• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,984 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

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Harmony's Judgement (Edited)

Chapter 10: Harmony’s Judgment.

(One mile outside of the Crystal Empire site)

After the duo gets some rest, Shining Armor and Prim Rose resumed their journey for the fabled Crystal Empire. Prim’s excitement only grew as she looked at the map. “We’re almost there Shining,” she chirps, despite the onslaught of snow and bitter cold.

“G-g-good,” he chattered. “T-the soon-her it sh-hows up, the b-b-better.”

“It’s not that bad. Just think,” Prim starts, “We’ll soon be on our way to better lives. I think that’s worth a trudge through a few blizzards.” Shining quiets as he tries to imagine what a better life could be at this point.

It took a little over an hour for the pair to finally reach their destination. “So where is it?” Shining asked, his frustration starting to seep out.

“Relax. The Empire will reveal itself at the exact time of King Sombra’s defeat. Which is today, when the sun reaches its highest point,” Prim explains. Shining Armor sighs.

“At least that won’t be too much longer.”

(Canterlot: Throne Room)

The Mane Five, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike gathered before the throne as Celestia sat down. There was only a few seconds of silence before the princess brushed aside her regal mane. This caught the attention of the group.

“My little ponies, the day has come to test the resolve of your bonds. Old and new,” she says as she looks to Sunset Shimmer, who rolls her eyes. “In less than an hour, the Crystal Empire will return, and with it a new threat to our very lives.”

“Oh joy,” Sunset says, her face deadpanned. “A reason to make sure your toys still work.”

“Aw! Don’t be like that Sunny Shimmy!” Pinkie exclaims while bouncing around the yellow mare, the pink mare still her hyperactive self. But, something seemed a little off about her; the others just couldn’t quite put a hoof on it.

“Do you ever feel anything other than happy?” Sunset asked in frustration. Pinkie smiled.

“But Sunny, you don’t want to see that side of me,” Pinkie responds in a low tone, making everypony, apart from Celestia, unnerved.

“Ah think she’s rit, Pinkie. Let’s hear thu rest of thu story,” Applejack says as she trots between the two.

“Yes, great idea,” Fluttershy added. Through the exchanges, she was hoping the princess wouldn’t be able to sense even a trace of discord.

“The empire came to existence a thousand years ago,” Celestia started. “It was a great place of joy and endless love for the crystal ponies that lived there. But it did not last; for King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the empire and enslaved the ponies. Luna and I were eventually able to beat him, reducing him to the shadows and banishing him to the farthest part of the Frozen North.

“However he managed to put a curse on the empire, trapping it in time until the day he could return to reclaim it. We must not let the empire fall back into King Sombra’s hooves. If love and hope reign in the empire, all of Equestria will feel it. But King Sombra will stop at nothing to destroy that.” Celestia’s horn began to glow and a gold chest appears out of thin air.

“There is a way to beat King Sombra,” the princess continues. “The Crystal Heart; find it, and the ponies of the empire will rejoice. The Crystal Heart will use that power to stop King Sombra for good. But to make sure he is gone, I’m giving you the Elements of Harmony to assist in your endeavors.” Celestia pauses for a moment to observe the nervous looks on the ponies’ faces.

“Forgive me for speaking out of turn Your Majesty,” Rarity politely says as she bows, “but this is… With Twilight…” She sighs in defeat, unable to find the words.

“I understand,” Celestia replies calmly. “You all have always done the impossible with Twilight at your side. Now that she’s gone it seems like there is no chance you will succeed. But worry not, my little ponies, for it is always the darkest hour before the dawn; you must not lose hope.” Rarity lets out a small sigh of relief.

“You’re right. Thank you Princess,” Rarity responds. Sunset Shimmer rolls her eyes. These idiots can be swayed to do anything with the right words… Well, this gives me an idea, she thinks to herself.

“Then I guess we don’t have a moment to lose,” Sunset said in an unusual cheery fashion. Applejack narrows her eyes in suspicion.

“An’ just whi are you so happy all’a sudden, Miss ‘Ah-don’t-wunt-ta-be-here?’”

“Because the sooner we get this done, the sooner you can get your Twilight back,” Suneset says, giving a deadpanned look. “The sooner you get her back, the sooner I can leave.”

“Lay off her AJ,” Rainbow Dash says, gaining another eye roll from Applejack. The farm pony decides to leave it alone for now. Celestia sighed.

“I understand this had been hard for all of you, but for the sake of Equestria you must prevail. Now go with Faust, my little ponies.” Celestia dismisses them.

(Frozen Tundra)
(Site of the Crystal Empire)

Prim Rose could stand for hours in the snow and her delight would never diminish. Her smile only grew as a burst of light engulfed the area. “Shining! It’s happening!” she yells, making Shining Armor rush to her side.

“What’s going on?” he asks before he sees the light. With a few large flashes, the fabled Crystal Empire came into view.

“We did it!” Prim Rose sang. “After all this time, I can finally start over!” Shining narrowed his eyes with suspicion and determination.

“But we must deal with King Sombra first,” he reminds her.

“I know,” she replies. “Just let me have a moment in the sun.” Shining Armor nodded.

“I know how that feels,” he explains. “Well, what are we waiting for?” His face deadpanned as Prim Rose started to hop her way to the Empire. “Never a dull moment,” he mutters to himself. He runs after her.

It didn’t take long before they started to see something wrong with the town; the crystal ponies locked their doors as they pass. One pony that couldn’t get inside a house scurried behind Shining and Prim then ran into an alleyway. Shining’s face scrunched with concern as he and Prim make their way to the castle.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“It was said that King Sombra made it to where the crystal ponies would only remember their lives under his rule,” Prim explained. She watches as a few more ponies hurry away. “They only remember the pain. It’s so sad.” She lowers her head as they finally reach the castle.

“This is where the crystal heart is?” Shining Armor asks, to which Prim Rose nods.

“Yes, it is time for us to finally get our dues, Shining.” She smiles. Unlike her normal mischievous smiles, this one was sadistic. “Well… It will be time to get my dues.” Shining’s eyes widen.

“W-what are you talking about?”

“It’s simple, little Shiny,” she laughed. “I have no further need of you.” A black cloud began to surface from the ground between the two ponies. As the cloud rose into the air, two evil, glowing green eyes peered down on the stallion. “I held my end of the bargain, King Sombra; now take your prize!” Prim was cackling at this point. The cloud flew toward Shining Armor before he even had a chance to scream.

(Three Hours Later)
(Train station several miles away from the Crystal Empire)

The train came to a stop in the snowy region; yet another blizzard racked the tundra to grace the arrival of the Elements of Harmony. Luckily a certain fashion pony was prepared for this. Rarity tosses a light green scarf to Fluttershy.

“Sorry if the colors are off, darling,” Rarity says. “There was simply not enough time to get everypony’s colors right before we had to leave!” she cries out in mock anguish. “Now we have to formally introduce ourselves to the crystal ponies in these fashion disasters!”

“Ah think yu’r overractin’ sugarcube,” Applejack comments as she helps the fashion pony distribute clothes. “At least ya brought us things to keep us warm.” Fluttershy gives the two a small smile.

“She’s right,” Fluttershy says. “We’re happy you brought us all this for the cold.” Rarity hands Applejack a red scarf.

“Thank you girls; I’ve come into some extra money to spend as of late and I wanted to make use of it for my dear friends.” The girls’ conversation was broken by a heavy clang noise.

“Sorry about that,” Spike said as he picks up his great sword.

“Spikey-wikey, isn’t that thing too heavy to lug around?” Rarity asks with mild concern.

“Well, carrying around your luggage makes for a heck of a workout.” Spike flexes his muscles, eliciting a blush from the marshmallow-colored mare.

“We’d better get a move on,” Sunset spoke up. The rest of the girls nod in agreement. Not long after, the group beings their journey.

(Eos: Wiz Chocobo Post)

“I can’t thank you all enough!” a man cheers as he hands Noctis a bag of Gil.

“It was no problem,” Noctis replied.

“Surly it must have been, with a beast like deadeye,” the man says in awe. “But you all came back without a scratch.”

“Our team is pretty good,” Noctis says while stuffing the money in his pocket. He smirks upon seeing Lunafreya and Twilight watching the chocobos pecking at the ground.

As he finishes his conversation, Lunafreya admired a chocobo that had been brave enough to walk up to her. “Well hello,” she says. She holds out a hand, to which the chocobo nuzzled in kind. Twilight giggles at the sight. Though, her smile died and a scowl took its place as she spies Ignis watching her again. She crosses her arms.

“Must you watch my every move?” Twilight asks as Ignis reaches her side.

“Understand my trepidation; you were once with our enemy and that could still be a possibility,” he explains in a stern tone.

“While I understand your lack of trust, I still hold my own reserves about your little boy band,” Twilight responds. “I’m putting my sister’s life into your hands. If any harm comes to her, any at all, I’ll be doing Niflheim a favor.”

“Noted,” Ignis remarked. Two chocobos come up to them. One of the animals rubs its head against Twilight’s leg as one of the workers walks by.

“I think he likes you,” the worker says. “What are you going to name him?”

“Hmm,” Twilight says after a moment of thought. “I think I’ll name him Nugget.” The chocobo squawked awkwardly at Twilight.

“You know, you can also get his feathers to change colors,” the woman comments. Twilight smiled.

“Do you have any purples?” Twilight asks excitedly.

“Yes actually.”

“Perfect.” Twilight grins at the chocobo, who squawks at her again.

(One hour later)

After riding the chocobos, the groups resumed their journey to Lestallum. “We’re going into town to get a few things and find Gladio’s sister,” Twilight yells to Lunafreya. The two were on the motorcycle, Lunafreya’s arms wrapped tightly around Twilight’s waist as they speed past a few more vehicles. “Then we’ll go see the Archaean.” After a moment, she adds with an eye roll, “I’ve always wanted to meet a god.”

“Don’t worry Twilight,” Lunafreya says. She offers a reassuring smile she knew Twilight couldn’t see. “The gods here are…”

“Different?” Twilight interrupts. “Ha, yeah right. If a god needs mortals to get their hands dirty then they are obviously either lazy or not as godly as you think. You put too much faith in something that hasn’t shown its power in thousands of years. I know from personal experience that can mean they’re not all they’re cracked up to be.” Her voice was stern and Lunafreya’s head hung heavier on Twilight’s back. Twilight sighs. “But if you trust them I’ll give it a shot.”

“You’re too distrusting,” Lunafreya says with a smile, her head perking back up.

“When I have family on the line I can’t help but be on my guard. It’s been that way for twelve years and I highly doubt it’s going to stop any time soon.” While the girls continued their conversation on the motorcycle, the boys in the Regalia were following close behind.

“It seems Twilight is keeping Luna under lock and key,” Ignis blankly states as he drives.

“If it were Iris I’d be the same way, so I can’t say I blame her,” Gladio adds from the back seat.

“I’m just glad Luna is okay. For that Twilight earns my favor,” Noctis says in the passenger seat, never taking his eyes off the motorcycle.

“And that will be your greatest weakness, Noct,” Ignis scolds. “Twilight might just be using Lunafreya to lure us in. By the time we figure out what’s happened it will already be too late.” Prompto chuckles from the back seat.

“If you ask me, I think you like her,” Prompto jokes.

“Hardly,” Ignis comments, his face deadpanning.

“I know the feeling Iggy. Sure she’s not my grease monkey goddess, but her hard exterior is just a mask to hide her loneliness. She yearns to remove that mask and just tell you how she feels. I bet you she fell head over heels for you as much as you ha…” Before he could finish, his head slams into the back of the driver’s seat headrest as Ignis hits the brakes.

“Sorry. I almost missed the parking lot,” Ignis says as he turns into Lestallum’s mountainside parking lot. The four exit the Regalia. As Noctis get out he’s hit with a massive headache.

“You okay Noct?” Prompto asks.

“I…I’m fine,” Noctis groans. “Let’s get moving.” Prompto nodded and the group follows Noctis into town.

(Frozen North)
(A mile away from the Crystal Empire)

Pinkie Pie shook a few ice cubes out of her mane as she walked alongside Rainbow Dash. “How’s the Bolts been treating you Dash?” she asked in an attempt to make conversation.

“Rather well, actually,” Rainbow Dash chirped. “The recruits are comin along nicely and it’s a treat to work with Sorin and Fleetfoot. Then there’s Spitfire.” Rainbow Dash lets out a small sigh at the thought of her. “She’s a fit filly, I’ll say that much.” Pinkie Pie’s blush was enough to keep her warm in the swirling blizzard surrounding them.

“We’re almost there!” Sunset shouts from the front of the group, struggling to move forward.

A large black mist manifests itself behind the group. “Uh! Sugarcube!” Applejack yells to Sunset in a panic. “What is that?!” The mist lets out a sinister laugh and two large red and green eyes opened within it. Purple energy flowed around the eyes.

“Run!” Sunset screamed. The group, not needing to be told a second time, took off in a dead sprint for the empire with the mist chasing them. “We’re almost there!” Spike stops short and starts running at the mist.

“Spike!” Rarity skids to a stop.

“Go!” Spike shouts. “I’ll hold it off!”

“No!” Rarity screams, tears beginning to build in her eyes.

“Come on Rarity!” Pinkie Pie shoves her friend away as the mist stops in front of Spike.

“Well, it’s a good day to die!” Spike draw out his great sword. “COME ON!” The mist barrels down to Spike at the same time a beam of magic flies past his head and burst in front of the mist. This causes it to recoil.

“Spike! Come on!” somepony yelled.

“What the…?” Spike turns around. His eyes widened at the sight of his rescuer. “Shining?!” Shining Armor smirks.

“Are you deaf?! Get going!” Spike sprints into the Empire with Shining close behind.

“He’s still coming!” Spike yells as the mist continues chasing them.

“Not for long!” Shining’s horn began to glow pink as he fired a magic bolt into the air at the center of the empire. The bolt disperses into the air, making the pink area thicken and spread over the empire.

The mist formed the head of King Sombra and lurched forward in vain to get into the empire as the barrier came down; it cuts off the tip of his horn. The dark king recoils in pain and the black mist subsides a ways away from the empire.

“That was close,” Shining Armor sighed. “That barrier is not going to hold him at bay forever.”

“Shining!” Spike shouts as he hugged the stallion. “What in Faust’s name are you doing here?” Shining looks down and sighs at the dragon. He hands Spike a scroll.

“After traveling for a bit I found this old book in a library in Manehatten detailing the legends of the Crystal Empire,” Shining explains. “I thought maybe if I could beat King Sombra on my own and free the empire.” He pauses for a moment and stamped his hoof in frustration. “Then maybe I could’ve done something worthwhile… You know?”

“Shining,” Spike sighs. “You ran off without as much as a note. It was bad enough you ran around Canterlot drunk half the time, now you just run off to Faust knows where,” he snaps. “You and Twilight are…” His sentence is interrupted by Shining Armor stamping a hoof into the ground.

Shut up Spike,” Shining shouts. “You and the others might be obsessed with getting Twilight back but I don’t care if she decides to stay on her extended vacation. All she’s good at is ruining my life. So excuse me if I don’t share your sentiment.”

“You are my family too Shining,” Spike retorts. “Your mom and dad were angry. But a year is a long time. If you just told them how you feel they would understand.”

“Understand?!” Shining spat. “Is that what they call throwing me out onto the street? Understanding? They can go buck themselves and anypony who takes up for them can do the same.” Spike’s ear fins fell at Shining Armor’s statement. After a moment Shining notices this and goes to sit beside him. “Well, maybe not everypony. At least you didn’t give up on me.” As the conversation went on, the Mane five and Sunset find the two.

“Is that you Sir Armor?” Rarity asked, gaining the attention of the drake and the colt.

“Yeah, it’s me,” Shining sighed. “Yeah, I’ve seen better days. Anyway, while you all are here I can tell you.” He pauses for a second to make sure the whole group was listening. “There is a way to beat King Sombra; the Crystal Heart. If I had to guess, the way to it is in the throne room.”

“How do you know?” Rarity questioned. Shining sighed in exhaustion.

“I’ve been fighting and running away from him for the past five hours. And let me tell you, he loves the sound of his own voice.” He lets out a light chuckle. “Honestly if he wasn’t so loud I’d still be running around like a blind cockatrice.”

“Then it’s settled,” Spike announced, “Sunset, Shining Armor, and I will head to the castle and find the heart.”

“What are the rest of us supposed to do?” FLusttershy questioned.

“You need to make the crystal ponies happy again,” Sunset started. “Celestia said that the love of the ponies will empower the heart!”

“On it boss,” Pinkie said, giving a mock salute before she bolted away.

“We’ll follow her lead sugarcube!” Applejack shouted. “Y’all git goin’!” With that the trio dashed off to the castle.

“Hey Shining,” Spike shouted.

“What’s up?” Shining shouts back as Spike lined up beside him while they ran.

“How did you know about the shield?” The two jumped over a pile of rubble.

“The princess that ruled long before King Sombra’s rule foresaw the dark king’s rise to power,” Shining explained as they weave past some more debris. “She put a few fail-safes in place just in case! Most of them were destroyed during the final battle for this place. But the shield remained intact. However it’s the last line of defense and it won’t last twenty minutes without a sufficient power source.” The trio soon reaches the doorstep of the castle. “Once we get to the balcony I’ll use my magic to sustain the field, but I won’t last long so find the heart as fast as you can!”

“Be safe, Shining,” Spike said firmly as they ran up the lavish staircase. Shining followed close behind as they reached the throne room. Alas, their efforts seemed fruitless as they frantically searched.

“Shining, there’s nothing here,” Sunset says. “Not even a secret…” She was interrupted by a massive rumble.

“Damn,” Shining says while peeking outside. The massive black cloud had returned and was slamming into the barrier, only pausing see if there was any damage done. “Faust damn it all!” Shining cursed. “Come on, think-think-think.” He ponders for a solid minute, only the thunderous booms of the cloud trying to tear down the barrier offered distraction. “I’VE GOT IT!” he shouts as he’s hit with an epiphany.

“What?!” Sunset and Spike yell in unison.

“King Sombra is the master of illusions. So it makes sense that he hid the entrance in plain sight. But we’ll need dark magic to find it.”

“Leave it to me!” Sunset yelled. She began to focus. The magic in the air around her became thick as her horn let off dark purple sparks. After what seemed like an eternity, Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes, revealing they’d changed to a bright green color, with purple energy seeping out of them. With her horn flaring with dark power, Sunset fired a dark magic beam at a crystal hanging above the throne. The crystal went black and began to cast a shadow on the floor, which revealed a flight of stairs.

“All right!” Shining Armor exclaimed, jumping happily. “I need to reinforce the barrier! The rest is up to you guys. Let’s end this!” He ran out to the balcony, his horn glowing with power.

“You heard him,” Sunset said to Spike. “Let’s go.” They being their journey down the stairs.

“How did you learn dark magic?” Spike asked.

“There was a reason I had been banished,” she retorts.

“Fair enough,” Spike sighed. “I’m just trying to say sorry for dragging you back here.”

“Well, the sooner we get your Twilight back, the sooner I can get home.” They stop at a door with a crystal above it. “What’s this?”

“No idea. If it’s like the throne room then you open it the same way.”

“Good idea.” Sunset nods. “Go check on Shining Armor; I think I can handle this from here.”

“I’ll be right back,” Spike says before racing up the steps.

Sunset sighed and stared at the door, pondering to herself. “No way it’s that easy.” She tries to open the door, only for it to move away from her. “Yeah, I figured.” She began to focus again and the dark energy gathered around her and once again surged from her horn. She shot a beam the struck the crystal and slowly opened the door. A blinding light burst forth and blinded the fiery mare.

(Equestria Girls world; Canterlot High School)

Sunset groggily opened her eyes, a slight groan escaping her as she got to her hooves. “W…what?” she questioned as she looked around. “I-I’m home?” She looked upon the shining walls of Canterlot High. “I made…” She was cut off by a massive explosion and within moments the high school was reduced to rubble by an unknown force. “NO!” she screamed, not wasting any time to run to the rubble.

“Freak,” a male voice said, causing Sunset to stop dead in her tracks. A student rose from a pile of bricks and shambled toward her.

“You did this to us,” another student followed.

“You brought IT here,” yet another student said as more begin to follow.

“How could you?”



“Demon.” Students surrounded Sunset from all sides.

“No! Please! I’m sorry!” Sunset shouts as she frantically looks for a way out. “Please! Get away from me!”

“You brought it here Sunset Shimmer,” said a woman with a torn soccer uniform and messy rainbow hair. She gnashes her teeth.

“I’ve never seen someone filled with such hate,” added another student, who was wearing a torn cowboy hat.

“You were never any fun,” spat another student with pink fluffy hair.

“Sacrifice her to it.” At the proclamation of a purple-haired student, the rest tackle her to the ground.

“Let me go!” Sunset thrashes about to try and escape, but the undead students’ grip on her never relented. The ground begins to shake as a shadow obscures the sunlight.

“I want to thank you,” a voice boomed through the sky. A massive figure with two large horns and the lower torso of a horse approaches her. “You truly are worthy of being family. You’re definitely nothing like that weak-willed brother of mine. I want to thank you for my release. Now I can steal all the magic in the world! Nothing will stop me! And it’s all thanks to you Sunset!” The creature and the students begin to chant her name.

“Sunset. Sunset. Sunset.”

“No! NO! NOOOOOOOO!!!” She continued to thrash, hot tears beginning to stream down her face.

(King Sombra’s castle)

“No no no!” Sunset screamed. Unable to tear her gaze from the door, her eyes glazed over with a familiar green and purple wisp.

“Sunset!” Spike shouts. He starts violently shaking her, which causes her to shake her head. Her eyes return to their normal light blue shade. Without warning, Sunset wrapped her hooves around Spike’s neck.

“Thank you. Thank you!” she cried.

“What happened? I heard screaming.”

“I don’t know. I ended up back in my world somehow,” she explained. “I just opened the door and…”

“What? You were just staring at the door.” Spike turned his gaze to the door. “There’s noth…” his sentence trailed off as his eyes glazed over with the same green and purple wisp Sunset had. “What? I’m back in ponyville. T..Twilight? YOU’RE BACK! I swear I’ll… Twilight, are you okay? Don’t you remember?! Twilight? TWILIGHT!” Spike couldn’t tear his gaze from the door.

“Spike!” Sunset yells. She slams the door shut. “It’s not real. It’s one of King Sombra’s tricks.” Spike was shaking as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

“Twilight,” he mumbled.

“Pull it together Spike,” she says, snapping Spike back to attention.

Outside of the barrier, the dark cloud forms the head of King Sombra. The dark king looked down to the ground where the tip of his horn lays and focuses. The horn phases into the ground and begins to cast a shadow over to several large crystals. This made it easier for him to channel his dark power. He hissed in glee as his shadow began to spread.

“Well, this isn’t good,” Rainbow Dash comments as she flies overhead her friends.

“Uh, sugarcube, yu’r not helpin’,” Applejack complained as she tried to calm a family of crystal ponies. The Mane Five did whatever they could to try bringing smiles to the faces of the crystal ponies, but to no avail.

“I’m all out of party tricks!” Pinkie exclaimed. This isn’t working Pinkie. They can’t smile while the threat to their very freedom is right outside, Pinkamena echoed in Pinkie’s mind. You have to stop trying to force them to smile. Pinkie sighed and walked up to a group of crystal ponies. “Hello,” she greets.

“H…hey,” one pony shakily responded. “W-what’s your name?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie,” she introduced. “You guys seem scared.”

“Well yeah!” the pony responded. The pony points to the cloud that was still attempting to smash the barrier. “That’s King Sombra out there!” The cloud hits the barrier again, this time forming a small crack. The group of crystal ponies cowered even more. Pinkie bursts out laughing which causes the pony she’d been talking with to do a double take. “This is no time for laughing!” they say in a panic.

“Sure it is,” Pinkie responds. She wipes a tear from her eye as she finishes her giggles. “You’re afraid of that? That thing? Just get a big enough fan and he’ll be gone with the wind.”

The crystal ponies look at Pinkie in stunned silence for a few moments before grins start forming on their faces. The grins turned to smiles. The smiles led to chuckles, which formed into full-blown laughs. Their dull coats began to shine like crystals.

“Way to go Pinkie,” Fluttershy says as she walked up to her pink friend.

“Keep it up!” Applejack adds with a smile.

“Rather harsh to make ponies laugh at other’s expense, Darling. But I suppose it’s necessary,” Rarity scolded.

“Oh come on! He’s a bad pony; that’s a freebie. Besides, it’s not my fault he looks like something a yak farted out,” Pinkie fired back. The group of crystal ponies broke out into hearty laughter. Even Rainbow Dash got in on the laugh, which caused more crystal ponies to gather around.

“At this point we can take wut we git,” Applejack managed between giggles.

Meanwhile, after giving Spike a moment to breathe, Sunset channels some light magic into the crystal above the door. The door glows in response and opens again.

“Here goes nothing,” she says as she stepped through the doorway.

“What do you see?!” Spike shouts.

After a few seconds of looking around, Sunset turns to him and waves her hoof; a signal for him to come through. “Well,” she starts, “the good news is no more nightmares. The bad news…” She lets her sentence trail off and paused as Spike turned to see an almost never-ending flight of steps. “This shit-ton of stairs,” she groans. “Why can’t ponies just make elevators?”

“No use complaining about it now. Let’s hurry. Shining Armor isn’t going to last much longer.” He pauses to look at his claws. “I’ve got an idea.” Before Sunset could interject, Spike takes off most of his armor and throws his great sword to the ground.

“What are you doing?” Sunset questioned.

“It’ll be in the way.” He gets in front of Sunset and turns his back to her. “Hold on tight to me. I don’t have time to explain.”

Sunset climbed onto Spike’s back and wrapped her forehooves around his neck. With that, Spike sprints toward the wall. He jumps high into the air and slams his claws into the rock. He quickly starts to scale the tower, jumping and lifting onto flights of steps to repeat the process again.

As they head up the tower, Shining Armor fell to a hoof; the strain from maintaining the barrier under the king’s relentless assaults was starting to take its toll on him. “I-I hope they’re close,” Shining says through gritted teeth. “I-I’m not gonn-na be able to keep this up for much longer. Sombra hissed at the stallion.

“There is no hope for you,” the dark king growls from the mist. “Surrender and I promise to be merciful!” Shining rolls his eyes.

“I wonder what it is, but I just don’t believe him,” Shining chuckles to himself. “Hurry up Spike…”

After a strenuous journey up the spiral staircase Spike and Sunset finally makes it to the top, where the Crystal Heart lays undisturbed. “Here it is,” Sunset sighed with relief. She climbs off of Spike’s back.

“Thank Faust,” Spike mumbled. “If we climb over another hundred flights of stairs I’ll burn Sombra’s horn myself,” he commented as Sunset gazed with awe at the heart.

“Again; no way this it that easy.”

“Definitely a trap,” adds Spike, his face deadpanning.

Sunset steps into the circle below the heart, triggering a high-pitched noise. King Sombra’s eyes widen from outside of the barrier. He takes immediate action and activates the trap while he’s still trying to break the barrier. Several dark crystals rise from the ground surrounding Sunset Shimmer, entrapping her in a cage of crystals.

“Take the heart!” she yells as she throws the Crystal Heart to Spike. “Go!” Spike nodded and starts to run down the stairs. Sombra furiously slams into the barrier one last time, finally shattering it.

“It’s up to you all now,” Shining says before collapsing from exhaustion.

“THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE IS MINE!” Sombra bellows as dark crystals begin to grow throughout the city. The shockwave shook the entire empire.

Spike stumbles as the ground beneath him shakes. He falls and the Crystal Heart starts slipping from his grasp. It falls off a ledge. “No!” Spike screamed as he jumped for it.

From down below, the Mane Five notice something falling from up above. “Is that…?” Rainbow Dash starts.

“Spikey!” Rarity yells. She was unaware that her element was glowing intensely. At the same time, Rainbow Dash’s was lit up as well, followed by Pinkie’s, Applejack’s, and Fluttershy’s. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the Element of Magic faintly glowed in front of Sunset Shimmer. Time did stop as five large ethereal alicorns appeared before the group.

“What is this?” Fluttershy asked. Her response was silence until a yellow alicorn stepped in front of her.

“Judgment Day,” it answers coldly.

“We are the Elements of Harmony,” an orange alicorn explained. “For over a millennium we have helped you ponies sustain your life of tranquility. But there are times in those centuries where our wielders fall out of favor with us. When that happens they are put on trial."

“Make no mistake; we are not unjust. We will not cast punishment without proper cause. If we see no self-serving nature in your hearts and minds, then we will help you. But if you are, the consequences will be severe.”

The ponies felt fear and guilt rise up in their throats as the Element’s words settled on everypony’s ears. “I shall go first,” the yellow alicorn says in a soothing tone. “Step forward Fluttershy.” The buttercup pegasi was a quivering mess but all the same trotted up to the massive alicorn. “Fluttershy, you are so kind. You would do anything for your friends. You would even harbor an enemy. You would even make light of your pains to just be there for a friend.” The alicorn opened her wings, showing the events of the Canterlot wedding though her eyes. “Yet when Twilight Sparkle was in need of your kindness, it was absent. Why is that?”

Fluttershy began to tear up as she thought about the events. “Well, I… I wanted Twilight to be happy. But she was so upset and talking w-w-what seemed like nonsense at the time. Saying her soon-to-be foalsister was evil.” The yellow alicorn nodded.

“Understandable. It is difficult to believe someone’s opinion before you really get a chance to know them. Even if it is your own friend’s opinion, you can’t live off of assumptions. But what about after the wedding? Once it was all done you showed more concern for the bride and groom than your best friend. Why?”

“W…well their special day was ruined. I wanted to make sure the princess was able to salvage her wedding. Plus, they looked like they needed help at the time.” The alicorn nods again.

“Understandable. It is hard to decide-” the yellow alicorn was interrupted but a stamped hoof from the cyan alicorn, who growled at his sister.

“You are too soft Sister! She deserves punishment!” the cyan alicorn yelled.

“That is for me to decide, Brother," she answers calmly. “I will not punish a soul who is not deserving of such. Now as I was saying,” she turns her attention back to Fluttershy. “It can be difficult to decide who to extend your kindness to in such troubled times. So I must ask; if your friend returns what will you do?”

“I would apologize. And no matter how long it takes, I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to her and get my friend back,” Fluttershy states sternly.

“And Celestia?”

“Hopefully we can reason with her. If not, I’ll do whatever I can to save Twilight.” Hope was present in her voice.

“Very well.” The yellow alicorn flared her wings again. “I cast my judgment; you are worthy. But remember to always show kindness to those who show it to you.” The orange alicorn looked on.

“Very well,” the orange alicorn starts. “Now who’s next?” A pink alicorn bounced forward.

“Hello!” the pink alicorn says, addressing everypony. “May a Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie please step forward?”

“Oh, oh, oh! That’s me!” Pinkie bounced in front of the group and stares at the alicorn. “Hi!”

“Hello Pinkie,” the pink alicorn replies. “You like to laugh don’t you Pinkie?”

“Well duh!” Pinkie said in a hyperactive jump. “Who don’t like to laugh?”

“Sadly many ponies. But the question is, why? Why don’t they want to laugh?” the pink alicorn asks cryptically.

“Well I don’t really know,” Pinkie answers. “Why wouldn’t they want to laugh?” The pink alicorn sighs.

“No, Pinkie,” the alicorn said. “They do not laugh because they feel more than happiness. A smile is a wonderful thing. A smile can mean the difference between life and death itself for some. You yourself know the power of a smile. A wholehearted smile can warm others when they have no one to turn to.

“However there is a danger in trying to force a smile upon others.” The alicorn’s bright pink became dull as she spoke. “A smile that is forced is no smile at all; it’s an empty shell without meaning. Just a mask that we give others because that’s what they want to see. A smile like that is just a frown pushed upside down. Twilight was angry. She was sad. Yet you wanted to help Celestia erase her memory so she would smile out of ignorance, oblivious to the pain and suffering her so-called friends brought upon her.”

Pinkie’s hair deflated as the Alicorn continued. “That being said, I must ask you. Why did you do it?” The alicorn sternly stares at Pinkie. For a few minutes there was only silence. It was broken by a light sniffle.

“I never wanted to hurt Twilight,” Pinkie started. “I just wanted to see her smile. Living with pain can be too much, especially if you’re the one who caused it. When you wake up every day and your family sees you as a freak… Because you swear there was somepony in the mirror but they didn’t believe you…. Twilight would have suffered the same thing. I thought she was like me. Until I saw the monster she warned us about.” Pinkie’s voice broke with every word until she collapsed in sobs.

“I didn’t want to show her. Not at the wedding; she would have run away. Everypony would have run away. I’d be alone again. But I did the very thing I feared to Twilight; I ran away from her when she needed me the most. I’m a monster! I’m sorry Twilight! Please don’t run away! I only wanted to be your friend!” Pinkie sobbed out. Her friends all began to tear up aside from Rainbow Dash, who only gritted her teeth.

“You can’t put a smile on that, can you Pinkie?” the pink alicorn spoke somberly. “You are a gifted pony, Pinkie Pie. You can do things nopony can, and no matter what you do everypony must still ask why.” She chuckles. “But you do all this to run away from your past; you laugh and smile to cover up your pain."

“There is a time and place to feel sadness Pinkie, you just need to learn. So I will now cast judgment upon you. I deem you worthy of my help, but just this once, for your own good and the good of your friends. I will be yours again to wield alongside my siblings when you learn the true meaning of laughter,” the pink alicorn decreed. “So I’ll end by saying this; don’t cover up your pain with smiles. Smile through your pain, rely on others to help you smile, and in turn the happiness you receive will be given right back. And you will be the smile everypony needs.”

Pinkie nodded and gets back in line with her group as the pink alicorn does the same. “I guess I shall go next,” a white alicorn declares and walked up to the group. “It’s bad manners to keep a lady waiting Rarity.” Rarity approaches the white alicorn.

“Are you sure I need this Darling?” Rarity says nervously. “I may have more business than I did before but I am by no means greedy.” The white alicorn scoffs at the fashion pony.

“You are a fool if you think you’re above reproach. However I do agree with you.” The alicorn takes another step forward. “You have not let the fame go to your head. And you also devote a great portion of the wealth you’ve gained to continuing your work.” She chuckles, “That and dining a little finer than you used to.”

Rarity blushed in embarrassment as the white alicorn continued. “But that is by no means a crime. You earned that money through your hard work, and let’s face it. Anypony would indulge if they had more than enough bits to keep their lights on. So as far as commodities go, you are as generous as ever.” Rarity smiled.

“Thank y-” She was interrupted by a flap of the white alicorn’s wings.

“I said materialistic.” The alicorn’s voice was stern toward the fashionista. “Rarity, you are a generous mare. But you have forgotten that generosity is not just about ‘donating bits to your local hospital or city project.’ Money is only a fraction of what it means to be generous.” Rarity was at a loss for words.

“B-but what else could there be?” Rarity says after a moment. The alicorn sighs.

“To be generous is to be open to all. Not just the money pouch. Love is spelled two ways Rarity. There is the traditional L-O-V-E. But then there is another way to spell love: T-I-M-E.”

“Time?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, time. Time is a precious commodity, even more so than money. There is plenty of money in the world. There is more being made every day. But time is fleeting and irreplaceable. For this very fact alone, time is the ultimate sacrifice in generosity. To give somepony your time is to show them love; to show them you care. With that said, ever since your business started taking off your friends see less and less of you. Time is a powerful thing Rarity. To not give it to somepony you care about could make them feel unloved or insecure. Isn’t that how Twilight felt when you walked out on her for a mare you didn’t know outside of the wedding?”

Rarity stares in shock at the thought. “But it wasn’t just Twilight,” the alicorn continues. “What about your sister Sweetie Belle? Sure, siblings can be a nuisance but they need to be given time just as much as your friends.”

“I took her to dinner just a few nights ago, I’ll have you know,” Rarity snapped. “It wasn’t my fault she wasn’t interested in the meal.”

“Oh, for Maker’s sake,” the alicorn groaned. “She wasn’t interested because your parents had to strong hoof you into taking her to dinner in the first place. On top of that, all you talked about was how your business was prospering. Even when you’re there, you’re still back at your boutique wondering what to make next."

“She’s not going to be young forever Rarity, and how will you want her to remember you? You fail to grasp these lessons and for this reason I will pass my judgment upon you. For now I see you unworthy, but I see potential in you. So I shall help this last time. Remember Rarity; showing those you care about your time and love is far more valuable than any amount of bits anyone can offer. Do this and I will be yours again.” Rarity nodded and trots back to her group, satisfied that the Element would assist in this time, but in heavy thoughts over her consequences.

“Now is my turn to judge,” the cyan alicorn announced, stepping forward. Rainbow Dash stepped up to him. “Facing your punishment head on; you’re nothing if not honorable Rainbow Dash,” he growls. “I’m not as forgiving as my sisters. You have done a great wrong…”

“Shut up!” Rainbow Dash yelled. This caused everypony to look at her with shock.

“You dare?” the cyan alicorn says quietly. “YOU DARE?!” he bellowed. “You have the guts to face me without your tail between your haunches after what you’ve done?!”

“I’m not about to get lip from an oversized necklace!” Rainbow Dash shouts. She flies to hover in front of the alicorn’s face. “I’m not about to hear you complain that I wasn’t a loyal friend, that I wasn’t there for Twilight. Yeah! I get it! I wasn’t there for her. But after it was all over I wanted to apologize. We all did. But she ran from us!”

“You wanted to brainwash her!” the alicorn shoots back.

“She wasn’t going to be brainwashed! She was going to lose her memory of the wedding so we could remain friends. Yes, it is a bad thing to do, but you Elements just lay around in a chest while we do all the work! You all aren’t the ones with all of Harmony and the very lives of everypony you know and love on your hooves. You all just fire a rainbow attack at our enemies.

“But you weren’t there for the changeling attack. We fought the changelings, not you. So don’t judge me as you know me. I’m a Wonderbolt. My duty is to protect Equestria no matter the cost! And if Twilight was going to lose a few bad memories so Equestria could be safe, I’d say it would be for the better.”

The cyan alicorn was at a loss for words, as were the rest of the Mane Five and the Elements. Then the alicorns heard something they never expected; laughter. The cyan alicorn let out a boisterous laugh that shook the very ground and blew Rainbow Dash backwards.

“So you wish to remain ignorant, very well. You are correct that loyalty is difficult to determine in the face of great adversity. So I will cast judgment. I will help you just this once, only because you made a point,” he explains. “But allow me some parting words; on those wings you have flown high, and looked down upon all. But soon enough, one who once looked up to you will look down upon you and soar higher than you ever imagined. When that comes to pass, your wings will mean nothing. Goodbye Rainbow Dash.” He walks back to his group.

“Well, what’s done is done,” the orange alicorn decreed. “Now we leave you to carry the weight.” The alicorns all begin to fade, only for a curious Applejack to step forward.

“Aren’t y’all gonna judge me?” the farming pony questioned, to which the orange alicorn smirked.

“I’ve already judged you; you indeed are worthy of my power. Just remember what your big brother told you.” With that, the five alicorns faded away. As they disappeared, a lavender colored ethereal alicorn appears in front of Sunset Shimmer.

“Who are you?” Sunset asks.

“I’m the Element of Magic,” the alicorn coughed. Her ethereal aura briefly fades, but comes quickly back into focus. “As you can see, the resentment Twilight’s friends showed her at the wedding broke her heart. This is causing me to decay. So I won’t be of much help, but I will try.” The lavender alicorn coughs violently.

“What can I do to help?” Sunset questioned. The weak Element smiled slightly.

“That’s the kind of attitude that can win you a friend, Sunset. I’ve seen in your heart. I understand your pain. You don’t want friends. What good are friends when they’ll just stab you in the back? Best to stab them first right?”

“Please, don’t do this. I know you think you can help me, but I don’t need it.”

“You need it more than you know. But then again, you are in dire need of a friend. Not one Celestia gave you for the sake of preserving her rule… But a friend that you found on your own.”

“I just told you I don’t need a friend. I just want to go home.” Sunset turns away from the alicorn.

“To what, Sunset? What is the point of going back if you’re just going to fall back to your habits? You need someone to understand you in your entirety. They need to see what you really are.”

“No,” Sunset says sternly. “They don’t. They’ll be scared of me.”

“I know you’re afraid, Sunset. But I promise that you will find somepony who understands. Just give it time. Now I don’t have much time. So I will lend you my power. I have faith in you Sunset. Good luck.”

The lavender alicorn fades away and time resumes around the crystal empire. Spike reaches out for the Crystal Heart as he fell faster. King Sombra barreled toward him, causing Spike to panic as he struggles to reach the Heart. Though hope seemed lost, six different colored beams fired out of The Element of Harmony and into the Crystal Heart. While the Heart itself began to shine brightly, the multiple colors of the Elements intertwined with its own light.

“Impossible!” King Sombra shouts as he recoils from the light. His ethereal form became destroyed by the combined powers of the mystical artifacts, revealing his true form. While he fell into the heart of the empire, the dark king could only watch as his magical hold began to break.

Spike was brought to a gentle stop by the light mere inches from the ground. The dark crystal cage holding Sunset Shimmer was shattered. Shining Armor regained conciseness in time to watch the crystal ponies shine with the joy emanating from the empowered Heart. King Sombra weakly got to his hooves.

“No! NO! T…this wasn’t… part of… the deal,” the dark king wheezed. His entire body started turning into dark crystals. Spike runs up to the king with his fists clenched. “I will get my…!” Before Sombra could finish screaming his vows of vengeance, Spike lets out a roar and viciously jumps on Sombra’s fragile form. Spike swings hard. The dark king’s crystal form shatters at the impact of Spike’s fist. The pieces fly everywhere; the only thing left of the accursed stallion was his wicked horn.

The crystal ponies let out cheers of victory. Their long years of oppression have finally come to an end. They were finally free. Now it would be up to Princess Celestia to decide what is to happen with the once-lost Empire. But for now it was time for celebration.

(Eos: Lestallum)

A light breeze blew across the city of Lestallum. The market place flourished with the conversations of friends and the shouts of vendors selling their products. Though these sites were enough to make a person smile, it was only noise to Twilight.

Twilight took in the beauty of the landscape as she sat over the rock wall that guards tourists from falling off the mountainside. Lush green trees went on for miles in all directions. The roads were calm, with only the occasional vehicle driving through. Even the crater where a meteor landed had its own beauty.

Lestallum may derive its energy from the beautiful sights, but some seem to believe that a God lay resting under the meteor. Either way, there was one thing clear for Twilight; this beauty is one that Twilight would savor for as long as time permitted.

“Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess,” Twilight recites to the wilderness below her. “We seek it thus, and take to the sky. Ripples form on the water’s surface. The wandering soul knows no rest.” She smiles to herself. Soon she hears a set of gentle footsteps approach from behind her.

“Loveless, Act One,” Lunafreya said as she walks up beside Twilight. She leans over the wall. Twilight chuckled.

“You remembered.” Lunafreya rolls her eyes.

“It’s not easy to forget my sister’s favorite playwright,” Lunafreya answers. “You’ve lodged it into my skull so much I could swear I recite it in my sleep.” Twilight giggled.

“Well, I like to be consistent.” She pauses for a moment. “Where’s your boy toy?” A smirk breaks out on her face.

“It’s not like that, Twilight,” Lunafreya groans.

“Sure.” Twilight’s grin grew a bit.

“He’s on a mission right now,” Lunafreya says longingly. Twilight chuckles again.

“Aw, miss him already? By all means, keep up the helpless princess act. Next time I just might believe it,” Twilight remarks. Lunafreya sighs. She gets off the wall and the two women start to walk back to the town.

“Twilight, you’re my sister. I love you to death but you can’t protect me forever. Noct is not a bad person and you know it. But your time as a soldier has made you cold,” Lunafreya lamented. “I fear that this is what Niflheim wanted. You need to allow yourself to feel, Twilight.”

Twilight turned to face her, grabbing her hands in a gentle motion. “I do this because it has kept you and Ravus alive. I never wanted any of this. I can’t afford to let my guard down while both of your lives are on the line. My life is cheap. I’m just a soldier, nothing else. And I have my orders.” Lunafreya sighs.

“Twilight, I think you need to find someone.”

“I need to find a place that’s not hotter than Hell,” Twilight complained as she fans herself. “I get enough of this on the battlefield.”

“Hey! Twilight!” called a rather short girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes who was running up to Twilight and Lunafreya. “I’ve been looking all over for you; Gladio just called. He said they got it and are on their way back.” Twilight smiled.

“Thanks umm…” Twilight’s words trailed as she tried to remember the girl’s name. The girl rolled her eyes.

“Iris. Iris Amicitia.”

“Oh!” Twilight gasped. “Sorry about that. I’ve only seen you once since we got here.”

“It’s okay,” Iris replies. “I was going to ask if you all checked into the hotel yet.”

“Not yet,” Lunafreya answer. “I was hoping we’d get to see the sites before we checked in.” Iris smiled wide at the thought.

“Great idea. I can show you both around.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Lunafreya says. She turns to Twilight. “You up for it, Sis?” Twilight tapped her chin in thought.

“Ah, what the heck,” she says after a second.

Iris turned and started skipping toward the square. The trio passed several people as they made their way toward the vendors. The vendors had a rather great variety of items, ranging from weapons, to food, and anything in between. It seemed like the vendors had it all and each was happy to sell.

“Twilight,” Lunafreya called out as she dined on a cup of noodles. “You’ve got to try these! They’re the best noodles I’ve ever tasted.” Twilight grabbed a pair of chop-sticks and dug in.

“Tastes like corporate sponsorship to me,” Twilight commented. Lunafreya and Iris rolled their eyes.

“As if!” the two say in unison.

As the three continued around Lestallum, the girls came across a large power plant. “This an Exineris Industries’ power plant,” Iris explains while pointing to it.

“They draw the energy from the meteorite, if I’m not mistaken,” Twilight said.

“Correct. As I recall, only women are allowed in the plant,” Iris continues.

“Really? Seems sexist to me.”

“Not at all,” Lunafreya added. “The women here work as their husbands work outside the plant, so they are equal in their labor.”

“Good point. Hey Iris, let’s get to the hotel,” Twilight suggests.

“It’s not far from here,” Iris said, leading the way. After walking through a market place and a few path ways, the trio arrived at the hotel.

“The Leville Hotel. Nice place,” Twilight commented. They enter the hotel lobby and are greeted by an old man.

“Why hello ladies. Are you looking for roo…?” His eyes go wide at the sight of Lunafreya. “By the Gods. Princess Lunafreya. But how? The papers said you were dead.” Twilight pins the man to the wall.

“Twilight what are you doing?” Iris yells. “Let go of him!”

“Keep your voice down. The last thing we need Niflheim knocking down this door,” Twilight states. A small boy starts punching her leg.

“Let go of my grandpa!” he yells as he continues to punch Twilight’s leg with no effect. Twilight lets go of the old man.

“Alright kid, you can relax. I wasn’t going to do anything to him. But I can’t have anyone talking to loud about this.”

The old man gave a nod in understanding and laid his hands upon his grandson’s shoulders. “I’m alright Talcott, there is no need to be angry. She was just protecting the princess,” the old man explained. “We are survivors from Insomnia. I am Jared Hester and this is my grandson Talcott Hester. I am a former servant to the house of Amicitia.

“Whoops,” Twilight says as she brings her palm to her forehead.

“What’s going on?” said a voice from the door, causing the five people in the room to turn to the doorway. Noctis, Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio step through the door. Lunafreya wasted no time in embracing Noctis, which was cue for Twilight to roll her eyes.

“For the Six’s sake, get a room,” she chuckles. Noctis recoils in pain, holding his head. Lunafreya keeps hold of him.

“What’s going on?” Noctis grunted in pain.

“What’s happen…?” Twilight’s eyes widen. You…must help the king…Darkness is coming…Pain and suffering in your future…A choice must be made, an unknown voice echoed in Twilight’s head. “Who the Hell…?” She frantically looks around the room. Past a writhing Noctis, she sees a familiar man tip his leather hat at her with a smirk. He walks out of the doorway. “Ardyn!” she yells, panic prevalent in her voice. She bolts out the door after him.

“Twilight!” Lunafreya yells. She almost takes off after her but looks to Noctis with concern.

“Go ahead, we’ll catch up,” Ignis instructs after placing a reassuring hand on her back. She nods and sprints out the door. Once Noctis recovers, the guys also make their way out the door. They end up in the parking lot, where Twilight is confronting Ardyn.

Ardyn was looking into a pair of lenses at the meteor site. “What a coincidence,” he says, turning to face the group.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight demands.

“Oh come now, it’s not a great vacation until you see the Disc of Cauthess. There is much history to that place. Some say it might even be where it all began.” He smirks at Lunafreya.

“You were always a bad liar. You’re following us,” Twilight bluntly stated. Ardyn shrugged.

“Aren’t nursery rhymes curious little things?” he asks. Twilight gives him a deadpanned look.

“Which nursery rhyme?” Lunafreya asked.

Ardyn’s smile grew wider. “Why, the Archaean’s call of course.” He paces between the groups. “It goes like this, ‘From the deep the Archaeon calls, yet on deaf ears the God’s tongue falls. The king made to kneel, in pain he crawls.’

“So how do we keep him on his feet? Prompto questioned.

“You need only to heed the call,” Ardyn states. “I can take you.”

“I don’t know,” Noctis said. He turns to the group.

“We don’t have much of a choice Noct,’ Ignis commented.

“So we take the ride,” Prompto adds.

“But watch our backs,” Gladio chimes.

“Then let us be on our way,” Ardyn says. He starts walking. “We’ll take three vehicles… a convoy of sorts.”

“You have a car?” Twilight questioned as the group walks behind Ardyn.

“Of course,” Ardyn answers. “Pales in comparison to your Fenrir motorcycle and their Regalia, but she’s never let me down.”

“Ummm… Twilight,” Lunafreya starts, nudging Twilight. “Could I ride with Noct this time?”

“Fine,” Twilight grumbles after a moment. Without warning, Lunafreya hugs Twilight and runs to the Regalia.

“I’ll ride with you, I guess,” Prompto mutters. “By the way, mind if I ask you something?” he asks. Twilight turns to him.

“Odd,” she says,” I never expected you of all people to approach on your own. At least not without backup.” She gets onto her motorcycle.

“Well, I was going to ask for your advice,” he said as he gets on the back of the bike. He holds onto Twilight’s waist for security. “You’re a girl, right?”

“Last time I checked, anyway,” Twilight says with a bemused look on her face. She waited for Ardyn and the Regalia to pull into the road before following close behind.

“I was hoping you could help me with the heart of our grease monkey goddess.”

“The blond?!” Twilight shouts over the roar of her motorcycle’s engine. “Sorry to say this, but you have no chance with someone like her.

“What?” Prompto exclaimed.

“I could tell when I first saw her that she was married to her work. An actual marriage would just slow her down. That’s not something she would want. Unless…” she pondered. Prompto held her waist tighter.

“Unless what?!”

“Unless you could keep up with her! If you learn her trade, if you shared her interests then maybe she’d start to fall for you through her work.”

“How do I do that?” he asked excitedly.

“She’s a mechanic, right? If you had the knowledge of a mechanic it would be much easier for you two to bond.” Twilight started slowing down. “I can teach you.” Prompto’s eyes lit up.

“You’d do that?”

“Something tells me that we’re all in it for the long haul, so it’s best we get to know each other.” She sped back up.

“Thanks Twilight. You know? You’re alright, despite what Ignis says.”

“Oh really? What’s he been saying about me?”

“Nothing much. Just the ‘she’s not to be trusted’ routine.” Twilight rolled her eyes.


(Fancy Pants household)

Truly it was a day of celebration and triumph for Shining Armor. After endless years of living in his sister’s shadow, he finally got his wish. A moment to be the best. His hard work and dedication finally bore fruit. Now here he was, being exalted and toasted at a party. A party held in his honor. But a hero cannot present himself well if he doesn’t look his best.

“I shall return after I freshen up. Saving an empire requires getting dirty.”

“Take your time,” Fancy Pants says with a nod. He returns to mingling with guests.

Shining Armor walks into the washroom. After making sure the coast was clear, he looked into a mirror as his horn started to glow. The mirror rippled until it showed an image of a large black creature with green eyes, a jagged horn, and sharp fangs.

“It’s all going according to plan,” Shining states darkly with a smirk. “They don’t suspect a thing.”

“Excellent,” the creature hissed. “King Sombra is not so pleased with what happened to him at the Empire. He will need time to regain his powers.”

“So be it,” Shining chuckled. “He’ll get his Empire back soon enough. The Elements have no power now. As long as you both hold up your ends of the bargain you’ll get what you want.”

“Of course,” the creature hisses. “You have proven your loyalty to me. I will happily give you my hoof in marriage. My King.” Shining Armor smiles sadistically at the creature in the mirror.

“I look forward to Celestia’s downfall, and our ascension, My Queen.”

Author's Note:

WHEW~! This chapter was crazy! But it was fun to write. The next one shouldn't take me as long. OH! Be on the look out for my next work. Fable 3 a King's Lament. Coming Soon. That's it for now and I'll see you next chapter! Matirix7o6 out!