• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,956 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

  • ...

Invasion and Remorse

(Base of Canter Mountain)

Just after night fell over Equestria a blue light flashed through a window from Canterlot Castle. At the same time, a small team of ponies flew close beside the mountain the castle sat upon. The ponies were careful to keep quiet as they flew through the mountain's shadow, only beating their wings to keep altitude while searching for their destination.

Once they reached a large crack in the side, the team landed and crawled through a smaller crevice. They walked further into the crevice until there was no more light from the moon.

"When did you all have the time to create this?" a curious voice called in the darkness. Just then, the walkway was lit slightly with a cauliflower blue light at the front of the team, revealing Captain Dusk at the head. She was followed one-by-one by Princess Cadence and several thestral guards.

Dusk kept her head forward as she answered the Princess. "After the last attack by Nightmare Moon we needed to find a safe place to evacuate if the need came up. This crevice leads to the royal wine cellar, so it was mostly a natural occurance. But we had to dig out to the opening."

"Why not tell the other guards?" Cadence questioned after shoving herself throgh a particularly stubborn gap.

"We had plans to instruct the others, but then the changeling attack happened," Dusk replied. Their voices were soft in the passageway. "In the event any changeling attempted to infiltrate our ranks," she continued, "only a handful of us would know where this was. Giving them less of a chance to thwart an escape."

Dusk stopped then wiggled her hoof through another crevice to her right. "We've made it," she announced as she felt a smooth shelf on the other side. "Flash better be there," she muttered. With a strained effort, she was able to push the shelf over. It fell with an unceremonious thud.

She squeezed herself through the gap. "It's a good thing this place is usually empty," she remarked as the rest of the team crammed through hole in the wall.

Cadence started dusting herself off. "We have to meet Flash at the cell in ten minutes," she mentioned.

"Okay," Dusk replied. She pointed to two of the thestral guards. "You two stay with the escape route." They saluted their captain. "The rest of you, follow me."

Cadence and the six remaining guards followed Dusk through the halls. As they got closer to the main parts of the castle Dusk noticed that they had to hide more frequently as they saw more guards. With more guards patrolling the areas, the team decided to split into smaller groups to better avoid alerting the enemies.

"Halt!" called a guard from behind Cadence. She turned to face him. The gaurd's eyes widened in surprise. "Princess! What are you doing here? Princess Celestia has returned, and she'll be needing to see you."

"Somehow I doubt that," Cadence responded coldly.

"Either way, I must take you to see her." Before the guard could do anything else, a forehoof from the shadows wrapped around his neck. The stallion thrashed about as Dusk tightened her hold. Within a few moments the guard fell limp onto the ground.

"Don't worry," Dusk asured Cadence upon seeing her slightly terrified look. "He's just passed out." Dusk pulled the unconscious stallion into the shadows. "Security keeps getting tighter the closer we get, and we can NOT risk getting caught. It would be impossible to rescue you without exposing the rest of us."

"I know," Cadence bit back. "But the risk is just as high if we stand here talking."

"Agreed." They nod at each other and continue their way through the labyrinth of decorated hallways until they reached the dungeons. Flash Sentry was there, waiting for their arrival.

"To whom does the night belong?" Dusk questioned. Cadence cautiously neared the guardspony.

"To the Mare on the Moon," Flash answered, prompting a sigh of relief to escape Dusk's lips. "What took you all?" he continued. "You know I could have just let you in through the garden, right?"

"I was uncertain of whether the enemy would be guarding it," Dusk replied. "Plus I assume there may still be some guards that have yet to be replaced, so we couldn't trust anypony. Let's get in there."

With a nod, Flash Sentry opened the door to the dungeons. As the door opened a changeling flew past the trio and hit a cobblestone pillar. The creature slumped to the floor, appearing to be lifeless.

Cadence gasped as she saw a large form standing at the exit of the dungeon. The allicorn's coat was black, as were her wings. The horn on her head looked sharp as a tack, and she had a mane of starry night flowing atop her head. Her blue eyes slitted as she took in the ponies gathered around the door. This mare was one nopony would be able to forget.

Night Eternal, the Fallen Sister. The Mare of the Night. The mare that greeted them was none other than Nightmare Moon.

"You're late, Autumn Dusk. Poor performance, poor performance indeed." Nightmare Moon chuckled. "You've been taking in the Day Guards' nasty habit of talking politics before action."

"N-Nightmare Moon," Cadence muttered in greeting. She recoiled slightly as Nightmare Moon turned to address her.

"Why hello, Mi Amour Cadenza. I do not believe you and I have met face-to-face, but I do know you; I often get glimpses of the world from Luna." Nightmare Moon spoke in a gentle, yet sinister tone.

"How are you back?" Flash Sentry stepped in front of Dusk protectively.

"Luna was too weak to keep me at bay any longer, so I took the opportunity to take over. And what an opportunity this is. It couldn't be any easier to bring eternal night to Equestria."

"That is not going to happen," Dusk declared. "We came here for Luna, not you."

"Well you have no choice as of this moment," Nightmare Moon responded. "The changeling queen Chrysalis has just taken the throne. And from what I've heard, their invasion is beginning tomorrow morning. Gather your guards so we can leave."

Though hesitant, Dusk nods at the order. "Let's get out of here."


(Governor Cameila's Estate)

Noctis shot up from a cold sweat. "Lunafreya!?" he called out. He felt a presence in the room, but no one responded to the name. He waited a moment until a male voice broke the silence. Ignis was sitting in a red armchair across from the bed, facing away from the prince.

"She's gone, Noct," Ignis said, his tone tinged with sadness. Noctis looked over at him and then around the room as his memories creeped back to him.

"What about Twilight?" Noctis asked.

"She's okay," Ignis replied. Noctis watched as Ignis grasped at the arms of his chair and stood. "I'll tell the others. It may take a bit, though." Ignis turned to face Noctis, whose eyes went wide at seeing his friend's face.

"What happened to you!?" Noctis panicked, staring at Ignis's scarred eyes. Ignis simply raised a hand to quiet him.

"A small sacrifice for the good of the coming battle," he assured Noctis.

Noctis clenched his fist, only then realizing there was something in his palm. He opened his hand to see his bloodline legacy. His gift. His curse. The Ring of Lucii.

"Umbra left you this," Ignis commented, pointing to something beside Noctis. He sighed. His voice was soft as he continued, "I need to go check on Twilight. I'll leave you for now. Come find us when you're ready." Ignis left, feeling his way to the door opening to the hallway.

Noctis looked to his side to see the journal he and Lunafreya would send back and forth to each other. He flipped through it and skipped to the last page, where a blue flower was pressed into the paper. He curled on himself in the bed and sobbed for Lunafreya.


(Twilight's room)

Twilight was thrashing about in her sleep, sweat profusely dripping out of her pores.

"No... N-no... Lulu!" She awoke with a start and panting rapidly. Her heart was pounding in her chest. W-why is my body so... hot?

Twilight staggered to the sink, seeking relief for the burning in her throat. She turned on the cold water and greedily drank from the tap. All the while, her skin felt like it was burning and itching all over.

"Twilight! Are you okay?" Ignis called as he stumbled through the open door. Ignis?

Twilight panted between her drinks. And after several more gulps of water, Twilight slid away from the sink and went to sit back on the bed. "Wh.... What happened? Where's Celestia? Where's Lulu?"

Ignis turned his face away from Twilight, narrowly avoiding smacking his nose into the corner of the door. Twilight's heart dropped into her stomach and tears threatened to well up in her eyes.

"You did all you could," Ignis said. He turned back into the direction Twilight's voice was coming from, giving Twilight the chance to see his eyes. Her own eyes widened in surprise.

"You're hurt!" she exclaimed.

"It's okay, Twilight," he replied. "We're going to recuperate for a few days, then..." he paused. "Then I'm not sure."

Twilight's jaw clenched. "Gralea."


"Gralea, Niflheim's capitol city," she explained. "They'll have Ravus there. And the Crystal. I need to save my brother; he's all I have left. Lulu would've wanted this."

Ignis nods. "We need time to heal."

"That's fine," Twilight replied. "Niflheim court martials take forever. They held one for Aranea after she refused to raze a village. Kept her position with a pardon after a six month trial." She forced out a chuckled. "I mean, what kind of military does that? Rather inefficient, don't you think?"

Ignis couldn't find the courage to laugh. "You don't have to force it Twilight. It's okay to grieve." She looked at his face for a moment, looking at the scarring while she thought.

The tears she was trying to hold at bay started descending down her cheeks, though Ignis couldn't see it. "You got hurt because of me, right?" she managed to choke out.

"What makes you think that?" Ignis asked.

"I don't know," she admitted, looking down at the floor. "I just feel like it was my fault. I remember holding Lulu.... and Celestia. Screaming... I felt like I was on fire. I heard nothing but screaming. I heard Ravus." She looked back up to Ignis. "But then I heard you. The burning stopped. You saved me." She held her head as a minor throbbing started behind her forehead. "I'm sorry."

Ignis felt his way toward where her voice was coming from and sat next to her on the bed. "You didn't do anything Twilight. I got this injury on my own accord."

Twilight looked away. "Still doesn't make it right."

"Like I just said. I am okay. I'll still be able to protect Noct." He shrugged.

"Why do I feel like you're lying?" Twilight asked.


(Everfree Forest)

They say that trekking through the edge of the Everfree Forest was dangerous enough is an understatement. If that is true, then what these ponies are doing could be considered nothing short of suicide. But with their nation and their lives unraveling around them, they have no choice but to keep pressing on.

"We've been walking for at least two and a half hours," Pinkamena complained. She winced as her injured leg caught another vine. "When are we going to stop for a break?"

"Just a little further to those trees and off to the right dangerous creatures roam through, especially at night," Zecora said in response as she ducked under a branch.

"Maybe we should keep going," Sweetie Belle chimed in. "It's scary in this forest knowing we're going deeper in."

"Mah question is how're we gunna get ta Canterlot like this? Ah'm not so sure if Ah'm right, but Ah don't think tha train station is this way," Applebloom added as she hopped over some tree roots.

"The train station in Ponyville is too risky to take. Maybe in the next town, less suspicion we will make," Zecora stated.

"That is, if we make it out of here," Pinkamena retorted before slipping in a puddle. Maud caught her before she could fall to the ground.

"Well, we don't have much of a choice," Maud replied. "We can't afford to be caught-" Maud's attention was taken by the sound of snapping twigs.

"Halt!" a voice called out from the brush, causing the group to freeze in place. They looked around until they spot a batpony, clad in blue armor, step out of the brush close by them. "State your name and business," he demanded.

"Wait, aren't you one of Princess Luna's guards?" Pinkamena asked. "We need your help! We have to get to Princess Celestia as soon as possible."

"And what business do you have with the princess? Not that it matters. We haven't received any word from Canterlot in days."

The group started at him in surprise.

"I do now wish to suggest this firs, but it is likely best we assume the worst."

The guard let out a sharp whistle, and all around them more night guards shove past bushes and jump down from trees. "I'm only going to ask this once more; state your names and business."

Not to skip a beat, Applebloom piped up with, "Ah'm Applebloom."

"I'm Scootaloo."

"I'm Sweetie Belle."

"I'm Maud Pie," Maud said with a raised hoof.

"We only wish to talk, for our fears are the same. So I tell you now, Zecora is my name."

"And I'm Pinkie Pie," Pinkamena finished, managing to crack a fake smile. Hearing Pinkie's name sent chatter among the guards.

"Okay. Why are you all in this forest? Especially an Element of Harmony?" the guard questioned.

After a few moments, the group nods to each other and Maud steps forward. "We were looking to find transportation to Canterlot in the next town. Changelings have invaded Ponyville."

The guard's jaw dropped, and audible gasps could be heard by some of the other guards. "You're sure? Who's to say you're not all changelings?"

"A question I will answer with another, if I may," Zecora spoke up. "Why so far from safety into this forest wold we stray?"

The guards share looks with each other. "She's got a point," one said.

"Let's take them back for testing," another suggested. "If what they say is true then Ponyville is compromised. We need to be ready to receive any survivors."

"But this is a huge risk," a batpony mare speaks up. "If they are changelings then we-"

But before she could finish her sentence, a batpony stallion with a grey and white fur rushed to the lead guard in a huff. "Sir!" he saluted. "Captain Dusk has returned!"

"Did they find Princess Luna?" the lead guard asked.

"There has been a situation with that sir! You're ordered to return to base."

"It's never easy, is it?" The guard grumbled and turned around. "Bring them with us. We no longer have the time to debate this."

The guards make a tight formation around the six ponies, escorting them to an unknown section of the fores that many don't dare to traverse.

"Are we going to be okay?" Sweetie Belle whispered to Applebloom.

"Ah'm not sure," Applebloom whispered back. "If they're changelings we'll find out soon enough." She tried to sound brave, but her folded ears betrayed her fear.


(Everfree Forest)
(Location: Unknown)

Sharp gasps erupted from the batponies that had gathered in the hallways of their secret hideout. Panic, concern, anger, fear... A cascade of emotions fell upon them as they stared upward at a frightening sight. A veil of misty midnight blue flower from a pitch black alicorn, whose slit eyes roam the hallways as if in search of prey. Not a single night guard dared to move. They all knew who was trotting through their halls.

The Queen of the Night had returned.

"I see you have all kept up with your training," Nightmare Moon commented coyly. "While the day guard just sat around, you never neglected your training. You all have left much to be desired. However, I comment your efforts thus far."

Nightmare Moon had reached the war room then. Everypony inside stopped dead in their tracks. The silence weighed heavy on them until she spoke.

"Recall our remaining recon teams and give me a map of Canterlot Castle's Courtyard," she announced. She was met with silence. "Did I stutter?" she quipped. The night guards scrambled to do as they were told.

"You can't just order them around!" Captain Dusk finally spoke up. She'd had enough of the dark lunar monarch immediately wrenching command from her. "What are you even doing?!"

Nightmare Moon just smirks. "My dear Captain. I plan to save my ponies and remove the threat to Equestria's throne."

"There's no way-!" Cadence started before Dusk threw up a foreleg for her to wait.

"What's the catch?" Dusk asked. Her eyes narrowed as Nightmare Moon lets fly a sinister laugh.

"That's why I admire you Dusk," Nightmare Moon said. "Brave enough to ask the right questions." She paced around them as she spoke. "I caught wind of a plan to commence an invasion tomorrow at a royal assembly while I was in my cell. If they are bold enough to pull this off, it means Celestia is still gone, or she's been compromised. Probably latter, given the talk I heard." She chuckled. "They should really not talk about their plans out loud. In front of a dungeon door."

"You're still not answering my question," Dusk spat.

"Ah, yes. Normally I'd have broken free and started to make night everlasting. With hall the ponies fleeing in terror. Oh, that thought had me most giddy in my cell." She paused. "But then I gave it some more thought. A question was nagging at the back of my horn that I couldn't seem to get rid of; what's the point?"

Dusk cocked a brow at the lunar mare.

"What's the point if no one will love my night and just flee in terror?" Nigtmare Moon pointed out. "It's not just about night and day. They're merely symbols in a much larger picture. Celestia IS the sun. Warm, loving, inviting. Even if I shoved the moon in their faces, I could never make them love Celestia less." She let out a sarcastic whimper, but her wicked grin returned in an instant. "Until now."

Cadence and Flash Sentry exchanged a look of concern.

Nightmare Moon looked back to the batponies after they finished following her order. She took her map and continued her speech, no longer pacing as she spoke.

"I know my sister better than anypony. And I know that she is a bit controlling. This has ultimately become her undoing with Twilight Sparkle. Though her intentions for the most part were noble, she caused more harm than good. Now Equestria will fall. The ponies' faith in her has already shaken; this will shatter it.

"The Nightmare Moon, who led the fearless Night Guard into action, who waged a long campaign to take back Equestria. If and when we succeed, she will be praised by everypony who once shunned her. Her night sky and stars will be a welcome sight while the sun is shunned and ridiculed. My complete and absolute victory."

Nightmare Moon lets out a thunderous laugh once she's done. The resistance couldn't believe what were hearing. Flash Sentry stepped beside Dusk.

"What makes you think we would let that happen?" Flash asked, his tone steady.

"What makes you think you have a choice?" Nightmare Moon snapped back. An arrogant smirk formed on her mouth. "Sure, you could try to stop me, but do you have a plan? Even if you rescue some of the ponies, what makes you think there won't be a changeling hiding among them? On top of that, if they so happened to find out that we talked then they will never believe you."

Captain Dusk gritted her teeth, but said nothing. Flash and Cadence bit their tongues. Nopony had anything else to add to the conversation.

Nightmare Moon turned to the map. "Now, let's get started."


(Enroute to Tenebrae)

About two weeks after the attack in Altissia, the group accomplished their task of getting Noctis the covenant of the Leviathan. However, the victory was Pyrrhic. Losing Lunafreya had caused a great turmoil within Noctis. He sat on the train with the Ring of Lucii in his hands, the weight proving too great of a burden on him. Though this ring's full burden could only truly be felt by one, the burden of silence was free for all to feel.

"So," Prompto sighed, as to strike up conversation, "we're rolling through Tenebrae?"

"Not before we visit the royal tomb in Cartanica," Ignis answered distantly. He was facing his window, staring out of it despite not being able to see. He let his sense of smell take hold.

In the immediate area around them, Ignis could make out the stench of cigarette smoke and various fine foods and perfumes. But one smell managed to catch him off guard though it was faint; a crisp yet earthy scent of lavender. He had never really paid attention to this smell, but in the recent past he'd come to know who this particular smell belonged to.

A seat ahead of Ignis and Prompto sat a silent Twilight. She was lost in her emotions as she watched the passing landscapes. Hurt; if she had to describe it, she was hurt. She doesn't hurt easily. Twelve years of fighting... FIghting for a cause she didn't believe in to keep those she loved safe. All because someone had a sorry idea about how the world should run. And in the end, the one she was trying to protect didn't make it... It made her sick.

She quietly listened to the men talking behind her.

"Y-you sure you're up to that?" Prompto cautiously asked Ignis.

"The wounds have healed," Ignis stated. "But my eyesight is something that only time will tell." Twilight sighed softly at the mention of Ignis's eyesight, as she was still blaming herself for taking it away from him. Her train of thought was interrupted by some heavy footsteps headed their way from the front of the aisle.

Twilight looked up to see Gladio approaching, an annoyed look plastered on his face. He stopped in the middle of the aisle and glared at Noctis. "The hell is wrong with you?" Gladio demanded. The comment caused Twilight to narrow her eyes in mild rage. A faint red hue glowed slightly in her eyes as she watched Gladio, but he was paying no mind to her.

"What!?" Noctis snapped with a scowl.

"We are not going to Tenebrae," Gladio all but snarled. "You need to grow up and get over it." Twilight's eyes widened in disbelief, and the glowing from a moment ago faded. Nice pep talk asshole! I feel SO motivated just by listening to you! she thought to herself.

Noctis shot up from his seat. "I am over it! I'm here, aren't I?"

Gladio yanked Noctis's collar and pulled the prince toward him. "Well when you find the time to stop moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you." With his last words, Gladio pointed to Ignis.

"Hey, fuck you!" Twilight shouted. She stood from her seat as well. "No one has forgotten about Ignis. We're going to be there to help him! But Noctis just lost the love of his life, and I lost a sister! We're entitled to grieve."

Gladio let go of Noctis and turned to face Twilight. "You two can't lick your wounds forever while the Empire is at large," he snapped at her.

"We have the ring." Twilight's fists clenched at her sides. "The old man can't do anything without it, so we will be fine. Besides, past Tenebrae is Niflheim. Which means that we're going to take this fight to them."

"And you think Niflheim is going to wait for you two to get your act together!?"

"Oh, I'm soo sorry! I didn't know we had such a man in our midst." She glanced at Prompto and Ignis. "Hey guys, let's call up Ardyn and have him stab Iris next, see how fast he bounces back." Her tone was sarcastic, but there was still a bite to them. Everyone's jaws dropped in surprise at her words.

"I suggest you watch what you say," Gladio warned, his eyes narrowed in anger. He marched up to Twilight and got in her face. "I don't care how strong you are; I will put you through the floor."

"I don't know what journey you went on to give you the gall to think you can face off against me, but I beg you to give me an excuse to sling you around by your mullet," she spat back. The red in her eyes had returned now, and was getting more prominent by the second. "I'll have fun showing them how useless the King's sworn shield really is."

Ignis looked in their general direction in a panic as the smell of sulfur started to assault his senses. This smell had been etched into his memory in Altissia. "That's enough!" Ignis shouted. He slammed his cane in between them. "Gladio, I am alright. Fighting each other is not going to solve anything."

With a huff, Gladio shoved past Twilight and stalked back the way he came. "Pull your head out of your ass Noctis! You're no king, you're a coward." He left the train car and the tense air between everyone toned down a bit.

Twilight sat back down in her seat. "You shouldn't provoke him like that," Ignis said to Twilight. "He's only trying to help Noct. He must remain focused." Twilight turned sideways in her seat to look at Ignis, though he couldn't see her.

"It does him no good if he's not all there. If he keeps his emotions bottled up then they'll cloud his judgement when we need him most." Twilight sighed. "Either way, you don't get over death quickly, especially with people so close to you. It's always as horrifying as the first time." She got a glossy look in her eye for a moment. "I'll admit, when it came to imperials I didn't mind much... But the poor people? Who fled in terror while those emotionless machines gunned them down? That stays with you."

Prompto had been watching Twilight as she spoke, concern contorting his face. Then a slight spark showed up in his face. "Hey Twilight, come sit with us."

She rolled her eyes. Every part of her screamed no, but she wasn't in the mood to make anyone else mad at present. Twilight got up and sat beside Prompto. Once she got comfortable though, Prompto rose from his seat.

"Someone has to go cheer Noct up," he announced with a smirk. "Be right back."

Twilight raised her eyebrows as Prompto left to reach Noctis, who had left while Gladio made his exit. "Geez, what a pain," Twilight muttered. She scratched the back of her head and looked awkwardly at Ignis.

"He can seem a bit juvenile at times, but he does a lot to lift the teams' spirits. I Just wish he'd stop trying so hard to prove his worth when we already know it."

"It's fear." Twilight turned her head away from Ignis. "Fear that if he doesn't do something to make us remember he's there at every turn that we'll just walk off without him and pretend he never existed." She sighed. "I could never have understood how someone gets to thinking that way... until the wedding. Feeling forgotten and unloved by those you were close to... Going through some of the best and the worst times together, only to have them abandon you under the impression the bride was hurt-"

Twilight put her hand to her mouth when she realized she was just letting things slip out. She shook herself from her rambling. "I-I'm sorry," she said. "I'm just-"

"Who is Celestia?" Ignis blurted, causing Twilight to freeze.

"W-who...?" Twilight stuttered.

"I was to keep an eye on Noctis until he woke up, but I had the caretakers help me check on you as well. You were mumbling in your sleep about someone named Celestia. You also mentioned other names... I think Rarity was one, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie?" He paused, as if waiting for an answer. When he got more silence, he continued. "Those are all odd names. I thought you were just dreaming, but I'm not so certain now that they were dreams. I heard you say that Celestia name on your phone before we lost contact with you in Altissia. What is going on, Twilight?"

Ignis looked in Twilight's direction, waiting for her to speak. A few more moments of silence passed between them as other passenger's conversations ticked away from afar.

Twilight sighed. "Before I tell you this I have to ask... I don't remember much about what happened back there. Ignis, was I-"

Her sentence was cut off by the train jerking as it began to stop through a station. She hadn't noticed they'd been this close yet. "We've made it," she sighed with a mix of relief and frustration.

"So it seems," Ignis sighed.

"Stay close to me," Twilight instructed as she stood. She helped Ignis out of his seat.

The group exited the train. The area around them offered a few consesstion stands. And there was a gorge beyond the railing with desert hills rising from the sides. Though, Twilight didn't much take in her surroundings as she helped Ignis step down from the train.

"There is a mine down below, if what Cor told me was correct," Ignis stated. Twilight stayed close to his side. "It was abandoned years ago; the entire mine fell out."

"Sounds like a career ender," Twilight attempted as a joke.

Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto went decided to explore the the stands while they discussed what to do about Ignis. Though, Noctis and Gladio didn't address each other directly. After some deliberation, Noctis went up to Ignis.

"So, what are we doing?" Twilight asked.

"Think you can make it Ignis?" Noctis asked. "I don't want you to go down there if you don't think you can."

"I'll keep an eye on him," Twilight stated defensively.

"I'll manage somehow," Ignis added.

"Okay, then we're heading out in a minute." Noctis left the two to let the others know.


(Fodina Caestino)

Once a mine rich with resources, the Fodina Caestino mine experienced a cave-in years ago and now serves as a watering hole for the local wildlife. While others pass it off as tall tales, reports from miners suggested there is a royal tomb within the old mine. This was later confirmed by Cor, who also warned the group of Daemons prowling the areas at night.

"This is foreign territory," Gladio said. He was staying close to Prompto and Ignis, both helping Ignis navigate the muddy grounds and around the derelict mining equipment.

"Best we not end up as prey," Ignis added. He was feeling his way around with a cane, with Twilight close beside him.

"All we have to do is be careful and this will get done in no time," Twilight stated. Twilight's heart sank into her stomach each time Ignis stumbled, seemingly preparing for one of the tumbles to be the last. This time was no different as she caught him again.

"Watch yourselves," Prompto warned, watching the two.

"As best I can," Ignis commented, righting himself yet another time.

They were making their way down a dirt path with rusted railing toward a large pond. Through the fog, Noctis could faintly make out several large shapes within the water; shapes that definitely seemed larger than a human. He stopped as the group kept on, trying to make out what he thought he was seeing.

Gladio sighed when he realized Noctis was farther back. "Would it be too much to ask for the royal procession to stick together?" he scolded. Normally, the group's unity was more than enough to take on a threat such as this, but given recent events their synergy has been shaken, to say the least.

"Would it be too much to ask for you to shut it?" Noctis snapped back. "There is something in the water and we can't afford to be taken by surprise." As the words left his mouth, a creature leapt out of the water and lunged at him.

"NOCT!" Prompto shouted. Without hesitation, Prompto started firing his weapon at the creature.

The act successfully took the creature's attention, as it changed course and headed for Prompto. He could see now that the beast attacking them today was a Gurangatch. Gurangatches are large, amphibian-reptile hybrid-looking creatures with an elongated maw like that of a crocodile and a body like a monitor lizard with a stout tail. They have a long dorsal fin along the top of their head and small fins where ears would be, and they have webbed wing-like fins protruding from the back of their front legs.

Prompto laid a few more rounds at the gurangatch as it charged at him; unleashing several rounds into it's head. At the same time, more of the beasts jumped out of the water to join the possible meal. One headed for Noctis, while the other others headed for Gladio and Ignis.

Gladio was able to take one down with his broad sword, knocking it back into the edge of the water. He hurried to the gurangatch as it fumbled and took his sword out of it. Then he landed a strike through the creature's mid-section, pinning it in place until it stopped moving.

Ignis had swung his daggers in the direction of one of the creatures; one completely missed and the other went into its arm fin. The attack wasn't enough to stagger the gurangatch, in fact, it seemed to make the gurangatch a bit more angry as it picked up speed.

Before the monster could get to Ignis, it was surrounded by a glowing lavender aura and was stopped in its place. Twilight gritted her teeth and violently slammed the creature's head into the mud. Typical predator going after the weak one in the group. Fuck off, Twilight thought to herself. With her magic, she tossed the gurangatch into some broken and rusted bars that were protruding from a large abandoned machine. The beast thrashed about in pain as it slipped into death.

Noctis hurled a sword into the side of the gurangatch that was after him. Noctis teleported to the weapon and took it out of the creature, quickly switching the smaller sword with a broad sword. Then he slammed the broadsword into the side of the beasts's head. With it still alive, Noctis conjured a metallic ball and shoved it into the gruangatch's mouth. He jumped away from it, and a lightning blast emerged from the ball inside the creature's mouth. It slumped to the ground, now dead.

"A little overkill, your highness," Gladio mumbled.

"Shut up," Noctis replied. They all grouped back together before moving on.

"Was I in the way...?" Ignis asked. Noctis looked at him.

"N-no. It's just..." But Noctis couldn't bring himself to finish. "Let's just get this over with," he sighed.

"Agreed," Twilight said.

"The tomb must be further below," Gladio commented at one point.

"Right," Ignis responded. After the word came out Ignis tripped on a stray root, but was caught by Twilight before he could fall. Gladio involuntarily jolted at the sound.

"Careful Ignis," Prompto warned.

"Right," Ignis repeated with a sigh, knowing he's just making their progress slower.

They navigated through the overgrown grounds in mostly silence and pass by a large drill. Soon, they entered a sloped cave. They saw various mining machinery splayed throughout the cave as they trekked through. Some of the machines were halfway buried in the overgrowth, and covered in moss and vines.

After a while, they were met by a metal drill blocking their path. "Damn it," Twilight grumbled.

"We need to find a way to move it," Prompto said.

"I saw a control deck a little ways back. Let's give that a try," Twilight suggested.

"Sounds good," Noctis said. He moved past Ignis and starts to sprint back the direction they'd come from.

"Hold your chocobos, highness," Gladio called out. Noctis stopped and turned to watch. Ignis turned around slowly, feeling his way back up with path with his cane. Twilight bit her tongue for the moment and continued with them.

They reached the control deck soon. They had to wade through a pond to get to it, and it had moss rust spots, but it mostly seemed unaffected by the overgrowth that plagued most of the equipment.

Noctis climbed up the small staircase and looked around at the various knobs and buttons. He turned a key that had been conveniently left in it, and the mechanisms it controlled sputtered to life. Noctis then turned it off and sprinted back down the stairs, heading back in the direction of where they'd entered the mine.

"Why are we stopping?" Gladio called sternly after Noctis.

"Because you're not under the drill," Twilight replied coldly, gaining an even colder stare from Gladio.

"'In case of power failure, switch to back-up generators'," Prompto read off a sign on a side of the machine. "There's a key in the shed, and the shed should be in that direction," he added, pointing to where Noctis was aiming. They all follow after him, but with less of a skip in their steps.

Noctis led the way the whole time, eager to get this over with. The others constantly had to remind him to stay with them or to slow down a bit. When they got closer to the shed, they discovered a small group of monsters gathered around in front of the shed.

Upon further inspection, they were creatures called falxfang. They are slightly skeletal in stature and resemble hell hounds in looks, with devil-like horns on their heads.

Noctis used a freezing spell to take care of them quickly, but it did cause him to stagger momentarily. But once they were taken care of, he was easily able to locate the generator key. Thankfully they were able to restart the generators without further issues.

Once the generators were on, Noctis went back to the control panel and turned it back on. It sputtered to life again, smoke rising up from the stacks. He pushed the button to trigger the drill. They heard rumbling and mechanical creaks from below.

"Did you hear that?" Noctis asked.

"Sounds like we're clear," Prompto commented.

"Grand," Ignis exclaimed.

"Then let's move," Gladio said.

On their way back through the mine, they didn't have to call out to Noctis as much; he made sure to stay relatively close enough to the group. But on the way, they also ran into two more small groups of falxfangs, and one gigantoad (which looks exactly how you'd think it does). They didn't have to squeeze past the drill, but Twilight did stay extra close to Ignis while she looked up, just in case random bits were to fall as they went under.

"Ignis," Twilight said, close to his side. "I... I have something to tell you." They were walking down a bit of an incline now.

"What is it?" Ignis asked, trying his best to look like he was paying attention, given how eye contact is out of the question.

"Take it easy Iggy." This came from Gladio. Twilight shot him a look.

"Oh, sure," she spat. "The Empire won't wait for the mourning, but they definitely have time for the cripple."

"Shut the hell up." Gladio waved her off.

Up ahead, Noctis discovered more of the gurangatch creatures. He, Gladio, and Prompto hurried down into the edge of the water. They took care of the creatures quickly while Twilight was still helping Ignis descend the slope.

The area they had reached was a marshy, with lots of sickly green plants and moss surrounding the water's edge. At the other side of the water was a massive tree, with exposed branches above the water.

"We're here," Noctis said.

"I take it the tomb is in the tree?" Twilight asked.

"Quite right," Ignis answered.

Prompto walked up to the espoused branches, only to stop right at the entrance. There were several large fleshy, mucous bulbs hanging in front of the entry point. "Um... guys, are these eggs?" he questioned to the others.

"Looks like it," Noctis answered as he stepped next to his friend. "But the question is, what laid them?"

Just then, there was a massive rumbling and a giant splash from one side of the water. The group turned with a start at the sound. A very large creature had burst from the water. It was circular and darkly colored in body and the front of it that they could see was covered with dark green tentacle-like appendages.

The creature looked down at the group and apparently decided they were too close to it's offspring, so it opened it's large toothy mouth and let out a roar.

"Malboro!" Twilight shouted before she grabbed Ignis. With him in hand, she jumped out of the way as the creature lunged at them.

As everyone started attacking the malboro, it belched out a black smog. Noctis and Gladio jumped out of the way to safety. Prompto narrowly made it, but managed to inhale some of the fumes. The fumes caused him to fall to his knees as he attempted to regain his breathing.

"Ignis, hang back!" Twilight instructed. She ran to Prompto to pull him away from the smog and bring him back over to Ignis. But the Malboro sense the movement and set it's sights on Twilight. Though it was stopped as Noctis landed a warp strike to it's back.

"W-what is that thing!?" Prompto coughed.

"A malboro. It is a toy the Empire left behind, no doubt. Its miasma gas can weaken you, so try not to inhale too much," Twilight advised. "Stay with Ignis."

Twilight ran toward the beast, who started pouring more miasma gas at her, but was stopped as Gladio landed a hit on it with his broadsword. Twilight avoided the gas and launched several fire balls at the malboro, making it recoil in pain.

The malboro wasted no time and charged at Twilight. With Ignis and Prompto behind her, she couldn't risk dodging, so she took the hit. The impact knocked her completely into the water with a sharp gasp. Gladio and Noctis ran closer to the creature.

"Twilight!?" Ignis yelled.

"Roll Ignis!" Prompto shouted. He pushed his friend out of the way, and they both went rolling in the water in different directions. The malboro turned and headed toward Ignis. But Noctis and Gladio were able to get in front of him while Prompto was clear of immediate danger.

Twilight rose out of the water, her eyes flickering between lavender and red. She pointed her horn to the water below the malboro, "Earth pillar!" she conjured. A pillar of mud and damp earth raises from underneath the malboro at a great speed, sending it into the air.

The creature fell to the ground, which caused the area to shake. This roused the eggs and they started bursting open. The resulting malboro sprites started rushing toward Twilight. She jumped away, shouting obscenities in the process.

"Focus on the main one! Attack it with all you've got!" Twilight told the others. While they were focusing on the adult, Twilight took to destroying the sprouts, lighting several of them on fire.

The adult malboro thrashed about as Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto assaulted it. Ignis did his best, and also managed to slash a tentacle off. The malboro had fallen over when it landed, but had now righted itself. In a fit of frustration, it spewed a massive amount of the miasma gas throughout the area. The group couldn't help but get engulfed by it.

"No!" Twilight shouted. She violently slammed the last dead sprout into the water.

Noctis came tumbling out of the gas cloud with Gladio in tow. Ignis held onto his cane as Gladio pulled him free, then Prompto came stumbling out from the other side of the cloud. Twilight rushed to them as the daemon continued spewing its gas.

"W-why won't it go down!?" Noctis coughed.

"We n-need to close it's mouth!" Gladio stated after heaving in some air.

"Twilight!" Ignis coughed. "I have an idea!"

Twilight helped him stand in the water. "I'm all ears," she responded. Ignis holds up the metal ball the group uses to harness Noctis's magic.

"Infuse your fire magic into it! Concentrate!" Ignis ordered.

Twilight takes the ball and channels some of her flame magic into the orb. It begins to crack and spark as both magics violently clash within it. "It's gonna blow!" she yelled.

"Good." Ignis grabbed the ball and throws it with all his strength in the direction of the malboro as it opens it's mouth to inhale.

After a brief moment of silence, the malboro's mouth lights up like a furnace. The monster wailed in agony as flames catch some of its tentacles. The malboro was writhing in pain, which only served to spread the flames further to the rest of its body.

Its blackened and charred remains disintegrated in the air.

With the malboro gone, the group breathed a sigh of relief. They gathered back together and returned to the tomb entrance, which was still guarded by the rest of the undisturbed eggs.

"Gonna make a mess whisking them," Gladio quipped. "Might want to fry them." Getting the message, Noctis tossed another metal orb near the eggs, sending them up in flames. The way to the door was now clear.

"Alright Noct," Twilight said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You're up."

Noctis sighed and unlocked the tomb. He stepped inside while the others waited outside the door. The water was up to his knees, but the sarcophagus inside was high enough to not be submerged.

On top of the sarcophagus lay the royal arm they'd been told was there; the Katana of the Warrior. Noctis stared at it for a moment before raising his hand to it. The weapon lit up with a blue aura and was raised into the air. In a swift motion it swung at Noctis and was absorbed into his body, adding to the cache of royal arms he'd already acquired.

Noctis emerged from the tomb and took a few steps toward his entourage. They started heading back to the other side of the marsh.

"A moment, if you will," Ignis spoke up, causing the group to turn back to him.

"Everything aright?" Gladio asked.

"It damn sure isn't, and I won't suffer this pointless arguing with silence any longer," Ignis said. He clenched tighter on his cane. "Let's be serious; my sight hasn't improved, and it probably won't." Twilight looked down into the water away from him. "Despite this, I will continue on with you all, till the very end."

Gladio crossed his arms. "Sorry, but I object. War is a matter of life and death."

"But we'll be there!" Prompto argued.

"It's not about him!" Gladio shot back. "It's not about us looking out for him!"

"Then he should choose for him self!" Prompto countered.

"There is more to it than that!" Gladio yelled.

"I know full well," Ignis yelled at them both. "I'm not asking you to slow down for me! If I can't keep up, I will bow out!"


The group turned to Twilight in minor shock.

"I won't accept this!" she shouted. "I can't remember much of what happened back in Altissia, but I do remember hearing you, and somehow knowing you got hurt! You're like this because of me! I refuse to leave you like this!" She started to stomp toward Ignis.

"I don't care what you're doing," Gladio commented as he roughly grabbed her arm. "Ignis-"

Twilight slammed her other fist into Gladio's jaw, knocking him about four feet away from her. "Get in my way again, and I won't hold back," she spat. Twilight continued her march up to Ignis.

Once she was in front of him, she placed her horn on his forehead. "Undo it," she demanded. The horn started to lightly glow with its usual lavender aura. "Undo it," she repeated.

Ignis cried out in pain; his eyes started to feel like they were burning.

"Undo! UNDO!" Twilight chanted in anger and desperation. Ignis grunted in pain.

"Twilight stop it!" Prompto pleaded.

"You're hurting him!" Noctis added.

Twilight intensified the spell, gaining another cry of agony from Ignis. Gladio had had enough of Twilight's attitude and tackled her into the water. Ignis stumbled back in the water himself, and Noctis and Prompto helped him to his feet.

"I've had it with you! You freak!" Gladio shouted. He punched Twilight several times. "You are a discarded Niflheim weapon and nothing else! Don't pretend like we're your friends! Don't pretend like you're part of our family! You don't know anything!"

Twilight just let Gladio punch her some more. He was confirming some of her thoughts about herself out loud; she felt like she deserved what was coming to her.

Gladio's assault only stopped when Ignis grasped his arm. Twilight looked up at Ignis, who's eyes were still closed. She slammed both her fists into the water in anger.

"Damn it! DAMN IT!" she cried.

Ignis lost his footing momentarily and fell into a sitting position. Then he looked back in Noctis and Prompto's direction. "I... I can see... Something," Ignis said. He stumbled back to his feet. "I can make out something around them."

In fact, he could see bright shapes of blue where Noctis and Prompto stood. The blue had also surrounded Gladio. Ignis looked to Twilight and, he thought as much, she had a lavender aura surrounding her.

"How?" Prompto asked Twilight.

"It's a miracle," Gladio responded. He got off of Twilight.

Twilight sighed. "It's only a miracle if it worked properly. Which it didn't. It seems like he can see the magic around all living things, but that might be it. He's still blind."

"Let's get back to the train," Noctis sighed. He helped Twilight up. "I think it's time you told us who you really are."

"Honestly," she started as she wrung water out of her hair, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

The prince raised and eyebrow at the Sorceress of Niflheim. "Try me."


(Canterlot courtyard)

Early in the morning, word was sent out to all the ponies of Centerlot. Wonderful news that Twilight Sparkle had been recovered! A celebration was to take place, and all of Canterlot was invited. The citizens couldn't wait to welcome their Element of Harmony home.

As the mass of ponies clamored through the gates, several bat ponies were lurking in the alleyways. "We're in position," one bat pony told a messenger. The messenger ducked into a sewer line and flew through the tight piping, only stopping when he reached the central hub of pipes.

In this area, Nightmare Moon was standing in front of a map. Captain Dusk, Cadence, and Flash Sentry stood with her on a platform. The messenger saluted the lunar royal. "Team eight is in position," he reported.

Nightmare Moon nodded at him. "Now, we have to time this carefully," she said. "We can only step in once the changelings appear."

"Then we evacuate the ponies and make our way to the Crystal Empire," Flash added.

"I want you all to go without me," Cadence responded. "I've been away from my daughter for too long." She paused for a moment before looking to the ground. "I never should have left her."

"You are too stubborn, Mi Amore," Nightmare Moon snorted. "I understand your need for your foal, but saving her will do you no good if we lose here."

"I've been on the sidelines long enough and I don't expect you to understand," Cadence snapped. Her eyes narrowed at the night alicorn.

After a brief moment of thought, Nightmare Moon lets out a sigh. "Truly a child is more beautiful and precious than any starry night. I may want to have one of my own some day." She nods in consent to Cadence. "We'll draw them off while you look for your foal."

"Thank you," Cadence replied. She turned away and spread her wings, ready to take flight.

"Mi Amore," Nightmare Moon said sternly. Cadence waited and looked back. "What is in day's shadow?"

"The night," the princess responds.

Nightmare Moon nods. "Anypony you bring back will have to be detained and tested."

Cadence nods before leaving the cannel.

(One hour later)

The ponies of Canterlot gathered underneath the castle's balcony, eagerly awaiting the address. Shining Armor walked out to meet the audience.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE HAS RETURNED!" he cried. Mentioning his sister in a positive light made his insides churn but it had the intended effect, given how the audience was cheering. "BUT! I say to you this! Is it worth it!?"

The ponies became quiet at the question. But Shining Armor was not finished.

"The Elements of Harmony have failed us! Time and time again! The only way they've won thus far is by the skin of their teeth! Is this really a way to live!? Coasting on the success of six ponies with nothing to their names but hobbies!?"

Nervous chatter began circulating through the crowd.

"I say enough is enough!" Shining continued. "It's time Equestria owned up to its responsibilities and together bring about a new age! The Princesses sat apathetic to our plights, growing fat from so-called harmony as we fled in terror while Nightmare Moon and Discord ran amok! But today that will change! For, my Queen and I have taken the throne from the lazy Celestial Sisters and put into motion the gears to bring Equestria to its Golden Age!"

The ponies watched as Princess Celestia walked up beside Shining Armor. Panic flooded through the audience when Celestia went up in green flames. They watched in horror as the flames dissipated to reveal Queen Chrysalis.

Stifled gasps and screams could be heard as Chrysalis used her magic to drag the frozen Princess Celestia beside herself and Shining.

"Now let us come together! Pony and changeling!" Shining Armor raised his hooves into the air and a swarm of changelings nearly blotted out the sun. The collective buzzing as the mass flew above them caused the ponies below to scream and try to flee. Though they were stopped, as the guards had sealed the gates.

And to their shock, these guards transformed into changelings.

"However," Shining continued, "the sins of Celestia must be washed away! To make up for your heinous offense to the changelings, you will give up your love! After a time you will be released into a new Equestria! One where you can live along side your shape-shifting brothers and sisters! A new age is upon us!"

As the changelings charged upon the panicking audience, the sky quickly became dark; the sun had been forced to set. An inky black beam then careened at Shining Armor. He scoffed and moved his head to the side, avoiding the beam.

Nightmare Moon grunted and threw her head back to call to the sky in her Royal Canterlot voice, "NOW!"

Just then, several thestrals and bat ponies and night guards seemed to swarm from everywhere to take on the horde of changelings. Some night guards were stationed at the gates, and were fighting changelings away from them to break them down.

"Come on! Follow the night guards!" one of them shouted. Not needing to be told twice, ponies started to pile out as fast as they could.

Changelings began firing green bolts into the crowd at random. One bolt made contact on Fancy Pants, who had thrown Flur De Lis out of the way so she wouldn't be hit. Before she could process what happened, Flur was grabbed at the mane by Moons Dancer, forcing her to flee.

In all the confusion, Cadence rushed to the castle, her urges to find her child keeping her pushing through the slew of frantic ponies. Once past the crowd she was intent on entering the castle, but she skidded to a halt when she saw Shining Armor on the balcony.

"It can't be," she uttered out loud.

"Oh, but it is," a changeling answered as it stepped in Cadence's path. "You're the princess of love, right? Give yourself up and I promise to go easy on you."

"Never!" Cadence reared on her hind legs, her horn alight in her urgency. "Get out of my way!"

The changeling charged at her.

"Nightmare Moon," Shining Armor grunted. He breathed in heavily. "No matter. She is powerless before us. We'll let King Sombra have his revenge." He called a changeling over to him. "Make sure you put up a fight, but ultimately have them escape on the train. Then send word to activate the barrier in two weeks."

The drone saluted and walked into the darkness.

High above the madness Celestia could only watch. No! No! NO! she thought. Please Faust don't let this happen!

She couldn't move her body. She couldn't summon her magic to melt the ice. She could only listen to the chaos below her. Elements of Harmony! I know I'm no longer worthy but I beg you please! Undo this madness! Restore Equestria!

Time slowed to a stillness. The haunting scenes of the changelings pouncing on ponies came to a halt. Night guards helping ponies flee and fight off the changelings froze in place. Cadence and the changeling she was up against were frozen as they charged at each other.

In the stillness, the ethereal multi-colored alicorns surrounded the castle balcony.

"You have a lot of nerve summoning us," Loyalty growled.

I know! But you must save Equestria! Celestia pleaded in her mind, still unable to move her mouth.

"A very dignified pose, Celly,"Laughter chuckled.

"So unseemly," Generosity huffed.

"We cannot help you," Honesty delivered dryly.

Please! Equestria is going to be destroyed!

"And whose fault is that?" Loyalty asked with a callous tone.

I did what I could to make sure the ponies had harmony! Everypony played their part-

"There it is!" Laughter interrupted. "There it is Celestia!"

"You did everything you could to ensure Harmony spread across your land," Kindness piped up.

"Ever since we appeared to help you against your sister, you've believed we are the be-all end-all solution!" Loyalty shouted.

"You have a nasty habit of correcting things when they don't go how you need them to go, dear," Generosity explained.

But you are the Elements of Harmony. You were meant to protect the ponies along with your wielders! Truly you understand the actions I've taken.

"We were never meant to stay Celestia," Honesty responded. He spread his wings, shining a light onto Celestia's icy prison. This act projected images for her to see. With a closer look, she saw the Tree of Harmony. The elements were cased inside, shattered by jagged and sharp jet black crystals.

"We were finite," Loyalty continued. "Just like the Source before us, we were meant to be destroyed. Because Equestria no longer needed us. Twilight and her friends unlocked the key to true friendship and extended it to all they met. They showed every creature they met that Harmony resides in all of us."

Loyalty flashed and image of Twilight and her friends together with many familiar and unfamiliar faces with magic flowing into the mane six, who fired the largest wave of magic Celestia had ever seen into an unseen threat.

"This was supposed to have come to pass. The Power of Harmony to spread to all." Honesty closed his wings.

But Twilight rejected me! She rejected her friends! How could I stop it!? Twilight was abandoning Equestria!

"Celestia," Generosity sighed. "Even paradise is a prison if you can't leave."

"Twilight admired you willingly," Loyalty sneered. "She became your student willingly. She made friends willingly and saved Equestria willingly. You attempted to correct something that could have healed in due time. Had you just let it go, maybe then Twilight would have willingly mended the bonds with her friends."

Honesty stepped up to Celestia. "You may have showed resolve to do what you thought was necessary for Equestria, but you showed a complete lack of faith in your student." He stepped closer to the trapped princess. "How can you trust in Twilight if you must correct her when the slightest thing goes wrong? Then you have to question if your ponies truly know freedom."

It was just a few bad memories! Celestia countered.

"Oh, sure it was just a few bad memories," Loyalty mocked. "She wouldn't miss them. After all, she's just one pony next to Equestria."

"One pony soon becomes ten," Laughter chimed in.

"Ten becomes thirty," Generosity followed.

"Thirty becomes seventy," Kindness added.

"Seventy becomes one hundred-fifty, and so on and so forth. Until you have to wipe everypony's minds," Honesty finished.

"Or heck, why not brainwash them all!?" Loyalty bellowed. "I mean after all, can't have bad memories if you're forced to reject them before they start."

It would never have gotten that far! Twilight is an Element of Harmony-

"Wrong," Honesty said. "Every sentient being is an Element of Harmony. Even the changelings down there. They don't understand that love cannot just be taken. That is why they have an endless hunger within them."

"But if the right being comes along and teaches them how to share love, then they will be free of their hunger. This applies to all creature of this world. Teach them to recognize and band together to fix each other's faults, and in doing so they will understand and embrace friendship. Unlocking the Elements within."

"We were only meant to show every living thing that we exist in them. Show them that harmony is not out of their reach," Loyalty added.

"There is Laughter in all who can smile. With the ability to smile comes the ability to bring joy."

"There is Kindness in all who wish to help the sad and lonely." Kindness stood firm. "With this comes the ability to bring hope to even the darkest of souls."

"There is Generosity in all those who wish to extend a helping hoof, claw, or even fin to the struggling," Generosity huffed. "With that comes the ability to bring happiness to those who have very little."

"There is Loyalty in all those who wish to stand up with others," Loyalty stated, stomping a hoof. "With that comes the ability to band together to hold fast in any trial that lay before them."

"And there is Honesty in all those who make a genuine effort to do better than they were the day before," Honesty calmly added. "With that comes the ability to recognize other's faults as well as your own, and help each other grow to be the best you can ever be. When you bring us all together it makes friendship."

"AND FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!" the Elements said in unison.

"When tempered with Faith you get something that can unify nations! Even birth worlds!" Loyalty said. He cleared his throat, his next words still coming out in a dry tone. "Now it's time for you to pay for your lack of faith." He spread his wings again and a white glow enveloped him. The other Elements soon followed suit.

N-no, please! Celestia could only watch as the light engulfed everything. When she opened her eyes she was in the bright skies of Equestria. She'd gained her ability to move again; her icy prison had vanished along with her prior injuries.

Celestia quickly move out of the way of a dragon, a pegasi, and a brightly colored insect. "What is this?" she asked.

"The future," Loyalty answered as he appeared before her. "At least the one that was originally meant to occur." He forces her forward, showing Canterlot teaming with creatures that remained divided to this day speaking in the streets, and seemingly living with the ponies.

"Twilight completed all your tests and all the trials thrown at her, alongside her friends. She is now Princess of a new, unified Equestria. You and Luna retired, knowing everything would be fine." Loyalty takes her to the balcony she was no longer prisoner on and leads her in.

Celestia sees a tall slender lavender alicorn sitting in the throne. She had a long flowing purple mane with a pink streak in it, with sparkling stars throughout it, adding to its radiance. Twilight was clad in her own gold jewelry as she welcomed Spike into the throne room. He was not as tall as she knew him now, but he had definitely seen some growth.

"I can't believe it," Celestia breathed. There was a look of awe and pride in her eyes.

"The Six ponies each achieved their individual dreams, yet the all stayed in touch," Honesty explained before showing Celestia an image of Twilight with her friends, their newfound allies and friends unveiled as they look to six children who walk away smiling. "They passed their knowledge to the next generation, only this time it was extended to many other species. An Equestria of peace and prosperity to look upon. You and Luna resting in a different realm knowing Equestria's future is safe in their hooves."

Celestia looked upon the scene with more pride than before. "Wasn't this worth fighting for, Twilight?"

The scene began to burn away at the edges of Celestia's vision. "Twilight ran because she saw you wanted to force her into this. She is free to choose what she wants in life. The very moment you decided her choice didn't matter was the very moment you forfeited Equestria."

"I did what I could for them!" Celestia cried. "I only wanted what was best! Please! There is still time!" she pleaded.

Honesty sighed. "I'm sorry Celestia. This future is nothing more than a dream now."

Honesty watched as Celestia cries out, the peaceful future burning away completely from her vision. Celestia was hanging helplessly back in her ice prison, her injuries making themselves known again.

"Now we leave you to a future uncertain," Honesty said. The other Elements began fading around them. "Equestria may know Harmony once again, or this may be their last day of freedom. It's hard to tell what fate has in store now that the cogs have jumped off their screws. But know that there is no going back. We wish you the best of luck Celestia."

Wish those words, Honesty fades away. The chaos Celestia had momentarily forgotten about continued around her as if the Elements never appeared.

Forgive me, she wept within the ice. Forgive me.


(Train, enroute to Tenebrae)

The train ride was less than tense this time. Ignis's talk forced Gladio and Noctis to reconcile and get back on track with the others. Ignis had sent Gladio off for something Twilight didn't catch, promising he'd fill him in when he returned to the group. Now that all was calm, Twilight revealed her most closely guarded secrets to her traveling companions.

As she expected, she was met with chuckles.

"No way," Noctis coughed in an attempt to stifle a laugh. "You're actually a magical horse?"

"Pony," Twilight corrected dryly. "Horses are much more large and muscular. To them, we stand less than four feet; below your average human."

"And this world you're from is all gumdrops and candy everywhere?" Prompto asked.

"Not in the sense that they're literally strung about, no."

"Sounds like a little girl's television program," Ignis commented. "No offense."

"Not too far off from that. But though it is cutesy in nature, it's not perfect," Twilight lamented.

"Start from the beginning," Ignis said. "Hopefully everyone got their giggles out of their systems." The guys took deep breaths, making sure not to think of funny thoughts as Twilight prepared herself.

"I'm from the magical realm of Equestria. Everyone within Equestria's inner circle are ponies. There are three types of ponies. The pegasi are the ones who can fly, and control weather in large groups. The earth ponies act as the majority of ground labor. And the unicorns, which happened to be the group I was a part of." She held out her horn to make the point.

"So you mean that used to be on your head?" Noctis questioned.

"Yes; it was how I channeled and used my magic." She rolled the horn around in her hands. "We had our differences, but we lived in harmony. I was a student of one of the princesses who ruled the lands."

"How many were there?" Ignis asked.

"Two." Twilight looked down before she continued explaining. "One to control the sun and one to control the moon. At one point, the one that controlled the moon was neglected by ponies because the day had more impact in their lives than the night. It drove her mad with jealousy and she became a monster that attacked her sister, who ended up using these magical artifacts to banish her to the moon. Subsequently, the crazed sister was there for one thousand years."

The three friends sat in awe as Twilight continued her story.

"The remaining princess, being Princess Celestia, found great potential in my magical ability, so she offered to train me how to use my magic 'properly.' She sent me off to a different town to make friends and eventually combat her sister, Princess Luna, who at the time was still going by the name Nightmare Moon."

"Not gonna lie, Nightmare Moon sounds just a bit intimidating," Prompto commented.

Ignis glanced around the train car, examining the souls that passed on through or that were sitting down. In a few moments, Gladio had returned to the group.

"Mission accomplished captain," Gladio said to Ignis.

"What's up?" Noctis asked, genuinely curious.

"I heard a passenger talking about the nights getting longer," Ignis explained. "I spoke about this with Twilight in Altissia. The nights just seem to get longer and longer. In the middle of summer no less. This is a very unseasonably sharp change."

"I count less than six hours of sunlight at a time now," Twilight added.

"And longer nights mean even more Daemons," Noctis concluded.

"I'm going to go find out more," Ignis said. Twilight jumped to her feet then and stared out the window behind Noctis.

"By the Six, what is that?" Gladio said, looking out to something in the wave of cold covering some of the mountain ranges and small buildings.

"I have no idea," Twilight said, trying to get a better look.

Just then, time seemed to pause around Noctis. "What the...!?" He stepped back from the group.

"Noct? What's going on?" A familiar voice made Noctis turn in anger to see Ardyn looking out of the window rather puzzled. "You think the Empire is behind this?"

"You would know! You bastard!" Noctis lunged at Ardyn.

Ardyn clumsily ducked under him and backed away. "Woah! Easy buddy! What's going on?" Ardyn dodged again as Noctis swiped at him with a sword. He shot up and ran to the next train car, Noctis hot on his heels. "Seriously Noct! Cut it out!" They dashed through another car. "Are you seriously trying to kill me!?"

"Why wouldn't I!?" Noctis roared as he dodged by a passenger. "This is all your fault!"

"This seriously isn't safe Noct! You're making a scene!" Ardyn cried as he tried to open another train car door.

"I've got you now you son of a bitch!" Noctis caught up to Ardyn then and pinned him to a wall by his throat.

"Noct! What's the matter!?" Ardyn was struggling to break from the furious prince.

"How can you ask that!? IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED!" Noctis yelled.

"You don't mean that, do you Noct?" Ardyn asked with an uncharacteristically pleading look in his eyes.

"Of course I do! You're not talking your way out of this!"

"You won't even let me!" Ardyn was thrashing about. "Noct! Please!"

"What are you doing!?" Twilight shouted as she tackled Noctis. At the same time, the train brakes to a halt. She'd hit him with enough force to knock him out for a few minutes.

When he came to, he was being yelled at. "What do you think you were doing!?" Twilight picked him up off the floor. "Why were you attacking Prompto?"

"What? I was chasing Ardyn!" Noctis looked around frantically.

"I saw you chasing Prompto.... Damn, it's a trick. I'm sure of it."

"Why did we stop?" Noctis asked.

Prompto looked to Noctis. "Ignis and Gladio are looking into-"

His sentence was interrupted by an explosion rattling the train car.

"We're being fired on!" Twilight shouted. "Let's get to the front, we'll discuss this later!" Both of them nod, and the three of them make a dash for the front car.

"Everyone stay down!" Twilight yelled to the panicked passengers as they passed.

They made it to the train's passengers' quarters, and a magitek trooper burt through the glass. It was glowing red as it chased some passengers up ahead. A purple aura appeared around the trooper and it went flying out of a window.

"Everyone get down!" Twilight instructed. The trooper exploded outside the window, rocking the train car. Once the shock ended, Twilight helped some of the passengers to their feet.

"Get tot he back now! And stay away from the glass!" Twilight told them. She, Prompto, and Noctis pushed past the fleeing passengers.

"What was up with the trooper?" Prompto asked, catching up to Twilight.

"Their self destruct modes have been activated," she panted. She urged the passengers to stay down as they passed them.

"Look out!" Twilight shouted. They had ended up in an empty car when Twilight forces the boys to duck down as another magitek trooper blows a hole in the side of the car.

"I sure hope Ignis and Gladio are getting the train moving," Noctis commented.

"Me too," chimed Prompto. He got up.

"Me three!" Twilight added as she got to her feet. "Until then, we need to stop the troopers from getting in here. You two stop them coming at the train. I'll deal with the tanks."

The three nod in agreement with her plan and jump out of the hole, ready to meet Niflheim forces in combat. Twilight runs past the troopers, weaving through their attempts to attack her. Before they can give chase, Noctis skewers several of them with daggers.

"Over here!" Noctis called out. Prompto fired several rounds from his gun into an axeman, who had tried to swing at him.

Twilight jumped onto a tank and focused her magical aura around the barrel. She forced the barrel to rotate and it fired into a fellow tank, blowing it up in the process. "Yes!" Twilight boasted.

She focused her magic on the base of the barrel this time. Her eyes turned red with heat and the barrel melted shut. Then she threw her horn at another tank and teleported to it before the one she was one would explode.

"Twilight's cleaning house!" Prompto shouted. He unloaded more precise shots into a magitek trooper that was closing in on Noctis. Not to be out done, Noctis hurls a spear past Prompto's head into the face of a trooper that was trying to sneak up on his friend.

"She's not the only one!" Noctis said. He watched another tank go up in flames.

The train begins to creak with signs of movement, causing Noctis and Prompto to hurry back on board. "Come on Twilight!" Prompto yelled.

Twilight broke out into a sprint and teleported to the roof. "Noctis get up here!" she shouted. "We're not done yet!" She readied herself as she saw magitek transports descending close to the train.

Noctis quickly joined her. "They just won't quit!" he said.

"You take the left side, I'll take the right!" Twilight instructed.

They nod at each other, and each hurls their weapons onto the transports. Twilight tears through the troopers trying to drop to the train. "Your self destruct mechanisms are still online, aren't they?" she muses.

Twilight threw a trooper into one that was further inside and skewers them with her sword. Then she ran out and teleported to another transport as the previous one exploded. She looked on as Noctis does the same. He hijacked a turret and shot the engine off another transport.

"Let's make it two for one!" Twilight shouted. She enveloped the falling transport with her lavender aura and slammed it into the one she was on top of. Once her work was done, she teleported back to the train's roof.

Noctis had warped back to the train a bit ahead of Twilight. His eyes widened with shock as he saw that Ardyn was holding a gun to Prompto.

"Prompto!" Noctis knocked the gun out of Ardyn's hand, causing him to stumble back. But a look of panic and disbelief crosses him as he sees that it was Prompto now falling. His chest tightened as he realized what he'd just done.

"How long were you in the dark?" Ardyn chuckled. He promptly knocked Noctis out and looked over at Twilight. "Definitely not the kind of thing you're subjected to in Equestria, right?"

"I'll ring your damn neck! How do you know about me? About my friends? About Equestria!?"

"So you do still care for them after what you did," Ardyn mocked. "I think it's high time you learned the truth. When we meet in Gralea I'll have something to show you. See you then." Ardyn smirked before disappearing.

"Bastard!" Twilight called out to the sky, though she knew it wouldn't do her any good. She hurried to Noctis to check on him. He was still breathing, just unconscious. She sat on the top of the train and held Noctis in a way to keep him from sliding off the train.

"Please be okay, Prompto," she prayed.

Author's Note:

Good to be back guys! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. By the way anyone catch the Destiny 2 reference? Time to get to work on the next chapter! Matrix7o6 out!