• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,956 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

  • ...

A Cry In The Night

A Cry In The Night

(Friendship Express)
(Enroute to Canterlot)

"Tell me, why are we on this train?" Trixie whispered.

"You don't have to fill the silence; honestly I'd rather you didn't," Sunet answered, her eyes rolling in annoyance.

"Come on, we are headed directly to Canterlot. You know. The place that a changeling posing as a royal guard just came from." Trixie was still whispering, but Sunset gently and firmly planted a hoof on Trixie's mouth.

"Don't trust anypony," Sunset said sternly. She looked around the car, watching carefully for any suspicious looking ponies. They all seemed to be casualy moving to and fro from their seats, talking amongst one another. Sunset released her hold on Trixie's mouth. "Hopefully Celestia and Luna are still with us. We're going to need their help."

"And if they've already been taken?" Trixie asked, her tone apprehensive.

"Then we might as well be changeling food," Sunset whispered back. "With nowhere to run, and my ticket out of here gone, it's only a matter of time."

"Would it kill you to be optimistic?" Trixie quietly snapped.

"Yes, because I'm realistic," Sunset smarted off. "Now, before we stop we need to-" But her words were cut off by a filly close by looking out a window.

"Mommy, is it nighttime already?" she asked, prompting her mother to look out the window as well. The sun seemed to be setting rapidly. Some of the other ponies on board took notice and mildly began to panic. The mother mare didn't answer, though she fearfully held her giggling, unaware child. Panic set in on her face as she watched.

At this, Sunset swiveled her head to see what they were talking about. As they neared Canterlot, she could see that there were several areas alight within the city. "I hate to say I told you so, but!" She ended her sentence by pointing at the scene.

"By Faust!" Trixie exclaimed, gawking at the chaos.

"Change of plans," Sunset said after a moment of thought. "We're staying on this train." She quickly sat back down.

"And if they come for it?" Trixie asked worriedly.

"Then we sneak out of the back," Sunset stated sternly.

The panic in the trian car only intensified as they locomotor entered the station. Lines of ponies were almost shoving themselves onto the tracks from their hysteria. Once docked, several bat ponies landed before the crowd.

"Please, everypony stay calm," one of the bat ponies (which happened to be Captain of the Night Guard, Autumn Dusk) started. "We will get you all on this train safely. Do not crowd passengers already on board, and do not trample any other pony in your haste. The more panicked you are, the harder it will be to get you out of here!"

The ponies frantically nodded to Dusk; seeing that they didn't wish to be here any longer they saw it best to cooperate with them.

"What's going on?" the conductor demanded once he stepped out.

"Sir," Dusk addressed the conductor as she trotted up to him, "we need you to prep the train to go to the Crystal Empire at once."

"On who's authority!?" he scoffed.

"Mine," responded the voice of Nightmare Moon, which echoed enough for the passengers inside the train to panic more.

"Nightmare Moon!?" Trixie sank into her seat. "What's she-"

"Calm down!" Sunset yelled. "I'm not sure why either, but if she was responsible for what's going on, she would be pulling us out of the train by now."

From outside the conversation continued.

"This train needs to head to the Crystal Empire immediately," Nightmare Moon stated calmly. "Canterlot is under a changeling attack."

The conductor, not wishing to invoke the wrath of the Queen of the Night, quickly went back to his station.

"Now everypony form a line!" Dusk called out, redirecting her attention back to the crowd. "Do not shove your way in and do not shove any other ponies out!"

They hurriedly complied. Though soon several changelings showed up, buzzing in the air above the station. The ponies became more frantic in their movements.

"Keep going with the evacuation," Nightmare Moon called to Dusk. "I will handle them!" She took to the air. Moonlight danced along the air as a staff materialized above her. A spark of moonlight shined and formed a blade on the staff, revealing the weapon to be a scythe.

The changelings dived at Nightmare Moon. Her magic aura surrounded the scythe and it spun around her. As a changeling flew by she sliced into it, causing its form to come apart in a spray of green. She ascended toward more changelings who were firing magic at her, moving the scythe quick enough to deflect the green bolts.

"This is too easy," Nightmare whispered to herself before barrel rolling away from a bolt. This put her in reach of another changeling, whom she sliced at, taking off the top of its head.

Why are they not swarming the station? Nightmare pondered to herself. Three more changelings flew toward her. She spun her scythe behind her and twirled it in the direction of the closest one. She hooked the changeling with her weapon and threw it into the next, then sliced them both in half before they could regain their bearings.

Then she launched her scythe into the last one. When she went to grab the weapon from the dying changeling's body, instead of gurgling in desperation it let out weak cackles between ragged breathes before finally succumbing to it's fate.

If she hadn't been sure about it before, she definitely was now; they were letting them escape. The remaining changelings retreated as the rest of the ponies loaded onto the train.

"We're ready to go!" Dusk announced.

"All Night Guards! Protect the train!" Nightmare Moon landed on the roof of the caboose as the locomotor began moving. "Dusk, report to me! I have a rather disturbing revelation to share with you!"


(Enroute to Tenebrae)

With a groan, Noctis awoke to Twilight sitting beside him. "You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," Noctis mumbled. For a moment he didn't know where he was. But the force of the breeze caused him to quickly recall the day's previous events, including his mistake. Noctis shot up into a sitting position, noting in the back of his mind that he could smell the scent of Tenebrae's fresh water. But it did nothing to quell his anger. He carefully got to his feet, mindful of the still-moving train they were atop.

"It wasn't your fault-" Twilight started, seeing the immediate anger distort his face, but he cut her off.

"Yes it was!" Noctis shouted. Frustration was evident in his voice. "I let him get the better of me again!" He pulled out his phone and hurriedly tapped on it a few times before pressing it to his ear.

"What's wrong Noct?" Ignis answered on the other end.

"Ignis stop the train!" Noctis demanded. "Th-there was an accident. And I. I pushed Prompto off the train. Ardyn tricked m- We can't leave him!"

"Calm down Noctis," Ignis offered calmly, knowing panic wouldn't help their current situation. "We can't stop the train with the passengers still on board; they would be sitting ducks for the daemons."

"Then what do we do!?" There was a small hint of desperation picking up in Noctis's tone.

"If the chancellor is involved then chances are Prompto won't be where we left him," Ignis stated. "I have Gladio with me," he added to assure Noctis.

"Are you two alright at least?" Noctis asked, the desperate tone still prevelant.

"Yes. Is Twilight okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. We'll be there in a minute." Noctis hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. Twilight placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Prompto is a lot of things," she said. "Silly, clumsy, a hopeless romantic. But incapable isn't one of his attributes. He will find his way back to us, then the two of you can reconcile."

"Thanks Twilight." His voice a a bit more calm now.

Just then the train entered a large high-rise lit tunnel. Twilight had been about to say something else, but her words caught in her throat when she spotted several imps running toward them. A gargoyle led their charge.

"Looks like your pity party will have to wait. We're gonna have to fight our way to the front!" Twilight warned, readying her horn.

"If it's not one thing it's another!" Noctis shouted in frustration. The two charged at the oncoming enemies then.

The gargoyle, being most eager to reach them, picked his pace up. "Go high!" Twilight shouted as she slid under the gargoyle. At the same, she trappped the imps with her magic and slammed them into the tunnel walls. With that and the momentum of the train, the imps were reduced to an ink black paste.

With them out of the way Twilight jumped back into a standing position and transformed her horn into a lance. When she turned back around to the gargoyle, it was swatting viciously at Noctis, who had jumped over the creature and was avoiding each blow.

Twilight pivoted quickly and threw her lance into the gargoyle's shoulder and teleported to it. She kicked the daemon toward Noctis. In turn he reared his great sword back and brought it down into its skull. Then before it could shrug the attack off, Twilight ran her lance through its throat, cutting upward as Noctis cut down. The gargoyle fell into two uneven pieces before it was reduced to black particles.

"Come on!" Noctis urged. They continued their sprint atop the train.

"The damn things are all over the walls!" Twilight shouted, noticing that they literally seemed surrounded.

Just then another gargoyle reached the top of the train, leading more imps toward the prince and the missplaced unicorn. "Where are they even coming from?" Noctis groaned. He summoned a magic light orb.

"Hey Noctis, remember the swamp!?" Twilight asked while pinning more imps down. He thought for half a second.

"Light it up!" Noctis said, and tossed the orb. Twilight enveloped it with her magic, overcharging it.

The gargoyle and imps went up in an almost deafening thunderclap as electricity sparked and lurched in every direction. Some tendrils even made it to some of the imps on the tunnel walls. Nothing but smoke remained of the daemons that had previously been in front of them.

The action roasted enough imps from the tunnel walls that many arachne took their place. And soon those began storming down the top of the train.

"They're everywhere!" Twilight got into a fighting stance. "A freaking break would be nice!"

Just then the train emerged from the other end of the tunnel. Waterfalls from the floating mountains in the area were rushing out of control. For a moment Twilight could hear terrified screams from the passangers beneath her before the sound was drowned out by the sound of rushing water.

The Leviathan erupted out of the water from below the tracks; it was controlling the waterfalls. Twilight could now see that there were many more daemons than she'd originally thought. As she watched, the Leviathan aimed multiple waterspouts at the creatures, knocking them off the train and tracks. After taking care of the train's blight, the water goddess disappeared through the floating mountains.

"Finally made yourself useful huh? You damn overgrown seafood platter!" Twilight called after the Leviathan, having not forgiven her for her rampage in Altissia.

It wasn't long after that that the train came to a stop in Tenebrae's station and the passengers started piling out. Now with a moment to breathe, Noctis and Twilight jumped off the train and sat off to the sides. They stayed away from the rest of the passengers, who were abuzz talking about what they had seen out of the train windows.

"Woah, you look like shit," a familiar voice called from behind them.

"No more than the ass it came from," Twilight groaned as she stood and turned to meet Aranea.

"Anyway-" Before Aranea was able to get another word in, Twilight hugged her. Though Twilight wasn't crying, just her clinging like that was all the proof Aranea needed. "She really is gone," she mused to no one in particular. Twilight's grip tightened a bit. "We have to be strong Twilight; it's what she would have wanted."

"I know, but it hurts all the same." Twilight sighed deeply then let go of Aranea.

"I guess we have to thank you for a warm welcoming committee for once," Noctis stated as he stood up.

"Actually if you want to thank anyone follow me." Aranea gestured for the group to follow.

Before Twilight stepped away, she felt a tug on the fabric under her armor. She looked down to see a little girl; Twilight noted that the girl looked to be native to Tenebre.

"S-sorceress?" the girl stuttered. Twilight knelt to the girl's level.

"Hello little one. Are you with your parents?"

The child nodded. "They're over there," she answered and pointed in the opposite direction she was facing. The man and woman she was pointing at were talking amongst each other. "Is Lady Lunafreya with you?"

Twilight felt a pang of guilt sink into her gut. Her throat seemed to dry up, knowing that the girl will most likely cry at the truth, but she needed the truth nonetheless.

"I... I don't know how to tell you this..." Twilight paused. "Lady Lunafreya is... She's-"

"Honey, what are you doing!?" The father had taken notice of his daughter and hurried to her. "You can't run off like that!" he scolded as he picked her up. "I'm so sorry about-" his sentence cut off when he realized who his child had been speaking to. His eyes widened and hopeful tears welled up in his eyes. "Sorceress, by the six. You've returned! Is Lady Lunafreya with you!?"

His joyful cries soon brought the attention of others and a crowd began to swarm around Twilight.

"Sorceress! Has the Oracle returned safely!?"

"The news says she's dead! That can't be true; they said it before and you saved her, right!?"

"Please Sorceress, answer us!"

Children around her with red faces from crying, wailing women, pleading men. It was unending for Twilight, who could only stand frozen. She didn't know these people by name, but she certainly knew who they were; these were citizens of Tenebrae. They were under the thumb of heavy taxes from the Empire and they knew mostly pain. But they were not without hope.

Lunafreya, having been the Oracle, walked the continent working miracles on all who saw her; a wounded body healed by her power, a wounded spirit healed by her smile. Lunafreya was their light and those who talked to her found a life worth living. But now with her death, Twilight was faced with a hard choice.

If she lied to them and let them believe Lunafreya lived, they would no doubt risk their lives searching for her, only creating more despair. However, if she told them the truth of Lunafreya's death, not only would they immediately give into their despair and resent Twilight for being unable to rescue the Oracle, but it would also give Aldercapt the satisfaction of having broken the people's spirits for good.

Twilight took a deep breath that called everyone to halt their questions. After a moment of pause, Twilight threw her horn to the trains roof and teleported to it. Some people looked around confused, not having noticed the direction.

"Everyone!" Twilight announced, bringing their attention to the train. "Please lend me your ears! I wish I had better news for you." She paused to choose her next words carefully. "You are all wondering about the news of the Oracle." Her breath hitched in her throat. "I wish the news was wrong. Lady Lunafreya awakened Leviathan to aid the chosen king in his quest. The Empire tried to stop her and destroy the goddess. I was tasked to help people evacuate along with keeping the Empire at bay. The Oracle ultimately sacrificed herself, taken by the tides. We lost all our light that day." She looked to the downcast and tearful faces of the crowd and clenched her fists.

"But out of all the things Lunafreya left behind, she left us with hope," she continued. "This isn't the end! A better tomorrow will come; this darkness that encroaches upon us stands no chance against the light in your souls! That hope resides in all of you, man, woman, and child alike! Do not let despair take you, do not let hopelessness grip your heart. If you do, our Lady Lundafreya's sacrifice will have been for nothing.

"We leave you in capable hands, but you must do your part! Once finished here, the Chosen King, his retainers, and I are going to the heart of the cruel Empire who took your country to end this once and for all. The battle will be long, and there is a chance that the solution may not come in an instant. So go forth like our Oracle did and bring hope to all you see! Pick them up at their lowest and tell them that it is not the end! Fight for a better tomorrow! Fight for our Oracle! Fight for our Chosen King!"

The people's heads were held high as the fires in their souls seemed to reignite. Heartfelt cheers roared at Twilight's proclamation. Those very same people who moments ago were ready to give up hope. Through their tears shined pride.

After a few minutes of hopeful chatter, the crowd began to feel better about events. They continued chatting amongst themselves then dispersed from the station. Twilight could see Noctis and the others standing with Aranea. She hopped off the top of the train as they walked up.

"Nice speech," Aranea commented.

"I just hope we can pull it off," Twilight stated.

"Way to pile on the pressure," Noctis groaned. "Anyway, we are taking the train to Gralea."

"Good," Twilight responded. "Though I can do a lot of things Noctis, conducting a train isn't one of them."

"Well you could at least try," Ignis suggested with a half-smile.

"That's why I'm letting Biggs and Wedge with you," Aranea said. She used her head to point in the direction of two men that were walking toward them.

"Long time, Sorceress," Biggs greeted as both men saluted to Twilight.

"We will be in the train. Just see us when you're all ready to shove off," Wedge said before disappearing onto the train.

Twilight nods and turns back to the group. "Ready when you are."


(Crystal Empire)

Spike had spent the afternoon with his guard up; news of the invasion had spread through the empire quickly. All of a sudden, night that should have been hours away had already fallen. He knew something was wrong, and despite doing his best to remain stoic, deep down he felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. Though that knot was mostly for the problems at hand, some of it was also from the thought that he really may never see Twilight, his mother, again.

"I want patrols around the empire, groups of four. Do not wander off by yourselves!" Spike barked to several lines of multi-colored crystal guard ponies.

"Sir!" they answered in compliance.

"We are to receive the refugees from Canterlot in a matter of hours, so expect shift changes." Then he directed his attention to Thorax. "I'm going to need your help detecting if any changelings are among the refugees."

Thorax grimaced at the idea. "Are you sure that's a good idea Spike?"

"I know I'm asking a lot Thorax," Spike responded. He placed a reassuring hand on Thorax's back. "We need to show them that you aren't like the others." Spike looked him in the eye. "Trust is going to be a great issue for many. Please don't give me a reason to not trust you. If you know anything, anything at all, please tell me."

Thorax huffed. "I haven't seen or heard anything. I was just as shocked as you are; I never thought they'd be able to take the capital that easily. That's what's bothering me." Thorax gulped and took a look toward the door, where a guard glared at him. He squinted at the guard, whose eyes glowed green for a single moment. "Pharynx," Thorax whispered.

"Uh, Thorax? You okay buddy?" Spike snapped his fingers, shaking Thorax out of his daze.

"Y-yeah, sorry. I... I was just thinking. Queen Chrysalis doesn't have the power to launch a direct assault on your capital. I mean if she did I would bet we wouldn't be standing here right now."

"You make a good point." Spike rested his chin between his indes finger and thumb, pondering for a moment. "You think some of them shape-shifted and replaced the guards and castle staff?"

"What if it was more than that?" Thorax briefly glimpsed at the guard near the door, who was scowling at this point. "What if it was also because they had help from a pony on the inside?"

"Are you insinuating that the changeling invasion is the result of one of our own selling us out?" Spike almost growled. "Take care what you say, Thorax."

"I-I'm just suggesting it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility." Thorax backed away. "I wouldn't say this if I wasn't at least a little sure. I've come to call you my friend Spike. Just please heed what I say. There might be traitors in your midst."

"Your kind contributed in tearing my mother away from me," Spike snarled. "But I have made you the only exception to them. I will take your words into consideration, but know this: If and when we fight them, I don't care if they are your brothers and sisters, I will show them no mercy. Now let's get down to the train station."

Spike and Thorax began to leave. As the latter passed the door guard, he whispered a single word that tore Thorax's heart to pieces.



(Enroute to Niflheim)

The Ghorovas Rift- resting place of Shiva, the Glacion. At least, it was before the forces of Niflheim launched an all out attack on her in her sleep. Being blindsided by the power-hungry Empire, the Glacion never stood a chance. Now her massive cold corpse rests in the waters of Rift. Her death has caused a massive winter storm to blanket the region, which is the reason the train Twilight and the others were on hit pockets of ice frequelty as it made its way to the Imperial Capital.

"Noct, you're making me nervous. Sit down," Twilight said to Noctis, annoyance present in her tone. He had been pacing up and down the cabin. His head snapped to her, but he complied and reluctantly took a seat beside her. Ignis and Gladio were across from them.

"I'm just worried," Noctis sighed. "What if Prompto isn't there?"

"He will be," Twilight assured him.

"Twilight and I have been going back and forth on the Chancellor's behavior," Ignis chimed in. "Though his motives are unreadalbe, we think we've figured out a bit of how he operates."

"Izunia is always luring us somewhere," Gladio said. "As if he wants us to get further to our goals."

"He could have killed us or taken us to the Emperor at any time," Ignis added.

"I think it's more than ovious that he is not allied with the old man," Twilight reasoned. "His reasons are his own."

"So you think he will have Prompto with him?" Noctis asked.

"I'd stake my life on it," Gladio stated with a nod.

"No doubt he will try to get us in a precarious situation by presenting Prompto. He'll most definitely be alive. Ardyn wouldn't want anything to make you lose faith in your calling," Ignis continued.

"Sorry to interrupt anything chaps," Biggs called over the intercom. "We'll have to stop and check the engine."

"Twilight, go up there and help them," Ignis said.


"Chances are the engine is frozen. Your magic can help out without setting the train ablaze."

"Fine, but be careful," Twilight warned. Noctis moved out of the way for her and she made her way to the front of the train.

Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio then stepped outside.

"Geez, it's cold!" Noctis exclaimed with a shiver.

"No whining!" Gladio called. "We've got company!" He then rushed toward a goblin. "Keep Iggy sa-" But before he could finish his statement Ignis ran past him and threw a dagger into two other goblins Gladio hadn't noticed.

Ignis sent an electrical current through the daggers, frying the deamons before a hobgoblin attempted to swing at him. A gust of frozen winds burst from where Ignis had been standing, momentarily catching the hobgoblin off-guard; it hadn't seen Ignis jump away, and definitely didn't see the item he'd left behind. It looked around for a moment in confusion. Ignis pushed up his glasses as his left item activated. The hobgoblin howled into the night skies as it was engulfed in an explosion of flames.

Noctis watched the encounter slack-jawed. "Ignis!?"

"It seems I'm getting used to this 'aura ability,'" Ignis replied. "I'll have to thank Twilight later."

"I'll be damned," Gladio commented, a look of mild awe on his face. "The praise will have to wait; we've got more company."

The three friends continued to defend the train, facing many deamons that had crawled up from all corners of the bridge.


Meanwhile, Twilight was holding her horn against the engine, trying to heat up the engine. "Come on, come on," she muttered to herself. Her lavender aura was surrounding the engine, and it was indeed warming it up. But it was not happening nearly as fast as she'd hoped.

"Don't overdo it Twilight," Biggs said beside her.

"Yeah, if you blow the engine we'll be walking the rest of the way," Wedge threw in.

"Shut up. I'm working as fast as I can," she grumbled. "I swear, if this doesn't get done right now, I'll-" Bladekeeper, Twilight heard over the violent winds outside. "What was that?" she asked, looking to Biggs and Wedge.

"What? I didn't hear anything other than the fighting," Wedge said. "Hurry it up Twilight!"

"Working on it!" She continued warming up the engine.

The one who guides this world to its destruction. Ardyn is a mere pawn of fate. This whisper lingered in Twilight's ears.

"Okay Twilight you've done enough," Biggs told her. "We'll get the train back up and running. You go outside and help them."

"Got it." Twilight nodded in compliance and hurried to the nearest exit.

Upon making it outside she saw that the group was cornered by a large insect deamon. She hurled several fireballs at the creature's back, taking its attention so the others can openly attack it without harming the train.

Gladio slashed one of the deamon's legs, tripping it in the process. Noctis followed as it stumbled forward and flung his sword to the creature's face. After he warped to his weapon he sliced the insect's neck, then kicked off and away from it as it thrashed about.

Not to be outdone by them despite his handicap and newfound power, Ignis ignited the ground behind the deamon. This formed a large slick puddle that the creature ended up slipping on, sending it to slip off the bridge. Before the creature could grasp at the bridge to fix itself, a thick column of ice formed above it then promptly plunged down it. They could hear it screeching as it tumbled into the blackness below them.

"Nice job Twilight," Noctis commented.

"Thanks," Twilight responded, putting her horn away.

"Let's get back into the train, it's freezing out here." Gladio started making his way back to the train with Ignis close behind.

As Twilight and Noctis made their way toward the train, they noticed a familiar figure skulk past the doorway. Before Noctis could make a dash for him, Twilight grasped his shoulder.

"Not this time Noct," Twilight said, holding the struggling king's shoulder tightly.

"You saw it too!" he shouted back.

"Ardyn wants to corner us!" she argued. "I'm not saying we don't go after him; one of us should chase him through the cars, and one should run along the outside."

Noctis nodded. "Hurry; the others are in danger."

Twilight let him go and ran along the train, attempting to keep pace with Noctis. Twilight dodged icy obstacles along the way. Though she tried to keep up, she did fall behind just slightly.

Upon reaching the third train car, a gust of freezing air and snow blew through, knocking right into Noctis. He attempted to bite back the bitter cold. A shadow began taking shape from the front of the car, mocking Noctis as he fought against the wind.

"Do hurry, Noct," Ardyn mocked. "Your friends are in peril. I think the cold has gotten to them." Ardyn stood before an unconscious Ignis and Gladio. The cold finally took its toll on Noctis, who fell before a very amused Ardyn.

Twilight reached the train car door then, finding that it was frozen shut. "Dammit!" she shouted before attempting to shoulder bash the frost off the door. She could soon here the joints give away and shoulder bashed it a few more times.

Noctis did his best to fight unconsciousness as the cold ravaged him. He'd been greatly unprepared for such a feat but refused to be at Ardyn's mercy. The very thought of it sent adrenaline through his body. And before the merciless winds could do any more damage, they suddenly calmed. The snow inside the car slowed to a light fall as another figure came into view.

"A cold that can only be yours," Adryn mused casually. Gentiana gracefully walked toward them, lightly pressing a finger to her lips. "The same form you used when-" Before he could finish, Gentiana put the finger from her lips to his, stilling him in an instant.

"O, King, let it be done. As promised to the Oracle," she proclaimed. A light then consumed her and she rose from the ground. A crash almost broke the moment along with the cries of a faint voice from the other side of the car, which seemed so far away to Noctis now. Once the light died it was no longer Gentiana that stood in front of Noctis, but Shiva.

The Astral of Ice. She stared into Noctis's soul with cold, yet gentle crystalline purple eyes. "King of kings, restore light unto the world. You must fulfill your calling." Shiva summoned a familiar trident then promptly handed it to Noctis.

"Gentiana!?" Twilight gasped. The astral turned to see the Sorceress, the look in her eyes now remorseful.

"Twilight," Shiva responded.

"You... You..." Twilight stammered. "You LIED to me!" she yelled. Without giving the goddess a second to blink before tackling her, knocking into Noctis in the process. She was currently oblivious to the other two laying unconscious on the floor.

"Twilight you must give me time to explain!" Shiva pleaded while she attempted to hold Twilight back.

"I've had ENOUGH of you stupid astrals' excuses!" A flame began to envelop Twilight. In a moment she violently tosses Shiva out of a window, soon following her out to prevent the goddess from escaping.

Twilight clapped her hands around Shiva's neck and slammed her into the snow. "You knew, didn't you!?" Shiva's neck sizzled slightly under Twilight's hands, causing some pain. "You knew all along she was going to die, and you did NOTHING!"

"T-Twilight, please-"

"NO! I won't hear it! I refuse to play this game! I trusted you! But you're just another damn god playing out your schemes. I hate you!" Tears started falling from Twilight's eyes, landing on Shiva's face. Burning their destinations.

"Twilight," Shiva spoke softly. She gently placed a hand on Twilight's cheek despite the heat. "My dear child. You come from such a far away land and have made such wonderful connections. Though you cannot change what's already in motion... you can change the future.

"You must defeat the one who orchestrates this farce though your only reward will be a world on your shoulders. But I will be beside you. You must help Noctis ascend." With that Shiva vanished into the snow, leaving Twilight kneeling with damp hands. The cold didn't seem to bother her, even as the excess heat left her body.

"Twilight!" Noctis called from inside the train. She snapped out of her daze and hurried back into the car. As she entered, she saw Noctis shatter a frozen Ardyn with the trident. By then the snow in the cabin had dispelled, seeming to have gone along with the ice goddess.

Twilight walked over to Ignis and Gladio, who were still on the floor. She knelt between them and shook them. "Hey, this is no time for a nap." She tried a humorous tone, but it came out with a slight bite. This did rouse the two.

"What happened?" Gladio asked, looking around.

"Another damned astral," she scoffed. "Personally I've had enough of them. She stood and helped the guys up, then crossed her arms.

"Go check on the drivers," Noct mentioned once they were settled. The three of them decided to go together and headed to the front.

Before Noctis could follow though, a voice stopped him. "I think I've earned the right by now to call you Noct," Ardyn taunted calmly.

"How!?" Noctis shouted in anger.

"Oh, how am I still alive? Well that's easy enough to answer without too many spoilers. Shiva's cold touch has brought an end to men by the hundred of thousands, but sadly I cannot be counted among that number, seeing as I'm immortal. Such is my curse," he added with a shrug. "Nevertheless, you did hurt me Noct. My feelings, at least. And after all the memories we've shared."

He pulled out Prompto's pistol, holding it against Noctis's chest. Only to then pull it away. Noctis tried to make a grab for it. "Now now, you mustn't take what isn't yours," Ardyn taunted. He waltzed away from the young king.

"Where is he!?" Noctis demanded. Ardyn only smirked knowingly at the question.

"Where?" Ardyn ponders. "He's only a short shot away. I'm sure you'll have a blessed reunion in Gralea." Ardyne strolled back up to Noctis and pushed him aside. "You may even find your crystal there. And with all the Daemons around you could certainly use it." He smirked once more. "Off you go then, I don't want to keep you from your friend."

Noctis failed to notice that there was a remote in Ardyn's hand, which he pressed as he walked off the train car, chuckling.


(Crystal Empire)
(train station)

The train pulled in with the hysterical commotion that would be expected with all things considered. The very moment the locomotor came to a halt, the ponies started spilling out, attempting to make a break for the Empires entrance. Only, Spike was blocking their path.

The noble hero of the Crystal Empire could feel the pain and fear in the ponies' eyes as they rushed toward him. The crystal guards stood beside him, spears at their sides. Soon the gatekeepers were reinforced by Nightmare Moon, Dusk, and her Nightguard.

"Everypony coming off the train, please form a single file line!" Spike shouted. "We must make sure that no changeling has disguised themselves and hidden among you on the trip here. I present you with one of our own Crystal Empire citizens; Thorax."

Spike stepped aside and let Thorax come out from behind the guards. Some ponies in the crowd screamed, and some packed away in panic.

"He has been a citizen for some time now, and has been a great help around the Empire. I was skeptical at first, but he has given me no reason to not trust him. I wish for you to separate the actions of Chrysalis and her armies from him."

"P-please line up single file," Thorax nervously repeated. "I... I know this is going to be hard, but I need to stare into your eyes. I can detect the magic from my siblings from them."

Though the protest was strong, the ponies felt they had no other choice if they wanted into their last option of shelter. They cooperated and hesitantly formed a line long enough to double the train's length. Dusk and her Nightguards stood along points throughout the line to watch for any suspicious activity.

"What are they thinking?" one pony complained loudly.

"First Nightmare Moon, now a changeling! By Faust, has the world gone mad?" another grumbled.

"Mommy, that thing scares me," a foal whimpered as she clung to her mother's leg.

The bitter taste of fear and resentment filled Thorax's tongue. He knew he could pray that this transition goes smoothly. However, if Harmony was out the door luck jumped out the window even faster.

A mare walked up to Thorax, giving him a pleading look. After a few seconds looking into her eyes, a green glint shone within them. "Changeling," he said out of reflex.

The mare dashed toward the gates, causing all the ponies behind her to panic. Before she could gain enough speed to leap over the gates though, Nightmare Moon slammed the mare down with her magic. The force caused the mare to burst into green flame, knocking the camouflage off of the slender changeling.

"Brother!" the female changeling called to Thorax in anger. "How could you betray us!? Mother gave us everything! You'd condemn us to starve to death!"

Nightmare Moon lifted the insect-like pony into the air. "You're going to tell me everything you know about this invasion," she demanded.

But the changeling ignored the question. "Brother! Why?" she called again. "We're your family!" She was struggling to get free from the celestial pony's magic.

"Take it from here, Captain Dusk!" Nightmare Moon shouted before dragging the changeling off. She was still crying out for Thorax.

"Spike." Thorax turned to him with neon green tears running from his eyes. "Please don't hurt her."

"I can't promise anything if we have to get forceful to get information. But I'll make sure nothing bad happens to her."

"Th-then let's keep going," Thorax said, his voice shaky. He wiped his eyes and continued with the examinations.