• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,405 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

  • ...

Surprise Act


Each of the mares had been cornered to one section of the room. Fluttershy’s bats stayed low to avoid the monsters on the ceiling and the dozens of flans that congregated on the ground level.

Five blue flans edged closer. “I don’t think I can hit all of them at once!” Twilight said.

“Well, we gotta hold them off!” Applejack said. There ain’t no place to run now.

Twilight had just about energized her tome once more and readied an attack when ice in the form of stalagmites came pulsing along the ground and hit all five of the flans in one blow and turned them into a white mist.

The party looked towards the source of the cold attack and saw a mare that looked quite similar to Mare Do Well. Each of them knew the character was only something they concocted to fool Rainbow Dash long ago though.

Upon further inspection, they noticed that this mare was slightly different. She wore a gold, floppy hat and had blue robes and a cape. Stranger yet, was while she wasn’t wearing a mask, her face was being obstructed by some sort of black aura, leaving only two small blue “eyes” amid the shaded face.

The mare galloped further and launched another ice spell at the flans. More of the blue ones exploded while the rest were only barely harmed.

Twilight immediately took to charging her tome yellow and began to swat the yellow flans. AJ, in turn, attacked the red flans with her fiery weapon.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was preoccupied with distracting the slimes on the ceiling with her bats. The monsters coalesced into a larger yellow flan which then began to reach out for the beastmaster’s swarm.

As long as they’re busy up there, we can hold off the monsters down here. Applejack thought. Celestia knows how much of a problem that thing would be with all of its friends around. She then struck another red flan, but another had flanked her and was beginning to open its blue mouth to snack on her before a shard of ice pierced through it and vaporized it.

“Thanks partner.” Applejack said to the mysterious mare that had just saved her.

Slowly the number of flans began to dwindle until there was only the large one on the ceiling. It then made a huge lunge for Fluttershy and her swarm. Though it missed, the flan destabilized itself from the ceiling and fell to the floor with a huge gelatinous spat.

When it rose up, it was easily the size of ten flans put together. Twilight launched her book at the creature, but it only sent a small portion of its gooey matter flying apart from it.

The mysterious mare then began casting another ice spell and shot a huge wave of frost at the flan. From its base, the creature began to chill over but its head was left untouched by the spell.

Twilight then delivered the final blow, sending crystalized goop throughout the chamber. Everyone waited for a while to make sure no further flans came sliming out of nowhere.

Fluttershy dismissed her bats and returned to the ground with the others.

“That was close.” Twilight said.

“That fight sure left me tuckered out.” Applejack said, letting her ax hit the ground.

“I’ve never seen a pony use attacks like that Applejack.” Twilight said. “Perhaps that’s why you’re so tired?’

“Probably, Ah only swung my ax around a few times, but that normally don’t tire me out.” Applejack said.

Fluttershy interrupted their thoughts with sorrow. “Those creatures, they didn’t even respond to me at all.”

“Ah wondered about that Fluttershy.” Applejack said. “What happened back there?”

“It was awful, like somepony was controlling them.”

“But, isn’t’ that what you did with the bats?” Twilight asked.

“It's different Twilight.” Fluttershy said. “I only ask all my animal friends for help, and if they let me, I guide them to help us. But those slime creatures…” she sniffled. "It was like they didn’t, or couldn’t fell anything at all.”

Twilight came up to her friend and put a foreleg over her. “I’m so sorry Fluttershy. I wish we could have done something else.”

“Who would do such a thing?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know.” Twilight said.

“Ya don’t think it might be them ‘forces’ the Tree of Harmony said were out there?” Applejack asked.

“That is a possibility , but if we’re going up against powers that can even keep Fluttershy from reaching out to some creatures, then its definitely something to be concerned about.” Twilight said.

“I thought for sure I would be able to help the poor thing, but it was completely shut out from me.” Fluttershy said. "Are we going to have to fight more of them, animals taken over?”

“It ain’t gonna be easy Fluttershy.” Applejack said. “Ah know how much you love every critter, but if we don’t work fast, more of them critters might end up like these.”

“You’re right!” Fluttershy said, separating herself from Twilight’s embrace. “We can’t let Equestria fall to whatever is doing this. I wouldn’t want to be in a world like that. I’m staying with you.”

The party’s attention then shifted to their newest addition.

“Thank you so much for your help back there.” Twilight said. “You came in just in time to help us out. Your spell casting is pretty good, I've never seen anypony handle themselves with elemental magic that effectively.”

The mare then put a hoof to her hat and removed it, dispelling the shadows around her face. She chuckled a bit. “Coming from you, Twilight Sparkle,”

The mare revealed her powder blue face with purple eyes and a white-blue mane. “That means a whole lot.” The mage said.

“Trixie?!” the rest of the party exclaimed all at once.


“Why in Equestria are you here?” Twilight asked.

“Helping you of course.” Trixie said.

“But those spells, when did you learn to cast those?” Twilight asked.

“Yer not wearin that amulet again, are ya?” Applejack asked.

“Of course Trixie isn’t wearing it!” the showmare exclaimed. “She is beyond dark magic.”

“But those weren’t ordinary spells.” Twilight said. “Those were some strong, destructive, elemental magics you were using. Where did you learn to cast them?”

Trixie gulped. “Well, not everypony can just go about using this kind of magic. Trixie supposes that’s what the voice meant by ‘Light of Destruction’.”

“Wait, what voice?” Applejack asked. Ya have got to be kiddin me.

“Trixie was minding her own business, when a light shot into her. She thought she was a dead mare, but then heard a voice tell here to help save the world.” She said. “Then Trixie was told she had the Light of Destruction, she even had a new outfit to go along with her new powers!”

She swung her cape around to emphasize her new appearance. “Truly the voice knew what it was doing when it asked the Great and Powerful Trixie to help.”

“But how did you find us?” Applejack asked. “Ya sure came in at the right time.”

“Trixie was told to look for other, what was the word?” she said aloud pondering the term. “Light Warriors, yes that was the title the voice used. Anyways, the voice said they would be nearby, Trixie just couldn’t believe it was all of you!”

Applejack noted the frustration both she and Twilight had. Of all the mares in the world, she has to be the one to help us?

“Please,” Trixie said. “Trixie didn’t want to go anywhere near you after all that’s happened, but when she saw you go into the mines, she couldn’t stay behind. So she secretly followed you.”

Ah knew it, somepony was following us!

“Well it’s a good thing you did.” Fluttershy said, walking up to Trixie. “You saved us when things were looking bad.”

“So you want Trixie’s help?” she asked.

“That voice you heard was the Tree of Harmony.” Fluttershy said. “It asked all of us to find the Eidolons of Harmony.”

“And by the looks of things, we’re going to need all the help we can get.” Twilight said, bemused.


After a short recap of the circumstances that led Applejack’s party to the mines, they decided to investigate the large tunnel opening in the chamber.

Unlike the rest of the mines before it, did not have any torches lighting the way, so Twilight and Trixie lit the path with their horns.

“Not to be rude or nothin,” Applejack said. “But what’s with the shadin on yer face, Trixie?”

Trixie blinked her glowing eyes at the fighter. “Oh, this is apparently part of the outfit of a black mage.” She said. “Trixie must say, it does add an allure to her appearance.”

“A black mage.” Twilight said. “Rarity was given the powers of a white mage by the Tree of Harmony. Apparently, her job is to heal. I take it from your demonstration earlier that your powers must be dark and destructive.”

Trixie was quick to respond. “Trixie’s powers aren’t dark! She has destructive and elemental magic now Twilight Sparkle” Her beady eyes narrowed at the scholar. “You of all ponies should know that this is nothing like the sort of magic Trixie had with the Alicorn Amulet.”

“You’re right Trixie,” Twilight said

“Oh, it’s always something else with…wait, what?” Trixie asked.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped to that conclusion.” Twilight said.

“Oh, apology accepted.” Trixie said, her eyes darting away from Twilight.

Author's Note:

I can’t even begin to describe my excitement when I discovered Applejacks’s newest ability. Until this point, I had only thought the Tree of Harmony had given her an ax and armor. It seems as if her ability is more of a spell. Some unicorns use rods and staves as a focus for magic and Applejack appears to be doing something similar. She must be using her earth pony magic to create the flame on her ax, but I find myself asking, why fire?

It certainly helped us in our fight against the flans. Applejack must be using her own stamina to power the attack. Earth pony magic raw and potent, naturally giving them a great degree of strength, the other tribes do not, and while its normally only used for lifting, pushing, or agriculture. Seeing it channeled this way makes me wonder to what degree the Fighter’s abilities allow Applejack to use her strength so differently. Furthermore, it appears that using this skill does tire out Applejack much in the way too many spells being cast can leave a unicorn drained.

Returning to the fire though, I am still puzzled. It isn’t a indicative element of earth pony culture, save for smiths, but Applejack comes from a line of farmers, so where does the fire come into place, rage? It’s the only other aspect I can theorize, but that even seems contrary to Appejack’s nature. Then again, when a monster tries to eat you and your friends, that might do the trick.
(Trixie has joined the party.)