• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,595 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

An Education

As Chrysalis woke up one morning, she was rather surprised to discover her Daddy packing a great deal into a small pair of bags. She wasn't all that surprised at the volume he was managing to fit in, an amount that would put most video game inventories to shame. After all, it was her Daddy. What did surprise her was what he was packing it with.

She sat back in consternation as she watched a massive box of crayons slip into the tiny bag, not even creating a bulge. Following that was several packs of number two pencils and ball point pens. After that was a box of unopened notepads that easily weighed 80 pounds. This was followed by what Chrysalis felt was more reasonable packing items: a taser, a can of mace, an actual mace, a cell phone, a list of phone numbers, and a T-Rex.

Into the other bag went a brown bag filled with some of her favorite non-love and non-people related snack foods, her Deadpool plushie with its face repaired after she'd eaten it off for the 3,456th time, her favorite blankie, and her handheld game console which somehow managed to be whatever console she needed to play whatever portable game she happened to want to play, somehow. He also packed all the handheld games.

"Daddy?" Chrysalis asked at last. "What are you doing?"

"Packing your school bags," he replied solemnly.

"School?" Chrysalis asked in confusion. "What's that?"

"Is it delicious?" Cray-Chry inquired.

"It most definitely is not," Stuffalis groaned. "It's a place children are sent to in order to learn things."

Chrysalis tilted her head. "So...school's in the internet?"

"Oh I wish," Deadpool replied. "At school, you have to follow rules and behave. On the plus side, you get to play with other kids."

Chrysalis blinked. "Other...kids?"

"Humans your age," Deadpool explained. Kneeling in front of her, he set the saddlebags down on her back under her wings, strapping them under her belly. They barely weighed anything, which wasn't that surprising all things considered. "I'm pretty sure I've packed anything you could possibly need for your first day of school, so I want you to have fun and make some friends, okay?"

"What possible reason could she need a T-Rex at school?" Stuffy demanded.

"Show and Tell?" Crazy offered.

"...the portable arc-generator?"

"Power outage."

"...the 300 pounds of C4?"

"Terrorist attack."

"How does 300 pounds of C4 help her if terrorists attack her school?"

"She can sell it to them for exact change, delaying their assault long enough for us to get there?"

"...and the 3000 colored plastic balls?"

"Ball emergency."

"Does she look like Pinkie Pie to you?"

"She could if she wanted to."

"Yes we can!" Cray-Chry proclaimed excitedly.

Chrysalis happily turned into a filly Pinkie Pie.

Deadpool snickered. "Change back now," he instructed. "I need to tie the bow."

Chrysalis returned to her normal form, letting Deadpool reach back and tie a blood red ribbon with a black stripe around her mane in a bow. "Aren't you precious?" he whispered, kissing her just under the base of her horn.

Chrysalis smiled happily, nuzzling him.

"What about a ball pit?"

"How would she make a ball pit at a school?"

"The stack of seasoned lumber, nails, nail gun, wood varnish, and power tools?"

"...I give up..."

"You did it again, Daddy!"

"Another victory for the crazies!"

Deadpool stood up with a smile. "Come on. I'll give you a lift."

One motorcycle and sidecar ride later, Deadpool pulled up in front of a public school. "Okay," he said softly, "I've taken care of all your registration, so you just need to make your way to your classroom. I'm given to understand that this town is rather used to...unusual events and beings, so you shouldn't cause to much of a stir. You skipped a few grades after your aptitude test, so the kids you'll be in class with will be a smidgen older than you, but that's nothing to worry about. You're looking for the class of..." He took a closer look at the paperwork. "A...Mr. Henry Teacherman. Wow, was he named by ponies or something?" He shook his head to cast that thought aside for the moment. "Anyway, just behave yourself, follow the rules, make some friends, and try not to make trouble until your second semester. I'll be here when school lets out to pick you up and take you home, but if anything goes wrong, feel free to call me.

"Your cellphone already has my cell number programmed in, as well as Uncle Fuzzy's. We'll be here in minutes if you need us. You've also got the number to dial through time to call Cable if you need him on the paper with the other emergency numbers, and if anyone hassles you I've packed plenty of deterrents and flat out weapons if those aren't enough, and-"

"Daddy!" Chrysalis interrupted. She rested her hoof on his shoulder. "I'll be fine. It's just school. They're only human." She nuzzled his chest. "I'll miss you...but if you say I have to go, I'll go, and try to enjoy it." Leaning up, she kissed him on the cheek. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"The town gets invaded by aliens that are out to repopulate their species, enslave the entire populace by trapping them under an impenetrable dome, and use their own fourth-wall-breaking powers to keep us out of the town long enough that by the time we are able to get you out, you're branded and pregnant?"

"...that sounds like something I'd come up with."

"I'm worried. Why aren't you?"

"I am. I just know that if something like that happened, Chrysi could take 'em. After all, she's got a T-Rex."

Deadpool swallowed. "Well...if you're sure..."

Chrysalis nuzzled him one last time. "It'll be okay." She then scampered off towards the school, turning back to wave. "See you this afternoon, Daddy!" she called out.

Deadpool watched her as she headed into the school. "They...they grow up so fast..." he whimpered.

"Off to school already...not looking back..." Crazy sounded unusually solemn.

"It...it means we did a good job," Stuffy said through his sniffles. "She feels safe..."

"...so...gonna spy on her throughout the day to make sure she's okay?"

"She'd never forgive us."

"I meant secretly!"

"She can sense our presence."

"...even through a satellite?"

"I wouldn't be at all surprised," Deadpool pointed out as he turned his motorcycle to leave town. "Still, we need to do...something to cheer up so we aren't moping all day."

"Check out that kid's hair!" Crazy exclaimed.

Turning, Deadpool saw a young boy walking into the school. His hair was the color of flames. Feeling mischievous, Deadpool decided to set the kid's hair on fire. The kid barely noticed.

"...you weren't kidding about this town being used to the strange stuff," Stuffy pointed out mildly.

Author's Note:

For those of you who catch the reference in the second half...

What town is the school in, and at what point did you figure it out?

Also, how much of the emergency gear that Deadpool gave Chrysi do you think she'll need?