• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,405 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

  • ...

Ice Scream

////Pinkie Pie////

Not much was said or done on the way to the ice palace. Pinkie was definitely sure it would have been more interesting if they had ridden on machines to epic music. Maybe Rainbow Dash would have agreed.

Regardless, the party stood before a beautiful, snow covered palace.

“I hope they have ice cream.” Pinkie said, earning a slow turn of glances towards the mare.

“If you’re this high up, you might as well just make it.” She continued. “I would!”

“The yaks said they always avoided this place.” Wedge said. “Something about it never sat right with them.”

“It is unnaturally calm.” Kain said, moving cautiously towards the entrance. “Some sort of magic might be at work here. Mage, Trixie, do you sense anything?”

Pinkie noticed the black mage’s beady eyes narrow and glare at the structure.

“Trixie’s not what you call, a ‘classically’ trained unicorn, but there’s definitely something off.”

“In my travels, all sorts of creatures were drawn to concentrations of magic.” Kain said. “Be on your guard.”


Each hoofstep inside was a chilly reminder of where they were. There may not have been wind, but there was no warmth in the frozen palace.

Pinkie, meanwhile was still shopping as she usually did with an audible series of ‘tinks’ every time she landed from a hop. “I bet Rarity would love this place.” She said. It almost like the whole place is made of a huge gem!”

Trixie snorted.

“Gesundheit!” Pinkie replied. “Well, except its ice.”

As they walked, one of the hallway’s opened into a massive experience, allowing the last rays of sunlight to disperse from the ceiling before dusk settled.

A sheen of light washed past them and four of the ponies apart from Pinkie, collided with what felt like a glass wall.

Kain drew his spear and attempted to shatter the wall, but it rippled with magical energy. “Someone is impeding our progress.” He said, muffled by the barrier.

“And dividing us.” Wedge continued. “Chances are they won’t let us stay here for too long.”

The cracking sound of ice encrusting the floor drew the party’s attention to the start of the path being enveloped in freezing magic.

The black mage took one look and loosed a stream of fire along the ground. Flames tore into the ice, but were quickly overwhelmed and frozen over once more.

Trixie slammed her head in frustration against the barrier. “Fine, let’s split up and get captured one by one!”

As the party members began to escape down the only paths the barriers allowed, Pinkie realized that she wasn’t “stuck” like the others were, but was caught in some in-between layer of the palace and the barriers. It was like being in the icing between cake layers.

The cannoneer veered off towards Trixie since she seemed to be the grumpiest about this predicament. She found the show-mare futilely firing flames at the walls.

“Ugh, Trixie cannot stand this place!”

Pinkie jumped down to a wall that wasn’t being blasted and knocked on the wall.

Trixie turned, saw Pinkie on the other side, and drooped her head.

“I don’t think you’re going to be able to melt it that way.” Pinkie said.

“What’s the point of having powerful magic if Trixie can’t use it to solver her problems?” she asked.

“I don’t know Trixie; you sure helped a lot along the way with all those snow monsters.” Pinkie continued.

Trixie pressed a hoof against the cold barrier. “Trixie thought she didn’t’ have to deal with this sort of nonsense anymore.”

“Oh, so you have been in a crystal palace, with all sorts of tricks and puzzles you needed to solve without magic?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

Trixie slowly turned back to the cannoneer with her glowing, black mage eyes wide. “How did you know?”

Pinkie only smiled. “It was a good guess, right? You’re always excited to use all of those big spells now, and then you got all moody when they didn’t work! I bet something really big and important happened to you!”

The black mage was left stunned and silent by the mare’s insight.

“And now that you can do all this fancy magic, you might as well use it!” Pinkie continued.

Trixie recovered from her stupor and sighed, “Trixie guesses she still has to learn.” She stared at her reflection. “It’s just so easy to let all this power go to her head even if she did earn it this time.”

Pinkie watched the mage stare and then jump back. “What’s wrong, Trixie? You’re not that scary, I think your eyes are really cool!”

A powder-blue unicorn stepped out from the reflection, identical to Trixie except Pinkie remembered this look all too well. The mare didn’t have the same clothing as a black mage, instead, this Trixie had her performer’s garb and a very memorable piece of jewelry.

“What do you mean we let power go to our head?” the doppelganger spoke in a wispy voice. “We should have just turned them into toads before they used that amateur trick on us.”

She smiled at the original Trixie. “Take that one for instance. You stopped her when she got annoying. Problem solved, but only if you’d dealt with Sparkle that fast.”

Pinkie could only watch the Trixie with red eyes scold the other, she remembered when the show-mare magically removed her mouth. Yet despite how nasty Trixie had been, that wasn’t the same Trixie that had journeyed with her this far north.

“Trixie you aren’t like that mare anymore!” she called out. “You’ve changed!”

The black mage looked on at the cannoneer after her words of encouragement. “Even after what she did to you, could you consider Trixie… a friend?”

The amulet bearing doppelganger shot a look of contempt. “So, this is how you repay your second chance?” she said disdainfully. “Well, even if Trixie can’t stop the Pink nuisance from this side, she can at least stop you.”

Her eyes flared a deep crimson and fired a spell at the black mage. A puff of red smoke filled the chamber. Where the original Trixie once stood, a small powder-blue toad with a white-blue belly sat in the room with the doppelganger.

“And just like that, you deal with your problems.” The mare said. Now to find a way to get out of this stupid palace.”

She trotted by the toad and looked towards Pinkie. “You’re next, you know. Once Trixie gets out of here.” She moved off to examine the other parts of the room and began to blast them with her crimson magic.

Pinkie rushed over as close as she could tor Trixie. The toad hopped towards the edge, expressing what could only be described as a frown.

“Um, that could have gone better.” Pinkie said. “Maybe she just needs to warm up to the idea of friend ship!”

Another blast reverberated against the barrier. Trixie the toad croaked.

“So maybe that’s the wrong idea right now, and I don’t think I have enough time to sing a song before she gets out and makes me a hoppity pink toad.”

Another croak.

“So, you’re all magicky and stuff, but I don’t think you can do anything right now, if only Twilight were here, she’d know what to do.” Pinkie said before she noticed the toad puff up and croak loudly.

Trixie’s belly began puffing in and out rapidly.

“Hey uh, Trixie, don’t hurt yourself over it, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bring up Twilight’s experience and practice with magic over yours!”

The toad began to glow before a puff of blue smoke erupted. It cleared to reveal the black mage who glared at Pinkie before calling out to her doppelganger.

“You would dare do that to the Great and Powerful Trixie?!”

The mare with the alicorn amulet turned around. “So, you’re not so spineless after all?” she began charging her horn.

The black mage took a defensive stance and brace for another spell.

A jagged red beam of magic arced towards the black mage and Trixie’s own horn flared and formed a hand that caught the arcane energy before spinning about and launching it at the doppelganger.

“Wha-“the amulet mare said before a puff of blue smoke left a blue toad where she once stood.

“Trixie does not take kindly to being bullied!” the black mage said stomping towards her double.

“She did not make it this fart just to have her worst performance define her!” Trixie continued and charged her horn green as she focused her magic on the toad.

“Trixie learned to cast magic, she had to find a teacher. She learned it!”

Energy began begin pulled from the toad and into Trixie. “We ruined things one time already and we won’t ruin it again.” The toad disappeared and Trixie then lost her magical glow.

“Trixie, did you just use your magic to suck up your dark side and double your power?” Pinkie asked.

“Um, no?” Trixie said. “She just wanted to take her magic away so she couldn’t cast any more spells! Trixie didn’t kill her, she swears!”

“I dunno..” Pinkie started but was interrupted by the barrier fading, allowing Trixie to trot up to Pinkie.

“See! This was some sort of test or trick!” Trixie said, scrambling to explain.

“Okie dokey!” Pinkie replied and began hopping down the corridor.

“Wait, that’s it?” Trixie asked. “You saw Trixie magically absorb somepony and you just accepted it?”


A resounding thud alerted the mares to another part of the ice palace.

“Did you hear that?” Pinkie asked.

“What” Trixie replied. “There was a loud sound and we both ran here!”

“Huh, I guess checking it out instead of thinking it was some giant monster stomping around and running away is a better idea!”

Trixie gulped. “Uh yes! We need to find the others.”

A blue crystal pegasus pony crashed on the other side of the barrier behind Trixie, causing her to jump. She turned around to see Wedge bolt away just before another pegasus slammed into the same spot.

“You always did what he had what we had to do to survive.” A copy of wedge with flaming green eyes said before lashing at Wedge. “

“My loyalty has always been for the Crystal Empire.” The original said, parrying the blow and bucking his copy to the ground. “If I had allied with sombra, I’d be in the same dark corner of oblivion wherever he is now.”

The other pegasus shot into the air, crashing into Wedge’s center of mass. “Come on, we both know that you only chose Biggs.” He taunted. And really, Sombra would have found us some other stallion if we had allied with him.”

Wedge regained control before redoubling with a burst of wing and steel. He crisscrossed past his double, leaving him crashing to the ground in a heap.

“The thought did cross my mind.” Wedge said. “But I know who I fight for, who I stand with.”

The copy dissipated and the barrier collapsed and the Guardspony rejoined the group.

“Wow, Wedge!” Pinkie said. “That must have been a really scary time for you.”

“Were you really considering leaving Biggs to stay alive?” Trixie asked, interrupting.

Wedge moved on and the trio trotted down the corridors, “As wrong as the option was, I think something very instinctual pulled at me that day.” Wedge said.

“And I suppose many other ponies that day felt a wave of hopelessness come over them when it seemed that the shadow king was almost in control, but then I remembered my pledge., my oaths I was to make that day.”

“Oh! Were you planning on becoming a knight for the Crystal Empire?” Pinkie asked.

“No, I was already a knight at the time.” Wedge continued. “But ever since that day, I’ve questioned if I could ever be truly committed, after that hesitation I never found the courage to ask him.”

By this point, Pinkie’s eyes had nearly teared up completely. “Wedge, what are you talking about? You just beat up the only pony that had been in your way this whole time!”

Trixie sidled up to Wedge. “She’s right, as much as it pains Trixie to say it, whatever that other Wedge was, it seems like he was that dark reflection of your mind.”

The black mage turned to the cannoneer. “Wait, why is it that Trixie and Wedge have seen our bad sides and we haven’t seen yours here?”

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. “Well, when we all got separated, I didn’t get put in the same place you all did. I was outside of all the weird stuff and just followed you! I haven’t seen any other Pinkies, not since that time with-“

“No! Leave me alone!” a raspy shout emanated further on.

“Dashie!” Pinkie yelled and bolted. She left a trail of icy powder in her wake as she turned around corners to help her friend.

When she finally found the chamber with the raptor, Pinkie saw Rainbow Dash and a very different double.

An armored pegasus was backing into a corner from an unarmored, unarmed, unathletic mare.

“Oh, come on, it’s not so bad!” the double said. “You make it seem like I’m some sort of monster!”

As the cannoneer skidded to a halt, it became clear that Rainbow Dash wasn’t in any danger from a monster, just a copy sitting on a comfy cloud chair.

“Hey, she doesn’t seem so bad!” Pinkie said.

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously and pointed a hoof “Look at me…er her, she’s the worst!”

“hey can you two keep it down?” the double said. “I just started this book.”

“See!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The copy set her book down, revealing a “Rainbow Dash is #1” shirt. “Ugh, why are you being so loud?” Always telling us to do stuff.”

Rainbow Dash turned and glared. “You mean exercise and burning off all the snacks I eat?!”

“Yeah that. I mean, come on.” The double said, reaching on the other side of her chair for a bag of potato chips. “You’re so revved for adventure and being awesome, it took you forever to discover the Daring Do books.”

The double focused on her struggle to open the bag between her hooves. “But you don’t need to go out there all the time and risk our flank.”

Pinkie pressed herself against the barrier. “Dashie, not want to risk danger?! Now I’m wondering who the hay you are!”

The double popped open the bag of chips, sending some of them scattering over the floor. She sighed and grabbed a hoof full of chips and spoke while crunching through them. “After everything that’s happened? No thank you, Ma’am. Daring Do’s stories are about all I need for excitement.”

“C’mon you don’t really thing that, do you? Rainbow Dash said, regaining the nerve to approach. “The books are great and all, but we have to have our own adventures too!”

Stuffing another hoof full of chips into her mouth, Rainbow Dash’s double spoke, “Yeah, and just what’s happened on our adventures? We got captured by changelings, corrupted by Discord, beat to a pulp by somepony who actually knows how to fight. Oh, and don’t forget about the time we were a pig and almost got eaten by cragodiles.”

With each example, Pinkie saw Rainbow Dash recoil with every misadventure. “Well uh,-“ Rainbow Dash began in an attempt to retort.

“Face it, we’re not as cut out as we thought we were.” The other mare interrupted. “We’re just not cracked up for the hero thing.”

Pinkie couldn’t sit back any longer. “Come on Dashie, just because things haven’t gone your way a few, er, a lot of the time doesn’t mean you’re not hero material!”

“Yeah, so maybe I’ve gotten my flank kicked more times than I’d like to admit, but it’s been our thing all our life!” Rainbow Dash said.

The double shuffled herself in her seat and sighed, “Well, not anymore! Come on, grab some chips, and let’s put this hero business behind us.”

Rainbow Dash stomped towards the other mare. “Oh no, not after years of busty my flank, wings and bones to get a first hoof view of so many cool things. And we just got these cool powers, do you think I’m gonna let us waste this chance?”

The double looked at her bag of chips and shook out crumbs from it. She sighed, “That sounds like way too much work.” She reached to the other side of her chair and brought out another bag.

“Look, I get it.” Rainbow Dash said. I love napping and snacking as much as you do, but doesn’t it feel worth it only after we’ve given it our all?”

Her double only stared into the newly opened bag of chips. “These chips still taste good even if I haven’t had a workout in a month.”

“Gah! That’s it!” Rainbow Dash yelled before leaping at the mare. Her double wore a look of shock just as the raptor crashed into her, only to fade into a haze and the icy barrier did as well, leaving Rainbow Dash staring at Pinkie Pie.

“Huh?” she said out of confusion.

“I think you beat her, Dashie.” Pinkie said.

The raptor took to a hover and tried her best to not appear confused. “Well, let’s find the others then.” Rainbow Dash said beginning to move with Pinkie.

“The confectioneer stopped. “So, what was that about being a pig?”

Rainbow Dash turned to see Wedge and Trixie approaching down the hall. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She said and made her way down the hall ahead of Pinkie.

The confectioneer waved to the others to rejoin, and she began to hop after Rainbow Dash. “Some ponies get to have all the fun.”


The party found their dragoon standing down a narrow corridor of the ice palace, perfectly still.

“Is Kain sensitive to the cold or something?” Rainbow Dash asked.

As they closed in, Kain hadn’t turned to acknowledge the party.

“Something wrong, soldier?” Wedge asked moving towards the front of the group.

“Only one thing.” Kain said, not moving a muscle.

Pinkie notice Kain was staring directly into the ice wall, and she looked at the reflection of everyone in the hall, except for Kain. Then, the dragoon’s image in the ice crashed into the barrier causing everyone except for Kain to flinch.

“So, I wasn’t going mad.” Kain said. “He really is in there.”

Pinkie sidled up to Kain to see his reflection. “Hey, is that the dark side of you that got loose and terrorized Ponyville?” she asked.

“It would seem so.” The dragoon replied, not breaking his gaze.

“So why hasn’t he broken out and attacked us?” Wedge asked.

“Kain kicked his flank before.” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe he can’t break out anymore!”

“Yeah I mean, come on Kain, you went through a whole ‘fighting your demons’ atonement arc!” Pinkie said.

“He’s in my past now, but will always be in my reflection, no matter what.” Kain said, and the hostile image merged back into a simple reflection. “A lesson I must never forget.” The dragoon walked away.

The party, having navigated the many confusing corridors of the palace finally found a part of the building that appeared to be the end of the labyrinth. The path opened up into an icy theatre complete with three massive sections of seating and a grandiose stage.

Pinkie wasted no time in hopping down the aisles and jumping onto the stage. “An amazing vault for a non-dragoon pony!” she said, sticking the landing.

“What sort of place is this in the middle of a palace in the middle of the frozen north?” Wedge asked.

“A place for somepony with way too much money.” Trixie said, using the stairs next to the stage to climb up. “Maybe Trixie could get them to sponsor her next show.”

The black mage joined Pinkie on center stage in front of an enormous and elegant stage curtain that looked like snowfall suspended in time.

The confectioneer stared out at the rows of sets and ails that everyone else in her party were quizzically looking over as they passed. She took in a deep breath, ready to start a musical number about overcoming your bad side when a hoof tapped her back

Pinkie turned to see Trixie, wide-eyed or as wide-eyed as her black mage veil would allow.

“What’s up, Trixie?” Pinkie asked, only to have the other mare point at the curtain silently. She poked her head behind the frigid stage curtain and as soon as she looked backstage, a cold rush of wind blew past her from the seating area.

All the layers that Rarity had given her before the trip seemed to do nothing against the cold bite of the wind. And the cold only sunk deeper. Deeper than Pinkie thought she could feel cold, it was if the wind blew against her mind.

Just like she lost warmth, she felt the subzero air drain away her thoughts and feelings. Good memories, like the taste of triple-chocolate cake faded, and even the time she thought her friends had forgotten her birthday vanished just as other bad memories.

Every like and dislike were being blown away from her, but the mare couldn’t shake the weird indifference for tapioca pudding, or that one coffee shop in Manehattan. It was the smallest mote of light and warmth that remained on Pinkie’s mind.

Then, just as quick as it started, everything rushed back towards her. The warmth, the memories, and she looked to see figures, shuffling rigidly moving about on stage. It was dark beyond the curtains until beams of stage light focused on them, revealing toy-like ponies.

Their manes were thin and glossy, their legs bending only at a few spots. Then there were their eyes, painted on and unreal, stranger yet when viewed from the front because Pinkie couldn’t see them.

“Um, guys are you seeing this show?” Pinkie asked her party while turning back, only to see plush pony dolls tremor and drop to the ground.

Where her friends had been moments ago were now button-eyed caricatures. The strange ponies began to jump and spin, then strange music began to wind up as the performers began their show.
Here, we are to, tear-a-part-the-love-you-hold-and-sever-that-which

you hold dear by sap-ping-ev-ery-bit-of-strength-you-think-you-had-but

Now what-you-have-thrown-out-has-be-come-the-her-ald-of-your-un timelyend!

A shame that, you caused this, prea-ching-friend-ship-was-all lies!

We have-been-here-so-long-we-just-don’t-want-to-waste-a-chance-for a friend!

But first we, must show you, all-of-our-cute-sharp-doll-knives!

What, the hay, you-just-don’t-go-and-suck-the-souls-from-your-dear-guests

And, start a song, just-by-in-tro-du-cing-your-sca-ry-in-ten-tions-like

We, just-came-to-life-and-now-we’re-gon-na-take-your-et-er-nal spir its!

A shame that, you’re so rude! You-for-got-a-Pink-ie Soul!

Hey, I-don’t-want-to-have-to-re-sort-to-vio-lence-but if it

Will stop you, I guess I’ll, have to, use this!

The dolls shot knives out of their hooves and began spinning towards the cannoneer before she could fire. Pinkie only had enough time to leap out of the way.

Cut, that out, Wait, wrong choice of words! Don’t use knives that way!

Come, don’t pout, we just don’t use swords. We’ll-make-you-part-of-this-e-ter-nal-fro-zen-play!

Thanks, but I just want my friends back! We’ll just leave you be!

Without souls we can-not come back! We must not let you go free!

I guess I’ll need to use my can-non! My friends don’t want to stay as dolls!

Look at you like you think you have a chance! Get those cheap dolls a-way from us!

That’s not nice you said you were lonely before! Take these party can-non balls!

The cannoneer fired a volley, only for the dolls to yank themselves in the air with a spin. Pinkie’s shots chipped pieces off the stage where they landed instead.

The figures continued their dance, trying to dice up the Pink mare. They spun quickly, but weren’t fast enough for the professional hopper.

Pinkie landed next to Trixie. A cute, black mage plushie, complete with cape, hat, and a black cloth veil was at the cannoneer’s hooves. She turned to notice that the figures had stayed back, still spinning at full speed.

Pinkie stuffed Trixie into her saddlebag, and like tops, the figures began to close in on her. “Yikes!” she hopped to the next of her friends off stage, but when she landed a coldness began to creep up her hooves.

Pinkie rushed to collect Kain in his thick, cottony armor. Then she moved to pick up Wedge, along with his plastic sword and shield and put them in with Trixie.

The cold was beginning to slow the usual spring in her step, and it became apparent that the figurines weren’t about to play fair as they jumped off stage and spun closer to the cannoneer.

The figures spun their blades, destroying the seating in the aisles into icy powder.

Rainbow Dash had landed on one of the seats from where she had been floating above, Pinkie had barely noticed her multicolored yarn tail droop over the side of a seat.

The dancing figures spun closer like buzz saws as Pinkie did her best to reach the raptor doll.

She scooped up the last of her friends, and with one more leap, made her way back on stage just as one of the creepy figures about took off her tail.

She looked back down at the figures and mused. “Toys that don’t like to play with dolls…” Pinkie said. Then the mare jumped to center stage and waited.

The four spinners surrounded Pinkie, but she didn’t react until they were inches away.

“Blue pony barrage!” Pinkie screamed and fired four-shots at each of the dancer’s heads. Each of her friends clocked the figures square on the head and glared blue light.

Each of one of her friends tumbled back onto stage while a cheap toy remained where the blade dancers were. But before any of them could ask what happened, etheric screams pierced the party’s ears as ghastly horse apparitions flew about and dove into a pile of discarded figures.

The winds blew around them as they formed a conjoined massive “doll” out of various scrapped figures. It had an unsettling texture of a multitude of various makes and materials. The eyes themselves moved within “sockets” of other toys.

Pinkie never really saw why others thought of Rarity’s ponyquinnes as creepy, but when this big mean, soul-stealing-creature made her start to see where some ponies were coming from.

“You will not leave!” the thing bellowed as a massive mish-mashed legs began crunching when it walked towards them.

Kain wasted no time in taking to the sky for a jump attack. Wedge flew to in front of the creature and stood his ground or rather, air.

Pinkie rolled out her cannon and blasted from beneath Wedge, aiming for the legs. Two shots crashed, but they barely fazed the giant doll.

“Agh! A doll, who the hay turns ponies into dolls!” Rainbow Dash yelled and turned. “Trixie, Fire!” She pointed a hoof at the monstrosity.

The black mage glared and sent columns of fire mage towards the doll. Rainbow Dash then began to spin around one of them, growing the twister before it collided and scorched the doll.

It, in turn began to spin towards Wedge, and the crystal pegasus had to give ground from the attack the moment one of the spinning blades hit his shield.

Kain attempted to spear the doll from above, but its momentum caused him to glance off his target and nearly crash against one of the stage walls.

The figure was so massive, that as it spun it carved a line as a path onto the icy stage.

Pinkie kicked her cannon across the ice and hopped over to it, once again avoiding evil buzz saws. She tried some batter shots, but the blades from the dancing abomination deflected the everdough.

“Wedge, just like the canyon!” Rainbow Dash called out. “You ready again, Trixie?”

The black mage began charging her magic once more for a massive fire spell.

“Let’s keep it away, Kain!” Pinkie called out as the whirring menace began its move once again. She aimed high and shot off the last of the spicy soup from Yakyakistan.

Kain let loose a bolt of fire toward the doll’s feet. Various materials ignited and began to melt.

Wedge joined Rainbow Dash and the two pegasi spun around the newest fire spell Trixie evoked. Despite the frigid nature of the palace, the column of flame warmed the vicinity like a sunrise. The ensuing spell melted the abomination off of its feet.

Once more, the Windigo spirits burst forth out of their destroyed body and began flying in a circle, hissing, “We will have those bodies!” Their movement seeming to draw all the warmth from the room like before.

“If you wanted them so badly, why didn’t you say so?” Pinkie asked coyly. She looked over to Kain. “I got you guys!” and pointed at her cannon.

She approached Kain and yelled upward, “Blue pony barrage!” she touched Kain, who became a blue orb of light she then loaded and fired. Out of her cannon flew a dragoon, spear pointed at the windigo.

“Fire-two!” Pinkie grabbed Wedge and loaded a crystal orb. She proceeded to fire the guardspony.

Despite looking more like ghosts, Kain’s spear pierced one of the windigos and moments later, Wedge joined in the fray and slashed one of their heads off.

“Fire-three!” Pinkie grabbed Rainbow Dash and loaded a rainbow cannonball, and sent the raptor on her way to attack the remaining enemies. She unleashed a volley of air slashes that disrupted the spinning of the windigos.

She was about to get Trixie when the show-mare held a hoof up.

“Hold up! Trixie’s magic is much stronger than that of any windigo!” she began casting a spell, and then began to glow. “Now Pinkie, if you would be so kind.”

Pinkie grinned and turned Trixie into a light blue orb before yelling, “Fire-four!”

Trixie emerged riding a magical rocket which she then jumped off. The others noticed the black mage and broke from the fight moments before the mage herself leapt from the rocket.

A massive, dazzling explosion erupted dead center on the creatures, eradicating them.

“Parachute! Forgot the parachute!” Trixie yelled as she fell, but was caught by Wedge and brought down.

What remained of the theatre looked like a battle ground. Seats were cleaved and melted while other parts of the room were re-frozen icicles of whatever beautiful sculpture they were previously.

“Soooo, where’s my Eidolon?” Pinkie asked. “I hope they weren’t the ones we just blew up!” she held her hooves to her face.

A soft light descended from the ceiling and onto the stage amidst the pile of toys.

One of modest quality stood out from the rest as the light picked it up and entered it. The toy was that of an aqua and light blue dragon plushie.

The doll quaked before it reverted to its original form. A bipedal dragon, the height of an equestrian princess, descended to the ground and began to flex his wings and claws.

“Ugh, I should have known better than to have followed those voices.” He said before noticing the party. “Ponies? Up here?” he asked incredulously.

Pinkie waved as she stood as the lead party member on stage.

“I’m glad the windigos didn’t eat your souls as well.” The dragon said.

“Eidolon of Ice! You’re the Eidolon of Ice, right?!” Pinkie said and moved closer.

“Yes, but I prefer Shiver Scales.” The dragon said before looking at the damage. “What have you done to my palace?”

Comments ( 3 )

That was an epic battle, and a good call back to Calcobrina. Looking forward to the next one.

At first I got a bit confused with the battle of the dolls. I didn't even know Windigos were capable of taking souls nor turn the living into plush toys.

Not in this case since she would have needed to pre-cast it. Let's just say that she got a rare opportunity to cast Raise on herself from the almost-great beyond.

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