• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,984 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

  • ...

The Ones We Love (Edited)


The forest was quiet late at night. Woodland creatures of all shapes and sizes dare not make a sound, lest they attract any Daemons. But the thick veil of the night would not find peace, for a blinding light flashed into existence. A small patch of grass burned into ash until nothing was left but scorched soil. As the light died down, a pure white alicorn breathes in the alien air, her rainbow-colored mane held aloft by a non-existent breeze.

This place does not look as bleak as I initially thought, Celestia thought to herself. Her thoughts were cut short however, by a series of growls and screeches. She turned to the darkness in the trees, where several Daemons skulked out. Most of them consisted of goblins and hobgoblins.

The solar monarch could only lower her head in grief. "Poor souls... This world has contorted you beyond recognition, unable to return to your lives of peace; you are slaves to the darkness. But fear not, for I will set you free." At that moment, a ball of light shines into existence, causing the Daemons to stumble away from her; the light burned their bodies as if the very sun was upon them.

As the light settled, a flaming halberd materializes. Celestia takes hold of it with her magic, a sense of regret and familiarity coursing through her. "I find myself breaking my promises to myself and my subjects more and more. But if it means keeping the peace in Equestria, I will become a hypocrite just this once. I swear I will make this right Twilight. Now come! Be free of your curse!"

The daemons, infuriated by the sudden burning, charged at her without caution. A mistake only the mindless make.


(Road to Cape Caem)

The fresh air blasted past the group as they traveled to Cape Caem. The green from the trees rolled by as they drove on, mountins seemingly the only sight to behold on the winding roads. Prompto felt no urge for photos of the redundant scenery.

"Glad to be rid of that base," Gladio remarked nonchalantly. "But I still can't help but wonder what that girl's deal was."

Lunafreya giggled lightly. "Aranea was never one to turn down a good fight, or the good gil that came with it."

"How did you two meet?" Noctis asked, glancing at her before returning his eyes to the road.

"Twilight met her first on the field," Lunafreya started, which gained Iris's attention. "The problem was that Twilight didn't trust a lot of people, so when I went to meet her in the shuttle bay I could feel the tension in the room. But I got to talk to them, and Aranea started to warm up to us. We saw each other now and then, never wasting a moment to talk."

"It sounds like she and you were close," Noctis chimed in. "But why is she still serving the Empire?"

"The hours are long, but the pay is great." Lunafreya looked out the Regalia's window. "Though, she is not a fan of the Empire's ways. But better to work with your enemy than to be destroyed by them."

"That is no way to live," Gladio said. "If the enemy is at your doorstep you fight til the bitter end. There is more honor to be had dying as a warrior than living like a slave."

"Your words have some validity Gladio, but what if Iris's life was dependent on whether or not you surrendered?" Lunafreya asked. She glanced at him in the rearview mirror. He looked down, pondering her question. "Rest assured, Aranea has no family whose lives are on the line, but she does have men that need to eat. She's a mercenary; that doesn't mean she's some lowlife thug."

Gladio sighed. "I guess you're right. But still, it doesn't mean she is trustworthy either."

"She would be disappointed if you trusted her so easily," Lunafreya laughed.

"Not gonna lie," Prompto said, "she is kind of hot." Lunafreya snorted from the the unexpected chortle that escaped her throat.

"You're better off trying your hand at Cindy," she said. "Aranea is not one for romance." Prompto groaned. He crossed his arms and leaned his head against the window.

Following the Regalia was Twilight on her Fenrir. She was able to keep up with the royal vehicle with ease, though her companion wasn't enjoying the ride as much as she was. "Must you be on their bumper?" Ignis all but yelled. Twilight took a moment to break check, just to scare him a little. He let out a small oof as he thumped against Twilight's back.

"We have to be ready to speed away if the Empire tries to corner us on the road. That, and I rarely get to cut loose," Twilight chuckled.

"Your impulsiveness will be your undoing," Ignis warned.

"Maybe, but not today!" Twilight whooped as she reared her motorcycle on its back wheel. Ignis's grip on her tightened so he wouldn't fall off.

The group traveled for a while longer until they reached a crossroad. Noctis pulled into the grass and off the road. The occupants all piled out of the car. Twilight pulled up beside the car and parked.

"Well, I've never been one to turn down a chance to explore," Prompto stated as he looked at the mountain. Ignis took his chance to get off of the bike. He shook all over as he stumbled toward the Regalia. He leans on it to steady himself.

"If the legends of the Malmalam Thicket are true, then a royal arm lies at the peak of the mountain," Ignis explained.

"I wouldnt' mind," Iris offered.

"Then it's off to another adventure," Lunafreya hummed with a smile.

"Well I hate to admit it, but Ardyn's stunt has given us an ample amount of time for a detour, so I'm in no position to protest," Twilight remarked.

"With that settled, I'm driving," Ignis exclaimed. He grabs the keys from Noctis then pushes his glasses up his nose. "Prompto, you can ride with Twilight," he adds, eliciting laughter from the group.


(Near Sugarcube Corner)

The afternoon sun beat down onto the small town as pastel ponies went about their day. Though irritated, they where undeterred by the heat. Among the regular hustle and bustle of town was a fresh face. The pony in question walked with a particular destination in mind; Sugarcube Corner.

She could see the building growing ever-so closer. She was almost there, but before she could get to the door a pink streak flew by her. "MAUD!" Pinkie Pie hugged her sister, rubbing her pink cheek on her frock fast enough to start a fire. Maud hugged Pinkie back.

"Hello Pinky," Maud greeted with a deadpanned look. "Mom and Dad sent me into town to pick up some rocks and sediment samples, and told me to check up on you; they're wondering if you're doing okay. And they also wanted me to make sure you go this." The bluish-grey mare nuzzled into a side pocket on her frock and pulled out a plastic container filled with purplish-grey tablets.

"Th-those are...!" Pinkie could barely contain her shock. No! I'm NOT going back! Run Pinkie, RUN! Pinkamena screamed in her head.

"Though we haven't seen 'her' in a while, you should always keep them with you, just in case," Maud lectured, watching Pinkie's reaction carefully.

"Th-thanks Sis!" Pinkie said with an excited tone. "I have the best sister ever!"

Maud hugged Pinkie again. "I'll be heading back in a while. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

Pinkie smiled. "Let's get inside!" Pinkie said, leading her to the front door. "We can talk about that scrumptious chocolate cake!" Maud followed Pinkie into the shop, a look of suspicion on the party pony's sister's face.


(Sparkle household)

The day had finally come to a close. There wasn't much to talk about in hearty subjects in the Sparkle household. Something was weighing heavy on Velvet and Nightlight's hearts. They had to leave. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew they could no longer live safely in the marbled streets of Canterlot.

Velvet was taking it the hardest. Her little filly has been missing for a year, and now she had to abandon the place she was sure she'd see her daughter again. Velvet found herself holding back tears as she and her husband continued packing.

From the other side of the room, Flurry Heart started crying. Walking over to her, Velvet discovered Flurry needed a change. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Honey, could you get that?" she asked her husband. "Flurry needs to be changed, then I can get back to packing. Tell whomever it is that we're busy." She cared for the baby as Nightlight went to answer the door.

As he made his way, the knocking persisted, only stopping when the stallion opened it. "Sorry, we're a little..." His words left his brain as he stared at the colt at the door.

"Now is that any way to greet a hero, Dad?" Shining Armor asked with a smirk. He walked in with several guards following behind him, causing Nightlight to step back. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd visit." He sighed after glancing around the room. "You can quit glaring at me now."

Nightlight's gaze didn't soften. "What do you want, Shining?"

"Celestia insisted I check up on you all," Shining replied. He sighed again after his dad scoffed at him. "Okay, she wants me to inform you that she has found your daughter and has gone to retrieve her."

"And you're still going to go along with her plan?" Nightlight hissed.

"She is the princess, after all; she knows what's best for us," Shining mocked. "But I will admit, Father; you're right, she is woefully incompetent. Her very nature will be Equestria's undoing. That is why a change of leadership is needed, and she will be the light to guide Equestria into a new age."

"Luna?" Nightlight said with a puzzled look. His curious face contorted to one of fright as Shining Armor grew a sadistic grin.

"I never said anything about Luna." With those words, a guard behind Shining fired a green beam from his horn. Shining cocked his head to the side, letting the beam travel unimpeded to its target.

Before Nightlight could warn Velvet, the beam made contact with his face. His entire head was coated in a green goo-like substance. The force of the blow threw him back and his vision became hazy. He could barely keep his head up. His vision started leaving him as Shining's guards began entering the house. All he could do was curse under his slow breathing. He failed to protect them; something he felt would come to haunt him.

"Nightlight?" Velvet said as she rounded the hallway. "What was that noi-?" She gasped in horror at seeing her husband on the floor.

"Hello Mother," Shining spat. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Sh-shining?!" Velvet stumbled. "Wh-what's going on? What happened to your father?!" She stared at him in shock. "What have you done to him?!"

"Always so quick to snap, huh Mother?" Shining could barely contain a chuckle, reveling in his mother's fear. "You can relax. I want you both alive. Out of the way, but alive." He nodded his head in the direction of one of his guards. "Do it."

On command, the guards fired green beams at the Sparkle mother. Acting quickly, Velvet threw up a light purple shield. "Why are you doing this?!" she cried out before the shield shattered. The beams reached her body, and covered all but her head in the green substance.

"You've left me no choice, Mother. I sacrificed everything to make you proud," he spat through gritted teeth. "Everything I ever did was to make you proud! But nothing I did, or could ever do, would measure up to Twilight." He started pacing around the living room.

"Fine," he continued, "Equestria has been soft for too long. Celestia's idiocy has lead to this great nation nearly falling into enemy claws more times than we can count in history. So she sends Twilight Sparkle and her precious 'friendship is magic' tripe to save us from destruction.

"If I can't save anypony as Captain of the Guard, then I'll be what Twilight could never become; A KING!" Shining Armor stamped his hoof. "Together, my queen and I shall strengthen the might of Equestria. After a few years of feeding and back-breaking labor, even the ponies that resist will come to acknowledge us as their saviors."

Velvet couldn't even believe what she was hearing. Madness, pure madness was dripping from her son's mouth. "What happened to you?" Her eyes widened as the cries of a foal took Shining's attention.

"You," Shining commanded a guard, "bring whatever that is here."

"NO!" Velvet struggled as the guard quickly returned with Flurry Heart being suspended in the air by a magical aura.

"I see you didn't waste any time replacing me," Shining scoffed as the foal was plopped into his hooves. Flurry Heart giggled. "This foal doesn't look like one you and Dad would make. But I suppose it was just luck." He looked down at her with a smile. "Don't worry little one. You're going to be with Big Brother from now on."

Shining looked to his frantic mother for a moment. "Get them ready for transport," he ordered. He walked off with Flurry Heart in his magical grasp.

"FLURRY HEART! SHINING, NO!" Before she could scream another word, Velvet's vision was engulfed by green.


(Malmalam Thicket Trail)

"Iris, look out!" Gladio used his broadsword to block a large claw from a shieldshear. Before the massive crab could break Gladio's guard, Ignis striked at its joints on its back legs.

"Here's something you can cook up, Iggy!" Prompto ducked, then jumped away from a diving killer wasp as it tried to dig its pincers into his shoulders. He managed to shoot a few rounds into its abdomen before it flew back.

"What it's gained in size it will have lost in flavor," Ignis remarked, his face unamused. He and Gladio we slashing in tandem.

"Oh?" Twilight smirked. "Something the great Ignis can't cook?" She used her horn to surround the wings of a killer wasp as Lunafreya and Noctis blocked its stinger. Twilight grinned and pulled her horn back, making the killer wasp screech in agony as its wings were violently torn off.

"I'll take your challenge, Sorceress," Ignis calmly remarked.

"Twilight, quit starting fights," Lunafreya said. She threw her lance into another wasp as it descended on Noctis. "Why do you like picking on him so much?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Prompto chuckled as he leapt over Gladio's deadlock with the massive crab. He unloaded a few rounds into its back legs. "They wuv each other," he mocked, gaining glares from both parties being talked about.

"Not in the slightest," they responded in unison, both finishing off their respective creatures. With Prompto's assistance, Gladio jabbed his sword into the face of the shield shear. It was reduced to twitches, then stopped moving all together.

"That's that," Prompto proclaimed.

"You guys were amazing," Iris praised. "Now it's on to the top."

"Yeah," Noctis added. With that, the group continued on, easily destroying what little resistance they encountered on their way through the Thicket. It wasn't long before they found themselves at the summit.

"There's the tomb," Prompto announced.

"And there's the guardian," Ignis added, pointing to a large spiked creature with multiple teeth and three large pincers.

"A bandersnatch," Twilight chuckled. "Well isn't this a rare treat?"

"How do you approach this?" Lunafreya asked.

"Its eye sight is poor," Twilight explained. "So, it relies on a thermal vision to sense prey. Prompto, you're going to hit it with a flare. If you hit its eyes, it'll start to panic. But be warned, when it gets over the initial scare, it will fly into rage. So make your first attacks count."

"Right," Noctis said. "Gladio, Ignis, and I will go for the legs."

"Great idea," Iris commented with a nod.

"Stay here Iris," Gladio said sternly.

"Oh, let her come along," Lunafreya defended. "She'll be with me and Twilight; nothing will happen to her." Gladio was not assured, but he only grumbled and hoisted his broadsword.

"Let's show it what girls can do," Twilight quipped. Her horn shifted into the general's sword. "Go for the head!" The three girls charged forward, which caught the attention of the bandersnatch. Without a moment to lose, the creature charged to meet the three. It slammed its head into the ground to begin its attack.

"Iris, go left!" Twilight commanded.

"Got it!" She rolled to the left of the large creature.

"As above, so below?" Lunafreya asked, earning a smirk from her sister. Twilight's sword transformed into a shield. Letting Lunafreya jump on top of it, Twilight launched upwards. This gave Lunafreya the opportunity she needed to drive her lance into the beast's back.

The bandersnatch thrashed about to try to shake her off. Twilight used the moment to revert her shield back into her sword and channeled a purple aura through it. After a few seconds, Twilight strikes its legs. The momentum of the impact knocked the creature's legs out from under it, sending it to the ground in a thunderous crash.

"Are we gonna let the girls have all the fun?" Noctis looked to his friends, who nod then charge the beast.

However, the group was ignorant of the fact they were all being watched by a white horse-like creature with a flowing rainbow mane. She looks on them in horror.

"Faust protect me," Celestia said to herself. She was careful to mask her magic, as to not been seen or sensed. "It's true. What has this world done to you, Twilight? Don't worry. I'll bring you home. But I have to get you away from them."


(Cloudsdale, Wonderbolt HQ)

"Cheers!" yelled many pegasi in celebration of the graduation of their new recruits. With their training complete, they were to begin service as honorary Wonderbolts. Though they were only in reserves and had a lot of training before they caught up to their legends, the fact that they made it this far means that their peers can expect great things from them.

"Congratulations recruits!" Rainbow Dash shouted to get the ponies' attention. "You all may have a long way to go to even get a quarter of how awesome I am, but you're all well on your way!"

After a laugh, the group cheered. Rainbow Dash, flanked by the Wonderbolt Legends Spitfire and Soarin, made their way to the punch bowl. A table lined with delicious confections greeted them at their destination.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash," said a stallion as he walked up to the Wonderbolt elites.

"Shining Armor," she responded. "Well, what brings you all the way out here?" she asked him.

"Business from Celestia," he answered. "She needs patrols in the skies of Canterlot and the castle while she's gone. Maybe your recruits are up for it?"

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow Dash boasted. "It'll be easy for a few new feathers like them." She drank some of her punch as she listened to the guard captain.

"Well, my guards have a new spell that creates a three-dimensional layout of whatever they think of. They can show you your ponies' patrol routes," Shining explained.

"Sweet! Listen up!" She once again gained the attention of the new recruits. "Captain of the Canterlot Guards, Shining Armor, has a job for us! He has a new light show to show you guys where you will be assigned in patrols. Aren't you all spoiled; dinner and a show?"

The new Wonderbolt recruits salute and make their way to the next room, some hanging on to their food. Before Rainbow Dash could follow, Shining pulls her aside.

"Hold on," he said. She turns to face him. "Official Element of Harmony business."

"What's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked, genuinely curious.

"Celestia has found Twilight. It won't be long before she returns with her."

Rainbow Dash let out a snort. "If it wasn't for the fact she was so important, I'd say to Tartarus with her! She has the gall to say I wasn't loyal enough to her, yet she abandons us all? I don't think I can forgive her. Even if her memories are erased."

Shining Armor only nodded at the cyan-colored pony. "Question; you said the Element of Loyalty spoke with you. What did it say?" The conversation was momentarily halted by green flashes erupting in the next room, followed by screams from several ponies. "What was that?!"

"Oh, my guards forgot to tell them that the initial flash of the spell was bright. Took me minutes before I gained my sight back the first time they tried it. Nothing to worry about though."

With a trepidatious glance at the room, Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Shining Armor. "Loyalty said that with my wings I fly high, but someone will fly higher than me. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Like that's ever going to happen."

Shining Armor chuckled. "Well, it was right. Someone will fly higher than your spectral flank. But it won't be a pegasi."

Rainbow Dash was taken aback by Shining's sudden words and devious smirk. "Ex... exuse me?" Her eyes widen as her heartbeat becomes louder in her ears.Her hooves were becoming shaky.

"I knew that you'd be too fast to chase down. But then again, why would we need to chase you? Your overinflated ego is easy enough to groom. You'd fall for anything. Like spiked punch." He chuckled.

Struggling to remain concious, Rainbow Dash pushed passed Shining Armor and stumbled to the briefing room. "W-We've b-b-been comprom-" Her dilated eyes widened as she found that her fellow wonderbolts were being put into green cocoons by changelings.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Shining Armor asked as he casually strolled over to the helpless Wonderbolts. "You ponies are going to make a great addition to our hive." Shining Armor walked over to a cocoon containing Spitfire. "This one should be chalk full of love, since she was your marefriend."

A changeling inhales sharply, making green wisps fly out of the comatose mare and into its mouth. It began to cough violently. "Thisssss onesss love isssss empty," it hissed after gaining control of the coughing.

"Oh, what a pity," Shining said, barely able to contain a laugh. "Sounds like she was just using you for the fame. Oh well. Better luck next time."

"Y-you bastard!" An enraged Rainbow Dash limped toward him, finding new strength as adrenaline pumped through her veins. Sadly, it wasn't enough. Shining Armor merely turned and chucked her into a wall. The sudden force, coupled with her drug-idled mind, was enough to send her into the blackness that was encroaching around her vision.

"One down. Four to go," Shining stated. He laughed a hearty laugh.

Outside the Wonderbolt Headquarters, a mare with a light arctic blue coat and light green eyes frantically galloped toward the large building.

"I'm late!" the mare shouted to herself. "Spitfire is gonna have my head for this!" The mare stopped in her tracks upon seeing several green flashed emitting from a window. "What the...?"

She flies up to the window to see what was going on. Changelings were cocooning flailing ponies. She looked in shock around the room, but she wasn't prepared for what she saw next; Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, carrying an unconscious Rainbow Dash over to a drone.

"See that they're transported safely,and inform the queen that the air defenses are down. However, we're missing Fleetfoot. So be ready to spring a trap for her."

The mare named Fleetfoot looked on in horror. Her friends were being abducted. Spitfire, Soarin, Rainbow Dash... Hang in there, I'll find help. She flew as low and silently as she could until she got far enough away that she wouldn't be noticed. Then she flew as fast as she could. Was that a changeling? Was it the real captain? None of this makes sense. I have to find help!


(Cape Caem)

The group pulled into a clearing as sun rays shined through the thick branches of trees. Near this clearing, a small flight of stone steps greeted them. Along with a certain mechanic, much to Prompto's excitement.

"Hey Cindy!" Prompto greeted as he jumped out of the Regalia.

"Hey Prompto." Cindy smiles as the group assembled. Twilight lagged behind. "Paw paw is in the light house tinkering away at the boat, but..." She let her words fade and gestured for the others to follow.

"Seen better days?" Gladio questioned.

"Most of the mechanical stuff we can manage, but we've hit a slight snag. We need something called Mythril. Talcott, could tell you more."

"Glad to hear he made it okay," Twilight sighed in relief.

"Yeah, he's a trooper," Cindy replied. "I'll let you talk to him."

"Right," Lunafreya responded.

When they reached their destination, Talcott jumped up excitedly when he saw them. "Prince Noctis!" he exclaimed.

"Hey Talcott. Cindy said you knew what we were looking for." Noctis stepped on the first two steps and listened intently to Talcott. Looking over, he spotted Gladio on his phone.

"What you're looking for is a special mineral called Mythril," Talcott started. "It's hard to come by, but you remember that waterfall you found the sword in?"


"It's just a few miles north of that."

"Sounds like a plan. We'll get it right away."

"Good luck, Prince Noctis." Talcott slightly bowed and went up to the lighthouse to tell the two mechanics the good news. He raced past Gladio, who was walking up to Noctis. He places a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Hey Noct, I have a personal matter I have to take care of. Do you think you can do this without me?" Gladio asked. Noctis's eyebrows furrowed in question.

"You sure you don't need our help?" Noctis asked.

"No, this is something I need to do on my own." Gladio glances at Twilight with a look of determination before looking back at his friend for a reply.

"Alright then. Good luck, and be careful."

"I won't be long." Gladio smirked. "Good luck yourself."

"Okay guys, we're moving out," Noctis announced.

"Let's go," Twilight agreed. She started walking toward her motorcycle.

"Wouldn't it just be easier to take the Regalia?" Noctis suggested.

"Why would-" Prompto started, but was interrupted by a stern look from Noctis. "Oooooh, yeah. That's a great idea Noct. Better to take one vehicle."

"B-but my baby," Twilight whined with a quivering lip.

"It'll be waiting for you when you get back," Lunafreya reassured her with an eyeroll.

"But it will be the last ride before we go to Altissa," Twilight complained. Lunafreya giggled.

"Good to see you have your priorities straight," Ignis snickered cooly.

"Why don't you eat a-"

"Twilight!" Lunafreya snapped.

"Fine," Twilight conceded.


(SugarCube Corner)

Pinkie did her best to hide her frantic behavior all afternoon since the meeting with her sister. Circumstances have become dire for the cotton candy mare; her sister showed up with Pinkie's medicine. The first chance she got she slipped into her room and started to pack, fearing that her secret had been discovered.

We must leave Pinkie! She knows, Pinkamena shouted within Pinkie's mind.

"She doesn't know," Pinkie replied. She was frantically packing a small suitcase with the first things her hooves touched. "Sh-she just wanted to give me my medicine, that's all."

Oh yeah, what a great sister; taking away the only thing that has protected you all these years. It doesn't matter now. Pinkie sat down on her bed. The spring felt a little stiffer than normal, but she didn't pay much mind to it. We have to get out of here.

"What am I going to tell the Cakes?" Pinkie sighed.

"The truth," a voice pipe up from out of nowhere. Pinkie jumped in surprise.

"Wh-who said that?!" she cried out. Her answer came in the form of her sister popping out from under the bed. "Maud?!" she asked, her voice frantic.

"Who were you talking to, Pinkie?" Maud asked, her expression a mix of boredom and concern.

"N-no one," Pinkie stammered. "I was just prioritizing for a party, that's all."

"Don't lie to me Pinkie. She's back, isn't she?" Pinkie didn't answer her, but Maud's suspicion was confirmed by Pinkie's head lowering in shame. Maud moved a little closer to her sister. "I'm here for you Pinkie. I can help you take your medicine and you'll feel better."

"No," Pinkie responded through gritted teeth. "I won't go back." Pinkie's mane deflated from it's natural fluff, her coat losing a bit of its vibrancy in the process.

"Pinkamena. You are not going to plague my sister anymore," Maud demanded.

"Plague her?! I'm here because of you Maud! You promised to protect her from the bullies and you didn't. We were going to die; I had to do something!"

"You took pleasure in hurting them," Maud stated.

"Only because they took pleasure in hurting us! I'm not going back!"

"You have no choice." Maud took out the medicine Pinkie had left on the counter.

"Don't make me do this Maud." The moments that followed were filled with silence until there was a knock at the door.

"Pinkie," Mrs. Cake said as she opened the door, "did Maud leave, or-" Her sentence was cut off by Pinkie Pie leaping over her and out the door.

"Pinkie!" Maud shouted. She darted after her sister past a bewildered Mrs. Cake, who took off after the two as well.

I am not going back! Pinkamena screamed in her head. Never, never, NEVER! She kept her head forward as she galloped down Ponyville's dirt roads.


(Road to Steyliff Grove)

Despite Twilight's protests, she rode in the Regalia with the others. Though Noctis's driving was a little rough, the ride was smooth. But even with the smooth ride Twilight couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. It felt alien for her not to be driving.

"Your baby is fine Sis," Lunafreya said while rolling her eyes. "You can be such a pain sometimes." She turned back to facing front in the passenger seat.

"That hurt Sis. But I know where you sleep," Twilight said. "And it's not with Noctis," she added after a second. Twilight crossed her arms and sat back in the back seat, trying her best not to touch an equally-irritated Ignis. Noctis's face went slightly red at the sisters' banter.

"You two always like this?" Prompto asked.

"Only on a good day," the girls replied in unison.

"You two are no doubt sisters," Ignis commented. "Two elegant women brought to petty squabbling... such is the nature of siblings."

"You think I'm elegant?" Twilight asked without uncrossing her arms. Ignis pushed his glasses up.

"Only on certain occasions," Ignis responded with a deadpanned expression, seemingly staving of a blush.

"Awwwww, thank you," Twilight laughed.

"Something does bother me though," Ignis started in an attempt to change the subject. "We haven't found any imperials on the road to our destination, especially given how this is imperial controlled territory."

"That is puzzling," Twilight retorted. "Ardyn's handiwork no doubt." She seemed slightly irritated.

"Is there ever a time we don't run into that guy?" Prompto sighed.

"He seems to have been getting more and more hands on than normal," Lunafreya commented. She looked to Noctis in concern.

"No doubt he's the reason we haven't encountered any resistance on our way through their territory," Ignis added.

Not long after this, the group arrived at the entrance to a swamp. The humid and sticky air made their breathing a little heavier. "This is our stop," Noctis announced after parking and shutting off the Regalia.

"Nice place," Twilight said sarcastically.

They walked through the marsh, eventually passing by a familiar red car. They soon reached a stone archway, where a familiar yet foreboding face waited for them. "Pleasure to see you all again," Ardyn greeted as they got closer.

"Pleasure is all ours," Twilight snarkily remarked.

"Oh come now. You all can use some different company seeing as you're short a man." He started instructing the group to follow him. "Oh sorry. Was that a sensitive subject?" he asked before leading the way.

"Not one we're willing to discuss," Noctis seethed.

"Then let us move on to why you're here. Unless you're here for the sites, though I highly doubt that." He looked around from each member's eyes before settling back on Noctis's. "You're here for Mythril; a very rare substance that we can't just let anyone take."

"But you'll let us," Prompto growled. Ardyn laughed.

"Oh heavens no, Darlings," he said, causing Twilight to cringe. "I simply wanted you to dig it up yourselves."

"Gee, thaaaanks," Twilight grumbled.

"I was hoping you'd approve," Ardyn replied. "I hoped if I spoke in a similar manner to your friend Rarity it would be easier for you to take the news. Before he could even smirk, Twilight pinned Ardyn to a stone pillar. She was holding his collar and her horn had transformed into Nyx's kukris, her eyes blood red with rage and panic.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?!" she demanded.

"Twilight, stop," Lunafreya said while frantically pulling her away from Ardyn.

"He is no good to us dead," Ignis chimed in. "He is the only one who can get us past the imperial guards."

After several tense moments Twilight relented, her eyes reverting back to normal. "Don't. Ever. Mention. That Name. Again," Twilight growled.

"As you wish," Ardyn responded with a small nod. "I apologize if I have offended you. It's never good to get on the bad side of The Sorceress of Niflheim," he added with a smirk.

"I hate you," Twilight whispered.

They all proceeded onward, heading for the entrance of a temple. "Oh and I failed to mention my imperial friends are waiting for us."

"Splendid." Ignis eyed Ardyn.

"But fear not for I will put in a good word."

They finally made it to the entrance. Much to their surprise there were a few Magitek troopers near it, guarding some munitions crates. Though, there was yet another familiar face in the bunch.

"Aranea," Lunafreya whispered.

"Her again," Ignis said, remaining on guard.

"All clear! Go ahead, and do have some fun." Ardyn gestured for them to meet the three guarding the entrance. The group proceeded past Ardyn.

"So, you're the 'new recruits' sent over here for 'special training.' Nice cover, Prince," Aranea greeted.

"It's been a while Aranea," Twilight responded while crossing her arms.

"Well, if it isn't the Sorceress," Aranea spat. "And what training could I possibly offer if they're learning from you?"

"The kind that shows them not to stand on a street corner for some Gil." Aranea flinched.


"Mercenary filth."



The two women continued calling each other names, looking as though they were about to rip each other's throats out. The guys were about to step in, only to be stopped by Lunafreya. "It's not what you think," she said with a small smirk. She gestured toward them, and as if on cue they embraced each other with laughter. The guys went slack-jawed at the exchange.

Once done with their laughing fit, Aranea faux punched Twilight's arm. "How long has it been?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Four years, give or take a day," Twilight responded.

"Those two may have had a rocky start, but they became close friends," Lunafreya explained.

"You're not getting out of this, Lulu," Aranea said, signaling for her to join in on the hug. "Come on, get in here." With a soft smile, Lunafreya made her way into the three-way hug. A few seconds went by before Ignis coughed to get their attention. They separated.

"Alright you all, here's the deal," Aranea started with crossed arms. "The entrance to the ruins won't open up until sundown. We have yet to figure out why."

"So we're on a time limit," Twilight said.

"And the inside will be crawling with Daemons," Prompto commented.

"So we bring our A-game," Noctis stated.

Aranea lead the group to a fire pit. She sparked it to life and they all casually conversed while waiting for the sun to set. Once the sun finally began dipping into the horizon, they heard a faint crumbling noise; the sound of stone doors rising from the muddy ground.

"Sounds like that's our cue," Ignis spoke up. He stood from his chair.

"Let's head out," Noctis said, following suite.

"Race you there!" Twilight shouted as she took off in a sprint. Aranea followed her, keeping pace with her friend.

"She is too reckless!" Ignis commented as he took chase after them.

"You're totally into her!" Prompto commented following close behind him.

"Quit teasing him Prompto!" Noctis said, also taking after them. Lunafreya kept pace with him.

The group continued their race through the entrance. Everyone was in too much of a rush to notice that the entryway had been lit. They found themselves running down stairs in a narrow passage way. Lunafreya noticed something odd and shook her head.

"Did anyone else see that?" Lunafreya mentioned, not quite out of breath yet. She was trying to focus on getting through the passage way like the others, but it was nagging here.

"The only thing I see at this moment is your ass in my face," Twilight complained from behind her. She tried her best to push past, but Lunafreya was just a bit faster. "I bet Noctis wishes he was in my position," she teased.

Behind them, the boys weren't fairing any better. Noctis was behind Ignis and Prompto, about to catch up. "Shut up Twilight," he said as he shoved past his companions. In the process he tripped and accidentally knocked into Prompto, causing a chain reaction that ended with everyone tumbling down the last few stairs into a large empty room.

"Ow," Prompto groaned when he got up. Looking around, he noticed some odd lighting fixtures all around that were illuminating the ruins. "Hey, someone left the lights on."

"I'd hate to see their electric bill," Twilight said after brushing herself off. She helped Lunafreya up.

"Let's continue on," Ignis said. He casually adjusted his glasses while everyone else got to their feet.

"Be careful," Lunafreya instructed as they continued. "These rooms are going to be a bit difficult to fight in with a party of six."

"Agreed," Aranea said. As if on cue, the floor in front of them amassed several pockets of black smoke and red electricity. Skeletons began to rise out of the ground.

"This'll be fun," Twilight mused, drawing her horn.

"They're as stupid as they are fragile," Aranea commented. They charged the skeletons. Aranea took to the air, slamming down onto four that had been clustered together. Prompto shot at one that managed to roll out of the way. Noctis hurled his short sword at it and it disintegrated.

Twilight uses her magic to hurl some into a wall. Before they had a chance to slide off, she shifted her horn into a lance and threw it into one. As she did, Lunafreya plunged her javelin into the other. Both skeletons shattered on impact.

"Nice job Sis," Lunafreya said, high fiving her adopted sibling.

"Let's finish-Get down!" Twilight pushed Lunafreya down and ducked under a dark purple streak. Twilight used the upward momentum as she stood to slam into the offender's chest, causing it to fly back a foot or two. "Reapers. Well at least things are getting more fun."

She helped her sister up. As they got ready to attack they were joined by the rest of the group, who had made quick work of their bony adversaries. "Let's finish up," Noctis proclaimed.

The group let out a battle cry as they charged the Reaper. The Daemon didn't stand a chance against the group as each member seemed to land a critical strike; Prompto shot it in the head, Ignis and Twilight slashed open its sides, Lunafreya and Noctis pierced its chest. Aranea finished it off by leaping over the creature and landing expert slashes into it with her lance.

The Daemon disappeared as fast as it came. "With teamwork like that, this will be a breeze," Prompto said. "And you were a badass Aranea," he added, giving her a thumbs-up.

"Aw, thank you." Aranea smirked. She turned to Twilight. "Hear that? I'm a badass," she said smugly.

"Take out the 'bad' and he'd be spot on," Twilight shot back, holding back a smile.

"You were both awesome," Noctis declared before the two could start back up with their friendly bickering.

"It's best to keep moving," Ignis piped up, "before more show up." He pushed up his glasses. The party regrouped together and proceeded through the decrepit ruins.

"I could do this all day," Twilight remarked.

"That may be the case, but we don't have that much time," Aranea stated. "We have until sunrise to get the Mythril or be trapped in here until the next sunset." They rounded a corner and passed over piles of broken stone.

"Oh dear," Lunafreya responded.

"That would be a problem," Prompto agreed. They entered another room then, Prompto being the first to look around. "Hey, check this out!"

Once they caught up with him, they looked around in awe. "By the Six," Twilight gasped as she took the scene in. The room had multiple balconies, flat stone awaited those unlucky enough to fall. However, when looking up there was a wondrous sight; water floating above as a makeshift ceiling, fish swimming around even, as if the ruins were underwater.

"This is amazing," Lunafreya said as she stepped up beside Twilight. "Long forgotten magic of the old world." She smiled at the look on Twilight's face before gazing at the ceiling herself.

"I read the books like crazy," Twilight muttered. "Yet I never found anything remotely similar to this." She crossed her arms.

"Guys!" Prompto shouted. "We've got company!" He fired his gun at more skeletons that appeared. Though this time they were joined by several large, opaque, multicolored slime monsters.

"Creme Brulees," Twilight groaned. "I've lost sooo many armors to these little bastards." She readied her horn.

"I can't even enjoy the dessert thanks to these things!" Aranea added. They charged at their new enemies.

"Let's make quick work of these suckers." Noctis hurled his short sword into one of the Creme Brulees, managing to deliver six strikes before it had a chance to lunge at him.

Prompto fired off a flare, brightening up the entire hall. The Daemons recoiled in agony. A few skeletons tried to flee into the confines of a dark hall, only to be intercepted by Aranea and Lunafreya dropping in front of them. Then in a fit of rage, the last Creme Brulee lunged at Ignis, who had been occupied with blocking a poison attack from two other skeletons.

"Watch out!" Twilight pushed Ignis out of the way. Due to her lack of firm footing the Creme Brulee was able to knock her off the ledge of the balcony.

"Twilight!" Ignis shouted. An anger welled up inside him and he slammed into the Creme Brulee, impaling it with his daggers. He pulled them out forcefully and striked it multiple times. The Daemon was unable to get a handle on the situation and Ignis finally plunged his daggers into its head. As the creature disappeared, the other party members stared at Ignis, stunned at seeing their usually cool-headed companion lash out.

"Ignis!" Noctis yelled. As Ignis jumped out of the way Noctis hurled his sword into a skeleton attempted to perform a sneak attack. Lunafreya frantically threw her javelin into the last skeleton. After making sure it was dead, she ran to the edge of the balcony.

"Twilight!" she called out desperately. For a solid minute there was no response. Lunafreya's heart dropped to her stomach. Her face went hot and tears were beginning to form in her eyes. Aranea and the others came up around her at the balcony and called out for Twilight once more.

"Will you quit yelling! I'm fine!" Twilight called up. Lunafreya sighed heavily, wiping away the few tears that had spilled.

"Are you okay?" Aranea shouted. While looking down, they were able to see Twilight walk into view from below.

"Yeah! I was able to teleport right before I hit the ground. But it's not going to be an easy task getting back up!" Twilight looked around at her surroundings, noting that there was a massive door to her left, the walls around it looking crumbly. "My horn won't be able to lodge itself into the walls here, and I can't climb back up!"

"We'll come to you!" Prompto shouted. As the words left his mouth, the door beside Twilight opened. Well, that's not creepy at all, she thought to herself.

"New plan! We'll meet each other half way!" They watched as she walked back out of view. They couldn't see it, but the door closed behind her.

"She was never one to play damsel in distress," Lunafreya grumbled. "Let's go." The group continued through the ruins, battling lesser Daemons along the way.

Twilight, however...

"What is all this?" Twilight muttered as she ducked under some fallen stones. As she walked into new rooms, they would seem to light themselves, as if illuminating a path for her to follow. After a few minutes, she came across a large wall painting. Some of it had long since been eroded, but one with a trained eye would still be able to make out the story presented.

"The history of the ruins I suppose," she mused to herself as her eyes fell upon a painting containing many figures. There was a group of six figures, with a larger one towering behind them. "It's the six," Twilight whispered in mild surprise.

She continued down the hall, the following paintings adding more to the story. Then something caught her eye. "Wait... what is that?"

There was a mural depicting Ifrit and Sheva, locked in a lover's embrace. A creature descending to the world below from their locked hands; a creature with four legs, wings, and a horn of pure white- or at least that's what Twilight could make out from the dim lighting. This creature also had a red mane and tail. It was descending onto a world Twilight was all too familiar with.

"Wait, is that...?" Her brows furrowed and her breath hitched as she reached out to touch the area. "Equestria?!"

Before she could study more of the murals a massive roar stole her train of thought. It seemed to be coming from further down the hallway she was standing in. Twilight took to a sprint down the halls, ignoring the rest of the paintings.

As she was running, she could hear the familiar sounds of her party members fighting another enemy. She kept a quick pace until the hallway opened up into another room, where the others were fighting against a large dragon-like monster. The monster's body was lined with sharp blue scales, its claws and teeth were razor sharp, and it had glowing red eyes. It's body was arching with electricity.

Of course it had to be a Quetzalcoatl, Twilight thought to herself. "Look out!" Lunafreya cried out as the creature went to dive bomb toward the group, leading to everyone to tuck and roll from where they were standing. Twilight grabbed her horn and pointed it above the elemental dragon.

The air became chilled as ice particles gathered together from the atmosphere above the Quetzalcoatl. The particles solidified into a rather-large cylindrical block. The block succumbed to gravity and fell onto the monster's back. The group stayed out of the way from the oncoming fall of the creature, who roared in pain as it writhed under the dense ice.

"Twilight!" Lunafreya exclaimed.

"Thank goodness you're safe!" Ignis shouted.

"Hey, monster now! Reunion later!" Twilight pointed at the downed Quetzalcoatl. Though it was struggling, it was slowly attempting to move the ice pillar.

"Let's hit it with everything we've got!" Noctis proclaimed. The creature roared in fury, coursing with violent sparks of electricity that shattered the ice column. Twilight quickly conjured a fireball and sent it flying into the creature's face. But it was quick on its feet, opening its wings to take to the air and avoid the projectile.

As Noctis threw his javelin into its side, Aranea was able to jump high enough to get above the monster. In the air, she pointed her lance beneath her and began to spin rapidly before coming down and slamming the weapon into the creature's back. The downward force was strong enough to bring the monster to the ground.

"Earth pillar!" Twilight shouted. Several columns of raw earth rose from below, impaling the beast as it fell. Prompto found his opening and fired off a round from his gun into the beast's eye. The Quetzalcoatl hit the ground, causing tremors in the process but it quickly recovered and lunged at the group.

Lunafreya jumped over it and Twilight threw up a shield to stop it. Ignis slashed at its back legs to keep it off balanced while Aranea went for the chest. Noctis struck the beast in the neck with his short sword. The combined assault was too much for the Quetzalcoatl; with another shot in the head from Prompto, the beast took its last breath and collapsed on the ground.

Everyone to a moment to breathe. "We did it!" Prompto shouted in glee.

"It is finished," Aranea announced. "Look." Close to where Twilight's earth pillars form was a deposit of the Mythril.

"This should be enough," Noctis said. He went over to the deposit and started digging it out of the ground. As he did so, Prompto walked over to Aranea.

"So what's next for you?" he asked her.

"I think it's high time I parted ways with the Empire. I'll round up my men and hunt Daemons for coin. Better than delivering them to the Empire."

"What does the Empire want with them?" Ignis asked inquisitively.

"Take a wild guess," Aranea retorted while crossing her arms.

"Weapons," Twilight responded, earning a nod of agreement from Aranea.

"The Empire has been using them in a number of experiments," Aranea continued. "I've never seen the end results, 'above my pay grade' and what not, they tell me." She rolled her eyes as she spoke. Lunafreya stepped closer to the mercenary as she spoke.

"That's a fancy way of saying you're paid to fight, not to think," Lunafreya added. She softly patted Aranea's shoulder.

"Well, it's been fun Lulu," Aranea sighed. "But now that you all have what you need, it's time to part ways."

"We'll see you later," Twilight said with a smirk to her friend.

"Yeah, later," Lunafreya replied,her eyes seeming distant. Noctis joined back with the group once he was done harvesting the Mythril.

"First, we need to get out of here," he mentioned.

"We have half an hour to get out before the temple closes on us," Ignis added.

"Yeah, I don't want to stay here longer than I have to!" Prompto exclaimed. He bolted into the opposite direction Twilight had come from, heading forthe temple entrance. The rest of the group trailed behind him.

Twilight was the last to follow out, the thought of going back to those murals nagging softly in the back of her head.


(Location Unknown)

The bat ponies headquarters was abuzz with activity. News of riots were the least of their trouble as the War Room was scrambling to process reports. The news was grim; the Sparkle family has gone missing. Though nothing official has come with the rumors, the bat ponies knew one thing; something big was starting.

"Did they find a foal?!" Cadence cried as she frantically pinned Captain Dusk into a stone wall.

"You're not helping our case Cadence," Dusk replied calmly. She careully pushed Cadence off of her.

"But they..."

"Were taking care of your filly, I know. You've told me already. I'm making finding your foal priority one. But rescuing Princess Luna is priority zero."

"I can't wait!" Cadence's voice was getting more hysterical as her words continued. "She's all alone! I never should have left her there!"

"Breathe Princess!" Dusk yelled, shaking Cadence out of her fit. After some of her signature deep breathing, Cadence was able to calm down. She looked to Dusk.

Cadence's words came out as steady as she could manage. "I need to find her."

"I understand Pincess," Dusk said. "But hear me out; they just up and vanished without a trace. Their luggage was packed, but not taken..." Her words trailed off when she noticed on of the bat ponies waiting patiently. Cadence also looked in her direction. Dusk raised her brows for the bat pony to speak.

"Ma'am, we haven't had any word from the Wonderbolts in the past four hours." Dusk's eyes narrowed in thought, her gaze having fallen to the floor. The bat pony left.

"What does that mean?" Cadence wondered out loud. Dusk looked back up.

"The Sparkle family goes missing, and now we've lost contact with our Wonderbolt brothers and sisters. Something is off."

"CAPTAIN!" shouted a bat pony scout as he ran into the war room. "Fleetfoot has crash landed just north of here!"

"Bring her in then," Dusk commanded. "Get the infirmary prepped." A bat pony clad in a medical coat saluted and dashed off to follow orders.

After half an hour the bat pony scout stumbled in carrying a heavily bruised but alive Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot's mane was heavily matted and full of leaves, with a small twig sticking out of it. She had small cuts all over her face, staining her arctic blue fur with patches of blood. Her breathing was deliberate and slow.

"Fleetfoot what happened?!" Dusk marched up to her. "Why are you out here? Mor importantly, what can't we get in contact with the others? You showboats can't all be on vacation at once."

Fleetfoot ignored the potshot. "Wonderbolt... Headquarters... Compromised... Changelings... took everypony."

The room fell into a moment of silence.

Dusk's eyes narrowed. "This confirms it. The Sparkle family didn't run off; they were abducted. By the same ones who abducted our showboating brothers and sisters." She looked to the bat pony scout. "Take Fleetfoot to the infirmary."

The bat pony scout saluted and did as she was told.

"We will find them," Dusk assured a frantic-looking Cadence. "But we can't let them get to Princess Luna."

"But my dau-"

"I KNOW!" Dusk shouted. "But if they get a hold of the princess we will have no leadership and we'll be running around like a cockatrice with no head." Dusk was lightly pacing as she spoke. "On top of that, if they replace Princess Luna it will become easy to manipulate the masses. We will find Luna and save as many as we can." She stopped pacing and faced the rest of her guards. They were hanging onto their captain's words. "Then we'll take the fight to them!"

The room erupted into cheers. Though Cadence was frustrated at the idea of not going immediately after Flurry Heart, the Nightguard Captain had madea good point. Regardless, Cadence wouldn't be able to find her daughter by herself. She sighed.

"Alright. Let's get Luna," Cadence agreed. Dusk put a reassuring hoof on the princess's back.

"You have my word we will look for them after we save Princess Luna." Dusk looked to a batpony standing close by. "Go to Canterlot and find Flash Sentry. We move on the dungeon tonight."


(68 Miles out to Sea)

The afternoon sun shone brightly as the smell of salt water filled the air. The spirits were high. After getting a warm goodbye from Cindy and the others, the group finally found themselves sea worthy on their way to the grand city of Altissia.

Furnished comfortably with water sealed leather seats, a hardwood floor deck, and a sleek black roof, King Regis's boat was large enough to accommodate the six. Twilight sat in the front set of seats with Ignis while Gladio and Prompto sat in the back, along with Lunafreya and Noctis. Cid manned the wheel, given how he's had experience with the vessel. It brought both pain and joy to his old heart as he remembered all the good times with Regis and their companions.

"I love this!" Prompto exclaimed. "The fresh sea air, the bright sun... the sound of the waves hitting the boat." He threw his arms up in joy. "I can get used to this!"

"Many people devote their lives to the sea, but often die by it." Twilight relaxed in her chair. "The sea has its ugly side, just as anything else does."

"That's quite the pessimistic attitude," Gladio commented as he crossed his arms.

"It's more of an allegory for life," Twilight started explaining. "Life can be ugly, but it's the simple things you take pleasure in."

"And I'm going to enjoy it all!" Prompto proclaimed.

"I don't see why not," Twilight said. "I think I'll go visit the clothes store. Altissia is known for its high fashion, food, and breathtaking view." She had an almost dreamy gaze as she spoke. "It's enough to put even Canterlot to shame."

"I've never heard of such a place," Ignis stated, causing Twilight's face and neck turn a bright shade of red.

"I-it's nothing." Twilight's voice lowered to a whisper and she leaned a little closer to Ignis. "Say, you want to do it when we get there?" A sinister smirk formed on her face.

Ignis was about to question what it was before he remembered. He returned her smirk while pushing up his glasses. "I would be honored."

The others held mischievous snickers under their breath, having managed to hear Ignis's reply. But, not to pull attention to having been listening, they changed the subject.

"To think we were on our way to do this anyway," Gladio said.

"We've come this far," Noctis replied, reflecting on everything that's happened.

"But there is still more to come," Ignis reminded them.

"Right," Lunafreya confirmed. "Altissia has an uneasy truce with The Empire. They might try to hand me over to them to stop any possibility of inner city violence."

"That won't happen," Noctis said softly, taking her hand. "I won't let them."

"Unless the governor finds out you're alive we'll be fine," Twilight mentioned. "But it would be awkward for the 'dead' oracle to be walking the streets, so to speak." Twilight looked up to the sky as several birds flew high above them. Though, one of them didn't look quite right... Her face scrunched as she squinted.

As a matter of fact, on of those birds looks like a... an alicorn? Celestia!?

Twilight gasped the closed her eyes as a ray from the sun hit her face. When she opened them back up, the sky was empty again, save for the clouds. She sighed in relief and tuned her attention back to the others.

"It seems like you don't have to worry about that," Cid commented as he turned to look at everyone. "Just listening to the radio and... well, you might want to hear this." He increases the volume on the radio.

"...It would seem we have just received word that the former Princess of Tenebrae and Oracle, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, is alive and well. Along with Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, the two are heading to Altissia for their wedding..." Cid turned the volume back down and returned to face ahead.

Twilight facepalmed. "Me and my big mouth."

"It does seem like an issue," Ignis chuckled.

"It doesn't matter," Gladio waved off. "What kind of deity are we dealing with?"

"A royal bitch," Twilight answered. Her eyes went back to the sky and she rested her head on the back of her seat. "One that doesn't like her beauty sleep interrupted."

"What Twilight is saying is we're dealing with a massive serpent that's said to embody the roar and rage of the sea," Ignis elaborated.

"You know," Prompto responded, returning to his gushing, "I've always wanted to go sailing like this."

"Well, we still have a ways to go. So keep gushing to your heart's content," Ignis said.

Prompto smiled. "Hey Twilight, have you ever been to Altissia?"

"A lot actually," she replied. "Though it is one-sided it's still a sovereignty, so Niflheim had to negotiate trade within the city. They use the Governor's estate for diplomacy meetings. The Empire has tried to get control of the country by using puppet officials, but the Governor is not someone who budges so easily.

"As such, I've had to go over there on behalf of the Empires. The Governor even offered to give me asylum if I wanted to defect." She glanced at Prompto as she spoke. He was hanging on to every word. "But, that would just make things harder on them and myself. Plus I couldn't leave my siblings behind." As she added that last part, she glanced at Lunafreya, who was listening but was staring off to the side.

"It's always the hardest choices that define your character," Ignis stated. They were all silent for a few moments.

"I have a question Twilight," Prompto piped up. She looked at him. "Do you remember your fight with Ravus?"


"What's up with his arm? It's freaky looking," he added.

"It seems he lost it in the invasion," Ignis agreed. "In turn he has seemed to have gained a new power."

"That would explain why his strength felt... supernatural," Prompto pondered.

As Twilight looked from person to person, she caught Lunafreya's expression. She looked at Twilight pleadingly, silently begging her not to reveal what happened to Ravus.

"My brother is strong and persistent in his own rights, but what you all saw was the work of the new arm. It's a prosthetic limb infused with Magitek." The gang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Magitek," Noctis mutters to himself.

"The prosthetics are still in testing phases, because most of the trial ones managed to rip themselves from their owners. The thing is, the pieces not only replace a lost limb, but they also interface with the brain to make it as if it were you actual limb. They can give the wearer enhanced strength and durability, and they can even channel magic through them. Not to the same effectiveness I can, but they're still dangerous."

The group sat in awe. "But I take it there is a risk?" Ignis questioned. Twilight nodded.

"The prosthetics filter into both the cardiovascular system and the brain, spreading Magitek particles throughout the host's body. However, the body starts growing dependent on the Magitek in the prosthetics. So if the connection is abruptly cut without support, it will result in the host either instantly dying of heart failure, or the brain will shut off and they will live out the rest of their lives as vegetables."

"Whoa," Prompto replied. "Didn't know you were an egghead."

Twilight clenched her fists. "Well, when one gets the chance to read, they should take it to better understand the world." Prompto looked thoughtful at her response.

Someone changed the subject, and the conversations shifted around for a while as they continued en route. After a bit, they passed by some large rocks. Cid slowed the boat as they transitioned into a canal. There were water falls below, and ahead laid two large angelic statues welcoming them to a large gate; a landmark signifying their journey's end.

"We're here," Cid announced. "Altissia, the city on the sea. The party members all darted to the left side of the boat, excited to see what wonder would wait past their stone-carved gate. Though, their sense of awe was lessened as the boat slowed to a stop beside a guard on the dock.

"Does this vessel have an entry permit?" the guard asked in a monotone.

"Um, entry-?" Prompto panicked slightly.

"I have one," Twilight announced, startling the guard in the process.

"S-sorceress?" the guard stuttered.

"At ease, Soldier." Twilight looked over the boat. "I came back from the dead, not from the Empire." She pulled out a permit from under her armor. "Here you go," she said as he took the permit.

After a moment the guard says, "Everything checks out, but you know the Governor will want to see you."

"I had a feeling," Twilight agreed with a nod. "Tell her that her precious cargo has arrived. And no, she's not immediately taking her away for her protection." Twilight tapped her foot.

"Got it," the guard replied. He gave Twilight her permit back and signaled for others to open the gate. Cid steered the boat through the canal and into Altissia's bustling bay.

Sitting atop multiple waterfalls, Altissia was quite the sight to behold for the average tourist. From the marble walkways to the finely chiseled architecture of the large buildings, The City of The Sea was not only a compliment to itself. Every beautiful element the city had been blessed with was reflected back at itself through the crystal water's reflection.

The utilization of irrigation and water transports made it easy for locals to go about their busy days with little concern of getting wet. Cid navigated carefully through these waterways with other sail boats, whose occupants waved to the newcomers. Their greetings were happily returned by the group.

Soon they reached a vacant dock to rest on. Once docked, the band of brothers piled out of the boat. Twilight stayed behind with Lunafreya to put her in something a little more discreet for the princess.

Together they decided on a look consisting of a pair of blue jeans, a red-sleeved white shirt with a mini chocobo on it, and a pair of white sneakers. For good measure before they walked out of the door to catch up with the guys, Lunafreya quickly threw on sunglasses and a blue and yellow hat.

The guys proceeded toward the the checking area. "What's this, immigration?" Prompto asked as he looked to Noctis, who rolled his eyes in frustration.

"There's more?" Noctis wondered aloud. They tried walking past the glass booth where a guard was checking paperwork for newcomers.

"Halt!" the guard shouted, catching Noctis off guard. "What is the purpose of your visit?" he asked.

"Um..." Noctis was at a loss for words. He looked back the way they'd come and saw that the girls had caught up with them then.

"Business with the Governor," Twilight said to the guard as she reached the booth. The guard jumped back slightly.

"S-sorceress?!" he panicked. "B-but the papers said you were dead."

"Oh, I'm very much alive and I'm rather happy about it." Her tone was professional and level. "Now, tell the Governor to meet us at Maagho shopping district. After that we'll stay for some cultural enrichment."

"Y-yes Ma'am!" the guard stuttered. "Enjoy your stay," he added with a small head-bow as the group walked out of the checkpoint with Cid following behind them.

"My friend Weskham runs a place in Maagho," Cid said, addressing Twilight. "I didn't think you would have time to venture around the city beyond your Empire work." The group stepped out of the way of other pedestrians to speak.

"There were a few times I was able to steal myself from work," Twilight responded with a smile. "The Acorrdo is a great place to have a cup of coffee and read." She let the nostalgia wash over her at the thought.

"Do you read a lot?" Ignis asked.

Lunafreya gasped sarcastically. "If she's not fighting she's brain deep in a book." A chuckle escaped her throat. "When she lived with my family she didn't leave the library for a week until every book had been read." Twilight bushed lightly at Lunafreya's comment.

"A rather earnest scholar," Ignis mused. He clutched his chin in a pondering pose. "But the Empire has no need for ambition or free thought."

"Exactly," Twilight agreed with a nod.

"Well let's go to Maagho," Prompto declared with determination despite not havinga clue as to where he was going.

"You boys take care of Lulu for a bit," Twilight ordered, causing everyone to stare at her in shock. "I have something I need to do real quick. Then I'll be right there." She turned to Lunafreya. "You know me Lulu, I don't get distracted unless it needs my attention." She grabbed her sister's hand for reassurance.

"Fair enough," Lunafreya said. "Let's get going."

The guys nodded and left Twilight. They weaved through the crowds, trying to blend in so no one recognized Lunafreya. After she lost sight of them, Twilight took her steps into the crowds.

Though she wasn't technically drawing attention to herself, people still took notice of her. She soon started hearing people gasp as she passed.

"Is that the Sorceress of Niflheim?"

"I think so."

"What does the Empire want?"

"Wait, she didn't kill Lady Lunafreya. The news just announced she was alive."

The various voices started mingling together as Twilight approached a cannal gondola. "Climb aboard," the rower invited. She smiled politely at the rower as she got onto the gondola. During the ride she was brainstorming her next mission.

This was a mission of great importance; attaining some nice clothes. I don't know why I'm so nervous, she thought to herself. It's just a prank. She was quiet for the duration of her ride.

While Twilight shopped, the rest of the group had a little bit of a tough time searching on foot. Though, things were made much easier once they worked it out that it's better to use the gondolas to get around.

During their gondola ride each person did make note of places they would like to check out when they had some free time. Prompto was particularly looking forward to what he thought was a camera store. Gladio seemed to catch site of a tattoo shop that looked interesting. While Lunafreya made note of a dress shop, Noctis caught sight of a jewelry stand. After a bit they did end up at Maagho, the floating market station.

"Welcome to the Accordo lads," a dark-skinned bartender greeted. "Cid mentioned you all were coming. I'm Weskham Armaugh, as you might have guessed." He smiled at them and took an extra moment looking at Noctis. "My word, how you've grown. It's been a long time little prince, no doubt you have your fair share of questions."

"Has anything changed with the Leviathan?" Noctis asked.

Weskham sighed. "So far it's business as usual in port." He started cleaning drinking glasses while he continued talking. "However, the Governor plans to open up the alter of the Tidemother tomorrow. At the same time it seems the city is scrambling to get emergency provisions ready." He looked up from his work. "Which begs the question; why risk the Hydraean's rampage?"

Lunafreya listened quietly. Noctis nodded. "What of the Niffs?"

"Their presence is one we're used to, but the high commander and chancellor's appearance yesterday did cause quite the stir."

"Ravus," Lunafreya breathed to herself. She was only mildly surprised her brother would be here this quickly.

"With that, rumors have begun to surface that the Empire's army will show up here," Weskham continued, resuming to the glasses. "They felled one God and now wish to take them all. The Empire is not content with ruling just the land, they want the heavens as well. And as far as the Oracle sitting in the chair over there," he added with a nod in Lunafreya's direction. His words trailed off.

Lunafreya doubled over in embarrassment. "I told Twilight this wasn't going to work," she said.

"Relax, Your Grace. To most people you do just look like a normal tourist," Weskham assured her.

An older woman in an all green pantsuit had walked up to the group then and had caught the last statement. "But not to anyone who looks hard enough," she responded. The group looked over to see she was flanked by two guards. "Gentlemen, I won't waste your time. I am Cameila Claustra." She held out a hand, to which Noctis met in a handshake.

"First Secretary of the Accordo Protectorate," Ignis stated.

"On to business," Cameila said. "We'll be needing to take Lady Lunafreya into our care. The Empire knows she has made it here and demands we release her into their custody."

Noctis jumped in front of Lunafreya defensively. "Excuse me!?" he said in alarm.

Twilight had arrived from a gondola then. "Relax Noctis," she said as she stepped beside him. She patted his shoulder. "She's on our side." Noctis looked from Twilight to the Secretary and back.

"I am loath to concede unless we stand to profit," the Secretary stated, continuing to speak to Noctis. "So I'm here to discuss terms with the King of Lucis. However, I must insist we take the Oracle into our care."

Noctis was quiet for moment and looked to Twilight again. "I've already talked it over with her Noct," she assured him. "We respect the Governor's wishes. Plus, I don't trust many people and I trust this woman with my life."

After a few more tense moments of silence Noctis sighed reluctantly. "Okay," he breathed.

"I understand this is difficult for you Your Highness, but there is more at stake than merely Lucis and Altissia." Cameila's voice was calm but stern as she spoke. "Now if you wish to continue this, then please join me at my estate." She gave a nod to her guards and left. They stayed behind.

"I'll meet back up with you guys later," Twilight said as she addressed the group.

"I'll see you later Noct." Lunafreya blew a kiss at Noctis. Then the two guards escorted the girls to their own gondola.

By now Weskham had finished cleaning the drinking glasses and had moved to cleaning the counter. "Cameila can be oblique in the best of times, but she has the peoples' best interest at heart," he assured a slightly distraught Noctis. "Lunafreya is in good hands." He slung his towel over his shoulder. "But face it, you all look exhausted. I suggest you get to the Inn and ponder things in the morning."

"Sounds good," Noctis replied. "We'll see you later."

The four left the bar and used the gondola system to reach the business district. Once there, they traveled on foot to the Inn. When they did get there they were greeted by a familiar face.

"Gentiana," Noctis said in surprise.

"A future uncertain awaits you O King," she spoke cryptically. "But for now rest is vital for your next trial. Twilight wanted me to give you this," she added as she handed him two letters. Though, one was addressed to Ignis.

Gentiana left them and Noctis handed Ignis's letter to him. Everyone watched Ignis as he read. His eyes went wide for a moment and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Oh dear," he stated.

"What is it Specs?" Gladio asked. Prompto was on the edge of his seat, so to speak.

"Seems I have a date tonight," he responded dryly. The rest of the group gasped in unison at the response.

"With?" Noctis jabbed Ignis's shoulder.


"YES!" Prompto exclaimed to the sky, startling a few onlookers. "You've got to let me come along! The pictures will be amazing! Maybe they could even be the start of a family album." He was standing right beside Ignis now. He patted his friend's arm.

"I can assure you, this is a simple date and nothing more." Ignis's voice was steady. But his friends weren't going to buy that. As Gladio patted Ignis's shoulder, Prompto readied his camera and Noctis gave him a thumbs up. "Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only adult in this entourage," Ignis said to himself.


(Cameila's Estate)

"A date! With Ignis!?" Lunafreya shouted in shock. She was standing beside an opened bathroom door, facing the wall opposite of of the opening. She leaned on the wall and crossed her arms.

"It's no big deal Sis," Twilight responded from within the bathroom. Lunafreya could hear fabric rustling as Twilight was dressing.

"Not a big deal? This is you we're talking about. No offense, but you're usually so serious, it's all business with you. And now you're going on a date!?"

Twilight walked out then. "Do I look okay?"

Lunafreya turned to look and an audible gasp escaped her throat. Normally if Twilight wasn't in her armor she would be found in jeans and polo shirts, usually paired with worker's boots. But now as she stood in front of Lunafreya she was wearing a purple sequined halter top, a knee-length black circle skirt, and a pair of black wedges. Twilight's hair was pulled up into a bun on the back of her head, with a few loose tendrils framing her face. Lunafreya also noticed that there were lavender studs in her earlobes.

"Well?" Twilight said.

Lunafreya cleared her throat. "I'm not used to seeing you dolled up like this." She smiled. "I honestly had no idea you could doll yourself up so well," she chuckled.

"An old friend of mine would kick my ass if I didn't know how to dress myself for formal occasions." Twilight landed a playful punch on Lunafreya's shoulder.

"Well it's good to know you're just pretending you don't have style when you're normally out of uniform," Lunafreya added.

"Yeah, yeah. Stick it where it fits." Twilight stuck her middle finger up at her sister.

"Now that's very unlady-like."

"Well, I'm not the one known for being lady-like. I'm glad you're not going to be there to play critic to my mannerisms," Twilight said with a sigh. They giggled at each other.

Lunafreya helped Twilight with a few finishing things, then retired to her room for the night. But Twilight knew better. She wished her sister a good night and shut the door with a small smirk on her face. By the time she reached the front door, Twilight was sure that Lunafreya was already following her. Though she was very aware of the princess's presence, Twilight made sure to not let on that she knew.

The Inn the guys were staying at ended up not being too far away from the Estate, so Twilight didn't feel the need to hitch a ride on one of the gondolas. This time during her walk, she felt as if none of the locals really recognized her without the armor on. There were a few people that did a slight double-take if they looked at her face, but nothing like the chatter earlier in the day.

When she stepped into the doors of the Inn she found Ignis waiting one a sofa in the lobby area. He stood when he noticed her. He was clad in something from his regular wardrobe, but was still cleaned up a bit more than normal. He extended his hand. "Shall we?"

"Let's," Twilight agreed as she took his hand. They kept their hands together as they walked toward the cannal.

Meanwhile, the guys had been waiting for Twilight to show up as well. Once the two started walking the boys were close behind, but also keeping enough distance to not be noticed. They were also unaware that Lunafreya was following as well.

They reached the cannal system and boarded a gondola. The guys hopped onto the next one and instructed their gondolier to follow the one in front of them. Lunafreya had hopped on at the last second, startling Noctis.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Shhh. It's my little sister's first date, with one of your crownsguard no less. I'm not missing this," she responded. Noctis conceded and dropped the issue.

"So we're heading back to the Accordo?" Ignis asked after Twilight told the gondolier where to go.

"Yep. He serves some of the finest wine in Altissia." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Plus he's got some lovely seating conveniently located by the water."

"Aww," Prompto whispered to the guys.

"Made for each other," Gladio joked with a smirk.

"Shh, we don't want them to hear us," Noctis warned. They were far enough away in the gondola that they couldn't hear the two, but they wanted to make sure they weren't caught.

Once they reached their destination, Ignis quickly stepped off the gondola and offered his hand to Twilight to help her off. Together they went up to the counter to request a table for two.

Weskham led Twilight and Ignis to a table right beisde the railing. After warning them once more of a potential falling hazard, he assured them that a wait staff would be with them shortly and returned to his counter to take care of some more guests.

"So what's next?" Ignis asked Twilight as he eyed his menu.

Twilight flipped open her menu. She glanced above the menu and caught sight of their friends ducking behing some barrels. A smirk formed on her mouth as she absently looked through the menu.

"Play the part," she replied. Ignis was sitting across from her, so he couldn't see them. "Don't look now, but they relocated us."

"I see." He paused for a moment then sat his menu down. "Well, I know what I want." Twilight sat hers down as well. A waistress came by then and took their orders.

The group of eavesdroppers took a moment while the couple was ordering to scoot to a closer hidden place, to try and better hear what was going on.

"So Ignis, nice night isn't it?" Twilight said at a very slightly-higher than normal tone. The waitress brought them their drinks.

Ignis nodded. "With no threat of Daemons, nights can be beautiful. Though I must ask if it's been getting kind of odd to you? Like the nights are starting sooner-"

"And lasting longer," Twilight finished. "And in the middle of summer, no less. It does seem a little unnatural."

They continued talking about seemingly mundane things while they waited for their food. What a dork, Lunafreya lovingly thought to herself as she listened to her sister talk about things like the weather and hobbies.

They were all starting to get pretty bored around the time the couple finished their food. The waitress came by and placed the receipt on the table so someone was about to suggest that they should probably leave, but Gladio pointed out that Twilight just placed her hand on top of Ignis's and everyone's ears perked up.

"So," she began as she twirled her finger lightly on the back of his hand, "do you see us going on any more dates in the future?" She looked down for a moment to look like she was being shy.

"Absolutely," Ignis responded enthusiatically, almost unable to contain a smile. Twilight tapped his foot with hers under the table, signalling that it was time. Ignis got out the money for the meal and the tip and placed it on the table.

The two stood from their seats and went over to sit on a bench at the end of the platform, Twilight's hand enclosed in his. At this point, their friends had to readjust themselves to be able to see them while still staying unseen. They could no longer hear what Ignis and Twilight were saying.

After a few more moments of watching, they saw Ignis reach up and cup Twilight's chin, bringing her face closer to his. Prompto fumbled to get his camera ready and Lunafreya gripped Noctis's hand pretty tight in anticipation. Gladio was holding his breath.

Ignis stopped right before his lips could reach Twilight's and, loud enough for the group to hear, he says, "I think it's time to drop this charade, wouldn't you agree?"

Their friends' eyes widen at the the realization that they've been duped. Twilight smiled and looked in their direction. "Yep. And I think it's a great time for our guests to go for a swim!"

Before they could move a muscle, Twilight pulled her horn out of her skirt pocket and pointed it at them. A purple aura surrounded them and they were hoisted over the railing into the water. Prompto's camera fell from his hands and Twilight was able to catch it. She sat it down on the bench.

"Don't you think that was a bit much?" Ignis asked.

"Nah, they can swim!" she said with a smile. They stood and turned around to look at their soaked friends. Once everyone had resurfaced Twilight giggled. "Got you!"

The four of them grabbed the edge of the platform. They were all laughing at what happened, so Twilight and Ignis didn't notice that Noctis and Lunafreya had lifted themselves up enough to grab their hands, pulling the couple down into the water with them.

Once breaking the surface Twilight splashed Lunafreya in the face. "You bitch! That was the only casual outfit I have!"

Lunafreya splashed her back. "That's for tossing us in the ocean, you ass!"

Everyone floated in the water for a moment after the shouting before Noctis broke out into laughter. The rest of the group followed suit and they all had a blast splashing each other.

Weskham had watched the whole exchange while he was cleaning off some tables. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. "Now that's how you know you have a good bunch of friends."


(Cameila's Estate)
(The Next Day)

By the time the boys got to the Governor's estate in the morning, she was already waiting for them. Upon their arrival, Cameila had a guard escort them to her office. She waited for the men to get comfortable before starting business.

"Now," she began, "I have no intentions of wasting your time. With Regis's death I have every reason to doubt the potential of his heir. I need you to answer some questions, and if I feel the answers are befitting of a king I will help you," she explained.

"Understood," Noctis said with a nod.

"My firstquestion; why does the Oracle wish to awaken the Hydraean?"

Feeling that lying to her would not be in either party's best interest, Noctis took a deep breath and confessed his objective. "We wish to gain covenants from the Six to stop Niflheim."

"I see." Cameila nodded. "To be quite truthful, the potential damage to my city worries me. If what Lunafreya and Twilight told me is true, there is no doubt the Tidemother will wish to test you in combat. I do not wish to host a battle on my soil, Gods and Empire be damned."

"I understand," Noctis said again as he crossed his arms. "There isn't much we can do about Gods though, and if not us, the Empire will try to force her to the surface, which will result in her rampage anyway."

"So you're saying I should accept my city's destruction either way?"

"A city isn't just a collection of buildings and streets and walkways; what makes the city are its people. My father and my kingdom may be gone, but my subjects are not. Once the Empire is destroyed we can rebuild and add this chapter to our history."

Cameila sat back in her chair, slightly impressed by Noctis's response. "Then let us talk terms," she said. "If I let Lunafreya hold the rite, then you must help my people evacuate."

"That's fair," Noctis agreed.

"And once it starts I will not be accountable for what comes afterwards; you all will be on your own."

After a few moments of silence Noctis nodded. "That's fine. That's how it's been from the start. As long as I have my friends."

Cameila gave him a reassuring smile. "Thank you. I'm sorry I cannot do more."

"You've done enough letting Luna do the rite," Noctis responded.

"But should anything happen to any of my peole there will be a reckoning," Cameila added. Her eyes narrowed at Noctis in warning.

"I understand. Do what you must for your people."

"In a few moments a broadcast will go out about a speech Lunafreya will be hosting. In her wedding dress."

Noctis's eyes went wide. "I see."

"Madam, it's time," a guard informed Cameila. She stood from her desk.

"Take time to prepare, Your Highness," Cameila said to Noctis. "We received word that an Imperial fleet lead by Ravus Nox Fleuret four warships strong is headed this way. And will be here in two days time. Assign three of your best to the evactuation. I will send Twilight to assist until my citizens are clear." Her words were soft but stern.

"Very well," Noctis responded.

"You're not like your father," she commented. "Best of luck to you."

With that, Noctis and the guys were dismissed.


(Two Days Later)

After discussing the plan with Noctis, Twilight readied for the large scale evacuation. At Twilight's post across from the town, she could barely hear Lunafreya's speech. But she knew her sister had a way with words.

Twilight was standing guard, waiting for their enemy to arrive. Though the wait wasn't long as they soon caught sight of four Niflheim warships, along with several dozen transports, slowly made their way to Altissia. Here we go, she thought to herself.

Just then her phone rang. It was a conference call with the guys. "The Empire is here," Ignis spoke up first.

"Then let's start evacuating the citizens," Noctis instructed.

"And so it begins," Prompto commented.

"Fight the Empire off wherever you can," Twilight ordered. And with that the call ended.

As our group acted out their plans, and the Empire drew closer, there was something following behind the fleet that no one seemed to be aware of. After having lost track of her student before they got on the boat for Altissia, Princess Celestia could no longer afford to wait. She must rescue Twilight, and get her Element of Harmony back. Don't worry Twilight, Celestia thought to herself, you'll be home soon. She said a silent prayer and readied her glaive.

Back within the heart of the city, Lunafreya approached a massive pool of ocean water that was surrounded by ruins. This was the altar where the Goddess of the Sea slept. However, now was the time for the Serpent to wake from her slumber; a mission Lunafreya was more than determined to accomplish. She walked to the very edge of the altar where a Trident made to help the Oracle beseech the Water Goddess awaited her.

With the Trident in hand she sang a soothing tune, then awaited for a response from the calm water.

"Who dares break the slumber of the tide!?" a voice boomed from the sea.

"It is I, Lunafreya, Blood of the Oracle!" she shouted. "Goddess of the Sea I beseech you. Enter the covenant so the Chosen King can reclaim the stone!"

The calm waters shook violently as a massive serpent with two sets of wing-like fins bursts from the surface. It roared at Lunafreya. Its words would come out as jumbled nothings to normal citizens, but the words were perfectly understood by the Oracle. "You wretched pile of bone and flesh! Ignorant of what powers govern this world, you dare request the help of this Goddess!?"

Ignis opened another conference call. "Noct, the Hydraean is awake."

"How's the evacuation?" Noctis asked.

"Almost finished," Gladio responded. "We'll back you up in a bit."

At that time, the Niflheim warships began to take position near the Goddess. "She's surrounded Noct, hurry!" Ignis pleaded.

"I'll be there in a minute-"

"Twilight Sparkle!" a voice called out, interrupting Twilight's attention from the call. Her eyes shrank at the sound of her name. She remembered a time when that voice would have brought her comfort and insight. But now it only instilled fear and panic.

"It can't be..." Twilight hesitantly hung up her phone and turned to meet the source of the voice. Her eyes bulged in fear, her heart sank into her stomach, for now she stood staring at her old mentor. "Celestia," she breathed.

"My dear Twilight, what has this world done to you... It's transformed you into one of those violent apes." Celestia's voice was masked in a calm demeanor, but there was a hint of hysteria in her words. "But don't worry, I'll get you back to Equestria and get you back to normal in no time. You won't have a single memory of this wretched place."

"I'm never going back with you," Twilight said as she drew her horn. "I'm not going back to Equestria just to be a pawn in your game." Malice was dripping off her words.

"Look at what this world has turned you into Twilight! You've been corrupted!" Celestia stamped a hoof in anger. "The horrors of war have tainted you. This world has placed a craving for blood in your soul but I can bring the real you back Twilight Sparkle, I swear. For now forgive what I must do." Celestia charged at Twilight then. Twilight was able to transform her horn into a broadsword in time and clashes with the Sun Princess.

As former mentor and student clash, massive walls of water surround and swirl around Altissia. Noctis's pleas with the water Goddess fellon deaf ears. She refused to give herself to an unworthy King. And so began the trial by combat.

Noctis warped to a broken piece of buildings that was suspended in the air by the Hydraean's water vortex. The serpent made it difficult for Noctis to land any attacks as it did work destroying each platform he managed to warp to. At one point the serpent even managed to knock one over before Noctis could reach it, causing him to drop into the waters below.

In the fight between old friends, Twilight punched Celestia through a wall. The alicorn was able to quickly recover and launched herself at Twilight. Celestia and Twilight matched blow for blow, the sound of steel meeting steel as they swung at each other with their weapons.

Twilight jumped from rooftop to rooftop with Celestia in hot pursuit. Despite her time as a pacifist ruling with and teaching love instead of violence, she was still able to get into the swing of things. Once they ran out of buildings to jump from, they were fighting in mid air. At one point Celestia was able to knock Twilight's weapon out of her hands. Celestia took the opportunity and rammed into Twilight, sending them both flying into the side of a Niflheim warship that had gotten close to the area the two were fighting in.

"Enough of this Twilight! Come home and abandon this world to its fate!" Celestia summoned the Tiara of Magic and tried to place it on Twilight's head.

Twilight called her horn back to her hand and cut across Celestia's chest, causing Celestia to stumble back. Then, using her magic, Twilight threw Celestia into a building. After peeling herself off the ship she flew up into the air. She glanced around at her surroundings and she sees Noctis get tossed into rubble close to Lunafreya.

As Twilight watched, Lunafreya went to go help him but stumbled when she accidentally inhaled some water the Hydraean's rampage had splashed on her. Twilight's eyes widened in alarm when she spotted a familiar figure walking slowly toward Lunafreya like a predator eyeing its prey. When he reached Lunafreya's side Twilight transformed her horn into a kukri and threw it down on a platform near the altar.

She knew what was going to happen. She needed to get there as soon as she could, she just had to make it. She warped to the kukri and pulled it out of the platform. Twilight was sprinting trying to reach them, getting ever-so closer as Ardyn knelt beside Lunafreya.

"Now about that ring," Adryn said as he drew a dagger from his coat pocket. Twilight reached them then with her horn morphed into a sword. She started swinging it down at the overconfident assassin. This is it, she thought to herself. I'm going to save Luna and watch her and Noctis get married!

However, fate seldom goes as one wants.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Twilight was tackled from the air. She was left breathless. Princess Celestia's stoic form slammed into Twilight at full force, causing her to drop her horn. She looked down in horror with tears streaming down her face. The last thing Twilight sees is Lunafreya giving her a reassuring smile before her eyes go wide with pain as she's stabbed.

As the love of his life is gasping for air, all Noctis could do was lay haplessly by.

"And do remind himof the crystal," Adryn softly told Lunafreya. He twisted the dagger inside her then violently pulls it out, making her gasp for more air. "Oh Prince, your bride awaits," Ardyn says sarcastically to Noctis.

"I.. will p-pass the ring... to the rightful k-king... Fear not... for you will soon... b-be at peace." Lunafreya's words came through bated breaths.

Ardyn roughly cups her chin. Lunafreya places a hand on his arm and he gave a pleasant smile as he felt a warmth wash over him. Though, the smile faded to a scowl before jerking his hand away from her.

"How sweet," he said as he started walking toward his transport ship. "But by all means Lady Lunafreya, you first." He waved off as he entered his ship and took off.

Lunafreya quickly grabbed the Trident and concentrated a golden glow that flowed over the weapon and Noctis. Around the world in each royal tomb, the same glow enveloped the sacred weapons of the Kings of Old. The collective light arcs up in the sky and into Noctis.

The light hoists Noctis up as it surrounds him. He can feel the joined power overtake him. As all the weapons from the past kings surround him in the air, he raises his arm to call the Trident to join in its place.

He then threw all the weapons at once at the Leviathan at once, causing a massive explosion. He relentlessly struck at the giant serpent with several weapons. In doing his best to keep the serpent from landing a hit, Noctis threw the Trident at one of the creature's fins. He warped to the Trident and pulled it out of the limb then brought it down, severing the Goddess's fin.

Twilight launched Celestia from herself onto the ground and bolted to the altar where Lunafreya was laying. "No!" she shouted. She knelt down beside Lunafreya and picked her up. "I-I'll find some help! You'll be okay, just hang on Lulu!"

"Twilight," Lunafreya chocked out. "It's okay. This was my destiny."

"No! This is not your destiny!" Twilight sobbed. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! You're supposed to marry Noct! You're tougher than this."

"Y-you have been... the best little sister... I could have asked for... B-but now... it's time to make your own way..."

"I can't do this without you and Ravus! Please!" Twilight pleaded with her sister. Lunafreya cupped Twilight's chin.

"Please. P-protect... Noctis. Don't worry about me Sis... I g-get to go see Mom now... G-goodbye... Twilight..." Lunafreya gave one last weak smile before her body went limp. Twilight held her close to her chest.

"No... NO. Gods, please! Lulu! Lulu no... Big Sis... Don't leave me alone... Pl-please..." She was sobbing hysterically at this point. "Lulu... LULU!"

"I'm sorry Twilight," Celestia said, walking up beside her. "I never meant for anything like this to happen. But this is all the more reason to remove your memories of this place. You should never sob for such vile creatures." Celestia once again summoned the Tiara of Magic.

Near a hair's length away from it reaching her head, Twilight grabbed the Element of Magic from Celestia's hooves. "Dont. You. Dare. Talk about my sister. Like that!" She snapped the tiara in half. "She was my sister! Not some creature!" Twilight's eyes turned blood red as she carefully placed Lunafreya's body down. Then she called her horn back to her.

"I could have saved her," she continued, now facing the sun princess. "I could have saved her! But you got in the way! YOU SPOILED BITCH. I'm going to tear your horn off and feed it to you! You're going to be a puddle of blood by the time I'm finished with you...Kill you... I'll kill you... I'm going to KILL YOU! CELESTIIAAAAA!"

As Twilight roared and an arch of pure flames shot skyward. This flame pillar interrupted the battle between Noctis and Leviathan. They both stared at the pillar in shock.

"This power," Leviathan gasped. "It's not possible... IFRIT!?"



In an endless field of flames a creature laughs. It laughs with the fury of a thousand armies. It felt satisfaction with the feeling of a familiar power.



(Back in Altissia)

Twilight steps out of the pillar of fire with her skin a deathly pale tone, her eyes completely red, and her hair set ablaze. "Burn! EVERYTHING!" she roared.

"What have I done?" Celestia looked upon her student with something she never thought she'd feel from her; fear.


(Canterlot Dungeons)

"It's feeding time," Flash Sentry announced as he walked through the hallway of cells. When he reached Princess Luna's cell it was pitch black. He sat down her tray of food and scooted it deeper into the cell, waiting for her to eat. After a few minutes, there was no signs of activity. Flash grunted in frustration. "You going to eat or not?" he scoffed.

He was answered with ominous laughter echoing the hallway. "What kind of a fool do you take me for?" asked a voice in the darkness. "You think I wouldn't be able to recognize a love stealing parasite like you? Especially since you can't even impersonate Warden Sentry correctly."

"W-what... are you!?" The imposter was then skewered by a spike of night and stars.

"We did say we would be needed once again. Just not which one of us."

The fake Flash Sentry was engulfed in a green fire, revealing his true changeling form. It coughed up a green substance and choked out once more, "W-what are you?'

A glowing ring rolls out of the cell as the door is pried open, much to the drone's fear. He was answered by two slitted blue eyes and a set of gleaming white fangs.

"I am the Nightmare."

Author's Note:

Hey Everyone! Apologies for the late update. I was at work and when I got back the Internet was being mean to me! Anyway, great news! I have an editor! And she has worked around the clock to do all my chapters! One of the reasons this took so long.

I want to lay this to rest right now. This story is never getting put on Hiatus or being canceled. It may take me longer than I want but I'll get these chapters to you! With that out of the way I'll wish you all a good night! Matrix7o6 out! Oh and one more thing. Twilight Elysium has a Tvtropes page! Check it out. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/FinalFantasyXVTwilightElysium