• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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Tandem Tactics

////Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash’s party had to leave the wagon behind before moving through the crag.

“Are you sure this is where we need to be going Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked as she carefully avoided mounds of ash on the ground. “I left behind a great deal of belongings in the wagon.

“It should be fine.” Kain said. “We went to a decent length to hide it.”

“And of course I’m sure we’re headed the right way.” Rainbow Dash said. “That feeling inside me has been getting warmer ever since we got here.” It’s like a fire that’s making me want to go even faster.

“Are you sure it’s not heartburn Dashie?” Pinkie Pie asked. “You had a lot of spicy nachos last night.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s the eidolon, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said.

“You won’t have to look so far it seems.” Rarity said, pointing a hoof towards one of the peaks. “It looks like the dragon has left us with that familiar trail.”

Smoke billowed from the peak into the sky, amassing with the smoke in the atmosphere.

“Now, the only trouble is getting there.” Rainbow Dash said, looking down for possible paths. This is going to be a pain to get them there without wings.

She scanned the area, and nothing but ash could be seen coating the landscape. “Wait a second, there looks like there’s a path that we can take on hoof.” Rainbow Dash said.

“That’s odd.” Rarity said. “I didn’t think anypony would go out of their way to come out here. Let alone often enough to make a path.

“In either event, we should make use of it.” Kain said. “The terrain is far too treacherous to navigate. We wouldn’t know where there was solid ground.”

“I dunno, don’t you think this would be the perfect place to put a trap?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, that’s why we have your Pinkie Sense.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh yeah! I almost forgot!” Pinkie replied.

As the party made its way along the path, the ponies waded through knee-high ash.

“This is absolutely terrible.” Rarity said. “My clothes and coat are going to be stained by all of this ash. A trip to the spa could fix my coat, but these robes?” She lifted the front of her robes to inspect them. “I certainly hope that these clothes were crafted to be stain proof. At least your outfit is safe in the air Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, I don’t really care too much about them getting dirty.” Rainbow dash said. Then ash began falling from the sky. “Just great.” She said and then landed.

“What’s wrong Dashie?” Pinkie asked.

“I can’t fly here.” Rainbow Dash replied. “I mean, I could, but then I’d get a whole lot of ash in my wings and then I’ll get weighed down.”

“Bummer.” Pinkie said.

“I guess it’s on hoof with everypony else.” Rainbow Dash said.”

Rarity turned to give her a skeptical look.

“Right, sorry about that.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Though, Rainbow Dash does need to be wary.” Kain said. “She is only making sure that’s she’s ready to fly only if she needs to be.

Thanks Kain, at least you get it.

“It’s strange,” Rarity began. “the last time we encountered this dragon, her smoke billowed for miles. “Now it only looks like it’s only in this area.”

“If she was this close to Ponyville, we’d be covered in ash just like this place.” Pinkie said. “And we’d have to changed your name to Rainbow Ash, Dashie!”

“Ha, ha.” Rainbow Dash replied as she and Kain continued at the front of the group. “It’s gotta be the weather team that keeps the smoke at bay from Cajun pony country. Glad I’m not her, I’d be cleaning my wings every day, and that’d be a pain.”

Unknown to the group, mounds of ash around them rose and fell ever so slightly. Only Pinkie Pie turned to stare at the still ash with an inquisitive glance. “Huh…” she said to herself.

The party went through the winding path, getting ever closer to the cave with smoke emanating from it, only to realize something surprising.

“Wait a second,” Rainbow Dash said. “Does that path lead up to the cave?”

“That is quite puzzling.” Rarity said. “Why are there ponies going to that cave so often? Did some ponies decide it was a good idea to live up here with a dragon that fills the air with smoke?

“There’s only one way to find out.” Kain said, while taking the first steps to the cave entrance.

Inside, the group found the dragoness they were looking for, as well as an old bearded pony in red robes.

The occupants weren’t the only sights in the cave, there were gems and furnishings apparently fit for a pony in the dwelling.

“Hey, you’re not the only one who’s upset with the situation at hoof.” The old pony spokes in an accent. “My village would love to come up here and do their job without the life-threatening dangers.”

“Sardon Saddles.” The dragon said. “You know that I can’t do anything about that. I’ve tried to roast them out. Never works.”

The party approached the odd pair.

“But as long as…” the Cajun pony turned to Rainbow Dash’s group. “Oh, it looks like we might have someponies who actually have a death wish even after braving the climb up here. How’d you make it here?”

“We walked?” Pinkie Pie said. “Well, I hopped up here, but my friends walked.”

The dragon craned her neck to speak. “Well, I’d never think I’d see you here.”

“Hey, we’re here because you’re the Eidolon of Fire.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh?” the dragon said. “First you want me to leave, and now you want me around because you think I’m important. And ponies say dragons are fickle.”

“Wait a moment.” Rarity said. “Why are you speaking to us now and not before?”

“Well, I was sick and lost my voice.”The dragon said. “All I wanted was few wings away from home, but could I get that? No. Not hours later a group of ponies show up and try to get me to leave.”

“Goodness, had we known, we certainly wouldn’t’ have been so callous.” Rarity said.

“But Fluttershy should have said something!” Pinkie said.

“Oh, was that the little yellow pegasus?” the dragon asked.” She’s got quite the tenacity, I’ll say. Staring me down and asking me to leave. You’re lucky you’ve got such a brave friend. She knew I was sick, but once she saw me disregard the rest of you, a little fire a dragon could admire burned within that little pony.”

“Oh my, I would never have thought that Fluttershy would have gone to those lengths to help us.” Rarity said.

“A dragon can admire that sort of spunk, so I decide that it wasn’t worth the trouble to be harassed by you ponies anymore.” The dragoness said.

“We’re really sorry about that.” Pinkie Pie said. “I even made you a ‘we’re sorry we ran you out’ cake!” the mare then produced a double tiered cake.

“Sorry Ms…” Pinkie said.

“Efreet.” The dragoness said. “But do you really expect me to be content with a cake so small?’

Pinkie hopped up with the cake, as if to get it closer to Efreet’s mouth. “Go on, try it!” she urged.

Efreet then snatched the cake between two of her talons and ate the entire thing in one bite. “Oh my.” She said. “That was absolutely, the most amazing cake I’ve ever had!”

“Gemstone confetti cake for dragons!” Pinkie said, she then turned to the others. “Its one of Spike’s favorites!”

“Those gems were some of the best I’ve ever tasted.” Efreet said. “Where did you find such a delicious assortment?”

“Yes Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said. “where did you find them?”

“Oh, you know, around.” Pinkie Pie said. “Say Rarity, how much do I owe you for about a few bags of gems?”

“Ahem!” the older, robed pony said.” “While it is all well and good that you ‘ve made peace with Efreet, it still doesn’t’ explain how you got here with all the danger outside.”

“What danger?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We didn’t see anything except ash out there.”

“So my Pinkie sense wasn’t off.” Pinkie said. “I knew there was somepony out there watching us!”

“Yes, there are plenty of monsters hiding in the mountains of ash.” Sardon said. “They’ve been keeping the villagers from the crags.

The group gave a puzzled look at Sardon.

“I know it might be difficult to understand, but the ponies here actually like all the smoke that Efreet here makes.”

“It’s true.” Efreet said. “The villagers use all the ash left in these crags to help with their crops, so when the found out I was reason there was so much ash, they asked me to stay.”

Sardon then turned and looked towards the exit of the cave. “But those things outside have been keeping the villagers from collecting any of the ash, so now its just piling up, giving more room for those centipedes to hide in.”

Monsters? Rainbow Dash thought. We can totally take them on! We’ve all fought a hydra before, how bad could this be?

Not that I’m calling into question your strength, Ms. Efreet.” Rarity said. “But why haven’t you been able to stope these beasts?”

The dragon snorted a billow of smoke into the air. “They’ll just hide from my fire breath.” Efreet said. “And then I’ll end up turning all that ash into glass.”

“That last thing we want is for anypony to get hurt, so we sent out a request to Canterlot to see if they’d send some soldiers.” Sardon said.

“Well, no need to worry.” Rainbow Dash said. “Help has arrived!”

“What sort of creatures are we dealing with?” Kain asked.

“There are bout three of them, giant insects with many legs burrowin through the ash.” Sardon said. “And they ain’t that small either.”

“Ugh,” Efreet said, fuming. “If only they didn’t hide every time I show my face.”

“Just leave it to us!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Perhaps out party engaging these monsters can draw them out long enough to allow you to attack them.” Kain said.

“I like your thinking, dragon pony.” Efreet said. “What are your names?”

“Kain Highwind.”

“Rainbow Dash.”


“Pinkie Pie.”

“Very well, I shall follow through with this plan.” Efreet said. “When all three of them are in the open, I’ll make my move.”


Rainbow Dash led the group of ponies into the ashy mounds around the mountain, contemplating her plan of attack.

Alright, all we got to do is just get the monsters to come out and fight, so that Efreet can toast them. Rainbow Dash thought. “So we just have to fight these only long enough for help to show up.” She finished in a whisper.

“Are you nervous Dashie?” Pinkie Pie said, making her friend jump from the interruption. “Where’s the whole, ‘let’s kick some flank!’ Dashie? She’s so fun on these adventures.”

The party entered a denser section of ash. Rainbow had unfurled her wings to make a jump across a gap.

“Is something wrong, Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked. “You don’t seem to be as… excited as you normally would be for a fight, to put it simply. You seem a bit flustered a bit recently, is something wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong!” Rainbow dash said in an outburst. “I mean, it just that,” Come on, give them a reason. “I can’t fly much right now, what with the ash, so its really starting to bug me.”

“Oh, I can’t imagine what it must be like for you.” Rarity said.

“Yeah, especially since you know you can fly but you can’t.” Pinkie Pie said. “Like if I want to make all sorts of cakes for everypony, but the Cakes have already done it.”

“Look, I’m just trying to be careful is all.” Rainbow Dash said.

Kain approached her as they made their way down a slope. “You know, you’re a lot more careful than you were before.” He said. “You were scanning for trouble as we traversed those woods on our way here.”

“I just don’t want to look stupid.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Do not worry how others might judge your concerns, worry more that they should be around to judge them at all.”

He’s going dark on me again. Rainbow Dash thought. Just like the last time.

“All that I’m saying is,” Kain said. “Its fine to have these cautious thoughts. It means that you are not as inexperienced as you were before.”

The two of them slid down a slope to a flat portion of the ash.

“That doesn’t make you any less brave.” Kain said.

Rainbow choked back a bit. “Hey, I’m not scared or anything!”

“I wasn’t implying that.” Kain said before the ground shook and something grabbed him and began pulling the dragoon away from the rest of the group.

“Kain!” Rarity cried out.

Rainbow Dash took flight and caught Kain’s foreleg and tried to wrestle him backfrom the creature in the ash. “Let go of him!” she yelled, rising higher in the air with Kain in her grip.

The creature and Kain were but hoisted up from the ash revealing the whole centipede. Kain un holstered his spear and swung at the monster, causing it to release him.

Combined with the pull from Rainbow Dash, he was sent flying away from the action towards Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Fortunately, he was able to re-align himself into landing instead of crashing.

After turning back to look at the centipede, Rainbow Dash glared. “You’re mine!” She unsheathed Canterburn.

The centipede lashed out at her in turn. Oh no you don’t! she thought as she brought her shield to bear.

The attack glanced off and Rainbow Dash immediately counter attacked.

The sword didn’t cut through the carapace, but it did knock the monster back a bit. Wow, that thing is tough.

The centipede readied for another strike, but then found its face covered in yellow goop.

“Why would you want to snack on ponies when there’s all sorts of other things much yummier?” Pinkie Pie called out from a distance.

The creature only shrieked as it descended back into the ash to rid itself of the batter that had bombarded its face.

“Though to be fair, not everypony likes mustard custard as much as I do.” Pinkie said.

The centipede erupted a short moment later from the ash, this time aiming at Pinkie Pie. The confectionerer hopped over the attack as the creature missed and sunk back down into the ash, only for another centipede to make an attack from behind the pink mare.

Rainbow then grabbed Pinkie just before the maw of the second creature could close on her friend.

“Weee!” Pinkie yelled in joy from being rushed through the air.

“That was too close.” Rainbow said as she set her friend down. As she landed, the raptor noticed the state of her wings. Rainbow then took a moment to shake some of the ash from them with some flaps.

Three centipedes then emerged and encircled the two ponies. Pinkie Pie brandished her cannon.

“Don’t worry Dashie, I got this!” she said. And unleashed a barrage of battered shots against the centipedes as they attempted to close in on them.

While an effective deterrent, one centipede had been gaining ground, getting ready to lunge.

Kain then landed on its head. His spear had impaled the creature through its chitinous armor, but it hadn’t’ stopped the centipede from flailing about in order to rid itself of the dragoon.

The other two centipedes took notice and made their way of their way over to the potential snack in a tin can.

Rarity slid down to meet with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. She noted Rainbow struggling to rid her wings of the debris. “Darling, I think I might be of help.” She then made a large, etherical magical comb appear and pass through Rainbow Dash’s wings. It sifted out the ash in one sweep.

“Whoa.” Rainbow said.

“I discovered that I could make this a few nights ago.” Rarity said. “It did wonders for my mane and tail.”

Rainbow turned to look back at the battle. Kain’s still got problems. She thought as she saw the dragoon bounding between each of the centipede monsters. She took off once more to attack the enormous insects.

She flew in with her sword, striking one of the monsters, it was enough to distract them so Kain could recover his weapon that was still lodged in one of them.

Once again though, each of the centipedes dove into the ash with a splotch of custard on the ground where the descended.

“There’s gotta be a way to keep them on the surface.” Rainbow Dash said.

“We’re simply running into the same problem Efreet did earlier.” Kain said, as the two of them returned to Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

“Got any ideas?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh certainly.” Rarity said. “Your armor is just lovely, but perhaps you could try something different with your mane.”

“No, I mean the monsters.” Rainbow ash said. “There’s’ got to be a way to slow them down.”

“Slow.” Kain said, mulling over the word. “Rarity, do you think you could use your magic to slow these monsters?”

The ash around them began to rise. The party took notice and split up to separate the attackers. Rarity ran with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie with Kain.

“I know I’m a white mage, but I still don’t even know what these spells Kain keeps telling me about ar.” Rarity said as she and her pegasus friend dodged a centipede jumping out of the ash.

Rainbow jumped on the creature’s head, forcing it to retreat. She then landed and continued to gallop with Rarity. “Too much ash in the wings again.”

Rarity once again conjured a magical comb and let the ethereal implement pass through her friend’s wings.

“Maybe that’s it,” Rainbow Dash said. “You should just try to do things your own way.”

Kain and Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, had managed to enrage toe other two monsters. The centipede’s shrieks, drew their third member back to them and away from the two mares. In the distance cannon fire could be heard and the figure of a pony bouncing up and down upon the centipedes’ heads.

“That’s it!” Rarity said. “’I’ve been inspired for another garment!”

“Rarity, I meant using your magic for the fight.” Rainbow Dash said.

“No, that’s just it dear.” Rarity said. “Quickly, help Pinkie and Kain for as long as you can, make sure that those creatures are stay in site all at once.”

“That’s kind of the point, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Yes, exactly. I’ll make sure they stay out.” Rarity said.

“Alright then.” Rainbow said and took off to join the fray. I hope you know what you’re doing. The pegasus galloped back as fast as she could. Gotta save my wings for when I need them. She drew her blade and charged for the tail of one of the centipedes.

With one strike, the monster’s attention was now on her. Even if she couldn’t fly, she still read the movements of the creature. Rainbow dodged lunge from the centipede and swung Canterburn at the side of the monster.

There was an audible pop as one of the legs went limp. Rainbow Dash then swung again before the centipede could counter attack, causing another pop.

Gross. Rainbow Dash thought and then noticed that the centipede was moving slower now. “Hey guys! The legs! Hit them in the legs!” she yelled.

Pinkie and Kain then changed their tactics. Drawing the front pincer legs to try to clamp down while debilitating the legs. Kain used his spear to break them while Pinkie shot dough at the joints.

“Please clear the way!” Rarity called out from a distance. “My latest work is ready for its debut!”

The three other ponies zig zagged through the center of the fray, then out and away, luring the centipedes crashing into each other as they lunged.

As the monsters attempted to gain their bearings, large pieces of magical cloth came moving across the ash, covering and capturing the centipedes. Rarity then made a large, etheric needle appear. She sewed the pieces together into what could only be described as a large, magical sweater.

From the outside, everyone could see the semi-transparent garb fold about, leaving the centipedes scrambling to get out.

“Efreet, we got them trapped!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

The red dragoness came shooting out of her cave. “I’ve got you now!” she roared. Efreet picked up the magical apparel and brought the creatures into the air. She stopped, then the dragon tossed them above her before she incinerated them into ash themselves.

She then returned to the ground, with Sardon Saddles making his way down the slopes of ash. “Wow, that sure was a bright show you put on there.”

“You certainly are resourceful.” Efreet said. “So, what is this whole ‘Eidolon’ business you have with me?” she asked.

“We’re looking for someone who could be the Eidolon of Fire.” Rainbow Dash said. “I saw you in some weird vision.” She stepped forward to where the dragoness had landed.

“We were sent on a mission by the Tree of Harmony.” Rainbow Dash said, continuing. “It said that something big is going to happen in Equestia, and that we needed to find all of you and be ready.”

Efreet put a claw to her chin. “Well, I’m not sure about the whole, ‘big thing’ coming to the world. But if the very ponies that ran me out of so long ago helped me get revenge on the insects, give me a gem cake, and actually apologize; then I suppose I’ll aid you with my fiery breath.”

“Wow, thanks Ms. Efreet!” Pinkie Pie said.

“We thank you for your aid.” Kain said.

“That reminds me.” Efreet said. “Why are you dressed up looking like my kind?”

“I’m a dragoon.” Kain said. “We emulate the skills and combat of dragons.”

“And Kain totally made a pledge to use the powers of a dragon named Deist a while ago!” Pinkie said. “Now he can jump into the air and land on meanies’ heads!”

“So, you know Deist then?” Efreet said. “And now you can take to the skies like a dragon?” she blew a smoke ring out. “Well then, lets’ just see what I can do for you, dragoon.”

Efreet then faced the dragon knight. “Kain, will you use my power to show the might of dragons?”

Kain knelt and lowered his head. “I will, Efreet.”

“Well then.” Efreet said and a red glow encompassed the dragoon and dragoness.

When everything returned to normal, Rainbow Dashed eyed them with a puzzled look. “So, are you going to be able to jump even higher now or what Kain?”

“Oh, he’ll be able to do much better than that.” Efreet said. “Breathe deep and exhale into the sky.”

Kain followed her directions, and when he let his breath out a bust of fire erupted from his mouth.

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed. “He didn’t even have any chili peppers!”

“Use this gift well.” Efreet said.

“I shall, Lady Efreet.” Kain replied.