked Filthy.

Filthy nodded his head in approval. "Of course, go right ahead. I can always buy more diapers and pacifiers. Just make sure that when you return, you give back the pacifier. And if possible, please wash it out."

"Don't worry, I will!" Gabby insisted, before she made her way to the front door of Rich Mansion and departed.

"It's such a shame that our playtime together got cut short," Diamond thought to herself, as she watched Gabby leave. "But now I've had nine playmates in the span of a month! And so far, all of them have been more or less willingly to do it again. But will next month continue the trend, or will I just go back to playing on my own?"