• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,605 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 20: Heavy Metal

One Week after the Element’s Banishment

One week. One week had passed the ponies of Equestria by when their saviors, and friends, had been sent away. Ponyville seemed faded in color, no smiles adorned the faces of anypony, and all was somber. Discords golden statue hadn’t helped in lifting anypony’s spirits at all. Many stared at the empty residences that the ponies they had all grown to love once lived, empty and bordered up. Only ghosts lingered within, the buildings akin to the tombs that they so aptly haunted. During this week however, many ponies who have thought of joining the rebellion, did just that. They were not the only ones, many others who have either been wronged by Jasper one way or another joined the rebellion or made their own cells to attack him. The griffin Princess supposedly did attack him, after planning for many, many days and nights. But many dismissed it as rumors.

However one thing did reach the ears of the public, Chrysalis was with foal. Nopony dare make a move against the queen lest they incur the wrath of her swarm or worse, her husband. The days had not been kind to the human though, his paranoia escalated and his temper threshold was much thinner. Many guards as well as the servants of the castle feared his wrath more than any enemy that could ever surface. Currently though, the human king was in negotiations with two ponies, twins to be precise.

“So, will you be able to build them? Money and supplies will not be a factor I assure you.”

Flim tapped his chin as Flam glanced over the plans once more, “Of course your highness, my brother and I are quite honored that you came to us first, isn’t that correct my dear brother?”

Flam nodded, “Indeed.”

Jasper shook his head, “Do you have an estimate of when they might be ready?”

Flam checked his hoof for dirt, “The first two hundred can be ready in four days.”

Jasper smirked, “Excellent, I’ll expect a full battalion within a fortnight.”

Flim smiled sneakily to his brother, “Well we could get a battalion done for you post haste, but we will need more money for an assemb-“

“Name your price,” he crossed his arms, “But you had best deliver, for your sakes.”

The Flim Flam brothers began to sweat under his gaze.

When Jasper left the two twins, Ignatius found him. He was carrying a scroll which he took without a word.

“What’s this?”

Ignatius cleared his throat, “It concerns the recent guerrilla style attacks on the supply lines and trade routes. Captain Sentry has narrowed it down to where they are most likely operating from.”

Jasper narrowed his eyes when he read the scroll, he ripped it to shreds in anger as he walked to the door, “Ready my carriage, bring the guards.”


Soon the guards were mobilized, and in a mere few hours, positioned outside a two floor forest cottage home to one Willowsong & Oak Heart. They were medicine ponies, and mother and father to one Fluttershy. Jasper was busy searching the interior of the home as the two frightened pegasai watched on. Jasper went into the cellar and produced a map of Equestria with marks on them.

“What is this?” his temper flared, “conspiring against me with those cretins?!”

Willowsong bowed in apology looking more like her daughter, “Please, we take in anypony from the cold and give them room and board, we were unaware of our daughter’s allegiance,” she grasped his boot, “have mercy my lord.”

Jasper gazed down at her with an even face, “Very well, but until such time your innocence is proven you shall both be under house arrest.”

Jasper left the home and shut the door behind him. He then grabbed a stick from a nearby wood pile and passed it to a confused Flash Sentry. Jasper then melted the knob and mechanism within as he then lit the log on fire.

He turned to Flash, “Burn it.”

Flash looked at the makeshift torch, “What?!”

“They are traitors to the kingdom and must be made examples of,” he pointed to the home, “burn it until its smolders.”

Flash looked at his king in disgust, “I was trained to protect ponies and Equestria, not kill them indiscriminately.”

Jasper looked at him with even rage, “But you were trained to follow ORDERS.”

Flash looked at Jasper then the home, with a look of defiance; he threw the log into a rain barrel. Jasper snorted at the display and raised the gauntlet; a stream of fire erupted through the windows and exploded throughout the top floor. Flash pushed past the mad king and pushed through the door. Discovering Willowsong and her husband, he quickly helped them out of the burning building. Flash smiled…only to be met with a hard kick to the muzzled. Blood flew wide as he dropped coughing to the ground, the red substance oozing from his nose. Jasper loomed over him with a glare of cold fury.

“If I ever see insubordination like that again,” his glare intensified, “I will have you hanged in the courtyard, you spineless coward.”

Jasper and the guards departed. Soon they all arrived back at the castle, Jasper retreating to the throne room. Flash and the guards went back to the barracks, the guards later congratulating him on his courage.


Two days past by before Flash appeared before the King…but he was out of uniform. Flash stood before the king as Ignatius looked on in interest.

“Jasper, the guards and I have been talking and we’ve got something to say to you.”

Jasper raised an eyebrow, “Really now?”

Flash opened his mouth to speak but Jasper cut him off, “You all quit. Is that it?”

Flash became shocked as Jasper leaned back with a smirk, “You know, for quite some time now I’ve been aware of a very interesting factor. The day the statues and Sunset escaped me, I took notice the guards were not where they were supposed to be. So, doing some extensive research I found that you and your troops literally let her not only escape with my prize, but a Babel Crystal.”

Flash backed up but then he smacked into something hard behind him which exhaled akin to a steam kettle. He turned and backed up in fear. A pony stood behind him, only difference was that the pony was made entirely of bronze metal with gold intricate lines adorning its surface. Its eyes were empty, excepted for a pair of burning red orbs of light. The wings of the pony spread with the sound of an unsheathing blades, each feather like a miniature sword.

“Like it? These are your replacements, I call them the Brazen Ponies,” he walked to it as the Brazen Pegasus followed it’s masters stride, “it thinks and is self-sufficient like anypony in this land, only difference is that its loyalty to me is undying. Best part, they don’t talk back.”

Flash gazed in horror, “They’re…monsters…”

“Fitting don’t you think?” he spoke the words with spite, “After all that’s what you all call me behind my back. Brazen #65,” the machine glanced at its master, “escort Flash Sentry and the Ex-Royal guard from the castle grounds, and inform your brothers and sisters.”

#65 nodded slowly and pushed Flash along his way as Jasper sat down with a smile.


The days that followed were recorded to date the bloodiest. Jasper’s new royal guard systematically hunted down any rebels that were found by the swarm’s intelligence network and cut them down. Streets, floors, and even roads ran red as the ponies of Equestria were not organized enough or skilled enough to fight against this new foe that seemed to come from nowhere. Equestria was then put under martial law, every town and city was watched by the automatons that neither slept nor ate. A curfew was in effect everywhere and any signs of rebellion were treated with hostile counter measures; Equestria was no longer a light happy place. It was now under a dark sky that was ruled by an even darker tyrant of a king.

Somewhere outside of Equestria.

Sunset glanced at her sleeping partners and the princesses as she gazed at the gold knife she was sharpening. Her eyes narrowed as a ruined Brazen Pony chassis laid upon a table in front of her.

“Twilight might not be able to do it,” she gazed out the window, “but as the old saying goes. To kill a monster, send a monster.”

Author's Note:


Sorry if this seemed rushed or anything, but now shit heats up. The curtain call approaches....