• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,605 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 6: The Man Who Would Be King

Jasper smiled in satisfaction as the dust billowed into the air. He checked the gauntlet and raised an eyebrow, mild amounts of magical steam were rising from his hand which he made a note of for later. He glanced at the mixture of shock and anger plastered on all of the ponies faces. The royal guards immediately surged in force toward the human who merely laughed with mirth and sent out a red wave from his hand which effectively grounded the pegasi and petrified the unicorns. The ponies of Ponyville backed away at the display as his smile grew.

Without turning to face them he coldly stated, “Don’t even think about it.”

Twilight magical grip on the Elements bag did not waver, “Girls, formation.”

Jasper whipped around and faced them, “Yes that’s right blast me, turn me to stone, maybe incinerate me. But answer me this,” his smile turned to a knowing smirk, “how fast can the elements fire before I do something?”

Twilight was frightened by the comment but quickly regained herself, “That won’t happen, what makes you so sure you’ll win?”

Jasper pointed with his thumb behind him at the fountain, “I’ve beaten your princesses and bested Sombra, though he wasn’t much of a threat to begin with. So now all I have to do is start dealing with another annoying threat,” his gaze turned cold as ice, “by destroying you.”

“No, you won’t.”

“So,” Jasper chuckled, “enjoy your flight princess sun butt?”

Celestia narrowed her eyes as did Luna when Jasper turned to face them, “You know the part I think that burns you up the most? It’s that a mere mortal, me, deceived an all knowing goddess so easily.”

Celestia’s tone was decisive and blunt, “Be that as it may, I brought you here and it’s time I send you back to where you came from.”

As Celestia charged her horn Jasper inhaled then proclaimed powerfully, “I INVOKE THE PLATINUM GAMBIT!”

The silence that followed was so instant and final that one could hear a pin drop. Celestia inhaled sharply through her teeth as did Luna, Twilight on the other hoof gasped in shock.

Applejack glanced at Twilight, “What the hay does that mean?”

Twilight stared somberly as the princesses approached the human, “The Platinum Gambit is one of the oldest laws in Equestrian history that’s still in practice. During the time of Princess Platinum’s rule, there were some disputes over her methods and laws she used. So having enough, she decided to implement the Platinum Gambit.”

Rarity was slightly confused, “But why did such a law stop the Princess?”

Twilight sighed, “Not only is it a law, it’s also a declaration for a duel. See, Princess Platinum though reformed and more caring was still prideful. The law dictates that anypony can declare it to contest the Equestrian throne.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened, “So you’re saying.”

“Yes,” Twilight gazed at the annoyed expressions of the current royals, “Once it’s been declared the present rulers can either accept or decline. The loser is banished from Equestria whereas the winner remains the present ruler,” she then shivered, “or the challenger takes all royal status and power onto themselves and is crowned the new ruler. Worst of all is the fact that only one gambit can be claimed every one thousand years, the last being when Celestia banished Nightmare Moon.”

Fluttershy looked to her friend, “Why has no pony declared it up until now?”

Twilight glanced at Fluttershy, “Would YOU want to fight the princesses two on one?”

Fluttershy nodded slowly, “Point taken.”


Jasper nodded, “She’s right. You don’t HAVE to.”

Luna narrowed her eyes, “What are you saying?”

Jasper shrugged, “Nothing, nothing at all. Say for the sake of argument you DO decline, true you banish me back to Earth. But your missing one small detail,” he raised his arm, “THIS won’t come off unless I am the one who removes it willingly remember? Think of all the damage I could do on Earth with this small stone and no regrets.”

Celestia shut her eyes in thought causing Luna to stare at her sister in shock, “Sister, surely you are not considering this!?”

“I’m afraid he has our hooves in a bind dear sister,” Celestia glared into the smug humans stare, “Very well, I Princess Celestia of Equestria accept your gambit Jasper Montgomery under the condition upon your loss you shall relinquish your gauntlet.”

Luna stood beside her sister, “I accept your gambit as well.”

Jasper nodded, “Very well. Let the game begin.”

Jasper then slammed his gauntlet upon the ground as a wall of solidified red air sprung up around them. The top then bubbled and effectively turned it into a dome.

Jasper smiled, “I knew your emotions and overall personality would not allow you to let me leave Equestria with the gauntlet and the Gem of Ages, accepting the gambit was inevitable.”

Luna snarled at the human, “So you think you can out think us? Gem of Ages or no, we both have eons of magical prowess under our proverbial belt! Do you think raw power will defeat us?”

“Oh I won’t use force,” Jasper cracked his knuckles, “in fact I’ll count to ten and then I’ll win.”

Celestia and Luna fired two blasts at the pompous human. Jasper was consumed by the magic as the sisters did not let up. But both sisters visibly shook when they heard a voice in the smoke which was steadily rising.

“One, Two, Three, Four.”

Luna and Celestia gasped as twin red beams surged down their magic beams and smashed into their horns.

Jasper slowly approached speaking in a monotone voice, “Five.”

Luna rose up and was engulfed in a massive glow which moved into her horn. Jasper slowed his pace as the princess of the night’s eyes turned entirely white and glowed with arcane fury. Luna then discharged a blast which could only be described as the night sky herself being brought down to Earth. Jasper raised an eyebrow as the red gem flashed; time around him seemed to slow to a crawl whereas the princesses perceived him moving faster than possible. He zoomed over to Luna and touched the tip of her horn with the gauntlet.

“Six, Seven, Eight,” he was in front of Celestia as he grabbed her by her horn, “nine.”

The dome lifted as Jasper backed away from the princesses who began to scream. Red glowing cracks began to seep over them originating from where Jasper had touched them. Soon, one final yell was heard as both monarchs erupted into red fire which spread fast around their bodies.

Jasper then uttered one word as the smoke cleared from the flames, “Ten.”

Both Princesses now stood with permanent looks of horror on their faces, frozen in black stone. Jasper glanced at the princesses then at the looks of anguish upon everypony’s faces. He then broke out into a fit of maniacal laughter. Twilight ran past the human who paid her no mind. The alicorn hugged the petrified leg of her once beloved teacher and wept. All the other ponies wept with her as Jasper briskly walked to the statues and stared down at the alicorn with a stoic expression.

Twilight looked up into the eyes of the one she had once called friend, “W-Why….,” she then yelled out in anguish, “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!”

Jasper regarded her with absolutely no pity in his eyes, “A lesson must be learned here Twilight. A lesson that the six of you will all learn, now, bow to me.”

Twilight’s look then became venomous, “We will never bow to you. You…MONSTER!!”

Jasper stood and addressed Ponyville, “Citizens of Ponyville. Bow to your new king.”

All the ponies looked to each other than reluctantly followed suit all except for the elements of harmony who remained defiant which Jasper look at with mild annoyance, “I shall enjoy breaking you all. When that is done, you WILL kneel before me.”

Jasper then raised his hood and then casually stated, “Now if you’ll excuse me I have some royal duties to preform,” the gem glowed bright and King Jasper vanished in a flash of red.

Twilight stared at the ground in defeat but then became stoic, “Girls, find Spike and meet me at the library. We have some planning to do.”

Author's Note:

Now the real story begins, all the chapters from here on shall vary in length as i tell you the tale and chronicling of King Jasper's reign as Equestria's first human king and it's greatest villain,