• Published 6th Jan 2017
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Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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Small Doses

Pockets of antlions swarmed the breaches of invading worms. Maybe because they were always so small, insects never seemed as grotesque and violent as Rarity had always held. It always seemed so simple when insects preyed upon each other; but what she saw here was not the case.

It was incredibly noisy as insect armies, steeped in brutal combat. Up close, it all seemed so grisly. Equestria had its wars long ago, and the White Mage wondered if they had come down to battles like this one. She came back to her senses. As she saw her friends beginning to get ahead of her. In what was beginning to become an instinct, she began forming magical layers of clothing on the party. The ethereal orange pulsed, and then disappeared, but still active.

The worms had broken past an antlion line and were crawling through the city. AJ charged forward and tore into the lead worm. The fighter’s ax ripped the creature open and water burst out, knocking Applejack away into one of the walls. The arcane clothing Rarity had made flared as the impact sounded, and the mare hit the ground.

Applejack quickly got to her hooves, appearing unscathed, and charged again. Twilight using her tome and shot forth bursts of flame at the invaders. The fire lit the avenues of the “city” as it flew through the air, but it splashed nearly ineffective against the worm’s body.

The creature continued barreling towards the party and Twilight had to leap out of the way, only for it to explode in a damp mess. Next to where the worm had just been, Steven had a claw out. He recoiled and looked at his hand, “Oh, that’s just gross.”

Fluttershy, meanwhile was still atop Lionel as he scaled high onto one of the antlion structures, He grabbed the worms with his mandibles and popped them one at a time.

The beast master winced with every blow her antlion friend dealt, but stayed with him, just in time to see one of the worm’s flank from behind. Fluttershy lashed her whip at the creature, snaring one of its bulky legs and yanked her whip.

Though the worm was massive, Fluttershy mustered just enough strength to trip the worm, alerting Lionel to turn towards it and finished the monster.

The cavern filled with the cacophony of insects locked in battle, Rarity could see that their skirmish was only a small fraction of the war all around them, a sea of worms and antlions along the walls and ceiling made spotting any individual insect impossible.

The invaders her party had contended with continued on, undeterred by the deaths of the other worms.

This time, the white mage knew to keep her distance from the worms, and used her magic to envelope the attackers in restrictive clothing like she had done before.

One of the gargantuan creatures turned towards her and belched out a moist projectile. Perhaps it was the heat of the battle, or perhaps it was that the fashionista did not want to be on the receiving end of something so offensive; whatever the case, she shaped her magic in front of her into what looked like an umbrella.

Rarity’s spell took the blast and she was sent back. As Applejack prepared to charged once more, other worms had taken notice of the party and moved into the avenue with them. The fighter flared her axe with fire and swung at the closest worm, she could hear steam release as the weapon bared down. For some reason, the fighters’ attack didn’t land as hard as she expected, she swung again without her backdraft at one of the worms that had begun to surround her.

The blade of her axe effortlessly sliced though that creature before the attacker burst. “What’s with these monsters, Twi?”

The alicorn scholar brought her tome down and noted that its pages began fanning themselves before her. Twilight noticed that tomes’ pages fanned faster when she brought the book in line of sight of the worms. She leveled the tome and brought a creature into view. The scholar’s eyes began to glow.

Steven noticed that Twilight was holding still, transfixed on something, one of the worms? However, another one was slumping its way towards her from behind. The sea serpent wound his way to the flank and slashed at the worm, causing yet another unpleasant pop from the creature.

Steven turned to see Twilight, unaware of what just happened. “Princess, this is not time to be going into some alicorn meditation!”

With every moment, and every worm dealt with, another croup would break past a cluster of antlions. Flutterhsy could see that Lionel’s friends were capable of holding them off, but the sheer number of invaders was overwhelming the “city’s” defenses.

To the beastmaster’s credit, she did not falter while atop her friend and continued to defend his flank.

Applejack, still attacking at the new waves was still being pushed back towards the center as new worms crawled over the expired ones. With her axe between her teeth she managed to ask, “A don’t get it, why are they tryin to go to the middle? Weren’t they tryin to get rid of the antlions?”

“They don’t fight to move others out.” Fluttershy said, while whipping another worm. “Insects overrun and take everything.”

“So they’re just going to push towards the throne room, regardless of how many they lose?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy, coming to the same realization, continued. “There’s far too many of them to stop, and now none of the antlions can get back to defend the throne room.”

Rarity looked on as teams of antlions were easily being overrun. There were some antlions that were able to fly back to the center, but it was growing into an ever-hopeless situation.

Twilight, who had been carried back by Steven amid her trance, came to. “I don’t think magic can be used to stop them. They’re resistant to my tome or even,” She fired a beam from her horn at the worms, barely phasing it. “my own magic.”

The party, though effective, could not turn the tide of battle and moved back to the throne room.

“We can’t afford to be captured. Not like the time with the changelings.” Twilight said.

“What are we goin to do then?” Steven asked as the party made a break for the center. “This whole, ‘protect the antlions isn’t’ going to work, everyone is outnumbered.”

Rarity could see Fluttershy off to the side, weighing the bleak outlooks. “Fluttershy, what about your stare?” Rarity asked. “Could you use it to stop the attack?”

“I think it could, but there are so many worms, they wouldn’t be able to see me at the same time.” The beastmaster said while her mount leapt over the enemies in the streets.

“If you were yer normal size,” Applejack said. “do ya think you could stop them?”

“I think so, but if I went back to normal, I could hurt everypony and insect around me.”

The group closed in on the placed and pushed ahead of the invaders, finally catching their breath behind a line of antlion defenders.

“There might be a way to keep everyone safe.” Rarity said. “Flutthershy, I think we can stay in your saddlebags while I release your miniature aura.”

“You’ve got to let the antlion queen know so she can evacuate.” Twilight said, to which the beastmaster conveyed the plan to Lionel.

“So how exactly are we going to be safe while Fluttershy returns to her normal size, destroys the city, and breach the surface?” Steven asked.

Rarity adjusted her hood and mane. “Come now Steven, you know I’m a fashionista that can work under pressure.


With the city falling to ruin, the antlion matriarch agreed to accept the help from the ponies. Fluttershy made her way outside of the palace when the white mage began making adjustments to the magical clothing and the pegasus began to grow.

Though Rarity couldn’t see much else except giant, yellow hooves outside, she did hear an unusually commanding voice. Maybe it was because Fluttershy was so much bigger than the rest of them or it could have been the indignation that the beastmaster felt as she saw the carnage. Regardless, even if she wasn’t the one being addressed, when Fluttershy spoke, “How dare you!”, she felt a shred of terror.

“These antlions didn’t do anything to you, and you attacked them to take their city!” boomed the beastmaster. All of the encroaching worms stopped where they were, and the buzzing from the antlions on the city walls stopped. Every insect was fixated on Fluttershy.

The pegasus set down the now huge saddlebag next to the palace.

“All raht, let’s move!” Applejack yelled before rushing inside followed by scores of antlions. The queen had a contingency of troops carrying eggs into the massive saddle bags.

Twilight cast her tome into the air and set it alight inside, giving a purple light to the interior.

“I’m taking the antlions with me.” Fluttershy boomed out to the worms. “If you want this city, then fine, but you don’t have to bully them.”

Rarity began to release the miniature effects on the beastmaster further.

“But don’t you DARE come after them again or I’ll- “she was cut off as she grew enough for her head to break into the cavern ceiling.

Inside of her saddlebags, everyone was struggling ono tot crash into each other or against the walls of the saddlebag. Twilight’s purple light flare illuminated an area enough to see that holding a footing was becoming harder for anyone without wings.

“Okay, this might not be the best idea but…” Rarity said and took a breath. “Patience, Rarity. It won’t be the same as the las time.” The white mage concentrated on the scores of antlions, Applejack, Steven, and herself.

She began sketching a design in her mind’s eye. The last time she had magic solve a flying problem, Rarity flew too close to the sun; this newer, etheric design would be heat resistant and hopefully keep anypony who wore them from dealing with whatever hazard would damage a hooficure.

The white mage unleashed a pulse of light that gave etheric wings to everyone in the saddlebags struggling to stay upright.

Fluttershy, having returned to full size, regretted the plan as a face full of soil was the only thing in her vision for what felt to be a long time until she at last breached the surface and gasped for air. The mare pulled herself out of the earth, next to one of the trees outside of her cottage.

She carefully climbed out of the earth and brought out the saddlebags she’d to her chest and began trotting to her cottage. She placed her friends on the ground and opened the saddlebags.

The rest of the party emerged ahead of the antlions, gradually returning to their regular sizes with Steven taking a “seat” in the stream in front of her home.

“Well, we evacuated as many of the antlions as we could have.” Twilight said.

“What a loss.” Rarity said, followed by a heavy sigh. “The city they worked so hard on. Gone in such a short time.”

“But we did get most of them out.” Flutterhsy said, moving towards the queen. “Are you doing okay? I’m sorry for your losses.” She spoke to the queen. “I wish we could have done more. Your city was very beautiful.”

Twilight had been pondering an idea with a hoof to her chin. “I think I have an idea!” The princess poofed away and returned moments later with what appeared to be a massive dollhouse.

“Cadence and Shining sent a replica of the Crystal empire a while back, maybe we can bury this in the ground somewhere for you?”

Fluttershy relayed the offer to the antlion queen, to which she received a series of clicks. “I think they’d love that, Twilight.”

The colony of antlions, at the direction of the queen, began amassing a small pile of pebbles.

“What are they doing?” Rarity asked as the insects amassed enough to make a small pile of red dust. “Wait, did you- are you giving us sand rubies? Thank you so much!” She bowed her head before pulling out a pouch she’d regularly used for gem hunting, and levitated the dust into it.

“Fluttershy, will you be alright with the antlions as we get this to Red Heart and Matilda?” the white mage asked.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine here.” The beastmaster replied and the party made their way to the ailing donkey.


“The fever is getting worse, Kranky.” A frustrated Red Heart said.

Matilda’s partner, the literal Kranky Doodle Donkey, could only watch with shared frustration as Matilda’s condition worsened. “I’m sorry, Matilda.” He said. “I did my best to find the ingredients you needed to cure this fever of yours, maybe those ponies will come through.”

He quickly turned his head to the sound of the door slamming open and Rarity’s party rushing towards Red Heart.

Rarity led the group, levitated the sand rubies in their pouch. “Red Heart, we have the rubies, can you make the medicine for Matilda?”

The nurse’s eyes widened but she took the pouch over to her makeshift triage station in the kitchen and opened the medical book that had given them the clues. “Okay, it says that the rubies need to be taken with very pure water.”

Cranky, having recovered from the commotions, made his way over with an empty glass and a corked bottle of water.

“Where did you get this?” Red Heart asked. “It doesn’t matter, just make the medicine for Matilda already.”

Red Heart took both ingredients and, with the precision of a professional, stirred the dust into the glass. The water gave off a pink tint when light hit it just right. She brought over the liquid and sat next to the sick donkey.

“Matilda, I need you to drink this.” She said and carefully sat up her patient.

After finishing the glass, Matilda’s breathing began to slow and visible steam blew from her every breath. Her sweating stopped and she reclined back into her couch. “Oh my, that medicine was nothing short of a miracle!”

Cranky rushed over to embrace her. “I don’t know what I would have done if…”

“Don’t say it, Cranky.” Matilda said. “We’re here and we’re together. They both looked back at Rarity and company.

A single tear streamed down the fashionista’s face before she wiped it. “Now really, I only did what I should have done for anypony in need.”

“Not from what Red Heart told me.” Cranky said. “What’s this I hear about you ponies goin off and savin the world?”

Applejack moved forward, “Well uh, we’ve got to find some eidolon fellers and get their help.”

“But Cranky, once we discovered Matilda in her condition, we just couldn’t leave her ill.’ Rarity said with a hoof to her chest.

“So, you mean to tell me,” Cranky said, getting up from the couch. “that you ponies, on your big, important quest to save Equestria decided you’d take some of your busy time to help Matilda here?”

Twilight looked shocked and stammered out. “No! We didn’t’ mean it like that!” she tried to explain, but before she could continue her mental scramble to resolved the situation, the usual cranky look on the donkey faded.

He glanced towards Rarity. “You were the one looking for me, but suddenly stopped when you decided it was more important to go on a quest to help Matilda?”

Rarity wore a confused look. “I’m sorry, but we only went ot your home briefly…”

“Oh, I’m not talking about that, Ms. Generosity.” Cranky said. “You stopped your search for the Eidolon of Water just to save the life of another.”

Rarity thought back to the vast sea-scape from her vision. She gasped. “Cranky, you don’t mean to tell me you’re…”

The donkey straightend up. “For all the might the Eidolon of Water has, stopping a fever ain’t one of them.” He said and sighed. “Y’know, I thought I’d have gotten by the lifetime without anyone botherin me, but I guess the Kraken’s life can’t stay calm, just like the sea.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Wait, you’re THE KRAKEN?!”

“Didn’t I just get through saying that?” Cranky asked incredulously. “Sometimes you just want a normal life and to see the world.” He angled his head towards the window. “Sorry to keep that a secret, Steven.”

Cranky sat back down. “And maybe fallin in love with someone who really loves you back.”

Matilda smiled and embraced him. “My Kraken Doodle Donkey.”

Now everyone wore a look of abject bewilderment. “You knew?!” nearly everyone yelled.

“Well of course, you don’t keep secrets form the one you love.” Matilda said.

Cranky blushed and looked towards the party. “Well, you helped save my love. The Eidolon of Water is at your service, what can I do to help you?”