• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,979 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

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A Sibling's Dance (Pt.1) (Edited)

Chapter 11: A Siblings Dance

Part One

(Equestria: Ponyville Orphanage)

Kids. They can be the most blessed beings, or the most malevolent of schemers. It all really depends on who they were raised by and how they were raised. Through parents and idols do children learn and grow. In turn, the lessons they’ve learned get passed down to those children’s possible future children.

But what of those who have no parents to learn from? What of those children whose families have forsaken them? These children will cling to their idols for guidance. But therein lies a fault; idols are rarely what people perceive them to be. So when the idol forsakes or lets these kids down, they are broken.

Their will to learn, their will to love… Snuffed out like a candle. The flames of inspiration and ambition lost. The only thing left is sadness and rage. This is what Scootaloo the flightless filly was going through at this moment.

Scootaloo sat at the edge of her creaky bed. Though the springs uncomfortably dung into her rump, they were not the cause of her mood. Her latest meals lacked taste, or did she just lose the ability to taste? Did she even actually eat? Who cares? She has long since torn down all of her Wonderbolt posters and Rainbow Dash drawings. The orange and purple haired filly has felt the shock of betrayal; a broken promise that has forever condemned her to this place. How long has she been sitting there? How long has it been since she screamed at her…

“We’ve tried to get her to eat, but she just outright refuses. I’m afraid we’ll have to force feed her soon,” said a muffled voice through the thin wooden bedroom door. “If you all can do anything to help her, please don’t hesitate. At least get her to talk with you.” The voice was getting closer.

“We’ll talk sum since into hur,” said a pony with an Appleossian accent from behind the door.

“Alright, I’ll leave you all to talk,” the first voice said before the sounds of hooves clicking on tile stop. The silence was short lived as a knock echoed through the room. “Scootaloo we’re coming in.” The voice was a little higher-pitched this time. The filly watched the door knob jiggle then turn. She rolled her eyes as she sees Applebloom and Sweetie Bell enter her room.

“We missed you at school today,” Sweetie Bell started. “We’re worried about you. The caretakers said you don’t leave your room anymore.”

“What’s the point?” Scootaloo asks somberly. “It’s not like I have anything to look forward to.”

“There’s always us.”

“But at least you two get to go home to families that love you!” Scootaloo shouted. “I don’t have that privilege. Nopony wants a defective pegesi.”

“Don’t say that!” Sweetie Bell shouted back. “You’re the greatest friend, and most athletic filly anypony could ask for. Right Applebloom?”

“What Ah want to know is whi you didn’t tell us,” Applebloom pipes up. After a few moments of silence Scootaloo spoke up.

“I thought it was obvious by know. Why I didn’t bring my parents to Career Day, why I avoided talking about moms and dads.” She felt tears welling up as she continued. “I never wanted you two to know. I just wanted you to be my friends. When I saw Rainbow Dash I thought she was the coolest and fastest pony in all of Equestria.

“I… I asked her if she could adopt me. She told me that once she achieved her dream she’d make mine come true.” Her breathing started to get shallow as the tears she thought she’d already cried away streamed down her face. “I took a form from the caretaker’s desk and brought it to Rainbow Dash. I gave it to her; finally I could be the little sister to the best mare in Equestria.

“But she told me that she was just too busy to take care of a foal; Wonderbolts come first. She just said ‘settle for an autograph, you’re a great filly Scoots. Somepony will adopt you.’ It’s not fair!” the filly sobs and repeats, “Nopony wants a defective pegesi!”

“Stop saying that!” Sweetie Bell shouts as she tackles Scootaloo in an embrace. “We love you Scootaloo and we’re gonna help you! You can count on us!”

“Buck her,” Applebloom muttered under her breath. However, the words still caught the ears of her two friends. Sweetie Bell’s jaw hung open.

“What?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Y’all hurd me. Buck Rainbow Dash. Buck the Wonderbolts. An’ buck anypony who thinks yu’re nuthin’ just b’cause o yur wings! Look at us; we are a bunch of blank flanks. We’re misfits an’ most ponies only put up with us since we’re fillies. But we have dreams! Each an’ every one of us. We’re gunna help you not only git yur cutie mark, but we’re gunna help you gi back at Rainbow Dash and show everypony how lucky they’d be to adopt a filly like you!”

Through their tears, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo smiled at their friend’s determination. After a moment Sweetie turns back to Scootaloo. “But you need to eat, Scoots. We can’t do any of this if you don’t have the strength.”

“You two are the greatest friends a pony could ask for,” Scootaloo stated with a smile.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders to the end!” Applebloom yelled.

(127 miles from the Disc of Cauthess)

The scenery almost flashed by the three-vehicle convoy as they made their way toward the Disc. They were graced by lush fields with trees and various creatures as they continued the scenic drive through the mountains. However, suspicions were mounting and unanswered questions plagued our party’s minds. What was a loyalist from Niflheim doing here, and helping the enemy no less?

“We there yet?” Prompto shouted over the noise of the motorcycle engine. He clung to Twilight, who began to pick up speed to keep behind the Regalia.

“We don’t have much longer, provided Ardyn isn’t leading us into a trap,” Twilight answers. “Regardless of why he is helping is, it’s most likely a motive driven by the Emperor himself.” While Twilight was behind the Regalia, the Regalia was closely trailing Ardyn’s vehicle.

“First the Quay and now here… This is too convenient,” Gladio stated.

“Though Twilight would have you believe otherwise, Ardyn is strictly in this for himself,” Lunafreya offered. She leans forward in her seat. Noctis never takes his eyes off her.

“That would explain why he hasn’t led us into a trap yet,” Ignis commented. “However that could quickly change.”

“If he wanted to lead us into a trap he would have had plenty opportunities to make it known by now,” Noctis suggested.

“Still, that doesn’t mean we should let our guard down,” Gladio added.

“For right now we can chalk him under ‘creepy old dude,’” Noctis finished.

“On that we can agree,” Ignis said. “Though Twilight seems fond of him.” To the group’s surprise, this comment made Lunafreya giggle.

“Twilight has no love for anyone in the Empire with the exception of Ravus and I. Trust her, she’s gone out of her way more times than I wish to count.” Soon they stop at a gas station with a Caravan parked next to the building. Twilight had fallen back a little.

“I think we should stop here for the day,” Ardyn remarked as he stepped out of his vehicle.

“I think we should be heading to the Disc of Cauthess,” Gladio countered.

“The Archaean isn’t going anywhere.” Adryn waves him off. “Besides, the king will want to have his full strength for this trial.”

“Trial?” Noctis questioned.

“Then let’s make camp,” Gladio sighed.

“You must forgive me; I’m not a fan of the outdoors,” Ardyn mentions. Twilight and Prompto pull in beside the cars and park next to the Regalia. The two hop off and join the group. “I’ll foot the bill and we can stay at the Caravan for the night,” Ardyn offered.

“What’s going on, Sis?” Twilight asked as she moved beside Lunafreya.

“We’re stopping for the day,” Lunafreya replied. This made Twilight roll her eyes in annoyance, but before Lunafreya could say anything else Twilight threw he hands up in defeat.

“I’m going into the station to see if we need anything,” Twilight grumbled as she walked away.

(Later that night)

Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio waited eagerly as the aroma of Ignis’s latest culinary creation filled the night air, as if the smell was reaching up to the very stars to give them a taste.

“Well well,” Ardyn chuckled as he sat down beside Twilight and Lunafreya. “I can say in all my life I have never seen such a talent for cooking. I’ve never once thought eggs could be fried like this.” Twilight rolled her eyes at him.

“Twilight,” Lunafreya whispered, “don’t be mean.” It wasn’t long before Ignis finished cooking.

“Prompto, these plates belong to the four of us; take them over to our fire place.” Before giving Prompto the chance, Gladio snags them.

“I’d rather not eat grass with our meal,” Gladio remarks.

“Hey, I’m not that clumsy,” Prompto defended. As if fate set out to embarrass him, he stumbles and in the process almost drops his plate.

“I rest my case,” Gladio joked. Meanwhile, Ignis took three plates over to Lunafreya, Ardyn, and Twilight.

“I would like to hear what you all think of my recipe,” Ignis stated as he passes out their plates.

“If it’s anything like it smells, it will truly be a meal fit for a king,” Ardyn says in a gentleman’s tone.

“I simply can’t wait to try it,” Lunafreya said in a mildly excited tone. All the while, Twilight said nothing as Ignis gave her a plate. Of course once they gave it time to cool, Lunafreya and Ardyn dug in.

“As expected from a Crownsguard,” Ardyn comments with a hearty laugh after taking a few bites. “Efficient in everything they do. This meal is no different.”

“It’s quite lovely,” Lunafreya said. She continues to eat with vigor. Twilight remained silent, poking at the fried egg. After a moment she sees that Ignis is staring at her, so she swallows the lump in her throat and took a fork-full of the dish into her mouth. Upon tasting it, her eyes went wide.

WHAT IN FAUST’S NAME?! she thought. It’s as if the gods themselves have blessed this dish! It’s amazing-! It’s wonderful! It’s-! IT’S-! “It’s alright,” she calmly states. “Better than an M.R.E. any day, but then again so is dirt.” The entire group turns to Twilight in shock.

“Twilight!” Lunafreya snapped. “Now you’re just being rude!”

“Oh, dear,” Ignis commented. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with people who couldn’t swallow their pride. So on this night I will vow this to you, Sorceress; I will make a dish that will make you confess the truth you’re hiding. And you will break. They always do.”

“Fat chance, Specs,” Twilight chuckled. “I’ve held under military torture the likes of which would scar you for life. If you think a simple meal will break me, then you’re way too overconfident for your own good.” She smirked as she got in Ignis’s face. After a tense silent staring contest, Ignis’s face deadpans.

“You’re blushing,” he says, having noted the faint red in Twilight’s cheeks.

“My entire face is red from how spicy you made my eggs,” she replied calmly.

“Should I take them back?”

“No. Whether or not a meal is good it is needed to keep up strength.”

“Fair enough. Enjoy.” He returns to his group.

“Thanks,” Twilight grumbles.

(The next day)

The group resumed their journey early the next morning. After another forty-five minute drive, they reached a large steel gate. Ardyn pulls to the side and steps out of his vehicle. The groups follow suit and they stand with Ardyn at the gate.

“This better not be a set up,” Noctis grumbled.

“I haven’t given you a reason to doubt me yet,” Ardyn responds with a smirk.

“No but given what the Empire has done, we can’t help but point fingers,” Twilight remarks sarcastically. Ardyn turns from them and faces the gate.

“Hello there. It’s me. Would you be so kind as to open up?” Ardyn shouted. Within seconds the gate slid open, much to Prompto’s surprise.

“That actually worked?” Prompto questioned. Ardyn only ignored the baffled comment.

“You have a date with divinity Sire. Enjoy. Now that you are here I must part ways with you, for the Emperor will not be too pleased if I’m gone any longer.” Twilight scoffs at the mention of the old man.

Twilight and Lunafreya return to the motorcycle and the guys pile back into the Regalia. “Farewell and good luck to you,” Ardyn says as the two vehicles pull in through the now-opened gate.

“This is getting weirder by the second,” Twilight commented as they pass by two magitek transports. “Not a single trooper. Lulu, is there something you’re not telling me? This has been convenient. Far too convenient.” Lunafreya says nothing and holds onto Twilight tighter as they are jostled by several bumps along the road.

“There is nothing more to be said Sis,” Lunafreya says after a few moments. “I have no idea why he hasn’t attempted to capture us… Maybe it’s because of Ravus.”

“Why is Ravus still working for them?” Twilight asked rather aggressively. “They want us dead. Why would he go along with something like that?”

“Maybe he’s not,” Lunafreya muses.

“I guess we’ll see.” Twilight’s voice had a hint of concern in it. They park beside the Regalia that had stopped at an area of ruins. The boys were already outside of the vehicle waiting for the girls.

“Guess we continue on foot,” Gladio announced. The group of six continued on through a large crack between a rock structure and made their way down the ruins.

“Noct,” Ignis starts, “these ruins look…” His words were cut short as he spots a royal tomb.

“Never thought there would be a royal arm in this place,” Gladio remarked as they walk toward it. “Be a shame not to grab that power.”

“Royal arm,” Twilight whispered. “Looks like I found another weapon to copy.” Lunafreya walks away from Twilight to stand beside Noctis.

“Be careful,” the princess advises her betrothed.

“I will,” Noctis answered with a reassuring smile. She smiled back and moves a few paces away. He holds his hands out as he had in the previous tombs.

The sword began to glow and seemed to turn into a glass-like material. Twilight watched in awe as the sword slowly rose into the air. It flies into Noctis, revealing several other weapons.

“Nice light show,” Twilight says with a shrug. “But I think we…” She’s cut off by a violent quake.

“HERE WE GO AGAIN!” Prompto cries out.

“The Archaean is waking up! It knows the king is near!” Lunafreya shouts. She stumbles.

“Get away quickly!” Ignis exclaimed.

Noctis attempted to make a break for his friends, but it was too late as another headache racked him as the ground gave way from under him. The royal tomb went crashing down as the remainder of the ground gave way. Noctis slid further into the crater.

“NOCTIS!” Lunafreya screamed. She wasted no time in following him down. Gladio was close behind. Noctis tried clinging to a rock, but he slipped. It seemed like it would be a straight fall to the ground, but Gladio and Lunafreya were able to grab onto his arms.

“Thanks guys,” Noctis panted as he climbs buck up. Once pulled to safety another quake struck, causing several large rocks to fall toward the three. Before these rocks could land on them a purple aura surrounded the rocks.

“Lulu!” Twilight called, her horn glowing in her hand. “You’re going to be the death of me!” The rocks are flung into the crater.

“Your trial begins now, Son of Lucis,” a voice boomed throughout the crater. The meteor at the heart was shaking and shifting into the air to reveal a large humanoid creature that was encrusted with hard crystal-like substances.

“Anyone else hear that?” Twilight asked.

“Sounds like just growls to me,” Prompto remarked.

“You alright Noct?!” Ignis called out, peeking over the slope.

“We’re fine!” Noctis called back. “There is a path, so we’re going to see where it leads. You all try to find a way down!” Twilight smirked.

“Welp. You two have fun finding a subtle way down,” said Twilight as she casually walks off the edge of the crater.

“Twilight!” Prompto shouted. He tried to grab her but she slid down the rock wall. Her horn transforms into Nyx’s Kukris and she stabs it into the side of the rock. This slowed her descent until she was at the bottom.

“Well,” she said as she pulls the weapon out of the wall, “let’s get a move on.” The Kukris turns back into her horn and she slides it back to its hiding place.

Ignis and Prompto disappear from the ledge as Noctis, Lunafreya, Gladio, and Twilight started walking along the crevice that had just been created. The further they travel, the hotter it seems to be getting.

“Why is it so hot?” Noctis complained as he stumbles through the now-humid pathway.

“We are now inside of the geothermal crater that powers Lestallum,” Twilight explains. “It’s bound to be hot, and it’s going to get hotter if we’re going the right way.”

“Great,” Noctis spat as they continued walking. A few minutes later, Noctis’s phone rings. “Ignis?” he says. They group stops to see what’s going on.

“Noctis… … Empire… … Heavy… …” The phone sputtered out and cut off.

“What was that about?” Twilight asked.

“I think he was trying to warn us,” Lunafreya said. “Look,” she adds, pointing up as three Niflheim transports pass above the group.

“What does the Empire want here?” Gladio asked himself as the group continued. They end up near an unstable ledge.

“Oh great,” Noctis whined.

“Let’s just get through this,” Gladio states as he side-stepped along the ledge. Noctis started following, but was struck by another massive headache. Noctis would have fallen off the ledge had it not been for Gladio, who braced Noctis to the wall with his arm.

“Why now?” Noctis grunted in pain. The Archaean shifted its gaze upon them and spoke.

“Son of Lucis. Your trial shall not be an easy one. To be king, you will have to sacrifice all for your people. But first you must have the strength to fight for them.” The voice only came out as distorted nothings as Noctis and Gladio finally make it across.

“Titan!” Noctis yelled. “What do you want from me?!” The giant’s massive fist slammed into the rock below Noctis. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” he yelled as the ground under him broke. This sent him tumbling down in the direction of a lower rock formation.

He threw his sword into the ground and teleported to it to stop the fall. However, the Archaean was not finished; the Titan brought his foot upward and over the platform Noctis now stood on. Seeing no way to dodge it as the foot came down, Noctis summoned his sword and stood his ground. The ground was shaken by the immense force as the Titan’s foot was blocked.

“D-damn it!” Noctis screamed with great effort. He batted the Archaean’s foot away, only for the giant to try again. “Oh come on!” He prepared for another assault.

“NOCT!” Gladio shouted as he tackled Noctis out of the way. The foot came down and a mass of rock dust filled the air. Once settled, Gladio was hanging onto the rock ledge that was just created by the Archaean.

“Gladio!” Noctis yelled. He leapt toward the ledge and was able to grab a hold of his friend before he fell. However, Noctis failed to notice the Archaean’s fist flying at them. He had little to no time to react as the wall of grey shot toward him. Right before impact, Twilight’s voice echoed through the crater.

“FIREBALL!” On command, a large ball of fire slammed into the Titan’s face, making him stop his onslaught of Noctis and Gladio. He turns to his new assailant.

Twilight stood before the God with determination set in her face. “You guys okay down there?!” she called. Lunafreya was no longer with her.

“We’ve been better, thanks!” Gladio shouted back.

“Well get up here! We can’t fight him alone!” she said before jumping out of the way of the Archaean’s fist headed at her. “Hurry!” Gladio and Noctis raced to the top of the hill, dodging the giant’s fist again on the way. Twilight sprinted ahead of them.

The Titan slammed his hand into the rocks beside the three and started to slide it along the scorched ground, destroying rocks as it continued after the trio. “That’s not good!” Twilight yelled. Gladio stopped to summon his broadsword.

“I’ll hold him! Get moving you two!” He held his sword tightly, setting himself into a firm stance as the massive hand slid right toward him. It took a great deal of effort but Gladio managed to stop the hand, his muscles bulging from the strain and pressure the giant was pushing onto him.

“Noctis!” Twilight shouted. “Down there!” She pointed to a clearing a short distance away. The two nodded at each other and hurled their swords over to it, instantly teleporting them to their destination.

At that time, Gladio’s strength gave way and the Titan’s hand knocked Gladio into the air and into the clearing. “You okay Gladio?!” Noctis shouted as he ran to his companion.

“That could have gone better,” Twilight commented. She assisted Noctis in helping Gladio to his feet.

“Definitely,” Gladio groaned. He crushed an elixir to heal himself.

“Here he comes again!” Twilight yelled.

“All right, I’ve had ENOUGH!” Noctis cried out while blocking the Titan’s hand.

“Hang on,” Twilight said. She held up her horn and a lavender aura started glowing around the large hand. “That will keep him in place! Go for his eye!”

Noctis smirked and ran up the giant’s arm. He hurled his broadsword into the Archaean’s eye, causing him to scream in pain. The Archaean nearly dropped to the meteor as he attempted to nurse his eye.

Not wanting to risk being so close when the giant counterattacks, Noctis teleported back to Twilight. “Nice one!” she beamed.

“Did we miss anything?!” a voice called out, causing the three to turn to it. Prompto, Ignis, and Lunafreya sprinted toward the rest of the group.

“Apologies for being late; Lunafreya managed to guide us to you,” Ignis explained while wiping fog from his glasses.

“Well it’s a good thing you’re here now,” Twilight said in a scarcastic damsel in distress tone.

“Twilight,” Lunafreya grumbled.

“WATCH OUT!” Prompto yelled as the Titan’s hand came crashing down onto them. It was stopped by Noctis’s sword.

“We need to disarm him!” Twilight instructed the group.

“Quite literally,” Prompto mused. Twilight’s horn began to glow again and her aura surrounded the giant’s hand once more.

“Now Noctis!” Twilight shouted. Upon the order, Noctis throws the hand back. Twilight assisted by pinning it to the ground near the group. “Hit it with everything you’ve got!” she declared. “And hurry; I can’t hold him forever!”

Lunafreya, Noctis, Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto all attacked the hand in unison. “Press the attack!” Gladio said as he swung his broadsword into the Titan’s thumb. Lunafreya jumped into the air and drove her javelin down into the index finger.

“I got it!” Prompto blurted out as he was shooting the hand. “It’s an Attack On Titan!”

(Ponyville; Sugarcube Corner)

Pinkie Pie was tending to the day’s customers as usual until it hit her. “Pinkie!” Mrs. Cake called out. “I need you to cut this cake while I take care of Pumpkin and Pound. The poor dears have been sick all morning.”

Out of the silence, Pinkie Pie leaped over the countertop wearing a pink Survey Corps jacket with twin knives in her hands. Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!” Pinkie sang as she cut a large cake into several pieces. Small pieces expertly landed onto several plates that were lined out for the next few guests. Mrs. Cake could only look at her with the slightest of irritation.

“Do I even want to know?” she asked the bright pink pony.

“Hehe, sorry,” Pinkie said bashfully. “I felt a fourth wall break worse than the one Wall Maria received.”

(Back to the fight)

“Prompto, I have no idea why, but I want to slap you for that!” Twilight grunted as she struggled to keep the Titan’s hand pinned.

“Niflheim!” Lunafreya warned before she back flipped off the hand. She watched as Magitek troopers began to surround the Titan. They were firing cables out of large glowing lances.

“Breach lances?!” Twilight said in confusion. “By the Six above! Has he lost his mind?!” The Titan broke free from Twilight’s magical bonds then, and swept his hand along the ground. In the process, he destroyed several Magitek troopers.

“Here it comes again!” Prompto shouted. He slid under the hand as it passes him. Twilight and Lunafreya jump off two troopers, who became ground in the rocks, as it swept by them. Noctis teleported through the hand as it passed by him. Gladio summoned his shield to block his attack and gets knocked to the ground. Ignis managed to quickly dive into a crater as the hand passed mere centimeters above him.

Without wasting time, Ignis shot up and ran to Gladio. “You alright?” he asked his friend. Gladio takes his hand and stands.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Gladio grumbles. “We need to end this.”

“I have an idea,” Ignis mused. “Noct! Block his next attack!”

“Alright!” He shouts.

“Twilight!” Ignis yells.

“I’m a little busy at the moment!” she yelled back as she skewered a trooper.

“Can you enhance spells?!”

“Yeah!” she responded. In theory…

“Help Noctis stop the Titan’s hand!” Ignis instructed as he runs to Noctis.

Twilight’s weapon turned back into her horn and she focused on the giant’s hand. The Archaean swung wildly, but his hand slowed to a crawl near Noctis and Ignis. Seeing the opportunity, Lunafreya yells, “Now Noctis!”

Noctis nods and summoned his sword. He runs to it and knocks the hand to the ground. “Ignis,” Twilight shouted as she pinned his arm, “do what you need to do!”

“Game’s up,” Ignis said as he threw a metallic ball at the giant. He then signaled for Gladio and Prompto to follow up.

“You’re out!” Prompto added as he and Gladio also threw theirs.

Twilight raised her left hand toward the three metal balls and focused on them. The spheres began to shine as the energy within them grew. In a brief flash, the three spheres detonated along the Titan’s arm, freezing the entire limb solid.

“Now!” the five yell in unison.

“IT’S OVER!” Noctis shouted as he summoned his broad sword. He slammed it into the frozen arm, shattering it in the process. The God tried his best to hold the meteor up, only now with one arm.

You have done well, King of Lucis,” the Titan spoke. Again, it only reached the group’s ears as mangled grunts and growls, but he continued. Twilight looked around at the group to see puzzled faces.

“I can understand him…” she said to herself. She turned to Noctis. “He said, ‘you are a credit to your friends as they are a credit to you; remember that,’” she explained.

“Wait, you can understand him?” Noctis asked in alarm.

“It’s not over however,” the Archaean continued. “This path requires many sacrifices. But for now you may rest knowing that you earned my covenant. It is time for me to depart. Call on my power when you need me.” The Archaean roared and gold wisps began to fly around him. The wisps stop, then flew straight into Noctis.

“What is this?!” Noctis cried out. He writhed as memories began to flood his mind. He saw Lunafreya speaking to the Archaean. He turned to her with confused eyes.

“I’ll explain…” Lunafreya was interrupted by a violent quake. The group turned to see the God glowing gold. Then he erupted in a mass of light and vanished, destroying all of the Magitek transports in the area.

After a moment to regain their sight, the group saw the giant that had once held up the meteor was gone. But there was no time to take in the awe of its disappearing act, for no sooner did they breathe a sigh of relief, the crater they were standing in began to violent rumble again.

“What could possibly be going on now?” Noctis yelled.

“All the fighting must have cause some volcanic activity!” Ignis responded over the rumbling.

“In other words, we need to MOVE!” Twilight shouted. This prompted for the group to sprint toward an exit, but the ground started to crack and lava began to spew about. This didn’t leave much of an option for the six heroes. “Just GREAT!”

“I have to agree; this is not good,” Ignis said. He tried glancing around to see if there was any way out, but none was found. All seemed lost until a gust of wind and the hum of an engine picked up behind the group. They all turn to face a Magitek Transport ship.

“Really?!” Twilight shouted. “Now of all times?!” She pulled out her horn as the doors opened, revealing Ardyn standing alone with his signature smirk.

“Fancy meeting you here!” Ardyn shouted to the group. They could only stand at the ready. “I’m pretty sure Twilight has told you all about me, so I never had the chance to introduce myself properly. Izunia. Ardyn Izunia.” He bows to them.

No mistaking it now, Ignis thought.

“At your service! And more importantly, your aid! Unless you wish to take your chance buried in all the rubble and what not.” They contemplated their options for a moment; though only one involved living.

“Come on!” Twilight said. A purple aura surrounded the group and hoisted them to the ramp of the transport. Twilight jumped in behind them, only looking back to make sure she didn’t miss anyone. With no one left to retrieve, she went inside and strapped Lunafreya into a seat. Twilight holds onto a handlebar to steady herself as the transport roughly took to the air, taking them away from the volcanic debris.

Author's Note:

:pinkiesick: Sorry guys. I haven't been all that well and between this and work, I've rarely had time to write. I should be in good shape and starting on part 2 soon. I'll see you guys later. Matrix7o6 out!