• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,979 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

  • ...

Congelée Coup d'etat

(Equestria: 2 weeks after the fall of Canterlot)

The fall of Canterlot has left an impression on many. The heart of all Equestria's politics, economy, and even the very heart of their peace was ripped out in a matter of minutes. With communications broken down, it only served to add to confusion. The only thing that could be passed around was by word-of-mouth, and those rumors were as bleak as the situation the refugees found themselves in.

There were other rumors of changeling scouts along the border, testing the snowy conditions and looking for other ways in. Some were saying they'd already infiltrated the ranks. And the confirmation of a changeling actually within the walls didn't help calm anypony down, even if he was actively helping the ponies by rooting out his shape-shifting brethren. It just helped keep suspicions on the wary ponies' minds that there was a grander scheme at play.

Sadly, though they don't know yet to what extent, they were correct...

As Spike came to check on Thorax, the changeling was wiping some kind of red liquid off his face. "You okay?" Spike asked warily, before adding, "Sorry about them."

"I knew this would happen," Thorax answered as he cleaned his head with a towel. "The worst thing about this is that tomato doesn't come out of towels easily." This elicited a chuckle from Spike, though he was not ignorant to the pain behind his friend's quip.

"I'm so sorry," Spike offered again, his head hanging low. "I know it hurts. But please don't blame them; they're just scared."

"I know," Thorax sighed. "I wish it was different... Now we'll never be accepted. Why couldn't Mom see that? Not everything-!" He stopped when he realized he'd started yelling. "I'm sorry," he murmured.

"One can only wish a single voice could change the minds and hearts of ponies so easily," Spike said with a reassuring smile. "But know that you've got a friend in me."

Thorax looked around nervously. When he saw the coast was clear, he looked back to Spike. "Listen Spike, we're not-."

"Sir!" A guard burst through the doors, heavy with sweat. "There is trouble at the front gate! A mob has gathered!"

Spike looked out of the nearest front window. Sure enough, an angry mob had formed just outside the gates of the castle. Their chanting was not easy to make out, but it was definitely clear that they wanted Thorax.

"GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE!" one pony cried.



As the shouts continued, Thorax hung his head in defeat. "I knew this would happen."

"We'll talk to them," Spike said. As he looked over the mob, something marvelous happened. Nearly a hundred crystal ponies began to surround the belligerent mob. They were screaming as well, drowning out the vitriol.

"LEAVE THORAX ALONE!" the crystal ponies chanted in unison.

The rouge changeling looked at them in awe. "Th-they're-!" Thorax stuttered. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. He felt a reassuring claw from Spike pat him above his folded wings.

"I told you so," Spike said.

Thorax took a moment to look at the masses outside, now determined more than ever.

"I'd better get down there before they start a riot," Spike stated. He headed for the door.

"Wait!" Thorax yelled. Spike jerked back around. "Listen Spike. I know how Canterlot fell. It wasn't because of the changelings... One of your own sold them out!"

"Who?" Spiked asked, confused.

Thorax hesitated a moment, but he couldn't not tell him. He braced himself before continuing. "It was Shining Armor."

Spike walked up to him, now seething. "Thorax, I understand you're going through a lot, but you'd best not lie to me. My own brother?! In league with Chrysalis?!"

Suddenly a midnight blue mist seeped into the room, piling onto itself. As the form solidified into Nightmare Moon, she spoke. "Sadly, Young Drake, he is correct."

"Then there's you," Spike scoffed.

"The insect is not wrong," she said. "I saw Shining Armor giving a speech about the reign of my sister passing. Then the changelings appeared with their queen. There is no doubt he is in league with her."

"He's under her spell again," Spike concluded. "I'll tear her apart!" he growled.

"Maybe," Thorax said, hoping to defuse the dragon's temper. "But for now we need to take care of the mobs."

"I agree with the bug." Nightmare Moon side-eyed the changeling. Spike looked from one to the other before sighing. He's put a book mark in this conversation, but he strode out of the room.

(Crystal Empire Refugee camps)

The Crystal Empire felt they were in eternal debt to Equestria, having been saved by their heroes, and they were all very happy to repay that debt. However... the size of the heart can be much outmatched by the size of the crowd. Simply put the empire didn't have enough room to house every weary brother and sister from across the tracks.

Some ponies helped pitch tents, some brought large amounts of food and blankets, and some of the local seamstresses pitched in to help make pillows and extra clothing as well. While not all the refugees could fit inside the empire, the helping hands from the empire didn't hesitate to help their friends.

"Anger, I can see of the ponies' faces." Zecora was surveying the tent city from out of a large tent that housed Maud, Pinkamina, and the cutie mark crusaders. "The tension will rise, here of all places."

"A lot of these ponies came from Canterlot, as well," Pinkamina said with a nod. She sat in a circle with the others. "I bet the snobs have never needed to pitch a tent, let alone camped in their rich lives."

Maud looked to her with a blank stare. "Now is not the time to be petty, Pinkamina."

"Bullies get what they deserve," Pinkamina answered with a shrug. "One way or another, it might do them some good to live down in the filth for a while."

The group fell silent for a few minutes until Apple Bloom spoke up.

"So, wut'er we gunna do 'bout mah sister? Big Mac wuz taken, an' so was Granny Smith. How'er we gunna save'um?"

"We need to figure out a means of escape if the changelings come back first." Maud put a reassuring hoof on the filly's head.

"Though we are under this magical projection, she is right; it does not guarantee protection. Changelings prefer to infiltrate first, so among the ponies we should expect worse."

"But we can't leave'um," Applebloom replied.

"No one wants to leave them, little one," Maud stated. "But if we get captured we can't help your sister. We'll save her and everyone."

"I want my sister to be safe too," Sweetie Belle said, scooching closer to Maud.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," a voice echoed through the tent. A familiar cream-colored pegasi lands on Pinkamina.

"Fluttershy!?" Pinkamina exclaimed while the pegasi wrapped her in an embrace. A lengthy form also started moving through the tent.

"Pinkie, you made it!"

"It would seem all is not lost," Zecora said with a soft smile, which fell when her eyes befall the lengthy creature that had come with Fluttershy. "Answer me Discord, what is this rescue's cost?"

Discord gasped in mock-offense. "I'll have you know I did this out of the kindness from my heart." He crossed his arms and resized himself to fit inside the tent better. "After all, what's the point in chaos-making if everyone is drained of all their love?"

"I've heard of you Discord," Maud said in a monotonous tone. "I already don't like you. And I'm having a hard time thinking you didn't have anything to do with this."

"Oh come now!" Discord exclaimed as he settled. "What do you think I accomplished? Gathered together some of the villains they've fought before to further test the elements of harmony, and given them a mystical artifact to drain my magic so they'd obviously betray me and nearly bring Equestria to ruin?"

"That's oddly specific," Fluttershy chimed in after letting go of Pinkamina.

"At least we'll avoid that cash grab of a movie," Pinkamina whispered to herself.

"No! I would not do that!" Discord shouted, answering his own question. "Besides, I already saw Nightmare Moon on my way in. This situation has become far more serious."

Fluttershy lowered her head as she spoke. "Changelings are everywhere. They probably have all of Ponyville by now. I just hope my animals are okay."

A small smile formed on Pinkamina's lips and she patted Fluttershy's back. "I'm sure Angel helped them escape."

"We should head to the changeling that the Empire holds dear; he seems to be with them despite their fear."

"But if more changelings are here, won't we be in danger?" Scootaloo asked.

"They would only attack if we are alone. Near crowds, they won't risk their cover being blown," Zecora responded.

"Then we all need to stick together and get to this changeling, and that dragon we saw at the rail station," Maud delivered blankly. "But I'm afraid the weird creature will give us away."

"I'm not weird!" Discord crossed his arms in offense. "Besides," he starts as his form changes. "Do you think changelings are the only ones who can shapeshift?" By the end of his sentence he'd changed form into a pony with an oddly-cut mane and bushy eyebrows.

"That was Spike," Fluttershy stated. "Maybe we can get some answers if we make it to him." She motioned outside. "Let's hurry."

And with little time to gain their bearings, they set off toward the castle.

(Just outside the walls of the Crystal Empire)

The blizzards were unforgiving outside the walls of the Empire. No creature would be foolish enough to linger, yet prints were indented deep in the snow, flakes lightly hit outlines and shapes, and breath came from empty spaces within the air.

"Lord Armor," a changeling called to Shining Armor loud enough to be heard over the winds, "we are in position and King Sombra is due to awaken in one hour."

"Have the troops circle the walls of the empire. Any that escape will be taken into custody," Shining responded.

"As you wish." With those words, the changeling took off with a light buzzing noise.

"Please Spike," Shining said to himself, "please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be."

(The Crystal Palace)

Spike walked toward the main gate with a procession of guards, determined to break up the mobs before infighting could ensue. Once outside of the main gates, the mob's flared tensions settled, but only for a moment. They may all be angry for various reason, and both sides rightfully so, but no one wants to be the pony that wakes a sleeping dragon.

Spike raised his hands in a calming manner. "I understand we are in stressful situations, and we will address everyone's concerns in due time. But for now, you all need to head back to your tents and help those who haven't completely set up yet so they can help you."

"While you house a monster!?" one pony cried.

"Thorax is not a monster!" another called. "He has helped many ponies, and is even helping all of us now!"

The mobs quickly began arguing again.

"That's enough," one guard shouted.

"SHUT UP!" a voice in the mob yelled. "Where were any of the guards when Canterlot fell!? I lost my grandparents to the changelings and you guards ran away! Some good you are!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Spike shouted as he slammed his tail into the ground. The crowd instantly fell silent. "You all want Thorax to leave so badly, then you'd better toss us out too! Since you ponies are so good at dealing with changelings, you should have no problems without us, right? Or did you forget that you ran to us for protection!?

"I will ask nicely one last time; Disperse!" Spike growled.

They slowly filed out. And with the rabble-rousers gone, the pro-Thorax crowd followed, wishing to not spoil their good deed.

Spike noticed that there was a small group of ponies moving against the leaving mob."Heyyy!" a voice called out from it. Spike squinted as the ponies got closer.

"Is that...Pinkie!? Fluttershy!?" He took to sprinting toward them and embraced his two friends. "Thank the Heart, you made it!" he exclaimed.

"Huh" Applebloom looked confused at his statement.

"It's a local term," Spike explained. "Let's get you all inside. I'll have some guards get your things. Where is everyone else?" he asked, looking around at the other ponies.

"Best we not talk about this out in the open." Maud urges everyone inside.

Spike nods in agreement. He had noticed that he didn't recognize the male pony with the group, but on more thorough look, Spike realized that it was Discord. Despite being leery of the chaos creature, he figured there must be some reason he is with the others. Spike leads them through the palace gates. "We have a lot of odd company, so please be patient with us," he warns.

Once through the doors, the group welcomed the warmth that radiated in the castle. The crystal halls were lined with rugs of the finest fabrics. The threads of the rugs were so comfortable, almost magical to the point it beckoned a heavy. Though exhausted, the group of ponies continued to follow Spike.

Each pony marveled and admired the various artworks and statues as they passed them. Each item had its own story, and under normal circumstances there would be someone stopping at every piece and explaining the history, but at the moment time was limited. Eventually, Spike ushered them into a room with a large fireplace, which seemed to sing songs warmth to any who wished to bask in it.

"Stay here for a while," Spike said.

"You seem to be doing well for yourself," Fluttershy commented in an attempt at small talk.

"It hasn't been easy," he admitted sullenly. He looked away nervously before continuing. "The truth is, this job is stressful as all Tartarus. And that was before the invasion." He paused for a moment and then looked back to his friends, worry in his eyes. "I hate to bring this up so fast, but I need to know. What happened over there?"

Zecora was the one to speak up. "The invasion came from beyond our sight; there was no meeting it with might."

"We went ta Zecora's, an' her cauldron showed us tha changelin's attackin' mah family," Applebloom added.

"I'm so sorry Applebloom," Spike replied. "Forgive me for being selfish, but I need to askif you all saw Shining Armor. Nightmare Moon tells me he betrayed us, but I don't want to believe it. If he is on their side, he has to be bewitched, or it's a changeling in disguise. Those have to be the only explanations."

"None of us have seen him," Fluttershy answered.

"I high-tailed it here with Fluttershy," Discord chimed in. "But I can go check real quick if necessary."

Spike's eyes silted momentarily. "I don't think I'd trust you," he said dryly. "You haven't proven to me yet that you're trustworthy."

"Beggars can't be choosers," Discord chuckled with a shrug.

"For now, you all should rest," Spike declared. "We have ponies preparing meals for you as we speak. It's not resort food, but it's definitely better than starving."

(Crystal Empire: Train Station)

Many green cocoons littered a train's surface. Several changelings were carefully rounding them up. A single crystal empire guard came out to see the chaos. As he was a changeling himself, he smirked at the progress.

"We're finishing up here, brother," one of the changelings says to the changeling guard.

The guard gave a nod of approval. "We've moved into position. Let King Sombra do the rest, and we'll cut off any who try to escape."

"What of Thorax?" another changeling hissed.

"I do not wish this for my brother," the guard shot back. "But he's left me no choice. Capture him and from him before the queen. She will decide his fate." The other changelings in the area hissed at him, but he shushed them. "It's almost time."

As the changelings carried on with their duties, more pieces of the plan were coming together. And deep beneath the crystal empire, one of those pieces was brewing. A miasma churned within the thick soil, coiling into a large mass. Within the mass, two ethereal green eyes opened.

"The Dark Emperor of the Crystal Empire has returned. To take back what was rightfully his," the mass growled.

(Crystal Empire: private reading room)

Between the running and the stress, it was hard for the Ponyville group to recount the last time they had a decent meal. But for the first time since this nightmare started, they're finally getting a moment of respite. More importantly, this moment was filled with food.

"MMMMPPPHHHHH!" Sweetie Belle let out as she stuffed her face.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Sweetie," Fluttershy scolded lightly between bites. While Discord's cotton candy clouds had helped curb her hunger on their trek, she was still in dire need of some cabbage.

"I hope everyone outside is eating well; morale is low enough from what we can tell," Zecora offhandedly mentioned to Spike.

"Were it so easy," he responded. "We're getting more refugees than we have supplies. I'll admit, I was hoping we'd find some ponies skilled in magic enough to do long-ranged teleportation to help. But we can have some groups go out and look for more... I'll spearhead the group if need be."

"You're going to stretch yourself too thin," Fluttershy stated. "We should just be thankful for this."

Scootaloo washed down her meal with some water, emptying the glass halfway. She sat the cup on the ground and watched it in bored fascination. Quickly something caught her eye though; the water within the cup rippled despite being on a steady surface. It rippled and the cup shook violently as the ground beneath them started vibrating.

"Wh-what's happening!?" Sweetie Belle yelled. The shaking was becoming more violent.

"Under the table, now!" Spike grabbed the cutie mark crusaders and dragged them under the nearest table. They were quickly followed by the rest of the group.

Outside, black crystals erupted from the ground. The denizens and refugees ran in panic. Houses exploded as the crystals burst forth from under them. The ponies were desperate for shelter, looking for anything to hide under.

In the town square, the ground burst open. No victims were caught in the collapse, thankfully, but a black mist rose into the sky from the cracks. The mist billowed in the air, forming the head of King Sombra. He laughed in triumph.

"My loyal slaves!" Sombra cried, unable to contain chuckles. "Your king has returned!"

Ponies were panicked and running in all directions, but there were some who didn't. These ponies lit up with green flames, finally revealing their true forms. These changelings took to the skies and began trapping anything they could get a hold of. Crystal and Canterlot ponies alike rushed for any available exit, but found they were already blocked by many changelings.

"Dragon!" Nightmare Moon called as she forced open the doors of the study they'd been in. Our group of ponies gasped at the sight of her.

"It's a long story but she's on our side... for now." Spike turned to Nightmare Moon. "What's going on out there?!"

"King Sombra has returned, and changelings have sealed off all major exits."

Spike looked at the queen of the night in shock. "Assemble the guards! We need to beat them back-!"

Thorax approached them with trepidation. "Spike. You're not going to win against them; it's a two-pronged invasion. The Crystal Empire has less than an hour before it is completely subjugated. We need to evacuate."

"All the exits are sealed," Zecora said, once she got out from under the table. "Unless you possess an idea yet revealed."

Thorax let out a long sigh. "In the time I was alone, I made a tunnel leading out of the empire. It leads south, toward the mountains. I've managed to make it long enough to be a few miles outside of the mountain's base. It will be a two-day climb, so grab what you can carry and get out of here... There is no guarantee that they don't already know about it."

"Why did you keep this from us?" Spike asked.

"I saw my brother posing as one of the guards. I knew it'd only be a matter of time." While he spoke, he was unable to look at Spike in the eye.

"Take us to the tunnel then," Nightmare Moon demanded with a hoof stomp. "We will get out as many as we can, but we cannot compromise our only exit. The more ponies in between us and them will give us more time to escape."

"You can't sacrifice our ponies like that!" Spike roared.

"If we try to evacuate everypony, the changelings will just put their ranks into the crowd. Thorax won't be able to sense them all before they manage to give away our location, and I have no doubt they have reserves just waiting to catch anypony who somehow manages to escape." Nightmare Moon's tone was calm.

Spike growled in frustration at the idea, as if they had a choice given what's happening. "Call the guards. Tell them to take a claw of ponies with them to Thorax's tunnel and escape. We'll meet in the mountains and get rid of any spies before we move on."

Nightmare Moon nodded in agreement. "I'll seek out Captain Dusk." With that, her form turned into a mist and seeped out of a nearby window.

(Crystal Empire refugee camp)

Captain Dusk and Flash Sentry ran through the streets, dodging the black crystals rocketing out of the ground. Around them were panic-stricken ponies, all scrambling as the crystals growths tore through tents and buildings.

"We need to get these ponies out!" Dusk yelled as she jumped over another crystal.

"WE need to get out! You have a resistance to run!" Flash responded.

As the two continued, they heard two ponies yell out for them.

"Hey, guards!" A familiar pony in a magician's hat, followed by a pony with a fiery mane fall in line with the running guards. The magician was the one speaking. "Do any of you have a plan?!"

Before Dusk or Flash could answer, Nightmare Moon appeared ahead of them. She spread her wings to stop the group. "Captain! We have an evacuation plan. Head toward the palace. Once all the guards have been assembled we will head out. Grab as many ponies as you can, but tell them nothing of the plan. Make them follow you!"

Then she vanished as quickly as she came. The surrounding ponies were in stunned silence at the night queen's appearance. They look to Dusk.

"You heard her! To the palace!" Dusk reared up and lead a charge of panicked ponies toward the castle.

Nightmare Moon's message rapidly spread to the other guards through word-of-mouth. They quickly amassed ponies, but a swarm of changelings had overtaken the sky. They dive-bombed the fleeing ponies, firing green bolts of magic at them which causes a sticky green slime to trap any pony unlucky enough to get hit with it.

Ponies reluctantly betrayed friends and family to save themselves from the slime. Anypony foolish enough to try and pry victims loose either just got caught in the slime, or made themselves an easy target for another bolt of slime. By they reached the palace gates, the crowds had been halved. The guards tried to save anypony the could, but received orders to keep themselves safe at all costs.

"Here they come!" a guard yelled out. Our group looked to see Captain Dusk and Flash Sentry headed their way with two other ponies on their heels. Quite a few paces behind them was a large-ish crowd of ponies.

"There are about three hundred ponies in that crowd," another guard said. "I guarantee not all of them will make the journey." He looked to Nightmare Moon for a solution.

"Prioritize the remaining Elements of Harmony and the highest ranking guards," she responded as she casually opened the gates. "I cannot use my Royal Canterlot voice right now without alerting the changelings to our plan. Save who you can and get out of here!"

Spike growled at the idea of leaving so many behind, but he did have things to prioritize. "Thorax, show us the way!"

Thorax quickly went to a wall on the far side of the palace. He overturned a few tree-filled vases, exposing a large hole in the ground. "This will lead us directly out of the empire. It's only wide enough to go two at a time," he explained.

"You heard him!" the first guard shouted. "Two by two! Get a move on!"

Thorax and Spike jump in first. Pinkamina and Maud picked up the cutie mark crusaders between their teeth and dropped them into the hole (the three of them were small enough to fit at the same time), then jump in behind them. They were quickly followed by Fluttershy and Discord (who was still in pony-form). Then Zecora and another night guard entered.

Just then, Captain Dusk and Flash Sentry reached them. They urged Sunset Shimmer and Trixie inside, and then followed them. The rest of Nightmare Moon's night guards and some empire guards followed suit by two's. And then the final two guards entered only after quickly explaining to the larger group to enter by two's.

From atop the castle balcony, Nightmare Moon stood to address her subjects. "All the most important ponies, along with the nightguard should be down the tunnel by now. Good luck, all of you. If fate permits me, I will join all of you shortly." She reviewed her gamble in her head. She also took note on how, despite the fact that the changelings could easily descend upon them at any moment, they chose instead to raid the buildings looking for stragglers.

"Hear me, my little ponies!" Nightmare Moon called in her Royal Canterlot voice. "There is a tunnel at the far side of the castle that leads out of the empire. If you wish to maintain your freedom proceed to it! Keep the lines orderly and keep moving! Do not stop for anything!"

With that, she saw the swarm of changelings attempt to converge on the castle. A glow emitted from her horn as she erected a barrier that halts the changelings. "I cannot hold this for long!" she continued in her booming voice, "hurry!"

The ponies quickly piled into the tunnel while trying their best not to panic, though they were definitely still feeling the panic.

The changelings continued slamming into Nightmare Moon's barrier over and over. Though her magic was potent, the swarm knew there had to be a point where she would become overwhelmed. She held on for as long as she could, but eventually the barrier started to crack under the swarm's assaults'.

The ponies that were still waiting to get into the tunnel noticed the cracks in the barrier and the panic fully set back in; they started scrambling for the tunnel. The tunnel could only fit two ponies at a time, but caution was thrown to the wind because they didn't wish to get captured. Groups of ponies were all trying to squeeze through, with no regard for others around them. The tunnel entrance soon became too congested for any pony to make it through.

"I did what I could," Nightmare Moon whispered. She teleported away as her barrier finally shattered.

Ponies' screams and changeling buzzing was all that could be heard through the castle as the crowd was overtaken by the swarm in flashes of green light.

Elsewhere in the tunnel, the group of guards and the Elements of Harmony (along with Sunset Shimmer and Trixie) continued their escape. They trudged through the damp soil and caked changeling slime that held the tunnel together. The slime also left a bioluminescent glow about the walls, so their trip wouldn't be completely blind. Even so, the unicorns of the group did light their horns to assist with lighting the way.

"Thorax, you made this in less than a week?" Spike asked, looking to the changeling next to him.

Thorax turned his head bashfully. "Y-yeah. I couldn't make it bigger without help. I'm sorry."

Spike placed a reassuring hand on Thorax's shoulder. "Hey, we got out because of you. Thank you."

From behind them, Applebloom made an ick noise. "Not ta sound ungrateful fer anything, but why is it so wet?" she complained as she shook some muck off her hooves.

"You'd be surprised how good rock and soil is about retaining moisture," Maud piped up behind Applebloom.

"I'm more concerned about how long it's going to take us to get out," Sweetie Belle commented.

"This tunnel was made south-bound below the East wall," Thorax answered. "It took me a few all-nighters, but it is going to lead us with a head start to the mountains. After this next turn, we have about an hour's walk left." The cutie mark crusaders groaned at the response.

"Better this than changeling food," Pinkamina muttered bitterly. Maud scrunched her face at the comment, but didn't add her own commentary.

Further down in the tunnel Trixie and Sunset were talking to each other. "I just feel bad for the others," Trixie said. "I wish we didn't have to leave them."

"The fatter the beast, the slower the haste," Zecora said from behind them. "Predators love a straggler's taste."

Trixie and Sunset held their heads down, neither of them liking the thought of that.

From above, everyone could hear the muffled screams of ponies who'd failed to make it to the square. The noise was accompanied by rumbling, which made some dirt crumble above them. After a little while they were far enough away from the commotion it didn't effect the tunnel, though they could feel the cold from above.

After some more time of silence, Thorax saw a faint light ahead of them. "We're almost out," he announced nervously.

Spike didn't think anyone behind them could hear, so he repeated. Each person behind notified the next behind them so they could all prepare for the cold.

Thorax stepped a few paces ahead of Spike and reached the end of the tunnel first. Where he stopped was a thick sheet of ice. "I tried my best to keep the snow out of the tunnel itself, but there's still a lot of it on the other side," he explained.

"I've got this," Spike said. He motioned for Thorax to move behind him. Once the changeling was out of the way, Spike inhaled very deeply. An intense heat welled up within his chest, and as he exhaled it seeped up his torso and out of his mouth.

Green flames burst from Spike's mouth at the ice wall. It melted with an explosion of steam. He stopped his fire breath, but the flames didn't stop for an extra few moments, as it melted the snow blockage in front of them.

"Was that a good idea, Spike?" Thorax asked. "There could be changeling patrols outside." He peeked his head out of the tunnel and looked around. Alas, the ongoing blizzard made it almost impossible to see anything beyond a few feet.

"The bulk of the invasion force seemed to be within the walls, Thorax." They looked at each other for a moment before he continued. "I'm counting on you to get them to the other side; I'm going to stay behind to make sure the rest of the ponies that were able to escape make it out safely."

"But Spike-!" Thorax tried to protest.

"I'll be fine," he told his friend. Together, they led the group out of the tunnel, then Spike turned to address everyone in a loud and reassuring voice. "From here I will be leaving you in Thorax's hooves. Stay close to stay warm, and you'll be able to make it to the mountains." Spike drew his sword and pointed the way for them.

There were hints of whispers from the group as if someone wanted to protest, but Dusk piped up then. "You heard him!" she shouted. "Stay together and let's move out!"

The ponies aligned themselves to be in a warmer formation and waited for the go-ahead. Sunset took a moment to tap Trixie. "You should lend your not-so-clean cape to the foals," she suggested.

Trixie thought for only a moment before she caught a glimpse of the small cutie mark crusaders already shivering like crazy. Trixie nodded and offered it to the girls, to which they happily huddled together underneath it. Trixie was colder now, but felt better knowing they were a little more protected.

With that the group of ponies and guards, led by Thorax the changeling, Captain Dusk, and Flash Sentry, headed to their possible salvation on the other side of the never-ending blizzard.

Spike watched as the group moved on, their shapes getting swallowed by the speeding snowflakes. He took a deep breath and re-sheathed his sword as he turned back to the tunnel. As he got closer to the opening, he could hear the panicked babbling of ponies drowning out the shouts of guard ponies attempting to tell everyone to be calm. He sighed, "At least more were able to make it."

His moment of relief was short-lived as a haze of green light shone above him. "Damn!" he shouted. "Hurry! they've found us!" he yelled into the tunnel.

The panicked voices became louder the closer the ponies came to the opening. "All guards with me! Get escort groups together!" Spike was almost frantic at this point.

While some of the guardsponies tried their best to calm the ponies down, others were shoved aside as other ponies began to scatter. "Come back!" Spike cried to no avail. "You don't know where you're going! Damn it all!" He cursed once more before ordering the guards to rein in the stragglers to make sure everyone's going to the same place.

Spike hadn't noticed that the green haze had reached the ground yet. He was about to tell the last few guards and couple of terrified ponies to go in the correct direction when a familiar voice cuts through the snowy winds. "Spike!"

Spike turned around to see Shining Armor stepping closer to him. "Shining?" Spike asked, his breath catching in his throat. "What are you doing here?" He was hopeful to see his old friend, but kept himself on guard, his hand hovering over his sword.

Shining stepped up closer to Spike. "I came to make sure the invasion was going smoothly," he responded.

If Spike hadn't had the thought in his head that Shining might be against him, he'd have been stunned in silence. The couple of ponies and guards still left were shocked. They looked to Spike, confused on what to do- they were afraid that the changelings Shining had arrived with would harm them if they ran.

"It...It can't be true," Spike said. He looked at Shining in disbelief, his mind running through every possible scenario. "It's Chrysalis. She must have you under her spell again. You can beat her again. FIGHT IT!"

Shining Armor just stood in front of the dragon, shaking his head. "Not this time, Spike. I did all this because I wanted to."

"TRAITOR!" a pegasi guard shouted with a growl. "You were a hero! You took and oath to defend the crown-!"

"And what good has that oath done us?!" Shining Armor nearly screamed, shutting the guard up. "We take an oath, one to lay our very lives down for the crown should the need arise. That oath meant NOTHING to Celestia! Or to Luna, for that matter." Spike then actually noticed that there were more changelings with him than he'd originally thought.

"We wanted to give our very lives to protect the home we treasured," Shining continued, "the families and friends we loved. How did they repay that!? Ponies laughed at us! We were nothing more than a joke to them! The Elements of Harmony are the real heroes; the ones who save everyone with smiles all around!"

"Where is this coming from Shining!?" Spike shouted back. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Such resent growing in Shining Armor's heart was unthinkable to him.

"Of course you wouldn't understand," Shining spat back with an eyeroll. "You've been so completely obsessed with getting Twilight back that you couldn't see past tomorrow." Before another guard could say anything, Shining Armor looked over his shoulder. He could see the glow of unicorn horns coming closer to the entrance of the tunnel.

He lit his own horn. "I know it may seem bad now, but this is for their own good. Peace has made them soft and ignorant to others' suffering." A purple light glowed from Shining's eyes, and with a swift gesture he closed the opening with a new wall of ice. The ponies on the inside started banging on the wall, but there was no use.

"We won't let you do this! Please, brother," he pleaded.

Shining Armor sighed. "I don't hate you, Spike. You stood beside me when no one else was there. You kept me going despite how hard it was. Because of this I will not kill you."

Spike paused for a moment, his eyes wide in panic. "You were at Canterlot. What did you do with Grandma and Granddad!?"

"They are alive." Shining shrugged at the dragon's ever-growing anger. "As hurt as I was, I have no intention of hurting them. I'm better than that." He turned to the left over guards and addressed them, "And you are all better than this! Aren't you tired!? Tired of the ponies' constant complaining about how you don't do your jobs when you're doing your best!?"

Everypony was silent for a moment until a crystal earth pony guard spoke up. "It's hard. We hear it ever day... About how much a nuisance we are. About how we're no help. But in this moment, we are what we've needed to be."

"Easy for you to say," a brown Canterlot unicorn guard scoffed. "The Crystal Empire hasn't been around that long. You haven't had to endure the pain of not being important being drilled into you for years. My own foal brings home pictures of her favorite hero.

"It's always Rarity, because she likes her hair, and one day when she grows up she wants to be just like her." The guard's breath hitched in her throat for a second and she trembled before continuing. "After long days of hearing stupid nobles questioning the funding of the guards - since all we do is 'run around like little fillies at the sight of danger'- and watching the commoners ignore our warnings to stay out of Celestia's throne room get rewarded with smiles and friendly chats with the princess..." She paused with a sigh. "After all of that, I come home to have my little one run up to me with her new Rarity photo and tells me she wants to magic-dye her hair purple."

She lifted her helmet off for them to see a reddish-brown mane with small discolored splotches throughout it. "Powdered sugar is what she calls it. It's a staple in my family. And she wants to get rid of it to be more like her 'hero'." She gritted her teeth. "I wanted to be a hero for my little filly. But all I am is a laughing stock for every pony in Canterlot. I try to help but it never works out. Why can't somepony see that!?" At that point the guard was no longer able to hold back her tears any longer. They stung her reddened face in the cold. "Is a little respect so hard!? I matter! I MATTER!"

She'd yelled the last part toward the ice wall, hoping the ponies inside would hear her. A few of the other guards looked down at the snow, trying to fight their own tears, each with different but similar situations playing in their minds.

"You DO matter, and with us you will thrive!" Shining Armor cried out, now taking his chance to garner their loyalty. "I was just like you at one point. But as a guard for the changelings, you will help bring forth the next generation in the nurseries. Every single one of them will be grateful to every second you'll sacrifice. And with time your foal will have so many changeling and pony friends she'll look up to you and thank you. All the opportunities she'll have are going to be because YOU made the change."

The guard sat in silence for a little while, then turned to Spike. "It has been an honor Sir, so please. Come quietly." She turned her spear onto Spike, who was still in shock.

"You can't be serious!" a crystal guard flanking Spike called out. Other Canterlot guards joined the first, aiming their spears at the dragon.

"Don't do this, please!" another crystal guard pleaded. He looked around at his former Canterlot comrades. "We can still get through this!"

"And then what?" Shining cut in. His tone was laced with malice. "You going to run away with as many as you can, while they constantly complain about how you failed to save the other loved ones you had no choice but to leave behind? Whining about how you put special ponies and other guards first, ultimately not trying hard enough to save everypony?"

He let them stand in cold silence for a few moments before he nodded his head. The turncoat guards moved to arrest Spike and his loyalists. Though before they could get closer, Spike dashed toward Shining Armor. The two meet blades with enough force to disperse the snow for a second.

"Finish with the arrests!" Shining Armor demanded to the changelings. Though they were outnumbered, the four guards left loyal to Spike charged forward to fight on his behalf. As they fought, Spike and Shining spent some time just pushing their swords into each other's, each on seemingly unable to attempt to harm the other.

Eventually, Shining Armor knocked Spike back with a blast of magic. "I won't kill you, Spike," he said. Despite his words, Shining manifested a halberd made of ice above them and points it at Spike.

"You will answer for what you have done Shining!" Spike shouted. His sword lit up with green flames as they pulled back and clashed weapons. Shining parried him with ease and kicked snow into the dragon's face. Spike recoiled from the obstruction, falling a few paces back.

Before Spike could fully recover, Shining Armor dashed at him with several swipes of the halberd to keep him off balance. Spike used some footwork to dodge around the halberd swipes in an attempt to get closer to Shining. As the halberd swiped at him again, Spike did a twirl to try to trip the unicorn.

Shining jumped in the air to dodge the dragon's tail, and Spike lost sight of him for a moment. He started to look around and didn't see him, but he sees a streak of blue last-second and is able to just barely miss being struck by something that forms a small crater in the ground.

"Good job, Spike," Shining complimented from the air. Spike readjusts his stance and looked up at him. Shining floated back down to the ground.

"What was that!?" Spike shouted.

"A lost art," Shining responded dryly. "Not only can ponies travel through the mirror, but other things can come here through it. A perk you yourself can have if you'd join us."

"I'd rather die!" Spike charged at Shining once more.

"You are a proud dragon Brother, but you are no match for me," Shining stated as he jumped into the air again.

Spike followed him into the sky and the two of them engage in battle in the air. Their swords clashed each other with enough force to form sparks and push them apart. When they parted, they threw blows of magic at each other, causing flashes of blue and green to fill the blizzard sky. They carried on this way for what seems like an eternity until Shining's horn lights up.

With his unicorn magic, he trapped Spike in place in the air and they began to fall. Shining manifested two blue circle swirl runes in between him and Spike, putting speed behind the fall. Spike fell into the ground with great force with Shining landing on top of him. The crash caused a cloud of snow to puff up.

When the snow fell back down, Shining held his icy halberd at Spike's throat. "Surrender, Spike. It's over."

"I... won't... lose!" Spike coughed out. He struggled underneath the unicorn, trying to push him off. "I... have to win! I have to get back to Twilight! S-Spike...Want...!"

A flash of blue erupted from the crater they'd created, stopping Spike from continuing. By this point, the changeling and turncoat guards had finished taking down the remaining loyalists. They watched as Shining Armor came out of the crater carrying Spike- who was frozen in a solid block of ice. "Don't hate me, Brother," he whispered. "In time you will understand."

He approached his troops, who were applauding his victory. "I'll be taking him back with me and the Canterlot guards," he stated. "The survivors in the tunnel are yours." Shining lowered the ice wall to reveal the shocked ponies inside staring in terror as changelings were ready to converge on them.

"What about the ones that escaped?" a changeling hissed.

"Find them and follow them. They're going to settle in a populated area, so once you figure out where they're staying report back to us. We will retrieve them then." He looks directly at the changeling. "Good luck, Commander."

"Yes, my king," the changeling answered with a salute.

With that, Shining Armor teleported himself, Spike, and the pony guards out of the area. The changeling turned around, smiling ominously as he led is small swarm to the survivors.

The ponies watched in despair as the changelings approached, knowing they were in fact, not making it to safety.

Author's Note:

HEY EVERYONE! It's great to be back! I apologize this chapter took so damn long, I haven't been in a good headspace and I can't guarantee I'm out of it but I'm still truckin! Also I have another story waiting in the wings that you all might see soon. Thanks to my editor for putting in extra work for this chapter. Here's hoping I'll see you all again soon. Matrix7o6 out!

Comments ( 9 )

I had hope for you Shining, that at least you were brainwashed in some way, but I guess not...

Good chapter, hopefully Twilight can come back soon and fix it.

When do you think that will happen?

What kind of world is Shining trying to make, kidnapping all these ponies in slime and ice.

Is he planning to make ponies and Changelings live together? Or is he making a slave state?

Hope Twilight smacks some sense into him.

I have to wonder how Cadence will react to all of this when she finds out about Shining?

To be fair, Shining has done nothing wrong. If I remember this story correctly, Celestia deserves all the bashing.

Do you folks really think T.W. will come to their aid? My guess is no. After what happened last time they meet, she'd practically would leave them to stew in their own juices.

Just started another play through of FFXV, so the timing really could not have been better! Looking forward to more.

so clost to the end point of the final fantasy 15 game we need new updates to finish this off

When's the next chapter coming?

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