• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

  • ...

CM: Get Going

It didn't take long to get everything in order on Earth. With Sigma destroyed for good and the torch for protecting and leading the world officially passed to the next generation, it was time for past relics to retire and seek a new world to protect. X, Alia, Zero, Iris, Axl, Cinnamon, Marino, Prometheus, Armatige, and Dynamo would be going with Octavia back to her world, once they found a way. Massimo and Ferham were returning to Giga City, Massimo to take up his father's standard permanently, Ferham to keep him on track...amongst other things. Epsilon indeed followed Albert in studying Supra-Force Metal, while Scarface decided to take up Prometheus' mantle in watching over the world in secret alongside Spider.

The group gathered together in the ruins of Jakob Tower, with the eyes of the world elsewhere. "Are you sure about this?" Octavia asked Axl. "I know the plan was to get to Mars, but are you sure your A-Trans is up to it? You did push yourself rather hard in the final battle."

"I'm sure, Mom," Axl responded immediately, doing a few stretches. "I took plenty of time to relax and repair after the battle. Marino and Cinnamon were a big help there."

"I'll bet," Prometheus observed with a smirk, only to get an elbow in his side from Armatige.

"I'd say we're all ready to go," Dynamo observed softly, his head lowered to make one eye seem to glow blue.

Nodding, Axl focused his energy and activated his A-Trans, calling on the shape he received from his parents in his capsule.

When the light faded, Axl had assumed a shape that seemed to be made of pure light and ether. A narrow body ending in a tail, a flat head with antennae, arms ending in blades, and huge feathery wings glowing with light.

"Is he...an angel?" Cinnamon whispered breathlessly in awe.

Before anyone else could speak, Axl folded his wings around the entire group and shot straight up in a ray of light, carrying them all with him.

The ray of light shot straight from Earth to Mars, coming down on the red planet only to find it was not truly red. The soil teemed with green life as oceans flowed. Towers soared towards a violet sky, and settlements sprawled out, down, and up from the central towers. Arches in gold and silver were touched by snowy marble and black obsidian, an almost ostentatious cleanliness visible as the entire place shone with light. Beings who were neither human, robot, Reploid, or Terran flew around under their own power. All in all, the entire arriving group found themselves staring in awe as Axl reverted to his normal body.

"You're late."

The whole group spun in surprise. The woman who'd spoken had long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and a matronly figure. She smiled at the group, her eyes focused on X. "Then again, what should I expect, little brother? Last time I saw you, you were still asleep."

"It's been a long time, Roll," Prometheus spoke up softly. "What have you been up to?"

"Running Mars," Roll responded warmly. "Somebody who knew what Vinyl's dream was had to do it, and I'm the only one who knew her personally who's still around." She smirked somewhat wickedly. "Besides, I've got Gemini whipped. That goes a long way as far as political capital here." Her eyes turned to Octavia. "But you aren't here to stay, are you?"

"The message in Axl's capsule said Vinyl's legacy was here," Octavia observed softly.

Roll raised an eyebrow. "Axl, huh?" she murmured thoughtfully. Sighing, she gestured to the world around them. "This is her legacy...a world where the line between organic and synthetic has vanished, a world at peace, a world that has reached for the stars." Her gaze turned hard, and her voice bitter. "It was supposed to be Earth."

"Our children will ensure it will be yet," Zero offered comfortingly.

An eyebrow climbed up Roll's face. "So you achieved that as well?" she asked curiously. Shrugging, she turned. "However, if it's your intention to pursue Vinyl...you want that building over there." She pointed to an almost church-like building, the only one of that design. "That's where the tech Vinyl made to find her homeworld has been stored, repaired, and enhanced. We haven't activated it yet, because once we do it will create a temporal lock...and we didn't want to do that until you were ready."

"So we go in there...and I'll find Vinyl?" Octavia asked hopefully.

Roll nodded. "And you can come back. I'll be waiting." She turned to Prometheus. "I hope you'll come and visit, but I know you all are looking for her." With that, she turned and walked off.

Octavia moved for the building they'd been directed to, the others following her. The structure glowed with light as they entered, and a stream of light shot out into the void, a distant world its destination.

Back on Earth, Thomas, Mikhail, and Albert sat companionably around a council table as they plotted out what path Earth would take in the future. All signs pointed to a world that would achieve Utopia before too long, and then reach for the stars. This proved especially likely given that Albert's research into Supra-Force Metal had allowed him to craft Bio-Metal.

As they sat, Thomas spoke up. "So...anyone want to play secret games with the fate of the world to see what happens?"

"What?" Mikhail demanded, shocked.

"I'm in," Albert offered quickly.


"Two to one, Mike," Tom teased. "I call villain!"

"But I wanted to be the villain!" Albert complained.

"You were the villain last time around!"

"Check the records! Two out of ten is not a major villain! It was the pony more than me!"

"You can be the one everyone thinks is the bad guy but actually working towards stopping me."

Albert scratched his chin. "...okay, I'm good with that."

"And where does that leave me?" Mikhail demanded irritably.

"Pointing the heroes in the right direction," Tom stated bluntly.

"Oh, so I'm the straight man?" Mikhail snapped angrily. "Why? Just because I had a wife and kid last time around?" His angry expression turned suddenly tragic. "Oh...I made myself sad..."

Author's Note:

And then ZX Advent happened...sorta.

Comments ( 103 )

The Truth Is... the Illuminati are a bunch of geeks :trollestia:

No Musical Duo Epilogue? Or is that for day after next?

That was a pretty fun story Tatsurou. Seriously doubt there is going to be a sequel. If not, this is a good place to end it.

What story do you plan on making next that will take this story's slot?

EDIT: Also, I just realized. The three men, Albert, Mikhail and Tom, are they essentially reincarnations of the three Robot Scientists from the prequel story?

Dammit, i wanted to see a reunion.

Vinyl and Octavia meeting up will be its own sequel story, called "Denouement Duet". That will be started on Friday.


Cool. Wonder if there is going to be a collection of misadventures for all their friends and family that came with them.

And Roll DID say that they can visit Mars whenever they want. What are the chances of some of their friends coming to visit Vinyl and Octavia's home world?

Wait... did Axl just A-Trans into an EM lifeform?!? I guess Mars skipped Battle Network and went straight to Star Force. :pinkiegasp:

Well I just got nut shoted in the feels with that last line.....

And that's the end of that chapter.

Oh come bucking on we don't get a reunion after all this shame on you

going with Octavia back to her world, once they found away

1. A way, two words in this case.

Let's hope that when the new generation reach for the stars they aren't going to name their collective group as Star Trek.

In light of Axl's transformation, probably shouldn't have been too surprised.

Of course when they got to Mars the protector just Rolled with it.

8198442 Be patient, that's on Friday.

WHY do these have to END???!:fluttercry: Oh well, there's always the follow ups and then there are other stories of our dear Authors to read

Is it wrong of me to kinda agree whit their plan?

It feels weird and a bit unbelievable to me that all this would be going on on Mars without anyone on Earth noticing. Earth had space colonies multiple arcs ago, surely someone would have pointed a telescope (probably a very powerful one given the tech available) at the other planets in the solar system and potentially even gone and visited once they noticed that Mars wasn't red anymore.

But, ehh, it's good to see Roll again.

I knew they left the old guys in charge a bit back home,but this chapter made the phrase finally click into my head "Cant wait to see how you buck this up" lol,the trio get bored and decide Hey,let's do something evil....then again,the task force would be outta a job with sigma gone so I suppose they do need someone to make robot generals again...:moustache:

8198571 Mars had a MASSIVE holoshield put up to cover the entire planet, making it APPEAR to be red when looked at from space. You would have to be on the ground to realize that there is an illusion at all. All of that was done WAY back at the end of WWW. Given that Mars never experienced a 'Fall' like Earth did, I would imagine their tech is at least a half century ahead of anything on Earth, if not more.

And now, we move to the final story of the Mega Man PWNY Trilogy: The journey back to Equestria!


And so it ends. This time with a much happier and optimistic ending than "Wily's Wittle Wub". Looking forward to the final story on Friday.

So to understand that last bit correctly Tatsurou, was that the 3 children that were left in charge, named after the 3 scientists acting like their predessors or was it literally the holograms that were programmed to act how the originals would that are now running the place due to Albert's line about the pony being more the villain than him? And did they somehow get new bodies or possess the children?

Well, this story was fantastic! It had lots of action, drama, comedy, good characters, great plot, and i live how a lot of the events were circumvented or how they changed. I ESPECIALLY liked what was done with Flame Hyenard.

However, as it stands, i'm going to tack one off for the semi-cliffhanger ending.

But hey, with your bonus points, this story still gets a 13 on the :yay:itude meter! And also,
Are you considering doing a Megaman Zero story? If so, i'll look forwwward to it!

Great to see Roll again. I wish she would have dope slapped Prometheus,Dynamo, Zero, and X for taking so long. Now onto the merged epilogue, I am calling that Vinyl will somehow become aware of the fractured timeline that Discord did.


Are you aware that this story is part of a large shared universe story and this story's epilogue is going to be shared with another ones? Becuase this story technically isn't done yet!

8198405 I will be refreshing my browser constantly that day

A fantastic ending. ZX Advent was a very fun game.

8198841 STILL looking forward to it.

Only took a year and a fucking half. ROLL ON THE EPILOGUE.

At least they skipped the Zero series. I guess Weil can just sit in the background being a party pooper.

So.. the doctors got reborn with their old memories???? I'm confused... what chapter were they introduced in again???

Mars seems nice, kind of wish they explored a bit before jumping to Equestria. Still, I can't wait to see Vinyl's reunion with Octavia.

Those are Prometheus and Armatige's kids. They were introduced back between the X5 and X7 arcs. And they aren't reincarnations, they just have access to more accurate records and know who they're named for.

...Mikhail is a reincarnation, though.

"Oh, so I'm the straight man?" Mikhail snapped angrily. "Why? Just because I had a wife and kid last time around?" His angry expression turned suddenly tragic. "Oh...I made myself sad..."


8201595 granted the show used to be good, but over the years it got bad, i.e Seasons 4-9.

So which of the kids meet a young Doctor Weil, realize what kind of person he is, and "removes" him?

...probably Albert.

8198405 h to the e to the double l YEYeah

Knowing that my initial thought was right but then learning that ONE is an actual reincarnation... what a twist!

...and now I'm sad for multiple reasons... and this day was going to be perfect!

8203693 then you will be pleasantly surprised to know this is exactly where this story goes.

Another well rounded story arc, :twilightblush: Thank you for sharing it.


It's too bad this has no room for X9 whenever the fans get around to purchasing enough of the most recent Megaman game to warrant Capcom finally giving it to us (seriously though, screw Capcom's policy on what warrants a sequel for a series. If it weren't for that, we might have X9, ZX3, and Legends 3 by now).

8208369 If you are buzzed it does. :derpytongue2:

Another PWNY story finished... now if you'll excuse me, a certain pink individual has been popping up in too many stories to ignore any longer...

Apologies, I was typing it out on my phone back then and the number four is right above my R key.

Wasn't the Ult. Armor immune to the Bass Cannon?

I just finished wily's wittle wub and my feels are hurting... will there be any feels that i need to be away of without spoilers?:raritydespair:

Nothing that bad.

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