• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,667 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 8 - Twist

Author's Note:

I decided against writing Twist's lisp, as it would be too difficult and make this chapter take even longer to come out. But just imagine her speaking in her lisp when you read her dialogue.

This one will probably seem the most vanilla of all the playdates, but a fun fact is that Twist's VA (before she moved to Philadelphia) was good friends with both Chantel Strand and Shanon Chan-Kent. She confirmed in an interview that all three auditioned for the show at the same time and were assigned the roles they're now associated with. This is most likely the reason why Twist hasn't had a speaking role since Season 2, and why her role hasn't been recast.

Now, the same voting rules as before apply. You know the drill: You may vote for one pony/nonpony and one pony/nonpony only (voting for two will cause the first pony/nonpony mentioned to get a full vote and the second to get half a vote), but you may change your vote as often as possible before the polls close. You have 36 hours to cast your votes.

The following characters are available to choose from:
Filthy Rich

Just two days had elapsed before Filthy and Spoiled decided on another playmate, largely because Filthy had already been considering the candidate prior to Spoiled suggesting Pipsqueak. It was none other than Twist, as Filthy knew that Twist was the kind of pony who seldom held a grudge or got mad, which is why the filly had so readily attended Diamond's cute-ceañera.

However, Filthy found that it was surprisingly hard to get into contact with Twist's parents. Apparently, they had just moved back to Ponyville from Fillydelphia, and their mailing address was still being worked out. Still, he got his reply within the day, confirming that Twist would indeed come over the next day.

"I wonder why Diamond Tiara wants to see me so soon after I came back to Ponyville," Twist thought to herself, as she stood out the front door of Rich Mansion, lightly knocking on the door with a hoof. "They say she's a different pony now, but do they mean that in a good way or a bad way?"

Filthy Rich greeted Twist when he opened the front door, and ushered the filly inside. "Hello, Twist. So glad ya could make it," Filthy warmly greeted his guest. "I understand you and your folks just moved back from Fillydelphia not too long ago, correct?"

Twist nodded. "Yeah, seems like I've missed out on a lot of things since then. When I was last here, Princess Twilight wasn't a member of the royal family. I hear she's a real celebrity around these parts now."

Filthy chuckled. "She sure is, much to her embarrassment. Heck, she's even taken on her own student now."

"Gosh, it's unbelieveable how much can change in the span of just a few years." Twist commented in amazement.

Filthy nodded with a smile. "Indeed, and speakin' of change, I reckon it's time we get you changed into your..." He paused, and coughed into a hoof. "'Playdate attire' might best describe it," He explained, leading Twist to the living room. "I apologize in advance for any discomfort this might cause ya, and I know you're gonna think it's weird."

Twist was going to ask what Filthy meant, but upon entering the living room she saw that there was no need to do so. Her eyes immediately fell upon an opened pack of Silly Filly diapers, as well as a light green changing mat, and a canister of foal powder. Gulping audibly, the filly asked. "Mr. Rich... what are the diapers for? I haven't needed them since I was four."

"I don't doubt that, I'm sure your folks wouldn't let ya roam about without protection if you weren't fully toilet trained and all," Filthy replied, looking at Twist as he tried to reassure the clearly shaken filly. "I'm gonna have to ask ya to swear to secrecy, but before I tell ya anymore, I wanna give you the choice to back out if you're uncomfortable with the idea of wearin' diapers again. You don't have to use 'em if you don't want to, and I think my wife would be glad if ya didn't, at least not for number two. Number ones, she can handle. Barely."

"That does sound kind of gross," Twist gagged. "But, I am curious as to what the diapers are for. Am I only gonna find out if I agree to wear them?"

"I could tell you if you really want to, just as long as ya promise not to tell anypony," Filthy repeated his call for everything to be kept within those walls. "It's somethin' that's helped my little Diamond and her mother to reconnect after years of bein' apart, let's leave it at that."

Now, although glasses weren't always a sign of intelligence, Twist prided herself on being a rather clever filly. After all, she'd figured out what her special talent was all by herself. So, in trying to put two and two together, she guessed correctly. "You want me to be Diamond Tiara's playmate, and by playmate you mean put on a diaper and act like a foal, because that's what she does?"

"Figured it out, huh?" Filthy asked, giving Twist a noogie. "Well then, the only question left to ask is: do you wanna go through this, or do you wanna back out? It's okay if ya wanna leave now, no questions asked."

"It's alright, Mr. Rich," Twist replied, trotting over to the changing mat. "I don't see any harm in trying this out. It sounds kind of fun, actually. Besides, if Diamond Tiara does it, and you're okay with it, it can't be bad."

Filthy was surprised at Twist's decision, he'd expected this to be the one occasion where the pony he invited over would say no. But Twist appeared to be onboard with the whole diapering and being treated like a foal arrangement, so he simply grabbed a diaper from the opened pack and unfolded it. "Okay then, hold still please." He instructed.

Twist obeyed, spreading her legs apart on command and remaining perfectly still, as the diaper was slid under her rump and taped up with a series of audible crinkles. Then she felt the padding be pulled back, as Filthy sprinkled in a few puffs of foal powder. Twist tried to sit up on her own strength, but found the process too hard due to the thickness of the diaper.

Luckily, Filthy quickly helped his young charge up with a hoof. He tried to suppress his giggles, as he saw Twist's legs wobble as they tried to compensate for the diaper pushing them apart. "It's alright, take your time," He advised Twist. "It's hard at first, but sooner or later you'll get used to the feel of your diaper, and then trottin' will be easy."

"Thanks, Mr. Rich," Twist replied. "But I think I'll waddle instead, that seems much easier, and I don't have to worry about falling down."

"Suit yourself," Filthy smiled, taking Twist by the hoof. "Now then, let's go up to Diamond's nursery, and you can say hi to my wife, Spoiled Rich. And yes, her name does indeed start with an r."

Twist had expected Filthy to be joking about the notion of a nursery, but when the door to Tiara's bedroom was pushed open, Twist saw that Filthy hadn't been joking at all. While there wasn't a crib (or even a bed with guard rails), there was a changing table cleared scaled up for bigger foals and fully stocked with all the necessary changing supplies. And that didn't even begin to cover the wide assortment of foal toys, ranging from alphabet blocks, to rattles, to squeaky toys. All of which lay haphazardly across the bedroom floor without a care in the world.

The glasses wearing filly, had to take off her glasses and rub her eyes in order to be sure she wasn't seeing things. There stood Diamond Tiara clad in nothing but a plain white diaper, which seemed to be as thick as (if not thicker than) the one Twist herself was wearing. But from the way the pink coated filly was moving, you'd have a hard time believing her diaper was actually on. For she seemed to move about with the greatest of ease, in her cumbersome white undergarment.

Standing beside Tiara, was an earth pony mare with a pale, grayish pink coat, opal colored eyes, a curly mane and tail styled into two shades of purple, and a rather noticeable turned up snout. Said mare had a blueish-green dress on, as well as a yellow colored necklace, and her cutie mark clearly depicted a diamond ring. "Is that Diamond Tiara's mother?" Twist thought to herself.

Filthy loudly cleared his throat, attracting the attention of both ponies in the room. "Spoiled, Diamond," He announced, lightly nudging his young companion forward. "This is Twist, she's agreed to be a playmate for today."

"Twist?" Diamond asked, recognizing the filly easily from her glasses and two peppermint sticks for a cutie mark. "But I thought you were living in Fillydelphia?"

"I was, until my parents decided we were better off moving back to Ponyville," Twist explained, as she nervously waddled forward. "But at least now I can be close to my Aunt Bon Bon and her sweet shop again."

"Isn't she also constantly hanging out with that unicorn named Lyra Heartstrings? You know, the one who supposedly believes in these strange, bipedal creatures?" Tiara inquired. "I've even heard some ponies say, she's actually a seapony."

"I don't know anything about Lyra," Twist replied to Tiara. "I only met her once when my Aunt Bon Bon introduced me to her. She's very nice though."

"Too nice if you ask me," The grayish pink coated mare spoke up. "The only pony who acts nicer than her, is that obnoxious Pinkie Pie who works at Sugarcube Corner. I swear, if she weren't a 'satisfactory' party planner, I'd have complained about her noise pollution a long time ago."

Tiara sighed and rolled her eyes, as she said to Twist. "Twist, this is my mother, Spoiled Rich. And you should know that, despite what it might seem, she's actually a lot nicer now than she once was," Under her breath the pink coated filly commented. "Most of the time anyway, but I'll take what I can get."

Twist gulped, the very presence of Spoiled Rich was enough to unnerve the filly. "Um, h-hello Spoiled Rich." She politely greeted, trying not to stutter too much.

"Please, just 'Mrs. Rich' will do, thank you kindly," Spoiled replied. "So, you're going to be the other foal I'll be helping my husband take care of today? I do hope you're not going to be the kind of foal that makes messes for me to clean up, or the kind that likes to team up with my little Diamond just to humiliate me." Diamond said nothing, she just giggled slightly and gave Twist a knowing wink.

"Come on now, hun, you're scarin' poor Twist here half to death," Filthy spoke, laughing a bit. Then to Twist he apologized. "I'm sorry about my wife, she's normally a little bit less 'grumpy' around new foals. I think she's just tired of constantly havin' foals who burp in her face all the time with applesauce breath."

"Anyway," Tiara commented, drawing Twist's attention away from the grown-ups. "There's one more creature who'd like to meet you," She trotted over to her bed and a short time later she returned and presented a stuffed bear to Twist. "This is Theodore, my teddy bear. Theodore, this is Twist, care to introduce yourself?" She asked the cuddly toy.

"Oh of course," Theodore spoke in a gruff voice. "Always a pleasure to make new friends, even if the ones I'm making all seem to be in diapers for some reason. Your name's Twist, right?"

"Uh-huh," Twist nodded, offering a hoof to Theodore. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Theodore. How long have you and Diamond Tiara known each other?"

"Oh, Diamond and I go way back!" Theodore declared, as he shook Twist's hoof. "I remember when she was still afraid of the dark and thought there was a monster under her bed."

"Theodore!" Diamond playfully whined. "Everypony knows there's no such thing as monsters. And they certainly wouldn't survive under beds, or in closets for that matter. Next, you’ll be telling me the screams of frightened foals power their underground city!" Then, setting the bear aside, she asked Twist. "You've never played foal before, have you?"

"I've never even heard of it," Twist replied with a shake of her head. "I know diapers are a part of it, but exactly what else does it involve?"

Tiara just giggled. "Probably better to show you rather than just tell you," She turned around and playfully waddled off. "Come on, why don't you help me build a block tower? I've found it to be a pretty good ice breaker for new foals, plus it helps fuel the imagination and encourages teamwork and cooperation. The cornerstones of any good friendship, at least that’s what Princess Twilight says. ."

"Is Theodore gonna join us?" Twist asked, eyeing the bear as it rested on the bedroom floor.

"Nah, Theodore's not much of a builder," Diamond responded with a giggle. "He much prefers tea parties. Maybe later today, you and I could have one with him and Mother. Heck, maybe we could even get Father to join in, I know he's been dying to attend one of those tea parties."

"We'll see, my little Diamond." Was all Filthy said in reply. He remained silent (as did Spoiled), opting to watch Twist as the glasses wearing filly slowly scooted over to join Tiara.

Construction of the block tower quickly occupied the attention of both diapered fillies, as they took turns stacking alphabet blocks on top of each other, trying to see just how high they could go. It wasn't long before the two were standing on tiphooves, just to carefully place another block on the stack.

At last, they could go no higher, and it fell to Twist to knock it down. She did so, quite by accident. She was standing on the very edge of her tiphooves, trying to reach out to the blocks on the very top of the tower and tip them over. But unfortunately, she still hadn't gotten used to how much her diaper pushed her legs apart, and she lost her balance. As a result, she took the entire tower with her as she toppled over, falling to the floor of the nursery!

Immediately, Filthy dashed off and helped the filly to stand, checking her over for any sign of injury. But he saw nothing to indicate Twist had hurt herself in any fashion, other than her pride. In fact, it seemed that because of how she'd landed, her diaper had absorbed most of the impact (apparently Twist had leaned backward ever so slightly once she knew she was going to fall, and thus she'd landed rump first). "Ya alright, Twist?" Filthy asked the filly. "Nothin's broken, right? No boo-boos or ouchies anywhere to be found?"

"Nope, I'm good. I've had worse falls than that," Twist firmly replied, shaking herself off. "And is that foal talk really needed? It feels kind of patronizing."

"Is it now?" Filthy asked, stepping back. "I'm sorry if it is, I can lay off on it if ya want me to. I don't want ya to feel like I'm belittlin' ya or anythin'."

"That would be nice," Twist agreed, slowly standing up. "I don't mind the cooing and all the stuff that comes with the diapers, but the foal talk is a bit much. I've had to put up with a lot of ponies treating me like I'm weaker than I actually am, just because I wear glasses and talk funny. It's ridiculous. I may talk a little funny, but it's not like anypony needs to worry, you can still tell what I'm trying to say."

"Got it, no patronizin' foal talk for you, Twist," Filthy agreed, then changed the subject as he cleared his throat. "Anyway, it's time for lunch, and you'll be happy to know that Randolph is cookin' again today."

"Indeed, though if you ask me, my cooking is far from the worst thing you could ever consume. I should know, I've had far worse," Spoiled insisted. "And before we adjourn to the dining room, there is the matter of the mandatory diaper inspection. I don't want to hear whining and complaining that somepony got a rash."

Twist felt almost insulted at the idea of a diaper check! "But I'm dry as a raisin, I swear!" She spoke up, immediately showing off her diaper to the Riches.

"Yes, I can see that clear as day. But it never hurts to double check, looks can be deceivin'," Filthy said with a wink, as he trotted forward and pulled back Twist's padding with a hoof. "Well, you're not pullin' my hoof, that's good." He said, patting the glasses wearing filly on the forehead for a job well done.

"And it looks like our little padded princess is dry too, and clean as well," Spoiled commented in what sounded like an extended coo. "Now, do either of you need to use the potty? You won't get another such offer for quite some time."

"I'm good, Mother, I went right after breakfast." Tiara beamed proudly, as if that was a fact worth advertising.

"How 'bout you, Twist?" Filthy asked the filly.

Twist blushed, as she felt her legs buckle a bit. "Uh, I kind of need to go. Just number one, but it's urgent!"

"A potty emergency, eh?" Filthy replied, trotting over and taking Twist by the hoof. "Well, we'd best hurry then! Come on, I'll show ya where the bathroom is! Can you hold it in for a couple more minutes?"

"I-I think so." Twist nodded, though she wasn't one hundred percent confident with that statement.

Fortunately, thanks to Filthy Rich's help, Twist reached the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat just in time. Even a few seconds in delay would've resulted in disaster!

Once Twist was done, she hopped down, wiped, flushed, and washed her hooves. Then, after Filthy helped to retape her padding, she made her way downstairs to join Diamond and Spoiled in the dining room. Twist pouted a little bit, when she had a pink colored bib similar to Tiara's tied around her neck. "Is this really necessary?" She commented in an annoyed tone. "I mean, I know I'm supposed to be a foal and all, but not all foals are messy eaters."

"Maybe, but I haven't encountered a foal yet around these parts that could successfully eat without a bib," Spoiled declared with absolute certainty. "And I don't see that changing anytime soon. 'Better safe than sorry.', that's what I always say."

"You don't particularly seem to like some of the more obvious aspects of this whole foal treatment, Twist," Tiara commented, as the two fillies waited for lunch to be served. "I know you already mentioned how you don't like ponies treating you like you're weak and helpless, just because of how you talk. But did you maybe have a bad experience as a foal or something?"

Twist shook her head. "No, my foalhood was okay, nothing special. I was potty trained about the same age as most of my classmates, I started training shortly before I was two and a half, and was fully trained by the time I was three and a half. My foal toys didn't go away until I was four, but I'd mostly stopped playing with them by then. Really, the only thing about my foalhood that I'd say was unique, was the fact that in my later foal years, I'd start spending a lot of time at my Aunt Bon Bon's place. But that was okay, my Aunt Bon Bon was a lot of fun, she was just a little bit more strict than my folks when it came to things like potty training and bed time."

"You're lucky you had such a good, if mostly normal foalhood," Diamond replied, sighing as she then added. "My foalhood was anything but normal. The day I turned two I was all but forced to give up my diapers, no matter how much I may have wanted to stay in them. By the time I was three, I was diaper-free whether I wanted to be or not. And soon afterward, I had to give up all my foal stuff and start sleeping in a regular bed. The only part of my foalhood I got to hold onto, was sleeping with a stuffed animal. I tried sleeping without Theodore, and I just couldn't do it. Even now, I still find it hard to nap without him, we're pretty much inseparable!"

"Ah, so that's why your teddy bear looked so old!" Twist realized.

A faint blush formed on Diamond's cheeks as she confessed. "Well, he's had to be sewn back together a few times. He may be a stuffed animal, but he's not invincible. Don't mention to him I said that though, he's very sensitive about that kind of stuff."

"Relax, my lips are sealed." Twist replied, not even questioning how ridiculous it was to make a promise not to tell something to a teddy.

It was then that Randolph came trotting out, carrying two plates of peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches, which he quickly set down in front of the two starving fillies. "Do either of you wish to request the crusts to be removed?" The old butler inquired. "If so, please speak up now. I trust you're aware that foals can't use knives or forks, right?"

"I'm good, Randolph, but thank you for asking." Tiara said in response to the butler's question.

"Uh, I kind of like my sandwiches without their crusts," Twist confessed with a blush. "I don't know why, but I always hate how dry they taste."

"Very well, Twist, no crusts for you then," Randolph nodded, and returned shortly with a knife which he then used to cut off the crusts of the peanut butter and zap apple sandwiches on Twist's place. "Will that be all?" He asked his young charge.

"Yes, Randolph, Spoiled and I will manage just fine from here, thank you," Filthy replied, taking a seat next to Twist. "Why don't you go ahead and take the rest of the day off? Celestia knows you've been workin' yourself to the bone these past few weeks."

"Oh Master Filthy, you don't know how much your request delights me so!" Randolph brightly smiled, and skipped off with a rarely seen spring in his step.

"Never have I seen that old butler move so fast," Tiara thought to herself. "Well, except for the time I bribed him into doing all those acrobatics for my classmates."

Twist was more than thrilled when she learned that, since peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches could be eaten with just hooves and no silverware, she didn't need to be fed by somepony else. Still, she tried her best not to follow Diamond's example, opting instead to delicately nibble her sandwiches slowly and carefully, one by one.

Despite this cautionary approach, Twist still ended up inexplicably getting traces of the sticky filling on her face. "I just don't understand it, I ate slowly and didn't stuff my face full. How did I still end up so messy?" She complained, as she had her face wiped thoroughly courtesy of a rag from Filthy Rich.

"It's alright, Twist," Filthy chuckled, as he wiped away the last remaining traces of peanut butter and zap apple jam. "If it's any consolation, you weren't as messy as Diamond. She more than justifies her need for a bib every time she shovles down these sandwiches."

"Hey, it's not my fault they're so good." Tiara protested with a playful whine.

Meanwhile, Spoiled eyed Twist and asked her bluntly. "Well?"

"Well what, Mrs. Rich?" Twist asked, completely confused both by Spoiled's tone and the impatient way the mare was looking at her.

"Aren't you going to burp?" Spoiled commented. "Every other foal I've taken care of has done it before now."

"Oh, sorry Mrs. Rich, I'll burp if you want me to." Twist replied, though a part of her wondered why the hay anypony would ask for such a thing.

"Wait! No! That's not what I-" Spoiled began, but it was too late, Twist let out a gigantic burp. "-Never mind. I had to go and open my big mouth. And you had to open yours." Spoiled sighed, as Tiara giggled and kicked her legs in delight.

Once lunch had concluded, Twist followed Diamond and her parents back upstairs to the nursery. This time, Twist opted to try her luck with some solo play, her attention drawn to a couple of foal toys a short trotting distance away. By now, the glasses wearing filly had gotten used to the weight of her diaper, so instead of waddling she decided to try and trot on her own power. A mistake, as she immediately lost her balance and fell face forward, her poofy posture sticking up into the air for all to see.

"Woopsie!" Filthy snickered, trotting over to Twist and helping her up. "Your glasses didn't break, did they?"

"No, I'm good. Guess I underestimated the thickness factor though," Twist blushed. "It's a good thing you and your wife are the only ones who saw that."

"And you can thank my husband for the fact that it'll stay between the three of us," Spoiled warned. "Were it not for the agreements we've come to, nothing would delight me more than to pass word of this along to all your peers."

About an hour after Twist's embarrassing tumble, Filthy clapped his hooves together to command attention. "Okay, little ones," He announced. "It's time for diaper checks, the optional potty break, and then nap time."

"But I'm not tired, Mr. Rich. I swear!" Twist said firmly.

"That's what all foals say," Filthy commented with a wink. "But trust me, if foals don't take their naps they get cranky. And when foals get cranky, well... it ain't pretty, let's leave it at that."

"Besides, I have a secret weapon of mass pacification for such resistant foals," Spoiled declared. "And I'm not afraid to use it."

Twist gulped, she didn't like the sound of that at all. Not even being told that her diaper was clean was able to ease her nerves. And neither did accepting the offer from Filthy to use the bathroom.

Before Twist had a chance to offer up a word of protest, she was scooped up into Spoiled's embrace and swiftly carried downstairs to the kitchen. Horrified at the possibilities, Twist shut her eyes! Then, the filly suddenly felt something rubbery be inserted into her mouth. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes, and the filly saw that she had been given a baby bottle full of warm milk. "Is this what Mrs. Rich was talking about when she said she had a 'secret weapon of mass pacification'?" She mentally pondered.

"Well, go ahead, silly filly," Spoiled encouraged in a tone of voice that sounded so unnatural for a mare of her appearance and personality. "Drink up that milk. I was generous enough to heat it up for you and put it in a bottle, don't let all my hard work go to waste."

Twist wasn't sure if she should trust Spoiled, for all she knew there could be something inside that bottle. But a part of her had to admit, she was kind of thirsty. After a great deal of mental pondering, the filly slowly wrapped her hooves around the bottle and started to slowly suckle down the milk. The sweet taste of the warm liquid felt so refreshing, but also made her feel incredibly drowsy. "So this was Mrs. Rich's 'secret weapon'!" Twist realized, albeit too late to stop herself from nodding off. She was just barely able to keep her eyes open long enough to finish the bottle, and was sound asleep just seconds later. If she had managed to keep her eyes open any longer, she might have seen (and felt) a baby blue colored pacifier be inserted into her mouth.

Twist felt the rubber bulb of a pacifier when she woke up from her nap some hours later (exactly how long, she couldn't tell). Immediately, she spat it out, the foalish object landing on the sheets of Diamond's bed and leaving a small damp spot due to the saliva on it.

Tiara stumbled awake sometime later, clearly not bothered at all by the hot pink colored pacifier that bobbed up and down in her mouth. She still took it out to speak to Twist though. "Hey, Twist," She softly greeted. "You sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did. I think that bottle of milk helped a ton, normally I don't go to sleep for a while after I get into bed," Twist explained. "Though, this is the first time I've slept in a bed that wasn't my own or my parents'."

"One of the perks of being a rich pony," Diamond boasted. "I get a bed fit for royalty! It's officially a princess sized bed!"

"More like Princess Celestia sized," Twist commented. "This bed is bigger than any bed I think I've ever seen before!" Then she examined her diaper, relieved to see (and feel) that it was dry. Glancing around the nursery, as the filly became more and more awake, she could more clearly determine the passage of time since her nap. It was just about sunset, definitely evening. "I should probably get going," She said to her pink coated friend, rolling to the side of the bed and hopping down from it. "My parents want me home before dark, and they can be pretty strict about what counts for that."

"You sure you can't stick around for dinner?" Tiara asked Twist. "I think Randolph's cooking carrot dogs."

"Maybe I could stay for a quick dinner," Twist commented, looking back at Diamond. "But then I really will have to go. Though, I may need some help to take off this diaper. I swear, it feels like it's been superglued on or something."

"Better it be taped up all nice and snug rather than have it fall off all of a sudden." Diamond giggled, as she sat up in her bed and climbed out of it.

True to her word, Twist stayed for dinner, and enjoyed freshly cooked carrot dogs that she was allowed to eat by herself. But once dinner was over, she turned to Filthy Rich and asked him. "Um, Mr. Rich. Can you help me get this diaper off? I've tried to undo the tabs myself, but it seems like my hooves just can't quite do the job."

"I'd be glad to help ya, silly filly." Filthy giggled, surprising Twist at how little effort he exhausted in undoing the tabs.

"Thanks, Mr. Rich!" Twist exclaimed, giving the stallion a hug as her diaper fell right down to the floor with a plop.

"Anytime, Twist," Filthy smiled, returning the hug full force. "So, how did ya like bein' a foal for a day?"

"I... guess it was alright, I wouldn't necessarily mind doing it again," Twist commented, stopping briefly to gather her thoughts. "But if possible, could you maybe get some diapers that aren't so thick and poofy? I'd like to be able to trot at a normal pace without falling down."

"I'll consider it if ya ever come back for another playdate," Filthy replied, making a mental note of the agreement. "Now you'd better get goin', don't need your folks askin' questions."

"Will do, Mr. Rich!" Twist firmly nodded, then bolted out the front door without saying another word.

"I never even would've considered the possibility of Twist as a playmate," Tiara thought to herself, as she watched Twist disappear. "But all in all, she wasn't bad. I'm glad she didn't hold a grudge against me for picking on her as a blank flank. And with her, that now makes eight playmates in the span of about a month. It's funny, I know I kind of wanted maybe one or two possible playmates, but I certainly never expected to have eight. And in such a short time frame too. Dare I wonder if this is a fluke?"