• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,656 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

  • ...

Playdate 1 - Spoiled Rich

Author's Note:

(WARNING!: Make no mistake, just like its predecessor this IS an AB/DL fanfic and as such it WILL have content that some viewers may find disturbing. If you are uncomfortable with any aspect of AB/DL then please click elsewhere and do not continue reading! 
For those who choose to stay, expect to see the following:
Diapers - Medium
Diaper Useage (Wetting) - Light
Diaper Useage (Messing) - Medium
Ageplay - Medium to Heavy)

Galaxy of Equestria suggested this idea back in "Foal For A Day", and I felt like this was a legtimate concept worth exploring. But for the next couple of playmates, I'm going to let you all vote and decide who you want to see join Diamond Tiara for a diaper playdate. Polling will remain open for up to 48 hours from when the chapter is published. Any ties, will have a tie breaking vote cast by me. You may only vote for one pony, but you may change your vote as often as you'd like before the polls close.

Here are your options:
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle
Silver Spoon

Depending on how popular this fic proves (and how much time I have on my hands), I may consider chapters for Babs Seed and Gabby, as well as maybe Filthy Rich.

It was hard to believe almost half a year had passed since that fateful day, the day in which Spoiled Rich had decided to give her daughter a chance to experience the foalhood she never got to fully enjoy (thanks in no small part to her mother's behavior). Since then, a lot of things had changed for mother and daughter alike.

Diamond Tiara still spent most of her days hanging out with her new friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Or Silver Spoon if the crusaders weren't available. But once in awhile she'd be called home by her mother for "etiquette lessons", such as how to properly adjust silverware and play a fine melody on the piano.

However, when those sessions were done, or whenever Diamond came home at sundown, she'd usually be marched straight to her room to be diapered. And Spoiled would (at least for the most part) take care of her as if she were a foal.

Even Filthy Rich had to admit, since the treatment had begun, his wife and his daughter seemed to be growing closer than they had been at any point in their lives. It helped that his daughter made for such a cute little foal, especially whenever he caught sight of her adorable little waddle.

But as time went on, it became clear to both Filthy and Spoiled, that a part of Tiara longed for a chance to have someone to share all this ageplay stuff with (especially since she had more foal toys to play with than she knew what to do with alone). Of course, she never outright expressed any of this, but it wasn't hard to notice the signs of her trying to hide her loneliness. The occasional slump in her shoulders, the faint traces of a frown trying to appear, and the look of confliction that could be seen in her cornflower blue eyes. All of those signs were hard to ignore.

And so it was that the parents decided, they would give their daughter a playmate. However, since they weren't sure how badly she wanted one, and didn't want to run the risk of any of her friends finding out if she wasn't comfortable telling them, the two became convinced it would have to fall to one of them to be the playmate.

Spoiled had just finished tucking Tiara into bed, and popping the hot pink colored pacifier into her mouth. "Sweet dreams, my little Diamond." Spoiled softly cooed, kissing her diapered daughter on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Mommy." Diamond lisped behind the pacifier, shortly before she fell sound asleep and began snoring away, as Spoiled turned off the light and closed the door of her daughter's bedroom.

Upon entering the hallway, however, Spoiled was quite surprised to see her husband waiting for her, and he seemed to have an exceptionally bright smile for some reason. "Just what in the name of Celestia is he up to?" Spoiled thought to herself. "Did it humor him to see me frown, because today was a rare occasion in which I had to change our only daughter's smelly diaper? For such a little filly, she can be quite the big stinker."

"Let's retire to my study," Filthy whispered to his wife. "There's somethin' you and I need to discuss," Then he quickly added. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. You've been doin' an excellent job takin' care of our precious little angel." He gave a knowing wink, as he trotted off down the hall.

Spoiled followed, relieved to know that she was likely out of the fire, but still confused as to what her husband wished to discuss with her that he couldn't possibly tell within earshot of anypony else. Not even the warm fire and the soft feeling of the arm chairs as Spoiled sank into, could lift the cloud of worry from her mind. Her husband could be incredibly difficult to read sometimes.

Filthy sat down in a chair across from Spoiled, and looked directly at her. He said nothing for a moment, contemplating and pondering what he was about to suggest. But when the moment had passed, he cleared his throat and in a soft but serious tone he began to speak. "I'm sure you've noticed by now, that our little princess has been longin' for somepony to play with, durin' those days and nights when she's all diapered up and actin' cute by herself."

Spoiled nodded her head, then blushed as she replied. "Filthy, darling, you're not suggesting we have another foal, are you? One big one is already almost more than I can handle. Besides, as we both know, my ‘drive’ isn’t quite what it used to be... "

Filthy chuckled. "No, no, no, I ain't lookin' for us to have another foal at the moment," Spoiled breathed a sigh of relief, a premature one at that, as Filthy then added. "But I was thinkin', you could be the playmate our daughter's been longin' for, just for a single day."

Spoiled's reaction was not at all what Filthy had expected. He'd expected her to be mad, furious even, and likely threaten a divorce. But instead, Spoiled threw back her head and laughed long and loud. "Oh, that was a good one, dear," She said, once she'd caught her breath and regained her composure. "You really had me going for a moment there, but my hearing must not be as sharp as it once was. There's absolutely no way you just said what I think you suggested. YOU, suggesting that I get all diapered up and be treated like a foal! Hilarious!"

But Filthy didn't laugh at all, he just replied in a straight tone of voice. "That's exactly what I just said, dear."

This time, Spoiled didn't find it quite as amusing, not even a little. Just like Filthy had expected initially, his wife narrowed her eyes and bellowed at the top of her lungs! "ARE YOU COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"

"Not so loud!" Filthy shushed. "You're gonna wake up our sleepin' angel, and you know how hard it can be to get her to go back to sleep."

"There is absolutely no way I'm subjecting myself to that kind of humiliation!" Spoiled protested, only slightly lowering her tone of voice. "Not even if you payed me a million bits!"

"Come on, honey," Filthy pleaded, trying to calm his wife down. "It'll only be for a solitary day, and nopony will know besides you, me, Randolph, and our little Diamond of course. And we'll make sure it stays between the four of us."

"You can't actually expect me to put on a diaper and act like a foal, just to please our daughter, can you?!" Spoiled snorted, barely resisting the urge to get up and leave the study right then and there.

"Why not, you already act like a foal sometimes," Filthy joked with little malice. "I mean, you threw a pretty nasty temper tantrum outside the schoolyard from what I heard. And you can still be quite temperamental, despite your improvements. So if you're gonna act like a foal, ya might as well look the part," Giving his wife his best pair of puppy dogs, he then added. "Come on, for the sake of our daughter? I promise you won't ever have to do it again if you don't want to."

Spoiled wasn't really phased by the pleading look her husband gave her, she was used to that puppy dog eyes treatment and she prided herself on being strong-willed enough to resist it (especially while potty training her daughter as she cried and hollered out for her diapers). But in the back of her mind she thought. "I do owe him for giving me that second chance, especially since I'm sure he wanted to divorce me as soon as he found out how horrible I was," With a sigh she mentally thought. "The things I do for the sake of my husband's love, if he wasn't so wealthy I don't think I'd be able to bring myself to handle this kind of stuff." Reluctantly, Spoiled gave in. "Fine, just for one day."

Filthy approached his wife and nuzzled her lovingly. "Thanks for agreein' to this, honey. You'll make a cute foal." He cooed.

Spoiled just rolled her eyes. "Just so we're clear, I'm NOT using my diaper, not at all! And if you tell anypony about this, you're sleeping on the couch for a whole month, got it?! And an entire year of eating my home cooking!!" She demanded of her husband.

Filthy smiled as he nodded. "Of course dear. Now get some rest, and in the mornin' we'll get you all diapered and powdered up nice," Filthy proceeded to get up from his favorite chair and trot to the door. But just before he reached the knob, he turned back to his wife and added. "Oh, and one more thing, unless I say otherwise you have to call me 'Daddy' while you're in diapers. After all, all foals have a 'Daddy' or a 'Mommy' to take care of them. It’ll take a bit of gettin’ used to, but I’m sure we’ll both manage somehow. "

"What have I gotten myself into? I sincerely hope the mares at the social club never hear about this." Spoiled thought to herself, but didn't dare to say anything out loud.

Diamond Tiara yawned and stretched, as she slowly opened her eyes, quickly pressing a hoof to her diaper and relieved to see that it was as dry as a bone. "Thank goodness I haven't lost my continence, never thought I'd be so proud of the fact that I'm potty trained." The pink coated filly thought to herself, as her eyes slowly adjusted to the bright sunlight. When they'd done so, Diamond saw her mother, wearing a thick, white, diaper. Wait, what?!

Diamond blinked and rubbed her eyes. No, she wasn't seeing things, that was definitely her mother. The opal colored eyes and pale, grayish pink coat were unmistakeable, to say nothing of that rather pronounced snout. And that was unquestionably a diaper around her mother's plump rump. What Tiara found most odd though, was the fact that her mother's two toned pinkish-purple mane and tail, had been styled to look like their appearance from when her mom went by her old name of Spoiled Milk. The filly spit her pacifier out in surprise. "Mother?" She asked, unsure of what else to say. "Why are you dressed like that?" And she giggled as she added. "And why in Equestria are you wearing a diaper?"

Spoiled bit her lip, unsure of how she was supposed to answer. "Am I supposed to talk like a foal when I speak to her?
She usually just says 'Mommy' or 'Daddy', and occasionally converses with her teddy." The older pony thought to herself.

Before Spoiled could answer, however, Filthy Rich came trotting in and explained. "Because, she's gonna be your playmate, my little Diamond." He flashed a bright smile at his daughter, as Spoiled just went along with.

"What?! For real?!" Tiara exclaimed in amazement.

Filthy nodded in affirmation. "Uh-huh, and now you're both gonna be Daddy's little princesses for today," He continued to smile, as he approached his blanket wrapped daughter and cooed. "Now, I already diapered Spoiled so I know she's clean. But what about you, my little Diamond? Did you make a stinky winky for Daddy Waddy?"

"Nu-uh, all nice and clean," Diamond happily replied, tossing off the blankets and showing off her diapered rear. "See? I'm a big filly, I don't mess myself at all. I make poopies in the big pony potty now."

"Well then, I guess you won't mind if I give you a quick diaper check?" Filthy smiled, as he carefully pulled back his daughter's diaper with a brown colored hoof. Just like she'd promised, it was clean as a whistle. "Well, you just let Daddy know if you have to go potty, okay?" He asked affectionately.

Tiara nodded. "I will, Daddy, I promise."

"Excellent!" Filthy beamed, as he looked at both of his foals and asked them. "Now, how about we have breakfast? I wonder what delicious num-nums Randolph has cooked up for you two today?" He then led both Diamond and Spoiled out of Tiara's bedroom, and down the hall to the dining area. Once both foals were seated at the table (With Spoiled blushing at how audible a crinkle her diaper gave off when she sat on it), Filthy took the liberty of tying bibs around their necks (pink for Diamond and yellow for Spoiled), before he retreated to the kitchen, only to return shortly with two bowls of oatmeal.

Spoiled immediately reached out a hoof to grab the spoon resting in the oatmeal, but Diamond just giggled as she explained. "We're not allowed to feed ourselves, silly filly. We don't know how to yet."

"Diamond's right, Spoiled," Filthy teased, sitting down next to his two big foals. "Foals have to wait for their daddy to feed them," Sensing that his wife needed a role model as to how to behave like a proper foal, he opted to feed his daughter first. Dipping a plastic spoon into the oatmeal, he offered it to his diapered daughter and cooed. "Here comes the choo choo train! Open wide for arrival!"

Tiara obeyed without hesitation, and was rewarded for her cooperation just seconds later, as the sweet taste of oatmeal traveled down her throat. "Mmm, yummy." She babbled, giving off her best foalish voice.

"See now, sweetheart?" Filthy asked, looking across to Spoiled. "That's how you're supposed to behave during spoon feedin''s. So, you gonna cooperate, or are you gonna be a stubborn and fussy little foal?"

Spoiled hesitated for a few moments, before she pouted and frowned. "Fine, I'll cooperate. But I won't like it." She insisted, folding her hooves across her chest. "I swear, he'd better not take any pictures for the family album!" She thought in her head.

Fortunately for Spoiled, her cooperation made breakfast go by very fast, much to her relief. "At least somepony seems to be getting a kick out of the total loss of my dignity." She thought to herself, as she looked at her husband, who just had that ridiculous and silly looking grin on his face. Clearly, he was enjoying every moment of this, even though Spoiled really wished he wouldn't.

Upon being led back to Tiara's bedroom, Spoiled reluctantly trotted over to join her diapered daughter. She'd promised to be a playmate, so now it was time to live up to the 'play' aspect of that. "So...." She reluctantly (and quite nervously) said to Diamond. "....What do you like to do for fun when you're dressed up like this?"

"Whatever interests me, really," Tiara explained, still getting used to the idea of seeing her mother as a big foal (though it did help her to not feel so intimidated, hard to take anypony seriously when they had a weird manestyle and a big diaper on their rump). "Sometimes I'll play with toys, other times I'll just crawl around and act cute. Often I like to talk to Theodore, he's a good listener, and he's very funny."

"So I've heard, I bet he’s a real laugh at parties," Spoiled nodded, recalling all the "conversations" her daughter had had with that stuffed bear (which had been a reward from Filthy upon Diamond learning how to use the potty like a big filly). Looking at the bear she reluctantly asked. "Do you suppose... you could introduce me to him?"

Tiara's face lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree. "Oh of course, Theodore's never shy around strangers. You should meet his friends Simon and Alvin, too. Wait right there, I'll go fetch him!" And despite her waddle, the pink coated filly made her way across the bedroom floor in no time at all, having had plenty of practice (all the while Filthy just stood there, cooing and awing). She returned presently with the stuffed teddy that despite clearly having seen better days, still looked to have all its stuffing and looked surprisingly well for an old stuffed animal. "Theodore, this is my mommy, Spoiled Rich," Tiara introduced. "She's my overgrown playmate for today."

Theodore spoke in his gruff voice. "Nice to meet you, Mommy Rich. But I must say, I didn't know mommies and daddies wore diapers, I thought only foals wore diapers."

"W-well, that's because I'm not a mommy, at least not for today. It's a long story," Spoiled nervously told Theodore, trying not to show how uneasy she was. "Now I-I'm...." Her words trailed off, as she found herself unable to say the obvious.

Fortunately, Spoiled didn't have to, Theodore finished for her. "A big foal of course," He chuckled. "But how come you don't act like one? You know, cry, use your diapers, and make messes, all the good stuff that comes with being a foal."

"I'm not that kind of foal!" Spoiled protested. And since when has ‘making messes’ been fun?! If I'm going to be a big foal, I'm going to be one with class."

"So that why are you wearing such a ridiculous outfit?" Theodore teased in return.

"Ridiculous?!" Spoiled bellowed. "Why you little-"

Diamond quickly intervened. "Don't mind Theodore, Mommy, he's just not used to the idea of a grown pony acting like a foal," She apologized, and turned to Theodore. "Now, say you're sorry, Theodore. You hurt Mommy's feelings."

"Sorry," Theodore replied, sounding as sincere as he could. "I didn't mean to make fun of you, Mommy Rich. I'm sure you'll be the best 'big foal with class' ever. Now, why don't you join Diamond and I? We were just about to go on a safari. Last time, we very nearly didn’t come back!"

Spoiled looked all around. "I don't see how you can do that when you're in the middle of a room. And there’s not an elephant in sight." She bluntly commented.

Tiara and Theodore both laughed. "Mom, you're supposed to use your imagination," Diamond laughed. "Theodore and I do that all the time. Part of being a foal means playing pretend. Didn't you ever have imaginary adventures as a foal?"

"Not really, my parents discouraged such actions. We weren’t even allowed to practice ventriloquism," Spoiled replied, a wave of regret washing over her. "In fact, growing up, I don't think I really played pretend at all. I'm not sure I know how."

"Well, that's okay," Diamond smiled. "Theodore and I can show you how. Trust me, it's a lot of fun! Just do what I do!"

Though at first Spoiled found it difficult, as time went by she slowly got used to the idea of playing pretend. It actually kind of helped to take her mind off the fact that she was wearing a poofy diaper, and was expected to act like a foal for a day.

But all good things must come to an end eventually, and the sound of the clock striking the hour eventually drew Spoiled back to reality. She counted the chimes in her head, there were twelve of them, high noon. She had a pretty good idea what that meant.

"Well, I'm sure my little adventures have worked up quite the appetite," Filthy commented, commanding instant attention. "I'll start lunch shortly. But first, I think it's time for a quick diaper check. Disposable garments at the ready, if you please. "

"What?! But Filthy, I'm perfectly dry," Spoiled insisted, horrified at the idea of being checked while in front of her daughter. "Don't you think I'd know by smell alone if I'd used my diaper?"

"We're foals now, Mother," Tiara explained with a chuckle. "And foals have accidents, so we need somepony to check us and make sure we don't need a change. It's all part of the wonderful experience of being young again." She then cooperated, as her diaper was pulled back fully by an attentive Filthy.

"All nice and clean, no wetties or messies here," Filthy babbled in an exaggerated tone, before approaching his wife. "Now, what about you, hun?"

Spoiled eeped in surprise and blushed, as her diaper was pulled back as if she were a toddler being potty trained. Still, she was relieved when her husband told her. "You're dry and clean. Well done, indeed. Now, let's get you and Diamond some lunch."

Spoiled was about to complain that she wasn't hungry, but the loud rumble her stomach gave off silenced her intended protest. "Who would've thought playing pretend could give you an appetite? Is this what I missed out on when I was growing up?" Spoiled thought to herself, as she followed her husband and daughter to the dining room. She was so absorbed in thought that she almost didn't notice when her husband started tying that yellow colored bib around her neck. She immediately blushed with embarrassment, while simultaneously pleading with her husband. "Can I please go without a bib? I promise I won't make a mess."

But Filthy only chuckled and shook his head. "No can do, my little Spoiled. What kind of a daddy would I be if I let my little one here eat without a bib, just because she thinks she won't make any messies?" Kissing his wife lightly on the cheek, he then added. "It's part of the experience, and considering how sloppily you ate your oatmeal, I'd say you more than proved your need for a safeguard."

"That was only because you were feeding me!" Spoiled protested, but Filthy didn't even acknowledge her remark. He just slipped into the kitchen, and he and Randolph came back shortly with jars of foal food. Spoiled was shocked, she'd been expecting a salad or even just some chopped up veggies, definitely not that icky looking, goopy slop!

Tiara didn't seem to mind it all, she was more than happy to be spoon fed the foal food by Randolph. "Come on, Mom!" She encouraged, licking up the traces of foal food that had found their way onto her face. "You're missing out on a whole world of flavor! It's so much better than that fancy stuff those uppercrusts enjoy, you could barely call those posh meals a snack!"

But Spoiled ignored her daughter, and turned her head away when Filthy instructed. "Open for the aeroplane."

"I'm not eating that yucky stuff, and you can't make me! Especially if it's mashed peas, that kind of garbage should be classified as cruel and inequine punishment!" Spoiled protested, sticking her tongue out all the way to her chin.

That proved to be a costly mistake, as without warning, Filthy deposited a spoonful of orange colored foal food onto Spoiled's tongue. Spoiled quickly swallowed it, and was almost overwhelmed by the strong flavors. "Whoa, whatever is this stuff?!" She complained, gagging a bit.

"Cream of carrot," Filthy explained. "I was gonna feed ya mashed peas, until ya told me you didn't like them. I guess we'll just have to try somethin' else. That's okay though, I had a feelin' you'd be a picky eater. Just don’t throw your food everywhere, and be a good little foal for Daddy. "

"Oh Celestia, anything but this!" Spoiled pleaded in her head, while struggling in vain. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep her husband from spoon feeding her all sorts of different flavored foal foods, each one more vulgar tasting than the last. Why did her daughter seem to like all those same flavors so much? Heck, how could anypony like this kind of junk?! It should be punishable by whipping to feed anypony such vile and repulsive slop!"

Needless to say, by the time it was over, Spoiled had gotten traces of foal food all over her face and even mashed into her coat. Filthy only chuckled, as he retrieved a rag and cleaned Spoiled with minimal effort. "I know that must've been hard on you, honey," He apologized sincerely, as he got up from the table. "How's about I get ya some milk to wash down the taste?"

"That would be most pleasant, but don't even think about trying to feed me that stuff again!" Spoiled shouted in defiance. She then waited impatiently for her husband to come back with a cup of milk for her. But she was surprised (albeit only for a moment, before she remembered she was wearing a diaper and bib) when he instead came back with a baby bottle full of milk. Even more humiliating though, he offered Tiara a sippy cup of milk. To top off the embarrassment, Filthy insisted that Spoiled lay on his lap while she drank the bottle.

Still, milk was a liquid, and Spoiled was eager for any chance she could get to rinse out the taste of that yucky foal food. So she reluctantly agreed, even though she could tell her daughter was enjoying the whole thing WAY too much! "If she tells anypony about this, I'm disowning her on the spot!" She mentally vowed, even as she focused on sucking down the milk as fast as she could. The sweet taste easily washed away the lingering 'flavors' in her mouth, and she felt somewhat relieved.

Filthy then patted Spoiled's back a few times, while giving his wife a knowing wink. "Does he seriously think I'm going to intentionally burp myself on command?! That is so uncouth!" Spoiled grimaced, but her body seemed to develop a mind of its own and as if on pure instinct she let out an enormous "Urp!" and promptly blushed bright red.

"Good one, Mother!" Diamond laughed, kicking her legs about lightly.

"I agree, that was a mighty fine burp you gave off there, Spoiled," Filthy added in between giggles. "I must say, for somepony so reluctant to be diapered, you sure seem to have little trouble actin' like a foal. You’ve taken to it like a Parasprite to polka music. I probably should've tried this a long time ago, maybe it could've kept ya from becomin' so nasty."

Spoiled frowned, looking away and glancing at the clock. She still had over half a day left before she could finally be free. "How much more of this humiliation am I going to have to endure before this is all over?!" She thought to herself, while pleading for everything to go by faster.

After lunch, Spoiled and Tiara went back to Diamond's bedroom, as Filthy secretly watched them from a distance. Even though the day wasn't over yet, given everything that had happened the stallion was certain he'd have no trouble considering this among the best ideas he'd ever had.

Tiara waddled over to a rattle laying on the floor, and temptingly gave it a few shakes. It wasn't nearly as fun as playing pretend or building with alphabet blocks, but it did capture the feeling of being young and carefree again, without responsibilities or demands of any sort.

As for Spoiled, she didn't really know what to do. Her eyes fell upon Theodore, resting on Tiara's bed and clearly looking lonely and forlorn. "Maybe I could ask him for advice on what to play with?" Spoiled mentally pondered, before she shook her head, as she realized what she'd been thinking. "It's just a stuffed bear, it doesn't actually talk or anything!
I may look like a foal, but I still have an adult mind!"

Struggling to walk with the bulky and poofy diaper pushing her legs apart, Spoiled just looked at the ground as if it were infinitely more interesting than it actually was. At least she could count the cracks to pass the time quicker. It was then however that she noticed a couple of alphabet blocks scattered haphazardly across the floor. Thinking that was as good a place to start as any, she trotted slowly towards them, scooped them up, and started to stack them.

Diamond had moved from the rattle, and was currently playing with squeaky tools, when she spotted Spoiled clearly trying to build something ambitious with the alphabet blocks, stretching her legs to near full length due to the bulk of her diaper. "I should probably help her out, otherwise she might fall and get hurt." The pink coated filly thought, and waddled over to her mother, clearing her throat. "Want some help with that tower?" She offered kindly.

"Help?! Is she out of her mind?! I don't need any help!" Spoiled thought, but her wobbling legs told a different story. At any moment, if she tried to reach out more, she risked having her legs give way and taking her carefully constructed creation with them. Reluctantly, Spoiled swallowed a lump of pride in her throat and replied. "I... guess so," Though she was quick to save face by adding. "Just a little."

Tiara simply picked up a block from nearby, and hoofed it to Spoiled, who took it and combined it with the others. Before long, a magnificent alphabet block tower stood before the two.

However, the tower didn't stand for very long, as there suddenly came a tremendous roar! Without warning, a brown colored hoof effortlessly knocked the tower aside! Diamond and Spoiled gasped in horror (or in Spoiled's case surprise) upon seeing that it was none other than Filthy. "Rawr, block monster hate tower! Block monster destroy alphabet tower!" He playfully growled.

"Quick, we've got to stop him!" Diamond shouted panickingly at Spoiled. "Tickles are Super Effective against Block Monster !"

"What?!" Spoiled exclaimed, completely unable to bring herself to think up this sort of fantasy. She just didn't have the imagination or will power necessary for such a lofty goal. She knew her husband, and she knew that even when he was trying, he was not scary. Except, when he'd threatened to cut off her clothing allowance that one occasion, of course.

"Just do as I do!" Tiara commented, rolling her eyes. "We go on three! Ready? One, two, three!"

Filthy continued to roar and stomp about, but all of a sudden he was knocked to the ground by the dual efforts of his daughter and his wife, both of whom started to tickle him without mercy. "Oh no, I am done for!" He playfully and dramatically cried out, kicking his legs in sheer delight.

Spoiled had no trouble with the tickling part, and this time she didn't need to worry about making her victim wet themselves. She just took a deep breath, before she pressed her snout to her husband's exposed belly and gave him the biggest raspberry she could muster up. Then she paused, and as she caught her breath she watched her daughter try her luck with a few light tickles here and there. "This part isn't so bad actually." Spoiled thought to herself, and started to relax.

Unfortunately, at that very moment, there was an audible hissing sound. And was it Spoiled's imagination, or did it seem to be originating from her? Suddenly stricken with a sense of dread, Spoiled reluctantly looked at her diaper, which didn’t have a snake in it, but something almost as bad: a fast growing yellow coloring! Eeping, Spoiled crossed her legs to try and stop the water works, but alas it was too late. She’d wet her diaper. In a matter of seconds the deed was done, but those brief seconds had felt like an eternity to Spoiled.

Filthy quickly sized up the situation, immediately looking across to Diamond and telling her. "Why don't you take a potty break, sweetie? You can manage on your own, right?"

Diamond nodded eagerly. "Of course, Daddy." She raced off without saying a word, though Spoiled could've sworn she heard a faint snicker just before her daughter was out of earshot.

Once Filthy was alone with Spoiled, he got up from his position, cheerfully trotting over to the makeshift changing table Spoiled had erected in Diamond's bedroom a few weeks ago (far better for the occasional late night change). Having already had the hindsight to store a few adult diapers next to the pack of Silly Filly diapers Tiara wore, he gingerly grabbed some wet wipes, a canister of foal powder, and a tube of rash cream. Then he set them all down on the ground near the table, slipped on a pair of disposable gloves, and with a wastebasket next to him, motioned for Spoiled to trot over to his location.

Spoiled hesitated. While her diaper wasn't too soaked, it was still uncomfortably damp. And she was all but certain that if she tried to move, she would be 'rewarded' for her efforts with a lot of squishing. But the alternative was a diaper rash, she quickly realized, and that was the last thing she wanted. There would be too many awkward questions to answer if she was asked about it while hobnobbing with the elites.

Reluctantly, Spoiled trotted over to Filthy to be changed. But, just as she reached him and was about to lay down, it happened. Spoiled swore she heard a faint pop, before she felt something move, and a strong scent of manure filled the air. And, the gardener hadn’t come in today, which could only mean that she'd been so focused on getting changed, that she hadn't noticed the warning signs her body was giving her that the foal food and oatmeal were on their way out. "Thank goodness Diamond Tiara isn't here to see this, she would surely never let me live it down! Or even, want to take pictures." Spoiled thought to herself, struggling to bring herself to lay down, even though she knew she had to in order to be changed. Ultimately, after a lot of hesitation, she did so. But the uncomfortable squishing sensation really made her stomach churn.

Filthy didn't seem to be bothered, he just slipped a clothespin onto his nose, as he softly cooed. "Okay, stinky butt, let's get you changed," Then an idea came to him. "In fact, here," He popped a baby blue colored pacifier into Spoiled's mouth. "Suck on that, it'll keep ya occupied and take your thoughts off your...." He blushed and coughed into a hoof. "Accident."

Spoiled just stared at the ceiling, absent-mindedly sucking on her pacifier. She was surprised at how it helped her actually relax. No wonder her daughter always had one whenever she went to bed or took naps. It helped that chewing on it gave her something to focus on besides her diaper being changed, especially since she still felt the entire mortifying process taking place. The old diaper was effortlessly removed and tossed in the wastebasket for good measure, while the wet wipes cleaned her coat with the greatest of ease (though they felt incredibly cold to the touch). The scent of foal powder, combined with the lavender from the wet wipes, and the rash cream, created a surprisingly pleasant scent, much more fragrant than the foul stench emitting from her used diaper.

"There, all done." Filthy cooed, as he taped up a new diaper and gave it a few hefty pats, causing a few puffs of foal powder to spill out.

Tiara came back a short time later, just as Filthy rushed the wastebasket outside and tossed its contents in with the rest of the trash. Spoiled expected a teasing comment or remark about her unintentional soiling, but no such things were said or even whispered.

Spoiled soon absorbed herself in playing, mostly on her own. She soon had all but forgotten that she'd even done such an uncouth thing.

Fortunately, aside from the accident, the day passed by uneventfully for Spoiled. In fact, she all but lost track of the time and likely would've kept playing right through dinner time, had her husband not announced such a fact (after an embarrassing diaper check of course: Spoiled was beginning to feel like her husband was enjoying these way too much).

As she was seated at the table and had a bib tied around her neck for the third time in the same day, Spoiled's thoughts turned to what would be on the menu for dinner. Considering oatmeal had been for breakfast, and foal food for lunch, the mare hoped that something more "adult" would be offered this time around. Something that didn't require spoon feeding. Heck, even something as common as peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches would be preferable, since then at least Spoiled was certain she'd be allowed to eat with her hooves.

Alas, Spoiled's hopes were soon dashed, as Filthy and Randolph trotted into the dining room. Resting on a tray, was a huge jar of applesauce. "Of course. Why did I expect anything else?" Spoiled thought, pouting as she crossed her hooves. She could at least understand why her husband kept zap apple jam around, it's what made his family's immense wealth possible (said wealth had been a big motivator in Spoiled's decision to marry Filthy, though she had admired the fact that he hadn't given up on her even when everyone else had). But applesauce? What reason was there to keep something so common and so apple orientated?

This time, it was Randolph who was assigned the responsibility of feeding Spoiled. If the old butler at all enjoyed being in a unique position of power over his employer, he showed no signs of it. He didn't even coo or aw, something that Spoiled was both grateful for but at the same time had partially gotten used to. "Whenever you're ready, Mistress Spoiled." Randolph politely instructed, dipping a plastic spoon into the bowl full of applesauce presented to his charge.

Spoiled hesitated, unsure of how to reply. Given the choice she'd rather have just about anything else. But, at least Randolph seemed to willing to respect what dignity she still had left, so perhaps that counted for something? After moments of contemplation, she looked at the stallion and said to him. "Fine, just get it over with."

"Excellent," Randolph smiled, presenting the spoon to Spoiled. "Now if you'll kindly open wide," Spoiled obliged without any further hesitation, and Randolph carefully but effortlessly inserted the spoon into Spoiled's mouth, the mare swallowing the applesauce as quickly as she could. "You'll be happy to know that Master Filthy is already preparing to fix you a bottle of milk once dinner is over." Randolph added, thus throwing in an incentive for Spoiled to cooperate.

Spoiled did so, and was more than relieved once dinner was over, and that bottle was offered to her. She didn't even question the fact that she was longing for that drink, she just accepted it and drank it down.

What little remained of the day passed quickly by once dinner had ended. Heck, when Luna's moon rose into the night sky, Diamond Tiara wasn't the only one who was growing sleepy. For whatever reason, Spoiled found that she had to really fight to keep her eyes open.

"Alright, I think it's for my foals to go to sleep. Nopony likes a cranky foal, and all foals get cranky if they don't get enough sleep," Filthy cooed, as he approached his daughter, just as she was starting to nod off. He effortlessly scooped her up, carried her to her bed, and deposited her onto it (luckily he'd had the hindsight to put her pajamas on earlier). Popping the hot pink pacifier into her mouth, he pulled the sheets up to his daughter's head, and kissed her goodnight. "Alright, hun, now let's you and I-" But as Filthy's eyes fell upon his wife, his sentence was cut off. Spoiled had closed her eyes and was sleeping on the floor near the foot of Tiara's bed. Filthy simply smiled, as he trotted over to his wife, and ever so lightly nudged her with a hoof.

Spoiled woke up with a yawn, and struggled to shake the cobwebs from her mind. "Huh, what?" She mumbled, only half awake.

"Aw, all tuckered out from a day of fun with our little princess?" Filthy cooed, as he helped his wife to stand. "It's okay, I just thought you'd like to sleep in an actual bed rather than that cold floor. And while Diamond's bed may be big enough to fit a princess, I don't think there's enough room for you and her both, especially since you tend to steal the covers all the time."

Spoiled was too tired to protest, she only nodded her head in agreement and accepted her husband's hoof. She was led back to her bedroom, and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Filthy faintly giggled, as he looked at his sleeping wife. "She's so tired she didn't even remember to take off her diaper," He thought. "I should probably take it off before she wakes up and realizes this." And he did.

Spoiled slept for longer than she normally did the next morning, not waking up until almost noon. When she did, she was surprised to see her husband there, looking at her with that ridiculously goofy smile. "Mornin' hun," He greeted. "Bet you slept well last night, right?"

"Indeed," Spoiled yawned in return. "You put something in that bottle to knock me out, didn't you?"

"I did nothin' of the sort," Filthy innocently protested. "Warm milk always makes you sleepy. I merely took advantage of that fact," As his wife pouted and folded her hooves across her chest, he asked her. "So, how did ya like your day as a foal?"

Spoiled blushed, a part of her had hoped that she'd just dreamt the whole thing. But nope, it had actually happened. "It was... different," She reluctantly confessed, figuring it was no use trying to lie to her husband. "But I'd much prefer being on the other side of it all, thank you very much."

"Figured you'd say that," Filthy commented. "Gotta say, you seemed to be havin' a lot of fun. Perhaps one of these days I should try it out?"

"If you're going to do that, you'd best not be expecting me to take care of you. Especially not the part involving the stinky diapers," Spoiled said with a hmph. "Somepony's got to be the adult in this household, and if it's not going to be you it's most certainly going to be me!"

"Whatever you say, dear," Filthy said with a wink, before he cleared his throat and changed the subject. "So, do you think our little diapered Diamond enjoyed having somepony to play with?"

"Probably, I wasn't really paying much attention to any of that. She did seem to enjoy playing with me though, and clearly got a few laughs at my more 'foalish' moments." Spoiled replied with a blush.

"Well, I was thinkin' of gettin' one of Diamond's friends to come over and play with her," Filthy explained. "Of course, I'll make sure to get permission from whoever takes care of 'em first. They deserve to know the truth. Only question is, who should I invite first? They'd have to be open minded of course..."

"Whoever you think Tiara would most enjoy playing with, dear," Spoiled answered, getting up from her bed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have adult responsibilities to tend to." And with that, she exited the bedroom, leaving Filthy alone with his thoughts.