• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,405 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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Branching Paths

Branching Paths

It never seemed to surprise Twilight how quickly everypony could be ready to head out on an adventure. Applejack had already brought her wagon with supplies since the break of dawn. Apparently, the area Rainbow Dash’s group was headed towards was filled with hazards that were better dealt with if they weren’t all on hoof.

“Sure hope it can take the heat.” Applejack said, giving a look over her wagon.

“I’m sure it’ll be just fine.” Twilight said.

“Anyways, we should be okay movin on hoof like we did the first time we went to those mines, just a few saddlebags of supplies.” Applejack said. She looked over to Rarity in the distance. “Besides, Ah think Rarity would be the one needin the wagon with all the stuff she’s bringin.”

The two mares shared a laugh.

“So I guess that means that Fluttershy is the only pony our group is wating for.” Twilight said. “Though its safe to say that she’ll be a lot easier to coax into this trip since there’s no dragon.”

“Who’s to say we won’t?” Applejack asked, as she checked over the wagon. She paused, and turned back towards Twilight. “Though, it’d probably be a good idea not to let her know that.”

As if on cue, Fluttershy turned the corner and made her way toward them. She was wearing the clothes that had been bestowed to them yesterday. It was funny just how the teal cloth and fleeced portions fit over Fluttershy so well.

“Just when Ah thought the girl couldn’t look any more precious, she goes and gets that getup.” Applejack said. “It’s a real shame that a mare like her always finds herself mixed up in these sorts of events.”

She looked over her own attire, fidgeting with the axe that was holstered. “Ah mean, look at us. Ceslestia forbid it, we look like we’re ready for the end of the world or something. Ah’ve got armor and yer wearing some goofy wizard getup.”

Twilight recoiled, taken back. “Hey, I’ll have you know, these aren’t wizard robes. The Tree of Harmony said they belong to a scholar!”

It wasn’t until now that Twilight noticed that each mare so far was wearing their new clothes. There was nothing special about them, she concluded that after testing her own scholar robes by using her tomes without the robes on.

On Applejack, it made sense for her to be wearing her armor. That at least served an obvious purpose, but it was interesting that she still ended up dressed for her role.

“Well, all of my animals should be fine.” Fluttershy said as she joined up with Applejack and Twilight. “The crusaders will take care of them every afternoon. That won’t be problem for Applebloom, will it Applejack?”

“Sure won’t be.” Applejack said. “Now that she’s growin up, mah sister can take on a bit more responsibility.”


Kain looked at his armor laid out and his cloak hanging on the wall. It had only been a matter of weeks, but he was beginning to get used to not wearing it. Not that it was too heavy from the lack of use, but he just couldn’t imagine himself getting involved in battle so soon.

He knew his job was to be a soldier, a dragon knight, but he wondered about the others. They weren’t trained for this kind of life apart from Rainbow Dash, who was aspiring to serve in the Equestrian military.

As he began donning his armor, more thoughts came about. The Tree of Harmony had given the others abilities he’d seen in his world, the Blue Planet, and some other powers he hadn’t. Mainly though, they now held magic of those who saw conflict.

Rarity was now a white mage, and the thought that was probably the most benevolent use of magic, he knew what it meant in the long term. Rarity would be putting herself into danger, and though she had seen a few battles as well, she most likely would be distraught by the horrors of war.

Kain, however had seen what destruction was. Rarity had never seen the village of Mist be burned to the ground or the all-out assault against the kingdom of Fabul. Kain gathered his gear and his saddlebags, then made his way to meet with his party.

His mind resumed its ruminations. Certainly she has the resolve to become a healer, though she never practiced the art. He was still concerned how it would change the mare he had come to admire.

As he approached the door of the boutique, he could already hear the other ponies inside. Kain knocked and was met by Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s younger sister.

“Oh hi Kain!” the filly said. “Come on in. My sister and her friends are waiting for you!”

Grouped around a set of luggage and other supplies, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were arguing over the amount of items they’d be bringing on the journey. Rainbow Dash only hovered above, showing little interest for the argument.

“See?” Rainbow Dash said. “Kain’s already here and you two still haven’t stopped talking about bringing all that stuff!”

Rarity turned to her pegasus friend. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but a lady needs to be properly prepared.”

“You didn’t bring this much stuff when we went to the Unicorn Mountains.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes, but that trip necessitated a hasty departure, and I needed to prepare a winter wardrobe for the rest of the group.”

“But what am I supposed to do Rarity?” Pinkie Pie asked. “How am I supposed to bring all the things for a ‘I’m sorry we embarrassed you.’ dragon-sized cake!”

As amusing as it was to let them continue on, Kain interrupted. “I think it would be best if we focused on the journey ahead of us. We’ll need to make the most of our space that Applejack’s wagon will allow us.”

“Well, I suppose I can manage with fewer clothes.” Rarity said.

“And I’ll just make a smaller cake.” Pinkie Pie said..

Kain had come to learn how much extravagance Rarity enjoyed in her life. She was vain about her appearance and behavior, something that Kain looked at with disdain back at his hometown of Baron. But Rarity would put aside those tendencies the moment she noted the importance of a situation.

“Well, if that’s over with,” Rainbow Dash said. “can we please get going?”

“Certainly Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said. “Sweetie Belle, now while I’m gone, you are to be on your best behavior at the Apple’s farm.”

“Yes, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle replied.

“And since Applejack won’t be there, you’ve going to help there wherever you can.”

“Yes, Rarity.”

“And if you find any strange, magical device, you are not to use it, correct?”

Sweetie Belle, a bit exasperated, complied. “Uh, yeah, definitely avoid any crazy magic.”

Rarity smiled and gave her sister a hug before everyone departed from the boutique. They made their way to Twilight’s library with their supplies in a smaller cart behind them.

All of it seemed different this time, like more attention was being paid to them by the townsfolk. When they left on the trip to the Unicorn Mountains a month ago, most of the Ponies didn’t give a second glance to the group, Kain wondered what was do different now?

He then remembered that day, one that changed his life forever. When two knights of Baron left on a mission to the village of Mist. Kain and his best friend, Cecil Harvey, had gone in and out of the gates so many times before, but it never failed to attract attention when they were in complete armor like they were that day.

Maybe it was the fear or respect of Baron’s military, but their armor did set them apart from the townsfolk. The dragoon looked at his party. Before, he alone in his draconic armor would have sufficed, but now there was quite the colorful group of ponies heading through town. As colorful a group could get in a world of multi-hued ponies.

He could hear the murmurs of the onlookers as they stopped what they were doing to see where this group of ponies was going. It was different this time. Every citizen seemed to be intrigued or even happy to see the adventures on their way out of town. It brought a sort of reassurance to Kain.

When they met up with Applejack’s party, they immediately got down to reviewing their plans.

“Alraht, ma group will head back to the old diamond dog mines to see if there’s any sign of an eidolon. Rainbow Dash, you’ll take yer group on the route that Ah drew on the map Ah gave ya.” Applejack said.

On the map, there was a hashed line marking the path where to avoid any dangers that Applejack had written and specified. “It should keep ya a safe distance from the fire fields so ya don’t have to worry about burning the wagon or yer hooves off.” She looked back at the wagon, a bit concerned. “Ah’d like to show ya’ll the way maself, but y’know.”

“Is there anything else you can tell us about where we’re going?” Kain asked.

“Well, the one thing Ah try and avoid are the chimeras, but as long as ya got those supplies Ah packed for ya, just follow them instructions and ya can distract them.”Applejack said. Twilight had flown onto the wagon to double check the supplies Applejack had packed, displaying a inquisitive face as she levitated the items.

“But as far as the other critters go, Ah never really stuck around that long to see what else lives in those fire fields.”

“You’ve already given us a great deal more information than we started with.” Kain said.

“Ah only wish Ah could do more.” Applejack said.

Rarity came up to Applejack and put a hoof on her withers. “Darling, you’ve already given us a lot of help. Plus those fire boots are something I would have never have expected to need. It’s not what you give but how much you put into a gift. Trust me.”

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow Dash, causing the latter to awkwardly smile. “Be safe.” She said.

“Yeah, you too Flutters.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Well, this is it then.” Twilight said, putting a hoof behind her head.

“Bye! See you later!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

The two groups parted ways stepping to look back at each other only once before continuing on. A group of heroes struck out on a journey to prevent a great catastrophe that had yet to be named. With the fate of the world unknown, a few ponies was gifted the blessings of light to protect the land. They had already accomplished great deeds before, but there remained an air of uneasiness within their hearts. Was there indeed something so daunting that more was being asked of them this time? For the first time in a while, a real concern over their abilities came into question. The elements had shed their light and had placed the fate of Equestria in their hooves.