• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,594 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

Uncle Fuzzy

Deadpool stood over Chrysalis bed, watching her sleep. He was confronted with a rather difficult conundrum. Once again, he had another job to do. While he had said he would start bringing her along, this job would likely be even more dangerous than previous ones. If he brought her along, she would get hit, likely several times. If she hadn't absorbed his regeneration yet, he would lose her. But at the same time, he didn't have anyone to call on to act as a sitter. And Lady Death wasn't available just now, either. And he couldn't very well leave her alone.

"And for some reason, you refuse to accept my suggestion of leaving one of us to watch her," Crazy complained. "There's no reason to think she couldn't pluck one of us out into her own head."

"We went over this," Stuffy groaned. "You're too unreliable to be left in charge of anyone unsupervised, so we can't leave you here."

"And we can't leave you because...?"

"Because I don't even want to imagine what would happen if Deadpool only had you in his head."

Deadpool sighed. This was actually a serious consideration. Chrysi was too inventive to leave all on her own for however long the job would take - possibly anywhere from a few hours to a few days - but at the same time cashflow was a bit of an issue. Specifically, its absence. He had to take this job. But he couldn't leave Chrysalis alone, nor could he take her with.

As he mused, his thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door. He rushed over quickly, hoping to open the door before whoever was on the other side started knocking louder. He got the door open just in time to receive the louder knock to his noggin. "Logan?" he asked in shock.

Logan was in his casual clothes; a brown leather jacket, white muscle shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, his dog tags hanging around his neck. "Can we talk, Wade?"

Deadpool stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind him. "What's up?"

"When Xavier broke your kid's mental control over me, I remembered everything," he replied.

"So...is this where you're going to have it out with me over what she did to you?" Deadpool asked eagerly. "Cause if so, can we take it somewhere where it won't wake her-"

"I wanted to thank her," Logan interrupted.

Deadpool blinked. "...what?"

"Stryker destroyed my life when I got recruited into Weapon X," Wolverine explained. "My body and mind turned inside out to make me into a weapon...do you know how long I've wanted to rip him a new one for all that?" He shook his head. "But I couldn't. He'd been too careful with the mental conditioning."

"And then Chrysi makes you clog dance on his testicles before snapping his neck and stuffing him in a cooler so she can eat him later," Deadpool finished.

Logan nodded. "While not the revenge I would have chosen...it's given me closure for that part of my life." A wicked grin crossed his face. "And since I was under mind control at the time, I don't have to face any consequences."

"Ooh, I like that!" Deadpool said eagerly. "Think we can blame Chrysi mind controlling us for the stuff we do?"

"I doubt anyone would believe it."

"Sure they would! Just paint the eyes of our mask green!"

"I mean, do you really think anyone would believe that we can be controlled?"

"How fast did she wrap us around her itty bitty hoof?"

"Wow, Chrysi has been making some serious changes," Deadpool commented. "That's the third time since she got here that Crazy won an argument with Stuffy using logic!"

"Isn't that a sign of the apocalypse?" Logan joked, having long gotten used to Deadpool's talk about the voices in his head.

"If not, it should be!" Deadpool proclaimed.

Logan rolled his eyes. "At any rate...just wanted to say thanks, and...to call me if you ever need someone to watch her."

"How's today?" Deadpool asked quickly. "Also, possibly tomorrow and the day after."

Logan chuckled. "I've got the time."

"Great!" Deadpool replied eagerly. "Have fun with her and give her love, Logan!"

"I think I can manage that," he replied. "...but you can call me James."

Deadpool froze. "Wait...when you said you remembered everything...you meant everything everything?"

James nodded. "That's right. All of it."

"Whoa," Deadpool replied in shock. "...you still you?"

"I don't know if I'm still Logan," James replied. "But...I'm still Wolverine."

"Stop hurting my brain!" Deadpool whined before charging off to the job.

James chuckled as he entered the apartment. He walked through to Chrysalis' bed side. He sat there, waiting for her to awaken. He didn't have long to wait. As her eyes opened, he smiled at her. "Wade has a big job," he explained. "I'll be watching you until he gets back."

Chrysalis smiled up at him. "Uncle Fuzzy!" she cried happily, lunging up to hug him and nuzzle his stubble.

He blinked in shock at her appellation and enthusiastic greeting, but quickly returned the hug. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"Chase me!" she shouted, leaping from his arms and going into a canine play bow. "And try this time!"

Grinning, he went down to all fours and let out a roar.

Chrysalis let out a playful shriek and dashed off, 'Uncle Fuzzy' hot on her hooves.

The two of them spent several hours racing around the apartment, leaping from wall to wall, at one point even racing across the ceiling. With all his training and experience recovered, Wolverine was even more effective than ever, and he could even feel as a little bit of his energy - quickly replenished - was absorbed into Chrysalis along with the energy of his affectionate regard as they raced.

Towards the end of the race, Chrysalis tried to kick off a window, only to find out it was open as she sailed out.

"Chrysalis!" Wolverine shouted in worry, picking up speed to leap out after her.

He landed braced on the wall at the opposite end of the alley, staring at Chrysalis as she hovered, her wings buzzing.

"So that's how these work," she said, staring over her shoulder at her wings. Grinning, she then zipped off.

Groaning, Wolverine took off after her, only to gasp in shock as he saw her get side swiped by the top of a large truck, splitting her body in half. He raced forward, leaping up to catch her as she fell.

Only her hind legs fell, still kicking. Her forequarters continued to hover with her buzzing wings. "...ow," she muttered idly. "I...need those, don't I?" she asked, pointing at her hindquarters.

"You do," Wolverine replied. "Come down and we'll see if we can't get them reattached." He was relieved that she wasn't leaking fluid from either end. From what he could see, both ends were covered by a green barrier keeping her innards in place.

Chrysalis buzzed down, and he held her hindquarters up to her forequarters. They fused back together perfectly. "That felt weird," Chrysalis pointed out.

"Come on, let's get back to the apartment," Wolverine replied. "I'll order pizza or something."

Chrysalis gasped happily. "Can I have people bits on my pizza?" she asked eagerly.

"I'll cut you some giblets from the freezer," he replied easily. He didn't see much of an issue feeding Chrysalis bits of people. Humans were her prey anyway, since she fed on emotions. And Deadpool killed a lot of people anyway, so at least he would save on food bills.

Chrysalis squealed happily and hugged him. "Uncle Fuzzy, you're the best!"