• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,667 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 3 - Scootaloo

Author's Note:

Once again, some of the stuff with Scootaloo is personal headcanon from discussions with Smity1038 back when he had his FiMFiction account.

As for Dizzy Twister as Scootaloo's mother, it's a headcanon I've adopted from Matt11, you can see just about any of my Scootaloo works from 2015 onwards to know about this more in depth.

Obviously, there are only two choices left to vote on, and the same rules as before apply. You may vote for one pony, but may change your vote as often as you'd like before the polls close. If you vote for more than one pony, the first pony mentioned gets a full vote and the second pony mentioned gets half a vote. The polls close 48 hours after this chapter is uploaded. I'm considering the possibility of chapters for Filthy Rich, Babs Seed, and Gabby, but I'm gonna hold off on proposing that idea until I know who will be next.

In any case, here are your options:
Apple Bloom
Silver Spoon

If Diamond, Filthy, or Spoiled at all suspected that the incidental discovery of Tiara's secret "pampering" as the three had taken to calling it ("pampering" seemed like the best way to avoid drawing too much attention to the subject for those prying eyes and ears) was a once in a lifetime fluke that wouldn't be repeated, they were proven incorrect in a matter of days. Three to be precise.

On that fateful day, Scootaloo opted to stop by Diamond's house for a simple matter. When the door was answered by Randolph, the orange coated filly explained the reason behind her unannounced visit clearly enough. "Diamond left her saddlebag at the clubhouse yesterday, so I decided to bring it back. Promise I didn't touch anything in it or look through it, Crusaders honor."

Randolph just smiled, and accepted the aforementioned bag without question. "Thank you, young mare," He politely replied. "I'll be sure to inform Mistress Diamond at once of your kind favor, though I can't promise compensation for it."

Scootaloo just beamed back. "It's fine, after all what are friends for?" She turned around and likely would've just gone straight back to wherever it is she had come from (most likely her home though for some odd reason she was known to be a frequent occupier of the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse when it was not in use), had her keen nostrils not picked up the faint scent of something. "Say, what's that smell?" She inquired, it didn't smell like the kind of scent you'd expect even from a posh place like the Rich family mansion.

"Whatever do you mean?" Randolph asked, suspecting nothing.

"I smell something, something... unusual," Scootaloo commented, quickly rushing past Randolph before the old butler had a chance to react. Sniffing some more once inside, Scootaloo paused for a moment. The smell she was picking up, was one that she had only caught whiff of once or twice before. Perhaps her nose was playing tricks on her? Scootaloo shook her head. "I smell cornstarch." She commented to herself, and was about to ask where it was coming from, when she saw a sight that made her do a double take.

There stood Diamond Tiara in nothing but a thick diaper, a freshly powdered one at that considering the strong smell of cornstarch coming off her. Needless to say, being caught in such a condition by Scootaloo of all ponies, was enough to make the pink coated filly freeze like a deer in the fierce beam of a searchlight. "Oh Celestia, no!" She mentally thought. "Of all ponies who could've discovered this, why did it have to be her?!"

For a moment, Scootaloo just stood there with that look of uncertainty, clearly contemplating what she should do. But the moment soon faded, and when it did Scootaloo started doing something Tiara had feared more than anything, the filly started laughing at her. "Oh, this is too rich, pardon the pun!" She exclaimed in between giggles. "You of all ponies, in nothing but a big diaper, waddling around like an overgrown foal! If only I had my camera, I just know I'd love to have a photo of this moment!"

Diamond tried her best to stay strong, hoping for Scootaloo's laughter to die down. But it didn't, it just kept going on and on. Her lips began to quiver, and a few tears were starting to form in her eyes. "I thought we were friends!" She shouted at Scootaloo, trying not to cry.

Scootaloo still laughed for a bit, but as soon as she noticed the tears that were struggling to get out, she stopped. Instantly, a wave of guilt washed over her. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, Diamond!" She instinctively reacted. "Please, don't cry! I... I didn't mean to laugh at.... you know."

"What is goin' on here?!" Filthy said seriously, as he emerged into the main hallway. It was at that moment that his daughter, his pride and joy, rushed right over to him and hid behind his legs. Something she hadn't done since she was a foal and believed the toilet was an evil monster that ate foals.

A few muffled sobs could be heard from Diamond, as the pink coated filly tried her hardest not to have a full-blown tear fest. Even so, it took a while for her to regain her composure and said in a sad tone of voice. "Scootaloo was laughing at me, making fun of me!"

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to laugh at her!" Scootaloo instinctively defended. "It's just, the sight was so funny! How could I not laugh at it?!"

"You've got some nerve showing up at my doorstep and pulling a stunt like that in my household!" A furious Spoiled angrily proclaimed, standing at the foot of the stairs leading up to the second floor. "Haven't you ever heard the meaning of the word, 'privacy'?!"

Now Scootaloo knew she'd really messed up. Having Diamond's father be mad at her was one thing, but Diamond's mother being cross with her? That was something the filly dreaded more than anything, especially when you considered the kind of reputation Spoiled had. "W-what are you gonna do to me, Mrs. Rich?" She gulped, her legs shaking like jelly.

"Oh believe me, there's a lot I'd like to do to you!" Spoiled remarked with a snarl. "...Were it not for what has happened to me in recent months, I might have felt tempted to kick you out of my house right here and now, and forbid you from ever hanging out with my daughter ever again! So be thankful that, because she found a way back into my heart, I won't be doing such a thing to you," Scootaloo prematurely let out a sigh of relief, before Spoiled added. "However, while I may be absolving myself of seeking retribution, I'm pretty sure my husband has his own ideas in mind for how to properly punish you for your insolence. He may not be as harsh as I am, but I know for a fact that he doesn't take kindly to these kind of actions."

"Now, now, Spoiled, hun, that's enough," Filthy lightly commented. "There's no need to scare the poor filly, lest she faint from fright," Turning to Scootaloo, he then cleared his throat and said somberly. "But my wife's right, you are goin' to have to face some punishment for your actions. Since I ain't your father, step-father, or any kind of legal guardian, I can't really punish you. But I know somepony who does, your mother, Dizzy Twister. I can imagine she won't be thrilled to hear about your behavior today, Scootaloo."

And indeed, Dizzy Twister wasn't. The amber coated pegasus mare with a pink mane and tail (with pale raspberry highlights in the tail) was more than a little peeved to hear the news straight from Filthy Rich when he escorted Scootaloo home (he had reluctantly confessed to the circumstances surrounding the ordeal, and tried his best not to notice the odd looks Dizzy gave him). Her rose colored eyes looked squarely into the grayish-purple eyes of her own daughter, and she made sure to push her curly styled pink mane (her tail was styled the same but had pale raspberry highlights) up so that her expression could read clearly. "I can't believe you, Scootaloo. Barging in and laughing at another pony, one of your friends no less. And simply because she was dressed up funny." Dizzy scolded severely.

"But Mom," Scootaloo protested. "I couldn't help it. She was wearing a diaper, and she just looked so silly in it. Besides, don't you think it's weird that Diamond and her parents do that kind of thing with her. You know, letting her wear diapers and be treated like a foal. That's really odd, even odder than the stuff you and Dad do."

"Maybe it is, but it's not my place to judge Filthy for something that as far as I know has no ill effects on his daughter," Dizzy commented. "Now, if she were being taken around in public like that, or if it were something more severe, I would have cause for concern. But you know that there are things you like to do in the privacy of your own home that you wouldn't want anypony else noticing. Don't think I'm not aware of the time you got into my makeup drawer because you, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom wanted to play beauty salon in the hopes of getting your cutie marks. Or all those times I've caught you dancing to Sapphire Shores' records. And let's not forget those private ballet lessons Hoofer Steps agreed to give you."

"That's only because you and Dad made me sign up for ballet, and I didn't want anypony to see me wearing a tutu!" Scootaloo complained. "I hated wearing that stupid thing!"

Dizzy waited for her daughter to conclude her little tirade, before she added in a firm but gentle tone. "So do you understand? If you didn't like the idea of other ponies finding out about the things you do in private, what makes you think it was okay to make fun of Diamond Tiara for something that she clearly likes to do in the privacy of her own home?"

Scootaloo sighed, her mom was always really good at making a point. "Do I really have to be punished, Mom?" She asked with a pleading pair of puppy dog eyes, hoping that maybe she could change her mom's mind.

Dizzy wasn't going to fall for the bait for a second. "Yes my little pony, I'm afraid so. What you did was wrong, and as I've made sure to tell you, your actions have consequences," She then made an offer. "Now, I'm going to be fair and offer you a choice of punishments. You can either be grounded for the weekend, which of course means no Crusader meetings, no hanging out with your friends, no scootering or bungee jumping, no visits to Rainbow Dash, and no trips to Sugarcube Corner..."

"What?! That is so unfair!" Scootaloo complained.

"-Which is why I'm giving you the option of an alternative," Dizzy added. "Filthy recently told me that his daughter has been longing for a playmate. And I'm pretty sure I know now just what he meant by that. So, if you don't want to be grounded for an entire weekend, you're going to have to agree to let Diamond's parents do to you what they do to her. That includes wearing a diaper, and being treated like a foal. The choice is yours, Scootaloo, and I expect a decision by the time your father gets home."

"Are you gonna tell him about what happened?" Scootaloo gulped, dreading what sort of reaction her father would have to the news.

"Depends on what you choose," Dizzy explained with a wink. "So, do you need a moment to make up your mind?"

But Scootaloo (very reluctantly) swallowed a hard lump in her throat and with a gulp she looked at her mom as she said. "I suppose I'll agree to be Diamond's diaper playmate for a day, probably tomorrow if that's what she wants. But if I do, you've gotta promise you won't say a word to anypony, not even Dad."

Dizzy smiled. "Relax, my lips are sealed, Crinkleloo." And she trotted away to pen a letter to Filthy informing him of Scootaloo's decision.

"Mom, please don't call me that!" Scootaloo complained loudly.

"Only joking, Scootaloo. Though I think the nickname will suit you well." Dizzy responded, as she set about retrieving a quill.

The next day came all too soon for Scootaloo, and just as she had feared that was the day in which Diamond wanted her to come over, be diapered up, and treated like a foal (though thankfully one in potty training). After a breakfast that came and went all too quickly for the filly, she was led over to Diamond's place and brought to the front gate.

"Now remember, Scootaloo. Be a good pony and comply with the wishes of Filthy and Spoiled," Dizzy instructed, playfully ruffling her daughter's mane with a hoof. "I'll be back at sunset to pick you up. I hope I can trust you to behave."

"I'll do my best, Mom," Scootaloo reluctantly replied. "Just please don't get any ideas about trying to do this at home with me. I know you and Dad love to smother me in affection and still treat me like a baby sometimes."

Dizzy only chuckled. "Of course I won't do that, Scootaloo. That is, unless that's what you want."

"No thank you, I just know I'm not going to like this for one day," Scootaloo protested. "Having to do it all the time would be a living nightmare."

"Well, at least try to put on a good act for Diamond," Dizzy told her daughter, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You're a very brave pony for going through with his. I daresay, as brave as Rainbow Dash." And with that, Dizzy trotted off.

"No way would Rainbow Dash let anypony sucker her into wearing a diaper! If she somehow caught me in one, she'd probably never want to be my big sister again!" Scootaloo thought to herself, before the front door of the mansion swung open, and Filthy Rich trotted out with a ridiculously big smile on his face.

"Thanks for agreein' to all this, my little Diamond is thrilled to have another playmate." Filthy commented, leading Scootaloo inside.

"You mean, I'm not the first pony to do this with your daughter?" Scootaloo asked, hopefully.

"Yes, though since I'm not in the mood of givin' away secrets, I won't tell you who they are," Filthy added in a cautious tone. "Now then, since you are now officially a foal until sunset, I take it you know what needs to happen to you, correct?"

Scootaloo gulped. "I have to... have to..." The words were slow to escape her lips. "Wear a diaper." She finally managed.

"Exactly," Filthy said with a nod. "Now, since my precious little princess is currently occupied with my wife and I don't want to disturb what little alone time they'll have, I took the liberty of instructin' Randolph to bring down some supplies from the nursery. However, today he will only be on hoof to provide lunch and dinner. I've been itchin' for another chance to spend time carin' for my little Diamond, and I figure you'll feel more comfortable with me around than either Randolph or my wife."

"I don't have to call you 'Daddy', do I?" Scootaloo inquired, as she was led to the living room and placed on a changing mat.

"Not unless ya want to," Filthy cooed, as he grabbed a fluffy diaper in his hooves. "Now, let's get ya all diapered up."

Scootaloo just stared up at the ceiling, she had no interest in seeing the process unfold before her eyes. Of course, she still "felt" the whole experience. Her rump being lifted up, and being set down on a padded surface that was soon taped up snuggly, followed by the rear of the crinkly undergarment being pulled back, and a generous helping of foal powder being poured in.

Surprisingly, the experience was over sooner than Scootaloo had expected. It wasn't long before Filthy offered her a hoof, and helped her to stand. Scootaloo was even more surprised to see that, although it took a few seconds, her body soon adjusted to the added weight of the bulky diaper, despite how much it pushed her legs apart. "Guess those ballet lessons were good for something. I guess they really do make you better at balancing. Who would've thought it?" She thought to herself, taking a few experimental steps to get used to the feel of walking about with a poofy undergarment on. It actually didn't feel all that bad. In fact, part of it felt strangely comfortable, almost like actually having a cloud wrapped around your waist (though Scootaloo knew such a thing was impossible, clouds didn't work like that even for pegasi).

"Alrighty then," Filthy declared, clapping his hooves together. "Ready to go up to Tiara's nursery and join her for playtime? I'm sure she'll be glad to show you how a foal is supposed to act."

"Just one question," Scootaloo immediately spoke up. "Do I have to actually... you know... 'use' my diaper?"

"You can if you want to, I wouldn't mind changin' ya," Filthy offered. "My wife may be a different story though, especially if ya do number two in it."

Scootaloo gagged. "Ew! Why would anypony want to do that?! That sounds so nasty! No way I am doing that, and I'm not even gonna see what it feels like to just do number one in it!"

"Very well then, just let me know if you need to use the potty." Filthy smiled in return, as he ushered Scootaloo up the stairs.

When the door to the nursery was pushed open, Scootaloo had to blink and rub her eyes just to be sure she wasn't seeing things. Tiara's entire bedroom had been turned into what was basically a scaled up nursery for bigger foals, most noticeably with the changing table that stood across from the princess sized bed near the window.

With a gentle hoof, Filthy nudged Scootaloo towards Diamond, the orange coated filly unable to keep her cheeks from blushing a bright red.

Diamond spun around and greeted her playmate with a bright smile, offering her a hug for support. "Thank you for doing this, Scootaloo. I can't imagine how hard it must've been for you to agree to this!"

"Well, considering my options, this seemed the lesser of two evils." Scootaloo commented, but said no more.

A gruff sounding voice seemed to let out a cough, prompting Tiara to turn her attention to her other "guest". "Oh, where are my manners?" She chuckled to herself. "Silly, silly, Diamond," She then presented a old stuffed bear to Scootaloo and said. "Scootaloo, this is Theodore, my teddy. Say hello, Theodore."

In the same gruff sounding voice that had let out the potential cough, Theodore greeted. "Hi, you must be Scootaloo. Diamond has told me so much about you. Namely that you're the one who adores the Wonderbolts and has Rainbow Dash as an honorary big sister. You certainly know how to pick your role models."

Scootaloo eyed Tiara suspiciously. "You talk to your teddy bear?" She bluntly commented.

Tiara giggled. "Of course I do, Theodore's a good listener, but he also has a lot of good things to say," Looking at Scootaloo she asked. "Didn't you ever talk to your stuffed animals or plushies when you were younger?"

"Uh, I think maybe a little with my Wonderbolts and Daring Do plushies. And maybe once or twice with my Rainbow Dash plushie," Scootaloo confessed, a little embarrassed. "My foalhood was pretty average from what I can tell, though I did enjoy it. My parents spent plenty of time with me, I had a good deal of toys, and I think I got to stay in diapers for a reasonable amount time. I didn't really start potty training until I was almost two and a half years old, and wasn't out of diapers til I was almost four. I think my mom said I was a bit of a bed wetter up until kindergarten though. Really, the only thing I wish could've been different, is that my dad was around more often. Even nowadays I don't tend to see him very much, Mom always stays home and Dad often works till late, way past my bedtime."

"I wish I could've had that kind of foalhood," Diamond longingly confessed. "I was stripped of my diapers the day I turned two, and pretty much every day after that Mother made me sit on the potty until I did my business, sometimes I'd sit there for hours on end and cry for my diapers. But she remained stubborn, and Father only occasionally intervened, and even he agreed I needed to be out of diapers as soon as possible. By the time I was three, my foalhood was all but over, Theodore was the only thing I held onto. I couldn't sleep at all without him, the one night I tried I just couldn't do it. Even now, Theodore helps me whenever I take naps. I just feel safer with him around."

"Guess I can see why you're thrilled with having a second foalhood. Not getting to enjoy your first one must've really stunk." Scootaloo concluded, then she waddled off to occupy her thoughts with something else. Her eyes soon caught sight of some nearby alphabet blocks, and her mind instantly settled on them as the toys with which she would play. "At least they're not as foalish as rattles or squeaky toys." She mentally convinced herself, moving her hooves until she was close enough to grab the blocks with ease, and then she sat down. Her poofy diaper reminding her of its presence with an incredibly audible crinkle.

Stacking the blocks one at a time was a bit of a bother for Scootaloo, but the filly convinced herself it was okay, especially since at best she could only stretch her hooves to the point of standing on the very tip of them. Something told her that her wings wouldn't be strong enough to lift her for even a few seconds with the added weight of her diaper contributing to the equation.

But suddenly, Tiara came scooting over, as she playfully cooed. "Want some help? It's always easier to build with two hooves, even if neither of us can use magic."

Scootaloo paused, unsure of what to say. For a few moments, she was silent. But at last, she managed to bring herself to say. "Uh... sure, I guess."

"Excellent!" Diamond beamed happily, using her hooves to push several of the blocks towards her so that she had a nice pile to utilize. "Okay, we'll take turns. You put a block on, then I'll put a block on, and then you put another block on, and I assume you know the rest."

The two fillies worked together pretty well, and although they were soon forced to stand on tiphooves, they had no trouble stacking up blocks higher than should've been possible. It seemed like they could keep going until they reached the ceiling (that is, assuming one stood on top of the other first), and perhaps they would've tried to do so.

That is, until the clock struck twelve, and Spoiled declared. "Well, not that this hasn't been entertaining, but it's time for lunch. And I'm sure my little ponies are hungry, correct?"

Both Scootaloo and Diamond nodded. Filthy then chimed in. "Well, lunch will have to wait, dear. That is, unless our little builders here are finished with their construction project?"

"We are, Daddy," Tiara quickly replied. "There's just one thing we have to do first and then we'll be ready for lunch."

"Yeah, we gotta knock down the tower! Can't leave it up and have something happen to it!" Scootaloo giggled, this was something she had actually been looking forward to (which had surprised her quite a bit, she didn't think there'd be anything in this treatment to look forward to).

The two fillies then began to swipe at the construction they'd built, knocking aside the blocks and scattering them all across the floor of the nursery. Then they spread the blocks around some more for the sake of creating more chaos, giggling and laughing all the while.

Then, after a quick diaper check (much to Scootaloo's protest, though she was relieved to know she hadn't unintentionally used her diaper without knowing it), Scootaloo and Tiara were led downstairs to the dining room and placed into adjacent chairs at the table.

Scootaloo was quite looking forward to lunch, but she wasn't thrilled to have a baby blue bib tied around her neck. "Aw come on, I don't need some dumb bib. I'm not a messy eater!" She complained, folding her hooves in a pouting motion.

"So you say, but I can't be sure," Filthy explained. "If you can prove to me that you can eat lunch without makin' a mess, I'll let ya eat without a bib for dinner. How's that sound?"

"You got yourself a deal, Mr. Rich!" Scootaloo boldly declared. "Now, what's for lunch? I'm as hungry as a horse."

In answer to Scootaloo's question, Randolph came trotting out of the kitchen with an enormous grin on his face. But Scootaloo took one look at what rested on the tray he was tugging along, and her happy mood turned to one of disappointment. "Foal food, really?" She frowned, looking at the different jars of the weirdly colored mushy and pasty substances.

"Think of this as insurance to guarantee you've learned your lesson," Filthy advised to Scootaloo. "Now, I shall leave the task of feedin' ya to Randolph, while I work on a few papers in my study. I'll be back later, so you'd better not give Randolph a hard time." And with that, Filthy departed from the dining room.

Meanwhile, while Spoiled was busy spoon feeding Diamond, Randolph presented a wide variety of jars to Scootaloo and asked her. "Which flavor would you like first? I have a good variety: Mashed Peas, Cream of Carrot, Sweet Potato, Blueberry Delight, Creamy Banana, and Strawberry Surprise."

"Guess I'll try the blueberry one first," Scootaloo reluctantly answered. "And I guess I have to be spoon fed as well?"

Randolph smiled. "Exactly, glad you understand what's expected of you," He proceeded to unscrew the lid on the jar, and dipped a spoon in the dark blue-colored mush. "Open wide." The butler politely instructed.

Scootaloo did as she was told, even if she'd rather keep her mouth shut and hope for Randolph to give up. She was hungry, and a part of her was curious as to how foal food would taste. She was almost amazed by how sweet the foal food tasted on her tongue, this put anything her mom ever made to shame, and her mom was a fairly decent cook as far as Scootaloo was concerned (aside from her strange craving for applesauce which the filly just found weird, it made even less sense than those romance novels her mom liked to read).

Lunch time came and went almost before Scootaloo had realized it, and at first she thought she'd come out of it completely clean. But upon noticing a trio of collective giggles from Spoiled, Tiara, and Randolph, she saw that somehow, a few traces of the different flavored foal foods had ended up on her face (likely due to all the weird spoon feeding gestures Randolph had made). Randolph didn't mind, he just used a rag and wiped Scootaloo's face clean with no effort.

Scootaloo leaned back in her chair, surprised at how full she felt from just foal food. Then, before she even realized it, she opened her mouth and belched out an "Urp!" so loudly that she swear Spike would've been jealous (though she had to admit she felt less bloated now).

"Nice once, Scootaloo!" Diamond cheered, clapping her hooves. "On a scale of one to ten, that was clearly an eleven! I wish I could burp like that!"

"Don't be getting any ideas, Diamond!" Spoiled scolded playfully. "Burping like that, even if unintentional, is most uncouth! Even more so than doing one's business in diapers instead of the lavatory."

As the two fillies were led back upstairs, Scootaloo reluctantly looked across to Tiara and asked in a whisper. "About what your mother said. You don't actually..." She trailed off, unable to even bring herself to say the next thing.

Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately better described the situation) Tiara whispered back. "Not intentionally, but I have sometimes done it by accident. If nothing else, Mother's funny faces are 'interesting' to say the least."

If Spoiled heard that response, she didn't acknowledge it all. She just pushed open the door to the nursery and ushered the two fillies inside.

Noticing what seemed like a soft pith helmet lying on the floor of the nursery, Scootaloo got an idea in her head. "Hey, Diamond," She said with a grin. "Why don't we play a little bit of Daring Do? I'll be Daring Do, and you can be Rainbow Dash, her trusty sidekick that she partners up with on occasion."

"I swear I'll never understand why A. K. Yearling would write something like that in her books. It completely kills the immersion," Diamond grumbled, but she still complied. However, a question soon presented itself to her. "But who are we gonna get to play the dreaded Ahuizotl, Daring Do's sworn enemy?"

"Look no further than me," Spoiled declared all of a sudden. "I think I could use a break from having to change diapers and tend to little fillies. Besides, Ahuizotl isn't really that bad. At least unlike Dr. Caballeron, he's honest about his intentions."

"Even if that means trying to subject a village to eight hundred years of unrelenting heat?" Scootaloo commented, raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever, he's just a fictional villain. His goals can be as silly or as cruel as the story needs them to be." Spoiled replied, rolling her eyes.

Scootaloo felt tempted to open her mouth and say something about that secret Rainbow had told her about Daring Do, but decided against it. "Rainbow Dash was probably pulling my leg anyway," She thought to herself. "There's no way any of that stuff could actually be real. If it was, I'm sure somepony would've reported on it by now." And instead she opted to slip into the role of Daring Do, and forget all about the poofy (and crinkly) undergarment currently taped to her rump.

Daring Do had just been freed from her prison, with a help little from her newly appointed sidekick, Rainbow Dash. And now it was up to the two fearless ponies, to put an end to Ahuizotl's evil scheme to bring about eight hundred years of heat!

"Just one more ring to place and the ceremony will be complete! My hold will be unbreakable, and the whole world will bow before the evil that is, Ahuizotl!" Ahuizotl laughed, boasting to himself.

"Not so fast, Ahuizotl!" Daring Do cried out, stepping forward from the shadows. "Drop the ring, now!"

Ahuizotl just laughed and sneered. "Oh, and who's going to stop me, Daring Do?! Just you?! Surely, you realize that any such efforts are futile, no?!"

"She's not alone!" Rainbow Dash shouted, as she too stepped forward. "I'm Rainbow Dash, and Daring Do and I are going to stop you! You reign of evil ends now!"

"Two against one?! You must be desperate!" Ahuizotl taunted. "There's no way either of you can stop me! Though I welcome the impossible challenge all the same!" He then shouted to one of his minions. "Place the ring, quickly! I'll take care of these do gooders!"

But that proved to be a mistake on Ahuizotl's part, for as soon as he turned his attention away from the ring placing ceremony, a well timed toss of the pith helmet from Daring Do was enough to knock out the very minion Ahuizotl had entrusted with the important task. Rainbow Dash then zipped around, taking care of the rest.

"Not so tough now, are you, Ahuizotl?!" Daring smirked. "Two heads are better than one, dunderhead!"

"Curses, foiled again! I will have my revenge yet, Daring Do! We'll see each other again someday!" Ahuizotl vowed, and ran off.

"Oh no you don't, you're not getting away that easily!" Rainbow cried, tossing a rope to Daring.

Daring smiled, looking at her sidekick. "Good thinking Rainbow, time to tie up this loose end," And she zipped over, and quickly tied the fabric around Ahuizotl, thus causing him to fall down. Triumphantly, Daring and Rainbow stood over the tied up baddy, as Daring boldly proclaimed. "Once again, the day has been saved, thanks to Daring Do and her trusty sidekick, Rainbow Dash!"

Filthy Rich (who had come trotting in during the playing pretend session), smiled and clapped his hooves in approval. "Bravo fillies, bravo," He cooed, giggling at his wife who was currently tied up in comical fashion. "You certainly taught 'Ahuizotl' that crime doesn't pay."

Spoiled just groaned, as she struggled to stand up even though the knot wasn't tied all that tightly. "Well, I think I've had more than enough 'excitement' in my life for one day," She commented, clearly her throat. "You can manage the foals for the rest of today, can't you, dear?"

Filthy nodded. "Of course I can, hun. Guess I'll see ya tonight," Giving his wife a small kiss on the cheek, he then turned his attention to the brave little adventurers standing before him in matching pith helmets. His heart briefly swelled with pride, before he told them. "Well, I think now it's time for all brave little adventurers to take their nap. But first, I believe a diaper check is in order, as well as the offer of a potty break."

Diamond fully cooperated, even smiling as she offered up her diapered rump to her dad and let him pull back the padding to check. "Still as fresh as a daisy, good job keepin' your diapee clean my little prince." Filthy happily cooed.

"Glad you approve, Daddy. I'm doing my best to be a big filly and do my pee pees and poo poos in the potty." Tiara playfully responded.

"And you're doin' a most impressive job I'd say," Filthy praised, then turned his attention to Scootaloo. "What about you, Scootaloo?" And he pulled back her diaper next.

"Is this really necessary?" Scootaloo blushed. "I mean, wouldn't I know if I'd done either number one or number two in it?"

"Maybe, but sometimes a foal's bodily functions can be unpredictable," Filthy explained. "In any case, you're clean too. So, do either of ya need to use the potty?"

"Nah." Both fillies replied, confident that they wouldn't need to relieve themselves anytime soon.

"Very well then," Filthy said with a bright smile, leading the two to Tiara's princess sized bed. "Sweet dreams, my little ponies. See you when you wake up."

"But, I'm not tired, not even a little!" Scootaloo protested, even as she could hear her pink coated friend practically drifting off next to her (though not without grabbing a hot pink colored pacifier first and inserting it into her mouth).

"Well, I know somethin' that'll fix that right up," Filthy winked. "I decided to prepare one, just in case you or Diamond had trouble fallin' asleep."

"You don't mean-" Scootaloo began, but was cut off as she felt a rubber nipple be inserted into her mouth. Said nipple being attached to a baby bottle full of milk.

"Don't talk, just focus on sucklin' on it. It should make ya feel sleepy." Filthy advised, and though hesitant to a great deal, Scootaloo obeyed.

The milk worked like magic, just seconds after she had managed to get the last drops of the sweet tasting liquid out of the bottle and into her mouth, Scootaloo found herself getting drowsy. "Thank you, Mr. Rich." She yawned, and in the blink of an eye she was snoring away (quite loudly in fact).

Filthy only chuckled to himself, as he rose from the side of the bed and left the room. "Never knew a foal yet that could resist sleep after a warm bottle of milk." He thought to himself, that bright smile never leaving his face.

Scootaloo slept soundly for what felt like a long time, and perhaps it was. She was never the best at keeping track of that sort of thing when she slept. All she knew, was that eventually she was able to slowly open her eyes, yawn, and sit up. By this point, her pink coated friend was already wide awake. "Wakey wakey, sweepy head." Diamond babbled in a fake foalish lisp.

"Tat was a good sweep." Scootaloo lisped back, before she noticed something or rather two somethings. The first was that her voice was muffled behind a pacifier (which she quickly spat out), and the second was an uncomfortable damp feeling from somewhere in her lower regions. "No, it couldn't be!" Scootaloo thought to herself, but upon looking down at her diaper she could see the unmistakeable damp patch on the seat of it. "Just great!" She groaned, kicking her legs about (which only caused her diaper to squish loudly). "That milk must've gone straight through me, and my body decided using the diaper was better than waking me up!"

Fortunately, Scootaloo didn't need to wait for very long to be changed. For at that very moment, as if on command, Filthy came trotting back into the nursery. "Did my foals have a good nap?" He asked, cooing yet again (how many times he'd done so today, Scootaloo couldn't tell. Quite a lot, anyway.).

Tiara giggled, as she answered. "Yes we did, Daddy. But wittwe Scootawoo had a bit of an oopsie in her diapee. Thankfully, just number one though."

"I can see that quite clearly," Filthy replied, clearly trying to keep a giggle from slipping out. Bending down to Scootaloo's level, and speaking in a normal adult tone of voice he asked her. "I assume you want to get changed, correct?"

Scootaloo nodded. "This is so uncomfortable, I don't see why foals only cry if they do number two and not number one. Especially because this is so cold by now."

"Then I guess it's a good thing ya woke up when you did, wouldn't ya to get a nasty diapee rash now would ya?" Filthy teased, hoping to lighten up the mood, as he gingerly lay Scootaloo down on the changing table and hummed to himself as he slipped on a pair of disposable gloves. "Okay, ready?" He asked his young charge.

"Sure, I want to get out of this diaper already! Never thought I'd be glad to have a fresh one put on me." Scootaloo commented to herself, and looked up at the ceiling again to distract herself.

The entire changing process proceeded smoothly, at least up until the wet wipes made contact with Scootaloo's fur. The orange coated filly shivered and wiggled at their cold touch.

"Sorry, bet that feels really cold," Filthy apologized. "But if you wiggle, this'll only take longer than it needs to. So can ya please hold still for me, just for a little bit?"

"I'll try." Scootaloo replied, mentally bracing herself for the cold touch of the wipes. Fortunately, she was able to resist the urge to wiggle long enough for Filthy to wipe away all traces of her little accident. She cooperated fully with the rest of the process, even though she was surprised to feel Filthy work in a bit of rash cream after diapering and powdering her.

"There we go, all nice and clean." Filthy smiled, patting Scootaloo's diaper as a few puffs of foal powder escaped it with each firm pat.

Dinner was uneventful for Scootaloo, who was most relieved to have some normal food for a change (a delicious carrot dog topped with ketchup and mustard), even though she had to eat with a bib tied around her neck. But even after accepting and polishing off a chocolate milkshake for dessert, she was a bit disappointed to see that she still had some time before her mom was expected to swing by and pick her up from this playdate. And that just left one nagging question: What was she to do to pass that time?

Tiara had an idea, quickly leading Scootaloo back up to her nursery. "Why don't we play dress up?" She offered, showing off her closest full of dresses of various colors and designs. "I find that always helps to pass the time, even if it's not for a tea party."

"How can you even have tea parties? The guest list must be pretty short." Scootaloo commented.

"Maybe, but that just makes them all the more special when it's just between Mother, Theodore, and I," Diamond giggled, as she stepped into a pretty pink princess dress. "Now go ahead, Scootaloo. Pick out whatever you feel like. There's enough dresses here, that we could host our own foal fashion show if we wanted to."

Scootaloo stepped back and shook her head."Fashion show?! Dress up?! You must be crazy! Don’t you know me at all?!" She protested.

"Ah, but why would I be?" Tiara innocently inquired of her orange coated friend. "I mean, you wore a dress when you and your Crusader friends got to be the flower fillies for Princess Cadence's wedding. And you also wore a dress when you attended the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot about two years ago."

"So, that was the gala! It was a rule of hoof that you had to wear a dress if you wanted to go, I wasn't gonna go just because I didn't wanna wear a dress!" Scootaloo explained. "I mean come on, even Rainbow Dash had to wear something prissy, and you know she doesn't typically wear anything that's not a Daring Do costume or a Wonderbolts outfit!"

"Well, how about this?" Diamond offered, pulling out a simple (yet still kind of poofy) dress that was a light blue in color. "I think this dress is the least fancy dress in my entire collection. My dad bought it for me for a party he held when I finally learned how to use the potty."

"Bet your mother was the one who wanted that celebration." Scootaloo snickered, though a part of her felt jealous that such a major milestone for her friend had been celebrated with a party. Scootaloo would've loved the chance to enjoy cake and receive gifts.

"Anyway," Diamond cleared her throat, trying not to blush. "You put this dress on, and I'll let you wear my tiara. I think it'd look good on you."

Scootaloo was surprised by the offer. "You'd really do that for me?" She asked, and had to regain her composure before she added. "I mean, that tiara's part of what makes you, well Diamond Tiara."

"It's just one tiara, I have a whole bunch of 'em stored in a drawer. Some of them can even cast spells," Tiara boasted. "So, do we have a deal?"

Scootaloo thought about the offer for a moment, mentally weighing the pros and cons. At last, at the risk of possibly tempting fate she said out loud. "Oh, what the heck? It's not like anypony will see me like this besides you and your father."

But Scootaloo was wrong, just moments after she'd put on the dress and accepted her friend's signature headpiece, she was surprised to hear a familiar female voice let out an "Aww!", and comment. "That is so adorable."

With an eep, Scootaloo spun around, coming face to face with her mother! "Mom!" She exclaimed, jumping back in surprise. "Uh... this isn't what it looks like?" She hopelessly blurted out, knowing full well that argument was pointless.

Dizzy Twister only kept up that cooing face, as she commented. "Gosh, that tiara complements your diaper and dress so perfectly. I swear, you're almost giving me a heart attack with how cute you look!" Pulling out the same camera she had let her daughter borrow for her school project on Rainbow Dash, she instructed, "Smile!" and snapped a photo.

"Are you gonna show Dad that?" Scootaloo gulped, worried about the embarrassment that would ensue if that were to happen.

But Dizzy only shook her head. "Now why would I do that? I think you've more than learned your lesson about respecting other ponies privacy, and not making fun of them for what they do behind closed doors," She then smiled brightly, as she carefully stored the photo away and put the camera away too, as she explained to her daughter. "This picture is just so I have something to remember the moment by. Now come on, let's get you undiapered and get you home. But first, I believe you know what you need to say, correct?"

"Do I have to?" Scootaloo whined, even though she knew the answer. With a nudge from her mom, she said to Tiara. "Thanks for letting me come over, and thanks for lending me your tiara for a moment. Here, you can have it back now."

Diamond accepted the headpiece, carefully readjusting it to fit atop her head. Then she said back to Scootaloo. "You're welcome. I must say, for somepony who had such an average foalhood, you sure seemed to not mind parts of the whole 'acting like a foal' thing."

"I suppose it wasn't all bad," Scootaloo concluded. "Maybe I might be up for doing this again someday. Keep word being 'maybe', and I'm definitely not in a rush to try this again anytime soon, I need some time to think about it first."

"That's quite alright, you were a good playmate either way." Tiara happily replied, and then she watched as Scootaloo's diaper was removed, and after slipping out of the dress, the orange coated filly accepted her mother's hoof and left the Rich family mansion.

"Three playmates in the span of less than a month," Diamond thought to herself, once Scootaloo had left. "I guess I should be expecting my next 'playmate' to pop up within this same time frame?"