• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Infiltration

X frowned to himself, running things over in his mind as he, Zero, and the new recruit raced through the streets of Giga City, the rain pinging off their armor as they made their way towards the Lagrano Ruins. Octavia and Axl had been out of contact for a long time in Giga City, and on top of that rumors of some sort of weapons research - weaponizing some new power source - indicated a possible danger to world stability. Redips decided that these two details warranted sending Hunters in despite Giga City's embargo on Maverick Hunter involvement for a covert investigation. As such, only a team of three with no Navigator backup was sent in via remote teleporter drone. Of course, X and Zero were immediately selected for the objective...along with a relative unknown.

Shadow was a heavy combat Reploid with gold and black armor, a large green focus crystal in his forehead, a large rifle strapped to his back and an energy blade instead of a left hand. The reason for sending him along was for a cover story. If they were caught by authorities, they could claim it was a practical exam for the rookie, to see how well he could keep up with S Rank Hunters in adverse conditions. While enacting such an exam in Giga City would still be an incident, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as an uncovered Hunter operation to investigate the city's activities. The fact that Shadow was originally from Giga City was a help...but also a concern, in X's eyes.

Despite everything, they had only one clue to go on. A particular figure by the name of Epsilon was apparently at the head of the weapon research, and thus was their target at this time. An energy reading from the Ruins was their only clue, and so they were starting there.

As they entered the ruins, they surveyed the dimly lit, grey walled chamber. "No one to greet us, eh?" Zero offered as he glanced over the empty chamber.

"Just as well," X pointed out as he checked his comm systems. "We don't want to be found. The radio's jammed, so we need to stick together-" He cut himself off, then sighed. "How long you give it, Zero?"

"I'd say five minutes," Zero offered.

"400 Zenny says four or less," X countered.

"You're on!" Zero replied with a grin.

"Is...this something to do with being an S Rank Hunter that I just don't get?" Shadow asked curiously, plainly confused by their antics.

"We've been at this a long time," Zero explained. "One thing we've learned...as soon as you say 'don't let this happen', it's doomed to happen."

"So we're placing bets on how long until we're separated," X concluded as he started to walk forward. Three steps later, his head shot up and he dove to one side as Zero knocked Shadow in the other direction. An explosion caused the central pillar of the chamber to fall over, dividing the chamber and separating the group.

"Ha!" X called out. "Three minutes thirty seconds! Pay up when we meet up!"

"I call bullshit!" Zero snapped back from the other side of the pillar. "You set it off by walking forward!"

"Only counts against if I knew where the trap was!" X called back. "Let's get a move on! There's stairs over here, and I saw stairs on your side. We'll meet up on a higher floor."

"Got it, X! I'll keep track of the rookie!"

Turning, X made his way up the stairs. As he made his way through, he encountered several groups of bat based Mechanaloids, though they were easily destroyed with a charged spread-shot. Even without most of his armor with him, he was an effective combatant. Due to the secretive nature of the mission, X only had his basic dash boots, a dash-shield that would protect him while dashing and allow him to break some objects, and a limited use beacon for Piano to trigger the Adaptor. He doubted he'd need to utilize it too much. Besides, a data-cube keyed to his energy shield containing the transfer beacon for his Ultimate Armor had also been launched somewhere into the city, and he could recover it if he felt the need for it. Zero could shift to his white form at will - though the nature of Giga City's energy fields meant he could only maintain it for a limited time before recharging, for some reason - though Timbre had not transferred through properly. They'd have to keep an eye out for him.

Thankfully, once out of the central room, the radio's signal improved, allowing the two groups to communicate with each other...which proved important, as they had to coordinate to unlock security doors as they climbed the structure. A much greater point of concern arose, however, as they reached their respective sides of the central room of the second floor.

"I count four pods over here," Zero said over comms. "All with 'FM Energy Enhancement."

"Got the same over here," X confirmed. "Damn."

"I don't understand the significance," Shadow spoke up curiously.

"Eight high level Reploids, possible Maverick activities," Zero growled. "This has Sigma written all over it."

"And Octavia and Axl went missing somewhere here..." X spoke up worriedly.

The next floor, however, confused things. "Four more capsules in total?" X spoke up. "That's...different."

"Perhaps it isn't Sigma?" Shadow offered hopefully.

"The Epsilon capsule indicates Sigma was the basis of his design, though," X indicated. "We can't assume anything..."

One encounter with a new type of Mechanaloid foe - a spherical bot with thin legs, a stun arm, and a gun arm - provided X with two unique Metal components that scans identified as Force Metal, the new energy type that was supposedly being 'weaponized'. Given the design, the report seemed to be accurate.

At the fourth floor, X was able to catch up with Zero, though Shadow had apparently gone ahead to check something out. "I like that initiative he's showing," Zero spoke up regarding the rookie's behavior with a wide grin. He then noticed X's hesitation. "What's wrong?"

"Something about him rubs me the wrong way," X explained. "Not sure why."

"Well, it's nothing to-"

Zero's words were interrupted as a massive, hippo-shaped Mechanaloid with a missile strapped to its back burst in through the wall. Zero triggered his shift to White form even as X summoned Piano for a quick boost of power in X Fury mode(1). Between a sonic-charged saber strike and a heavy energized blow from X's amplified fist, the missile exploded into the Mechanaloid's back, shutting it down.

"Like I was saying," Zero continued as if nothing important had happened as they reversed their transformations to conserve energy on the forms, "nothing to worry about."

"Let's hope so," X allowed hopefully as he let Zero lead him towards the roof.

(1) Despite the urgings of his wife, his children, and his friends, X insisted on dropping the second 'r' in official documentation.

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