• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,296 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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5: Intrigue

Octavia sat calmly on the scaffolding surrounding the space shuttle workings, Classic's tail attachment plugged into a power coupling to maintain the energy levels of the viral shielding around their merged form. She stared calmly down at the shuttle as those Hunter personnel who could risk it worked at preparing it for the upgrades needed to take it into space and to the Eurasia colony. She let out a worried sigh as she thought about what it meant that Zero would be flying the shuttle when it was completed, to save the whole world.

But what if he doesn't make it back? she thought soberly. There's always been the chance when hunting Mavericks of serious injury or death, but we always had each others' backs. Even when things were dangerous, we always could count on each other to bail us out. But when he gets up there...Zero will be all alone. One mistake, one unexpected hurdle too many...and he'll never come back. She blinked away the tears forming.

"No use borrowing trouble, Octavia," Dynamo spoke up from behind her, stepping out onto the scaffolding.

Octavia flinched internally, but turned around calmly externally. "How'd you get up here without me hearing you teleport in?" she demanded as she disconnected from the power coupling.

Smirking, Dynamo jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "The stairs."

Octavia rolled her eyes. "You watch that show too much," she grumbled.

"What can I say?" Dynamo countered, spreading his hands wide. "Gotta love the classics. And with enough creds and the right info, you can dig up anything from the old times-"

"You delivered the viral energy to Eurasia, didn't you?"

Dynamo flinched at the accusing tone of her voice. "...I can't deny that," he admitted.

Octavia slowly stood up. "And you think I can just forgive you for that?" she asked sadly. "How many people up there died because of what you did?" She started charging energy into her busters.

Dynamo shook his head. "Now now, Octavia...you should know me better than-YOW!" He desperately backflipped out of the way as an energy blade slashed under his body, a follow up plasma blast slamming into his back before he could evade. "That's harsh, Tavs-"

"Don't call me that," Octavia growled out, her eyes shining. "You don't get to call me that..." Lifting her head, she lunged in, unleashing a large blast from her buster while drawing her B. Saber sub-weapon again.

Dynamo continued to dodge back and forth, able to evade the strikes now that he saw them coming, using his own green and blue energy blasts to take out some of the incoming blasts. "Octavia...do you really think so little of me?"

"You're working for Sigma!" Octavia proclaimed. "You're trying to destroy the world!" Charging up one of the weapon programs the others had brought back with them, she lunged in. "Why shouldn't I-"

Dynamo spread his arms, and a large white skull appeared between him and Octavia. Opening its mouth, it unleashed a white blast of energy that slammed Octavia against the scaffolding, leeching away her stored energy. "You need to remember to fight cool," Dynamo replied, putting his hand up to his face to hide where his synthoskin had started to flake away, before Octavia could see the white bone underneath. "You talk like Sigma's my only employer here."

Octavia stared at him as she watched her energy continue to count down. "W...what?"

"Yeah," Dynamo replied. "The only reason I even took the job for Siggy was because my other employer hired me to. Damage control, ya know?"

"How is what happened to Eurasia damage control?" Octavia demanded angrily.


Octavia blinked, confused. "...huh?"

"You asked how many people died on Eurasia," Dynamo explained. "None. In addition to the viral packages, I also placed evac beacons, designed to go off just before the viral energy was released. The entire colony was evacuated the instant before the place went viral."

"...where?" Octavia asked desperately.

"Safe," Dynamo replied. "That's all you need to know...tibia honest."

Octavia tilted her head, not understanding what he was saying. "You're...acting different."

"Yeah," Dynamo replied. "I swapped out my original primary persona core for something more fun. But when you lost your cool, the original secondary kicked back in." He covered his mouth and coughed. "Sorry. Talking so much like this is leaving me feeling a little horse."

Octavia's head tilted further. "Are...are you punning?" she asked.

Dynamo shook his head. "Never mind," he replied softly. "Let's just say...Prometheus isn't the only upgraded old relic keeping an eye on a fallen world rising from its grave. She gave us a job, and we're gonna finish it."

"What does that even mean?" Octavia demanded angrily. "Who are you working for?"

Dynamo spread his arms wide, one eye glowing bright blue. "Sorry. There are some answers I can't give you. And the me who would want to doesn't have those answers. The best sleeper agents don't know they're sleeping." Seeing Octavia's agitation, he held up his hands. "Just know that I - and she - are definitely on your side, kid. But for now...I need some repairs. See ya at Grillby's." With that, he stepped behind a pillar and vanished.

Octavia stared at the spot he'd vanished from, having detected no teleport signal. In fact, the only thing she'd detected was the same 'magic' energy she generated normally, but focused differently. She sat down, letting Classic plug them both back in, realizing that - despite all she'd learned from Pink Pi-D and predicted with her 'guilt trips'...she had no idea what was really going on...

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