• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,667 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 4 - Apple Bloom

Author's Note:

Considering the events of "Somepony To Watch Over Me", I figured Apple Bloom would be reluctant to indulge in any of this and would need to be coxed into it.

Obviously, Silver Spoon will be in the next chapter, as she is the only one left to vote for. However, you may recall that last chapter I was weighing the possibility of chapters for Babs Seed, Gabby, and Filthy Rich. So, over the next 72 (I will be gone on Sunday and thus won't be able to work on any chapters), I would like to hear if you would vote for any of those characters to get their own chapters. If there's enough of a demand, then when the Silver Spoon chapter is published (I can likely start work on it on Thursday and hopefully have it out by early Sunday), I'll open up a new poll for those three characters (as well as two additional characters) which will be available for voting til midday Monday.

Almost a week had passed since Scootaloo's unintentional discovery of Diamond's diapering, and subsequently agreeing to become her diaper playmate for a day. By this point, having already had three playmates in the span of less than a month, Tiara stopped considering the occasions coincidence and instead wondered when her next playmate would surface.

Ultimately, it was Filthy who decided to finally do what he'd been contemplating doing ever since he first suspected his daughter secretly wanted a playmate. Of course, with both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo having already taken part in the foalization (and later swearing to secrecy as a result), that left only two candidates for Filthy to consider for his precious little princess: Apple Bloom, and Silver Spoon. Taking advantage of the close business ties and good friendships he had fostered with the Apple family, Filthy decided it would be far easier to reach out to Apple Bloom.

But, as he sat down in his study to pen the request, a part of him hesitated. "Should I really inform them of all the intimate details?" He thought to himself. "I mean, when I first discovered it, I was rightfully peeved off. The Apples are known for their stubbornness. What if they not only reject my offer but also cut off all business ties with me as a result?" Ultimately, these concerns led Filthy to stop just shy of outright spelling out what kind of companion his daughter desired, or what that involved. Even though he felt guilty for not being honest with the Apples, he just couldn't bring himself to go out on that limb and risk the possibility that he would alienate them.

When the reply came back the next day, informing him that Apple Bloom had agreed without question, Filthy immediately made up his mind. "I'll have to ease her into it gently," He mentally decided. "And I'll have to give her the option to back out if she doesn't like the treatment. Diamond may not be thrilled with that outcome, but I ain't about to get on the Apples bad side. Especially not Granny Smith, Celestia knows how close she came to breaking off all ties with me during that zap apple jam fiasco."

Apple Bloom lightly tapped a hoof against the front door of the Rich family mansion, already thinking in her mind about all the fun things she and Diamond Tiara were sure to do on their playdate. Though, was it her imagination, or had the way in which Filthy's request had been worded, made it sound like something a bit fishy?

The farm filly had little time to dwell on this, however, as the door was opened ever so slowly. And there stood Filthy Rich, looking quite uneasy. "Ah, you're here already," He commented, a hint of nervousness seemed to be contained within his voice. "Please, step right this way."

Apple Bloom obliged and was led to the living room, where she expected to see Diamond waiting for her. But instead, she saw something that made her fur crawl. A lime-green changing mat rested on the floor, and next to it rested a pack of Silly Filly diapers that were already open, not to mention a container of cornstarch foal powder. The farm filly blinked and rubbed her eyes. No, she wasn't seeing things, those were indeed foal supplies. And ready for use, apparently

Before Apple Bloom could even think of running away, Filthy lightly stepped in front of her and lightly coaxed her with a hoof as he instructed. "Just relax and lay down on the mat for me, okay?"

"No way! Why are you doin' this to me?!" Apple Bloom complained loudly. "I'm not a baby, I don't need no diapers!"

"I know you aren't," Filthy replied, still trying to coax Apple Bloom. "But this is what you agreed to when you promised to be my daughter's playmate. I apologize for not tellin' ya in full detail, but I wasn't sure your family would approve. It'll only be for today though, and not even for twenty four hours. However, if you're really not comfortable with the idea, I won't try to force ya to take part in it. Ya can just leave now and I won't bother to ask ya again."

Apple Bloom felt tempted to take Filthy up on that offer, especially since she was absolutely opposed to the idea of being diapered up and treated like a little foal. In the corner of her mind though, a small part of her was thinking. "You gave your word that you'd be Diamond's playmate for the day. Even if you didn't know what that would involve, you'd be going back on your word if you backed out now. That wouldn't be very honest of you, now would it? What would Applejack think?"

Reluctantly, Apple Bloom just replied to Filthy. "I... guess I owe it to Diamond to at least give this a try, just for today," And she trotted over to the mat and spread herself out on it. "Ya promise nopony's gonna see me like this?"

Filthy nodded with a bright smile. "Of course, the only ones who'll ever know are you, me, my wife, Randolph, and of course my little Diamond." He then retrieved a diaper from the opened pack and carefully unfolded it.

"Wait, ya mean your wife's in on all this too?" Apple Bloom asked, as her legs were spread apart and the diaper was slid under her rump.

"Of course. In fact, this very treatment is what helped her and Diamond to reconnect after all their years of bein' estranged," Filthy happily replied. "And I for one couldn't be happier, part of me always did feel guilty that I tried to make my precious princess grow up before she was ready. I should've let her enjoy her foalhood, rather than rush her through it. But at least I'm lucky enough to get a second chance on it," Working in a few helpings of foal powder, he then added as he helped Apple Bloom to stand. "I just know Tiara's gonna love havin' another playmate. Now then, why don't I take ya to the dinin' room? Diamond was just about to have breakfast."

And indeed, Filthy was right. When he and Apple Bloom trotted into the dinning room, Diamond was already seated at her usual spot at the table. A thick (and rather poofy) white diaper could be seen quite clearly, as well as a pink colored bib to accompany it that was tied around her neck.

Apple Bloom opted for a seat across from her pink coated friend and sat down, a series of audible crinkles reminding her of her diaper's presence (though the soft feeling of the padding was nice, kind of like a security blanket wrapped around your hindquarters). She groaned audibly, as she had a bib similar in color to Diamond's tied around her neck. "I know I'm technically a foal and everythin', but is this really necessary?" She complained.

"Of course it is, you silly filly," Spoiled giggled, as she made sure the bib was fastened tightly and securely. "Just ask my little Diamond, she'll tell you that all foals around here wear bibs. That way they don't make more messes for me to clean up. All those maids and butlers work hard enough just keeping this place spic and span."

"Except for Randolph, he sometimes joins in on these playdates," Diamond added. "He's great fun, and a really good cook."

As if he'd heard his name being mentioned, Randolph trotted out at that very moment with a tray holding up two bowls of oatmeal. He pushed one bowl towards Tiara, as Spoiled positioned herself for the best angle possible for spoon feeding, and the other bowl was presented to Apple Bloom as Filthy sat down next to the farm filly. "If you need my services at all, just holler and I'll come running." Randolph bowed, and exited the dining room without another word.

Apple Bloom's eyes immediately focused on Spoiled spoon-feeding Tiara the oatmeal, and her attention was only snapped back to her own bowl when she heard Filthy clear his throat and coo. "Open wide now."

"Ah, come on!" Apple Bloom pouted. "I'm not a baby, I know how to use a spoon! You're treatin' me just like Applejack treated me that one time she said I could stay home alone!"

"I apologize if I've dug up any unpleasant memories," Filthy said regretfully, setting the plastic spoon down. "If you wish to feed yourself, you can. I don't want ya to feel like ya have to do anythin' ya don't want to. You can be as big or as little a foal as ya want. The only rule I'm gonna enforce, is that ya can't take off your diaper without permission. Do you agree?"

"That's fine, so long as I don't ever have to use it." Apple Bloom smiled, and grabbed the plastic spoon, immediately dipping it into the bowl of oatmeal. But when the farm filly brought the spoon up to her lips, she hesitated. Looking across to her pink coated friend, she noticed how much fun she seemed to be having just being spoon fed, and by Spoiled Rich no less. "Why does that look so appealing?" Apple Bloom thought to herself, but couldn't think of a good answer. She just set the spoon back down, suddenly finding herself lacking the drive to put it into her mouth.

Filthy quickly took notice of this, and thus asked his young charge. "Is somethin' wrong? Ya haven't touched your oatmeal."

Apple Bloom hesitated, then gulped. Was she really about to ask this? Very reluctantly, she looked at Filthy and asked the stallion. "Can you... feed me?"

Filthy was surprised. "I thought ya didn't want to be treated like a little foal?"

"I thought I didn't, but now I'm not so sure. It's so weird and confusin'," Apple Bloom complained. "A part of me wants to still be independent, but another part of me says I should just go all out and enjoy it. It doesn't make sense!"

"Well, how 'bout I try spoon feed ya this time, and we'll go from there?" Filthy offered, picking up the plastic implement again.

Apple Bloom was silent for a moment, then she reluctantly replied. "I... guess that would be okay."

"Excellent!" Filthy cooed. "Now, here comes the choo-choo train. Clear the tunnel, please."

Despite Apple Bloom's conflicting emotions throughout the whole ordeal, breakfast passed quickly. The farm filly seemed to be surprised when she felt a wet rag be pressed up against her face, that is until she noticed the traces of oatmeal that had somehow ended up on her face. "How did I even manage to do that? I ain't that messy of an eater." She thought questioningly.

"Alrighty then," Spoiled declared, getting up from the table. "If the two of you are satisfied with your breakfast, I believe it's time we adjourn to the nursery until lunch. Fridge raiding is off the table, so don't bother asking for a late-morning snack!"

"Don't worry, Mother," Diamond smiled in response. "We'll be fine until lunch. Won't we, Apple Bloom?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." Apple Bloom replied, unable to think of much else to say.

"And what about you, dear?" Spoiled asked her husband. "Will you be joining us today? I would certainly appreciate the extra pair of hooves, particularly for diaper duty."

Filthy playfully nodded. "Oh of course, hun. Ya didn't even have to ask. I reckon it's been awhile since we've both had time to devote to our precious gifts from above." And after he rose from the table, the quartet of ponies left the dining room and made their way upstairs in silence.

When the door to Tiara's bedroom was pushed open, Apple Bloom almost couldn't believe her eyes. In fact, part of her wondered if this was all just a surreal dream. But it was as real as real could be, the entire room had somehow been converted into a large scale nursery. Perfect for taking care of big little ones, like the two oversized foals for the day.

Filthy nudged Apple Bloom forward, as he encouraged. "Go on, have fun. I'm sure you'll find somethin' to do."

But Apple Bloom just stood there, as this was a lot to take in. Where should she even begin?

Tiara opted to take action, by grabbing her friend by the hoof and leading her to the center of the room. "Come on, silly filly. There's a lot we can do, either alone or together. I've got rattles, squeaky toys, alphabet blocks. And even stuffed animals, including my very best friend, Theodore."

Presenting the stuffed bear to Apple Bloom, Diamond made the bear speak in a gruff voice. "Hello, I'm Theodore. Who are you?"

Apple Bloom paused for contemplation, was she supposed to reply back as if the bear was real?

"Go on, introduce yourself. Theodore just loves to make new friends." Tiara encouraged.

"But, he's not real!" Apple Bloom protested to her eager playmate.

"Hey, I resent that! I'm as real as real can be!" Theodore complained with a huff. "Haven't you ever heard of an active imagination?"

"Sorry, guess I'm just not used to the idea of talkin' to stuffed animals and pretendin' they can talk back. I didn't really have any kind of stuffed animals to play with when I was a foal," Apple Bloom apologized. "Heck, I just found out not too long ago that I'm half Pear on my mother's side of the family," Speaking to the teddy, she then greeted him pleasantly. "Hi ya, Theodore. My name's Apple Bloom."

"Apple Bloom? That's a wonderful name," Theodore commented, offering a paw to Apple Bloom. "It's always nice to meet new friends. Seems like all of them are still in diapers though, kind of makes me feel like I'm missing out."

Diamond giggled. "But they don't make diapers for bears, Theodore. Especially not in your size."

"Yeah, you're right. But it would be nice if somepony did," Theodore replied. "Would sure beat having to use leafs for toilet paper."

Both fillies had a good laugh at that comment, before Tiara set the teddy aside and offered to the farm filly. "Wanna help me build a block tower? Alphabet blocks make for pretty good building material. We don’t even need any mortar."

But Apple Bloom, eyeing a rattle on the floor of the nursery, shook her head. "No thanks, I've got somethin' else I wanna do right now. Maybe some other time, Diamond Tiara."

"Alright, but if you change your mind feel free to crawl over to me." Tiara replied, and waddled off to tend to her own desires.

Apple Bloom, for her part, turned her attention to the rattle that so fascinated her. Slowly taking a few carefully coordinated steps (which was hard with how much the diaper pushed her legs apart), the farm filly soon realized that crawling would probably be easier and thus did so. At last, she reached the rattle, picked it up, and held it close. Now that she got a closer look at it, the rattle reminded the filly an awful lot of the one she'd loved playing with as a foal. It was almost exactly the same, from the color down to the noise it made when shaken.

Apple Bloom quickly engrossed herself in playing with the rattle, alternatively shaking it and banging it lightly on the floor. The sound it made every time only left her feeling further fascinated and enthralled. Playing with it was so much fun, that the farm filly soon lost track of time and her surroundings, it was as if she entered into an alternative dimension completely separated from all known reality.

The filly likely would've kept on playing forever (or at least for the rest of the day), had a rather noticeable clapping of hooves not snapped her back to reality. Said clapping turned out to be from Filthy Rich, who was now pointing at a clock that hung on the east wall. "It's time for lunch, my little ponies," He declared, before he stepped forward. "But first, I think a quick diaper check is in order."

Diamond eagerly complied and let her father pull back her padding for inspection, and she felt a wave of pride wash over her when she was told that she was dry and clean. Apple Bloom was certain the same would happen to her, but when her padding was pulled back, she suddenly became aware of a damp sensation in her lower regions, followed shortly by a faint squishing sound.

"My goodness!" Filthy playfully exclaimed. "You're completely soaked, my little apple! We'd better get you changed before you get an icky diapee rash."

"You do that, dear. I've changed more than enough wet diapers already this month," Spoiled firmly replied, as she led Diamond away. "I shall take charge of escorting our little Diamond to the lavatory to do her business, and then lead her down to the dining room for lunch."

"Sounds like a plan, see ya then, dear." Filthy cooed, as he scooped up Apple Bloom and carried her to the changing table.

"I can't believe I just wet myself like that, and without even knowin' it! I haven't done that since I was five and a half years old!" Apple Bloom complained, feeling extremely guilty.

Filthy lightly patted the soggy filly on the forehead, while he retrieved a diaper, wipes, foal powder, and rash cream. He then reassured her. "It's quite alright, it's natural for foals to do that without realizin' it. Even my little Diamond has sometimes soaked herself to the bone without even knowin' she's done so. Heck, more than once she's unintentionally done the other thing in them, and boy is she ever the little stink bomb when she does," He commented in dramatic fashion, waving a hoof in front of his nose. "I don't think anypony's gonna think any less of ya for wettin' yourself. If anythin', I think that's a testament to how easily ya slipped into the role of a foal." He then proceeded with the diaper change, taking great care with the wet wipes so as to not make the farm filly recoil from their cold touch.

The change was over in almost the blink of an eye, and after giving the new diaper a few pats to ensure it was taped up snuggly, Filthy slipped off the disposable gloves he'd slipped on earlier, tossing them into the same waste basket as Apple Bloom's thoroughly soaked diaper. "I'll get Randolph to run that out to the corner," He told the farm filly, helping her down from the changing table. "Now then, let's see what delicious num-nums are on the menu for today."

Apple Bloom thought for sure that her unintentional wetting would be mentioned at the dining room table. But to her great relief, no one said a word as she was seated in the same chair she'd sat in for breakfast just a few hours ago. This time, she didn't complain when the pink colored bib was tied around her neck. "If I made so much of a mess with just oatmeal, I'm probably gonna make even more of a scene with whatever's offered for lunch," She thought to herself, then recoiled at the realization of what had just happened! "Wait! Now I'm thinking like an actual foal! What's happening to me?!"

Fortunately, Apple Bloom's thoughts were soon interrupted, as Randolph entered the dining room with a huge jar of applesauce. The butler proceeding to pour two big helpings of the stuff into two bowls, offering one to Diamond and the other to Apple Bloom. "This applesauce was made from the finest apples on Sweet Apple Acres," He told the farm filly. "I believe it is only fitting to serve it today, since you are dining with us. It was much better than what Mistress Spoiled suggested be served."

Spoiled said nothing, she glared at Randolph. The butler paid her no attention though, he just exited the dining room without saying a word or even waiting to acknowledge a reply. That of course left Spoiled to tend to Tiara, and Filthy to Apple Bloom.

"So, want me to spoon feed ya again?" Filthy offered to Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom just shook her head. "Nah, I can eat applesauce just fine on my own. But thanks for the offer." She proceeded to effortlessly dig into the delicious applesauce, and forgot all about everything else. She didn't even notice that Diamond appeared to follow her lead, and the two appeared to become locked into a contest to see who could finish their applesauce first.

In the end, the unofficial contest ended in a tie, both fillies polishing off the last of the applesauce at roughly the same time. Apple Bloom leaned back in her chair, licking her lips to get the few bits of applesauce that had ended up on her face. Then, on instinct, she let out a great big burp! "Excuse me." She commented, before giggling.

"Whoa!" Filthy playfully exclaimed. "That burp was so strong, I almost thought it was gonna break a window!"

"Honestly, why am I not surprised?" Spoiled commented with a glare. "You were actually raised in a barn more or less, of course you wouldn't know it's thoroughly uncouth to burp like that. Though I suppose I should be grateful that whoever raised you taught you enough manners so that you'd say excuse me."

"Oh come on, Mother," Diamond teased, letting out a burp of her own. "Better out than in, right?" Then she quickly added in an "Excuse me.".

Spoiled only sighed. "You're lucky you're so cute in your diapers, Diamond Tiara. It's the only reason I can tolerate half of the uncouth things you do in my presence. I just hope you have enough decency to act like a proper rich pony outside the house."

After lunch, the two fillies were led back upstairs, and they played together for about an hour and a half. The two of them imaging themselves in a fairytale as storybook princesses, but ones that didn't need to wait for a prince charming to come and rescue them (not that they didn't still long for one, but they'd heard stories about the supposed real life prince charming that was the very disappointing Prince Blueblood), with Theodore standing in for the monster that tried to stop them from leaving their tower.

Unfortunately, sooner than either filly would've liked, Spoiled announced to them. "Well, I believe it's time for all good little foals to take their naps."

"What?! For real?!" Apple Bloom complained.

"Just play along," Tiara encouraged with a whisper. "Mother doesn't usually take 'no' for an answer."

"Indeed I don't," Spoiled said with a huff. "I believe I deserve a little bit of me time away from caring for little ones, even well behaved ones such as yourselves."

"And in case you're not exactly feelin' sleepy," Filthy added with a wink. "I can fix either of you up a nice, warm bottle of milk. It always seems to do the trick."

"Eh, I ain't much of a milk pony," Apple Bloom admitted. "Not even chocolate milk. But sometimes if I'm havin' trouble sleepin', Granny, Applejack, or Big Mac'll heat me up a bottle of apple juice. Not cider though, they say I ain't old enough for it."

"Ooh, can I have a bottle of apple juice too, please?!" Diamond pleaded with her father. "Pretty please?!"

Filthy just couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes his daughter gave off. No matter how many times he tried to stay strong, he basically wasn't able to bring himself to refuse such an adorable face (and he knew that was a bad thing, but could anypony really blame him?). "Alright, two bottles of apple juice it is," He said to the thirsty fillies. "But, ya gotta be in bed all nice and snug first, 'cause it's gonna take me a while to warm up the bottles."

"Wait? I'm sleepin' in Diamond's bed?" Apple Bloom asked, that detail catching her unawares.

Tiara nodded. "Don't worry, it's big enough for a princess. There's plenty of room for the two of us, and unlike Mom I'm not a cover stealer."

Apple Bloom chuckled at that little fact. And it helped to take her mind off the fact that she was still diapered, and had a pacifier inserted into her mouth per Diamond's request (the pink coated filly claimed it helped to make you feel more relaxed). She was glad to be able to take the baby blue colored object out of her mouth to drink her bottle of apple juice, a few cherished memories of when she was but a little foal with her parents would do this came creeping back as she suckled. In a matter of seconds, the bottle was empty, and the farm filly closed her eyes as she leaned back onto the pillows.

Apple Bloom slept soundly for quite a while, she was actually starting not to mind this whole diaper playdate thing, at least not too much. However, the farm filly was suddenly and rather rudely awakened from slumber land, due to an ominous rumbling in her stomach. Her body was quickly giving off signals that Apple Bloom would need to relieve herself soon, one way or the other. And considering her options, the filly immediately ruled out the possibility of using her diaper! Growing up on a farm may have meant you had to get used to the smell of manure, but that didn't mean one would automatically be accustomed to making it themselves.

"Besides," Apple Bloom thought, as she reluctantly rose and positioned herself on the side of her bed. "There ain't any plants that need fertilizing. And I ain't some wild animal, I'm a big filly!"

Tiara woke up to the sounds of rustling sheets and crinkling padding, immediately taking notice of the source. "Appwe Bwoom," She lisped through her pacifier, not bothering to spit it out. "Whewe you going?"

"To the bathroom of course, I gotta go!" Apple Bloom firmly responded, spitting out her own pacifier.

"But you're weawing your potty, just wet it go!" Diamond giggled. "Mommy or Daddy will be hewe shortwy to change your diapee."

The farm filly only shook her head, as she got up from the bed. "I ain't about to wet myself twice in one day, and there's no way I'm doin' the other thing!" She protested. "I don't care if you've done it, intentionally or not. I'm not like you!"

Fortunately, at that precise moment, Filthy Rich came trotting into the bedroom and immediately took notice of Apple Bloom's position. "What's the matter?" He asked the filly, then quickly guessed. "You have to go potty, don't you?"

"Yeah, pretty badly. But I don't wanna use my diaper." Apple Bloom nodded.

"And you won't have to," Filthy smiled, offering a hoof to the farm filly. "Come on, let me help ya out, champ in the makin'."

Apple Bloom found it most embarrassing to be led along to the bathroom like a toddler, even though she was thankful for the directions (she doubted she would've known where to go, Diamond's place was so big and confusing). Upon entering the lavish bathroom, she had her diaper pulled down, and she instinctively dashed for the toilet and sat her rump on the porcelain. Blushing, she asked Filthy. "Uh, could ya please leave? I like my privacy, thank you."

Filthy obliged. "As you wish, just let me know if you need any assistance. And be careful not to fall in. There are no liferafts at Rich Mansion, after all. "

The farm filly wanted to groan at the embarrassing remark, but more pressing concerns currently occupied her mind so she said nothing. The instant the bathroom door was closed, she just relaxed and let nature take its course, feeling most relieved when the whole ordeal was done. "That was too close!" She thought to herself, as she hopped down and grabbed some toilet paper from the roll. "If I'd been even a minute later, I don't think I would've made it." She didn't even question the fact that she felt strangely proud of herself for going in the toilet and not her diaper, she was just glad that her diaper had stayed clean.

After wiping herself clean to the best of her ability, Apple Bloom flushed the toilet and washed her hooves in the bathroom sink, then allowed Filthy to escort her back to the nursery. To her surprise, she saw that Diamond was currently on the changing table, Randolph removing a clearly soggy diaper and humming a merry tune as he did so, as if it were no big deal.

"There we are," Randolph happily smiled, as he taped up a diaper and sprinkled in an extremely generous amount of foal powder. "A freshly powdered diaper for the little princess," He then helped the pink coated filly down from the changing table, playfully patting her diapered rump. "Go on, go play with your friend. I'll take care of your old diaper." He encouraged her.

Tiara needed no further encouragement, she happily scooted over to Apple Bloom as she commented. "So, how'd you manage? The bathroom can be a pretty scary place for foals."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes at her friend's childish remark (even as a foal Apple Bloom had found the bathroom more fascinating than scary, not even the toilet had frightened her) and just replied. "I just made it, though I hope I didn't make ya have an accident because you were waitin' on me."

Diamond only shook her head. "I could've held it if I wanted to, but I just didn't feel like it. I wouldn't have bothered if Randolph wasn't the one changing me. It's a shame he seemed to be the only one willingly to let me stay in diapers for as long as I wanted as a foal. He kept trying to tell Mother and Father not to rush me out of them, that I'd give them up when I was darn good and ready. But obviously, they didn't listen."

"That's a shame, nopony should have to give up on their foalhood before they're really ready," Apple Bloom commented, now feeling sorry for her friend. "I was actually kind of lucky. My ma and pa clearly loved bein' with me when I was little, and from what Granny tells me they were willin' to let me explore around to my heart's content. Probably figured there wasn't anythin' that could really hurt me. They just started me on potty trainin' when they passed away, and everypony was so distracted by grief they didn't really have time to train me or find somepony who would. So I got to stay in diapers all the way past the age of three. But at that point, I think Granny Smith finally realized what was happenin', and by the time I was four and a half years old I had to give up my diapers, and my foal toys soon followed. I didn't really mind it though, I figured I'd stayed a foal for longer than most ponies, and Ma and Pa would be proud that I'd finally moved on. But as time went by, I started missin' my foalhood a little. It sort of came and went, but I'd occasionally find myself longin' for the chance to wear diapers or suck on a pacifier."

"My bullying and teasing you for your blank flank probably didn't help." Tiara realized, now regretting more than ever that she'd waited for so long to stand up to her mother.

Apple Bloom shook her head. "You couldn't have known. Anyway, it really hit me hard once Mr. and Mrs. Cake had their twins," She hesitated for a bit, before she added. "I tried to steal some of their diapers once, but Applejack caught me in the process of tryin' em on and made me give them back. After that, I started convincin' myself that it was wrong and selfish of me to want to undo all that hard work everypony had put into makin' me grow up. And of course, Applejack's over protectiveness and baby proofin' everythin' that one time around didn't help. I thought this whole diaper playdate idea was gonna involve more of that, more of me losin' my independence and not gettin' a say in the matter. But I can see now, that's not the case. At least with you and your folks, you get to retain your independence and be as big or little a foal as you'd like."

Diamond gave her diapered friend and playmate a big hug. "I'm sorry for all that you had to go through. I know I never could've been bold enough to even think of trying to steal diapers from foals. Though maybe if I had, I could've found a way to cover my tracks. But hey, everything worked out in the end. Now we've both got a chance to relive our foalhoods and grow up when we want to."

"Yeah, I guess so." Apple Bloom realized with a smile.

After that eventful conversation, the two diapered fillies spent the rest of the afternoon playing together, building a rather magnificent block tower.

Almost before either of them realized it, it was evening (sunset to be precise).

"Care to stay for dinner?" Diamond offered to Apple Bloom. "I think we're gonna have peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Nah, it's gettin' late, and Sweet Apple Acres is all the way on the other side of town. I'd better get goin' if I wanna be home before dark. Don't need Granny Smith and Applejack to worry themselves half to death, or start organizin' a search party for me." And she began to take off her diaper.

"Would you be willing to do this again sometime? You were a pretty good playmate." Tiara commented.

"I'll... think about it," Apple Bloom responded. "Some parts of this weren't so bad, and if it were just the two of us I might be tempted. But I'm gonna need some time to think this over, maybe at least sleep on it."

"Well either way, thank you for going along with all of this," Diamond beamed, giving Apple Bloom a big hug for the road. "You could've easily backed out when given the chance. But you went through with it anyway, and did a pretty good job of slipping into character," She then made the offer. "If you ever want to borrow some diapers to wear, just ask me, I've got plenty to spare and Father buys only the highest quality brands."

"If I do take ya up on that offer, I'll have to do it in secret and find a way to keep 'em hidden," Apple Bloom replied, as she finished undoing the tapes holding up her diaper. "Don't need anypony findin' out and askin' questions, I don't need them gettin' the wrong idea about you or your parents." And with that, she left the mansion without saying another word.

Meanwhile, Tiara thought to herself. "So now Mother and my fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders all know about my secret. Now, assuming this is a pattern. How long do I have to wait for Silver Spoon to find out about this? And more importantly, what will she think of it all? Will she be the one who doesn't get it?"