• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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Cold and Comfort

Cold and Comfort

The group returned to the library and found that Twilight’s meeting was already underway. Everyone that could fit entered, leaving Rocky outside with his father to peek through the windows, creating a strange sight for the town ponies that passed by.

“Well, now that everypony is back, we can get back to finding the next eidolons.” Twilight said as she added check marks to her board.

“Hey Titan,” Applejack said to the eidolon that was sitting outside, peeking in through the library’s window. ”Ya wouldn’t happen to know who the eidolons would be, would ya?”

“If you don’t mind, can we speak someplace else?” the eidolon said. “It’s a little difficult to talk with all of you from here.”

Twilight blushed. “I guess it was a bit silly of me to try and hold our meeting in the library.”

“Plenty of space at the farm.” Applejack said.

“Outdoor meeting!?” Pinkie asked. “This calls for a picnic! Come on Fluttershy, let’s go to my place and get some snacks ready!”

Fluttershy only had a confused look before her friend grabbed her and she let out an “Eep!”

“Snacks? I’m in!” Rainbow Dash sped off to follow.


Pinkie moved in a blur to prepare what she considered to be “only a few things.”, meanwhile, Fluttershy was dicing some vegetables for a salad.

“Don’t you think this is a bit much?’ Fluttershy askes while grabbing a tomato with her wing and placing it on the cutting board.

“No way, Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We’ve got a crowd to feed!” She closed the oven doors with her tail. “Besides, have you seen how much Kain eats””

“Wait, he likes to eat?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He actually knows how to enjoy something?” She grabbed a cupcake from the counter before Pinkie’s tail swatted Rainbow’s hoof and the treat landed back with the rest.

“Oh yeah!” Pinkie said. “He never really let’s anypony see him eat so much, especially Rarity, but he’s ordered his fair share of sweets from the Sugar Cube corner.”

“You got him hooked.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Just like a certain mare I know.” Pinkie replied, lining baskets with fabric for the picnic. “Hmm, somethings missing.”

“What else could you possibly need?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You’ve got more than enough food for everypony. Well, except maybe for Titan.” Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her chin. “What would he eat anyways Fluttershy?”

She had barely finished one salad before putting down her knife. “I’m not sure really.” I mostly know about all sort of animals, but not stony golems.”

“I got it!” Pinkie burst out. ”I’ve got just the mare to help us out!” She sped out of the room in a pink blur, leaving a mixing bowl spinning on the counter, and returned with a paper and a pencil. She sat about writing frantically.

“My sister’s gonna freak out once she gets this letter! She’ll be here so fast, I think the train might be too slow.

“Why would your sister be excited?” Rainbow Dash asked, while reaching for a cupcake again.

Pinkie folded her letter up. “Because my sister, Maud Pie,” Pinkie then launched the pencil with her tail, knocking the cupcake from Rainbow’s hoof yet again. “studies rocks for a living! She’s getting her degree in rockology! She’s going to be super-duper excited!”

Pinkie then grabbed a muffin from the display counter and opened a window to the bakery. To which she held out the pastry and her sealed letter. A grey pegasus mail-mare flew by and grabbed the items.

“Where was I?” Pinkie asked. “Oh right, what else to bring to the picnic!”

“I don’t know, I think this is enough.” Fluttershy said as Pinkie was moving things to the cart.

“You’ve got everything here except ice cream!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ooh, you’re right Dashie!” Pinkie said. “We can always use a chilly treat!” She then froze, fixated on the thought.

Her friends stared at her, worried why the normally, hyper party pony held her position.

“Hey, Pinkie, what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew over and waved a hoof in front of her friends motionless.”

“Oh dear, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this still, not since the time with too many Pinkies.” Fluttershy said.

“Do you think we should call Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning away from her entranced friend.

“You sort of looked like this too.” Fluttershy said. “When we were at the library before you told us about the dragon.”

“Wait, so is Pinkie seeing where the next eidolon is?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning back to Pinkie, only to see the pink mare missing. “What the-?”

Pinkie popped up from behind Rainbow Dash. “Sure did, Dashie!”

“Gah!” Rainbow let out, taking to the air in surprise.

“The next eidolon is near Yakyakistan! Didn’t see anypony’s face, but a really pretty snow castle!” Pinkie then sped to load everything else for the picnic, including perfectly timed pastries from the ovens that dinged, one after another.

“Come on, let’s go tell everypony!”


Twilight had just moved the meeting to the open fields near Sweet Apple Acres when Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash pulled up to the group with a wagon full of food and coming to a screeching halt.

Fluttershy had barely caught up when Twilight finished staring down the array of food. “Pinkie, you didn’t need this much!” Twilight said, exasperated.

All the while, Titan leaned over to the wagon. “Ooh, what a selection!” He grabbed one of the cupcakes ever so carefully between his gargantuan fingers. “You surface dwellers have quite colorful foods.”

The eidolon grabbed another and gave it to his son while trying his own treat. “Not quite as crunchy as rocks, but it tastes good!”

Pinkie beamed at the compliment. “Glad you like my baking! But just wait until you try my sis’ treats!”

“Yer sister is comin along with us?” Applejack asked.

“Nope!” Pinkie replied. “She’s a rock expert! I asked her to come over to meet Titan and help him and his son out here in Ponyville.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Well, I suppose that makes sense. But we still have the matter of figuring out where the other eidolons are.”

“Don’t worry, Twilight!” Pinkie said. “I already know where the next one is!”

“Its some place called, Yakenstan.” Rainbow Dash said.

Yakyakistan.” Pinkie said, correcting the raptor.

“Oh good!” Twilight said. “So, who is the eidolon out there?”

“I have no idea!” Pinkie said. “I only saw lots of snow and a snow castle!” her response earning a few flat looks.

“What about you, Titan?” Twilight asked. “Are you acquainted with any eidolons, you might know who we’ll need to find.”

Titan sat down and rested his face on his fist. “Being under the earth for so long hasn’t helped me with getting to know anyone.” He said. “I only knew one other eidolon, that of the sea. But it’s been such a long time that the mantle could have passed to someone else in all that time.”

“Well, could you please tell us their name?” Rarity asked.

“The Lord of the Sea, Leviathan.” Titan replied, to which Kain’s attention directed towards the eidolon.

“What’s wrong Kain?” Twilight asked.

“There’s a pattern to the eidolons’ names.” He replied.

“Really? How?” Twilight flipped the chalkboard she brought out to the field.

“I thought it only to be a coincidence before, but three names cannot be random.” Kain said, to which Twilight levitated a piece of chalk for Spike to take notes. “On my world, Ifreet was a demon-like man who possessed the power of fire.”

“Hey, Efreet is the name of the dragon who turned out to be the Eidolon of Fire!” Rainbow Dash said.

“What ‘bout Titan?” Applejack asked.

“I remember that eidolon all too well.” Kain said. “Like Efreet, Titan appeared more human in my world. Titan here, appears to be made entirely out of stone.

“A little moss here and there as well.” Titan replied, running a hand through his “hair”.

“And now you’ve named Leviathan.” Kain said.

“So where do you think Leviathan might be, Kain?” Rarity asked.

“On my world, the eidolons lived in a realm of their own, so I cannot say for sure where any of them could be.” Kain said. “But the eidolons here seem to be in different places.”

“What ‘bout their names?” Applejack asked.

“The summoner who traveled and fought with us on my world called forth many eidolons. I can remember few, but she did not share much of her knowledge with me.” Kain said.

“You know a lot about eidolons, but you said that mare wouldn’t tell you about them.” Flutteryshy said. “Why would somepony who you travelled with not trusty you- oh, I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth with her hoof before whispering. “I forgot about your past.”

Kain sighed. “If only I could fault Rydia’s mistrust for being a traitor, but I wronged her and her people.” Everyone around stopped what they were doing and solemnly listened.

“It was out of a terrible decision Cecil and I made. We were supposed to deliver a signet to her village in order for my friend to regain favor with the king. We were so naive to think it was so simple. We ended up unleashing a fire that killed most of the people in her village.” Kain ground a hoof into the earth. “Save for one girl, Rydia.”

“Wow, that’s awful.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I can’t really blame her for hating me.” Kain said. “Even after we became comrades, I didn’t believe she ever fully trusted me.”

“Did your try talking to her?” Twilight asked.

“It was after that day that I swore to no longer be a pawn. Perhaps I should have placed my efforts in other places.” Kain said. “Instead, I feared talking to Rydia any more than I needed to because of the shame, and for that I lost out on a true friendship.”

Rarity approached the dragoon and put a comforting foreleg over his neck and embraced him. “But a traitor is no longer who you are, no, never who you were.” She said.

“What ‘bout the princesses?” Applejack asked. “Have they got back to ya Twilight?”

Twilight levitated a scroll from a satchel she brought. “I think there’s going to be a problem with that.” She said. “I got a letter back from them, but I don’t think they’re going to be able to help us search.”

“Well why not?” Applejack asked. “Ah think this is one of those times we’ll need all the help we can get.”

“In their letter, Princess Celestia and Luna said that they can’t leave Canterlot.” Twilight said, earing confused looks from the other ponies. “A long time ago, before the princesses came into power, two sets of unicorns were in charge of raising and lowering the sun and moon.”

“Oh, I remember this story from when I was a filly in school.” Rarity said. “So many unicorns lost their mage after weeks of exerting themselves, but I thought that was only an old legend?”

“No, it was very real.” Twilight said and began drawing a model of the world, along with the sun, moon, and both princesses. “Because an alicorn has magic from all three pony tribes, Celestia and Luna can use a little magic from each source to manipulate the sun and moon.

“But somethings wrong now.” Spike said. “I remember you pacing around the library when you read the letter after we got back.”

She turned and gave a scowel. “One crisis at a time, Spike.” Twilight said. “Right now, the princesses said that they can’t help us search because they have to use the old ceremony pedestals in Canterlot every dawn and dusk.”

“But why haven’t they at least helped us figure out who the eidolons are?” Rainbow Dash asked. “They’ve been around a long time, they should at least know who the eidolons are.”

“Just like Titan said before,” Twilight replied. “It’s possible the title of eidolon could have moved to somepony else, or the princesses might not even know who they are. When I sent my first letter, they said they’d get back to me on that after searching the archives since they didn’t know who exactly the eidolons are.”

“And they told ya?” Applejack asked.

“Another problem.” Twilight said. “The whole ‘raising the sun and moon’ duty has been wearing them down. To the point where they’re sleeping most of the day and night just building their strength back.”

Rainbow Dash flew down towards Twilight and looked her in the eye. “And how does this not count as a crisis?” she asked.

Twilight held up a hoof defensively. “Hey, I only just found out about this in the letter they sent back! They said that they’re too exhausted to help directly, but I did tell them to let us know if anything else is happens. Right now, they don’t want to cause any alarm, but they think that something with the eidolons must be tied to all this.”

“Yes, that might cause more harm if everypony knew the princesses were in this state.” Rarity said.

“And it might draw attention from your enemies if they knew Equestria’s leaders were vulnerable.” Kain said.

“Are there any other Eidolons’ names you can remember?” Twilight asked.

“Shiva and Ramuh.” Kain said. “Eidolons of ice and storm.”

“So, this Shiva is probably the eidolon that Pinkie’s gonna meet.” Applejack said.

“Great! I’m gonna get ready!” Pinkie exclaimed, and then swallowed half a dozen cupcakes before grabbing Rainbow Dash, who was just about to bite into hers. “Come on, Dashie!” and the two sped off.

“I’ll go with them.” Kain said. “My fire breath might be of use in a frigid region if Pinkie’s vision is right.”

Trixie put down a piece of pie that she’d been focused on more than the meeting. “Hey, you’re not the only pony with fire around here!” she said. “There just so happens to be a mare whose expertise is fire magic!” she approached the dragoon with a haughty trot.

“Good, we’ll need to be ready.” Kain said, causing Trixie to stumble.

“I guess that settles it then.” Twilight said. “You four will look in the frozen north for the next eidolon. The rest of us will see if we can get any other clues.”

Applejack looked at the two remaining members of Pinkie’s group. “Seems a bit lazy on our part. Lettin the four of them go without help. But Ah guess we gotta be ready to leave if’n one of us figures out where the next eidolon is.”

“I know how much you want to help AJ, but at least it gives the rest of us some time to catch up in town.” Rarity said, pouring some lemonade into a glass she’d gotten from Pinkie’s cart.

“I’ve got to make sure all of my animals are fine before we have to leave again.” Fluttershy said, but quickly added. “But I’m sure the crusaders did a great job with them while I was gone!”

“Well, without any other leads, I guess we can take a breather until we figure things out.” Twilight said, also grabbing a glass of lemonade. She turned to her board and looked it over. “Now, I wonder if there’s a pattern to where the eidolons have been found and their elements…”


Pinkie had once again, managed to pack everything for their next rip in a matter of minutes.

“You didn’t forget to pack your warm coats for the north, did you?” Rainbow Dash asked, watching Pinkie move in a blur.

“Nope!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I got everything I need, even the thermal underwear Rarity made!” and pulled out a set of pink tights from her bags, causing the remaining contents to explode about the room.

Pinkie rapidly shoved everything back into the container. “No colds this time! What about you, Rainbow Dash?”

“I’ve still got the suit Rarity made for me.” She replied. “But with metal armor? That’s gotta be cold.” She shivered with the thought.

“Maybe you should go see Rarity!” Pinkie said. “She made stuff for Kain to wear in the cold before!”

“Yeah, probably.” Rainbow Dash said. “So, what do you think is out there, Pinkie?”

Pinkie was in the middle of packing another container. “Yaks, snow, ice, ice eidolons.” She said.

“No, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said, interrupting. “I mean like, monsters.”

“What’s the matter Dashie?” Pinkie asked. “I thought you were really excited to fight baddies?”

“I guess so, but sometimes I wonder if I’m good enough to help everypony.” Rainbow Dash said, rubbing one of her forelegs nervously.

Pinkie put a foreleg over her friend’s shoulder. “Rainbow Dash, you’re not the only pony with super-duper crystal powers. We’re all in this together! We took care of all those meanies before, together.

“Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” Rainbow Dash said.

“And we’re gonna keep watching out for each other!” Pinkie said and hugged Rainbow.