• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,592 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

The End of the Story

Deadpool leaned back in his favorite chair, totally relaxed as he held Lady Death in his arms. Her plan as far as Chrysalis giving birth creating the mystical loophole had worked flawlessly, as unaligned divine entities are required to manifest to the families of those who have inherited some of their magic in order to guide and explain them. And Chrysalis and Thirty-Thirty's first born son, Forty-Forty - called ShiShi for short - had inherited a good sized portion of it due to how much death energy Chrysalis had absorbed by feeding on Lady Death's love.

Of course, Thanos had not taken kindly to learning his curse on Deadpool had been circumvented, and he had attacked. Thankfully, he hadn't brought any power amplifiers, so he wasn't able to simply rewrite reality or anything like that, so Deadpool had assumed that it would be a mostly even fight. Of course, it had been the day ShiShi was born, and Deadpool had been shocked - and pleased - to discover that, apparently, new born Changeling hybrids required a huge influx of protein before they could begin feeding on love alone. Thanos, apparently, had been just the right size as far as ShiShi was concerned. Lady Death had been so proud.

"It was still a little creepy the way he went all Pac-Man on Thanos," Crazy pointed out as they reminisced. "Felt like I was watching what Pixels would have been if we directed it."

"Stuffy, put that on my schedule of 'things to do for fun'!" Deadpool pointed out. "Remake bad movies with potential my way...starting with Pixels!"

"And what will be your first step as far as improving it?" Stuffy asked.

"Easy," Deadpool replied. "Replace Adam Sandler with me, and use the actual President...and everybody improvs! Oh, and use actual pixelated aliens! I'm sure I can find some."

Lady Death purred in his arms. "That will be fun to see..."

"And of course, cast my boney lass here as an actually interesting and 4-dimensional love interest," Wade added.

"Don't you mean 3 dimensional?"

"Who says character development has to be quantumly linear?"

"...how in the name of all that's holy did that make sense?"

"We should probably stop talking," Chrysalis murmured, staggering out of the bedroom she shared with Thirty-Thirty to get a drink from the fridge. "I get the feeling the Author has more exposition to dump."

"Is it going to be interesting?"

"It's about all of you, Daddy!"

"Then we should listen."

Of course, Chrysalis was not the only one to expand their little family.

"She wasn't?" Deadpool asked in surprise.

Deadpool and Lady Death had also had several children since their physical union.

"...did not see that coming," Stuffy pointed out as Deadpool stared, his jaw hanging. Lady Death chuckled wickedly.

Three children were born to their union, two boys and one girl. The first born son took after Deadpool somewhat in his comedic outlook, and was given his own version of Earth to look after and be the Grim Reaper for. Last Lady Death had heard, things were going well, save an incident involving attempting to reap a hamster.

"Oh, I know that one!"

"I think the Author wants to see if the readers can get it."

"Shutting up now."

The second born son had taken after Lady Death in nature, being the complete opposite of Deadpool, having no feelings at all...except when he did. Though he seemed disinterested, he was always curious about many things...so Lady Death gave him a curious world to tend and reap, one carried through space by elephants and a turtle.

"That one's pretty damn obvious."

The third born daughter was a peppy, blue haired little girl who was adorable, but only spiritual in nature, rather than truly wielding the power of Death. Lady Death had called in a favor from an old friend in Japan to get her proper training as a spirit guide.

"And that one's only somewhat vague."

Of course, due to a confusion of quantum uncertainty and Deadpool's power to manipulate narrative causality, while that had all already happened, it hadn't already happened yet, except it didn't need to actually happen in the future to have already happened in the past.

"Our brain hurts!"

However, despite this time of wondrous family bliss and maternal blessing, a shadow was on everyone's horizons. Chrysalis was getting homesick.

"News to me," Chrysalis pointed out.

She had begun to remember, and long for, Equestria, and her Changeling hive that needed her leadership so desperately. The quantum uncertainty of Deadpool and Lady Death's offspring had resolved that of Chrysalis' arrival, and the timelines of Earth and Equestria were synced. Chrysalis could feel the voices of her hive in Equestria calling out to her, but she could not reach them. The despair of being unable to help them-

"Is rather drowned out by riding Thirty-Thirty like there was no tomorrow," Cray-Chry interrupted. "Cyborg lovers are the best! Especially if you equip them with magical nanites to constantly rejuvenate themselves. He can go on forever!"

"Which is why we're getting a drink right now," Stuffalis pointed out. "Despite everything we're capable of, we can't."

"Even feeding on his love only refreshes my stamina," Chrysalis confirmed. "Still need to rehydrate every so often."

"I think this might be the Author's rather heavy handed way of telling us it's time for the 'return to Equestria' part of the story."

"We're going to Equestria?" Deadpool gasped out, tossing Lady Death into the air as he leapt to his feet. He squealed like a schoolgirl before catching her on the way down, setting her down on her feet. "How are we going to get there? Is it going to be totally ridiculous? Am I going to build a portal? Am I-"

"Gampa!" ShiShi called out, toddling in on his four hooves as he dragged a wrapped present, his Deadpool red mane and tail done up in a mohawk for the day. "Is pesent fo me?"

Deadpool looked at it. "No, that was Yog-Soggoth's birthday present for Chrysalis back when she was little," he explained.

"Why no open?"

"Because it said not to open until 'The End of the Story'," Chrysalis explained. "We didn't want to open it because we didn't want the story to end."

Being the insightful and deductive sort that he is when he feels like it, Deadpool put two and two together, got banana monkey jibber squalp, and decided to look a the chapter title. "Chrysi...I think it means now."

"What?' Chrysalis demanded. "The story's ending? But Thirty-Thirty hasn't even had any big scenes yet!"

"And I ju' bone!" ShiShi complained. "I wan' mo stowy time!"

"There better at least be a chapter of Chrysalis kicking ass back in Equestria!" Deadpool demanded of the Author.

The Author carefully pointed out the 'Incomplete' tag.

"Good!" Deadpool agreed. "Pay attention to that, readers! Chapter titles and events aside, this story isn't over yet!"

Sighing, Chrysalis pulled the ribbon on the present. It promptly unfolded into a stable portal between Deadpool's apartment and Chrysalis' hive.

"Talk about a literal Deus ex Machina!" Crazy proclaimed in surprise.

"Maiore Deus ex Machina, actually," Lady Death pointed out. "Yog-Soggoth is an Elder God, after all."

"Dirty-Thirty!" Chrysalis called out, using her nickname for her lover. "We're going back to Equestria! Is everything packed?"

"All set, m'lady love!" Thirty-Thirty replied, entering the room in horse form with all their bags hung on his like a pack mule.

Smiling, Chrysalis gave him a loving kiss. "You are such a sweetheart," she praised softly.

And thus, hand in hoof, the family turned and stepped through the portal...

...and the Marvel Universe collapsed without its avatar of Death.

"Hah! I won anyway!"

Except I'm just kidding.

"Bite me!"

"If you insist..."