• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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1: Shield and Sword

Armored Armadillo had based himself in an old mine, as his projectile weapons required a steady supply of stone and energy ore. Unfortunately, the residual energies of the mine itself made scanning for his location very difficult, so X and Octavia were forced to beam in at the entrance and search the whole thing. Not far in - in fact, before they encountered any mechanaloids - they found a rail cart with a single wheel and spikes at either end.

"Looks like the whole place is on tracks," X pointed out.

"So we get to ride?" Octavia asked eagerly.

Nodding, X picked her up and leapt onto the cart. It immediately rolled down the track. Along the way, they encountered two types of bat mechanaloids - one of which made X feel oddly nostalgic, despite never seeing one like it before - and a couple of the flamingo bots. The cart then went off the track, and they both leapt off, Octavia blasting the Mechanaloids that tried to attack them as they came down.

Dropping down a shaft, X and Octavia were confronted by a mining mechanaloid with a massive spiked bar that it swung up and down to carve its way through rock...and other obstacles. However, Three Pink Stream charged shots released at point blank range to the optics so it took damage from the recoil fields as well tore it asunder, allowing X to pick up the fourth sub tank hidden behind it.

As they continued, they encountered waves of bat mechanaloids, metools, the occasional Spiky, and then another cart which took them through another segment, smashing through several more enemies. Dropping down another shaft, three more charged Pink Streams tore the next large mining Mechanaloid apart, leaving the path clear to collect the next Heart Tank.

After that, one last cart took them through the rest of the mine, and the pair shot down the bat and bird bots that got in their way. For the thrill of it, they leapt off the cart at the apex of a huge leap off a ramp into a wide pit.

To their surprise, they found another Light capsule, though this one looked different. When it opened, the Light hologram was wearing a karate gi. "X, Octavia," it began. "I have a special present for you...but you won't be able to use it yet. You will need to expand your armor energy by six more units and find the armor upgrade capsule before this ability will be usable, and even then safeties in the program will prevent its use unless armor energy is at maximum. However, there is no reason you can't download it now." The hologram vanished.

Curious, X and Octavia climbed into the capsule, feeling the program download into their systems. "Hadouken downloaded," Varia intoned. "Program currently locked until safety parameters met."

"Hadouken?" X asked, confused.

"We'll see when we've got what we need to use it," Octavia replied.

Dropping down, the pair went further on, finding Armored Armadillo waiting for them. The Hunter wasted no time confronting them. "There's nothing Maverick in following orders, X," he pointed out. "We haven't done anything wrong."

"We know that's bull," Octavia pointed out.

X put his hand to his communicator. "Beam her in," he ordered.

At that moment, Alia - one of the few female Reploids designed specifically to act as a spotter - beamed in, a red-headed reploid girl not much older in appearance than Octavia clinging to her leg.

Armored Armadillo's eyes went wide. "Lauren?" he gasped in shock. "You're safe?"

The little girl smiled up at him. "Dildo!" she called happily, rushing up to hug Armored Armadillo, who managed to look embarrassed by the nickname.

X coughed, blushing and pointedly not looking at any of the females present. Octavia tilted her head in confusion. Alia did her best to stifle her giggles.

The hostages used to ensure Sting Chameleon's cooperation were apparently being held by Boomer Kuwanger, who had apparently decided by terms of logic to serve Sigma. Flame Mammoth had warned X and Octavia to be careful with him, as unlike Spark Mandrill, Boomer was highly intelligent and dangerous.

Boomer Kuwanger was based at the top of a high tower that was completely shielded against teleportation. As a result, X and Octavia were forced to beam in at the base and walk right in through the front door, climbing their way to the top. As they climbed, they encountered turret Mechanaloids - mobile and otherwise - and the spike ball and shield wielding bots.

At the first horizontal segment, X and Octavia had to evade some security laser traps and flying robots that tried to knock them into said traps. The next vertical segment had Mega Tortoises, which were dispatched readily and with ease. After that was an elevator with spiked walls and obstacles. As Jammingers occasionally swooped down to attack them, Octavia stood close to X, who used a Pink Charge Rolling Shield - Armored Armadillo's weapon chip - to protect them both, since the Jammingers died on impact with the shield.

Beyond that, they had to climb up the outside of the tower, dealing with turrets and monkey-like Mechanaloids on ladders. Much to their surprise, all exploded on contact with the shield surrounding X, so Octavia merely clung to X's back as he climbed.

Just before heading back into the Tower, Octavia sent Varia to collect a Heart Tank just visible on a ledge that jutted too far out to grab onto by normal jumping. "Two more to go until we can use the Hadouken, according to what Dr. Light said," she pointed out.

"Right," X agreed, leading them inside.

The last stretch of the tower contained only mobile turrets which had to be destroyed to free up the platforms to the top. Once done, they reached Boomer Kuwanger, who blurred into the chamber.

"You have convinced many to change their minds," he stated coldly, "but I will not. I know the truth of Sigma's logic."

"What is Sigma's logic?" Octavia asked curiously.

"He has discovered the path of Reploid evolution," Kuwanger replied. "He will lead us to that path, free of the humans...a world where Reploids are truly their own Masters, as we are designed to be."

"And towards that end, he asks you to...what?" Octavia inquired, sitting down to listen.

"To obey his orders without question, as we do not see enough of the big picture," Kuwanger explained.

"So, in essence...to accept him as your Master?" Octavia clarified.

"Yes. This is acceptable logic, as he is a prophet," Kuwanger confirmed.

"I see," Octavia agreed, nodding her head. "Is X a Reploid?" she asked suddenly.

"What does that have to do with the discussion?" Kuwanger demanded.

"I believe it will be the core of it," Octavia countered. "Please answer the question."

Boomer Kuwanger stared at her for a time. "No," he replied finally. "X is not a Reploid."

"What is he, then?"

"Technically, the last of robotkind," Kuwanger replied. "The final evolution of robots."

"The first robot not bound by the three laws, and thus able to choose to disobey robots' 'human masters'," Octavia clarified. "Correct?"

"That is correct," Boomer Kuwanger replied. "That nature was the basis of Reploid programming."

"So, wouldn't that imply that Reploid evolution is derived from X?" Octavia asked, smirking.

"...that is correct," Kuwanger agreed nervously.

"Then how is going back to the nature of robots - unquestioningly obeying a Master - the forward movement of Evolution that Sigma promises?" Octavia inquired.

Boomer Kuwanger raised his hand to reply...but hesitated. "It is not," he stated at last. "Sigma's promise of evolution possesses a fundamental logical flaw."

"Then perhaps you should reconsider your allegiance," she pointed out, "and prove your sincerity by releasing your hostages?"

"...your logic is undeniable," Boomer Kuwanger stated finally, opening a door.

X and Octavia looked into the door...and face planted.

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