• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,405 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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Crossroads Crosswinds

////Rainbow Dash////

“So, you’re coming back to Ponyville with us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

The fiery dragoness held her claw in the air. “Well, that’s odd.” Efreet replied. “I thought you didn’t want me cover your town in ash?”

“Right.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ms. Efreet, if I may.” Rarity said. “We happen to have an acquaintance who can send messages through dragon fire. You see-“

“He’s a baby dragon!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Spike sends out letters all the time!”

“Interesting.” Efreet said. “Well then, you can send word for me when you need me.”

“Dragons, baby dragons, ponies who dress like dragons. Never a dull day!” Sardonic Saddles said. “But I think you all are probably fixin on going home now?”


The party began their trek back to the wagon. Rainbow Dash pumped a hoof in the air. “Yes! We found an Eidolon! I bet AJ’s team is still looking.” Her foreleg slacked. “Wait, what if they already found theirs and their on their way?” She sped down to the rest of the group. “We’ve got to beat them home!”

“Calm down, darling!” Rarity said. “We’ve only left Efreets’ cave and you act as if we already know where to find the next eidolon!”

The raptor put her hoof to the back of her head. “Heh, yeah. I guess you’re right. But still, we found an Eidolon!”

“We’re on our way home!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Good thing too. I was running out of snacks!”

The party boarded the wagon, and the two earth ponies set to navigating them out of the crags.

“Ah can’t wait to tell the others the good news. Thanks for the help!” Sardonic said.

“Really, Sardonic, we should be thanking you.” Rarity said. “If you and the other ponies of Cajun country hadn’t been so amiable to Efreet, I doubt she would have been willing to hear us out.”

“I would have never thought of it that way.” Kain said.

“Sometimes you look at the bigger picture and miss the fine details.” Rarity said. “Like a dress with so many seams that hold it all together. The finished product only exists because of the details.”


The wagon made its way down to the fire fields. Rainbow Dash again. Can’t be too careful. Those chimeras are sneaky.

Sure enough, she noticed movement in the brush coming towards the wagon. She quickly sped down the party. “Hey, the chimera are back again.” She said.

The wagon stopped short of the fiery fields when Pinkie and Kain noticed their flying friend descend.

“Don’t worry Dashie, I’ll just make some more of my cheesy dough and we’ll-“

Pinkie cut herself off when her tail twitched. She pushed Kain before he could see a broken log come crashing down. Soon, the group of chimeras from before were upon them

Rainbow Dash unsheathed Canterburn. Alright, if it’s a fight you want.

Kain regained his bearing after Pinkie got off of him. He took to the sky in a flash.

“What in Equestria Is wrong with you?” Rarity yelled. “Can’t you leave us in peace?” A chimera with red fur then jumped at her. The white mage leaped from her spot on the wagon, while grabbing her staff. She incanted another magical sweater to encumber another of her attackers, a dark furred chimera.

The spell lasted only long enough to tangle the chimera briefly and it began its charge once more, only to be blasted by Pinkie’s cannon.

That was when the third, green furred chimera approached from behind Rarity. It’s maw opened, ready for a stealthy chance to sink its teeth into her, only for a flying, armored stallion to crash into it.

The dragoon and chimera skidded off along the fire fields from the blow.

“Rarity, get your boots!” Pikie yelled.

“Oh, of course!” Rarity replied and levitated the set of fire boots. “But what about you, Pinkie?”

“Don’t worry! Those meanines won’t keep me from bouncing over the hot spots!” Pinkie said.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash parried the many swipes the chimera tried to hit her with. “Hey! Don’t be mad we stopped you the last time!” the raptor yelled but the monster growled and continued it assault.

Something’s wrong here. She thought and slashed at the chimera. The beast roared but charged again.

Pinkie Pie shot a blast of her cheesy dough, but the chimera shrugged it off.

The chimera were all sneaky before. Now they’re just trying to eat us. Rainbow Dash noticed something about the heads of the monsters. They all seemed intent on one thing. Before, there was a look that at least they showed they could be talked to, but now it was lost. Its like they’ve forgotten who they are. Like they’re just an animal.

A cold chill ran down Rainbow Dash’s spine before she dodged another blow. The red furred chimera was gaining ground on the group. She readied her shield.

“Back off!” she yelled and charged her attacker. Rainbow Dash used her wings to propel herself as if she were taking off to the air.

The raptor and her target flew several feet before the monster put its feet in the ground to halt itself. Rainbow Dash was about to back away when the snake head of the chimera bend around her shield to bite at her neck.

Rainbow Dash swung her blade, severing the head from the rest of the monster. She didn’t spend much time watching the body part write on the ground as the beast lashed out in a counter attack.

This is no good. Rainbow Dash thought, blocking yet another strike, which jarred her from her defensive stance. She took to the air and then attempted to charged with her sword.

The chimera only welcomed the attack with an open maw and Rainbow was forced to bring up her shield and back off.

“Unicorns have it easy.” The pegasus said. “All they have to do is use their fancy magic.” Rainbow Dash then felt a twinge of magic in her wings. “That’s weird.” It sort of felt like when I buck clouds.

The chimera glared for a moment before leaping up at her.

“Oh, this is gonna be stupid.” Rainbow Dash said and then held out Canterburn and pointed it at the chimera. Rainbow felt her pegasus magic channel from her wings through her body and into her blade. She swung and a blast of wind shot out from her sword, colliding with the airborne chimera.

It was no ordinary gust of wind. It didn’t even appear as a puff of air, it was as if the fast-moving tear of wind raced from Canterburn and cut into the monster. Rainbow Dash hung in midair, surprised at her own attack and its effects. Shen then charged at the stunned enemy.

Meanwhile, the other two chimera were still continuing their charge at the other ponies. Pinkie Pie casually hopped over the green chimaera’s attacks while Rarity tried to slow it down with her magic.

“Pinkie, why isn’t your batter working?” Rarity asked. “Dunno, Rarity.” Pinkie replied as she bound over another swipe. “They don’t seem interested in the cheesy stuff.”

The cannoneer landed from another attack, but a burst of flame halted her movement long enough for the green chimera to close in.

To make things worse, more columns of fire spat out at the inopportune time. Rarity could see that Pinkie didn’t have anywhere else to go. She knew that an armored pony like Kain could handle himself, but Pinkie didn’t have any armor.

The chimera was feet way when Rarity cast her magic at their friend. The monster had knocked Pinkie down and pushed its face into her barrel. There was an audible crunch that drew the attention from both Kain and Rainbow Dash. Silence hung in the air as the chimera stopped, and the Pinkie giggled.

“That tickles!” she said and her clothes glowed with an aura of Rarity’s magic. The lion’s maw of the chimera was devoid of teeth.

The monster, however, didn’t stop from charging using its goat head. Pinkie then fired a barrage of batter at the chimera’s fee, sticking it to the ground The confectioner didn’t stop until only the faces of the green chimera could be seen in a huge mass of batter.

Kain had been menacing his adversary with his spear, hoping to keep the brown furred chimera’s attention on him. When he heard the sickening crack, his looked way long enough for the chimera to jump him. His spear was knocked away and his legs were pinned by the chimera that towered over him. He felt his leg being twisted and fractured from the attack.

The dragoon took a deep breath, only with the foul air the chimera was breathing in his face.Kain let loose a blast of fire.

Rainbow Dash recognized the sound, one of bones breaking, she’d heard it before she there were accidents with pegasi crashing. But to se her friend at the maw of a chimera meant something far worse. Even if it was spit second distraction, she turned to see the red chimera pouncing her.

Rainbow Dash wanted to go see if her friend was… and in that moment, she lashed out. The raptor send wave after wave of slashes through the air. The first few strikes tore into the chimera, even cutting off one of the goat head’s horns, but the onslaught didn’t end. The blasts of sharpened air continued to cut into the chimera, staggered it, and at last knocking it off balance.

Did Rarity help you? Rainbow thought and turned to the other mares to notice the green chimera covered in Pinkie’s batter, with both her friends unharmed. She was about to let out a sigh of relief when she remembered Kain.

She turned to see the dragoon pinned underneath a chimera, and then a gout of fire erupted through the chimera. The beast fell over, pushed by Kain who rose to his hooves, stumbling to get back to his group.

The chimera continued to attack and hit Rainbow in the back. She grunted from the blow and then began to fly circles around the monster, Rainbow held her sword out as she flew. The magic grew in her blade and then a whirlwind of light encircled the chimera. When the wind dissipated the monster lay on the ground, unmoving.

When the party rejoined, they saw the remaining chimera thrashing, still trying to escape.

“It’s gone completely crazy.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Indeed, it has lost its mind.” Kain said. “I remember when the creatures of my world acted like this.”

“But what happened?” Rairty asked. “They were much more civil when we passed through before. Well, as civil as one could bet about eating ponies.”

The chimera only glared from its position and then attempted to lash out when Rainbow Dash moved closer. It didn’t break free, but it put everyone on edge.

Kain readied his spear but staggered from his broken leg.”

Kain, you’re hurt!” Rarity said, moving over to support him. She focused her magic to levitate him over and into the wagon.

“I hadn’t realized how bad it was.” Kain replied. “I think we should return home while Rarity heals my leg.”

“Come on, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said, moving to the front of the wagon and putting on a harness. “Let’s get going.”

Her friend trotted over and the two of them began to lead the wagon through the fire fields. They stopped for the night when they left the burning, forested area. Despite her best efforts, Rarity was till trying to adapter magic to heal Kain.

“I’m not going to give up so easily.” The white mage said. “Sure, it isn’t a torn garment, but I’ll figure out how to do this”

“You’ve got this Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said, and she and Pinkie set to putting up a camp for the night.

This is weird. Rainbow Dash thought. Pinkie’s been so quiet the whole way back.

“Yeah Dashie?” her friend replied as she set up the cookware.

But her mane isn’t even flat. “Is something wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nope, not really.” Pinkie Pie replied. “Got something on your mind?”

Rainbow was augh off guard. This whole time she though that the last battle might have been too horrific for her friends.

“Pinkie, that last fight.” She began while rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. She tried to find words. “What we did. What Kain and I did.”

Pinkie stopped what she was doing and focused on her friend. It wasn’t a scared or worried look, just one of a pony paying attention to her friend.

“Those chimeras weren’t going to stop.” Rainbow Dash said. “And then I saw that third one go after you, I thought…” she paused.

“I had to get to you. To make sure you were safe.” Rainbow said and looked away from Pinkie. “I didn’t think I could do that.”

“Do what, Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I had to stop that chimera, like Kain did.” Rainbow dash said. “Not like how you did. They’re not alive anymore.”

Pinkie came up to her friend and hugged her. “You did it to protect us.” She said. “It must have been scary.”

It had dawned upon Rainbow Dash. Is this what it is. I’m scared? She hugged back, tighter. “Yeah it was.”

“You’re a brave pony, Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie said.


The next morning, Rainbow Dash woke up from the campsite to fined Kain preparing their gear for travel once more.

“Kain, you’re alright!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Rarity was able to work her magic into a spell she needed to repair my injury.” The dragoon said. “That mare is exhausted from all of her endeavors. Her dedication is admirable.”

“Hey Kain, can we talk?” Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie continued to snore loudly. “But someplace else?”

Kain was using a whetstone to care for his spear while, for some time, Rainbow paced back and forth.

“So, that fight yesterday.” She began. “I don’t know why, but I feel really weird about it.”

Kain looked up at her. “Were you not confident in your abilities?” he asked before returned to maintaining his gear.

“Well, actually, I figured out some new fighting moves.” Rainbow Said.

“And did you fight well?” Kain asked.

“Well, yeah.” Rainbow Dash replied. “It wasn’t until the fight was over that I felt weird.”

“This was your first kill.” Kain said plainly.

“Yeah.” She replied. “But why didn’t I feel this way after the centipedes?”

“Because this was by your own hand, or hoof rather.” Kain said.

“So, what is it?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Am I going to feel guilty for…killing that chimera?”

“I wouldn’t call it guilt.” Kain said. “I would call it taking ownership for your actions. An enemy threatened those you cared about. You saw no other course and you did what you had to do.”

“Does it ever get easier?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You’ve come to grips with the necessity of battle, Rainbow Dash.” Kain said, placing his shield on his foreleg.” But guilt is different. It haunts you because you’ve wronged someone else, but what matters is that you must try to make things better.

“That makes sense.” Rainbow said. “No sense in dwelling on the past if you’re trying to make tomorrow better.”

“Not an easy lesson to learn.” Kain said. “But I did have some persistent teachers.”

Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash’s newfound skills with her blade are not entirely due to the Tree of Harmony. She’s been taking lessons on swordplay from Kain, but that’s not to say there hasn’t been an unobserved change to her abilities. Her innate pegasus magic, and to a further extent, her experience on the weather team has given her access to some interesting techniques.

She’s able to conjure literally sharp blasts of wind as she swings her sword. Much in the way Applejack channels her earth pony magic through her ax. Rainbow Dash uses her control over weather to create wind, but she needs her sword to do it, at least in theory. I ascertain that a weapon is being used as a spell focus, like wands and rods for complex spells.

Then there’s that tornado she reportedly made by flying circles around the chimera. Again, it looks like she is doing what comes naturally, all those water spouts she’s helped crate on the weather team was a frame for this attack. She included her air slashes in the technique to attack from all sides. It is so fascinating that my hypothesis of our skills being derived from us as the ponies we were before this started.