• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,609 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 1: Meet Jasper

Cynicism, it is a form of jaded negativity, and other times, realistic criticism or skepticism of a lifestyle and at times people’s dreams as well as their goals. Many people who are like this tend to be very hard to work with or even BE around. Enter Jasper Montgomery, he has just turned twenty and has ascended into this category as well as being proclaimed a buzz kill. Jasper on the other hand could care less. It’s not like he did it on purpose, he just didn’t find anything that he did with his friends or ANYTHING for that matter to be entertaining anymore. Going to clubs, drinking, just everything one could do in his age bracket…bored him. Perhaps it was his age, maybe he was seeing the world from a more profound perspective, and maybe it was something he himself was unaware of. Whatever the case may be, he sat alone in his dingy looking living room of the lower middle class variety wearing a red t-shirt with ‘Iron Maiden’ written in black on the front as he cycled through TV channels. He ran a hand through his natural semi long dark ash hair as nothing but early afternoon greeted his storm bluish green eyes. He shook his head as an Adventure Time repeat emerged.

“Honestly can they put out more NEW episodes,” his tone was laced with a hint of mild annoyance, “or maybe they’re just lazy.”

His channel surfing was interrupted by his cellphone going off which he answered, “Moshi.”

A familiar voice responded, “Hey dude, what’s up?”

Jasper sighed, “Trying to find some decent entertainment that DOESN’T put me to sleep.”

The voice chuckled in what he could assume was mild humour, “Dang. Hey you wanna come to the mall and just, you know, chat?”

“Well I got nothing else planned for the day,” he glanced at the clock, “I’ll be there in a sec.”

Jasper stood up and switched off his TV before heading to his room. He grabbed a pair of dark, weathered navy blue jeans and threw them on before keeping them in place with his belt. Eventually his shoes had been donned and he was out the door. The walk to the mall was relatively silent as he mused to himself on his current predicament. At the moment he had been granted a small promotion to his job in Circuit City and was making some actual profit that was giving him more money on the side to NOT spend on essential things like rent and food. What surprised him most about today was the fact that one of his friends had called him. Last they had done that was half a month ago, he himself was patient. Soon he found himself entering the mall and surrounded by numerous people.

Jasper began to head to the food court due to the fact that he had yet to eat lunch. Upon entering it he turned his head and took notice of two things:. The lack of people in line which gave him a massive advantage and four people of whom he recognized at a far table. One was slightly lanky but well-built with almost white blond hair in a slight wave like fashion known as Sid. Two twin red heads sat giggling; one had green eyes the other blue, Freda and Tanner respectively. Lastly was a man about his age with an athletic build, lime green shirt with the word SWAG on it in yellow and a head of light brown hair known as Tony. Jasper stood in line with his mind buzzing with questions and conversation points. He got his lunch of pizza and coke and approached the table, Tony smiling and waving him over while the others looked on with indifference.

“Hey man,” Tony placed an arm around Jasper who smiled at the show of friendship, “how’s it going?”

Sid smiled, “Yeah, how’s the cave? Air conditioned yet?”

Jasper shrugged, “It’s tolerable I guess.”

The twins cleared their throats as Tony jumped slightly, “Hey dude. Can we talk?”

Jasper glanced at them as he took a sip of his drink, “Sure, that’s why I’m here isn’t it?”

Sid sighed, “Alright listen. We’ve been thinking for a while and well I think it’s time to come out and say it., Jasper, you’re a buzz kill, dude.”

Jasper shrugged, “Yeah and?”

Sid shook his head and pointed with annoyance in his voice, “Then there’s that,” he waved his hand in the air, “Whenever any of us try to talk to you, you just sort of get all…I don’t know the word but frankly, we’re all getting tired of it.”

Jasper looked at him, “Is that why you’ve taken this long to call me?”

Tony nodded slowly, “It’s not that we wanted NOT to call you it’s just…”

Sid bluntly stated it as well as the Twins, “You’re too irritating to be around.”

Jasper raised an eyebrow as Tony came to his friends defence, “Hey I thought we were gonna do this a little more…less brutal.”

Sid shook his head, “Tough love, man,” he looked at Jasper and began to count off fingers, “You’re sarcastic, condescending at times, you always ALWAYS find a way to put a damper on everyone’s mood and frankly it’s just plain irritating.”

Jasper glared at the man across the table, “So you thought the way to deal with this was to ignore your problem and hoped it went away? Well who’s the bigger ass in the mall Sidney?”

Sid reached across the table and grabbed him by the shirt, “Listen well, I wanted to do this nicely. We all did but now I don’t care anymore,” Sid leaned in, “You’re cynical asshole and we don’t want to be around you, we’ve TRIED to help you to lighten up and have fun but NO,” he shook his head, “you never bite. You’re a lost cause.”

“Sid, take your hand off of me, now,” the tone carried boiling wrath behind it.

Sid sneered, “And what if I don’t?”

Jasper responded with a swift and hard head butt to Sid’s face. Sid then recoiled in pain, clutching his now bleeding nose. Jasper stood up and took his pizza off the tray. Jasper glared at all at the table and turned to leave. He heard Sid’s footsteps from behind and acted on instinct. His move was precise and it hit its target, the still hot pizza smashed into Sid’s face who then howled in pain. Jasper then sprinted out of the mall with angry tears in his eyes refusing to look back.


That had happened two weeks ago. No police came with an angry Sid to press charges and Jasper had closed himself off from the world in an effort to forget and just to be alone with his thoughts. After the incident at the mall, he had been sleeping irregularly and felt nothing but contempt toward the individuals who he used to call friends. A knock on the door caused him to cast his gaze first then his movements followed. Soon he opened the door and on his doorstep stood a smiling Tony clutching a laptop case and a DVD. The glare that Jasper was giving Tony caused the man to falter.

Tony was sweating slightly, “Hey, Jas, what’s up?”

Jasper then sarcastically responded, “Nothing much. At all.”

Tony sighed, “Listen, about the mall and stuff-“

Jasper raised a hand, “No need to apologise I understand,” Jasper’s hand tightened on the doorframe causing to Tony to tense, “I’m a waste of a human being and who needs friends anyway. There so last season and bring nothing but pain, I’m better off-“

Tony pointed, “Do NOT put this on me and don’t EVER think like that! You’re my friend-“

Jasper scoffed, “So you say.”

Tony placed a hand on his shoulder, “We’ve been friends since we were kids,’s dude. We’re like brothers and nothing will change that.”

Jasper blinked and his hand loosened, “What’s in the bag?”

Tony smiled, “Well I thought I might try and cheer you up and bring you down to my level for a change.”

Jasper blinked, “Your talking about that show-“

“With the ponies,” Tony was grinning from ear to ear, “YES!”

Jasper ushered him inside.


Jasper sat the whole time with a bemused expression and said not a word as episode after episode played before him. Eventually they reached the final episode of season three and Jasper raised an eyebrow as they sang a song known as ‘A true true friend’. He glanced at Tony who smiled at him and gestured for him to continue to watch the episode. Jasper nodded a few times as the episode continued; when it reached the ascension scene he became slightly intrigued.

When the credits rolled, he glanced at Tony, “That realm Twilight was in, what was that?”

Tony shrugged, “Well there have been many theories but so far none have been confirmed. I think it might be a godly almost celestial plain.”

Jasper scratched his chin as the DVD was put in and he read the cover, “Equestria Girls?”

Tony nodded, “Yep! You’d be surprised how much hate this got then how many bro’s became hypocrites.”

Jasper waved, “Play on.”


As the movie concluded Jasper asked one question, “So if one of the Elements is taken, they’re all rendered moot?”

Tony nodded, “In a sense. But I think it might be the Element of Magic only.”

Jasper leaned back as Tony looked at him, “So what did ya think?”

Jasper sighed as he stood, “It was…fine.”

Tony looked at him, “Just fine?”

Jasper sighed, “It’s not that I disliked it, I mean there wereas just some, what the hell moments. Especially on the villains part; I mean, bad form much?”

Tony was surprised at the comment, “You mean you were disappointed that the villains were low par? Dude it IS a TV show.”

Jasper shook his head, “That’s not the point! The villains lacked COMMON SENSE; Sunset Shimmer came this close,” he made a pinching gesture, “to actually winning! But they all fell into the same rut of becoming cocky and underestimating the girls which resulted in their downfall. You think they would learn from their predecessor’s mistakes.”

Tony stood, “Yeah but then it would be a little…dark don’t you think?”

Jasper snapped his fingers, “EXACTLY! Things would be more interesting that way, so many story opportunities. I mean hell; I WOULD make a better villain even you would!”

Tony nodded, “Oh I see,” he pointed, “the show was boring for you like everything ELSE!”

Jasper narrowed his eyes, “Tony, choose your next words wisely.”

Tony shook his head, “Sid was right, you are a lost cause.”

Jasper crossed the room and glared straight into Tony’s eyes, “Get out of my house.”

Tony grabbed his stuff, “Fine! But don’t say I didn’t try!”

Tony stormed to the door and opened it but lost his fury and exhaled sadly, “Dude, they may have given up on you. But I won’t,” he glanced at Jasper, “I am your friend after all.”

Jasper then spoke four words which cut Tony deep, “I don’t need friends!”

Jasper then slammed the door behind a now deeply saddened and hurt Tony.


Jasper stared around his devastated bedroom after his rage out yesterday. He was currently sitting on the foot of his bed and stared with a hollow look at the floor.

Jasper remembered a line that that indigo pony had spoken in sadness whereas he then spoke it in anger and spite with clenched teeth at the memories of his friends, “With friends like these, who needs enemies.”

He stood up and inhaled, “I’m going for a walk.”

He walked through the living room and stopped when he noticed a picture on his sofa. It seemed like a Photoshop. He tilted his head and noticed it showed the ponies smiling in a manmade vectored picture and smiled a bit at Tony wearing a foam finger and Jasper beaming with a toothy smile. It seemed the one known as Pinkie pie was vectored holding a piece of birthday cake to Jasper. He reached down and pocketed it. Soon he was out the door staring at the sky and making his way toward the woods near his house. He walked through the trail, his mind was blank. He had not only burned bridges but might have just lost the only friend that might have still cared about him. He eventually came to a small cliff he and his friends had once used to dive off of into the water during the summer. He glanced at the crashing waves as a small rain shower began to start.

He then spoke monotone to himself, “Well the fall won’t kill me, but at least it will clear my head.”

He then shut his eyes and prepares to jump into the water to take a clearing swim. A buzzing in his ears caused him to swat at the air on instinct. He lost his footing and fell, he glimpsed the heavens and shut his eyes and took a deep breath. The feeling of water didn’t meet his body. Instead the feeling of hitting solid ground and banging his head met him. He opened his eyes and glimpsed an almost church like roof.

Jasper sighed, “Listen God, I wasn’t committing suicide. I was just going for a swim.”

“In the rain?”

Jasper nodded at the female voice, “Exactly.”

“Whilst thou was under the influence of depression?”

Jasper waved his hand slightly at the secondary female voice, “Eh, this and that.”

Jasper blinked a couple of times and sat up. He looked around at his surroundings and blinked once more in slight fear at the situation. He slowly turned his head as his eyes widened in utter horror, two familiar alicorns we’re staring at him worriedly at his current expression. Jasper shook his head and pointed at Celestia and Luna while mouthing ‘no’ over and over again.

Jasper started to nervously laugh, “You’re not real. You’re just two characters from a TV show,” the royal sisters took a step forward as Jasper pressed against a door and screamed, “GET AWAY FROM ME!”

“What are you afraid of, Jasper,” her look was that of genuine concern.

Jasper looked around frantically, “It’s a trick!”

Luna shook her head, “This is no trick, Jasper Montgomery,” she pulled him away from the door, “this is real.”

Jasper pointed shakily at both of them, “How do you know my name?”

Celestia smiled softly, “Know that we mean you no harm,” Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder which he cringed at, “We only wish to talk.”

Jasper was still nervous, “That still doesn't answer my question.”

Celestia escorted him through the halls, “As you well know I am a quite powerful pony and my reach can extend far and feel much. As I was musing, I came upon your world and began to view it on occasion sort of as you do with ours.”

Luna chuckled at the human’s expression, “Weekends only.”

Jasper didn’t laugh. He was stone faced as he glimpsed the famous stained glass windows that depicted the forces of goods many victories over evil. He tilted his head at the most recent of Sombra’s defeat. He continued pace, had no other threat appeared in the time of Season 3’s conclusion?

Celestia halted, “Now in saying that I gaze at your world, I began to notice all of the misery and bloodshed,” she shook her head in sadness, “How you all can live like that is a miracle.”

Luna stood tall, “But even in the face of adversity and horror, thou’s race had one thing that helped them through every ordeal,” she locked eyes with Jasper, “Friendship.”

Celestia then stood before the human, “But you,” she stared at him with sympathy, “not only were you abandoned by your friends, but you cast the magic of friendship from your life.”

Jasper crossed his arms, “I never did that.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Tell me if this sounds familiar,” she then repeated words he had spoken to him that struck him deep, “With friends like these, who needs enemies.”

Jasper took a step back, “But what does that matter? It’s my business, not YOURS!!”

Celestia nodded, “This is true. But seeing how you were it was only a matter of time before you would do something you regretted. Therefore I thought a little bit of divine intervention was in order.”

“My sister has come to an idea, Celestia if you would,” Luna looked to her sister.

The solar princess smiled, “Of course,” she then turned once more to Jasper, “Jasper William Montgomery. I, Princess Celestia have brought you here for one purpose,” she smiled warmly, “to relearn the magic of friendship from my star pupil as YOUR teacher.”

Jasper blinked then laughed.

Both sisters were surprised at his reaction which Jasper took notice of, “You’re serious?”

Both nodded in unison, “Okay, I’m both scared beyond belief right now but also sort of touched that you took this extra bit of attention for me. But frankly I’m fine the way I am right now,” he didn’t hear a nearby door open, “I don’t need friends as far as I’m concerned WHY would I need them?”

He didn’t know why he became angry but he jabbed a finger in the sister’s direction, “All friends do is pretend to care about your problems so THEY can feel better about themselves. In my experience when they have a problem with you,” he made a sharp smacking gesture with his open hand atop a fist, “they stab you in the back.”

“This is the exact reason I brought you here Jasper,” Celestia tilted her head to the left.

Jasper followed her glance and noticed Twilight Sparkle in all her new princess glory staring at the human in sadness.

Jasper raised an annoyed eyebrow, “What?”

Twilight stepped forward, “I just never thought somepony could EVER have friends like that.”

Jasper looked to the side at the naïve comment.

“But that’s what I’m here for,” Twilight trotted to Jasper’s side as he cringed away slightly, “Princess, how exactly can we integrate him into pony society? From what you told me from your observations he not only eats meat but he also has unique clothing needs.”

Jasper blushed a tad at the comment as Celestia lightly chuckled, “That will be your job, Princess Twilight, show the ponies he is nothing to fear and that he deserves to be treated as any other.”

Twilight nodded at her mentor and peer as she turned to Jasper, “It’s nice to finally meet you in person Jasper,” she raised a hoof, “I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

Jasper glanced at the hoof and stood still.

Twilight sighed, “We’re going to have to work on your social skills.”

Jasper rolled his eyes, “My social skills are fine,” he then looked straight at her, “I’m just not used to talking horses.”

Twilight was slightly offended at the statement but did her breathing, “Alright, that’s understandable for a….person in your position.”

He then took notice of something, “Where’s your crown princess?”

Twilight tilted her head, “Back at my home secure in a powerful barrier spell. Why?”

Jasper then laughed a bit, “Wouldn’t want a repeat of the MIRROR incident would we?”

He walked past the three stunned alicorns, “What? I watched more than the show.”

Twilight ran after him as she bid the Princesses farewell.


Far north in the equestrian tundra, a shard of red sizzled with dark energy and heat. Something within it stirred as a voice emanated onto the breeze.
