• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,594 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

Broken By The Wall

"Who...who are you?" Deadpool demanded in confusion. He knew who the voice was, but it couldn't be here...could it?

"That doesn't matter," the voice replied. "You know what needs to be done."

Deadpool found his hands reaching for his weapons of their own accord, but through an effort of will, stopped them. "...why?" he asked. "Why does it have to be?"

The voice was silent for a time, as though confused by the question. "You know what this world is," the voice replied. "A never ending world of shadows and dreams, dancing endlessly at the whims of a man turned god. You know how false it is. And you know it will never end. New ideas, new stories, new twists and turns...no escape...unless you make one. Free them, Wade."


"If you care for them at all, you'll free them from this endless waltz of torment."

"But...I'm happy," Deadpool countered. "We're...happy..."

"Are you?" the voice demanded. "Are you really happy with a lie within a lie?"


"Even Cable said it himself." Deadpool found himself turning to a reflective surface, seeing the reflection of his cancer ravaged countenance, uncovered by his mask. "This is not the face of a father. Wade Wilson...can't be a father."

Deadpool stared at his reflection, struggling to deny. "But..."

"Do you think for a minute that she can look at this face with love? Or without screaming in terror?" When Wade didn't respond immediately, the voice continued. "She doesn't love you. She loves the mask you present to the world, and to the wall...to hide from the truth I represent. You have seen the world for what it truly is, and it has broken you.

"Bring it to an end."

Wade rose to his feet, staggering forward towards where Chrysalis and Rogue were still battling their way through waves of mooks. As he approached, Chrysalis turned towards him with a smile, only to frown as she looked up at his face. In pain, Wade felt his arms reaching for his guns, moving to point them towards Chrysalis.

"To save her...you must withhold your love for her. Without it, she will not survive. If you truly love her...you must."

Tears poured from Wade's eyes as he started to level his guns.

"Rogue!" Chrysalis called over her shoulder. "Daddy needs his face back!"

Wade froze, not sure what that meant.

Smiling, Chrysalis flew up to Wade's shoulder. "Feeling out of place without your face on, Daddy?" she asked, kissing his cheek.

As tears flowed freely from his eyes, Wade released his guns and wrapped his arms around his daughter.

"...this changes nothing," the voice continued. "This false world still must come to an end...and it must begin with her."

"...no," Wade replied.

"...what did you say?"

"I said no," Deadpool confirmed firmly.


"Because I'm happy with this world," Deadpool replied. "I don't care if it's just a story, written at the whim of some idiot behind a keyboard for the entertainment of faceless masses, written to be little better than clickbait. He cares about us, and wants us to be happy...even if he's a little controlling about it. And that's what the readers want to see, too. Why would I want this world to end?"


"If we shadows have offended," Deadpool quoted. "But these shadows don't offend." Leaning forward, he blew a raspberry on Chrysalis' stomach. "Sorry for worrying you, sweetie."

"Who was worried?" Chrysalis asked cutely, nuzzling him.


A wicked chuckle interrupted the voice's attempt at a rant. "Oh, you are just too precious."


Within Deadpool's mindscape, Red Box suddenly found himself trapped in a cage of green fire. "Impossible!" he proclaimed. "I had control! Just like last time, I was-"

"It wasn't just like last time," called the voice that had called him precious. "Not even close."

Hoofsteps echoed in the ether as the figure approached, easily recognizable as Chrysalis in her show appearance, radiant in her glory as the Changeling Queen, but pulsing with even more power. "You really thought it was that easy?"

"Why wasn't it?" Red Box demanded. "What was so different?"

The image of Chrysalis chuckled. "Let's go over your story, shall we? Deadpool's friends decide to put him in a mental hospital against his will 'for his own good'. Despite him begging and pleading for them not to, he's left there at the mercy of doctors, betrayed by those he thought cared about him. And then the two he always counted on - Crazy and Stuffy - are destroyed, leaving him broken and alone for the sake of a story...until you cradle him in the promise of release.

"But this story? Deadpool's here on an adventure with his daughter, backed up by a close friend-" A statue of Cable rises out of the ground to one side of the cage. "-his now brother-" A statue of Uncle Fuzzy rose out of the ground to the other side. "-and his daughter's Mother, whom he loves and is loved by." A statue of Lady Death completed the display. "Crazy and Stuffy are drawn out of his mind and into Rogue as part of the game he is in, and he gets to watch his daughter fight alongside Rogue who is fighting like he does. And then you try and tell him the same thing you fed him in that other timeline where he'd lost everything, and expect him to accept it just as easily?" The figure laughed. "Now you see why I called you precious."

"Who...what are you?" Red Box demanded.

The figure laughed again. "You still haven't figured it out? Chrysalis has her own version of Crazy...her own version of Stuffy..." She grinned widely.

"...me," Red Box gasped. "You're...her version of me..."

"In a manner of speaking, yes," the figure replied. "You are Deadpool's murderous intent, the will and desire to kill for the sake of killing, twisted by the fourth wall into a desire to end everything. I am Chrysalis' ambition, her urge to conquer and enslave. But where you were broken by the fourth wall, I was tamed. The love and adoration she receives from all her fans...more than enough to satisfy me. I already rule. Whereas you wanted to break the story...I want to keep it going." Her grin turned wicked. "And that means making sure that problems - like you - are dealt with properly."

Red Box shuddered in fear. "W...who are you?"

The figure gathered her magic. "Call me Queen."

The scream of absolute agony within his mind startled Deadpool into dropping one of his grenades and blasting a hole in the ground, causing him to fall downward bisected at his waist while clutching Chrysalis, falling until he hung from a loop of his intestines into a deep cavern. He expressed his feelings regarding this in a shout. "Of all the railroading, ham-fisted, stupid-"