> Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium > by Matrix7o6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cold Reality (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium Chapter 1: Cold Reality The end of another threat to Equestria was marked by the screams of the changeling queen being propelled into the Badlands. Ponies erupted with cheer as her army went away with her. Among the celebrating equines, one lavender colored unicorn just stood watched. For everypony else this was a victory; one for the ages, that will be talked about heartily. Yet, for her this was complete and utter defeat; this unicorn was betrayed. By the friends, family, and mentor she swore to stand with no matter the price. Betrayed by the very equines cheering and jumping around her, blissfully ignorant of how they wronged her. But let’s face it; you’ve heard this story before. She’s been through the same scenario many times, and even she is unaware of it. She has screamed, cried, she has even gnashed her teeth at those she once called friends and family. She has even destroyed the lavish decorations coating the walls out of spite. Now, she can only feel pain and sadness. This is truly a dark day for her; the unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. Though her loved ones have shown they haven’t a need for her, she is needed in another place; another time. Fate has a funny way of throwing twists and turns in our paths. Little does she know, this particular twist in fate has set her path on a new course. Bonds will be forged, love found. Kingdoms will rise, darkness will fall, and blood will shed. And from it all a new Twilight will arise. For now, it all begins with a wound that cannot be healed. But do not fret, for Twilight Sparkle’s new journey is about to begin. Twilight continued to stand quietly while her friends celebrated the banishment of the changeling queen, Chrysalis. Their sounds of joy were deafened by the ponies outside. “It’s over!” Pinkie Pie cried as she jumped up and down. She finally started to settle down as Princess Celestia made her way toward the nearly-wedded couple; Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. “Are you alright?” Cadence asks the solar monarch. “I’m just fine,” Celestia replies. She offers a reassuring smile for her niece. “Now, you two have a real wedding to prepare.” Twilight’s eyes widened at her mentor’s statement. “You can’t be serious?” she scoffs. Her sentiments were drowned by the rest of her friends cheering for the prospect of the wedding resuming. “Darling, our dresses are still tattered from that brute’s attempt of a take-over,” Rarity chimed. “I’ll need a little time to repair them.” “That’s okay!” Pinkie shouts, already working to clean up the decorations that didn’t survive the scuffle. “While you do that, I can bake another super-duper-uper wedding cake! We’ll make it a wedding slash saving Equestria party!” “Ah reckon ah better help clean up too,” Applejack adds. She quickly joins Pinkie with a broom. “Darn varments made a mess of everthin’. This day was gonna be perfect.” She turns to face Cadence. “Ah’m sorry, yer majesty.” “It’s quite alright,” Cadence assures her. Twilight was gritting her teeth, her silence unnoticed by a single pony around her. Look at them, she thought. Happy… cheerful… Ignorant of what might’ve happened had I not been here. “Aw, yeah! I can perform my sonic-rainboom for the occasion,” Rainbow Dash offers. Twilight rolls her eyes at the suggestion. “I-if it’s fine with you, I might be able t get my birds to sing for you again, if they’re not too scared.” Fluttershy’s voice was just above a whisper. Cadence walks to her and smiles. “Of course I’d love to hear them again,” she says, smiling bigger. Everypony turned their eyes and smiles toward Twilight. Only now did anypony start to think that something might be wrong. “Twiley,” Shining Armor said, trotting up to his sister. “I’m so sorry. I should have believed you- we ALL should have believed you. You saved us, and now thanks to you the wedding can go on.” He smiles brightly. “But it’s not gonna be a real wedding without my sister by my side. I want you with me Twiley, as you always should’ve been.” He embraces her. “I’m not getting married unless I have my LSBF-“ “Then I guess you’re not going to be getting married at all,” she interrupts. She looks at him with a blank stare. “You all can count me out; I don’t want to be a part of anything you guys are planning anymore, Brother.” Her words sent shockwaves throughout the entire wedding hall. Never in their craziest dreams would anyone think Twilight would speak like this. As an attempt to break the tension, Pinkie comically pokes her head between the two. “What’s wrong Twilight?” “What’s wrong?” Her eyes squinted in anger. “What’s wrong?” She looks around at everyone. “After everything? After being betrayed by my friends, my mentor, and my own brother? Oh!” She’s stomping around Pinkie now. “Let us not forget that I was captured, and tossed in the Catacombs.” Pinkie was beginning to get a little frightened by the unicorn’s slowly-rising voice. “The Catacombs, which everypony thought to be a make-believe place. I would most likely have starved to death had I not found Cadence, because you all surely would not have found me.” She’s almost screaming now. “And that my so-called ‘friends’ walked out on me. Now after this whole debacle Pinkie, you of all ponies,” her voice goes calm, “have the guts to ask me ‘what’s wrong?” Applejack felt that things were starting to go south, so she steps beside Pinkie. “Yeah, we sud’ve listened to ya, Twilight. But you were goin’ ‘round screamin’ and hollerin’ that she was evil with no evide-“ “I know that!” Twilight shot back. “I understand that I needed proof. But, that is NOT the problem,” she huffed. “The problem is that I’m your friend. I would have at least thought I had some kind of credibility considering I’ve known Cadence longer than I’ve known any of you. It should have at least warranted a little second thought.” She stares at Applejack. “Come on, when have I ever foaled around when Equestria is at stake?” Applejack tried to find something to retort with, but she could only hang her head sadly. “Yer right. We weren’t there fer ya.” She looks up. “But we are now.” “Yeah, egghead. You know if we knew you in trouble we would not hesitate to help you,” Rainbow Dash added as she stepped beside Applejack and Pinkie. “I wish that were true,” Twilight muttered solemnly. “But nopony was using magic this time; this was all you.” She looked around at everyone again. “So since we’re all here, I have an announcement to make.” They looked at her questioningly. “You are not my friends anymore.” A collective gasp sounded between the ponies. Tears started forming in Fluttershy’s eyes as Twilight’s words were sinking in. “Y-you don’t mean th-that,” she stutters. “W-we know w-we messed up… and we c-can do better.” “You all have ran your chances with me out. I’m done being played as the fool. I’m done with you fair-weather friends. And I’m done putting my life on the line. Princess Celestia, you can find a new Element of Magic.” She glares at Celestia. “I quit.” Feeling as if she’d stayed quiet long enough, Celestia steps forward from the now-sobbing ponies. “My student, surely you don’t mean what you’re saying. I understand that your friends failed you this day.” She looks back at them, then to Twilight. “But holding a grudge against them is not going to fix anything.” Twilight’s glare deepened. “I don’t want to be fixed, Princess.” She looks down. “I just want to go home and put this day behind me. I don’t care anymore.” “We can fix this, darling,” Rarity tries between sobs. “We can make it up to you.” “You can,” Twilight says, her cold stare turning to Rarity. “You can start by never coming to my house again, unless you need a book. Also, you all can never speak to me again.” With a last look at eveypony, Twilight scoffs and slowly marches out of the wedding hall. In only a matter of minutes, the cheers and merriment had been replaced by sobs and grunts of surprise and sadness. With Twilight gone, it seems that this wedding will never happen. Cadence’s shock melted away and tears started welling in her eyes. All she could do was look to Celestia. “What did you do?” Her words were slow. Celestia turned her gaze from the hall door to Cadence, unable to compose herself as a few tears of her own began to fall. “I failed her.” > Prelude to Disaster (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prelude to Disaster (Canterlot Castle: Four hours later) The evening seemed to drag on for Celestia as she looked upon the mass of ponies crowded before her. Many had gathered in outrage at the preceding events. They demanded to know what she has to say about everything. “My subjects,” she begins with her royally-amplified voice, “due to unforeseen ‘complications’ the wedding is postponed until matters surrounding this event have been resolved.” Cries of protest from the crowd filled the air. “This is how you protect us!?” one pony shouted. “Those monsters can look like us,” another bellows. “What if they are still among us!?” “How did they even get in!? Somepony said the largest looked like Princess Cadence!” a pony exclaims. Celestia sighs deeply. “Be still, my little ponies.” As Celestia speaks, her eyes fall upon everypony in attendance. “Thanks to the valiant efforts of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the false bride was defeated. She and her dark army were sent far away from here.” She swallows momentarily to get rid of a lump forming in her throat. “There is no longer any changeling among you. But, to be on the safe side, I shall have my guards take patrols around the city limits. They will be armed with spells to counter the changelings’ shape shifting abilities. For now, you should all head home; it has been a greatly stressful day for everypony.” Seemingly content with this statement, the crowd disperses. Once the last of the crowds disappears, Celestia slumps to her hunches. How could this have gone so wrong? She thinks to herself. After a few moments, the monarch walks back into the throne room. This was going to be a perfect day, a perfect event. She continued thinking to herself while she walked to, and slumped onto her throne. “Do NOT walk away when I am talking to you!” Celestia’s head snapped up to see the door fling open. Shining Armor enters, followed by a seething Princess Cadence. “I can’t believe you! Twilight is your little sister, my best friend, and you ostracize her from our wedding? Where was your head?” At that, Shining stopped in his tracks and spun around to face her. “Under control of a damn monster!” he screams. “That’s your excuse?” she retorts. “She could not have had control over you that entire time! Somepony would have figured it out.” “I already told you I was sorry,” he shouted, his voice faltering in the slightest. “It is not me that you need to apologize to,” she snapped. “Enough!” Celestia stood from her throne and the quarreling couple’s heads snapped in her direction. “Cadence, you have been fighting with your betrothed and Twilight’s… friends this entire train ride back. The fact of the matter is that this mistake cost us a great deal.” Celestia sighs and her flowing mane began to droop as her ears folded back in sadness. “It has cost me a student,” she mutters. “But the only thing we can do now is hope that she will calm down enough to listen to reason.” She looks back to the couple. “Reason?” Cadence snorts. “You make it sound as if she made a poor choice to cut her friendship with ponies who abandoned her.” Cadence’s face twists in anger. “Or is it that you just can’t stand the fact that she has spat in your face by denouncing herself as your loyal student?” Celestia’s wings flare as she is unable to contain her anger. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Her eyes narrow at the alicorn. “You will leave my sight at once, unless you wish for the guards to escort you out.” After what seemed like an eternity, Cadence turns from her. “Fine. I’m going to find Twilight and hope she’s willing to talk to somepony.” Shining Armor sighs as his betrothed slams the door behind her. “You called for me, Your Majesty,” he says, turning his attention back to Celestia. She nods. “Yes, Captain. Come with me; the situation is dire.” She steps down from her throne pedestal and begins walking down the hall. Shining follows her. “Now, as you know, the Elements of Harmony have protected Equestria for the past millennia. They have succeeded over Discord twice, and have banished, then redeemed my very own sister.” The two trot past several glass windows depicting these acts. “The Elements have been the guardians for us for so long; it would be difficult to live without them.” They reach a gold vault with the symbol for the Elements of Harmony. “However, due to the events that have transpired today, we are facing an even greater crisis.” Celestia opens the door and they step inside. They walk up to the box containing the sacred treasures. “Observe.” Shining Armor’s hair stood on end as the solar alicorn’s ominous words processed in his mind. She slowly opens the box, and Shining steels himself to peer inside. Though, nothing could prepare him for what was inside. The Tiara of Magic’s once glorious gold color had tarnished to a sickly grey. The once lavender colored jewel has turned near jet black, and seemed to have cracked a small bit. It looked as if some pieces of the ornate object were going to fall right off. However, the Elements of Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, and Honesty seemed perfectly fine. There are no words to describe the shock on the Captain of the Guard’s face. “What does this mean, Your Majesty?” he asks gravely. Celestia stared at him grimly. “The Element of Magic has been struck with the heartbreak of its owner brought on by the betrayal of the owners of the other Elements.” Shining’s eyes widened at her words. “The Element of Magic may have been something created by Twilight, but it was an Element of Harmony all the same. Without it, Equestria stands no chance of survival.” “So what you’re saying is we have no chance?” he asks while lowering his head. Celestia holds his head back up with her hoof. “No. I have a plan. I am going to give Twilight a few days to think; maybe that is all she needs. Hopefully,” she continues, removing her hoof from Shining Armor’s face, “she will let her friends back into her life. Then the Elements will reunite and will work together once we have need for them.” She sighs. “But?” Shining says, feeling like there was one coming. “But if she refuses to forgive her friends, I will have no choice. Though it goes against my morals and integrity as a princess, I will erase her memory of the wedding.” Shining’s eyes squinted to pinpricks. “Have you gone mad!? That’s my sister you’re speaking of. Your student! We need to give her time-“ “There may not be much time,” she interrupts. “If the Element of Magic fails, everypony’s lives are at stake.” She looked away from him. “There is not a guarantee that the other elements will accept their bearers any longer, after what’s happened today.” They walk back out of the vault after closing the box back. “On top of that, did you not see the crowds? Words of the wedding have been spreading like wildfire. They will return, and maybe as mobs demanding my throne.” Shining scoffed at that. Celestia continued. “Luna might be able to take my place, but it would be such a heavy burden for her. Anarchy would ensue, and that would allow another creature like Chrysalis to strike with our backs turned. Is that something you want!?” He looked away from her. “Make no mistake, I love Twilight; she is the best student a teacher could ask for. But what are one pony’s memories compared to the safety of Equestria?” “You’re right,” he manages after a sigh. “But she’s still my sister. Let her make this choice.” “I pray she makes the right one.” Celestia walks toward one of the stained glass windows. “This is not a conversation that leaves this throne room; any word about it will result in a rank-stripping, and time in the dungeon.” “Yes, Your Majesty,” Shining replies, offering a weak salute. “You are dismissed.” He nods and leaves the throne room. While leaving, he catches a glimpse of a dark blue mane rounding a corner. Celestia gazes out of a window at the sun. “May Faust have mercy on me,” she says to herself. (Ponyville) “I’m sorry,” a purple, scaled, baby dragon says to Twilight. He is following her around with tears streaming down his face as she is packing her belongings. “I already told you on the train, Spike. I am not mad at you. A little disappointed, but not mad.” Spike hands a few books off to her. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Why aren’t you mad?” “Because you are a child, Spike.” Her answer was cold. His jaw dropped. “What could you have done had you believed me? If you had tried to warn them, they would most likely write it off as my having influence over you, or as just a childish fear.” She sighs. “You would not have been much of a help to fight off Chrysalis; she would have fed you to her changelings.” “Twilight, I can help,” he said, his lip quivering. “I have before.” But she ignores him. “You’ve only ever been lucky thus far. You are a child, Spike. And you will most likely still be one long after I am gone. Dragons take over a century to go through their juvenile stage unless they give in to their greed.” He was struck silent by the weight of the mare’s words. “I’m sorry Spike, but it’s the truth. You are, and will be one for a long time. You do help with a lot of things, I’ll give you that, but they’re small things. But at the end of the day you’re still a kid, and it is high time I started treating you like-“ Her words were cut off by the door slamming shut. I’m sorry Spike, but it is better this way, she thought. The room was quiet for some time while Twilight continued to pack. Then there was a knock at the door. Annoyed, she answers the door. “Library is clo-“ “Time is of the utmost urgency, Twilight Sparkle,” the equine at the door says. She removes the brown hood from her head. Twilight’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “Princess Luna?” “May we come in, Twilight? We have much to discuss.” > Through The Looking Glass (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 (Through the looking glass) Twilight levitated a freshly brewed pot of tea toward the princess and poured some in her cup. The princess nodded at Twilight, and she sat the pot on the table. Luna still hadn’t said a word; the silence in the room could deafen one of Vinyl Scratch’s concerts. Having enough of said silence, Twilight began to speak. “I did not expect you, of all ponies, to come here,” she began. She looked nervously up at Luna. Luna gives her a gentle smile. “We believe this visit has been long overdue, dear Twilight.” She takes a sip of tea. “We have heard of this attack from these “changeling” beings, and do not understand how such beings had gone so long without discovery.” Twilight looked down. “Princess Lun-“ “Please,” she interrupted, “we have moved from such formalities. Call us Luna.” “Luna,” Twilight corrected herself. “If you are here in defense of Celestia-“ “No no, my little pony,” Luna assured her. “We are not here to plead with nor command you to go back; we come with a warning.” Twilight’s eyes questioned the lunar mare. She sat her tea down as Luna took another sip of her own. “What are you talking about?” she finally asks. Luna paused and sat her tea next to Twilight’s. A sigh escaped her mouth before she continued. “Celestia is the ruler of a nation. Though we rule together, she is the pillar of Equestria.” Twilight nodded to herself. “She has guided ponykind for several thousand years, even after our descent into Nightmare. An afterthought we’ll always be in comparison to our sister.” Luna looked away for a moment. “For who could compete with the rising of the sun?” She looks back to Twilight. “Although our rule has gone on for millennia, there is a force far greater; the Tree of Harmony.” Twilight silently listened; hanging on to every word Princess Luna had to say. “From this tree came the Elements of Harmony, which thwarted Discord’s reign and brought peace to Equestria. Then, we learned that the Elements do not work for us.” Luna took another sip of tea. “We learned that the Elements would work for ponies that embodied each individual Element; Kindness, Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty, and Generosity. Then, on the night you saved us, a new Element was forged; Magic. And from then until now, these six Elements have worked together to combat any threat Equestria has faced. “Combined with the power of unity amongst you and your friends, the Elements have been and unstoppable force.” Twilight looked away, a lump catching in her throat. “That is, until today; the day you were betrayed by not only your brother, but your friends as well.” She paused a moment to take another sip of tea while Twilight wiped away a few stray tears. Once done with this, Twilight went to take another sip of her tea. “Because of this, the Element of Magic is decaying.” “What!?” Twilight exclaimed, spitting her mouthful of tea out. “Feeling your broken heart,” Luna continued, “and the betrayal of the other elemental hosts, the Element of Magic is losing its will to stay on this plane of existence.” “How can I fix this!?” Twilight asked frantically. Luna brushed a calming hoof along the young mare’s now-unruly mane. “For that, you would need to completely make amends with your friends.” Twilight looked down. “No…” she answered solemnly. “I gave them everything I could in our friendships. I showed them loyalty and trust when each of them needed me.” Twilight’s gaze moved from the floor back to Princess Luna. “Where were they in my time of need?” Luna nodded at this response. “This is what I wished to hear.” Luna sighed. “You are a lot like she once was.” “She?” “Sunset Shimmer,” Luna muses. “She was one of Celestia’s students that trained during our banishment.” Her tone became firm. “Just like you, Sunset Shimmer was a prodigy. However, she became quite ambitious and started to feel as if our sister was holding her back. As punishment for her defiance, Celestia banished her to a different world.” Twilight’s eyes widened in astonishment. “Other worlds? There are other worlds?” “Yes,” Luna answered with a nod. “There are many ways to access these worlds as well. Many of these, our sister and we have no knowledge of. But we do know of one in particular; this portal is known as the Crystal Mirror. It is the same portal Sunset Shimmer was banished with.” “Why are you telling me this?” Twilight asked thoughtfully. The look on Luna’s face hinted that she would regret asking this question. “Twilight Sparkle. Understand that we are on your side; I told you about the mirror because you are in need of it. You must leave Equestria, leave this world.” Twilight froze for a moment with shock. “What!? Why?” Twilight shouted. She stood from her chair and started pacing in front of the Princess. “I thought you said you were on my side! Now you want me to leave my home?” Her tone became more frantic. Luna stood and placed her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders, halting the pacing. “Twilight Sparkle.” Luna let go of her. “We understand this may be a lot to take in. But this is for your own good; you must leave this world before our sister makes you a slave to Harmony.” She sighed deeply. “We overheard her speaking with your brother. Because you rejected your friends and denounced your role as the Element of Magic, the Element is decaying. She has become paranoid that Equestria will not survive whatever threat may come next. She’s going offer two options; either you make up with your friends, or she will erase your entire memory of the wedding.” Twilight was unable to fight the tears that began flowing down her muzzle. “No,” she says hysterically. “She wouldn’t. She can’t; my friends would never let something like that happen…” She trailed off. “Truly it is a frightening day when one realizes what kind of friends one has.” Luna’s voice was cold. “The fact of the matter, Twilight Sparkle, is that your friends had not hesitated to rake you across the coals to get their desires. If they knew that their very livelihoods were in jeopardy because you refused your role, they would happily sacrifice your freedom for their sakes, and most definitely for the good of Equestria. It is only natural.” Luna held Twilight while the young mare wept. “B-but why don’t you want to h-help your s-sister?” Twilight manages to choke out between sobs. “My dear little pony,” Luna responds softly. She rubs Twilight’s back with her wings reassuringly. “We believe in a free Equestria. You should be able to choose your own path regardless of how it will affect others. We rebelled against our sister under the exact same banner. Sadly, we took it too far and only added to our problem. “You however, have a right to forgive or not forgive your friends, Equestria be damned. You have a right to your own life. Unfortunately, my sister believes the needs of the many outweigh with needs of the few. This is why you must leave. Our sister’s hooves extend far, and her power is great. She will not rest until you rejoin your place as an Element.” Twilight broke away from Luna. “How soon should I leave?” she asks. “Now. Only take the essentials; we’ll need to sneak through the castle corridors to reach the mirror.” With that Twilight began to pack, her biggest dilemma deciding what is “essential. (Sugarcube Corner) Sugarcube Corner was the sweetest store in Ponyville, as the locals would say. The store was usually booming with all sorts of activity. However, the day was drawing to a close and the store shut the doors for the night. Even the owners Carrot and Cup Cake retired to their beds, their children Pumpkin and Pound Cake fast asleep, awaiting for the new day to arrive. Meanwhile, the hyper hot pink pony Pinkie Pie was wide awake. This time it was not due to her reckless sugar consumption. She sat up in her bed, her mane completely flat contrary to its usual puffy texture. This signified that her mood was complete and utter sadne- (WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY? I KNOW WHAT I DID!) (PINKIE! NO FOURTH WALL BRAEAKING.) The party pony just couldn’t wrap her head around it. How could she, the most spontaneous and joyful pony in all of Ponyville, make one of her best friends sad? She looked away from the author with annoyance in her face. “What am I gonna do?” she asked herself. Pinkie was shaken out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. She hurried downstairs to get the door before the knocking could wake up the foals. “Who is it?” She opens the door to find Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy with Spike on her back. Pinkie cocked her head in question. “It’s a little late for you all to be here, isn’t it?” “The Princess has summoned us,” Spike starts. “She wants to speak with us about Twilight. She’s sending a pegasi carriage to Carousel Boutique to pick us up in a half-hour.” Pinkie nods. She makes a note for Carrot and Cup before leaving and locking up. Then she follows her friends to Rarity’s home. (Canterlot Castle-One hour later) The carriage lands in the castle courtyard and lets the mares and dragon off. Shining Armor approaches the group as they reach the doors to the palace. “I’m glad you all could make it,” he greets, his voice almost completely monotone. “Celestia is waiting in the throne room. There’s an-“ he staves off a guilt-ridden face, “urgent matter to be discussed.” Shining Armor looked to the guards who silently turned and opened the doors. Once open, Shining slowly led the group of friends through. They follow him through a series of corridors until they reach the dining hall. “Hello, my ponies.” The voice carries through the darkness and sets the room alight. Before them was a long wooden and gold studded table, with a fine feast atop the likes of which have not been seen since the Grand Galloping Gala. “We have much to discuss. The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance,” she says while taking her seat and the end of the table. She starts with a calm voice, “What I’m about to ask of you will seem unethical, and possibly unreasonable.” “Is it about the wedding?” Fluttershy musters. “Unfortunately, yes,” Shining replied. He looks away from them. “So what is going on, Princess?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The long and short of it is that the Elements of Harmony are in jeopardy. Twilight’s renouncement has resulted in the Element of Magic to start deteriorate.” The ponies and Spike gasp in shock. “This means that we can’t stop enemies that threaten to destroy Equestria. We don’t know when an attack will happen. The tensions in Canterlot have escalated; I’ve already begun to face ridicule due to this incident. Tomorrow shall surely be worse once the rest of Equestria finds out. We need to stand as one, now more than ever. And without Twilight I fear we will not stand a chance.” She glances around at each pony and adds, “I need your help to bring her back.” “You can count on us, Princess!” Rainbow Dash boasts. “Now hold your breath, sugarcube,” Applejack interrupted. “As much as Ah want Twilight t’forgive us, Ah don’t want to force’er into it. She’s a friend and Ah’ve already betrayed her once; Ah don’t want that happenin again.” “I understand, dear Applejack,” Celestia replies with a smirk. “We could lose everything over this petty grudge Twilight is holding. You all are protectors of this great land; you, your families, and each other. Believe me; I would not do this if there wasn’t so much at stake.” Applejack ponders for a moment. “Ah suppose you’re right, Princess.” Celestia nods. “Thank you Applejack. Now, let’s discuss what we’re going to do.” (Canterlot Gardens) Luna and Twilight appear in the middle of the garden. Statues in the area seemed to intensify the already peculiar atmosphere. “We are almost there,” Luna assures Twilight as they walk through the garden. “The portal regularly activates on its own once every thirty moons. However if an alicorn pours enough magic into the mirror itself, a portal will be forced open for a brief moment; you must act quickly.” “What about you?” Twilight asks, following close behind the princess. “We will stay behind.” Luna offers a reassuring smile. “Our sister must not be allowed to follow. Not to worry, we can handle ourselves.” They stop at the garden doors. “We will be passing through a few rooms; once we reach the dining hall it will only take a few more minutes to reach the mirror. Don’t acknowledge the guards we pass.” The ponies casually trotted through the garden doors and into the castle, their pace just slightly quicker than normal. A few of the guards may have noticed the quickened walking pace, but given the events that occurred, no guardspony questioned the Night Princess’s franticness. They assumed there were important matters happening they have no hoof in. It didn’t take long for the duo to pass the dining hall. The door was almost completely shut, save a small crack. As they passed, Twilight heard a series of familiar voices. She stopped. “Princess Luna,” she whispers, “hang on a second.” “We mustn’t delay long,” Luna whispers back. Twilight nods, then peaks through the crack while leaning an ear on the door. “I-I’m not sure about this, girls,” Fluttershy meekly exclaimed, her voice barely reaching Twilight’s ear. “Twilight is our friend; we weren’t acting like friends to her, so she stopped being our friend. Anypony else would have done the same.” “Why?” Rainbow Dash added, turning toward Fluttershy. “Oh yeah, because a bug turned us against her. We may have messed up, but it was only once! It’s not like we do this all the time.” Fluttershy took a few steps back, which lead Rarity to get closer to Dash. “I understand darling, but this mistake could have cost Twilight her life.” Rarity spoke in a gentle tone. “She has every right to be angry with us; we took her for granted and we almost lost her. We almost lost Equestria.” “This is why it must be done,” Celestia began. “With her memory wiped, you can all start anew. It will be like it never happened. I do not wish to do this, but it is for the good of Equestria.” The group seemed to not argue the point. They thought surely this would be better than a gambit that Twilight would forgive them with time. With that the five ponies, Spike, and Shining Armor nod in agreement. “It is settled then,” Celestia proclaimed. “We will erase Twilight’s memory so the Elements can be whole again. Can I expect each of you to play your parts?” The group nods in unison. Twilight pulls away from the door and leans on the wall; the look on her face was one of utter horror; she couldn’t breathe. Her friends are going to help Celestia take her memory away. They wanted complete control over her as if she was some kind of pet. She couldn’t help but weep; the shock of this was too much for the purple pony. The quiet, bubbling rage from the wedding swelled inside her. Without a second thought, she bucked the door open. The entire group was startled by the sudden noise. “I TRUSTED YOU!” she screamed, hot tears flowing uncontrollably down her face. “YOU WERE MY FRIENDS! I WOULD HAVE GIVEN EVERYTHING UP FOR YOU ALL!” Celestia stood from her throne. “Twilight, I am sorry but this is or your own good. Equestria’s very survival is at stake without the Elements of Harmony.” “I do not care.” Twilight spoke in a low, venomous tone. “You don’t care about your home?” Celestia retorted. “You don’t care about your family, Cadence, your friends?! You can look me in the eye and proclaim you don’t care if everything you care for is destroyed?!” Twilight’s eyes turned red. “MAYBE IF YOU WERE A COMPITENT PRINCESS, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE TO RELY ON THE ELEMENTS!” That sent everyone in the room reeling, even Celestia. “WHY are you even a princess?! All you do is sit on your throne, and act as if you’re always in control. But you’re not! You need us so no one can challenge your rule.” She calmed down just enough for her eyes to return to normal. “You know, I think I see it now. Every villain we have fought wasn’t really a villain, were they?” “THAT IS ENOUGH!” Celestia bellowed. “Every single adversary you have fought has threatened to destroy the very peace and harmony of Equestria!” “Like who?!” Twilight spit back. “Nightmare Moon? Luna only became that creature because you soaked up all the lime-light. She sat and suffered in silence while you basked in all the praise. She felt unimportant, unloved- even by you. But seeing you now, I can’t see why she was jealous.” Rarity fainted at such words being directed to their princess. But Twilight wasn’t done. Shining Armor could only watch what was transpiring with a look of shock on his face. “Or Discord? Yeah, Discord was an all around pain in the flanks, but other than that what was is crime?” Twilight shrugs. “He didn’t hurt anypony. If anything, he just kept making a nuisance of himself. That should not have warranted such a heavy punishment like an eternity in stone. Your threats were a court jester and a jealous sister. The only threat you faced that actually meant harm was Chrysalis. And when I tried to warn you, none of you listened to me!” Twilight’s anger seemed to have no end. The others could only watch; the very guilt in their stomachs prevented them from forming words. Twilight started turning away. “I am done. I refuse to be a pawn any longer,” she says, taking a few steps away. “I am so sorry Twilight,” Celestia said, her voice going gentle, “but I cannot let you do this. You are too important to Equestria to just walk away. GUARDS! DETAIN TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Twilight was quickly surrounded by guards. “Hold still Ms. Sparkle,” an orange pegasus with blue hair says while pulling out an inhibitor ring. “We don’t wish to hurt you.” Twilight prepares for the worst until a dark blue beam blasts the ceiling above Celestia. It causes the solar princess to magically catch the rubble. However, this gave Twilight the split second she needed to teleport outside of the dining hall. “Twilight!” Luna shouts for her. “This way!” The two galloped for the archives. Within a few moments, they arrive. As soon as they enter, Luna barricades the door. “You must take haste. It will not take Celestia long before she works out where we are.” Twilight looks in awe around the rather large mirror with the horseshoe-lined frame. “Is this it?” she asks. Luna nods. “Yes, but we have no time to gaze its splendor; by now our sister has figured out what we’re doing.” Luna began to feed magic into the mirror. “Hold them off for as long as you can,” she says as she focuses her concentration. As she feeds the mirror, the glass ripples like water, and then swirls around as a purple color starts forming in the frame. As Twilight watches Luna, the thunderous sound of wood cracking and shelves moving turns her attention to the archive door. A second later, the door blows open with a violent bang as books and wood go everywhere. Celestia, the other ponies, and Shining Armor walk into the room. “Twilight, please don’t do this,” Celestia pleads. “You cannot be serious about leaving your home behind. We can help you.” “I don’t want your kind of help, ‘princess.’” Twilight spoke coldly. “I am not going to be your pawn anymore.” Celestia’s horn lit up. “I am sorry, dear Twilight,” Celestia responds. She fires a golden beam of magic at Twilight, only for Twilight to counter with her own beam. As the two struggle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash attempt to stop Luna. “Princess Luna, Ah’m gonna have ta ask you ta stop. Twilight is not thinkin’ straight; we need ta help’er.” Applejack tries to tackle Luna, who takes to the air. “We are disappointed, Honest Applejack,” Luna says. “You, of all ponies, know that this is a deceitful action; to manipulate your friend’s memories is to deceive her and yourself…” Her sentence was cut off as a rainbow streak knocks her onto the floor. This caused her magic to become interrupted. The mirror begins to crackle violently as several tendrils of magic seep out and latch onto the beam that Twilight is emitting. “Twilight is our friend,” Rainbow Dash states. “But Equestria is more important. It is a hard choice to make, but we have more to lose if Twilight…” A low, ominous rumbling stops Rainbow Dash dead in her tracks. Everyone turns to look at the mirror. Luna shot up in a panic. “The mirror attached itself to the nearest magical source to activate. Tia! Twilight! You must stop! The mirror is overloading!” Despite her plea, neither of them backed down. The mirror’s magic tendrils started to absorb the collision of the beams. In a violent flash, the two beams ended with a shockwave. Celestia was thrown back into the hallway while Twilight was not so lucky; the force of the blast had propelled her through the mirror. The mirror, overwhelmed by the power provided by the two ponies and with the excess energy it used to open, shattered into a thousand pieces. When the dust settled, the group could only stand there and look upon the remains of the mirror. Their best friend, Twilight Sparkle, was gone. The five friends failed to halt their tears. Celestia entered the room with tears of anger and sadness, knowing very well what just happened. “No.” Shining Armor stood in disbelief. “No…NO!” The captain of the royal guard was scrambling to get the mirror pieces and put them back together. “No, please. Twilight! I’m’ sorry! I’m sorry for everything! Come back! Please come back!” Tears started well up in his eyes. “I’ll never treat you bad again! Just please, come back.” Seeing that his attempts were fruitless, he broke down sobbing on the floor over the mirror pieces, uncaring that there were shards of glass digging into his coat. Celestia gritted her teeth as her guards arrive. The orange colt walked up to address her. “Princess?” he asks. “Is there anything we can do?” Celestia gave him a stern look that sent chills down the guardpony’s spine. “Inhibitor ring, now.” The guardpony pulls out a magic inhibitor ring and gives it to Celestia. “What is your name, guardpony?” “F-Flash Sentry, your highness,” he hesitantly responds. “Well, Flash Sentry,” she starts, “you have a new job from this night forth.” Celestia slowly trots toward Luna, who lifts a shelf off Applejack. She turns to meet Celestia’s fiery gaze. “Sister,” Luna spoke, “I…” she was cut off by a swift hoof to the jaw. The entire group, including the guards, stared horrified at the solar monarch’s actions. Celestia puts the inhibitor ring on Luna’s horn. “I thought you were my sister,” Celestia growls. “You were supposed to rule with me and keep our ponies safe. Now you’ve doomed us all.” She looks to the guards. “Flash Sentry, you are now my sister’s warden.” She turns back to Luna. “Luna of Canterlot, I hereby charge you with high treason against the crown.” The guards shackle Luna. “Pray I’m merciful,” she adds coldly. “Take her away.” As the guards urge Luna toward the door, she looks back at her sister. “For the good of Equestria, sister?” She sheds a single tear as they continue toward the dungeon. (Eos: Tenebrae, Nox Fleuret Estate) Outside a lavish mansion, a child with short, blonde hair and blue eyes tends to some flowers in a garden. She is ripped from pleasant thoughts by a streak of lavender that falls from the sky. It crashes yards away from her. “Luna!” A taller boy with blonde hair rushes to the girl’s side. “What what that?” he asks. The girl begins walking toward the crater where the flash of purple light landed. The boy attempted to pull her away. “Calm down, Ravus,” Luna assures him. “It is fine.” “What if it’s a daemon?” he asks. “If it was, we would have surely already been attacked,” she replies. “It certainly has the time.” Both Ravus and Luna peer inside the crater once they reach it. The smoke was so thick they couldn’t see a thing at first. However, they managed to hear a muffled voice. “H-Help me,” the voice chokes out. “Help, please.” Both children were shocked to hear someone, but judging by the situation, they definitely sounded like they were in trouble. “GUARDS!” Ravus shouts frantically as he runs back to the mansion to get help. Luna stares in shock as she sees a single hoof poke out of the smoke. The hoof violently shakes with scorched hairs falling off and begins to stretch out and grow five digits. > Royal Flush (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Chapter 4) Royal Flush Twilight drifted in an endless abyss, the darkness never seeming to end as she floats aimlessly, unable to move. “Hello?” she calls out to the great nothingness surrounding her. “If I were you, I wouldn’t show up at all!” a familiar voice boomed out. “Shining?” she called out. “Come on y’all, let’s go check on the princess,” a familiar country voice echoed. “Applejack?” Twilight asks, only being answered by her echo. “You have a lot to think about,” a condescending tone rings through the darkness. “Celestia,” Twilight says through gritted teeth. “And no one will bother to look for you!” a sinister cackle follows Celestia’s voice. The very sound caused Twilight to see red. “Chrysalis!” Twilight yells. “I don’t want to die.” Her eyes widen at the sound of her voice. “Stop it,” she says. “I don’t want to die,” the voice repeats. “Please stop!” Twilight tries to cover her ears, but to her dismay, her body wasn’t cooperating with the command. “Wake up,” the echo of Twilight says. The echo is soon joined by other voices as they begin to chant. “WAKE UP!” the voices chant in unison. “Stop it!” Twilight screams. She is engulfed in a burst of white, followed by a resounding thud. Her eyes slowly open to gaze upon a marbled floor. She slowly eases herself off the floor on all fours. For some reason, this didn’t feel quite right to her. Twilight looks down at her ho… “WHAT IN FAUST’S NAME?” She stumbles back as she shouts, looking upon the alien appendages where her hooves should be. She shakes her head, hoping this was just a dream. “You are safe, little pony.” A woman with long, black hair, olive green eyes, and clad in a formal black and gold dress walks slowly into the room. She is sure to not frighten Twilight further. “I am Gentiana.” She bows formally. “I am the Lady-In-Waiting and caretaker of our princess.” Gentiana speaks softly as she approaches Twilight. “I’m also your teacher.” Twilight struggled to wrap her head around her current situation. “What? Where am I? What am I?” Twilight fired endless questions as she looked herself over in fear and curiosity. Gentiana kneels in front of Twilight and gently clasps her hands around hers and brings them together. “You are Twilight Sparkle. As far as what you’ve become, you’re human; a little girl, by the looks of it.” Twilight looks down at the reflective marble. She sees the reflection of a twelve year-old girl with lavender hair and eyes. She slowly touches her face. “I’m not entirely sure why your age has seemed to reverse,” Gentiana states. “It could have been caused by the way you arrived here.” “The Crystal Mirror,” Twilight murmurs to herself. “Wait.” Twilight looks up at Gentiana. “How do you know me?” “That is a story for another time, dear,” Gentiana sweetly replies. “You know, it’s rather rude to not introduce yourself.” “Sweet Faust!” Twilight yelled out in surprise. “How could I have gotten so distracted? I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Gentiana chuckles. “I understand; if I were in your position, introductions would be the furthest thing from my mind.” She smiles. “Now onto more important matters, you need to get changed and follow me downstairs. The queen seeks an audience with you.” Gentiana hands Twilight some undergarments. “You’ll need these.” “Um.” Twilight holds up a pair of panties. “What are these for?” Gentiana couldn’t help but laugh. (Queen Nox Fleuret’s Throne Room) (One hilarious hour later) Gentiana gently pushed open a pair of thin bronze and silver lined doors with a nervous Twilight close behind. She had helped Twilight into a green linen dress lined with gold trimmings; a rather odd contrast to her lavender features, Twilight thought, but for now it would do. As they passed several windows, Twilight couldn’t help but admire the scenery. She gasped at the sight of lush forests along with floating mountains, some of which waterfalls were streaming from. She yearned to find out everything she could about this place. However she calmed herself, knowing she had something to accomplish. “If only the girls could see…” Her hopeful tone came to an idle at her sudden realization. “What troubles you, Twilight Sparkle?” Gentiana asks as they resume their walk through the corridor. “It’s nothing,” Twilight replies somberly. “Come now, child. If it were nothing, you wouldn’t be upset about it, would you?” Twilight’s gaze moved to watching her own steps. “Well,” she starts, “I’m used to just blowing things out of proportion. “Don’t sell yourself short, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight looks up at the same time Gentiana offers a reassuring smile. “I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you.” “We?” Twilight asks as they arrive at another pair of bronze doors. These were lined with smooth, lightly stained wood. “This must be where we part ways for now, young one,” Gentiana states as she opens the doors. “I will wait or you here. Remember to be respectful.” “Of course,” Twilight says, nodding her head at Gentiana. Twilight steps through the doors. Upon entering, Gentiana closes them behind Twilight. Looking around, Twilight finds that the room was lined with blue and red carpets. Crème colored drapes with green trimmings were held open at the windows. There were marble pillars off-set from the windows that added an extra regal feel to Twilight. She noticed that the windows gave a beautiful view of the outside, which amplified the majesty of the inside. Twilight’s appreciation was interrupted by a woman with blonde hair, tied up in a bun, and blue eyes. “Hello,” the woman says. Twilight’s head goes in the direction of the voice. “Come forward, dear,” the woman encourages Twilight from her gold throne. Twilight walks to the base of the stairs and kneels. She bows her head then stands back up to properly address the woman. The woman stands. “Such manners,” the woman says. “My name is Sylva Nox Fleuret, Queen of Tenebrae,” she explains. “I am sure you must have many questions, but before I can answer them I have some questions of my own. I feel this is a fair trade for nursing you back to health.” “What would you like to know first, your highness?” Twilight asks. The queen ponders for a few moments. “Are you a daemon?” the queen asks. Twilight offered a puzzled face to the question. “What is a daemon?” she says after a moment. The queen’s eyes narrowed, looking for any hint of deception in the young girl’s eyes. Twilight became worried as the queen looked her over, hoping that she hadn’t said anything to offend her. After what seemed like hours of staring the queen’s gaze softened and she smiled at Twilight. “Forgive my guarded hand. It is not every day that a young girl lands in your garden. Now, onto more light matters; what is your name, dear?” “Twilight Sparkle,” she answers hesitantly. “Well, Twilight Sparkle, it has come to my attention that you are not from this land.” Sylva’s voice was calm. “That being said, I must ask if this is true and, if it is, where is it you come from?” Twilight sighs, trying to prepare briefly for this explanation. “I am from a different world. I come from the land called Equestria. In my world…” “No more,” the queen interrupted. “We have enemies here who would be more than willing to take advantage of your origins. A ‘yes’ was all I was looking for. Keep your past a secret, Twilight Sparkle; only reveal it to those you deem worthy of knowing.” Sylva stands and slowly walks down the stairs. “Since you have no home here, you’ll need a place to stay. It would be best for you to stay here. My staff will keep quiet about you.” She looks at the doors across the room. “There is just a small matter of my children,” she says, more to herself. “Gentiana,” she calls a little louder. The double doors open as Gentiana enters with a boy and a girl. “Looks like you were already listening in. Shame on you for eavesdropping,” she scolded the children. “Sorry mother,” the children say in unison. Sylva smiles. “I cannot blame you for your curiosity, but all the same, I do not wish or our guest to feel uncomfortable. Now say hello.” “I’m Lunafreya Nox FLeruet, Princess of Tenebrae,” the girl starts. “But you can call me Luna.” “And I am Ravus Nox Fleuret, Prince of Tenebrae,” the boy follows. Twilight smiles at the two as she curtsies at them. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.” Ravus looks away while Luna giggles slightly. “So you weren’t born here?” Luna asks. Twilight cautiously looks to Sylva, who gives her a small smile and a nod of approval. “Nope,” Twilight answers. This causes Luna’s eyes to light up with joy. “That means you’ll need to learn everything about our world!” Luna exclaims joyfully. “We have a library full of books on our history…” Twilight interrupts Luna with a loud gasp. “You have a library?!” Twilight asks excitedly. “Yes,” Luna nearly shouts getting as excited as Twilight. Ravus held back a smile and rolled his eyes. “Girls,” he sighs, letting the smile come out. Sylva smiles as the three children make small talk. “I’m glad you are all finding some common ground.” They all look to Sylva. “I have a few things I need to take care of today so Luna, Ravus, I want you to show Twilight around the home; starting with the library.” She turns to Gentiana. “Get Maria to prepare a room for our guest, and make sure it is close to Luna’s room.” Gentiana nods. “Alright, Mother,” Luna replies, and grabs Twilight by the hand. She starts to walk away with Ravus close behind. “One more thing,” Sylva mentions, stopping the three. “We found this close to you when we took you out of that crater.” She gestures to Gentiana, who pulls a thin, cone-shaped, lavender-colored object from out of her sleeve. Twilight’s eyes widened. “My horn,” Twilight whispers to herself as Gentiana hands it to her. Sure enough it was her horn; however it seems to have gotten a lot longer and sharper than she remembered. She looks up at the two adults. “Thank you,” she manages. With that, Luna and Ravus escort Twilight to the household’s library. Once the doors were closed, Sylva ascends the stairs and sits on her throne. “Are you sure about this?” she asks Gentiana. “I sense a great power in her.” “All the more reason she should be here,” Gentiana responds cryptically. “She is going to play an important part in the trials to come.” (Equestria: One week after Twilight’s disappearance) (Canterlot Castle) The situation in Canterlot was escalating out of control. Between Celestia raising the sun and moon by herself, the nobles demanding an investigation of Princess Luna’s imprisonment, and the citizen’s constant fears of changeling attacks, Celestia was being pushed to her very limit. But she wasn’t going to give up; she must endure for her ponies. This was, after all, why she was a princess. “Captain Armor,” Celestia says, looking at the stallion sternly, “status report.” “We managed to quell riots on the eastern side of the city. However, a few ponies became injured during a store fire; nothing serious, other than some second degree burns,” Shining Armor read off a report. “And what of the mirror?” Celestia’s tone was cold at the memory of what happened to it. “From what we were told, the mirror is repairable. But it won’t be able to activate or another year.” His ears drooped as the words left his mouth. “Not good enough!” Celestia shouts. “We must get it repaired as soon as possible. Round up everypony with a two to three year degree in magical artifact.” Shining Armor puts his papers away and bows. “Yes Princess.” He walks out of the throne room. Celestia slumps back into her throne, her front hooves rubbing her temples. Meanwhile, outside in the Canterlot Gardens, a statue o a creature with different types of limbs was sitting on a pedestal. A look of horror on his face slowly begins to crack as the grimace contorts into a wicked grin. (Ponyville) (Golden Oaks Library) Spike sat alone at the base of smooth, wooden steps. Though it had already been a week since Twilight was hurled into the mirror, it felt only like hours ago to him. Hours that he felt he made the biggest mistake of his life. It felt like hours ago that he betrayed the one who has cared for him since the day he was hatched; she even hatched him… She was basically a mother to him. He betrayed his own mother. The thoughts became too much for him. He broke down sobbing on the steps. “Twilight, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” he sobbed, hoping his cries would equate to some sort of prayer. Because you’re a child, Spike. What could you have done? Spike’s hands went to his head as Twilight’s final words to him echoed through his mind. “This is what you deserve, fool,” a voice spoke from the emptiness of the room. “If you were stronger, this wouldn’t have happened.” “Who are you?!” Spike shot up, in no mood to tolerate someone speaking to him in such a manner. “Look in the bathroom mirror,” the voice commanded. Spike did as was told. In an instant, his eyes lit up as he faced a familiar lavender face. “Twilight!” he yelled out. “Twilight, I’m so sorry about…” “No you’re not,” she responded coldly. “Twilight?” he asks. “You never cared about me.” The Twilight reflection grits her teeth. “You never cared at all. Okay, sure, I made you do a lot of chores, and I usually left you alone when I went on dangerous journeys to save Equestria. But it wasn’t out of hate; it was because I couldn’t stand to see you hurt.” A few tears fell from the reflection’s eyes. “Maybe I deserve this.” “No!” Spike shouts. “Twilight, it was all my fault! I should have believed you at the wedding. I should have sided with you when Celestia wanted to erase your memories. But… I wanted to see you smile again.” The purple dragon sobbed. “I had never seen you so heart-broken in my entire life. It hurt because you were right about me; what could a baby dragon do to help? I hate it. I hate myself. I want it to stop. I wanted to protect you. Please, Twilight. Give me another chance!” he begged. “It’s too late for me now,” the reflection said calmly. “But who’s next? Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy? Will you let someone else be taken?” “No,” he says, clenching his fists. “Then do something about it.” The Twilight reflection fades from the mirror. As Spike stares at himself in the mirror, his eyes become dark green, the pupils narrow to slits. “I want to protect them. Spike… WANT.” (Canterlot Castle) (Dungeons) The sharp clang of metal colliding with flesh rang through the dark, empty halls of the dungeons as Celestia slams Luna into her cell wall. “I’m only going to ask this one more time,” she says. She lets go of Luna, dropping her face-first in front of her. “Where did you send Twilight?” Luna ignored the pain shooting through her body as she gets to her hooves. “We will not allow you to do this, Sister. Though you may think you have good intentions, the only thing you’re going to do is hurt her more in the end. You are letting your fear guide your judgment.” “My judgment may be called into question. But, the ends will justify those means. Now, where did you send her?” Celestia asks sternly. Luna looks at Celestia with a great deal of pity. “Sister, I do not know. She was meant to go to the same realm you banished Sunset Shimmer to, but now there is no telling where the mirror might have sent her.” With that, Luna was met with another hoof to her jaw, which knocked her into the dirt. “I’m sorry it has to be this way,” Celestia says while walking out of the cell. “Lock it back up,” she says to Flash Sentry as she leaves. (Eos: Tenebrae) (Nox Fleuret Household; four months after Twilight’s arrival) Twilight wasted no time in picking up the history of the world. It seemed like every day Lunafreya and Ravus would find her buried in a new book. However, today Twilight was going to meet someone new. “Twilight,” Gentiana called out. “We have a guest. Ravus and Luna are already outside. “Be right there,” Twilight answered. She marked her place in the now tow hundred and forty-fifth book she was on and hurried to meet the visitors. Once outside, she sees Lunafreya speaking with a boy with dark hair and blue eyes. He was in a wheelchair. “Twilight!” Luna exclaims happily. “Don’t act like you haven’t seen me in forever,” Twilight responds. She lets out a giggle that was quickly stifled by Luna grabbing her hand to take her closer to the boy. “Noctis, this is my friend Twilight. Twilight, this is Noctis.” Twilight takes Luna’s impromptu introduction as cue to formally introduce herself. “My name is Twilight Sparkle,” she says, bowing her head at him. Noctis, seemingly bashful of Twilight’s actions, returns the gesture. “I am Noctis Lucis Caelum,” he states. Twilight gasped when she heard his full name. “You’re Lucian royalty?” she asks. “Yes?” He seemed caught off-guard by her reaction. “I can’t believe I get to meet you,” she says, taking his hand to shake it. “I thought I’d have to travel all the way to Insomnia to see anyone from the Lucian bloodline!” Twilight simply could not contain her excitement. “You have to forgive Twilight,” Luna tells Noctis, smiling at the two. “She’s been living with us for a few months and has been dying to see everything outside of Tenebrae.” “What’s going on over here?” a man says. Twilight turns her head to see a man wearing a black suit and a trench coat over his shoulders walking toward them. “Hello Luna. Who might this be?” he asks, looking curiously at Twilight. “This is my friend, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna answers. “Twilight, this is Regis Lucis Caelum, Noctis’s father.” Twilight’s squeals of excitement gave the prince and princess a start, but the king could only laugh at the young girl’s reaction. “Nice to meet you,” Regis says. He turns to Noctis. “Alright, the summons is almost ready Noct. We must be on our way.” He comes closer to his son and starts pushing him away from the girls. “Then we’d better be on our way as well,” Luna adds as she takes Twilight by the hand. They head toward the palace. “Let’s get dressed Twilight; Mother didn’t wish to leave you alone. She also thought you could use some fresh air.” Luna giggles as they head to their respective rooms. “Wear something nice,” she says before disappearing into her room. Twilight skimmed through her closet before deciding on the fanciest dress she could find (she wanted to make a good impression for the Lucis family). She got into it with only the minor struggle of working out how to tie it in the back. As she was about to leave the room, she spots her horn gleaming in the sunlight on her nightstand. She didn’t really want to take it; something like this could be perceived as a possible weapon. But something was telling her she needed to bring it. So, she discreetly tucks her horn into her sleeve and goes outside to wait for Lunafreya with Ravus. (One Hour Later) Though Twilight had read all about them in books, she was still captivated at the very idea of formally meeting the Lucis family. There was only so much a book could tell her; she was hoping to get to know them as individuals rather than just the royal family. She smiled to herself in the back seat of the automobile, or car, as these people called it (though, in her head, she originally saw it as a self-propelled chariot). She seemed to be having a ball in her mind while in the back seat with Lunafreya and Ravus. There wasn’t much talk while they made way to their destination. Judging from this, Twilight figured it may be something serious. It only took them shy of a half hour to reach their stop; a large clearing with massive roots. These roots seemed to run through a rather small, but raging waterfall. Offset from the area were some old pillars. “What is this place? Twilight inquired. “This is where we’re going to heal the young prince,” Sylva answered. She rested a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Stay close to me,” she insists. The two begin to walk toward the pillars as the others gather close by. Regis makes his way toward the group, with Noctis being pushed by Lunafreya. As they walked, Twilight saw that there were a lot more people there than she expected (around abut twenty four). Twilight smirked at seeing Ravus in his formal black and white suit. He only rolled his eyes and looked away, hoping no one saw the slight blush playing at his cheeks. Twilight stifled a chuckle, however, she couldn’t help but look around as the wind started to pick up. Even Lunafreya and Noctis had stopped to look to the sky as a large shadow began to swallow the light. “Niflheim,” Regis says, fearfully glancing at his son. “Everybody run!” he shouts as men clad in armor fell from a ship overhead. They started shooting at random. “Luna, Ravus, Twilight! Hide!” Sylva shouts. Many people were gunned down as the first wave of men began to land. Twilight scrambled to get behind a pillar as tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn’t believe it; people, good people were being slaughtered for seemingly no reason at all. She looked up from her hiding place and watched as a bulky figure clad in heavy armor landed from the ship. He wasted no time in cutting down the knights sent to guard the ceremony. Through the chaos, Twilight spots Ravus. “Ravus, over here!” She tries to catch his attention, but he only looks around in shock. He’s brought out of his stupor by a bullet to the arm. The pain in his arm was so intense, all Ravus could do was drop to his knees. He looks around with blurry eyes as he sees the other boys trying to flee get riddled with bullets. He turns to face the offenders to meet one of the armored men looking at him with unfeeling, demonic red eyes while his arm separates to reveal a spark. What Ravus saw was a burst of white hot flames; what he did not see was Twilight running towards him. “RAVUS!” Sylva screams. She jumps in the way of the flames with her arms spread open, preparing to meet her fiery end. “No!” Twilight shouts, jumping in front of Sylva. As the flames licked at her face, Twilight’s sleeve began to glow a lavender color. “Twilight!” Sylva attempted to force Twilight out of the way, only for a concussive force to send the flames flying back at the armored man, which sent him flying into another, causing them both to explode. The bulky man in the heavy armor was astonished at what he just witnessed; this little girl used some kind of magic to fight off one of his troops. He had his target. The Lucis King would have to wait as long as the Queen of Tenebrae was still alive. “What was that?” Ravus asked Twilight as he helped his mother onto her feet. “I don’t know,” she answers as she pulls her horn from her sleeve. It was still glowing as she studied it. “LOOK OUT!” Sylva screamed. Twilight turned to see the bulky man was mere centimeters away from her. Out of reflex, she blocked the man’s attack with her horn. He was clearly stronger, as he brought Twilight to her knees easily. The horn started to crack under the weight of the large sword he was wielding. “Looks like you’re not as tough as I thought,” the man boasts. However, his words are quickly taken back as he watched the horn. Twilight lets out a gasp of astonishment. The horn begins to extend and rearrange its shape. Upon finishing its transformation, the horn has changed to a lavender colored version of the man’s sword. Twilight uses her advantage of his distraction and throws him back. She follows up by running at him. The man simply dodges to the side and back hands Twilight, the force takes her off her feet and she falls into a shallow puddle. She tries to get up, but the man pins her under his foot and points his sword downward. Everything seemed to slow to a crawl for Twilight as the man raised his sword and began to drive it down. As Twilight closed her eyes and resigned her fate, she felt a warm trickle of liquid fall onto her chest; but no heavy sharp objects. She opened her eyes to see Sylva looking down at her with one of her reassuring smiles, with blood slowly dripping from the side of her mouth. Twilight looked down to see Sylva was cradling the blade tip that had been run through her, keeping it from reaching Twilight. The man violently pulls the blade out of Sylva, making her fall atop Twilight. Twilight’s tears were never-ending as she held onto her. “I’m sorry,” she uttered. “No,” Sylva managed to choke out. “You saved my son. For that, I thank you. You have been wonderful, Twilight. You have gifts; don’t let anyone take that from you, and don’t let them take away your ability to love.” Twilight could only nod right before wiping away a few tears. “Protect Luna a-and Ravus.” Sylva closes her eyes. “Thank you, again.” The last of Sylva’s breath left her body as her arms went limp. The light from her eyes were completely faded. Twilight looked at the man in heavy armor with pure rage in her eyes. She gently moves Sylva’s body off of her own, then takes her lavender sword and rushes at him. “DIE YOU MONSTER!” She brings her sword down on his back, only for him to grab her by the throat and hoist her into the air. He smirks under his helm. She gasps for air as she attempts to pry his grip from her. After a solid thirty seconds, the man throws her into a rock wall. Twilight’s vision becomes blurry, her brain unable to keep up due to the sudden oxygen intake. Her vision starts to fade as she faintly sees King Regis reaches for his son. “Noctis!” King Regis yells as he picks up Noctis from his wheelchair and grabs Lunafreya by the hand; he starts to run away with them. She watches as Lunafreya rips her hand away from the king. “Please help us, King Regis!” Ravus bellows as Twilight’s vision leaves her. The man in heavy armor looks at Twilight’s unconscious body as several of his troops pull guns on her. “Stand down,” he commands. “I think we can use this one.” > Shining Blight, Nyxing Twilight (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Blight, Nyxing Twilight (Gralea, Niflheim’s Capitol City) (Main Throne Room) An elderly-looking man with silver hair and blue eyes sits on his throne in a large throne room. He is wearing gold armor covered by a black robe with silver buttons and a goldenrod trim. The man was informed by his guards that his general has arrived for his status report. His general walks in. “Ah, General Glacua,” the elderly man states as his general kneels at the base of the throne. “I take it your invasion of Tenebrae was a success?” “Yes Emperor,” General Glacua replies. “The queen is dead, and the prince and princess are in our custody.” He hesitates for a split second before adding, “However, there is one thing I must address.” “The girl,” the emperor says with a nod. “Yes, I read your report. This is indeed interesting; she seems to have some powers we have not seen thus far.” “If I may be so bold to ask, could she be Lucian royalty?” Glacua raised his head to meet the emperor’s eyes. The emperor pondered this question for a moment. “This would have been my initial suspicion, but why would the Queen of Tenebrae have a Lucian in her custody? It doesn’t make any sense.” The emperor looked slightly puzzled as he spoke. “She could be a champion created by the gods to stop us. Either way, her parlor tricks will mean nothing once the crystal is in our possession.” He smirked arrogantly. “You have done well, General Glacua. But this turn of events leads me to give you new orders. “I’ll have our Research and Development division look into her powers; if she is Lucian royalty it means that she is no good to us dead. It will also mean that we may have a new weapon. Your new orders are to look after the girl; train her. Teach her how to fight, and in turn we may learn more about her abilities. If she cannot provide anything useful to us, then kill her.” “Now now, that would be such a waste,” a figure from the back of the room interrupts. The figure walks toward the two. “I sincerely doubt you’re going to be able to get anything useful out of the girl by forcing her to give up her secrets, my liege.” The figure is revealed to be a man dressed in a long, black jacket with red-violet hair and ember color eyes. He smirks at the general and the emperor. Ardyn,” the emperor addresses in a slightly annoyed tone. “Would I be correct to suspect you were spying on us just now?” The smirk stays on the man named Ardyn’s face. “My lord, please do not view my intentions as ill toward you. I, for one, am fascinated by this girl.” Ardyn formally bows to the emperor. “This girl not only threw back a magitek trooper by herself, but she was also able to copy General Glacua’s weapon. She seems quite the gift for the empire. “But, I think it would be counter-productive to force her to join us; she saw the good general murder the Queen of Tenebrae.” He side-eyes Glacua before turning his attention back to the emperor. “It is obvious we are not in a good starting position to force her to fight for us. Why do that when we have the two keys to her loyalty? After all, she used these powers of hers to defend the queen and prince. If the Oracle and the prince are alive and well, we will have the girl’s undying loyalty.” The emperor sat on Ardyn’s words for a few moments. “You are right. In the mean time, we can run some tests on her. I thank you for your advice, Ardyn. But in the future, if you have anything to say, address me like everyone else.” “Yes, my lord,” Ardyn replies. He bows and walks out of the room. The emperor sighs after Ardyn leaves and looks to the general. “You have your orders,” he says. The general bows once more and leaves the throne room. “Why do I get the feeling that this girl is going to be more trouble than she’s worth?” he asks himself. (Niflheim, Main Holding Cells) Twilight sat on the cold bed with Luna as Ravus paced around the cell. He was furious. “Why didn’t he help us?” he asked bitterly. “Calm yourself, Brother,” Luna replied. “He had his reasons.” “Tell that to Mother!” he spits back. At that moment, the entire cell echoed with a resounding slap. Ravus’ head was forced to the side with a blazing red hand print on it. Twilight lowered her hand. “Regis was not responsible for her death,” Twilight mumbled. “I was. She should have died protecting you; instead she died protecting me.” Her tone was distant. Ravus sighs as he rubs his cheek. “But Regis could have…” “That’s enough from the both of you,” Luna interrupts. “The king had Prince Noctis to worry about, so he could not help all of us; his responsibility was to his son. Right now, we must worry about complying with demands the empire has for us.” Her voice was stern. The other two children could only look to the floor. A few minutes later the cell doors open and General Glacua steps inside. “Greetings, children; I offer my sincerest apologies that our hospitality may be lacking.” The general is joined by two troops. “What are you planning to do to us?” Ravus asks as he steps in between the general and the girls. “That all depends on her,” Glagua replies coldly as he points to Twilight. Twilight starts lightly shaking. “W-what?” she stutters. “Simply put, your abilities are quite extraordinary. The Emperor has extended his hand in friendship. He wishes for you to join his army.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “What?! You want me to join you? After what you did?” she shouted. “You killed Sylva, you murdered all those people at the shrine. Are you insane?!” The general only scoffed at Twilight’s rant. “I hate to say this, but you have little say in this matter. If you refuse the offer,” he gestures to the two troops, “I’ve been given authorization by his majesty to execute these two.” As he finished his sentence, the two troops walk past Twilight and grab Lunafreya and Ravus. Lunafreya did not struggle against the troop holding her. “Twilight, don’t do it. I don’t care what happens to us; this is your life and no one else should dictate it.” “Let me join you,” Ravus says, trying to jerk away from the troop. “Leave the girls and you can have me. I will fight willingly for Niflheim. I have the most reason.” Twilight pondered for several moments while watching the siblings. Protect Luna and Ravus. Sylva’s words echoed through Twilight’s mind. She bit her lip and hesitantly looked at the general. “Alright,” she whispers. “Alright, I’ll do it.” She looks down in defeat. “That wasn’t so hard,” the general chuckled. “I’ll be training you, so don’t expect any supportive coaching. Now, follow me. And since the young prince offered himself as well, bring him along.” Twilight follows behind General Glacua while the troop holding Luna releases her; he stays behind Ravus as they are all escorted to the training grounds. Lunafreya sits on the bed as the cell doors close again and softly prays. “May you find your peace, Brother. And may you be safe, Twilight Sparkle.” (Equestria: The Sparkle Household) On nights like this in Equestria, one would usually find themselves in the midst of a peaceful slumber. However on this night, like the seven before it, Twilight Velvet (mother of Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor) finds herself unable to sleep. Her daughter has been missing for an entire week, and the princess has refused to see her or her husband, Night Light. The stress has been weighing heavy on the both of them. Velvet now spends most nights just waiting for even a hint of news about Twilight. “I knew I shouldn’t have let her go,” Velvet said to herself as she sat on her sofa. She stared blankly into the household fireplace. Then suddenly, there was a knock at the door. She all but sprang up and rushed to the door. “Please let it be her.” She opened the door. “Mrs. Sparkle,” Cadence greeted. “Oh,” Velvet sighed. “It’s you, Cadence. Come in. And stop calling me ‘Mrs. Sparkle,’” the older mare remarked. “It’s Velvet, dear. Now, what brings you to Canterlot? It’s not like you to visit without my Shiny.” Cadence grimaced. “T-that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Have you heard from Twilight recently? No pony has seen her in a little over a week,” the pink alicorn explained. “No,” Velvet replied softly. “Shining said she was on a secret mission for Celestia, but…” “What?” Cadence interrupted. “That’s not right. Twilight renounced her studies with Celestia. That’s why I came; if anything, I thought she’d be home.” “Why would she do that?” Velvet asked, her voice becoming more frantic. “There’s no way… Is this about the wedding?” “This all happened at the wedding,” Cadence replied. “But Shining told me that after everything happened, Twilight had gotten several apologies from her friends, and him,” Velvet explained. “What?” Cadence gasped. “Twilight renounced her friendship from her friends and told Shining she no longer wanted to be involved in the wedding, or anything involved with him, for that matter.” “But why would he say everything is okay now?” “I don’t know… But it’s even stranger that we haven’t heard from her since around the same time my Aunt Luna is ‘indisposed of.’ I think Shining knows more than he’s letting on.” Velvet sighed. “Then we’ll ask him,” Velvet decided. “I’ll go wake Night Light,” she says as she disappears from the family room. (The next day) Shining Armor decided to go for a visit to his parents’ house after an intense training session with the royal guard. “Hey everypony,” he greets as he enters the family room. “Hi Shine,” Night Light greets. “Catch the hoof ball game?” “Sadly, no,” Shining responds. “With the changeling attack, Celestia wants the royal guard in tip-top shape.” “Understood, Captain,” Night Light says as he gives a mock-salute. “I have the game recorded. It’ll be like old times.” The older stallion ruffled his son’s hair. “But first, we need to have a talk with you.” “We?” Shining asks. Just then, his mother and Cadence came into the family room from the hallway. “Yes, we do,” Velvet answers. She looks at her son sternly. “You have been lying to us Shining. And you don’t lie, to family especially.” “What?” He slightly backed away. “I’m not lying about anything.” “Oh really?” Cadence questioned. “You told your parents that Twilight went on a secret mission for Celestia; meanwhile she’s no longer Celestia’s student. And you told them that her friends apologized to her when they haven’t. Twilight broke her ties with her friends and told you she didn’t want to be in our wedding anymore.” “Twilight was just in a rough spot, Dear,” Shining replies. “She just needed some time and then she forgave her friends, and Celestia.” “I went to her library and she was nowhere to be seen,” Cadence retorts. Shining’s parents watch their exchange quietly. “Spike said she was gone and her friends say they haven’t seen her. Somepony somewhere is not telling the truth, and we want to know who. Now I’ll ask again; where… is… Twilight?” Cadence’s usual sweet tone had become cruel and demanding enough to make even the captain of the guard flinch. For a while, Shining stayed quiet. The six pairs of eyes staring at him caused him to shrink as he saw the futility in his lie. He was never a good liar, anyway. He sighs heavily. “She’s gone.” The room’s previous silence had only seemed to have gotten worse. After what seemed like hours, Velvet broke the silence. “What?” “I can explain,” Shining added quickly. “You’d better,” Night Light said, the fury apparent in his voice. Shining sat on his haunches and prepared to speak. “A… After what happened to Twilight, Celestia called for me. She showed me that the Element of Magic was dying.” A look of shock broke on Cadence’s face. “Celestia was so concerned about any incoming threats to Equestria, so she devised a plan; rather than take the gamble of Twilight forgiving her friends with time, she would erase Twilight’s memory of the wedding. She thought it would make Twilight happy again because she wouldn’t remember the horrible things that were done to her.” The ponies stared in shocked silence. However, to the stallion’s dismay, the shock was soon replaced with rage. Sensing his grave had been dug, Shining continued. “Princess Luna helped Twilight escape into a magic mirror so Celestia couldn’t follow through with the plan. Celestia found out and tried to stop them. The struggle that followed destroyed the mirror, but not before it took Twilight to a different world.” He sighed. “Now, Princess Luna is imprisoned for helping Twilight. The mirror is being repaired, but we’re not sure if we can get her back. I’m so sor…” his apology was cut short by a strong hoof to the face. He looked to see that it had been from Cadence, his princess of love; tears were streaming like a river down her face. “How could you?!” Cadence shouted. Velvet began sobbing into Night Light’s shoulder. Night Light gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes at his son. “She’s your sister! She’s been there for you at your worst! She came to save you even after you abandoned her at the wedding!” “My baby!” was all Velvet could stutter out. “After everything Twilight did for you, this is how you repay her?!” Night Light shouted. “I don’t give a damn what Princess Celestia wanted; I don’t care if she was doing this with good intentions. NO ONE makes a slave out of my daughter!” “And you just went along with it?!” Cadence continued with her verbal assault. “You just stood there and let her get away with it? You didn’t even try to warn Twilight?!” Behind Shining Armor’s guilty eyes, a rage began building. “Celestia threatened to strip me of my rank if I said anything to anypony…” “Twilight is the reason we’re all safe! She loved you! How could you just agree to manipulate her like that?! What’s wrong with you? I thought you loved her? Are you really that cruel?!” Cadence’s incessant questions seemed to have no end. “Because Twilight is so special,” Shining spat through gritted teeth, “because Equestria can’t survive without Twilight. They can’t live without their precious Element of Magic. That’s how it’s always been. Twilight is the special one.” “Don’t try to make this about you,” Night Light shouted. “How can it be Dad?!” Shining shot back. “It’s never about me! It’s always about Twilight! ‘Twilight is so smart, Twilight is so cute, Twilight is so special.’ Blah, blah, blah,” he mocks. “Where do you get off?” Night Light says. “Wherever I bucking want, Dad,” Shining continues to mock. He turns to Cadence. “You know what, Cadence? If you enjoy praising Twilight so much, why don’t YOU MARRY HER?!” he yells. “She’s obviously better than I ever will be! She’s the Element of Magic. She’s the most gifted unicorn this side of Equestria. And she was the bucking princess’s personal student. And to top it off, she is a super hero. “You think I like it? You think I like hearing everypony saying, ‘look, it’s the big brother of Twilight Sparkle, the hero.’ It must be so embarrassing for him when his little sister is the one running around saving Equestria while he’s the Captain of the RUN-AWAY-WITH-OUR-TAILS-BETWEEN-OUR-LEGS Guards! I’m so SICK of hearing Twilight’s right, for once, on my special day; our wedding. I wanted Twilight to be wrong. I wanted to show her I can have a moment in the sun without her ‘saving the day.’ “BUT THAT DAMN BUG RUINED EVERYTHING! Oh, and I hate to say I told you so, but Twilight was RIGHT AGAIN! You know what? I’m glad she’s gone! I hope she’s a statue in some alien’s collection! I hope she’s swimming in the belly of some beast! I HOPE SHE’S DEAD IN A DITCH! I’m so sick of hearing how great Twilight is when I try my best for this family, and for you!” With his rant over, Shining Armor bucks the house door open and stomps out of the house. Velvet, Cadence, and Night Light are left shocked and slack-jawed in the family room as Shining runs off. (Eos: Location Unknown) (12 Years after Twilight’s arrival) For years, the Empire of Niflheim has waged war across the world of Eos in an attempt to conquer the entire land. So far, their efforts have proven successful due to their technological superiority with the utilization of Magitek. The Empire’s campaign for world conquest has only met with one adversary strong enough to oppose them. That adversary is The Kingdom of Lucis; home to the last remaining artifact in Eos’s history that is in direct correlation with the Astrals. The artifact, “the Crystal,” creates a barrier over the kingdom when combined with the acting king’s power. Even Niflheim’s vast arsenal, the empire cannot break through this barrier. This has caused a rather great deal of trouble for the Empire. However, they have stumbled across an interesting find. After an attempt on the Prince of Lucis’s life, a strange power was found; a little girl with powers the Empire hadn’t seen before. She managed to repel a Magitek trooper and destroy it despite her young age. The remaining units responded by capturing her. With the successful capture of this young “sorceress” and the prince and princess of Tenebrae, coupled with the death of the queen of Tenebrae, the country had been pacified. Once the sorceress was captured General Glacua was given permission from Ledolas Aldercapt, the acting emperor of Niflheim, to use the former prince and princess of Tenebrae to “convince” the sorceress to join Niflheim’s military ranks; the sorceress only agreeing under the condition that the former Tenebrae royals were spared and their household untouched. With those conditions met, the sorceress trained to fight for the Empire as promised. Though reluctant the first few times, the sorceress took to killing in a rather quick fashion. However, she refused to kill unarmed civilians and children. If a Magitek trooper was caught killing any unarmed people, the trooper was quickly destroyed, and disciplinary reactions were taken each time. With the constant attacks the acting King of Lucis, King Regis, formed the Kingsglaive. The Kingsglaive is an elite group of warriors who are capable of using a fraction of the king’s power. These warriors have bravely fought against Niflheim. But this seemed like a war they had no chance of winning. (Outskirts of Lucis) The barren ground quaked as hordes of large insects and behemoths charged toward a ruined fortress. As the giant insects made their way up the fortress walls, several people clad in black robes repelled them with lightning spells; if they got to close, the people cut them down with unique-looking blades. “All Glaives defend the wall. If they break through, it’s over!” a man ordered. “Sir!” a Glaive responded as he nodded to his comrade beside him. Taking this symbol, both Glaives jumped off the ledge of the wall and stabbed an insect that was trying to crawl its way up. The second the two Glaives hit the ground, they began using the lightning spells to fry several insects that were headed toward them. “There’s too many of them!” one Glaive shouts as he stabs an insect in the head. “Keep fighting!” another Glaive yells. This Glaive throws his dagger into an insect and disappears in a flash of blue sparks, reappearing in the spot the dagger landed. He drags it along the monster. The insect lets out a few pained screeches as it falls over dead. The Glaive quickly dislodges the dagger as more insects start to surround him. “The Spellcasters should be finished any second now!” One Glaive screamed as his arm was being chewed off by an insect. Two other insects gathered and began feasting on the still screaming man. A few yards away, a portly Glaive with combed back brown hair and brown eyes took cover behind some pillars as Magitek troopers marched toward the fortress. He raises his hood and tosses his blade into the air and catches it. With the blade pointing backwards, he strikes the air, which creates particles that conceal his entire body as the troops march by. They were unaware of the Glaive’s presence. Taking the opportunity, the Glaive quickly slashes the closest trooper. He cuts through another, then turns and strikes another in its helmet. He blasts it back with a burst of lightning. The other troopers start firing at him as he throws up a shield. “What’s the hold-up Crowe?!” the man yells as he struggles to maintain his shield. Meanwhile, at the top of one of the ruined towers, five female Glaives are heavily concentrating on a spell. Dark clouds begin to form over the heart of the battlefield. “Almost there,” the girl named Crowe strains out. As soon as she responded, one of the five girls falls over dead. “No!” she shouts. She takes off her hood to reveal a messy brown bun and worried brown eyes. She struggles to maintain the field. On another side of the battlefield, magitek armors began to assault the wall with volleys of missiles. “Need help; the east wall is going down. Can you get to me?!” a Glaive shouts over his radio as another Glaive dashes toward the wall with a giant insect in pursuit. “Lucis isn’t paying us refugees enough,” he blasts the insect back with lightning as he runs up some rubble, “for this!” The Glaive jumps into the air as the monster bursts through the rubble, giving him the opportunity he needed to bring his blade down on the creature’s head. The creature quickly died as the Glaive got off the ground. He stares in shock as several large pieces of the wall start crumbling down toward one of his fellow Glaives. Quickly thinking, he threw his blade over to the Glaive, which teleported him beside his comrade. He throws out his shield as the debris came down on them. The shield cushioned the impact of the rubble; however it shattered as the largest pieces were deflected. Once the dust settled, the two exhausted Glaives struggled to stand as a behemoth charged at them. “How is this fair?!” one of the Glaives asks sarcastically as the behemoth pounced. In a flash of blue, a Glaive runs his blade deep into the beast’s throat, using the momentum to swing across the behemoth’s throat. This created a large gash in the monster. The behemoth tumbled forward as the Glaive lands in front of his two comrades. He takes off his silver-horned hood to reveal a head of brown hair with a side cut and blue eyes. He smirked at his comrades as he admires his handy work. “Nyx, I owe you one,” one Glaive said while helping his comrade off the ground. “You and everyone else,” Nyx replies, his cocky grin never leaving his face. He pauses for a moment as someone started speaking on the radio. “We need assistance on the east wall. Nyx, where are you?” the voice on the radio called out. “On my way,” he says. “Go easy on the magic, ‘hero,’ we have people waiting for you back home!” one of the Glaives calls to Nyx. “I’m worth the wait.” Nyx hurls his blade through the air and disappears in a flash of blue. “Show off,” a Glaive remarks to himself as he and his fellow Glaive go to regroup with the others. Closer to the east side of the battle field, the portly Glaive throws a fire ball at two of the giant insects. Another insect tackles him, only to have its mandibles sliced off by his hatchet. The creature tries to stab him with its leg, only for the Glaive to slice it off and drive it into the monster’s head. He stumbles back as he watches the insect the creature recoil in pain as it tries in vain to remove the leg. “Watch your back, Libertus; we have more incoming,” a voice over the radio says to the Glaive. Libertus sighs in frustration and scrambles behind some pillars. “We ain’t gonna last much longer!” Libertus shouts. “CROWE!” Meanwhile, Crowe and her fellow casters finally finish with their spell. “Yes,” Crowe exclaims as a massive vortex of fire lands in the heart of the battlefield. It was effectively dragging any creatures close by into it. “All Glaives fall back! I repeat! All Glaives fall back!” the voice over the radio shouts. Unfortunately, a few of the Glaives couldn’t get away quick enough and fell victim to a fiery demise. For Glaives closer to the wall, it was a breath of relief that they finally had a hand over the creatures. Though the caster team’s spells can sometimes take a while to gather enough magic, their spells could often clear out an army. (Niflheim Forward Operating Base) A Niflheim commander watched as his troops and monsters were decimated by the flaming pillar. “Damn those Glaives,” he grunts while turning over a table. A young woman with long, lavender colored hair and lavender eyes leaned on a wall close by. She was clad in purple armor. “Maybe if you stopped using the petting zoo, and poured more time into the troops, the Glaives would be dead by now,” she remarks. “Well if you think you can do better, then by all means,” the commander mocks. “Gladly.” The woman kicks off the wall. “If you want something done right,” she remarks as she leaves the room. She heads toward a lavender colored transport ship. “Fair warning, Ma’am,” an engineer interrupts. “You have ten minutes before the Diamond Weapon touches down.” “A little bit of overkill, don’t you think? But I guess it’s the best time to try out their new toys. It better not get in my way,” she says, walking up the ramp to the ship. “Is my baby fixed?” “She’s ready to go!” the engineer shouts. “But all the same, I’d avoid running into large rocks. “Noted.” The woman signals to the other engineers to clear the way as a huge gust of wind blew through the docking bay. Two large steel doors slid open, letting the transport take to the open skies. “Get me close to the flaming pillar; I’ll handle the rest,” she orders at a Magitek trooper. The trooper nodded in compliance. The transport got as close as it could to the fiery tornado without getting sucked in. The main doors opened, letting the woman step out to the edge of the ramp. She admires the commotion for a moment. “I’m impressed. But it’s time to snuff out this candle.” She flicks her wrist, and a lavender-colored cylindrical object slides into her hand. The object starts glowing in a lavender color, which sends a similar colored aura to surround the pillar. The Glaives below look in awe as the aura fully engulfs the flaming pillar. The flames start to slowly die down. “What the hell is going on?!” the voice on the radio asks frantically. “I don’t know!” Crowe yells. “We’re not doing this!” She frantically racked her brain to think of why the spell was failing. Then her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. “The spell is being countered! She’s here!” “Shit,” the voice responds. “All Glaives, the Sorceress has arrived!” All the Glaives shot up in alarm. “This isn’t good,” one Glaive says, brandishing his sword. “It’s a strong possibility she could be going for the casters,” the voice on the radio addresses. “Protect them.” Once the pillar fully dissipates, the transport ship lands. The roar of an engine could be heard from the darkness of the transport as several Magitek assassins dash at high speeds toward the fortress. The woman speeds out of the transport on a purple colored Fenrir motorcycle. “Here she comes!” Libertus yells while preparing spells with his fellow Glaives. “Fire!” one Glaive shouts. On command, the Glaives let loose several fire balls at the woman. She expertly weaves around the flame spells and debris along with the assassins flanking her on each side. “Attack!” the woman shouts sternly. The troops run ahead of her and start climbing up the wall. The Glaives try to stifle the climb, and manage to destroy at least two before the others reach the top of the wall. They start to attack the Glaives. Some Glaives attempted to teleport behind the assassins, but were blocked. While the fighting goes on, the woman reaches the wall. She shuts the motorcycle down then makes her way toward Crowe and the other casters. “Protect the cast…” a Glaive starts to say as he tries to teleport behind the woman, only for him to be impaled in the gut with a lavender colored broad sword. “Forgive me,” she says somberly without turning around. She tosses his body over the edge of the wall as the casters prepare for a fight. “For Lucis!” one of the female Glaives screams as she charges the woman. “No!” Crowe shouts as the caster clashes with the woman. The caster is met with a knee to the stomach. As she recoils in pain from the blow, the sorceress delivers a slash to the caster’s neck. Crowe could only stare in horror as the female Glaive’s head slowly slips off her shoulders. Blood spurts out from where the head was detached. Crowe and the other caster charge at the sorceress, coming at her from both sides. The sorceress is quick; she easily blocks the two assailants and kicks Crowe into a wall, then she bisects the other caster. “Crowe!” Libertus cries, leaping at the sorceress. She turns to face him. “Back off, bitch!” He clashes with the sorceress, who breaks the lock by slashing downwards at him. He rolls out of the way and fires a blast of lightening point blank. She quickly throws up a shield in the shape of a purple start. The force of the blast scoots her back slightly. “Impressive,” she remarks once again. She hurls her broad sword at him. Libertus dodges the sword, only for it to start glowing. In a white flash and a puff of smoke, the sorceress appears beside him. He is startled by the act and cannot react fast enough to the sorceress bringing her foot down onto his leg, eliciting a sickening crunch. Libertus screams in immense pain as he falls onto his back and tries to scoot away from the woman. “As fun as this is, I must wrap this up.” The sorceress tries to run Libertus through, but quickly turns and clashes with a blur of blue light. “Nyx!” Libertus shouts. “Get Crowe out of here!” “I think Crowe needs to get you out of here,” Nyx responds as he struggles against the sorceress. Crowe took this as a signal and grabs Libertus, dragging him away from the battle. “So,” he says, addressing the sorceress as he kicks her backwards. “Do you have a name, or is it just The Sorceress?” “Twilight Sparkle,” she answers. “Nyx Ulrich. Cute name. Certainly not the name I’d associate with the feared mystic of Niflheim though,” he says sarcastically. “What can I say? Every rose has its thorns,” Twilight retorted. “Oh, don’t I know it.” He chuckles. “Care to dance?” “I hope you can keep up,” she mocks as she clashes with him. The two stay locked for a good minute before breaking and delivering blow after blow. Twilight kicks Nyx into a wall and tries to stab him, only for Nyx to throw his blade at her face. Twilight dodges as he appears beside her. He swipes her face, making her step back to block the attack. “Not bad,” Twilight muses as her sword starts to grow even larger. The cylindrical tip of her horn returns and expands until it takes the shape of a lance. “Let us see how you fair against this.” She smirks and charged at Nyx as the sun finishes setting. Nyx blocked her charge with a shield and blasted her back with lightning. Twilight blocks the attack with her own shield. She spun her lance as Nyx jumped over her. He threw his blade down at her head, leading Twilight to spin out of its way as Nyx appeared beside it. Twilight was ready for this however, and bashed Nyx across the head with the broad side of the lance. This caused him to tumble into the ground, making him drop his blade. As Twilight readied to run him through, an ominous roar echoed through the sky. “Damn it,” Twilight grunts. “Out of time,” she whispered to herself. She turns to Nyx. “You’d better get out of here; with the Diamond Weapon on its way, you all won’t last long. Hopefully we’ll see each other again. Doubt it though.” She grabs Nyx’s blade. “One more thing before I go.” She holds the blade against her horn, causing it to glow and bend until it became an exact copy of the blade. She then throws it at his feet. “See ya.” Twilight pressed a button on her gauntlet which sent out a high pitched signal. The remaining Magitek assassins ceased all fighting and ran toward Twilight’s location. She quickly got back to her motorcycle and sped off on it in the direction of the FOB. Several transports carrying a massive object start to fly across the field. “Second Lieutenant Sparkle,” a voice says over her radio. “Go ahead.” “The emperor needs to see you at once.” Twilight groans in frustration. “What does the old bastard want now?” “You’re being reassigned.” “This had better be good,” she mumbles to herself. The Diamond Weapon was dropped into the field then. > The Treaty (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: The Treaty (Insomnia, Kingdom of Lucis) (24 hours later) The capitol of the Lucis kingdom was busy with passing citizens going to and from either work or home as the afternoon sun blazed in the sky. In the heart of the city, children played as they lived out their days carefree. Skyscrapers all but covered the city. A massive barrier kept the city safe from outside attacks. At the center of this great barrier the king’s castle sat, complimenting the beauty of the city itself. However in this time of bliss, a different kind of war was being waged inside the king’s hall. King Regis sat on his throne with council members at the sides of the room. They were in heavy discussion of the previous day’s battle. “A sudden and inexplicable retreat?” a man wearing all black asked. There was a gold leg brace on his right leg, and he had on a silver, horn-like crown. He was also wearing a cape. “Yes, my king,” the captain of the Glaives confirmed. “Between the Sorceress and the massive Daemon, their forces had the upper hand. But they let with no reason whatsoever.” “We are at risk, nonetheless Your Majesty,” a council member said. “There is no telling when their next attack will happen.” “Your Majesty!” a man in a tuxedo shouts as he runs in the room. He stops beside the Glaive captain. “A man claiming to be an envoy for the Empire requests an audience with you.” The entire room fell silent as they processed the news. Soon they all looked to the king, whose face had become stern. “Bring him in,” the king commanded. “Yes, my Lord.” The man bows and leaves the room. After about ten minutes, the man returns. “The envoy awaits, Your Majesty.” Regis gives a silent nod at the guards on either side of the doors. They open the doors, letting in a man clad in black with an odd, wing-like sleeve on his left shoulder. “Hello there,” the man greets as he slowly walks up to the throne. King Regis tensed at the sight of the man. “Has Niflheim grown so bold as to send the chancellor as an envoy? And without a guard at that?” King Regis asked. “It is an honor to be recognized by the great King Regis,” the man replies in a humbled manner. “But permit me to stand on ceremony and introduce myself, nonetheless.” He pauses for a moment, taking their silence as being granted permission. “Ardyn Izuina, chancellor of Niflheim, at your humble service.” Ardyn took off his hat and bowed before the king. “I have come to you on this fateful day to offer terms of peace.” The group’s attention fell completely on Ardyn. “Peace?” the king asks with a hint of suspicion. “As you might’ve summarized, that last maneuver was no strategic retreat.” Ardyn paced around the room, but stopped after setting a foot on a single step that ascended to the throne. “Call it, a gesture of imperial good will.” He walks up a few more steps until he was on a second platform. “Like you, we wish to bring an end to this pointless war.” “Is that so?” “It is, indeed.” He paced back and forth, but never stopped speaking in his courteous tone. “We require but a singular compliance. Save your grand Insomnia here, Lucis must forfeit all territories to Niflheim rule.” Before anyone could shoot up in protest, the king swiftly raises his hand to demand silence. “Insomnia; the jewel in the crown of the Lucian Kingdom,” Ardyn says, looking around in mock awe. “Oh, how foolish of me to forget; there is one small triviality I must mention. It concerns your son.” Regis tenses, gripping the arms of his throne in silent anger. “The fetching Prince Noctics of Lucis, and the fair Princess Lunafreya of Tenebrae. They are to be wed.” Regis was finding it more difficult to contain his anger as he leaned forward. “You seem vexed Your Highness. I assure you the princess holds you in high regards, as she has for these twelve long years.” “And how do I know Niflheim will not try to assassinate my son while outside of the kingdom?” Regis’s suspicious look only hardened as Ardyn backed away in mock pain. “You wound me, Your Highness,” he chuckles. “But I understand your trepidation. When one’s child is on the line, the parent wants nothing more than to ensure their safety. We had a feeling such a question would arise. Along with however many bodyguards you see fit to give him, Niflheim will lend you one of its best soldiers.” “Magitek infantry?” a council member asked. “Not at all,” Ardyn retorted. “We’ll be sending Second Lieutenant Twilight. Or, as you all know her, The Sorceress of Niflheim.” Regis’s eyes widened as the entire room erupted with gasps. (Niflheim: Gralea Throne Room) The Emperor sat on his throne. Magitek troopers stand by the twin bronze doors as they slide open. Twilight walks in and stops at the base of the steps. She kneels. “You wished to see me, My Lord?” she asks. “Yes,” the Emperor replied. “I must inform you that we are pulling all military assets out of this war.” “What?” Twilight nearly shouts. “I don’t understand. We-no-you have Lucis’s back against the wall. Why stop now?” “This war has gone on long enough,” he assures her. “We’re moving on to better…” “Bullshit,” she interrupts. “I didn’t fight for you for twelve years for you to quit this easily. I know you wouldn’t.” “Rest assured, Twilight Sparkle. It’s the truth.” He slowly stands from his throne. “So how does this affect me?” “We have a new assignment.” Ledolas made his way down the stairs. “We have made peace terms with Lucis. If they are accepted, we will have full control over all territories, Insomnia being the outlier.” “Sounds like more of a surrender than a peace treaty.” She rolls her eyes. The Emperor walks around her. “There is something else,” he adds, stopping in front of her. “Lucis and Niflheim are to be joined with the marriage of Lady Lunafreya and Prince Noctis of Lucis.” “What?!” She raises her head in alarm. “That being said,” he continued, “we are issuing you as a body guard for Prince Noctis as a sign that our empire does not wish the prince harm.” “So, you send the infamous Sorceress. I bet that will go over well. Why don’t you just send me to guard Lunafreya instead?” Twilight’s tone began to rise. “Enough, Twilight,” Ledolas ordered. He grabbed her by her hair. “You are a soldier, and as such you will follow orders. Do I make myself clear?!” “Y-yes, My Lord,” she utters. He lets go of her hair while pushing down, causing her to fall to her hands and knees. “Now get prepared. You are to leave in less than twenty-four hours. You’ll meet up with the prince in Galdin Quay, then take the ferry to Altissia, which is where the wedding is to take place.” “Yes, My Lord,” she responds. “Now that we’re clear, you are dismissed.” He climbs the stairs and sits back on his throne. Twilight smirks. “It will be done, My Lord, hopefully before your old ass turns into a pile of dust.” She walks out as Ledolas groans in frustration. “Thorn in my side,” he mutters to himself. (Equestria) (One year after Twilight’s disappearance) The year was great for many ponies. Hearth’s Warming Eve went off without a hitch, and the start of another year began. The ponies were filled with nothing but joy. However, all was not well for the man five. Applejack never really got over the heartbreak of what she had done to Twilight. Applejack was the first pony she’d talked to, outside of Pinkie’s odd introduction. She prided herself on her steadfast mindset and fair, but firm, honesty towards her friends. However the day of the wedding, and even the night during the mirror fiasco, she felt lost. She was so sure she was doing the right thing… Wasn’t she? Applejack shook her head and sighed as she faces a large apple tree. “Al’rite,” she says, turning her flank toward it. She reared her legs back and attempted to deliver a powerful buck to the trunk. And yet, only two or three apples fell into her wooden collection bucket. “Con sarn it all! Why is this so hard?” She lets out a frustrated snort. “Sumthin on yur mind, sis?” a large red stallion asked while walking up to her. “Naw, Big Mac. It’s just…” she trails off, unable to find the words. “Yu’ve been havin’ a hard time ev’r since the middle o’ last year. Are ya sure yu’re okay?” He looks at his sister with caring eyes. Applejack sighs. “No,” she whispered. “No, Ah’m not okay, Big Mac. I can’t live with myself. Ah feel like sumpony stabbed me in the gut. Ah understand the value of honesty. Yet, Ah’m not only a liar, but I’m a hypocrite too.” Big Macintosh tilts his head to the side and raises an eyebrow. “Ah don’t understand,” he replies. “Ah know why Twilight is missin’.” Applejack lowered her head and ears as she spoke, letting her hat fall to the dirt. “Ya know what happened?” he asked. She nods. “Ah’m one of the reasons she left.” “How?” He sits down, ready for a rather heavy conversation. “At the Canterlot Weddin’ a monster kidnapped the bride and posed as her. Twilight saw this and tried to warn us… But Ah didn’t believe her. Ah was so caught up in what Ah wanted to do for my part of the weddin’ that Ah never took into account wut Twilight was goin’ through. In the end, Twilight didn’t want to be friends with me and the gals anymore.” Applejack spoke thoughtfully, kicked some dirt as she explained. Big Mac gave her a stern look. “That all?” he asked. Applejack shook her head. “Ah wish. At first… Ah was against it.” She looks away. “Princess Celestia wanted to erase Twilight’s memory of the weddin’ so we cud be friends again.” Big Mac snorted rather loudly, causing Applejack to cringe from her brother. “Celestia told us that without Twilight we wudn’t stand a chance against another attack. Ah know it was wrong, but Ah didn’t want to lose you or Applebloom, Granny Smitth, the farm… Ah didn’t want to lose any o’ ya. So I agreed, and Twilight ran away.” Big Macintosh stamped a hoof on the ground and raised his head. Applejack closed her eyes and looked away again, bracing for a hit or a shouting. But they never came. When she opened her eyes again, she felt a large object wrap around her. Big Macintosh embraced her tightly. “Y-ya mean yu’re not mad?” she stutters. “Oh, Ah’m mad. Ah’m furious,” he says sternly. “But Ah can understand why. Remember when ya lied to cover up that deal ya made with Filthy Rich?” Applejack sighs, recalling the blunders that threatened their farm’s livelihood. “Yes, Ah do. But what does this…?” “Why’d ya lie?” he questioned. “Ya were there, ya lug,” she shoots back. “And why did ya then?” He smirks. “Ta git the farm more business.” She was nearly in his face. “Exactly,” he says. “Ya did it fer the family. Ya always have the hardest time tryin’ ta be honest when it involves sumthin’ big like the farm.” “Wut’s that supposed ta mean?” Applejack asked with a frustrated tone. “It means ya did it again. Yu’re right sis; though Ah don’t approve of it, ya were thinkin’ of us.” He places a reassuring hoof on his sister’s back. “Back when Ah was still a growin’ colt, Ah caught a filly stealin’ sum apples off our trees. Ah chased the varmint down to a rundown shack towards the edge of ponyville. “As Ah recall, it wasn’t too far off from where Fulttershy’s cottage is now. But anyway, Ah finally caught up to her. Ah tackled’er into tha door, made both o’us fall into the shack. The apples went everywhere. Then Ah saw sumthin’ I’d never forget.” He paused for a moment. “Wut? Wut’d ya see?” she asked impatiently. “Ah saw a mare and two other foals grab the apples.” Applejack frowned. “This filly was her oldest. Their home’d been condemned, they didn’t have anywhere ta go, and she’d run out of money. Some o’her documents never went through the mayor’s office an’ she was left without a home. She an’her kids had been homeless for months. They’d lost hope. So her oldest filly followed Ma and Pa one day to tha farm and waited fer the night to start pickin’ apples fer them all. “Ah might’ve not given much thought about it and demanded that they give back wut they stole before threatenin’ to get the guards on’em. But apparently, Ah’d been followed too; by Pa. He saw that tha family need help, so he let them keep tha apples and offered the mare a temp job on tha farm. “Tha foals got proper care, an’ after a few months tha mayor finally got through the mare’s paperwork. She was compensated fer all her troubles, too.” He paused a moment as Applejack’s ears turned back up a little. “Now, wut does all this have ta do with you? Well, sis, Ah learned that tha truth ain’t always easy ta see. Yeah, ya did betray Twilight, but why? Ya thought ya were doin’ tha right thing.” Applejack started crying a little as her brother continued. “An’ Ah’m not gunna lie, Ah don’t envy you. Ah’m an apple farmer; Ah live as one, and Ah’ll die as one. But you, Applejack. Yu’re life has always been more complicated than normal ponies around these parts. Yu’re an Element of Harmony. “Yu’ve protected Equstria against almost anythin’. So when faced with a decision like that, Ah know it can be hard. But on that day we found tha mare, Pa gave me sum advice. He told me, ‘Life ain’t always cut’n dry. An’ when those days come along, it’s no longa’ about tha truth; it’s about wut truth ya believe is right an’ about livin’ with it.’ Now, Ah don’t know where Twilight ran off ta, but she’ll be back. Just be ready to apologize when she does.” Applejack broke down sobbing and embraced her brother. He returned her embrace, knowing she needed the comfort. He pats his sister’s head. “Now let’s go git sum cider. But ya’know Granny Smith may beat ya flanks with an apple branch when ya tell’er.” He smirks. “Oh horseapples,” Applejack chuckles through her tears. (Sugarcube Corner) Sugarcube Corner was as busy as always during the day. However, though it was lively, a certain pink mare wasn’t sharing the store’s vigor. Pinkie Pie couldn’t face what had happened on the night Twilight went through the mirror. She’d hoped Twilight was going to be happy again. The tears the lavender mare shed were those of heartbreak. That angry, tears-stained face was forever etched in Pinkie’s mind. She couldn’t bare it; she made her best friend cry again. She started to nod off into a bowl of cake mix when a light blue colored mare walks into the kitchen. “Pinkie? You okay dearie?” Her pink eyes held worry for the pink mare. Pinkie jerks up. “H-hi, Mrs. Cake!” “Dear,” Mrs. Cake began. “I’m not sure what’s going on, and though my husband and I enjoy a bit of quiet every now and then, you haven’t quite been yourself lately.” “I-I don’t know what you mean, Mrs. Cake. I’m perfectly fine.” Pinkie offers the best smile she could manage, but Mrs. Cake only gave her a serious look. “Did you know that about ten ponies moved into Ponyville this past year? Not a single one got a Pinkie greeting, or a Pinkie ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party. Plus you aren’t as bouncy as you were before. You barely go out with your friends anymore.” She sighs before continuing. “And to top it off, all you really do anymore is sleep. Carrot and I are getting worried. So I want to talk to you after work, okay? And I want the truth.” “Okay,” Pinkie sighed. Mrs. Cake left the kitchen and Pinkie went back to work. (Fluttershy’s Cottage) Fluttershy was taking Twilight’s disappearance moderately. Her depression became apparent, but she had the company of her animals to help soothe her sorrows. However, she had started to become more assertive with some of her more stubborn animals; one certain little bunny in particular. “Angel,” Fluttershy stated, “hurry before the others eat your lettuce, or you won’t be getting anything until supper.” Angel, though annoyed, hopped over to his bowl of lettuce. The bunny was frustrated; he used to eat from a plate. But ever since Fluttershy got back from Canterlot, all she does is treat him like a pet. “I swear to Faust, you’re going to be the death of me,” she groans as she began to fix food for her other animals. She cleaned out another bowl when she heard the doors and window slam shut. Fluttershy jumped, dropping the bowl onto the floor. “Wh-who’s there?” she calls out. “No one in particular,” a voice responded, echoing through the cottage. All the animals tensed up. “Just an old friend.” With a white flash and some confetti, a chimera-like creature appears in front of the buttercup colored mare. “Guess who,” the creature says, spreading his arms out with a smirk. “D-D-D-Discord!” she screams. “The one and only,” Discord chuckled. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it Fluttershy? Must feel great to get out and not have to worry about gathering moss.” “W-what do you want?” Fluttershy shook in place as Discord shrank to accommodate the weight limit of her couch. He daintily floats down to sit on it. “To speak, of course.” His tone was nonchalant. “I mean, out of the six of you, I always saw you as best friend material.” He snaps his fingers and a mug of chocolate milk appears. “So let’s make merry conversation. How has life been this past year? Anything good happen?” He takes a sip of his drink. Fluttershy grits her teeth. “Go away.” “My, my.” Discord wagged a finger on his lion’s paw in front of her face. Why the hostility?” “You know why,” Fluttershy seethed. “You tried to take over Equestria. You turned me against my friends. We all became the opposite of what we are.” “Did you?” he questioned. “Or were you always that way?” “You monster!” she shouted. “Who is really the monster here, Fluttershy?” he retorted. “After a thousand years in stone, I finally break free. And what does Celestia send you and your friends to do? Imprison me again. I must ask; what was my crime? Having some fun?” “You caused chaos and disharmony throughout Equestria, and ponies suffered because of it.” Her voice was stern. “The ponies only suffered because they couldn’t learn to savor my fun. They watched in horror as the worst thing I’d ever do to them was make their house float a few feet away to mildly startle them, or turn it into a house of cards. Maybe make cotton candy clouds that rained chocolate milk. Or make huge apples, or make all animals have tall legs. My point is, out of all of that did anypony get hurt?” She seemed taken aback by his question. “No offense,” he continued, “but look at what your precious “harmony” did for Twilight.” Fluttershy’s eyes shrunk with horror. “Yes, I know about that. I have great three-sixty, three-sixty hearing.” He popped his ears off his head and began juggling them. “Plus, my eyes are great too.” His eyes sprouted little wings and flew around his head. “But my point is, what is so great about harmony? You think you have all the answers, yet it’s so hard for you to comprehend why Twilight left. It’s simple; she didn’t want to serve harmony out of obligation. She has free will to refuse. Yet, Celestia was so desperate that she was going to strip Twilight of that very free will by taking her memories, just to make her compliant. Tell me, Fluttershy; why did you, of all ponies, want your best friend to suffer such fate.” “I…” Fluttershy attempted to hold back tears. “I’d hoped Twilight would forgive us. But we only made things worse.” Her voice became oft, but high-pitched as she spoke. “I just wanted her to forgive me for being so cruel. I wanted to help take the pain away.” Discord sighs at the pony. “That’s the problem with you ponies. You’re so used to being in control that you even try to subjugate the forces of nature. So when something like this happens, you never understand why. You just want it to fix itself rather than learn from the problem. Say what you will about chaos, but there is one rule that must be followed; expect the unexpected.” “I’m so sorry, Twilight!” Fluttershy shouts, no longer able to hold back the tears. Discord sighs again and pulls her into an embrace, much to Fluttershy’s surprise. “I’m not heartless, you know,” he says with a gentle smile. (Carousel Boutique) Rarity, though saddened by Twilight’s absence, never let it interfere with her work. Instead, she poured her emotions into her dresses. Much to her dismay though, this first dress of the year came out dark, and seemingly tattered. She was about to throw it out when the front door to the shop opened. “Hello? Iz zere anypony here?” a voice called out. Rarity sighed and put the dress on the counter. “How can I…” She gasped at the mare that was standing in her shop. She was wearing pink shades and a grey, pink, and white dress. “Photo Finish,” she finally gets out. “W-what brings you here today?” “I came to zee an old friend in town on my way to do a shoot. Zey said your dressez are ze town jewelz.” She casually starts looking through the clothes. “So, I wanted to see for myself what your boutique haz to offer. I might find what I waz looking for.” “What would that be?” Rarity asked. “Somzing wit less flare, and more mellowed out, so to speak.” Photo looks at Rarity. “I think I might have something that might work over here,” Rarity says as she starts raffling around for a dress to present her. This leaves her latest creation in full view to Photo. Photo eyes the dress and silently walks up to inspect it. “What about zis one?” she asks and she picks it up. Rarity turns to see the dress and panics. “U-um, th-that one isn’t for sale.. it was garbage.” “Nonsense. Zis looks amazing.” Photo Finish marvels at the gothic black dress. “You can plainly see ze sadness, but you can also see ze utter mystery behind it. Why is ze mare sad? What haz brought her to such a state? How can she be so strong? I’d like to make you an offer of a thouzand bits.” Rarity’s eyes lit up. “Y-you really like it?” Photo Finish nods, which elicits a sigh from Rarity. “Make it five hundred bits, just in case it is garbage,” Rarity states. “You sell yourself zort, Rarity. But I aczept.” The photographer nods and lays out five hundred bits. “Zank you. If zis sellz well, then you may have a place in ze fashion business,” Photo says as she leaves. As soon as she let, Rarity sighs then smiles. “Well, at least one thing is going right for me.” (Cloudsdale: Wonderbolt training grounds) Two pegasi soared through the air at sound-breaking speeds while dodging and weaving through various obstacles. “Now that’s what I like to see!” a mare with fiery orange hair and tail shouts. She is clad in blue spandex with a lightning bolt symbol running down the sides. The mare watches the other two expertly fly around the arena. They soon land and wait for the mare to walk up to them. “Excellent job, recruits. But as fun as that was, being a Wonderbolt is about a team effort. Now I know we all like to show off, but if it can cost you a comrade then was it worth it?” “No, Ma’am!” the two respond. “Alright, now I want you to meet up with captain Rainbow Dash and start running drills.” “You rang?” Rainbow Dash says as she trots toward the three. “Alright foals, listen up. I want you two to work on dive recoveries; if you can’t recover from a fall, then any time flying could be your last. And remember; do NOT open your wings too fast or you can end up with a broken wing or two if they catch the air too quickly.” “Ma’am!” they respond, eyeing her with adoration. “Well, get to it,” she yells, making the recruits head to the other section of the building. Rainbow Dash sighs. “So, how have you been, Spitfire?” “Same old, same old,” Spitfire answered with a shrug. “Anything new with you?” “No. Just thinking,” Rainbow says. “About Twilight?” Spitfire asks. Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrow. “No. I have better things to do than sit around and cry about that bitch all day,” she says through gritted teeth. “Sorry I asked.” Spitfire took a step back then grew a rather mischievous grin on her face. “Maybe I can make it up to you later.” Rainbow Dash shot her a smirk. “Maybe later,” Rainbow jokes. “For now, I’ve got to get these recruits ready.” With that, she sauntered off. “You’re hopeless,” Spitfire said as she rolls her eyes. She turns and goes into her office. (Canterlot city streets) “Hey, buck off you stupid bastards!” a voice shouted as a door is kicked open. Two large stallions throw a white unicorn stallion with messy blue hair out onto the streets. This causes his flank to become mucked with dirt, covering his shield cutie mark. “You’ll be sorry you ever did that!” the stallion cries as he struggles to get to his hooves. “You idiots have no idea… it’s alright. I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!” he yells as he drunkenly stumbles through the streets. Though Celestia’s laws demand that all customers, in the correct age range, be serviced regardless of the frequency of visits, this was one of the many times this stallion was thrown out of a bar. The ponies of Canterlot found themselves both disgusted and feeling sorry for the stallion. Never, in all their lives, had they seen a stallion in such a dark place. Some say it was the breakup he had with his beloved, others say it was his family disowning him. That in of itself was an action his parents are demonized for to this very day. “Haven’t they already lost one foal?” many Canterlot nobles would ask themselves. Or they would shout to his family in protest. This stallion was none other than the former captain of the guards; Shining Armor. “What are you looking at?” he would drunkenly yell at passersby. “Shining, damn it. I told you to wait for me back at the house,” a voice started from behind the drunken unicorn. Shining stumbled around the meet the owner of the voice. “W-well if it isn’t C-captain Spike,” he slurs out as he looking at a large bipedal lizard clad in emerald colored armor. “You gonna turn me in?” “No,” Spike sighed. “But this is unhealthy. You need to stop this.” “Who cares?” Shining starts stumbling away again, this time with Spike close behind him. “M-mom and D-dad d-don’t care—Cadence – doesn’t care, and – I’ll bet Twilight would lo—ve to see me like this,” he says through hiccups as he starts his tangent. “Ain’t that right, Loser—Sister—Worst Friend—Forever?” “Come on Shining,” Spike groaned, “let’s get you home.” “Not u-until—I have another drink.” He begins to stumble off again. Spike sighed again as he watched Shining leave. It won’t be long now Twilight, Spike thought to himself. When you come back I’ll show you how strong I am. I can protect you now. And if Celestia tries anything, that royal bitch with have me to answer to. Spike clenches his fists. “Shining, come on,” he says once more. (Canterlot Castle; Throne room) “Is the mirror ready?” Celestia asks sternly. “Yes, Princess. But, there’s a rather large issue,” a guard stallion answers. Celestia groans in annoyance. “Isn’t there always? What is it this time?” She regains her composure. “We have no possible idea where the mirror could have sent her,” he reads off his paper. “It could take years to find her.” “That is time we do not have,” Celestia sighs. She raises her head toward the stallion after a moment. “Where is the mirror opening a portal to now?” “Some kind of school. Why?” “Good,” the princess proclaimed. “We won’t be able to find Twilight for a while, so a replacement is necessary.” Her tone was mildly hopeful. “Go through the portal and bring back the girl named Sunset Shimmer.” “Yes Princess,” the stallion replies, bowing his head. He leaves the throne room. “I’m sorry for everything, Twilight. But this must be done,” the solar monarch whispers to herself. (Tenebrae; House Nox Fleuret) Lunafreya makes her way down a flight of stairs as a servant waits for her. “I’ve left the back gate open Princess. Must you go?” the servant remarks. Lunafreya put a reassuring hand on the servant’s shoulder. “I refuse to be a tool in their war. Twilight and my brother have given themselves to protect me. I can no longer watch as they put themselves in harm’s way because of me.” The servant nods. The two look at the front door as they hear marching footsteps outside. “Hurry, Your Highness. I’ll distract them.” The servant went to meet the guards, however before Lunafreya could get out of the door Ravus, flanked by several Magitek troopers, surround her. “Luna, that’s quite enough,” Ravus says as he grabs her arm. “Must you insist on putting your life on the line for the monster who murdered our mother?” “Must you be so ignorant Ravus?” a voice echoed from the hallway. The Magitek troops draw their gun and Ravus and Lunafreya turn toward the voice. “Twilight?” Ravus questioned. Twilight walked down the hallway, flanked by her own guards. “You’re supposed to have already left by now.” “And miss a chance to see us all together after all these years?” she responds sarcastically. “Not a chance. So, if you’ll let her go I’ll take her back to her room.” Ravus reluctantly releases Lunafreya. “Thank you.” Twilight smirks as his fists clench. He walks back from the hall he came from followed by his guards. “Twilight,” Lunafreya said. She was hushed by Twilight’s finger over her lips. “Not here; your room.” Lunafreya nods, and they both go to her room. Once inside, Twilight locks the doors. “What is going on?” Lunafreya asked. Twilight took a deep breath before she began to speak. “Niflheim is making a peace with Lucis.” “What?” “Frankly, I don’t buy it for a minute. It’s not like the Empire to back down, especially with their enemies’ necks in a noose,” Twilight pondered. “Look, I’m not supposed to be here but you were on the way to my assignment so I thought I’d drop in. So make the questions brief.” Lunafreya nodded. “Do you think this is a trap?” “Undoubtedly. And I can’t help but feel you’re being mashed in the middle of all this. So here’s what I’m going to do.” Twilight pulls out a purple cell phone. “Keep this on hand,” she says, holding it out to the princess. “I don’t care what you have to do, but keep it close. If anything—anything at all happens, you get the hell out of there and call me. Don’t go anywhere else until you do, okay? Promise?” “If something happens to me, then…” Lunafreya tried to speak. “It’s not, Lulu!”Twilight interrupts. “Not if you don’t be a hero and call me. I promised your mother I’d protect you and Ravus and I will. I owe her this debt. You’ve been a sister to me, as Ravus has been a brother, and I’ll be damned if you’re going to die before me.” Lunafreya sighs, seeing futility in reasoning with her. She takes the phone from Twilight’s outstretched hand. “Thank you Twilight,” Lunafreya says quietly. “It’s what I do. Now, be ready for anything. I have to get going. See ya.” With that, Twilight left the room. As she walked down the stairs and into the main hall, she spots Ravus leaning against a wall. “How long do you intend on babying her, sister?” he asks coldly. “As long as you all remain my family, brother,” Twilight mimics his coldness. She continues her way out the door and to her transport. (Galdin Quay) (Several hours later) Twilight sat on the beach listening to waves crash onto the sand. It’s been over an hour and a half since they were supposed to arrive. What in the hell is taking the prince so long? Twilight thinks to herself. (Outside of Lucis; A mile and a half away from Hammerhead Auto Repair) A rather muscular with brown hair and ember eyes tries in vain to flag down a passing car. Perhaps his tattoos and the scar on his left eye were a bit too intimidating for someone to want to help. He kicks the tire of his own vehicle in frustration. “Well, looks like we can forget about hitching our way there,” he says, looking to the man sitting in the driver’s seat. This man had light brown hair and green eyes. He pushes the frame of his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with a gloved hand as his friend speaks. “And here I thought people outside the city were friendly.” “Well, you can only get so far with the kindness of strangers,” the man in the driver’s seat sighs. “I guess we’ll have to push her all the way,” the first man says as he walks to the back of the car. He and two other men started pushing the car. One man, a scrawny fellow with blonde hair and blue eyes, was at the left side of the car, another man, with black hair and blue eyes, was at the left of the car, and the large man was at the back. “I’ve already pushed myself,” the scrawny man says, “to the brink of death.” Sweat had dampened the bandana tied around his right arm. “Get up,” the first man states, kicking the blonde man’s foot. “Awe man,” the blonde man sighs. “I thought the car was supposed to move us.” “Wouldn’t that be nice,” the black-haired man says. He was wearing cropped black trousers a short sleeved jacket, and a pair of black shin-high boots. “Can it and keep pushing,” the first man commanded. Music starts playing from the radio. “Unbelievable,” the man with black hair whines. “Not exactly a fairytale beginning, huh Prince Noctis?” The prince could only nod in agreement. “We let ourselves get carried away,” the man in the driver’s seat says, looking back to the blonde one. “Look, these things happen,” the blonde man quickly defended. “Let’s just hope this isn’t some omen,” the large man says. “Gladio, do me a favor,” Noctis grunted. “What?” Gladio asks. “Push this thing by yourself.” “All by myself?” Gladio was already struggling with the back side of the car. “You wouldn’t even notice if we just let go,” the blonde man replied. “Prompto, don’t even think about it!” Gladio shouts. “Save some of that breath for pushing,” the man with the glasses said. “Ignis come on, time to switch,” Noctis says to him. “No way!” Gladio argues. “We just switched back there.” “And, it’s my turn Noct,” Prompto adds. “No, it is his turn,” Ignis corrects, pointing to Noctis. They go a good five minutes without any chatter. “Ugh, my hands are killing me,” Prompto complained. Gladio was having enough of the whining. “You rather I kill you with mine?” Gladio threatened. “Easy there, tough guy.” “Any luck?” Noctis asks Ignis, who was holding a phone. “Not even a busy signal,” Ignis sighed. “Hold the phone,” Prompto says. “Is it just me, or was it supposed to be closer?” “I can assure you, the map is correct,” Ignis offered. “The map said Hammerhead was right there,” Noctis chimed in. “Literally right next door,” Prompto agreed. “Everything looks that way…” Ignis started. “On a map of the world,” Gladio finished. “The world is a big place,” Noctis says. “Tell that to my legs,” Prompto complained again. “Are you guys even pushing?!” Gladio yells from the back of the car. “Hard as I can,” Prompo answers. “With everything I’ve got,” Noctis remarked. > The vow of Night and Day (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: The vow of Night and Day (Hammerhead Auto Repair) (One exhausting walk later) Prompto lays beside the Regalia, panting from the hike while pushing the car. Gladio wasn’t fairing any better; he was physically the strongest of the group so he’d volunteered to push the back the entire way. And though he wouldn’t admit it, he needed a breather from the impromptu workout. Ignis did a good deal of the steering until they got about halfway to the auto shop. Much to Noctis’s dismay, Ignis had let Prompto sit in the driver’s seat after the halfway point since his head looked like it had been on the verge of exploding. When they finally reached the shop they all nearly collapsed in a sweaty heap on the ground. After a few moments of rest, a woman with short, curly blonde hair and green eyes comes out to meet the group. She wore jean shorts with a loosely hanging tool belt, an opened cropped yellow jacket that revealed a pink bikini underneath, and white boots atop black, leather stockings. “Hey there!” she says to the group. “Y’all kept a gurl waitin’.” They all turn their attention toward her. Prompto scrambled to his feet, resisting the urge to stare. “Now which one o’y’all is the prince?” Noctis stands and nods in her direction. “Ah ha,” she notes as she makes her way around the Regalia. “Hello Your Highness. Congrats on yur weddin’.” “We’re not quite hitched yet,” Noctis replied. “Lady Lunafreya’s groom ta be, here in Hammerhead.” Her tone was chipper. “Apologies for taking so long,” Ignis offers. The woman smiles. “Y’all best save yur apologies fur papa,” she explains, skimming over their vehicle. “That makes you…?” Gladio started. “The name’s Cindy,” she responds, turning back toward the group. “Cid’s grease monkey granddaughter.” “Roll it in while I’m still young!” a man from the shop yells. They look to see a man with hazel eyes and silver hair walking toward the Regalia. “She’s a custom classic, not some beat up old clunker.” He looks to Noctis. “Prince Noctis.” “Yes?” Noctis asked, eliciting a scoff from the old man. “Prince. It’s like they took your father an’ kicked the dinky out of’im,” he complains as he walks around the Regalia. “What?” the prince asked, confused and slightly offended. “You have a long way to go son, and that slack jaw isn’t getting you nowhere. Alright,” he says, now looking toward the group after finishing his analysis. “Wheel her in; this will take a while.” He walks back into the shop. “Y’all heard’im,” Cindy sighed. “Let’s get moving. Right this way.” She directs them as they push the car into the shop. Once it was parked inside, Cid and Cindy wasted no time getting to work on it. “Now we play the waiting game,” Ignis muses as he addresses the rest of the party. “I never liked that game,” Prompto commented. “Never good at it either,” Noctis adds. The group takes in the view. Ignis walks over to Noctis. “Noct, a moment if I could?” he says. “What’s going on?” Noctis asked. “It would seem we are low on funds. Most of it is going to the repairs,” Ignis explains. “Might I suggest you confer with Cindy?” Noctis nods and goes toward the shop where Cindy is waiting outside. “Oh, by tha way,” she says, “since y’all haven’t been out this far, y’all are gunna need this.” She hands Noctis a map. “Now go take a look around.” Noctis returns to his friends. “Well, we might as well make good use of the extra time,” Gladio says. He makes his way toward the shop while Prompto has already made it to past the entrance. “Oh check this out!” Prompto shouts excitedly. “They have ebony out here. Ignis is gonna love this.” Before he grabbed it, he squinted at the price tag. “Wait. What’s a Gil?” “Our funds are exhausted for the repairs,” Ignis explains as he enters the store with Gladio. “Great; broken down and broke,” Prompto sighs. “Adding insult to ingury,” Ignis agreed. Cindy had walked over to the group. “Hey Cindy,” Noctis said. “Don’t you think the price is a bit steep for a tune up?” She was struck with a sudden realization. “Ooooohhhhh, now I get it. This is what Papa meant when he said he was gunna ‘teach them boys a lesson.’ He said he shuld have y’all take care of some ornery varmints that are causin’ a ruckus ‘round here.” She crosses her arms. “I’d be willin’ ta pay you for yur services.” “Alright,” Noctis replied. The rest of the group had heard the exchange. “So much for finding an easy way you,” Prompto remarked after Cindy was out of earshot. “We’d better make tracks. Ignis! We’re heading out,” Noctis says as he looks at the map. “On my way,” Ignis replies. He catches up to the group. As they journeyed toward one of the sites where the “varmints,” as Cindy called them, were making trouble, Prompto decided to try and strike up conversation. “So, once the Regalia’s fixed we’re meeting a soldier from Niflheim?” he questions while keeping pace with the others. “Sounds like a trap to me,” Gladio grumbled. “We’re supposed to meet with one of our enemy’s best soldiers and pray they’re not walking us into a trap? Something doesn’t seem right.” “Do we even know the name of this soldier?” “Second Lieutenant Twilight Sparkle,” Ignis answered. Prompto nearly tripped himself from laughing. “That’s terrifying,” he giggles. “She is a weapon the Empire has dubbed “The Sorceress of Niflheim,’” Ignis adds bluntly. “She has participated in many battles, and her fighting prowess is feared by even the Kingsglaive.” “Then let’s be ready for a fight,” Gladio warns with a hint of excitement. “I don’t think so,” Noctis interrupts. Their targets come into view then, leading Noctis to dive behind some large rocks. The others follow close behind. “I know it has been a long time,” he whispers. “But Twilight was living with Lunafreya when I met her.” “People change, Noct,” Ignis whispers back. Noctis nodded and peered around the rocks. “Ready?” he asks the group. They nod and ready their weapons. “Alright. I’ll take the high ground. Prompto, fire at them to get their attention, and lure them to that boulder,” he directs, pointing at a boulder offset from them. “When they reach it, Gladio and Ignis will come in and attack from the left side. I’ll attack from behind once you three are in place.” Ignis smirked. “Not a bad plan Noct,” Ignis comments. “I’m learning from the best.” Noctis returns the smirk. “Maybe I can teach you how to cook later then,” Ignis says, which makes Noctis cringe. “I’ll leave the cooking to you,” he responds. He hurls his sword onto the previously mentioned boulder and vanishes into blue particles. “Let the games begin,” Prompto says excitedly. He smirked and jumped from their cover, firing off a shot at the targets. His smirk disappeared once he realized what it was he was shooting at. Several giant scorpions began to charge at Prompto, causing him to groan. “Why does it always have to be bugs?!” he shouts. Within moments, the giant scorpions were nearly on top of him, passing the mark. This prompted Ignis and Gladio to start their assault on the eight-legged monsters. Ignis crossed his daggers to block a stinger from one scorpion as another lunges at him. This makes him drive a dagger into the first one’s head as he ducks, and he brings his other dagger into the lunging scorpion’s underbelly. He drags the blade deep into it as it clears past his head. It falls to the ground with a loud thud. He quickly jumps away from the first scorpion, his other dagger still lodged in its head, and dodges to the side as its stinger strikes the ground. The scorpion tries to pull its stinger out of the ground to no avail. With this opening, Ignis swiftly cuts off the monster’s tail, causing it to writhe in pain. Not one to let his enemies suffer, he takes his dagger out of its head, then drives both daggers into its head, slicing its brain. The scorpion’s pained spasms slowly died down before it lay still on the ground. Gladio heartily cut a scorpion in half with his large sword. He spins around quickly and bashes another one away from him, causing it to crash into a rock with a loud crack. Seeing this as his signal, Noctis ran his sword through one of the scorpions. “Ignis, instructions!” Noctis shouted. Ignis threw multiple daggers at the remaining scorpions. “All yours, Noct.” As Noctis teleported to each dagger, he delivered a volley of strikes to the scorpions. He repeated the process until he got to the last scorpion. He struck this one with a cross-slash motion, which opened up the monster’s shell. Noctis opens his hand once more, making a javelin appear. He grips it tightly as he rears his arm back, then throws it above a scorpion that had been only injured from the dagger assault. A flash of blue particles appears in the air, and Noctis reappears with the javelin. He brings it down into the scorpion’s back, swiftly ending its misery as the rest of the group finishes up. “One area down, two to go,” Noctis says after they resume their journey. “You mean there’s more?!” Prompto protests. “Do it for Cindy,” Gladio jokes while rolling his eyes. Prompto’s mood rose in a millisecond. “That, I can do!” he shouts with a joyous tone. “Let’s go, you to,” Ignis said. The three head toward Noctis, who was already ahead of them. (Galdin Quay) Twilight groaned out in frustration and boredom. She had no idea what could possibly be taking the prince and his entourage so long, but unless half of Lucis’s military was following the prince, there was no reason it should be taking them three hours. Alright. I’m just going to grab a bite to eat then I’m going to find them myself. Fuck this rendezvous bullshit, she thinks to herself. She stares down at her menu. “Did you find anything you like, Ma’am?” the woman over the counter asked. “Actually, yes.” Twilight smiles. “I’ll have the…” her sentence trails as she heard the sound of a little girl screaming. She turns her head in that direction. “I’ll be right back,” she tells the woman as she sprints toward the docks. She sees several beachgoers trying their best to run from what looked to be a small group of giant crabs. “What in Faust’s name are sparkshears doing all the way over here?!” Twilight jumps over the railings and ran toward the little girls that was still screaming. The sparkshears seemed to be closing in. “MOMMA!” the little girl screams. Her mother could only cry out for her daughter and close her eyes as one sparkshear started to bring its claw down on the girl. A loud clang echoed throughout the beach and the mother opened her eyes to see that her daughter was unharmed; the sparkshear’s claw had been stopped by some kind of purple wall. Twilight threw the sparkshear away from the girl, and then carefully tossed the girl to her mother. “Go!” she commands. She directs her attention to the other sparkshears. “Well, I want to thank you three for alleviating my boredom. As a reward,” she says while flicking her wrist. Her horn slides down her sleeve and into her palm. Her hand closes firmly around it as a sadistic grin forms on her face. “I’ll make your deaths as quick and painless as possible.” She extends her arm and the horn transforms into a great sword. “Let’s have some fun,” she says, charging at the giant crabs. (Equestria) (Canterlot Dungeons) “Time to eat… and please eat this time,” Flash Sentry pleads as he trots down the cold and dimly-lit halls. For the year Twilight has been gone Celestia could only look at Princess Luna with such utter betrayal. Luna herself was beaten by Celestia whilst telling her the same thing, over and over. After a while, Luna said nothing. And has said nothing ever since. Many have wondered about the night princess. Some say that Nightmare Moon returned and Celestia was forced to banish her again. Some say she fell for Twilight and the two ran away together, since they both disappeared around the same time. Whatever the rumor, the citizens of Canterlot rest at ease knowing their noble and kind ruler would take care of any problems. Flash Sentry felt sorry for Princess Luna. He absolutely could not comprehend the need for such treatment. Especially when it came to the princess’s own sister. Luna sat silently; her once regal, starry midnight blue mane was now reduced to a sickly brown, dirt-ridden mess. Once of her eyes was swollen shut by one-too-many hooves to the face from a few hours prior. Her coat was dirty and matted… unkempt due to lack of clean water. “Please Princess, eat.” Flash scoots a tray of dry-looking bread and some water to her. Luna slowly walks toward the tray and began nibbling on the bread. Her eyes widened at the taste. She started eating with renewed vigor. Flash smiles at this. “I knew you’d like it. Cinnamon bread. My little brother made it in class today.” He sighs. “He says he’s always wanted to meet you.” He quickly looks down the hall to ensure no one else was around. “Princess,” he says quietly. “I’m not going to pretend that I know why you did it. So I must ask; why? Why did you help Twilight run away and put Equestria in danger? Please tell me; I want to understand. You’re not a bad pony, not by a long shot. And you certainly don’t need to be here. Why’d you betray Equestria?” He’d become desperate to know the motives behind the night princess’s madness that night. For a few minutes there was only silence. Flash Sentry sighed and turned to leave. “What is most important to thee, Warden Sentry?” Luna chokes out with a rather dry throat. “What?” He turns back toward her. “In this land… what do you hold dear to your heart?” she asks again. He looked deep in thought as he wondered what she was on about. “My family, my friends, the ponies of Equestria… I hold much to my heart, Princess. For it is my duty as a royal guard,” he finally answers. Luna gives a small smile. “Well said. Now tell us; would thou do anything to save those friends and family should the need arise? Even…” she pauses, “kill?” He was at a loss for words. His jaw hung open as his brain tried to process the information Princess Luna had just fed him. “N-no,” he stutters. “I would never kill. Killing only brings pain and sadness to those around. Those who kill are not fit to be alive themselves. They would sacrifice their honor and integrity for such petty reasons! I’d never kill; I’m above killing.” His tone became defensive. Luna lets out a dry chuckle. “Well met, our warden. T’is the truth; killing only brings pain. To one’s killer and one’s victim. However, Warden Sentry, you defined murder.” He stares at her. “Murder is a condemnable action, but does anypony ever ask why? Most times, one would get petty answers, such as a love triangle, or for a few bits. But hast thou ever heard the story of the two most notorious murderers of all time; thine very own princesses?” “What?” Flash Sentry asks with a raised brow. He seemed lost. Luna only nodded. “Yes. Our sister and us; we took more lives than anypony in history.” “I don’t believe it,” Flash snorted. “That is to be expected,” Luna says as she shuffles toward the bars of her cell. “Tell me Warden Sentry; have you heard of the Three Tribes war? Perhaps the War of Night and Day?” she asks intermittently. “I cannot say I have,” he responds. He tries to recall any mention of the two wars. “There is a reason behind that. Our sister had all the bloody battles erased from history. Any book that so much as hinted at them was burned. New copies replaced them that spoke only of peace and prosperity. Anypony that attempted to speak of the war was silenced. Some were thrown in these very cells to prevent the talk of war. The ponies were ignored until they swore to never speak of war again.” “But why?” “Because,” she continues, staring at him, “it was too horrible for her to bear. Our history tells us that the Three Tribe’s unity drove back the Windigos. This is not entirely true; thine subjects bathed in each other’s blood for years. It was the Windigos that threatened their existence, coupled with our guidance that motivated the three tribes to come together and combat the Windigos. The battle was long, and death was in abundance. But as they fought together, they stumbled together into peace. “In the end, a young but powerful unicorn and several of his apprentices sealed the Windigos in the northern mountains. The spell of which comprised of the very Windigos’ cold hearts; making it impossible for them to escape. From then on, Celestia ushered in an era of peace. “For almost two hundred years, life for all ponies was peaceful as they used the lands to better each other’s existences. The pegasi helped move weather, the earth ponies moved mountains, and the unicorns delved deep into the magic arts. All in order to bring about the land we know today as Equestria.” Flash Sentry took Princess Luna’s words with a sense of awe. To him, it was like he was listening to the first in depth retelling of history seen through the princess’s eyes. “However,” Luna continued, “this peace did not last. For this great peace my sister and we helped bring about in turn garnered worship from the ponies; mainly aimed toward our sister. She basked in the praise while I was left alone. Our sister’s daylight became a symbol for good harvest, for warmth, for life. She became the one responsible for the light of Equestria. She became their savior; the beginning of everything joyful. “Meanwhile we were left with no praise; not even acknowledgement for the good we’d done. We were known for the end of all things. Our night became a symbol for rest, for dreams, for nightmares. The end of joy, a symbol of terror, even, for some. Ponies feared what waited in the darkness, whether it be real or some foal’s fantasy. “We were shunned.” She keeps her gaze on the stallion. “Nopony will ever tell you how painful it is to go unloved by those you protected, for they rarely carry such burdens. That is when something inside us snapped. How dare Celestia hog all the praise! Are we not her equal? So, we succumbed to the darkness that dwelled within our heart and became the monster.” “Nightmare Moon,” Flash confirmed. Luna nodded. “Quite correct. It was then that we decided we could no longer yield to Celestia. And we were not alone in our cause. There were many ponies who shared our sentiment about the night. With them by our side, we waged war against Celestia. For years we killed and were killed for the sake of our cause; overshadow the dawn and bring the joys of the night to all. In the end we were banished. “And though the Nightmare remained our visage, we were still Luna in our soul. While the Nightmare schemed, we looked through our memories. Only then did we realize the horror of what we’d done. Ponies with lives to live, families to raise, and jobs to work. They all died for the sake of a cause I alone made them believe in. I wept for those thousand years of exile. I wept for the souls we condemned to death for our petty cause.” She blinks, seeming to fight off tears that never came. Her voice never cracked. “Once the Element of Harmony freed us, we vowed to never let another pony follow a path they themselves didn’t believe in.” Flash Sentry stood in shock. “That’s why you helped Twilight leave,” he says. Luna nods. “Though we learned our lesson from those horrid wars, Celestia took a different lesson entirely. Our sister saw the blood and the dirt and the dying and saw that it was the horrors of war that took her ponies. In her grief our sister made her own vow. She swore to erase war from the hearts and minds of ponies completely; so that they would only know peace and harmony. “With the Elements at her side she could smile with pride knowing that her ideals would shine for all ponies. However, she failed to realize that though peace is a great goal to strive for, too much peace can breed ignorance and complacency. Celestia’s complacency and ignorance lead her to ignore her own student’s warnings, and because of that Equestria was nearly lost. And because Twilight felt betrayed, she left her Element and her friends. Celestia now fears that the ponies will fall back into their old ways or that an enemy will come along and wipe us out.” Flash Sentry grabbed his keys and attempts to open the door, only for Luna to place a gentle hoof atop his. “You don’t deserve this,” he says firmly. “Yes we do,” Luna whispered. “For all the lives we wasted in our wars, we do belong here. I thank your kindness, but this will only make things worse. We will stay here and suffer what punishments our sister has for us.” He sighs and puts away his keys. “In time, we will be needed again.” Luna walked back to her bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling. (Ponyville) (Cutie Mark Crusader’s Club House) Sweetie Belle sighed as Scootaloo sat in a corner quietly. The girls hear a knock at the door. “Girls, Ah’m here,” Applebloom says as she lets herself in. “Why the long faces?” She shuts the door. “Look, Ah’m sorry about tha…” “It’s not about the fireworks, Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle interrupts. “It’s just my sister. She’s so busy now-a-days that each time I show up she tells me where the food is and just ignores me for the entire day.” “No offense Sweetie, but doesn’t she do that all tha time?” Applebloom asked, to which her friend just sighed again. “Yes, but ever since that black dress sold so well she’s had clients from all over Canterlot interested in buying from her.” “Ah see.” Applebloom pondered for a while until a sniffle brings their attention to Scootaloo. She lets out another sniffle as the sound of crumpling paper can be heard. Scootaloo throws something toward the bin on the other side of the room only for it to land beside it rather than in it. “Uh, Scootaloo, are you okay?” Applebloom asks. Her friend only shakes her head in response. “How did yur visit with Rainbow Dash go?” As soon as the words left her mouth, Scootaloo spun around. Her eyes were red and teary, and she had tear stains in her fur. “Never ever, EVER mention her again!” Scootaloo yells. This takes Applebloom and Sweetie Belle by surprise. “W-wut’s wrong Scoots? Ah’ve never seen you this worked up,” Applebloom says, trying to make sense of the situation. “She promised once she became a Wonderbolt. She promised.” She could barely fight back the tears welling back up. “What are you saying?” Sweetie Belle asked as she got closer. “I hate her. I HATE HER! Why? She promised!” Scootaloo took off then, sprinting out of the clubhouse. “Scootaloo, wait!” Sweetie Belle yells as she chases after her friend. Applebloom was about to take off as well until she caught a glimpse of the wall Scootaloo had been facing. There were shreds of paper everywhere. As she inspected, she found that some pieces had faint colors of cyan and rainbows. After briefly investigating, she walked over to the bin and picked up the crumpled ball of paper and unfolded it. After a moment her eyes went wide and she let out a gasp. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes as she bolted out of the clubhouse after her fellow crusaders. The paper falls to the floor. Ponyville Orphanage: Consent To Adoption TO MY NUMBER ONE FAN, FASTEST FLIER IN EQUESTRIA: RAINBOW DASH. (Eos: Outside of Hammerhead Auto Repair) “Alright, thanks Cindy,” Noctis said as he ends his call. He turns to his group. “The Regalia is fixed, and ready to hit the road again. If we hurry, we might be able to get to Galdin Quay before the sun starts to set.” “Oh yeah, time to feel the wind in our hair!” Prompto boasts. “Then let’s get back,” Ignis comments. They start to make their way back to the auto repair shop. “As long as Ignis is driving; he can keep four eyes on the road,” Gladio jokes. “I couldn’t even keep one,” Prompto responds. “Not sure if I’d do any better,” Noctis adds. “Just put me in the driver’s seat,” ignis says. “Good, ‘cause I need the leg room back,” quips Gladio. The group continues their return trip. After some time, they stop for a break. “Ugh, our crowned city upbringing didn’t prepare us for this,” Prompto says. “Just pretend you’re walking to the car,” Ignis responds. Prompto ignores this and nudges Noctis. “It’s rude to keep a lady waiting,” he says to the prince. “You’d better apologize to—W-WHAT IS THAT?!” His original thoughts were cut off as the group turned to see a massive winged creature diving at them. It simply glides past them, creating a windstorm as it gains altitude again. “It’s like… half-bird, half-airship,” he adds in alarm. “You do realize that would be thirds,” Gladio jokes, his face deadpanned. “That would explain its size,” Ignis agreed. “Awesome in every sense of the word,” Noctis mentions. They resume their walk back to the repair shop, picking up small items along the way. After about fifteen minutes, they finally make it back. “Wow, nice ride,” Prompto comments, pointing to a purple Fenrir motorcycle parked in front of the shop. “Excuse me, Ma’am, have you seen a man by the name of Prince Noctis?” a voice calls out, causing the group to stop in their tracks. They look over to see a woman with lavender colored hair approaching Cindy. Noctis recognized her hair; it was Twilight Sparkle. “Why yes, tha prince just came by here not too long ago. Ya just missed’em,” Cindy replies. Twilight giggled for some reason. “Did Ah say sumthin’ funny?” Cindy asks, seeming offended. “No Ma’am, not at all,” Twilight says. “It’s just, you reminded me of an old friend of mine.” She pauses for a moment and sighs. “Well, ex-friend is more the term; we had a falling out before I left.” “Well, Ah’m sorry ta hear that,” Cindy says. She looks away in the shop then back to Twilight. “Say, Papa and Ah just got done with tha prince’s car. He shud be back any minute now.” “Thank the gods,” Twilight sighs in relief, “a break.” Prompto tells the others to go hide by the diner. They do, and once they’re out of sight, Prompto turns his attention back to his task. “Hey,” he shouts, waving at Twilight. She concludes her conversation with Cindy and walks up to him. “Hello,” Twilight says. “Hey, you said you’re looking for Prince Noctis? Why?” “I’m supposed to be his escort to Altissia.” She has a slightly confused look on her face. Prompto nods and signals for the others to come from their hiding spot. “Long time, no see Noctis,” Twilight says with a smirk as they reach her. “It has been a long time, Twilight,” Noctis responds. “I take it you two know each other well?” Ignis says, looking between the two. “I’ll explain later,” Noctis says. Twilight walks back to her motorcycle. “We need to get back to the docks before sundown,” she says. Noctis nods and he goes over to Cindy with the guys. Once his exchange with her is done, they all pile into the Regalia, with Ignis in the driver’s seat. They drive off, with Twilight following close behind. After about twenty minutes they reach Galdin Quay. They get out of the car and head for the dock. As they pass the dining area, a figure calls out to them. Twilight recognizes him as he walks up to them. “I’m afraid you’re out of luck,” he says once he reaches them. “Ardyn” Twilight says with a raised brow. “What are you doing here? I thought there weren’t any ambassadors of Niflheim outside of Lucis other than me.” “Well hello to you too, Twilight. The emperor thought it was best I go to Altissia to help supervise the wedding. I thought it was best I didn’t use a military transport; it may raise some questions.” The group watches the exchange silently. “Good point,” Twilight responded. “How’s Lunafreya?” “In good health, other than the average bruise,” he responds, which causes Twilight and Noctis to grit their teeth. “You really will protect her with your life. I respect that.” He walks by the group. “Even if you’re worlds apart,” he starts as he tosses a coin at Noctis. Gladio catches it. “This ceasefire is getting us nowhere,” he grunts. He turns to leave, whatever he’d been about to say lost to him. “And consider it your allowance.” “Oh really. And who’s allowing us?” Gladio questioned. “A man of no consequence,” Ardyn says as he leaves. “What’s his story?” Gladio asks Twilight. “Hold on,” Twilight suggests. “Something’s not right.” She took out her phone and hit the speed dial button for Lunafreya. “Lulu,” she whispers as the phone rings, “you’d better pick up or I will run your ass over next time I see you.” (Equestria: Canterlot Throne Room) The doors fly open as Spike barges into the throne room dragging a mare. “Alright, Sunset,” Celestia begins. “How has life been?” “Just peachy. Now tell me why I’m here,” the yellow unicorn says, her tone rather aggressive. As she speaks, she tries to release Spike’s grip on her, causing her red and yellow hair to get jostled. “Straight to the point, I see. Well here’s the deal. I need you to be the Element of Magic until I recover its original wielder. Once that is done you will be pardoned of all crimes. And you may either stay or go back to your life on the other side of the mirror.” “And you think after everything, you’ll just let me off the hook?” Sunset Shimmer scoffs. “Just like that.” Celestia nods. “And if I refuse?” She stood defiant. “Then I have a memory charm I can use to make you forget everything you’ve known in life and make you cooperate.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed coldly at the unicorn. Sunset showed a twinge of fear. She grits her teeth. “Fine, I’ll do it,” she agrees. “But you will leave me alone once it is over, correct?” The princess nods. “I never thought I’d see the day where you, of all ponies became a tyrant,” Sunset states. Spike lets her go then. “I do what I do for the safety and livelihood of my ponies. Though they will come to hate it, they will thank me some day.” “Provided that they live long enough to do so,” Sunset said as she leaves the throne room. “Rest assured,” Celestia says to herself, “it will all be worth it in the end.” (Galdin Quay: Two hours later) After meeting a rather interesting reporter and retrieving a stone for him, Twilight and the group were ready to settle down. The sun was beginning to set. The group takes to the outdoor dining area to grab a bite to eat. Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio sit at a table and discuss the antics of the creatures they fought throughout the day. Ignis sits at a table beside theirs so he can right down a recipe he’d thought of. Twilight feeling like she needs to think avoids sitting at the chattering table, and sits down across from Ignis. “So, how long have you been in service with Niflheim?” he asks her, not looking up from his scribbling. “Twelve years,” she replies. “During the initial takeover of Tenebrae, I fought back. They found my talents worthy of the military and threatened to kill those I cared about if I refused. So, I did the only logical thing and joined.” “I see,” Ignis says, now putting his notepad away. “No offense, but if you’re as good as they say, why send you instead of a regular infantry or a common mercenary?” “Because normal Magitek infantry is programmable and subject to reprogramming from a remote area; you’d have a greater risk of getting shot in the back,” she explains. “And a mercenary is only loyal to the highest bidder. And there are definitely some rich aristocrats who’d want to see Noctis dead in a road-side ditch that would be more than willing to pay to see it happen. What about you? Are you paid to guard Noctis or are you someone close?” “I’m simply one of his companions,” he replies. “A friend,” she muses. “I remember how that once was. Take it from me; friendship is a gamble. Only in the true face of adversity will you find out who your real friends are.” She gets up. “If you would like a demonstration,” she says, walking up to the others. “Say, Noctis. Care to have a match with me on the beach? Most everyone has cleared out so it should be safe enough to fight as long as we don’t hurl any spells.” “Sure,” Noctis replies. He rises from his chair. “As long as we don’t get sand in people’s food, I think we’ll be fine.” “Alright! I’m goin to get some good shots of this!” Prompto exclaims excitedly. Some of the patrons nearby became curious at his shouting. They watch the group all walk off the dining area to the edge of the beach. As Twilight and Noctis step far enough away from the docks to not cause them harm, more people started to watch, all curious as to what was going on. Noctis and Twilight ready themselves. Ignis and Gladio watch them carefully. Prompto gets his camera ready. Even more people, and some of the diner workers, started to watch now. The two nod at each other in approval as they take their attack stances. Noctis hurls a sword at Twilight. He appears in front of her as she blocks the attack. Twilight sends out a pulse that knocks him back. The horn in her hand transforms into a replica of General Glacua’s sword as she runs after him. She delivers several strikes at him, which he manages to keep in step with. She lays a horizontal slash and he just over it, bringing his sword down toward her head. Twilight easily dodges this, much to his surprise, and narrowly avoids being run through. With Noctis on his hands and knees, Twilight took the opportunity to kick his face into the sand. “A little slow,” she banters. “But you have potential. You see, while you were learning the mannerisms of a prince, I was stuck learning the art of war.” Twilight leaps high into the air and brings her sword down on Noctis, only for him to block her with a lance he’d procured while she was in the air. “Then I need to show you that I’m a warrior worthy of being a prince!” He kicks Twilight off of him and gets up, throwing his lance at her in the process. At the same time, Twilight throws her sword at him, resulting with the two teleporting to each other with smoke and a flash of blue light. They clashed with enough force to kick up large amounts of sand. Flashes of light could be seen through the makeshift sand storm. The onlookers could hear the two continue to fight despite not being able to see through the sand and smoke. By the time the sand and smoke settled, Noctis was panting with his hands resting on his knees. Twilight stood seemingly unaffected by the injuries it seemed she’d sustained. She offers her hand to him. “Not bad,” she chuckles as he takes it. “But for now, let’s wrap this up.” She helps him up. Their party had clapped for the two, and during the fight the patrons hooted and hollered for the both of them. When it was over, everyone returned back to their normal activities. Noctis and Twilight collapsed in their chairs and were delighted to find that sometime during the sparring, one of the guys had ordered food for them. The group finishes their meals, then retreat to their hotel room to rest for tomorrow’s journey. They were all worn out from the day’s shenanigans, so sleep seemed to come smoothly for them. Little did they know though, that their trip was about to take a turn for the worst. (The Next Morning) Noctis finishes getting ready for the day and comes out of the bathroom. He sees Prompto sitting cross-legged on the edge of one of the beds, shuffling through the photos in his camera. Gladio was on the edge of the other bed, reading a brochure. Ignis was gone. “Anyone know where Twilight went this morning?” Noctis asks the two. He walks to the other side of the room to put his shoes on. “No idea,” Prompto answers. “She said she would be back, that something urgent had come up.” He shrugs. Noctis finished putting his shoes on and sat next to Prompto on the bed, intending to look through photos with him. After a few minutes, Ignis came back into the room with a distressed look on his face and a newspaper in hand. “It’s all in the papers,” he says, handing it to Gladio. “What is this?” Noctis asks. Prompto moves over to peek around Gladio’s shoulder in interest. “Insomnia Falls,” Prompto reads, making Noctis’s eyes widen with alarm. “What?! Is this your idea of a joke?!” Noctis bellowed. “I need to stay calm,” Ignis tried to say. “I’m as calm as I’m gonna get!” Noctis responds through gritted teeth. Ignis sighs. “There was an attack. The imperial army has taken the crown city.” Ignis paced around the room. “We had no way of knowing that the treaty signing was last night.” “As treaty room tempers flared, blasts lit the night sky. When the smoke cleared around the citadel, the king was found dead,” Gladio read off, much to Noctis’s shock. “Meanwhile, the crown prince Noctis Lucis Caelum and Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret were found murdered by the hand of Niflheim’s Second Lieutenant Twilight Sparkle.” “What?!” Noctis shouts in bewilderment. Just then his phone begins to ring. He answered it, despite the unfamiliar number. “Hello?” he says numbly. “Noctis! It’s Twilight! I’ll make this short. I’ve got Luna, but she keeps rambling on about some business in Lestallum. Once you get done with whatever you’re doing meet us there!” Twilight shouts, the roaring of her motorcycle almost drowning her out. “But Lunafreya was supposed to be in Altissia,” he responds, rather confused. “It was all a lie! Niflheim was just using the treaty to get behind the barrier! They brought the city down from the inside out! They used Lunafreya to get your father’s Glaives away from the palace! I’m sorry Noctis! They’re going to be looking for her. We need to lay low. You know where to meet us. See you then!” She hangs up. Noctis puts his phone back in his pocket. “Noct?” Prompto asked. “I’m fine,” he replied. “But we need to go see this for ourselves. Then we go to Lestallum. Let’s move!” > A way to fight back (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: A way to fight back (Eos) There was little to no conversation on the ride back to Insomnia. The clouds overhead only seemed to compound the collective emotions of the four friends, as they could only hope to awaken from a nightmare. The only noise cutting through the silence was the soft patting of rain against the Regalia as they made their way down the wet roads, the dreariness of the morning never seeming to end. If anyone in the group had had anything to say it most likely would have been a prayer. A prayer that maybe, just maybe, this news wasn’t true. But they knew that may be too farfetched to hope for. That would imply that they have any luck on their side. It wasn’t too much longer before Ignis pulls to a stop as they reach the gates to Insomnia. “Why are we stopping?” Noctis asked in a rather anxious manner. He looks out of the car to see several dozen Magitek troops and a few Magitek Armors blocking the road. They were checking any and all cars that got close to the gates. “I highly recommend a detour,” Gladio suggests. “There’s a path we can take,” Ignis says. He pulls to the side of the road and onto a hill a little ways off. As they reach the top of the hill, they find a path small enough for them to climb through. “We’ll need to get out from here,” Gladio instructs. They leave the Regalia and climb onto the path. They take to the narrow area carefully until they stumble across some ruins. “Magitek troopers,” Ignis whispered. Noctis smirks. “Then I guess we can take subtlety out of the question. Oh well,” he shrugs, hurling his long sword into the nearest trooper. He appears in front of it and slices the trooper in half. He turns to the other troopers while Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto join in the fray. Prompto jumps over a large block of concrete to kick one trooper backwards, then fires several rounds into its chest and head. It falls to the ground. Prompto then ducks as three other troopers begin to fire at him. Ignis throws a dagger into one trooper’s head, causing it to shoot wildly and in the process, hits another trooper. This gave Gladio the opportunity to bisect the stunned one. Ignis runs up to the trooper and pulls his dagger out of it, then decapitates it. The headless body starts to glow, and as red sparks begin to surface, Ignis jumps behind a slab of concrete. The trooper explodes. As the last trooper takes aim at Gladio, it finds itself run through from behind with a spear. Noctis throws the trooper off his spears and into a rock wall. Once the fighting is finished, they hurry through a narrow canyon that eventually leads them to a ledge overlooking the city of Insomnia. The hopes that what the papers talked about was false were dashed by the smoldering ruins that lay before them. The group could only gape in shock at what they were seeing. As they looked on with sorrow washing over them, a newscast began to emit from Prompto’s phone. “As of today, we are getting reports that the Crown City has been destroyed. Amongst the ruins, King Regis has been found dead. And in a new report, it has been confirmed that crown Prince Noctis and Oracle Lunafreya have also been found dead.” As Prompto goes to turn it off, Gladio gives him a look. “Keep it on!” Gladio shouts, startling Prompto enough to drop the phone. “DON’T BOTHER!” Noctis yelled. Though Gladio wished to say something, he understood Noctis’s pain and decided to keep quiet for the moment. Ignis picks up Prompto’s phone and hands it to him. Then Noctis’s phone starts to ring. “Hello,” Noctis says. Gladio gets his phone out as well. A large fleet of Niflheim transport ships flanking a capital ship flew over head, making their way toward the inner parts of the city. “Cor?” “So you made it. Where are you?” Cor asks. “Outside the city, with no way back in…” “Makes sense,” Cor interrupted. “Makes sense?!” Noctis shouts. “How does any of this make sense?! The newspapers, the radio… they all say I’m dead! Along with Father and Luna!” “Listen, I’ll be in Hammerhead,” Cor says, ignoring Noctis’s confusion. Noctis groans. “About the king, it’s true,” Cor sighs. Noctis’s eyes widen in disbelief. He stares at the city. “If you’re looking for the whole truth, you know where to find me.” And with that he ends the call. Noctis sighs and puts his phone away. “We need to go back to Hammerhead and find Cor.” His friends nod. “The story the news was fed about you is a hoax, which means that the imperial armies will be looking for us. We will have to stay on the move,” Ignis explains. “With that in mind, we need to ask ourselves who our friends are.” He looks to Noctis. “Twilight could be lying to us.” “And using Lunafreya as bait,” Gladio adds. “If Twilight wanted us killed she would have had a grand opportunity to do so yesterday,” Noctis replies. “But I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” The group makes their way back to the Regalia with no further conversation. (Somewhere in Lestallum) Twilight slowly eases a window blind to the side to view the outside. She sighs. “We’re clear for now. But no going outside until Noctis and the rest of them show up.” “You honestly didn’t have to come after me,” Lunafreya responds. “I know what I have to do.” “Yeah, and that’s stay alive,” Twilight shoots back in an almost-mocking tone. “Look Lulu. Either you are smart and called me because you needed help, considerate knowing what you and Ravus mean to me, or just stupid and thought I wouldn’t notice the fireworks. I have been in enough war to know when one is going on.” Twilight gives Lunafreya a reassuring pat on the back. “I’ll get you to Noct, then we can talk about what happened. Just please don’t do anything without me knowing about it.” “Alright Twilight,” Lunafreya says with a nod. Twilight smiles. “Thanks Lulu. I’m going to get some food. I’ll be right back.” She leaves the room. After she leaves, Lunafreya sighs and looks to a dark corner in the room. “She’s gone, Gentiana,” Lunafreya says. On cue, Gentiana walks out of the shadows. “She really does love you,” she says with a smile. “Come, we must get the Archaean to agree to forge the covenant. Then we will return here. Twilight won’t even realize you’re gone.” Lunafreya nods. “Let’s hurry.” They both leave the room quietly. (Equestria) (Manehatten slums, Horseshoe Tavern) It goes without saying that no prince or princess is perfect. No matter how hard they try, there are just some places their light cannot reach. Manehatten is such a place. Though Celestia has some influence there, she is viewed more as a far off deity than a princess. She doesn’t have as much a grip on the city; her values and rules are not necessarily enforced as well as they could be. Due to this, some ponies find themselves in some of the darkest and dirtiest areas Equestria ever had the displeasure of being host to. One place being the Manehatten slums. The slums are home to some of the worst criminals the city could offer; amateur and career alike we all welcomed to the sight of the barely functioning factories and buildings. Unfortunately the slums were also home to the less fortunate ponies that couldn’t make it in the big city. They could only watch as the beautiful city lights lit up their dreary homes and dreary lives every night. It’s enough to make a pony feel like all hope is lost. What do ponies without hope do? They go to the Horseshoe Tavern with intentions to drink enough to numb their pain. Several patrons become regulars. But today a new pony, a white unicorn with blue hair, greets the dry paint-peeled walls. The bartender approaches as the unicorn sits down at the bar. “What’ll it be?” the bartender asks. “Hard cider, if you have it,” Shining Armor says, his voice monotone. “Luckily for your, the guards made sure those low lives didn’t get to this shipment of cider,” the bartender said. “But I can’t say it’s going to be a fresh brew.” “As long as it doesn’t kill me.” The bartender nodded. “Fair enough,” he chuckles. He turns away to get the cider. As Shining waited his thoughts drifted. “I’m sorry, Spike,” he whispers as his drink was being brewed. “Hard times, huh?” a female voice asks, bringing Shining’s attention to a booth in a nearby corner. “Stuff I’d rather not get in to,” Shining replies somberly. “I understand. Remember, you’re in good company here,” the voice says. “But if you wish to talk…” She lets her sentence trail off. Shining looks back at the bartender, who wore an indifferent look. Shining picks the drink up with his magic and walks over to the booth the voice was coming from. As he got closer, he could make out a slender figure with a unicorn horn. She was a white unicorn with red hair. She was sitting in a way that Shining could make out her cutie mark; a rose with a steel rod run through it. She was also wearing a light brown leather coat. He catches himself staring as she moves a lamp out of her view. “I take it you’ve never seen a workin’ mare before?” she says. Shining shot up in a blush. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t…” he stuttered out, only for the mare to silence him. “I was just pulling your tail; I’m not that kind of workin’ mare. At least not yet. My name is Prim. Prim Rose.” She lets out a giggle. “I-I’m Shining Armor,” he responds, which makes the mare’s eyes widen. “The Shining Armor?! The one who was to marry Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? The one who stopped those nasty monsters from invading?” Prim exclaimed, causing Shining to wince. “I didn’t beat the changelings. And Cadence and I broke up a year ago,” he sighs. “No, the credit for it all goes to my sister.” “You mean that Twilight Sparkle? Yeah, she is cool…” She tries to continue but it met with Shining’s hoof raised to silence her. “If you’re looking for my sister or want to meet her, I have no intention to…” This time it was Prim’s turn to silence Shining. “Your sister is a good mare from what I’ve heard, but I want to know about the stallion that saved the wedding. In this dead town, locals need hope. And I’m in dire need of such.” “Really?” Shining asks. She nods. “W-well…” he could only sigh. He looks down. “There is nothing to talk about.” “You sure about that?” He looks up. Prim offers an innocent smile. “If the Captain of the Guard is in a rotten place like this, there must be a reason.” Shining sighs in defeat. “Former Captain of the Guards. I guess I have nowhere to go.” He sits across from her in the booth. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” She smiles. “Well, I guess it all started when I was young. I was an only child. For a few years I enjoyed that. And then that fateful day came along where my mother told me she was pregnant again; it was going to be a filly. I was overjoyed, I thought I was going to have a little sister that would look up to me. I was going to be the best big brother a pony could ask for.” He sighs. “For a while it seemed like I had a dream come true. “Until Twilight started to learn her magic. She was a natural, ‘she had so much potential,’ ponies would say. Seeing that very potential, my parents enrolled her in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Mom and Dad started to lose interest in things I did. They bragged on and on about how Twilight was doing so well. Then came the day of the final exam. “Twilight’s power exploded, which caught the attention of Princess Celestia herself. She took Twilight in as her personal student with my parents cheering the whole way. They were thrilled to say the least. Their daughter being trained by the princess herself was the highest honor a pony could get, let alone a filly. “My sister, along with her friends, beat the likes of Nightmare Moon, and Discord. But during all that, I was training to be a royal guard. So I could better protect Twilight and make my family proud. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, she always beat me when it came to them. I’m not her protector; I’m nothing to her. That’s not fair!” Shining Armor pounds the table and closes his eyes. After a moment, he continues, “After all of that training I did… I’m as useful as a mare who has never so much as hoof-slapped a pony, let alone save Equestria over and over again. The only thing I had left was Cadence. I loved her so much. But one simple mistake and I lost it all. Just one, and now I’m here.” “What did you do?” Prim Rose asked, clinging to every word that left his mouth. “During the day of my wedding to Princess Cadence, a swarm of shape-shifting insects called changelings attacked. I was under the control of their queen, who’d replaced Cadence. Twilight knew something was wrong, but no one listened. Not even me.” He sighs. “I thought she was doing it for attention; she was always at the center of everything. For once, I wanted to be at the center of the circle and have a great wedding. Was that so wrong?” Tears started to well up in the stallion’s eyes. “I told her I was sorry, but she just spat it in my face.” “No, no,” Prim says. “It’s not wrong.” She places a reassuring hoof over his on the table. After a moment she adds, “Wow, it sounds like Twilight is a bit of a brat.” “She is,” Shining agrees. “So now I’m here with enough bits to pay for this drink, then I’m dirt poor. But it beats dying on my parents’ doorstep.” He takes a drink of his cider. After a few moments of though, Prim Rose gave Shining Armor a serious look. “Can I trust you?” she whispers. “What?” “Can… I… trust… you?” she asks slower, slightly irritated. “If you’re asking if I’ll do anything to you, I won’t. I have respect for mares. Working or otherwise.” Prim sighs. “I told you that if you told me your story, I’d tell you mine. I’ve been a dancer all my life… yes, the ‘exotic kind.’ My father ran out on us when I was small, and once I was old enough my mother taught me how to dance; she couldn’t pay for further schooling. I learned dancing before I learned how to read. The mares at my mom’s work taught me to dance, to read, to write. Eventually they either quit or died. Or worse. But I want to get out of here.” She pulled something out of her pocket and leans in to speak lower. “After a little private dance with one of the local thieves, I took this off him.” She lays out a map in front of him of a massive castle surrounded by a large city. “The Crystal Empire?” Shining says after looking at it. He looks back up at Prim, who is now wearing a huge grin. “Yes. A long time ago, and evil unicorn named King Sombra took it over and enslaved the ponies who lived there. Princesses Celestia and Luna managed to defeat him, but he placed a curse on the empire. The empire and its ponies would vanish for a thousand years to the day so it would never belong to the princesses. “That day arrives in less than a week. This means that if we go there, we can both start all over. I can start over in a place my mother could have only dreamed about seeing. And you can defeat King Sombra and be a hero again.” Her grin grew wider. “But why ask me? You just met me and now you’re asking for my help…” He gives her a suspicious look. “Because the frozen north is a dangerous place for a mare to travel to alone. And as far as trusting you goes, call it a hunch. But I see in you a stallion with honor and strength; he just hasn’t had the chance to use it properly. So what do you say?” After a few tense minutes of silence, Shining Armor sighs once more. “I don’t see the harm in it. If King Sombra kills me, at least I didn’t die for nothing.” Prim’s eyes light up. “Yes. We will leave once we’re finished here. But we need to stow away on a few trains, so don’t get drunk.” “A little late for that,” he chuckled. Prim smirked in return. (Canterlot Throne Room) The throne room felt like an endless battle ground for Celestia. If it wasn’t the bat ponies demanding to know where Luna was, it was nobles complaining about investment losses. But today, her opponent was none other than her own niece. “What is it, Cadence?” Celestia questions sternly. “Step down, Aunt Celestia,” Cadence demanded, her eyes narrowing. “Excuse you?” “You heard me; you are no longer capable of controlling yourself on the throne, and because of that you will vacate it. For I, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, challenge your authority…” Before Cadence could continue with another word Celestia’s horn glows, which forced Cadence into a bowing position. “Do NOT mistake my love for you as permission to address me in such manners, my dear niece.” She trots down her throne. “Y-you imprisoned your own sister,” she struggles to say under the weight of the spell. “You w-wanted to erase Twilight’s m-memories… You have l-lost your m-mind.” “So he did tell you. No matter,” Celestia says, pacing around her. “I’m trying to ensure harmony for our ponies. I cannot do that if you and Luna are fighting me at every step of the way. We need to come together and do what is best for Equestria. Even if Twilight will have to lose her memory, Equestria will be safe.” “But at the cost of her free will?!” Cadence strains to yell. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The Elements of Harmony see that, and so do I. I take no enjoyment from this, but I will die long before I see blood on the soils of Equestria ever again.” Celestia kept her words slow and clear. “You do not know how much I wish it didn’t have to be this way. But it must be done; it is for the good of Equestria.” “I will tell them! The ponies of Equestria will not stand for this. Aunt Celestia, you must understand…” Celestia stamps a hoof on Cadence’s head, making her face hit the velvet carpet. “You’ll tell them, go ahead. Tell them all. And when they demand the truth, I’ll give it to them. Under the influence of Nightmare Moon, my sister ponynapped my student and hurled her into the crystal mirror, shattering it before I could pursue her. Luna is now in prison and will remain there until the taint of Nightmare Moon is fully removed this time. “And though Twilight is gone, Equestria’s safety is not in jeopardy. The Elements of Harmony will still function to repel the threats that come to Equestria. It has never been more important to keep our spirits high and pray for Twilight’s swift return.” “They will never believe that,” Cadence states, trying to get up. “They will when it goes out to every paper in Equestria tomorrow,” the solar alicorn responds, adding a little more pressure on Cadence. This causes Cadence to writhe under her aunt’s hoof. “You’ve gone absolutely mad! You would turn your own sister into a pariah just to give the ponies comfort?! You monster!” “I know,” Celestia says while bowing her head. “But if it keeps Equestria safe, I’ll take on the role of a monster a thousand times over. Now get out of my sight before you join my sister.” She uses her magic to toss Cadence across the throne room. “I’ll stop you Aunt Celestia, no matter what it takes.” Cadence gets up and takes off in a sprint down the hallway. She stops dead in her tracks when all the lights in the hallway go out. “Hello?” she calls out. “Is anypony there?” In a split second she is tackled. Before she can fire off a spell, the assailant puts and inhibitor ring on her horn. Another assailant grabs her. “We got her,” yet another says. “Knock her out and put her in the sack.” “Sorry Princess.” With a hard hit to the face, Cadence is knocked out. The assailants throw her into a large sack, then disappear into the darkness as the lights come on again. There was nothing in the hallway now as a few guards pass by. (Cloudsdale, Wonderbolt Academy) (Captain Rainbow Dash’s office) Rainbow Dash relaxed after another hard day of training. Her uniform was carelessly thrown to the side as she sat down. “Phew,” she sighed. “That was rough.” Not long after, Spitfire entered the office. “Hey beautiful,” Spitfire greets with a smirk. “You’re not getting out of buying those ciders that easily,” Rainbow Dash quips back with a smirk. “How was I supposed to know he was going to crash?” Spitfire asked, eliciting another smirk from Rainbow Dash. “I told you Sorin was going too fast. Fleetfoot didn’t help either.” Spitfire sighed in defeat. “Well, I could make it up to you. The old fashioned way.” She offers a seductive grin. Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Good grief, do you really like seeing me mad?” “What can I say? You’re cute when you take charge.” She winks. “Well if you ask me, you both are enough to make me barf,” a voice spoke from the shadows of the room. A familiar face came into the light of the room. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it Dash?” “Gilda!” Rainbow Dash slammed into the Griffon, giving her a suffocating hug. “Okay Dash, I forgive you. I’m happy to see you too. Just let go, you dweeb.” With that, Rainbow Dash realized her hold of Gilda was a bit too strong. “Sorry,” Rainbow Dash said as she lets go. “It’s just been a while. With everything going on, I never found the time to apologize. I’m so sorry for what Pinkie and the others did, and I’m sorry for the way I acted. You just wanted to have some time to yourself with a friend and I ruined it.” Dash’s ears droop. “Can you forgive me?” Gilda smiles. “Look, I was a jerk. I shouldn’t have been so mean. Looking back on it, I’m not even sure why I was like that. You’re my friend and I should have been more considerate of that around your new friends. It’s just…” she pauses. “I was jealous. “For all that time in the flight school, you were my only friend. When I found out that you had more friends I was afraid I was going to get replaced. We really haven’t seen each other since that day. I was angry for a while. I was angry with that pink loser and her pony pals. I was your best friend. All in all I want to say that I’m sorry. I should have been a better friend. Take this for its worth, because it’s not every day a Griffon admits when it’s wrong.” “Gilda,” Rainbow Dash sighs. “If anypony is sorry it’s me. I want to put the past behind us. So let’s bury the axe. What do you say?” Gilda smiles and hugs Rainbow Dash, who returned the embrace in kind. “Besides,” she adds, breaking the hug, “I’m the one who made the mistake of trading you for Twilight.” “The purple one?” Gilda tilted her head. “What happened?” “Here we go again,” Spitfire groaned. “Long story short, a villain tried to take over Equestria and manipulated me and my other friends to think Twilight was paranoid and controlling. The villain had disguised herself into an old friend of Twilight’s, who was the bride of the wedding this all took place in. Twilight’s brother, who was the groom, hurt her feelings and we left her there for her to calm down while we checked on the ‘bride.’ But it turned out Twilight was right and when we won she ran away.” Rainbow Dash seethed at every word. “Why did that make you upset?” “Because Twilight has a duty to Equestria; she is an Element of Harmony, like it or not. But she thinks she can run away when the going gets tough. Yes we did screw up, but at the very least she should have forgiven us. No, instead she thinks it’s a good idea to run away and leave Equestria to burn. “I may not have been loyal that day because I was tricked by that monster, but at least I’m no coward! At least I didn’t run away from the problem.” She panted. “Not everypony is a good friend. I understand that now.” “Damn,” Gilda responds, “I’m sorry Dash.” “It’s alright.” Rainbow Dash smiles. “I have my best friend back, a hot fillyfriend, and I’m a Wonderbolt. Nothing is going to get in my way now.” (Ponyville: Fluttershy’s Cottage) Discord casually loafed around Fluttershy’s cottage, chuckling as he snapped his lion paw fingers. This caused several squirrels gain long legs, and chocolate milk began raining from cotton candy clouds that hovered over the bunny, Angel. Angel wasn’t the least bit happy about their new roommate, or his habits. “I’m home!” Fluttershy chirped as she came through her door. She stops and stared in shock at her living room. “Discord, must you do this? You know they hate that.” “Oh come on, I’m so bored being cooped up in here,” Discord answers, comically slumping on the sofa. “I should go and…” “You can’t!” Fluttershy exclaims. “Do you wanna get caught?! If anypony finds you they’ll go tell…” Her rant was cut short by a knock at the door. “Hide,” she instructs. Discord shoves a lamp shade over his head, causing Fluttershy to deadpan. “Really? J-just stay upstairs,” she says, frantically trying to push him up the stairs. She heard the knocking again. “Just a minute!” she says in the direction of the door. “Discord,” she whispers, “undo your spells.” She shoves Discord into her room. After shutting the door, she bolted to the front door with speed on par with Rainbow Dash. She turned to look at her animals, who were shrunk back to their original sizes, the chocolate milk and cotton candy clouds dissipated as Fluttershy opened the door. She sees a highly annoyed Sunset Shimmer, with Pinkie Pie and Rarity right behind her. “Pinkie, Rarity. And Sunset Shimmer, was it?” Fluttershy asks. Sunset nods. “Hello darling,” Rarity greets. “Hi Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie sang. “Sup,” Sunset Shimmer forces out. “Come on in girls,” Fluttershy says. The ponies pile in. After a few moments, Sunset sighed and looked at Fluttershy. “I’ll make this quick,” Sunset starts, addressing the three ponies in the room. “I’m to be Twilight Sparkle’s replacement for the duration of her absence. I’ll be the new Element of Magic.” “What?” Fluttershy asked, her brows rising in question. “I had the same reaction,” Rarity said. “I have a feeling this is going to backfire.” “Yeah, like aren’t the elements special to us? Like we’re the only ones who can use them?” Pinkie questioned. Their conversation is interrupted by a maniacal laugh echoing through the room. “Oh my little pony, how you are you misguided,” a familiar voice echoes. Pinkie Pie leaped behind the couch, only peeking her head up for a few seconds as Rarity and Sunset quickly scanned the room for the source of the voice. They all failed to see Fluttershy hang her head with a groan of frustration. With a puff of smoke, Discord appears with a floating pink vanity, while an invisible force paints his nails. “I simply love this color,” he says, mockingly marveling over his now red claws on each of his mismatched hands. However, instead of being judged on his choice of nail polish, Pinkie and Rarity’s eyes were wide. Their mouths hung agape in shock as their worst enemy was right in front of them. “D-D-D-Discord?!” Pinkie stuttered out. “You’re supposed to be a statue!” Rarity followed up. “Oh, come now,” Discord chuckled. “Did you really think all that chaos from the changeling invasion wouldn’t have broken my prison? But, that’s not what I want to talk about.” He crosses his arms and the vanity disappears. “What I want to clear up is your fears that the Elements of Harmony will not work with Twilight gone. The answer is; yes they will work, provided you pass their tests.” The ponies in the room stared at him with puzzled looks. “How?” Fluttershy questioned. “Tell me something Fluttershy. If for some reason you leave Equestria, does that mean the very concept of kindness goes with you?” “No,” she answers. “Kindness is in the hearts of all ponies.” “Correct.” Discord golf claps. “Kindness, Generosity, Laughter. These are qualities you find in all sentient beings. Even chaos is a part of a natural cycle. The Tree of Harmony had made the elements to pass from one pony to the next. You six just so happened to have been the chosen ones because you all best defined one respective element. The elements will even choose a pony with only a semblance of their qualities. “For example, Rarity is the Element of Generosity but she could just as easily be the Element of Kindness, given how you look at others. The reason Rarity was chosen by Generosity instead is because she is more outgoing toward others, where Fluttershy is a bit more inward. Meaning she is less generous. “However, this does not take away from the fact that she is very kind and outgoing to those who she sees. One can embody one or one can embody all. Hence how Celestia and Luna were able to imprison me the first time. Though, my prison was weak, making easy for some squabbling fillies to create just enough chaos to weaken my seal and set me free. Your power however, was so great because you each had control of one element and the Element of Magic didn’t exist at the time. “Honestly, if it wasn’t for your betrayal I would’ve stayed imprisoned in stone this time. Now as far as the elements are concerned, it all depends on them. I did say they can work. But it doesn’t mean they will want to. When you dawn the elements, your worth will be weighed. If they see you are still worthy of their power they will let you use them. If not, they will reject you. What happens if that occurs is best left unspoken.” The ponies looked at each other, the ominous warning making the very air heavier. “Okay, but I simply must ask,” Rarity starts, “why are you here?” (Eos: Prarie Outpost) After a brief pep talk from Cid, the group heads out to find Cor and figure out what their next move is. “This must be the outpost Cid mentioned,” Ignis remarks as Noctis pulls over. “Looks like a hub for hunters,” Gladio observes. “Let’s see if they know something,” Prompto suggests as the four of them walk into a large shack. “Your highness,” a woman greets as Noctis walks up to her. “I’m glad to see you’re safe.” “Monica!” Gladio exclaims, a hint of hope rising in his voice. “Where are the others?” “Most of the Crownsguard never made it out; they sacrificed themselves to get Lady Iris out of the city. Dustin is seeing her to Lestellum now,” Monica answers. Gladio lets out a sigh of relief. “I owe you guys big time.” “The Royal Tomb is a ways up the hillside,” Monica says, addressing Noctis. “The Marshal is waiting for you. I wish you the best of luck.” She bows and leaves the group, who start their hike to the Royal Tomb. “Good grief,” Prompto sighs, “first Insomnia, then Hammerhead, now the Royal Tomb.” “His nickname should have been Cor The Restless,” Ignis quips. Gladio couldn’t help but chuckle at the statement. “Not as cool as Cor The Immortal,” Gladio responds. “You think it’s a coincidence he got out of Insomnia?” Noctis asks sarcastically. “Well, the wise make their own…” Ignis trails off as he looks up. “Noct! Above you!” He throws a dagger into a dive-bombing daggerquill. “Thanks Ignis,” Noctis say. He brings out his lance and hurls it into another daggerquill’s chest, causing it to squawk as it was forcefully raised further into the air. A second later, Noctis appears in front of it and takes hold of the lance, driving it and the daggerquill into the ground. The monster lets out a pained breath before dying from the impact of hitting the ground with Noctis’s weight on top of it. Noctis hurls the body into some rocks, but not before taking something from it. As Prompto and Gladio finish off another one, Ignis was struck with an epiphany. It finally happened; all he needed was right in front of him. The last piece was finally put into place. Now his proclamation can be heard! “That’s it!” he says excitedly as he pushed his glasses up his face. The sun catches the glasses just right, creating a glare that spelled ingenious. “What?” Noctis asked. The rest of the group looks to Ignis. “I’ve come up with a new recipe,” he says with a smirk. “Awesome,” Gladio says, rolling his eyes. “Can’t wait to try it,” Noctis remarks. With the daggerquills out of the way, the rest of the trip to the Royal Tomb was an easy task. “Here it is.” A hint of sadness and dread washed over Noctis as he enters the tomb with the others in tow. “At last, your highness,” a man with brown hair and blue eyes greets. He was wearing a black suit. “Marshal,” Ignis addresses with a bow. “It’s good to see you Cor.” “Mind telling us why we’re here?” Noctis asked. Cor quietly walks around to the side of a stone coffin that held a sword in the hands of a statue. “The power of kings passed from old to new through the bonding of souls. One such soul is before you now. To claim your forebears’ power is your duty and birthright as king,” Cor explains. This elicits a scoff from Noctis. “King of what?” he asks in an icy tone. Gladio winces. “Now is not the time to question your calling,” Cor says as he stares seriously at Noctis. “A king is sworn to protect his people.” “Yet he chose to protect a prince instead,” Noctis shoots back. “Was that his calling? Forsake the masses to protect his own son with no regard of his peoples’ sons?!” “How long will you remain the protected?! The king entrusted the role of protector to you.” Cor steps around the coffin until he stands in front of Noctis. “’Entrusted’ it to me?” Noctis says, anger apparent in his voice. “Then why didn’t he tell me that? Why did he stand there smiling as I left? Why?!” Noctis gripped the stone coffin, tears now running down his face. “Why did he lie to me?!” Cor silently places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “For the time he knew was limited, he wanted you to remember him as your father. He always had faith in you; that when the time came you’d ascend for the people.” Noctis nods. “Guess he left me no choice.” He raised his hand over the sword. With an intense glow, the sword became crystal-like and rises into the air. In a split second it flies into Noctis and shatters. He opens his hand to reveal the sword hovering around him. “The power of Kings goes with you, Your Majesty” Cor says solemnly. The group leaves the tomb. “I’ll assist you get to the next tomb. Not just to help, but to also get a measure of your strength.” They continue their walk. “How many of these ‘powers’ are there?” “There are thirteen known Royal Arms, each enshrined in a Royal Tomb. I’ve enlisted the help of the hunter to find the other tombs,” Cor explains. “So it begins,” Noctis stated. > Declaration Of War (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Declaration Of War (Equestria: Golden Oak Library) Sunset Shimmer groaned in frustration as she finished yet another book. “How did I get roped into this?” she says to no one in particular as she scanned the shelves for another book. “I’ll admit I do enjoy seeing Celestia reduced to this.” She smiles to herself at the thought. However, her daydream was short-lived. “Hello!” somepony says from the door as a knock can be heard, earning a groan from Sunset. “Hello?” Sunset says as she opens the door. “Hello Darling,” Rarity sang, standing in the door. “What do you need Rarity?” Sunset asks in mild annoyance. “Well Dear, I was hoping you’d like to go to the spa with me. I usually do that with Fluttershy, but she’s been busy with Discord and her animals, and this is my day off. I’d like to enjoy it with a friend. Plus since you are relatively new here, this gives us a chance to know each other.” Rarity offers a smile. Sunset’s irritation seemed to grow at her request initially, but the fiery-haired mare just sighed in defeat. “I guess it’s something to do rather than read all day.” “Splendid!” Rarity beamed. “Let’s not tarry any longer.” After Sunset locked up she followed Rarity. All the while they gained stares from several ponies. “What’s with them?” “You don’t know?” Rarity asked. “The papers went out this morning. Celestia has just announced that it was Luna who banished Twilight.” Sunset’s jaw went slack. “Are you serious? That’s what she’s going with? She’s using her own sister as a scapegoat?” She broke out in a mild laugh. “So much for the all-knowing princess of the sun,” she scoffs. “She’s so desperate that she’ll wind up destroying everything she believes in.” “Please do not talk about Celestia in such a manner. At least not in public,” Rarity adds quietly. “It’s not good for the ponies outside.” “I think they all need a wakeup call.” Sunset grumbled. “She’s not as good as ponies make her out to be.” “Either way darling, please refrain from mucking up a relaxing vacation day with talk of stressful subjects like this. You and Twilight seem to have this in common. It always seems like you never relax,” Rarity commented, making Sunset groan. “If I hear somepony else compare me to Twilight Sparkle one more time, I’m going to scream,” Sunset mumbles. Rarity’s ears folded back. “Sorry.” “It’s fine. It’s just annoying. I’m only here as her stand in.” “It’s not all bad.” Rarity nervously chuckles. “Walk a mile in my hooves, see for yourself,” Sunset says, grumbling again. After a few awkward moments of silence, the two finally reach the spa. “Finally.” “Yes, let’s relax. I’ll have Aloe and Lotus whip up one of their famous mud baths. Their care is simply divine; one of the finest gems in Ponyville, if I say so myself.” Sunset sighs. “Might as well enjoy it,” Sunset says. As Rarity checked them in, Sunset Shimmer could only grin to herself. Besides, all that gold will look better on me than it will that failed monarch, she thinks to herself. (Equestria: Unknown location) Cadence could hardly breathe through the bag atop her head. As if being kidnapped by changelings wasn’t enough, now random criminals get to make the stories of princesses being ponynapped come full circle. The only thing the pink mare could do is wonder what vile things the ponynappers had in store for her. “The Captain is here. Take the bag off,” a voice instructs. Cadence’s world became blinding whiteness for a moment. As her vision came to focus, she sees a rather dimly lit and must room. Her movements we limited by a series of ropes and straps, her magic locked by the inhibitor ring surrounding the base of her horn. “What do you want?” Cadence spoke in a rather annoyed tone. “We want our princess back,” a voice says from the darkness. Not a moment later, a grey colored mare with their ember eyes slit walked out of the shadows and in front of Cadence. They had a dark blue mane and tail, and dark blue bat-like wings. “Look, I don’t wish to make this any worse than it already is, so I’ll make this as formal as possible, Your Highness. I’m Dusk, Captain of Princess Luna’s Night Guard.” The bat-mare gave Cadence a dead serious stare. “Wait, why is Luna’s Night Guard not in the palace?” Cadence asked. “We’ll get to that in a minute. For now, we need to talk about the kitty gritty. What’s going on Princess? Something isn’t right here and we need to find out what.” “So you want to know where Luna is?” “No, we know where she is. We want to know why she is there,” Dusk stated. “Let me explain. I was just coming back from a night patrol the princess had put us on after the wedding attack. I came back to find us relieved of our duties and Princess Luna arrested. Nopony knew why. Until today.” Dusk pulls out a newspaper from her saddlebag. Cadence’s eyes widened at the paper. “No, I can’t believe her. She actually did it.” “So you know something?” Dusk trots around her. “To be truthful, I don’t buy it for a minute. If our princess did become Nightmare Moon again, or was in any way influenced by her, the Night Guard would have been the first to know.” She sighed. “If that wasn’t enough, we’re now being removed from our posts and put on paid leave. “Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but we are usually notified by Princess Luna about something like this in advance. The number of guards on leave is staggering. With all this, we have to ask why. That is what I want from you Princess. Sorry if my stallions were rough getting you, but we needed to make it look like we weren’t involved. But we can’t help but think something is wrong and Celestia is keeping us in the dark about it. Can you help us Princess?” Cadence nods to her, determination in her eyes. “What do you want to know?” Dusk genuinely smiles, showing off her rather sharp fangs. “Tell me everything. Starting with why the Princess of the Night is in the dungeon.” (Sugarcube Corner) Pinkie sighed; her talk with the Cakes today didn’t go as well as she expected. After explaining to them what had happened, the Cakes forgave her after a family hug. However, this didn’t make her feel any better about what happened. “It’s hard to face the music, isn’t it Pinkie?” a voice says, snapping her from her thoughts. She shoots up in a panic. “Who’s there?” she calls out. “An old friend,” the voice responded. “Don’t you remember me Pinkie? I’ve been there for you since you were born.” Pinkie darted around the room to find the voice. “Warmer,” the voice calls out as she looks under the bed. She looks in her party box. “Warmer,” the voice says. She stuffs her head into her trombone. “Colder. Are you even trying?” the voice taunts Pinkie crawls onto the ceiling. Pinkie drops from the ceiling and lands facing away from her mirror. “Behind you.” Pinkie’s eyes almost fall out of her skull as she turned around. “It can’t be… Pinkamena?” A mirror image of Pinkie Pie with her hair straightened stares back at her. “Long time no see, Pinkie. Did you really think the medicine would help you?” “T-the doctor said you’re not real. I-I’ll just get more of the medicine and you’ll go away again.” She slowly started to back away. “You are so ungrateful,” Pinkamena sighed. “After everything I did for you. That bully wasn’t a match for you, and we proved it. But now you hate me.” “You hurt him badly; you could have killed him!” Pinkie shouted. “We could’ve killed them,” Pinkamena corrects. “He would’ve deserved it. But that’s not the point. The point here is that you’ve neglected me for too long. I was another ‘bad’ thing you could throw away, along with the rest of your negative emotions. You’re one big joke. That’s why everyone laughs. “It’s high time you stopped denying this Pinkie. You wanted so desperately to make Twilight happy again that you weren’t above forcing her to smile out of blissful ignorance. Tell me Pinkie. Did you want her to be like us? Maybe you thought she’d understand us better. Did you think you were doing her a favor? Tell me! Where was your head?!” “I don’t know!” Pinkie tried to fight the tears she could feel welling up. She stood firm in front of Pinkamena. “I just wanted Twilight to smile again! I wanted her to be happy, not mad at us!” “Because it’s so easy to be happy after what you and the others did? If anyone feels other than happy, they’re either a sourpuss or a big meanie, right?” Pinkamena smirked. “That is a load of horseapples and you know it. Twilight had a right to be angry. You had no right to take that from her.” Pinkie’s hair straightened itself out as she collapsed on the floor and cried. “I’m sorry Twilight. I… I just wanted to be a good friend! Please don’t run away like everypony else! Please! I’m so sorry!” After a few minutes of sobbing, Pinkamena spoke up again. “Pinkie, look at me,” she ordered, failing to get her attention. “Look at me Pinkie.” Pinkie Pie looks up at Pinkemena, tears still falling down her face. “It doesn’t have to be like this. We can change this. But you have to stop trying to slap a smile on every problem you confront. Let me help you.” “I… I don’t know,” Pinkie stuttered. “I don’t want to… hurt anypony.” “The only ponies who will get hurt are those who try to hurt our friends,” Pinkamena states with a sadistic smirk. “Let me out Pinkie. Let me help you.” “I… I… I…” (The Frozen North) Whatever drove Shining Armor to help this mare was beyond him; even with the idea of becoming a hero, this was suicidal at best. Between the blistering cold, the nearly-blinding blizzards, and the lack of warm clothing, Shining Armor was beginning to seriously doubt this plan. “How much further?” he yelled as the blizzard picked up. “We have another twenty-one miles until we reach the site!” Prim Rose yells back. “Let’s find a place to rest! We’re going to freeze to death if this keeps up!” “We’re fine! We can still…” she was cut off by a roar. “Never mind, let’s find a cave!” They soon come across a cave and run inside. As they catch their breath, Shining Armor sighs and stands up. “I’m going to make sure we’re alone.” He tosses a saddle bag close to her. “Start a fire; I’ll be back in a few minutes.” His horn started to glow a blue hue as he heads deeper into the cave. “It won’t be too long now,” Prim hummed to herself. After a moment she sees Shining trot back toward her. “The cave has a dead end a few feet from here,” he says. He sits down. “Thanks,” Prim says with a smile. “You’re welcome.” Shining nodded. “Now, maybe you could answer a question that’s been bothering me since we left.” “And that is?” she asked as she got out some food from her saddle bag. “The Crystal Empire is known only to a few. No offense, but how does a dancer come across such history?” He raises a brow as she chuckles. “I understand. It’s not every day a pony like me finds something like this. In truth, one of the mares that raised me told me many stories. One of my favorites being about an empire lost to time thanks to a tyrant. I dreamt that maybe one day I could go to this empire and start a new life. One where I’d at least be more than just eye candy for the next stallion in line.” She sighed. “But if King Sombra is still there, then you’ll be enslaved. Or worse,” he adds. “I’m already a slave, Shining Armor. We’re just given fancy names to cover that fact up. I always knew King Sombra was a threat. But there is a way to beat him; the Crystal Heart.” Shining let out a groan. “This is getting crazier with each word.” “If you can make the Crystal ponies love again, the Heart will power itself and beat back Sombra,” Prim Rose explained. “We need to help these ponies. For years, they were slaves to Sombra. They’ve only known sadness and fear. If you help me free them, then you’ll be their hero.” Shining sighs. “Alright, but let’s get some rest. This blizzard won’t last forever. And if what you say is correct, then we have three days left before the empire returns.” “I can’t thank you enough, Shining Armor,” Prim says. She smiles. If Shining was looking hard enough, he would have seen a brief flash of green in her eyes. (Eos: Keycatrich Trench) The Garulessa roared in pain as Cor severed one of its horns. Prompto took advantage to this distraction and shot the beast’s eye out whilst whistling a merry tune. “Ignis!” Noctis yelled. “On it Noct!” Ignis throws a dagger into the garulessa’s chest, allowing Noctis to follow up by teleporting to it. He slashes it several times before backing away as the beast brought its feet down. “Gladio, you’re up!” Noctis says before rolling out of the way of the charging monster. Gladio spins with his sword. “Try this!” he yells as the weight of the massive black built up his momentum. He creates to wide horizontal slashes to the beast’s face. The garulessa let out one last howl before falling lifelessly to its side. “Nice!” Prompto said as he fist pumped in the air. “None the worse for wear,” Ignis says, pushing his glasses up. After tending to any injuries, the group continues into a mine shaft. Cor stops. “This is where we part ways, Your Highness. Take this key,” Cor says, tossing said key at Noctis. “That will open the other tombs.” “What about you?” Noctis questions. “I’m going to keep an eye on the Niffs. I may need your help later.” “You know how to get a hold of us.” Cor nods and exits the mine entrance. “On our own now,” Prompto states. “Here we go,” Noctis says as they enter the tunnel. “Look,” Prompto says as he points at a large stake of sand bags sitting next to an iron gate. “What is this place?” “Looks to be a shelter,” Ignis commented. “People lived down here?” “Those seeking refuge from the war, most likely.” “Wars, what are they good for?” Prompto says much to Gladio’s annoyance, knowing full well what he was referencing. Prompto let out a nervous chuckle. “Wonder if anyone is still living here.” “Doubt it,” Gladio answers. “With it being as dark as it is, daemons should be everywhere.” “Odd we haven’t seen any yet,” Noctis muses. “Hey guys, look at this. A cable,” Prompto proclaims, pointing to a winding cable that led into a different tunnel. “Let’s follow it and see where it takes us,” Noctis suggested. The group walks through the tunnel. Upon reaching the end, they find a generator. “Wonder if this still works…” He activates the generator. “And then there was light,” Ignis comments as the tunnels became flooded with light. “Man do I love me some light,” Prompto adds. Now that they could see better, the group continued navigating the tunnels. “W-what was that?!” Prompto shouts, jumping back with a start at the sound of a tin can being kicked echoed through the caves. “My bad,” Gladio said. “Didn’t see the…” he was cut off by a violent rumbling noise. “If it’s all the same to you guys, I’d rather not be buried alive,” Prompto comments, his voice nervous. “Agreed,” Ignis said. “Let’s get moving.” After a while, the group comes across a dead end. “Well this isn’t any help,” Noctis said. However upon closer inspection, he sees a large hole. “Hey, we can fit through…” “Look out Noct!” Gladio shouted as he throws Noctis backwards. Gladio is knocked into the wall. “Gladio!” Noctis exclaims. He turns to see an arachne drop from the ceiling. Ignis tosses Gladio an elixir and engages the daemon. “You alright big guy?” Prompto asks Gladio while covering fire for Ignis and Noctis. Gladio crushes the elixir and gets to his feet. “Better now. Now move!” The two roll out of the way as the arachne charges them while coated in electricity. Noctis summons his broad sword and hurls it into the daemon’s humanoid half. However, the monster blocks most of the impact with its razor sharp legs. “Prompto I need a distraction! Ignis, Gladio, follow up after the attack,” Noctis orders. He teleports to his sword and blocks a strike from the arachne, then he hurls his sword into a crack on the ceiling. “I’ve got a great idea guys! Pin it in place!” he called out to his friends. Prompto observed the creature’s movements until he was sure he found the right moment. “Oh hi there, opening,” he says, firing a shot into the daemon’s front leg. This caused it to tumble forward. Ignis summoned a javelin and impaled the spider half of the creature while Gladio used his sword to run through its chest. With the creature immobilized for a short time, Noctis jammed a metal sphere into the crack of the ceiling and dropped down. “Get back!” he yelled. Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto jumped away from the arachne as it swung at them. Noctis rushes the creature, only for it to jump up to the ceiling. “Got you.” He smirks as the metal sphere goes off, engulfing the arachne in flames. It falls from the ceiling and becomes buried under several heavy rocks that’d been knocked loose by the blast. The only visible part of the creature left was its battered top half, which began to vanish in purple flames. “Alright, let’s continue,” Noctis instructed. The group goes through the hole and continues down that tunnel, finding a stone door at the end of it. “Here it is,” he says as he unlocks the door. Once inside, Noctis sees another tomb with an axe resting in the arms of the statue. Wasting no time, Noctis holds his hand over the weapon, making it rise in the air for a brief moment. Then it goes into Noctis. Two royal arms appear, hovering over Noctis. After a moment it disappears and he turns to the group. “Let’s get back to the outpost. (Two Hours Later) The group soon returns to the Hunter Outpost, eager to get some payback. “Alright Monica, what seems to be the trouble?” Noctis asks the woman. “The Niffs set up a blockade on the main road. There is no getting in or out, so getting to Lestellum will be impossible until the blockade is removed,” she explained. “Lucky for us, our hunters found a back way into their outpost. Once we get over there, we’ll brief you on the details. They head out with Monica. They travel to a large rock wall, to which Monica directs them a crack big enough to fit a person. “From here we’ll split into two teams,” she continues. “Your Highness will meet with the marshal on the other side of this wall. The rest of you are going to assist me and the other hunters as the diversionary team.” “Pincer maneuver,” Ignis says, resting his thumb on his head in thought. “Sounds like a plan.” “Then I’ll see you guys on the other side,” Noctis says. As the group walks to the front of the gate, Noctis squeezed through the large crack. He reached the other side with relative ease. “Good to see you again Your Highness,” Cor said as Noctis walked up to him. “Support is going to push them out of the fort while the assault team pushes them back.” He places a hand on his katana. The two make their way into the ruined side of the outpost. As they arrived they were immediately fired upon by magitek troopers. “Well looks like the party’s already started,” Noctis remarks. He hurls his short sword into a trooper. Before another could react, Noctis slices it in half, while another trooper tries to bash him in the head with a rifle. However it was stopped dead in its tracks by the sound of steel cutting through steel; the trooper in question fell into four neatly cut pieces. “Life’s a little easier with Cor around,” Noctis jokes. “Don’t get used to it. I’ll be gone before you know it,” Cor says with a shrug. “I’ll enjoy it while I can then.” He skewers the last trooper. They continue to fight their way through until they reach the large steel doors that led to the front of the outpost. Everything seemed quiet, almost too quiet. Noctis opened the doors and was greeted by his friends standing amongst a large amount of dead magitek infantry. “Good to see they didn’t give you much trouble,” Ignis said. “I could say the same for you,” Cor replied. “STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE,” a voice boomed as a transport ship came to a stop over a large clearing near the group. A man clad in armor stood atop a large red mech. Cor recognized him as Third Lieutenant Loqi of Niflheim. “Well, well. If it isn’t Cor: The Immortal. You may have survived the citadel, but you will not survive this. It’s time your legend comes to an end,” Loqi proclaims. He enters his MA-X Cuirass mech suit as the doors to the transport ship opened. This allows him to leap out, along with several magitek snipers and axemen. “No slacking off Gladio,” Cor says with a smirk. “It doesn’t look like I’ll get the chance!” The group charges at Loqi and his magitek infantry as they charged at them. Cor jumps over an axeman that tried to slash him, and quickly delivers several cuts to its back. In doing so, Cor discovered that the magitek axeman was made to be more durable than its grunt counterparts; Cor’s sword skills would have to be a little more strained to beat them. The rest of the group dodges a missile barrage as the other magitek troopers rush them. “Give it up! You are no match for…” Loqi was cut off by the sound of a roaring engine. Within moments, a magitek trooper close to a wall goes flying. A familiar purple Fenrir motorcycle barrels into an axeman. Another axeman had no time to react as a javelin pierces his head and a lavender colored aura tosses it out of the way. The motorcycle comes to a halt. Twilight and Lunafreya get off the bike and walk to the rest of the group. “Not a single invitation to the party, Loqi? I’m heartbroken,” Twilight says in mock surprise. Lunafreya faced the large mech suit with Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle! You traitor!” Loqi howls in fury. “Hey, you all shot at me first. And unless I missed a workplace memo that says ‘trying to fill your allies with bullets is a sign of friendship,’ then shooting at me is a clear sign you wanted me dead.” Noctis’s heart could almost beat out of his chest, he couldn’t believe his eyes; Lunafreya, his bride to be, the love of his life was so close. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her with great passion. However, since missiles and romance we never the best of friends, the kissing would have to wait. “You ready sis?” Twilight says as her horn transformed into a large sword. Lunafreya nodded and spins a javelin. “No!” Noctis protested. “Let us hand this. Stay safe.” “The only safe place is the place that the enemies’ bodies lay,” Twilight responds. “Noctis, you and the others go for the legs. The arms have limited mobility, but more fire power.” “DIE TRAITOR! THE EMPEROR IS SURE TO AWARD ME A MEDAL FOR THIS!” Loqi fires another barrage of missiles which were followed up with machine gunfire. Twilight smirked. “NOW!” The group separated before the missiles could hit their targets. Twilight and Luna ducked and weaved under a few bullets. “Luna, behind me!” Twilight shouts as she brings up a shield, blocking the rest of the bullets as Luna spins around a few missiles. She gets behind Twilight. Meanwhile, Noctis and the others attack the legs of the mech suit. Gladio and Cor stab each leg, hindering the movements. “Bastards!” Loqi builds up more power and produces a shield, then prepares to slam the ground. “Noct!” Lunafreya shouts. “Hit the center of the shield!” Noctis summons his own javelin and hurls it into the shield, causing it to malfunction. The mecha tries to fire missiles at Noctis point blank. “I don’t think so!” Prompto says. He shoots the missile silo as it opens, blowing up the launcher. The force of the blast knocked Noctis backwards and threw the mech to the ground. “Time to end this,” Noctis said as he crushed an elixir to heal himself. “Twilight, Luna, you ready?!” The girls nod in unison. Noctis looked to Ignis, who nods and throws multiple daggers at the cockpit of the mech. Noctis teleports to the daggers, unleashing a flurry of cuts with each one he grabs. Twilight nods to Lunafreya, who jumps over Twilight as she turns her sword into a tower shield. Twilight launches Lunafreya into the air above the downed mech. As Luna falls down with lance pointed downward, Twilight transforms her shield back into her sword and hurls it into the mech’s cockpit. All three attacks stab into the mech at the same time. “No! No!” Loqi cries, spitting up blood. “G-glory… to the Empire.” Twilight, Lunafreya, and Noctis run away from the mech as it exploded. “Impressive,” Cor commented. “I’ll admit, I had no idea you were that sharp in your leadership skills,” he says to Noctis. “With that along with your strength, and the strength of your friends, you’re going to get our home back. This is where we part ways once more. Safe travels on your journey.” He turns and walks up to Monica. “Safe travels,” Monica says to the group, and then the two left. Noctis waved goodbye to them, but quickly spun around and ran to Lunafreya. “What are you doing here?!” “Well,” Twilight chimed in, “she ran off on me, so after a proper scolding we came looking for you. The battle was pretty easy to find. Now, before you both get all lovey-dovey, let’s get to a hotel. And no, Noctis you’re not getting lucky tonight.” Noctis chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Alright, let’s get moving,” Ignis said. “Since it’s night time, you’re driving, Noct.” “Fair enough,” Noctis said. They pile into the Regalia and Twilight and Lunafreya get back on the motorcycle. With the entire group now together, they begin their journey to Lestallum, kicking off the beginning of a grand adventure. (Niflheim: Throne Room) Ledolas was none too pleased to hear Twilight was still alive. And he made it apparent to everyone present. “I should have known that thorn in my side wouldn’t be killed by a simple ambush. To make matters worse, the prince eludes death. And what of the ring?” “Luna has absconded with it,” Ravus replies. The emperor seethes. “Find her and kill her; Twilight as well. The ring is the final piece,” the emperor decreed. “We may do well to take her alive,” a man standing beside Ravus advised. “The Six wield powers beyond our imagination. The Oracle holds the key for the king; she can unlock the secrets for us, nay high commander?” The man smirked at Ravus. “Lord Ravus, the imperial army is now at your disposal.” “A moot point while the fugitives remain at large,” Ravus replies. “If it came down to it Ravus,” Ledolas starts, “can you kill the king, and Twilight?” “I can… And I will,” Ravus responds, his voice stern. > Harmony's Judgement (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Harmony’s Judgment. (One mile outside of the Crystal Empire site) After the duo gets some rest, Shining Armor and Prim Rose resumed their journey for the fabled Crystal Empire. Prim’s excitement only grew as she looked at the map. “We’re almost there Shining,” she chirps, despite the onslaught of snow and bitter cold. “G-g-good,” he chattered. “T-the soon-her it sh-hows up, the b-b-better.” “It’s not that bad. Just think,” Prim starts, “We’ll soon be on our way to better lives. I think that’s worth a trudge through a few blizzards.” Shining quiets as he tries to imagine what a better life could be at this point. It took a little over an hour for the pair to finally reach their destination. “So where is it?” Shining asked, his frustration starting to seep out. “Relax. The Empire will reveal itself at the exact time of King Sombra’s defeat. Which is today, when the sun reaches its highest point,” Prim explains. Shining Armor sighs. “At least that won’t be too much longer.” (Canterlot: Throne Room) The Mane Five, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike gathered before the throne as Celestia sat down. There was only a few seconds of silence before the princess brushed aside her regal mane. This caught the attention of the group. “My little ponies, the day has come to test the resolve of your bonds. Old and new,” she says as she looks to Sunset Shimmer, who rolls her eyes. “In less than an hour, the Crystal Empire will return, and with it a new threat to our very lives.” “Oh joy,” Sunset says, her face deadpanned. “A reason to make sure your toys still work.” “Aw! Don’t be like that Sunny Shimmy!” Pinkie exclaims while bouncing around the yellow mare, the pink mare still her hyperactive self. But, something seemed a little off about her; the others just couldn’t quite put a hoof on it. “Do you ever feel anything other than happy?” Sunset asked in frustration. Pinkie smiled. “But Sunny, you don’t want to see that side of me,” Pinkie responds in a low tone, making everypony, apart from Celestia, unnerved. “Ah think she’s rit, Pinkie. Let’s hear thu rest of thu story,” Applejack says as she trots between the two. “Yes, great idea,” Fluttershy added. Through the exchanges, she was hoping the princess wouldn’t be able to sense even a trace of discord. “The empire came to existence a thousand years ago,” Celestia started. “It was a great place of joy and endless love for the crystal ponies that lived there. But it did not last; for King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the empire and enslaved the ponies. Luna and I were eventually able to beat him, reducing him to the shadows and banishing him to the farthest part of the Frozen North. “However he managed to put a curse on the empire, trapping it in time until the day he could return to reclaim it. We must not let the empire fall back into King Sombra’s hooves. If love and hope reign in the empire, all of Equestria will feel it. But King Sombra will stop at nothing to destroy that.” Celestia’s horn began to glow and a gold chest appears out of thin air. “There is a way to beat King Sombra,” the princess continues. “The Crystal Heart; find it, and the ponies of the empire will rejoice. The Crystal Heart will use that power to stop King Sombra for good. But to make sure he is gone, I’m giving you the Elements of Harmony to assist in your endeavors.” Celestia pauses for a moment to observe the nervous looks on the ponies’ faces. “Forgive me for speaking out of turn Your Majesty,” Rarity politely says as she bows, “but this is… With Twilight…” She sighs in defeat, unable to find the words. “I understand,” Celestia replies calmly. “You all have always done the impossible with Twilight at your side. Now that she’s gone it seems like there is no chance you will succeed. But worry not, my little ponies, for it is always the darkest hour before the dawn; you must not lose hope.” Rarity lets out a small sigh of relief. “You’re right. Thank you Princess,” Rarity responds. Sunset Shimmer rolls her eyes. These idiots can be swayed to do anything with the right words… Well, this gives me an idea, she thinks to herself. “Then I guess we don’t have a moment to lose,” Sunset said in an unusual cheery fashion. Applejack narrows her eyes in suspicion. “An’ just whi are you so happy all’a sudden, Miss ‘Ah-don’t-wunt-ta-be-here?’” “Because the sooner we get this done, the sooner you can get your Twilight back,” Suneset says, giving a deadpanned look. “The sooner you get her back, the sooner I can leave.” “Lay off her AJ,” Rainbow Dash says, gaining another eye roll from Applejack. The farm pony decides to leave it alone for now. Celestia sighed. “I understand this had been hard for all of you, but for the sake of Equestria you must prevail. Now go with Faust, my little ponies.” Celestia dismisses them. (Frozen Tundra) (Site of the Crystal Empire) Prim Rose could stand for hours in the snow and her delight would never diminish. Her smile only grew as a burst of light engulfed the area. “Shining! It’s happening!” she yells, making Shining Armor rush to her side. “What’s going on?” he asks before he sees the light. With a few large flashes, the fabled Crystal Empire came into view. “We did it!” Prim Rose sang. “After all this time, I can finally start over!” Shining narrowed his eyes with suspicion and determination. “But we must deal with King Sombra first,” he reminds her. “I know,” she replies. “Just let me have a moment in the sun.” Shining Armor nodded. “I know how that feels,” he explains. “Well, what are we waiting for?” His face deadpanned as Prim Rose started to hop her way to the Empire. “Never a dull moment,” he mutters to himself. He runs after her. It didn’t take long before they started to see something wrong with the town; the crystal ponies locked their doors as they pass. One pony that couldn’t get inside a house scurried behind Shining and Prim then ran into an alleyway. Shining’s face scrunched with concern as he and Prim make their way to the castle. “What’s going on?” he asked. “It was said that King Sombra made it to where the crystal ponies would only remember their lives under his rule,” Prim explained. She watches as a few more ponies hurry away. “They only remember the pain. It’s so sad.” She lowers her head as they finally reach the castle. “This is where the crystal heart is?” Shining Armor asks, to which Prim Rose nods. “Yes, it is time for us to finally get our dues, Shining.” She smiles. Unlike her normal mischievous smiles, this one was sadistic. “Well… It will be time to get my dues.” Shining’s eyes widen. “W-what are you talking about?” “It’s simple, little Shiny,” she laughed. “I have no further need of you.” A black cloud began to surface from the ground between the two ponies. As the cloud rose into the air, two evil, glowing green eyes peered down on the stallion. “I held my end of the bargain, King Sombra; now take your prize!” Prim was cackling at this point. The cloud flew toward Shining Armor before he even had a chance to scream. (Three Hours Later) (Train station several miles away from the Crystal Empire) The train came to a stop in the snowy region; yet another blizzard racked the tundra to grace the arrival of the Elements of Harmony. Luckily a certain fashion pony was prepared for this. Rarity tosses a light green scarf to Fluttershy. “Sorry if the colors are off, darling,” Rarity says. “There was simply not enough time to get everypony’s colors right before we had to leave!” she cries out in mock anguish. “Now we have to formally introduce ourselves to the crystal ponies in these fashion disasters!” “Ah think yu’r overractin’ sugarcube,” Applejack comments as she helps the fashion pony distribute clothes. “At least ya brought us things to keep us warm.” Fluttershy gives the two a small smile. “She’s right,” Fluttershy says. “We’re happy you brought us all this for the cold.” Rarity hands Applejack a red scarf. “Thank you girls; I’ve come into some extra money to spend as of late and I wanted to make use of it for my dear friends.” The girls’ conversation was broken by a heavy clang noise. “Sorry about that,” Spike said as he picks up his great sword. “Spikey-wikey, isn’t that thing too heavy to lug around?” Rarity asks with mild concern. “Well, carrying around your luggage makes for a heck of a workout.” Spike flexes his muscles, eliciting a blush from the marshmallow-colored mare. “We’d better get a move on,” Sunset spoke up. The rest of the girls nod in agreement. Not long after, the group beings their journey. (Eos: Wiz Chocobo Post) “I can’t thank you all enough!” a man cheers as he hands Noctis a bag of Gil. “It was no problem,” Noctis replied. “Surly it must have been, with a beast like deadeye,” the man says in awe. “But you all came back without a scratch.” “Our team is pretty good,” Noctis says while stuffing the money in his pocket. He smirks upon seeing Lunafreya and Twilight watching the chocobos pecking at the ground. As he finishes his conversation, Lunafreya admired a chocobo that had been brave enough to walk up to her. “Well hello,” she says. She holds out a hand, to which the chocobo nuzzled in kind. Twilight giggles at the sight. Though, her smile died and a scowl took its place as she spies Ignis watching her again. She crosses her arms. “Must you watch my every move?” Twilight asks as Ignis reaches her side. “Understand my trepidation; you were once with our enemy and that could still be a possibility,” he explains in a stern tone. “While I understand your lack of trust, I still hold my own reserves about your little boy band,” Twilight responds. “I’m putting my sister’s life into your hands. If any harm comes to her, any at all, I’ll be doing Niflheim a favor.” “Noted,” Ignis remarked. Two chocobos come up to them. One of the animals rubs its head against Twilight’s leg as one of the workers walks by. “I think he likes you,” the worker says. “What are you going to name him?” “Hmm,” Twilight says after a moment of thought. “I think I’ll name him Nugget.” The chocobo squawked awkwardly at Twilight. “You know, you can also get his feathers to change colors,” the woman comments. Twilight smiled. “Do you have any purples?” Twilight asks excitedly. “Yes actually.” “Perfect.” Twilight grins at the chocobo, who squawks at her again. (One hour later) After riding the chocobos, the groups resumed their journey to Lestallum. “We’re going into town to get a few things and find Gladio’s sister,” Twilight yells to Lunafreya. The two were on the motorcycle, Lunafreya’s arms wrapped tightly around Twilight’s waist as they speed past a few more vehicles. “Then we’ll go see the Archaean.” After a moment, she adds with an eye roll, “I’ve always wanted to meet a god.” “Don’t worry Twilight,” Lunafreya says. She offers a reassuring smile she knew Twilight couldn’t see. “The gods here are…” “Different?” Twilight interrupts. “Ha, yeah right. If a god needs mortals to get their hands dirty then they are obviously either lazy or not as godly as you think. You put too much faith in something that hasn’t shown its power in thousands of years. I know from personal experience that can mean they’re not all they’re cracked up to be.” Her voice was stern and Lunafreya’s head hung heavier on Twilight’s back. Twilight sighs. “But if you trust them I’ll give it a shot.” “You’re too distrusting,” Lunafreya says with a smile, her head perking back up. “When I have family on the line I can’t help but be on my guard. It’s been that way for twelve years and I highly doubt it’s going to stop any time soon.” While the girls continued their conversation on the motorcycle, the boys in the Regalia were following close behind. “It seems Twilight is keeping Luna under lock and key,” Ignis blankly states as he drives. “If it were Iris I’d be the same way, so I can’t say I blame her,” Gladio adds from the back seat. “I’m just glad Luna is okay. For that Twilight earns my favor,” Noctis says in the passenger seat, never taking his eyes off the motorcycle. “And that will be your greatest weakness, Noct,” Ignis scolds. “Twilight might just be using Lunafreya to lure us in. By the time we figure out what’s happened it will already be too late.” Prompto chuckles from the back seat. “If you ask me, I think you like her,” Prompto jokes. “Hardly,” Ignis comments, his face deadpanning. “I know the feeling Iggy. Sure she’s not my grease monkey goddess, but her hard exterior is just a mask to hide her loneliness. She yearns to remove that mask and just tell you how she feels. I bet you she fell head over heels for you as much as you ha…” Before he could finish, his head slams into the back of the driver’s seat headrest as Ignis hits the brakes. “Sorry. I almost missed the parking lot,” Ignis says as he turns into Lestallum’s mountainside parking lot. The four exit the Regalia. As Noctis get out he’s hit with a massive headache. “You okay Noct?” Prompto asks. “I…I’m fine,” Noctis groans. “Let’s get moving.” Prompto nodded and the group follows Noctis into town. (Frozen North) (A mile away from the Crystal Empire) Pinkie Pie shook a few ice cubes out of her mane as she walked alongside Rainbow Dash. “How’s the Bolts been treating you Dash?” she asked in an attempt to make conversation. “Rather well, actually,” Rainbow Dash chirped. “The recruits are comin along nicely and it’s a treat to work with Sorin and Fleetfoot. Then there’s Spitfire.” Rainbow Dash lets out a small sigh at the thought of her. “She’s a fit filly, I’ll say that much.” Pinkie Pie’s blush was enough to keep her warm in the swirling blizzard surrounding them. “We’re almost there!” Sunset shouts from the front of the group, struggling to move forward. A large black mist manifests itself behind the group. “Uh! Sugarcube!” Applejack yells to Sunset in a panic. “What is that?!” The mist lets out a sinister laugh and two large red and green eyes opened within it. Purple energy flowed around the eyes. “Run!” Sunset screamed. The group, not needing to be told a second time, took off in a dead sprint for the empire with the mist chasing them. “We’re almost there!” Spike stops short and starts running at the mist. “Spike!” Rarity skids to a stop. “Go!” Spike shouts. “I’ll hold it off!” “No!” Rarity screams, tears beginning to build in her eyes. “Come on Rarity!” Pinkie Pie shoves her friend away as the mist stops in front of Spike. “Well, it’s a good day to die!” Spike draw out his great sword. “COME ON!” The mist barrels down to Spike at the same time a beam of magic flies past his head and burst in front of the mist. This causes it to recoil. “Spike! Come on!” somepony yelled. “What the…?” Spike turns around. His eyes widened at the sight of his rescuer. “Shining?!” Shining Armor smirks. “Are you deaf?! Get going!” Spike sprints into the Empire with Shining close behind. “He’s still coming!” Spike yells as the mist continues chasing them. “Not for long!” Shining’s horn began to glow pink as he fired a magic bolt into the air at the center of the empire. The bolt disperses into the air, making the pink area thicken and spread over the empire. The mist formed the head of King Sombra and lurched forward in vain to get into the empire as the barrier came down; it cuts off the tip of his horn. The dark king recoils in pain and the black mist subsides a ways away from the empire. “That was close,” Shining Armor sighed. “That barrier is not going to hold him at bay forever.” “Shining!” Spike shouts as he hugged the stallion. “What in Faust’s name are you doing here?” Shining looks down and sighs at the dragon. He hands Spike a scroll. “After traveling for a bit I found this old book in a library in Manehatten detailing the legends of the Crystal Empire,” Shining explains. “I thought maybe if I could beat King Sombra on my own and free the empire.” He pauses for a moment and stamped his hoof in frustration. “Then maybe I could’ve done something worthwhile… You know?” “Shining,” Spike sighs. “You ran off without as much as a note. It was bad enough you ran around Canterlot drunk half the time, now you just run off to Faust knows where,” he snaps. “You and Twilight are…” His sentence is interrupted by Shining Armor stamping a hoof into the ground. “Shut up Spike,” Shining shouts. “You and the others might be obsessed with getting Twilight back but I don’t care if she decides to stay on her extended vacation. All she’s good at is ruining my life. So excuse me if I don’t share your sentiment.” “You are my family too Shining,” Spike retorts. “Your mom and dad were angry. But a year is a long time. If you just told them how you feel they would understand.” “Understand?!” Shining spat. “Is that what they call throwing me out onto the street? Understanding? They can go buck themselves and anypony who takes up for them can do the same.” Spike’s ear fins fell at Shining Armor’s statement. After a moment Shining notices this and goes to sit beside him. “Well, maybe not everypony. At least you didn’t give up on me.” As the conversation went on, the Mane five and Sunset find the two. “Is that you Sir Armor?” Rarity asked, gaining the attention of the drake and the colt. “Yeah, it’s me,” Shining sighed. “Yeah, I’ve seen better days. Anyway, while you all are here I can tell you.” He pauses for a second to make sure the whole group was listening. “There is a way to beat King Sombra; the Crystal Heart. If I had to guess, the way to it is in the throne room.” “How do you know?” Rarity questioned. Shining sighed in exhaustion. “I’ve been fighting and running away from him for the past five hours. And let me tell you, he loves the sound of his own voice.” He lets out a light chuckle. “Honestly if he wasn’t so loud I’d still be running around like a blind cockatrice.” “Then it’s settled,” Spike announced, “Sunset, Shining Armor, and I will head to the castle and find the heart.” “What are the rest of us supposed to do?” FLusttershy questioned. “You need to make the crystal ponies happy again,” Sunset started. “Celestia said that the love of the ponies will empower the heart!” “On it boss,” Pinkie said, giving a mock salute before she bolted away. “We’ll follow her lead sugarcube!” Applejack shouted. “Y’all git goin’!” With that the trio dashed off to the castle. “Hey Shining,” Spike shouted. “What’s up?” Shining shouts back as Spike lined up beside him while they ran. “How did you know about the shield?” The two jumped over a pile of rubble. “The princess that ruled long before King Sombra’s rule foresaw the dark king’s rise to power,” Shining explained as they weave past some more debris. “She put a few fail-safes in place just in case! Most of them were destroyed during the final battle for this place. But the shield remained intact. However it’s the last line of defense and it won’t last twenty minutes without a sufficient power source.” The trio soon reaches the doorstep of the castle. “Once we get to the balcony I’ll use my magic to sustain the field, but I won’t last long so find the heart as fast as you can!” “Be safe, Shining,” Spike said firmly as they ran up the lavish staircase. Shining followed close behind as they reached the throne room. Alas, their efforts seemed fruitless as they frantically searched. “Shining, there’s nothing here,” Sunset says. “Not even a secret…” She was interrupted by a massive rumble. “Damn,” Shining says while peeking outside. The massive black cloud had returned and was slamming into the barrier, only pausing see if there was any damage done. “Faust damn it all!” Shining cursed. “Come on, think-think-think.” He ponders for a solid minute, only the thunderous booms of the cloud trying to tear down the barrier offered distraction. “I’VE GOT IT!” he shouts as he’s hit with an epiphany. “What?!” Sunset and Spike yell in unison. “King Sombra is the master of illusions. So it makes sense that he hid the entrance in plain sight. But we’ll need dark magic to find it.” “Leave it to me!” Sunset yelled. She began to focus. The magic in the air around her became thick as her horn let off dark purple sparks. After what seemed like an eternity, Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes, revealing they’d changed to a bright green color, with purple energy seeping out of them. With her horn flaring with dark power, Sunset fired a dark magic beam at a crystal hanging above the throne. The crystal went black and began to cast a shadow on the floor, which revealed a flight of stairs. “All right!” Shining Armor exclaimed, jumping happily. “I need to reinforce the barrier! The rest is up to you guys. Let’s end this!” He ran out to the balcony, his horn glowing with power. “You heard him,” Sunset said to Spike. “Let’s go.” They being their journey down the stairs. “How did you learn dark magic?” Spike asked. “There was a reason I had been banished,” she retorts. “Fair enough,” Spike sighed. “I’m just trying to say sorry for dragging you back here.” “Well, the sooner we get your Twilight back, the sooner I can get home.” They stop at a door with a crystal above it. “What’s this?” “No idea. If it’s like the throne room then you open it the same way.” “Good idea.” Sunset nods. “Go check on Shining Armor; I think I can handle this from here.” “I’ll be right back,” Spike says before racing up the steps. Sunset sighed and stared at the door, pondering to herself. “No way it’s that easy.” She tries to open the door, only for it to move away from her. “Yeah, I figured.” She began to focus again and the dark energy gathered around her and once again surged from her horn. She shot a beam the struck the crystal and slowly opened the door. A blinding light burst forth and blinded the fiery mare. (Equestria Girls world; Canterlot High School) Sunset groggily opened her eyes, a slight groan escaping her as she got to her hooves. “W…what?” she questioned as she looked around. “I-I’m home?” She looked upon the shining walls of Canterlot High. “I made…” She was cut off by a massive explosion and within moments the high school was reduced to rubble by an unknown force. “NO!” she screamed, not wasting any time to run to the rubble. “Freak,” a male voice said, causing Sunset to stop dead in her tracks. A student rose from a pile of bricks and shambled toward her. “You did this to us,” another student followed. “You brought IT here,” yet another student said as more begin to follow. “How could you?” “Freak.” “Monster.” “Demon.” Students surrounded Sunset from all sides. “No! Please! I’m sorry!” Sunset shouts as she frantically looks for a way out. “Please! Get away from me!” “You brought it here Sunset Shimmer,” said a woman with a torn soccer uniform and messy rainbow hair. She gnashes her teeth. “I’ve never seen someone filled with such hate,” added another student, who was wearing a torn cowboy hat. “You were never any fun,” spat another student with pink fluffy hair. “Sacrifice her to it.” At the proclamation of a purple-haired student, the rest tackle her to the ground. “Let me go!” Sunset thrashes about to try and escape, but the undead students’ grip on her never relented. The ground begins to shake as a shadow obscures the sunlight. “I want to thank you,” a voice boomed through the sky. A massive figure with two large horns and the lower torso of a horse approaches her. “You truly are worthy of being family. You’re definitely nothing like that weak-willed brother of mine. I want to thank you for my release. Now I can steal all the magic in the world! Nothing will stop me! And it’s all thanks to you Sunset!” The creature and the students begin to chant her name. “Sunset. Sunset. Sunset.” “No! NO! NOOOOOOOO!!!” She continued to thrash, hot tears beginning to stream down her face. (King Sombra’s castle) “No no no!” Sunset screamed. Unable to tear her gaze from the door, her eyes glazed over with a familiar green and purple wisp. “Sunset!” Spike shouts. He starts violently shaking her, which causes her to shake her head. Her eyes return to their normal light blue shade. Without warning, Sunset wrapped her hooves around Spike’s neck. “Thank you. Thank you!” she cried. “What happened? I heard screaming.” “I don’t know. I ended up back in my world somehow,” she explained. “I just opened the door and…” “What? You were just staring at the door.” Spike turned his gaze to the door. “There’s noth…” his sentence trailed off as his eyes glazed over with the same green and purple wisp Sunset had. “What? I’m back in ponyville. T..Twilight? YOU’RE BACK! I swear I’ll… Twilight, are you okay? Don’t you remember?! Twilight? TWILIGHT!” Spike couldn’t tear his gaze from the door. “Spike!” Sunset yells. She slams the door shut. “It’s not real. It’s one of King Sombra’s tricks.” Spike was shaking as tears formed in the corners of his eyes. “Twilight,” he mumbled. “Pull it together Spike,” she says, snapping Spike back to attention. Outside of the barrier, the dark cloud forms the head of King Sombra. The dark king looked down to the ground where the tip of his horn lays and focuses. The horn phases into the ground and begins to cast a shadow over to several large crystals. This made it easier for him to channel his dark power. He hissed in glee as his shadow began to spread. “Well, this isn’t good,” Rainbow Dash comments as she flies overhead her friends. “Uh, sugarcube, yu’r not helpin’,” Applejack complained as she tried to calm a family of crystal ponies. The Mane Five did whatever they could to try bringing smiles to the faces of the crystal ponies, but to no avail. “I’m all out of party tricks!” Pinkie exclaimed. This isn’t working Pinkie. They can’t smile while the threat to their very freedom is right outside, Pinkamena echoed in Pinkie’s mind. You have to stop trying to force them to smile. Pinkie sighed and walked up to a group of crystal ponies. “Hello,” she greets. “H…hey,” one pony shakily responded. “W-what’s your name?” “I’m Pinkie Pie,” she introduced. “You guys seem scared.” “Well yeah!” the pony responded. The pony points to the cloud that was still attempting to smash the barrier. “That’s King Sombra out there!” The cloud hits the barrier again, this time forming a small crack. The group of crystal ponies cowered even more. Pinkie bursts out laughing which causes the pony she’d been talking with to do a double take. “This is no time for laughing!” they say in a panic. “Sure it is,” Pinkie responds. She wipes a tear from her eye as she finishes her giggles. “You’re afraid of that? That thing? Just get a big enough fan and he’ll be gone with the wind.” The crystal ponies look at Pinkie in stunned silence for a few moments before grins start forming on their faces. The grins turned to smiles. The smiles led to chuckles, which formed into full-blown laughs. Their dull coats began to shine like crystals. “Way to go Pinkie,” Fluttershy says as she walked up to her pink friend. “Keep it up!” Applejack adds with a smile. “Rather harsh to make ponies laugh at other’s expense, Darling. But I suppose it’s necessary,” Rarity scolded. “Oh come on! He’s a bad pony; that’s a freebie. Besides, it’s not my fault he looks like something a yak farted out,” Pinkie fired back. The group of crystal ponies broke out into hearty laughter. Even Rainbow Dash got in on the laugh, which caused more crystal ponies to gather around. “At this point we can take wut we git,” Applejack managed between giggles. Meanwhile, after giving Spike a moment to breathe, Sunset channels some light magic into the crystal above the door. The door glows in response and opens again. “Here goes nothing,” she says as she stepped through the doorway. “What do you see?!” Spike shouts. After a few seconds of looking around, Sunset turns to him and waves her hoof; a signal for him to come through. “Well,” she starts, “the good news is no more nightmares. The bad news…” She lets her sentence trail off and paused as Spike turned to see an almost never-ending flight of steps. “This shit-ton of stairs,” she groans. “Why can’t ponies just make elevators?” “No use complaining about it now. Let’s hurry. Shining Armor isn’t going to last much longer.” He pauses to look at his claws. “I’ve got an idea.” Before Sunset could interject, Spike takes off most of his armor and throws his great sword to the ground. “What are you doing?” Sunset questioned. “It’ll be in the way.” He gets in front of Sunset and turns his back to her. “Hold on tight to me. I don’t have time to explain.” Sunset climbed onto Spike’s back and wrapped her forehooves around his neck. With that, Spike sprints toward the wall. He jumps high into the air and slams his claws into the rock. He quickly starts to scale the tower, jumping and lifting onto flights of steps to repeat the process again. As they head up the tower, Shining Armor fell to a hoof; the strain from maintaining the barrier under the king’s relentless assaults was starting to take its toll on him. “I-I hope they’re close,” Shining says through gritted teeth. “I-I’m not gonn-na be able to keep this up for much longer. Sombra hissed at the stallion. “There is no hope for you,” the dark king growls from the mist. “Surrender and I promise to be merciful!” Shining rolls his eyes. “I wonder what it is, but I just don’t believe him,” Shining chuckles to himself. “Hurry up Spike…” After a strenuous journey up the spiral staircase Spike and Sunset finally makes it to the top, where the Crystal Heart lays undisturbed. “Here it is,” Sunset sighed with relief. She climbs off of Spike’s back. “Thank Faust,” Spike mumbled. “If we climb over another hundred flights of stairs I’ll burn Sombra’s horn myself,” he commented as Sunset gazed with awe at the heart. “Again; no way this it that easy.” “Definitely a trap,” adds Spike, his face deadpanning. Sunset steps into the circle below the heart, triggering a high-pitched noise. King Sombra’s eyes widen from outside of the barrier. He takes immediate action and activates the trap while he’s still trying to break the barrier. Several dark crystals rise from the ground surrounding Sunset Shimmer, entrapping her in a cage of crystals. “Take the heart!” she yells as she throws the Crystal Heart to Spike. “Go!” Spike nodded and starts to run down the stairs. Sombra furiously slams into the barrier one last time, finally shattering it. “It’s up to you all now,” Shining says before collapsing from exhaustion. “THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE IS MINE!” Sombra bellows as dark crystals begin to grow throughout the city. The shockwave shook the entire empire. Spike stumbles as the ground beneath him shakes. He falls and the Crystal Heart starts slipping from his grasp. It falls off a ledge. “No!” Spike screamed as he jumped for it. From down below, the Mane Five notice something falling from up above. “Is that…?” Rainbow Dash starts. “Spikey!” Rarity yells. She was unaware that her element was glowing intensely. At the same time, Rainbow Dash’s was lit up as well, followed by Pinkie’s, Applejack’s, and Fluttershy’s. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the Element of Magic faintly glowed in front of Sunset Shimmer. Time did stop as five large ethereal alicorns appeared before the group. “What is this?” Fluttershy asked. Her response was silence until a yellow alicorn stepped in front of her. “Judgment Day,” it answers coldly. “We are the Elements of Harmony,” an orange alicorn explained. “For over a millennium we have helped you ponies sustain your life of tranquility. But there are times in those centuries where our wielders fall out of favor with us. When that happens they are put on trial." “Make no mistake; we are not unjust. We will not cast punishment without proper cause. If we see no self-serving nature in your hearts and minds, then we will help you. But if you are, the consequences will be severe.” The ponies felt fear and guilt rise up in their throats as the Element’s words settled on everypony’s ears. “I shall go first,” the yellow alicorn says in a soothing tone. “Step forward Fluttershy.” The buttercup pegasi was a quivering mess but all the same trotted up to the massive alicorn. “Fluttershy, you are so kind. You would do anything for your friends. You would even harbor an enemy. You would even make light of your pains to just be there for a friend.” The alicorn opened her wings, showing the events of the Canterlot wedding though her eyes. “Yet when Twilight Sparkle was in need of your kindness, it was absent. Why is that?” Fluttershy began to tear up as she thought about the events. “Well, I… I wanted Twilight to be happy. But she was so upset and talking w-w-what seemed like nonsense at the time. Saying her soon-to-be foalsister was evil.” The yellow alicorn nodded. “Understandable. It is difficult to believe someone’s opinion before you really get a chance to know them. Even if it is your own friend’s opinion, you can’t live off of assumptions. But what about after the wedding? Once it was all done you showed more concern for the bride and groom than your best friend. Why?” “W…well their special day was ruined. I wanted to make sure the princess was able to salvage her wedding. Plus, they looked like they needed help at the time.” The alicorn nods again. “Understandable. It is hard to decide-” the yellow alicorn was interrupted but a stamped hoof from the cyan alicorn, who growled at his sister. “You are too soft Sister! She deserves punishment!” the cyan alicorn yelled. “That is for me to decide, Brother," she answers calmly. “I will not punish a soul who is not deserving of such. Now as I was saying,” she turns her attention back to Fluttershy. “It can be difficult to decide who to extend your kindness to in such troubled times. So I must ask; if your friend returns what will you do?” “I would apologize. And no matter how long it takes, I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to her and get my friend back,” Fluttershy states sternly. “And Celestia?” “Hopefully we can reason with her. If not, I’ll do whatever I can to save Twilight.” Hope was present in her voice. “Very well.” The yellow alicorn flared her wings again. “I cast my judgment; you are worthy. But remember to always show kindness to those who show it to you.” The orange alicorn looked on. “Very well,” the orange alicorn starts. “Now who’s next?” A pink alicorn bounced forward. “Hello!” the pink alicorn says, addressing everypony. “May a Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie please step forward?” “Oh, oh, oh! That’s me!” Pinkie bounced in front of the group and stares at the alicorn. “Hi!” “Hello Pinkie,” the pink alicorn replies. “You like to laugh don’t you Pinkie?” “Well duh!” Pinkie said in a hyperactive jump. “Who don’t like to laugh?” “Sadly many ponies. But the question is, why? Why don’t they want to laugh?” the pink alicorn asks cryptically. “Well I don’t really know,” Pinkie answers. “Why wouldn’t they want to laugh?” The pink alicorn sighs. “No, Pinkie,” the alicorn said. “They do not laugh because they feel more than happiness. A smile is a wonderful thing. A smile can mean the difference between life and death itself for some. You yourself know the power of a smile. A wholehearted smile can warm others when they have no one to turn to. “However there is a danger in trying to force a smile upon others.” The alicorn’s bright pink became dull as she spoke. “A smile that is forced is no smile at all; it’s an empty shell without meaning. Just a mask that we give others because that’s what they want to see. A smile like that is just a frown pushed upside down. Twilight was angry. She was sad. Yet you wanted to help Celestia erase her memory so she would smile out of ignorance, oblivious to the pain and suffering her so-called friends brought upon her.” Pinkie’s hair deflated as the Alicorn continued. “That being said, I must ask you. Why did you do it?” The alicorn sternly stares at Pinkie. For a few minutes there was only silence. It was broken by a light sniffle. “I never wanted to hurt Twilight,” Pinkie started. “I just wanted to see her smile. Living with pain can be too much, especially if you’re the one who caused it. When you wake up every day and your family sees you as a freak… Because you swear there was somepony in the mirror but they didn’t believe you…. Twilight would have suffered the same thing. I thought she was like me. Until I saw the monster she warned us about.” Pinkie’s voice broke with every word until she collapsed in sobs. “I didn’t want to show her. Not at the wedding; she would have run away. Everypony would have run away. I’d be alone again. But I did the very thing I feared to Twilight; I ran away from her when she needed me the most. I’m a monster! I’m sorry Twilight! Please don’t run away! I only wanted to be your friend!” Pinkie sobbed out. Her friends all began to tear up aside from Rainbow Dash, who only gritted her teeth. “You can’t put a smile on that, can you Pinkie?” the pink alicorn spoke somberly. “You are a gifted pony, Pinkie Pie. You can do things nopony can, and no matter what you do everypony must still ask why.” She chuckles. “But you do all this to run away from your past; you laugh and smile to cover up your pain." “There is a time and place to feel sadness Pinkie, you just need to learn. So I will now cast judgment upon you. I deem you worthy of my help, but just this once, for your own good and the good of your friends. I will be yours again to wield alongside my siblings when you learn the true meaning of laughter,” the pink alicorn decreed. “So I’ll end by saying this; don’t cover up your pain with smiles. Smile through your pain, rely on others to help you smile, and in turn the happiness you receive will be given right back. And you will be the smile everypony needs.” Pinkie nodded and gets back in line with her group as the pink alicorn does the same. “I guess I shall go next,” a white alicorn declares and walked up to the group. “It’s bad manners to keep a lady waiting Rarity.” Rarity approaches the white alicorn. “Are you sure I need this Darling?” Rarity says nervously. “I may have more business than I did before but I am by no means greedy.” The white alicorn scoffs at the fashion pony. “You are a fool if you think you’re above reproach. However I do agree with you.” The alicorn takes another step forward. “You have not let the fame go to your head. And you also devote a great portion of the wealth you’ve gained to continuing your work.” She chuckles, “That and dining a little finer than you used to.” Rarity blushed in embarrassment as the white alicorn continued. “But that is by no means a crime. You earned that money through your hard work, and let’s face it. Anypony would indulge if they had more than enough bits to keep their lights on. So as far as commodities go, you are as generous as ever.” Rarity smiled. “Thank y-” She was interrupted by a flap of the white alicorn’s wings. “I said materialistic.” The alicorn’s voice was stern toward the fashionista. “Rarity, you are a generous mare. But you have forgotten that generosity is not just about ‘donating bits to your local hospital or city project.’ Money is only a fraction of what it means to be generous.” Rarity was at a loss for words. “B-but what else could there be?” Rarity says after a moment. The alicorn sighs. “To be generous is to be open to all. Not just the money pouch. Love is spelled two ways Rarity. There is the traditional L-O-V-E. But then there is another way to spell love: T-I-M-E.” “Time?” Rarity asked. “Yes, time. Time is a precious commodity, even more so than money. There is plenty of money in the world. There is more being made every day. But time is fleeting and irreplaceable. For this very fact alone, time is the ultimate sacrifice in generosity. To give somepony your time is to show them love; to show them you care. With that said, ever since your business started taking off your friends see less and less of you. Time is a powerful thing Rarity. To not give it to somepony you care about could make them feel unloved or insecure. Isn’t that how Twilight felt when you walked out on her for a mare you didn’t know outside of the wedding?” Rarity stares in shock at the thought. “But it wasn’t just Twilight,” the alicorn continues. “What about your sister Sweetie Belle? Sure, siblings can be a nuisance but they need to be given time just as much as your friends.” “I took her to dinner just a few nights ago, I’ll have you know,” Rarity snapped. “It wasn’t my fault she wasn’t interested in the meal.” “Oh, for Maker’s sake,” the alicorn groaned. “She wasn’t interested because your parents had to strong hoof you into taking her to dinner in the first place. On top of that, all you talked about was how your business was prospering. Even when you’re there, you’re still back at your boutique wondering what to make next." “She’s not going to be young forever Rarity, and how will you want her to remember you? You fail to grasp these lessons and for this reason I will pass my judgment upon you. For now I see you unworthy, but I see potential in you. So I shall help this last time. Remember Rarity; showing those you care about your time and love is far more valuable than any amount of bits anyone can offer. Do this and I will be yours again.” Rarity nodded and trots back to her group, satisfied that the Element would assist in this time, but in heavy thoughts over her consequences. “Now is my turn to judge,” the cyan alicorn announced, stepping forward. Rainbow Dash stepped up to him. “Facing your punishment head on; you’re nothing if not honorable Rainbow Dash,” he growls. “I’m not as forgiving as my sisters. You have done a great wrong…” “Shut up!” Rainbow Dash yelled. This caused everypony to look at her with shock. “You dare?” the cyan alicorn says quietly. “YOU DARE?!” he bellowed. “You have the guts to face me without your tail between your haunches after what you’ve done?!” “I’m not about to get lip from an oversized necklace!” Rainbow Dash shouts. She flies to hover in front of the alicorn’s face. “I’m not about to hear you complain that I wasn’t a loyal friend, that I wasn’t there for Twilight. Yeah! I get it! I wasn’t there for her. But after it was all over I wanted to apologize. We all did. But she ran from us!” “You wanted to brainwash her!” the alicorn shoots back. “She wasn’t going to be brainwashed! She was going to lose her memory of the wedding so we could remain friends. Yes, it is a bad thing to do, but you Elements just lay around in a chest while we do all the work! You all aren’t the ones with all of Harmony and the very lives of everypony you know and love on your hooves. You all just fire a rainbow attack at our enemies. “But you weren’t there for the changeling attack. We fought the changelings, not you. So don’t judge me as you know me. I’m a Wonderbolt. My duty is to protect Equestria no matter the cost! And if Twilight was going to lose a few bad memories so Equestria could be safe, I’d say it would be for the better.” The cyan alicorn was at a loss for words, as were the rest of the Mane Five and the Elements. Then the alicorns heard something they never expected; laughter. The cyan alicorn let out a boisterous laugh that shook the very ground and blew Rainbow Dash backwards. “So you wish to remain ignorant, very well. You are correct that loyalty is difficult to determine in the face of great adversity. So I will cast judgment. I will help you just this once, only because you made a point,” he explains. “But allow me some parting words; on those wings you have flown high, and looked down upon all. But soon enough, one who once looked up to you will look down upon you and soar higher than you ever imagined. When that comes to pass, your wings will mean nothing. Goodbye Rainbow Dash.” He walks back to his group. “Well, what’s done is done,” the orange alicorn decreed. “Now we leave you to carry the weight.” The alicorns all begin to fade, only for a curious Applejack to step forward. “Aren’t y’all gonna judge me?” the farming pony questioned, to which the orange alicorn smirked. “I’ve already judged you; you indeed are worthy of my power. Just remember what your big brother told you.” With that, the five alicorns faded away. As they disappeared, a lavender colored ethereal alicorn appears in front of Sunset Shimmer. “Who are you?” Sunset asks. “I’m the Element of Magic,” the alicorn coughed. Her ethereal aura briefly fades, but comes quickly back into focus. “As you can see, the resentment Twilight’s friends showed her at the wedding broke her heart. This is causing me to decay. So I won’t be of much help, but I will try.” The lavender alicorn coughs violently. “What can I do to help?” Sunset questioned. The weak Element smiled slightly. “That’s the kind of attitude that can win you a friend, Sunset. I’ve seen in your heart. I understand your pain. You don’t want friends. What good are friends when they’ll just stab you in the back? Best to stab them first right?” “Please, don’t do this. I know you think you can help me, but I don’t need it.” “You need it more than you know. But then again, you are in dire need of a friend. Not one Celestia gave you for the sake of preserving her rule… But a friend that you found on your own.” “I just told you I don’t need a friend. I just want to go home.” Sunset turns away from the alicorn. “To what, Sunset? What is the point of going back if you’re just going to fall back to your habits? You need someone to understand you in your entirety. They need to see what you really are.” “No,” Sunset says sternly. “They don’t. They’ll be scared of me.” “I know you’re afraid, Sunset. But I promise that you will find somepony who understands. Just give it time. Now I don’t have much time. So I will lend you my power. I have faith in you Sunset. Good luck.” The lavender alicorn fades away and time resumes around the crystal empire. Spike reaches out for the Crystal Heart as he fell faster. King Sombra barreled toward him, causing Spike to panic as he struggles to reach the Heart. Though hope seemed lost, six different colored beams fired out of The Element of Harmony and into the Crystal Heart. While the Heart itself began to shine brightly, the multiple colors of the Elements intertwined with its own light. “Impossible!” King Sombra shouts as he recoils from the light. His ethereal form became destroyed by the combined powers of the mystical artifacts, revealing his true form. While he fell into the heart of the empire, the dark king could only watch as his magical hold began to break. Spike was brought to a gentle stop by the light mere inches from the ground. The dark crystal cage holding Sunset Shimmer was shattered. Shining Armor regained conciseness in time to watch the crystal ponies shine with the joy emanating from the empowered Heart. King Sombra weakly got to his hooves. “No! NO! T…this wasn’t… part of… the deal,” the dark king wheezed. His entire body started turning into dark crystals. Spike runs up to the king with his fists clenched. “I will get my…!” Before Sombra could finish screaming his vows of vengeance, Spike lets out a roar and viciously jumps on Sombra’s fragile form. Spike swings hard. The dark king’s crystal form shatters at the impact of Spike’s fist. The pieces fly everywhere; the only thing left of the accursed stallion was his wicked horn. The crystal ponies let out cheers of victory. Their long years of oppression have finally come to an end. They were finally free. Now it would be up to Princess Celestia to decide what is to happen with the once-lost Empire. But for now it was time for celebration. (Eos: Lestallum) A light breeze blew across the city of Lestallum. The market place flourished with the conversations of friends and the shouts of vendors selling their products. Though these sites were enough to make a person smile, it was only noise to Twilight. Twilight took in the beauty of the landscape as she sat over the rock wall that guards tourists from falling off the mountainside. Lush green trees went on for miles in all directions. The roads were calm, with only the occasional vehicle driving through. Even the crater where a meteor landed had its own beauty. Lestallum may derive its energy from the beautiful sights, but some seem to believe that a God lay resting under the meteor. Either way, there was one thing clear for Twilight; this beauty is one that Twilight would savor for as long as time permitted. “Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess,” Twilight recites to the wilderness below her. “We seek it thus, and take to the sky. Ripples form on the water’s surface. The wandering soul knows no rest.” She smiles to herself. Soon she hears a set of gentle footsteps approach from behind her. “Loveless, Act One,” Lunafreya said as she walks up beside Twilight. She leans over the wall. Twilight chuckled. “You remembered.” Lunafreya rolls her eyes. “It’s not easy to forget my sister’s favorite playwright,” Lunafreya answers. “You’ve lodged it into my skull so much I could swear I recite it in my sleep.” Twilight giggled. “Well, I like to be consistent.” She pauses for a moment. “Where’s your boy toy?” A smirk breaks out on her face. “It’s not like that, Twilight,” Lunafreya groans. “Sure.” Twilight’s grin grew a bit. “He’s on a mission right now,” Lunafreya says longingly. Twilight chuckles again. “Aw, miss him already? By all means, keep up the helpless princess act. Next time I just might believe it,” Twilight remarks. Lunafreya sighs. She gets off the wall and the two women start to walk back to the town. “Twilight, you’re my sister. I love you to death but you can’t protect me forever. Noct is not a bad person and you know it. But your time as a soldier has made you cold,” Lunafreya lamented. “I fear that this is what Niflheim wanted. You need to allow yourself to feel, Twilight.” Twilight turned to face her, grabbing her hands in a gentle motion. “I do this because it has kept you and Ravus alive. I never wanted any of this. I can’t afford to let my guard down while both of your lives are on the line. My life is cheap. I’m just a soldier, nothing else. And I have my orders.” Lunafreya sighs. “Twilight, I think you need to find someone.” “I need to find a place that’s not hotter than Hell,” Twilight complained as she fans herself. “I get enough of this on the battlefield.” “Hey! Twilight!” called a rather short girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes who was running up to Twilight and Lunafreya. “I’ve been looking all over for you; Gladio just called. He said they got it and are on their way back.” Twilight smiled. “Thanks umm…” Twilight’s words trailed as she tried to remember the girl’s name. The girl rolled her eyes. “Iris. Iris Amicitia.” “Oh!” Twilight gasped. “Sorry about that. I’ve only seen you once since we got here.” “It’s okay,” Iris replies. “I was going to ask if you all checked into the hotel yet.” “Not yet,” Lunafreya answer. “I was hoping we’d get to see the sites before we checked in.” Iris smiled wide at the thought. “Great idea. I can show you both around.” “Sounds like a plan,” Lunafreya says. She turns to Twilight. “You up for it, Sis?” Twilight tapped her chin in thought. “Ah, what the heck,” she says after a second. Iris turned and started skipping toward the square. The trio passed several people as they made their way toward the vendors. The vendors had a rather great variety of items, ranging from weapons, to food, and anything in between. It seemed like the vendors had it all and each was happy to sell. “Twilight,” Lunafreya called out as she dined on a cup of noodles. “You’ve got to try these! They’re the best noodles I’ve ever tasted.” Twilight grabbed a pair of chop-sticks and dug in. “Tastes like corporate sponsorship to me,” Twilight commented. Lunafreya and Iris rolled their eyes. “As if!” the two say in unison. As the three continued around Lestallum, the girls came across a large power plant. “This an Exineris Industries’ power plant,” Iris explains while pointing to it. “They draw the energy from the meteorite, if I’m not mistaken,” Twilight said. “Correct. As I recall, only women are allowed in the plant,” Iris continues. “Really? Seems sexist to me.” “Not at all,” Lunafreya added. “The women here work as their husbands work outside the plant, so they are equal in their labor.” “Good point. Hey Iris, let’s get to the hotel,” Twilight suggests. “It’s not far from here,” Iris said, leading the way. After walking through a market place and a few path ways, the trio arrived at the hotel. “The Leville Hotel. Nice place,” Twilight commented. They enter the hotel lobby and are greeted by an old man. “Why hello ladies. Are you looking for roo…?” His eyes go wide at the sight of Lunafreya. “By the Gods. Princess Lunafreya. But how? The papers said you were dead.” Twilight pins the man to the wall. “Twilight what are you doing?” Iris yells. “Let go of him!” “Keep your voice down. The last thing we need Niflheim knocking down this door,” Twilight states. A small boy starts punching her leg. “Let go of my grandpa!” he yells as he continues to punch Twilight’s leg with no effect. Twilight lets go of the old man. “Alright kid, you can relax. I wasn’t going to do anything to him. But I can’t have anyone talking to loud about this.” The old man gave a nod in understanding and laid his hands upon his grandson’s shoulders. “I’m alright Talcott, there is no need to be angry. She was just protecting the princess,” the old man explained. “We are survivors from Insomnia. I am Jared Hester and this is my grandson Talcott Hester. I am a former servant to the house of Amicitia. “Whoops,” Twilight says as she brings her palm to her forehead. “What’s going on?” said a voice from the door, causing the five people in the room to turn to the doorway. Noctis, Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio step through the door. Lunafreya wasted no time in embracing Noctis, which was cue for Twilight to roll her eyes. “For the Six’s sake, get a room,” she chuckles. Noctis recoils in pain, holding his head. Lunafreya keeps hold of him. “What’s going on?” Noctis grunted in pain. “What’s happen…?” Twilight’s eyes widen. You…must help the king…Darkness is coming…Pain and suffering in your future…A choice must be made, an unknown voice echoed in Twilight’s head. “Who the Hell…?” She frantically looks around the room. Past a writhing Noctis, she sees a familiar man tip his leather hat at her with a smirk. He walks out of the doorway. “Ardyn!” she yells, panic prevalent in her voice. She bolts out the door after him. “Twilight!” Lunafreya yells. She almost takes off after her but looks to Noctis with concern. “Go ahead, we’ll catch up,” Ignis instructs after placing a reassuring hand on her back. She nods and sprints out the door. Once Noctis recovers, the guys also make their way out the door. They end up in the parking lot, where Twilight is confronting Ardyn. Ardyn was looking into a pair of lenses at the meteor site. “What a coincidence,” he says, turning to face the group. “What are you doing here?” Twilight demands. “Oh come now, it’s not a great vacation until you see the Disc of Cauthess. There is much history to that place. Some say it might even be where it all began.” He smirks at Lunafreya. “You were always a bad liar. You’re following us,” Twilight bluntly stated. Ardyn shrugged. “Aren’t nursery rhymes curious little things?” he asks. Twilight gives him a deadpanned look. “Which nursery rhyme?” Lunafreya asked. Ardyn’s smile grew wider. “Why, the Archaean’s call of course.” He paces between the groups. “It goes like this, ‘From the deep the Archaeon calls, yet on deaf ears the God’s tongue falls. The king made to kneel, in pain he crawls.’” “So how do we keep him on his feet? Prompto questioned. “You need only to heed the call,” Ardyn states. “I can take you.” “I don’t know,” Noctis said. He turns to the group. “We don’t have much of a choice Noct,’ Ignis commented. “So we take the ride,” Prompto adds. “But watch our backs,” Gladio chimes. “Then let us be on our way,” Ardyn says. He starts walking. “We’ll take three vehicles… a convoy of sorts.” “You have a car?” Twilight questioned as the group walks behind Ardyn. “Of course,” Ardyn answers. “Pales in comparison to your Fenrir motorcycle and their Regalia, but she’s never let me down.” “Ummm… Twilight,” Lunafreya starts, nudging Twilight. “Could I ride with Noct this time?” “Fine,” Twilight grumbles after a moment. Without warning, Lunafreya hugs Twilight and runs to the Regalia. “I’ll ride with you, I guess,” Prompto mutters. “By the way, mind if I ask you something?” he asks. Twilight turns to him. “Odd,” she says,” I never expected you of all people to approach on your own. At least not without backup.” She gets onto her motorcycle. “Well, I was going to ask for your advice,” he said as he gets on the back of the bike. He holds onto Twilight’s waist for security. “You’re a girl, right?” “Last time I checked, anyway,” Twilight says with a bemused look on her face. She waited for Ardyn and the Regalia to pull into the road before following close behind. “I was hoping you could help me with the heart of our grease monkey goddess.” “The blond?!” Twilight shouts over the roar of her motorcycle’s engine. “Sorry to say this, but you have no chance with someone like her. “What?” Prompto exclaimed. “I could tell when I first saw her that she was married to her work. An actual marriage would just slow her down. That’s not something she would want. Unless…” she pondered. Prompto held her waist tighter. “Unless what?!” “Unless you could keep up with her! If you learn her trade, if you shared her interests then maybe she’d start to fall for you through her work.” “How do I do that?” he asked excitedly. “She’s a mechanic, right? If you had the knowledge of a mechanic it would be much easier for you two to bond.” Twilight started slowing down. “I can teach you.” Prompto’s eyes lit up. “You’d do that?” “Something tells me that we’re all in it for the long haul, so it’s best we get to know each other.” She sped back up. “Thanks Twilight. You know? You’re alright, despite what Ignis says.” “Oh really? What’s he been saying about me?” “Nothing much. Just the ‘she’s not to be trusted’ routine.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Typical.” (Canterlot) (Fancy Pants household) Truly it was a day of celebration and triumph for Shining Armor. After endless years of living in his sister’s shadow, he finally got his wish. A moment to be the best. His hard work and dedication finally bore fruit. Now here he was, being exalted and toasted at a party. A party held in his honor. But a hero cannot present himself well if he doesn’t look his best. “I shall return after I freshen up. Saving an empire requires getting dirty.” “Take your time,” Fancy Pants says with a nod. He returns to mingling with guests. Shining Armor walks into the washroom. After making sure the coast was clear, he looked into a mirror as his horn started to glow. The mirror rippled until it showed an image of a large black creature with green eyes, a jagged horn, and sharp fangs. “It’s all going according to plan,” Shining states darkly with a smirk. “They don’t suspect a thing.” “Excellent,” the creature hissed. “King Sombra is not so pleased with what happened to him at the Empire. He will need time to regain his powers.” “So be it,” Shining chuckled. “He’ll get his Empire back soon enough. The Elements have no power now. As long as you both hold up your ends of the bargain you’ll get what you want.” “Of course,” the creature hisses. “You have proven your loyalty to me. I will happily give you my hoof in marriage. My King.” Shining Armor smiles sadistically at the creature in the mirror. “I look forward to Celestia’s downfall, and our ascension, My Queen.” > A Sibling's Dance (Pt.1) (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: A Siblings Dance      Part One (Equestria: Ponyville Orphanage) Kids. They can be the most blessed beings, or the most malevolent of schemers. It all really depends on who they were raised by and how they were raised. Through parents and idols do children learn and grow. In turn, the lessons they’ve learned get passed down to those children’s possible future children. But what of those who have no parents to learn from? What of those children whose families have forsaken them? These children will cling to their idols for guidance. But therein lies a fault; idols are rarely what people perceive them to be. So when the idol forsakes or lets these kids down, they are broken. Their will to learn, their will to love… Snuffed out like a candle. The flames of inspiration and ambition lost. The only thing left is sadness and rage. This is what Scootaloo the flightless filly was going through at this moment. Scootaloo sat at the edge of her creaky bed. Though the springs uncomfortably dung into her rump, they were not the cause of her mood. Her latest meals lacked taste, or did she just lose the ability to taste? Did she even actually eat? Who cares? She has long since torn down all of her Wonderbolt posters and Rainbow Dash drawings. The orange and purple haired filly has felt the shock of betrayal; a broken promise that has forever condemned her to this place. How long has she been sitting there? How long has it been since she screamed at her… “We’ve tried to get her to eat, but she just outright refuses. I’m afraid we’ll have to force feed her soon,” said a muffled voice through the thin wooden bedroom door. “If you all can do anything to help her, please don’t hesitate. At least get her to talk with you.” The voice was getting closer. “We’ll talk sum since into hur,” said a pony with an Appleossian accent from behind the door. “Alright, I’ll leave you all to talk,” the first voice said before the sounds of hooves clicking on tile stop. The silence was short lived as a knock echoed through the room. “Scootaloo we’re coming in.” The voice was a little higher-pitched this time. The filly watched the door knob jiggle then turn. She rolled her eyes as she sees Applebloom and Sweetie Bell enter her room. “We missed you at school today,” Sweetie Bell started. “We’re worried about you. The caretakers said you don’t leave your room anymore.” “What’s the point?” Scootaloo asks somberly. “It’s not like I have anything to look forward to.” “There’s always us.” “But at least you two get to go home to families that love you!” Scootaloo shouted. “I don’t have that privilege. Nopony wants a defective pegesi.” “Don’t say that!” Sweetie Bell shouted back. “You’re the greatest friend, and most athletic filly anypony could ask for. Right Applebloom?” “What Ah want to know is whi you didn’t tell us,” Applebloom pipes up. After a few moments of silence Scootaloo spoke up. “I thought it was obvious by know. Why I didn’t bring my parents to Career Day, why I avoided talking about moms and dads.” She felt tears welling up as she continued. “I never wanted you two to know. I just wanted you to be my friends. When I saw Rainbow Dash I thought she was the coolest and fastest pony in all of Equestria. “I… I asked her if she could adopt me. She told me that once she achieved her dream she’d make mine come true.” Her breathing started to get shallow as the tears she thought she’d already cried away streamed down her face. “I took a form from the caretaker’s desk and brought it to Rainbow Dash. I gave it to her; finally I could be the little sister to the best mare in Equestria. “But she told me that she was just too busy to take care of a foal; Wonderbolts come first. She just said ‘settle for an autograph, you’re a great filly Scoots. Somepony will adopt you.’ It’s not fair!” the filly sobs and repeats, “Nopony wants a defective pegesi!” “Stop saying that!” Sweetie Bell shouts as she tackles Scootaloo in an embrace. “We love you Scootaloo and we’re gonna help you! You can count on us!” “Buck her,” Applebloom muttered under her breath. However, the words still caught the ears of her two friends. Sweetie Bell’s jaw hung open. “What?” Sweetie Bell asked. “Y’all hurd me. Buck Rainbow Dash. Buck the Wonderbolts. An’ buck anypony who thinks yu’re nuthin’ just b’cause o yur wings! Look at us; we are a bunch of blank flanks. We’re misfits an’ most ponies only put up with us since we’re fillies. But we have dreams! Each an’ every one of us. We’re gunna help you not only git yur cutie mark, but we’re gunna help you gi back at Rainbow Dash and show everypony how lucky they’d be to adopt a filly like you!” Through their tears, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo smiled at their friend’s determination. After a moment Sweetie turns back to Scootaloo. “But you need to eat, Scoots. We can’t do any of this if you don’t have the strength.” “You two are the greatest friends a pony could ask for,” Scootaloo stated with a smile. “Cutie Mark Crusaders to the end!” Applebloom yelled. (Eos) (127 miles from the Disc of Cauthess) The scenery almost flashed by the three-vehicle convoy as they made their way toward the Disc. They were graced by lush fields with trees and various creatures as they continued the scenic drive through the mountains. However, suspicions were mounting and unanswered questions plagued our party’s minds. What was a loyalist from Niflheim doing here, and helping the enemy no less? “We there yet?” Prompto shouted over the noise of the motorcycle engine. He clung to Twilight, who began to pick up speed to keep behind the Regalia. “We don’t have much longer, provided Ardyn isn’t leading us into a trap,” Twilight answers. “Regardless of why he is helping is, it’s most likely a motive driven by the Emperor himself.” While Twilight was behind the Regalia, the Regalia was closely trailing Ardyn’s vehicle. “First the Quay and now here… This is too convenient,” Gladio stated. “Though Twilight would have you believe otherwise, Ardyn is strictly in this for himself,” Lunafreya offered. She leans forward in her seat. Noctis never takes his eyes off her. “That would explain why he hasn’t led us into a trap yet,” Ignis commented. “However that could quickly change.” “If he wanted to lead us into a trap he would have had plenty opportunities to make it known by now,” Noctis suggested. “Still, that doesn’t mean we should let our guard down,” Gladio added. “For right now we can chalk him under ‘creepy old dude,’” Noctis finished. “On that we can agree,” Ignis said. “Though Twilight seems fond of him.” To the group’s surprise, this comment made Lunafreya giggle. “Twilight has no love for anyone in the Empire with the exception of Ravus and I. Trust her, she’s gone out of her way more times than I wish to count.” Soon they stop at a gas station with a Caravan parked next to the building. Twilight had fallen back a little. “I think we should stop here for the day,” Ardyn remarked as he stepped out of his vehicle. “I think we should be heading to the Disc of Cauthess,” Gladio countered. “The Archaean isn’t going anywhere.” Adryn waves him off. “Besides, the king will want to have his full strength for this trial.” “Trial?” Noctis questioned. “Then let’s make camp,” Gladio sighed. “You must forgive me; I’m not a fan of the outdoors,” Ardyn mentions. Twilight and Prompto pull in beside the cars and park next to the Regalia. The two hop off and join the group. “I’ll foot the bill and we can stay at the Caravan for the night,” Ardyn offered. “What’s going on, Sis?” Twilight asked as she moved beside Lunafreya. “We’re stopping for the day,” Lunafreya replied. This made Twilight roll her eyes in annoyance, but before Lunafreya could say anything else Twilight threw he hands up in defeat. “I’m going into the station to see if we need anything,” Twilight grumbled as she walked away. (Later that night) Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio waited eagerly as the aroma of Ignis’s latest culinary creation filled the night air, as if the smell was reaching up to the very stars to give them a taste. “Well well,” Ardyn chuckled as he sat down beside Twilight and Lunafreya. “I can say in all my life I have never seen such a talent for cooking. I’ve never once thought eggs could be fried like this.” Twilight rolled her eyes at him. “Twilight,” Lunafreya whispered, “don’t be mean.” It wasn’t long before Ignis finished cooking. “Prompto, these plates belong to the four of us; take them over to our fire place.” Before giving Prompto the chance, Gladio snags them. “I’d rather not eat grass with our meal,” Gladio remarks. “Hey, I’m not that clumsy,” Prompto defended. As if fate set out to embarrass him, he stumbles and in the process almost drops his plate. “I rest my case,” Gladio joked. Meanwhile, Ignis took three plates over to Lunafreya, Ardyn, and Twilight. “I would like to hear what you all think of my recipe,” Ignis stated as he passes out their plates. “If it’s anything like it smells, it will truly be a meal fit for a king,” Ardyn says in a gentleman’s tone. “I simply can’t wait to try it,” Lunafreya said in a mildly excited tone. All the while, Twilight said nothing as Ignis gave her a plate. Of course once they gave it time to cool, Lunafreya and Ardyn dug in. “As expected from a Crownsguard,” Ardyn comments with a hearty laugh after taking a few bites. “Efficient in everything they do. This meal is no different.” “It’s quite lovely,” Lunafreya said. She continues to eat with vigor. Twilight remained silent, poking at the fried egg. After a moment she sees that Ignis is staring at her, so she swallows the lump in her throat and took a fork-full of the dish into her mouth. Upon tasting it, her eyes went wide. WHAT IN FAUST’S NAME?! she thought. It’s as if the gods themselves have blessed this dish! It’s amazing-! It’s wonderful! It’s-! IT’S-! “It’s alright,” she calmly states. “Better than an M.R.E. any day, but then again so is dirt.” The entire group turns to Twilight in shock. “Twilight!” Lunafreya snapped. “Now you’re just being rude!” “Oh, dear,” Ignis commented. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with people who couldn’t swallow their pride. So on this night I will vow this to you, Sorceress; I will make a dish that will make you confess the truth you’re hiding. And you will break. They always do.” “Fat chance, Specs,” Twilight chuckled. “I’ve held under military torture the likes of which would scar you for life. If you think a simple meal will break me, then you’re way too overconfident for your own good.” She smirked as she got in Ignis’s face. After a tense silent staring contest, Ignis’s face deadpans. “You’re blushing,” he says, having noted the faint red in Twilight’s cheeks. “My entire face is red from how spicy you made my eggs,” she replied calmly. “Should I take them back?” “No. Whether or not a meal is good it is needed to keep up strength.” “Fair enough. Enjoy.” He returns to his group. “Thanks,” Twilight grumbles. (The next day) The group resumed their journey early the next morning. After another forty-five minute drive, they reached a large steel gate. Ardyn pulls to the side and steps out of his vehicle. The groups follow suit and they stand with Ardyn at the gate. “This better not be a set up,” Noctis grumbled. “I haven’t given you a reason to doubt me yet,” Ardyn responds with a smirk. “No but given what the Empire has done, we can’t help but point fingers,” Twilight remarks sarcastically. Ardyn turns from them and faces the gate. “Hello there. It’s me. Would you be so kind as to open up?” Ardyn shouted. Within seconds the gate slid open, much to Prompto’s surprise. “That actually worked?” Prompto questioned. Ardyn only ignored the baffled comment. “You have a date with divinity Sire. Enjoy. Now that you are here I must part ways with you, for the Emperor will not be too pleased if I’m gone any longer.” Twilight scoffs at the mention of the old man. Twilight and Lunafreya return to the motorcycle and the guys pile back into the Regalia. “Farewell and good luck to you,” Ardyn says as the two vehicles pull in through the now-opened gate. “This is getting weirder by the second,” Twilight commented as they pass by two magitek transports. “Not a single trooper. Lulu, is there something you’re not telling me? This has been convenient. Far too convenient.” Lunafreya says nothing and holds onto Twilight tighter as they are jostled by several bumps along the road. “There is nothing more to be said Sis,” Lunafreya says after a few moments. “I have no idea why he hasn’t attempted to capture us… Maybe it’s because of Ravus.” “Why is Ravus still working for them?” Twilight asked rather aggressively. “They want us dead. Why would he go along with something like that?” “Maybe he’s not,” Lunafreya muses. “I guess we’ll see.” Twilight’s voice had a hint of concern in it. They park beside the Regalia that had stopped at an area of ruins. The boys were already outside of the vehicle waiting for the girls. “Guess we continue on foot,” Gladio announced. The group of six continued on through a large crack between a rock structure and made their way down the ruins. “Noct,” Ignis starts, “these ruins look…” His words were cut short as he spots a royal tomb. “Never thought there would be a royal arm in this place,” Gladio remarked as they walk toward it. “Be a shame not to grab that power.” “Royal arm,” Twilight whispered. “Looks like I found another weapon to copy.” Lunafreya walks away from Twilight to stand beside Noctis. “Be careful,” the princess advises her betrothed. “I will,” Noctis answered with a reassuring smile. She smiled back and moves a few paces away. He holds his hands out as he had in the previous tombs. The sword began to glow and seemed to turn into a glass-like material. Twilight watched in awe as the sword slowly rose into the air. It flies into Noctis, revealing several other weapons. “Nice light show,” Twilight says with a shrug. “But I think we…” She’s cut off by a violent quake. “HERE WE GO AGAIN!” Prompto cries out. “The Archaean is waking up! It knows the king is near!” Lunafreya shouts. She stumbles. “Get away quickly!” Ignis exclaimed. Noctis attempted to make a break for his friends, but it was too late as another headache racked him as the ground gave way from under him. The royal tomb went crashing down as the remainder of the ground gave way. Noctis slid further into the crater. “NOCTIS!” Lunafreya screamed. She wasted no time in following him down. Gladio was close behind. Noctis tried clinging to a rock, but he slipped. It seemed like it would be a straight fall to the ground, but Gladio and Lunafreya were able to grab onto his arms. “Thanks guys,” Noctis panted as he climbs buck up. Once pulled to safety another quake struck, causing several large rocks to fall toward the three. Before these rocks could land on them a purple aura surrounded the rocks. “Lulu!” Twilight called, her horn glowing in her hand. “You’re going to be the death of me!” The rocks are flung into the crater. “Your trial begins now, Son of Lucis,” a voice boomed throughout the crater. The meteor at the heart was shaking and shifting into the air to reveal a large humanoid creature that was encrusted with hard crystal-like substances. “Anyone else hear that?” Twilight asked. “Sounds like just growls to me,” Prompto remarked. “You alright Noct?!” Ignis called out, peeking over the slope. “We’re fine!” Noctis called back. “There is a path, so we’re going to see where it leads. You all try to find a way down!” Twilight smirked. “Welp. You two have fun finding a subtle way down,” said Twilight as she casually walks off the edge of the crater. “Twilight!” Prompto shouted. He tried to grab her but she slid down the rock wall. Her horn transforms into Nyx’s Kukris and she stabs it into the side of the rock. This slowed her descent until she was at the bottom. “Well,” she said as she pulls the weapon out of the wall, “let’s get a move on.” The Kukris turns back into her horn and she slides it back to its hiding place. Ignis and Prompto disappear from the ledge as Noctis, Lunafreya, Gladio, and Twilight started walking along the crevice that had just been created. The further they travel, the hotter it seems to be getting. “Why is it so hot?” Noctis complained as he stumbles through the now-humid pathway. “We are now inside of the geothermal crater that powers Lestallum,” Twilight explains. “It’s bound to be hot, and it’s going to get hotter if we’re going the right way.” “Great,” Noctis spat as they continued walking. A few minutes later, Noctis’s phone rings. “Ignis?” he says. They group stops to see what’s going on. “Noctis… … Empire… … Heavy… …” The phone sputtered out and cut off. “What was that about?” Twilight asked. “I think he was trying to warn us,” Lunafreya said. “Look,” she adds, pointing up as three Niflheim transports pass above the group. “What does the Empire want here?” Gladio asked himself as the group continued. They end up near an unstable ledge. “Oh great,” Noctis whined. “Let’s just get through this,” Gladio states as he side-stepped along the ledge. Noctis started following, but was struck by another massive headache. Noctis would have fallen off the ledge had it not been for Gladio, who braced Noctis to the wall with his arm. “Why now?” Noctis grunted in pain. The Archaean shifted its gaze upon them and spoke. “Son of Lucis. Your trial shall not be an easy one. To be king, you will have to sacrifice all for your people. But first you must have the strength to fight for them.” The voice only came out as distorted nothings as Noctis and Gladio finally make it across. “Titan!” Noctis yelled. “What do you want from me?!” The giant’s massive fist slammed into the rock below Noctis. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” he yelled as the ground under him broke. This sent him tumbling down in the direction of a lower rock formation. He threw his sword into the ground and teleported to it to stop the fall. However, the Archaean was not finished; the Titan brought his foot upward and over the platform Noctis now stood on. Seeing no way to dodge it as the foot came down, Noctis summoned his sword and stood his ground. The ground was shaken by the immense force as the Titan’s foot was blocked. “D-damn it!” Noctis screamed with great effort. He batted the Archaean’s foot away, only for the giant to try again. “Oh come on!” He prepared for another assault. “NOCT!” Gladio shouted as he tackled Noctis out of the way. The foot came down and a mass of rock dust filled the air. Once settled, Gladio was hanging onto the rock ledge that was just created by the Archaean. “Gladio!” Noctis yelled. He leapt toward the ledge and was able to grab a hold of his friend before he fell. However, Noctis failed to notice the Archaean’s fist flying at them. He had little to no time to react as the wall of grey shot toward him. Right before impact, Twilight’s voice echoed through the crater. “FIREBALL!” On command, a large ball of fire slammed into the Titan’s face, making him stop his onslaught of Noctis and Gladio. He turns to his new assailant. Twilight stood before the God with determination set in her face. “You guys okay down there?!” she called. Lunafreya was no longer with her. “We’ve been better, thanks!” Gladio shouted back. “Well get up here! We can’t fight him alone!” she said before jumping out of the way of the Archaean’s fist headed at her. “Hurry!” Gladio and Noctis raced to the top of the hill, dodging the giant’s fist again on the way. Twilight sprinted ahead of them. The Titan slammed his hand into the rocks beside the three and started to slide it along the scorched ground, destroying rocks as it continued after the trio. “That’s not good!” Twilight yelled. Gladio stopped to summon his broadsword. “I’ll hold him! Get moving you two!” He held his sword tightly, setting himself into a firm stance as the massive hand slid right toward him. It took a great deal of effort but Gladio managed to stop the hand, his muscles bulging from the strain and pressure the giant was pushing onto him. “Noctis!” Twilight shouted. “Down there!” She pointed to a clearing a short distance away. The two nodded at each other and hurled their swords over to it, instantly teleporting them to their destination. At that time, Gladio’s strength gave way and the Titan’s hand knocked Gladio into the air and into the clearing. “You okay Gladio?!” Noctis shouted as he ran to his companion. “That could have gone better,” Twilight commented. She assisted Noctis in helping Gladio to his feet. “Definitely,” Gladio groaned. He crushed an elixir to heal himself. “Here he comes again!” Twilight yelled. “All right, I’ve had ENOUGH!” Noctis cried out while blocking the Titan’s hand. “Hang on,” Twilight said. She held up her horn and a lavender aura started glowing around the large hand. “That will keep him in place! Go for his eye!” Noctis smirked and ran up the giant’s arm. He hurled his broadsword into the Archaean’s eye, causing him to scream in pain. The Archaean nearly dropped to the meteor as he attempted to nurse his eye. Not wanting to risk being so close when the giant counterattacks, Noctis teleported back to Twilight. “Nice one!” she beamed. “Did we miss anything?!” a voice called out, causing the three to turn to it. Prompto, Ignis, and Lunafreya sprinted toward the rest of the group. “Apologies for being late; Lunafreya managed to guide us to you,” Ignis explained while wiping fog from his glasses. “Well it’s a good thing you’re here now,” Twilight said in a scarcastic damsel in distress tone. “Twilight,” Lunafreya grumbled. “WATCH OUT!” Prompto yelled as the Titan’s hand came crashing down onto them. It was stopped by Noctis’s sword. “We need to disarm him!” Twilight instructed the group. “Quite literally,” Prompto mused. Twilight’s horn began to glow again and her aura surrounded the giant’s hand once more. “Now Noctis!” Twilight shouted. Upon the order, Noctis throws the hand back. Twilight assisted by pinning it to the ground near the group. “Hit it with everything you’ve got!” she declared. “And hurry; I can’t hold him forever!” Lunafreya, Noctis, Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto all attacked the hand in unison. “Press the attack!” Gladio said as he swung his broadsword into the Titan’s thumb. Lunafreya jumped into the air and drove her javelin down into the index finger. “I got it!” Prompto blurted out as he was shooting the hand. “It’s an Attack On Titan!” (Equestria) (Ponyville; Sugarcube Corner) Pinkie Pie was tending to the day’s customers as usual until it hit her. “Pinkie!” Mrs. Cake called out. “I need you to cut this cake while I take care of Pumpkin and Pound. The poor dears have been sick all morning.” Out of the silence, Pinkie Pie leaped over the countertop wearing a pink Survey Corps jacket with twin knives in her hands. “Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!” Pinkie sang as she cut a large cake into several pieces. Small pieces expertly landed onto several plates that were lined out for the next few guests. Mrs. Cake could only look at her with the slightest of irritation. “Do I even want to know?” she asked the bright pink pony. “Hehe, sorry,” Pinkie said bashfully. “I felt a fourth wall break worse than the one Wall Maria received.” (Eos) (Back to the fight) “Prompto, I have no idea why, but I want to slap you for that!” Twilight grunted as she struggled to keep the Titan’s hand pinned. “Niflheim!” Lunafreya warned before she back flipped off the hand. She watched as Magitek troopers began to surround the Titan. They were firing cables out of large glowing lances. “Breach lances?!” Twilight said in confusion. “By the Six above! Has he lost his mind?!” The Titan broke free from Twilight’s magical bonds then, and swept his hand along the ground. In the process, he destroyed several Magitek troopers. “Here it comes again!” Prompto shouted. He slid under the hand as it passes him. Twilight and Lunafreya jump off two troopers, who became ground in the rocks, as it swept by them. Noctis teleported through the hand as it passed by him. Gladio summoned his shield to block his attack and gets knocked to the ground. Ignis managed to quickly dive into a crater as the hand passed mere centimeters above him. Without wasting time, Ignis shot up and ran to Gladio. “You alright?” he asked his friend. Gladio takes his hand and stands. “Yeah, I’m fine,” Gladio grumbles. “We need to end this.” “I have an idea,” Ignis mused. “Noct! Block his next attack!” “Alright!” He shouts. “Twilight!” Ignis yells. “I’m a little busy at the moment!” she yelled back as she skewered a trooper. “Can you enhance spells?!” “Yeah!” she responded. In theory… “Help Noctis stop the Titan’s hand!” Ignis instructed as he runs to Noctis. Twilight’s weapon turned back into her horn and she focused on the giant’s hand. The Archaean swung wildly, but his hand slowed to a crawl near Noctis and Ignis. Seeing the opportunity, Lunafreya yells, “Now Noctis!” Noctis nods and summoned his sword. He runs to it and knocks the hand to the ground. “Ignis,” Twilight shouted as she pinned his arm, “do what you need to do!” “Game’s up,” Ignis said as he threw a metallic ball at the giant. He then signaled for Gladio and Prompto to follow up. “You’re out!” Prompto added as he and Gladio also threw theirs. Twilight raised her left hand toward the three metal balls and focused on them. The spheres began to shine as the energy within them grew. In a brief flash, the three spheres detonated along the Titan’s arm, freezing the entire limb solid. “Now!” the five yell in unison. “IT’S OVER!” Noctis shouted as he summoned his broad sword. He slammed it into the frozen arm, shattering it in the process. The God tried his best to hold the meteor up, only now with one arm. “You have done well, King of Lucis,” the Titan spoke. Again, it only reached the group’s ears as mangled grunts and growls, but he continued. Twilight looked around at the group to see puzzled faces. “I can understand him…” she said to herself. She turned to Noctis. “He said, ‘you are a credit to your friends as they are a credit to you; remember that,’” she explained. “Wait, you can understand him?” Noctis asked in alarm. “It’s not over however,” the Archaean continued. “This path requires many sacrifices. But for now you may rest knowing that you earned my covenant. It is time for me to depart. Call on my power when you need me.” The Archaean roared and gold wisps began to fly around him. The wisps stop, then flew straight into Noctis. “What is this?!” Noctis cried out. He writhed as memories began to flood his mind. He saw Lunafreya speaking to the Archaean. He turned to her with confused eyes. “I’ll explain…” Lunafreya was interrupted by a violent quake. The group turned to see the God glowing gold. Then he erupted in a mass of light and vanished, destroying all of the Magitek transports in the area. After a moment to regain their sight, the group saw the giant that had once held up the meteor was gone. But there was no time to take in the awe of its disappearing act, for no sooner did they breathe a sigh of relief, the crater they were standing in began to violent rumble again. “What could possibly be going on now?” Noctis yelled. “All the fighting must have cause some volcanic activity!” Ignis responded over the rumbling. “In other words, we need to MOVE!” Twilight shouted. This prompted for the group to sprint toward an exit, but the ground started to crack and lava began to spew about. This didn’t leave much of an option for the six heroes. “Just GREAT!” “I have to agree; this is not good,” Ignis said. He tried glancing around to see if there was any way out, but none was found. All seemed lost until a gust of wind and the hum of an engine picked up behind the group. They all turn to face a Magitek Transport ship. “Really?!” Twilight shouted. “Now of all times?!” She pulled out her horn as the doors opened, revealing Ardyn standing alone with his signature smirk. “Fancy meeting you here!” Ardyn shouted to the group. They could only stand at the ready. “I’m pretty sure Twilight has told you all about me, so I never had the chance to introduce myself properly. Izunia. Ardyn Izunia.” He bows to them. No mistaking it now, Ignis thought. “At your service! And more importantly, your aid! Unless you wish to take your chance buried in all the rubble and what not.” They contemplated their options for a moment; though only one involved living. “Come on!” Twilight said. A purple aura surrounded the group and hoisted them to the ramp of the transport. Twilight jumped in behind them, only looking back to make sure she didn’t miss anyone. With no one left to retrieve, she went inside and strapped Lunafreya into a seat. Twilight holds onto a handlebar to steady herself as the transport roughly took to the air, taking them away from the volcanic debris.                                   > A sibling's Dance (Pt.2) (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12:  A Sibling’s dance (Part 2)                                              (Equestria) (Unknown Location) The sounds of hooves echoed throughout musty rooms. Light chatter of current events fluttered through abandoned walls as a pink alicorn roamed empty halls. She seemed lost in her thoughts. “Cadence, you’re late,” Dusk said as she kept pace with the princess. “S-sorry,” Cadence answered dreamily. “I’ve lost out on a bit of sleep.” “Why is that?” Dusk glanced through several rooms as they walked on. Cadence’s eyes were wide with what seemed to be panic. “It has been... difficult going from Canterlot and back disguised.” Her words left her mouth quickly before she let out a sigh. Dusk’s eyebrows quirked at the mare’s behavior, but decided to let it slide for now. “Did we find out anything more of Princess Luna?” Dusk nodded. “She is being looked after by only one guard; Day Guard Flash Sentry. He seems easy going, and reports say he always leaves the castle in a rather sullen mood.” “He might sympathize with Luna,” Cadence suggested. “It’s hard to say at this point, but it would be a boon to have him as our ally when we spring our Princess.” The two stop as several Night Guards passed by. Dusk puts a hoof to her chin in thought. They continue their walk once the guards pass. “But therein lays a new problem; smuggling our Princess out of Equestria.” Cadence’s eyes widened at the last statement. “You can’t be serious!” she cried out in alarm. “We can’t just run away and leave Equestria. We need to take the throne from Celestia and find Twilight.” Dusk turned to her as they reached a door at the end of the narrow hallway they’d been walking in. “I want nothing more than to get our Princess free and help the ponies of Equestria. But we will do more damage if we attempt a coup, even with all of the information we do have. Let me show you.” Dusk opened the door and the hallway was flooded with voices. “Let’s go,” Dusk instructed. She heads inside and Cadence followed. Cadence looked in awe; the room was filled with batponies. They all seemed to be working around the clock. There was a large table in the middle of the room that was covered in maps, pictures, and files stolen from the Canterlot archives. The walls were lined with boards with newspaper clippings plastered onto them. “Incredible,” Cadence whispered to herself. “You gathered all of this in such a short time.” Dusk smirked. “Push us against the wall and we do pretty much anything.” She let out a sharp whistle. “Alright! I want current events; what’s going on out there?” “Riots broke out in Canterlot Square today at noon,” one batpony spoke. “Riots?” Cadence questions. Dusk nodded. “Public moral is steadily decreasing despite the victory at the Crystal Empire,” another batpony chimed. “Captain Shining Armor has taken back command of Celestia’s guard.” Cadence’s heart filled with regret and sorrow at the mention of Shining’s name. “Captain Spike has been temporarily transferred to the Crystal Empire to ensure safety of trades while Shining Armor trains a regime of guards to take his place,” added another batpony. “On top of that, rumors of a changeling scout sighting at the edge of the Empire have spread a minor panic among the Empire’s citizens.” Cadence was at a loss for words. “I have wondered if Celestia lost her mind in only assigning one guard to keep our Princess locked up. Luna is not only resourceful, but combat savvy as well. She is more than capable of taking down one guard and escaping. But then it dawned on me,” Dusk explained as she turned to face Cadence. There was a serious gleam in the Night Guard Captain’s eyes. “You have been out of the loop, but my guards have been keeping ears to the ground. “Ever since the changeling attack citizens of Canterlot live in constant fear that their neighbor is a changeling. These feelings of hysteria will sometimes boil over and escalate to riots. Nopony has been killed yet, thankfully. But the victims are usually horribly beaten, and they get sent to the intensive care unit at the hospital. From what we’ve heard, the largest riot to date took place today. “It took the Day Guards three hours to get them under control. The spike in violence is due to the fact that the anniversary of the changeling invasion is in less than a week. Celestia is still a major symbol of the endurance it took to withstand that trial. She is a symbol of the ponies’ resolve. If we take the throne from her we will be mistaken as changelings and attacked by the very ponies we’re trying to protect. “And even on the off-hoof chance we have many allies to help us with this coup, they will be labeled as changelings or brain-washed by changelings and attacked as well. It would lead to an all out civil war; the first one in history,” Dusk explained to the Cadence. Cadence stood in pure shock. She took a moment to read some of the bulletins and memos, then turned back to Dusk. "So what do we do?" "It goes without saying that I need your help, Princess," Dusk replied. "Our situation is far more delicate than what we can handle on our own. You have your own life to live, but would you be willing to help us?" All eyes in the room locked on to the Princess with pleading looks. Cadence felt like the weight of the world was being thrust upon her. And with the way things were turning out, it very well may be. With a sigh, she bowed her head to whisper a prayer, "Velvet, Night Light... Please look after Flurry Heart, and tell her to forgive me." With the prayer finished, she steeled her nerves and stared Dusk down. "I am at your disposal." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Crystal Empire) (Crystal Palace Balcony) Truly, the rewards for being a hera are ample indeed, but what are these rewards when the ones closest to you are not there to witness them? Sitting on the balcony of the Crystal Palace, Spike growled in frustration. Ever since the defeat of King Sombra, the teenage dragon was idolized by the Empire. Ponies cheered, fillies gave him flirtatious winks when he passed, foals asked for his autograph the moment they saw him. All in all, Spike was a hero to the Empire and an inspiration to all. But a past failure weighs heavy on the hero's heart, even in the midst of these celebrations. Spike sighed and looked to the sky. He admired the clouds floating listlesly as he let his mind wander. Twilight... I finally did it... I got stronger... Now Celestia won't be able to separate us... I'm on to her; she wants me away so I can't protect you... But she won't stop me... His thoughts were interrupted by a Crystal guardspony. "Captain." "What is it?" Spike slightly growled as he turned to face the guard. "Reports of changeling hysteria have started to grow in Canterlot," the guardspony explained with a salute. "Though things are pretty quiet for the moment, if it was a changeling that the traders saw..." "Then we will find it," Spike interrupted. "But I will look for it alone." He stood up. The guardspony looked at Spike as if he'd grown a second head. "Pardon my insubordination Sir, but are you out of your mind? If you go alone the thing could easily capture and replace you to infiltrate the Empire... What if it's another one of Chrysalis's plans?" the guard asks, to which Spike only smirks. "You're right; she could be laying in wait. Or maybe she's already made her move." Spike's voice was ominous as he moved to pace around the guard. "It's kind of odd. The name of the changeling queen has yet to be released to the public, given that the Crystal Ponies were just freed from a tyrant king and returned to us." The guard's eyes widened. "So," Spike continued, stopping in front of the guard, "in order to make sure their integration back into sociey was comfortable, the guards from Canterlot were not to speak of the changeling queen, lest panic ensues, by order of Celestia." His eyebrow raises as he continues. "So how is it that a Crystal Guard like you, who wasn't there during the initial attack, know the name of the enemy queen?" The guard refused to answer. "Let me make this simple for you," Spike said. He drew his sword. "Give yourself up now and I'll let you live." The guard pony stumbled back as a smokeless green flame engulfed him. In his place was now a frightened changeling drone. "Start talking; what does your queen want now?" Spike growled. "Please, I don't know," the drone shivered, only causing the dragon's anger to grow. "Wrong answer." Spike's tone was cold. He lunged toward the drone. "Please have mercy!" the drone shouted with his eyes shut tight, bracing for the fatal blow. However it never came. He opened his eyes to see the blade had stopped mere inches from his face. "Mercy?" Spike questioned. "That's a funny concept coming from the creatures that attacked my friends and family." "I didn't take part in the attack," the drone responded. "I couldn't do it." "And why is that?" Spike asked catiously. He didn't move his blade from above the changeling's head. "I-I've been living among you ponies for some time," the drone mustered. "I was scouting for my mother, the queen." At hearing this, Spike drove the sword into a the wall mere centimeters from the drone's head. "Keep talking," Spike hissed. "Ponies are known for being rich with love; an emotion we thrive off of," the drone explained. "My mother said she was going to present us at the upcoming wedding as a surprise. I never thought it was going to be an invasion. I wanted to go down and apologize to all the poor ponies... but when the barrier returned, most of my siblings were flung ot the badlands. I was flung here, to the frozen north. I wanted to integrate into pony society; I wanted to show them that not all of us are like our queen." Much to the drone's surprise, Spike pulled his sword out of the wall and sheathed it. Minutes passed as the dragon stared at the drone, who gulped in anticipation for the verdict he knew without a doubt as going to be- "Alright," Spike said sternly. The drone blinked. "W-what, just like that? You're going to let me go?" "Of course not," Spike said as he facepalmed. "No, you're going to reveal yourself to the Crystal ponies. You're also going to have a guard follow you around unless you're in my sight. Ples, you are also forbidden from going beyond the walls of the Empire. Other than that, you're fine." "That's all?" The drone blinked in surprise. "Yes." Spike nodded. "B-but why?" Spike sighed and looked out toward the balcony. "A few years ago, we met a friend who put our town in a panic because no one knew anything about her. The town judged her, my mother judged her. However, after she helped them, my mother and her friends learned to never judge a book by its cover. "My mom learned from that experience and she taught me the same. Make no mistake; you will have to work long and hard to earn my trust, and the trust of the ponies here in the Empire. But if you're telling the truth I will welcome you. I'm sticking my neck out for you, so don't waste it." He spoke in a profound tone. "Thank you," the drone replied. "My name is Thorax." The now-named changeling held out a hoof, which Spike grasped with a clawed hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (CMC Clubhouse) "How about this one?" Sweetie Belle asked as she sat down a paper containing crudely drawn crayon words. Scootaloo inspected the paper and smiled. "I like it, Operation: Over The Rainbow," she giggled at the very thought of the crusaders' plan. Applebloom sighed as she looked the plan over. "So, what do you think?" the orange filly questioned as her small wings fluttered. After a brief moment of pause, Applebloom cleared her throat. "It's too small," Applebloom finally replied. "What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Rainbow Dash is ah Wonder Bolt, ah well known hero throughout Equestria. Or, at least that's wut mah sister tells me. Tryin' to one up her is not only gunna be hard, but nearly impossible." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sighed as they registered what Applebloom was saying. "We need a better plan," Sweetie Belle concluded. "But all the stuff we can think of is filly's play compared to Rainbow Dash." "Well, we could sabatoge her," Scootaloo suggested. Applebloom pounded the table with a hoof, resulting in a surprisingly large dent for a filly her age. "Absolutely not!" the farm filly shouted. "Ah know ya want ta get back at her Scoots, but sabatoge is out of tha question. We wunt ta beat Rainbow on our terms, not stoop ta her low." "It's not like she wouldn't deserve it!" Scootaloo shot up in rage. "I waited for three years Applebloom! I waited for three long years for her to come to the orphanage and finally adopt me. But she betrayed me! I just wanted a home! "I just wanted a sister. Do you know what that's like?! To see you both run to your sisters and give them a big hug after a long day of playing. When all I have to look forward to is an old room at the orphanage?" Scootaloo cried. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle could only embrace their friend as sorrow washed over her. "Ah know it hurts, Scoots," Applebloom offered. A few tears over her own started slipping from her eyes. "But we're not gunna give up. We jus' need ta find sumthin' Rainbow Dash can't or hasn't dun already." "Twilight," Sweetie Belle whispered, which caught the attention of her fellow crusaders. "What?" Scootaloo raised a brow. "Twilight," she stated again, this time for her friends to hear. "She has been missing for over a year, right?" "Yeah, that's right," Applebloom replied. "So if we find her, not only will we upstage Rainbow Dash, but we'll also show everypony in town that we're awesome at finding and/or rescuing an Element of Harmony. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would have no room to bully us anymore-" "And ponies would be lining up to adopt the orphan who helped save Twilight!" Scootaloo interrupted while she bounced with joy. "That's right!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Sweetie Belle, that is an excellent idea!" Applebloom chimed in. "But where do we start?" Scootaloo put hoof to chin, trying to think of possible places to look for Twilight. "The new mare, Sunset Shimmer, is livin' in Twilight's house," Applebloom mused. "Maybe she knows where Twilight was last seen." "Then that is where we begin," Sweetie Belle declared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Golden Oaks Library) Sunset lay in her bed... well, her temporary bed. But that's beside the point. She hasn't been the same since the liberation of the Crystal Empire. She had to think. Think about her past, think about... A loud banging shook the mare from her thoughts. "Coming!" she announced. She rolled her eyes as she made her way down the stairs. "Alright Rarity, another spa dat-" But before she could finish she is struck in the face with pie. "HA! TAKE THAT TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" a voice boomed in triumph. Confetti and smoke exploded as a mare with an azure coat leapt forward. She had a pale cornflower-blue mane, and was wearing a magician's hat and cape. "In the end you are powerless before the Great and Powerful... Wait, you're not Twilight." "NO I'M NOT!" Sunset roared. "I am so SICK of everypony comparing me to Twilight Sparkle! I am Sunset Shimmer DAMN YOU! SUNSET SHIMMER!" Sunset's temper flared, boiling the very pie off her face. Her teeth became sharper and her eyes radiated with power as her coat slowly turned to a blood red. "M-miss?! Miss! I'm sorry!" The azure mare started to slowly back away in fear. Upon realizing this, Sunset froze in horror . She began to breathe heavily. The color of her coat reverted to normal, as did her eyes and teeth. "What did you see?" she asked frantically. "W-what are you..." the mare stuttered. "Answer me!" Sunset shouted. "Y-you changed!" the mare whimpered. Before she could scream, an opal aura enveloped her. "No! Wait!" She was dragged into the library, the door slamming shut behind her. "I didn't mean it!" The mare was starting to panic. She backed into a bookshelf. "I swear I didn't know-" "I'm sorry!" Sunset Shimmer sobbed. "Please don't tell anypony! I didn't mean to!" the once frightened mare looked at Sunset catiously. "I-it's okay. I won't tell anypony. Who are you... what are you?" "A pony! I'm a pony!" Sunset sobbed louder. "Okay, Okay!" The mare tried to calm her down and patted Sunset's pack with a hoof. "You said your name was Sunset Shimmer, right?" Sunset looked up at the mare with puffy red eyes and nodded. "Well, Sunset Shimmer, I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" The mare threw her front hooves into the air in a dramatic pose. Though the attempt was noble, it did nothing to calm the amber colored unicorn. Trixie sighed. "But, you can call me Trixie. Trixie Lulamoon." She paused for a moment. "Look, I'm not going to tell anypony what I saw, okay? Jut stop crying, you're making me nervous." "Okay." Sunset stood up. "Again, I'm Sunset Shimmer." "That much I gathered," Trixie mumbled. "So, if you don't mind my asking, why are you in Twilight Sparkle's home?" "I'm replacing Twilight Sparkle, who is away on business," Sunset explained. "However, I have no idea when she will be back." "I see," Trixie said with a nod. "Which means I came all this way for nothing." "Do you have a place to stay?" Sunset sighed. "Not really. I just have my cart and that's it." Trixie peeked outside to make sure her cart was still right where she left it. She'd almost forgotten about it when she was considering running for the hills moments ago. "If you..." Sunset paused. "If you keep what you saw to yourself, then I will let you stay. And as long as you help out around here." Sunset sat on the sofa, allowing Trixie to think it over. "I wasn't going to expose your secret, on The Great and Powerful Trixie's honor. But since you're offering I will humbly accept. In this way, I can learn all Twilight Sparkle has learned. But I must warn you my dear. I'm going to need to know what that was all about." Trixie smirked, eliciting Sunset to roll her eyes. "We'll see," Sunset grumbled before trotting off to make up the guest bedroom. As she did so, Trixie waited quietly in the main area. I was hoping to exact my revenge against Twilight Sparkle, Trixie thought, but you're proven to be of great interest. Who are you, Sunset Shimmer? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Fluttershy's Cottage) After feeding animals outside of her cottage, Fluttershy trotted into her kitchen. She hadn't gotten around to thinking about it until today, but she had to know... what did the Element of Loyalty mean? The questions were plaguing her since the judgement; what is going to happen to Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy started to cut some carrots for Angel when Discord appeared in a flash of smoke with said bunny dressed in a fairy princess outfit. Angel looked rather displeased. "Discord, I-" her words stopped short upon seeing her baby bunny in the outfit and she giggled. "Get him out of that," she demanded with a smirk. Discord snapped his fingers and the outfit disappeared. "What? I personally thought it was cute," Discord chuckled. Angel started at the being with a death glare. "Now, you wished to speak to me?" "Yes. I wanted to know if you knew what Loyalty meant by his message?" she asked as she put the carrots on a plate for Angel. Seeing his meal, the bunny's glare softened and he scurried straight to the plate; he'd had enough of Discord's antics for the day. "Ah, so that's what you wanted to talk about." He chuckled to himself. "Yes. I don't want to see Rainbow Dash hurt, but she doesn't think the Element was serious." "How can she?" he snorted in amusement. "She is a hero, and heroes don't need to worry about superstitions. Or should they?" Fluttershy gulped. "Make no mistake, Rainbow Dash is going to be in for some pain. But it's going to be something far worse, something even I can't comprehend. "She's going to have her pride ripped right out of her. And the worst part is she'll have no one to blame but herself." Fluttershy listened in thought as he continued. "This has always been Loyalty's karma; its weilders swell with pride. Then they find themselves crushed under the weight of humiliation. That's the fate that will befall Rainbow Dash." "How can I stop it?" she asked frantically. "You cannot stop what she has already brought upon herself. In the end, if Loyalty falls it will take the other Elements to help her back to her hooves. So just be ready and be there for her." Discord spoke in a calm tone. Seeing no way around it, Fluttershy sighed in defeat. "Thank you Discord," she managed. "It's what-" he started to turn away but she stopped him. "No, I mean it. Thank you. For everything." Fluttershy smiled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Wiz Chocobo Post) After the group's fateful battle with the Archaean and their escape from certain death, they found themselves without their transportation. Even Twilight's motorcycle was gone. Though, she seemed to be handling it very calmly. "I swear if those bastards so much as scratched the paint on my baby, I'll cut them open from the belly to brain and feed them their intestines through their-!" "Twilight!" Lunafreya shouted. "Discontinue that line of thinking." Twilight only grumbled. Ignis retuned to the group then. "Just spoke with Cindy," he said. "And?" Noctis asked. "The Regalia and the Fenrir have not shown up in any shops. She even looked back where we left them." "Then the Empire most likely has them," Gladio mentioned. "It would not surprise me," Lunafreya stated. The group turned to her. "The Regalia belonged to the former King Regis, which would make it a grand trophy for the Emperor." "Ledolas," Twilight chortled, "the old bastard has lost his mind. I heard he was going to take on the Gods, but I thought it was a figure of speech. He truly is going to run the Empire through the ground on this damned fool's crusade." "How much do you know?" Noctis questioned. She shrugged. "They've made weapon after weapon after weapon to try and break into Lucis. Ironically it was the call to peace that brought the city down." "Hey!" Gladio stomped up to Twilight. "We want to know what they're doing. We did not ask for your condescension." "And I didn't ask for the walking hunk of beef to be in my face, but we're all making compromises now aren't we?" Twilight shot back. "Anyway," she continued, taking a step away from Gladio, "one of the weapons they made to take Lucis on is called the Wall Breaker Wave. It is a weapon meant to nullify Lucian Magic, and if the tests are accurate, then it is also being used with the breach lances to successfully take on the Astels." Twilight's ominous words made the group look to Noctis in concern. "Then how do we stop it?" he asked. "Just like any other magitek weapon, it requires energy. Destroy what generates it and you get your powers back," she explained. "And what about you?" Ignis eyed her suspiciously, pushing his glasses up on his face. "Wouldn't this thing affect you as well?" "My magic operates on something different," Twilight responded. "The principles of my magic are far more complicated than Noctis's. But that doesn't mean it can't be learned." She gave Noctis a reassuring look. "You're going to teach Noctis?!" Prompto exclaimed. "That's gonna be so cool!" "But, first thing's first. We need to get our vehicles back," she added. The clouds became darker above them, blotting out the sun. Rain and lightning soon followed. "Oh, great," Noctis groaned, his face deadpanned. "It's a sign," Lunafreya said softly. She held a hand out to the rain, letting the cold orbs of water drop into her palm. "That is it, Luna," a familiar voice announced. Gentiana stepped from the woods. "It's good to see you again, Gentiana," Twilight said with a small hint of suspicion. "But I'd prefer it if you didn't take Lulu away this time." "Be still Twilight. I am not here to take Lunafreya away. However, I am here to send a message. To follow the wards is to follow the chosen path, bridging heaven and earth it strikes the storm's ephemeral, yet eternal light. To the light must go the king." Her words were cryptic; most of the group looked around with confused faces. "So, follow the lightning bolts," Twilight interpreted with a deadpanned look at the forest line, where a lightning bolt was striking. "Pretty straightforward," Prompto commented. "All we need to do is hit Altissia, but with the harbor out..." He let his sentence trail off. "There is another way," Ignis said. He looked to Noctis. "Caem may serve us as it did your father, Noct." Noctis smiled at the idea. "The hidden harbor," Gladio said to himself. "That's a great idea," he says to the group. "I'll get Iris to set it up." "Tell her to get Cindy and Cid as well," Twilight added. "It would be a bad day for all of us if te boat sank mid-trip. But for now we worry about contacting Ramuh and getting our vehicles back." "Then we need to get moving," Lunafreya said. "We can rent our chocobos for three days; that should give us enough time to get the Regalia back." "Sweet," Prompto said, throwing a celebratory fist in the air. "But before we go, I want to get a picture with all of us in front of the ranch." "We're on a bit of a tight schedule, Prompto," Twilight sighed. "What do you think, Noct?" Prompto asked his friend, shrugging off Twilight's protest. "I don't see why not, but we gotta make it quick," Noctis answered with a shrug. The group makes their way to the chocobo ranch for Prompto's photo. "Alright everyone, huddle together," Prompto instructed. They scrunch together comfortably as Prompto steadies the camera on a post. He sets a timer and hurried to the front of the group, kneeling in the center. "Say cheese." The entire group smiled as they heard the beeping of the timer. Once the flash and click signaled the picture was taken, most of the group immediately turned away to get to their chocobos. Prompto went to retrieve his camera. Twilight stayed close to him. "I'm surprised you're not worried about your camera getting wet," she commented. "A little water won't hurt it," he replied. "Besides, a moment like this is worth a little rain."He smiled at Twilight and joined the group into the outpost, Twilight following after him. Each person got on their respective chocobo and rode off toward where the first bolt of lightning struck. As the group made their way through the dense forest, Twilight spotted several Niflheim transport ships unloading Magitek troopers and armors. "They must be after the same thing we are," Twilight said to Lunafreya, who was riding close behind her, their chocobos jumping over a variety of rocks and fallen trees. "We need to hurry," she added, addressing the group. They did their best to sneak past the check points. "Quickly Noctis," Lunafreya urged at one point. Noctis dismounted his chocobo and touched the plant the lightning had struck. After a few quiet moments, he spoke up. "I remember, back in Tenebrae with Gentiana..." The revelation of the stormsender awaits the King. Hurry, hence the eye of the storm. Foreign hordes fear the true King's ascension; the fearful seek to seal the path of what must come. Noctis shook his head to clear it. "It was Gentiana again," he explained. "I heard it too," Twilight added with a nod, much to Lunafreya's surprise. "How?" she questioned. "Only the King should be able to hear her." "I don't know," Twilight sighed, "but that's not important right now. Let's get to the next sight." "I just hope it doesn't give me a headache like the Titan did," Noctis grumbled. They all continued on. After a while of silence, Prompto decided to break it. "So, what is Gentiana?" he asked. "As the Oracle, it is my job to speak to the Gods for the people," Lunafreya explained, "while Gentiana speaks to the people for the Gods." They cross a street and back into the forest. "Ah." "The more you know," Twilight chuckled. "What about you, Twilight?" Ignis questioned as he steered his chocobo beside hers. "How did you know all that stuff about Niflheim's wave generator?" Lunafreya pulled up to ride beside Noctis. "Despite being in Niflheim's top ranks, I hold no love for the country, or its Emperor. He had the queen of Tenebrae assassinated and took me, Lulu, and Ravus as prisoners of war. When they learned about my magic prowess, they did endless tests on me, and trained me until my bones broke. Then trained me harder as punishment." As she spoke, her voice was steady, hear gaze not moving from what was in front of her. "Personal vendetta aside," she continued, "the country itself has been on the decline for the past ten years. Ledolas has become obsessed with the Crystal that maintained Lucis's shield. He has poured all money and resources into the war efforts. There is not a single casual citizen in Niflheim. Only soldiers and scientists." She groaned at some of the memories then glanced at Ignis before facing front again. "It was not easy for us growing up." Ignis looked at Twilight with a hint of concern as they continued their trek. "My apologies," Ignis said. As he watched, he noticed the slightest hint of a blush flush her face. "I-it's fine," she mutters. "We can't all grow up with good lives." She kept herself from looking at Ignis, feeling herself getting the slightest bit emotional about her Eos upbringing. "Come one, pick up," Gladio grunted in frustration from the back of the group. "Still can't get a hold of her?" Noctis questioned. They all stopped for a moment. "Probably has her phone on silent," Gladio suggested. He sighed and they continued their search. They soon reached a hill that was located between rock walls. They travel up and stop in front of a dead tree that slightly resembles a lightning bolt. Noctis wasted no time in dismounting and walking to it. He placed his hand to it, allowing lightning to course through his body. O King, the seal is broken. Journey to Fociaugh, the Eastern Hollow. In the heart of rock lies the runstone; the portal to power. No other must be allowed to find it. "The last one is a cave," Noctis announced. "Then let's get this over with," Gladio commented. "Race you there," Twilight said with a smirk, giving her chocobo a light kick in the sides. It made a beeline out of the canyon entrance. "Not so fast, Twilight!" Lunafreya called as she trailed close behind, the rest of the group in tow. Within minutes they reached the cave. Although, they were not alone. "Magitek troopers," Twilight whispered. She spotted twelve of them before her group ducked behind some rocks. "They're lining the cave entrance with explosives. Noct, you take Lulu and the others into the cave. I'm about to create a distraction." "You going to be okay?" Prompto asked. Twilight smirked at him. "Watch and learn." She pulled out her horn and it started to glow. A lavender aura sprouts from it and envelopes a nearby broken tree. The aura lifts the tree into the air. By the time the magitek troopers were alierted, it was too late for a reaction; the tree cam flying at four of the troopers, crushing them against a rock wall. "Go!" Twilight leapt over the rocks they were hiding behind and quickly started to lay waste to the troopers. While the troopers fought Twilight, the rest of the group runs into the cave. "I hope she'll be okay," Noctis said in concern. "Only twelve troopers; Twilight is going to be fine. Might be kind of upset her fun ended too soon," Lunafreya giggled. They navigate the maze with haste, running into an assortment of daemons as they went. "Be careful Luna," Noctis whispered as they rounded another corner. Prompto rolled his eyes, ready to make a joke. "What are we, chopped-?" A hissing noise stopped Prompto dead in his tracks and sent chills down his spine. ...My baby... "What what that?!" Prompto spun around in a panic, trying to find the source of the noise. Ignis kept walking. "We don't have time for the Prom-" At that moment, Prompto fell to the floor as a serpent like tail wrapped around his feet and began to drag him. "ARGH!" he screamed as he was being dragged away. "Prompto!" Noctis yelled after him. "That gap leads to the other side," Lunafreya explained after a quickl examination. "If we keep going we'll find him." The four rushed to the other side to find a large room. Prompto was close by. "Hey, are you alright?!" Gladio called out to him. "No, I'm not alright!" Prompto yelled back. "This place is literally the worst! And why did it have to be a snake?! That thing dragged me all the way over here!" "Daemons," Lunafreya whispered. As if awakened by Prompto's screaming, daemons began to rise out of the floor. "Prompto!" Noctis shouted. He threw his sword into a daemon close be his friend. "Eyes up." The others quickly joined the fray. Noctis and Lunefreya stood near each other, Noctis taking down daemons with his broadsword while Lunafreya took them down with her spear. Noctis was swinging his sword with enough force to cut down several daemons in one blow. Not to be outdone by Noctis, Lunafreya threw the body of a defeated goblin at a gang of goblins as the body was beginning to disintegrate. The smoke from the body acted as cover for her next move; with a great effort she was able to slam the goblins in the side, sending them tumbling over a cliff into the dark abyss. Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto formed a group and attacked. Prompto fired several rounds into a troll as Gladio sliced another clean in half. A troll tried to creep up behind Prompto but was thwarted by Ignis stabbing into its knee with pin-point accuracy. As it crumbled forward, Prompto shot it in the head, putting the daemon down permanently. The group finished up with relative ease after that. Once the last of the daemons had been taken care of, they were able to breathe a momentary sigh of relief. "With that out of the way, it is time to move forward," Noctis urged his companions. "I sense we're on the right track," Ignis said in response. "But this way has several paths to go through." "Over here," Lunafreya said, pointing to a man-sized hole. "I sense Ramuh's power through here. But I also sense a large daemon." "It's that snake thing!" Prompto whimpered. "If it attacks us, we can deal with it," Gladio stated. "So let's head through the hole." The group crawled through the hole one by one. Noctis trailed behind Lunafreya, taking care not to- "It's not wrong for the husband-to-be to see his wife in all aspects," Lunafreya joked. "After all, we're both adults." She stood up as she made it to the other side. "R-right," Noctis said with a blush. He climbed out after her. "She's here, I just know it," Prompto mentioned. His eyes darted around as he stood up. "Show yourself already!" he yelled, slightly startling Gladio in the process. "Cool it," Gladio said firmly. The group continued on, not stopping to listen to Prompto's ramblings. It wasn't long after the group started to walk up a small incline that the hissing noises picked up again. This time they were louder. "S-she's here!" Prompto panicked. He watched as a serpent-like creature with a woman's head appeared in front of them. "I told you! Do something Noct!" "My... Baby... Where..." the creature distortedly hisses. "You poor soul," Lunafreya lamented, "long since left to the coil of humanity. Alas, we do not have your child." "Then... I... will keep... YOU." The creature hissed violently and lunged at the group. They dodged from all directions. "Stay apart! Keep it off balance!" Ignis instructed as the Naga slithered in between the group. It came to rest in front of Lunafreya, who dodged the spit attack that was attempted. Lunafreya stabbed it in the side then retreated as it tried to swat at her with its tail. Noctis took a chance to hurl his lance into the back of the beast's head when it looked up to the ceiling. "Noctis! Get away from it!" Lunafreya urged. At that point, it was too late; the Naga showered itself in a thick green mist. Noctis was helpless as the mist consumed him. When the mist cleared, Noctis was gone and in his place, a tiny frog. Ribbit. With a terrified look on it' face, the frog started to hop away from the Naga and toward Lunafreya. As the frog tried to hop for safety, Ignis and Gladio dish out a relentless mixture of light and heavy attacks on the Naga. In doing so, they tore its attention away from the frog and onto them. "Got a frog prince," Prompto joked as he picked up the frog. He tossed it to Lunafreya. Once he saw that she caught the frog, he went to assist his friends in the fight. Lunafreya giggled and gave a light peck to the frog's head. She then sets him down and watches the spell wear off, smiling at a slightly irritated Noctis. "A kiss to change the frog prince," she says. "Oh my, the stories must be true." "Ha, ha. Very funny." Noctis rolled his eyes. "Hoppy to see you back," Ignis chuckled as he dodged another blow from the creature. "Welcome back Prince Croak-tis," Gladio added while slicing the Naga's scales. "I... will keep... You..." the Naga hissed again before its eyes went wide in horror. The group was dumbfounded at the Naga's sudden stillness. However, the silence was short-lived as its head fell off the body. "Sorry to keep you waiting," Twilight hummed. "Twilight!" Prompto called out. She was sitting on a stalagmite. "So I had to cut that short, but I intercepted some chatter from the Empire. They have the Regalia and my Fenrir held in a base. A stransport was scheduled to arrive about three hours ago to take them both back to Niflheim, but the storm is making it difficult for the airship to even reach the base." "Thank Ramuh for that," Prompto sighed. "Yeah, but we should get the blessing first," Lunafreya said. "Right," Noctis agreed. "Then what are we waiting for?" Twilight groaned. "The thunder God awaits." They all started to make their way to the final hall to reach the runestone. But as Twilight was about to leave, something caught her attention; the Naga's severed head was speaking to her. "...You... did this... to us..." the head hissed. "How?" Twilight questioned as she cautiously approached it. "Your... blood... brought this... plague... on usssss all... You... are cursed... by fire....repent... your sin..." The Naga then dissolved into black smoke and disappeared. Twilight pondered for a moment, but remembered she had to get back to the others. Noctis, knowing his song and dance, placed a hand before the runestone. Pure lightning danced into his hand, causing it to shimmer a bright red. Intense heat rose in his chest as he was imbued with the power of the Fulgurian. "This is the power of the storm," he said to himself. "I expected more fire than brimstone," Prompto sighed in relief. "I guess some Gods are friendlier than others," Gladio remarked as they reached the exit. Twilight surveyed the area littered with magitek infantry parts and broken weapons. "Maybe I got a little carried away," she snickered. The roar of jet engines bring everyone's attention to the sky. They watch as a huge plan flew over them. Lunafreya turned to Twilight. "I would assume that's the transport?" she asked. "Yes, but I'm surprised. A regular transport ship would have done fine... Why the flashy plane?" Gladio asked. "Magitek generator," Twilight responded. "It will strengthen the magitek troopers fighting near it. We'll want to disable that before we take the Regalia." "Then let's get moving," Noctis suggested. The group whistled for their chocobos, who came swiftly since they hadn't gone far. They mounted and took off. After around a half hour of travel, they stood at a ledge close to the base. The base was lined with stone walls to counter enemy assaults. Niflheim infantry and mech suits were walking in and out of the large steel doors. As the group watches, Ignis decides to try and come up with a plan. Obviously, breaking through haphazardly would be a suicide mission, so he needed to think of something that wouldn't get everyone killed. But before they do anything, he felt that there was some much needed time for rest. "We'll infiltrate the base tonight," Ignis started. "But it is best that we rest up for the coming battle; I do not forsee this being easy." "Agreed," Twilight said. Gladio started to make an area for a fire pit, and Noctis and Lunafreya went off to gather firewood. Ignis was flipping through his recipe book. Prompto was looking through the photos on his camera when Twilight walked over to him. "Hey Prompto?" "Yeah?" he perked up from his camera screen. "Would you care to accompany me to the store? I could teach you the inner workings of autos as we go." She smirked when his eyes lit up. "Yes!" He jumped up. "Let's go!" "Granted,it will take time for you to understand," Twilight warned as she mounted her chocobo. Prompto hopped on his in kind. "Anything for my grease monkey goddess," he gushed. "Oh brother," Twilight responded while rolling her eyes. "So, what runs the car?" "Are you kidding me?! The engine!" They two took off while in a fit of giggles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3 Hours Later) (Sothmocke Haven) The night descended quietly on the camp. Ignis had prepared succulent Toadsteak Drumsticks. Prompto and Noctis fed the chocobos as Gladio set the chairs. Lunafreya was keeping to herself, reading a book to pass the time. Twilight had gone scouting after she and Prompto returned from the shop run, and they were all waiting for her to return. Twilight emerged from some bushes behind the campsite, startling everyone aside from Lunafreya, who looked up and smiled at her. "Sorry about that," Twilight announced. She waved to inform them that it was safe. Noctis, Gladio, Prompto, and Lunafreya were sitting in a group discussing dinner. Twilight took a seat next to the fire. "It's quite alright," Ignis replied as he handed her a plate. "What did you find out?" "I found the Regalia and my Fenrir," she explained. "However, they seem to be at the heart of the base. Magitek troop patrols are becoming more lax and predictable, but there are several armors on patrol as well. Reinforcements are ready in wait should an alarm go off." She took a moment to take a bite of her food, then continued. "On top of that, the spire toward the back of the base powers all of the magitek troopers in the area. If we take it out,we can wrestle this entire area out of Niflheim control." "Excellent," Ignis responded. "But, if they've put the vehicles in the middle of the base, they must be ready to ship them out at first light." "Then we take them before morning." Twilight grinned. "Precisely." Ignis pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'll inform the others." Twilight nods and then continues eating her meal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (45 Minutes Later) The group gathered behind some containers as two magitek troops passed by. "On my signal," Ignis whispered. He waited for the troopers to separate. As one walked further up the road to scan for unauthorized personel, Ignis saw his window of opportunity. "Three... Two... One... Now." At the signal, Noctis threw his sword into the back of the trooper closest to them. Lunafreya vaulted her spear into the other trooper. Both targets were destroyed instantly. "Let's move," Twilight ordered softly. She grabbed Noctis by the collar before he could run out into the open. "Not so fast," she warned. "There are search lights everywhere; stick to the metal crates." He nodded. The six party members snuck behind the crates,carefully maneuvering while they were crouched. They only stopped here and there to avoid being seen by magitek troopers and armors. These troopers seemed to be marching into separateareasof the base. "That's a lot of troops,"Prompto whispered to Gladio. "Best not to raise any alarms," Gladio warned. Noctis hurled his short sword into the first sword. Twilight followed by throwing her horn into the second one's eye. She smirked as it fell to the ground. Lunafreya jumped in front of Twilight and threw her spear into the last troop before it had a chance to turn around. "Moving on," Twilight said as she picked up her horn. It wasn't long after that they saw the Regalia and the Fenrir. "Ah, there's my baby," Twilight sighed in relief. "And there's ours," Noctis added as he stood beside Twilight. "And non the worse for her time in imperial hands," Ignis stated. He tried to walk up to the vehicles but was stopped by Twilight's hand at his chest. "Wait... This is too easy," she remarks, looking around suspiciously. "She's right," Lunafreya agreed after a quick scope of the area. "Over there!" she shouted, pointing to the far side of a wall. They looked to see a Magitek armor rise from its rest. "They were waiting for us," Noctis concluded. He drew his sword. "Go figure," Prompto said. He started firing rounds at the armor. The armor began releasing a barrage of missiles at the group. Twilight smirked as the missiles started heading there way. She took hold of her horn and slung them back toward the Magitek armor. "Here, you can have them back!" This caused a heavy damage to the armor's core and weapon systems. "Attack while it's down!" Noctis yelled. They all charged at the armor. "Gladio, Twilight; aim for its legs," Ignis ordered. "Got it!" they both shouted in unison. Twilight and Gladio wound up and swung their swords with a great deal of strength, cutting into the armor's metallic legs. This rendered it unable to stand any longer. The armor's systems overloaded at the frontal assault from the rest of the group and fell to the ground. "Move!" Twilight yelled. They ran from armor mere seconds before it exploded. "It's not over yet!" Ignis warned. They all turned to see several Magitek troopers headed their way. The group charged at them. "When will it end?!" Prompto whined after shooting three troopers in the head. "It's when you stop whining and keep fighting!" Gladio shouted back. He spun with his broadsword in hand, cutting down a few that surrounded him. "Twilight!" Lunafreya called out. Twilight ducked and Lunafreya chucked her spear into a trooper that was standing on top of a tank behind Twilight. "Destroy the generator!" Twilight shouted as she cut down a trooper. "Then we can bring this place down! This way!" The group made their way toward the edge of the base, fighting more troopers as they came across the generator. "Not goo!" Prompto ducked behind a wall as he saw another Magitek armor. "Great!" Twilight said. "It's the upgraded model!" "What's the plan?" Gladio turned to Ignis. While the group struggled to come up with a plan, Noctis started to hear another voice in his head. Face them; I will lend you my power. Fear not, King. He looked around the group and then walked out in front of the armor and the troopers. "Noct! What are you doing?!" Prompto yelled. The group scrambled to get to him before the worst could happen. But as the troopers and armors fired at him, Noctis's eyes started to glow. The sky turned black as a large hand gripped Noctis. "Is that...?!" Twilight started. She turned to Lunafreya in disbelief. "Yeah, that's Ramuh. The Fulgurian," Lunafreya responded. She stared in awe as the God of the storm looked down upon the group. Ramuh slowly raised his staff. Lightning struck it as it was raised higher, charging it with more power. "I'd recommend getting to cover!" Twilight yells to the other four. They waste no time in running away from the eminent attack. Ramuh drove his charged staff into the ground where the troopers and armors stood. In the process, everything in that immediate area was disintegrated, including the Magitek generator. With the base destroyed and nothing left but scorched earth, Ramuh puts Noctis down. He nods to the prince before fading away. "So that's the power of the Six," Noctis said to himself after sprinting to meet back up with his group. "Only one of the Six is capable of that," Ignis remarked in awe. "We might just have a chance against the Empire," Prompto added. After a few moments, Twilight started stepping away from the group. "Let's get back to the vehicles," she announced. "We need to get them to Cindy to make sure nothing has been done to them." She turned away then and began her trek. Everyone nodded in agreement and followed her. "That was totally cool how we just came in and busted the base," Prompto said, his eyes lighting up. "I've got it! Bust-a-base." "Sounds a bit flippant," Ignis said. "Don't care! That's what we're calling it; Bust-a-base." They walked back to the vehicles briskly without the worry of more troops to stop them. But their breath of relief was short lived. A clanking noise brought the group's full attention to the Fenrir and the Regalia. Ravus was standing there, robed in a regal white frock with purple trim. He left his place and approached the group, who were standing in place in mild surprise. "Ravus," Lunafreya muttered. "Long has it been, Noctis," Ravus growled. He passed a cold look toward Lunafreya and Twilight. "You've obtained the storm's blessing, and yet you know nothing of the consequences." He set his saber upon Noctis's throat upon reaching the prince. "Watch it," Gladio warned. He attempted to step in, only for Ravus to aim the blade at Gladio's throat. "Be still, all of you," Ravus ordered as he raised his prosthetic arm. Twilight drew her horn and stepped in front of Lunafreya. She eyed her brother's arm. "What happened to your arm, Ravus?" she questioned. "Not good," Prompto muttered to himself as he noticed other Magitek troopers and armors in the area. They made no attempt at attacking, but he was keeping his eyes on them. A hint of guilt and unyielding anger flashed upon Ravus's face as he looked at his arm. He slowly lowered it back down. He seemed to ignore the question and said in a calm manner, "Heir to a crown befitting no other, witness his splendor and glory. All hail the chosen king." "Awful high and mighty for an Imperial rat," Noctis hissed. "Severing the enemy to hunt down Luna and Twilight!" In an instant, Ravus grabbed Noctis by the throat. "I do not serve; I command!"Ravus exclaimed as he threw Noctis back. "Like hell you do!" Twilight shouted. Ravus turned his face to her. "You're being used, Brother. The old man sent you to kill us; what do you think he'll do to you, even if you do succeed?" Ravus turned his full body toward her and stepped closer. "You really think you know everything, don't you Twilight?" he taunts. He paused before continuing. "I will do what I must for the Empire. If that means Luna must die, then I have no choice." "You do have a choice, Ravus," Twilight said as she pointed her horn at him. "We defected and so can you. Leave the Empire behind." She did her best to keep her voice steady. "You know me Ravus; all I want is to make sure you both are safe. Just like I promised your mother." "Why do you go on about her like you knew her? You were only with us for four months before the Empire appeared. She wasn't your real mother." This took Twilight by surprise. "But I loved her like she was!" Twilight shot back. She cleared her throat to calm her tone. "I was alone when I came here and she took me in. She offered me kindness... I must fulfill her last wish. Please, Ravus." "I will not serve the ones who abandoned my mother, Twilight. Run back to where you came from. And if I were you, I wouldn't show up here again." Those words rang in her mind like a bell. If I were you, I wouldn't show up at all! Twilight smirked. "Very well Brother. If you want to do this the hard way." Her eyes changed to a blood red color. "Come, let us dance a sibling's dance." Her horn morphed into a sword. Both Twilight and Ravus rushed forward then, their swords pointed toward each other. The sound of steel running against steel could be heard as they ran past each other. As they resumed their clash, Ravus tried to stab Twilight, only for her to spin to the side. She used her momentum to swing at his neck, but he was prepared. He ducked under the blade and palmed her stomach with his prosthetic arm, causing her to skid back. "Your new toy may come with some perks," Twilight started as she paced around him, "but it won't be enough!" She charged at him again with her sword drawn. Ravus parried with a horizontal slash, but was left open for Twilight to punch him in the face. He stumbled back and Twilight's sword transformed into a lance. She swung at him, but he skillfully dodged the barrage of stabs. Twilight kept pressure on with her stabs, occasionally having to swat Ravus's sword from blocking himself. Once he was able to find an opening, he grabbed Twilight by the neck with his prosthetic arm. "You'll be happy to know that the General is dead," Ravus said as he tightened his grip. By this point, none of the Magitek troopers or armors had made even the slightest attempt to engage; they just seemed to be watching. "Good... Who... did him in?" Twilight choked out. Her hands went up to his, trying to pry herself away. "It was a Kingsglaive by the name of Nyx Ulric." "W... well remind me... to thank him... if I ever... see him again." Twilight tightened her grip on his hand to steady herself, then kicked Ravus back into a wall. His grip on Twilight faltered as he stumbled back and she broke loose. "Now try this on for size." Her horn reverted back to it's natural state and started glowing red. The aura from the horn made it's way to a near-by Magitek armor and surrounded it. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the armor flying toward Ravus. The group watched in disbelief as Ravus sheathed his sword and just back handed the armor to the side. Though Ravus's counter was a feat to behold, they were seeing more of the power of the Sorceress of Niflheim in action. I was sworn to protect the king. But how can I protect him against this? Gladio thought to himself. He watched as Twilight continued hurling Magitek armors at Ravus as if they were nothing. As if they weighed nothing. Ravus deflected another armor and jumped onto another that was flying at him. Another armor came flying and he pushed it back in Twilight's direction. She dodged it, and then transformed her horn into Nyx's kukris, an ethereal copy appearing in her other hand. Ravus and Twilight rushed at each other again. "I'd say that's far enough!" A voice yelled at the two, stopping them both in their tracks. Ardyn sauntered up beside Ravus. "A hand, Twilight?" he gestured. "What?" she scoffed. "No!" "But I'm here to help," he responded, offering a smile of assurance. "How?" Noctis walked up with the others. "By taking the army away." Ardyn tipped his hat and stepped away from the group, looking toward the rising sun. "You expect us to believe that?" Gladio questioned. "When next we meet, it will be across the seas. It just so happens that we have business with a tutelary deity ourselves." Ravus rolled his eyes and turned away from him. Ardyn walked to Noctis. "Fare thee well, Your Majesty, and safe travels." He tipped his hat to the group once more and followed Ravus out the entrance. Twilight goes back to Lunafreya and grasps her shoulder lightly. "Sis, I think you need to tell me why Ravus's arm is like that." "Who was that guy?" Prompto asked Twilight. "Ravus Nox Fleuret," Twilight said. Her eyes returned to their lavender color. "First son of Tenebrae, and brother to me and Lulu." "Let's get out of here," Ignis announced as he turned to the Regalia. "I get the feeling we're going to see him again," Gladio remarked. They all started walking toward the vehicles. "I want to know how Twilight could do all that cool stuff," Prompto chimed in. "Later," she said. "For now, I'm beat." > Riding The Highwind (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) The day held no surprises for Sunset Shimmer. Being a shut-in made it all the easier to avoid unwanted miscellaneous conversations. The only problem in this situation is when you've allowed a walking conversation to stay in your home. Those kinds of conversations are near impossible to avoid. "You don't really like to leave this house, do you?" Trixie asked as she stepped out of the shower. Sunset shook her head no. "Doesn't it get dull after a while?" Sunset rolled her eyes in response. The mares were now lounging in the library. "It's better than dealing with all those morons outside," Sunset sneered. "The way they go around, blissfully unaware of how miserable life really is. Quite the facade you've made for your little ponies, huh Celestia?" "You talk as if you know the princess." Trixie spoke inquisitively. "I did. Or, at least I thought I did." Sunset grumbled. "I was her student." Trixie's eyes widened. "Really?!" Sunset nodded. "I was taught by her before Twilight Sparkle came along. She showed me a great deal of powerful magic, but I wanted more. I wanted to learn more, to be more. Celestia forbade it, but I tapped into dark magic and..." She paused and looked up at Trixie. "Let's just say, I learned something that I shouldn't have. "Amazing," Trixie piped. "The Great and Powerful Trixie simply must know." "It's not something I share with people, or ponies for that matter," Sunset sighed. "Well, we're not going anywhere, so you might as well spill," Trixie replied in a sarcastic tone. Before Sunset could shoot a glare at Trixie, there was a knock at the door. "Hello?" a small voice called out from the other side. "Ms. Shimmer." Sunset rolled her eyes. "What now?" she mumbled. She opened the door to be greeted with three little fillies. "Um, Ms. Shimmer," Applebloom repeated. "We need ta ask ya a question. Du ya know anythin' about where Twilight went?" Sunset sighed heavily at having yet another Ponyville resident asking where their precious Twilight Sparkle was. She was beyond annoyed at this point. "Sorry," she started. "I don't know much about where she went off to... Celestia just sent me to look after the town until she came back." Sweetie Belle sighed. "I told she wouldn't know anything Applebloom." "Have you heard anything from anypony in town?" Scootaloo asked. "Who are you talking to?" Trixie asked, stepping out to meet the crusaders. "Hold on," Sweetie Belle said in surprise. "Aren't you the Great and Powerful Trixie?" "Ah! A fan!" Trixie posed for the three fillies. "Yes. I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! Magical Mare, Extraordinaire!" Applebloom scoffed. "The same Great an' Pow'rful Trixie who ran out of town in embarrassment 'cuz she wuz lyin' about takin' on an Ursa Minor, only ta cower before one when it actually showed up, who in turn let it start destroying the town?" Trixie's face deadpanned at the filly. "My, you're well informed," she groaned. "Yes. Yes, it wasn't my best moment, but I'm moving on. I want to really try to make up for that folly and wow the audience once again. I thought I should start in the very town, with the very unicorn that humbled me." Sunset rolled her eyes. "And by humbled, you mean a pie to the face?" "Oh come now," Trixie defended. "That was all in good fun." "Sure it was." Sunset sarcastically waved her hoof. "Back to business," she said, turning back to the fillies. "Twilight is on a mission. That was all I was told. But, I am a bit worried because she's been gone for a year. But I have faith in Sparkle; she's going to be back any day now." The Cutie Mark Crusaders hung their heads in defeat. "Sorry I couldn't be more help." "That's alright," Sweetie Belle sighed. "We'll see if anypony else knows anything." The fillies started to walk away. "Let me know if you do find anything," Sunset called after them, attempting to sound chipper. They watched Sunset Shimmer go back into the library. "Ah don't buy it," Applebloom said once the door shut. "You think she knows something?" Scootaloo asked. "She did seem a bit vague," Sweetie Belle commented. "Then we go back tonight," Scootaloo decided, determination in her voice. "Something tells me she might have mentioned somethng to Trixie." "All right, but we can't be outtoo long; aur sisters will catch on if we're out too late," Applebloom stated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Crystal Empire) Two weeks had passed since Thorax made himself known to the Crystal ponies. Talks of the new Empire's guest spread quickly. Though they had been informed of The Changeling invasion on Canterlot, the Crystal ponies had never seen a changeling before. Though the Crystal ponies are trepidatious of Thorax, his form has been welcome among them. However, the rouge changeling was still ever fearful of the reactions from the Crystal Empire's neighbor. Thankfully, he had a friend that was more than willing to help him through it. Such kindness can lead to resolve. But what that resolve would lead him to do? Only time will tell. "You seem to be getting along with them well," Spike said. He nudged Thorax as they strolled down the crystal roads toward the palace. "Yeah," he sighed. "I'm glad they aren't afraid of me. But I can't help but still think-" "Then think less of it," Spike huffed. "Look at me; I'm a dragon. I should be taking gold and silver in a cave lined with gemstones. But do the actions of my species influence who I choose to be? Not in the slightest." "How are you so sure?" Thorax asked after a moment of silence. "A long time ago, I went on the Great Dragon Migration. I met more dragons. They were the worst of the worst. Calling me weak because I lived with ponies... I was belittled by my own kind." Spike looked down at the ground, his brows furrowing in thought. "Do you hate them for it?" Thorax asked. They passed a few crystal ponies, exchanging a few hellos along the way. "No." Spike sighed. "They said mean things to me and my friends. But it's in a dragon's nature to be aggressive. I was seen as a weak link." He sighed again. "Still doesn't make me any less angry though. Maybe...Maybe they were right; I didn't have the strength to protect Twilight." "Who's Twilight?" Thorax asked, causing Spike's eyes to go wide. "S... sorry," Spike stuttered. He was quick to change the subject. "Anyway, with our rounds concluded, Captain Shining Armor is awaiting us back at the palace. He is transferring some guards from Canterlot to the Empire, and he's having some of the new recruits taken back here for training." Thorax nodded. "And you're planning on introducing me?" They were almost to the palace. "Yes." Spike stopped him. "But look... Your former queen," he growled, putting Thorax at unease. "Crashed his wedding. A lot of bad things happened that day. So,he may come across as a bit prejudiced at first." "Oh... Okay." Thorax shrank. They finished their trek to the palace. Upon arriving, Shining Armor was awaiting them at the front entrance. "Spike!" Shining Armor greeted. He waved at the dragon, prompting Spike to return the gesture. "So how's my little- uh, big brother doing?" Spike teased. "Great! What can I say? You must simply love the hero life. Mares fawning over you, getting invited to the best parties; free wine included." He wore an ear-to-ear grin. "Maybe you should curb the drinking?" Spike snorted. Shining chuckled. "Relax, Spike. I was only foaling around. Anyway, is this the changeling that's been all the buzz in Canterlot?" Shining trotted up to Thorax. "Yes," Spike answered. "This is Thorax." "Well, I never thought I'd be graced by a changeling that wasn't attacking me," Shining quipped. He held out a hoof toward Thorax. "All the same, I am pleased to meet you." Thorax went to shake Shining Armor's hoof, but stopped mid-motion and his eyes widened as fur and chitin connected. That scent, he thought. It can't be... The Queen?! "Hellooo!" Shining said as he lightly tapped the changeling's head."Anypony home?" That seemed to work; Thorax shook himself from his thoughts. "O... Oh, sorry," he said. "I don't know what came over me," he offered sheepishly. "It's alright," Spike intervened. "Anyway bro, how goes the search for Chrysalis?" "She's a tough one to find." Shining gritted his teeth. "Some of her changelings show up now and again, but Celestia insists that all available guards stay to protect Canterlot," he explained. "But they did send a batch to Ponyville to guard the townsponies; the Elements of Harmony, to be more specific, since they refused to leave their homes for the palace." Shining had turned his attention to Spike, but was keeping an eye on Thorax through his peripheral vision. "Damn," Spike hissed. "I should be with them." "We need someone we trust to safeguard the Empire, Spike," Shining said while patting Spike's arm. "Now, enough moping. Let's get something to eat." Shining Armor smiled wider and turned to walk into the castle with Thorax and Spike in tow. I hope I'm wrong, Thorax thought. By the mothers, I hope I'm wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Canterlot: Spick-and-Span Diner) As one might summarize, the shining city of Canterlot is no stranger to the higher class life style. Every eatery in the city was built to impress; Spick-and-Span Diner was no exception. However even with their marble walls that were cleaned on an hourly basis, their gold-lined pearl tables with glass legs resembling the paws of a manticore, and their engraved glass doors, the restaurant itself had good food at affordable prices. It was the perfect place for the pony looking to not spend a noble's fortune on a noble's dinner. Though, it sometimes felt as a trap for the more wealthy ponies, as it was frowned upon to dine cheaply. The restaurant had become the local hotspot for the royal guards. While off duty, guards would come here to talk and relax. Today, a certain guard has come to relieve some stress. Though his recent work days haven't been all that eventful, the premise and morality of his current orders have been weighing heavily on his conscience. "I'd like some hay fries with that please," Flash Sentry said, completing his order. "Alright Sir, that'll be eighteen bits." Flash paid the cashier, though he kept his comments of the seemingly over-priced single meal to himself. "Oh, and would you like to donate to help with repairs to the Silver Saddle District?" the mare added. The guardspony recalled hearing about the riots that had broken out in the Silver Saddle District; the area most notably known for the manufacturing of many of the products used around the city. One of the riots in the metal works building that set off a chain reaction that destroyed half of the buildings in the district. Though nopony had been badly injured, one earth pony was hauled off to the cells by a few guards. He was heard screaming about how he saw one of the metal workers transform into a changeling. This changeling scare nonsense was starting to drastically affect the economy. But the nobles here had nary a care, as long as they could continue to buy their absurd trinkets. Flash nods his head yes. "Sure," he says and dropped a few bits into the donation jar. He thanked the cashier, then took his food to a secluded table. His job of protecting Luna has sworn him to secrecy. But on this day, his secrets were going to get much more complicated. "Hey," somepony called from behind him. "Are you Flash Sentry?" "Who wants to know?" Flash responded, not bothering to turn around; he recognized the voice to that of one of Luna's Night Guard batponies. "A pony who's not so happy to know that her princess is being held prisoner for helping Twilight escape," the pony answered bluntly. "Well, we had no idea Nightmare Moon was going to do this, so... I mean, things happen," he says before taking a sip from his drink. He was no stranger to the Night Guard's fury toward the Day Guards once they learned of Princess Luna's incarceration. But this one seemed... more direct than the others. "Look pal," he grumbled, "I'm here to eat, not get into a fight; Equestria is divided enough as it is. So unless it's really important, plase do not bother me." "Oh, it is important. You are the one guarding Princess Luna, after all," the batpony whispered. Flash coughed in surprise. "Who are you?" he chocked out as he tried to clear his throat. "Meet me in the back alley in twenty minutes." The batpony maintained the whisper. "Oh, and enjoy your meal." She trotted out of the door, leaving Flash Sentry a mere glance at her armor. What am I getting myself into? Flash wondered as he continued to eat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Sparkle Household) The days in the Sparkle household haven't been very quiet since- "Dear! It's your turn with a number two!" Twilight Velvet stepped out of the way as Night Light rushed through the door. Upon entering, he enveloped a flailing unicorn foal with his magic. "Phew!" he complained. "Are you sure you gave her the right formula? This does not smell like Grandma Buttercup's Honeydew." Night Light tended to the crying foal on the changing table. "Alright Flurry Heart, calm down. Grandpa Night Light's got this." He looked over to his wife as he cleaned up his granddaughter. "It's a good thing we had two foals before this; plenty of practice." Flurry Heart had calmed and was staring at her grandfather with her big, opal-colored eyes. He took an extra moment to make sure Flurry Heart's magenta-grey coat was cleaned off. "Did you hear anything about Cadence?" he asked as he levitated a bottle of baby powder to himself from across the room. "No," Velvet replied. "She was supposed to visit yesterday but..." She sighed. "Her work is keeping her." She let her words trail off and stared out the window seemingly in thought. Night's brows furrowed. He quietly patted powder in the new diaper and finished changing her. "I'm starting to get concerned," she continued softly. "What if she doesn't come back?" "Now now, Dear," Night Light said in a firm tone. He paused for a moment to levitate Flurry Heart back into her crib. After placing a blanket over her and patting her back carefully, he turned back to his wife. "We have known Cadence for a long time; we both know she doesn't do anything without a reason. She's probably looking for a way to free Princess Luna." He thought for a moment. "Which brings me to something I was going to save for a later date, but now is as good a time as any." "What is it?" Velvet asked with concern in her tone. Night Light led Velvet out of Flurry's room and quietly closed the door. "We need to think about leaving Canterlot," he said somberly. "Or even leaving Equestria completely." "What?" she stage whispered. "I'm not leaving here. Not with my babies still out there." Her tone went back to a normal speaking level the farther from the room they got. They settled in the main room of their home. "Shining Armor is too wrapped up in his jealousy to see us again," he began. "And I know you're worried about Twilight, Honey. I am too. But something tells me that all these bad things that have been happening... might be coming to a head soon. Twilight will be able to find us when she comes back. But now they aren't the only two we have to think about." "You're right," his wife sighed in defeat. "Then we leave inside a week," he declared with a nod. "Best not to tell anypony where we're going." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Lestallum) "Let him go!" Iris cried as she struggled against a magitek trooper that had her pinned in place. "I'll ask you once more," a Niflheim officer stated. He was holding Talcott by the collar of his shirt. "Rumor has it that Noctis Lucis Caelum was sighted here in Lestallum, and he was last seen in this hotel. So I want to know the truth!" he yelled at the struggling boy. "Leave him alone," Jared demanded as he walked out toward the Niflheim infantry that had encroached on his property. "The woman and child know nothing. Even if they did, they wouldn't tell you." Jared paused and took a deep breath. "Nor will this Proud Lucian!" he announced, much to the protest of Talcott and Iris. The officer's eyes widened at the proclamation. "A Lucian," the officer growled. "Your kind has been a thorn in the Empire's side for far too long." He walked up to Jared flanked by a single magitek trooper. "You know where the prince is, so tell me and you might live." "He's off, destroying your Empire," Jared scoffed. "Not that it isn't doing a good job of that itself," he added. The officer backhands the man to the ground. "Wrong answer." The officer pulls out his pistol. "One more time; Where. Is. The prince?" "Saving the world." Jared slowly gets up on his knees. "You feel it don't you? You're losing the fight. The Empire is crumbling. You will be defeated. The Chosen King will save us all!" "I grow tired of your speeches, old man!" He pistol whipped Jared across the face. "Any last words?" The officer points the barrel to Jared's head. "All hail Lucis! All hail King Noctis!" Jared yelled. A gun shot rang out. All the birds in the area took to the skies with frantic chirping. Talcott stood in shock as the scene unfolded in front of him. All Iris could do was scream. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Hammerhead Auto Repair) After retrieving their vehicles from the Niflheim base, Twilight was taking no chances; after calling Cindy to pick them up, the group was taken back to Hammerhead to see if the vehicles had been tampered with. Much to her surprise and frustration, there seemed to be nothing wrong. She couldn't believe it. "I don't get it," she said, leaning on a light post at the garage. Lunafreya was sitting on the ground beside her. The sun brought a steady heat to the pair. "Ardyn had all that time. He was ordered to kill us, I'm certain of it. So why not rig the vehicles?" She pondered for a moment. "And taking the army away; he somehow got Ledolas' permission to withdraw from here? It just doesn't make sense." "Maybe you're looking far too into it Twilight," Lunafreya suggested. "It seems that all signs point to one true fact; Ardyn is operating on his own." "And the old man is allowing that?" Twilight grumbled. She kicked a rock away from her feet. "Something isn't right." "I agree, but that doesn't mean we can't move forward." "I guess you're right. But I must know Sis." Twilight kneeled down to Lunafreya's level and lowered her voice. "What happened to Ravus? What is he doing with an untested magitek prosthetic?" Lunafreya sighed heavily. "Ravus let his pride get the better of him. He thought since he was of royal blood that The Ring of Lucis would choose him... But, the ring is reserved for the one true king." "Damn you Ravus," Twilight mumbled. She sat down beside Lunafreya. "I told him not to do anything stupid, and what does he do?" Lunafreya sighed again. "I cannot blame Ravus for feeling powerless in these dire times. So please don't be so hard on him Twilight. He wants to protect us as much as you want to." "Maybe so." Twilight squinted her eyes against the light and saw Prompto approach Cindy. "I'll be right back," she announce before bolting upright and power walking toward him. Before Prompto could turn the corner and greet Cindy, Twilight grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "Lesson one," Twilight says as she points to the still-working Cindy. "No one likes to be interrupted while they work. Try catching her when she's on a break." She peeked around to see what Cindy was doing now. Much to her delight, Cindy had walked over to a fold out chair for a break. She turned back to Prompto. She had to think quickly. "Okay, now's your chance; ask her about what she's doing. I'll try to walk you through the rest." Prompto gulped and calmed himself before walking into the garage. He steps up to Cindy. "Hey Cindy." Twilight watched from around the corner. She also slipped her horn out of her sleeve and held it close to her head. "Hey Prompto. Have y'all been treatin' the ol' girl well?" she chirped. "Yeah, we're not doing anything she couldn't handle," Prompto replied. Alright, let's try something more vehicle savoy. Twilight's voice ran through Prompto's mind, causing him to dart around. Twilight?! Prompto thought loudly. I'm speaking through your mind using my horn, Twilight explained. Now, don't talk to yourself out loud; focus and follow my lead. Ask if the catalytic converter was damaged during the escape. He turned himself back to facing Cindy, his cheeks lightly flush. "H-hey Cindy, I was going to ask... Did the c-c-catalytic converter get busted?" Cindy was taken aback slightly by Prompto's question. "Now, how in Eos do you know what a catalytic converter is?" "Well," Prompto started with a shrug, attempting to keep a devil-may-care attitude while Twilight spoke to him in his head. "I've been doing some research myself. I was aiming to get my own wheels after we got Noct to Altissa, but now..." He looked down. "Ah'm sorry 'bout wut happened," Cindy said softly. "Ah kind of know how that feels." She paused and sighed before continuing, the discomfort apparent in her eyes. She rubbed the back of her neck, uncaring of the dirt and dried motor oil that was rubbing on her skin. "If it bothers you we don't have to talk about it," Prompto offered, trying to comfort her. "Ah think Ah ran from it long enough," she said in recollection. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "When Ah was little, my Ma and Pa were killed by daemons while on the road. Ah was lucky enough to survive, thanks to Ma's quick thinkin'. Pawpaw found me and raised me while keepin' the shop goin.' Ah really had no formal education, but Ah was taught what Ah needed to know, along with how to fix a car." She looked up at Prompto with a small smile. "Turns out that's all Ah ever needed." Prompto was stunned. Not really knowing what to say, he got closer to Cindy and embraced her. "Sorry if this is so sudden," he started, "but I think you could use this." Cindy blushed slightly at the warm hug. "Thanks Prompto. But would you mind letting me go?" she chuckled. "The Regalia isn't gonna fix itself." Prompto backed away with a start, his face as red as an apple. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Anyway, if you every need to talk about anything don't hesitate." "Thanks Prompto. I'll keep that in mind." Cindy happily nodded at him and then went back to work on the Regalia. Prompto headed back to Twilight to get out of earshot. "Yes!" he shouted. "Twilight, you're amazing!" He held his hand up for a high five. Twilight returned the gesture and shrugged. "I wasn't aiming for that, but I'm glad it worked out for you." "No doubt in my mind now; you are the most awesome wingman a guy can have," Prompto cheered. "Secrets don't make friends, you two," Noctis asked as he walked up to them. They both turned to look at him. "What's going on?" "Only the best girl ever helping in my battle to win over my Grease Monkey Goddess," Prompto declared proudly. "Really?" He looked to Twilight, who nodded in agreement. "I told him I'd help him out," she shrugged. "Anyway, you have a chance to talk to Lulu; don't waste it," she offered, pointing a thumb in her sister's direction. Noctis nodded. "That's where I was headed before I noticed you guys," he said. "I wanted to let you know that Gladio got a call from Iris. She sounded pretty upset, so we're heading back to Lestallum once Cindy finishes the Regalia." "Did she say what was up?" Twilight asked. Noctis shook his head. "Poor Glady," Prompto said. "He must be worried sick." "He tried hitch hiking, but no one will give a ride," Noctis sighed. "Then we'll get moving as soon as we can," Twilight stated while sheathing her horn. "I'll get some supplies from the store. Cindy should be done soon." Noctis nodded and continued his way to Lunafreya. Prompto when on about his business. Twilight headed toward the store. Ignis walked out of the door as Twilight reached it. "I see you've been giving Prompto advice," he states coolly. "What can I say?" she responded with a sigh. "He's like my little brother." She paused for a moment to look back to Lunafreya and Noctis. "He kind of reminds me of Ravus and Lulu..." She looked back at Ignis. "Before the harder times." "You seem to speak highly of him and Lunafreya. How long were you with them?" Ignis asked curiously, quirking a brow. "Only four months," she answered bluntly. "But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that no one escapes Niflheim's ambitions. Think of me what you will Crownsguard," she added as she clenched her fist, "but what we want is the same. We want to protect the ones we care about over our own lives. That, for me, is a cause worth living and dying for." Ignis nodded silently. "On that we can agree," he says after a moment. "Which is why I see you as a threat. I'm charged with protecting the King of Lucis. For it is my duty to his majesty King Regis Lucis Caelum." "And I am to protect the life of the Oracle/Princess and Prince of Tenebrae by the word I gave the Queen, Sylva Nox Fleuret. We both have something we want to protect; will you impede that?" Her tone was stern. Ignis pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Then we do have something in common. Looks like I have to tell Prompto he was right." He sighed, which prompted a chuckle from Twilight. "Glad to see we're on the same page." She smiles softly. "Since you're here, I wanted to tell you that we're heading out as soon as Cindy is done." "I see," he said. "For the record though, I'm still going to make you admit that my dishes are delicious." The corner of his mouth turned up in amusement. "Fat chance," Twilight deadpanned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Lestallum) (One Hour Later) Though the checkup was longer than anticipated, the group made it back to Lestallum before the sun began to set. An uneasy air hung over the town as they left their vehicles. They all hurried to the Inn. There was a group of people outside of the building. "The poor boy," a woman said to her friend. "He couldn't stop crying for his grandpa." "I heard a gunshot from inside the plant. I hope that imperial scumbag gets what's coming to him," the friend responded. "I don't like this," Lunfreya whispered to Twilight as she trailed behind her. The group walked into the Inn entrance to see Iris with tear stains all over her face. "Gladdy," she started softly. "I let you down. The Empire came while you all were gone. They tried to..." she stuttered. "Stay calm Sis," Gladio said. He wrapped his arms around her to try and help comfort her. "What happened?" She shook her head. Iris helped them get settled into their room before she began to tell them anything. Gladio kept a comforting hold on his sister's hand as she explained what happened while they were away. "None of us said a word about Noctis," she said with her head hanging. "But poor Jared..." She let her words trail off. Twilight's eyes widened in alarm. "What do you mean?" Gladio questioned. "What happened to Jared?" "There's nothing we could do!" Iris sobbed. They hung their heads, everyone understanding what she meant. "Niflheim," Lunafreya breathed, "will let no one stand in their way. Not even the meek." "Niflheim shitheel," Twilight growled through gritted teeth. The door to their room started slowly opening to reveal a still-crying Talcott. Noctis approached the boy and knelt beside him to get face-to-face. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. "It wasn't right, we should have been here." "I... I couldn't stop them," Talcott sobbed, his voice hitching between breaths. He rubbed the tears from his eyes. The skin around his eyes was irritated and slightly puffy. Twilight walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "There was nothing you could have done," she stated. "Your grandfather was a good man. And I bet he wanted you to be able to live a life of freedom and filled with happiness. Honor him by growing up to be a great man, okay Talcott?" Her words seemed to have helped lift his spirits a small bit. "T..thank you," Talcott sniffled. Twilight patted his head and crossed her arms. Noctis reassuringly gripped the boy's hand. "I swear, we'll make the Empire pay for this," Noctis told him, looking him in the eye. Talcott nodded and sniffled again. "I hate to ask," Twilight started, "but what did this man look like?" "H... he had black hair, brown eyes, a... and he wore bright yell-" "Gold armor," she interrupted. She clenched her fists. "Thank you Talcott, you've been a great help." Lunafreya looked away, a twinge of fear present on her face as Noctis and Talcott said their fairwells. "I believe in you Prince Noctis," Talcott said as he walked out of the room. Once he was well out of earshot, Twilight punched a hole in the wall. "Woah!" Prompto shouted. "What's your damage?!" Gladio shot up in protest. "The bastard who killed Jared... Is the same one who abused Lulu," Twilight growled. Noctis's eyes narrowed at the statement. "Who is he?" Noctis asked in a low tone. "Brigadier General Caligo Ulldor." She grips her horn. "If I had to guess, he is the one in charge of the invasion force." She sighed. "I'm taking Talcott to Caem. We can't stay here," Iris announced. More tears were welling back up in her eyes. "I agree, but you must be careful," Lunafreya said. "Patrols are going to start searching Lestallum on foot and in the air." "Then we smuggle Talcott out to Cape Caem," Twilight suggested. "After a few days we'll leave, as to make it look less like a convoy leaving the town." The group nods in agreement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria: Back alley behind Spick and Span Diner) Flash Sentry trotted into the alley ready for anything that his mysterious guest might have in store for him. He surveyed the area. Upon not seeing anypony he called out, "Alright I'm here," in a moderate tone. As if to answer, several pegasi landed in front of the entrance of the alley, blocking a potential escape attempt. "Glad you came," a mare's voice echoed. Two ponies in cloaks stepped out of the shadows. "A little birdie told us you are the warden of Princess Luna." "It was kept a secret so as to not burden my family," Flash responded. "I'm sorry it was sprung on you so soon, but Nightmare Moon possessed Luna. Nothing more can be done." "We all know that's not true," a smaller mare replied. "She was imprisoned for helping Twilight escape when Princess Celestia wanted to erase her memory of the events of the Canterlot Wedding; a day which will live in infamy for all of us." Flash was taken aback by the torrent of information the mare spouted. "How did you know all of that?" he puzzled. The smaller mare smirked under her hood. "What if I'm a changeling who just so happened to gain this information?" "Then you are one well-informed bug," Flash sneered. "Plus, you wouldn't have the real Princess Cadence with you." The hooded ponies paused for a moment and looked at each other. "How did you know?" the taller one asked. Flash Sentry chuckled. "I didn't." He let off a cheesy grin. "It was nice of you to tell me though." "Cadence," the smaller one growled. "Sorry." Cadence blushed under her hood. "I'm new to this whole espionage thing." Two of the hooded ponies guarding the alley entryway facehoofed. "Now that we're all comfortable with each other," Flash Sentry continued, "do you care to tell me why you're doing this, Captain?" The smaller hooded pony sighed and removed her hood. "We need your help," Dusk stated bluntly. "Luna has been wrongly incarcerated. We need to get her out of Equestria." "I couldn't agree more, Captain," Flash replied. "But the problem is that Luna doesn't want to leave; she's under the impression that her imprisonment for her past crimes has been a long time coming." He sighed. "Even after a thousand years on the moon, she still hasn't forgiven herself." He looked Dusk in the eye. "Even if you were to break into her cell, you'll only run the risk of getting captured yourself." Captain Dusk sighed again. "Even after all this time," she mused. Her eyes narrowed at Flash Sentry. "If you are with us, help us. Talk to her; remind her of all the good she has accomplished. Remind her that her ponies still need her. Flash nodded. "I'll do what I can." With that Dusk nodded, and all of the hodded ponies went back to the shadows and took off. "I hope this works," Dusk said to Cadence. They entered a secret passage, now heading back to headquarters. "Do you trust him?" Cadence asked. "As far as I can throw him," Dusk retorted. "But for an ex-special somepony, he has a kind heart." Cadence's jaw hit the floor at the statement. "He's your ex?!" Cadence shouted after a hard gasp. By the time she'd collected herself, Dusk had already bolted halfway down the hall. "Oh no, you're not getting away until I have details! Spare none!" she called after the Nightguard Captain as she chased her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Lestallum Inn) (One week after Jared's death) As Noctis leaned on the Inn's balcony rail, Gladio walked over to him. "I can't leave Iris here after everything that's happened," Gladio sighed. "It's going to be a squeeze in the car, but only for a while." "That's going to be a very tight fit with six people in one car," Noctis responded. "Lunafreya insisted that she stay with you. She thinks Jared's death may have shaken you up a bit," Gladio explained. "She worries too much," Noctis chuckled. "I want to get back at the monster who killed him, but that's not the most important thing right now." "Still," Gladio continued. "Iggy said he'd be riding with Twilight, much to her irritation." He thought for a moment. "Will those two ever get along?" he sighed. "I think they like each other," Noctis suggested with a light laugh. "The fighting is their way of flirting." Gladio could only chuckle at the mental image. "It would be quite a sight to see them on a date." After a moment, he continued with a grim tone, "But Iggy was right; she is great in combat and whatever magic she's using is insane. She was picking up Magitek armors and tossing them at Ravus like ragdolls. I trust her, but if she is the enemy..." His words trailed off and he shook himself. "Just be careful Noct." Noctis rolled his eyes. "I know you all are concerned about Twilight but listen; I trust her. And this whole mistrust needs to end. I know it is hard to believe but Twilight is kind, though she only shows that to a select group of people. Accusing her of betrayal is only going to make this harder on all of us." "Yes sir," Gladio said with a slight bow. "Hey! None of that now," Noctis snapped. Gladio chuckled. "We'll be on our way soon," Gladio said. "I'll see you downstairs." With that, Gladio left Noctis back to his thoughts. After a little while, Noctis went to the gas station across the street, where Iris and the others were waiting for him. "Got her filled up for you," Iris said in a chipper voice as he walked up. "It was nice of Jared to get everything ready at Caem." "Thanks Iris," Noctis replied as he passed Twilight, who was leaning on a wall staring at her Fenrir. Ignis had been waiting for Noctis inside the store. "I can't believe you agreed to have me ride with Twilight," he mumbled as Noctis reached him. "It's only until we get to Caem. Besides, you two could use the time to get along." "Only for the King," Ignis breathed. "Hey Noct! We're all piling in," Prompto announced from the door. Noctis nodded. He looked at Ignis and pointed at the door with his head. Ignis sighed. "Let's get this over with," Ignis said. The group piled into the Regalia as Ignis cautiously sat on the back of Twilight's motorcycle with her. "Don't lose your glasses now," she teased. "Hardly a problem," Ignis deadpanned. With that, their party was on the road. Not much conversation between Ignis and Twilight was had during the beginning of their trip. About a ways down the road, Twilight shouted over the roar of her engine. "Hey Ignis, do you really not trust me?!" "I still have my trepidations about you, but other than that we're on good terms," Ignis replied. He gasped and clutched around her tighter as they hit a pothole. "I know I've been really serious in light of everything," Twilight continued loudly. "But a certain friend of mine always told me it's good to laugh. So I have an idea in mind." She paused for a moment. "Let's prank them all." "And how do you suppose we do that?" Ignis asked. "By going on a date." Ignis nearly let go of Twilight in surprise."Pardon me if I didn't hear you correctly-" "I know Prompto and Gladio have been talking about it with Noctis," she interrupted. "Even Lulu has been talking about it. So let's do it. As a joke, of course," she clarified. Though he was caught off guard, Ignis thought he got what she was getting at. "Sounds like a rather horrible prank," he said after a moment of thought. "But given how much they're talking about it, I don't see why we can't indulge them." "Alright," Twilight said with a smirk. "We'll plan out the rest when we get to Caem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria: Canterlot Throne Room) In the face of all the riots and changeling witch hunts, Princess Celestia stood fast and assured her ponies that all was well. Though, now-a-days Celestia has found even herself questioning her faith on finding Twilight. And in turn, restoring Harmony. But she couldn't give up. For the sake of Equestria and its future, she had to keep trying. And today, her unwavering resolve may have finally paid off. "Princess!" a pony shouted, bursting through her throne room doors. They dashed toward her at the throne, only stopping to bow. "What is it now?" Princess Celestia sighed. "We have found Twilight!" the mare exclaimed. Celestia shot up in excitement. "Where?!" the princess yelled frantically. "That's the problem Princess," the mare mumbled. "She's on a world that seems to be dying. It's inhabitants are destroying each other." The mare's words were hoarse in her throat. Celestia could only stare in horror. "She's on a world in war," Celestia stated. "I shall not wait a moment longer! Tell the day court that tomorrow's assembly is canceled. I will return tomorrow nigh-" "Princess please!" the mare all but shouted. "I know you want to rescue Twilight, but it is too dangerous. The magic on the world is unstable. It can change you." She did her best to steady her voice for her next words. "While we were listening in, we heard some.. talk of Twilight. Her name was used in fear. The creatures saying that she was a fierce and merciless warrior." Celestia's shock returned. "I can't believe it! War has tainted my beloved student." She gritted her teeth. "I will not allow this to continue." "What are you going to do, Princess?" the mare asked. "I'm going to enchant The Element of Magic with a mind wipe spell," Celestia started. "I'll make her forget all of those horrible memories and I'll bring her home. It will take me all that to prepare the spell; I'll leave early tomorrow morning after I've raised the sun for the day. "Like I said before, I'll be back later that night, so inform the residents of Canterlot and Ponyville that if the sun is out a little longer than usual not to panic. I'll leave Shining Armor in charge until I return." "Yes Princess," the mare said with another bow. "But how will you protect yourself against the world's magic?" "I'll comb the archives for a spell," Celestia replied carefully. Her eyes narrowed after a moment and she added, "And tell the royal blacksmith to sharpen my glaive." "Yes Princess." With that, the mare ran out of the throne room. "Don't worry Twilight," Celestia said as she looked out to her sun. "I'll save you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ponyville: Golden Oaks Library) Sunset Shimmer groaned as she brought a platter of fruit and some hot cocoa to Trixie. "Alright, spill," Trixie all but demanded as Sunset sat down. She was eager to soak in the amber-colored mare's story. "Okay, okay," Sunset sighed. "I grew up in the streets of Manehatten. It's a pretty harsh place, but a rough home is better than no home," she began. "Though the only thing I remember about my childhood were the words 'All will burn.'" Trixie was slightly unnerved by these words, but her curiosity moved her to silently urge Sunset to continue. "I made a living by stealing expensive things. Most ponies like me would grab anything their hooves could carry and hope for the best. But me?" She paused for a moment and continued, her gaze seemingly on a speck on the wall across the room as she thought. "I wanted a challenge. I made a game of it; I even got good enough that I started marking the places wherever I stole something. Ponies started noticing. My fellow street mares bragged about me all the time... I loved the attention." Sunset took a moment to take a sip of her tea. "One of my friends told me one day, 'Sunset, I bet you could snatch the crown off Princess Celestia's head.' And I wanted to test that theory." A small smile formed on her lips at the memory. "Dear Princess Sunbutt was to show up at the opening of a museum to cut a fancy ribbon for fancy ponies," she lightly growled, the smile faded. "They're all shallow. Every last pony. Sure, they say they love and tolerate, but only when the world needs them to put on a show. Any other time, they'd laugh at the idea of giving a penny to a poor mare or stallion." As Sunset continued, Trixie lowered her head. "My time had come; I took the crown right of her noggin and laughed as I ran away. However, my street friends chickened out on me when they saw me with the crown and left me cornered by the guards." Her voice almost cracked but she fought past it. "The guards wanted to take me to jail... but the princess parted the crowd and stopped them; she was angry but even more impressed. She took me in... mademe her apprentice. I had learned so much under her. But she still wanted me to make 'friends' with other ponies. "Like I was going to make friends with anypony. Everypony will stab you in the back. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but they all will eventually. And you'll be left with nothing but a broken heart after it all." She took another sip of tea. Trixie was hanging onto every word and hadn't even tasted the tea yet. "All I wanted was power," Sunset said with a distant look in her eyes. "The power to make sure nopony could hurt me again. So I had gone against Celestia's wishes and began studying dark magic. She caught me using a spell and subsequently banished me. But I learned something about myself." She turned to face Trixie now. "I'm not all pony." Trixie stared at her with intrigue. "There is something inside of me," Sunset lamented. "Something that was always there, but I never knew it until I left Equestria. And I'm afraid." Trixie sighed heavily. "Trixie is a mare of few words, but she can say tis; you have a kinder heart than you realize, Sunset Shimmer. Remember that." Sunset smiled. "Now as for Twilight... She wasn't just thrown into the mirror by Nightmare Moon." Trixie's eyebrows rose in question. "She found out that Princess Celestia was planning to have her memory wiped because of a screw up at her brother's wedding that broke her and caused the Element of Magic to lose power. I'm here to use it until she returns. Then I'll be able to go back." Outside of the tree house Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were crouched under a window listening. "Are you serious?" Scootaloo whispered. "She's not even in Equestria anymore." "Wait, we can still-"Sweetie Belle tried to put a reassuring hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder, only for her to shrug it off. "Forget it," Scootaloo said. "It's over." She started walking away from her friends. "Scootaloo wait," Applebloom called out and started chasing after her. Sweetie Belle followed suit, and they both chased their friend back to the orphanage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Old Lestallum) The Regalia and the Fenrir pulled into the parking lot of an inn. As they parked, a large Niflheim fortress flew above the town. It seemed to be heading toward an old fort. Everyone in the group nodded at each other, knowing what they needed to do. "That's the transport Caligo uses, I'm certain of it," Twilight announced. "Let's break it down," Prompto commented. "For Jared," Noctis added. "Iris, you stay here," Gladio said sternly. "I'll stay with her," Lunafreya volunteered. She placed a hand on her shoulder. "No, Lulu. Go with them and I'll keep her safe," Twilight offered. "Are you sure?" Ignis asked. He looked at her with an eyebrow cocked. "Just bring the bastard to justice," she replied harshly. They all nodded in agreement. After they purchased their two rooms for the night everyone, aside from Iris and Twilight, headed out. "So why did you want to stay?" Iris asked once they'd settled into their room. "I don't want him limping away again," Twilight responded. "Even if he does escape, he will not like what he's running into." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Fort Vaullerey) The Regalia came to a stop a little ways from the fort. "Only fools rush in Noct; let's survey the base and lay out a plan of attack," Prompto suggested. "They havn't had enough time to dig in, but to have troops out this far must mean they'rebuilding a supply line," Lunafreya explained. One by one, the members of the group vaulted over the fence. They all made sure to stick close to the wall. "Let's get a lay of the land," Ignis said. As they stayed as close to the wall as they could, a Magitek armor walked past. They were all quiet. They moved along the wall for a little bit before coming up to a corner. Noctis carefully peeked his head and held a hand up to the group. "Hang on," he warned before carefully easing around the corner. He silently took out a Magitek trooper that had its back turned. Before Prompto had a chance to warn Noctis about another Magitek trooper he'd spotted creeping up on them, Lunafreya leaped in front of it, skewering it with her lance. "Let's be a bit more mindful guys," she suggested. Noctis and Prompto nodded and they all made their way to a large lookout tower. After surveying for a moment, Noctis readied himself. "I'll take the one on the stairs, you all cover me." He hurled a lance into a Magitek trooper and the rest of the group charged in after him, taking on other Magitek troopers along the way. Once the enemies had been take care of, Ignis began to formulate a plan. "What have you got?" Noctis asked. Ignis nodded to himself. "We need to take the base commander into custody promptly; bones bend easier than metal. We'll split up and wait for nightfall. Prompto and Gladio," he looked at them as he said their names, "will create a distraction." "That's what I'm good at," Prompto agreed with a nod. "Sounds like a plan," Gladio commented. "While Noct and I pursue the commander," he looked to Lunafreya, "Lunafreya you'll keep an eye on any reinforcements that may try to take us by surprise." She nodded. After night fell and everyone was in position Noctis and Ignis tracked their target, quietly following him but staying out of sight. They followed him from above as he stalked deeper into the base flanked by Magitek armors and troopers. "The insolence of that up-jumped mercenary!" Caligo growled. "And there is still no word... Such insolence besmirches His Radiance's good name," he added with a huff. "What is that chancellor playing at?!I know his game! He sent Highwind to watch me," he said with a grumble. "It's not a coincidence we both meet wherever I go. But he 'trusts her as a person.' From the mind behind the Magitek Movement; hollow words indeed." Noctis and Ignis continued after the ranting Caligo, taking out a Magitek trooper here and there along the way. They did their best to be as silent as they could, and to not get seen or raise alarm. "I may have acted in haste with that old man back in Lestallum, but my mission is clear and I'll be damned before a lowly mercenary takes the glory from Caligo Uldor," he pronounced to himself as he passed another security check point. Noctis and Ignis warped from railing to railing, keeping tabs on the commander while avoiding anymore unneeded fighting. Caligo's security detail stopped at the last check point, leaving him to walk the rest of the way thinking he was safe. And unaware of Noctis waiting for an opportunity to strike. "Now's your chance Noct," Ignis whispered once they got far enough away from the armors. "But remember we need him alive." Noctis nodded and threw his sword into the commander's shoulder. Before Caligo had a chance to scream, Noctis was on top of him with a sleeper hold. Within moments Caligo was out like a light. "Excellent work Noct," Ignis said as he jumped down to meet him. Just then, and explosion within the Magitek generator went off. "The others seem to be wrapping things up on their end; I'll get him out of here. You hold them off." Noctis nodded and summoned his sword. "Time to cut loose," he said to himself. Ignis hauled Caligo off and Noctis charged at Magitek troopers that had started running their way. He made short work of them, slicing through their torsos with several elegant swings of this short sword, only changing to his great sword to slice through more than one at a time. He was making good progress, but soon the grunts were assisted by a Magitek armor. It immediately started laying a volley of missiles in Noctis's general direction. Noctis rolled out of the way as the missiles came flying. Not giving the armor another chance to attack, Noctis threw a silver orb at one of the missile bays on its leg. This set a chain reaction that severely damaged the armor. As it fell to the ground, he hurled his broadsword into the cockpit and ran past it before the armor was engulfed in an explosion. "Noct!" Prompto shouted in alarm as he ran to him. "Glad to see you made it," Gladio said as he reached the two. "There is one more generator," he explained, pointing in the direction behind an upgraded Magitek armor. "This could be bad," Prompto observed as he shot at it. Just as the armor locked onto the three friends, a javelin was launched through the armor's missile silo, bringing it down momentarily. The javelin stuck into the ground a few feet away. "I was wondering if you all might need a hand," Lunafreya giggled before she somersaulted through the air. She landed beside her javelin. "Hit the shield!" she instructed as she rushed toward the armor's shield arm. The four wasted no time in a combined assault on the shield. This caused the systems on the armor to go critical. "Fall back!" Noctis yelled as he took cover behind a large steel crate. The other three followed close behind and then the armor exploded. With that one destroyed, the last Magitek generator was unguarded. "Ready to blow this place sky high?" Gladio asked Noctis. They nodded at each other and Noctis jammed his sword into the generator. This caused sparks to leap from the generator, ending with it falling to pieces. Ignis met back up with the group then. "Glad to see you lot were successful," he remarked. "And you weren't?" Noctis asked in alarm. "I handed our captive over to the Hunters Guild, however I've just been informed that he escaped," Ignis sighed. "He lives to die anoth-" He was interrupted but Noctis's phone ringing. "Who is this?" Noctis answers. "Don't worry about Caligo," Twilight's now-familiar voice said on the other end. "He's all mine now." The call clicks off. "It was Twilight," Noctis tells the others. "She's got Caligo." "Oh no," Lunafreya responded fearfully. "He's going to wish he stayed with the hunters." "That means she ran off and left Iris by herself," Gladio grumbled. "Let's get back." Before they could make their way to the entrance of the base, a woman clad in a dragon-like armor looks down upon them. With a smirk on her face she takes to the air, slamming down a large lance. Noctis was able to block it in time. "Hey there cutie," the woman taunts. She somersaulted away from Gladio as he took a swing at her. "Let's see what you guys can do." "Aranea Highwind," Lunafreya scoffed and crossed her arms. "I didn't think his radiance would send the help after us." "Nice to see you too Lulu," Aranea chuckled. "Never call me that!" Lunafreya shouted. She spun her javelin from her right hand to her left, using stance changes to get closer to Aranea. The two clashed with each other, spinning their weapons along the other's. While Lunafreya was focusing on light and quick blows, Aranea relied on heavy blows to force the princess off her feet. After two minutes of blocking and dodging Aranea hit Lunafreya with the broad side of her lance, causing her to skid back. "It's our turn," Noctis declared, charging with the other three in tow as Magitek troopers came in to reinforce Aranea. Wasting no time, Aranea jumped into the air. She darted in many different directions as a way to throw Noctis off. Lunafreya dodged a Magitek trooper that attempted to hit her in the face with the but of her rifle. She tried to keep her eyes on Aranea and saw her point of interest. "Noctis!" Lunafreya shouted. "She's headed right for you!" Noctis managed to block the strike and slams Aranea into the concrete. She rolls out of the way of Noctis's sword and it pierces the ground. This gave her enough time to try to stab him, but Gladio was able to knock her lance out of the way. After Prompto took care of two more Magitek trootpers he fires a few round in Aranea's direction to force her to fall back. "I could really go for an ebony right about now," Ignis announced as he rolled out of the way of a barrage of bullets. He threw a dagger into a trooper then jumped over it to stab another in the head. "Save the coffee for later!" Noctis responded as he jumped over a jab from Aranea. Lunafreya and Gladio run in and swing at her from both sides in sweeping motions, forcing her to skid back more as she blocked with her weapon. Prompto shot at her back. She turned to deflect the shots as Lunafreya, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis charged at her in tandem. Aranea evaded them by taking to the air. She was prepared to perform a lethal lance drop but a beeping noise took her attention. "Aw, that time already?" she said as she landed at the top of a wall. "What time?" Noctis asked, unsure of what to make with her sudden change in behavior. "Quitin' time," she replied. "This girl doesn't work off the clock. Well, I could, but that doesn't earn me any gil. See you 'round pretty boy." With that, Aranea jumped out of sight. The group finally got to take a relaxed breath. "What the hell was she?" Noctis asked Lunafreya. She sighed. "Commodore Aranea Highwind. Imperial Airborne Division." Her voice was steay. "She's a mercenary hired by Niflheim, on account of her Dragoon fighting style." "Is she an enemy of yours?" Gladio asked. "Not in the slightest," she giggled. "She's my best friend." "What?!" the four men yelled in unison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Forest, fifteen miles away from the Fort Vaullerey) Caligo had easily eluded the hunters who'd taken him into custody. However, his damaged pride had hurt a lot worse than the cut on his shoulder. He was stumbling through the trees and talking to himself again. "Damn that prince," he said after tripping over a fallen trunk. "They caught me off guard this time but they will feel my wrath, or my name isn't-" His sentence was cut off by a fist greeting his face, prompting him to fall on his behind. To his surprise he saw Twilight standing in front of him. "Caligo Uldor," she mocked, finishing his sentence. "It is I, who kill old men and beat little girls." The mocking tone stayed in her voice. "T-twilight!" He scrambled to his feet. "No... this isn't possible." "Isn't it?" Twilight said. "I knew you'd be here. No one would be dumb enough to follow you into a daemon-infested forest. You saw it as an easy enough escape." She crossed her arms. "But there are more terrifying things out than daemons tonight. You Niflheim shitheel; you beat Lulu and killed an innocent old man. And you think for a moment you have a right to be high and might?!" "He was a Lucian! They all need to die!" Caligo cried in an attempt to defend himself. "You think the old man is gonna take you to the top?" she taunted. "If he gets his way we're all going to suffer. You'll just be another peasant on the street begging to get in line to kiss his leathery ass. Though, you're doing quite the job of that now." "I'm not afraid of you Twilight," he scoffed. "You will die a traitor's death along with your precious sister!" "Odd way to beg for your life." Twilight's horn morphed into a sword. "But I happily do not accept. Now, scream if this hurts." The forest was soon filled with screams that drove even the most frightening of daemons away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria: Canterlot- Shining Armor's room) Shining Armor stood in front of a mirror, his horn glowing. An image of Chrysalis appeared on the mirror. "Are you there, my Queen?" He spoke. "Yes," Chrysalis hissed. "What is it?" "Celestia has located Twilight," he responded. "I see. What is she doing now?" "She is preparing some spells to defend herself in the different dimension. She's going to leave after she raises the sun for the day." "Then nowis our chance to strike," she hissed in glee. "Be ready with the guards." "Yes my Queen, but what of Kind Sombra?" "He needs more time. However, the ponies will flee to the Crystal Empire for safety so it's an easy trap. The hour of victory is upon us my King." "Equestria is ours," Shining said as Chrysalis faded from the mirror. He couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. He turned away from the mirror. "Hurry back Sister; I don't want you to miss the fun." He smiled sadistically to himself in the darkness. > The Ones We Love (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Eos) (Forest) The forest was quiet late at night. Woodland creatures of all shapes and sizes dare not make a sound, lest they attract any Daemons. But the thick veil of the night would not find peace, for a blinding light flashed into existence. A small patch of grass burned into ash until nothing was left but scorched soil. As the light died down, a pure white alicorn breathes in the alien air, her rainbow-colored mane held aloft by a non-existent breeze. This place does not look as bleak as I initially thought, Celestia thought to herself. Her thoughts were cut short however, by a series of growls and screeches. She turned to the darkness in the trees, where several Daemons skulked out. Most of them consisted of goblins and hobgoblins. The solar monarch could only lower her head in grief. "Poor souls... This world has contorted you beyond recognition, unable to return to your lives of peace; you are slaves to the darkness. But fear not, for I will set you free." At that moment, a ball of light shines into existence, causing the Daemons to stumble away from her; the light burned their bodies as if the very sun was upon them. As the light settled, a flaming halberd materializes. Celestia takes hold of it with her magic, a sense of regret and familiarity coursing through her. "I find myself breaking my promises to myself and my subjects more and more. But if it means keeping the peace in Equestria, I will become a hypocrite just this once. I swear I will make this right Twilight. Now come! Be free of your curse!" The daemons, infuriated by the sudden burning, charged at her without caution. A mistake only the mindless make. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Road to Cape Caem) The fresh air blasted past the group as they traveled to Cape Caem. The green from the trees rolled by as they drove on, mountins seemingly the only sight to behold on the winding roads. Prompto felt no urge for photos of the redundant scenery. "Glad to be rid of that base," Gladio remarked nonchalantly. "But I still can't help but wonder what that girl's deal was." Lunafreya giggled lightly. "Aranea was never one to turn down a good fight, or the good gil that came with it." "How did you two meet?" Noctis asked, glancing at her before returning his eyes to the road. "Twilight met her first on the field," Lunafreya started, which gained Iris's attention. "The problem was that Twilight didn't trust a lot of people, so when I went to meet her in the shuttle bay I could feel the tension in the room. But I got to talk to them, and Aranea started to warm up to us. We saw each other now and then, never wasting a moment to talk." "It sounds like she and you were close," Noctis chimed in. "But why is she still serving the Empire?" "The hours are long, but the pay is great." Lunafreya looked out the Regalia's window. "Though, she is not a fan of the Empire's ways. But better to work with your enemy than to be destroyed by them." "That is no way to live," Gladio said. "If the enemy is at your doorstep you fight til the bitter end. There is more honor to be had dying as a warrior than living like a slave." "Your words have some validity Gladio, but what if Iris's life was dependent on whether or not you surrendered?" Lunafreya asked. She glanced at him in the rearview mirror. He looked down, pondering her question. "Rest assured, Aranea has no family whose lives are on the line, but she does have men that need to eat. She's a mercenary; that doesn't mean she's some lowlife thug." Gladio sighed. "I guess you're right. But still, it doesn't mean she is trustworthy either." "She would be disappointed if you trusted her so easily," Lunafreya laughed. "Not gonna lie," Prompto said, "she is kind of hot." Lunafreya snorted from the the unexpected chortle that escaped her throat. "You're better off trying your hand at Cindy," she said. "Aranea is not one for romance." Prompto groaned. He crossed his arms and leaned his head against the window. Following the Regalia was Twilight on her Fenrir. She was able to keep up with the royal vehicle with ease, though her companion wasn't enjoying the ride as much as she was. "Must you be on their bumper?" Ignis all but yelled. Twilight took a moment to break check, just to scare him a little. He let out a small oof as he thumped against Twilight's back. "We have to be ready to speed away if the Empire tries to corner us on the road. That, and I rarely get to cut loose," Twilight chuckled. "Your impulsiveness will be your undoing," Ignis warned. "Maybe, but not today!" Twilight whooped as she reared her motorcycle on its back wheel. Ignis's grip on her tightened so he wouldn't fall off. The group traveled for a while longer until they reached a crossroad. Noctis pulled into the grass and off the road. The occupants all piled out of the car. Twilight pulled up beside the car and parked. "Well, I've never been one to turn down a chance to explore," Prompto stated as he looked at the mountain. Ignis took his chance to get off of the bike. He shook all over as he stumbled toward the Regalia. He leans on it to steady himself. "If the legends of the Malmalam Thicket are true, then a royal arm lies at the peak of the mountain," Ignis explained. "I wouldnt' mind," Iris offered. "Then it's off to another adventure," Lunafreya hummed with a smile. "Well I hate to admit it, but Ardyn's stunt has given us an ample amount of time for a detour, so I'm in no position to protest," Twilight remarked. "With that settled, I'm driving," Ignis exclaimed. He grabs the keys from Noctis then pushes his glasses up his nose. "Prompto, you can ride with Twilight," he adds, eliciting laughter from the group. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (Near Sugarcube Corner) The afternoon sun beat down onto the small town as pastel ponies went about their day. Though irritated, they where undeterred by the heat. Among the regular hustle and bustle of town was a fresh face. The pony in question walked with a particular destination in mind; Sugarcube Corner. She could see the building growing ever-so closer. She was almost there, but before she could get to the door a pink streak flew by her. "MAUD!" Pinkie Pie hugged her sister, rubbing her pink cheek on her frock fast enough to start a fire. Maud hugged Pinkie back. "Hello Pinky," Maud greeted with a deadpanned look. "Mom and Dad sent me into town to pick up some rocks and sediment samples, and told me to check up on you; they're wondering if you're doing okay. And they also wanted me to make sure you go this." The bluish-grey mare nuzzled into a side pocket on her frock and pulled out a plastic container filled with purplish-grey tablets. "Th-those are...!" Pinkie could barely contain her shock. No! I'm NOT going back! Run Pinkie, RUN! Pinkamena screamed in her head. "Though we haven't seen 'her' in a while, you should always keep them with you, just in case," Maud lectured, watching Pinkie's reaction carefully. "Th-thanks Sis!" Pinkie said with an excited tone. "I have the best sister ever!" Maud hugged Pinkie again. "I'll be heading back in a while. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?" Pinkie smiled. "Let's get inside!" Pinkie said, leading her to the front door. "We can talk about that scrumptious chocolate cake!" Maud followed Pinkie into the shop, a look of suspicion on the party pony's sister's face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Canterlot) (Sparkle household) The day had finally come to a close. There wasn't much to talk about in hearty subjects in the Sparkle household. Something was weighing heavy on Velvet and Nightlight's hearts. They had to leave. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew they could no longer live safely in the marbled streets of Canterlot. Velvet was taking it the hardest. Her little filly has been missing for a year, and now she had to abandon the place she was sure she'd see her daughter again. Velvet found herself holding back tears as she and her husband continued packing. From the other side of the room, Flurry Heart started crying. Walking over to her, Velvet discovered Flurry needed a change. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Honey, could you get that?" she asked her husband. "Flurry needs to be changed, then I can get back to packing. Tell whomever it is that we're busy." She cared for the baby as Nightlight went to answer the door. As he made his way, the knocking persisted, only stopping when the stallion opened it. "Sorry, we're a little..." His words left his brain as he stared at the colt at the door. "Now is that any way to greet a hero, Dad?" Shining Armor asked with a smirk. He walked in with several guards following behind him, causing Nightlight to step back. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd visit." He sighed after glancing around the room. "You can quit glaring at me now." Nightlight's gaze didn't soften. "What do you want, Shining?" "Celestia insisted I check up on you all," Shining replied. He sighed again after his dad scoffed at him. "Okay, she wants me to inform you that she has found your daughter and has gone to retrieve her." "And you're still going to go along with her plan?" Nightlight hissed. "She is the princess, after all; she knows what's best for us," Shining mocked. "But I will admit, Father; you're right, she is woefully incompetent. Her very nature will be Equestria's undoing. That is why a change of leadership is needed, and she will be the light to guide Equestria into a new age." "Luna?" Nightlight said with a puzzled look. His curious face contorted to one of fright as Shining Armor grew a sadistic grin. "I never said anything about Luna." With those words, a guard behind Shining fired a green beam from his horn. Shining cocked his head to the side, letting the beam travel unimpeded to its target. Before Nightlight could warn Velvet, the beam made contact with his face. His entire head was coated in a green goo-like substance. The force of the blow threw him back and his vision became hazy. He could barely keep his head up. His vision started leaving him as Shining's guards began entering the house. All he could do was curse under his slow breathing. He failed to protect them; something he felt would come to haunt him. "Nightlight?" Velvet said as she rounded the hallway. "What was that noi-?" She gasped in horror at seeing her husband on the floor. "Hello Mother," Shining spat. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" "Sh-shining?!" Velvet stumbled. "Wh-what's going on? What happened to your father?!" She stared at him in shock. "What have you done to him?!" "Always so quick to snap, huh Mother?" Shining could barely contain a chuckle, reveling in his mother's fear. "You can relax. I want you both alive. Out of the way, but alive." He nodded his head in the direction of one of his guards. "Do it." On command, the guards fired green beams at the Sparkle mother. Acting quickly, Velvet threw up a light purple shield. "Why are you doing this?!" she cried out before the shield shattered. The beams reached her body, and covered all but her head in the green substance. "You've left me no choice, Mother. I sacrificed everything to make you proud," he spat through gritted teeth. "Everything I ever did was to make you proud! But nothing I did, or could ever do, would measure up to Twilight." He started pacing around the living room. "Fine," he continued, "Equestria has been soft for too long. Celestia's idiocy has lead to this great nation nearly falling into enemy claws more times than we can count in history. So she sends Twilight Sparkle and her precious 'friendship is magic' tripe to save us from destruction. "If I can't save anypony as Captain of the Guard, then I'll be what Twilight could never become; A KING!" Shining Armor stamped his hoof. "Together, my queen and I shall strengthen the might of Equestria. After a few years of feeding and back-breaking labor, even the ponies that resist will come to acknowledge us as their saviors." Velvet couldn't even believe what she was hearing. Madness, pure madness was dripping from her son's mouth. "What happened to you?" Her eyes widened as the cries of a foal took Shining's attention. "You," Shining commanded a guard, "bring whatever that is here." "NO!" Velvet struggled as the guard quickly returned with Flurry Heart being suspended in the air by a magical aura. "I see you didn't waste any time replacing me," Shining scoffed as the foal was plopped into his hooves. Flurry Heart giggled. "This foal doesn't look like one you and Dad would make. But I suppose it was just luck." He looked down at her with a smile. "Don't worry little one. You're going to be with Big Brother from now on." Shining looked to his frantic mother for a moment. "Get them ready for transport," he ordered. He walked off with Flurry Heart in his magical grasp. "FLURRY HEART! SHINING, NO!" Before she could scream another word, Velvet's vision was engulfed by green. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Malmalam Thicket Trail) "Iris, look out!" Gladio used his broadsword to block a large claw from a shieldshear. Before the massive crab could break Gladio's guard, Ignis striked at its joints on its back legs. "Here's something you can cook up, Iggy!" Prompto ducked, then jumped away from a diving killer wasp as it tried to dig its pincers into his shoulders. He managed to shoot a few rounds into its abdomen before it flew back. "What it's gained in size it will have lost in flavor," Ignis remarked, his face unamused. He and Gladio we slashing in tandem. "Oh?" Twilight smirked. "Something the great Ignis can't cook?" She used her horn to surround the wings of a killer wasp as Lunafreya and Noctis blocked its stinger. Twilight grinned and pulled her horn back, making the killer wasp screech in agony as its wings were violently torn off. "I'll take your challenge, Sorceress," Ignis calmly remarked. "Twilight, quit starting fights," Lunafreya said. She threw her lance into another wasp as it descended on Noctis. "Why do you like picking on him so much?" "Isn't it obvious?" Prompto chuckled as he leapt over Gladio's deadlock with the massive crab. He unloaded a few rounds into its back legs. "They wuv each other," he mocked, gaining glares from both parties being talked about. "Not in the slightest," they responded in unison, both finishing off their respective creatures. With Prompto's assistance, Gladio jabbed his sword into the face of the shield shear. It was reduced to twitches, then stopped moving all together. "That's that," Prompto proclaimed. "You guys were amazing," Iris praised. "Now it's on to the top." "Yeah," Noctis added. With that, the group continued on, easily destroying what little resistance they encountered on their way through the Thicket. It wasn't long before they found themselves at the summit. "There's the tomb," Prompto announced. "And there's the guardian," Ignis added, pointing to a large spiked creature with multiple teeth and three large pincers. "A bandersnatch," Twilight chuckled. "Well isn't this a rare treat?" "How do you approach this?" Lunafreya asked. "Its eye sight is poor," Twilight explained. "So, it relies on a thermal vision to sense prey. Prompto, you're going to hit it with a flare. If you hit its eyes, it'll start to panic. But be warned, when it gets over the initial scare, it will fly into rage. So make your first attacks count." "Right," Noctis said. "Gladio, Ignis, and I will go for the legs." "Great idea," Iris commented with a nod. "Stay here Iris," Gladio said sternly. "Oh, let her come along," Lunafreya defended. "She'll be with me and Twilight; nothing will happen to her." Gladio was not assured, but he only grumbled and hoisted his broadsword. "Let's show it what girls can do," Twilight quipped. Her horn shifted into the general's sword. "Go for the head!" The three girls charged forward, which caught the attention of the bandersnatch. Without a moment to lose, the creature charged to meet the three. It slammed its head into the ground to begin its attack. "Iris, go left!" Twilight commanded. "Got it!" She rolled to the left of the large creature. "As above, so below?" Lunafreya asked, earning a smirk from her sister. Twilight's sword transformed into a shield. Letting Lunafreya jump on top of it, Twilight launched upwards. This gave Lunafreya the opportunity she needed to drive her lance into the beast's back. The bandersnatch thrashed about to try to shake her off. Twilight used the moment to revert her shield back into her sword and channeled a purple aura through it. After a few seconds, Twilight strikes its legs. The momentum of the impact knocked the creature's legs out from under it, sending it to the ground in a thunderous crash. "Are we gonna let the girls have all the fun?" Noctis looked to his friends, who nod then charge the beast. However, the group was ignorant of the fact they were all being watched by a white horse-like creature with a flowing rainbow mane. She looks on them in horror. "Faust protect me," Celestia said to herself. She was careful to mask her magic, as to not been seen or sensed. "It's true. What has this world done to you, Twilight? Don't worry. I'll bring you home. But I have to get you away from them." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (Cloudsdale, Wonderbolt HQ) "Cheers!" yelled many pegasi in celebration of the graduation of their new recruits. With their training complete, they were to begin service as honorary Wonderbolts. Though they were only in reserves and had a lot of training before they caught up to their legends, the fact that they made it this far means that their peers can expect great things from them. "Congratulations recruits!" Rainbow Dash shouted to get the ponies' attention. "You all may have a long way to go to even get a quarter of how awesome I am, but you're all well on your way!" After a laugh, the group cheered. Rainbow Dash, flanked by the Wonderbolt Legends Spitfire and Soarin, made their way to the punch bowl. A table lined with delicious confections greeted them at their destination. "Hey, Rainbow Dash," said a stallion as he walked up to the Wonderbolt elites. "Shining Armor," she responded. "Well, what brings you all the way out here?" she asked him. "Business from Celestia," he answered. "She needs patrols in the skies of Canterlot and the castle while she's gone. Maybe your recruits are up for it?" "Heck yeah!" Rainbow Dash boasted. "It'll be easy for a few new feathers like them." She drank some of her punch as she listened to the guard captain. "Well, my guards have a new spell that creates a three-dimensional layout of whatever they think of. They can show you your ponies' patrol routes," Shining explained. "Sweet! Listen up!" She once again gained the attention of the new recruits. "Captain of the Canterlot Guards, Shining Armor, has a job for us! He has a new light show to show you guys where you will be assigned in patrols. Aren't you all spoiled; dinner and a show?" The new Wonderbolt recruits salute and make their way to the next room, some hanging on to their food. Before Rainbow Dash could follow, Shining pulls her aside. "Hold on," he said. She turns to face him. "Official Element of Harmony business." "What's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked, genuinely curious. "Celestia has found Twilight. It won't be long before she returns with her." Rainbow Dash let out a snort. "If it wasn't for the fact she was so important, I'd say to Tartarus with her! She has the gall to say I wasn't loyal enough to her, yet she abandons us all? I don't think I can forgive her. Even if her memories are erased." Shining Armor only nodded at the cyan-colored pony. "Question; you said the Element of Loyalty spoke with you. What did it say?" The conversation was momentarily halted by green flashes erupting in the next room, followed by screams from several ponies. "What was that?!" "Oh, my guards forgot to tell them that the initial flash of the spell was bright. Took me minutes before I gained my sight back the first time they tried it. Nothing to worry about though." With a trepidatious glance at the room, Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Shining Armor. "Loyalty said that with my wings I fly high, but someone will fly higher than me. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Like that's ever going to happen." Shining Armor chuckled. "Well, it was right. Someone will fly higher than your spectral flank. But it won't be a pegasi." Rainbow Dash was taken aback by Shining's sudden words and devious smirk. "Ex... exuse me?" Her eyes widen as her heartbeat becomes louder in her ears.Her hooves were becoming shaky. "I knew that you'd be too fast to chase down. But then again, why would we need to chase you? Your overinflated ego is easy enough to groom. You'd fall for anything. Like spiked punch." He chuckled. Struggling to remain concious, Rainbow Dash pushed passed Shining Armor and stumbled to the briefing room. "W-We've b-b-been comprom-" Her dilated eyes widened as she found that her fellow wonderbolts were being put into green cocoons by changelings. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Shining Armor asked as he casually strolled over to the helpless Wonderbolts. "You ponies are going to make a great addition to our hive." Shining Armor walked over to a cocoon containing Spitfire. "This one should be chalk full of love, since she was your marefriend." A changeling inhales sharply, making green wisps fly out of the comatose mare and into its mouth. It began to cough violently. "Thisssss onesss love isssss empty," it hissed after gaining control of the coughing. "Oh, what a pity," Shining said, barely able to contain a laugh. "Sounds like she was just using you for the fame. Oh well. Better luck next time." "Y-you bastard!" An enraged Rainbow Dash limped toward him, finding new strength as adrenaline pumped through her veins. Sadly, it wasn't enough. Shining Armor merely turned and chucked her into a wall. The sudden force, coupled with her drug-idled mind, was enough to send her into the blackness that was encroaching around her vision. "One down. Four to go," Shining stated. He laughed a hearty laugh. Outside the Wonderbolt Headquarters, a mare with a light arctic blue coat and light green eyes frantically galloped toward the large building. "I'm late!" the mare shouted to herself. "Spitfire is gonna have my head for this!" The mare stopped in her tracks upon seeing several green flashed emitting from a window. "What the...?" She flies up to the window to see what was going on. Changelings were cocooning flailing ponies. She looked in shock around the room, but she wasn't prepared for what she saw next; Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, carrying an unconscious Rainbow Dash over to a drone. "See that they're transported safely,and inform the queen that the air defenses are down. However, we're missing Fleetfoot. So be ready to spring a trap for her." The mare named Fleetfoot looked on in horror. Her friends were being abducted. Spitfire, Soarin, Rainbow Dash... Hang in there, I'll find help. She flew as low and silently as she could until she got far enough away that she wouldn't be noticed. Then she flew as fast as she could. Was that a changeling? Was it the real captain? None of this makes sense. I have to find help! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Cape Caem) The group pulled into a clearing as sun rays shined through the thick branches of trees. Near this clearing, a small flight of stone steps greeted them. Along with a certain mechanic, much to Prompto's excitement. "Hey Cindy!" Prompto greeted as he jumped out of the Regalia. "Hey Prompto." Cindy smiles as the group assembled. Twilight lagged behind. "Paw paw is in the light house tinkering away at the boat, but..." She let her words fade and gestured for the others to follow. "Seen better days?" Gladio questioned. "Most of the mechanical stuff we can manage, but we've hit a slight snag. We need something called Mythril. Talcott, could tell you more." "Glad to hear he made it okay," Twilight sighed in relief. "Yeah, he's a trooper," Cindy replied. "I'll let you talk to him." "Right," Lunafreya responded. When they reached their destination, Talcott jumped up excitedly when he saw them. "Prince Noctis!" he exclaimed. "Hey Talcott. Cindy said you knew what we were looking for." Noctis stepped on the first two steps and listened intently to Talcott. Looking over, he spotted Gladio on his phone. "What you're looking for is a special mineral called Mythril," Talcott started. "It's hard to come by, but you remember that waterfall you found the sword in?" "Yeah." "It's just a few miles north of that." "Sounds like a plan. We'll get it right away." "Good luck, Prince Noctis." Talcott slightly bowed and went up to the lighthouse to tell the two mechanics the good news. He raced past Gladio, who was walking up to Noctis. He places a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Hey Noct, I have a personal matter I have to take care of. Do you think you can do this without me?" Gladio asked. Noctis's eyebrows furrowed in question. "You sure you don't need our help?" Noctis asked. "No, this is something I need to do on my own." Gladio glances at Twilight with a look of determination before looking back at his friend for a reply. "Alright then. Good luck, and be careful." "I won't be long." Gladio smirked. "Good luck yourself." "Okay guys, we're moving out," Noctis announced. "Let's go," Twilight agreed. She started walking toward her motorcycle. "Wouldn't it just be easier to take the Regalia?" Noctis suggested. "Why would-" Prompto started, but was interrupted by a stern look from Noctis. "Oooooh, yeah. That's a great idea Noct. Better to take one vehicle." "B-but my baby," Twilight whined with a quivering lip. "It'll be waiting for you when you get back," Lunafreya reassured her with an eyeroll. "But it will be the last ride before we go to Altissa," Twilight complained. Lunafreya giggled. "Good to see you have your priorities straight," Ignis snickered cooly. "Why don't you eat a-" "Twilight!" Lunafreya snapped. "Fine," Twilight conceded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (SugarCube Corner) Pinkie did her best to hide her frantic behavior all afternoon since the meeting with her sister. Circumstances have become dire for the cotton candy mare; her sister showed up with Pinkie's medicine. The first chance she got she slipped into her room and started to pack, fearing that her secret had been discovered. We must leave Pinkie! She knows, Pinkamena shouted within Pinkie's mind. "She doesn't know," Pinkie replied. She was frantically packing a small suitcase with the first things her hooves touched. "Sh-she just wanted to give me my medicine, that's all." Oh yeah, what a great sister; taking away the only thing that has protected you all these years. It doesn't matter now. Pinkie sat down on her bed. The spring felt a little stiffer than normal, but she didn't pay much mind to it. We have to get out of here. "What am I going to tell the Cakes?" Pinkie sighed. "The truth," a voice pipe up from out of nowhere. Pinkie jumped in surprise. "Wh-who said that?!" she cried out. Her answer came in the form of her sister popping out from under the bed. "Maud?!" she asked, her voice frantic. "Who were you talking to, Pinkie?" Maud asked, her expression a mix of boredom and concern. "N-no one," Pinkie stammered. "I was just prioritizing for a party, that's all." "Don't lie to me Pinkie. She's back, isn't she?" Pinkie didn't answer her, but Maud's suspicion was confirmed by Pinkie's head lowering in shame. Maud moved a little closer to her sister. "I'm here for you Pinkie. I can help you take your medicine and you'll feel better." "No," Pinkie responded through gritted teeth. "I won't go back." Pinkie's mane deflated from it's natural fluff, her coat losing a bit of its vibrancy in the process. "Pinkamena. You are not going to plague my sister anymore," Maud demanded. "Plague her?! I'm here because of you Maud! You promised to protect her from the bullies and you didn't. We were going to die; I had to do something!" "You took pleasure in hurting them," Maud stated. "Only because they took pleasure in hurting us! I'm not going back!" "You have no choice." Maud took out the medicine Pinkie had left on the counter. "Don't make me do this Maud." The moments that followed were filled with silence until there was a knock at the door. "Pinkie," Mrs. Cake said as she opened the door, "did Maud leave, or-" Her sentence was cut off by Pinkie Pie leaping over her and out the door. "Pinkie!" Maud shouted. She darted after her sister past a bewildered Mrs. Cake, who took off after the two as well. I am not going back! Pinkamena screamed in her head. Never, never, NEVER! She kept her head forward as she galloped down Ponyville's dirt roads. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Road to Steyliff Grove) Despite Twilight's protests, she rode in the Regalia with the others. Though Noctis's driving was a little rough, the ride was smooth. But even with the smooth ride Twilight couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. It felt alien for her not to be driving. "Your baby is fine Sis," Lunafreya said while rolling her eyes. "You can be such a pain sometimes." She turned back to facing front in the passenger seat. "That hurt Sis. But I know where you sleep," Twilight said. "And it's not with Noctis," she added after a second. Twilight crossed her arms and sat back in the back seat, trying her best not to touch an equally-irritated Ignis. Noctis's face went slightly red at the sisters' banter. "You two always like this?" Prompto asked. "Only on a good day," the girls replied in unison. "You two are no doubt sisters," Ignis commented. "Two elegant women brought to petty squabbling... such is the nature of siblings." "You think I'm elegant?" Twilight asked without uncrossing her arms. Ignis pushed his glasses up. "Only on certain occasions," Ignis responded with a deadpanned expression, seemingly staving of a blush. "Awwwww, thank you," Twilight laughed. "Something does bother me though," Ignis started in an attempt to change the subject. "We haven't found any imperials on the road to our destination, especially given how this is imperial controlled territory." "That is puzzling," Twilight retorted. "Ardyn's handiwork no doubt." She seemed slightly irritated. "Is there ever a time we don't run into that guy?" Prompto sighed. "He seems to have been getting more and more hands on than normal," Lunafreya commented. She looked to Noctis in concern. "No doubt he's the reason we haven't encountered any resistance on our way through their territory," Ignis added. Not long after this, the group arrived at the entrance to a swamp. The humid and sticky air made their breathing a little heavier. "This is our stop," Noctis announced after parking and shutting off the Regalia. "Nice place," Twilight said sarcastically. They walked through the marsh, eventually passing by a familiar red car. They soon reached a stone archway, where a familiar yet foreboding face waited for them. "Pleasure to see you all again," Ardyn greeted as they got closer. "Pleasure is all ours," Twilight snarkily remarked. "Oh come now. You all can use some different company seeing as you're short a man." He started instructing the group to follow him. "Oh sorry. Was that a sensitive subject?" he asked before leading the way. "Not one we're willing to discuss," Noctis seethed. "Then let us move on to why you're here. Unless you're here for the sites, though I highly doubt that." He looked around from each member's eyes before settling back on Noctis's. "You're here for Mythril; a very rare substance that we can't just let anyone take." "But you'll let us," Prompto growled. Ardyn laughed. "Oh heavens no, Darlings," he said, causing Twilight to cringe. "I simply wanted you to dig it up yourselves." "Gee, thaaaanks," Twilight grumbled. "I was hoping you'd approve," Ardyn replied. "I hoped if I spoke in a similar manner to your friend Rarity it would be easier for you to take the news. Before he could even smirk, Twilight pinned Ardyn to a stone pillar. She was holding his collar and her horn had transformed into Nyx's kukris, her eyes blood red with rage and panic. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?!" she demanded. "Twilight, stop," Lunafreya said while frantically pulling her away from Ardyn. "He is no good to us dead," Ignis chimed in. "He is the only one who can get us past the imperial guards." After several tense moments Twilight relented, her eyes reverting back to normal. "Don't. Ever. Mention. That Name. Again," Twilight growled. "As you wish," Ardyn responded with a small nod. "I apologize if I have offended you. It's never good to get on the bad side of The Sorceress of Niflheim," he added with a smirk. "I hate you," Twilight whispered. They all proceeded onward, heading for the entrance of a temple. "Oh and I failed to mention my imperial friends are waiting for us." "Splendid." Ignis eyed Ardyn. "But fear not for I will put in a good word." They finally made it to the entrance. Much to their surprise there were a few Magitek troopers near it, guarding some munitions crates. Though, there was yet another familiar face in the bunch. "Aranea," Lunafreya whispered. "Her again," Ignis said, remaining on guard. "All clear! Go ahead, and do have some fun." Ardyn gestured for them to meet the three guarding the entrance. The group proceeded past Ardyn. "So, you're the 'new recruits' sent over here for 'special training.' Nice cover, Prince," Aranea greeted. "It's been a while Aranea," Twilight responded while crossing her arms. "Well, if it isn't the Sorceress," Aranea spat. "And what training could I possibly offer if they're learning from you?" "The kind that shows them not to stand on a street corner for some Gil." Aranea flinched. "Witch." "Mercenary filth." "Freak." "Airhead." The two women continued calling each other names, looking as though they were about to rip each other's throats out. The guys were about to step in, only to be stopped by Lunafreya. "It's not what you think," she said with a small smirk. She gestured toward them, and as if on cue they embraced each other with laughter. The guys went slack-jawed at the exchange. Once done with their laughing fit, Aranea faux punched Twilight's arm. "How long has it been?" she asked nonchalantly. "Four years, give or take a day," Twilight responded. "Those two may have had a rocky start, but they became close friends," Lunafreya explained. "You're not getting out of this, Lulu," Aranea said, signaling for her to join in on the hug. "Come on, get in here." With a soft smile, Lunafreya made her way into the three-way hug. A few seconds went by before Ignis coughed to get their attention. They separated. "Alright you all, here's the deal," Aranea started with crossed arms. "The entrance to the ruins won't open up until sundown. We have yet to figure out why." "So we're on a time limit," Twilight said. "And the inside will be crawling with Daemons," Prompto commented. "So we bring our A-game," Noctis stated. Aranea lead the group to a fire pit. She sparked it to life and they all casually conversed while waiting for the sun to set. Once the sun finally began dipping into the horizon, they heard a faint crumbling noise; the sound of stone doors rising from the muddy ground. "Sounds like that's our cue," Ignis spoke up. He stood from his chair. "Let's head out," Noctis said, following suite. "Race you there!" Twilight shouted as she took off in a sprint. Aranea followed her, keeping pace with her friend. "She is too reckless!" Ignis commented as he took chase after them. "You're totally into her!" Prompto commented following close behind him. "Quit teasing him Prompto!" Noctis said, also taking after them. Lunafreya kept pace with him. The group continued their race through the entrance. Everyone was in too much of a rush to notice that the entryway had been lit. They found themselves running down stairs in a narrow passage way. Lunafreya noticed something odd and shook her head. "Did anyone else see that?" Lunafreya mentioned, not quite out of breath yet. She was trying to focus on getting through the passage way like the others, but it was nagging here. "The only thing I see at this moment is your ass in my face," Twilight complained from behind her. She tried her best to push past, but Lunafreya was just a bit faster. "I bet Noctis wishes he was in my position," she teased. Behind them, the boys weren't fairing any better. Noctis was behind Ignis and Prompto, about to catch up. "Shut up Twilight," he said as he shoved past his companions. In the process he tripped and accidentally knocked into Prompto, causing a chain reaction that ended with everyone tumbling down the last few stairs into a large empty room. "Ow," Prompto groaned when he got up. Looking around, he noticed some odd lighting fixtures all around that were illuminating the ruins. "Hey, someone left the lights on." "I'd hate to see their electric bill," Twilight said after brushing herself off. She helped Lunafreya up. "Let's continue on," Ignis said. He casually adjusted his glasses while everyone else got to their feet. "Be careful," Lunafreya instructed as they continued. "These rooms are going to be a bit difficult to fight in with a party of six." "Agreed," Aranea said. As if on cue, the floor in front of them amassed several pockets of black smoke and red electricity. Skeletons began to rise out of the ground. "This'll be fun," Twilight mused, drawing her horn. "They're as stupid as they are fragile," Aranea commented. They charged the skeletons. Aranea took to the air, slamming down onto four that had been clustered together. Prompto shot at one that managed to roll out of the way. Noctis hurled his short sword at it and it disintegrated. Twilight uses her magic to hurl some into a wall. Before they had a chance to slide off, she shifted her horn into a lance and threw it into one. As she did, Lunafreya plunged her javelin into the other. Both skeletons shattered on impact. "Nice job Sis," Lunafreya said, high fiving her adopted sibling. "Let's finish-Get down!" Twilight pushed Lunafreya down and ducked under a dark purple streak. Twilight used the upward momentum as she stood to slam into the offender's chest, causing it to fly back a foot or two. "Reapers. Well at least things are getting more fun." She helped her sister up. As they got ready to attack they were joined by the rest of the group, who had made quick work of their bony adversaries. "Let's finish up," Noctis proclaimed. The group let out a battle cry as they charged the Reaper. The Daemon didn't stand a chance against the group as each member seemed to land a critical strike; Prompto shot it in the head, Ignis and Twilight slashed open its sides, Lunafreya and Noctis pierced its chest. Aranea finished it off by leaping over the creature and landing expert slashes into it with her lance. The Daemon disappeared as fast as it came. "With teamwork like that, this will be a breeze," Prompto said. "And you were a badass Aranea," he added, giving her a thumbs-up. "Aw, thank you." Aranea smirked. She turned to Twilight. "Hear that? I'm a badass," she said smugly. "Take out the 'bad' and he'd be spot on," Twilight shot back, holding back a smile. "You were both awesome," Noctis declared before the two could start back up with their friendly bickering. "It's best to keep moving," Ignis piped up, "before more show up." He pushed up his glasses. The party regrouped together and proceeded through the decrepit ruins. "I could do this all day," Twilight remarked. "That may be the case, but we don't have that much time," Aranea stated. "We have until sunrise to get the Mythril or be trapped in here until the next sunset." They rounded a corner and passed over piles of broken stone. "Oh dear," Lunafreya responded. "That would be a problem," Prompto agreed. They entered another room then, Prompto being the first to look around. "Hey, check this out!" Once they caught up with him, they looked around in awe. "By the Six," Twilight gasped as she took the scene in. The room had multiple balconies, flat stone awaited those unlucky enough to fall. However, when looking up there was a wondrous sight; water floating above as a makeshift ceiling, fish swimming around even, as if the ruins were underwater. "This is amazing," Lunafreya said as she stepped up beside Twilight. "Long forgotten magic of the old world." She smiled at the look on Twilight's face before gazing at the ceiling herself. "I read the books like crazy," Twilight muttered. "Yet I never found anything remotely similar to this." She crossed her arms. "Guys!" Prompto shouted. "We've got company!" He fired his gun at more skeletons that appeared. Though this time they were joined by several large, opaque, multicolored slime monsters. "Creme Brulees," Twilight groaned. "I've lost sooo many armors to these little bastards." She readied her horn. "I can't even enjoy the dessert thanks to these things!" Aranea added. They charged at their new enemies. "Let's make quick work of these suckers." Noctis hurled his short sword into one of the Creme Brulees, managing to deliver six strikes before it had a chance to lunge at him. Prompto fired off a flare, brightening up the entire hall. The Daemons recoiled in agony. A few skeletons tried to flee into the confines of a dark hall, only to be intercepted by Aranea and Lunafreya dropping in front of them. Then in a fit of rage, the last Creme Brulee lunged at Ignis, who had been occupied with blocking a poison attack from two other skeletons. "Watch out!" Twilight pushed Ignis out of the way. Due to her lack of firm footing the Creme Brulee was able to knock her off the ledge of the balcony. "Twilight!" Ignis shouted. An anger welled up inside him and he slammed into the Creme Brulee, impaling it with his daggers. He pulled them out forcefully and striked it multiple times. The Daemon was unable to get a handle on the situation and Ignis finally plunged his daggers into its head. As the creature disappeared, the other party members stared at Ignis, stunned at seeing their usually cool-headed companion lash out. "Ignis!" Noctis yelled. As Ignis jumped out of the way Noctis hurled his sword into a skeleton attempted to perform a sneak attack. Lunafreya frantically threw her javelin into the last skeleton. After making sure it was dead, she ran to the edge of the balcony. "Twilight!" she called out desperately. For a solid minute there was no response. Lunafreya's heart dropped to her stomach. Her face went hot and tears were beginning to form in her eyes. Aranea and the others came up around her at the balcony and called out for Twilight once more. "Will you quit yelling! I'm fine!" Twilight called up. Lunafreya sighed heavily, wiping away the few tears that had spilled. "Are you okay?" Aranea shouted. While looking down, they were able to see Twilight walk into view from below. "Yeah! I was able to teleport right before I hit the ground. But it's not going to be an easy task getting back up!" Twilight looked around at her surroundings, noting that there was a massive door to her left, the walls around it looking crumbly. "My horn won't be able to lodge itself into the walls here, and I can't climb back up!" "We'll come to you!" Prompto shouted. As the words left his mouth, the door beside Twilight opened. Well, that's not creepy at all, she thought to herself. "New plan! We'll meet each other half way!" They watched as she walked back out of view. They couldn't see it, but the door closed behind her. "She was never one to play damsel in distress," Lunafreya grumbled. "Let's go." The group continued through the ruins, battling lesser Daemons along the way. Twilight, however... "What is all this?" Twilight muttered as she ducked under some fallen stones. As she walked into new rooms, they would seem to light themselves, as if illuminating a path for her to follow. After a few minutes, she came across a large wall painting. Some of it had long since been eroded, but one with a trained eye would still be able to make out the story presented. "The history of the ruins I suppose," she mused to herself as her eyes fell upon a painting containing many figures. There was a group of six figures, with a larger one towering behind them. "It's the six," Twilight whispered in mild surprise. She continued down the hall, the following paintings adding more to the story. Then something caught her eye. "Wait... what is that?" There was a mural depicting Ifrit and Sheva, locked in a lover's embrace. A creature descending to the world below from their locked hands; a creature with four legs, wings, and a horn of pure white- or at least that's what Twilight could make out from the dim lighting. This creature also had a red mane and tail. It was descending onto a world Twilight was all too familiar with. "Wait, is that...?" Her brows furrowed and her breath hitched as she reached out to touch the area. "Equestria?!" Before she could study more of the murals a massive roar stole her train of thought. It seemed to be coming from further down the hallway she was standing in. Twilight took to a sprint down the halls, ignoring the rest of the paintings. As she was running, she could hear the familiar sounds of her party members fighting another enemy. She kept a quick pace until the hallway opened up into another room, where the others were fighting against a large dragon-like monster. The monster's body was lined with sharp blue scales, its claws and teeth were razor sharp, and it had glowing red eyes. It's body was arching with electricity. Of course it had to be a Quetzalcoatl, Twilight thought to herself. "Look out!" Lunafreya cried out as the creature went to dive bomb toward the group, leading to everyone to tuck and roll from where they were standing. Twilight grabbed her horn and pointed it above the elemental dragon. The air became chilled as ice particles gathered together from the atmosphere above the Quetzalcoatl. The particles solidified into a rather-large cylindrical block. The block succumbed to gravity and fell onto the monster's back. The group stayed out of the way from the oncoming fall of the creature, who roared in pain as it writhed under the dense ice. "Twilight!" Lunafreya exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're safe!" Ignis shouted. "Hey, monster now! Reunion later!" Twilight pointed at the downed Quetzalcoatl. Though it was struggling, it was slowly attempting to move the ice pillar. "Let's hit it with everything we've got!" Noctis proclaimed. The creature roared in fury, coursing with violent sparks of electricity that shattered the ice column. Twilight quickly conjured a fireball and sent it flying into the creature's face. But it was quick on its feet, opening its wings to take to the air and avoid the projectile. As Noctis threw his javelin into its side, Aranea was able to jump high enough to get above the monster. In the air, she pointed her lance beneath her and began to spin rapidly before coming down and slamming the weapon into the creature's back. The downward force was strong enough to bring the monster to the ground. "Earth pillar!" Twilight shouted. Several columns of raw earth rose from below, impaling the beast as it fell. Prompto found his opening and fired off a round from his gun into the beast's eye. The Quetzalcoatl hit the ground, causing tremors in the process but it quickly recovered and lunged at the group. Lunafreya jumped over it and Twilight threw up a shield to stop it. Ignis slashed at its back legs to keep it off balanced while Aranea went for the chest. Noctis struck the beast in the neck with his short sword. The combined assault was too much for the Quetzalcoatl; with another shot in the head from Prompto, the beast took its last breath and collapsed on the ground. Everyone to a moment to breathe. "We did it!" Prompto shouted in glee. "It is finished," Aranea announced. "Look." Close to where Twilight's earth pillars form was a deposit of the Mythril. "This should be enough," Noctis said. He went over to the deposit and started digging it out of the ground. As he did so, Prompto walked over to Aranea. "So what's next for you?" he asked her. "I think it's high time I parted ways with the Empire. I'll round up my men and hunt Daemons for coin. Better than delivering them to the Empire." "What does the Empire want with them?" Ignis asked inquisitively. "Take a wild guess," Aranea retorted while crossing her arms. "Weapons," Twilight responded, earning a nod of agreement from Aranea. "The Empire has been using them in a number of experiments," Aranea continued. "I've never seen the end results, 'above my pay grade' and what not, they tell me." She rolled her eyes as she spoke. Lunafreya stepped closer to the mercenary as she spoke. "That's a fancy way of saying you're paid to fight, not to think," Lunafreya added. She softly patted Aranea's shoulder. "Well, it's been fun Lulu," Aranea sighed. "But now that you all have what you need, it's time to part ways." "We'll see you later," Twilight said with a smirk to her friend. "Yeah, later," Lunafreya replied,her eyes seeming distant. Noctis joined back with the group once he was done harvesting the Mythril. "First, we need to get out of here," he mentioned. "We have half an hour to get out before the temple closes on us," Ignis added. "Yeah, I don't want to stay here longer than I have to!" Prompto exclaimed. He bolted into the opposite direction Twilight had come from, heading forthe temple entrance. The rest of the group trailed behind him. Twilight was the last to follow out, the thought of going back to those murals nagging softly in the back of her head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (Location Unknown) The bat ponies headquarters was abuzz with activity. News of riots were the least of their trouble as the War Room was scrambling to process reports. The news was grim; the Sparkle family has gone missing. Though nothing official has come with the rumors, the bat ponies knew one thing; something big was starting. "Did they find a foal?!" Cadence cried as she frantically pinned Captain Dusk into a stone wall. "You're not helping our case Cadence," Dusk replied calmly. She careully pushed Cadence off of her. "But they..." "Were taking care of your filly, I know. You've told me already. I'm making finding your foal priority one. But rescuing Princess Luna is priority zero." "I can't wait!" Cadence's voice was getting more hysterical as her words continued. "She's all alone! I never should have left her there!" "Breathe Princess!" Dusk yelled, shaking Cadence out of her fit. After some of her signature deep breathing, Cadence was able to calm down. She looked to Dusk. Cadence's words came out as steady as she could manage. "I need to find her." "I understand Pincess," Dusk said. "But hear me out; they just up and vanished without a trace. Their luggage was packed, but not taken..." Her words trailed off when she noticed on of the bat ponies waiting patiently. Cadence also looked in her direction. Dusk raised her brows for the bat pony to speak. "Ma'am, we haven't had any word from the Wonderbolts in the past four hours." Dusk's eyes narrowed in thought, her gaze having fallen to the floor. The bat pony left. "What does that mean?" Cadence wondered out loud. Dusk looked back up. "The Sparkle family goes missing, and now we've lost contact with our Wonderbolt brothers and sisters. Something is off." "CAPTAIN!" shouted a bat pony scout as he ran into the war room. "Fleetfoot has crash landed just north of here!" "Bring her in then," Dusk commanded. "Get the infirmary prepped." A bat pony clad in a medical coat saluted and dashed off to follow orders. After half an hour the bat pony scout stumbled in carrying a heavily bruised but alive Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot's mane was heavily matted and full of leaves, with a small twig sticking out of it. She had small cuts all over her face, staining her arctic blue fur with patches of blood. Her breathing was deliberate and slow. "Fleetfoot what happened?!" Dusk marched up to her. "Why are you out here? Mor importantly, what can't we get in contact with the others? You showboats can't all be on vacation at once." Fleetfoot ignored the potshot. "Wonderbolt... Headquarters... Compromised... Changelings... took everypony." The room fell into a moment of silence. Dusk's eyes narrowed. "This confirms it. The Sparkle family didn't run off; they were abducted. By the same ones who abducted our showboating brothers and sisters." She looked to the bat pony scout. "Take Fleetfoot to the infirmary." The bat pony scout saluted and did as she was told. "We will find them," Dusk assured a frantic-looking Cadence. "But we can't let them get to Princess Luna." "But my dau-" "I KNOW!" Dusk shouted. "But if they get a hold of the princess we will have no leadership and we'll be running around like a cockatrice with no head." Dusk was lightly pacing as she spoke. "On top of that, if they replace Princess Luna it will become easy to manipulate the masses. We will find Luna and save as many as we can." She stopped pacing and faced the rest of her guards. They were hanging onto their captain's words. "Then we'll take the fight to them!" The room erupted into cheers. Though Cadence was frustrated at the idea of not going immediately after Flurry Heart, the Nightguard Captain had madea good point. Regardless, Cadence wouldn't be able to find her daughter by herself. She sighed. "Alright. Let's get Luna," Cadence agreed. Dusk put a reassuring hoof on the princess's back. "You have my word we will look for them after we save Princess Luna." Dusk looked to a batpony standing close by. "Go to Canterlot and find Flash Sentry. We move on the dungeon tonight." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Eos) (68 Miles out to Sea) The afternoon sun shone brightly as the smell of salt water filled the air. The spirits were high. After getting a warm goodbye from Cindy and the others, the group finally found themselves sea worthy on their way to the grand city of Altissia. Furnished comfortably with water sealed leather seats, a hardwood floor deck, and a sleek black roof, King Regis's boat was large enough to accommodate the six. Twilight sat in the front set of seats with Ignis while Gladio and Prompto sat in the back, along with Lunafreya and Noctis. Cid manned the wheel, given how he's had experience with the vessel. It brought both pain and joy to his old heart as he remembered all the good times with Regis and their companions. "I love this!" Prompto exclaimed. "The fresh sea air, the bright sun... the sound of the waves hitting the boat." He threw his arms up in joy. "I can get used to this!" "Many people devote their lives to the sea, but often die by it." Twilight relaxed in her chair. "The sea has its ugly side, just as anything else does." "That's quite the pessimistic attitude," Gladio commented as he crossed his arms. "It's more of an allegory for life," Twilight started explaining. "Life can be ugly, but it's the simple things you take pleasure in." "And I'm going to enjoy it all!" Prompto proclaimed. "I don't see why not," Twilight said. "I think I'll go visit the clothes store. Altissia is known for its high fashion, food, and breathtaking view." She had an almost dreamy gaze as she spoke. "It's enough to put even Canterlot to shame." "I've never heard of such a place," Ignis stated, causing Twilight's face and neck turn a bright shade of red. "I-it's nothing." Twilight's voice lowered to a whisper and she leaned a little closer to Ignis. "Say, you want to do it when we get there?" A sinister smirk formed on her face. Ignis was about to question what it was before he remembered. He returned her smirk while pushing up his glasses. "I would be honored." The others held mischievous snickers under their breath, having managed to hear Ignis's reply. But, not to pull attention to having been listening, they changed the subject. "To think we were on our way to do this anyway," Gladio said. "We've come this far," Noctis replied, reflecting on everything that's happened. "But there is still more to come," Ignis reminded them. "Right," Lunafreya confirmed. "Altissia has an uneasy truce with The Empire. They might try to hand me over to them to stop any possibility of inner city violence." "That won't happen," Noctis said softly, taking her hand. "I won't let them." "Unless the governor finds out you're alive we'll be fine," Twilight mentioned. "But it would be awkward for the 'dead' oracle to be walking the streets, so to speak." Twilight looked up to the sky as several birds flew high above them. Though, one of them didn't look quite right... Her face scrunched as she squinted. As a matter of fact, on of those birds looks like a... an alicorn? Celestia!? Twilight gasped the closed her eyes as a ray from the sun hit her face. When she opened them back up, the sky was empty again, save for the clouds. She sighed in relief and tuned her attention back to the others. "It seems like you don't have to worry about that," Cid commented as he turned to look at everyone. "Just listening to the radio and... well, you might want to hear this." He increases the volume on the radio. "...It would seem we have just received word that the former Princess of Tenebrae and Oracle, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, is alive and well. Along with Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, the two are heading to Altissia for their wedding..." Cid turned the volume back down and returned to face ahead. Twilight facepalmed. "Me and my big mouth." "It does seem like an issue," Ignis chuckled. "It doesn't matter," Gladio waved off. "What kind of deity are we dealing with?" "A royal bitch," Twilight answered. Her eyes went back to the sky and she rested her head on the back of her seat. "One that doesn't like her beauty sleep interrupted." "What Twilight is saying is we're dealing with a massive serpent that's said to embody the roar and rage of the sea," Ignis elaborated. "You know," Prompto responded, returning to his gushing, "I've always wanted to go sailing like this." "Well, we still have a ways to go. So keep gushing to your heart's content," Ignis said. Prompto smiled. "Hey Twilight, have you ever been to Altissia?" "A lot actually," she replied. "Though it is one-sided it's still a sovereignty, so Niflheim had to negotiate trade within the city. They use the Governor's estate for diplomacy meetings. The Empire has tried to get control of the country by using puppet officials, but the Governor is not someone who budges so easily. "As such, I've had to go over there on behalf of the Empires. The Governor even offered to give me asylum if I wanted to defect." She glanced at Prompto as she spoke. He was hanging on to every word. "But, that would just make things harder on them and myself. Plus I couldn't leave my siblings behind." As she added that last part, she glanced at Lunafreya, who was listening but was staring off to the side. "It's always the hardest choices that define your character," Ignis stated. They were all silent for a few moments. "I have a question Twilight," Prompto piped up. She looked at him. "Do you remember your fight with Ravus?" "Yeah?" "What's up with his arm? It's freaky looking," he added. "It seems he lost it in the invasion," Ignis agreed. "In turn he has seemed to have gained a new power." "That would explain why his strength felt... supernatural," Prompto pondered. As Twilight looked from person to person, she caught Lunafreya's expression. She looked at Twilight pleadingly, silently begging her not to reveal what happened to Ravus. "My brother is strong and persistent in his own rights, but what you all saw was the work of the new arm. It's a prosthetic limb infused with Magitek." The gang's eyes widened in surprise. "Magitek," Noctis mutters to himself. "The prosthetics are still in testing phases, because most of the trial ones managed to rip themselves from their owners. The thing is, the pieces not only replace a lost limb, but they also interface with the brain to make it as if it were you actual limb. They can give the wearer enhanced strength and durability, and they can even channel magic through them. Not to the same effectiveness I can, but they're still dangerous." The group sat in awe. "But I take it there is a risk?" Ignis questioned. Twilight nodded. "The prosthetics filter into both the cardiovascular system and the brain, spreading Magitek particles throughout the host's body. However, the body starts growing dependent on the Magitek in the prosthetics. So if the connection is abruptly cut without support, it will result in the host either instantly dying of heart failure, or the brain will shut off and they will live out the rest of their lives as vegetables." "Whoa," Prompto replied. "Didn't know you were an egghead." Twilight clenched her fists. "Well, when one gets the chance to read, they should take it to better understand the world." Prompto looked thoughtful at her response. Someone changed the subject, and the conversations shifted around for a while as they continued en route. After a bit, they passed by some large rocks. Cid slowed the boat as they transitioned into a canal. There were water falls below, and ahead laid two large angelic statues welcoming them to a large gate; a landmark signifying their journey's end. "We're here," Cid announced. "Altissia, the city on the sea. The party members all darted to the left side of the boat, excited to see what wonder would wait past their stone-carved gate. Though, their sense of awe was lessened as the boat slowed to a stop beside a guard on the dock. "Does this vessel have an entry permit?" the guard asked in a monotone. "Um, entry-?" Prompto panicked slightly. "I have one," Twilight announced, startling the guard in the process. "S-sorceress?" the guard stuttered. "At ease, Soldier." Twilight looked over the boat. "I came back from the dead, not from the Empire." She pulled out a permit from under her armor. "Here you go," she said as he took the permit. After a moment the guard says, "Everything checks out, but you know the Governor will want to see you." "I had a feeling," Twilight agreed with a nod. "Tell her that her precious cargo has arrived. And no, she's not immediately taking her away for her protection." Twilight tapped her foot. "Got it," the guard replied. He gave Twilight her permit back and signaled for others to open the gate. Cid steered the boat through the canal and into Altissia's bustling bay. Sitting atop multiple waterfalls, Altissia was quite the sight to behold for the average tourist. From the marble walkways to the finely chiseled architecture of the large buildings, The City of The Sea was not only a compliment to itself. Every beautiful element the city had been blessed with was reflected back at itself through the crystal water's reflection. The utilization of irrigation and water transports made it easy for locals to go about their busy days with little concern of getting wet. Cid navigated carefully through these waterways with other sail boats, whose occupants waved to the newcomers. Their greetings were happily returned by the group. Soon they reached a vacant dock to rest on. Once docked, the band of brothers piled out of the boat. Twilight stayed behind with Lunafreya to put her in something a little more discreet for the princess. Together they decided on a look consisting of a pair of blue jeans, a red-sleeved white shirt with a mini chocobo on it, and a pair of white sneakers. For good measure before they walked out of the door to catch up with the guys, Lunafreya quickly threw on sunglasses and a blue and yellow hat. The guys proceeded toward the the checking area. "What's this, immigration?" Prompto asked as he looked to Noctis, who rolled his eyes in frustration. "There's more?" Noctis wondered aloud. They tried walking past the glass booth where a guard was checking paperwork for newcomers. "Halt!" the guard shouted, catching Noctis off guard. "What is the purpose of your visit?" he asked. "Um..." Noctis was at a loss for words. He looked back the way they'd come and saw that the girls had caught up with them then. "Business with the Governor," Twilight said to the guard as she reached the booth. The guard jumped back slightly. "S-sorceress?!" he panicked. "B-but the papers said you were dead." "Oh, I'm very much alive and I'm rather happy about it." Her tone was professional and level. "Now, tell the Governor to meet us at Maagho shopping district. After that we'll stay for some cultural enrichment." "Y-yes Ma'am!" the guard stuttered. "Enjoy your stay," he added with a small head-bow as the group walked out of the checkpoint with Cid following behind them. "My friend Weskham runs a place in Maagho," Cid said, addressing Twilight. "I didn't think you would have time to venture around the city beyond your Empire work." The group stepped out of the way of other pedestrians to speak. "There were a few times I was able to steal myself from work," Twilight responded with a smile. "The Acorrdo is a great place to have a cup of coffee and read." She let the nostalgia wash over her at the thought. "Do you read a lot?" Ignis asked. Lunafreya gasped sarcastically. "If she's not fighting she's brain deep in a book." A chuckle escaped her throat. "When she lived with my family she didn't leave the library for a week until every book had been read." Twilight bushed lightly at Lunafreya's comment. "A rather earnest scholar," Ignis mused. He clutched his chin in a pondering pose. "But the Empire has no need for ambition or free thought." "Exactly," Twilight agreed with a nod. "Well let's go to Maagho," Prompto declared with determination despite not havinga clue as to where he was going. "You boys take care of Lulu for a bit," Twilight ordered, causing everyone to stare at her in shock. "I have something I need to do real quick. Then I'll be right there." She turned to Lunafreya. "You know me Lulu, I don't get distracted unless it needs my attention." She grabbed her sister's hand for reassurance. "Fair enough," Lunafreya said. "Let's get going." The guys nodded and left Twilight. They weaved through the crowds, trying to blend in so no one recognized Lunafreya. After she lost sight of them, Twilight took her steps into the crowds. Though she wasn't technically drawing attention to herself, people still took notice of her. She soon started hearing people gasp as she passed. "Is that the Sorceress of Niflheim?" "I think so." "What does the Empire want?" "Wait, she didn't kill Lady Lunafreya. The news just announced she was alive." The various voices started mingling together as Twilight approached a cannal gondola. "Climb aboard," the rower invited. She smiled politely at the rower as she got onto the gondola. During the ride she was brainstorming her next mission. This was a mission of great importance; attaining some nice clothes. I don't know why I'm so nervous, she thought to herself. It's just a prank. She was quiet for the duration of her ride. While Twilight shopped, the rest of the group had a little bit of a tough time searching on foot. Though, things were made much easier once they worked it out that it's better to use the gondolas to get around. During their gondola ride each person did make note of places they would like to check out when they had some free time. Prompto was particularly looking forward to what he thought was a camera store. Gladio seemed to catch site of a tattoo shop that looked interesting. While Lunafreya made note of a dress shop, Noctis caught sight of a jewelry stand. After a bit they did end up at Maagho, the floating market station. "Welcome to the Accordo lads," a dark-skinned bartender greeted. "Cid mentioned you all were coming. I'm Weskham Armaugh, as you might have guessed." He smiled at them and took an extra moment looking at Noctis. "My word, how you've grown. It's been a long time little prince, no doubt you have your fair share of questions." "Has anything changed with the Leviathan?" Noctis asked. Weskham sighed. "So far it's business as usual in port." He started cleaning drinking glasses while he continued talking. "However, the Governor plans to open up the alter of the Tidemother tomorrow. At the same time it seems the city is scrambling to get emergency provisions ready." He looked up from his work. "Which begs the question; why risk the Hydraean's rampage?" Lunafreya listened quietly. Noctis nodded. "What of the Niffs?" "Their presence is one we're used to, but the high commander and chancellor's appearance yesterday did cause quite the stir." "Ravus," Lunafreya breathed to herself. She was only mildly surprised her brother would be here this quickly. "With that, rumors have begun to surface that the Empire's army will show up here," Weskham continued, resuming to the glasses. "They felled one God and now wish to take them all. The Empire is not content with ruling just the land, they want the heavens as well. And as far as the Oracle sitting in the chair over there," he added with a nod in Lunafreya's direction. His words trailed off. Lunafreya doubled over in embarrassment. "I told Twilight this wasn't going to work," she said. "Relax, Your Grace. To most people you do just look like a normal tourist," Weskham assured her. An older woman in an all green pantsuit had walked up to the group then and had caught the last statement. "But not to anyone who looks hard enough," she responded. The group looked over to see she was flanked by two guards. "Gentlemen, I won't waste your time. I am Cameila Claustra." She held out a hand, to which Noctis met in a handshake. "First Secretary of the Accordo Protectorate," Ignis stated. "On to business," Cameila said. "We'll be needing to take Lady Lunafreya into our care. The Empire knows she has made it here and demands we release her into their custody." Noctis jumped in front of Lunafreya defensively. "Excuse me!?" he said in alarm. Twilight had arrived from a gondola then. "Relax Noctis," she said as she stepped beside him. She patted his shoulder. "She's on our side." Noctis looked from Twilight to the Secretary and back. "I am loath to concede unless we stand to profit," the Secretary stated, continuing to speak to Noctis. "So I'm here to discuss terms with the King of Lucis. However, I must insist we take the Oracle into our care." Noctis was quiet for moment and looked to Twilight again. "I've already talked it over with her Noct," she assured him. "We respect the Governor's wishes. Plus, I don't trust many people and I trust this woman with my life." After a few more tense moments of silence Noctis sighed reluctantly. "Okay," he breathed. "I understand this is difficult for you Your Highness, but there is more at stake than merely Lucis and Altissia." Cameila's voice was calm but stern as she spoke. "Now if you wish to continue this, then please join me at my estate." She gave a nod to her guards and left. They stayed behind. "I'll meet back up with you guys later," Twilight said as she addressed the group. "I'll see you later Noct." Lunafreya blew a kiss at Noctis. Then the two guards escorted the girls to their own gondola. By now Weskham had finished cleaning the drinking glasses and had moved to cleaning the counter. "Cameila can be oblique in the best of times, but she has the peoples' best interest at heart," he assured a slightly distraught Noctis. "Lunafreya is in good hands." He slung his towel over his shoulder. "But face it, you all look exhausted. I suggest you get to the Inn and ponder things in the morning." "Sounds good," Noctis replied. "We'll see you later." The four left the bar and used the gondola system to reach the business district. Once there, they traveled on foot to the Inn. When they did get there they were greeted by a familiar face. "Gentiana," Noctis said in surprise. "A future uncertain awaits you O King," she spoke cryptically. "But for now rest is vital for your next trial. Twilight wanted me to give you this," she added as she handed him two letters. Though, one was addressed to Ignis. Gentiana left them and Noctis handed Ignis's letter to him. Everyone watched Ignis as he read. His eyes went wide for a moment and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Oh dear," he stated. "What is it Specs?" Gladio asked. Prompto was on the edge of his seat, so to speak. "Seems I have a date tonight," he responded dryly. The rest of the group gasped in unison at the response. "With?" Noctis jabbed Ignis's shoulder. "Twilight." "YES!" Prompto exclaimed to the sky, startling a few onlookers. "You've got to let me come along! The pictures will be amazing! Maybe they could even be the start of a family album." He was standing right beside Ignis now. He patted his friend's arm. "I can assure you, this is a simple date and nothing more." Ignis's voice was steady. But his friends weren't going to buy that. As Gladio patted Ignis's shoulder, Prompto readied his camera and Noctis gave him a thumbs up. "Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only adult in this entourage," Ignis said to himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Cameila's Estate) "A date! With Ignis!?" Lunafreya shouted in shock. She was standing beside an opened bathroom door, facing the wall opposite of of the opening. She leaned on the wall and crossed her arms. "It's no big deal Sis," Twilight responded from within the bathroom. Lunafreya could hear fabric rustling as Twilight was dressing. "Not a big deal? This is you we're talking about. No offense, but you're usually so serious, it's all business with you. And now you're going on a date!?" Twilight walked out then. "Do I look okay?" Lunafreya turned to look and an audible gasp escaped her throat. Normally if Twilight wasn't in her armor she would be found in jeans and polo shirts, usually paired with worker's boots. But now as she stood in front of Lunafreya she was wearing a purple sequined halter top, a knee-length black circle skirt, and a pair of black wedges. Twilight's hair was pulled up into a bun on the back of her head, with a few loose tendrils framing her face. Lunafreya also noticed that there were lavender studs in her earlobes. "Well?" Twilight said. Lunafreya cleared her throat. "I'm not used to seeing you dolled up like this." She smiled. "I honestly had no idea you could doll yourself up so well," she chuckled. "An old friend of mine would kick my ass if I didn't know how to dress myself for formal occasions." Twilight landed a playful punch on Lunafreya's shoulder. "Well it's good to know you're just pretending you don't have style when you're normally out of uniform," Lunafreya added. "Yeah, yeah. Stick it where it fits." Twilight stuck her middle finger up at her sister. "Now that's very unlady-like." "Well, I'm not the one known for being lady-like. I'm glad you're not going to be there to play critic to my mannerisms," Twilight said with a sigh. They giggled at each other. Lunafreya helped Twilight with a few finishing things, then retired to her room for the night. But Twilight knew better. She wished her sister a good night and shut the door with a small smirk on her face. By the time she reached the front door, Twilight was sure that Lunafreya was already following her. Though she was very aware of the princess's presence, Twilight made sure to not let on that she knew. The Inn the guys were staying at ended up not being too far away from the Estate, so Twilight didn't feel the need to hitch a ride on one of the gondolas. This time during her walk, she felt as if none of the locals really recognized her without the armor on. There were a few people that did a slight double-take if they looked at her face, but nothing like the chatter earlier in the day. When she stepped into the doors of the Inn she found Ignis waiting one a sofa in the lobby area. He stood when he noticed her. He was clad in something from his regular wardrobe, but was still cleaned up a bit more than normal. He extended his hand. "Shall we?" "Let's," Twilight agreed as she took his hand. They kept their hands together as they walked toward the cannal. Meanwhile, the guys had been waiting for Twilight to show up as well. Once the two started walking the boys were close behind, but also keeping enough distance to not be noticed. They were also unaware that Lunafreya was following as well. They reached the cannal system and boarded a gondola. The guys hopped onto the next one and instructed their gondolier to follow the one in front of them. Lunafreya had hopped on at the last second, startling Noctis. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Shhh. It's my little sister's first date, with one of your crownsguard no less. I'm not missing this," she responded. Noctis conceded and dropped the issue. "So we're heading back to the Accordo?" Ignis asked after Twilight told the gondolier where to go. "Yep. He serves some of the finest wine in Altissia." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Plus he's got some lovely seating conveniently located by the water." "Aww," Prompto whispered to the guys. "Made for each other," Gladio joked with a smirk. "Shh, we don't want them to hear us," Noctis warned. They were far enough away in the gondola that they couldn't hear the two, but they wanted to make sure they weren't caught. Once they reached their destination, Ignis quickly stepped off the gondola and offered his hand to Twilight to help her off. Together they went up to the counter to request a table for two. Weskham led Twilight and Ignis to a table right beisde the railing. After warning them once more of a potential falling hazard, he assured them that a wait staff would be with them shortly and returned to his counter to take care of some more guests. "So what's next?" Ignis asked Twilight as he eyed his menu. Twilight flipped open her menu. She glanced above the menu and caught sight of their friends ducking behing some barrels. A smirk formed on her mouth as she absently looked through the menu. "Play the part," she replied. Ignis was sitting across from her, so he couldn't see them. "Don't look now, but they relocated us." "I see." He paused for a moment then sat his menu down. "Well, I know what I want." Twilight sat hers down as well. A waistress came by then and took their orders. The group of eavesdroppers took a moment while the couple was ordering to scoot to a closer hidden place, to try and better hear what was going on. "So Ignis, nice night isn't it?" Twilight said at a very slightly-higher than normal tone. The waitress brought them their drinks. Ignis nodded. "With no threat of Daemons, nights can be beautiful. Though I must ask if it's been getting kind of odd to you? Like the nights are starting sooner-" "And lasting longer," Twilight finished. "And in the middle of summer, no less. It does seem a little unnatural." They continued talking about seemingly mundane things while they waited for their food. What a dork, Lunafreya lovingly thought to herself as she listened to her sister talk about things like the weather and hobbies. They were all starting to get pretty bored around the time the couple finished their food. The waitress came by and placed the receipt on the table so someone was about to suggest that they should probably leave, but Gladio pointed out that Twilight just placed her hand on top of Ignis's and everyone's ears perked up. "So," she began as she twirled her finger lightly on the back of his hand, "do you see us going on any more dates in the future?" She looked down for a moment to look like she was being shy. "Absolutely," Ignis responded enthusiatically, almost unable to contain a smile. Twilight tapped his foot with hers under the table, signalling that it was time. Ignis got out the money for the meal and the tip and placed it on the table. The two stood from their seats and went over to sit on a bench at the end of the platform, Twilight's hand enclosed in his. At this point, their friends had to readjust themselves to be able to see them while still staying unseen. They could no longer hear what Ignis and Twilight were saying. After a few more moments of watching, they saw Ignis reach up and cup Twilight's chin, bringing her face closer to his. Prompto fumbled to get his camera ready and Lunafreya gripped Noctis's hand pretty tight in anticipation. Gladio was holding his breath. Ignis stopped right before his lips could reach Twilight's and, loud enough for the group to hear, he says, "I think it's time to drop this charade, wouldn't you agree?" Their friends' eyes widen at the the realization that they've been duped. Twilight smiled and looked in their direction. "Yep. And I think it's a great time for our guests to go for a swim!" Before they could move a muscle, Twilight pulled her horn out of her skirt pocket and pointed it at them. A purple aura surrounded them and they were hoisted over the railing into the water. Prompto's camera fell from his hands and Twilight was able to catch it. She sat it down on the bench. "Don't you think that was a bit much?" Ignis asked. "Nah, they can swim!" she said with a smile. They stood and turned around to look at their soaked friends. Once everyone had resurfaced Twilight giggled. "Got you!" The four of them grabbed the edge of the platform. They were all laughing at what happened, so Twilight and Ignis didn't notice that Noctis and Lunafreya had lifted themselves up enough to grab their hands, pulling the couple down into the water with them. Once breaking the surface Twilight splashed Lunafreya in the face. "You bitch! That was the only casual outfit I have!" Lunafreya splashed her back. "That's for tossing us in the ocean, you ass!" Everyone floated in the water for a moment after the shouting before Noctis broke out into laughter. The rest of the group followed suit and they all had a blast splashing each other. Weskham had watched the whole exchange while he was cleaning off some tables. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. "Now that's how you know you have a good bunch of friends." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cameila's Estate) (The Next Day) By the time the boys got to the Governor's estate in the morning, she was already waiting for them. Upon their arrival, Cameila had a guard escort them to her office. She waited for the men to get comfortable before starting business. "Now," she began, "I have no intentions of wasting your time. With Regis's death I have every reason to doubt the potential of his heir. I need you to answer some questions, and if I feel the answers are befitting of a king I will help you," she explained. "Understood," Noctis said with a nod. "My firstquestion; why does the Oracle wish to awaken the Hydraean?" Feeling that lying to her would not be in either party's best interest, Noctis took a deep breath and confessed his objective. "We wish to gain covenants from the Six to stop Niflheim." "I see." Cameila nodded. "To be quite truthful, the potential damage to my city worries me. If what Lunafreya and Twilight told me is true, there is no doubt the Tidemother will wish to test you in combat. I do not wish to host a battle on my soil, Gods and Empire be damned." "I understand," Noctis said again as he crossed his arms. "There isn't much we can do about Gods though, and if not us, the Empire will try to force her to the surface, which will result in her rampage anyway." "So you're saying I should accept my city's destruction either way?" "A city isn't just a collection of buildings and streets and walkways; what makes the city are its people. My father and my kingdom may be gone, but my subjects are not. Once the Empire is destroyed we can rebuild and add this chapter to our history." Cameila sat back in her chair, slightly impressed by Noctis's response. "Then let us talk terms," she said. "If I let Lunafreya hold the rite, then you must help my people evacuate." "That's fair," Noctis agreed. "And once it starts I will not be accountable for what comes afterwards; you all will be on your own." After a few moments of silence Noctis nodded. "That's fine. That's how it's been from the start. As long as I have my friends." Cameila gave him a reassuring smile. "Thank you. I'm sorry I cannot do more." "You've done enough letting Luna do the rite," Noctis responded. "But should anything happen to any of my peole there will be a reckoning," Cameila added. Her eyes narrowed at Noctis in warning. "I understand. Do what you must for your people." "In a few moments a broadcast will go out about a speech Lunafreya will be hosting. In her wedding dress." Noctis's eyes went wide. "I see." "Madam, it's time," a guard informed Cameila. She stood from her desk. "Take time to prepare, Your Highness," Cameila said to Noctis. "We received word that an Imperial fleet lead by Ravus Nox Fleuret four warships strong is headed this way. And will be here in two days time. Assign three of your best to the evactuation. I will send Twilight to assist until my citizens are clear." Her words were soft but stern. "Very well," Noctis responded. "You're not like your father," she commented. "Best of luck to you." With that, Noctis and the guys were dismissed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Two Days Later) After discussing the plan with Noctis, Twilight readied for the large scale evacuation. At Twilight's post across from the town, she could barely hear Lunafreya's speech. But she knew her sister had a way with words. Twilight was standing guard, waiting for their enemy to arrive. Though the wait wasn't long as they soon caught sight of four Niflheim warships, along with several dozen transports, slowly made their way to Altissia. Here we go, she thought to herself. Just then her phone rang. It was a conference call with the guys. "The Empire is here," Ignis spoke up first. "Then let's start evacuating the citizens," Noctis instructed. "And so it begins," Prompto commented. "Fight the Empire off wherever you can," Twilight ordered. And with that the call ended. As our group acted out their plans, and the Empire drew closer, there was something following behind the fleet that no one seemed to be aware of. After having lost track of her student before they got on the boat for Altissia, Princess Celestia could no longer afford to wait. She must rescue Twilight, and get her Element of Harmony back. Don't worry Twilight, Celestia thought to herself, you'll be home soon. She said a silent prayer and readied her glaive. Back within the heart of the city, Lunafreya approached a massive pool of ocean water that was surrounded by ruins. This was the altar where the Goddess of the Sea slept. However, now was the time for the Serpent to wake from her slumber; a mission Lunafreya was more than determined to accomplish. She walked to the very edge of the altar where a Trident made to help the Oracle beseech the Water Goddess awaited her. With the Trident in hand she sang a soothing tune, then awaited for a response from the calm water. "Who dares break the slumber of the tide!?" a voice boomed from the sea. "It is I, Lunafreya, Blood of the Oracle!" she shouted. "Goddess of the Sea I beseech you. Enter the covenant so the Chosen King can reclaim the stone!" The calm waters shook violently as a massive serpent with two sets of wing-like fins bursts from the surface. It roared at Lunafreya. Its words would come out as jumbled nothings to normal citizens, but the words were perfectly understood by the Oracle. "You wretched pile of bone and flesh! Ignorant of what powers govern this world, you dare request the help of this Goddess!?" Ignis opened another conference call. "Noct, the Hydraean is awake." "How's the evacuation?" Noctis asked. "Almost finished," Gladio responded. "We'll back you up in a bit." At that time, the Niflheim warships began to take position near the Goddess. "She's surrounded Noct, hurry!" Ignis pleaded. "I'll be there in a minute-" "Twilight Sparkle!" a voice called out, interrupting Twilight's attention from the call. Her eyes shrank at the sound of her name. She remembered a time when that voice would have brought her comfort and insight. But now it only instilled fear and panic. "It can't be..." Twilight hesitantly hung up her phone and turned to meet the source of the voice. Her eyes bulged in fear, her heart sank into her stomach, for now she stood staring at her old mentor. "Celestia," she breathed. "My dear Twilight, what has this world done to you... It's transformed you into one of those violent apes." Celestia's voice was masked in a calm demeanor, but there was a hint of hysteria in her words. "But don't worry, I'll get you back to Equestria and get you back to normal in no time. You won't have a single memory of this wretched place." "I'm never going back with you," Twilight said as she drew her horn. "I'm not going back to Equestria just to be a pawn in your game." Malice was dripping off her words. "Look at what this world has turned you into Twilight! You've been corrupted!" Celestia stamped a hoof in anger. "The horrors of war have tainted you. This world has placed a craving for blood in your soul but I can bring the real you back Twilight Sparkle, I swear. For now forgive what I must do." Celestia charged at Twilight then. Twilight was able to transform her horn into a broadsword in time and clashes with the Sun Princess. As former mentor and student clash, massive walls of water surround and swirl around Altissia. Noctis's pleas with the water Goddess fellon deaf ears. She refused to give herself to an unworthy King. And so began the trial by combat. Noctis warped to a broken piece of buildings that was suspended in the air by the Hydraean's water vortex. The serpent made it difficult for Noctis to land any attacks as it did work destroying each platform he managed to warp to. At one point the serpent even managed to knock one over before Noctis could reach it, causing him to drop into the waters below. In the fight between old friends, Twilight punched Celestia through a wall. The alicorn was able to quickly recover and launched herself at Twilight. Celestia and Twilight matched blow for blow, the sound of steel meeting steel as they swung at each other with their weapons. Twilight jumped from rooftop to rooftop with Celestia in hot pursuit. Despite her time as a pacifist ruling with and teaching love instead of violence, she was still able to get into the swing of things. Once they ran out of buildings to jump from, they were fighting in mid air. At one point Celestia was able to knock Twilight's weapon out of her hands. Celestia took the opportunity and rammed into Twilight, sending them both flying into the side of a Niflheim warship that had gotten close to the area the two were fighting in. "Enough of this Twilight! Come home and abandon this world to its fate!" Celestia summoned the Tiara of Magic and tried to place it on Twilight's head. Twilight called her horn back to her hand and cut across Celestia's chest, causing Celestia to stumble back. Then, using her magic, Twilight threw Celestia into a building. After peeling herself off the ship she flew up into the air. She glanced around at her surroundings and she sees Noctis get tossed into rubble close to Lunafreya. As Twilight watched, Lunafreya went to go help him but stumbled when she accidentally inhaled some water the Hydraean's rampage had splashed on her. Twilight's eyes widened in alarm when she spotted a familiar figure walking slowly toward Lunafreya like a predator eyeing its prey. When he reached Lunafreya's side Twilight transformed her horn into a kukri and threw it down on a platform near the altar. She knew what was going to happen. She needed to get there as soon as she could, she just had to make it. She warped to the kukri and pulled it out of the platform. Twilight was sprinting trying to reach them, getting ever-so closer as Ardyn knelt beside Lunafreya. "Now about that ring," Adryn said as he drew a dagger from his coat pocket. Twilight reached them then with her horn morphed into a sword. She started swinging it down at the overconfident assassin. This is it, she thought to herself. I'm going to save Luna and watch her and Noctis get married! However, fate seldom goes as one wants. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Twilight was tackled from the air. She was left breathless. Princess Celestia's stoic form slammed into Twilight at full force, causing her to drop her horn. She looked down in horror with tears streaming down her face. The last thing Twilight sees is Lunafreya giving her a reassuring smile before her eyes go wide with pain as she's stabbed. As the love of his life is gasping for air, all Noctis could do was lay haplessly by. "And do remind himof the crystal," Adryn softly told Lunafreya. He twisted the dagger inside her then violently pulls it out, making her gasp for more air. "Oh Prince, your bride awaits," Ardyn says sarcastically to Noctis. "I.. will p-pass the ring... to the rightful k-king... Fear not... for you will soon... b-be at peace." Lunafreya's words came through bated breaths. Ardyn roughly cups her chin. Lunafreya places a hand on his arm and he gave a pleasant smile as he felt a warmth wash over him. Though, the smile faded to a scowl before jerking his hand away from her. "How sweet," he said as he started walking toward his transport ship. "But by all means Lady Lunafreya, you first." He waved off as he entered his ship and took off. Lunafreya quickly grabbed the Trident and concentrated a golden glow that flowed over the weapon and Noctis. Around the world in each royal tomb, the same glow enveloped the sacred weapons of the Kings of Old. The collective light arcs up in the sky and into Noctis. The light hoists Noctis up as it surrounds him. He can feel the joined power overtake him. As all the weapons from the past kings surround him in the air, he raises his arm to call the Trident to join in its place. He then threw all the weapons at once at the Leviathan at once, causing a massive explosion. He relentlessly struck at the giant serpent with several weapons. In doing his best to keep the serpent from landing a hit, Noctis threw the Trident at one of the creature's fins. He warped to the Trident and pulled it out of the limb then brought it down, severing the Goddess's fin. Twilight launched Celestia from herself onto the ground and bolted to the altar where Lunafreya was laying. "No!" she shouted. She knelt down beside Lunafreya and picked her up. "I-I'll find some help! You'll be okay, just hang on Lulu!" "Twilight," Lunafreya chocked out. "It's okay. This was my destiny." "No! This is not your destiny!" Twilight sobbed. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! You're supposed to marry Noct! You're tougher than this." "Y-you have been... the best little sister... I could have asked for... B-but now... it's time to make your own way..." "I can't do this without you and Ravus! Please!" Twilight pleaded with her sister. Lunafreya cupped Twilight's chin. "Please. P-protect... Noctis. Don't worry about me Sis... I g-get to go see Mom now... G-goodbye... Twilight..." Lunafreya gave one last weak smile before her body went limp. Twilight held her close to her chest. "No... NO. Gods, please! Lulu! Lulu no... Big Sis... Don't leave me alone... Pl-please..." She was sobbing hysterically at this point. "Lulu... LULU!" "I'm sorry Twilight," Celestia said, walking up beside her. "I never meant for anything like this to happen. But this is all the more reason to remove your memories of this place. You should never sob for such vile creatures." Celestia once again summoned the Tiara of Magic. Near a hair's length away from it reaching her head, Twilight grabbed the Element of Magic from Celestia's hooves. "Dont. You. Dare. Talk about my sister. Like that!" She snapped the tiara in half. "She was my sister! Not some creature!" Twilight's eyes turned blood red as she carefully placed Lunafreya's body down. Then she called her horn back to her. "I could have saved her," she continued, now facing the sun princess. "I could have saved her! But you got in the way! YOU SPOILED BITCH. I'm going to tear your horn off and feed it to you! You're going to be a puddle of blood by the time I'm finished with you...Kill you... I'll kill you... I'm going to KILL YOU! CELESTIIAAAAA!" As Twilight roared and an arch of pure flames shot skyward. This flame pillar interrupted the battle between Noctis and Leviathan. They both stared at the pillar in shock. "This power," Leviathan gasped. "It's not possible... IFRIT!?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (UNKNWON LOCATION) In an endless field of flames a creature laughs. It laughs with the fury of a thousand armies. It felt satisfaction with the feeling of a familiar power. "YES! UNLEASH YOUR WRATH MY CHILD!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Back in Altissia) Twilight steps out of the pillar of fire with her skin a deathly pale tone, her eyes completely red, and her hair set ablaze. "Burn! EVERYTHING!" she roared. "What have I done?" Celestia looked upon her student with something she never thought she'd feel from her; fear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) (Canterlot Dungeons) "It's feeding time," Flash Sentry announced as he walked through the hallway of cells. When he reached Princess Luna's cell it was pitch black. He sat down her tray of food and scooted it deeper into the cell, waiting for her to eat. After a few minutes, there was no signs of activity. Flash grunted in frustration. "You going to eat or not?" he scoffed. He was answered with ominous laughter echoing the hallway. "What kind of a fool do you take me for?" asked a voice in the darkness. "You think I wouldn't be able to recognize a love stealing parasite like you? Especially since you can't even impersonate Warden Sentry correctly." "W-what... are you!?" The imposter was then skewered by a spike of night and stars. "We did say we would be needed once again. Just not which one of us." The fake Flash Sentry was engulfed in a green fire, revealing his true changeling form. It coughed up a green substance and choked out once more, "W-what are you?' A glowing ring rolls out of the cell as the door is pried open, much to the drone's fear. He was answered by two slitted blue eyes and a set of gleaming white fangs. "I am the Nightmare." > Wrath of the Infernal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) (Ponyville Orphanage) Ask any former-orphan what the greatest moment in their life was, and they'll tell you it was when a loving family walked through the doors and chose them. An overwhelming joy would flutter across their face at the memory of walking out with their newfound parents to a life of wholesome family ties. Sadly, this hasn't been the case for a certain orphaned pony known as Scootaloo. It would seem to Scootaloo that her destiny will be to suffer in this orphanage until she aged-out, when she'll be thrust into the so-called loving world of the ponies. A world that for all its whimsy, has found itself jaded by her beyond recognition. Her dreams of being adopted by the Fastest Flier in Equestria were, for a lack of better words, dashed when the mare had gone back on a promise she'd made the filly not too long ago. Now emotionally crushed, Scootaloo stayed in her room and wallowed in her sadness. Her friends attempted many different ways to pull her out of her depression. Most of the ideas didn't manage anything but a scoff or two in their direction. But eventually they were able to give her a new goal entirely; to take revenge on Rainbow Dash and get so popular that there wouldn't be a pony in town who wouldn't want to adopt Scootaloo. Together they had came up with the perfect way to do it. It hadn't been a secret that Ponyville's previous resident librarian and mage, Twilight Sparkle, has been missing for over a year now. The young Cutie Mark Crusaders had cooked up a plan to try to find her a bring her back to Ponyville. It was great; they would be known as heros to everyone in town- in Equestria. However Scootaloo didn't happen to be the luckiest pony in the world. It seemed this victory had vanished with the lavender mare as the fillies discovered that Twilight wasn't just missing from Ponyville or Canterlot. She'd disappeared from this world entirely. Now Scootaloo felt that the only thing she could do is lay in her bed and dream of a life that would be good to her. But adventure seldom takes time off for anypony. "C'mon, Scoots," Applebloom groaned in frustration as she knocked on the door. Having grown up with a family meant Scootaloo's were slightly alien to the country filly, so it was a tad difficult for her to comfort her friend. But that didn't usually stop Applebloom from trying, "It's not tha end of tha world. We're not gonna give up!" "Just go away Applebloom," Scootaloo responded, smooshing her face into her cover. "It's over." "Not'ntil we say it iz!" Applebloom fired back. "Yur our friend. Sweetie and I have been like sisters to ya. An' we don't give up on family." After a few moments of silence Scootaloo opened her door. "Why don't you just drop it!?" she shouted. "Is that really wut you want?" Her friend stared her dead in the eyes. Scootaloo's composure broke as she sighed and slumped back to her bed. "No," she answered somberly. "But I'm tired of dragging you all down with me." She turned away from her friend. "You and Sweetie Belle are just wasting your time with a filly like me. You both have lives to live; don't let me ruin it." "How many times do Ah have ta say it ya dumb filly!? We. Are. Yur. Friends," Applebloom fumed. "We want ta help ya, so we're gonna help ya." "Applebloom, I just want-" "GIRLS!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she darted past a nurse. She barely managed to skid to a halt in front of the two fillies. "P-Pinkie Pie!" she panted. "Slow down Sweetie, what happened to Pinkie Pie?" Scootaloo raised her hooves in a calming gesture. "P-Pinkie Pie," she started, still panting. "I saw her running. It looked like she was being chased by some mare. They were going in the direction of the Everfree Forest." At the same time, Applebloom and Scootaloo's eyes widened in surprise. "If they get lost in there, it won't be gud," Applebloom stated. "We need ta find Zecora if they did go into tha forest. It's dangerous ta run around in there." "Dangerous?" Scootaloo said. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Applebloom?" The country filly smiled at the response. She patted Scootaloo's back. "Good ta have ya back, Scoots." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ponyville) (Sweet Apple Acres) A knock on the Apple family's door gained Appejack's attention. "Ah'm commin'," she said when the visitor knocked again. She opened the door and took a small step back. Rainbow Dash now stood across from her. "Rainbow Dash!" "Long time, no see... Applejack," Rainbow Dash greeted mechanically. She took a step forward and offered a smile. The mares hugged each other. "Whut'n'tarnation are ya doin' down here? Ah thought ya had Wonderbolt trainin'." "Well, me and Spitfire broke up and I was feeling a little homesick. So I took a few days of leave. I was just about to say hi toBinky Bie, but I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd say hi to you." Applejack chuckled. "Binky Bie! Guud one, Dash." Rainbow Dash furrowed a brow. "Her name isn't Binky Bie?" Applejack frowned. "Ya seriously don't remember?" Before Applejack had time to react a green bolt streaks past Rainbow Dash. It hits Applejack's chest, throwing her into the wall beside her fireplace. The bolt oozed with a green gel-like substance that was holding her in place on the wall. "We rehearsed this!" Shining Armor shouted as he stomped out from behind a bush. Several royal guards followed. He slapped Rainbow Dash on the back of the head. "It's Pinkie Pie, not Binkie Bie. Stay focused; we still have four more to go." Rainbow Dash winced, then bowed. "A thousand apologies, My King," she said before erupting into green flames. Now in her place was a changeling drone. "Shinin' Armor!?" Applejack shouted as she struggled. "Whut'n Faust's name is goin' on!?" "You're in the way of my goal, as well as my queen's. So we must dispose of you. You can be happy in knowing we have no intentions to kill you. And we're taking you as a family." As the words leave his mouth four drones bring Granny Smith and Big Macintosh into the house. Two changelings to each pony, the chains holding them made from the same green substance that was restraining Applejack. "Applejack!" Granny Smith started thrashing about in her goo-like cuffs. "We're going to usher in a new age," Shining continued as if nothing were extremely wrong. "One with no need of the Elements of Harmony-" Just then BigMacintosh headbutted one of the changelings holding him. Then he bucked the other changeling. Despite the restraints digging into his neck and legs, Big Macintosh charges at Shining Armor with all his strength. He swung his weight around to his back and reared upwards, delivering a powerful buck straight at the winter coated stallion's head, uncaring if it was a lethal blow. However Shining Armor was unmoved by the act. As the powerful hooves came at him he'd simply helf up his foreleg to block the blow. Big Macintosh couldn't believe that not even a mark had been left on the guard's limb. He was astonished that Shining seemed unphased. The unicorn chuckled. "Not as strong as you thought huh, Macintosh?" Shining said with a smirk. "Though, it is true that the Earth ponies magic resides in their muscle structure, which makes them ideal for extremely laborious tasks." He took a small breath. "That is why the Earth ponies are going to make the bulk of our slaves. "You, however," Shining added as he reared a forehoof back, "need to learn some manners." He slapped Big Macintosh, sending the farmhoof flying through a wall and into the Apple family's kitchen. "Big Mac!" Applejack and Granny Smith screamed in unison. "What about the sssssmallest one?" a drone questioned. "The spies can bring her in when she returns. Your priority is to find the Jewel and bring them all to Chrysais." "Yes, My King." The drone leaves and joins the others in their search. "Make your queen proud. Though the reall work begins tomorrow." Shining then turned to face the two female Apples. "Now it's time to deliver you to the queen." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Altissia) Though the city for the most part has stayed unbiased in these dark times of Niflheim's endless quest for dominance Altissia, the Jewel of the Sea, had been no stranger to the echoes of conflict. But, the city has been able to stay out of direct conflict for may reasons. One being that, should Niflheim attempt to force their flag in the city, they risk the wrath of the sleeping goddess awaiting under it's oceans. This goddess in question laid in wait for the call of the Oracle. The Leviathan being as strong and stubborn as she was, if the Oracle were to face her with arrogance, Altissia would learn the wrath of the tides. And Niflheim forces were relying on this stubbornness as they'd been making their way toward the city on the ocean, expecting for it to be crumbling by the tides. But as they drew closer to the city they found it succumbing to flame. Endless flames roared through the city, burning everything in sight. Cries of anguish could be heard in the distance. Cries of a warrior that has lost part of herself. A tragedy having now repeated itself has given birth to a monster created from good intentions. And now a monarch of the sun must face the flames of the underworld. Woe to you Celestia. Woe to you as you face The Wrath of the Infernal. "TWILIGHT!" Celestia yelled as she blocked a fireball with her glaive. "Please, you must fight this! Twilight!" She spun her glaive with her magic, deflecting a large wall of flames. "Why... Why... Lulu... I could have saved her...I COULD HAVE SAVED HER!" Twilight roared and rushed toward Celestia. "WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME SAVE HER!?" Celestia took to the air with a flap of her wings. "Twilight, I'm sorry about this. But this is for your own good!" She spun her glaive once more and closed her wings, sending herself into a freefall. Twilight's flames only grew, reducing the ground around her to molten rock. She jumped at a break-neck speed toward Celestia. Twilight's sword lit up in an arc of fire moments away from meeting Celestia's glaive. As magic met weapon a wave surged amidst the air in a massive burst, separating the former teacher and student pair. Twilight righted herself and skidded back when her feet hit the ground, creating magma filled ruts in theprocess. Once she came to a stop she slowly walked forward. Her flames burned any unfortunate object in her path. Meanwhile Celestia's landing wasn't as graceful. The blast had knocked her back with such force that she had no chance in righting herself before careening into the window of a dress shop. I... don't... understand, Celestia thought to herself as she struggled to stand. Glass and splinters of wood were lodged into her back along her wings. Blood was running down her forehooves from high upon her chest. She had blood staining her snow white coat and her once regal mane was matted with the tips burnt off by the vengeful Twilight Sparkle. What sort of magic has tainted my student!? This world is truly irredeemable to corrupt such an innocent soul! "Twilight!" Celestia's call was answered by the roar of a monster. Twilight continued to shamble her way toward the princess, only stopping for a moment when she saw the shop's sign near a pile of rubble. Familiar memories flooded her mind of happier times with Lunafreya. Tears started welling up in her eyes, only to evaporate before they could fall. "Twilight you must remember who you are!" Celestia pleaded. In doing so she snapped the snapped the walking inferno out of her trance. "I know we can help you," Celestia continued. "Come back to Equestria. Your friends and I can undo what's happened to you!" "Why can't you just... leave me alone?" Twilight asked. Her flames died down a bit. "I just want to be left alone." "You know I couldn't do that Twilight." Celestia's tone was more gentle this time. "Your friends and family miss you. The need you, Equestria needs you. It is your destiny to protect Equestria." "MY DESTINY!?" Twilight's flames burst forth again, causing Celestia to reel back. "You had all that time! You sat with some of the greatest heroes Equestria has ever known! Starswirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, the list goes on. And you're telling me you never tried to come up with a way to protect Equestria with them!?" "They could only do so much!" Celestia's pleas became desperate as Twilight now stood right in front of her. "Because you never tried!" Twilight swung hard and her fist connected to the side of the radiant alicorn's face with enough force to send her into the building beside them. Celestia's vision was a blur as she struggled to get on all fours. She had to use antique shelves to lift herself. As this went on, Leviathan continued her battle with Noctis. "King of Lucis," she spoke sternly. "Your trial must be put on hold. This situation has become even more dire than it had been." "Like Hell I will!" Noctis yelled back. He floated in place in the air, the weapons of kings past swirling around him. "Take this!" He fired all the weapons at the large sea monster, causing her to reel back in pain. "YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!" The Leviathan slammed into Noctis head-first. "The blood of Ifrit runs through that woman's veins! If she is not stopped we'll all be in danger. She will slowly lose herself to the power and burn everything in her path. Help me stop the daughter of the one who cursed this world in the first place." The Leviathan's arrogance had quelled to fear. Noctis thought for a moment. "We're not going to kill her," Noctis stated sternly. He waited calmly for the goddess's response. "We may not have a choice," she replied carefully. They looked at each other for a quiet moment before proceeding. Together they headed toward the epicenter of the flames. "Twilight!" Celestia begged before getting kicked in her stomach. The blow forced its long-forgotten contents to spill from the princess's mouth. "P-please, come to your senses," she choked out through a burning throat. She tried regaining control of her breathing but the pain from shards of glass and wood imbedded in her sides caused the breaths to come out rushed. "Die... Just die... DIIIE!" Twilight roared. Her flames burst again, burning the ceiling and surrounding shelves. The various antique pieces from the former shop began to melt around them. Twilight opened her hand. Her horn, now white as snow, ignited and twisted until it became a sword. Flames spiraled from the base of the hilt to the tip of the blade, only stopping at the top, where they continued to burn. Twilight raised her arm. With no other choices, Celestia ran to the shop's display window. She crashed through it and landed in the street just as Twilight had brought her sword down. Enough force came from the swing that Celestia was flung into another wall across the street. Though, Celestia was able to shield herself from the subsequent shattered window so more glass didn't slice into her. Celestia looked back at the shop to find that the flames from Twilight's weapon had caused the building to catch fire. Celestia then slid off the wall and readied a spell. "This is for your own good Twilight," Celestia said in urgency. As she was focusing on the flaming building, the sword came flying out at her. Celestia only had a split second to dodge and she took it, although she failed to see that Twilight was now beside her. Twilight grabbed Celestia's right wing. A sickening pop filled the air, followed by Celestia's screams. "Twilight!" Noctis shouted, now hovering above them. Twilight snapped her attention to Noctis, seeing that the Leviathan was behind him. Celestia weakly rose to her hooves, shaking. Her right wing now horribly dislocated, she limped away toward the water. As she got closer to the water, Celestia flickered open a portal. Need... to get... her friends, she thought to herself. But before the princess could make it Twilight grabbed her leg, heaving her backward. Celestia cried out in pain, as her leg was being burned as Twilight held it. She turned to plead with Twilight. "Twilight please-!" Her words were cut off by a fist to the face. Celestia felt as if she'd been punched by the finest of chiseled stones. "That's enough!" Noctis yelled. He hurled several weapons at Twilight at once, knocking her away from them and into a pile of rubble. "Get out of here!" Noctis directed Celestia. Celestia was dumbstruck for a small moment at the act, but knowing her chances for getting Twilight back for the time has disappeared for now she felt there was no point in dying here. She needed to go care for her wounds and come up with a new plan. Celestia hurriedly limped back to the portal stepped through it. It vanished as soon as she was through. "NOOOOOCTIIISS!" Twilight hissed as she broke through the rubble pile. She whipped her head around, searching for Celestia. Once she realized what happened, she roared angrily at the prince. "You let her get away!" "She didn't kill Lunafreya!" he yelled back. "Ardyn did! I know it hurts Twilight, but you must get yourself under control. You're going to hurt other innocents if you don't." "I'm going to kill you Noctis!" She jumped with intentions of ripping him open. "We have to stop her!" Leviathan shouts. She rams head-first into Twilight, knocking her sword from her hands. But the Tidemother's feat of strength was short lived. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Twilight yelled in a rage. She managed to grip the side of the great serpent's head. Twilight fell back to the ground and righted her feet. Then with an immense strength and force, she was able to throw Leviathan out of the way. The serpent's body crashed into the city streets, leveling any building that was unfortunate enough to be in the way. Noctis began hurling more weapons at Twilight, only for her to swat them away like flies with a wide arc of flames. He rose higher into the air in an attempt to avoid the fire that almost caressed his shoes, then prepared for another bombardment. While doing so he noticed that Twilight swung back to throw her sword in his direction. In retaliation Noctis summoned an axe and throws it at her sword. The two weapons clash as Twilight appeared at her sword. Two violent energies worked against each other as neither combatant backed their force down. For a few moments the air surrounding them was rendered nearly unbreathable by the tension and all was quiet for a few terrifying moments. Then the area erupted in flares of sparks and flames as the sky lit up with explosions. Niflheim transport ships that found themselves too close to the two warriors were destroyed. Some crashed into the water while others fell into the city, causing more destruction. Suddenly Twilight appeared closer to Noctis. She has sprouted a pair of very large demon-shaped wings that were coursing with fire. Noctis hurled his javelin at her, but she moved her head in time. He attempts to capitalize on the miss by teleporting beside her and he goes in for a kick. But Twilight manages to grab his leg and hurls him into a Niflheim capitol ship. Before he could pry himself loose, Twilight flew to him at full force and slammed him through the ship itself. The ship's hull swelled, then erupted with sparks as the two continued their viscous battle within the bottle-necked hallways of the craft. Any onlooking Magitek troopers did not fare well during the quarrel. Meanwhile the captain of the ship is barking at an interfacing monitor. "They are inside my ship!" he shouts. "This is your chance! Fire, dammit, FIRE!" He stumbled as the structure was rattling and quaking beneath him. "Your sacrifice will be remembered," a disembodied voice said through the screen. Then three capitol ships rose in plain view of the windows. "Glory to the Empire!" the Captain shouted. A pillar of flames erupted under him. The capitol ships started firing upon the remains of the ship, their massive cannons tearing through the ship with ease. The remains started going up in massive explosions. As smoke rushed out from the exploding craft, two figures were launched outward from it. One landed in the water, while the other struck a ruined rooftop. The Leviathan made her way to Noctis on the rooftop. He weakly rose to his feet. "Not a moment to lose, Chosen King," the serpent started. "She has been weakened; now is the time to finish her off." "I said I WILL NOT kill her!" Noctis shouted at the Leviathan, who spins two face him in a rage. "DO NOT BE A FOOL!" she roared. "If we leave her, she'll recover and destroy without pause. You would risk this world for-" "I will not sacrifice a friend!" Noctis interrupted. Before he could continue his protest, Leviathan took it upon herself to dive into the water after Twilight. "You damn serpent!" The prince flew into the water after the serpent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (Everfree Forest) A pink blur that rivaled Rainbow Dash's sprinting speed darted past a thick bunch of branches, and was being chased by a grey pony in a frock. After a few moments the grey colored pony was able to get to where she was right behind her sister. "Pinkie!" Her voice was loud, but also still kept it's usual monotone. "Stop running!" "No!" the pink pony with long, flat pink hair shouted. "I'm not letting you do this to me again, Maud!" She abruptly jumped to another path parallel to the one they'd both been on to try and evade her sister. Maud stayed on the path she'd been on and managed to get slightly ahead of Pinkie. She rushed by several trees, keeping her eyes open for any opening to get through. Finding her opportunity, she dove through some branches and straight into Pinkie. The two sisters slammed into the dirt and slid a few good feet. But luck was not on their side today, as there also happened to be a hill in their path. Gravity took hold of Maud and Pinkie and they tumbled down the hill, hitting rocks and bushes along the way. They tumbled onto a lip in the hill that had a sudden drop-off that put them in a dark clearing. Maud landed mostly okay, while Pinkie had managed to fall onto a jagged rock foreleg-first. "P-Pinkie...Fight her," Maud grunted. "Fight me?!" Pinkamena screeched as she tried to scramble back on all fours. Though due to her run-in with the rock she was less than graceful, and she cried out in pain as she attempted to put pressure on it. She looked down to find that her leg was covered in dirt and blood. That is definitely going to bruise nastily, she thought to herself. She looked back to Maud. "Why," Pinkamena shouted. "Why would she fight me!? I protect her! I will do what she is afraid to do! "You're only hurting her," Maud replied steadily. She stumbled to her hooves and started walking toward her sister. "Really!?" Pinkamena laughed. "And here I thought you couldn't make jokes that weren't about rocks." She scoffed. "When those bullies came, who was it who protected Pinkie!? Because it sure as Faust wasn't you!" Before their arguing could escalate, they were silenced by a howling whistling within the trees. "This is not good," Maud whispered, her eyes darting around the clearing, searching for the source. "We've been in the forest enough to know what it is," Pinkamena stated. "Timber Wolves." Pinkamena also looked around the clearing slowly. Soon, twelve pairs of glowing green eyes shifted in the darkness behind the foliage. Growls and low rumbles signaled to the others that the prey had been found. Sounds of creaking and splintering wood echoed through the clearing as six large wolf-like creatures composed of wood prowled around the Pie sisters. They could sense that one was hurt, so they were all zeroed in on Pinkemena. "Get out of here, Pinkie." Maud jumped in between her sister and the timber wolves. "Sh-shut up, Maud." Pinkamena stood up. "I'm not a helpless little foal." "I'm not argui-" Maud'ssentence is cut off as both of the ponies hurriedly jumped out of the way of the pouncing predators. Pinkamena winced at the jolt of pain that shot through her shoulder. She clenched her teeth as she spoke. "I-if we don't scare these things off, there won't be an escape for either of us!" She shifted her weight onto her good foreleg as one of the timber wolves charged at her. After rolling out of the way, Pinkamena managed to slam into the wooden construct's leg. This broke the creature's leg and caused it to fall face first in the dirt. Maud bucked a timber wolf that attempted to pounce on her, shattering its lower jaw in the process. Stepping away, she saw that branches and leaves were coming out of its chest, twisting and reforming to regrow it's lost lower jaw. She gasped. "We need to run before they regenerate," Maud called to Pinkamena, who was busy dodging another timber wolf. By now the one that had tried for Pinkamena the first time was already starting to regenerate. "Easy for you to sa-OW!" Pinkamena shouted. "I won't be able to keep up!" As the other timber wolves herded closer to the Pie sisters, the sounds of glass shattering could faintly be heard. The timber wolves were about to pounce again when one of them recoils in disgust after taking a big breath of the air. It backed away. The rest of the pack also recoiled when they got a smell of the air, and the creatures retreated. "EW!" Pinkamena shook her head in disgust. "What is that smell!?" They heard a voice speak up from behind some overgrown bushes. "'Tis a batch of mushrooms I keep preserved. And a good thing they fled, for that was the last of my reserve." Pinkamena and Maud look to see Zecora approach them along with three multicolored foals. "Zecora?" Pinkamena asked. "I see you found a timber wolf pack. As quick as you are, they will cut you no slack." She got closer to the Pie ponies. "We wuz wunderin' why ya run into tha forest," Applebloom piped up from behind Zecora. "The three fillies came to me post haste, when they explained I knew there was no time to waste." "I was trying to get away from this moron," Pinkamena said and pointed a hoof at Maud. The three fillies stared in shock. "This can be settled while we walk." Zecora gestures for the Pie sisters to follow. After a moment the two nod to each other and followed her to her hut. All parties were unuware of the danger currently infiltrating Ponyville. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Fluttershy's Cottage) Fluttershy's days have definitely become more interesting with Discord around. Though, and unbearable guilt seemed to follow her for not mentioning anything about him to her friends. But what could she do? If they knew he was out they would tell Celestia, and she'd seal him in stone again. He didn't deserve that. He wasn't hurting anyone. Was he? Fluttershy sighed as she poured more feed in the troth for her chickens. She waited as they all piled out of their coup. All the while, she'd had the mental battle raging inside her head. That's it, she thought. I need to tell my friends. I can't keep- "Miss Fluttershy." A stallion's voice startled startled her. She jumped, causing a few stray chickens to cluck in surprise. She turned around to see that it was one of the royal guards. "Oh hello," she replied, breathing a sigh of relief. "You must come with me," he instructed sternly. "Princess Celestia has summoned the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot." "I understan-" She tried to answer, but she cut off when she noticed that several pebbles on the ground had grown legs and were running around in circles. Her eyes went wide with panic. "Um! One second!" she stage whispered to the guard with a frantic wave. The buttercup-colored pony hurried back into her cottage to confront Discord. "Discord, what are you doing?" she whispered. "There is something... off about that guard, Fluttershy," Discord answered as he spun a red licorice rope around one of her light fixtures. "I can't put my paw on it, but there is something wrong." "I can't do this right now Discord," Fluttershy stated. "If you keep messing around out there he'll find-" "Fluttershy look!" Discord pointed out the window just our of sight from the guard. She took a peek to find a horrifying sight. The guard had started writhing in his place. Green flames began spewing from his body, causing Fluttershy's animals to flee in terror. As the flames overwhelmed him, his head changed into the head of a duck. His left foreleg was replaced with a bear paw and a bunny's tail. "Discord! Stop it!" she shouted in a panic. "This isn't of my doing!" he defended himself. He looked on as the guard continued to tranformation. When the flames finally went out, what was left was a black insect-like pony with battered wings and neon blue eyes that reflected the sun's rays. "It's a changeling," Fluttershy spoke in shock. "And it's impersonating on of Princess Celestia's guards," Discord added. "If it's after you, that may mean they're going after the others as well." The changeling bolted through the door then and hissed aggresively. "Batter up!" Discord shouted. A large sucker poofed into existence and slammed into the side of the insectoid's head, sending it into a wall. Before the changeling could remove itself from the wall, Discord grabbed Fluttershy's hoof. The two vanished in a puff of confetti. Upon realizing its quarry had gotten away, the changeling hissed in anger. As to not draw attention to itself, the creature transformed himself back into the guard pony it had previously been disguised as before leaving the cottage in a rush. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Golden Oaks Library) Trixie had grown tired of sitting around the library day in and day out. To a point the days just kept seeming to get slower and slower as she looked for ways to alleviate her boredom. So she'd come up with an idea; practice her magic tricks and blow Ponyville out of the water with the return of The Great and Powerful Trixie! But a certain orange unicorn was not too happy about this. "Do you really have to do that here?" Sunset grunted as she watched Trixie set up some confetti launchers. And it seemed to her that Trixie may have been going a little overboard with the confetti. "You're going to make a mess. And besides, you're putting entirely too much confetti in that. It's an injury waiting to happen." "Then why don't you come over here and help me?" Trixie sighed. "Are you that desperate to get me to do something?" Sunset replied. "Yes! By Faust, I've seen bumps on logs move more than you do from that spot!" Trixie rebuttled. "Like it's going to matter soon!" Sunset fired back. "As soon as Celestia returns with Twilight I'm outta here! And if you knew what is good for you, you will do the same." "Then why don't you just stay in Canterlot?!" Trixie argued. "Because I didn't have a choice!" "Like I don't have a choice but to test the confetti cannon inside the library." A sinister smirk formed on Trixie's face as the words left her mouth. "Fine! But you will clean it up," Sunset grumbled. She rolled her eyes and returned to reading her book. "That's fine." Trixie wrapped a cord around her foreleg. "Huh... I guess I made these too long." Sunset's attention went back to the magic-practicing pony. "You packed it too tightly," she warned Trixie again. "Just let go of the cord and unpack the confett-" "I'm not listening." Trixie stuck her tongue out at Sunset in a childish manner. "Damn it, Trixie. I'm not about to be stuck here because I have to replace things of Twilight's that you broke. Give me that cord." Sunset got up from the bean bag chair she'd been sitting on and walked up to Trixie. Trixie giggled and walked around to the other side of the cannon. "No," she said, stamping a hoof. "Quit being a foal Trixie. Give me that cord." "No." Trixie put the cord behind her with her magic. "I'm not asking!" Sunset shouted. She started running around the cannon. Trixie screamed and also ran around the cannon to avoid Sunset. As they continued in circles, the cord got wrapped around the cannon. And unbeknownst to Sunset, a part of the cord also managed to get tangled around a back hoof. The girls' squabbling was interrupted by a knock at the door. "One second!" Sunset called out. She goes to open the door, preparing to meet another annoying visitor. "Just stay quiet," she advised Trixie, bracing herself for another day of interacting with the hapless townsfolk. But before she reached the door, she blinked and the Element of Magic's ethereal and sickly form stood in front of the door. Sunset's eyes widen in surprise. The sickly Element offered a weak reassuring smile. In the next instant there was a loud crack as if glass were breaking, and Sunset's ears rang as a massive crack shot upwards from the Element's body. It tried to say something as it fell to pieces, but Sunset was unable to make it out. "NO!" Sunset tried to run to the Element but she was yanked back by the cord her hoof had been tangled in. Hearing panic inside the house, the pony that knocked on the door threw it open and rushed in. A royal pegasi guard clad in his golden armor didn't have time to process the situation though, for when he stepped forward his ears were met with a deafening boom and his face became very acquainted with a large condensed ball of confetti. He was knocked out cold and was sent flying into the wall by the now-open door. A few minutes of piercing silence haunted the library as the loose specks of confetti flitted around the room. "Well, looks like you were right," Trixie said bashfully as Sunset struggled to get the cord off of herself. "YOU IDIOT," Sunset yelled at Trixie. "That's one of Celestia's royal guards! Do you have any idea how much trouble this could put us in!?" "You're the one who set it off!" Trixie protested. She thought for a moment. "We.... We'll wait for him to wake up and explain everything." "Wait for him to wake up?" Sunset shot back, appalled. "He just took a big ball of confetti to the face that knocked him into a wall! He needs to go to the hospital!" Before she could continue her shouting, Trixie gasped in shock as she saw that he was engulfed in green flames. "Sunset! Look!" Trixie pointed at the guard. Hoping is was a sign he was waking up, Sunset looked, only to be greeted by a horrifying sight. The snow-furred white pegasi had been replaced by an insect-like pony with smooth black chitin and two large fangs. "W-what is that?" Sunset questioned as she back away from it slowly. "A changeling." Trixie looked on fearfully at the creature. "They attacked Canterlot a year ago." She gulped. "Th-they're impersonating royal guards now?" "These are the shapeshifters the girls told me about then." Sunset hurriedly shut the door to not attract anypony else to the library. Then she went over to study the unconscious creature. "I highly doubt they could do this with Canterlot's security being as tight as it is... But with Celestia gone, security may no doubt be more lax." She dragged the changeling over to Trixie, who let out an eep as it was dropped in front of her. "What are you doing?" Trixie asked in a panic. "The girls said these things were led by some queen. If that's the case it means they're not acting on their own," Sunset started. "You don't know that!" Trixie interrupted. "Why royal guards, of all ponies then!?" Sunset fired back. "Why somepony so important? Obviously they should impersonate somepony that others wouldn't think to question. It would be easy to make off with one of us, having the citizens thinking it's a summons for Celestia. I don't know any other reason they'd take such a risk if this wasn't planned out." Sunset stood in thought for a few minutes before facing Trixie again. "Get some food and water and ready your cart." "What for?" Trixie asked. "So I can hide in it," Sunset grumbled. "They're looking for me and Twilight's friends; it's the only logical explanation. But they aren't looking for you, and the only one who would know you were here is that one." She pointed to the changeling with her head. "We're getting out of here. Talk to nopony. Don't even look at them." "What about the others?" Trixie questioned as she trotted into the kitchen. "We may be too late for them," Sunset responded. "For all we know, this could be their last stop. Let's not take any unnecessary risks. If any of the others were ponynapped and replaced they'd warn their friends." "And what about the changeling?" "For whatever good it will do, I'll tie him up and lock him in the closet. If time is on our side we'll be long gone before he wakes up, but that depends on how fast we can leave." "Say no more," Trixie said. She hurriedly raided the fridge and cabinets. "Looks like those camping lessons will pay off after all," Sunset muttered to herself as she ripped the cord out of the cannon. She began tying up the changeling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Eos) (Alstissia) Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto sprinted down a flight of stairs, only stopping on a bridge to collect their bearings. "Is the trial over?" Gladio asked. "I can't see a bloody thing from here," Ignis said in a firm tone. "We need to get back to that altar." "What about Twilight?" Prompto asked through his panting. "She's probably already there," Ignis answered with a hint of concern in his voice. Just then a scream peels through the skies. A wave of flame blasts through the air, frying the engines of some Empire transport ships in the process. One ship trying to regain its altitude began to freefall straight toward the bridge the group was standing on. "MOVE!" Gladio grabbed Prompto and dived away from the oncoming craft. With a split second to react, Ignis sprinted to the other side as the transport crashed into the bridge. The force of the crash sent Ignis into the water. "IGGY!" Prompto yelled. Gladio pulled him out of the way as the remains of the bridge started to collapse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Altissia cannals) Not too far from the transport crash, an unconscious Ignis is kept afloat in the cold waters by a piece of wood. The wood bobbed in the water, causing a splash to Ignis's face, which snapped him awake. As he came to he looked around to recollect himself and make a plan. He located a platform not too far from him and began swimming toward it. Along the way he ended up underneath another bridge. He paused under it to observe some Magitek troopers that happened to be crossing just then. I need to beat them to the altar, he thought to himself. Once they were out of sight Ignis continued to the platform and pulled himself up onto it. Once on the platform, his ear piece started to vibrate, thankfully undamaged during his time in the water. He answered it as he made his way up a flight of stairs. "Iggy!" Prompto said through the ear piece. "Thank goodness, we thought you were a goner." "It'll take more than some sea water to take me down. But it might do it for my clothes," Ignis mused. He stopped walking as he caught sight of a lone Magitek trooper. "I'm about to get real busy, so here is the plan; I need you two to distract the enemy. I'm headed to the altar." "On it," Prompto responded. "We'll meet you as soon as we can," Gladio followed up. "Then I'll see you there." Ignis rushed the Magitek trooper, not giving it a moment to react. He took it down easily in a flurry of blows. But six more troopers showed up once the one was destroyed, two being Magitek axemen. Ignis concentrated for a moment and his daggers lit up with electricity. He readied them and charged at the troopers as they charged at him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Altissia Altar) The water surrounding the altar boiled violently as geysers of steam blasted from its depths. An injured Noctis was sent to the surface, followed by a heavily damaged Leviathan. Soon after, Twilight slowly rose from the waters. Any water that was left on her body almost instantly evaporated. "Twilight!" Noctis pleaded once more, distress coating his voice. He did not get an answer in words, but Twilight unleashed a hellish scream, then charged at the prince and the serpent. The three battled fiercely. Noctis was taking on both Twilight and Leviathan. The Leviathan attempted to crush Twilight with the force of her mighty maw, only to be caught by the girl's hands. As Leviathan was trying to bite down, Twilight was planted in between her upper and lower teeth, preventing the creature's jaw from closing. The pressure was causing the serpent great pain, a testament to the power that lay before her. In an attempt to end the power struggle Leviathan threw her head into the air. Twilight was sent flying helplessly, but was able to right herself in the air. Her horn took form of a broad sword, and Twilight brought it down on the divine serpent's head. The Leviathan roared in pain. Twilight then turned and saw Noctis flying at her. The two clashed swords in mid air before the Leviathan swats them both into the ground before tumbling over in exhaustion. "King of Lucis," the Hydraean heaved. "This endeavor to save your friend is fruitless. You must understand; this is not what fate has deemed. She was never meant to be here." "I don't care!" Noctis shouted as he slowly got up. "It doesn't matter what fate wants! I'm not letting her die!" His eyes shimmer with flecks of red, and the gound begins to shake. Out of the water the Archaean rose up. Wasting no time, with a roar he slammed his fist into the ocean. This action sent spires of earth to erupt at the great serpent. Leviathan sent several constructs made of water, though the Titan took them with barely a sign of damage. One such construct managed to ricochet and strike Twilight, sending her form crashing into a wall. She hit the ground and wall she went through fell on top of her. Finally fatigue took hold of her body and sent her into an all too familiar darkness. The Leviathan's heavily injured body began dissolving into glowing dust which flowed into Noctis. "You fought well, King," Leviathan bellowed. "But know this; unlike that coward you cannot run away from your fate. You are the Chosen King. I give you the blessing of the tides. Use it well and banish the darkness." With a final flash of light the Leviathan vanished. Now that the battle had ended, Noctis's weapons also disappeared. Exhaustion then overtook him and he began to fall from the air. His death was all but assured, had the Archean not extended his hand and caught him. The Titan carefully placed him beside Lunafreya's body. With the knowledge that the King was safe, the Titan turned to confront the remaining Imperial forces attempting to draw closer to the altar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Altissia's Eastern Bridge) As Ignis rushed at a Magitek armor, he weaved around the oncoming missiles and gunfire. His daggers are replaced by a javelin in his hands, and once he found a gap in its attack patterns he took to the air and slammed down on the armor's leg. He cut into the missile storage compartment, then kicked off and away from the mech in time to avoid the explosion. The armor's leg burst, sending the large from of the machine crashing into the ground. The rest of the armor exploded; another enemy defeated. Ignis got to his feet and looks over at the altar. He stared in awe as the Archean appears. "Is that-!?" He tries to see what's going on, but can't see much past the god's legs. Be safe, I'll be there soon, he thought. "Twilight, can you hear me?" he attempted on the ear piece. He almost started running across the bridge, but stopped as he saw that a transport ship swatted by the Archeon was headed in that direction. Just my luck! Ignis sighed heavily and doubled back to avoid being hit. "Did you find the ring and the princess?" a voice asked. Ignis dove behind a pillar to not be seen a two people pass; Ravus and a young man with blond hair and blue eyes clad in a white and gold armor. "Yes, High Commander," the other man answered. "She and the king are at the altar." The two walked to the edge of the water. "But we cannot get to them, so long as the Archean stands in our way." Ravus scowls as he sees the Titan decimate his forces. "Even the gods are on his side," he seethed. He turned to the young man. "Neither the princess nor the king will make it out alive if the fighting continues. I'm calling a full retreat. I'll go alone." "Sir, I don't think that-" Ravus stops him by holding up his prosthetic arm. "I assume you know how I got this arm?" "Yes sir," the man responded. "Then you know the ring is useless without someone who can wield it. So see to it you get my sister, General Shinra," Ravus ordered. "Yes sir." Shinra salutes his commander and walks away with clenched fists and grinding his teeth. How dare that upstart address me as an underling! The Shinra family has served the Empire for generations, and I'll be damned if that Tenebrae brat is going to beat me to the ring! He sneers in thought as a transport lands close by. Ignis waited for the transport to leave before sprinting back toward the way he came. He held a finger to his earpiece. "Madam Secretary." "What now?" she answered in a rather annoyed tone. "I need to get to the altar. Noctis is in danger." "So is the rest of my city, if you haven't noticed. He and Lunafreya are probably already long gone." Her tone was casual, which slightly bothered Ignis. "I made a promise and I intend to keep it," Ignis said with determination. He was scaling rooftops now with a hookshot device he'd taken from a Magitek swordsman. "Very well," the Secretary said. "Some citizens are still evacuating at the docks. If you're lucky they might have a boat to spare. Oh, and tell Twilight I'm billing her for the damages." "Can do." With that their conversation ended. Ignis made his way toward the docks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) (Crystal Empire) (Alleyway close to the town square) He couldn't let this happen. He just couldn't bring himself to sit by and let bad things happen to these ponies. They took him in, and showed him friendship without fear. This lone changeling knew the odds were against him, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. Even if the ponies he knew would hate him forever. Thorax quietly scurried out of the alley. He darted his head around corners before making his moves toward the town square. Lately the square has seen a lot of hustle; with the Empire's growing demand for imports and exports, the entire area has become a major trade hub for many ponies. Thorax found himself being extra careful not to bump into anypony as he weaved his way through the crowds. He was soon stopped by a candy corn colored hoof. "Oh, I'm sor-" Thorax began as he tried to walk past the pony, only to see a terrifying sight in front of him. "Pharynx," he whispered. The candy corn collored filly scoffed. "How could I be related to someone so spineless?" Pharynx growled. Ponies trotted by them, too wrapped up in their day's events to eavesdrop. Not to mention the bad manners it would show to do so, anyhow. "You deserted our subjects and our queen for these pastel sacks of food. Why?" "Ponies aren't unreasonable, brother," Thorax retorted sheepishly. "They're very nice when they get to know-" "You?" Pharynx cut him off. "You think that just because you're hiding out here meant that ponies actually love you? Have you been to their capital? Have you even set foot outside of this Empire?" Thorax lowered his head in defeat. "No, I haven't. But that doesn't mean we can't talk. Let's just show them that all we want to do is live, just like them. Please Brother, help me end this conflict," Thorax pleaded. Pharynx sighed in disappointment. "I'm warning you now Thorax; the queen already sees you as a traitor. I don't want to hurt you. But the invasion will begin tomorrow as planned. However, since King Sombra still needs a few weeks to reform, most of the ponies are going to flock to the Empire for safety. "Sabotage their means of escape and turn that drake captain in, and our queen will not only forgive you, but reward you as well. You can be a hero of the hive and finally get some respect." Pharynx's tone was cold as he spoke. "If not, I will be forced to hunt you down. And you will be the example, not the exception. Please do not make me do it Brother. Think about it, but please don't take too long." There was a hint of worry in his last sentence. With that, Pharynx backed away into the crowd and vanished, leaving Thorax with a heavier heart than before. The offer was weighing greatly on his mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Carousel Boutique) By some miracle of Faust, ever since her fateful meeting with Photo Finish, Rarity's business had soared to new heights. The top faces of Canterlot, and even Manehatten, sought out her illusive boutique for a chance to buy her unique dresses. However, since talking with the Element of Generosity she's found herself with a case of creator's block. Rarity's eyes bore deep into an empty parchment as she racked her mind for new designs. With the creator's block, her mind has been left to wander. Maybe I am too obsessed with my work. Maybe I have neglected my friends, she thought. But is it really neglect? When ponies need to work to eat and live, there is no compromise. Surely good friends understand that... Right? After all, they have to work too. A bell rang from the front of her shop, snapping her from her thoughts. Grateful for a distraction, she let her pencil fall to the empty parchment and made her way to the front. "Coming," she called out as she came down the stairs. "Hello, Rarity," Shining Armor said once the designer pony was in view. He waved a hoof in greeting. "Hey, I was hoping you could help me." "Ah, Shining Armor!" Rarity grinned. She pleasantly trotted up to him. "It's been far too long since we last spoke darling; how can I help you today?" "I was hoping you could craft on of your famous dresses," he responded. A hint of pink reached Rarity's cheeks. "Sure," she responded. She turned away to rummage through her stock of gowns. "What's the occasion?" "Oh, nothing much." He casually looked around. "Marriage... a coronation." Rarity shot around fast enough to give herself whiplash. "Really!? Are you and Cadence getting back together!?" "Nope." He waved off the question. "This is somepony different. She's actually a queen." A smirk played at the corner of this mouth. Rarity beamed at the opportunity for her designs to be displayed on royalty. "Who is this lucky queen?" she asked excitedly. "May I meet her?" Shining's smirk grew as he answered. "In fact, you have already met her once before. She has also sent me to invite you and your friends to our wedding." He paused for a moment to watch Rarity's face. "Chrysalis, you remember?" Rarity's eyes bulged in shock before she let out a giggle. "Come now darling; pranks are more Rainbow Dash's thing." "Oh, this is no prank." Shining turned to the door then. Several guards trotted inside. "And you are invited to the greatest undertaking Equestria will ever see. The question is," he looked back, "are you coming? Or do we have to drag you kicking and screaming?" The guards went up in green flames to reveal their changeling forms. Rarity tried to run for the door, only to be hit with several green beams. She was plastered to the wall with the same green slime-like substance that had been used to capture so many others. It was this moment that it dawned on Rarity; she'd wasted her time on her dresses and now her time has come. Even if she lives through this, she'll never be the same. She was almost hyperventilating in panic as her vision was engulfed by green. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Altissia) It only took Ignis a few minutes to reach the docks. The remaining people waiting to leave almost instantly recognized him and let him pass to the front of the line. He hurried to a man wearing a dark blue and white uniform. "I just received instructions from Madam Secretary to let you commandeer a boat," the soldier said, pointing to a small boat. "Please, hurry. These people have been waiting and they're getting anxious." Ignis nodded and tapped the button on his earpiece as he climbed into the boat. "Prompto, Gladio. I need you to keep any advancing forces busy on your end." "You got it!" Prompto replied. "Just get Twilight and Lunafreya; no one's getting left behind." "Just hurry and get them out of there!" Gladio said with a grunt of determination. Ignis didn't need to be told twice. He sped off in the boat, maneuvering through the churning waters as the Titan continued destroying any Niflheim ship that dared get too close. As Ignis watched, the god grabbed a Magitek transport ship out of the air and hurled into the turbine of a capital ship. The capital ship exploded and it started plummeting in Ignis's general direction. He weaved under the giant craft with ease and without pause; he was going to get Noctis and nothing was going to get in his way. At least, that was the plan until a missile struck the water close to his boat. Ignis was thrown overboard into the cold water a good distance away from his vessel. After it was knocked over a smaller transport ship hovered over the capsized boat. The door to the transport opened, revealing the blonde haired man from before. "So, it's one of His Majesty's royal retainers. Now why could you be all the way out here?" A large bronze Magitek prototype suit was waiting behind him. "I'll introduce myself; I am General Rufus Shinra." He smirked. "You should be honored, Crownsguard; you get to die by my hands!" On those words, the guns on the sides of the transport let loose a hailstorm of bullets. Ignis dove into the water to try to throw the aim off and made a bee line to the boat. While the gunfire continued in the general area he had been in, Ignis righted the boat and climbed in it as quick as he could. Once they realized he was back at the boat, their aiming was redirected. Ignis took off, prompting Shinra to climb into the prototype. As Ignis weaved around oncoming gunfire, he glanced behind him to see Shinra in the water gaining speed. "An amphibious model!?" Ignis said in surprise. "What's the rush Lucian rat!?" Shinra blasted over a speaker. Ignis turned a corner close to a ruined building in an attempt to get some distance. But Shinra decided to show off by having his suit jump onto the wreckage and running across it with ease. "Once I gain the Ring of the Lucii, I will be unstoppable," the general continued. Niflheim will fall to me, not that old bat and wizened bastard." He jumped back into the water and fired a missile that just barely catches the back of the boat, which sends Ingis flying in the grounds of what used to be a market hub. "Now PERISH Lucian scum!" Shinra shouted as he landed close to Ignis. "Not today," Ignis replied as he got up. He brandished his daggers. Shinra's Magitek transport ship reached them and hovered above them, dropping several axemen and swordsmen to assist in this confrontation. "This is your end, Lucian!" Shinra warned again. He unleashed a volley of missiles in Ignis's direction, but Ignis was able to duck out of their way. Ignis used a Magitek trooper as a springboard and took to the air as he summoned his javelin. As he came back down he brought his weapon down onto the prototype suit's arm cannons. The force was enough to break the cannons off. "How dare you!" Shinra cried in a rage. Shinra attempted to crush Ignis with one of his feet, but Ignis was able to move out of the way. Ignis struck the suit's leg as the troopers rushed at him. He spun to meet one that he heard coming and cut into it. A rotary blade on the end of the suit's arm spun at deadly speed, allowing for Shinra to slash away with reckless abandon as he tried to cut the crownsguard to ribbons. Ignis dodged around several troops as he evaded Shinra's blade, causing the general to take down his own forces. Ignis dodged another swing from Shinra and managed to jump onto the suit's arm. He drove both daggers into the side of it, which sent an arc of electricity through the entire mech. With its systems crippled, the mech became sluggish in its movements. He was able to cut into the mech's other leg, causing the suit to collapse under its own weight. Shinra unloaded the rest of the missiles left in his leg cannons at Ignis in a last ditch effort to kill him, but Ignis was able to dodge the strikes and threw a dagger into the cannon. This resulted in that leg of the suit to explode, leaving the cockpit as the only part of the suit left undamaged. Though the shockwave of the explosion was small, it was still enought to knock Ignis off his feet. After what seemed like an eternity, Shinra managed to escape the mech suit. "Y-you bastard," he declared as he pulled out his pistol. "You've changed nothing-" His eyes went wide with pain as he looked down to see a blade protruding from his chest. Before he could try to make snse ofit, the sword was violently pulled out from behind him. As Shinra lay bleeding out, the culprit offered his prosthetic arm to help Ignis up. "Ravus," Ignis said with slight venom in his tone. "Save the sentiment," Ravus spoke. He turned to the Magitek troopers that had gathered. "The fastest way to my sister is to help you get to the king. But this does not mean I am on his side; my sister comes first." Ravus brandished his cutlass and a roar blasted through the sky, signaling that the Archean's time was up. As they watched, the titan vanished in a flash of gold particles. Ignis's voice was stern. "With the Archean gone I suggest we get moving." "Fine. Don't get in my way," Ravus responded. "Funny, I was about to say the same thing," Ignis shot back. The two begin their trek as they charge at the approaching Magitek troopers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) (Zecora's hut) The smell of earth and various potion supplies was the usual mix for Zecora's hut. Her shelves were mostly filled with potions, for different ailments and other uses. Sweetie Belle was eyeballing some of the potions, trying to imagine what some of them could be used for. The other members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were looking around in curiosity as they waited for Zecora to finish mixing a brew to heal Pinkamena's leg. "Ah just don't understand what y'all ran into tha forest for," Applebloom said as she looked at the two Pie sisters. "All you older ponies tell us it's dangerous, yet y'all do it anyway." "I was trying to get away from this sad show-" Pinkamena winced as she waved her hurt foreleg at Maud. "This can wait until we get back to Ponyville," Maud responded in her monotone voice. She glanced at Scootaloo, who was looking into the mirror. The filly was checking her flank to see if anything had shown up. Scootaloo sighed when she saw her flanks were still blank. "Are you almost done Zecora?" Sweetie Belle asked once she was finished looking at the potions. "I need to get back to my mom and dad before it gets too late." "I'm almost finished my friends, there is no need to beg," Zecora answered. She was stirring a light yellow mixture in her cauldron. "This healing potion will mend her leg." "Zecora, wuld ya do me a favor an' use one o'yur sight potions to see if mah bruther'n sister are home?" Applebloom asked. "I need ta talk to'em." She turned to Scootaloo. "An' yur comin' with me," she added sternly. "What, why?" Scootaloo asked in bewilderment. Zecora had finished the health potion then and poured it into a cup for easier drinking. Then she dispensed the rest into empty vials for future use. Once that was out of the way, she started up on something for Applebloom as the two foals continued their conversation. "Ah'm sick o'seein' ya suffer like this Scoots. Yur ma friend. Heck, yur practically ma sister. The way Ah look at it, it wuldn't make much difference if ya were ma real sister." Applebloom offered a smile after her declaration, which earned her some wide eyes from Scootaloo. "Applebloom, no," Scootaloo said as she shook her head. "I can't do that to you." "Ah'm not takin' no fur an answer. Yu deserve a family. It might take some time ta warm them up ta the idea, but Ah know as sure as Ah'm an Apple they won't turn ya down," Applebloom explained. Zecora finished the seer's potion then. She stirred it one last time and then took the cup of the healing potion over to Pinkamena. "This will reduce the damage to a minor fracture's pain," she started, "but work for a few days you must abstain." She looked at Applebloom. "Dear, that seer's potion is ready, go look into the cauldron; just lean over but keep your grip steady." Zecora handed Pinkamena the cup and Applebloom trotted to the cauldron. Pinkamena started drinking the potion with little hesitation, but recoiled in disgust. Zecora nodded. "The sour taste will not last," she explained. "Given the history, you have asked for sweeteners in the past. But the Pinkie I see before me is not the one I usually see," she faced Maud, "I take it this is her split personality." Pinkamena flashed a fiery gaze on the potion maker. "What is a-" Sweetie Belle started, but was interrupted by a panicked scream from the other side of the room. The two foals, Maud, and Zecora bolted to the source. "Applebloom, what's wrong!?" Sweetie Belle shouted in a panic. "Ch-changelings!" Applebloom yelled, pointing to the cauldron. Zecora and Maud look into the liquid and see the Apple living room. In it sat three insect-like creatures conversing. As they watched, the creatures transformed themselves into Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith. "This can't be good," Maud says with a distraught look in her eyes. She looked up at Zecora. "This is worrisome indeed. I'll go grab the supplies we need." Zecora went to work, first grabbing a saddle bag. She begins to fill it with potions, food, and supplies. "What was that about changelings?" Pinkamena asked after limping up to Maud. "I can't leave the Cakes there alone; I have to go back." "That wold be a bad idea," Maud replied. "If they took your friends, chances are they're looking for you too." "She is right," Zecora said, continuing to fill another saddle bag. "The Elements of Harmony are needed to get through this blight. The enemy knows this and moves swiftly to undermine you all." She looked up at Pinkamena. "For united you are unstoppable, but divided Equestria will fall." "Faust damn it," Pinkamena grumbled. "Then what do we do?" "We go to Canterlot and find help," Maud answered. "But we must not take the train; if Pinkie Pie is spotted our efforts will be in vain." Zecora fastened the saddle bags onto her back as she finished speaking. "It'll take us days to get to Canterlot walking," Pinkamena argued. "Wh-what about my sister?" Sweetie Belle asked in almost a whimper. "Mom... and Dad... I can't leave them." "I understand Sweetie Belle and your heart means well. But if you are caught, your efforts will all be for naught." Zecora placed a reassuring hoof on the foal's head. "I promise once you are in safety's embrace, we will get help and rescue your family with quick pace." Though Sweetie Belle's fears were still at the forefront of her heart, she knew Zecora was right. She nodded to agree with her. After a little while longer with preparations, the six ponies left the hut and started making their way through the forest. Everypony was prepared for the perilous journey that awaited them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Altissia) Ravus and Ignis fought their way through several platoons' worth of Magitek troopers as they made their way to the altar. After disposing of a few more prototype Magitek armors, the two finally made it; their fighting had finally paid off. However, something caught Ignis's attention as they were almost there. He stopped but Ravus, uncaring for anything but his sister at that moment, rushed ahead. Ignis sees a dog with a white coat limping toward him. "Aren't you... Lady Lunafreya's-" His sentence was cut off as the dog fell onto its side. It dissolved into a bright light in front of Ignis, blinding him. Visions invaded Ignis's mind; of an older Noctis sitting on a ruined Lucian throne, him being struck by each Lucian king one after another, Noctis's hand slowly slipping from his own sword. Then a voice boomed in his head. "A power even greater than that of the Six, purifying all by the light of the crystal will cleanse this star of its scourge. And upon this the chosen king will inherit, at the cost of his life, his own. Only then will the chosen king banish the usurper and bring the light back to the world." The voice seemed to reverberate as he sees images of the many king attacking a familiar face all at once. "But the interloper will not accept this. She will destroy-" The voice was cut off by the sound of a sword sticking into the ground. "I DON'T CARE!" The images showed Twilight, covered in flames, looking to the sky where six large shadows looked down upon her. "All that talk about Destiny as if you have no control over it; but there is no one else but you to guide the fates of others! I reject you and your damned plans! I can't change the past, but I REFUSE to let you get away with this!" Twilight holds up a broken tiara to the figures. "You will help me build a new future whether you like it or not!" Twilight pointedly places the tiara on her head before everything goes white again. Ignis found himself back in reality in moments, confused at what went through his head. What was that? he thought. What does Twilight have to do with this? He tried to push the images to the back of his mind as he continued to run toward the altar. "NOOOOCT!" He could only look in sorrow at the sight before him. His two friends lay on the ground, a dead and glowing Lunafreya beside an unconscious Noctis, her unmoving hand on his shoulder. "No," Ignis whispered. Ravus could barely fight back his tears. Though, his sadness was short lived once his eyes befell on Noctis. "First the Lucians stole from me my mother." Ravus drew his sword. "Now they make a sacrifice of my sister!?" He goes in to stab Noctis only for Ignis to step in the way, blocking Ravus with his daggers. "What are you doing?" Ignis grunts. "What I should have done long ago! Ridding us of this menace!" Ravus shouted before breaking the stalemate. Ignis took the chance to tackle Ravus. Not wasting a second to halt Ravus's grief-stricken advance, Ignis quickly rises and tackles him, this time causing both of them to fall to the ground. The two rolled out of the altar's threshold. Ravus shot to his feet at the same time as Ignis. His sword coursed with electricity as he slashed at Ignis relentlessly. "Stay out of my way or meet the same deadly fate!" Ignis pivoted around a slash and batted away another, then the two men locked weapons once more. "Come to your senses Ravus!" This time Ignis went on the offensive, striking at Ravus with precision. Though, Ravus was able to avoid the blows and managed to find an opening to kick Ignis backward. "I understand the pain you must be feeling, but Noct isn't the one who did this to her." Ravus charged at him in an attempt to slice his torso, only for Ignis to kick flip over the cutlass. Ravus's prosthetic arm coursed with electricity and once it gained enough power he fired several arcs of lightning at Ignis. Ignis was able to avoid the attacks by kicking off of a nearby wall. And since the lethal attacks were slow to recharge, Ignis had the opening he needed to close in on Ravus. Ignis punched Ravus in the face once he closed the distance between them. "Lady Lunafreya came to her king's aid in his time of need. She was fulfilling her calling. You told me the blood of the Oracle runs through your veins; you would have done the same thing. You and Twilight both." "Do not try to justify this!" Ravus screamed. He swung at Ignis with his cutlass and the two entered a stalemate with their weapons. As Ravus spoke he applied more pressure down on Ignis's daggers. "She didn't have to die! And where is Twilight now!? If Lunafreya is dead, then for all her bluster about protecting her 'family' she's failed!" "Noctis's ascension was ordained by the crystal!" Ignis shot back. His daggers lit up with flames. Both men pulled back and clashed again. "It wasn't mere happenstance, he didn't choose to be king." They both pulled back and swung again, and this time Ignis attempted to slash Ravus across the chest, only for Ravus to block with his Magitek arm. "It was a mistake! One that needs to be corrected!" Ravus charged at Ignis once more. "You of all people should know how Noct feels! Bereft of both parents, forced to carry on despite that pain! But at least you still have Twilight!" Ignis dodged another lightning attack from Ravus. "HA! Twilight!? Twilight was never my family! She was a damn orphan from another planet! Once this is all over she'll return to her world and forget any of us ever existed! I hold no love in my heart for her! And if you know what's good for you, you won't get attached either!" These statements caught Ignis off-guard enough that Ravus was able punch the crownsguard into a wall with his Magitek arm. Despite the pain and breathlessness from the blow, Ignis managed to land a punch of his own to Ravus's gut. This caused Ravus to fall to a knee, which gave Ignis the opportunity he needed to plunge a dagger into Ravus's prosthetic arm. The two combatants panted as they gave everything they had left into their weapons. They continued until neither could hoist their weapons any longer. After a tense pause Ravus calmly stumbled to his feet and walked toward his sister's body. His anger had given away to pure grief. "I always knew you'd fulfill your calling without hesitation," he said to her as he knelt beside her. "But a part of me hoped that your burdens would be lifted and you would be free to live and love as you saw fit." Ravus caressed her cheek and turned her face to look at her. Ravus was sobbing now, his tears staining her already tattered dress. "You would have made a beautiful bride," he continued. "Mom would have been so proud." He cradled her in his arms as she started to glow brighter. "Even in death you do not rest; only once the darkness is banished will your calling be fulfilled." As Ravus laid her body back down, Lunafreya's glowing spirit lifted into the air. Ignis and Ravus gasped as her spirit smiled down at them. "And as in life, I know she will face the next tribulations beside Noctis in spirit... with that same smile on her face." Lunafreya's spirit began to float away and Ravus grasped for here in vain. "Sister, please don't go. Please don't leave me," he cried. Her spirit vanished, leaving Ravus a sobbing mess beside her dead body. Ignis could only hang his head. Though this was what the Oracle had wanted, it would no doubt leave a scar on all she touched... an even deeper wound for the friends and family she'd left behind. "Iggy!" Gladio called out as he ran up to his friend. "Gladio! Where's Prompto?" Ignis asked. Gladio seemed to pay no mind to Ignis as his eyes caught sight of Ravus. "Well, well. What do we have here?" Gladio summoned his broadsword. "Gladio!?" Ignis called out as Gladio swung at Ravus. Ravus deflected it as soon as the sword was about to make contact. "You. Ardyn," Ravus growled, with venom coating each letter of his name. Gladio chuckled. "Oh dear, was I that obvious?" Gladio's form dissolved and in his place was a smirking Ardyn. Several Magitek troopers seemed to come out of nowhere. One hit Ignis with the butt of its rifle while another forced him to the ground. Two other Magitek troopers held Ravus in place. "Game over my boy," Ardyn said. He scooped off Ignis's glasses and nonchalantly tossed them into the water. "You risked life and limb to safeguard the King of Kings, only to fail so spectacularly." Ardyn drew from his coat the same dagger he'd used to stab Lunafreya. "What good is life if all it ever does is let you down. Why not end it all here?" he hods the dagger's point close to Noctis's neck. "Unhand him!" Ignis demanded as he thrashed against the troopers holding him. "These two wayward lovers can have their wedding together in the afterlife." Ardyn pulled back the dagger, ready to bring it down on Noctis. Ignis could only watch in horror. "NOOOOOCT!" Ignis yells out in a vain attempt to wake his friend. But it didn't work, and there was nothing that he could do from stopping that dagger from staying true to its mark. That is, until a loud roar shook the entire altar. The roar was followed by a massive explosion as something covered in smoke lands at the peak of the altar. "Oh dear," Ardyn commented as he stood. "I have to give you some credit Twilight; you're far stronger than anyone could have guessed." With that another roar blasted the smoke away, revealing an ash-colored Twilight. Cracks were present all over her body, her eyes were dark red, and her once raging flames for hair had died down to mostly embers. Ignis felt a twinge of panic in the pit of his stomach seeing her in this state. "Ardyn... Killed... Luna... ARDYN!" Without another moment's hesitation Twilight flew in front of a Magitek trooper and ripped it half with ease. Other troopers began to fire on her, but an intense heat melted any rounds before they reached her. She wasted no more time, tearing apart more troopers. "Twilight!" Ravus called out. She stopped dead in her tracks. "R-Ravus... Brother..." Twilight looked to him. She slowly shambled her way toward him, ignoring the troopers still firing at her. "Lulu... Gone... Wasn't fast... Yes... Was fast... Interfered... Celestia INTERFERED!" Flames roared back to life from her body. She turned back around to continue with the troopers. "It would seem this is a bad time. I will leave her to you, high commander," Ardyn told Ravus with a smirk. He turned to Ignis. "I wonder what you'll think of her when you learn the truth." He walked away. The troopers that had held Ignis back let go of him to join in the fight with the others. Twilight continued to rip the forces with ease. "Ardyn killed Luna... Ardyn... DIE!" Twilight growled. The cracks grew longer on her body. "Twilight!" Ignis shouted. He stood then. "You must get a hold of yourself!" Noctis was in her path, so she kicked him, knocking him out of the way and close to Ignis's feet. The Ring of Lucii fell out of his hand. Ignis picked it up. "Ardyn! DIE!" Twilight rushed at Ignis in a blind rage. Ignis blocked her, but with seemingly no effort the enraged Twilight threw him across the threshold and into a wall. This knocked the air out of him. "Twilight, stop!" Ravus tried to reason with her. But the few remaining Magitek troopers provoked her again. "Ravus... Brother... Hate me... Failed..." Twilight leapt onto a trooper, tearing into its chest until it ceased to move. "TWILIGHT!" Ravus fires a lightning attack at her, which sent her flying into a wall. She was sobbing heavily as she slid from the wall. "Ravus... Brother I'm sorry.... I'm sorry. I'M SO SORRY!" she cried out. She slammed her fists into the ground, sending a large fireball toward Ravus. He brought down both his arms to block it, but the sheer impact sent him into the ground. His strength finally failed him as his body fell limp in exhaustion. "NOOOOO!" Twilight's flames raged out of control, the cracks in her skin expanding again. Ignis struggled to get on his feet. If I don't stop her she'll burn everything in sight. "Twilight," he said breathlessly. "I understand you're in pain." He stumbled toward the ring. "But I must protect Noctis. No matter the cost! Forgive me Twilight!" Ignis fell just a hair's length away from the ring and grabs it. He slid the ring on and was instantly wracked with visions and voices. "Kings of Lucis," he struggled, "lend me your strength!" Ignis screamed in agony as he looked at Twilight. His vision darkened and he kept screaming as his eyes became lit with ethereal fire. Soon a new found power surged through his body. Ignis grunted in pain and summoned his dagger. He charged at Twilight with a greater speed than he once had. Twilight called her horn to her and in her hand it transformed back into the flaming broadsword she'd been using previously. As Ignis reached her she brought the blade down, her sword clashing with his daggers. Flames and lightning arced from the clash, searing the ground beneath them. "Twilight! I don't want to do this!" Ignis shouted in pain. The two broke their lock and Twilight began slashing at Ignis wildly. Ignis spun and pivoted around her strikes, taking advantage of small openings to land multiple strikes upon her. After recoiling from a hit, Twilight swung her sword in anger, aiming a strike of flame at Ignis. Ignis jumped out of the flame's way in time only to be slung into the floor by a punch. Twilight's blind rage led her to further pummel Ignis into the once fine stone. Ignis lost one of his daggers in the process. Before Twilight could get another punch in Ignis grabs her, the Ring of Lucii glowing brightly on his finger. Ignis rolled Twilight onto her back and pinned her down with his weight before she could try to stab him. He held one of her wrists to the ground and stabbed his remaining dagger into her other wrist, eliciting a gutteral cry of pain to escape her throat. He saw the dagger slowly starting to melt at the contact with her blood and knew he didn't have much time. "Twilight!" he shouted as the ring started glowing brighter. "Listen to me. You have to calm down; I know it hurts!" "She's gone! She's gone! My sister is GOOONE!" The flames around her intensified, making Ignis yell in pain. The dagger in her wrist had completely melted by now and Ignis was doing his best to keep her on the ground. "Lunafreya wouldn't want this Twilight! I know it's hard but you must pull through! For her sake, and for Ravus's! For your own sake! You cannot let this anger consume you!" Despite the burns and Twilight's attempt to break his grip, Ignis tightened his hold. "For my sake!" The words seemed to sink in, as Twilight's flames started dying down. Her red eyes returned to their normal lavender color. Her flaming hair slowly started turning back to normal. An overwhelming fatigue washed over her. She regained control over herself and the embrace of unconsciousness overtook her. "Th-thank goodness," Ignis breathed. He collapsed on top of Twilight as he was hit with a wave of exhaustion. Gladio and Prompto ran up to them not long after they collapsed. "IGGY! NOCT!" Gladio shouted. "Twilight!" Prompto yelled. He tried to check her pulse only to recoil from a burning sensation. "We need to get them out of here now," Glado stated sternly. "I'll grab Iggy and Noct. You get Twilight." Prompto nodded in agreement. As Gladio went to pick up Noctis, Prompto heard a voice call out. Take care of her. Prompto looked around a spied something shimmering by the edge of the water. He knelt down and reached for it. He squinted as he picked up two halves of a broken tiara. "Prompto, get Twilight," Gladio urged, a hint of annoyance in his tone. He slung Ignis over his shoulder. "Sorry!" Prompto said. He tucked the tiara pieces into his belt loop and hurried to pick Twilight up off the ground. The burning sensation coming from her body was not as intense as before and died down the farther he carried her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (Canterlot Throne Room) All was quiet in the Canterlot throne room when a portal opened up. A horribly injured Celestia stumbled out. She was cut and burned in many places, and dragging along a dislocated wing. "Guards!" she heaved. "Gather the Elements of Harmony!" She panted waiting for a response that never came. "We can't wait! It is urgent!" "I say what's more urgent is your sorry state," a voice commented from the throne. Celestia turned to see Princess Cadence sitting on the throne. "I have no time for games, Cadence. Twilight is in trouble. We will talk about you being in my throne later." "Nah," Cadence chuckled. "I think I like this throne. Especially with the idea of everypony bowing to me." Cadence hopped off the throne and strutted up to Celestia. Her form went up in green flames. An insect-like pony with a jagged horn and a black crown emerged from the green flames. She had a dull greasy-looking mane and tail and she didn't have a coat; her body was covered instead with black chitin. This creature stared down at Celestia and grinned from ear to ear, revealing two large fangs amidst her teeth. "It's been a while, Celestia." "Chrysalis!" Celestia gasped. "Leave at once!" The changeling queen chuckled. "You think you are in any position to intimidate me?" she hissed. "Besides, you just got home. I only want to make sure you're comfortable. You can't make great amounts of love if you're in pain, after all." Chrysalis laughed. "Twilight and her friends will stop you!" Celestia stated harshly. This caused Chrysalis to laugh louder. "Bad bluff, Tia. I already know from a little birdie that Twilight is no longer on this world. I also took the liberty of making sure the other ones were out of the way." Chrysalis smirked. "It was so easy, thanks to my husband." As if on cue, Shining Armor walking into the room then. "Shining Armor! Is that really you!?" Celestia said frantically. "We have to leave and find the other Elements of Harmony!" "After all the trouble I went through to capture them?" he asked with a grin. Celestia's eyes widened in horror. "No... You wouldn't! She has a hold on you! You must fight her!" Celestia began limping toward him. "I serve my queen by my own will," Shining responded. He used his magic to toss her aside. "You knew this was coming. After all, you act like you know everything is fine. After all, Equestria can rest easy knowing Twilight Sparkle and her gaggle of friends will save the day. "Yet look at you now; without them Equestria will succumb easily enough. that is the price you pay for your utopia." Shining walked up to the battered princess. "With my queen by my side we will uplift the changelings and the ponies. The ponies might resist for a while, but they will see this as a kindness. A kindness they will repay with labor." "What has she done to drive you to such madness?" Celestia questioned through gritted teeth. She carefully stood up. "The ponies will not follow you!" She looked to a glass stained window and still sees the sun's rays shining through it. "And I have no intentions of raising the sun and moon for you like a slave!" Shining Armor and Chrysalis were both laughing now. After a moment Chrysalis calmed her laughter enough to speak up. "You think I need you to raise and lower the celestial bodies? Under normal circumstances I would need your power. But well..." She turned to Shining. "Demonstrate, my husband." Shining Armor then dragged Celestia to the window depicting Twilight and her friends facing against Nightmare Moon. He shattered it, letting in a warm summer breeze. He pointed to the afternoon sun still high in the air, despite it being roughly around nine at night. His horn glows blue and a look of heavy concentration graces his face as if he was straining to gain control of the sun. Celestia slightly smirked at his futile attempt to grasp the celestial body. "Just kidding," Shining Armor declared. He looked at her with purple eyes and a chilling aura flowed from his horn to his body. He leisurely raised a hoof to the sun and lowered it. Celestia wore a look of utter terror as the sun obeyed and was lowered beyond the horizon. "Im-impossible!" Celestia screamed. The sun disappeared over the hills and the moon rose in its place. A chill wind howled through the lands during the process. Shining smiled as he finished lifting the moon to its rightful place in the sky. "What's wrong Princess? I thought you'd be impressed. Guess I was wrong." He shrugged and pointed a hoof at her. "Now we can begin to free Equestria. All we have to do is take care of its last shackle." Shining Armor's horn glowed brighter as Celestia struggled to get away. But she was soon held in place by Chrysalis's magic. Celestia's fight with Twilight had exhausted her enough that she was unable to teleport at all. All she could do was cry out as a flash of blue light overtook her. "Still in times of crisis... It suits you, Celestia." Shining Armor paced around Celestia, who was now encapsulated in a frozen block of ice. She was unable to move or speak. "Now we can give a royal address to the ponies tomorrow," Chrysalis said as she licked her lips. "I can't wait," Shining Armor added. Looking at Celestia's form, he ponders out loud, "Now, where to put you..." > Invasion and Remorse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Canterlot) (Base of Canter Mountain) Just after night fell over Equestria a blue light flashed through a window from Canterlot Castle. At the same time, a small team of ponies flew close beside the mountain the castle sat upon. The ponies were careful to keep quiet as they flew through the mountain's shadow, only beating their wings to keep altitude while searching for their destination. Once they reached a large crack in the side, the team landed and crawled through a smaller crevice. They walked further into the crevice until there was no more light from the moon. "When did you all have the time to create this?" a curious voice called in the darkness. Just then, the walkway was lit slightly with a cauliflower blue light at the front of the team, revealing Captain Dusk at the head. She was followed one-by-one by Princess Cadence and several thestral guards. Dusk kept her head forward as she answered the Princess. "After the last attack by Nightmare Moon we needed to find a safe place to evacuate if the need came up. This crevice leads to the royal wine cellar, so it was mostly a natural occurance. But we had to dig out to the opening." "Why not tell the other guards?" Cadence questioned after shoving herself throgh a particularly stubborn gap. "We had plans to instruct the others, but then the changeling attack happened," Dusk replied. Their voices were soft in the passageway. "In the event any changeling attempted to infiltrate our ranks," she continued, "only a handful of us would know where this was. Giving them less of a chance to thwart an escape." Dusk stopped then wiggled her hoof through another crevice to her right. "We've made it," she announced as she felt a smooth shelf on the other side. "Flash better be there," she muttered. With a strained effort, she was able to push the shelf over. It fell with an unceremonious thud. She squeezed herself through the gap. "It's a good thing this place is usually empty," she remarked as the rest of the team crammed through hole in the wall. Cadence started dusting herself off. "We have to meet Flash at the cell in ten minutes," she mentioned. "Okay," Dusk replied. She pointed to two of the thestral guards. "You two stay with the escape route." They saluted their captain. "The rest of you, follow me." Cadence and the six remaining guards followed Dusk through the halls. As they got closer to the main parts of the castle Dusk noticed that they had to hide more frequently as they saw more guards. With more guards patrolling the areas, the team decided to split into smaller groups to better avoid alerting the enemies. "Halt!" called a guard from behind Cadence. She turned to face him. The gaurd's eyes widened in surprise. "Princess! What are you doing here? Princess Celestia has returned, and she'll be needing to see you." "Somehow I doubt that," Cadence responded coldly. "Either way, I must take you to see her." Before the guard could do anything else, a forehoof from the shadows wrapped around his neck. The stallion thrashed about as Dusk tightened her hold. Within a few moments the guard fell limp onto the ground. "Don't worry," Dusk asured Cadence upon seeing her slightly terrified look. "He's just passed out." Dusk pulled the unconscious stallion into the shadows. "Security keeps getting tighter the closer we get, and we can NOT risk getting caught. It would be impossible to rescue you without exposing the rest of us." "I know," Cadence bit back. "But the risk is just as high if we stand here talking." "Agreed." They nod at each other and continue their way through the labyrinth of decorated hallways until they reached the dungeons. Flash Sentry was there, waiting for their arrival. "To whom does the night belong?" Dusk questioned. Cadence cautiously neared the guardspony. "To the Mare on the Moon," Flash answered, prompting a sigh of relief to escape Dusk's lips. "What took you all?" he continued. "You know I could have just let you in through the garden, right?" "I was uncertain of whether the enemy would be guarding it," Dusk replied. "Plus I assume there may still be some guards that have yet to be replaced, so we couldn't trust anypony. Let's get in there." With a nod, Flash Sentry opened the door to the dungeons. As the door opened a changeling flew past the trio and hit a cobblestone pillar. The creature slumped to the floor, appearing to be lifeless. Cadence gasped as she saw a large form standing at the exit of the dungeon. The allicorn's coat was black, as were her wings. The horn on her head looked sharp as a tack, and she had a mane of starry night flowing atop her head. Her blue eyes slitted as she took in the ponies gathered around the door. This mare was one nopony would be able to forget. Night Eternal, the Fallen Sister. The Mare of the Night. The mare that greeted them was none other than Nightmare Moon. "You're late, Autumn Dusk. Poor performance, poor performance indeed." Nightmare Moon chuckled. "You've been taking in the Day Guards' nasty habit of talking politics before action." "N-Nightmare Moon," Cadence muttered in greeting. She recoiled slightly as Nightmare Moon turned to address her. "Why hello, Mi Amour Cadenza. I do not believe you and I have met face-to-face, but I do know you; I often get glimpses of the world from Luna." Nightmare Moon spoke in a gentle, yet sinister tone. "How are you back?" Flash Sentry stepped in front of Dusk protectively. "Luna was too weak to keep me at bay any longer, so I took the opportunity to take over. And what an opportunity this is. It couldn't be any easier to bring eternal night to Equestria." "That is not going to happen," Dusk declared. "We came here for Luna, not you." "Well you have no choice as of this moment," Nightmare Moon responded. "The changeling queen Chrysalis has just taken the throne. And from what I've heard, their invasion is beginning tomorrow morning. Gather your guards so we can leave." Though hesitant, Dusk nods at the order. "Let's get out of here." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Governor Cameila's Estate) Noctis shot up from a cold sweat. "Lunafreya!?" he called out. He felt a presence in the room, but no one responded to the name. He waited a moment until a male voice broke the silence. Ignis was sitting in a red armchair across from the bed, facing away from the prince. "She's gone, Noct," Ignis said, his tone tinged with sadness. Noctis looked over at him and then around the room as his memories creeped back to him. "What about Twilight?" Noctis asked. "She's okay," Ignis replied. Noctis watched as Ignis grasped at the arms of his chair and stood. "I'll tell the others. It may take a bit, though." Ignis turned to face Noctis, whose eyes went wide at seeing his friend's face. "What happened to you!?" Noctis panicked, staring at Ignis's scarred eyes. Ignis simply raised a hand to quiet him. "A small sacrifice for the good of the coming battle," he assured Noctis. Noctis clenched his fist, only then realizing there was something in his palm. He opened his hand to see his bloodline legacy. His gift. His curse. The Ring of Lucii. "Umbra left you this," Ignis commented, pointing to something beside Noctis. He sighed. His voice was soft as he continued, "I need to go check on Twilight. I'll leave you for now. Come find us when you're ready." Ignis left, feeling his way to the door opening to the hallway. Noctis looked to his side to see the journal he and Lunafreya would send back and forth to each other. He flipped through it and skipped to the last page, where a blue flower was pressed into the paper. He curled on himself in the bed and sobbed for Lunafreya. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Twilight's room) Twilight was thrashing about in her sleep, sweat profusely dripping out of her pores. "No... N-no... Lulu!" She awoke with a start and panting rapidly. Her heart was pounding in her chest. W-why is my body so... hot? Twilight staggered to the sink, seeking relief for the burning in her throat. She turned on the cold water and greedily drank from the tap. All the while, her skin felt like it was burning and itching all over. "Twilight! Are you okay?" Ignis called as he stumbled through the open door. Ignis? Twilight panted between her drinks. And after several more gulps of water, Twilight slid away from the sink and went to sit back on the bed. "Wh.... What happened? Where's Celestia? Where's Lulu?" Ignis turned his face away from Twilight, narrowly avoiding smacking his nose into the corner of the door. Twilight's heart dropped into her stomach and tears threatened to well up in her eyes. "You did all you could," Ignis said. He turned back into the direction Twilight's voice was coming from, giving Twilight the chance to see his eyes. Her own eyes widened in surprise. "You're hurt!" she exclaimed. "It's okay, Twilight," he replied. "We're going to recuperate for a few days, then..." he paused. "Then I'm not sure." Twilight's jaw clenched. "Gralea." "What?" "Gralea, Niflheim's capitol city," she explained. "They'll have Ravus there. And the Crystal. I need to save my brother; he's all I have left. Lulu would've wanted this." Ignis nods. "We need time to heal." "That's fine," Twilight replied. "Niflheim court martials take forever. They held one for Aranea after she refused to raze a village. Kept her position with a pardon after a six month trial." She forced out a chuckled. "I mean, what kind of military does that? Rather inefficient, don't you think?" Ignis couldn't find the courage to laugh. "You don't have to force it Twilight. It's okay to grieve." She looked at his face for a moment, looking at the scarring while she thought. The tears she was trying to hold at bay started descending down her cheeks, though Ignis couldn't see it. "You got hurt because of me, right?" she managed to choke out. "What makes you think that?" Ignis asked. "I don't know," she admitted, looking down at the floor. "I just feel like it was my fault. I remember holding Lulu.... and Celestia. Screaming... I felt like I was on fire. I heard nothing but screaming. I heard Ravus." She looked back up to Ignis. "But then I heard you. The burning stopped. You saved me." She held her head as a minor throbbing started behind her forehead. "I'm sorry." Ignis felt his way toward where her voice was coming from and sat next to her on the bed. "You didn't do anything Twilight. I got this injury on my own accord." Twilight looked away. "Still doesn't make it right." "Like I just said. I am okay. I'll still be able to protect Noct." He shrugged. "Why do I feel like you're lying?" Twilight asked. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) (Everfree Forest) They say that trekking through the edge of the Everfree Forest was dangerous enough is an understatement. If that is true, then what these ponies are doing could be considered nothing short of suicide. But with their nation and their lives unraveling around them, they have no choice but to keep pressing on. "We've been walking for at least two and a half hours," Pinkamena complained. She winced as her injured leg caught another vine. "When are we going to stop for a break?" "Just a little further to those trees and off to the right dangerous creatures roam through, especially at night," Zecora said in response as she ducked under a branch. "Maybe we should keep going," Sweetie Belle chimed in. "It's scary in this forest knowing we're going deeper in." "Mah question is how're we gunna get ta Canterlot like this? Ah'm not so sure if Ah'm right, but Ah don't think tha train station is this way," Applebloom added as she hopped over some tree roots. "The train station in Ponyville is too risky to take. Maybe in the next town, less suspicion we will make," Zecora stated. "That is, if we make it out of here," Pinkamena retorted before slipping in a puddle. Maud caught her before she could fall to the ground. "Well, we don't have much of a choice," Maud replied. "We can't afford to be caught-" Maud's attention was taken by the sound of snapping twigs. "Halt!" a voice called out from the brush, causing the group to freeze in place. They looked around until they spot a batpony, clad in blue armor, step out of the brush close by them. "State your name and business," he demanded. "Wait, aren't you one of Princess Luna's guards?" Pinkamena asked. "We need your help! We have to get to Princess Celestia as soon as possible." "And what business do you have with the princess? Not that it matters. We haven't received any word from Canterlot in days." The group started at him in surprise. "I do now wish to suggest this firs, but it is likely best we assume the worst." The guard let out a sharp whistle, and all around them more night guards shove past bushes and jump down from trees. "I'm only going to ask this once more; state your names and business." Not to skip a beat, Applebloom piped up with, "Ah'm Applebloom." "I'm Scootaloo." "I'm Sweetie Belle." "I'm Maud Pie," Maud said with a raised hoof. "We only wish to talk, for our fears are the same. So I tell you now, Zecora is my name." "And I'm Pinkie Pie," Pinkamena finished, managing to crack a fake smile. Hearing Pinkie's name sent chatter among the guards. "Okay. Why are you all in this forest? Especially an Element of Harmony?" the guard questioned. After a few moments, the group nods to each other and Maud steps forward. "We were looking to find transportation to Canterlot in the next town. Changelings have invaded Ponyville." The guard's jaw dropped, and audible gasps could be heard by some of the other guards. "You're sure? Who's to say you're not all changelings?" "A question I will answer with another, if I may," Zecora spoke up. "Why so far from safety into this forest wold we stray?" The guards share looks with each other. "She's got a point," one said. "Let's take them back for testing," another suggested. "If what they say is true then Ponyville is compromised. We need to be ready to receive any survivors." "But this is a huge risk," a batpony mare speaks up. "If they are changelings then we-" But before she could finish her sentence, a batpony stallion with a grey and white fur rushed to the lead guard in a huff. "Sir!" he saluted. "Captain Dusk has returned!" "Did they find Princess Luna?" the lead guard asked. "There has been a situation with that sir! You're ordered to return to base." "It's never easy, is it?" The guard grumbled and turned around. "Bring them with us. We no longer have the time to debate this." The guards make a tight formation around the six ponies, escorting them to an unknown section of the fores that many don't dare to traverse. "Are we going to be okay?" Sweetie Belle whispered to Applebloom. "Ah'm not sure," Applebloom whispered back. "If they're changelings we'll find out soon enough." She tried to sound brave, but her folded ears betrayed her fear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Everfree Forest) (Location: Unknown) Sharp gasps erupted from the batponies that had gathered in the hallways of their secret hideout. Panic, concern, anger, fear... A cascade of emotions fell upon them as they stared upward at a frightening sight. A veil of misty midnight blue flower from a pitch black alicorn, whose slit eyes roam the hallways as if in search of prey. Not a single night guard dared to move. They all knew who was trotting through their halls. The Queen of the Night had returned. "I see you have all kept up with your training," Nightmare Moon commented coyly. "While the day guard just sat around, you never neglected your training. You all have left much to be desired. However, I comment your efforts thus far." Nightmare Moon had reached the war room then. Everypony inside stopped dead in their tracks. The silence weighed heavy on them until she spoke. "Recall our remaining recon teams and give me a map of Canterlot Castle's Courtyard," she announced. She was met with silence. "Did I stutter?" she quipped. The night guards scrambled to do as they were told. "You can't just order them around!" Captain Dusk finally spoke up. She'd had enough of the dark lunar monarch immediately wrenching command from her. "What are you even doing?!" Nightmare Moon just smirks. "My dear Captain. I plan to save my ponies and remove the threat to Equestria's throne." "There's no way-!" Cadence started before Dusk threw up a foreleg for her to wait. "What's the catch?" Dusk asked. Her eyes narrowed as Nightmare Moon lets fly a sinister laugh. "That's why I admire you Dusk," Nightmare Moon said. "Brave enough to ask the right questions." She paced around them as she spoke. "I caught wind of a plan to commence an invasion tomorrow at a royal assembly while I was in my cell. If they are bold enough to pull this off, it means Celestia is still gone, or she's been compromised. Probably latter, given the talk I heard." She chuckled. "They should really not talk about their plans out loud. In front of a dungeon door." "You're still not answering my question," Dusk spat. "Ah, yes. Normally I'd have broken free and started to make night everlasting. With hall the ponies fleeing in terror. Oh, that thought had me most giddy in my cell." She paused. "But then I gave it some more thought. A question was nagging at the back of my horn that I couldn't seem to get rid of; what's the point?" Dusk cocked a brow at the lunar mare. "What's the point if no one will love my night and just flee in terror?" Nigtmare Moon pointed out. "It's not just about night and day. They're merely symbols in a much larger picture. Celestia IS the sun. Warm, loving, inviting. Even if I shoved the moon in their faces, I could never make them love Celestia less." She let out a sarcastic whimper, but her wicked grin returned in an instant. "Until now." Cadence and Flash Sentry exchanged a look of concern. Nightmare Moon looked back to the batponies after they finished following her order. She took her map and continued her speech, no longer pacing as she spoke. "I know my sister better than anypony. And I know that she is a bit controlling. This has ultimately become her undoing with Twilight Sparkle. Though her intentions for the most part were noble, she caused more harm than good. Now Equestria will fall. The ponies' faith in her has already shaken; this will shatter it. "The Nightmare Moon, who led the fearless Night Guard into action, who waged a long campaign to take back Equestria. If and when we succeed, she will be praised by everypony who once shunned her. Her night sky and stars will be a welcome sight while the sun is shunned and ridiculed. My complete and absolute victory." Nightmare Moon lets out a thunderous laugh once she's done. The resistance couldn't believe what were hearing. Flash Sentry stepped beside Dusk. "What makes you think we would let that happen?" Flash asked, his tone steady. "What makes you think you have a choice?" Nightmare Moon snapped back. An arrogant smirk formed on her mouth. "Sure, you could try to stop me, but do you have a plan? Even if you rescue some of the ponies, what makes you think there won't be a changeling hiding among them? On top of that, if they so happened to find out that we talked then they will never believe you." Captain Dusk gritted her teeth, but said nothing. Flash and Cadence bit their tongues. Nopony had anything else to add to the conversation. Nightmare Moon turned to the map. "Now, let's get started." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Enroute to Tenebrae) About two weeks after the attack in Altissia, the group accomplished their task of getting Noctis the covenant of the Leviathan. However, the victory was Pyrrhic. Losing Lunafreya had caused a great turmoil within Noctis. He sat on the train with the Ring of Lucii in his hands, the weight proving too great of a burden on him. Though this ring's full burden could only truly be felt by one, the burden of silence was free for all to feel. "So," Prompto sighed, as to strike up conversation, "we're rolling through Tenebrae?" "Not before we visit the royal tomb in Cartanica," Ignis answered distantly. He was facing his window, staring out of it despite not being able to see. He let his sense of smell take hold. In the immediate area around them, Ignis could make out the stench of cigarette smoke and various fine foods and perfumes. But one smell managed to catch him off guard though it was faint; a crisp yet earthy scent of lavender. He had never really paid attention to this smell, but in the recent past he'd come to know who this particular smell belonged to. A seat ahead of Ignis and Prompto sat a silent Twilight. She was lost in her emotions as she watched the passing landscapes. Hurt; if she had to describe it, she was hurt. She doesn't hurt easily. Twelve years of fighting... FIghting for a cause she didn't believe in to keep those she loved safe. All because someone had a sorry idea about how the world should run. And in the end, the one she was trying to protect didn't make it... It made her sick. She quietly listened to the men talking behind her. "Y-you sure you're up to that?" Prompto cautiously asked Ignis. "The wounds have healed," Ignis stated. "But my eyesight is something that only time will tell." Twilight sighed softly at the mention of Ignis's eyesight, as she was still blaming herself for taking it away from him. Her train of thought was interrupted by some heavy footsteps headed their way from the front of the aisle. Twilight looked up to see Gladio approaching, an annoyed look plastered on his face. He stopped in the middle of the aisle and glared at Noctis. "The hell is wrong with you?" Gladio demanded. The comment caused Twilight to narrow her eyes in mild rage. A faint red hue glowed slightly in her eyes as she watched Gladio, but he was paying no mind to her. "What!?" Noctis snapped with a scowl. "We are not going to Tenebrae," Gladio all but snarled. "You need to grow up and get over it." Twilight's eyes widened in disbelief, and the glowing from a moment ago faded. Nice pep talk asshole! I feel SO motivated just by listening to you! she thought to herself. Noctis shot up from his seat. "I am over it! I'm here, aren't I?" Gladio yanked Noctis's collar and pulled the prince toward him. "Well when you find the time to stop moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you." With his last words, Gladio pointed to Ignis. "Hey, fuck you!" Twilight shouted. She stood from her seat as well. "No one has forgotten about Ignis. We're going to be there to help him! But Noctis just lost the love of his life, and I lost a sister! We're entitled to grieve." Gladio let go of Noctis and turned to face Twilight. "You two can't lick your wounds forever while the Empire is at large," he snapped at her. "We have the ring." Twilight's fists clenched at her sides. "The old man can't do anything without it, so we will be fine. Besides, past Tenebrae is Niflheim. Which means that we're going to take this fight to them." "And you think Niflheim is going to wait for you two to get your act together!?" "Oh, I'm soo sorry! I didn't know we had such a man in our midst." She glanced at Prompto and Ignis. "Hey guys, let's call up Ardyn and have him stab Iris next, see how fast he bounces back." Her tone was sarcastic, but there was still a bite to them. Everyone's jaws dropped in surprise at her words. "I suggest you watch what you say," Gladio warned, his eyes narrowed in anger. He marched up to Twilight and got in her face. "I don't care how strong you are; I will put you through the floor." "I don't know what journey you went on to give you the gall to think you can face off against me, but I beg you to give me an excuse to sling you around by your mullet," she spat back. The red in her eyes had returned now, and was getting more prominent by the second. "I'll have fun showing them how useless the King's sworn shield really is." Ignis looked in their general direction in a panic as the smell of sulfur started to assault his senses. This smell had been etched into his memory in Altissia. "That's enough!" Ignis shouted. He slammed his cane in between them. "Gladio, I am alright. Fighting each other is not going to solve anything." With a huff, Gladio shoved past Twilight and stalked back the way he came. "Pull your head out of your ass Noctis! You're no king, you're a coward." He left the train car and the tense air between everyone toned down a bit. Twilight sat back down in her seat. "You shouldn't provoke him like that," Ignis said to Twilight. "He's only trying to help Noct. He must remain focused." Twilight turned sideways in her seat to look at Ignis, though he couldn't see her. "It does him no good if he's not all there. If he keeps his emotions bottled up then they'll cloud his judgement when we need him most." Twilight sighed. "Either way, you don't get over death quickly, especially with people so close to you. It's always as horrifying as the first time." She got a glossy look in her eye for a moment. "I'll admit, when it came to imperials I didn't mind much... But the poor people? Who fled in terror while those emotionless machines gunned them down? That stays with you." Prompto had been watching Twilight as she spoke, concern contorting his face. Then a slight spark showed up in his face. "Hey Twilight, come sit with us." She rolled her eyes. Every part of her screamed no, but she wasn't in the mood to make anyone else mad at present. Twilight got up and sat beside Prompto. Once she got comfortable though, Prompto rose from his seat. "Someone has to go cheer Noct up," he announced with a smirk. "Be right back." Twilight raised her eyebrows as Prompto left to reach Noctis, who had left while Gladio made his exit. "Geez, what a pain," Twilight muttered. She scratched the back of her head and looked awkwardly at Ignis. "He can seem a bit juvenile at times, but he does a lot to lift the teams' spirits. I Just wish he'd stop trying so hard to prove his worth when we already know it." "It's fear." Twilight turned her head away from Ignis. "Fear that if he doesn't do something to make us remember he's there at every turn that we'll just walk off without him and pretend he never existed." She sighed. "I could never have understood how someone gets to thinking that way... until the wedding. Feeling forgotten and unloved by those you were close to... Going through some of the best and the worst times together, only to have them abandon you under the impression the bride was hurt-" Twilight put her hand to her mouth when she realized she was just letting things slip out. She shook herself from her rambling. "I-I'm sorry," she said. "I'm just-" "Who is Celestia?" Ignis blurted, causing Twilight to freeze. "W-who...?" Twilight stuttered. "I was to keep an eye on Noctis until he woke up, but I had the caretakers help me check on you as well. You were mumbling in your sleep about someone named Celestia. You also mentioned other names... I think Rarity was one, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie?" He paused, as if waiting for an answer. When he got more silence, he continued. "Those are all odd names. I thought you were just dreaming, but I'm not so certain now that they were dreams. I heard you say that Celestia name on your phone before we lost contact with you in Altissia. What is going on, Twilight?" Ignis looked in Twilight's direction, waiting for her to speak. A few more moments of silence passed between them as other passenger's conversations ticked away from afar. Twilight sighed. "Before I tell you this I have to ask... I don't remember much about what happened back there. Ignis, was I-" Her sentence was cut off by the train jerking as it began to stop through a station. She hadn't noticed they'd been this close yet. "We've made it," she sighed with a mix of relief and frustration. "So it seems," Ignis sighed. "Stay close to me," Twilight instructed as she stood. She helped Ignis out of his seat. The group exited the train. The area around them offered a few consesstion stands. And there was a gorge beyond the railing with desert hills rising from the sides. Though, Twilight didn't much take in her surroundings as she helped Ignis step down from the train. "There is a mine down below, if what Cor told me was correct," Ignis stated. Twilight stayed close to his side. "It was abandoned years ago; the entire mine fell out." "Sounds like a career ender," Twilight attempted as a joke. Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto went decided to explore the the stands while they discussed what to do about Ignis. Though, Noctis and Gladio didn't address each other directly. After some deliberation, Noctis went up to Ignis. "So, what are we doing?" Twilight asked. "Think you can make it Ignis?" Noctis asked. "I don't want you to go down there if you don't think you can." "I'll keep an eye on him," Twilight stated defensively. "I'll manage somehow," Ignis added. "Okay, then we're heading out in a minute." Noctis left the two to let the others know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Fodina Caestino) Once a mine rich with resources, the Fodina Caestino mine experienced a cave-in years ago and now serves as a watering hole for the local wildlife. While others pass it off as tall tales, reports from miners suggested there is a royal tomb within the old mine. This was later confirmed by Cor, who also warned the group of Daemons prowling the areas at night. "This is foreign territory," Gladio said. He was staying close to Prompto and Ignis, both helping Ignis navigate the muddy grounds and around the derelict mining equipment. "Best we not end up as prey," Ignis added. He was feeling his way around with a cane, with Twilight close beside him. "All we have to do is be careful and this will get done in no time," Twilight stated. Twilight's heart sank into her stomach each time Ignis stumbled, seemingly preparing for one of the tumbles to be the last. This time was no different as she caught him again. "Watch yourselves," Prompto warned, watching the two. "As best I can," Ignis commented, righting himself yet another time. They were making their way down a dirt path with rusted railing toward a large pond. Through the fog, Noctis could faintly make out several large shapes within the water; shapes that definitely seemed larger than a human. He stopped as the group kept on, trying to make out what he thought he was seeing. Gladio sighed when he realized Noctis was farther back. "Would it be too much to ask for the royal procession to stick together?" he scolded. Normally, the group's unity was more than enough to take on a threat such as this, but given recent events their synergy has been shaken, to say the least. "Would it be too much to ask for you to shut it?" Noctis snapped back. "There is something in the water and we can't afford to be taken by surprise." As the words left his mouth, a creature leapt out of the water and lunged at him. "NOCT!" Prompto shouted. Without hesitation, Prompto started firing his weapon at the creature. The act successfully took the creature's attention, as it changed course and headed for Prompto. He could see now that the beast attacking them today was a Gurangatch. Gurangatches are large, amphibian-reptile hybrid-looking creatures with an elongated maw like that of a crocodile and a body like a monitor lizard with a stout tail. They have a long dorsal fin along the top of their head and small fins where ears would be, and they have webbed wing-like fins protruding from the back of their front legs. Prompto laid a few more rounds at the gurangatch as it charged at him; unleashing several rounds into it's head. At the same time, more of the beasts jumped out of the water to join the possible meal. One headed for Noctis, while the other others headed for Gladio and Ignis. Gladio was able to take one down with his broad sword, knocking it back into the edge of the water. He hurried to the gurangatch as it fumbled and took his sword out of it. Then he landed a strike through the creature's mid-section, pinning it in place until it stopped moving. Ignis had swung his daggers in the direction of one of the creatures; one completely missed and the other went into its arm fin. The attack wasn't enough to stagger the gurangatch, in fact, it seemed to make the gurangatch a bit more angry as it picked up speed. Before the monster could get to Ignis, it was surrounded by a glowing lavender aura and was stopped in its place. Twilight gritted her teeth and violently slammed the creature's head into the mud. Typical predator going after the weak one in the group. Fuck off, Twilight thought to herself. With her magic, she tossed the gurangatch into some broken and rusted bars that were protruding from a large abandoned machine. The beast thrashed about in pain as it slipped into death. Noctis hurled a sword into the side of the gurangatch that was after him. Noctis teleported to the weapon and took it out of the creature, quickly switching the smaller sword with a broad sword. Then he slammed the broadsword into the side of the beasts's head. With it still alive, Noctis conjured a metallic ball and shoved it into the gruangatch's mouth. He jumped away from it, and a lightning blast emerged from the ball inside the creature's mouth. It slumped to the ground, now dead. "A little overkill, your highness," Gladio mumbled. "Shut up," Noctis replied. They all grouped back together before moving on. "Was I in the way...?" Ignis asked. Noctis looked at him. "N-no. It's just..." But Noctis couldn't bring himself to finish. "Let's just get this over with," he sighed. "Agreed," Twilight said. "The tomb must be further below," Gladio commented at one point. "Right," Ignis responded. After the word came out Ignis tripped on a stray root, but was caught by Twilight before he could fall. Gladio involuntarily jolted at the sound. "Careful Ignis," Prompto warned. "Right," Ignis repeated with a sigh, knowing he's just making their progress slower. They navigated through the overgrown grounds in mostly silence and pass by a large drill. Soon, they entered a sloped cave. They saw various mining machinery splayed throughout the cave as they trekked through. Some of the machines were halfway buried in the overgrowth, and covered in moss and vines. After a while, they were met by a metal drill blocking their path. "Damn it," Twilight grumbled. "We need to find a way to move it," Prompto said. "I saw a control deck a little ways back. Let's give that a try," Twilight suggested. "Sounds good," Noctis said. He moved past Ignis and starts to sprint back the direction they'd come from. "Hold your chocobos, highness," Gladio called out. Noctis stopped and turned to watch. Ignis turned around slowly, feeling his way back up with path with his cane. Twilight bit her tongue for the moment and continued with them. They reached the control deck soon. They had to wade through a pond to get to it, and it had moss rust spots, but it mostly seemed unaffected by the overgrowth that plagued most of the equipment. Noctis climbed up the small staircase and looked around at the various knobs and buttons. He turned a key that had been conveniently left in it, and the mechanisms it controlled sputtered to life. Noctis then turned it off and sprinted back down the stairs, heading back in the direction of where they'd entered the mine. "Why are we stopping?" Gladio called sternly after Noctis. "Because you're not under the drill," Twilight replied coldly, gaining an even colder stare from Gladio. "'In case of power failure, switch to back-up generators'," Prompto read off a sign on a side of the machine. "There's a key in the shed, and the shed should be in that direction," he added, pointing to where Noctis was aiming. They all follow after him, but with less of a skip in their steps. Noctis led the way the whole time, eager to get this over with. The others constantly had to remind him to stay with them or to slow down a bit. When they got closer to the shed, they discovered a small group of monsters gathered around in front of the shed. Upon further inspection, they were creatures called falxfang. They are slightly skeletal in stature and resemble hell hounds in looks, with devil-like horns on their heads. Noctis used a freezing spell to take care of them quickly, but it did cause him to stagger momentarily. But once they were taken care of, he was easily able to locate the generator key. Thankfully they were able to restart the generators without further issues. Once the generators were on, Noctis went back to the control panel and turned it back on. It sputtered to life again, smoke rising up from the stacks. He pushed the button to trigger the drill. They heard rumbling and mechanical creaks from below. "Did you hear that?" Noctis asked. "Sounds like we're clear," Prompto commented. "Grand," Ignis exclaimed. "Then let's move," Gladio said. On their way back through the mine, they didn't have to call out to Noctis as much; he made sure to stay relatively close enough to the group. But on the way, they also ran into two more small groups of falxfangs, and one gigantoad (which looks exactly how you'd think it does). They didn't have to squeeze past the drill, but Twilight did stay extra close to Ignis while she looked up, just in case random bits were to fall as they went under. "Ignis," Twilight said, close to his side. "I... I have something to tell you." They were walking down a bit of an incline now. "What is it?" Ignis asked, trying his best to look like he was paying attention, given how eye contact is out of the question. "Take it easy Iggy." This came from Gladio. Twilight shot him a look. "Oh, sure," she spat. "The Empire won't wait for the mourning, but they definitely have time for the cripple." "Shut the hell up." Gladio waved her off. Up ahead, Noctis discovered more of the gurangatch creatures. He, Gladio, and Prompto hurried down into the edge of the water. They took care of the creatures quickly while Twilight was still helping Ignis descend the slope. The area they had reached was a marshy, with lots of sickly green plants and moss surrounding the water's edge. At the other side of the water was a massive tree, with exposed branches above the water. "We're here," Noctis said. "I take it the tomb is in the tree?" Twilight asked. "Quite right," Ignis answered. Prompto walked up to the espoused branches, only to stop right at the entrance. There were several large fleshy, mucous bulbs hanging in front of the entry point. "Um... guys, are these eggs?" he questioned to the others. "Looks like it," Noctis answered as he stepped next to his friend. "But the question is, what laid them?" Just then, there was a massive rumbling and a giant splash from one side of the water. The group turned with a start at the sound. A very large creature had burst from the water. It was circular and darkly colored in body and the front of it that they could see was covered with dark green tentacle-like appendages. The creature looked down at the group and apparently decided they were too close to it's offspring, so it opened it's large toothy mouth and let out a roar. "Malboro!" Twilight shouted before she grabbed Ignis. With him in hand, she jumped out of the way as the creature lunged at them. As everyone started attacking the malboro, it belched out a black smog. Noctis and Gladio jumped out of the way to safety. Prompto narrowly made it, but managed to inhale some of the fumes. The fumes caused him to fall to his knees as he attempted to regain his breathing. "Ignis, hang back!" Twilight instructed. She ran to Prompto to pull him away from the smog and bring him back over to Ignis. But the Malboro sense the movement and set it's sights on Twilight. Though it was stopped as Noctis landed a warp strike to it's back. "W-what is that thing!?" Prompto coughed. "A malboro. It is a toy the Empire left behind, no doubt. Its miasma gas can weaken you, so try not to inhale too much," Twilight advised. "Stay with Ignis." Twilight ran toward the beast, who started pouring more miasma gas at her, but was stopped as Gladio landed a hit on it with his broadsword. Twilight avoided the gas and launched several fire balls at the malboro, making it recoil in pain. The malboro wasted no time and charged at Twilight. With Ignis and Prompto behind her, she couldn't risk dodging, so she took the hit. The impact knocked her completely into the water with a sharp gasp. Gladio and Noctis ran closer to the creature. "Twilight!?" Ignis yelled. "Roll Ignis!" Prompto shouted. He pushed his friend out of the way, and they both went rolling in the water in different directions. The malboro turned and headed toward Ignis. But Noctis and Gladio were able to get in front of him while Prompto was clear of immediate danger. Twilight rose out of the water, her eyes flickering between lavender and red. She pointed her horn to the water below the malboro, "Earth pillar!" she conjured. A pillar of mud and damp earth raises from underneath the malboro at a great speed, sending it into the air. The creature fell to the ground, which caused the area to shake. This roused the eggs and they started bursting open. The resulting malboro sprites started rushing toward Twilight. She jumped away, shouting obscenities in the process. "Focus on the main one! Attack it with all you've got!" Twilight told the others. While they were focusing on the adult, Twilight took to destroying the sprouts, lighting several of them on fire. The adult malboro thrashed about as Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto assaulted it. Ignis did his best, and also managed to slash a tentacle off. The malboro had fallen over when it landed, but had now righted itself. In a fit of frustration, it spewed a massive amount of the miasma gas throughout the area. The group couldn't help but get engulfed by it. "No!" Twilight shouted. She violently slammed the last dead sprout into the water. Noctis came tumbling out of the gas cloud with Gladio in tow. Ignis held onto his cane as Gladio pulled him free, then Prompto came stumbling out from the other side of the cloud. Twilight rushed to them as the daemon continued spewing its gas. "W-why won't it go down!?" Noctis coughed. "We n-need to close it's mouth!" Gladio stated after heaving in some air. "Twilight!" Ignis coughed. "I have an idea!" Twilight helped him stand in the water. "I'm all ears," she responded. Ignis holds up the metal ball the group uses to harness Noctis's magic. "Infuse your fire magic into it! Concentrate!" Ignis ordered. Twilight takes the ball and channels some of her flame magic into the orb. It begins to crack and spark as both magics violently clash within it. "It's gonna blow!" she yelled. "Good." Ignis grabbed the ball and throws it with all his strength in the direction of the malboro as it opens it's mouth to inhale. After a brief moment of silence, the malboro's mouth lights up like a furnace. The monster wailed in agony as flames catch some of its tentacles. The malboro was writhing in pain, which only served to spread the flames further to the rest of its body. Its blackened and charred remains disintegrated in the air. With the malboro gone, the group breathed a sigh of relief. They gathered back together and returned to the tomb entrance, which was still guarded by the rest of the undisturbed eggs. "Gonna make a mess whisking them," Gladio quipped. "Might want to fry them." Getting the message, Noctis tossed another metal orb near the eggs, sending them up in flames. The way to the door was now clear. "Alright Noct," Twilight said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You're up." Noctis sighed and unlocked the tomb. He stepped inside while the others waited outside the door. The water was up to his knees, but the sarcophagus inside was high enough to not be submerged. On top of the sarcophagus lay the royal arm they'd been told was there; the Katana of the Warrior. Noctis stared at it for a moment before raising his hand to it. The weapon lit up with a blue aura and was raised into the air. In a swift motion it swung at Noctis and was absorbed into his body, adding to the cache of royal arms he'd already acquired. Noctis emerged from the tomb and took a few steps toward his entourage. They started heading back to the other side of the marsh. "A moment, if you will," Ignis spoke up, causing the group to turn back to him. "Everything aright?" Gladio asked. "It damn sure isn't, and I won't suffer this pointless arguing with silence any longer," Ignis said. He clenched tighter on his cane. "Let's be serious; my sight hasn't improved, and it probably won't." Twilight looked down into the water away from him. "Despite this, I will continue on with you all, till the very end." Gladio crossed his arms. "Sorry, but I object. War is a matter of life and death." "But we'll be there!" Prompto argued. "It's not about him!" Gladio shot back. "It's not about us looking out for him!" "Then he should choose for him self!" Prompto countered. "There is more to it than that!" Gladio yelled. "I know full well," Ignis yelled at them both. "I'm not asking you to slow down for me! If I can't keep up, I will bow out!" "No!" The group turned to Twilight in minor shock. "I won't accept this!" she shouted. "I can't remember much of what happened back in Altissia, but I do remember hearing you, and somehow knowing you got hurt! You're like this because of me! I refuse to leave you like this!" She started to stomp toward Ignis. "I don't care what you're doing," Gladio commented as he roughly grabbed her arm. "Ignis-" Twilight slammed her other fist into Gladio's jaw, knocking him about four feet away from her. "Get in my way again, and I won't hold back," she spat. Twilight continued her march up to Ignis. Once she was in front of him, she placed her horn on his forehead. "Undo it," she demanded. The horn started to lightly glow with its usual lavender aura. "Undo it," she repeated. Ignis cried out in pain; his eyes started to feel like they were burning. "Undo! UNDO!" Twilight chanted in anger and desperation. Ignis grunted in pain. "Twilight stop it!" Prompto pleaded. "You're hurting him!" Noctis added. Twilight intensified the spell, gaining another cry of agony from Ignis. Gladio had had enough of Twilight's attitude and tackled her into the water. Ignis stumbled back in the water himself, and Noctis and Prompto helped him to his feet. "I've had it with you! You freak!" Gladio shouted. He punched Twilight several times. "You are a discarded Niflheim weapon and nothing else! Don't pretend like we're your friends! Don't pretend like you're part of our family! You don't know anything!" Twilight just let Gladio punch her some more. He was confirming some of her thoughts about herself out loud; she felt like she deserved what was coming to her. Gladio's assault only stopped when Ignis grasped his arm. Twilight looked up at Ignis, who's eyes were still closed. She slammed both her fists into the water in anger. "Damn it! DAMN IT!" she cried. Ignis lost his footing momentarily and fell into a sitting position. Then he looked back in Noctis and Prompto's direction. "I... I can see... Something," Ignis said. He stumbled back to his feet. "I can make out something around them." In fact, he could see bright shapes of blue where Noctis and Prompto stood. The blue had also surrounded Gladio. Ignis looked to Twilight and, he thought as much, she had a lavender aura surrounding her. "How?" Prompto asked Twilight. "It's a miracle," Gladio responded. He got off of Twilight. Twilight sighed. "It's only a miracle if it worked properly. Which it didn't. It seems like he can see the magic around all living things, but that might be it. He's still blind." "Let's get back to the train," Noctis sighed. He helped Twilight up. "I think it's time you told us who you really are." "Honestly," she started as she wrung water out of her hair, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you." The prince raised and eyebrow at the Sorceress of Niflheim. "Try me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria) (Canterlot courtyard) Early in the morning, word was sent out to all the ponies of Centerlot. Wonderful news that Twilight Sparkle had been recovered! A celebration was to take place, and all of Canterlot was invited. The citizens couldn't wait to welcome their Element of Harmony home. As the mass of ponies clamored through the gates, several bat ponies were lurking in the alleyways. "We're in position," one bat pony told a messenger. The messenger ducked into a sewer line and flew through the tight piping, only stopping when he reached the central hub of pipes. In this area, Nightmare Moon was standing in front of a map. Captain Dusk, Cadence, and Flash Sentry stood with her on a platform. The messenger saluted the lunar royal. "Team eight is in position," he reported. Nightmare Moon nodded at him. "Now, we have to time this carefully," she said. "We can only step in once the changelings appear." "Then we evacuate the ponies and make our way to the Crystal Empire," Flash added. "I want you all to go without me," Cadence responded. "I've been away from my daughter for too long." She paused for a moment before looking to the ground. "I never should have left her." "You are too stubborn, Mi Amore," Nightmare Moon snorted. "I understand your need for your foal, but saving her will do you no good if we lose here." "I've been on the sidelines long enough and I don't expect you to understand," Cadence snapped. Her eyes narrowed at the night alicorn. After a brief moment of thought, Nightmare Moon lets out a sigh. "Truly a child is more beautiful and precious than any starry night. I may want to have one of my own some day." She nods in consent to Cadence. "We'll draw them off while you look for your foal." "Thank you," Cadence replied. She turned away and spread her wings, ready to take flight. "Mi Amore," Nightmare Moon said sternly. Cadence waited and looked back. "What is in day's shadow?" "The night," the princess responds. Nightmare Moon nods. "Anypony you bring back will have to be detained and tested." Cadence nods before leaving the cannel. (One hour later) The ponies of Canterlot gathered underneath the castle's balcony, eagerly awaiting the address. Shining Armor walked out to meet the audience. "TWILIGHT SPARKLE HAS RETURNED!" he cried. Mentioning his sister in a positive light made his insides churn but it had the intended effect, given how the audience was cheering. "BUT! I say to you this! Is it worth it!?" The ponies became quiet at the question. But Shining Armor was not finished. "The Elements of Harmony have failed us! Time and time again! The only way they've won thus far is by the skin of their teeth! Is this really a way to live!? Coasting on the success of six ponies with nothing to their names but hobbies!?" Nervous chatter began circulating through the crowd. "I say enough is enough!" Shining continued. "It's time Equestria owned up to its responsibilities and together bring about a new age! The Princesses sat apathetic to our plights, growing fat from so-called harmony as we fled in terror while Nightmare Moon and Discord ran amok! But today that will change! For, my Queen and I have taken the throne from the lazy Celestial Sisters and put into motion the gears to bring Equestria to its Golden Age!" The ponies watched as Princess Celestia walked up beside Shining Armor. Panic flooded through the audience when Celestia went up in green flames. They watched in horror as the flames dissipated to reveal Queen Chrysalis. Stifled gasps and screams could be heard as Chrysalis used her magic to drag the frozen Princess Celestia beside herself and Shining. "Now let us come together! Pony and changeling!" Shining Armor raised his hooves into the air and a swarm of changelings nearly blotted out the sun. The collective buzzing as the mass flew above them caused the ponies below to scream and try to flee. Though they were stopped, as the guards had sealed the gates. And to their shock, these guards transformed into changelings. "However," Shining continued, "the sins of Celestia must be washed away! To make up for your heinous offense to the changelings, you will give up your love! After a time you will be released into a new Equestria! One where you can live along side your shape-shifting brothers and sisters! A new age is upon us!" As the changelings charged upon the panicking audience, the sky quickly became dark; the sun had been forced to set. An inky black beam then careened at Shining Armor. He scoffed and moved his head to the side, avoiding the beam. Nightmare Moon grunted and threw her head back to call to the sky in her Royal Canterlot voice, "NOW!" Just then, several thestrals and bat ponies and night guards seemed to swarm from everywhere to take on the horde of changelings. Some night guards were stationed at the gates, and were fighting changelings away from them to break them down. "Come on! Follow the night guards!" one of them shouted. Not needing to be told twice, ponies started to pile out as fast as they could. Changelings began firing green bolts into the crowd at random. One bolt made contact on Fancy Pants, who had thrown Flur De Lis out of the way so she wouldn't be hit. Before she could process what happened, Flur was grabbed at the mane by Moons Dancer, forcing her to flee. In all the confusion, Cadence rushed to the castle, her urges to find her child keeping her pushing through the slew of frantic ponies. Once past the crowd she was intent on entering the castle, but she skidded to a halt when she saw Shining Armor on the balcony. "It can't be," she uttered out loud. "Oh, but it is," a changeling answered as it stepped in Cadence's path. "You're the princess of love, right? Give yourself up and I promise to go easy on you." "Never!" Cadence reared on her hind legs, her horn alight in her urgency. "Get out of my way!" The changeling charged at her. "Nightmare Moon," Shining Armor grunted. He breathed in heavily. "No matter. She is powerless before us. We'll let King Sombra have his revenge." He called a changeling over to him. "Make sure you put up a fight, but ultimately have them escape on the train. Then send word to activate the barrier in two weeks." The drone saluted and walked into the darkness. High above the madness Celestia could only watch. No! No! NO! she thought. Please Faust don't let this happen! She couldn't move her body. She couldn't summon her magic to melt the ice. She could only listen to the chaos below her. Elements of Harmony! I know I'm no longer worthy but I beg you please! Undo this madness! Restore Equestria! Time slowed to a stillness. The haunting scenes of the changelings pouncing on ponies came to a halt. Night guards helping ponies flee and fight off the changelings froze in place. Cadence and the changeling she was up against were frozen as they charged at each other. In the stillness, the ethereal multi-colored alicorns surrounded the castle balcony. "You have a lot of nerve summoning us," Loyalty growled. I know! But you must save Equestria! Celestia pleaded in her mind, still unable to move her mouth. "A very dignified pose, Celly,"Laughter chuckled. "So unseemly," Generosity huffed. "We cannot help you," Honesty delivered dryly. Please! Equestria is going to be destroyed! "And whose fault is that?" Loyalty asked with a callous tone. I did what I could to make sure the ponies had harmony! Everypony played their part- "There it is!" Laughter interrupted. "There it is Celestia!" "You did everything you could to ensure Harmony spread across your land," Kindness piped up. "Ever since we appeared to help you against your sister, you've believed we are the be-all end-all solution!" Loyalty shouted. "You have a nasty habit of correcting things when they don't go how you need them to go, dear," Generosity explained. But you are the Elements of Harmony. You were meant to protect the ponies along with your wielders! Truly you understand the actions I've taken. "We were never meant to stay Celestia," Honesty responded. He spread his wings, shining a light onto Celestia's icy prison. This act projected images for her to see. With a closer look, she saw the Tree of Harmony. The elements were cased inside, shattered by jagged and sharp jet black crystals. "We were finite," Loyalty continued. "Just like the Source before us, we were meant to be destroyed. Because Equestria no longer needed us. Twilight and her friends unlocked the key to true friendship and extended it to all they met. They showed every creature they met that Harmony resides in all of us." Loyalty flashed and image of Twilight and her friends together with many familiar and unfamiliar faces with magic flowing into the mane six, who fired the largest wave of magic Celestia had ever seen into an unseen threat. "This was supposed to have come to pass. The Power of Harmony to spread to all." Honesty closed his wings. But Twilight rejected me! She rejected her friends! How could I stop it!? Twilight was abandoning Equestria! "Celestia," Generosity sighed. "Even paradise is a prison if you can't leave." "Twilight admired you willingly," Loyalty sneered. "She became your student willingly. She made friends willingly and saved Equestria willingly. You attempted to correct something that could have healed in due time. Had you just let it go, maybe then Twilight would have willingly mended the bonds with her friends." Honesty stepped up to Celestia. "You may have showed resolve to do what you thought was necessary for Equestria, but you showed a complete lack of faith in your student." He stepped closer to the trapped princess. "How can you trust in Twilight if you must correct her when the slightest thing goes wrong? Then you have to question if your ponies truly know freedom." It was just a few bad memories! Celestia countered. "Oh, sure it was just a few bad memories," Loyalty mocked. "She wouldn't miss them. After all, she's just one pony next to Equestria." "One pony soon becomes ten," Laughter chimed in. "Ten becomes thirty," Generosity followed. "Thirty becomes seventy," Kindness added. "Seventy becomes one hundred-fifty, and so on and so forth. Until you have to wipe everypony's minds," Honesty finished. "Or heck, why not brainwash them all!?" Loyalty bellowed. "I mean after all, can't have bad memories if you're forced to reject them before they start." It would never have gotten that far! Twilight is an Element of Harmony- "Wrong," Honesty said. "Every sentient being is an Element of Harmony. Even the changelings down there. They don't understand that love cannot just be taken. That is why they have an endless hunger within them." "But if the right being comes along and teaches them how to share love, then they will be free of their hunger. This applies to all creature of this world. Teach them to recognize and band together to fix each other's faults, and in doing so they will understand and embrace friendship. Unlocking the Elements within." "We were only meant to show every living thing that we exist in them. Show them that harmony is not out of their reach," Loyalty added. "There is Laughter in all who can smile. With the ability to smile comes the ability to bring joy." "There is Kindness in all who wish to help the sad and lonely." Kindness stood firm. "With this comes the ability to bring hope to even the darkest of souls." "There is Generosity in all those who wish to extend a helping hoof, claw, or even fin to the struggling," Generosity huffed. "With that comes the ability to bring happiness to those who have very little." "There is Loyalty in all those who wish to stand up with others," Loyalty stated, stomping a hoof. "With that comes the ability to band together to hold fast in any trial that lay before them." "And there is Honesty in all those who make a genuine effort to do better than they were the day before," Honesty calmly added. "With that comes the ability to recognize other's faults as well as your own, and help each other grow to be the best you can ever be. When you bring us all together it makes friendship." "AND FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!" the Elements said in unison. "When tempered with Faith you get something that can unify nations! Even birth worlds!" Loyalty said. He cleared his throat, his next words still coming out in a dry tone. "Now it's time for you to pay for your lack of faith." He spread his wings again and a white glow enveloped him. The other Elements soon followed suit. N-no, please! Celestia could only watch as the light engulfed everything. When she opened her eyes she was in the bright skies of Equestria. She'd gained her ability to move again; her icy prison had vanished along with her prior injuries. Celestia quickly move out of the way of a dragon, a pegasi, and a brightly colored insect. "What is this?" she asked. "The future," Loyalty answered as he appeared before her. "At least the one that was originally meant to occur." He forces her forward, showing Canterlot teaming with creatures that remained divided to this day speaking in the streets, and seemingly living with the ponies. "Twilight completed all your tests and all the trials thrown at her, alongside her friends. She is now Princess of a new, unified Equestria. You and Luna retired, knowing everything would be fine." Loyalty takes her to the balcony she was no longer prisoner on and leads her in. Celestia sees a tall slender lavender alicorn sitting in the throne. She had a long flowing purple mane with a pink streak in it, with sparkling stars throughout it, adding to its radiance. Twilight was clad in her own gold jewelry as she welcomed Spike into the throne room. He was not as tall as she knew him now, but he had definitely seen some growth. "I can't believe it," Celestia breathed. There was a look of awe and pride in her eyes. "The Six ponies each achieved their individual dreams, yet the all stayed in touch," Honesty explained before showing Celestia an image of Twilight with her friends, their newfound allies and friends unveiled as they look to six children who walk away smiling. "They passed their knowledge to the next generation, only this time it was extended to many other species. An Equestria of peace and prosperity to look upon. You and Luna resting in a different realm knowing Equestria's future is safe in their hooves." Celestia looked upon the scene with more pride than before. "Wasn't this worth fighting for, Twilight?" The scene began to burn away at the edges of Celestia's vision. "Twilight ran because she saw you wanted to force her into this. She is free to choose what she wants in life. The very moment you decided her choice didn't matter was the very moment you forfeited Equestria." "I did what I could for them!" Celestia cried. "I only wanted what was best! Please! There is still time!" she pleaded. Honesty sighed. "I'm sorry Celestia. This future is nothing more than a dream now." Honesty watched as Celestia cries out, the peaceful future burning away completely from her vision. Celestia was hanging helplessly back in her ice prison, her injuries making themselves known again. "Now we leave you to a future uncertain," Honesty said. The other Elements began fading around them. "Equestria may know Harmony once again, or this may be their last day of freedom. It's hard to tell what fate has in store now that the cogs have jumped off their screws. But know that there is no going back. We wish you the best of luck Celestia." Wish those words, Honesty fades away. The chaos Celestia had momentarily forgotten about continued around her as if the Elements never appeared. Forgive me, she wept within the ice. Forgive me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Train, enroute to Tenebrae) The train ride was less than tense this time. Ignis's talk forced Gladio and Noctis to reconcile and get back on track with the others. Ignis had sent Gladio off for something Twilight didn't catch, promising he'd fill him in when he returned to the group. Now that all was calm, Twilight revealed her most closely guarded secrets to her traveling companions. As she expected, she was met with chuckles. "No way," Noctis coughed in an attempt to stifle a laugh. "You're actually a magical horse?" "Pony," Twilight corrected dryly. "Horses are much more large and muscular. To them, we stand less than four feet; below your average human." "And this world you're from is all gumdrops and candy everywhere?" Prompto asked. "Not in the sense that they're literally strung about, no." "Sounds like a little girl's television program," Ignis commented. "No offense." "Not too far off from that. But though it is cutesy in nature, it's not perfect," Twilight lamented. "Start from the beginning," Ignis said. "Hopefully everyone got their giggles out of their systems." The guys took deep breaths, making sure not to think of funny thoughts as Twilight prepared herself. "I'm from the magical realm of Equestria. Everyone within Equestria's inner circle are ponies. There are three types of ponies. The pegasi are the ones who can fly, and control weather in large groups. The earth ponies act as the majority of ground labor. And the unicorns, which happened to be the group I was a part of." She held out her horn to make the point. "So you mean that used to be on your head?" Noctis questioned. "Yes; it was how I channeled and used my magic." She rolled the horn around in her hands. "We had our differences, but we lived in harmony. I was a student of one of the princesses who ruled the lands." "How many were there?" Ignis asked. "Two." Twilight looked down before she continued explaining. "One to control the sun and one to control the moon. At one point, the one that controlled the moon was neglected by ponies because the day had more impact in their lives than the night. It drove her mad with jealousy and she became a monster that attacked her sister, who ended up using these magical artifacts to banish her to the moon. Subsequently, the crazed sister was there for one thousand years." The three friends sat in awe as Twilight continued her story. "The remaining princess, being Princess Celestia, found great potential in my magical ability, so she offered to train me how to use my magic 'properly.' She sent me off to a different town to make friends and eventually combat her sister, Princess Luna, who at the time was still going by the name Nightmare Moon." "Not gonna lie, Nightmare Moon sounds just a bit intimidating," Prompto commented. Ignis glanced around the train car, examining the souls that passed on through or that were sitting down. In a few moments, Gladio had returned to the group. "Mission accomplished captain," Gladio said to Ignis. "What's up?" Noctis asked, genuinely curious. "I heard a passenger talking about the nights getting longer," Ignis explained. "I spoke about this with Twilight in Altissia. The nights just seem to get longer and longer. In the middle of summer no less. This is a very unseasonably sharp change." "I count less than six hours of sunlight at a time now," Twilight added. "And longer nights mean even more Daemons," Noctis concluded. "I'm going to go find out more," Ignis said. Twilight jumped to her feet then and stared out the window behind Noctis. "By the Six, what is that?" Gladio said, looking out to something in the wave of cold covering some of the mountain ranges and small buildings. "I have no idea," Twilight said, trying to get a better look. Just then, time seemed to pause around Noctis. "What the...!?" He stepped back from the group. "Noct? What's going on?" A familiar voice made Noctis turn in anger to see Ardyn looking out of the window rather puzzled. "You think the Empire is behind this?" "You would know! You bastard!" Noctis lunged at Ardyn. Ardyn clumsily ducked under him and backed away. "Woah! Easy buddy! What's going on?" Ardyn dodged again as Noctis swiped at him with a sword. He shot up and ran to the next train car, Noctis hot on his heels. "Seriously Noct! Cut it out!" They dashed through another car. "Are you seriously trying to kill me!?" "Why wouldn't I!?" Noctis roared as he dodged by a passenger. "This is all your fault!" "This seriously isn't safe Noct! You're making a scene!" Ardyn cried as he tried to open another train car door. "I've got you now you son of a bitch!" Noctis caught up to Ardyn then and pinned him to a wall by his throat. "Noct! What's the matter!?" Ardyn was struggling to break from the furious prince. "How can you ask that!? IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED!" Noctis yelled. "You don't mean that, do you Noct?" Ardyn asked with an uncharacteristically pleading look in his eyes. "Of course I do! You're not talking your way out of this!" "You won't even let me!" Ardyn was thrashing about. "Noct! Please!" "What are you doing!?" Twilight shouted as she tackled Noctis. At the same time, the train brakes to a halt. She'd hit him with enough force to knock him out for a few minutes. When he came to, he was being yelled at. "What do you think you were doing!?" Twilight picked him up off the floor. "Why were you attacking Prompto?" "What? I was chasing Ardyn!" Noctis looked around frantically. "I saw you chasing Prompto.... Damn, it's a trick. I'm sure of it." "Why did we stop?" Noctis asked. Prompto looked to Noctis. "Ignis and Gladio are looking into-" His sentence was interrupted by an explosion rattling the train car. "We're being fired on!" Twilight shouted. "Let's get to the front, we'll discuss this later!" Both of them nod, and the three of them make a dash for the front car. "Everyone stay down!" Twilight yelled to the panicked passengers as they passed. They made it to the train's passengers' quarters, and a magitek trooper burt through the glass. It was glowing red as it chased some passengers up ahead. A purple aura appeared around the trooper and it went flying out of a window. "Everyone get down!" Twilight instructed. The trooper exploded outside the window, rocking the train car. Once the shock ended, Twilight helped some of the passengers to their feet. "Get tot he back now! And stay away from the glass!" Twilight told them. She, Prompto, and Noctis pushed past the fleeing passengers. "What was up with the trooper?" Prompto asked, catching up to Twilight. "Their self destruct modes have been activated," she panted. She urged the passengers to stay down as they passed them. "Look out!" Twilight shouted. They had ended up in an empty car when Twilight forces the boys to duck down as another magitek trooper blows a hole in the side of the car. "I sure hope Ignis and Gladio are getting the train moving," Noctis commented. "Me too," chimed Prompto. He got up. "Me three!" Twilight added as she got to her feet. "Until then, we need to stop the troopers from getting in here. You two stop them coming at the train. I'll deal with the tanks." The three nod in agreement with her plan and jump out of the hole, ready to meet Niflheim forces in combat. Twilight runs past the troopers, weaving through their attempts to attack her. Before they can give chase, Noctis skewers several of them with daggers. "Over here!" Noctis called out. Prompto fired several rounds from his gun into an axeman, who had tried to swing at him. Twilight jumped onto a tank and focused her magical aura around the barrel. She forced the barrel to rotate and it fired into a fellow tank, blowing it up in the process. "Yes!" Twilight boasted. She focused her magic on the base of the barrel this time. Her eyes turned red with heat and the barrel melted shut. Then she threw her horn at another tank and teleported to it before the one she was one would explode. "Twilight's cleaning house!" Prompto shouted. He unloaded more precise shots into a magitek trooper that was closing in on Noctis. Not to be out done, Noctis hurls a spear past Prompto's head into the face of a trooper that was trying to sneak up on his friend. "She's not the only one!" Noctis said. He watched another tank go up in flames. The train begins to creak with signs of movement, causing Noctis and Prompto to hurry back on board. "Come on Twilight!" Prompto yelled. Twilight broke out into a sprint and teleported to the roof. "Noctis get up here!" she shouted. "We're not done yet!" She readied herself as she saw magitek transports descending close to the train. Noctis quickly joined her. "They just won't quit!" he said. "You take the left side, I'll take the right!" Twilight instructed. They nod at each other, and each hurls their weapons onto the transports. Twilight tears through the troopers trying to drop to the train. "Your self destruct mechanisms are still online, aren't they?" she muses. Twilight threw a trooper into one that was further inside and skewers them with her sword. Then she ran out and teleported to another transport as the previous one exploded. She looked on as Noctis does the same. He hijacked a turret and shot the engine off another transport. "Let's make it two for one!" Twilight shouted. She enveloped the falling transport with her lavender aura and slammed it into the one she was on top of. Once her work was done, she teleported back to the train's roof. Noctis had warped back to the train a bit ahead of Twilight. His eyes widened with shock as he saw that Ardyn was holding a gun to Prompto. "Prompto!" Noctis knocked the gun out of Ardyn's hand, causing him to stumble back. But a look of panic and disbelief crosses him as he sees that it was Prompto now falling. His chest tightened as he realized what he'd just done. "How long were you in the dark?" Ardyn chuckled. He promptly knocked Noctis out and looked over at Twilight. "Definitely not the kind of thing you're subjected to in Equestria, right?" "I'll ring your damn neck! How do you know about me? About my friends? About Equestria!?" "So you do still care for them after what you did," Ardyn mocked. "I think it's high time you learned the truth. When we meet in Gralea I'll have something to show you. See you then." Ardyn smirked before disappearing. "Bastard!" Twilight called out to the sky, though she knew it wouldn't do her any good. She hurried to Noctis to check on him. He was still breathing, just unconscious. She sat on the top of the train and held Noctis in a way to keep him from sliding off the train. "Please be okay, Prompto," she prayed. > A Cry In The Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Cry In The Night (Friendship Express) (Enroute to Canterlot) "Tell me, why are we on this train?" Trixie whispered. "You don't have to fill the silence; honestly I'd rather you didn't," Sunet answered, her eyes rolling in annoyance. "Come on, we are headed directly to Canterlot. You know. The place that a changeling posing as a royal guard just came from." Trixie was still whispering, but Sunset gently and firmly planted a hoof on Trixie's mouth. "Don't trust anypony," Sunset said sternly. She looked around the car, watching carefully for any suspicious looking ponies. They all seemed to be casualy moving to and fro from their seats, talking amongst one another. Sunset released her hold on Trixie's mouth. "Hopefully Celestia and Luna are still with us. We're going to need their help." "And if they've already been taken?" Trixie asked, her tone apprehensive. "Then we might as well be changeling food," Sunset whispered back. "With nowhere to run, and my ticket out of here gone, it's only a matter of time." "Would it kill you to be optimistic?" Trixie quietly snapped. "Yes, because I'm realistic," Sunset smarted off. "Now, before we stop we need to-" But her words were cut off by a filly close by looking out a window. "Mommy, is it nighttime already?" she asked, prompting her mother to look out the window as well. The sun seemed to be setting rapidly. Some of the other ponies on board took notice and mildly began to panic. The mother mare didn't answer, though she fearfully held her giggling, unaware child. Panic set in on her face as she watched. At this, Sunset swiveled her head to see what they were talking about. As they neared Canterlot, she could see that there were several areas alight within the city. "I hate to say I told you so, but!" She ended her sentence by pointing at the scene. "By Faust!" Trixie exclaimed, gawking at the chaos. "Change of plans," Sunset said after a moment of thought. "We're staying on this train." She quickly sat back down. "And if they come for it?" Trixie asked worriedly. "Then we sneak out of the back," Sunset stated sternly. The panic in the trian car only intensified as they locomotor entered the station. Lines of ponies were almost shoving themselves onto the tracks from their hysteria. Once docked, several bat ponies landed before the crowd. "Please, everypony stay calm," one of the bat ponies (which happened to be Captain of the Night Guard, Autumn Dusk) started. "We will get you all on this train safely. Do not crowd passengers already on board, and do not trample any other pony in your haste. The more panicked you are, the harder it will be to get you out of here!" The ponies frantically nodded to Dusk; seeing that they didn't wish to be here any longer they saw it best to cooperate with them. "What's going on?" the conductor demanded once he stepped out. "Sir," Dusk addressed the conductor as she trotted up to him, "we need you to prep the train to go to the Crystal Empire at once." "On who's authority!?" he scoffed. "Mine," responded the voice of Nightmare Moon, which echoed enough for the passengers inside the train to panic more. "Nightmare Moon!?" Trixie sank into her seat. "What's she-" "Calm down!" Sunset yelled. "I'm not sure why either, but if she was responsible for what's going on, she would be pulling us out of the train by now." From outside the conversation continued. "This train needs to head to the Crystal Empire immediately," Nightmare Moon stated calmly. "Canterlot is under a changeling attack." The conductor, not wishing to invoke the wrath of the Queen of the Night, quickly went back to his station. "Now everypony form a line!" Dusk called out, redirecting her attention back to the crowd. "Do not shove your way in and do not shove any other ponies out!" They hurriedly complied. Though soon several changelings showed up, buzzing in the air above the station. The ponies became more frantic in their movements. "Keep going with the evacuation," Nightmare Moon called to Dusk. "I will handle them!" She took to the air. Moonlight danced along the air as a staff materialized above her. A spark of moonlight shined and formed a blade on the staff, revealing the weapon to be a scythe. The changelings dived at Nightmare Moon. Her magic aura surrounded the scythe and it spun around her. As a changeling flew by she sliced into it, causing its form to come apart in a spray of green. She ascended toward more changelings who were firing magic at her, moving the scythe quick enough to deflect the green bolts. "This is too easy," Nightmare whispered to herself before barrel rolling away from a bolt. This put her in reach of another changeling, whom she sliced at, taking off the top of its head. Why are they not swarming the station? Nightmare pondered to herself. Three more changelings flew toward her. She spun her scythe behind her and twirled it in the direction of the closest one. She hooked the changeling with her weapon and threw it into the next, then sliced them both in half before they could regain their bearings. Then she launched her scythe into the last one. When she went to grab the weapon from the dying changeling's body, instead of gurgling in desperation it let out weak cackles between ragged breathes before finally succumbing to it's fate. If she hadn't been sure about it before, she definitely was now; they were letting them escape. The remaining changelings retreated as the rest of the ponies loaded onto the train. "We're ready to go!" Dusk announced. "All Night Guards! Protect the train!" Nightmare Moon landed on the roof of the caboose as the locomotor began moving. "Dusk, report to me! I have a rather disturbing revelation to share with you!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos) (Enroute to Tenebrae) With a groan, Noctis awoke to Twilight sitting beside him. "You okay?" she asked. "Yeah," Noctis mumbled. For a moment he didn't know where he was. But the force of the breeze caused him to quickly recall the day's previous events, including his mistake. Noctis shot up into a sitting position, noting in the back of his mind that he could smell the scent of Tenebrae's fresh water. But it did nothing to quell his anger. He carefully got to his feet, mindful of the still-moving train they were atop. "It wasn't your fault-" Twilight started, seeing the immediate anger distort his face, but he cut her off. "Yes it was!" Noctis shouted. Frustration was evident in his voice. "I let him get the better of me again!" He pulled out his phone and hurriedly tapped on it a few times before pressing it to his ear. "What's wrong Noct?" Ignis answered on the other end. "Ignis stop the train!" Noctis demanded. "Th-there was an accident. And I. I pushed Prompto off the train. Ardyn tricked m- We can't leave him!" "Calm down Noctis," Ignis offered calmly, knowing panic wouldn't help their current situation. "We can't stop the train with the passengers still on board; they would be sitting ducks for the daemons." "Then what do we do!?" There was a small hint of desperation picking up in Noctis's tone. "If the chancellor is involved then chances are Prompto won't be where we left him," Ignis stated. "I have Gladio with me," he added to assure Noctis. "Are you two alright at least?" Noctis asked, the desperate tone still prevelant. "Yes. Is Twilight okay?" "Yeah, she's fine. We'll be there in a minute." Noctis hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. Twilight placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Prompto is a lot of things," she said. "Silly, clumsy, a hopeless romantic. But incapable isn't one of his attributes. He will find his way back to us, then the two of you can reconcile." "Thanks Twilight." His voice a a bit more calm now. Just then the train entered a large high-rise lit tunnel. Twilight had been about to say something else, but her words caught in her throat when she spotted several imps running toward them. A gargoyle led their charge. "Looks like your pity party will have to wait. We're gonna have to fight our way to the front!" Twilight warned, readying her horn. "If it's not one thing it's another!" Noctis shouted in frustration. The two charged at the oncoming enemies then. The gargoyle, being most eager to reach them, picked his pace up. "Go high!" Twilight shouted as she slid under the gargoyle. At the same, she trappped the imps with her magic and slammed them into the tunnel walls. With that and the momentum of the train, the imps were reduced to an ink black paste. With them out of the way Twilight jumped back into a standing position and transformed her horn into a lance. When she turned back around to the gargoyle, it was swatting viciously at Noctis, who had jumped over the creature and was avoiding each blow. Twilight pivoted quickly and threw her lance into the gargoyle's shoulder and teleported to it. She kicked the daemon toward Noctis. In turn he reared his great sword back and brought it down into its skull. Then before it could shrug the attack off, Twilight ran her lance through its throat, cutting upward as Noctis cut down. The gargoyle fell into two uneven pieces before it was reduced to black particles. "Come on!" Noctis urged. They continued their sprint atop the train. "The damn things are all over the walls!" Twilight shouted, noticing that they literally seemed surrounded. Just then another gargoyle reached the top of the train, leading more imps toward the prince and the missplaced unicorn. "Where are they even coming from?" Noctis groaned. He summoned a magic light orb. "Hey Noctis, remember the swamp!?" Twilight asked while pinning more imps down. He thought for half a second. "Light it up!" Noctis said, and tossed the orb. Twilight enveloped it with her magic, overcharging it. The gargoyle and imps went up in an almost deafening thunderclap as electricity sparked and lurched in every direction. Some tendrils even made it to some of the imps on the tunnel walls. Nothing but smoke remained of the daemons that had previously been in front of them. The action roasted enough imps from the tunnel walls that many arachne took their place. And soon those began storming down the top of the train. "They're everywhere!" Twilight got into a fighting stance. "A freaking break would be nice!" Just then the train emerged from the other end of the tunnel. Waterfalls from the floating mountains in the area were rushing out of control. For a moment Twilight could hear terrified screams from the passangers beneath her before the sound was drowned out by the sound of rushing water. The Leviathan erupted out of the water from below the tracks; it was controlling the waterfalls. Twilight could now see that there were many more daemons than she'd originally thought. As she watched, the Leviathan aimed multiple waterspouts at the creatures, knocking them off the train and tracks. After taking care of the train's blight, the water goddess disappeared through the floating mountains. "Finally made yourself useful huh? You damn overgrown seafood platter!" Twilight called after the Leviathan, having not forgiven her for her rampage in Altissia. It wasn't long after that that the train came to a stop in Tenebrae's station and the passengers started piling out. Now with a moment to breathe, Noctis and Twilight jumped off the train and sat off to the sides. They stayed away from the rest of the passengers, who were abuzz talking about what they had seen out of the train windows. "Woah, you look like shit," a familiar voice called from behind them. "No more than the ass it came from," Twilight groaned as she stood and turned to meet Aranea. "Anyway-" Before Aranea was able to get another word in, Twilight hugged her. Though Twilight wasn't crying, just her clinging like that was all the proof Aranea needed. "She really is gone," she mused to no one in particular. Twilight's grip tightened a bit. "We have to be strong Twilight; it's what she would have wanted." "I know, but it hurts all the same." Twilight sighed deeply then let go of Aranea. "I guess we have to thank you for a warm welcoming committee for once," Noctis stated as he stood up. "Actually if you want to thank anyone follow me." Aranea gestured for the group to follow. Before Twilight stepped away, she felt a tug on the fabric under her armor. She looked down to see a little girl; Twilight noted that the girl looked to be native to Tenebre. "S-sorceress?" the girl stuttered. Twilight knelt to the girl's level. "Hello little one. Are you with your parents?" The child nodded. "They're over there," she answered and pointed in the opposite direction she was facing. The man and woman she was pointing at were talking amongst each other. "Is Lady Lunafreya with you?" Twilight felt a pang of guilt sink into her gut. Her throat seemed to dry up, knowing that the girl will most likely cry at the truth, but she needed the truth nonetheless. "I... I don't know how to tell you this..." Twilight paused. "Lady Lunafreya is... She's-" "Honey, what are you doing!?" The father had taken notice of his daughter and hurried to her. "You can't run off like that!" he scolded as he picked her up. "I'm so sorry about-" his sentence cut off when he realized who his child had been speaking to. His eyes widened and hopeful tears welled up in his eyes. "Sorceress, by the six. You've returned! Is Lady Lunafreya with you!?" His joyful cries soon brought the attention of others and a crowd began to swarm around Twilight. "Sorceress! Has the Oracle returned safely!?" "The news says she's dead! That can't be true; they said it before and you saved her, right!?" "Please Sorceress, answer us!" Children around her with red faces from crying, wailing women, pleading men. It was unending for Twilight, who could only stand frozen. She didn't know these people by name, but she certainly knew who they were; these were citizens of Tenebrae. They were under the thumb of heavy taxes from the Empire and they knew mostly pain. But they were not without hope. Lunafreya, having been the Oracle, walked the continent working miracles on all who saw her; a wounded body healed by her power, a wounded spirit healed by her smile. Lunafreya was their light and those who talked to her found a life worth living. But now with her death, Twilight was faced with a hard choice. If she lied to them and let them believe Lunafreya lived, they would no doubt risk their lives searching for her, only creating more despair. However, if she told them the truth of Lunafreya's death, not only would they immediately give into their despair and resent Twilight for being unable to rescue the Oracle, but it would also give Aldercapt the satisfaction of having broken the people's spirits for good. Twilight took a deep breath that called everyone to halt their questions. After a moment of pause, Twilight threw her horn to the trains roof and teleported to it. Some people looked around confused, not having noticed the direction. "Everyone!" Twilight announced, bringing their attention to the train. "Please lend me your ears! I wish I had better news for you." She paused to choose her next words carefully. "You are all wondering about the news of the Oracle." Her breath hitched in her throat. "I wish the news was wrong. Lady Lunafreya awakened Leviathan to aid the chosen king in his quest. The Empire tried to stop her and destroy the goddess. I was tasked to help people evacuate along with keeping the Empire at bay. The Oracle ultimately sacrificed herself, taken by the tides. We lost all our light that day." She looked to the downcast and tearful faces of the crowd and clenched her fists. "But out of all the things Lunafreya left behind, she left us with hope," she continued. "This isn't the end! A better tomorrow will come; this darkness that encroaches upon us stands no chance against the light in your souls! That hope resides in all of you, man, woman, and child alike! Do not let despair take you, do not let hopelessness grip your heart. If you do, our Lady Lundafreya's sacrifice will have been for nothing. "We leave you in capable hands, but you must do your part! Once finished here, the Chosen King, his retainers, and I are going to the heart of the cruel Empire who took your country to end this once and for all. The battle will be long, and there is a chance that the solution may not come in an instant. So go forth like our Oracle did and bring hope to all you see! Pick them up at their lowest and tell them that it is not the end! Fight for a better tomorrow! Fight for our Oracle! Fight for our Chosen King!" The people's heads were held high as the fires in their souls seemed to reignite. Heartfelt cheers roared at Twilight's proclamation. Those very same people who moments ago were ready to give up hope. Through their tears shined pride. After a few minutes of hopeful chatter, the crowd began to feel better about events. They continued chatting amongst themselves then dispersed from the station. Twilight could see Noctis and the others standing with Aranea. She hopped off the top of the train as they walked up. "Nice speech," Aranea commented. "I just hope we can pull it off," Twilight stated. "Way to pile on the pressure," Noctis groaned. "Anyway, we are taking the train to Gralea." "Good," Twilight responded. "Though I can do a lot of things Noctis, conducting a train isn't one of them." "Well you could at least try," Ignis suggested with a half-smile. "That's why I'm letting Biggs and Wedge with you," Aranea said. She used her head to point in the direction of two men that were walking toward them. "Long time, Sorceress," Biggs greeted as both men saluted to Twilight. "We will be in the train. Just see us when you're all ready to shove off," Wedge said before disappearing onto the train. Twilight nods and turns back to the group. "Ready when you are." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria) (Crystal Empire) Spike had spent the afternoon with his guard up; news of the invasion had spread through the empire quickly. All of a sudden, night that should have been hours away had already fallen. He knew something was wrong, and despite doing his best to remain stoic, deep down he felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. Though that knot was mostly for the problems at hand, some of it was also from the thought that he really may never see Twilight, his mother, again. "I want patrols around the empire, groups of four. Do not wander off by yourselves!" Spike barked to several lines of multi-colored crystal guard ponies. "Sir!" they answered in compliance. "We are to receive the refugees from Canterlot in a matter of hours, so expect shift changes." Then he directed his attention to Thorax. "I'm going to need your help detecting if any changelings are among the refugees." Thorax grimaced at the idea. "Are you sure that's a good idea Spike?" "I know I'm asking a lot Thorax," Spike responded. He placed a reassuring hand on Thorax's back. "We need to show them that you aren't like the others." Spike looked him in the eye. "Trust is going to be a great issue for many. Please don't give me a reason to not trust you. If you know anything, anything at all, please tell me." Thorax huffed. "I haven't seen or heard anything. I was just as shocked as you are; I never thought they'd be able to take the capital that easily. That's what's bothering me." Thorax gulped and took a look toward the door, where a guard glared at him. He squinted at the guard, whose eyes glowed green for a single moment. "Pharynx," Thorax whispered. "Uh, Thorax? You okay buddy?" Spike snapped his fingers, shaking Thorax out of his daze. "Y-yeah, sorry. I... I was just thinking. Queen Chrysalis doesn't have the power to launch a direct assault on your capital. I mean if she did I would bet we wouldn't be standing here right now." "You make a good point." Spike rested his chin between his indes finger and thumb, pondering for a moment. "You think some of them shape-shifted and replaced the guards and castle staff?" "What if it was more than that?" Thorax briefly glimpsed at the guard near the door, who was scowling at this point. "What if it was also because they had help from a pony on the inside?" "Are you insinuating that the changeling invasion is the result of one of our own selling us out?" Spike almost growled. "Take care what you say, Thorax." "I-I'm just suggesting it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility." Thorax backed away. "I wouldn't say this if I wasn't at least a little sure. I've come to call you my friend Spike. Just please heed what I say. There might be traitors in your midst." "Your kind contributed in tearing my mother away from me," Spike snarled. "But I have made you the only exception to them. I will take your words into consideration, but know this: If and when we fight them, I don't care if they are your brothers and sisters, I will show them no mercy. Now let's get down to the train station." Spike and Thorax began to leave. As the latter passed the door guard, he whispered a single word that tore Thorax's heart to pieces. "Traitor." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Eos) (Enroute to Niflheim) The Ghorovas Rift- resting place of Shiva, the Glacion. At least, it was before the forces of Niflheim launched an all out attack on her in her sleep. Being blindsided by the power-hungry Empire, the Glacion never stood a chance. Now her massive cold corpse rests in the waters of Rift. Her death has caused a massive winter storm to blanket the region, which is the reason the train Twilight and the others were on hit pockets of ice frequelty as it made its way to the Imperial Capital. "Noct, you're making me nervous. Sit down," Twilight said to Noctis, annoyance present in her tone. He had been pacing up and down the cabin. His head snapped to her, but he complied and reluctantly took a seat beside her. Ignis and Gladio were across from them. "I'm just worried," Noctis sighed. "What if Prompto isn't there?" "He will be," Twilight assured him. "Twilight and I have been going back and forth on the Chancellor's behavior," Ignis chimed in. "Though his motives are unreadalbe, we think we've figured out a bit of how he operates." "Izunia is always luring us somewhere," Gladio said. "As if he wants us to get further to our goals." "He could have killed us or taken us to the Emperor at any time," Ignis added. "I think it's more than ovious that he is not allied with the old man," Twilight reasoned. "His reasons are his own." "So you think he will have Prompto with him?" Noctis asked. "I'd stake my life on it," Gladio stated with a nod. "No doubt he will try to get us in a precarious situation by presenting Prompto. He'll most definitely be alive. Ardyn wouldn't want anything to make you lose faith in your calling," Ignis continued. "Sorry to interrupt anything chaps," Biggs called over the intercom. "We'll have to stop and check the engine." "Twilight, go up there and help them," Ignis said. "What?" "Chances are the engine is frozen. Your magic can help out without setting the train ablaze." "Fine, but be careful," Twilight warned. Noctis moved out of the way for her and she made her way to the front of the train. Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio then stepped outside. "Geez, it's cold!" Noctis exclaimed with a shiver. "No whining!" Gladio called. "We've got company!" He then rushed toward a goblin. "Keep Iggy sa-" But before he could finish his statement Ignis ran past him and threw a dagger into two other goblins Gladio hadn't noticed. Ignis sent an electrical current through the daggers, frying the deamons before a hobgoblin attempted to swing at him. A gust of frozen winds burst from where Ignis had been standing, momentarily catching the hobgoblin off-guard; it hadn't seen Ignis jump away, and definitely didn't see the item he'd left behind. It looked around for a moment in confusion. Ignis pushed up his glasses as his left item activated. The hobgoblin howled into the night skies as it was engulfed in an explosion of flames. Noctis watched the encounter slack-jawed. "Ignis!?" "It seems I'm getting used to this 'aura ability,'" Ignis replied. "I'll have to thank Twilight later." "I'll be damned," Gladio commented, a look of mild awe on his face. "The praise will have to wait; we've got more company." The three friends continued to defend the train, facing many deamons that had crawled up from all corners of the bridge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Twilight was holding her horn against the engine, trying to heat up the engine. "Come on, come on," she muttered to herself. Her lavender aura was surrounding the engine, and it was indeed warming it up. But it was not happening nearly as fast as she'd hoped. "Don't overdo it Twilight," Biggs said beside her. "Yeah, if you blow the engine we'll be walking the rest of the way," Wedge threw in. "Shut up. I'm working as fast as I can," she grumbled. "I swear, if this doesn't get done right now, I'll-" Bladekeeper, Twilight heard over the violent winds outside. "What was that?" she asked, looking to Biggs and Wedge. "What? I didn't hear anything other than the fighting," Wedge said. "Hurry it up Twilight!" "Working on it!" She continued warming up the engine. The one who guides this world to its destruction. Ardyn is a mere pawn of fate. This whisper lingered in Twilight's ears. "Okay Twilight you've done enough," Biggs told her. "We'll get the train back up and running. You go outside and help them." "Got it." Twilight nodded in compliance and hurried to the nearest exit. Upon making it outside she saw that the group was cornered by a large insect deamon. She hurled several fireballs at the creature's back, taking its attention so the others can openly attack it without harming the train. Gladio slashed one of the deamon's legs, tripping it in the process. Noctis followed as it stumbled forward and flung his sword to the creature's face. After he warped to his weapon he sliced the insect's neck, then kicked off and away from it as it thrashed about. Not to be outdone by them despite his handicap and newfound power, Ignis ignited the ground behind the deamon. This formed a large slick puddle that the creature ended up slipping on, sending it to slip off the bridge. Before the creature could grasp at the bridge to fix itself, a thick column of ice formed above it then promptly plunged down it. They could hear it screeching as it tumbled into the blackness below them. "Nice job Twilight," Noctis commented. "Thanks," Twilight responded, putting her horn away. "Let's get back into the train, it's freezing out here." Gladio started making his way back to the train with Ignis close behind. As Twilight and Noctis made their way toward the train, they noticed a familiar figure skulk past the doorway. Before Noctis could make a dash for him, Twilight grasped his shoulder. "Not this time Noct," Twilight said, holding the struggling king's shoulder tightly. "You saw it too!" he shouted back. "Ardyn wants to corner us!" she argued. "I'm not saying we don't go after him; one of us should chase him through the cars, and one should run along the outside." Noctis nodded. "Hurry; the others are in danger." Twilight let him go and ran along the train, attempting to keep pace with Noctis. Twilight dodged icy obstacles along the way. Though she tried to keep up, she did fall behind just slightly. Upon reaching the third train car, a gust of freezing air and snow blew through, knocking right into Noctis. He attempted to bite back the bitter cold. A shadow began taking shape from the front of the car, mocking Noctis as he fought against the wind. "Do hurry, Noct," Ardyn mocked. "Your friends are in peril. I think the cold has gotten to them." Ardyn stood before an unconscious Ignis and Gladio. The cold finally took its toll on Noctis, who fell before a very amused Ardyn. Twilight reached the train car door then, finding that it was frozen shut. "Dammit!" she shouted before attempting to shoulder bash the frost off the door. She could soon here the joints give away and shoulder bashed it a few more times. Noctis did his best to fight unconsciousness as the cold ravaged him. He'd been greatly unprepared for such a feat but refused to be at Ardyn's mercy. The very thought of it sent adrenaline through his body. And before the merciless winds could do any more damage, they suddenly calmed. The snow inside the car slowed to a light fall as another figure came into view. "A cold that can only be yours," Adryn mused casually. Gentiana gracefully walked toward them, lightly pressing a finger to her lips. "The same form you used when-" Before he could finish, Gentiana put the finger from her lips to his, stilling him in an instant. "O, King, let it be done. As promised to the Oracle," she proclaimed. A light then consumed her and she rose from the ground. A crash almost broke the moment along with the cries of a faint voice from the other side of the car, which seemed so far away to Noctis now. Once the light died it was no longer Gentiana that stood in front of Noctis, but Shiva. The Astral of Ice. She stared into Noctis's soul with cold, yet gentle crystalline purple eyes. "King of kings, restore light unto the world. You must fulfill your calling." Shiva summoned a familiar trident then promptly handed it to Noctis. "Gentiana!?" Twilight gasped. The astral turned to see the Sorceress, the look in her eyes now remorseful. "Twilight," Shiva responded. "You... You..." Twilight stammered. "You LIED to me!" she yelled. Without giving the goddess a second to blink before tackling her, knocking into Noctis in the process. She was currently oblivious to the other two laying unconscious on the floor. "Twilight you must give me time to explain!" Shiva pleaded while she attempted to hold Twilight back. "I've had ENOUGH of you stupid astrals' excuses!" A flame began to envelop Twilight. In a moment she violently tosses Shiva out of a window, soon following her out to prevent the goddess from escaping. Twilight clapped her hands around Shiva's neck and slammed her into the snow. "You knew, didn't you!?" Shiva's neck sizzled slightly under Twilight's hands, causing some pain. "You knew all along she was going to die, and you did NOTHING!" "T-Twilight, please-" "NO! I won't hear it! I refuse to play this game! I trusted you! But you're just another damn god playing out your schemes. I hate you!" Tears started falling from Twilight's eyes, landing on Shiva's face. Burning their destinations. "Twilight," Shiva spoke softly. She gently placed a hand on Twilight's cheek despite the heat. "My dear child. You come from such a far away land and have made such wonderful connections. Though you cannot change what's already in motion... you can change the future. "You must defeat the one who orchestrates this farce though your only reward will be a world on your shoulders. But I will be beside you. You must help Noctis ascend." With that Shiva vanished into the snow, leaving Twilight kneeling with damp hands. The cold didn't seem to bother her, even as the excess heat left her body. "Twilight!" Noctis called from inside the train. She snapped out of her daze and hurried back into the car. As she entered, she saw Noctis shatter a frozen Ardyn with the trident. By then the snow in the cabin had dispelled, seeming to have gone along with the ice goddess. Twilight walked over to Ignis and Gladio, who were still on the floor. She knelt between them and shook them. "Hey, this is no time for a nap." She tried a humorous tone, but it came out with a slight bite. This did rouse the two. "What happened?" Gladio asked, looking around. "Another damned astral," she scoffed. "Personally I've had enough of them. She stood and helped the guys up, then crossed her arms. "Go check on the drivers," Noct mentioned once they were settled. The three of them decided to go together and headed to the front. Before Noctis could follow though, a voice stopped him. "I think I've earned the right by now to call you Noct," Ardyn taunted calmly. "How!?" Noctis shouted in anger. "Oh, how am I still alive? Well that's easy enough to answer without too many spoilers. Shiva's cold touch has brought an end to men by the hundred of thousands, but sadly I cannot be counted among that number, seeing as I'm immortal. Such is my curse," he added with a shrug. "Nevertheless, you did hurt me Noct. My feelings, at least. And after all the memories we've shared." He pulled out Prompto's pistol, holding it against Noctis's chest. Only to then pull it away. Noctis tried to make a grab for it. "Now now, you mustn't take what isn't yours," Ardyn taunted. He waltzed away from the young king. "Where is he!?" Noctis demanded. Ardyn only smirked knowingly at the question. "Where?" Ardyn ponders. "He's only a short shot away. I'm sure you'll have a blessed reunion in Gralea." Ardyne strolled back up to Noctis and pushed him aside. "You may even find your crystal there. And with all the Daemons around you could certainly use it." He smirked once more. "Off you go then, I don't want to keep you from your friend." Noctis failed to notice that there was a remote in Ardyn's hand, which he pressed as he walked off the train car, chuckling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Crystal Empire) (train station) The train pulled in with the hysterical commotion that would be expected with all things considered. The very moment the locomotor came to a halt, the ponies started spilling out, attempting to make a break for the Empires entrance. Only, Spike was blocking their path. The noble hero of the Crystal Empire could feel the pain and fear in the ponies' eyes as they rushed toward him. The crystal guards stood beside him, spears at their sides. Soon the gatekeepers were reinforced by Nightmare Moon, Dusk, and her Nightguard. "Everypony coming off the train, please form a single file line!" Spike shouted. "We must make sure that no changeling has disguised themselves and hidden among you on the trip here. I present you with one of our own Crystal Empire citizens; Thorax." Spike stepped aside and let Thorax come out from behind the guards. Some ponies in the crowd screamed, and some packed away in panic. "He has been a citizen for some time now, and has been a great help around the Empire. I was skeptical at first, but he has given me no reason to not trust him. I wish for you to separate the actions of Chrysalis and her armies from him." "P-please line up single file," Thorax nervously repeated. "I... I know this is going to be hard, but I need to stare into your eyes. I can detect the magic from my siblings from them." Though the protest was strong, the ponies felt they had no other choice if they wanted into their last option of shelter. They cooperated and hesitantly formed a line long enough to double the train's length. Dusk and her Nightguards stood along points throughout the line to watch for any suspicious activity. "What are they thinking?" one pony complained loudly. "First Nightmare Moon, now a changeling! By Faust, has the world gone mad?" another grumbled. "Mommy, that thing scares me," a foal whimpered as she clung to her mother's leg. The bitter taste of fear and resentment filled Thorax's tongue. He knew he could pray that this transition goes smoothly. However, if Harmony was out the door luck jumped out the window even faster. A mare walked up to Thorax, giving him a pleading look. After a few seconds looking into her eyes, a green glint shone within them. "Changeling," he said out of reflex. The mare dashed toward the gates, causing all the ponies behind her to panic. Before she could gain enough speed to leap over the gates though, Nightmare Moon slammed the mare down with her magic. The force caused the mare to burst into green flame, knocking the camouflage off of the slender changeling. "Brother!" the female changeling called to Thorax in anger. "How could you betray us!? Mother gave us everything! You'd condemn us to starve to death!" Nightmare Moon lifted the insect-like pony into the air. "You're going to tell me everything you know about this invasion," she demanded. But the changeling ignored the question. "Brother! Why?" she called again. "We're your family!" She was struggling to get free from the celestial pony's magic. "Take it from here, Captain Dusk!" Nightmare Moon shouted before dragging the changeling off. She was still crying out for Thorax. "Spike." Thorax turned to him with neon green tears running from his eyes. "Please don't hurt her." "I can't promise anything if we have to get forceful to get information. But I'll make sure nothing bad happens to her." "Th-then let's keep going," Thorax said, his voice shaky. He wiped his eyes and continued with the examinations. > A Brother's Farewell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Eos) (just outside of Gralea) There was no more trouble beyond the run in with Ardyn, but a heavy feeling had grown between the four of them. They grouped back together, Twilight taking her seat beside Noctis while Ignis sat across from them. Gladio leaned on the side of the train seat Ignis was in. "We're nearing Gralea," Ignis stated. "Wonder what's waiting for us," Gladio pondered. "Swarms of Daemons," Noctis mused. "I can't think we wouldn't have a task force waiting for us," Twilight commented. The others raised their brows at her. "As in, I would assume the Daemons would be kept to larger areas of the Empire." "Twilight," Ignis called. "Do you know anything about Zegnautus?" "It's a mega fortress. Finest the Empire has ever built, and also acts as their castle." Twilight leaned back in her chair. "Are you able to guide us to the keep?" "Definitely. We can take the elevator straight to the throne room. But before that we need to go to the most western side of the building... To the torture chamber." She cast her eyes down at the last part. "Why would we want to-" Noctis started, but stopped when he realized. His eyes widened a little. "Prompto," he answered his own question. Twilight nodded. "I had been talking it over with Gladio. If we want to predict Ardyn we have to think like him. Which made us ask where we would keep Prompto held hostage were we Ardyn?" She let the question hang in the air for a moment. "Bzzt, times up. The answer is the torture room. We'll go there first to rescue him, then we'll go to the crystal." "Hmm," Gladio responds. "Good plan, and you incorporated Prompto first." "He's our friend; we can't just forget about him." Gladio nods in respect. "Then we'll have to be ready for anything," Ignis mentioned. "Although," Gladio adds, "I'm having a hard time buying the whole 'crystal can purge all daemons'." He added air quotes with his fingers for more emphasis, then shrugged. "It does seem a bit far-fetched," Twilight agreed. "But the old man made this war machine of a nation turn all eyes on Lucis for this thing. It must be more special than just a war trophy." "I guess the proof will be in the purging," Ignis said. "All we know is that the daemons are growing stronger as the night goes on. If they in fact can be destroyed by the crystal's light, then it will save not only Lucis, but the world." "I get the feeling it's not going to be that easy," Twilight said. "Ardyn is just letting us waltz right in and tap on this rock, and suddenly boom, the daemons are gone and it's all sunshine and rainbows." "We'll know what happens when we take it back," Noctis piped up. He'd stayed quiet through the conversation, listening to his party. At that moment the train skidded to a halt. "What the hell?" Gladio moves to look out the window. "Did we make it?" Ignis asked. "No, I think the welcoming committee just showed up," Twilight answered. "Come on Ignis." Twilight helped him out of his seat and they started their way through the train cars with Noctis close behind them. Then suddenly a force slammed into a nearby window, sending cracks through the glass. "The train is being overrun!" Biggs called over the intercom. "We're just outside Gralea's gates; get to your vehicles and don't worry about us!" "Thanks guys," Twilight said, more to herself. She morphed her horn into a sword as a goblin was trying its damnedest to bust through the window. "Let's do this." Noctis flicked his wrist but nothing happened. "What's wrong?" Gladio shouted at his own attempt to summon his great sword. "My weapons won't summon," Noctis stated, a look of slight shock on his face. As Ignis looked around with his limited sight, he found that there was a red mist clouding the others' auras. "There's red mist everywhere," he mentioned. "Then we run!" Twilight announced. She stabbed the goblin, who had finally broken through the window. She heaved its body out the window, knocking another goblin off the train in the process. But another one had made its way inside. The party bolted through more train cars with the goblin chasing them. "We're not going to have anymore room to run soon!" Ignis shouted as he ducked under a leaping goblin. "I'm open to suggestions!" Noctis called back. "Just like Biggs said; we take the Regalia!" Ignis responded, now being pulled by Gladio. By now they'd reached the unit holding their vehicles (the caboose). The guys sprinted to the Regalia while Twilight makes a mad dash for her motorcycle. Outside of the train, the tunnel they were in started flashing red and metal groaning could be heard as a robotic voice started talking on the train's intercom. (Emergency: threat level four; closing gate). Twilight muttered obscenities at herself as she pushed herself to run faster. They had to get out as fast as they could or the tunnel doors would close and trap them inside. She looked around for the button to active the garage-like door and pushed it multiple times until she saw and heard the door start to move. "Come on!" Twilight shouted as the other three piled into the car, Noctis taking the driver's seat. "If the gate closes while we're inside we'll be sitting ducks! I'll clear debris in our paths but whatever you do, don't stop!" Twilight sped out of the train as the door had risen just enough for her to fit through. Noctis followed suit. The two vehicles blazed through the tunnel. From in front of the Regalia, Ignis could see Twilight's magical aura surrounding her. He also noted the echoes around him. "I see Twilight!" he exclaimed. "Are we in a tunnel!?" "Yeah, I'm sticking behind Twilight," Noctis responds, not taking his eyes off his target. "Like glue," Gladio quipped as Noctis swerved in unison with Twilight. They sped through debris that Twilight moves out of the way, and within moments they are out of the tunnel. But of course they have no time to relax, for Magitek transports had been waiting for them, hovering menacingly above them. The transports, with heavy artillery it seems, opened fire on the group as their two vehicles sped down the tracks. "Damn it! They're bombarding us!" Noctis tried his best to swerve from the blasts, and to his credit he was mostly successful; there was only so much room on the tracks, and one wrong move could send them barreling to the ground. Twilight was also weaving around the blasts. Twilight's long and torturous hours of training had molded her into a weapon; unafraid and unwilling to second guess herself in these kinds of situations. She dodged another volley of explosions and turned to see if the Regalia was still behind her. In doing so, she sees the it get hit by several well-placed rounds. "The Regalia can take the punishment!" Ignis announced as another blast rocked the car. Though he was sure of it, the car began to lose some momentum. Twilight seemed to notice this and pulled out her horn. "What is she doing!?" Noctis asked in mild frustration. "She's lifted a barrier around us." Ignis tries shouting in panic for her to hear, "No Twilight! The Regalia can take it! Worry about yourself!" Another barrage rained down around them, exploding on the barrier Twilight had conjured. The two vehicles continued their escape with Twilight swerving and dodging the rounds, and never getting too far away from the car. In a last ditch effort to stop them, the transports fire all at once. Twilight maintained her barrier as she continued dodging attacks. A round manages to explode near her though, and the force of it sends her crashing into the railing. "Twilight!" Ignis yelled. Twilight fell over the railing just before the car was rocked by more explosions. As she feel, Twilight caught a glimpse of Ardyn. He was smiling and pointing away from himself, to an adjacent ledge. Twilight threw her horn to the ledge and teleported. The sudden stop brought a dull crunch in her shoulder, eliciting a cry of pain. But she pushed through it and pulled herself up with labored grunts. Once on solid ground she rolled over, panting to catch her breath. Looking around, Twilight found that in the excitement of the chase they had followed the tracks into Gralea. After a moment to catch her breath Twilight stood up, minding the pain in her shoulder. She made her way towards a nearby wall and, in a swift motion, rammed her shoulder into it. This resulted in a sickening pop that echoed through the air. "OH! That's brisk!" she yelled through clenched teeth. Preparing for more pain, she rotated her arm to make sure it was properly relocated, then sighs. "One hundred, eighty nine days without a dislocated shoulder. A new record." She holsters her horn. Why did Ardyn save me? she thought to herself. Twilight took a few more moments to center herself and figure out where in the city she was. Something was off in her inspection though; it seemed entirely too quiet. Like no one around. The buildings around her looked empty, some looked in disrepair even. Hmm. Once she had her bearings she realized she wasn't too far from the castle. Immediately she made her way there, certain that she would meet back up with the guys there. On her way, she noticed that what she could see of the city was desolate. Odd... She found the castle doors unlocked, even more odd, and entered the now-quiet building. No guards in here. What's going on? Twilight made her way in, but kept herself ready to defend herself. She moved through the entrance hall slowly at first. Then she heard the sound of the intercom activating. "Now now, don't doddle Twilight," Ardyn's voice echoed. "Your friends and your dear brother are scattered throughout the facility. You wouldn't want to be too late to rescue them." Twilight looked around to find the camera he was watching her in. A smug look crossed her face as she crossed her arms. "The old man must be going senile, letting the little kids play with the speaker systems. Well, have your fun Junior," she added, tipping her imaginary cowboy hat. She flips the bird at the camera. "Once I find everyone I'll be putting this one to bed." She starts walking down the hallway again. Geez! she thought to herself. What's happened to this place?! The city is in ruins and containment measures failed. Did Ardyn have a hand in this? At this point she was aimlessly hurrying down several hallways. "Something tells me this place is new to you, Twilight," Ardyn piped up again. "Don't worry; I have a tour planned especially for you. Do take a left up here past the hall you're in currently." "Leading me on like a mouse through a maze, huh Ardyn?" Twilight growled. She slowly walked through the sterilized hallways. Though she thought she hadn't seen lights on the way in, it seemed to be very well-lit. A generator must be supplying power to this section of the building. "Now, once you arrive at the end, take a left. Pick up the tape recorder on your way," Ardyn instructed. The tape recorder was on an empty shelf. With some reluctance, she picked it up. She pushed play as she continued through the empty halls. "Niflheim Head of Research and Development: Verstael Besihia. Log: zero, zero, three, seven, three: year seven hundred, thirty-eight. The occupation of Tenebrae was a success. Although the Queen was assassinated and her heirs captured and the initial objective was completed, His Holiness was not pleased at the escape of Lucis's king and prince. Then much to our surprise there was a girl among the captives with very unusual abilities." Twilight scoffed. "Just like him to keep recordings of his findings," she retorted. Her journey through the halls ended at an automatic double-door. Inside was a lab with multiple monitors showing 3D models of Twilight. Her horn was on the upper left part of the screen, undergoing its own scanning. Many notes were scattered around tables, along with various drawings of armor and weapons pinned up along the walls. "What is all this?" "Oh come now Twilight. You can't tell me you're surprised. Besithia was obsessed with research that would give the Empire an edge and you were among his fixations. Oh the things he found. But, I think it's best if the old man told you himself." As the words left his lips, Twilight noticed a glowing platform from the corner of her eye. Cautiously, she touched a button at its base. This caused a light to shoot up from the bottom, revealing Verstael Besithia's holographic form in the center. "Amazing," Verstael muttered. "What the he-" before Twilight could finish her sentence the hologram flickered. The Besithia hologram continued speaking. "This technology was a pipedream at best," he started. "The strides that I have taken because of this girl... I guess I should begin recording," he mused. "Verstael Besithia; prototype entry one. What you see before you is one of the many byproducts of the experiments I have conducted on the new subject. It would seem that she possesses a latent ability to use some, for a lack of a better term, 'alien' form of magic; something that works on a different level than what the Lucians use. Though she wasn't of much use during her initial field tests, she managed to fend off several Kingsglaive; they were perplexed by her ability and retreated. She will no doubt be punished. I must inform the general to not damage her brain or other vital organs until I can ascertain where this magic's origin point lies." The hologram faded. "Bastard," Twilight growled. She pressed another glowing button, next to the first. Besithia cam back to life with an unnerving grin on his aging face. "Verstael Besithia; prototype entry two. I couldn't have been more wrong! The subject's entire being is her magical source. Upon analyzing the subject's body in combat (after much more training, of course), she effortlessly channeled her magic power into her device, making it reshape itself into a weapon. Each phased weapon came with all the same lethality of real ones, by the looks of it. Similar to the Kingsglaive the subject is able to hurl her trinket and teleport directly to it, regardless of the form it takes. Upon learning a semblance of its nature and some struggle, I've obtained it for research." A hologram of Twilight's horn appeared above Besithia before enlarging. The other holograms shrank to accommodate the new image. Various measurements were popped up as well. "The object itself is not made of metal," Besithia continued. "The substance looks and feels more organic than that. Almost like it's made out of bone. Could it be the subject found this object and imbued it with power? Or is this object a part of her? It will take some time to fully uncover the secrets behind these discoveries. "On a side note, it seems like this object is linked to the very forces of nature istelf. We once thought the elements were owned by The Six. Unable to obtain them, they would be our mortal enemy on our way to ascension. But now things have changed. I look forward to new findings." The hologram faded once more. "So the fool had it out for my horn?" Twilight said, not really expecting and answer. "What of it?" "Well that's not all. There is one more entry, and I think you'll find it mind blowing. Certainly was a surprise to me, which is quite the feat now-a-days," Ardyn remarked. "You love discovery as much as any scholar, do play the next one." Mild irritation began to gnaw at Twilight; she had more important things to get to than just listen to a fool's ramblings. She pushed another button, prompting yet another Besithia hologram to spring up. Though this one seemed to be uncharacteristically fumbling through the recording. "Verstael Besithia; prototype entry three. I theorized many different things I could uncover in the research of the subject's device, but the magnitude of this discovery could not be greater. It seems that the magic within this device has triggered a resonance within me... as if I can feel magical sources. Sources of life, any living thing, from the basic elements to living organisms. "The magic potential also seems to be far greater in sentient beings. I propose that it may stem from our ability to think on a level beyond mere instincts. With enough time and effort, all of Niflheim could learn how to use the subject's magic." Twilight's eyes widened in alarm. Besithia continued. "However my research will come to a close here. The key factor in it is time. And time is something His Holiness does not presently have. He may become divinity once we've obtained the crystal, but until then he is still mortal with mortal limitations. Besides that, it seems my research did not go unnoticed. Chancellor Izunia desired all my work on this subject to be transferred to the Keep and kept between us. In turn, he will help me with Project Immortalis. "As much as I'd hate to dismiss such finds, my ascension to godhood would more than make up for the loss. So as of now, this will be my last transmission. Farewell Izunia and best of luck with your endeavors." With that the hologram fizzles out for the final time. "Why!?" Twilight looked around the room in anger. "You could have won the war with ease with this information. The magic!? My horn! What are you playing at?" She slammed her fist on the desk nearest to her. "Well I couldn't have the Empire win without my chance at revenge," Ardyn stated bluntly. "Personally, ever since I learned about who you really were, I've hated you. You wouldn't understand. You coward: You, who got to run away from your destiny. Something I was never granted, you were in such dire straits in a land of peace. I am nothing more than a pawn of the Gods." The room went pitch black. "Since I know of your past, it's only fair you know mine." The ground fell apart from under Twilight. She let out a scream as she fell into the abyss beneath. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Zegnautus Keep) (outer entrance) The Regalia's ruined frame came to a stop in front of a blockade of destroyed train cars. Noctis opened the driver's side door (by some miracle despite the damage, the doors were still functional) and got out of the vehicle. Gladio quickly followed then helped Ignis out of the back seat. Once Ignis was out he darted around, looking for any signs of Twilight's aura. "No! No no no no no!" He started fumbling through the debris with his cane, trying to find the edge of the rails. "Pull yourself together!" Gladio said, grabbing Ignis before he sent himself over. "We saw her go over the edge-" "She's alive!" Ignis insisted. "If a fall was enough to do her in, she wouldn't have garnered such a fierce reputation." His words had a bit of venom in them. Normally realism never bothered Ignis, but for some reason with faced with the idea of Twilight dying... it was as if his mind refused to accept such an outlandish thought. "She may have gotten into the Keep before us," Noctis called out to them. "We need to find Prompto." "He's right," Gladio agreed, easing his grip on Ignis. "We should find Twilight along the way. But we have to rescue Prompto." Worry tinged his voice. "Yes, you're right," Ignis breathed out after a moment. "Let's hurry." Gladio helped lead Ignis back to Noctis, then the three friends made their way around the wrecked trains. Noctis looked back for a second at the destroyed Regalia. His father's trusty stead, passed down to his son. The only memory left of his father laid to rest in good company with other pieces of junk. The thought made his eyes glossy with tears. In the end it was a small price to pay to bring an end to this nightmare. "Hurry Noct!" Gladio warned, ducking under debris with Ignis. "The Daemons are still out here!" "Right," Noctis answered. He moved to lead them and at the same time he heard some creaking noises from a nearby train car. It looked like it had gotten lodged off the tracks after crashing against another car; it was raised a bit off the ground. Noctis ducked and hurried under it. On the other side, he heard more groaning noises coming from it. In his mind he could see the train crushing his friends. In a panic, Noctis threw Ignis back, right into Gladio, which sent the two stumbling and falling away from the groaning metal death trap. He then dived out of the way just as the train car slammed back down. While this action saved the three, it also divided Noctis from the other two. "Noct!" Gladio called over. "Are you okay!?" "For the most part!" Noctis answered. "We'll meet inside the Keep!" Ignis stated. "Try your best to find Prompto, our paths should meet!" "Roger! I'll see you guys inside!" Noctis turned away and ran into a nearby open train car. There were multiple Snaga Daemons in the car, and they went to attack him, but he ducked under it. He didn't feel he hide time to fight; only to run. "Not again," he muttered under his breath. "Izunia you're one son of a bitch, even for a politican!" Noctis rolled under a leaping Snaga and threw himself out of a train window. When he got back to his feet he sprinted for a set of stairs, pushing through more Snagas. More of them followed him as he ran, but were just out of reach. He made it to the door of the Keep and slammed it shut behind him. He locked it, and in a fit of anger he kicked the door. As the scene's silence surrounded him, a plethora of voices resonated all around him. The source of the voices made itself known and Noctis reached into his pocket and pulled out the Ring of Lucii. This ring that the Empire desired; this ring that cost him is kingdom, his father, his bride-to-be. He lost it all for what could be passively judged as a simple fancy stone. But he knew better. There was no running from this. This destiny in his hands. It was up to him to stop the blight and restore Eos. "Here goes nothing," he mumbled to himself. He quickly put the ring on his finger and pain wracked his mind as the voices of the Kings of Old spoke to him. Their ancient weapons were sprawled out in the air and on the walls of his vision as everything became blurry. This ring's selection process was costly. Entire lives of unworthy fools who thought themselves greater than their salvation have met their ends here. Burning cracks of wild magic coursed through the prince. Ash covered his arms and around his eyes. Did the ring find him unworthy? It must have! The pain was almost too intense to bear, but Noctis steeled his resolve. The ring must have noticed, for the voices went quiet. The power of Kings flowed through his veins. Noctis was accepted. With tribulation over, Noctis came back to reality. He was unsure if the power he wielded was controllable or not, but he knew he had to try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Gladio and Ignis) Gladio climbed onto a train car and lifted Ignis onto it, then gave his friend his cane back. "I can see many Daemons, but no way forward," Ignis said calmly. "Sadly it looks like the door is our only path forward," Gladio sighed. "And Noctis is facing them alone, without his powers," Ignis added with concern. "There must be a way to help him." "Ask and you shall receive," Ardyn greeted as he walked to them out of nowhere. "What are you doing here!?" Gladio demanded. "My, my. Such hostility. And after I went through the trouble of bringing you gifts." There was mock pain in his tone. He smirked his signature smirk and snapped his fingers. In the moment, the duo's weapons appeared in their hands. "What the hell?" Gladio looked at his broad sword. "Not, I do believe a thank you is in order," Ardyn commented, looking to the group. "For another one of your stupid tricks?" Gladio smarted off. "Oh, come now. I bring you gifts and you treat me like a pest. I only wanted to tell you that Prompto is doing quite alright. And so is Twilight." Ignis pushed Gladio aside in an effort to get close to Ardyn, with intent to throttle him. "WHERE IS SHE!?" he demanded. "Ah, the way your voice is filled with venom at the idea of her being harmed takes me back to a simpler time. You know you can't hide it Ignis, so why bother?" Ardyn waved him off. "Oh, but you may want to find her soon... before her mind shatters." He chuckled and started walking away. "IZUNIA!-" Ignis shouted. Gladio grabbed his arm. "Keep it together," Gladio said. "He's trying to get in your head." Ignis calmed down. "I understand you want to find her. But Twilight's tough. She won't be beaten by Ardyn, at least not easily. We'll find her before something bad happens. But we need to get moving." The two carefully but hurriedly got off the train car and made their way to the same stairs Noctis had run to before. Gladio side-swung his sword in a wide sweep to take out several Snaga, while Ignis stabbed the ones that survived the initial slash. They continued to the door. Then Gladio found that it was locked. "Dammit!" he cried. He attempted to shoulder-bash the door. "Noct must have barricaded himself to keep the Daemons out here," Ignis suggested. He kicked another Snaga away from them. "Well, sorry to ruin your hard work Noct!" Gladio took his great sword and bashed the door in two. "If we can summon our weapons again do you think Noct can too?" He charged another Snaga. "I doubt it. The Chancellor has been generous, but to an end," Ignis responded. He dodged another creature and ran it through. They fought until the Daemons subsided. "It's over for now," Gladio panted, thankful for a moment's rest. Once Ignis finally caught his breath he turned to Gladio. "I'm sorry." "For what?" Gladio asked. "You're fighting pretty well for a blind man." "For losing my cool back there," Ignis answered. He turned away from Gladio. Gladio put a hand on his shoulder. "If you really want to apologize to me, then be honest with yourself and tell Twilight how you feel." "It's not that simple, Gladio. We have a job to do; we have to protect Noct." "A job we could very well die doing, Iggy," Gladio reassured him. "I wouldn't want any regrets weighing me down. Besides, all of Eos knows she likes you too, so for the love of all that's holy, please quit pussyfooting around and go for it." Ignis couldn't help but smile. "You think so?" "Yeah." Gladio nods to him. "Now let's get moving." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Noctis) Noctis navigated the halls of the fort as best as he could. As he progressed, he noticed the halls were narrower in some areas, wider in others. He weaved through them, seeming to see no end. He had to backtrack multiple times, one dead end after another; Noctis's hope was slowly eroding away. After a while, he came to a large door. He walked through it. From the end of the new hall, he saw a familiar blonde turn the corner and out of view. "Prompto?" Noctis called out. He took off in a sprint. As he rounded the corner he came face-to-face with an oncoming axe. He phase shifted past the weapon, only to be tackled to the floor but a large metallic frame. Noctis got to his feet to meet a Magitek trooper. Though unlike others he's fought, this one was radiating dark energy. Twitching with every move, the soldier leaped at Noctis again, but Noctis was ready. He flipped over the trooper and held out his hand, bearing the ring. Power whispered through him as red wisps fly into the trooper, though its advance was not halted. It charged Noctis again, and Noctis braced for the worst. But the trooper blew up before getting too close. "You must feel helpless without your weapons and your friends," Ardyn's voice called. "It's truly frustrating isn't it, oh Would-Be-King?" "Shut up!" Noctis cried, to the reply of no one. Knowing this was all of Ardyn's sick mind pressed Noctis on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Gladio and Ignis) Though the two companions were plenty worried for Noctis, their biggest obstacle was not the Daemons, but navigating the large fortress. With one man blind, it was up to Gladio to lead the way. This meant there was quite the chance that they would get lost. They did eventually manage to find an elevator and make their way up to a higher floor. So luck might have been on their side. "It's quiet; too quiet," Gladio mumbled. "I think Noct has been through here." "That would explain the lack of Daemons," Ignis mused. "Though I'm not sure how-" His eyes went wide with realization. "The Ring." "Right this way gentleman," Ardyn piped up on the intercom system. Gladio attempted to ignore him and tried to go through two large doors. This only resulted in them being shut of him. "Come now. Where is your sense of adventure?" Ardyn mocked. Gladio let out a huff and turned toward the walls with Ignis stumbling close by. "Warmer... warmer... burning up," Ardyn egged the duo on. Once the two got where Ardyn desired, Gladio sees a section of wall open. He mentioned it to Ignis. "Wonder what farce he's leading us into now," Ignis replied. They pressed forward, Gladio leading but staying close to Ignis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Noctis) From one corridor after another, Noctis ducked and hid from renegade Magitek troopers. He was trying his best to avoid a fight whenever possible. Time felt like it had no meaning in the light brown hallways. There was piping and supplies strung out all over the place, making it a little more hard to maneuver. Noctis could swear that he had doubled back a few times without realizing it. But then he finally thought he caught a lucky break of Ardyn's silly games as he made it to large doors that lead to the opposite side of the facility. "It's all coming along nicely isn't it?" Ardyn taunted as Noctis made his way across. With nothing eventful happening, Noctis didn't stick around to find out if something would. Then after making his way through the door, he saw several dead Magitek troopers on the ground. He cautiously walked over them. What happened here? Noctis thought to himself. He walked down another narrow hallway. And froze; he saw Prompto round the corner. "Prompto! Wait!" Noctis called. He was ready to run after his friends, but his stride was broken before it started by a metallic hand grabbing his leg. A Magitek trooper that was once lifeless on the floor glowed violently as it held Noctis in a death grip. Noctis wrestled out of its grasp and jumped away from it in time to avoid being taken out by the trooper's self-destruction. With the small brush of death averted, Noctis pushed on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Gladio and Ignis) A surveillance room? Gladio looks around at the system of monitors that lined the front wall of a rather large, sterilized room. "Maybe we'll be able to find Noctis's location with it," Ignis suggested, some optimism creeping into his voice. Gladio inspected the monitors. Much to his dismay, they were all static, save for one. "Looks like they've all been corrupted, except for this one," Gladio said. He guided Ignis to it and started the recording. The recording showed Ravus confronting a rather unwell-looking Emperor. "I... will be... the God... of the new world," the Emperor wheezed. His delusion having overshadowed his sanity. "Noctis is the rightful King," Ravus stated. "As my sisters have done, I will fight to defend that honor!" He drew his sword and two Mindflayers appeared alongside Ledolas. "Then DIE!" the Emperor shouted. With that, the Mindflayers swooped down on Ravus. Just as he engaged, the feed cut to a room that was barred off with lasers. Inside was the Crystal the group had been searching for. The salvation of the world locked behind a few beams of condensed light. "I see where they have the crystal. But why was the recording cut short?" Gladio wondered aloud. "In case Twilight found this room before us, no doubt," Ignis suggested. "It would make her frantic to see her brother in danger." After another brief moment of pondering he asked, "You said you know where the crystal is?" "Yeah, but it's blocked off." "Maybe we can do something about it from our end; it must take a lot of power to keep that barrier going. So we'll find the room with the largest power output and hut it down." Gladio found the circuit box, and indeed there was a great deal of power being funneled into one room. He shut them off and watched the monitor. He saw the laser grid flicker out of existence, leaving an opening to the crystal. "We did it," he sighed with relief. "Then all that's left will be to find the others and escort Noctis to-" Ignis's words were cut short by the sound of claws along the metal floor. The two shifted their attention in that direction. A large Daemon was headed their way. "Thieves... cannot... prevail! ..... The crystal is mine!.... Its light.... its power... ALL MINE!" With those last words, the creature lunged at them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Noctis) "My my, you truly are helpless without your friends babysitting you," Ardyn taunted for the umpteenth time. As if the fall and the discovery of his father's sword wasn't enough, Ardyn just had to drone on. "Do you ever shut up?" Noctis replied to the air, annoyed. Though, Ardyn wasn't entirely wrong; this journey has only been possible because his friends have been there to help him fight, to tell him when it was okay to breathe, or to buckle down and focus. Confronting a trial is much easier when you have people you can trust watching your back. It would definitely be nice if they were able to help Noctis navigate these hallways though. These halls were beginning to feel like they went on for eternity to Noctis. Soon a group of goblins popped into Noctis's view. He was able to cut them down swiftly with his father's glaive. "The Empire made some rather great strides in the production of Daemons," Ardyn narrated. Noctis made his way through some of the labs after dealing with some more goblins. "Of course, I showed them how. Do you want to know the most interesting fact about Daemons?" He paused for effect. "They are not just some monsters lurking in the dark. They're people, and animals. Children of nature, and you murder them with nary a care. Some of your best bonding moments have come from destroying the poor bastards." Noctis felt his heart sink into his stomach, but pushed on. "Even if that's the case, it can't be helped. The crystal will set them free," Noctis stated. He stepped over some lab clothes- the owners having seemed to vanish from them. Ardyn continues to taunt him. "Oh my boy, is that what you think? That the crystal is part of the reason they suffer now? All for HIS amusement? You're nearing the source of your woes now. Can you survive what lies ahead?" Noctis came to a massive room then. Doors lined every side and a single, dome-shaped structure rested at the heart of the room. He walked slowly, taking in his surroundings. He looked up quickly to see a large contraption aglow with Magitek particles. "That's encouraging," he mumbled to himself. He looked to the dome and noticed a red light shining on a recognition device. He rolled his eyes and searched the back of the dome for a switch. Once he flipped it, the dome ascended the room, along with a platform and stairs to the upper levels. "Finally some good luck for a change," he quips. "Intruder alert. Mobilizing Magitek Infantry," an automatic voice echoed. The doors lining the room burst open, allowing Magitek troopers onto the platform. "Me and my big mouth!" Noctis complained as he readied his weapon. "Where are your friends!? You don't think they abandoned you!?" Ardyn shouted maliciously as Noctis carved through several troopers. Though the upper hand did belong to Noctis for the moment, he knew that if he didn't start running soon he'd eventually be overwhelmed by too many troopers. Once his path was clear enough he made a break for it. "Still haven't found Gladio!?" Ardyn taunted. "I hope he and Ignis didn't split up! Blind men tend to bumble into traps easily." Noctis dashed to the scaffolding. Alarms were blaring very loudly near him, but he sliced through any trooper trying to cut him off. He ducked under an axe man's swing and lost his balance for a moment. He'd fallen on one of the empty lab coats. In a small twist of fate, he feels a hard rectangle in the coat- a keycard. Noctis nabbed it, jumped back to his feet, and continued to run. Thankfully most of the troopers released were inert, their power supplies seemingly brunt out. While he wasn't fighting an army, he was still in a fight for his life. After cutting down the remaining pursuers, Noctis made it to the other side of the scaffolding. There, he sees a device. While panting from his run, we walked up to it and swiped the card. The alarms went silent. "Security raised to level six. Access to level six granted," the robotic voice declared. Despite the newfound access, more Magitek axemen descended upon him. With no place to run, he stood his ground. "Your friends have such bright futures ahead of them. Can you really blame them if they run?" Ardyn chuckled as Noctis fought his way through heavy troopers. Though Noctis fought fiercely, more and more troopers charged toward him. They were built to never tire, or care for their own lives as they threw themselves at the enemy. He weaved his way through them, headed for the platform. An axeman went to grab Noctis, but he was able to kick him into the others, causing them to tumble like dominos. The Ring of Lucii glowed with power as the troopers got to their feet. It was too late for them though; a small black hole opened behind them and sucked them in. This seemed to be a small victory, but then a wraith appeared with more Magitek troopers coming out of the walls. Noctis let out a primal yell of rage and charged at them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Gladio and Ignis) "You hear that!?" Ignis looked to Gladio's direction. "It's Noct! We have to hurry!" Glaido started running. "Remember, I can see your outline! Call out the turns!" Ignis ran after his friend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Noctis) Noctis panted as the last of the troopers went down. A door a ways behind the dome lit up in confirmation, letting Noctis know it was open. He stumbled his way through the door and went through yet another hall. Though, this hall was cut off soon after it began, and once again Noctis saw Prompto take a corner ahead of him. "Prompto!" Noctis called out. He found the strength to run again and took off after his friend. "You just keep running headlong into traps," Ardyn comments. "Not really a King of Caution, are we?" Two doors came alight with electricity and started moving in on Noctis. And if that wasn't bad enough, the troopers on the ground rose up and began to glow. He swiped at them with quick strikes, destroying all but one of them before their cores were overloaded. The last one did manage to explode though, which caused Noctis to fly back, barely missing one of the electrified doors. He scrambled to his feet and tried to put distance between himself and the door, but seemingly to no avail. Both door were closing in on him. "It's Noct!" Gladio cried as he rushed to a door. "He's in trouble!" "There must be a killswitch. Find it!" Ignis says. "How can you be so sure?" "Adryn has, for some reason or another, always has an out. Here would be no different." Ignis's voice was stern. Gladio looked at the switches and pushed a red button. The doors shut off and open up. Noctis stumbled out in a rush, not wanting to leave anything to chance. "Miss us?" Gladio asked. He helped his friend to his feet. "More than you know," Noctis replied. "Ah! Reunited at last! Must be great having friends! Two down, two to go, right Noct?" Ardyn intruded. "The sooner we find Prompto and Twilight, the sooner we can shut him up," Gladio growled. He's just about had enough from the peanut gallery. "Agreed," Ignis said. With Noctis on his feet, the headed through the deactivated trap. It took them to a control center. "Guys, I think these are the cameras for the cells," Noctis stated. He looked to see which screens were active and saw either empty cells, or Daemons skulking about within them. "Then that means one of them shows the torture chamber. Find the monitor Prompto is on and see if there's a corresponding switch for it," Ignis suggested. At first glance they hadn't seen Prompto, but after taking a closer look they found him. He seemed to be in a crucified position, with his arms firmly fastened in restraints. A wave a sickness momentarily washed over Gladio at the sight, but he peeled his eyes away to search for the right switch. He pushed the button and Noctis saw the door open on the monitor. "Okay, if we follow the map and don't waste time we can get to him before any Daemons or troopers make it to him," Noctis said. "Got it," Gladio replied. The two studied the map for a few moments, then headed to the torture chamber, making sure to not leave Ignis behind. Thankfully they didn't run into anything to hinder reaching their destination. Soon they reached their friend. They held their breathe as they carefully worked his restraints off. Prompto's legs went a bit limp when they untied him and he started to fall, but Noctis caught him before he could hit the floor. "Easy," Noctis said. He helped Prompto into a sitting position on the floor. "You okay?" "H-hey," Prompto choked in response. "You came." A haggard smile crossed his face. "Of course we did." Noctis nodded. "Didn't think we'd forget about you did ya?" Prompto smiled nervously. "Th-thanks guys. I had to hear it for myself. That you'd still like the real me." Noctis and Gladio gave each other a quizzical look. "What's that supposed to mean?" they asked. Prompto sighed and stood up. "I'll show you," Prompto answered. "Ardyn told me that the platform he dragged me through to get here was the throne room. In it is the generator Twilight told us about. It's blocking Noct's powers; if we destroy the controls it will shut down." "I knew that noise sounded familiar," Ignis pondered. "We passed it on the way here." "Then let's take out the machine and find Twilight," Prompto declared. He wavered a moment, but steadied himself. The rest nod in agreement, and they make their way back to the throne room. Once there, Prompto got a good look at the door and sighed deeply. He looked back to his friends. "MT's have these bar codes on their wrists," Prompto said. He pulled up his hand and put it under the scanner. It gave an affirmative beep and the doors opened. He paused and looked at his friends in regret. "I'm one of them." The group looked amongst themselves for a brief moment and shrug in unison. "So?" they all three said at once. "What?" The nervousness in Prompto threatened to give way to bewilderment. "You haven't turned against us," Gladio said with a smile. "So why should we treat you any different?" "But I'm the-" "Plus you've never treated me like a prince," Noctis added with a reassuring smile. He entered the throne room. "Not even so much as a 'Your Highness,'" Ignis continued. He followed carefully behind Noctis. Prompto took a moment to let their indifference sink in. He laughed. "What was I thinking? Though I'm not sure how Twilight will react." "She'll be preoccupied with other things. Right Iggy?" Gladio smirked. "Y-yeah." Ignis looked away bashfully. "Here it is," Noctis declared. He skewered a set of electrical boxes with his father's sword. The whirring noises in the room started dying out. "Let's test it out." He took a few deep breaths, focusing himself. In a moment he was able to summon his own weapons. "Yes! Back in business!" Prompto jumped up happily. "Now let's find Twilight!" The celebration was cut short though, as a large Daemons landed just outside the entrance of the throne room. "The Ring... IS... MINE!" the Daemon cried out. It rushed at Noctis, prompting the group to roll out of the way. "Could that be... the Emperor?" Ignis thought aloud. "Then let's give his highness a proper hello!" Noctis shouted. He summoned Prompto's gun and charged the Daemon with the rest of the guys right behind him. They all made sure to steer clear of the creature's claws, but it used its strength to force the group out of the throne room. Several other Daemons were awaiting them. "Prompto!" Noctis shouted. "You got it Noct!" Prompto fired a flare, weakening the lesser Daemons. Ignis swiftly cut down the ones reeling from the light; he was starting to get the hang of his new-found vision. Gladio answered an Iron Giant's swing with his own. Both swords clashed and knocked each other away with the sheer force of the exchange. "THE RING! BELONGS! TO ME!" the Daemon Ledolas leaped at Noctis with killing intent. "ONLY I... CAN UNLOCK ITS TRUE POWER!" Noctis sliced into its side, but it didn't stop the monster from trying to cut his arm off. The thing seemed fixated on the Ring only. Daemons normally shy away from such things but the Emperor's desire has seemed to override the Daemon's instincts. "GIVE IT TO ME!" the Daemon demanded. "With pleasure!" a female voice called out as a lavender colored sword flew into the monster's back. "Twilight!" Ignis said with barely-contained joy as she teleported to her sword. "Help me finish it off!" She drove her sword further in. Noctis switched his short sword for a broadsword. He ran the Emperor through. "The... Empire... shall rule... all..... I shall be... the God... of the new world!" the Daemon cried out before it vanished into particles and smoke. "Burn in Hell and take your new world order with you." Twilight spat on the floor where the Daemon had perished. With the mad emperor gone, Twilight and Noctis were free to help the others. With the combined efforts of the reunited party, the Iron Giant fell, and they found respite for the first time since they arrived. "Twilight!" Prompto called, grabbing her into a hug. "Hey Prompto," Twilight responded. She gently returned the hug. "Get off me please," she added as politely as she could while she pulled away. She looked uncharacteristically anxious. "I cleared a path on the way here; the hanger is free to access. Let's get Noctis to the crystal. You three can protect him while I search for Ravus." "Tw-Twilight, Ravus is-" Noctis tried to say something. He looked to his concerned friends. "I know he's still missing," Twilight said frantically. "So let's hurry." She quickly led the way to the hanger. Sure enough the guys saw signs of a fight, but no Daemons. "Twilight, I-" Ignis started, but was interrupted. "I'm an MT," Prompto blurted out. He was unable to contain his nervousness any longer around her. "No you're not," she answered flatly. She continued leading them through more hallways. "But I am!" Prompto insisted. Twilight groaned and turned to him. "Look Spike!" Twilight shouted. She caught herself and cleared her throat. "Prompto. Yes I know you were technically born as a Magitek infantryman. I saw your barcode while you had your arms around me when we were riding to the Archeon. But that does not mean you're one of them. I should know, I have fought along side them. They show no pity or remorse. I've watched them massacre men, women, and children alike without a single shred of humanity. You are leagues above that." She put a hand on his shoulder as they slowed down and continued speaking. "You're a good friend, a hilarious prankster, part-time photographer, and a hopeless romantic." Though she was saying these things to make him feel better, she wasn't doing much good at all. Prompto saw sadness and fear in her eyes. "Okay." Prompto nodded. "Thanks Twilight." She nodded and led the group into the hanger. "Damn this place is huge," Gladio commented. "Look at all this space," Prompto added. "The elevator is up these stairs," Twilight stated. "It'll take you guys to the loading bay. I'm going to go find Ravus." "Ignis, it's now or never," Gladio whispered. He elbowed his friend. Ignis cleared his throat, but Ardyn's voice piped up on the intercom. "Twilight, what's your rush? Your big brother is coming to see you. No need to worry. Though, he does look a little worse for wear." Just then, a familiar figure shambled toward them from in between the great doors. The group's eyes were wide with horror at what stood before them. But Twilight's eyes were filled with dread and despair as she saw him: Ravus. His entire left side was covered in a pulsating, black substance. The left side of his face was host to an inhuman horn. His pale visage swayed as he looked to the group. Black tears were streaming down his face. "Kill... me... End... it..." The distorted groans of Ravus shattered Twilight's heart. "No... NO! NOOOOO!" Twilight screamed as the new Daemon Ravus roared. "Damn it!" Noctis summoned Lunafreya's Trident and threw it into the air. He teleported to it and came down on the Ravus Daemon's head. In the process he got a good scratch on his own chest. Ravus lazily tried to cut at him, but Noctis rolled away. He summoned his broad sword once more, preparing to counter as Gladio and Prompto assist him. "Twilight!" Ignis yelled as he shook her. "You have to snap out of it! Ravus is gone!" Twilight just smiled from her shaking. "What are you talking about? He's right there. He's just upset." She slowly took a step forward. "It's okay bro. We... we're going home now. The Empire can't hurt us anymore. I killed the emperor. Aren't you proud of me? Big Bro?" "Twilight!" Ignis tried to pull her away. The Daemon Ravus turned to her with its black sword extended. It goes to bring its sword down on her, but Gladio blocked it as best he can. "Pull yourself together!" he told Twilight. He kept his hold long enough for Ignis to pull her out of the way. Gladio was able to roll out of the way then. "Twilight!" Ignis shouted. "I know it hurts, but you have to snap out of it! Ravus is in pain!" Ignis slapped her. Twilight rested her hand on the mark, the stinging sensation just barely bringing her out of shock. The Daemon Ravus recoiled himself to gather dark energy. The tried to back away, only for them to get blasted across the room when Ravus released said energy with a roar. Even Twilight and Ignis were caught in the blast. "T-Twilight!" the Daemon Ravus pleaded. He stumbled toward her and Ignis. "End this... I don't want to do this... Please. End my suffering... Please, sister." Twilight's eyes widened. She only had to think for a moment, then stood up, readying her horn. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, brother. I guess I'll always just be your hopeless sister." Her horn morphed into a broad sword. "Care to dance, one last time?" "You're... never gonna let me... live that down... are you?" Ravus tried his best to reply as a comforting yet humiliating memory had taken form in the back of his mind. Twilight charged at Ravus. He did the same. The clash was fierce enough to send a shockwave throughout the hanger. The other four of the party were shaken by it. "Should we help her?" Ignis asked the others. Gladio shook his head in protest. The others definitely looked like they were ready to jump in at a moment's notice. "No. This is not a fight, but a farewell between siblings." Twilight's stream of tears were unending as she clashed with Ravus once more. She pivoted her heel and swung her weight across the daemonic blade and sliced his chest. Because his human half was fighting for control, the Daemon's movements were restricted to brief bursts of speed. Twilight took advantage of this weakness, but on the inside she was aching over how much he was fighting back. Stubborn to the end. The Daemon Ravus got into an offensive posture, which Twilight copied. They dashed at each other again with blinding speed, each striking the other. Ravus choked out some pained sobs and doubled over. Twilight, not wishing for her brother to get another chance to attack or suffer any longer, threw her sword into the air. She teleported to it and brought it down on his back, piercing his heart. "Thank you... Twilight." Ravus fell onto his back after Twilight pulled her weapon out. "I... I've said horrible things... to you... about you... I'm sorry." "Like I ever cared what you thought of me," Twilight sobbed. She grabbed his hand. "You were upset; I understood." Her eyes were red. Despite the tears that fell she was indeed trying to hold back. "I... I shouldn't have taken it out on you..... Despite all of it, I.. I'm so happy you came into our lives... I never said this enough.. You were the best sister... we could have asked for... Thank you Twilight... I ... I love you." His body was starting to fade into particles. "No! No, no no! Not you too! RAVUS!" Twilight cried. She wanted to hold him, and bent down to do so, but Ignis prevented her from it. He scooted her away, as to not make contact with the particles. "Thank you... Sister..." Ravus finally sputtered. And with those words, his form completely broke into particles and faded away. The only noise in the room for a moment was the sound of Twilight's sobs echoing off the metal walls. "WHY!? Why do I keep losing people!?" Twilight yelled in grief and frustration. All Ignis could do was hold her as she sobbed. "We've got company!" Gladio yelled. Daemons had started rising from the ground. "You could get to the crystal if you leave your friends behind," Ardyn mocked over the intercom. This brought Twilight's blood to a raging boil. "He's right, Noct!" Ignis said. The elevator arrived as if on cue. "We'll handle things here! You just-!" Before he could say more, a lavender aura engulfed the four men. "Fuck. What. He. Says!" Twilight yelled. She threw the four of them into the elevator. "Twilight!" Ignis tried to run out, but was stopped by Twilight's barrier. She slowly walked up to them. "I have lost everyone I cared about. I failed Silva. I failed to protect them. Please don't make me watch you all die too. Ardyn was right about me; I'm just a curse for everyone. And all I'll ever do is destroy lives." Her voice had gone monotonous in her attempt keep herself from crying more. "Since when has that bastard been right about anything we've done!? He's only ever built us up and broke us down for his own convenience and enjoyment. You are not a curse Twilight! You're the best thing that's ever happened to us! To me!" Ignis was shouting at this point. "You're headstrong and brave, and you care too much about burdens that were never yours to hold! That's why... That's why I-!" He was cut off by Twilight firmly yet carefully planting her lips onto his own. He was taken aback for a second, but pushed himself into it. After too short of a time, she pulled back and rested her forehead on his. The taste of her tears lingered on his lips. "I love you too," Twilight said. She took some steps back. The Daemons were coming closer to them. "And," she took a big breath, "your dishes were the best things I've ever tasted." She kicked Ignis back and forced the doors closed. She stabbed the elevator controls, which forced it to go down. "TWILIGHT!" Ignis called out as the elevator dropped. The sounds of distorted cries and the Daemon auras encroaching around her left her fate unanswered. "Oh my! That was unexpected but not unwelcome," Ardyn commented. By the time he'd said it, the elevator had reached it's destination. "Iggy!" Gladio shouted. "We have to go!" He had to physically drag Ignis out of the elevator. Once out, he let him go. Ignis kept his gaze up, trying to see if his aura vision could make out if she was alright. But it was to no avail; all he could see was an aura of bright flames around the platform. "Noct, we'll clear a path. Just focus on getting to the crystal," Gladio said. Just then, a reaper rose from the ground; Gladio quickly bisected it. The four of them proceeded, taking out several hobgoblins along the way. Soon they make it to some rails and they started climbing them. After another few moments, an Iron Giant dropped in front of them, while other Daemons converged around them. "Noct, go! We've got this!" Gladio said. He summoned his broadsword. With little time to waste, Noctis just nodded. "Don't die on me!" He bolted past the giant, narrowly missing its massive sword. Noctis ran to another elevator, not looking behind him as he went. Once in, the doors closed behind him. Thankfully no Daemons had followed him in. "I do hope your friends make it," Ardyn said simply. "How many have sacrificed their lives for you? Did you ever wonder what was going through their minds as they died?" Noctis pressed the button for the top floor and let himself rest on the wall. While here, he attempted to quell the burning in his lungs. Once the elevator came to a stop, he picked his sprint back up. "Almost there," Noctis said to himself. "Quite right, your journey is at an end," Ardyn announced, almost sounding satisfied with himself. Noctis almost ran full force into the crystal. He regained his footing and put his ringed hand into the opening of the multicolor interior. "Please, give me the power to stop the Daemons!" Noctis begged. He was not prepared for what happened next. With great force, the crystal started to pull him in. He struggled to break free of its grip. "Allow me to regal you with a tale," Ardyn said as he walked up to the struggling Noctis. "Two thousand years ago, two men live. These two men were brothers; one was blessed with power to be chosen by this very crystal," he started, gesturing at the stone in question. "The other was not. A scourge of microscopic organisms that fed on light were contorting men into monsters. So one of the brothers gathered armies and put these monsters to the sword, being sure to burn the remains. "While the other brother knew that these Deamons, as they had become known as, were once people, sinners and saints alike. This man saw these people as afflicted and took the scourge into him, cleansing many. One day this crystal called upon him to be crowned King." Noctis couldn't move as Ardyn paced back and forth. "In the end, he was betrayed by his brother. He had everything taken from him." He paused for a moment and looked at Noctis. "I told you my surname was Izunia. Well, I fear that was yet another of my white lies. My true name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum. This crystal has caused me a great deal of suffering. And killing you now will not bring me satisfaction," Ardyn scoffed. "Gain the Crystal's power and arise its champion. Only then will my revenge be complete. Oh, and don't worry about your friends. They'll have plenty to do in your absence. See you in a few years, Noct." Noctis screamed as he was completely pulled into the crystal. "The end is coming." Ardyn turned to walk away, only to be skewered by Gladio's blade. Prompto followed up with several shots to the head. Ardyn fell to the floor, lifeless. His hat rolled onto the ground. Then he got up and simply picked up his hat. His face was a deathly grey color, and there was now a black ooze coming from his eyes and mouth. He waved goodbye to them as he passed Ignis. "By the way, I hope you and Twilight work things out." Ignis turned heel and headed back to the elevator. Down below the hanger, the sounds of screams of Daemons had gone quiet. There was not a sould to be seen; only the remains of melted metal discharged munitions. The doors to the hanger were melted open. There was nothing left. The Daemons were gone. And so was Twilight. > Congelée Coup d'etat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equestria: 2 weeks after the fall of Canterlot) The fall of Canterlot has left an impression on many. The heart of all Equestria's politics, economy, and even the very heart of their peace was ripped out in a matter of minutes. With communications broken down, it only served to add to confusion. The only thing that could be passed around was by word-of-mouth, and those rumors were as bleak as the situation the refugees found themselves in. There were other rumors of changeling scouts along the border, testing the snowy conditions and looking for other ways in. Some were saying they'd already infiltrated the ranks. And the confirmation of a changeling actually within the walls didn't help calm anypony down, even if he was actively helping the ponies by rooting out his shape-shifting brethren. It just helped keep suspicions on the wary ponies' minds that there was a grander scheme at play. Sadly, though they don't know yet to what extent, they were correct... As Spike came to check on Thorax, the changeling was wiping some kind of red liquid off his face. "You okay?" Spike asked warily, before adding, "Sorry about them." "I knew this would happen," Thorax answered as he cleaned his head with a towel. "The worst thing about this is that tomato doesn't come out of towels easily." This elicited a chuckle from Spike, though he was not ignorant to the pain behind his friend's quip. "I'm so sorry," Spike offered again, his head hanging low. "I know it hurts. But please don't blame them; they're just scared." "I know," Thorax sighed. "I wish it was different... Now we'll never be accepted. Why couldn't Mom see that? Not everything-!" He stopped when he realized he'd started yelling. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "One can only wish a single voice could change the minds and hearts of ponies so easily," Spike said with a reassuring smile. "But know that you've got a friend in me." Thorax looked around nervously. When he saw the coast was clear, he looked back to Spike. "Listen Spike, we're not-." "Sir!" A guard burst through the doors, heavy with sweat. "There is trouble at the front gate! A mob has gathered!" Spike looked out of the nearest front window. Sure enough, an angry mob had formed just outside the gates of the castle. Their chanting was not easy to make out, but it was definitely clear that they wanted Thorax. "GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE!" one pony cried. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! THEY ARE THE ENEMY!" another yelled. "THROW IT OUT OF HERE!" As the shouts continued, Thorax hung his head in defeat. "I knew this would happen." "We'll talk to them," Spike said. As he looked over the mob, something marvelous happened. Nearly a hundred crystal ponies began to surround the belligerent mob. They were screaming as well, drowning out the vitriol. "LEAVE THORAX ALONE!" the crystal ponies chanted in unison. The rouge changeling looked at them in awe. "Th-they're-!" Thorax stuttered. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. He felt a reassuring claw from Spike pat him above his folded wings. "I told you so," Spike said. Thorax took a moment to look at the masses outside, now determined more than ever. "I'd better get down there before they start a riot," Spike stated. He headed for the door. "Wait!" Thorax yelled. Spike jerked back around. "Listen Spike. I know how Canterlot fell. It wasn't because of the changelings... One of your own sold them out!" "Who?" Spiked asked, confused. Thorax hesitated a moment, but he couldn't not tell him. He braced himself before continuing. "It was Shining Armor." Spike walked up to him, now seething. "Thorax, I understand you're going through a lot, but you'd best not lie to me. My own brother?! In league with Chrysalis?!" Suddenly a midnight blue mist seeped into the room, piling onto itself. As the form solidified into Nightmare Moon, she spoke. "Sadly, Young Drake, he is correct." "Then there's you," Spike scoffed. "The insect is not wrong," she said. "I saw Shining Armor giving a speech about the reign of my sister passing. Then the changelings appeared with their queen. There is no doubt he is in league with her." "He's under her spell again," Spike concluded. "I'll tear her apart!" he growled. "Maybe," Thorax said, hoping to defuse the dragon's temper. "But for now we need to take care of the mobs." "I agree with the bug." Nightmare Moon side-eyed the changeling. Spike looked from one to the other before sighing. He's put a book mark in this conversation, but he strode out of the room. (Crystal Empire Refugee camps) The Crystal Empire felt they were in eternal debt to Equestria, having been saved by their heroes, and they were all very happy to repay that debt. However... the size of the heart can be much outmatched by the size of the crowd. Simply put the empire didn't have enough room to house every weary brother and sister from across the tracks. Some ponies helped pitch tents, some brought large amounts of food and blankets, and some of the local seamstresses pitched in to help make pillows and extra clothing as well. While not all the refugees could fit inside the empire, the helping hands from the empire didn't hesitate to help their friends. "Anger, I can see of the ponies' faces." Zecora was surveying the tent city from out of a large tent that housed Maud, Pinkamina, and the cutie mark crusaders. "The tension will rise, here of all places." "A lot of these ponies came from Canterlot, as well," Pinkamina said with a nod. She sat in a circle with the others. "I bet the snobs have never needed to pitch a tent, let alone camped in their rich lives." Maud looked to her with a blank stare. "Now is not the time to be petty, Pinkamina." "Bullies get what they deserve," Pinkamina answered with a shrug. "One way or another, it might do them some good to live down in the filth for a while." The group fell silent for a few minutes until Apple Bloom spoke up. "So, wut'er we gunna do 'bout mah sister? Big Mac wuz taken, an' so was Granny Smith. How'er we gunna save'um?" "We need to figure out a means of escape if the changelings come back first." Maud put a reassuring hoof on the filly's head. "Though we are under this magical projection, she is right; it does not guarantee protection. Changelings prefer to infiltrate first, so among the ponies we should expect worse." "But we can't leave'um," Applebloom replied. "No one wants to leave them, little one," Maud stated. "But if we get captured we can't help your sister. We'll save her and everyone." "I want my sister to be safe too," Sweetie Belle said, scooching closer to Maud. "Well I'm glad to hear that," a voice echoed through the tent. A familiar cream-colored pegasi lands on Pinkamina. "Fluttershy!?" Pinkamina exclaimed while the pegasi wrapped her in an embrace. A lengthy form also started moving through the tent. "Pinkie, you made it!" "It would seem all is not lost," Zecora said with a soft smile, which fell when her eyes befall the lengthy creature that had come with Fluttershy. "Answer me Discord, what is this rescue's cost?" Discord gasped in mock-offense. "I'll have you know I did this out of the kindness from my heart." He crossed his arms and resized himself to fit inside the tent better. "After all, what's the point in chaos-making if everyone is drained of all their love?" "I've heard of you Discord," Maud said in a monotonous tone. "I already don't like you. And I'm having a hard time thinking you didn't have anything to do with this." "Oh come now!" Discord exclaimed as he settled. "What do you think I accomplished? Gathered together some of the villains they've fought before to further test the elements of harmony, and given them a mystical artifact to drain my magic so they'd obviously betray me and nearly bring Equestria to ruin?" "That's oddly specific," Fluttershy chimed in after letting go of Pinkamina. "At least we'll avoid that cash grab of a movie," Pinkamina whispered to herself. "No! I would not do that!" Discord shouted, answering his own question. "Besides, I already saw Nightmare Moon on my way in. This situation has become far more serious." Fluttershy lowered her head as she spoke. "Changelings are everywhere. They probably have all of Ponyville by now. I just hope my animals are okay." A small smile formed on Pinkamina's lips and she patted Fluttershy's back. "I'm sure Angel helped them escape." "We should head to the changeling that the Empire holds dear; he seems to be with them despite their fear." "But if more changelings are here, won't we be in danger?" Scootaloo asked. "They would only attack if we are alone. Near crowds, they won't risk their cover being blown," Zecora responded. "Then we all need to stick together and get to this changeling, and that dragon we saw at the rail station," Maud delivered blankly. "But I'm afraid the weird creature will give us away." "I'm not weird!" Discord crossed his arms in offense. "Besides," he starts as his form changes. "Do you think changelings are the only ones who can shapeshift?" By the end of his sentence he'd changed form into a pony with an oddly-cut mane and bushy eyebrows. "That was Spike," Fluttershy stated. "Maybe we can get some answers if we make it to him." She motioned outside. "Let's hurry." And with little time to gain their bearings, they set off toward the castle. (Just outside the walls of the Crystal Empire) The blizzards were unforgiving outside the walls of the Empire. No creature would be foolish enough to linger, yet prints were indented deep in the snow, flakes lightly hit outlines and shapes, and breath came from empty spaces within the air. "Lord Armor," a changeling called to Shining Armor loud enough to be heard over the winds, "we are in position and King Sombra is due to awaken in one hour." "Have the troops circle the walls of the empire. Any that escape will be taken into custody," Shining responded. "As you wish." With those words, the changeling took off with a light buzzing noise. "Please Spike," Shining said to himself, "please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be." (The Crystal Palace) Spike walked toward the main gate with a procession of guards, determined to break up the mobs before infighting could ensue. Once outside of the main gates, the mob's flared tensions settled, but only for a moment. They may all be angry for various reason, and both sides rightfully so, but no one wants to be the pony that wakes a sleeping dragon. Spike raised his hands in a calming manner. "I understand we are in stressful situations, and we will address everyone's concerns in due time. But for now, you all need to head back to your tents and help those who haven't completely set up yet so they can help you." "While you house a monster!?" one pony cried. "Thorax is not a monster!" another called. "He has helped many ponies, and is even helping all of us now!" The mobs quickly began arguing again. "That's enough," one guard shouted. "SHUT UP!" a voice in the mob yelled. "Where were any of the guards when Canterlot fell!? I lost my grandparents to the changelings and you guards ran away! Some good you are!" "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Spike shouted as he slammed his tail into the ground. The crowd instantly fell silent. "You all want Thorax to leave so badly, then you'd better toss us out too! Since you ponies are so good at dealing with changelings, you should have no problems without us, right? Or did you forget that you ran to us for protection!? "I will ask nicely one last time; Disperse!" Spike growled. They slowly filed out. And with the rabble-rousers gone, the pro-Thorax crowd followed, wishing to not spoil their good deed. Spike noticed that there was a small group of ponies moving against the leaving mob."Heyyy!" a voice called out from it. Spike squinted as the ponies got closer. "Is that...Pinkie!? Fluttershy!?" He took to sprinting toward them and embraced his two friends. "Thank the Heart, you made it!" he exclaimed. "Huh" Applebloom looked confused at his statement. "It's a local term," Spike explained. "Let's get you all inside. I'll have some guards get your things. Where is everyone else?" he asked, looking around at the other ponies. "Best we not talk about this out in the open." Maud urges everyone inside. Spike nods in agreement. He had noticed that he didn't recognize the male pony with the group, but on more thorough look, Spike realized that it was Discord. Despite being leery of the chaos creature, he figured there must be some reason he is with the others. Spike leads them through the palace gates. "We have a lot of odd company, so please be patient with us," he warns. Once through the doors, the group welcomed the warmth that radiated in the castle. The crystal halls were lined with rugs of the finest fabrics. The threads of the rugs were so comfortable, almost magical to the point it beckoned a heavy. Though exhausted, the group of ponies continued to follow Spike. Each pony marveled and admired the various artworks and statues as they passed them. Each item had its own story, and under normal circumstances there would be someone stopping at every piece and explaining the history, but at the moment time was limited. Eventually, Spike ushered them into a room with a large fireplace, which seemed to sing songs warmth to any who wished to bask in it. "Stay here for a while," Spike said. "You seem to be doing well for yourself," Fluttershy commented in an attempt at small talk. "It hasn't been easy," he admitted sullenly. He looked away nervously before continuing. "The truth is, this job is stressful as all Tartarus. And that was before the invasion." He paused for a moment and then looked back to his friends, worry in his eyes. "I hate to bring this up so fast, but I need to know. What happened over there?" Zecora was the one to speak up. "The invasion came from beyond our sight; there was no meeting it with might." "We went ta Zecora's, an' her cauldron showed us tha changelin's attackin' mah family," Applebloom added. "I'm so sorry Applebloom," Spike replied. "Forgive me for being selfish, but I need to askif you all saw Shining Armor. Nightmare Moon tells me he betrayed us, but I don't want to believe it. If he is on their side, he has to be bewitched, or it's a changeling in disguise. Those have to be the only explanations." "None of us have seen him," Fluttershy answered. "I high-tailed it here with Fluttershy," Discord chimed in. "But I can go check real quick if necessary." Spike's eyes silted momentarily. "I don't think I'd trust you," he said dryly. "You haven't proven to me yet that you're trustworthy." "Beggars can't be choosers," Discord chuckled with a shrug. "For now, you all should rest," Spike declared. "We have ponies preparing meals for you as we speak. It's not resort food, but it's definitely better than starving." (Crystal Empire: Train Station) Many green cocoons littered a train's surface. Several changelings were carefully rounding them up. A single crystal empire guard came out to see the chaos. As he was a changeling himself, he smirked at the progress. "We're finishing up here, brother," one of the changelings says to the changeling guard. The guard gave a nod of approval. "We've moved into position. Let King Sombra do the rest, and we'll cut off any who try to escape." "What of Thorax?" another changeling hissed. "I do not wish this for my brother," the guard shot back. "But he's left me no choice. Capture him and from him before the queen. She will decide his fate." The other changelings in the area hissed at him, but he shushed them. "It's almost time." As the changelings carried on with their duties, more pieces of the plan were coming together. And deep beneath the crystal empire, one of those pieces was brewing. A miasma churned within the thick soil, coiling into a large mass. Within the mass, two ethereal green eyes opened. "The Dark Emperor of the Crystal Empire has returned. To take back what was rightfully his," the mass growled. (Crystal Empire: private reading room) Between the running and the stress, it was hard for the Ponyville group to recount the last time they had a decent meal. But for the first time since this nightmare started, they're finally getting a moment of respite. More importantly, this moment was filled with food. "MMMMPPPHHHHH!" Sweetie Belle let out as she stuffed her face. "Don't talk with your mouth full Sweetie," Fluttershy scolded lightly between bites. While Discord's cotton candy clouds had helped curb her hunger on their trek, she was still in dire need of some cabbage. "I hope everyone outside is eating well; morale is low enough from what we can tell," Zecora offhandedly mentioned to Spike. "Were it so easy," he responded. "We're getting more refugees than we have supplies. I'll admit, I was hoping we'd find some ponies skilled in magic enough to do long-ranged teleportation to help. But we can have some groups go out and look for more... I'll spearhead the group if need be." "You're going to stretch yourself too thin," Fluttershy stated. "We should just be thankful for this." Scootaloo washed down her meal with some water, emptying the glass halfway. She sat the cup on the ground and watched it in bored fascination. Quickly something caught her eye though; the water within the cup rippled despite being on a steady surface. It rippled and the cup shook violently as the ground beneath them started vibrating. "Wh-what's happening!?" Sweetie Belle yelled. The shaking was becoming more violent. "Under the table, now!" Spike grabbed the cutie mark crusaders and dragged them under the nearest table. They were quickly followed by the rest of the group. Outside, black crystals erupted from the ground. The denizens and refugees ran in panic. Houses exploded as the crystals burst forth from under them. The ponies were desperate for shelter, looking for anything to hide under. In the town square, the ground burst open. No victims were caught in the collapse, thankfully, but a black mist rose into the sky from the cracks. The mist billowed in the air, forming the head of King Sombra. He laughed in triumph. "My loyal slaves!" Sombra cried, unable to contain chuckles. "Your king has returned!" Ponies were panicked and running in all directions, but there were some who didn't. These ponies lit up with green flames, finally revealing their true forms. These changelings took to the skies and began trapping anything they could get a hold of. Crystal and Canterlot ponies alike rushed for any available exit, but found they were already blocked by many changelings. "Dragon!" Nightmare Moon called as she forced open the doors of the study they'd been in. Our group of ponies gasped at the sight of her. "It's a long story but she's on our side... for now." Spike turned to Nightmare Moon. "What's going on out there?!" "King Sombra has returned, and changelings have sealed off all major exits." Spike looked at the queen of the night in shock. "Assemble the guards! We need to beat them back-!" Thorax approached them with trepidation. "Spike. You're not going to win against them; it's a two-pronged invasion. The Crystal Empire has less than an hour before it is completely subjugated. We need to evacuate." "All the exits are sealed," Zecora said, once she got out from under the table. "Unless you possess an idea yet revealed." Thorax let out a long sigh. "In the time I was alone, I made a tunnel leading out of the empire. It leads south, toward the mountains. I've managed to make it long enough to be a few miles outside of the mountain's base. It will be a two-day climb, so grab what you can carry and get out of here... There is no guarantee that they don't already know about it." "Why did you keep this from us?" Spike asked. "I saw my brother posing as one of the guards. I knew it'd only be a matter of time." While he spoke, he was unable to look at Spike in the eye. "Take us to the tunnel then," Nightmare Moon demanded with a hoof stomp. "We will get out as many as we can, but we cannot compromise our only exit. The more ponies in between us and them will give us more time to escape." "You can't sacrifice our ponies like that!" Spike roared. "If we try to evacuate everypony, the changelings will just put their ranks into the crowd. Thorax won't be able to sense them all before they manage to give away our location, and I have no doubt they have reserves just waiting to catch anypony who somehow manages to escape." Nightmare Moon's tone was calm. Spike growled in frustration at the idea, as if they had a choice given what's happening. "Call the guards. Tell them to take a claw of ponies with them to Thorax's tunnel and escape. We'll meet in the mountains and get rid of any spies before we move on." Nightmare Moon nodded in agreement. "I'll seek out Captain Dusk." With that, her form turned into a mist and seeped out of a nearby window. (Crystal Empire refugee camp) Captain Dusk and Flash Sentry ran through the streets, dodging the black crystals rocketing out of the ground. Around them were panic-stricken ponies, all scrambling as the crystals growths tore through tents and buildings. "We need to get these ponies out!" Dusk yelled as she jumped over another crystal. "WE need to get out! You have a resistance to run!" Flash responded. As the two continued, they heard two ponies yell out for them. "Hey, guards!" A familiar pony in a magician's hat, followed by a pony with a fiery mane fall in line with the running guards. The magician was the one speaking. "Do any of you have a plan?!" Before Dusk or Flash could answer, Nightmare Moon appeared ahead of them. She spread her wings to stop the group. "Captain! We have an evacuation plan. Head toward the palace. Once all the guards have been assembled we will head out. Grab as many ponies as you can, but tell them nothing of the plan. Make them follow you!" Then she vanished as quickly as she came. The surrounding ponies were in stunned silence at the night queen's appearance. They look to Dusk. "You heard her! To the palace!" Dusk reared up and lead a charge of panicked ponies toward the castle. Nightmare Moon's message rapidly spread to the other guards through word-of-mouth. They quickly amassed ponies, but a swarm of changelings had overtaken the sky. They dive-bombed the fleeing ponies, firing green bolts of magic at them which causes a sticky green slime to trap any pony unlucky enough to get hit with it. Ponies reluctantly betrayed friends and family to save themselves from the slime. Anypony foolish enough to try and pry victims loose either just got caught in the slime, or made themselves an easy target for another bolt of slime. By they reached the palace gates, the crowds had been halved. The guards tried to save anypony the could, but received orders to keep themselves safe at all costs. "Here they come!" a guard yelled out. Our group looked to see Captain Dusk and Flash Sentry headed their way with two other ponies on their heels. Quite a few paces behind them was a large-ish crowd of ponies. "There are about three hundred ponies in that crowd," another guard said. "I guarantee not all of them will make the journey." He looked to Nightmare Moon for a solution. "Prioritize the remaining Elements of Harmony and the highest ranking guards," she responded as she casually opened the gates. "I cannot use my Royal Canterlot voice right now without alerting the changelings to our plan. Save who you can and get out of here!" Spike growled at the idea of leaving so many behind, but he did have things to prioritize. "Thorax, show us the way!" Thorax quickly went to a wall on the far side of the palace. He overturned a few tree-filled vases, exposing a large hole in the ground. "This will lead us directly out of the empire. It's only wide enough to go two at a time," he explained. "You heard him!" the first guard shouted. "Two by two! Get a move on!" Thorax and Spike jump in first. Pinkamina and Maud picked up the cutie mark crusaders between their teeth and dropped them into the hole (the three of them were small enough to fit at the same time), then jump in behind them. They were quickly followed by Fluttershy and Discord (who was still in pony-form). Then Zecora and another night guard entered. Just then, Captain Dusk and Flash Sentry reached them. They urged Sunset Shimmer and Trixie inside, and then followed them. The rest of Nightmare Moon's night guards and some empire guards followed suit by two's. And then the final two guards entered only after quickly explaining to the larger group to enter by two's. From atop the castle balcony, Nightmare Moon stood to address her subjects. "All the most important ponies, along with the nightguard should be down the tunnel by now. Good luck, all of you. If fate permits me, I will join all of you shortly." She reviewed her gamble in her head. She also took note on how, despite the fact that the changelings could easily descend upon them at any moment, they chose instead to raid the buildings looking for stragglers. "Hear me, my little ponies!" Nightmare Moon called in her Royal Canterlot voice. "There is a tunnel at the far side of the castle that leads out of the empire. If you wish to maintain your freedom proceed to it! Keep the lines orderly and keep moving! Do not stop for anything!" With that, she saw the swarm of changelings attempt to converge on the castle. A glow emitted from her horn as she erected a barrier that halts the changelings. "I cannot hold this for long!" she continued in her booming voice, "hurry!" The ponies quickly piled into the tunnel while trying their best not to panic, though they were definitely still feeling the panic. The changelings continued slamming into Nightmare Moon's barrier over and over. Though her magic was potent, the swarm knew there had to be a point where she would become overwhelmed. She held on for as long as she could, but eventually the barrier started to crack under the swarm's assaults'. The ponies that were still waiting to get into the tunnel noticed the cracks in the barrier and the panic fully set back in; they started scrambling for the tunnel. The tunnel could only fit two ponies at a time, but caution was thrown to the wind because they didn't wish to get captured. Groups of ponies were all trying to squeeze through, with no regard for others around them. The tunnel entrance soon became too congested for any pony to make it through. "I did what I could," Nightmare Moon whispered. She teleported away as her barrier finally shattered. Ponies' screams and changeling buzzing was all that could be heard through the castle as the crowd was overtaken by the swarm in flashes of green light. Elsewhere in the tunnel, the group of guards and the Elements of Harmony (along with Sunset Shimmer and Trixie) continued their escape. They trudged through the damp soil and caked changeling slime that held the tunnel together. The slime also left a bioluminescent glow about the walls, so their trip wouldn't be completely blind. Even so, the unicorns of the group did light their horns to assist with lighting the way. "Thorax, you made this in less than a week?" Spike asked, looking to the changeling next to him. Thorax turned his head bashfully. "Y-yeah. I couldn't make it bigger without help. I'm sorry." Spike placed a reassuring hand on Thorax's shoulder. "Hey, we got out because of you. Thank you." From behind them, Applebloom made an ick noise. "Not ta sound ungrateful fer anything, but why is it so wet?" she complained as she shook some muck off her hooves. "You'd be surprised how good rock and soil is about retaining moisture," Maud piped up behind Applebloom. "I'm more concerned about how long it's going to take us to get out," Sweetie Belle commented. "This tunnel was made south-bound below the East wall," Thorax answered. "It took me a few all-nighters, but it is going to lead us with a head start to the mountains. After this next turn, we have about an hour's walk left." The cutie mark crusaders groaned at the response. "Better this than changeling food," Pinkamina muttered bitterly. Maud scrunched her face at the comment, but didn't add her own commentary. Further down in the tunnel Trixie and Sunset were talking to each other. "I just feel bad for the others," Trixie said. "I wish we didn't have to leave them." "The fatter the beast, the slower the haste," Zecora said from behind them. "Predators love a straggler's taste." Trixie and Sunset held their heads down, neither of them liking the thought of that. From above, everyone could hear the muffled screams of ponies who'd failed to make it to the square. The noise was accompanied by rumbling, which made some dirt crumble above them. After a little while they were far enough away from the commotion it didn't effect the tunnel, though they could feel the cold from above. After some more time of silence, Thorax saw a faint light ahead of them. "We're almost out," he announced nervously. Spike didn't think anyone behind them could hear, so he repeated. Each person behind notified the next behind them so they could all prepare for the cold. Thorax stepped a few paces ahead of Spike and reached the end of the tunnel first. Where he stopped was a thick sheet of ice. "I tried my best to keep the snow out of the tunnel itself, but there's still a lot of it on the other side," he explained. "I've got this," Spike said. He motioned for Thorax to move behind him. Once the changeling was out of the way, Spike inhaled very deeply. An intense heat welled up within his chest, and as he exhaled it seeped up his torso and out of his mouth. Green flames burst from Spike's mouth at the ice wall. It melted with an explosion of steam. He stopped his fire breath, but the flames didn't stop for an extra few moments, as it melted the snow blockage in front of them. "Was that a good idea, Spike?" Thorax asked. "There could be changeling patrols outside." He peeked his head out of the tunnel and looked around. Alas, the ongoing blizzard made it almost impossible to see anything beyond a few feet. "The bulk of the invasion force seemed to be within the walls, Thorax." They looked at each other for a moment before he continued. "I'm counting on you to get them to the other side; I'm going to stay behind to make sure the rest of the ponies that were able to escape make it out safely." "But Spike-!" Thorax tried to protest. "I'll be fine," he told his friend. Together, they led the group out of the tunnel, then Spike turned to address everyone in a loud and reassuring voice. "From here I will be leaving you in Thorax's hooves. Stay close to stay warm, and you'll be able to make it to the mountains." Spike drew his sword and pointed the way for them. There were hints of whispers from the group as if someone wanted to protest, but Dusk piped up then. "You heard him!" she shouted. "Stay together and let's move out!" The ponies aligned themselves to be in a warmer formation and waited for the go-ahead. Sunset took a moment to tap Trixie. "You should lend your not-so-clean cape to the foals," she suggested. Trixie thought for only a moment before she caught a glimpse of the small cutie mark crusaders already shivering like crazy. Trixie nodded and offered it to the girls, to which they happily huddled together underneath it. Trixie was colder now, but felt better knowing they were a little more protected. With that the group of ponies and guards, led by Thorax the changeling, Captain Dusk, and Flash Sentry, headed to their possible salvation on the other side of the never-ending blizzard. Spike watched as the group moved on, their shapes getting swallowed by the speeding snowflakes. He took a deep breath and re-sheathed his sword as he turned back to the tunnel. As he got closer to the opening, he could hear the panicked babbling of ponies drowning out the shouts of guard ponies attempting to tell everyone to be calm. He sighed, "At least more were able to make it." His moment of relief was short-lived as a haze of green light shone above him. "Damn!" he shouted. "Hurry! they've found us!" he yelled into the tunnel. The panicked voices became louder the closer the ponies came to the opening. "All guards with me! Get escort groups together!" Spike was almost frantic at this point. While some of the guardsponies tried their best to calm the ponies down, others were shoved aside as other ponies began to scatter. "Come back!" Spike cried to no avail. "You don't know where you're going! Damn it all!" He cursed once more before ordering the guards to rein in the stragglers to make sure everyone's going to the same place. Spike hadn't noticed that the green haze had reached the ground yet. He was about to tell the last few guards and couple of terrified ponies to go in the correct direction when a familiar voice cuts through the snowy winds. "Spike!" Spike turned around to see Shining Armor stepping closer to him. "Shining?" Spike asked, his breath catching in his throat. "What are you doing here?" He was hopeful to see his old friend, but kept himself on guard, his hand hovering over his sword. Shining stepped up closer to Spike. "I came to make sure the invasion was going smoothly," he responded. If Spike hadn't had the thought in his head that Shining might be against him, he'd have been stunned in silence. The couple of ponies and guards still left were shocked. They looked to Spike, confused on what to do- they were afraid that the changelings Shining had arrived with would harm them if they ran. "It...It can't be true," Spike said. He looked at Shining in disbelief, his mind running through every possible scenario. "It's Chrysalis. She must have you under her spell again. You can beat her again. FIGHT IT!" Shining Armor just stood in front of the dragon, shaking his head. "Not this time, Spike. I did all this because I wanted to." "TRAITOR!" a pegasi guard shouted with a growl. "You were a hero! You took and oath to defend the crown-!" "And what good has that oath done us?!" Shining Armor nearly screamed, shutting the guard up. "We take an oath, one to lay our very lives down for the crown should the need arise. That oath meant NOTHING to Celestia! Or to Luna, for that matter." Spike then actually noticed that there were more changelings with him than he'd originally thought. "We wanted to give our very lives to protect the home we treasured," Shining continued, "the families and friends we loved. How did they repay that!? Ponies laughed at us! We were nothing more than a joke to them! The Elements of Harmony are the real heroes; the ones who save everyone with smiles all around!" "Where is this coming from Shining!?" Spike shouted back. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Such resent growing in Shining Armor's heart was unthinkable to him. "Of course you wouldn't understand," Shining spat back with an eyeroll. "You've been so completely obsessed with getting Twilight back that you couldn't see past tomorrow." Before another guard could say anything, Shining Armor looked over his shoulder. He could see the glow of unicorn horns coming closer to the entrance of the tunnel. He lit his own horn. "I know it may seem bad now, but this is for their own good. Peace has made them soft and ignorant to others' suffering." A purple light glowed from Shining's eyes, and with a swift gesture he closed the opening with a new wall of ice. The ponies on the inside started banging on the wall, but there was no use. "We won't let you do this! Please, brother," he pleaded. Shining Armor sighed. "I don't hate you, Spike. You stood beside me when no one else was there. You kept me going despite how hard it was. Because of this I will not kill you." Spike paused for a moment, his eyes wide in panic. "You were at Canterlot. What did you do with Grandma and Granddad!?" "They are alive." Shining shrugged at the dragon's ever-growing anger. "As hurt as I was, I have no intention of hurting them. I'm better than that." He turned to the left over guards and addressed them, "And you are all better than this! Aren't you tired!? Tired of the ponies' constant complaining about how you don't do your jobs when you're doing your best!?" Everypony was silent for a moment until a crystal earth pony guard spoke up. "It's hard. We hear it ever day... About how much a nuisance we are. About how we're no help. But in this moment, we are what we've needed to be." "Easy for you to say," a brown Canterlot unicorn guard scoffed. "The Crystal Empire hasn't been around that long. You haven't had to endure the pain of not being important being drilled into you for years. My own foal brings home pictures of her favorite hero. "It's always Rarity, because she likes her hair, and one day when she grows up she wants to be just like her." The guard's breath hitched in her throat for a second and she trembled before continuing. "After long days of hearing stupid nobles questioning the funding of the guards - since all we do is 'run around like little fillies at the sight of danger'- and watching the commoners ignore our warnings to stay out of Celestia's throne room get rewarded with smiles and friendly chats with the princess..." She paused with a sigh. "After all of that, I come home to have my little one run up to me with her new Rarity photo and tells me she wants to magic-dye her hair purple." She lifted her helmet off for them to see a reddish-brown mane with small discolored splotches throughout it. "Powdered sugar is what she calls it. It's a staple in my family. And she wants to get rid of it to be more like her 'hero'." She gritted her teeth. "I wanted to be a hero for my little filly. But all I am is a laughing stock for every pony in Canterlot. I try to help but it never works out. Why can't somepony see that!?" At that point the guard was no longer able to hold back her tears any longer. They stung her reddened face in the cold. "Is a little respect so hard!? I matter! I MATTER!" She'd yelled the last part toward the ice wall, hoping the ponies inside would hear her. A few of the other guards looked down at the snow, trying to fight their own tears, each with different but similar situations playing in their minds. "You DO matter, and with us you will thrive!" Shining Armor cried out, now taking his chance to garner their loyalty. "I was just like you at one point. But as a guard for the changelings, you will help bring forth the next generation in the nurseries. Every single one of them will be grateful to every second you'll sacrifice. And with time your foal will have so many changeling and pony friends she'll look up to you and thank you. All the opportunities she'll have are going to be because YOU made the change." The guard sat in silence for a little while, then turned to Spike. "It has been an honor Sir, so please. Come quietly." She turned her spear onto Spike, who was still in shock. "You can't be serious!" a crystal guard flanking Spike called out. Other Canterlot guards joined the first, aiming their spears at the dragon. "Don't do this, please!" another crystal guard pleaded. He looked around at his former Canterlot comrades. "We can still get through this!" "And then what?" Shining cut in. His tone was laced with malice. "You going to run away with as many as you can, while they constantly complain about how you failed to save the other loved ones you had no choice but to leave behind? Whining about how you put special ponies and other guards first, ultimately not trying hard enough to save everypony?" He let them stand in cold silence for a few moments before he nodded his head. The turncoat guards moved to arrest Spike and his loyalists. Though before they could get closer, Spike dashed toward Shining Armor. The two meet blades with enough force to disperse the snow for a second. "Finish with the arrests!" Shining Armor demanded to the changelings. Though they were outnumbered, the four guards left loyal to Spike charged forward to fight on his behalf. As they fought, Spike and Shining spent some time just pushing their swords into each other's, each on seemingly unable to attempt to harm the other. Eventually, Shining Armor knocked Spike back with a blast of magic. "I won't kill you, Spike," he said. Despite his words, Shining manifested a halberd made of ice above them and points it at Spike. "You will answer for what you have done Shining!" Spike shouted. His sword lit up with green flames as they pulled back and clashed weapons. Shining parried him with ease and kicked snow into the dragon's face. Spike recoiled from the obstruction, falling a few paces back. Before Spike could fully recover, Shining Armor dashed at him with several swipes of the halberd to keep him off balance. Spike used some footwork to dodge around the halberd swipes in an attempt to get closer to Shining. As the halberd swiped at him again, Spike did a twirl to try to trip the unicorn. Shining jumped in the air to dodge the dragon's tail, and Spike lost sight of him for a moment. He started to look around and didn't see him, but he sees a streak of blue last-second and is able to just barely miss being struck by something that forms a small crater in the ground. "Good job, Spike," Shining complimented from the air. Spike readjusts his stance and looked up at him. Shining floated back down to the ground. "What was that!?" Spike shouted. "A lost art," Shining responded dryly. "Not only can ponies travel through the mirror, but other things can come here through it. A perk you yourself can have if you'd join us." "I'd rather die!" Spike charged at Shining once more. "You are a proud dragon Brother, but you are no match for me," Shining stated as he jumped into the air again. Spike followed him into the sky and the two of them engage in battle in the air. Their swords clashed each other with enough force to form sparks and push them apart. When they parted, they threw blows of magic at each other, causing flashes of blue and green to fill the blizzard sky. They carried on this way for what seems like an eternity until Shining's horn lights up. With his unicorn magic, he trapped Spike in place in the air and they began to fall. Shining manifested two blue circle swirl runes in between him and Spike, putting speed behind the fall. Spike fell into the ground with great force with Shining landing on top of him. The crash caused a cloud of snow to puff up. When the snow fell back down, Shining held his icy halberd at Spike's throat. "Surrender, Spike. It's over." "I... won't... lose!" Spike coughed out. He struggled underneath the unicorn, trying to push him off. "I... have to win! I have to get back to Twilight! S-Spike...Want...!" A flash of blue erupted from the crater they'd created, stopping Spike from continuing. By this point, the changeling and turncoat guards had finished taking down the remaining loyalists. They watched as Shining Armor came out of the crater carrying Spike- who was frozen in a solid block of ice. "Don't hate me, Brother," he whispered. "In time you will understand." He approached his troops, who were applauding his victory. "I'll be taking him back with me and the Canterlot guards," he stated. "The survivors in the tunnel are yours." Shining lowered the ice wall to reveal the shocked ponies inside staring in terror as changelings were ready to converge on them. "What about the ones that escaped?" a changeling hissed. "Find them and follow them. They're going to settle in a populated area, so once you figure out where they're staying report back to us. We will retrieve them then." He looks directly at the changeling. "Good luck, Commander." "Yes, my king," the changeling answered with a salute. With that, Shining Armor teleported himself, Spike, and the pony guards out of the area. The changeling turned around, smiling ominously as he led is small swarm to the survivors. The ponies watched in despair as the changelings approached, knowing they were in fact, not making it to safety.