• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,655 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 2 - Sweetie Belle

Author's Note:

Not all chapters will have messing scenes, and some chapters will be more ageplay heavy than others.

The bit with Sweetie Belle involves a bit of personal headcanon for this fic alone, that was discussed with Smity1038 back when he had his FiMFiction account of Smity91. Those discussions will also make their way into future chapters.

The same rules for voting apply here. Polling will be open for 48 hours from when the chapter is published (unless I say otherwise, in which case I will try to give you a heads up). You may vote for one pony, but you may change your vote as often as you wish before the polls close. If you vote for more than one pony, the first pony listed gets a full vote, and the second gets half a vote.

Here are the remaining options:
Apple Bloom
Silver Spoon

Filthy Rich spent the next couple of days weighing his options carefully, though he said nothing to Diamond Tiara (no need to get his princess' hopes up before he could be sure of a playmate). In the meantime, Diamond and Spoiled went back to their usual routine and life more or less went on as if nothing had happened.

However, about a week after Spoiled had rather reluctantly agreed to be Tiara's playmate, Filthy's mind was inadvertently made up for him. For although he hadn't yet intended to reveal his daughter's secret, one of her friends found out anyway.

It was just past noon, and at the Rich family mansion Diamond had just finished a delicious lunch of chopped veggies (and had been sure to offer up a burp on command from a few pats). She was just about to make her way back to her bedroom, for what would surely be an eventful afternoon of solo playtime, when her ears picked up an all too familiar sound. It was the sound of somepony knocking on the door. Tiara froze, a look of horror crossing her face. "I can't let anypony see me like this! My reputation will be in a complete meltdown!" She anxiously thought to herself, but for some reason her hooves wouldn't budge an inch, it was as if they were frozen to the spot!

Filthy, unaware of his daughter's mini freak-out, trotted to the front door and answered it. He smiled, upon recognizing the curly two toned light purple mane and tail, and pale light green eyes, that belonged to Sweetie Belle one of the three fillies to whom he owed a great deal of thanks (without them, who knows if his precious daughter would've ever seen the light of being a better filly). "Ah, hello Sweetie Belle," Filthy greeted with a smile. "What are ya here for today?"

Sweetie Belle just smiled back, and innocently made her way inside, suspecting nothing. "Hello Mr. Rich," She replied cheerfully. "I just stopped by to see if Diamond Tiara was available for a Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting today, honorary members are welcome."

It was now that Filthy's tone and behavior changed from warm and welcoming, to somewhat awkward and distant. "Oh, you needn't worry about Diamond," He insisted, stepping directly in front of Sweetie. "She's currently...." He paused, and tapped a hoof to his chin in thought, before he hastily added. "Occupied. Yeah, occupied, that's a good excus… I mean, yeah that's it!"

"Occupied with what?" Sweetie innocently asked, not one to just settle for vague answers. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing. Heck, I can wait until she's done with whatever she's occupied with if that'll make you feel better."

"But she won't be done anytime soon," Filthy protested a but rudely, trying to block Sweetie from advancing any further. "Please, I'll tell Diamond ya stopped by. Now if you would kindly leave, that'd be great."

However, Sweetie was able to tilt her neck ever so slightly, allowing her to look past Filthy and see for herself what he seemed to be trying to hide. She spotted the pink coat of her friend Tiara easily, but was it the filly's imagination or did Diamond look... 'different' for lack of a better term?

Her curiosity getting the best of her, Sweetie darted past Filthy before the stallion had a chance to react. Soon, she was face to face with Diamond, and it was now that Sweetie could clearly see a white diaper, and a pretty thick one at that. Not even bothering to blink and make sure she wasn't seeing things, Sweetie looked at her motionless friend and asked her. "Um, Diamond... why are you wearing a diaper?"

Tiara remained frozen and just nervously stuttered, "I... I... I..." over and over again. What could she say to Sweetie that would satisfy her friend's question, while also not giving away the actual reason for her current peculiar padded presentation?

Surprisingly, it was Spoiled Rich of all ponies who broke the extended silence, instinctively stepping forward and clearing her throat. "If you must know, this is something Diamond and I do in secret, as a way of improving our bond with each other," The mare explained in her trademark snobbish tone. "And you aren't going to tell a single soul! For if you do, I'll see to it that my daughter never again associates with the likes of you and your friends. Don't think I haven't noticed that 'club' of yours that you've recently turned into a business. But if you want anymore of my daughter's 'ideas', you're going to have to keep quiet about this whole affair! Are we clear on that?"

Though surprised to see Spoiled stick up for Diamond, Sweetie nodded in compliance without a second thought. "Don't worry, Mrs. Rich. I wasn't gonna tell anypony anyway, and even if I did I don't think they'd believe me," Looking at her diapered pink coated friend, Sweetie then commented. "You know, you look pretty cute with that diaper on. I really mean it, I'm so jealous of you right now! Rarity would never do something like this with me... "

Diamond blushed, unsure what to make of that 'compliment'. "Uh, thanks, I guess?" Was all she could bring herself to say, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

Just then, a light bulb went off in Sweetie's head! "Tell you what, I'll cover you for at the meeting today and just tell everypony you're sick! Then tomorrow, since Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are busy with other things, I'll stop by here and be your playmate! If you want me to that is?"

"You'd be my playmate?" Tiara asked, as if surprised anypony would offer. "Even if that means wearing diapers and having to be treated like a foal all day long?"

Sweetie didn't hesitate to nod in approval. "Of course, that sounds like a lot of fun actually! It looks... different, but cute."

"And you think your parents and your big sister would just approve, like that?" Diamond commented, worried about Sweetie telling either of them about her discovery.

"Who says they need to know?" Sweetie replied with a knowing wink. "As long as I'm home by sundown, they won't really worry about where I am. And in case they do, I can just leave them a note about my location, along with my sworn promise to be home by the end of the day. That should be more than good enough for my parents, or Rarity," Then she pondered. "Though, maybe I should tell my big sister? I'll bet she could make me some really cute outfits for the occasion."

Tiara instantly protested with a raucous shout. "No! Please! Rarity is the last pony I need finding out about this!"

"Okay, okay," Sweetie replied, agreeing to her friend's terms. And then she turned to leave. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Diamond," Looking up at Filthy she asked the stallion. "What time should I be over by?"

"Whenever you feel is appropriate," Filthy told her. "Though maybe you should at least til after breakfast, in case my little Diamond makes a little stinky. She doesn't do it often, mind you, but it still happens sometimes. She’s getting better, honestly."

"Ew!" Sweetie gagged, holding her muzzle. "Okay, gonna just ignore that last bit," She then called out to Diamond. "See you tomorrow morning. Hope those diapers are a 'one size fits all' kind!" And with that, she was gone!

Even though it hadn't seemed likely, Tiara was still hoping that she had just imagined the whole Sweetie Belle ordeal. But the following day, not long after the pink coated filly had finished breakfast, there came an ominous sound at the front door.

Randolph was the one who opened the door this time, and he smiled upon seeing Sweetie on the other side. "Ah, Miss. Sweetie Belle. Do come in." The butler greeted, politely ushering his guest inside and closing the door firmly.

"Where's Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie asked, her eyes scanning all around for a trace of her crowned friend.

"Mistress Tiara is currently with Mistress Spoiled in the bedroom," Randolph explained. "And Master Filthy is busy with some important papers in his study. Therefore, I have been assigned the duty of diapering you, and took the liberty of bringing the necessary supplies from the nursery," Taking Sweetie by the hoof he instructed. "Follow me please, no doubt you've been briefed that you'll be expected to wear a fluffy diaper for the duration of the day. And that you may not take it off without permission, correct?"

Sweetie nodded in compliance, as she was led down the hall and into the living room, promptly being seated on the lush sofa. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way," She commented, laying down when instructed. As the diaper was taped to her rump, a nagging question rose to the front of her mind and she asked. "So, will I still be allowed to use the bathroom if I want to?"

Randolph nodded, making sure to secure the diaper tapes so the undergarment they held up wouldn't come off unexpectedly. "If you need to use the potty, as foals call it, you may gladly asked either Mistress Spoiled or myself, or even Master Filthy if he decides to be a caretaker. Though today it seems he'll be otherwise indisposed," He told his guest and helped her to stand. "Now then, what would you like to do first Miss. Sweetie Belle? Or do you prefer just Sweetie?"

"Whichever works for you," Sweetie smiled politely. "I know it's probably too late for breakfast, but can I have something to eat for a snack? Mom's cooking still isn't the greatest, I just don't see how it's possible for a pony to burn juice."

Randolph only giggled, as he motioned for Sweetie to follow him to the dining room. "I'm certain your mother's cooking can't be as bad as Mistress Spoiled's cooking," He whispered to her. "Don't tell her I said this, but despite her upbringing it would seem she never learned how to make her own meals. That is part of why she leaves the baking to me most of the time."

Sweetie just giggled, as a baby blue bib was tied around her neck, while she sat herself in a chair at the far end of the dining room table. Even though the babying process had just started, she was already enjoying every moment of it. Pressing a hoof to her diaper, she was delighted at how soft to the touch it was, and how audible the crinkles were. "This is so comfortable, it's like having a cloud hugging your rump," She thought absent-mindedly to herself. "Maybe I should ask Scootaloo if that's actually possible?"

Randolph returned shortly with a steaming plate of fresh veggies, all neatly chopped up into small pieces. "Mistress Spoiled tends to believe in 'healthy snacks'," He explained, as he presented the veggies to the foalified filly. "I trust these are acceptable to you? I would be glad to get you some foal food instead."

"Nah, veggies are fine. Anything's better than that mush I had for breakfast." Sweetie commented, licking her lips.

"Good, now open wide." Randolph cooed, offering a forkful of the chopped up veggies to the filly as it suddenly became a metaphorical airplane .

Sweetie finished off the veggies incredibly fast. So quickly in fact, you'd have thought she was lying about having had any sort of morning meal. Randolph didn't mind or find this odd at all, he just offered forkful after forkful, and each time Sweetie opened without hesitation. Once the snack was over, Randolph took his young charge and held her over his lap, patting her back a few times as if giving her a massage.

"Why is he doing this? What does he expect me to-oh!" Sweetie realized, and on command she let out a huge "Urp!", followed by a quickly timed "Excuse me".

"Good foal," Randolph cooed and smiled, removing Sweetie's bib. "Glad to see you didn't leave a mess for me to clean," Clearing his throat he then added. "Now, shall we adjourn to the nursery? No doubt, Diamond and Mistress Spoiled will be there, waiting patiently for you."

Sweetie started bouncing up and down in excitement. "Oh boy, this is gonna be so much!" She playfully giggled, and raced upstairs without a moment's hesitation, before she realized she didn't actually know where Diamond's bedroom was.

Randolph was completely unfazed by this, he simply trotted up the same flight of stairs at his own pace. "I trust you now understand, why I will kindly ask you to refrain from running around like a headless chicken, correct?" He said, giving the diapered filly a stern yet playful look.

Sweetie rubbed the back of her neck and tried not to look too embarrassed. "Sorry, guess I got a little carried away with all my excitement."

"It's quite alright, but these old bones can only move so fast," Randolph joked. "Celestia only knows how much I wear myself out just tending to Diamond," He proceeded to lead Sweetie down the hallway, stopping outside the ajar second door to the left, which he pushed open. "Per Mistress Spoiled's orders, I am not to interfere during playtime, unless you set yourself on fire, so I shall make myself scarce for the time being. I don't believe I shall see you again until lunch time at the earliest. Do be on your best behavior for Mistress Spoiled and try not to break anything too expensive."

"Relax, I'll be careful. Besides, I'm not that clumsy. Apple Bloom's the one who has four left hooves." Sweetie replied to Randolph, before entering Tiara's bedroom, amazed at how just fancy it was. It seemed more like a room fit for a princess than a school filly, what with how vibrant the colors were and how shiny everything looked.

Tiara was currently working on an alphabet block tower (though she did turn around long enough to wave a hoof in greeting), whereas Spoiled eyed Sweetie Belle with what seemed like a half glare-half smile. "Letting one third of the trio of fillies responsible for the change in my daughter's behavior not only come over here, but take part in what was supposed to be for just me and my little Diamond," She reflected with a sigh. "Though, I suppose if not for her and her 'Crusader' friends, I wouldn't still be living here, and my daughter would still probably hate me with all her heart. So I guess she's kind of alright."

Sweetie immediately noticed all the toys that lay scattered across the floor, including a rattle, squeaky tools, and an old stuffed teddy bear that rested on the bed. She felt tempted to pick one of said toys up with her magic, but then she looked at Diamond's quickly growing alphabet block tower, and a cheeky grin formed on her face as she got an idea. "It's just for this one time. Besides, Diamond was probably gonna knock that thing down soon anyway." She thought.

Tiara was too absorbed in stacking up the alphabet blocks, taking great care to keep the tower she was making from wobbling too much to pay much attention to anything else. She wasn't sure if there were any sort of pony records related to alphabet blocks, but the pink coated filly was gonna try either way to make the tallest tower she could possibly construct. However, without warning, a white colored hoof knocked aside several of the blocks! Diamond instantly saw that said hoof had come from none other than Sweetie. "Hey, why did you do that?!" She complained loudly. "I worked so very hard on that tower."

"Indeed she did," Spoiled added, approaching Sweetie with a look of disapproval. "Is this your idea of a joke? You come here, begging to join my daughter for a diaper playdate. And yet the moment you set hoof in this nursery, you think it fun to just carelessly destroy my little Diamond's preciously crafted construction of alphabet blocks?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Rich!" Sweetie instantly apologized, now regretting her rash decision. "I'll help Diamond build a new one, it'll be easy with my magic."

"That can wait a while," Spoiled sternly lectured, grabbing Sweetie and pulling her away. "For now, I think you've earned yourself a timeout, young filly. Think about what you did, and why you shouldn't do it again."

"Ah, but that's no fun!" Sweetie pouted. But deep down she knew that she'd chosen to act like a naughty foal, she should've expected to be punished like one.

Time seemed to all but stop, as Sweetie just stared at that same corner wall, sitting on her diapered rump and thinking about all the fun she'd missed out on. If only she hadn't opted to destroy that block tower without so much as a second thought (or at least approval from the one building the structure).

At last, Sweetie's ears picked up the sound of hooves approaching. And she spun around in time to see Spoiled Rich approaching her, the disapproving look had faded ever so slightly. "Well, do you think now I can trust you not to be so inconsiderate and mean?" She asked Sweetie. "If so, I'm willing to let you enjoy your playtime."

Sweetie instantly pleaded. "Yes, I'll behave. Now can I please be set free from the time out corner?"

Spoiled nodded, then added. "Only if you agree to keep your word, and help my little Diamond build a new block tower. And it better be as good as the one you thoughtlessly wrecked!"

"It will be, I promise," Sweetie agreed, and despite the thickness of her diaper she managed to crawl across the floor, soon approaching Tiara as she apologized. "Sorry about the block tower. Ready to build a new one?"

"Of course, Sweetie Belle," Diamond nodded, as she grabbed a few blocks. "I'll start with the ones on the bottom, and you can use your magic to place the ones on the top. Just make sure you place them properly, and that they don't waddle too much. Together, I think we'll build a bigger block tower than I could've ever done alone."

And indeed they did. The two fillies worked together tirelessly, and although it took longer than either of them would've liked, at last there stood the most magnificent alphabet block tower you ever did see. Even Spoiled was impressed, and that was no easy feat given her rather high standards, even in the field of construction.

But all that building, stacking, and planning, had caused both Tiara and Sweetie to work up quite the appetite. As if on cue, the moment the clock struck twelve there came a dual rumbling of stomachs from both fillies.

"Are my foals hungry?" Spoiled cooed in rhetorical fashion (she knew she hadn't misheard those rumblings).

"I guess we are," Sweetie replied, still getting used to the idea that Spoiled could actually be nice (as opposed to well, what she'd always been known as). "What's on the menu for lunch?"

"Well, you'll find out once we adjourn to the dining room," Spoiled explained and seemingly winked at Tiara, then to Sweetie she commented. "Oh, and I hope you won't object to wearing a bib, at least until I know if you're a messy eater or not."

"No problem, Mrs. Rich. Or do you want me to call you 'Mommy'?" Sweetie offered.

"Please, just Mrs. Rich will do, thank you. Only my precious little princess has the honor of calling me that. Isn't that right, my little Diamond?" Spoiled cooed, leading the two fillies to the dining room.

"That's right." Tiara nodded, but said no more. She wasn't comfortable saying 'Mommy' around one of her friends.

The two diapered fillies were seated right next to each other at the dining room table, and both had bibs fastened around their necks (Sweetie receiving the same baby blue colored bib she'd worn for her mid to late morning snack).

"You know, this is pretty nice so far," Sweetie commented to Diamond once Spoiled had withdrawn to the kitchen. "I'm actually kind of jealous you and your mom get to do something like this. I mean, the whole wearing diapers and acting like a baby is.... Weird, to be blunt. But it did help you two draw closer to each other, right?"

"Sure seems that way, unless this whole thing has been an elaborate ruse from my mother and she's a really good actress," Tiara replied to Sweetie, before an odd thought struck her. "You thinking of doing this at home with your parents? Now that I think about it, aren't your parents always on vacation or something?"

Sweetie nodded, a small sigh escaping from her lips. "I get that they want time for themselves, and they still try to spend at least some time with me, usually during the Summer when school lets out. But I really wish they'd stop going on vacation so much, unless they're gonna start taking me on their trips. Then again, I suppose I don't really notice too much between Crusader meetings and spending time with Rarity. Not sure how she'd react to all of this, she was actually the one who had me potty trained. Mom and Dad opted to let me stay in diapers until I was almost four years old, they said it was because they felt they'd trained to potty train Rarity too fast and didn't give her time to enjoy her diapers. Guess maybe that explains why she ended up the way she did. Remember though, this is just between us."

"You're pretty lucky you got to stay in diapers for so long," Tiara commented with jealousy. "The very day after I turned two, Mother practically forced me to give up my diapers, and even Father agreed I should start learning as soon as possible. By the time I was three years old, there weren't any diapers or pull-ups to be found anywhere in this household. I thought I'd hate being put back in diapers, especially by my mom of all ponies. But I have to say, it's actually grown on me. Apart from the squishiness. I could never get used to the squishiness."

"I can see why, it's so much fun and it's so relaxing. No worries or responsibilities to bother you. You just let others take care of you, and you get to feel young and cared for again for a while," Sweetie concluded. "Wish I could think of how to best explain that to Rarity. I just know she'd hate the idea of having to change me," Then she giggled. "Could you imagine my big sister in a diaper? She'd probably shriek and scream, ranting on and on about the indignity of it all. Even though, the white would go perfect with her coat."

That mental image made Diamond chuckle. "I didn't think anypony could look sillier in a diaper than my own mother," The pink coated filly thought to herself. "But I guess my mother at least acts like a foal, Rarity acts like more of a mother. Hm, didn't I overhear about this one time one of Rarity's friends got a diaper stuck to their head?"

But before either filly could comment any further, Spoiled returned to the dining room with Randolph following close behind. Resting on a small cart, were two plates containing four slices of peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches. Spoiled presented one plate to Diamond, while Randolph offered the other to Sweetie and sat down next to her as the filly eyed the sandwiches with a puzzled look.

"Is something wrong?" Randolph inquired of Sweetie.

"Yeah, I don't really like the crusts," Sweetie explained to the butler. Hesitantly, she then asked. "Could you.... maybe... cut them off for me? I mean, if I'm a foal, then I'm not allowed to use knives, correct?"

"Indeed you are," Randolph replied, his tone of voice indicating he wasn't mad or even disappointed. He just ascended from his spot at the table, retrieved a knife from the kitchen, and carefully removed the crusts for Sweetie. "There, better?" He asked the filly.

Sweetie didn't answer, she just grabbed the now crust free sandwiches with her hooves, and started loudly chomping down on them. This contrasted quite noticeably with the well-bred Diamond, who ate slowly and neatly (as neatly as one could with peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches), but aside from a questionable look from Spoiled nopony uttered a word.

Needless to say, because of the way she chose to eat, Sweetie was quite messy by the time she was done. Randolph remained unbothered by this though, he just retrieved a rag and effortlessly wiped the diapered filly's face clean.

After lunch, the two fillies returned to the nursery, and for the next half hour they played with whatever toys caught their eye. They likely would've kept on playing longer, had Spoiled not cleared her throat and announced to the two of them when the half hour was up. "I believe it's time for my little fillies to take their naps," She cooed, her tone sounding almost like an experienced mother. "And I know what you're going to say to me: 'But we're not tired yet.' Well, unlucky for you, I have prepared for just such an occasion."

Diamond looked across to Sweetie with a look that seemed to convey. "I know what's gonna happen to us." But before Sweetie had a chance to confirm her suspicions, she was ushered out of the nursery and down to the dining room where Randolph was waiting. Resting on the table were two warm bottles of milk, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who they were meant for.

"A bottle of milk actually sounds kind of nice. It always seems to make the Cake Twins sleepy when it's offered to them at the right time." Sweetie thought, recalling that one time she and her fellow Crusaders had offered to foalsit the twins in the hopes of getting their cutie marks (the experience was one the trio weren't fond of looking back on, too many painful memories of chasing little ones around the room).

This time, instead of Randolph, Spoiled was the one who tended to Sweetie. And she did so by immediately scooping the filly into her arms, and inserting the rubber nipple of the bottle into the filly's mouth. "Careful not to drink it too fast. Diamond always does, and every time she ends up burping right in my face," Spoiled cooed at Sweetie. "Maybe my daughter just needs to see how a proper foal sips milk from her bottle."

Sweetie tried as best she could, it was hard to resist drinking down all that sweet tasting milk as fast as possible. But somehow, she managed, and it just made the sweet taste of the liquid even sweeter. However, the filly still couldn't help but let out a small burp anyway.

Like magic, by the time Sweetie and Diamond had made it back up the stairs and were approaching the nursery, they were starting to fall asleep. "Boy, I don't think I'll have any trouble dropping off. And usually, it takes me a while to fall asleep, even when in I'm a good mood." Sweetie thought to herself, barely able to keep her eyes open long enough to see herself be tucked into the same bed as her pink coated friend.

For how long Sweetie was asleep for, she didn't know. And she certainly didn't know how long Tiara had been asleep for. All the filly knew was, she was eventually roused from slumber land by a gentle but firm hoof rubbing against her fur, and a voice calling out. "Time to get up, my little ponies."

"Five more minutes, please" Sweetie pleaded, surprised at the fact that her voice sounded like it was muffled behind something. Curious, the filly sat up in Diamond's princess sized bed and opened her eyes. It was now that she saw a sky blue pacifier had been inserted into her mouth (no doubt while she'd been asleep), and she was currently suckling on it. Spitting it out, Sweetie quickly found that the source of the voice was Spoiled Rich, who seemed to have an unusually big smile on her face.

Upon removing her own hot pink pacifier, Tiara looked at her mother and asked her. "What is it? And why did you wake us up when we were sleeping so peacefully?"

"Thought you might like to throw an afternoon tea party while you still have the chance." Spoiled offered.

"A tea party?" Sweetie asked, still feeling a bit groggy.

Tiara nodded. "It's a lot of fun, even if the guest list is pretty short. Usually it's just tea for three."

"You mean you, your mom, and Randolph?" Sweetie concluded, certain of the obvious answer.

But Diamond giggled as she replied. "No, me, mom, and Theodore. He's my stuffed bear, and he's great fun to have at tea parties, even if he doesn't drink tea. You should hear his jokes, though!"

"Wait, you talk to your stuffed animal?" Sweetie asked, to which Diamond nodded. "I thought I was the only pony who was into it, even though I don't really do that anymore. Mom says I used to all the time as a little filly though."

"Trust me, Theodore's a hoot!" Tiara commented, grinning from ear to ear.

Clearing her throat as the two fillies got out of bed, Spoiled issued a request. "Well, before we begin setting up for the tea party, there's something important that I need to ask. Do either of you need to use the potty?"

Diamond's hoof shot up in an instant, she could feel the telltale signs her bladder was giving off that it would be need to be emptied soon. And she certainly wasn't about to have another tea party where she wet herself (even if the last time it had been unintentional).

But Sweetie just shut her eyes, and a faint but noticeable hissing sound could be heard as her legs spread apart. In a matter of seconds, her diaper was thoroughly soaked. Yet despite the yellow patch on the front it seemed like it could still hold more. "Woops." She blushed and giggled.

Spoiled just sighed. "Should've figured she'd be the one to do something like that. Well, I guess I should be thankful it was just a number one." She thought to herself, and after taking a deep breath she instructed. "Diamond, you can go use the potty. Randolph will help you with your diaper."

"Can do, Mommy!" Tiara replied, immediately dashing out of the bedroom.

Now alone, Spoiled turned to Sweetie. "As for you, we'd best get you changed. That is, unless you have something else you need to do."

"Oh no no no, I'm good. I just wanted to see what it was like to wet myself, it's actually kind of uncomfortable," Sweetie explained. "I'm certainly not interested in doing the other thing, that sounds too nasty."

"Indeed it is. Now come on, we'd best change you into a fresh diapee before you get a rash," Spoiled cooed, as she carried Sweetie to the changing table and set her on it. More than a little reluctantly, Spoiled slipped on a pair of disposable plastic gloves, and prepared her hooves for the task expected of them. "Okay, are you ready?" She asked Sweetie.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I'll try not to wiggle too much." Sweetie promised, knowing that the cold feeling of the wet wipes would surely make her shiver at least a little bit.

"Good, now here we go!" Spoiled commented to herself, and effortlessly undid the tapes on the old diaper and pulled it down in the blink of an eye. She quickly removed it from Sweetie's soggy rump and tossed it into the nearby waste bin for disposal later. Taking some wet wipes, she cleaned Sweetie's coat until it was spotless, before she slipped a new diaper on, sprinkled in a generous amount of foal powder and a pinch of rash cream to be safe, then finished the job by taping up the new diaper.

Sweetie squealed in delight, kicking about in her fresh diaper. "I think you overdid it on the foal powder just a little, Mrs. Rich." She playfully giggled, as puffs of foal powder escaped from her diaper with every crinkle.

"Well, I don't want your sister or your parents asking questions if you came home with a rash. Remember, you promised to keep this a secret." Spoiled cautioned, as she helped Sweetie down from the changing table and removed the gloves.

"Don't worry, I will. I'm not one to break a promise to a friend so easily," Sweetie beamed. "I'd Pinkie Promise, but I think you're better off not seeing the places Pinkie can pop up in when you make them." Spoiled said nothing.

The tea party passed uneventfully once Diamond came back, though Sweetie couldn't help but feel jealous at the rather lavish dresses offered up in her friend's closet (which was definitely bigger on the inside considering how small the doors appeared to be).

The day seemed to go by faster than Sweetie would've liked, and almost before the filly knew it sunset had arrived. "Guess I can't stay for too much longer," She said to Tiara. "We should totally do this again sometime though, just you and me again. Today's been so much fun."

"I agree," Diamond nodded in delight. "You've been a wonderful playmate, Sweetie Belle," But then she added. "However, why don't you at least stay for dinner? I think there's enough time, and you did say you didn't have to be home til sundown, right?"

"Right?" Sweetie answered in a confused tone. Eyeing her friend (who seemed to have a rather big grin growing by the second) as she asked. "Your point is?"

"It's not sundown just yet now is it?" Tiara pointed out.

"Well no, but-" Sweetie began.

"But nothing!" Diamond protested. "You're staying for dinner and that's the end of it. What kind of guest would I be if I let you go back to your parents house and be subject to their cooking twice in one day?"

"I.... guess a quick bite to eat wouldn't hurt. I mean, I've got at least an hour before I really have to worry about sundown," Sweetie commented, accepting her friend's offer. "So, exactly what's going to be served? Please tell me it'll be something good like lunch."

"Unfortunately, it's Mother's turn to prepare dinner tonight," Tiara frowned. "She's actually gotten better now, but her cooking's only on par with those stuffy restaurants on Restaurant Row."

"I heard that!" Spoiled shouted in fury. "Like it or not, you'll have my cooking for dinner, or you'll have nothing! My house, my rules," However, she quickly added. "But I'll tell you what? Since you've been such an exemplary playmate, Sweetie Belle. I'll be generous and throw in this offer at no extra cost. If you and Diamond Tiara eat everything I prepare, I'll let you both share a gigantic bowl of ice cream. How does that sound?"

"It's a deal!" Sweetie instantly agreed, she could never resist free ice cream. Especially if it’s chocolate.

"Very well then," Spoiled said with a smile, convinced she'd gotten the better end of the deal. "Let's not waste any time, and head straight for the dining room. Oh, and when you're ready to leave, Sweetie Belle, do be sure to take off your 'undergarment' first. Though if you want to embarrass yourself in public, far be it from me to stop you."

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that part." Sweetie commented under her breath, and followed Diamond and Spoiled to the dining room.

Sweetie was hopeful that whatever Spoiled was going to prepare wouldn't be too bad, so she just waited patiently (or rather as patiently as she could under the current circumstances) until Spoiled trotted out dressed in a ridiculous chef's hat and stuffy apron of some kind, while on a tray beside her rested a strange and almost otherworldly looking substance. "Dinner is served." Spoiled announced in an overly posh accent even for her, before she presented the substance to the two fillies.

Tiara just pouted and folded her hooves. "You just couldn't resist, could you, Mother?" She thought, cursing her own luck.

Sweetie made a face at the substance, and as Spoiled sat down the filly asked. "What in Equestria is that... that... stuff?"

"It's dinner, silly filly," Spoiled chuckled. "This cuisine just so happens to the best in all the land. After all, it's what all those 'good' restaurants that Zesty Gourmand gave a three hoof rating to served, at least until a certain fashionista and her bubbly friend saw it fit to inject their own unwanted 'opinion' into the mix."

"Oh yes, I remember that. Rarity told me all about it, she said Zesty wasn't very nice," Sweetie commented. "And she said Zesty has strange taste in food."

"I think I'm inclined to agree with Rarity on this," Diamond agreed. "I don't see how anypony who's not an uppercrust could digest this stuff."

"Well, it's all I'm making for tonight. So unless you want to go hungry, I suggest you two eat it." Spoiled encouraged the pair, a little forcefully.

"Come on, Diamond!" Sweetie said with a look of determination. "Even if this stuff tastes awful, if we manage to eat all of it we get free ice cream!"

Tiara reluctantly agreed, even she had to admit her own sweet tooth was sorely tempted by that offer of ice cream. "Okay, but if we end up contracting food poisoning from this, it's your fault." She told her friend, and then the two fillies reluctantly took turns helping themselves to the cuisine. The strong taste of it almost made the fillies gag, but somehow they gobbled it all down.

"Ugh, never again!" Tiara vowed. "I don't care what the offer is, no way I am EVER subjecting myself to that kind of torment!"

Sweetie didn't say a word, she was too busy struggling to think of something besides how bad Spoiled's cuisine tasted on the filly's tongue. She was glad to see a massive bowl of ice cream, packed with all the best toppings one could imagine, be presented to her and Diamond a short time later. If anything could remove the bad flavour, it was that.

"Careful not to eat too fast," Spoiled cautioned. "You silly little fillies wouldn't want to get lethal brain freeze now, would you?" But neither Sweetie or Diamond acknowledged her comment, they just dove right into the ice cream with their desperate tongues sampling every last bit of flavor from it.

Once the ice cream was finished off, and both Sweetie and Tiara had their faces wiped clean with a rag, it was time for Sweetie to leave. She was quite reluctant to take off her diaper, but somehow she willed herself enough to do it. "Maybe if I convince Mom and Dad, they'll let me buy some with my allowance. I'll probably have to leave them there when I go anywhere else though, at least until I can talk to Rarity about this new hobby of mine." She thought to herself, making a mental note to set aside time to do all that in the next few days.

Diamond didn't stay up for too much later after Sweetie had left, and this time she was so tired that she didn't even need a bottle of milk to help her fall asleep (though thankfully she remembered to visit the bathroom before bed, no accidents for her tonight).

"So, how was Sweetie's visit today, hun?" Filthy asked his wife, as he climbed into bed with her that night. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to take any time off to be with our precious princess, but those papers were a lot more complicated than I thought."

"It's quite alright, dear," Spoiled replied in a flat tone of voice that indicated she was trying to be polite and feign interest. "Somepony's got to make sure the Rich family business keeps on running smoothly. As for your question, I'd say it went off without a hitch. Sweetie Belle behaved pretty well I must say, she actually didn't put up much of a fight with my rules, and she even sampled my cuisine."

"And do you think our little Diamond enjoyed havin' somepony her age to play with?" Filthy asked, hopefully.

"I guess so, but you should probably ask her yourself." Spoiled advised, before she turned her head and drifted off to sleep.

"First Spoiled, and now Sweetie Belle," Filthy pondered, as he lay alone in bed with his thoughts. "So far Diamond's enjoyed playing with both of them? But does that mean I should give her another playmate sometime soon? And if so, who should it be?"