• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,296 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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8: The Face of Evil

X, Zero, Axl, and Octavia all returned to Hunter Base at about the same time. "Looks like you were all right about just how effective you four are like this," CiCi commented dryly. "Unfortunately, we're still no closer to figuring out where Sigma and Vile are, or where they've stashed Lumine."

"We aren't even certain what Sigma's after," X pointed out. "We assumed he wanted control of the Jakob Elevator because he'd kidnapped Lumine...but we can't really be sure-"

"I'm getting an emergency communication from the Hunters sent to guard the Elevator!" CiCi interrupted quickly. "The Elevator's inbuilt security is attacking them!"

"That's what this was about!" Zero snapped. "Sigma was already in the Elevator's controls, and caused all that ruckus elsewhere to make us think it was a distraction so he could get in, keeping all our attention from where he really was...inside all along!"

"No time for recriminations now!" X barked out. "Let's get to the Elevator, now!"

Getting into the elevator proved to still be somewhat easy. Unfortunately, the structure of the elevator wasn't up to the strain of everything the group could bring to bear, forcing everyone to rely on uncharged shots to take out the defensive security measures that attacked them as they rode to the top. Thankfully, they were able to ride on top of one of the cargo freighters, and the security measures were mostly meant to stop said containers if they were where they weren't supposed to be, and thus weren't very combat oriented. With all four Hunters working together, nothing was actually able to stop them for long even with the handicap of low power shots. The major delay was just how far up they had to go.

When they finally reached the top, they found an open arena awaiting them, with Vile floating at the edge with his arms crossed. X glowered up at him. "So...this is what you've chosen for our battleground?" he asked calmly.

Vile stared back at him for a long time before responding. "...nah."

"What?" Zero demanded in confusion.

"Sigma gave me all sorts of upgrades in the hopes I'd take at least one of you out in this fight," Vile explained. "An engine for my jetpack that's nearly sub-light, a power source he salvaged from somewhere that'll give enough to keep me going for eons, weapons that can punch a hole in a moon, armor that can handle anything he could conceive of..." He shrugged his shoulders. "But I've seen what you can throw at me. I may be a maniac with delusions of grandeur as far as my own importance in the grand scheme of things...but I'm no idiot. I can see the way things are going. Time to do something sensible for a change."

"You really think you can just say 'sorry' and we'll just forgive you for all the crimes you've committed, the laws you've broken, the damage you've caused?" Octavia asked bluntly. "What sort of fantasy world do you live in?"

"Who said anything about apologizing, or coming back to this world?" Vile demanded bluntly. "You can have it! But I'm sure there's a world somewhere out there I can shape to my idea of an ideal! Good luck trying to find me!" With a maniacal laugh, he turned and shot off into the stars.

The four Hunters glanced at each other, unsure what to do. "So...now what?" Axl asked. "Do we...go after him?"

"No," X countered finally. "We find Sigma." He pointed to a nearby space station, between the elevator and the moon. "Likely there."

"Then let's go!" Zero shouted eagerly.

Inside the station, they made their way carefully forward through empty halls until they reached a massive golden room with eight differently colored teleporters. "Well, we all know where this is going," X grumbled softly.

"And we all have instant kill moves," Octavia pointed out. "Let's make this quick."

Less than a minute later, all eight 'Maverick Copies' had been eradicated, and the group had returned...only for the entire place to start exploding. "Let's get out of here!" Axl yelled out, leading the charge with Octavia on his back as they made their way back to their shuttle.

Before they made it there, Sigma warped into the chamber. "It's too late, X," he chuckled wickedly. "We already control the moon. It won't be long before the world you hold so dear is destroyed, and the world we desire is almost here-"

Axl split Sigma in half, only for him to revert into a New-Gen Reploid like the 'Maverick Copies' had. "He talks too much," he grumbled.

"But we know where he is now," X hissed worriedly. "He was after that old moon base after all..."

"Or...not," Octavia observed curiously as the group landed on the surface of the moon.

Off in the distance to the west was the pre-End Times facility the Hunters had been interested in. In the distance to the East was a massively ostentatious palace that just screamed 'come and get me I'm evil', complete with Gothic architecture and Mechanaloid gargoyles.

"Well, we know where Sigma is," X grumbled as the group made their way to the palace. "But not why..."

"We'll just have to ask him," Octavia offered. "Personally, I'm wondering how the moon has a breathable atmosphere. That defies what I know of physics."

"Probably the facility we were investigating," Zero observed. "Pre-End tech can do some pretty crazy things."

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