• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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Joyous Union

Octavia smiled widely as she sat in the little flower filly's dress CiCi had managed to make for her, glancing back and forth between the two happy couples that stood at the altar as Varia hovered over her head, waiting for the event of their lives. To one side was her Uncle Zero, dressed in a dapper tuxedo with a radiant Iris at his side in a formal white gown. To the other side, X and Alia were dressed in outfits that were exact mirrors of Zero and Iris's.

When she'd heard the hesitance in Redips' voice when he'd spoken of 'making it happen', she'd thought that there would be a special dispensation recognizing Zero and Iris' union, or something similar. However, he'd gone further than that, using Zero's simple request and the overwhelming public pressure to 'reward' him to actually legalize Reploid marriage, along with all the protections thereof. There had been some resistance, of course, from the same groups that had been against the idea of 'artificial' life getting the same rights and protections as 'natural' life, for a wide variety of reasons from the logical to the reactionary. It had done no good, however. Redips had carefully manipulated the proceedings with a few petitions, a few false 'reactionary' protests, and a few other events that had ensured that the bill that allowed Reploids to wed passed completely unopposed.

When news of this had gotten back to HQ, Alia and Iris had immediately gone into a flurry of wedding planning, while X and Zero were left wondering what they'd gotten themselves into. Of course, each of them wanted the other for their best man, and at first argued over whose wedding should be first - X said it should be Zero's, Zero said it should be X's. Finally sick of the arguments, Signas had suggested holding a double wedding where they could act as each others' Best Man, and their brides - as they desired - act as each others' Maids of Honor. This left Octavia pulling double duty as flower filly, but she didn't mind.

The seats were filled, of course, as this was the wedding of the century, and anyone who was anyone wanted to be there. Most of the seats near the front were reserved for their fellow Maverick Hunters, with specially reserved seats for Gate and his Reploids, along with the descendants of Dr. Cain and Dr. Ciel. While the families of those two scientists had not been as involved with the Maverick Hunters as their ancestors, they were still considered 'family friends'.

There was an empty reserved seat in that front row as well, as the one it was meant for was never seen entering the chapel as all other guests filed in. However, Octavia spotted a scarf gently flowing in an absent wind from behind one of the pillars around the outer wall every so often, and knew he was here, even if he chose not to make his presence known. Up above, she also spotted the hint of black and dark blue in the rafters, showing that one particular party crasher was choosing to be circumspect.

There was no priest or judge to perform the ceremony, however. This was not because one could not be found, far from it. Instead, X and Zero had chosen who would perform the ceremony...someone who, as it turned out, had been ordained in life, and the technicalities of the law that allowed Reploid marriage meant that said honor applied to his technological echo, left behind after all this time. So it was that, as everyone finally settled in, the capsule behind the altar opened, revealing the image of Dr. Light...or, as the case was with his garb, Father Light.

"Dearly beloved," he spoke up, the image of unshed tears visible in the image of his eyes, "we are gathered here today for a most momentous occasion, one that I had hoped and prayed might happen whilst I was alive...but I can welcome now that it is happening. Though I did not live to see it, I am certain my soul is gladdened to know that it has indeed come to pass. My dear son and his best friend - one whom he loves like a brother - will now be joined to the loves of their lives in holy matrimony. And this has come to pass not just from their own efforts, but because the people of the world gathered and raised their voice in a joined outcry to proclaim, 'Let it be so!' Truly, the dreams of the past have been realized in the here and now.

"But even these dreams cannot be the end of dreaming, but just the next step. The future is forever unfolding, and these dear children have chosen to walk that path together. Surely, none here could witness how they are together and doubt their love." He paused as though to take a breath, though he lacked the need, then continued in a more subdued tone. "If there are any here who, for whatever reason, would gainsay these four the right to bind themselves in the unions they so desire-"

The sound of every weapon in the chapel - whether attached to a Reploid or handheld by Reploid or human guest - being simultaneously primed to fire interrupted the familiar question.

"Hey!" Father Light snapped out. "No weapons in this house of God! Who let you all in here with weapons? Shame on you!"

Off in one corner, Colonel whistled innocently as he avoided his sister's gaze from the altar. After a time, the sounds of weapons being disengaged heralded an easing of tension in the chapel.

"As I was saying," Father Light continued. "If there are any here who have sound reason why these two couples should not be wed, speak now..." He paused. Plainly, he wanted to continue in seriousness, but even he couldn't leave such a thing without comment. "...if you dare..." he finally settled on, startling nervous laughter around the chapel. "...or forever hold your peace," he concluded, gazing around to see if any would speak.

When none did, he continued. "X, Zero, do you take these two ladies to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, from now unto eternity?" Given that Reploids could, conceivably, live forever if not destroyed, it had been decided that this vow held more sway for them...that even if death separated them, they would remain dedicated to each other, in the hopes that in death they would somehow be reunited.

"I do," X spoke, calmly and warmly.

"I do," Zero confirmed, his eyes turning to Iris' own.

"Alia, Iris," Light continued, "do you take these two gentlemen to be your lawfully wedded husbands, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, from now unto eternity?"

"I do," Alia spoke, her voice thrumming with emotion.

"I do," Iris purred, smiling warmly up at Zero.

"Then by the power invested in me by the people of the world, the laws of the land, and by the will of God," Father Light concluded, "I pronounce you men and wives. You may now kiss the brides."

As X and Zero eagerly obeyed the directive, the cheering proved deafening. Octavia sighed warmly as she watched, feeling that at long last, things were finally going right.

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