• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,592 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

All Grown Up

Deadpool hummed happily in his apartment kitchen as he cooked up a delicious meal for himself, his daughter, and her mini-hive of 100 super-soldier Changelings. Normally, he could whip something like that up in a few minutes by warping the narrative's perception of time, but he'd decided to take his time for it this time, just to do something unexpected. Besides, he was pretty sure it was Chrysi's birthday today - only pretty sure because fanfics rarely had consistent perceptions of time flow, and he had no idea how much time had actually passed - and that called for something special...so he was mixing up a super rich stew including all of Chrysalis' favorite stew-type foods...and the tail end of the people bits in the freezer.

"She's going to love this!" Crazy squealed happily.

"Hope there's going to be enough for everyone," Stuffy pointed out. "Or should we say everyling?"

"Why not everypony?"

"Changelings, not ponies."

"Changelings are ponies, too!"

"Technically, these Changelings are horses."

"Oh. Good point. Everyhorse just doesn't sound right."

"It would sound like we were addressing a house of ill repute," Deadpool agreed. "Hey everywhore! Oh, I'm gonna look for a situation I can use that in."

At that point, Chrysalis stormed into the kitchen in a bit of a hissy-fit, pouting. "Stupid Mom!" she snapped, kicking a chair so hard it flew out the window, circumnavigated the planet three times, shot off into space, and poked Galactus' eye out because some power that be thought that was funny.

Deadpool blinked. "Nice shot, Chrys, but why are you so upset with my bonny bony beauty?"

"It's really perfectly reasonable from a parenting perspective-" Stuffalis began.

"It's not fair!" Cray-Chry wailed, interrupting Stuffalis. "Why can't we look and act like a little kid a while longer! It's fun, and I don't wanna grow up!"

"We aren't Peter Pan or a lost boy," Stuffalis countered. "And her reasons were understandable. We have 100 soldiers looking to us for orders, guidance, and leadership. We should look and act the part."

Deadpool let out an 'ah' of understanding. "She wants you to look and act your age?" he asked.

"That doesn't sound so bad," Crazy pointed out.

"After all, how old could you-"

"16," Chrysalis replied with her adorable, childish pout.

All of Deadpool's voices were silent. "Now that's a time skip," Crazy pointed out.

"How did we miss so much time?" Deadpool demanded.

"You didn't," Stuffalis replied. "You don't age. The only people you interact with on a regular basis are Cable - who time travels - and Uncle Fuzzy - who doesn't age. Life for all of us is full enough that we don't pay much attention to years, and we've been consciously keeping ourselves from showing visible signs of aging to stay a child longer because we enjoy being your baby girl so much."

"That...makes a surprising amount of sense," Stuffy allowed.

"Then you're looking at this the wrong way!" Deadpool proclaimed. "Chrysi, it's your sweet 16! It's your coming out party! We need to go all out and make this super special so you can make a huge splash on the entire world!"

"Not to mention your fan base!" Crazy agreed.

"We're right, this is something to be embraced!" Stuffy agreed.

Chrysalis thought to herself for a time. "Well...there is one thing I'd been thinking of trying for a while...it probably would make a big splash..."

Stuffalis gasped. "You don't mean...that?"

Cra-Chry squealed happily. "This is going to be so much fun! Queen is going to love this!"

"Now I'm intrigued," Stuffy chimed in.

"Do it! Do it!" Crazy agreed.

Deadpool stepped back. "Alright, Chrysi...show us what you've got."

Chrysalis smiled widely, then closed her eyes. The green glow of her magic took shape around her horn, then spread over her entire body. She slowly lifted into the air as wind whipped around her, bits of paper caught in the mystic cyclone. Lightning crashed in the distance out of a cloudless sky as dark green clouds rushed to blot out the blue and white, making the entire city plunge into cave like darkness. Lightning flashed more and more rapidly, and the roof ripped open.

"Does this spell...really require all this?" Stuffy asked nervously.

"Nah!" Cray-Chry reassured him. "But it's more fun this way!"

Chrysalis' magic suddenly flashed, filling all vision with green light...and then everything went pitch black.

"Who turned out the lights?" Crazy demanded, panicking.

"Hush!" Deadpool scolded. "I wanna see this!"

At that moment, a single ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, shining through the new skylight and illuminating a mess of bright green hair. Chrysalis stood up, tossing her head back, making her hair shimmer in the sunlight as she revealed her human form.

Much of the fandom thought that Changelings would feed on lust as well as love. If this were true, Chrysalis' human form seemed to support the theory, as it seemed designed to awaken the lust of all who saw her. Her skin was the pale milk chocolate/bronze of the perfect healthy tan. Her eyes were the exact same green coloration they had always been, but were slightly tilted almonds on her heart shaped face. She stood just a little shorter than Deadpool, her limbs the perfect balance between soft and toned, thin without looking weak. Her curves made every Goddess of Beauty in history instantly self conscious, develop inadequacy issues, and become convinced they needed to go on a diet. Her breasts were perfectly formed with just enough sag to look natural, balanced by just the right amount of perkiness to make them bounce pleasingly with every movement. Her rear was soft and squishy looking, and perfectly heart shaped. Her teeth were perfectly white and even. Her hair was smooth and silky, and long enough to do an excellent Lady Godiva cosplay.

And she wasn't wearing a stitch.

"Hubba hubba!" Crazy stated, being the first to react.

"Just...no," Stuffy scolded.

"Chrysalis!" Deadpool shouted as his hands flew up, one to his nose to staunch the flow of blood and the other to cover his eyes. "Put some clothes on!"

"Why?" Chrysalis purred, her adolescent voice smooth and silky, as seductive as the rest of her, without the somewhat disconcerting echo effect she'd had in the show. "What's wrong with my body that you want me to cover it up?"

"Absolutely nothing..." Crazy drooled.

"And that's the problem," Stuffy groaned.

"Hey Wade?" Crazy asked. "You do realize that our fourth wall breaking powers mean that covering our eyes doesn't prevent us from seeing her, right?"

Deadpool's bellow of frustrated despair was a delicious treat for Chrysalis as she internally - along with Queen - gave a shit eating grin.