• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,567 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

The Ultimate Cliffhanger

"Being upside down is fun!" Crazy proclaimed happily.

"Deadpool!" Rogue snapped. "Quit foolin' around! I can't hold on like this!"

As Deadpool and Chrysalis turned the mounted guns on the attacking mooks, Deadpool pointed out a logical falacy. "Wait, you're Rogue. You can fly!"

"Clone Face is here," Rogue countered. "I can feel him nullifying my powers. I can't hold on much longer." As she spoke, the ceiling crumbled, and the boot dropped down another level. Rogue then blinked. "Why'd I call him Clone-Face?"

"Cause Chrysalis called him that, and I rewrote the script to make that his name," Deadpool pointed out.

"Umm...he's not nullifying mine," Chrysalis pointed out. "Couldn't we just drop down and have me catch us before we hit the bottom?"

Everyone paused for a time.

"What's all this?" Cray-Chry asked.

"We're waiting for player input," Stuffalis explained. "At this point in the game, the players could choose whether to follow the original game's course of these events, or take advantage of our powers to see what happens."

"Powers it is!" Deadpool proclaimed as they all let go and dropped.

The three fell downwards and landed softly due to Chrysalis' magic. Unfortunately, the boot crashed down to land on them shortly thereafter. Rogue didn't get squashed because Blockbuster grabbed her and yanked her out.

"And this is different from the original game how?" Crazy demanded.

"We didn't get all the points from killing the enemies above," Stuffy pointed out.

["CHEAP!"] all the head voices proclaimed together.

When Deadpool managed to stand up, he was missing an arm and his head was on backwards. Chrysalis was also missing her foreleg, with her head somehow on upside down. Thankfully, Chrysalis' magic was able to fix both head issues, and Dogpool showed up to bring them the missing limbs like the good boy he was. He got several scritchies from both of them for that.

"Now to figure out where they took Rogue!" Deadpool pointed out.

"And maybe get kissies?" Chrysalis asked eagerly.

"It'll drain your powers," Stuffy pointed out.

"I can take it!" Chrysalis pointed out as the mooks arrived.

As they explored the prison area they were in, they came across a new type of enemy: defective clones of the X-Men. These did not last for long, and only really made it into the story because there would likely be complaints if they weren't mentioned, but had no impact whatsoever because Chrysalis just unlocked her futuristic plasma cannon - her birthday present from Cable - and they thus had a tendency to die before either Deadpool or Chrysalis could get a clear look at them to even realize what they were fighting, and would have remained completely ignorant if not for the narration text.

"Or the fact that I remember going through the single player campaign," Deadpool countered, refusing to respect the fourth wall within the fourth wall any more than the regular fourth wall, acknowledging that the video game within the story was a video game within the story, and not just another story arc. "I'm just awesome like that."

After a long while of exploring the prison, the pair eventually reached what was, apparently, a massive pool party in the middle of the prison, filled with hot babes in bikinis.

"Before you get too excited," Stuffy cautioned, "let's think about this for a bit. We've been through this before. It was all an illusion in the original game. Before we get too into it, can you give me any possible reason it wouldn't be here?"

"My agent?" Cray-Chry offered.

Stuffy was silent for a time. "...fair enough. Lets have fun."

Chrysalis went to mingle with the ladies for a bit, but after the first head scratch, she got pissed and blasted a corner of the room to bits, which dispelled the whole illusion.

"How'd you know it wasn't real?" Deadpool asked.

"No love to eat!" Chrysalis snapped.

"And I admitted it could be real, which means I don't even get to say 'I told you so'," Stuffy pouted.

After a time of slaughtering their way through waves of mooks - including phasing enemies that sounded suspiciously like Gollum - the pair eventually spotted Blockbuster carrying Rogue on the opposite side of a river of sewage.

"In the original game, we had the option of leaping across our thought bubbles here," Deadpool pointed out.

A great deal of stray rubble flew up and fused into a bridge across in a flash of green light.

"My bridge works better," Chrysalis pointed out.

"True," Stuffy agreed.

After a time of attempting to get past the shit rivers, the pair found a large, retro looking chest. Though there was nothing physical inside the chest, finding it unlocked a greater range for the teleport ability. Neither Chrysalis nor Deadpool had anything interesting to say about this.

Not long after that as they explored with a greater range of ability, Dogpool showed up again, calling their attention to a path, which they eagerly followed. As expected, the path led them straight to Rogue. In order to make the rescue more impressive, Deadpool decided to set up a few bombs around the area - with Chrysalis' help - to obliterate as much of Clone Face's operations there as he could in the process.

Having discovered Clone-Face while they were planting bombs, the pair decided to kill him first, just in case this one was the real one this time around, but doing it stealthily. Chrysalis did it by using her third Magic attack, which allowed her to sink into the floor and destroy anything she passed under until she came back up, even passing through walls in the process. She came back up right behind Clone-Face with her Hoof Blaster weapon.

"Boo!" she shouted, and pulled the trigger just as he spun around, blasting his head right off his shoulders...and to smithereens in the process. Of course, it turned out to be another clone, and Deadpool was forced to break the fourth wall to get them to the arena where Blockbuster had Rogue in time to rescue her.

Blockbuster could only be damaged when he was stunned and not moving. He also had a tendency to charge blindly into things wherever he thought he was going to hit Deadpool or Chrysalis. Chrysalis took advantage of this by painting images of Deadpool on all the walls of the arena in various poses, and posing with them to convince Blockbuster it was the real deal, then teleporting out from under his charge at the last moment, at which point Chrysalis and Deadpool hit him full force behind while he was dazed.

"Lather, rinse, repeat, dead boss," Deadpool explained as the battle finished.

In order to rescue Rogue, Deadpool set off the explosives, which - along with a great deal of other destruction - dropped Rogue from where she hung above the arena straight into Deadpool's arms.

Through a rather cliche debate in Deadpool's head, a conclusion was reached to fix Rogue by having her absorb his healing factor by kissing him.

"She could absorb mine," Chrysalis pointed out.

"Hey!" Deadpool countered. "This is the only bit of non-imaginary sugar I got through the entirety of the game first time around. You are not stealing it from me! You already got plenty of sugar with the real naked fangirl MILF who even let you nurse!"

Chrysalis thought about that for a time. "Okay. But I'm telling Mommy!"

"She won't mind," Deadpool countered, leaning in towards Rogue.

"Chrysi, cover your eyes," Stuffy ordered. "This next part will be NSFW."

Crazy giggled. "Not Safe For Woona!"

After a brief fade out/fade in, Rogue was wearing Deadpool's mask, and had Crazy and Stuffy in her head. Chrysalis shrugged it off, and joined 'Lady Deadpool' in slaughtering a large group of mooks.

However, unknown to Chrysalis, Rogue, Deadpool, or the programmers at High Moon Studios, Deadpool's healing factor had actually gotten stronger from continuously regenerating his energy after feeding Chrysalis. As a result, he recovered faster from anything...even from having his healing factor sucked almost completely out of him. However, Crazy and Stuffy remained in Rogue's head for the moment.

But as he quickly discovered, that didn't mean he was alone in his head, as a voice he prayed he'd never hear spoke up.

"...Hello, Wade..."

Author's Note:

The reason for the title.

Remember the two week hiatus I was on due to technical difficulties?

...imagine if it had been after this chapter.

Edit: For those who didn't catch it, that's Red Box. From "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe".