• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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X sat back in his office as Serges entered to deliver his latest report. "So, Serges, how goes it with Zero?"

Serges smiled as he took a seat, reaching over to the desk to pet Octavia between her ears, just how she liked it. "Repairs on the disconnected parts are almost complete. Once data recovery is fully accomplished, and the part data restored, they can be reconnected to the main body for a full reboot of internal systems, bringing Zero out of his stasis coma in a full restoration."

"That's wonderful!" Octavia cheered happily.

X frowned a bit despite the good news, however. "What do you mean, 'data recovery'?" he asked curiously.

Serges leaned back in the chair. "You are aware that Zero, like you, is a robot? From the pre-End times?"

X's eyes widened. "That...how do you know that? It's not exactly common knowledge regarding me..."

Serges shrugged. "The Animus Project data file contains a great deal of information...about you and Zero-"

"Does it have his original designation?" Octavia asked curiously. "Zero's always been bothered that he couldn't remember that...though he tended not to think about it."

Serges shook his head. "Zero was the final result of 'Project Revelation', but the Animus file states that he was supposed to choose his own designation upon activation. From what I understand of the file, Zero's activation didn't go as planned...and Project Animus activated as one of several backup plans regarding his activation and capabilities."

"You mean...you're not just restoring him to what he was when we got to know him?" X gasped out. "You're...restoring him to who and what he was supposed to be before he went berserk?"

Serges shrugged his shoulders. "Not entirely," he admitted. "The technology doesn't exist to create a full restoration as is...and I don't possess the complete Project Animus file. It's my understanding that pieces of it will activate and seek Zero out as the technology for his restoration becomes available. However, I do not believe any of it will affect his core personality."

"That's good," Octavia breathed in relief. "So, what was that about the data in Uncle Zero's parts?"

"Well," Serges continued, "Zero is a battle robot first and foremost. Every part of him is designed to maximize his combat potential. In order for him to function properly, all of him must be stabilized with the battle data. However, the parts recovered from Sigma's crashed fortress had their data wiped. I'll need to restore or rebuild the lost data to levels equivalent to restore their functionality, and allow the reassembly."

X nodded. "I see. Do whatever it takes to bring Zero back online, Doctor. We're counting on you."

Serges bowed happily. "Will do, X. Will do."

"Can I ask a question?" Octavia spoke up. "About what you've shown us of the redesign?"

Serges smiled beatifically. "Certainly."

She pointed at one of the status photos. "Why does he have...boob lights?"

X struggled to suppress a snort in his coffee.

Serges chuckled. "Those are additional power cores, to unlock the entirety of his combat prowess."

"Aren't exterior mounted power cores a bit dangerous?" X asked worriedly.

"They generate deflective energy shields, the same way Varia does over Octavia's flesh," Serges pointed out. "And it's necessary, since his body structure doesn't provide enough coolant for three cores without the exterior ventilation."

"Why there?" Octavia inquired.

"Because the torso is the last part of him likely to be severed," the Doctor explained. "Where else should I put them? Between his legs?"

X promptly spat his coffee all over the wall before going into a coughing fit. Alia, working on some data on another comp unit in the office, quickly rushed over to pat him on the back.

While neither X nor Alia were looking, Serges and Octavia exchanged a wink before the Doctor left the office.

Upon his return to the private, inviolate lab, Serges acted. Walking up to two incomplete reploids, he brought two of the Zero Parts over to them. The first Reploid resembled a gorilla with a morning star at the end of a chain topknot. He installed Zero's buster arm in the morning star. The second Reploid was humanoid in purple armor, with a beam saber equipped. He installed Zero's leg units in this Reploid's legs, greatly increasing its speed.

Taking the last Zero Part - the portion of his torso lost - Serges installed it into his own systems. He then spoke up. "X-Hunters Violen and Agile...Drop it!"

The two Reploids immediately came online. The gorilla like one, Violen, smashed his fist into his palm. "We ready to wreck X?" he demanded, his voice deep and gravely. "We smash and kill him?"

"Yes, Master," Agile added, his voice fawning and snively. "Is it time to unleash...devastation?"

Serges smirked. "In a manner of speaking. It's time to recover some...lost battle data. X is, of course, the best source of that..."

An alert went off throughout Maverick Hunter HQ. "Maverick alert! Maverick alert! There's a massive spike in Maverick activity! All active hunters, report for duty! All active hunters, report for duty! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill! This is a level 10 Maverick Alert!"

X and Octavia turned to each other, nodded, and raced for the teleporters. They had a job to do, and they weren't about to be found wanting.

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