• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,605 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 9: Test Your Might

Jasper sat in his chambers staring at the egg. Within lay his future assistant and confidante, but one thought at the back of his mind nagged at him. Granted he had achieved a decent hold in Equestria but for some reason he felt a sense of creeping dread. He glanced at the gauntlet and pulled it off and exhaled. The runes he had inscribed were from the clasps of the Alicorn amulet, this meant only he could remove the glove and or gem. Any outside force was useless against the enchanted runes. His gaze traveled to the window as he glanced out and began to brood. Deep in thought, the human reflected on the time he had spent within Equestria and what he had done up to this current point in time. Was it worth it? The ponies wished only to help him and give him some decent friends. His calm look turned to one of disgust; he didn’t need their pity or their charity. Why have friendship when one can merely take what he/she wants with power.

He walked over to the bed and donned the gauntlet once more. His gaze fixed on the shiny surface of the egg. The smile that spread across his face was reminiscent of exuberant joy mingled with some malicious intent. Outside the castle, there was an immense flash of red energy within the royal chambers accompanied by a victorious yell.


The Friendship Express pulled into the train station and let its passengers disembark. The six mares, plus one dragon statue with a now restored head all gazed at the once beloved castle. But the looks were not ones of warm joy, but of spite and purpose.

Spike narrowed his eyes, “I knew that guy was trouble.”

“I know Spike,” Twilight looked with anger at where the princesses now stood, “He deceived us all and he will NOT win.”

“Tell it loud and proud sister!” Pinkie yelled in agreement.

Rarity huffed as they approached the large double doors, “And to think I made him that coat as a gift,” she pet Spike on the head, “now he’s hurt my little Spikey Wikey,” she became greatly angered, “I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!”

Spike wiggled his nose in horror, “Oh no, IT’S ITCHING!!!”

Applejack trotted over, “Got ya covered Spike.”

Twilight knocked on the door, “JASPER OPEN UP!”

The double doors swung inward. Standing in the door way was neither a guard nor the guilty human. In fact, it was a dragon that was Spike’s age. The dragon had black scales that shined in the light and his belly scales were a deep dark indigo. Atop his head were small black curved horns that seemed darker. Running down his back were small dark indigo spines. His ruby red eyes stared at the shocked mares with disinterest.


Twilight blinked a few times, “You’re a baby black dragon?”

“Yeah, I am,” the black dragon was becoming slightly impatient, “can I ask what your business here is?”

Twilight regained herself, “Right. We’re here to see King Jasper…Mr?”

The black dragon rolled its eyes, “Ignatius, assistant to his highness.”

Twilight gave a small smile in an attempt to appeal to the dragon, “Well would you be so kind to let us in?”

Ignatius tapped his chin, “Do you have an appointment?”

“Well…no but-“

The door slammed in Twilight’s face.


Jasper heard the door slam as Ignatius walked into the throne room, “Visitors Iggy?”

Ignatius nodded, “Just six ponies and a dragon,” he smiled proudly, “They tried to get in without an appointment but I showed em what for.”

Jasper gave a small smile, “Good work lad. I’ve taught you well.”

Ignatius shook his head, “More like crammed a book load of knowledge into my brain and aged me up to,” he gestured to his being, “this in one sitting.”

Jasper placed a scroll he was looking at aside, “Certain measures must be taken. Now would you be so kind as to show those ponies inside?”


Jasper cut him off, “I’ll handle them.”

Ignatius was indifferent at first but nodded, “Yes my lord.”

Jasper raised a hand, “Jasper or Jas, no need to be so formal.”

Ignatius nodded and walked out of the room. Jasper folded his hands and waited patiently as the sound of a distant door being opened met his ears. Ignatius walked into the room and gestured half-heartedly.

“Presenting the Elements of Harmony.”

The black baby dragon then left through a side door.

Twilight walked into the throne room backed by the girls, “JASPER!”

Jasper smiled and stood up, “Twilight! So nice of you to drop by,” his smile dropped, “Unannounced.”

Twilight stood firm, “Jasper what you have done is utterly despicable! Deceiving all of us and abusing our trust!”

Jasper raised a finger, “ALL within the boundaries of Equestrian law. I have not broken any laws, I’m afraid you have no leg to stand on.”

Pinkie tapped her chin, “But she has four.”

Rarity sighed, “It was an expression.”

Jasper approached them, “Why all the hostility? I won the gambit fair and square, if anything you should be showing me respect,” the last word was spoken with power behind it.

Twilight snorted, “Cadance wrote me, she told me what you did. Celestia and Luna would never-“

“Which is why they are unfit to rule,” Jasper paced in front of them, “to rule, one must make necessary sacrifices to preserve ones kingdom. Cadance is about as fit to rule a sovereignty as you are. Hell, you got your title because of a magical fluke.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as Jasper bent down to her level, “You barely worked to achieve what you have now. You were pushed along, bred to be what you are. You’re nothing more than Celestia’s pet project that has entered the final phases of its testing. In short, the fact that you have the title and wings is a laughable joke. You are nothing without your friends and magic, and you’ll always be a nothing Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight’s eyes burned with rage, “HOW DARE YOU!”

She then blasted the human into the throne he had taken residency in as he laughed, “Tell me I’m wrong?”

Twilight flared her wings and advanced on the human who stood and opened his hand. In a flash, a familiar pony appeared in his grasp.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward, “You coward!”

Jasper held the limp Sunset Shimmer in front of him, “You want her?”

Twilight froze in mid-stride as Jasper sneered, “Heheh, I thought so.”

He threw her into the purple alicorn and took his seat.

Fluttershy checked the unconscious unicorn and sighed, “She’s alright, but she needs care and rest.”

Twilight once more reeled on Jasper, “What have you done to her!”

Jasper casually gestured, “I merely took some information from her. Did you know she has studied much more fluently then you did? Celestia gave her a really good lesson plan.”

Twilight advanced, “Why you!”

Jasper raised a hand, “How about this. You hit me with everything you have, if you take me down, I shall consider giving the throne back,” his tone then became dark, “Fail and I shall take from you something of importance.”

Rainbow Dash landed beside her, “No way! If she’s fighting were gonna help her!”

Jasper pursed his lips, “Say that you do interfere, what shall become of you?”

The other ponies looked at each other but Twilight raised a hoof, “It’s alright, I can handle him.”

Spike whooped, “GO GET EM TWI!”

Twilight stepped forward, “Prepare yourself.”

Jasper became bored and leaned back, “I already have.”

Twilight’s horn then began to light up with its familiar aura. Her eyes began to glow bright white as the aura increased in mass and overall size. She gritted her teeth as Jasper raised an eyebrow. Twilight narrowed her eyes as her aura turned a celestial white.

“Enjoying the magic reserves fido?”

Twilight yelled out in anger and fired.

The explosion rocked the entire castle to the very foundations as smoke filled the air. Twilight was on the ground panting as the smoke began to clear, Jasper was gone.

Rainbow Dash began to do a dance in mid-air, “In your face Jasper! Twilight kicked your flank so HARD!!! NICE ONE!”

Rarity helped her friend to her feet, “That was astounding darling!”

Twilight stood up slightly woozy, “Yeah it was, wasn’t it?”

A visible chill ran through them all as a slow clap was heard.

“Bravo Twilight, you literally blew my expectations out of the water.”

All the ponies whirled around to behold Jasper smirking behind them, “Surprised?”

Twilight was speechless, “How did?”

Jasper smiled, “A high powered glamour with a voice projection spell.”

Ignatius walked out smoking from head to toe, “Cut it a little close didn’t you?”

Jasper gave the small dragon a pat on the head, “Apologies. See Twilight, when you blasted me into the throne a few moments ago. The flash you saw when I brought in Sunset was in fact me trading places with Iggy whom I had glamoured when he walked off to the next room, the next room which contained Miss Shimmer.”

Twilight stared helplessly as Jasper approached, “Now then, about your failure.”

Before anypony could speak, Jasper snatched the Element of Magic from atop Twilight’s head and teleported to his scorched throne. He smirked at the ponies as a battalion of guards surrounded them.

Twilight noted one in particular, “Flash?”

Flash looked to the side, “Sorry.”

Jasper addressed Flash, “Captain Sentry, escort these neophytes from the premises immediately, they have entered unannounced and have disturbed my preparations for the royal summit.”

The guards then proceeded to escort the six out as Twilight yelled, “This isn’t over!”

Jasper yelled back, “I know it’s not, the lesson has yet to be learned!”


As Twilight and the girls sat in silence, the alicorn turned to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, can I ask you a favour?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Of course.”

“Could you tell Discord to come back to Ponyville?”

“But he’s on vacation in Las Pegasus,” she shuffled slightly, “he would be so upset if I cut it short.”

Twilight spoke monotone in annoyance, “He’ll survive.”

Rainbow smiled almost evilly, “But Jasper won’t.”