• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,667 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 5 - Silver Spoon

Author's Note:

This chapter was arguably the toughest of the first five, because there's little we canonically know about Silver Spoon. Yes, there's headcanons and expanded media, but all that is secondary canon at best. The trading card game does suggest Silver Spoon may have some insecurties, but a lot of information in the trading card game is throwaway information.

The bit with Octavia as Silver Spoon's big sister, is a headcanon I think I remember seeing on the Silver Spoon Appreciation group. Wherever I saw it, I figured it was a headcanon worth adopting, and decided to implement it here.

Now, since Spoiled and the rest of the Filly Five have been the focus of chapters, I'm going to propose a new list for you all to vote on. The same voting rules as before apply, you may vote for one pony and one pony only (voting for two will cause the first pony mentioned to get a full vote and the second to get half a vote), but you may change your vote as often as possible before the polls close. You have until midday Wednesday to vote.

The following characters are available to choose from:
Babs Seed
Filthy Rich

Roughly three days elapsed after Apple Bloom's "playdate", before Filthy decided to send a letter of request to Silver Spoon. Though like with Apple Bloom, he was careful not to give away all the details about what being his daughter's "playmate" would involve. He wasn't as well acquainted with Silver Spoon's parents, but he was certain they would be no less opposed if they knew what he would do with their daughter (and to be honest he wouldn't blame them, what parent wouldn't be at least concerned about having another adult diaper and baby their child?).

The reply came the very next day, and Silver Spoon showed up exactly twenty-four hours later, ready for what she expected to be another 'gal pal playdate' with the filly she'd been besties with for years. "I do hope her change of heart hasn't just been a clever ruse to lure me back to her side," She thought to herself, as she knocked on the front door of the Rich family mansion. "I'm done playing second fiddle. I deserve to be treated as an equal, not a lackey."

Randolph greeted the grey coated filly when he opened the door, and politely ushered her inside. "Master Filthy, Mistress Diamond, and Mistress Spoiled, are all expecting you," He explained to her. "But first, there is something you must be aware of. Something that Master Filthy intends to propose to you."

"What is it?" Silver asked, her curiosity aroused ever so slightly.

"I believe it'll be best to show you, rather than explain it to you," Randolph replied, taking the filly by the hoof. "Come, let us adjourn to the living room. All will hopefully make sense there."

Silver accepted the hoof without hesitation, but immediately upon entering the living room she did a double take. She even took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, just to be sure she wasn't somehow seeing things. Resting near the couch, was a light green changing mat, and next to it was an opened pack of Silly Filly brand diapers, along with a container of foal powder. "Uh, what's with all the diapers and foal supplies? Is Diamond entertaining one of her not-potty trained cousins again? Because if she is, I'm not changing diapers!" The filly protested, plugging her nose even though there was no bad smell.

Randolph shook his head. "The diapers are for you, this is the same treatment that Mistress Diamond has been undergoing for some time now."

"Wait, you mean Di likes to put on diapers and act like a foal?" Silver commented.

"Indeed she does, it is what has helped her and Mistress Spoiled to reconnect after years of bitter hostility," Randolph explained, as he motioned for Silver Spoon to lay down on the changing mat. "If you agree to be Diamond's playmate, you'll have to go through a similar treatment. You'll be expected to wear a diaper, and you won't be allowed to take it off without an adult's permission, though you'll be no doubt happy to know you won't be expected to use it. You'll also have to accept that you'll be treated as a foal the same age as Diamond. So, in keeping with Master Filthy's wishes, I'm offering you the choice to accept or decline. I won't try to make up your mind for you, and neither will I try to force you into if you refuse."

Silver hesitated, weighing the pros and cons in her mind. It had been years since she'd worn a diaper, something her parents were most proud of. All of her old foal toys had been donated, and despite the occasional fond memory, the filly didn't feel like she was in any rush to reclaim her foalhood, even for a day. But then she found herself wondering. "There must be a reason why Diamond does this. She wouldn't just let somepony talk her into putting on a diaper and acting like a little foal again. Especially not for this long a length of time. And I could've sworn I overheard big sister mention that some big ponies wear diapers anyway for various reasons. If Diamond likes to do this, there's got to be a good reason for it, right?"

Her curiosity getting the best of her, Silver trotted over to the changing mat and laid down on it. "Guess it wouldn't hurt to try it, just to see what it's like," She beamed. "You promise nopony's gonna see me like this?"

"Other than myself, Mistress Diamond, and the Riches, I assure you that your romp in padding will be discreet and never leave the confines of these walls," Randolph assured her, and then took out a diaper from the opened pack. "Now then, please be still. I haven't really had much experience with fussy foals."

"Don't worry, I'll be the best behaved foal you've ever seen! That's a promise!" Silver vowed, and held perfectly still. She didn't flinch even the slightest at the rustling and crinkling of the padding, as it was slid under her rump and taped up all nice and snug. And neither did she move when she felt the padding be pulled back, so that a few helpings of foal powder could be worked in (she fought the urge to sneeze when she felt her nose twitch at the strong smell of cornstarch). She just waited for Randolph to offer her a hoof and help her to stand. The added bulk of the diaper took a bit of getting used to, but the grey coated filly had to admit she liked the soft feeling of the padding. She couldn't really explain why, but it made her feel secure and safe.

Diamond was ecstatic when she saw Silver come trotting (or rather waddling) into the dining room, accompanied by Randolph. She jumped down from her spot at the dining room table, and embraced her friend in a big hug! "I'm so glad you're here, Silver Spoon! Out of all the ponies I've had to reveal this secret to, you were the one I was least worried about! I know you won't tell a soul!"

"Di, it's like you don't know me at all," Silver replied with a smile. "I figured that if a pony like you was into this, it was worth exploring. Besides, one day in diapers sounds like an interesting change from the usual etiquette lessons my parents like to force me into."

"Oh, you have those too, huh?" Tiara asked, ending the hug.

"Yeah, though my parents aren't quite as pushy as yours, or at least not as pushy as your mother," Silver explained. "But at this point, it just feels silly. I know how to adjust silverware, my name is Silver Spoon for crying out loud! Spoons are a big part of my family's history! And to be honest, I prefer the violin over the piano, less of a hassle. Besides, with it I can pretend to be just like my big sister, Octavia."

"You mean, Octavia the famous cello player?!" Tiara exclaimed, her eyes all aglow!

Silver nodded. "Yup, and roommate of the famous DJ-PON-3, the hottest DJ on the party circuit. But Octavia says she's actually a pretty understanding pony, even if she doesn't like to talk much. She's one of those strong, silent types."

"Man, I wish I had a sister as cool as that!" Diamond remarked, a hint of obvious jealousy reflected in her voice.

"Well, she's not home that often anymore," Silver explained, as she trotted over to a seat at the table next to Diamond and sat down. "But when I was younger she was at my place almost all the time, I think she even sometimes changed my diapers when Mom and Dad were away on business trips," Changing the subject, the grey coated filly asked. "So, what's on the menu for breakfast? I kind of forgot to eat before coming here, since I was so excited to spend a day with you and all. Probably not the smartest move on my part, and I like to think I'm a bit smarter than the average filly."

"Breakfast will be served shortly," Spoiled declared, suddenly entering the room with a stretched grin that to Silver Spoon seemed unnatural (although she couldn't remember a single time where she'd seen Spoiled smile sincerely). "And you'll be thankful that I'm not the one doing the cooking. However, that means I'm in charge of ensuring you two wear bibs. Regardless of what you may think, you're probably going to be a messy eater."

"Hey, my parents make me wear a bib at home anyway," Silver commented. "As long as it doesn't clash with my coat, I don't mind." And she wholeheartedly cooperated, as Spoiled tied a baby blue bib around Silver's neck.

Filthy trotted out from the kitchen a few minutes later, smiling when his gaze fell upon Silver Spoon. "Ah, so glad you could make it," He said to the grey coated filly. "Hope you've got a big appetite, 'cause I've prepared a big breakfast for you and my little Diamond to enjoy!" And he proudly presented eggs and slices of toast with butter, pushing one plate carefully towards Diamond and another towards Silver. Then he clapped his hooves together as he called. "Oh Randolph!"

"You called, Master Filthy?" Randolph asked, even though he was sure he knew what was going to be asked of him.

"I most certainly did, Randolph," Filthy nodded. "I need ya to take over feedin' responsibilities for our guest here. I've got a couple of things I need to get done in my study. When I'm done, I'll come along to relieve ya, likely in time for lunch."

"As you wish, Master Filthy," Randolph bowed, taking a seat next to Silver Spoon. When he saw the filly reach a hoof out to touch her silverware, he stopped her with a hoof of his own and lightly scolded her. "Ah ah, foals aren't allowed to use knives and forks. Too dangerous and sharp, you see. Please, allow me to cut up your eggs and toast for you."

"Aw, come on. Do I have to?" Silver pouted, though whether it was just acting or for real, no one could tell.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," Randolph explained. "I wouldn't want you to cut yourself by accident, we cannot allow that! Whatever would your parents say?!"

Silver sighed. "Fine. Do I at least get to feed myself?" She asked, hopefully.

"You may eat the toast with your hooves, but the eggs you will need my help on," Randolph told Silver. "A rule of hoof for all foals in this household, anything that requires any sort of silverware you cannot eat by yourself. If silverware is optional, then you may eat by yourself with an adult's permission."

"Then let's get the eggs out of the way first," Silver decided, opening her mouth. "Come on, I'm ready if you are."

"That's the spirit, Silver Spoon!" Diamond encouraged, and mimicked her friend's behavior.

Breakfast passed in the blink of an eye for both fillies, though Silver Spoon blushed upon having to have her face be wiped clean with a rag. She had hoped to be completely clean so that she could boast to Diamond, but apparently it was not to be.

The grey coated filly had little time to dwell on this fact, however. Because she was soon taken out of her chair and held in Randolph's lap, the butler patting her back a couple of times, much to the confusion of his young charge. "Uh, what do you think you're doing?" Silver asked him, as the pats continued.

Tiara giggled, kicking her legs about in delight as she watched the scene unfold. "Silver Spoon, you silly filly," She said out loud. "You're supposed to be burped after eating, it's what foals do. I mean, I do it all the time, sometimes on command..."

"And sometimes without ever being asked to do so, I might add." Spoiled said sternly.

"Oh," Silver realized, now understanding what was expected of her. Reluctantly, the filly opened her mouth, and let out a faint "Urp!", quickly followed by an, "Excuse Me."

"Eh, good enough," Diamond remarked, jumping down from her spot at the table. "Don't worry, Silver Spoon. In time, you'll get used to it."

"Don't get me wrong, I know it's part of the whole 'being a foal' thing, but Mom, Dad, and big sister Octavia always said it's not polite to burp at the table. They called it 'uncouth' or something like that," Silver commented. "Just like they said it was uncouth for you to do your business in diapers and not the toilet once you were old enough. At least that I could understand, foals don't know any better, but potty training and potty trained toddlers do."

"Speaking of potty," Spoiled spoke up. "Do you need to use it? I'd rather not have any 'accidents' that will require changing." She proceeded to fan a hoof across her nose to illustrate her point.

"Nope, I'm good. I think I'd know if I have to go," Silver replied. "And is it really necessary to say 'potty'?"

"Well, you can call it whatever you like," Spoiled said to Silver. "But we can worry about that if and when the need arises. For now though, let us adjourn to the nursery. Do note that if you misbehave, I won't hesitate to place you in time out. You may be a foal, but I won't put up with ill-behaved ones."

"Relax, you have nothing to worry about. I won't cause trouble." Silver vowed, knowing that the last thing she wanted was to end up on Spoiled's bad side (as had happened one time as a foal when Silver had flushed a rather expensive pearl necklace while at a sleepover at Diamond's, Spoiled's reaction had traumatized Silver Spoon for months afterwards).

Spoiled smiled. "Good, I hope you'll keep your word." She was then silent for the rest of the journey.

When the door to Diamond's bedroom was pushed open, Silver Spoon almost couldn't believe the sights that greeted her eyes. The entire bedroom had been converted into a sized-up nursery for foals about Tiara's age.

"Don't know why I didn't expect this," Silver said to herself, as she made her way inside. "Geez, Di, seems like you and your parents went all out on even the smallest of details! If I didn't know better, I'd swear I was almost in my old nursery, and we'd somehow traveled back in time."

Tiara only playfully giggled. "Don't be silly, Silver Spoon. Everypony knows that only unicorns are capable of time travel, anypony who says otherwise is crazier than Screwball, and that's saying something," She then waddled over to her bed and retrieved an old teddy bear, presenting him to her grey coated friend. "Silver Spoon, meet Theodore, my teddy bear. Theodore, this is Silver Spoon. You remember, she was my first friend?"

"Oh of course," Theodore replied in a gruff voice, as he offered a paw to Silver Spoon. "Pleased to finally meet you, Silver Spoon. Diamond's told me so much about you! Gotta say, I kind of thought you'd be a little taller."

Silver blushed. "Hey, I’m still a lot bigger than you! Besides, Tiara's prone to exaggeration," She told Theodore, then to Tiara she asked. "You actually talk to your teddy?"

"Of course," Diamond smiled brightly. "Didn't you?"

"Actually, I still kind of do in secret," Silver confessed. "Except my teddy's named Simon. He even has his own pair of glasses to match my own. My big sister made them for him, so I wouldn't feel so insecure about needing them because of my bad eyesight. You know I can barely see a thing without them."

Tiara chuckled. "Oh yes, I remember the time I accidentally knocked them off your face at recess. You acted like you'd suddenly gone blind. If it weren't for me, I think you'd have accidentally put somepony else's glasses on by mistake. And as for Simon, he and Theodore should meet sometime, and it would be helpful if we could find somepony who has a teddy named Alvin."

"No way, I always imagined that if Simon had friends, they'd be named Alvin and Theodore!" Silver exclaimed. "They could even sing together! It's so crazy how in sync we are! You think maybe we're actually twins and were separated at birth somehow?!"

"Nah, pretty sure a genealogy test would prove we're not related." Diamond sadly remarked.

Realizing her rash assumption (and how far out there it seemed), Silver laughed a little. "So... uh... what should we do first, Diamond?" Silver asked, looking all around the nursery.

"How about a tea party, with you, me, Theodore, and of course Mother?" Tiara offered. "Theodore's a hoot at tea parties, he's quite the conversationalist."

"Isn't it a little early for a tea party though?" Silver commented.

"There's never a bad time for a tea party!" Diamond protested firmly. "The only rule about tea parties is, you have to dress up for them! That's not gonna be a game breaker for you, is it?"

"Of course not! I LOVE playing dress-up!" Silver exclaimed, happily jumping up and down! As she did so, her padding gave off a series of extremely audible crinkles!

Tiara grinned in delight, and once her grey coated friend had stopped bouncing (after what seemed like an extremely long period of time for one to bounce), she led Silver to the gigantic closet stuffed with dresses. "Take your pick, I've got only the best and cutest dresses available!" She proudly boasted.

But Silver immediately found herself drawn to a stunning white dress with silver trim, and she took it down from its hanger just seconds later. "This dress speaks to me!" She commented, not caring that it didn't exactly cover her diaper. In fact, the way the dress was designed made it so that the diaper stood out even more than it did on its own.

The tea party was an uneventful experience, despite how much Silver found herself easily slipping into the role of a foal as time went on.

After the tea party concluded, Silver tried to waddle about on her own, but finding it to be an inconvenience she opted to crawl instead. And crawl she did, right over to some squeaky toys. She occupied herself with them, and lost all concentration on everything and anything else.

It wasn't until the filly's ears picked up the sound of the clock striking the hour (and she counted twelve bongs), that she was snapped out of her solo playtime. Even though it hadn't seemed like much time had passed since breakfast, Silver Spoon was surprised at how loud her stomach was rumbling. Not to mention a noticeable damp patch that seemed to have formed on the surface of her diaper. "How did that happen? I swear I don't remember feeling the need to pee at all, and I tend to get up in the night often to do so." Silver thought to herself, yet she made no efforts to hide this fact as Filthy Rich came into the nursery and declared. "It's time for lunch, my little ponies."

"Uh, can I get changed first?" Silver sheepishly asked, pointing to her soggy diaper. "I..." She hesitated, blushing profusely as she then added in her best childish tone. "Made a pee-pee."

"Oh yes, I noticed," Tiara giggled. "I didn't want to say anything though, I figured you either did it on purpose or were so absorbed in playing that you didn't notice."

"Either way, I think we'd better get you changed," Filthy spoke up, approaching his guest. Turning to his wife, he said to her. "Hun, you help our little Diamond use the potty. And I'll meet you in the dinin' room after I take care of soggy pants Silver here."

Spoiled was more than delighted by the offer and accepted whole heartedly. "Come along, my little Diamond," She cooed. "We'd best hurry before you too have an accident." And she and Tiara exited the nursery, walking hoof in hoof.

Once alone with Silver, Filthy immediately scooped up the grey coated filly, and gingerly deposited her on the padded surface of the changing table. "Try not to wiggle too much with the wet wipes," He instructed. "I know they're gonna feel awfully cold, but I don't think you're gonna want any trace of your accident clingin' to your coat. Your parents wouldn't like that."

"No, I guess they wouldn't." Silver replied, somewhat nervously.

"Hey, it's okay if you had an accident," Filthy assured his charge, patting her on the head before he slipped on a pair of disposable gloves and prepared the waste basket to receive the soggy diaper. "You're just a foal now, and foals have accidents. I've lost track of how many times Diamond's had 'em, both for number one and for number two. Thankfully, she's been pretty good at not doin' either lately."

"You mean, Diamond wets and messes her diapers?" Silver asked, hoping Filthy wasn't somehow just trying to make her feel better.

Filthy nodded. "Of course, though never intentionally. Now then, let's get ya cleaned up and into a fresh diapee before you get a rash. Trust me, those hurt like you wouldn't believe."

Silver Spoon did her best to cooperate with the entire changing process, though she had to really struggle not to wiggle when the wet wipes made contact with her fur. She was glad to have a clean and powdered diaper secured to her rump, something she didn't even question. "Wow, you're really good at changing diapers, Mr. Rich!" She commented, as she watched Filthy dispose of her old diaper in the nearby waste basket.

"I've had years of practice, not just with my little princess, but also with her various cousins," Filthy explained, as he slipped off the gloves. "Despite what my wife may tell you, rich ponies DO do diapers! It's a part of parentin' to be expected to change diapers, though I never would've imagined I'd be doin' it as much as I seem to be lately. Guess I can't complain though, my little Diamond always looks so cute in her diapers. Makes me wish I hadn't been so quick to potty train her, I should've made her give up her diapers when she was darn good and ready, that's what those parentin' classes advised me."

"Well, my parents had lots of experience by the time I came around," Silver commented, as she was lowered down from the changing table. "And of course my big sister helped a lot with raising me. Though she was also the one who was most reluctant about potty training me, she kept telling Mom and Dad not to try and rush me through it. I think she just didn't want me to end up like her and be potty trained too fast, I always heard Mom and Dad boast about how they had her out of diapers before she was three."

"Very interestin'," Filthy nodded. "I can see why that would make you so conflicted about all of this. On the one hoof, ya want to experience a part of your foalhood ya never really got the chance to enjoy. But on the other hoof, it feels almost like a betrayal of everythin' your parents taught ya. My little Diamond still has those feelin''s sometimes."

"She was actually a pretty big reason why I got potty trained so fast," Silver explained, as she was led down to the dining room. "Mom and Dad ultimately caved in to my sister's wishes and held off on trying to potty train me after the first couple of weeks. But then Diamond invited me to that party she held when she was fully potty trained, and I saw how proud she was of the fact. I didn't really take notice of anything else, including how much it seemed to be more your wishes than hers. I wanted to be just like her and my big sister, so I started begging my parents to potty train me again. They thought I was crazy, but they did anyway! I was out of diapers by my third birthday, and my foalhood ended just a few weeks later when I decided I didn't need my old foal toys anymore and donated them," A longing sigh escaped her lips as she then added. "I guess, just like with Di, I was in too big a rush to grow up. But I don't think there's any way I could talk my parents into letting me do this, even if I promised to use the bathroom and buy my own diapers and foal toys with my allowance."

Filthy waited to see if Silver would speak more, but she didn't. She was silent for the rest of her trip down to the dining room, and remained that way even as she took her seat and had her bib tied around her for lunch. "Maybe I can have a talk with Miss. Octavia," Filthy thought to himself. "She at least might be understanding about all of this. And even if she isn't, her roommate seems like the type of pony who wouldn't be bothered by it. But how to steer the conversation towards that subject?"

Filthy opted to hold off on that potential conversation for the time being, that was something he'd need to run by Silver Spoon first. And currently, lunch time was more important, even if it was just foal food for his two little ones. After all, he had no idea what flavors of foal food Silver Spoon would like.

Fortunately, he didn't need to worry, it turned out that Silver enjoyed every flavor of foal food offer to her. Even "Mashed Peas", which he knew Tiara didn't like at all (the one time Randolph had tried to feed it to her, she'd flung it right back in his face).

"Well, nice to see that somepony isn't a picky eater." Spoiled commented once lunch had concluded, turning her attention to Diamond.

"Hey, you're far more picky than I am, Mother!" Diamond protested, as she had her face wiped clean with a wet rag.

"It's not picky if I prefer to eat only the classiest of foods," Spoiled retorted. "You, on the other hoof, reject just all those things in favor of common grub such as applesauce and peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches."

Filthy said nothing, he just looked across to Silver with a wink that implied, "I know something you don't know." Silver wanted to ask, but decided against it. "I get the feeling I'm not supposed to know, whatever it is." She thought to herself.

After burping on command from Filthy (something Silver still had a hard time getting used to, it was just so hard to intentionally do something you'd been trained not to do. Even though that hadn't stopped her from wetting herself like a foal), Silver was led back up to the nursery and started crawling again, this time to a rattle that had caught her eye.

Tiara had other ideas though. "Hey, Silver Spoon," She called, attracting her friend's attention. "Why don't we play pretend instead? We could go on a safari with Theodore!"

"But what would we be hunting?" Silver asked.

"Why, none other than the elusive Rotten Rich Pony," Diamond giggled. "She's easy to spot, just look for that turned up snout."

But Spoiled instantly protested. "Oh no, I've no interested in being the target of your foalish fantasies! Especially not if you're just gonna tie me up again!" She complained, and nudged several alphabet blocks forward with her nose. "Here, why don't you two build with these for a while? Won't that be better than getting all sweaty and outdoorsy?" She asked, hopefully.

"Sure," Tiara accepted, and sat down on her padded rump. "Come on, Silver Spoon! Let's see just how good of a block tower we can build together! And then we can have fun knocking it down!"

"Whatever you say, Di." Silver agreed, scooting over to join her pink coated friend.

Spoiled breathed a much needed sigh of relief. "That was too close!" She thought to herself, wiping the sweat from her brows. "I've endured more than my fair shame of humiliation during the course of this month, and I'm not about to subject myself to even more if I can help it!"

Roughly an hour passed, with the two rich foals working together flawlessly. They built at least three towers that were subsequently knocked down, and were just starting on a fourth, when Filthy clapped his hooves together and commanded attention. "Okay, my little angels," He lovingly cooed. "It's time for all good little foals to take their naps. After all, if foals don't take their naps, they get cranky. And nopony likes a cranky foal."

"And in case you aren't feeling sleepy yet, well let's just say I know something that'll fix that," Spoiled added with a wink. "But first, I believe a diaper check or two is in order, as well as the offering of a potty break."

Diamond fully cooperated, proudly showing off her clean padding to her mother when asked. Silver was quite relieved when she was told she didn't need a change either, after her accident earlier, she was worried that she might have unintentionally lost some control of her bodily functions.

It was then that Spoiled revealed her "secret weapon" with which to subdue foals that didn't want to take their naps, a warm bottle of milk. Or actually, two bottles, one for Diamond and for Silver.

Silver Spoon accepted the nourishment from Spoiled wholeheartedly, and didn't even complain about being held in Spoiled's lap while she drank it. She was so thirsty, and all she could think about was how sweet tasting that milk would be. Placing her lips around the rubber nipple of the bottle, Silver found it hard to get into a good sucking motion. But soon enough, her efforts were rewarded, as the first drops of delicious milk found their way out of the bottle and into her mouth. A slow but steady sucking motion repeated itself for the next few minutes, until Silver had consumed the last of the milk and let out a hardy belch (this time without waiting for a command). "Whoops." She said with a blush.

Spoiled just sighed. "The one time I didn't want you to burp, you did. I just can't win, can I?" She then lowered the filly into Diamond's princes sized bed (Diamond had already curled up in it and fallen asleep, suckling on her hot pink pacifier).

Silver was quite surprised to have a pacifier popped into her mouth, though she calmed down a bit when she saw that it was silver colored, just like her coat. The rhythmic bobbing of her pacifier, combined with the warm milk she'd just drank, was enough to slowly lure Silver into a state of sleep, despite her best efforts to keep her eyes open.

Diamond found herself being roused from slumber land sometime later, but not at all in the way she would've liked. She was being lifted up from her bed by a pair of hooves, which seemed to feel a lot bigger than they should be. "Oh no, did I shrink somehow?! Or did everything just magically get bigger?!" She thought to herself, before she found herself looking up into the gaze of her mother, who didn't look at happy at all. In fact, she seemed quite peeved.

"Mother, what are you doing?!" Tiara demanded, taking notice of the fact that her pacifier wasn't in her mouth at all. "Put me down, now!"

But Spoiled only laughed fiendishly, which made Diamond's fur crawl. "You're in no position to order me around, you little brat!" She commented. "You're completely powerless against me, and I've bided my time for long enough! After all the months of suffering and humiliation, I'm finally gonna get my well deserved revenge! And the best part is, I've managed to completely fool everypony into thinking that I've actually changed!"

Diamond squirmed and kicked about, hoping to somehow break free of Spoiled's grasp. But to no avail, in fact it only seemed to make her feel smaller and smaller! Desperately, she screamed out at the top of her lungs! "Somepony, help me! Dad, Randolph, Silver Spoon!" But nopony responded or came dashing into the nursery.

Spoiled just cackled. "They're all fast asleep, my little Diamond. I made sure to slip something into their drinks that'll keep them out cold for a long time. By the time they wake up, it'll be too late."

"You won't get away with this!" Tiara vowed, even though she wasn't so sure. All she knew, was that she had to keep Spoiled talking until somepony could stop her. But just then, a rather nasty smell reached the pink coated filly's nostrils, an all too familiar one at that. Looking down at her diaper, Diamond confirmed her worst fears, the smell was coming from her! A fact that did not go unnoticed by Spoiled.

"Ugh, I can't believe it!" Spoiled remarked, fanning a hoof in front of her nose. "Even now, you have the very nerve to soil yourself in my presence! You're no better than a sewer rat! And there's only one place for sewer rats!"

"No, don't, please!" Diamond begged, to no avail, as she was carried out of the nursery and down the hall to the bathroom. She was seated on the floor but for a second, placed directly in front of the gigantic toilet, as she watched her mom effortlessly lift up the lid and the seat. Then she was picked back up, and dangled over the bowl for a second, before her mom let go, and Tiara plunged into the bowl with a splash! Poking her head up from the rancid water, Diamond saw the one sight she'd hoped not to see. Spoiled putting her hoof on the toilet handle, ready to push it down at any second.

"Any last words?" Spoiled asked, looking down at her daughter.

"Don't do this! I'll do anything, anything!" Tiara frantically pleaded, as she tried to no avail to climb out of the bowl.

"Begging? Is that the best you can do?" Spoiled remarked, rolling her eyes, and forced the handle down with all her might. "So long, sewer rat!" She delivered the last line with a noticeable hint of malice.

Diamond screamed at the top of her lungs, but her scream was quickly cut off by the roaring waters that started to spin faster and faster! The pink coated struggled in vain against the suction, as she was soon sucked down the drain and disappeared, never to be seen again!

Tiara fluttered awake in a cold sweat, panting heavily. She looked all around her, relieved to see that everything was the same as it was before she'd fallen asleep. "Oh thank Celestia, it was all just a horrible dream!" She thought to herself. She was just about to go back to sleep, when she caught whiff of an unpleasantly strong scent of methane. "No." She said to herself, shivering all over, as she moved a hoof to the back of her diaper and braced herself for the inevitable squishing sound.

Only, the sound didn't play. In fact, when Tiara's hoof touched her padding, she could feel that she was as dry as a bone (aside from the few beads of sweat that had leaked into her diaper). But then, if she wasn't the one responsible for that nasty smell, that could only mean it was coming from one pony.

"Could it really be?" The pink coated filly thought to herself, as she looked across to her still sleeping grey coated friend. Sure enough, the source of the stench was coming from her. And Tiara was pretty sure she could see a bulge in the back of Silver's diaper.

Silver stumbled awake a few seconds later. "Hey, Di," She mumbled through her pacifier, before she sniffed the air and plugged her nose. "P.U., what's that horrible smell?!" She remarked.

"Uh, it's you actually. I think you had an accident in your sleep somehow." Diamond nervously commented, unsure of how else to break the news to her friend.

"Oh?" Silver replied, sounding a bit confused. But when she sat up, she could feel an uncomfortable squishing sensation, and looking down at herself quickly revealed what the source of that sensation was. "Oh," She realized. "Guess I was sleepy and didn't want to get up for the potty." Then she giggled at her unintentionally childish comment.

"Well either way, you need to get changed!' Tiara remarked, plugging her nose.

As if on cue, the nursery door swung open and Randolph trotted in with a bright smile on his face. It didn't fade, even when he caught whiff of Silver Spoon's stench. "This brings back memories of when Mistress Diamond was a foal," He commented. "A good thing I always come prepared," He pinned a clothespin to his nose, and slipped a pair of disposable gloves onto his hooves, then he bent down and carefully scooped up Silver, carrying her to the changing table with ease. "Now, if you're ready, Silver Spoon, we'd best clean you up and get you smelling nice for your parents." The butler finished, preparing his hooves for the delicate task expected of him.

"Yeah, I can see why foals cry when they do this," Silver observed to herself. "It's very inconvenient."

Fortunately, Randolph worked quick as a flash. In a matter of seconds, he had undone the tapes on the old diaper, allowing it to fall from Silver Spoon's waste. And without hesitation, he quickly flicked it into the wastebasket, then picked up the wet wipes and set to work. Even though Silver Spoon wiggled a lot, Randolph soon had her wiped clean and her rump set down on a freshly powered diaper, which was then taped up. Lastly, Randolph worked in a bit of rash cream for good measure, before he grabbed the trash bag from the waste basket and rushed it out to the curb. It was only after he came back, that the old butler finally removed the clothespin and gloves, taking a much needed breath of fresh air.

"Ah, much better. Thank you for cleaning me up, Randolph." Silver Spoon replied with a smile.

"Happy to be of service, Silver Spoon." Randolph said in response, then helped her down from the changing table.

After that, there were no more accidents for the rest of the day (much to the relief of Spoiled, she'd paid Randolph a good deal of money to keep quiet about the fact that Tiara had suffered one in her sleep as well but hadn't been aware of it).

The hours passed quickly, and before either filly really noticed it it was almost sundown. Silver Spoon sighed. "Sorry, Di, but Mom and Dad are gonna start asking questions if I'm not home by sundown. Parents will be parents I suppose," And after undoing the tabs holding up her diaper, she kicked it off with ease. However, she looked at her pink coated friend with whom she shared so much in common, and fondly added. "But this was a lot of fun, we should totally do this at our next sleepover! I'll just have to see if I can find a way to sweet talk Mom and Dad into letting me do it, if not though, I'm pretty sure big sister Octy will let me bring some. She almost always lets me get what I want."

"And I thought my mom was the spoiled one." Diamond thought to herself, but didn't dare say it out loud.

Silver Spoon zipped away in excitement, the fond memories and hopes of tomorrow and the day after that lingering at the forefront of her mind.

"Diamond sure seems to be enjoying her playmates," Filthy thought to himself, once Silver Spoon had left. "Hm, I wonder if there's anyone else I haven't considered that might be willing to join her? Heck, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I should join in? Celestia knows I could use a break."